3& UNBUKY-rAMEltlQAjSffAijtfPKIN-JOURNAL;--- 4-LLi4r-r I 1 j4--rM-Lfi 2UI 04?rt0 of Stems iTi ,!WC KHoArii Von tub tv JJei Rtntounttr in Maition CountyPv wr thai CatriuiM Clay unol dead. '' n'lKf'ttttk-rtftilbttfttAT!, June 18. It f now reported in this city thai Casiius M. Clay'waa not -killed during ihe rencountre In Madison, Tha last intelligence we . hear frWtt him, if, that there is ft probability of W recovering. The death of Kt, Turner ,Js (Confirmed. (! ,., -, Irlr. Cliy, it seems, having'aece pted an in ratat ion to h(1 dress a meeting of Emancipa tionist, in Madison county, was addressing In assemblage on the mibje"ct of slavery, and Offence bring1 'taken at some of bis re mar, Air. 1 urner gut up and called Clay a liar, hence the altercation; which resulted, as near aa I can yet loam, as above stated. Sttamtr Falcon-Crtvatst Gold Dollars , ' - ' ' -Cholera. ! , " New Orleans, Juno 12. .The steamer Falcon sailed yesterday for New York and Havana. She takes 69 pas sengers to the former place, and five to the latter. ; . ". , . - J.' iThe overflow is falling fast it receded five inches to-day from the highest point, leaving large deposits of mud in the street. The die for casting gold dollars has been received at the mint, in this city, and fifty thousand dollars of American gold have been aent to the mint to be cast into dollars. There were one hundred and eighty-Two deaths in this city during the past weelc, ?ichty-seven of which were from cholera. The weather is excessively warm. 'We had no arrivals yesterday from North ern points'.". . .. Tht California eiri by ihe Cresent City. ' . ." Charleston, Juno 18. The ffew Orleans papers, received this af ternoon, contains details of the news from California, brought by the Cresent City. It is said tire re are about thirty thousand Mexicans on their way to the gold regions. They go in parlies, regularly armed and or ganized. General Persifer K. Smith's proclamations ane utterly disregarded, and serious difficul. ties are anticipated, if ho attempts to put them into force. There were no arrival here, from Northern ports yesterday or to-day, nor a,t Savannah j no Northern arrivals at Mobile orf the 12th. The CAf-ironsii Gold About SfS'n,000 of the gold dnst from California, brought by the V. S. ship Lexington, reached our mii.t yesterday to be coined. The whole amount received by this vessel was S270,000, and the.'&ilance of her valuable freight will pro bably be conveyed hither in a day or two. Twbor three other parcels of California gold from various sources were also received at the- mint yesterday, amounting to about 54. OOrt Of this a parcel of about $3000, brought to ft'karvii, R. I., by tho whale ship Poits mouth, contained the richest and purest spe cimens of I he gold that have as yet reached the tn int. Several lumps were among it, of I thepurest virgin gold, weighing two or three ountiee each,, an inch to two inches long, we perfectly smooth by the action of the stream in which it was found. i R. T. CoNitAn, Esq.. has withdrawn his name from the Daily News, as one of its edi tors. He assumes the duties of Deputy Sur veyor f the pot of Philadelphia. Dow. Jr., savs that when a. man becomes poor, nd gets hard ttp,' with big owl-eyed starvation staring at him from a short distance, he will turn oil and go devil ward in spite of all pious puhings to the contrary. Righteous nesi and roast beef are luxuries that be can't afford. Lorta Natoleom. A Paris correspondent of tie New Yoilt Tribune says : ; "The Republic is prepared for a new revo lution. Louis Napoleon, abandoned by all, ia prepared lo strike a blow of the imperial threrre It is no lonier doubttul that this is his intention, and his obstinacy and the auda city of his spirit impel him to a speedy essay (ward its fulfilment. Let him do so, and at that moment the struggle will become deci. sive against him. All of the causes which bive -destroyed his personal reputation are tifiw r onibined together." . Sikct.-lar.- The following note was ap tended to the close of a letter from a gentle. ntan living in Moadville, Pa., under date of May 25th; "The lish in Conueaut Lake, a body of water not far from this place, are all dying. They come floating Jo the shore co vercd with a green scum, and the share is lined with them.' This singular fatality is said to be the omen of pestilence. The air arburfd Ae lake is putrid., , , 4 Mr.Jtrcbfe fc. ilufry, of farkman, Me. ,...,.. . ..' J killed a bear with a post axe, on the 19th alt. The bear came so bis barn-yard after sheep, when Mr. M. ran after him, and buri ed Ihe axe 1n his bead. He was a 400 pound bear. 