Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 12, 1849, Image 4
1 wvft " 1 ffiumoroua SUctcft. -"s, THE LOST DINEll. ...... Or ttrpnlnl Gentleman's Adventures. 'Oh, tliat this" too solid flesh would melt, thaw ,nd resolve itself ihtoa dew." JokVV , Lt me hart non about me that are fat JW iius Cttsar. ...,- . - f all the plagues, with which Old Nick has attempted to disturb the quiet of this bles. ' sed world, I think there is none equal to the deposition whioh .half the community have ibr tormenting fat people. I can speak feel ' Siigly oV this point, for I am fut ruun myself l'ouf 1en fellows jive inquiot, nobody think poking fun at' them, or jostling them in 'the street, or squeezing them in a crowd, or 'i's'tage coach, or box at th theatre. They 'efip'lhrough the common rubs and crosses of liTe as easily ns a snake thro' the bushes. A, starveling hns an immunity against all tri bulation; but a fat man there is no merry " fqr him ; hp is to butt for oil the jokes that are current ; there h no Fhnrp shooting but Yit lilnv He is too prominent a mark to escape. The loan ones envy his goodly size and revenge themselves (he only way they can, by ridiculing what (hey would fain par ticipate in, but iiad it beyond' (heir reach, fstho fox turned up his right-honorable snout ,at certain grapes. r Who would not be fnt if h'j could? It is sheer malico and envy that would set tlio world agaiust fat people, who, generally speaking, are the most useful and good hu moured of the community: fruges constwncre pati, they keep (he nun kets up, and make trade flourish. If to be fat is to be hated, says FalstafT, then are Pharaoh's lean kine to be loved. I hate lean folk?, they make me tninK ot a (amino; nuil short commons re an abomination unto men of any coiuli tion. But let me come to the point, ami (lie point of the matter i, that I make it a point never to refuse an invitation loiliimcr. Now I reoeived an invitation to one last wee!:, the most magnificent dinner that has been eaten in the city these fifty years. Tha very men tion of the dishes makes my month water. Alderman 'Gobble, whs gave the dinner, knows how to createnn appetite in hisgue?!!, by a specification of his li!-bits. I i:ecd not stop now to recapitulate the niceties which the ' worthy Alderman had promised, and with which I rpgnKl my imauination for a ytcek in anticipation of the feast. Snflieo it to say, it was a meal tit for a gourmand, and Lhad raised an appetite lit to do justice to i(. Oh ' demons ' of disappointment! How could ye serve me such a (rick ns (o balk me of that dinner ! "For as my ill luck would have it, 1 happen to live just now about ten miles from Bn;on. There is no difficulty, ono would think, in jumping into the stage and posting lo (own, and that is true enough in (he case of ordina ry folks, but see u hat plagues beset a fat man ! I had bespoke my passage, and was the first to get into the stage, when a disa greemont arose about the space which I oc oupied in the vehicle. The diiver asserted inal l hart taken luit one scat, and all th Others in the eoatch were engaged before me. Now as ho undertook to prove by regular ad measurement, that my immense rotundity of DIAIIOND POWDER. FOR RAZOR STROPS. ' ; THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothed? to a a tort, surgical instruments, anil all kinds of fine CcTtrnr 5 it may be applied to any kind of stroi. Also superior Rator, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent Depot of Fins Razors. Strorja. Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. i PniLiii!trHiA, Feb. 15th, 1848. This may certifv that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNE9' MAGIC DIA- MOAD POWDER, and ran attest m tlio most unequivocal ninnnCT, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any heretofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at PniLAntirinjt, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel' led me to seek nml tett many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with Indifferent success, until I made ute of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Kousscl s bliavinc Cream. Their united pow. er act like majjio, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri- tatinj the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 40 South Tifth Street. For sale at this oliicc Price 25 cts. per Box Novembers.'), 1S!8 Cm. TEiE CiKAXD I'UKC AT1Y12. FOS THE CTJHE OP Ht'ni:u'he. fi SUNBURY ' AMERICAN ; A 1ST) SHA MOKIN JOURNAL. IMPORTANT TO THE 1UBUC. HOUSE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. - Don't toermit vout Horses or cattle to die, when the means of cure arc within the reach of alt 1 The nndersizned has snent several rears in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," he has also availed himself of thcrescar- ekesof Lcibig, and other celebrated men, wno nave contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our prnctioe consists in the rejection of general bleeding and the total retortion nf nil tnnlirincs that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re medics act in harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing tho natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are eafcin the hand of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. A List of Hers and Cattle Medicines. Physic balls, 73c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. powders for bad condition, 73cperpack- age, dc. do. do. per SOc J lie-1 mil !-:. I'iics. Dyspepsia, iS-nrv. Snnll J:uin.iice I'.tins in the IV.u'kt Imrnni Wdikm's. I,;ii;,it;ut"n 01" the Huart, Kifi'ig in the Tli root, Fevers rf till kinda, F finale Ciniplaiutii, Mcaslf-a (fait Klicum, Heart Hum, Wurms, tMern Morbus, O'njrlis, Isjuuiwy, Vhiping Couch, Onmtniinn, Fin, Liver Cnmplnint, r.riipt'bp, OcafncM, Itrltinp A' the Skin, Ct'ltln, Gout, Gravel, Nervout Complaint!, AND A VAMETY OF OTHER DISEASES ARISING FKOM IMi'L'KlTILS OF THB BLOOD, AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE OKU AN S OF DIGESTION. F.xpcncnrr hns provi-dtbnt nearly even Disease originates fr:m I-npuritita 1' tli- HI kxI or rieruncemriits of the tivrs C'riiins ; uuJ 1 1 fprnre Health, we must remove those olvru.'li ns or rrL-re lhc iliifv.t to I'Buntnnilr'tHte. Tiie iivprrioji jn filiinff milicine is nvirf ettfcttiBlly re m niil hy Cltchner" VHGKTAbi it 1jBgt!ve Pills, being v ni It-tt ly e:r. cl pil with 11 c miing I' pure white ugar, (whirl) in tlistiiK't fr ni t'if imertmt incrcfJit-nts pi a nut sb-t! fr m tm KtiiH) mid hnveni vwie "C medicine. Hut (,r as c-isily kwmII wed nsbiis nfc:iniH-. M reier they m i h-.T uauwith tr pripe in lue t-iieht-jt d':rce, hut opcVafi r-iin"y on 'l lhc diM-aiu! p'utj; i i (lie system, in r f c int'.iiiivr themsi'ivw U . nnd ntckinp1 any paniculir riiM. T:utc if tl.t 1 jver ho aileettil one itiirr'cdiciit will v -train on 1 it'll pjirticiJai' 1 r,;;ui. una, cy rieunamg hoi uu 1 ..t ; j of Hil vrv rc It t its iM'ilipd ttite. Aii Mtier will ft'.i'.e on the- H vjid nndi'em-n'cnll unnunties in itH circii w!:ii'?a fliirtl