SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. rntDE. Bltraete bM a Seraasa, br SralsU. Next to leaving a man "without God In the world," cut off from every source of joy and hope, a proud heart embitter! his whole life, in reference to the happiness earth is appointed to convey. A. proud man has a high estimate of himself, of his merits, and of the deference due him in which he will find no one else acquiescing, far or near. Ho may search the world over, and not another one shall be found, who values him, as ho values himself. And therefore every one he meets, wrongs and injures him by detracting from his merits ; by robbing him of virtues and good qualities which he Icnmcs ho pos sesses; bowing net at his shrine ; canting no incense upon the altar of his vanity; but pas sing him by ss one among thousand other common men. And thus circumstanced, he goes forth into the world, like Ishrnael, with his hand against every man, and every man's hand against him. In every one he finds u foe, and chafed and bitter feelings, or open strife and contention, are his daily portion, clouding the whole life, over which the chris tian grace of humility might have shed a holy calm and a heavenly joy J Oh ! that the proud man could be taught to feel, that the malignant spirit which tracks him through out life, mingling gall with every cup of joy, and embittering the most promising pleasures, is one born in his own bosom, and there nest led and nourished, till its insatiable appetite 'hath drained dry the fountain of peace, and its grim visage halh cast a pall upon every joy. And happy would it be for the rest of he world, were the proud lnan but one, a single individual to be at war with men, and make himself constantly miserable. Hut alas! for human nature, he may Hud his fel low wherever ho goes ; one who in his own estimation is as richly endowed with good qualities as himself ; one who is just as ex acting; and who demands the same tribute from all tohisgreat excellences. And mink, now, the unhappy ewise(ueiices of the con tact of such discordant elements. Peaee of mind, heaven's most welcome guest in the bosom of man, is rudely driven out, ami it becomes the arena for the wildest storms of the human passions, under which the unhap py victim is torn and lacerated in spirit us he w as in body, who was possessed of devils, and had his dwelling place in the tombs. And when we remember that men are all cast in the same mould ; that this placno spot, in a greater or less degree, has tainted us all, how universnl must be the evil conse quenees resulting from this indnlgnnce of our pride. Look out upon the strife and ill will, so prevalent in the human family. 1 e.ire not where they are found, and discover the hid den power that heaves and tosses the angry waves of contention arouml us. Lay bare the surface, lift out the extraneous circum stances probe tho festering sore to the bot tom ; and pofrnf cause of man's enstrnnge ment from his fellow man, of the heart sick ening discord, that prevails nmong children nf the same father, and of the same house hold of faith ; their inborn pride of heart. It js this that magnifies every insult and injury fbur-jrpld; that liuds an under current of ill will, ana a purpose of malignity in those who have never harboured towards the unhappy man an unkiY'd thought. It is this tha' sharpens a hasty or harsh word, in the mo mentary heat of a known und tried fiend, in to a keen and cutting weapon. It is this that vhtls the gentlest rebuke, (no matter how svell merited,) into a pointed gnod. It is this that gives its edge to the sno.s'r and the taunt, and that mingles worm-wood at'd gall with life's overflowing cup of joy. Oti ' unhappy man ! that thyself must inarr the Jiarniony and happiness God hath made thy portion. Is this life so long, thai thou can'st nbrijije its appointed years of peace and of joy, nun give them up to strife and contention 1 Ate there not sorrows enough incident to this na ture, groaning under the curse of sin and death, that thou must needs multiply thy share and deal them out with an unsparing hand to all around ? Cease thus to thwart tho purposes of thy creation. Go no longer forth to sow thorns and thistles in the fair garden, God hath ap pointed for this abode. But clothed in that meek and lowly spirit of Him who for our sakes was made a pattern of humility, be it thy care to spread ilowers in the pathway of thy fellows, and peace and joy upon the care worn face of the sons of sorrow and of want. Be it thine to pour oil upon life's troubled waters ; to lay the gentle hand of love upon the chafed and fretted spirits of thy com panions and thy care. Be it thine to find out and bind up the bruised and broken hearts that other men's violence has made to bleed, and by true sympathy, by words and deeds of kindness, to share with them the burdens pnessing them down to earth, thus fulfilling the law of Christ, and shewing thyself a true child of the high and lofty one, w ho w hile he beholdelh the proud afar off, dwelleth for ever with him that is of a contrite and hum ble spirit. YjaeitLE Police. The Chester Republi can is firing away at the Philadelphia police, for allowing simple-minded persons to be la ken in by the "drop game." It has the fol lowing paragraph, which, if true, does not set the police of this city in a good posiiion George B. Zell, one of the West Chester r unenis. had his pocket picked last week between the Inclined Plane and Philadelphia, .if nhniit aeventv-flve dollars. The city po- lice, on being informed of the robbery, slated that they knew the thief, but would not ap prehend him unless Zell would advance some fifty dollars for their trouDie. A World on Fie. Lieut. Maury, Super intendent of the National Observatory. Wash. ington, says in a late address "It may be that theta is bow, at this very time, in' the firmament above, a world on fire. Argus, a well known star in the southern hemisphere. has suddenly blazed forth, and from s star of the second or third magnitude, now glares with U brilliancy ol the first. 