'Oct of t!i TatiW ITak Isto tiic Ftac. Two individuals who were confined in a Cin cinnati tail, contrived plan to escape, and one niBbV'wift aome (instrument end their finger naiUy borrowed hole through a two foot wall of sufficient size to c out not out of the jail, but out into another cell, which was much etronger than the one they left. TJoortunate rascals. A NovriTr, The committee having in eharre the Water Vorki in Pittsburgh, have iraa em oontracU for the manufacture of "Cast 1 roe Slates" for the roof of their build. ine. This if eltosether the latest novelty vf jiave heard in the mechanic art. ... ' 11 1 1 ' ' ' .r A 'Bio Lx A Uef of rhubarb has been Aft with the editer'of the Westminister (Md.) -...lionian. b Mr. Im Shrwr, which ...r 91 faat in Circumference, end ft t inebee in diameter. e hJ one lp jaat flioaeuring 15 feet.in oirou.mfejenc.e.i Notice, rTHE venders and retailers of domestic and fo 'reign merchandize of Northumberland county, will take notice that they are assessed and rated by the appraiser of Mercantile Taxes lor the year 1849 as follows i Name and Residence. ' Class. tcenst. i Ltieit. ' A. T. Deuel, t . i I J SavidgecV Kamp, ' ' i htlawart, . , r.;,-. George & 1. T. Piper, Ludwig dc Wank, Hays dt MeUormick, Kelchaer k Bollard, Levers Quigle, John F. Dentler, Turbvt. Isaae Brown, Milton. Swenk if Mesullor, Isaac Drown, 13 liqudr IS CO 13- do 19 00 19 1 IS 14 13 . U 18 13 13 14 IS U 14 14 13 13 14 14 14 14 .10 00 10 CO 13 60 10 CO 13 00 do da do 7 00 7 00 IS 60 15 00 12 50 7 00 18 75 15 00 7 00 7 00 12 SO 10 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 10 CO 7 00 10 50 10 50 10 00 15 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 ' 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 50 7 00 do Aaron Cornier, H. J. Shaffer, ' Wm. H. Frymire, do Heinen Brother, Seth Cadwalleder, P. McDowell, Swenv r H, Wm. F. Nagle, George Coney, Dlair Reed, do John 11. Raser, John Murray, Lovtr Mahonoy. E. Mover, do do do do do do do Ueorge Brosioui, Eliua Weisi, Benjamin HelTner, Jatkson . John Carl, William Deppin, D.inicl Sw-nnze, William Keres, Littli Mahonov. William Rethermel, . Coal. Solomon Dover, Wm. lb Keuben rereiy Chilisaiiaaut. John H. Vincent. unies Reed. do Adam Con rail. Iredell Cadwallader, 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 00 15 no 10 50 7 00 15 00 10 50 7 00 15 00 10 50 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 50 12 50 10 50 15 00 10 50 10 50 Norlhvmbtrland S. B.fj'-normandie, James Ri?k. Win. H. Waples, do do do do do l-orsvlhe fit l'rtcsily: VVeui'k & Elliott, , tieotce Anslev. James Taiiirari & Son, M. J. O. WilMneton, Sunbury. John Young. George Isnght, IraT. Clement, Wm. H Thompson. do do Geoige P. Uuyers, John W. Friling, . Henrv Masser, do do Foint. Samuel R. Wood, 12 14 13 11 14 Lower Aucusta Heilner & Bonghner, do do do do Raker & Co., Simeon Iloupt, Henrv Masser & Co , Upptr Auevita J. Campbell & Co., 14 do 10 50 zhamoktn. jac Hensel, Leisenring & Woolverton, 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 60 10 50 10 50 10 50 Joseph F. Taylor tt Co., Samue.' Jinn. samuPi tfeipstresser, John Vanzi1!)!, John C. Mo."nn, 11 do Upper Mahonov Benneville Hol4oe, 14 do Peter Beissel, 14 do John G. Rernt. 14 do Beer Hoists AtT Ovt'Jtrt Cellars Milton. Joseph Ei-kbcrt, 3 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 Jyortltumbcrland. Henry Wenck, 8 Stmburv. Philip Brvmiro, S Simon Marlz, 8 ADDITIONAL. Those persons cneaced in scllinc pa'etit Medicines in Northumberland County, will take notice that they are assessed, and ralJ oy the opprawer ol Mercantile luxes lor tlio year 1840. as follows : Am't. o ydtnci. Reside net Class. J.utnsc. Geo. & J. T. Piper, Delawaie, 10 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 Hayes k jvrcoimtck, Amos T. Beissel, Lewis, Milton, H. i bharler, Swen v Si Huag, John ll. Raser, Mary McCaV, North'land. John G. Renh, Up. Mahonoy4 Suubury 3 John W. Friling. Satn'l Mulener, pd. Chilisquaque, 4 Ihos. httie, travel- line n:ent for Dr. E.'L. Soulc, 3 10 00 All persons eniraced in Pistillinsr liquors in Northumberland county, ate assessed as fol low : ll'hiskty, Ko. of Class Lictna gallons per year Dclaicarr, Jos. Nicely, 10 55 00 9.000 P.000 13,500 1,024 1,850 10,800 J iirbut. Genres Good, 10 5 00 MUtnn. Adam Dence, 9 8 00 John Kohr, iieclifyiug, 10 5 00 C Stine, 10 5 00 -Ivints'a. Joseph Weilzel, 9 8 00 Breweries within the County. Class. Lieense. Gallons. Milton. Georae Baker. 9 8 00 Peer, 5,550 Ale, 17, .inn Porter, 2,100 An appeal will he held at ihe Commi siouer's Office, at Sunbury July next, at ten o'clock tiian(1 pa0e those inter 011 tlio 4in day i A. M., at which rested mav attend DANIEL P. CAUL, Mercantile Appraiser, ChiHfquarjue, Juno 4, 184041 ; s i ' - THE m? BtlUK STORE. ' - ' C A1TIELS & S1ITS'D CHSAr NW & 6&COND hand Rooa Slots, ' tfortk West corner nf fourth end Arch Street, fhllaiitlvhia. Lsw Books. TKeoloeirst snri Clasticsl Books, MEDICAL BOOKl, BIOGRAPHICAL tr HISTOKlCAl BOOKS, - BCHOOU HOOKS. BetBNtirie and Mavbinatioai, Bonas. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, sij sites ana pnees, . Blank fools, ITrtl ing Paper, and Stationary, Wktt.tnlm mail Urtail. Oca arises u maek Wait ih th fiot. nriecs. rv LlbivMs awl rati ium. m VW iiupurifjo o order from lxodtt. rniwaerpnui, siun , ib4tty BLANKS. ) of every description e WB LANKS of every description can be had by 1 applying at the office of the American. f ISSUE PAPER-YtUow Tissue oaner for W covenoc g Issset, 6u., for sale l ths oi&cc of the Aaeneae. IJAIBIan, currants, citron, cheese, pepper ssues. Ore. for ssla Ky J. vt . r KlM-Mi. Sunbupr, Dee.S. IMS.;. ; . ,v .....j CUTLERY. , AN extfnsive Stock of focke and Table CUT LERY,ofsaUby? f!; i ! JOH1T Iff. C0LE1A1TS- Afw. 32 Ofxf 33 JlKCADt, and . ' . '; 1 THIRD Street, ' . ' Comprising COOO dozcrl Penknives, Scissors ' arid . . . . Razors.' ' ' ' ,' " '' Also, a choice assortment of Rodgcrs Sohi, Wostcnholm's Cievo' W. (f S.'