will tlV(.M'tui,!!y :X)cl whoever inipu ritn!' iiviy have hern dis:lmr.:cd into the st imtch, and hence tlir;y strike at the root or rt incase rtm 'vc nil Impure flu r;vrn fr -in body, open the pores externally and iiuVr ivdlv ; (;p;initc aH'f'rri::ii and (ilm-wious particle from the ehvie. B'lthal the blind nviy be thronphly pure thus seen rinirn free and healthy artinto the Hean. Lunrpand Liver and thrrrhy they restore health even when ull other means have failed. The entire truth of the nbrve can he asoertninM by the trial ifu single box; and their virtues are si piMtive and eerii'.in in rcstrinT Ilcaltli. that the pnprictor biuds hitnself t' re urn the money paid for thrm in all caars v.'hire thy do not give universal s.itiffactio. fCcin!l lrico, 25 cis, per Vtx Prtricipl n-Tice No. f't Versey St., N. Yftrk, id bv JOilN Y.YOt.'MJ. tmhtirv. M. A. AK'CAY, .Northumberland. XT Remember Dr. C. V. Cliknor is the inventor of the Stcj::r Tnuteri Pills, and that nothing f the -n wiwt ever beard of nntii he intr.iduced them in Jude, Piirehners sh-iHld, therefore always ak for Cliekner1 Pupar Coated I'ilirt, mid laUc no others, or thty will be made the victims of a frnnd, February, 17, HIO ly Heave powJw fordiscasei of tlic lungs. 7.rc Urine powder for M " kidneys, 75c Tonic powder for bnd condition glanders, 75c Cordial drink for inliamatioii of bowels, 75c bottle. Liquid Winter, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, per pot. Healing baletim for wounds and saddle galls, 75c per bottle. Wash for inflamed eves, 50c per bottle. Ointment for manse scratches, old sores, &o, 50c per bottle. Embrorotion for sore throat, ? 5c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in Lngland for lameness of every description, 75c & $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal. 75 per package. For sale by STIMPSON A- REED, 26 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'3 HOUSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, ISos. 1 & 2 Haymorket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which those remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates arc in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCIIER,No.2C$outh SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Aoents. Henut M.isstn, 8unbury February 0, 1S UK tf OXYGENATED A SOVEREIGN REMEDY TOR ,. ..DTSPEPSIA,.:': i niTiiisic, AND . ' . OSNEBAL JDEBItlTT. GJX)RGE B. GREEN, PnorErcTOR ' Windsor, Vermont. I IS toMreiyn ttmtAy for DYSPEPSIA, In my of m form, mirb m pnm in the HMimrli, Ilearllium, hmbitniU CoptiveucA. Acid Stnniflch. lleailarhe. Iim of Appetite, Piles. Night SwoaU, and even Conniimniiitn (Dvii:ptic Phthuii-.t nnrl A.lhmn. nr Phthinin ntfrinlf-ri with (IcrnnKO- mrait ot the Htmnnth (or l)nneptie AXlimn.) Didicult firefttlnn;, which ol'lcn rennll. trnin imperlcct digention ("T Dvupciitic Svsnnrpn. i. relieved bv thcue UitterH. In short, their ure hns been proved in the relief of nhnnst all the aymnt'mit that proceed from tMiiliwtcd or atonic condi tion of the fminiii'b ; nlo in geuernl debility arifiim from nireor from the etfects of Fever, nnrticnltifly Fever mid Airne. Feinnles nnfferintr tnidrr miy uterine dermicewent ansini; Iroin wenlincw-, will hnd the "C'XYotsMEn Hit- tkrs' an excellent i-cnicti) , and not siirpnftseu ny any iueui cute in lire. The history of Ihn medicine i neculinr. It his roouo its my t public furor solely hy the fore, of its own intrinsic menu No nnincinl menus Iwve been used, to give it no torietv and thrust it nim public mtculin. It hn never before even been adycrttwil. but Intviiiff first shown its re- mnrkoble efficnev in tlw inimly l the proprietor, and by him atlerwmds admutislered to his nffltetcd friends and ac nuniulnnce. wild a like result, its rcmtlNtion ffraduollv ex- tern t'fl hum it is known in the in-st ilislunt rwr s 01 me Vui in, as a medicine of unnvalleil virtues in the cure of Dvapepsm in nil its different f ,nus. nml ulso for the cure of Asthma or IMilhisic. Its only lierald and its only eul gy has litren tlio story of its wondfiiul fftieacv, ns told from mouth to lu'iii-h or by letter from fiiend to friend. In eve ry instance wher these liitters have liern used, and the? re sult nindo known to the proprietor, they have proved a re inerfy. Numerous ccrlifietites, iiltestin the singulnr emcarj of the "Oxygknatf.d BiTruits," nre in lhc possession of the nr ipriet-ir j many of thoin signed by pers ins already widely known to the public. CEO. n. OlIKCN, Proprietor. W1NCSOR, Vt., Octt bcr 3, IMS. The following Crrtlficnti linve recently been received t . 'Wasiiixoiox, P. C, Jusk 10. 1840. Hvinir m.itle use of the 'oxygenated Hitters" preimreil hy Dr. Geo. 1J. Oreen, of Winili -r., Vt. and fr nn kn av Ictlge oUatued of their efucney in ther eaf-es. weclieerfiilly rec ninieiid them t the public, hcheying ihut they will fully siis'.nin the n-c uunentlali. n of the Pr mriet r. Ve h ne that this vnhmble remedy miy be s i generally dnTineil thr ouchoul the country llmt it hiuv be accessible to all the allocled. sami-ei., Wll.UA.M I PHA.M. u JAMKS F. SIMMONS. V. 3. Senator from R. Island. J. T. JKHIKHKAD, U. S. Senut.'r and formally Govern or of Kentucky. li. II. AUNt)I,P, Member of Conjrrcfi and f irmcrly Oi veriv?r of R.I. WM. WOODDRIDGE, V. S. Senator and fonneriy Go vernor of Mielticnn. M. I.. MARTIN, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin Territory. iinfir? ass THE ONLY RADICAL CURE TOR CONSUMPTION!! . S. Senator from Vermont corporation, as h'a vrr.s p!oiist'il lo c;iil i; lop : 1 F-aiil ihat Of- copied nt toat ?pnco rnoiioh fur four, li? muint.iincd thttt till ih n:!ijS shouM seat themsclvos lirsl, and Ihcn I miVlit get in if I coulil. .'.Vot in the day lime, my 1;: J,' nai.I I. as 1 seated myself inuply on tilts back s-at. 'First come, tins', sprvt-d. I hnv; got my platfe now, the others may take theirs; I paid for my seat. Isn't it a bargain ? -''Cut tho others can't all get ii,,' said the driver. ' "'Then 1st them ride on the top, answered I. 'Really, Mr. Suuarhi.bhpad,' said he, 'hadn't yiii better ridu on lhe top yourself." "'For hraven's stike, no,' said another, don t put that atent fat chuff on the he'll make us top hvsvy and overset us. 'I have no 'notion of riding on thu lop. I, vo you may make yourselves easy on score.' i ,. 'lint yon must get otil,' tzid they, 'and await for the next stape.' 'And what" will b.-coine of my dinner?" ?Uor is Mi-s. Plc:1ili?to:i and hersaven chil dren who will nil Hi disappointed cf places in the city if they dj not arriva at two i,' cfodc.' ' ' , 'And 1 hall be dis;ippoiiilPtl of my if I do not rench Alderman Cobble's at the same time.' ,';Tis enough to try th said Mr Pickleton. 'Don't talk to me about Job,' aid 1, he never had nch an invitation to a dinner in his life.' "But yon cannot co wilh ?,' uniil they. 'But 1 must go with you,' said 1. So say ing I threw back my head, nnd composed myself on my seat, find let them see that I was npt to ba tljoved. After some alterca tion with the other pasaonpers, tho diiver shut ' the coach duor, ami left me within alone. Presently !: heard a smack of the whip, asd Iho horses' started. I thought we set off with a very t-asy pner, nnd was high ly dglishtcd to Cud myself sole possessor cf tho inside of the coaoh, w here I had expect, ed to be annoyed by the company of Mrs. Pickleton and her. seven children, We n't so efcsy a;id comfortable a rate thajHejl ipsa, (jpj:-j(rt . jrvri'mily to whicLnm omywhat. accustomed, though not in stuge-ccttvbf , j I Jieamt of beinj; ut Ad;rinau ..Gglbuj's dinner, where I kept eating and eating till 1 thought 1 never should hae ' rnetidi.1 Wltat wns the most sin gulaf . d I was, tuat the more I ate, the hwigrieI.;ert?w, . Meihought the dinner lasted unconscionably long, till at last I awoke frtfm rare Tuhger. my oreain. ; awoke, 'we must have got lo Boston by this time.' I pulled ouTipy watchr"-'" "' " " r K wasTaff past two! "'rieavens!' exclaim etTf 'tMe'.ari-Avel' I lumped up and loukatij uijui. fly? oarriage,, and and there vm 4t lary plac vl starting we had nofrfJjjVi.ry.alM; while.-'The driver ha'ijalsei,r'i'ri?,ftwaji "J driven off with another stage, whilst I was dreaming vf AldwsutCrosbkVt'Vinlicft'r-.-j:: ' WWg'EllX SEW YOKBi i n i-f M - n i i ii 4 r m it I, 1, IjVi i U i' II L Al, 1 11 , CO 07 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. DU. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vfgtluble Litlioiitii)itic Diixturr. r-pHI5 ci-lebruietl rctneily U constantly increasing its fame X by the' cures it ib muking ALL OVER THE WORLD. It . ivnv htL- nv. lhc mil) iiit-dicuie for luimly uc, and in nariiculaiiv rtci-mincndi'l t" r I DROPSY : j rt'.i stac of tltii c'Uijliiitit iinmcflintely relievM, matter n, u w i ni; K:j:ia!ijg. r-vr riia nptiiei ior tcstuiKiiv. GRAVEL, rnl a!i t-Ienss -f rhe urnrnj- orstan ; fir ttieea riliirets irjr -ii'iTimts ti f ;:ii.:p :il -nc ; ii" ther antt.-lv can relieve y n ; cmi 'hf r;t:e trM jlifd t wiltnnvinrr the m t skep tiriJ ; tru p,i.v.r:..-t . I.iv-r d mplrtim. HiUtcus d;saie, FEVERS AGUE. T'i tr.' Of nt Wot rsp. ci iity. v.w wlierevtr thcc coni- NU MINKKAL AGENT. nx-'-'Icteii u c.n. pound i o purt nf thin mixture, it cuica t);ef; "5 with rertninty and celerity, and doei n.'t IiJtve lhc uvBiiia fniid. See Var.aihlel. PILES, a,:,ii)f f nm M p-:innil olnr-irtr, is IMMEDI.VTELY KEL1EVED, and a miro hy u few itayn use "f this article ; it U fur iiciWe tiny uUwr prcparntiuntW thib diceane, or for any iMhcr i.iscae origiiuiiiiig uom impure Mjc.. See pam phlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, wrttk t'nk, -weaknrss of the K'iflncya, c, or inftamin ti-.n ri r tnii, i:. inii.K-iliitoly relit-ved hv n lew da ute i! n. e, una u cine it ulwuya a rt-tul; ct t use. It DC TflWXSENU'S C0MP0OD EXTRACT OF SAUSAPAI.IU.A. THIS Extract is put up in quirt bottles. It ii nix timet cheaper, pleiiMiittr, and warranted B'ipcii r to nnv b ilu. it cure disctiKcs wiihout voniitinc, pnipiii, wit ness, or debilitating tlic patient, and is pui L.cuUrly adapted for a FALL AND SPRING .MEDICINE. The great beauty nnd anperirity of this SurnpnrilLi over other remedies is, wliilst it eradicates diKcuto, it iuvig iratcs the b.nly. Cusiiiniti n cured. Clcante and Strengtrten. Consumption can te cured. Bronchitis, Consiiuiption. Liver Complaint. Coldf, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthnri.Spittincof Ijrl. S ircncu Uilhe Chest. Hectic V lush." Nicht Sweats. Ditti cult and Frufnse Kxpertoratiou, and I'uin in the Side, Ac, Ac, hare mid can be cured. Probably ther never was a remedy that haa been an uc cCbsful in desperate eot-es of consumption u this ; it rlemi sen und wrciiptliens the system, and apj wun to lienl the ul cere on the limps, and patients gradually regain their usual iieuiiu unu uuiui. CURIOUS CAPE OK CONSUMPTION. There is at-urcely a day poises but there are a number of ease of consumption reported as cured by the umj 01 Dr Townsen's &irKipaiilla. The f.illowing was recently re ceived : Dr. Tow nx ex d DCar Sir : Tor the last three years I have been aiilicted with general debility, and nervous con ttirnplion of the last stnge. and did U'l'eApect to ever train my health at all. After ginK thr iuirh n course of medicine under the care of foidc uf tiie tn ii ilistiuguished reiiiar pliyficians and tuetiibers of the jioird of lleaith in New York und elsewheie. and Fpt-ndin the in at f uiy earinni;s in attempt inc to rcj.iiu my lieulih, and after leading m a nie paper ot" yr ui Sarrnpuiitla I resolved to try it. After using six bottles 1 I 'Uinl it d me zrent prvxl, andcalied t- 5te you at your o.Iiee ; with y ur advice 1 kept on, und do in-t heartily thank yon lor yi r attviee. 1 jwrsewre in laKin iiiv rarsnr-ariiiu, mui nave teeu auie to niu-uJ t i my From Hon. II. D. Fos.TF.n, Member of Congress from PcmiPvlYiiuia. Vashin'otox. O. C, Jixe 10, 1SI0. Dear Sir. I have been a dy-p'-ptie sufferer f -r ab.uit ten years, and have resorted to vari us medicines fir relief with ut Puece, until I made use of y -nr "Oxyjfeirited Bitter. " I have used ab mf tw Lotlfep, nnd find "myst-lt restored t perfect he dth Tiie forms in wliifh the di? ese th iwetl itself, in my m were, pntit nci lily of the p. lit tch. 1 ts of appetite, cxtrene ll ituicm-e. severe conFtl- j pitti n ot th? bowels, and vt it-i.t he idaciiC. Eeciiiijf dei rttus that n kn twlrdue of y Mir vnhnMe remedy may re-.irh others siinihrlr ntiliete!. 1 tike great pleasure in rec rd ) in? my teriMu 'tiy t its enrniivc power; an I would n!s reunite, that whi'c on n viF't ut home n short time since, 1 . administered a part nf n b 'U- t 1 n ntiailier nf my aHlieted friends, with great biieess. Thcv are desiro'is that y n I sh Mild CMal'li;!i an nsrei icy at. piudmnr, nr mforai them j v herf the me liciivi can be nbt-iiiifd. With an rarnest d i sire f r your pr -sperity and happiness, I snbscrihe myself, iruiv your irn iiu ii. ij. t ui t.n, li ft. iir.o. H. GnrBN. Windsor, Vt. S tld W'h 'lean It mid Retail bv Oruen St Fletcher, No. 20S nh Sixth Street, phih!plnn. Aeeut f t Snnbury R. MASSKR. Agents for .Milton MACK A V 11AAO. Agent f i Upper .Muh;-n. v. J. G. RKNN. April 15, lMr m M i.) ! N. 151 ! 8 m In prrppiitinir the publie with a remedy fur the treatment nut', rure if Fevku and Aim and nlher bilious iliscusea. noapolnry is neitled. Vast number in ihf Uiiiltnl Mates, who sutler from these nifec lit me iu their varied forms, nre cmpeUeMn pi-ek relief from .ular s -urces tlian the imme diate prescription.: .if the rrsniar physician, it Ue mu theref re an object of inni:oii; . ns well ns of public inter- t'M.i' nin isr net tin iikiq a runimiy prejvmit lu-iu mutn ex- uuariaih.rsf. r the tun four months, and I hone by the I P"irntT which inn-alv.ins be relitil up n as safk blesriii's of C "d and health, it In Iped me itiiew my cane. your Mrsiisinila to c 'iitiuue my beyuiid the expectations -f nil who CHARLES Ul lMBY Oraucc, Eststx co. N. J., Aug. 2. In47. State nf New Jcrsev, Essex eountv. ss. Charles iOuini- by being duly sworn aoeordintr to law, on Ins .win saiih, tint the forcpoing statement is'true according tt the best of hifikuowlwlge and belief. CHARLES tjU.MKV. ewnrn ami isttuseriijeu to oetorc me at iraiuv. the uu Ajgust, mi. CVRl'S BALDWIN. Justice ol tiie feuce. SPITTING BLOOD. Rend the followinK, and say that consumption is in incu rable if vou can : New York. April J3, R--I7. Dr. Tow?s:xd : I verilv believe that v.