. Butcher's and Fenncy's Cutlery, . " i," ', . Also, Rpaniali, Dirk and nunlin? Knives. 1 1 Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowls Knives. Also, The Amsrican Rwor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy tli attention of Dealers. ' 1 Cad l)ealers tn Cutlory, will find the abort StoA worthy their attention, s the Subscriber's chief business is importing find selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1S49 ly . , 0RPH AN S'COUllT T - -- SALE. - IN pnrsnsuce of sn order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will he exposed to sale, at tlic Court House in Sunhury, en Monday, lliePthdsy of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a certain lot of ground nn the South side of Black berry street, in snid Borough. No. S34, bounded East bv lot enn. Vt bv lt 232. on which sro erected two los dwelling Houses, a small shop and a Injt Bsm. To Lc sold a the property of Daniel Iloilinsn, dee'd., 1 y Henry Msr, bis sdministra tor. Conditions of s.lc will lo mada known on day of sale. Oiphans' Court ofHcc, ) Sunbury, May, S8, 1S49. J LAWRENCE HOUSE, Markd Square, epposite fie Cot.-r House, . Suxocnv, Pa. flMHS well known Hotel hss just been refitted, A and handsomely furnished by the undersigned, end he begs leave to say, that it is his Intention to render it worthy of the Iiberol palrouoge, oy which it has heretofore been sustained. J. C. PERKINS. Sunbuty, May 17, 1S40. Smo CHOICE anOCERIES. COM'O.V & . S. W. Corner Anh Gl Street Philadelphia, nAVE now in s'orc well selected stock of the very best f'sniily Uiocr.ries, which they will sell at t'ne lowest prices and warrant to please. Green and Black Teas from fcl down to 20 ctspar lb., the Black Tea 4.1 cents by the Box, is unusual ly tine. Coffee of all qualities and prices better Sugar for G cts. per lb., thsn any other store. Mnccaroni, Vermicelli, Canton Ginger in Syrup, Olive Od of the te.it brands, 011 assottincut of the richest Jellies, avid ever- article kept in our hue. Ail goods sent to the country, put v.p neatly and securely Please try us once nr. J satiefy yourselves whctlisr we can suit you. COIi'ON & CO. S. V. Cor. Arch & Cd St. Philadclph'a, May 56, 16n. chc2in iy rsSEXt E Or JAMAICA KI.NGER PREPARED and sold onlv. t FREDERICK 1 BROWNE DRUG nnd CHEMICAL Stove, N. E. corner nf Firm and CiirsxcT streets. Phi ladelphia, 'this Essence is w nrranted lo possess in a concentrated form, all the voluablc properties of Jamaica Cincjer, nnd will 1 found on trial an excellent Family .Medicine. It is particularly re commended as atonic, to persons recovering from fever or o'her diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wine fjlass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the debilitating cll'ccts, which arc sure to follow the use of liquor of any hind : and it is therefore especially t'crvicraWo to children and females. To the a?cd". it will prove a cretit comfort ; to the dvspcplie, and to thoe who are predisposed lo gout or rheumatic nIV.-clions, it s;ivc great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the n vuous liquor, it is invahinl le rjiving tcne to the rlircs tive organs, and tfrt-Jigtu to resist temptation ; and is cotidcqiirntlv asreatagent in the cause of tem perance. ClT Full directions accompanying each bottle. ' The above article can be had ut the offico of Uc Imcrican. ' Philadclphn, June 2, IS4X ly . L Alt J) LA 31 PS. CORNEL I t'S t: CO. No. 170 Cbesuiit ht., jT ESPECTFULLY snnomice that theyliave just finished the most extensive assertment of' LAMPS, ' they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELKGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS. BRACKETS. PEN OA NTS, MANTLL LIGHTS, &c. Jn great varicly, and of ORIGINAL DESIGNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the constructboi of tliete Lamps, and such are made as will piouuce the greatest amount of light from the least cormumptinn of Lard. Recent improvements in the manuiactory, wttn the introduction of.icw and perfected machinery, ensbles tbcm to sell at a very GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, nnd all articles nclore leaving the manufactory, arc carefully inspected, and arc warranted pcrlfictly light, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 1319. ly THE Sul'seriliers hav- on hand the large ai sortment of Wall Fierns in the city of Phi ladelphia, tVioletalc a Itaail, conafstiiig of every variety suitable for J'arlfirs, Lntnes, Uimhg ltooms. L.uamucrs. ClC, IMIICII lor uuuiuy 01m style canimt be surpassed. Doing a cash business we arc enabled lo sell a belter ertido at a much lower rate than any tloro doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, alarae assortment of Wins, Prr.n, for Curtains, Fire Prints, Uordeft-, i.'