-ar S irs-inariib has been the means, through Providence, of saving ihy hie I have for keveial years but a bad c "jph. U bec;ine w tpc and worse. At lat I ruibeil iaruc rjiianiities ot bhi d, had niplit sweats and w as greatly debilitated and reduced, itiid did not expeet to live. I have only used your but a sum tune, and mere has a roudcnul change leeu wroucrht in nie. I am n.w libit to walk ah over the eiiy. 1 raise no blood, and my e ugh litis left m.. Vou can well imagine that 1 am thuiitiful i t these results. Your obedi ent tfervaat. A M. KLSELL. tw Cuiharme ht. LOST HER SPEECH. The unnexed cenihcttie tells a simple and truthful atrry of sutrering and relief. There arc thousands of simihr ca ses in this'eiiy and Brooklyn, and yet there are lb us.iu.1s of pureiits let their childrcn'die for i'eur of being humbugged ur to suve a few shillings. Rroiklyn, Sept. 13, 117. Dr. Townsend: 1 take pleasure iu suiting, for the bene fit of those wttom it may concern, that my duuithter, two years and six mouths old, was lutiicted with general ile- bility and lsot Sjieeeh. Sue was given up us pust je- ErKEC Tt'AI,, AXD It VRMLtFS TO THH rON-TlTL'T10N- Ttlllt such U the true character of ih INDIA CMULAGOGl E, is amply nttentcd by the universal success with whu h it has been employed. iy Extract from a communication of the Hon. Wit. Mam WunnrHiDCK, of the U. S. Senate, late Governor of Michigan. Detroit, Oct. 21, 1SI0. Doctor Charix Osoood, Dear Sr. I have rend with much interest, your little thaeatmk upon the "euuses. treatiucut nnd cure'' of the l febrile diseases which have so extensively prevailed in our count iv dm in the List few months an interest increased no doubt, by the fact that I have mdividuitly amfereil much from thoni. Tii'insjh I feel nivself very' ino 'inpeicnt t" judce r.iie y upon a miiiect s i entirely proftwinutd, yet your ibrt ry fc- usns t . me well reus and your c 'liciu ioni iust. and I think withal, that yi-ur puni.iulct is calcu late.! to pii-dure much practical irnorl. Sjienkhi? of t .ih medicine he : : It fully justified your flalterin-.' cx'Wlati -ns, and as a safe, coin enteni, and p i u-1-ir reined v. tnv own experience, k fir. induces me to le. Iie-e thai it wiil pr ive a prejt pi.h'.w- benefit. I mn plmttl t lear:i ilnt y -u have recently t i'lishl sevend neeucjes for i;s dio fciiion thi.ueh I regret tha. with a view t a more renerrd tlissemiu-itiou of it, y -U fhould have found it necrss;iry to remove from your present residence among us. Wr.b much rtspect 1 have the h -nr to be. sir. Your nMipwi servant. WILLIAM WOODBU1DGE. Fiom Hon. Stfphex V. R. Tbowbhidcb, of Michi gan State Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Emptions, Pimples or restttlrn on the face, Htuches Biles. Chronic S re Eyes. Ring Worm or Tetter, Sentd Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones nnd J unts.Stubh-mi L'leer. Syphi litic Bvmptom. feint ira or Lnmbngo, diseases arising imm an injuai cions use of Mcteory, Drop v, F.xprsnre or Inipru denes in life; bIsj, Chronic C nsti tutiounl Dis orders. In this medicine several timorrnl hut very potent articles of the vr net able kinmb'tn nre united. fonniiiR a eoninound entirely d liferent iu its character nun properties fmm any ither preiwrolion, nnd unrivalled in Its operation on the system when laboring under disease, itsnouuioe in nie nouns oi evcrv person, wno, ny unstness, rr general course ol lite, is nTcmsrwiscrt to the verv munv niiimcnis inni ren der life a curse, instead of a blessing, and so often result in ncatn. FOR SCROFULA, rrr. Drake's panacea is recommended as a certain remedy, .it one ins'anec of lis failure has ever occurred when free ly used ! It cures the disease and nt the same time imports vigor t the whole system, fter.ttitl ms pers us ran never puv too much nlteuti m to the stale ni tueir moon, its pa ri ficati n sh uld be their first aim ; for perseverance will ucompliih a cure uf even iixheditauv disease. FOR ERVPTlONSOF THE SKIN. Scun-v. Scorbutic AlTecti ais. Tumors, Wliite Swellinc, Erysipelas, Fleers, Cnnrera. Rmmiinr S rcs. Seal's nnd Biles. Dr. Drake's I'nnneen cinuiot In; too liighly extollcil ; it searches out the very root of the disease, and permanent. , INDIGESTION OR DYSPEPSIA. No medicine perhaps hns ever been discovered which cives so much tone to the stomach and causes the secre iion of o healthy gastric juice to decompose tiie food as Dr. Drake's Panacea RHVEMATISM. Dr. Drake's Panacea is used with the greatest success in Rheumatic Complaints, cn)ecinlly su h as chronic. It cures by drivintr out all impurities and foul humours which have accumulated iu the system, which nre tho cause of Rheu- inntiMn, O out, and Swellings of the jt ints. Other remedies s met imcs give temp irnry relief; tins entirely eradicates the disease ir un the m stein, even when Uie limbs and bones are dreadfully swollen. CONSUMPTION. CosscMrno: ta?c t!E ct'B ed. Coifihs. Catarrh, Brn- chilis. Sittiuir of j mmI. Asthnin. Didicult or profuse Ex leet"rati -n, llec ic Flub. Nnrht Sweats. Pain in the side .Ve. have lieen cured, nnd e;m be with ns much certainty ns am other disease. A specific has 1 'ni- been soncht for, 'but in vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Pauacen. It is mild and sale but certain rind etficati 'tis in its opeintiou, and rami t p jsib!y injure the umsl delicate c institution. We w oiid earnestly rec miinend th se aiilicted t- give it n trial ind we !elieve they will n 't have t-crasi n to regret it. The system is cleansed und strengthened, the ulcers i n Uie hurxsnre lic deil. vnd the patients gradually regain their usual health and strength. Read the following : TESTIMONY. Pmi.A., Dec. l lth, 1W7. Dr.AB Sir : In reply to your qnesn n respecting the use of 1 Jr. Drake's Panacea. I will sav. that although a perfect disbeliever iu the existence of a Inacf.a. or cure for all disease, litiwev! valuable it may l in certain conditions of the syMem. sr: ill 1 have bcUevedlhit a cure f i Consump tioii would be disc a'erM si iier or later, and i-mt -aity led me to try your medicine in tvi very inveterate coses They were pnjminei'tl by the altcmlinir physicians to l Fi LMON.vitv covsi'MrtioN. nnd o!iu.oiird bv them as in C.T.AM.E. Ono ol the i.ersOHS lrd ln un k-r the treat ment of several vry able prat-til i nets f-ir n nundier of years, nnu incy sain wie nan si lasiimnen iiisitinpunn combine with Ser.ifnla," and that slienualit limrerf or s m tune but etMild not he jermiufui!y relieveil. In b uhenses the effect of the Pauacen has Iven in st irratifyiug. Only four r live Ixtttles were used by one of the persons before she beirnn t impnve rapidly. The other to-k nb ait ten. 1 will only odd that familiar us I am with consumption by inheritance nnd by extrusive oliseri. ati m ns a study, anil kuiiwing ids i the tUjUiioiiB elTcets in nine cases out of ten , of tar, boiiesct. and other vegetable tonics, as well us of many ot tlic oxpivtornntsmid sedatives, I sh add never have recommended the use of Drake's Panacea if I had ivt levii acquainted with the ia-iredieuts. Suihce it to say that these ure leconnnended by our m ist popular and scieutitiu physi riaus, und in their present combined state, form prolwibly lhe lesi ubeiutive thai has ever been made. The cure is iu nccrdnnce. wi'h a tiie TV of Consumptiou broached in France few yea's air , by one nf her most eminent wri ters on medicine, ami u w established by facts which ad mit ct no Lispire. Very Respectfully Yours. L. C. GVNN. To nie the Innsunce of another. 'Dl. Drake's Panacea in always salutary in its eiTects never iuuirimis. It is n t as Opiate tl is ii t nnd Expectorant. It i n t intended to lull the invalid into n fatal security. It is a great remedy a (irnnd hcahiic and curative compound, the great and only remedy which medical science and skill hns yet produced for the treatment of this hitherto unenquered malady. And no peraon ii'ibcted wilh this dread disease, will be just to himself und hts friends, it he o d twii to the prove without testing its virtues. A single bnile, iu m st eases, will pro duce a favttrable change in the condition of any patient, however low.1' ,, BAN K XOTE LIST.. r . fEXXSYLVAlVIA. Th anlkiwlnsj last hri Am eurtenl ilu of ill ani,Wania Dank NiHf i Thai most bnnllatt re- lianr mi he Dlafcfd anon It, it lacwrv tvtek lartftllT omIaKsd run aim orraetM Ifont bk. Deli a Reporter. , i nAnki in Phlladelnhla. I Duo. in Wast. ""Tins. PBItaTI, NOTfiS- AT PAS. Rink nf Nmth Amerira , Bank of Ih Northern I.IWim . . Commercial Hank of Penn't. . .. . Farmers' and Merhanice Bank . Kensington Bank . Philadelphia Bank . . Srhuvlkill Bank Snnthwark Ttnnk Western Bank . Mwhanh-d' Bank . ' ' ' MannfartiTrnm' A Meehanioa' Bank Hank nf Penn Townahip . .. aiar.l Bfk . Bank nf Cnmmerre, Isle Moyameneing liana ol rennavlranM . Coiiiitrr Itnnkn. Hank nf CViiwipt Ouni," Wrslcheater Hank nf Pel. ware Cnnntjr Chester Bank of (Jprnantnn Oermantown Bank nf Mnnicnmer Co. Nnrris'nwn DoyleMown llnnk? Dnvlestown Kaston Hank Eaamn par par par par par par par par par pal par par pa par par par par par par par par par SALAMANDER, FIRE AND THIRF JMM tJftfearTft. FIRE-TROOP DOORS FOR BANKS AND tTORBf I . . 1 . . . H . . Seal ana leuer-v-opying rrenes, rj ,ien , Slate-Lined Ref rfperalom. Water FiU ' ,ers, fatent Portable Water Clo , ets, intended for the Sick ' . and Infirm. EVANS & WATSON, 78 Son h Thir4 Strait, OPPOSITE THE PKTliADEtJ'niA EXCHANGE. Manufactory and keen constant . ly on hand, a bugs asamtrrMttt of the abnve articles, tethf witr their Patent Improved Salamander KIRK-PROOF MFFJS, whiclj are so constructed as In set at real all maimer nf doutit as to their being strictly nre-proof, and that they will resist the Bra of any bllildinff. The mil.irle m.ea iif these Safes are made of boiler Iron lhe inside rase of soap stone, and between the outer case and inner case is a space.' of aiime three inrhes thick, and ir filled In n-ith indestnu HHP Farmers' Bank of Burks cn Bri.tnl Dnnkof Norllminherlnnil NntlhiimWrland imr par par par pit pai t' Bank A rtridne ro.'Cnlumhis Farmers Brink of Lanraater Lancsalet I.Bticaiter (bounty Bunk Ijancnater Bank Farmers' Bank nf Ifiailinu Itrfii'p of llnrik or Pei.n'a. OHire ilo iln I Iflire do do Office do do Lancaster Lancaster ll"adins Hs.rriehtirs;- Thee Lancaster I offices Kesding f tin not Gaslnn J issue n. NOTK8 AT DISCOUNT. ;i.i. n,.,.,.i n ta rmke it an imn'iliility to burn any of the contents inside of this Chest. These S sipstone 8a-' lamandera we are prepared and s'Mto. tci produce anv article in the shape of Book Safes that will stand as much heat, and we nokt ouraelta ready alt times to have them iairly tested by public! bonfire. We also continue to manufacture a Jarre and I tp"'! assort ment of our Premium Air-tiarlit Fire Preir Safes of which there are over POO now in use, and in every instance thev i - ufartiiai to the nurchasers of which we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in use A , HnvwiMl at fmiter. ronsviiie; jiise(in u. uwwn Pdttsvllle ; Mr. William Carr. Dwlestown, ra. , N. ft O. Tuvlor, lSn nnrtn :i sr.; a wigni c nepn.w Vine st. wharf; Alexander Cnror. ConVeynncer; corner of Filbert ami pth sts.; Julio iM . f oru. : uorm .ia my;rs Dnsb. -2o north 3il st.i .lames AT. Paul, 101 south 4th at.) Dr. David Javne, 8 s mth 3d St.: MathewT. Miller, 90 BMiih 3il St.; ami wc culd nrune some hundreds of others It it were neccssiiry. iow we invite me nirennon ot trie public, and pnrticiiiurlv those in want of Fire Proof Safes, to call nt our store bp fore purchasing elsewhere, and we con satisfy them they will get a better and cheaper article at our store than at any oiner esinuusnmeni in me eny. We nho mannlaclure tne nnuunry r ire rmm vnesis, ai at yen- low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at any other store in Philadelphia. JOIIAN.NE9 WATSON. Philadelphia, April S, 1P1 ly Hank nf lhe United rUntes Philadelphia 17 Whirrs' D.uik nf Potlsvillc Potisvilla par Itnnk of l.eni'lown I.ewi.tuwn faileil Itank of Midill"town Middletonn 1 ITarlisle Hank Carlisle I Exi haiiRe llnnk Piltsbmp; I Do do brunch of HolliiUvaliura; I i Hrrisburff Bank HarrisUurg I Lehannn Bank Iebanon pur Merchants' & Manuf Dank Pittsburg I H ink or Pittsburg Pilta'.iutg Wi'sl Bianrh B uik VVilliamsport 1J Wyoming Bank Wilkeeharre l i.rthnnipliin Bank Allentnwn no aal Hcike 4 l.i u m v Hunk Afading Isile I Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg faibd Do do do Brio do Do do do New Brighton d Bunk of t'hambe''"!inrg I'hamhprshurg I ll.isk ol Mettysburg trrltysl'Urg 1 llnnk nf Sn-quehamia t'o. Montrose SJ Krio B ir,l, Erie 3-V Ki'itiiT'1 it Drovers' Bunk Woynealiurg 8.J Franklin Bank Washington Ii H.niefd.ili' I!. nk Honesd:de ll Moi nncabcU Hand of B. Browns ;ille I Vork liiink York 1 N. I). 1 he ruiti a of tlmse banks on which we mol tnotathHis, Htid suhtitnto a dah ( ) are not ouri hust d by the Pbilmh Iphia brokers, with lhe etreptinii ol tlu'se which have a teller of ri ference. IIIIOKKiN BANKS. failed failed fjileJ frcTtn yore Tiunger. 1 vai'jjurjy turxed out of 'Sure'l' ,"PiuUf , I, ; aa Ij ao " V n ........ L ll. tin ihv. sihikIs :tia A CERTAIN' KKMEDV, f r such complaints, unU uito tor tler.mctinen'i of the fe- ma!f in;nir. i !;u kgula ;;rn es, sltpressioxs, paiiiuii m nsni:ttD nfl. ii article his ever heen offered ii:ipl liiis w.;;'M v'uii ti'iirh thi. kind oi derauc?nicnts. ir n.