.c., which wtll csold for Cath. Paper Hanging nne in the oiintty at city prices. N. B. Dealers are invited to call tnid examine their stock before purchasing clsewtieic. t l-M ULttl l-'-. No. 142 Arch Strrct, South side, Philadelphia, May-fi, 181'J. ly 2000 PHKM1UM BLINBS. II. J. Wllil.l AlIM. NO. 1 2 NCIJTH SIXTH STREET, rillLADRM'tllA. VcnlllaiillHiKl smd window Shade .flaiiiilai turvit (AWARDED the first and highest Medals at New Ypik, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibi tions, for the superiority of hisBLINDS.whhcor. firmed confidence in his manufacture,) asks the attention of purchasers to bis assortment of&COO . : .1. ... s lllinus ot narrow ana wiuo siai miu miuy aim plains Trimmings, of new styles end colors. Alas s large and penerul aortincnt of TRANSPA RENT WINDOW miajje, oil oiwnich h will sell at the lowest cash prices. Old Blinds painted and trimmt-d to looK equal to new. tiff' DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal terms, The Citiwna of Northumberland County are res pectfully invited W call before buying elsewhere confident of nlf asing ill. ' CFOPEN IN THE EYENINCS.J ' March 1849. 3m . J , , ' BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several eop k'S of the lite of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we will sell at tha Philadelphia prices. For sale at this office -- l mILEY'S COUCH CMNDY. An excel Wf lent reiuidy liar coughs, colds. . For sals at this office. - 1 bui ADD'S celebrated Horse and CattU Me4- cm for sale by 4 HISKY massik. sunbury Jan. !!7th, 1649 tt. VI . .GREAT ARRIVAL. ' j OJ1N V. rftllfMS ass just reesived at' hls! v stors in Sunbury an- extensive assortment of JVLW GOODS, of every variety which lis Is now ready to sell or axchinge tot produce; and consist Inf in part of j - 1 m;- ! cfjottiSrCA&miEiiiis, &c. ., , IAnen and Cotton drilling, and htmma i " ' vtar cf etl kindn. ' t 'if.. ' CAticoM, CrtiNtif, V?ifcnAM, LAWfv?1, fccl j Muslins bleached and unbletched. ' 1 PALM LEAP AND OTHER IIATSt 7 Quccmware andHud wart of aU i - ' kinds!':' .'' , Druids Paints, sn DvtiTtrrs." ?' ; FISH, SALT, AND PL.STER. , . A nd a great variety of other articles ail of which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May SO, 1640. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. JYcw Hide nil nud leather Mtoro. No. Ill North id St. 3 rfeori Wow J.oSf. Philadelphia. flHE sttleribrs offer to the tanners on the J most favorable terms thtir fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos Ay res, Laplata, Caraccas, I.aguira, Uung-Dry, Chill, Salted Per ombuco and all kinds of Spanish Hides, dry nnd salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry Fatna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. - .'' ' They will sell or trede for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city, Cash paid for Leather of all kinds. . . KEEN & KIRKPATRICK. ' Philadelphia, Mav 20, 1849-ly GOLD x siiri:u WAItH. J.' stockman; No. f0 Chesriut-tt; at the sign of the Thimlle, between 2d. tf 3d. sts , South sii Gold side . I'llILAttttNltA.' f ja iJANUl'ACTURES and keeps constantly IV B on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a superior quality, st reduced prices: Cold end Silver Pencil, do Thimbles, do Finjrcr Shields, Silver Table, .Desert, Tes, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, Soup and Oyster Lddlcs, do Combs, Tursc Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, etc. ALSO, Jewellery i Plated and Itrittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, &c; Gold Diamond poin ted Pens at various prices ; Jackson's Superior Everpointed Lesrts, A:c, &c. Philadelphia, May SO, 1640.- iVoticc. Supreme Court of the Northern District cf rennsylvonia. JOTICE is hereby given that an Adjourned Court for said District, will be held in Bun- bury, on tho ri ns r Monday of July next, for tlie argument of causes from thcBth and COdi Judicial Districts held over from last Term. And that said Court, will commence its annual Session on tha 2d Monday, of said month, for the argument of causes brought to July Term 1649. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Proth'y i Prothonotary office, May SI, 1640. J l ist ol Csiiinpn for Argument at the Adjourned Court. Watson vs Housel; 1 ' North'd. County Mann vs Lower &. Barron, Lycoming " Swa7cv vs Hcrr, Union " Rycrs'vs Hock,' ! V. ' ! " ' " A ura nd's Appeal,' , " " Robb's adm'rs. vs Mann, Lycoming " Snyder ct al vs Ball ct al . ' " Maus vs Hninmeletal Union " Rearich vs Ilcarich's Ex'rs. i " " Taylor ct al vs Blakert Lycoming " Shoemaker notice to Ellis vsKcllocg 44 Wclker's Petition North'd. " Oyster Vs Gelbart, " " Montgomcrey & l'rick vs BucV, Lycoming " , Taeton vs Hcnninrjer, Columbia " Stevenson vs Stewart's adm'rs. Lycoming " Watson, assignee vs Packer, " " Oliver's cj'is. vs West Br. Bank, " " a Elliot vs (Judy kunst. Union Ritter & Kline vsGundrum, ' " i Bnldy vs t?tratton, Columbia . , " 1 1 oilman vs Dawson. ' . ' Lycoming " Gcarhart vs Jordan fc Brothers, Columbia " Buck vs Morrison, Lycoming " Recrl's adm'r. vs Buckleys ex'r. " " H. W. Snyder's Appeal, Union " .IsVt.' TF.R3I 1H49. ' riBST WSIK, CoitcII vs Maflit, Lutcrne County Forbes &Bo anv.