-ty U- rciipi umn sure Uikt t-ia-ctive remedy, and tiid We tVr'l ptr;ni-Tt'i t d i e m!1 civ ATHOt'SANONAiJES, cs iT-y-( at cures i i ;iis distrtjti ni elasi of complaints. Sec iirtni'.'i'.t. AH I ri-ken cl'nvu, i!etnh:.iu(l c"riifctilutioin ir-tiii ti:t 4-ttrci ni nit rctiry, wiil fitut the brncing p-wer ol firtit'lc to eot i in hum i mtcly, and Uie pc.AoiVMii. imneral ernJ.cutcU l'roni t'if h -i-Umii. KKL PT1VE DISEASES ill find the nUiMtiTiv irttpertiei oi this article. l'UJUFV THE BLOOD. and driven riK-b tlnensi'S from the sybtem. Heo pamphlet t tesiiiiKniy ot cures in a,iaisfasi.'s, which l ie units of an advertisement will n t permit to lie iinimsl here. Agents ive them awuy i they contain a pages of toruficitrs ut ich elmracter, and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF f the virtues of a medicine, never Appeared. U is one of ttic pecuMaf icatures ot this urucie Uvit it never tarn to neiKTH in nny rate, nun u ifnc uiki niu&cie are ten 10 uuua up ti U-t the eniaoiutcd rud lintceini; invalid find kep taking the metlu ine as 1 ng at there la an im rrjvetnent. I he ri inetrr wmiM a uumber of articles which came out under the a SAPSAPAHTLLAP, SVRITPS, kC.y s cures f r lropsr, (iruvil. Ac.: They are good for no and coucix-'e;! t kuII lhe iinwarv; TOLXH THEM NOT Their inventors never thought of curini such diseabee till this article !nd (Put it. A purlieu lar study of the pan.- hlft is eurncftl B Wicitttl. A cents and '1 who sell the article ure CLAD TO CIRCULATE frm:uit'Ui!r. Pat un in JO on. bonles, at 6i ; 13 os. do at M euch the larger nojitiii; d is. luorelban two small luit tles. L'f'k out and cet imiiosl tiirm. Kvery Kutla has Vanirliii's VeuetiiMe Lilbmlnntie Mistnre,1' blown upou lhe uiiuai. the ui'itU'il scnuture o .li. C. Vauehn1' on the direetioiiR and Mr. C. Vauuhn, Iludulu," stumiM-d on the rlt. None iither nre aenuine. frenareil by lii. O. C. Vaushn, and frid at the Vnneiul Oineo, 17 atain street, Biidjln, at whuhfeula mid retail. No attentiiui K'vn to let. ters unless p-ist uaid "rders from regularly vtaistitutad Aeenis exretiu'u; ptnii pant letters, or vensii iviirunumea. tion. wilieiiuij sdviee, promptly ulleuded to aratia. 'iir-. ucvok'u ear.usiveiv LU Uie baio in ini. aniri Ifr3 N'ussaikst. New Yorkchv: Qt llieist.HAleia. !lasa.: ami by tiie prim'iil lnigt.'iu Uinmyiuiul the L ulled Stales pin, muuiii, mm Aiirnia. List nf A nils. (itorrs ft m. Wholesale Airrlit Plnlodel phiuJ. V, FrUiiig. buuburylsaau Gearliart, Haiinmruv. ' . A. viyem, l.evil,uri!-.H. I.SUeater, Mllfn Hayes k MeConulck, MiKwcnsville Miss McCoy, Norlhumber. Apiil 1, Kr.y ijpi UM SHOES tot Centleinen and Lsxlies.jost XH received ajia tor sale by - a. MAUSER, . buBhiuy, Uoc2. 1618.. of a very superior quality for sale bv. U. UAsMER. Siutbury, Dec 3, 1841 e verv by our familv physician ; hot r rtun;u:ly 1 whs re c mnciified by u Iritad to try your .irsaAriiia. Hl 're bavins used ue W.ttle tiie recovered tpee'b and euuliif J to W illi ul'iiie. to the n;t tuisliiuuMt . f ull ii were aouumle4 wilii tlic cireumsLunees. rhe id now quiie we.l, and in much V.r-nrr In-.-ilfh than she hns been f r lb m 'inl.s pas.. JOtfKi'U TAVLOH. 18 York St., Br wk ya. TWO CHILUKKN SAVED. Very few famines in-leed in fact we have n-u her.rd of one that used Dr. T 'Wnsend's r:iis'i;iiilla in time, 1 si any children the pa Sununer, while tlnse that did iwt, sicktni'd and died. The eerrificute we puhlith belw is conclusive evidence of i:s value, and is only an uher instance cf ils savin? the lives of children : Dr. Towssknd lJear fcfir : 1 had two children cured by your ftimnurilla i f the summer eomphiiil and dysanrary ; one was eniy 1J mouth old ami tha uther 3 yeirs. T:ity were very much reduced, and we expected they would die ; they were piven up hy twi respectuble physicians. When the'dtwtur nifornied us that we must lose them, we res li ved to try your Marsaparilla we had heard so much of, but had little' couudeuee, there being s much slutf advertised that is worthless : but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of b 'th. I write this tliat oth ers may ba induced to use it. . Yours, respectfullv. juii.i, jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1S7. TO TIIE LAIMLS. OK EAT rE.MAIJi MEDICINE. Da. Towmsexii's SiBssriBii-tA is a sovereicn and speedy cure tor incipient e msumplioti. and f the general prfftra- ti-ai ot the system no matter wneiner trie result hi inhe rent cause or vauacs, iroduce.t by irregularity, illness or ac ciueiu. Nuthius cun be m re sumrisine than us luvMrratint; ef. ! feels on the human frume. Pervxis all we.ikiiisj Bud las- i situde, from takiui? it at once lice. nue r ibiist and lull of energy under its luuiionoe. It immediately C'lUuterueu tha uervelesMicss of the icmula frame, which is the great cause Darreiuu-ts. It will not be expected of us, iu cases of so delicate s na ture, to exhibit ccrlittrtitrs of cures performed, but we eau assure the aiilicted thai hundreds of cases have been rcpor- leo i i us. Vttf Iow.sK.n: My wile la:iuir areutly distressed by we:ikni-SH uml general debility, uud anltWiotj o ailiuually by pui.l and with other dlllicultica, mid haviuif kil mi cases WUeru your umjicuir iui. L-uneieu yrrtui cure.; aim ais heariiiff it reuojniuended lor auch cases as I have described, I ontaiued a b dtle of y ur t'.xirutrt tif H.irsaurilut aud fid lowed lhe direct! his you save me. In a short peri id it reinovetl her e anpluiuts sad restored her to health. Being greatiul f r the bem-hts she rweived. 1 laka iileasure iu Uius ackuuwledgiug it, and rec muncudiiur it to the public .11. U. IMl'WUJi Albany, Aug. 17, '4t. eor. Grand k. Lyd.a sts. DYHl'KrsiA. No fluid or medicins lias ever liceu discovered which so nearly resembles lhe gastric )uice or saliva iu decant. uig fisid and slrenelheuuii; the orgtiuaof digestion as this i-e-paratiai of taaraapai ilia. It positively cures every cue uf dyspeusiu, however severe chrome . ' Hiuik Dcnarlineul, Albanv, May 10, IMS. . Dr. Townsend Kir : I uava beeu aiilicted for several years with dysiajpsia iu ils worst form, attended with a au nesa of atuuiaca, Lssiaf pieiite, extreme heartburn, and a great averst.m to all kinds of lo t, and for weeks, (what I could eat) I have heeu unable to retain but a small portion on uiy sloiaarh. I tried the usual remedies, but Uiey had hut little or no effeet iu removing the complaint. I was in ducd. abwt two innuths since, to try yiair Kxtruct of Sar saiiardla, snd I niu.t say with little airelcuee i but alter using nearly two batten, I fiaiiid my amxtite reska-eil aud tlia heartlairn amirely rem ived; aud I would eariioatb- r eomniend the usees It to thoas win have been sttlieted as I have been. Yours, k.., W. V. VAN ZANDT. Ageut for Sunl ury JOHN V. FHIIJNG; Nor thumberland, MABY A. McCAYl Oauvilsa, W'M, A. MURRAY Co, . Apiiiai, U4i. s TO THE LADIES. ladies of mle complexion and consumptive habits, and such as arc itebiliatcd by those obstructions which females aie liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom vitror. It is by far tiie best remedy ever discovered for weukly cliildreii, ami such ns have bad homors ; being plenum, they f' it. it immediately reiTes the appetite, btreneth uud color. Nothint; can l.e moia surprising than its iuviiroratipe ef fects on t)-e h'luian frame, lrs lis, all wetikuess and las silui'.e before taktuix it. at cm e become robust and full of cnerp' under its iudueiiee. It immediate counteracts the uervelecsiieLS of the female frame. Ct'TION. Be careful and see that you get the genu iue Dr. Dbakk's I'axacba it has the sieuatuTe of Geo. P. SioKRa on the wrapper and also the iuuneiDB. Prakb's 1 A NACEA. rillLA." I! V 11 III lite gt'lSS. Prepared only by Siobus ft Co., Druggists, No. SI North. Sixth N., Plillndelphin. Aaent for Satiburv II. MASSER. S,ild also by Wm. A. Mi iieax At Co., Danville H. SttAir rs, Milton; 'Mast McCov, Northumberland j E. l'.Lutx, Bloomsliuig. Apiil I, mii ly Philadelphia do do Jo do Pyott, pri.) Townmlu Itedford Reaver llnriWuirg Washington llnllifonio PitubtitR I'itlaburR Fnyeile cn. f irecnrastle Harmonv HiiiitinRtlon mi stile I.pnistown nos.ile Wnrien Uiindnff Now Hope Milton Meads ille Port Carbon OarlUle Montrose l.'nionlown Greensburg failed no sale close. 