- & M'Ke.n - Case vs Johnson, Luzerne " Harris et alvs Bancroft, Koons Sc Co. ' " Coup et al vs Proud's ex'rs Bradford " Chapman vs Colder, Wayne " same vs same et al " W. Cooley 2d. vs Wells ct Barr, Susqu'a. " Wells et al vs While, Wayne " Brewster vs Hilhouse, Bradford " Wells vs Brundagc, , Susqu's. 44 Sir.nmons vs Bartlctt Bradford 14 Fox vs Cash. 44 44 Trustees of Bingham, dce'd. vs Wells 44 44 sreoso Tin, Ross vs Pleasants, North'd County Sweeny vs Kehr's ex'r. '.' Yoxthctmrr vs Keyscr, '4 " Weidman vs Matllievs, . 1 44 Younainan vs M'Fatls, adm'r I'ninn 44 Snvdcr vs Dietrich," 44 44 Au'rand vsNilr, 44 44 Frj mire vs Miller, &e. 44 44 Fr'ick vs Brautigaut A Wapplc St Co., North'd co. Mann & Iirown vs . I. Coiniy & Lon 44 44 Dentler et si vs Caul, ' 44 44 Road on land cf A. Thomas, ' Col's., North'd. same 44 Thomas -" ! 1 ' Columbia 44 " Bailey vs ex'rs of Pfouis, dee'd, Lycoming 44 Caldwell vs Brindler 44 . J Overseers of Beaver tshp.vs Hartley tshp. Union co Weidb.r vs Reinhart et al . Lyeoming Rossvs Rhoads . North u. Snyder vs Baldy, garnishee, ' ' 144 Carr's adm'r. va Brown, Lycoming E inon's adm'rs vs Ktahlueckcr, North'd. Limestone township, Union Belhs vs Ross, . North'd Drtickv-iniller vs Clements, 44 Notice. flMlE partnership, heretofore existing under the X name ot "Liewan ot uruner, Having oeen dissolved, tha subscriber announces to the public thst he will coutinue th practice of the law at the office formerly occupied by ssid firm, in the Borough of butibury. Business entrusted to him will be promptly sttended to. CHARLES J.BRUNER Sunbuty, April 21, 184!l3mo Efclatc of ltobcrt . ftraiit, clcc'd. . "avfOTICE is hereby given, thai letters of Ad ministration upon the estate of Robert 8. Grant, late of Upper Augusta township, Northum berland county, dee'd, have been granted to tha subscriber, reatdinf in said township. All persons having claims or demands against to estate ol Ac tnid dec'di, are hereby requested to make known the same to the undersigned without delay, and all persona indebted ate desirad to make im mediate payment The uudcrehrrted will' attend at (ha office of J. B. Packer, Esq., in teunbury, on Saturday the 23d day of June next, at 10 o'clock A MM for the purpose of settling with such as may have demands against said estate. ' ' j t - WILLIAM REED, AoVr. Upper Augusta tahpn May S, 1846t AR IRON of all kinds for sals low. al tjhs I .Ir... nt - ' C . BOOAR. 1 unburjr Jan. 80th, KU i MABSnAhL' .:. Cnentrtri. xnreapaTjHa, r For the cure ofTetter, Scrofula. Erysipalw. Piles, ' Cbronie Kheematisni and all disorders of the . Dlood," Mercurial Disease, &e. ' 1 T is recommended to Phyatcians arid others, as tlie strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely different' from that pnt np in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the'Sarsa parilla, but intended to deceive the public. For salt by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. , JIPVL'8 EMBROCATION for Horses will tarn Mirains, Bruises, Cut, Uslls, SwelUngs, and I all complaints requiring an external remedy. It i highly useful in Hpavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff I ness t't tlSe Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, dee. . ' - It hts Sfce been used with great success by per i sens tflltcted with Ktieumstism, and other com ; plaint. ,Prepard only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and ror sale by .l. A. Mcvay, - ortnuraber land. " ' Philadelphia, May S5, 1949-ly APsPLEOJTS . . , GREAT CENtRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 164 Chratimt Street. Corner of Seventh, Svaim't Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. KNOWING tlie wsnts of the community, the Proprietor of this EsTifttisiiMX? has fitted op s Store !n the most elegant manner, having due regard tti the comfort uf his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely at home. HIS IMMENSE STOCK of Books is classified according to the various De partments of Literature, so that visitors can find the Books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his Stock for the most part at the Arc Ttox Sii r. and being connected with one of the Liarrsr Prn.isBifo Huvttt in this country, besides pi 'blishing largely himself, enables birn to sell all Books at LOWES PRICES than anv other Imuse of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the IxroaTATion' or Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Estsblishment in London, where orders of private gentlemen are carefully executed and forwarded to tliis Country by every .Srtixta and Tsckct. A CATALOGUE of Books with the prices attached is issued quar terly, containing Lists of New Additions msde to his large collection, which arc in all cases for sale at the LOWEST rnlCES, or, from 25 to 75 per cent, below Publishers' Prices. Thus in buying even a Fsw Books, quite a considerable amount is saved. Asa still further INDUCEMENTS to strsngeTs visiting the city, every one who pur chases Oss Dvum'i wohtu of Books, will re ceive a copy of tho ' Stuakusr ik PniLiur trnn, an elegant 16 mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents. EST" The limits of an advertisement are too con fined to enumerate the prices of any of the im mense advantages to be derived from purchasing at the GnKAT ClmtRal Cuiir Book SToat, but let all who are in search of Books send for a Cata logtie, and buy the Books they are in want of, and when visiting the city, give Appleton one call, and you wilt be sure to call again. STATIONERY in all its branches, furnished st the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Note Paper, neatly stamped in the corner, without charge. Orders for any article may be sent by mail, ad dressed to tlie Proprietor, and the directions in sll cases will be fully carried out, with gTcat punc tuality and despatch. Orders for Catalogues should be mx-rAin. GEO. S. APPLETON. Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and Stationer 164 Chestmt St cor. of Seventh, 6'tcoim' Bui'Miflir, Philadelphia. May, 12, 1649. 3m SILENCE TUt diemil'ul Ctmgli I the Lungs are in clan ger, the work of tha Destroyer ha been begun, the cough of Consumption hath in it a sound of Death, Rev. HENRY JONEP, 109 Kiehth avenue, was cared of eugh and catarrhal sUoction of 90 yen standing Ths Cm d gave him more relief than ail ll.e I'thcr medicine hahad aver takeu. Dr. L. J. Besli, 19 l'elancy-aire, frave it to a aiatfr.in.law who waa labouring- under Cun suniptiurta and to another sorely nrflicied with lha Aathma. Ill Djin ciaca lia enccia were iniairninir, bwii icitumig them to c wH.irtaMe health. Mia. 1.LVKET1A EI.L.4, US Chrwtie-at. aunernlirom Aaihina 4vcan. Sherman's l'ulmi relieved hr at once. and she is ounpuratively well, lieine enabled In wtdut eve. ry attars nv a uuieiv use ! tins meaicme. , am inuecu the frreat remedy io'r Courli. Colds, Piutung Bluud, Liver Coinplauiia. ami ail the afk-cuuus uf ihe tbioat, and even Asthma and l.onauinpli'n. Ask lorsnermaii a AU-iieaiine jia-'aun, ana aee mai wa wrtUen aipiature ia li each b4tlc. Price ii centa and fel per botUe. , Dr. Bheiman's Woira and Coiifh Loxenjes, and Poor Man's I'luateia sold as abuve. SHERMAN'S POOR MAX'S PLASTER l.ai cured nvre eaiirs of Rheumitiml, Pain in the Baek, Side and Chest. Lumbago and Weaknras. than any appli ration tliat has increased, hnndredauf Bnpriucipled rascals have attempted to cmnterfeit it. and iira it iA upt'U ihe cominunilr as the genuine. I a" Beware ot Deeeiilinn.g.1 Reniemtf lint Uk tiua and genuine Pluatfr ia tprrad upon reddish pope' nutde eprefa)y ihe purpnaa and every care the aipnaiurt of Dr. Sherman ia nrinied upnn the.hack nf the Fluster, and lha whole aeeured by C"ty Right. None Mhera ara genuine. Therefore when ym waul a real g.ad Shermac'a Hoor Man'a Plaaier, call at I he office, M Naitau street, and you will n"i he dunppiri'ed. Reineinlr principal Offica 1(0 Nasaau-atreet, New-York, where all fir Sherman's Izengcaaru a dtl. Ilia Agenta are Aire. )la. l'Ut Fullon street, Pr.klyn; HUieaon, Williamsburg ; and Bclding ft r.'o, Jtneton, and JOHN YOL'NU, Pnnhury. M. A. McCAY, NorUiunibertand May 10, 1W!. ch e 3m I y JOHN DONNELLY, Masvpactitekh. op Donkelly's UntlGIIT Safety Glaze! CArsrixo But MATCHES, ' asp Unites States Oil Paste blacking, No. 83 North Third Street, riIZLAl.EX.FHIA, rpiIESE Matches sre Jnstly considered the best 1 in the United States j they arc fret from un pleasant smell, and can be introduced with perfect safety into all Stores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years. The 13 lac sine is of superior quality, and free from and ingredient that Impairs the Leather. COUNTRY DEALERS and SHIPPERS will find it to their inter -st to call and see for them selves. N. D. An assortment of Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Mstches in round wood boxes also, packed in large or small tin eases, to shin to any port of the world, ' JOHN DONNELLT, Lata of 30 1 snk Street, now 63 North Third 6U March VI, 1849 ly LIQUORS, WINDS, &C. "THE subscriber ba just received a new supply i- of tha best liquors that ever earn to Sunbury, eoiisistuig in part uf Superior old pals Bren'dy; Fine Cot-nioe Brandy Superior Old Jamaica Bpuita. , New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Buperior Old Whiskey i Common do. ftupewior Maderia Wine. .' Lisbon do. do. 'I- Superior Tort Wine. , Burgnndy Port do. - Sweet Malaga Wine. Buperior Claret Win ua bottlts. Champagne ' do. da. , '" HENRY MASSER. ' Sunbury; May 8C, 1849. ' ,. ... t,.h..,.u "Encourage Your Own!" . . ttAAS & TtENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. MB wIwiowrfroeetruKy en the attention of the public to thtir large nd splendid assort went of every ejusllty and price of C AH! fcT-WAKE. which esnnot fail U recommend itself to every one who will Mamine !t, on sceount of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made no of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared iri the manufacture of their ware, snd the subscribers are determined tp keep up with the many improvements , which are constantly being made Their stock consists of Miihognny .Sofa, IMf-fin and IOiiniron, Uttrcatis, sccrctnrtrs, eSnictoarltfi, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES; and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. . Thty also manufacture all kinds and Qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mahobsat, Black HAtict akd Ccrlid Marts CinictAft ; awd Wikosox CHAIRS, Afr, aict Piaxo rT0OLs, which are of tht latest stvtes. and warranted to be excelled bv none manufactured in the Cities or elscwhtre. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in weenies, as every confidence can be entertained sbout the quality and finish of their wars and .nam. Their articles will be disposed of on as hoi terms as they rsn be purchased elsewhere. Coun. try Produce taken in payment for work. EST UNDERTAKING attended to on reason, able terms. CP Tho Ware Room Is in Market btreet. opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weavers Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 2S, 1SJ9. tf 1KB MINES OP CALIFORNIA OUT DONE 1 FINE WATCHES AND JEWELRY. The Ulanionn city rililladclpiilsi Mill Ahead! JACOB LADOMUS, 24C MARKET ST . BELOW EIGHTH, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA, TS constantly receiving from all tlie best Manu 1 facturers of Europe, every style of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CO" Read this advertisement cut it out of the paper put it in your pocket, and call the first lime you visit the city. Amour; the assortment will be found : Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, S30 Silver Levers full jewelled, ... 15 Gold I'Epines, 18 k. cases, jewelled, 53 Silver I'Epines, jewelled, . 1 0 44 Quartier Watches, . . - - 4 to $10 Silver Tes Spoons, equal to coin, per set, 4 50 44 Desert 4' 44 44 41 10 00 44 Table 44 44 44 14 1 5 Ot) Tpgethcr with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jewelry, cVc, &c, &c, Gold Chains of every variety and pattern at a slight advance upon tlie original cosL Examine them by all means. tCT" The Trade will be supplied upon the most advantageous terms. J. LADOMUS, No. 546 MARKET Street, below Eighth, South side, Philadelphia. April 14, ISIS.---3 mo. cabSoS ware rooms. THE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he continues the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, In all its branchss, at his aland in Market street in Sunbury, and that ha has now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, in Fawn street, tlie CHAIR ItlAKIXC BtSIA'ESS, in all its branches, snd keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fushionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of st prices as low as at any esta blishment in the county. His long experience in the business, justifies him in the belief thst he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefor solicits from his customers a continuance of their patronage. Utr Ml Kinds ol produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN HOUI'T. Sunbury, March 17, 1849. tf Th Cheapest and Most Bplrndld Aksortmebt of WATCHES AND JKWKLRY IN PHILADELPHIA, Ma. t I.FWI LADOMI'Si. 1 fit. 413 1 MARKET STREET, (413 A TEW DOOaS ABOVE ELEVENTtI, NORTH S1DC, HAS just received by late arrivals, from the moat celebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and judiciously selected assortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which hs will sell rniarta than anv oilier estab lithincnt in the United States. Among tlie a sortment will be found I (old Levers, 18 k. esses, full jewelled $38 Mlver l.svCrs, lull jewelled,. 15 Gold I'Epines. 1.3 k. cases, jewelled, 25 Silver I'Epines, jewelled. 10 tjusrtict Watches. 4 to 10 Silver Tea Spoons, equal to coin) per set 4.50 14 JJcsert, -4 44 44 44 10.00 " Table. 44 44 44 44 15.00 Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jcwellry, .Vc, 4c, Ac. GOLD CHAINS, of various styles, from the best Manufacturers. CC Please preserve this sdvertiscment, and call at . LEW IS LADOMlS'S, No. 413 MARKET STREET, above Ele vimtii, North Side. tlT" I baVe Gold and Silver Levers' still cheaper tbsn tlie above prices. (CT A liberal discount msde to tha trade. April 14, 1819 Uio Notice AS the subscriber is done selling at Auction, he requests all those who have not complied with the conditions of sale, to call immediaU-ly and do so. He has still soma MOLASSES, PLASTER, Ac., on hand, which he will sell low. As the store is closed, customers will please call at tha house. . CHAS. S. BOGAR. 8unbury, April T, 1849tf SUNBURY FOUNDRY. fTvIIE subscriber respectfully informs the public J. thst be has sgain become connected with the above foundry, and that hereafter it will be cou. ducted solely uuder bia management and control. From his long experience in Ihe bussi eu h, trusts ha will be able to give general Kusfaction to his old friends and CAistoroei a. ", business will be earned on in all ita brap'.oea. He will eonttuiie to manufacture fteiue, and all kinds of caaUpgs will be done wtth promptness and in th Vat aanner. GEO. ROI1RB&CH. ; Sunbury, June 9, "l$49. .Srfl ' , j W7"OB SALE. A M Vow, nnsrly fh for wO sole ehcapi Euquire at Uie office ef the ilmericaft, '"''' ' Sunbury, June 0,1 S49.. .'...lt CALIFORNIA SmiORA.siTS. . The St. Lentis Republican of the 4th inr-t. contains1 the following httcf, da'ed Fort K&mer, Nebraaka Territory, May IBfh : The Mormon mail from the happy valley of the Salt Lake has jutt dropped in upon us, on its way to the fruitier. The ice it at last broken, and the inundation of i oUl diggers is upon us. The first specimen, with .a large pick-axe over his shoulder, a lonfj riflo in his hand, and two revolvers and a Lowie knife stuck in his belt, made his appenratic? here a week ago last Sundav. He only had time tak for a drink of buttermilk, a piece, of Rngerkrcad, and how "fur' it was to aCa'er fornry," and then liallooirijr to his long-lrg-Ifi d, slsh-aided cattle, drawing a diminutive, yellow-top Yvnkee wagon, hu disappeatPil on the trail iowa.-'t the gold "ilijgitis.'' Up to this moriiinp, 4bB wagnrjs have pone p:st this poii.t, and this is but tha advance g-mitl. Persons who have come thtot:h htiiriedly from tho fiwti'ui., say that every load is lined. Not a mail but what h:ta a pun and a revol ver or tvr, and one follow I saw, actually had no less than three borne kniven stuck in his belt. Many nf ihe parties as originally form ed in the States, have had di.ssemioiis, snd ore broken tip, and each fellow is striking out for himself, tt matters but little whether a man is in an organized company or by himself, for it is impossibla to pel out of sight of wagons. Such un emigration rs i now passing over tht plains, has not had its parallel in any age. Composed, as it mostby is, of the best material of our land, the country that teceivos it most neces sarily assume a commanding position. The laxt arrival from the frnntiets is a soli tary foot traveller, who says he has come all the way from Maine, without the assistsncc of either railroad, stage; Rteambcat, or tele graphic wires. He ia accompanied by a sataee looking bull-dog; has a long rifle over his shoulder, on the end of which he carries his baggage, consisting of a small bundle, about the si7c of your hat. Hu 1ms no pro visions, but gets along pretty well by ?pong ing on his fellow travellers. He says he wants but a hundred meals to carry him through, and he rather guesses he'll find Christians encngli on the road to supply him with that number. I think ihnt the ralin hp. tween men and wagons, ia three and a hall M to one. One of the men with the Mormon mail is just from the ''ditrgincs" in Culifuniia, ami is certainly a huppy fellow ; for he says tliat he has as much gold as he wants. Ilo showed a stocking full as a specimen, and, a? you may well suppose, tha emigrants opened wide their eyes at the sight of llie glitt'aring mans May 19!h. The cry is "still th ey come." Yesterday ISO wagons pawed here, (Making in all. 6rfl. Splbioi s GoLf" DoLLAns. The l ittle Rock (Ark.) Democrat says that a passenger on a steamboat lately passed at Napoleon fifteen or twenty "pinions one dollar rolj pieces. They purpoit to be issued by A. Bechller, and to contain twenty seven grains of Caro lina io!J, tweuty-uue carets fine. PaoGiirss. A Wisi'oi'sdn orator, who was lately delii'liting his audience with ii'uflru tions of our country's progress, used the fol lowing emphatic retuaik: '-Feller ciiizere, the tail of uivlizition is now exactly uhar lha frcrtit cars was no iiiorern sixty years ao." The remark was received with boisterous cheers. ScpniubtuiT or Women. According to Haller, women bear hunircr longer than men; according to Plutarch, they can resist the ef fects of wino better; according to.Unger they grow older, and are never bald ; accord ing to Pliny, they are seldom attacked by lions, (on tho contrary they will run after lions,) and according to Gunter, they can talk a few. An Exi'tvsn e Fahi.e. Some of ihe pa pers cull the trial of Walker, for tho murder of his wile, a '-farce ;" it is rather an expen sive one, however, both for the county and the friends uf the uecused. It is said that Mr. Walker's father has expended over SiO, 0d0. Each w it ness bi ought from St. Liu.s was paid S13D0. and one of the counsel em ployed for the defence received, we uudct stand, SiOO a day during the trial! The cost to ihu County must have been about SI 2.000. A. Y. M:rcury. Mr. Pagley, of Mi'.o. Me., shot an eagle a few days since, just as it was in the act ol alighting upon his child 1 Tlio discontented man finds no easy chair. TO TUF. ELECTORS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citizess. EiKourdired by numerous friends I hereby otVer myself lo your consideration as a candidate for the oliice of COUNTY COMMISSIOXKK at the next peneral election. Should I receive a majority nf your authuees. I will endeavor to dis charge tlie dulirs of s.iid oflice with fidelity. WILLIAM M. AUTEN, Chilisquariiic township, June 10, 1S49 TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTHUM BEE- LAND COUNTY. WM. W. BETTILYON, of Upper Aujrusta, otfrrs himself lo the electors gf Northum berland county ss a candidate for; ror.vTY TitKiTRru. Should bo elct ted, he promises to discharge lha duties of said dlice wi4 Vidclitv. Upper Augusta, iune , 18W. Cft'fJSTV TnEASUKER. T XCOB YOl"NO, of the Borough ofunbury, 9,4 offers himself to tha elector of Norllmmber. land County, as a candidate for we oinca Should he Ve elected, he will endrt vor to discharge the Uurhjs of th otfioa in such a manner as to give general satisfaction. , Sunhury, Juas 0, 1649 . EAS, froes the New York Canton and Pekin Tea Company. . For sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbry Dee. I, 1848 , ""7HEAT WANTED. One dollar per . 1 bushel, cash, will he palj for fma wticat hy . IRA T. tLfi.MEN.. ; Sunbury" Jan. tTth, 1640111 L . !