1 t'loFOi! C'losi'll no i-nla failed filled filled no sale tailed no sita closed j no sale j clnst'il l failed ; closed failed closed Pictorial ltfiiloii or d'iuliltrnc'tt pi out TfVoi k on tlio IttMormallon ( V THF. SIXTF.F.XTH CENTURY IN GF.R. V MANY. SUT1 ZF.P.I.A.N I). Will BiBMiNoiiAM, Oakland Co., Dec. 13, 1S41. Sir vou wish me in inform yon what I know of Dr. Ow ond's India Chnlnggue, or anli-hilious meilicine. I do believe that if the virtue uud elTieney of this medicine were geiiernliy ku vu, the tvvek and aocb would disaptieur in .du'ltltt.ltl. I pr mired a bitile in the anting of I'll, and Invegm,! reaiiin to latlicve that myself and fmniiy ewajicd the at;ue j Perhnjs in r.n stunMv.r since the Sentiment of tins fine Mifche.l or. or iilioiil lh UI I Apiil nciit'isntn. his the (rvrr riH wrue hr-t-ii nrevulent as it.e I JO A M KhL. INo U0 I liry tl last. 1 tKivr r.T -nimnii.lsril tnis'inf in iinmTons m sfnurfs, s. if! thft discAsi :sit lecin)1 tixed nnd bailiM the 'rii!l of p'l.yticif'.ns; n!il 1 hnvn never kn rn il tail. I. has. iinivtrs.lly pr iWH th n st happy frTc ts, ami 1 bet lieve it his never Itecn exert-iM !y nny medicine in rcmi ving the l)iti ms dtscascs ot' the rlima.e. Yonrt. resjictli'iilly, STHPinN V. II. TKOWBU1DGE. Apentf-r Ktmhurv II. IV MASHER: nrthnm1er!iii.l. WiTillNOTOM .V Ca ; .Miitoiu J. U. HASLH : beliiis- gr.-vrt, MAV KLOKK. Mn 0, IMS tt OAKFoiars UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. C II A It L K OAK FORD, So. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Wouli! res fctfully iovile attention In his superior stylo of iinis .f mtluiiin. I31R, which will be found I be most ifilet-i eier b nlli r. d In the e onioiiHii'V . lis iicin'itir firm render, it the more il. sira' l , as i combine sll tho I'aseu'i.Vs of dura, btlny HiiiinoBine-K, requisite in that aitn le nf I'res wbitla hi incietisi d f o iltliei in in in inufaclurilif will all ihe imi r vemi nu. rnahl.'s It i in lo Challaooi! Tilt V naiii in jirduco a better H-i. (uiiiinr.s'a Famct Hats aud Cats or ths I.atksi Monr.. l lieB gomia hato la en se'ei b d w tb (real c re. ami will tie f.iiuul in si heiutilul ini C'i. i n in their -ly 1, Anus' I'niiKu Hat san Cam of K stirs LT w I'sTTKim.. Great care hna '.'. n In atow. eil in coiistiiirtn g these smres t h -t I hey nisy til ieif. til) ea-y ami bum a (ran fnl ie r rce. CHARLES OAKFORD. 104 Chestnul si. a lew door, above Tl ini. l'hiUilelihia. Kcj tenibsr 30, June 3 1, 1848 ly he ISIS, by above 6th, hts .pleni'.nt Initio edition of Ihe above named upik, wilh IS enslaved illiisttutions from on. t ma I designs; 4 vols in 2, bound in eatra clolh and library sheep , The publisher respetlfnlly rails the attention of the liuile nnd Ihe public (eneially, to this work bi-ing the only illustiaied edition published in the United Slates lie (rusts that thit biaul) of its embellishments, ttw Hionst and siibnanlial manner in which it is bound, in conjunction with the known popularity nf the work itself, will be a sure recommends! ion to public favor. JOS. A SPF.F.L. 90 Cherry st above 6lh. J. A. S haa also lately published, a new and beautiful F.dnion of Serxeant Bell's Rare Show, a suitable book for children, neatly done up in xtra cloth. Philadelphia, April t, 1S4S JACOB KECK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WI.K AXD LIQI OR UBALER. Ifa S93 Market Slrttl, Btluw Eighth, Kurth tide. i'ttlLABsLrHIA. Keeps constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, viz : Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin, &c. Also white brandy fn, preser ving, Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy. I'biladelubia, June 3, 18-18. ly WINDOW GLASS, 8 by 10, for sale t v HENRY MASTER. Soaay, Jaa t7lb, 1840- at , CUTLERY. AN nien-ive Stork nf Tucket and Table CUT l.EUY, for sale hy "CHIT 1C. CCLZ1.1T, A'm. S3 and 3:1 ARCADE, ami 8i North 7 HI HP Stnrt, Comp i-ting 50('0 dozen renknivri, Sciss ,rs am1 R nors. Also, choice sssoitinenl of & Hons, Wos'ei holinV, (5fsve.'s, W, aV 8. Uulcber'e and Feiuiey's Cutlery, Also, Kpaniah, Diik and Hunting Knives. Al-o, fioii, I' sio's. an I liowie Knives, Ala , Tlit Anuria. n Kuziir Simp, suprrioi article, svoMy I lie atu ntion nfl)e tiers Cash Dealers in Cnlleiy, i I find the above Sio,k wuilby Ihejr stteniion, ibe Suicribi-r' chief I'tis'iie.. a irn...ritiif snj sejlins: eulbiy. I'll il.d.l. hia, June luih. 1848 ly-. Phil.uli'lphia fav. Ins, Philadelphia Loan Go. irlim Ikill (Sav. Ins. Keu-ineoti rav. Ins. A Penn Townsliip S iv Ins. Manual Labor liana ( T. W I'owaoda Hank Mlrshany Hank of P. II ink of llravcr II ink of Swatara Uatili of Washington ' I'enire I'tink City Unnk l-'arineri' 4 Mei bVs' Hank Farmers' &. Merh'ce' Uanlt Farmers' A- Merh'ca lltink Hnrinonv Insiituto HittilliiKilor. I'nttk Juniata 1'aiik Lumbermen's Unnk .Northern ljank of I'n. Ni w Hope U. l. P.riilce Go. Xorlhtimh'd I'nioii Gol. Itk .Ninth Weelern Uank of Pa. Illt'u-p of Schnylliill Hank I'n. Aur. iV Mtinuf. lisnk Silver Lake Uank I'nion Bank nf Pcnn'u. estmnrelatnl Bank VVilkecbsrre Bridge Co, Wilkcsbarre no sale (jj- All notes puriairtine; to be on any Pennsyl vama Bank not Riven in Ihe above list, may he set lowtt as frauds. sew .inn sky. tt.ntk of ISew lliunswick Brunswick failed tielvideie Bank Belvidrre J 'litilnipion Cn, Bank Meilford par ;.iniinercinl Bank Perth Amboy A 'umla-rland Bank llridt;etnn psr ?aiini r' Bank Mount Holly par ?rmrra' and Mechanics' Bk Hahway i r'arnicrs' ami Mechanics' Ilk X. Btunswick failed Karnn'ra and Men-haul.' Bk Middletonn 11. Frnukiiii Buik of N.J. Jerev Gity fail, tl ILil-oki'ii Bkg& lii.izmg t'o Hohoken failed leisi y I'llv LI ink Jersey Gity failed Mi-iii.niiis' B uik Patterson failed Mduuf.iciuri rs' Bank Belleville failed Morris t-'oiiiity Bank Mornstown Monmoutli Bk nf K. J. Freeh ild failed Micltanus' Bank New.irk i Mi-rliaiiirs' and Mtinuf. Bk Trenton par Morris ('anal and Bkg Go Jeraey Gity no sale 1'oi.t Notes 00 sale Xetvsrk like ct Ins i".o' Newark i New Hope Uel Undee Go" V .1. ManuftiC. ai d Bkg o N .1 1'ioi' Cion & Irnnire B mk I'au-r.on Bank ;, iVopies' Hank i'riiicelon Bank Salem Banking Go State Bank .State Uank Slate B.ittk State Utink of Morris State Bitnk Salem und Philad Manuf Go Susaex Hank Trrnton lUnking (!o (.'nion Bank Washinulon Bankini Co. DEUWAKG. Ilk of Wilm i Brainlywine Wilmington Hank nf Delaware Uank of Smyrna Ho bianco NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masscr, 1TAS just received nt his store, in Sunbury, nn asanttmotit of the cheappt Goods, that ever came to tho place, consisting of OilY GOODS, GROCERIES. LIQUORS, tec. French black Cluihs, Casiinett, ftc. Cali- cors. of excolleiit qnulity and colors, price C to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 6J, cents. Th'-si" nre not the low priced trash articles usually soi l. Muslin deLninea. of tine qual ity und pittorns IS. Handsome Terkeri nml olher Shawls nnd various other articles. The public nre requested to call and judge for themselves. Sunbury, -Nov. 18, 18-18. lS3 OB 2 9 S3 SUMMER AM) WIXTEll COOKING STOVES. THE nb vc. Si 'VP. whi' li in eqim!!y well udapted to Woo4 or C'tuil. lets "t't'ivi-d silver intxittls at Uie fsirt of the AnuTirun liii,iitnti. rv Vnrk : o( the Mrlwnic(i' ImU lutr. H sttni; ni ilie Fnuiklin Institute, Philadelphia; aiid ol the .Mr't'liiMiiiV liu'liliil', Wilmititoti, Urluwure. It i.i (MiHilile. if prniKTiy uei, n ei'iinjf nmre work, with Ifsn ini.!, than nuy oiIkt St ve yet otrertil to the public : in Ti'ini'M it will w:irtn the luriTvtt kitchen, while in iu miner, with the hi 1 1 nn ur tlr- atttrhwl it thrown ont no more h -nt thmi a fhnre 'ill luriuirr; am! lorh-Mhnp, broilimr, bm lann, "r rtsjiMimr, il ct'iinot be atirpawed by any other l4tov, open firo, brn-k li 1 ICUM M KN OATH INS. Certificate of the of tiik MErn&Mict' IntTi- TtlTE, H05TON. AVe, lhe miliKfrilwrr. bein cliotfi-u Jutlpet by the Mim clmflett tyhuvitaltle Mei-hniiicB' Anctatioii in Uaton. on nt vti. runners, r;iiipi!t. Vc. would iiiionu the public, that after teniinir nil tiie cikint? itove I hut were put into the Fuir br extnliilion. mii'I Miinir etich nuiii iimtuipe hia own Wnve with tiie wmie kind of con!, in older to aacertain wiiK'h woiilii d' tiie Kline work with the leiuti fttei in the sn tne time, .nnd do it l"nt, wc find thut Stewart Patent Summer mid Winter Atr-Titrld Cimkuut Stove, nuuiofurtur cd bv lite p itciitec. of Troy, N. Y.. to he the brat, ua il took but il minuren to UmI t wo'ealloua of w tit ft and hake biicnit in the rune titti'1. tmd broil beef Bteak, and all ikme in the bt-Ht innnner with r'ven (iouikIa of conl, in thirty miimtea from lhe imm the fire war. put into the atnve. To which we nwardfd tlic sii'-'-r inctiul. JAMl-X'iOl A WAITFn CORNEL!, THOMAS MOl i-TOX, A. u. 1. 1 1 lib. K, end JA.MKS PACK. JcnoEi. The anbtcriberx rtpeetfully invite the ut tent ion of eonn trv dealt-15. to one of tin lariretit and be4 eelected atock of fltov-H. c cr iHWed 111 this city, among which ere the foil-win? : HdHCS, Screen Cylrnders. Oven Slovei. Wabington Air-Tight Cooks. S. J. MKGAHGEE & CO. IMPORTING AD C OMMISSION MEKCHANTS, , it And Dealers in Paper, and Paper JuanvJatliA- fere Materials. No. 33 Commerct at., PHILADELPHIA. T7EEP constantly on hand a larga assort mrnt of printing and other rapT News wnrs in th country, can ba auppiisd tl timss, srita paper of any sin tud qoalits-, tha lovrsst pricss. ' Pbtlarlrlphia. Jaas ITtk, M 4 lv IS Newark l.smlM'rtsville Hohoken niniisnl lk Jeraey City Orange Pstersoti ilu Prtiirelnn 8jlpm Newark Elizahelhtown ('amilen Mnrristown Trpninn Salem Newton Trenton Dover Hsrkenssck V ii I c ti n Kitrckns Lsri; Oven Albany Willis do do do do do do do do do do do Wilmington Smyrna Mtllord Kstnuls' Ilk of Bun uf D-l Dosri )o branch WilminKton Do liranih tieorget.iwn Do lirsnib Ntmeistle I'nion Unnk WilmingUin gj" I'niler 5 s j tU On sll Lanka mstked thus () there are ei, hr rounio'leil nr altered notes nf the various da. .ninifistirtMS. in itrrnlsiinri. failed i failed A par par par 1 fnilcd failed k par failed par par par par par Mir psr par par A Tiiiii'ssao UiiilsRs Htvsp ASHBV & ROCAP, mid Cap Itlanuiacturers, &mlh East Cornrr nf Alh aud Murket Si reft, Bavmtnt story. THIIiASBLFHI Ai HAVE ri'naiant'y n hand a full and eomplete aasonniint of HATS, CAPS, and I'URS. Als i sn eb caul scorlm'nt nf aena' siiil boys' Inborn, Psnaina. and Pslin-leaf Hat. All of i ich htr aavinv of f 1000 in rent, will ha aolJ, whnle-l and retail, at iba ry In west prices. Counuy dealers woul.l dii trell lo call, as hy e ennoiny and low lent, we ere enaliled lo sell et very loss raise. June 10th, 1M-Iy .. . . C. BBNIEERT. BOOT MAKIR No. 40. : Soith FouaTn Stibct, Aann CoBarrvcT, .McGregor Mammoth Premiums Conk S oves. National Air-'t'iht Cooks. Pai lor Stoves. 100 Louis Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. 150 Charles the 1st Aii-Tight do 20(1 Lnily VashiiKton, Air-Tigbt Parlor. 130 Washington Air-Tight do .ino McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight Coal Staves, burning three days without atten- tinn. For sale wholesale and retail by North. Harri. son & Co. No. 3M) Market street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, July ISth, 1818' FEVn AND AGUE!! I OTH0 ROUGHLY ERADICATED. BY ROWAND'S TONIC MIXTTRB ! ! TrUT great National, Old Favorite. and 8ter-. A ling Remedy ! ! of EIGHTEEN YKARS-. STANDING still unapproached in its wonder-, ful surcess, certainly, and aaf.ty, in the cuatf txw. V. RFTCHFD COMPLAINT '. ! ! ll you would escape the arsenical (jssiwi.. nus) counterfeits take not a bottle from anftnt, that is n it trunrirVrf by te ' written tinatmre"'' of the original inventor and proprietor. Jbiaai Jb.: Rowand, on a paper label, eroising ii sbsTUbvV. and C'ire. This remedy has never been bolsreredi Ofifcy false ant! decei ful puHs, but has won it. wayrte the confidence and unive'ral srlo(itiou of theisVi habitants of Fever sno Ac.u DsSTSioTajWiTflv' GOOD WOKK.S.1ND FRUITS ALONE, te. which all the agents, an'l every, ptrsau wvo hsr used it, well testify. PROPRIETORS OFFICE. H3 Arc'j Street' Philadelpbi. Aosnts for Km bnry la,n: Clement, . W. Friling. H. Mtsser and Geo. Bright. Ananrs for NorthiimberlandForaytrie, Wil. ion & Co., R W. M'Cay, August S, 18J.8--eow Wardrobe of FaNhlbtmbU. CLOTHING, J. W. & E. U. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE',- No. 19 Market 5rf. Fir.t Clothing store be. i'iiw Sixth, Philadelphia. r7HERE they are constantly engaged in get ting up from the best French, English end American c oth. clothing cut and made up in the most superior and fashionable aty'e, Persona who buy to sel', will find large and excellent stock at the lowest city prices. C othing male up to order, in superior style at the ahorteat notice. N. B Odd Fellows Regalia, a large aasort ment alwaya oa hand. Orders from Lodgea and individual promptly attended to on the most rea. sonable terms. Phi'ade'pbia, June 3, 1848 It, af. Jo GRESXTOtJOH (Late Keller a. Grstenaurh.) PATENT ATTORNEVi and MBOHAxrioAX. awooraSl Washlngrton,D.C. DRAWINGS and par for the Patent Oiitoe, prepared nd all the neceseary bu bines, ia rektion to aaouriiig patent, trans acted, aud promptly attended to. ea lheir tf. fice opposite the Pateot Offic. . -Octaber !, UU.