6ia c'i baa been deputed by the faetwiiwtsof MwUeal to bear their peti tiou for the recall of Lord Elgin, to Queen Vjn'eria. "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &REMN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. rPHE subscribers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort mcnt of every quality and price of UAMNI2T-WAJIE, which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, mado up of the best stuck to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of their ware, and tho subscribers arc determined to keep up with the many improvements which arc constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sola. Divan nncl Lounges, Bureaus, secretaries, Sftefcoarts, SOFA, BRBAKFAST ASD DIKING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS', TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, everv article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had In 8uiibury, such as Muinotst, Walsi-t akii CrnLto Mint Greciax ; asp Wixnsnn CHAIUS5, AKorANt'T Piaso Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The suliscribcrs arc determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained alioui the quality and finish of their ware and Chnirs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvnicnt for work. IT" UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. ' The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL H A AS. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1810. tf Instate of John Ienyl, dee'd. ftj OTICE is hereby trivon. that letters of Ad lt ministration on the estate of John Pcnsyl, lute of Sliiiiuokin township, dee'd., has been granted to the suliscriliers. All persons knowing them selves to be indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having cluims are requested to present them for examina tion and settlement. JOHN PENSYL, ) . , . LEONARD PENSYL. AUra " Shamokin tsbp., April SI, 1819. Ct CENTRE TUHNI'IKE KOAD, Lending from IS cadi ii to Nil ii bury. 'T'lIE Stockholders are hereby notified, that an election for officers of said hoard, will be held at the bouse of James Lee, in Northumberland, on Wednesday the 4th day of June next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A.M., and 3 o'clock P. M. J. R. PRIESTLY, President. Northumberland April 28, 181'J It The Clienpest anil Most Splendid Assortment of WATCHES AND .IISWEU.Y .V PHILADELPHIA, so. t lewis i-.inmn s. n. 413 ! MA HKET STREET, 1 413 A FEW HOOKS ABOVK ELEVENTH, NUIITII SIDE, HAS just received by lute arrivals from the numt celebrated Manufacturers of Europe, a magnificent and judiciously selected assortment of COLD AND SILVER WATCHES, which he will sell rnr.Arr.ii than any other estab lishment in the United States. Among the as sortment will be found : (told Levers, JKk. cases, full jewelled $36 Silver Levers, lull jewelled, 15 (jold I'Epines. 15 k. esses, jewelled, S3 Silver I'Epines, jewelled, 10 " (juurtier Watches. 4 to $10 Silver Tea Spoons, cquul to coin, per set 4.50 " Desert, ' " " " 10.00 " Table, " " " " 15.00 Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jewellrv, Ac., &c, tie. (iOLD CHAINS, ol" various styles, from the best Manufacturers. ti" J 'lease preserve this advertisement, and call LEWIS LADOML'S'8, No. 4 13 MARKET STREET, above vewtii, North Side. ltr" I have Ciold and Silver Livers still cheaper than the above prices. It?" A literal discount made to trie trade. April 14, 1649 3.-ii JYolicc. ffllllE partnership, heretofore existing under the A name of "Di-wartAc limner," having been dissolved, the subscriber announces to the public that he will continue the practice tf the law at the office formerly occupied b said firm, in the Borough of Sunbury. Business entrusted to him will be promptly uttcuded to. CHARLES J. BRUNER. Sunbury, April 21, 1819 3iuo Notice AS the subsrrilier is done selling at Auction, he requests ull those who have not complied with the conditions of sale, to rail immediately and do so. He hasstill some MOLASKh'S, l'LASTEK. &r., 011 hand, which he will sell low. As the store is closed, customers will (ilease cull at the house. CHAS. . DOG AH. Sunliury, April 7, 1819. if Cotton Yarn. Cotton Curpct Chain, Cotton La)is and Waddint;, Col I on Outlines, Heady made Pantaloons, lveudy made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, just received for sale by II. MASfEK. Bunliury, Pec. 3, IMS. fpEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin J. I ca Company, r or sale tiy J. W. FISILING. Runbury, Dec. S, 1818. BAY ItL'M An eicellent article for sale l,y HKNRY MABSEK. Sunbury Jan. STth, 1819 tf. OLASTEIt, lot for sale by C. 8. BOGAR. Hunbury Jarl. 80th, 1849. tf. ffAR IRON of all kinds for aale low, at the store of C, 8. UOCiAlt Suubuiy Jan. 80th, 1613 tf. PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison! writing and Indcllihlc ink, Cotton yam and Iniw, just received and for sale by J. W. VEILING. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1848. "QLANK BOOKS An aaaortment of Blank Books, just received and aale by J II. MASTER. 8unbur", D' i 1'48 CAPS. An assortment just received. Also, ilk HATS at $225, for aale by IS U . It. siAnbn, Bunbury, Dee., 1848. MADD'S celebrated Horse end Catlle Medi- WJ cine for aale by HENRY MAStEK (Junbury Jan. 87lh, 1849 if. JUSTICES' BLANKS FOR I ALE AT THIS OFFICS. LXVSXl COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OP THE KIDNEYS, JJnd all diseases miring from a ditordertd Liver or Stomach in both Male and Female : Such Constipation. Inward piles, Fnllntss or Bkxxi to the Head, Acidity nf the Htonsieh, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust lor Food, Fullness or weight in the rMntnaeh, Sour j-.rucisuoua, musing or 1 (uttering aitnennoi me ctwiwwi rWirmniui of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Wreathing, Fluttering at the Hirt, Choking or Rnffieoling eeiisuli'nis witen in m lying pasture mmne.a ot vision, i neiore me jigui, r ever aim ami pnin in inc new,, ,,v..v.-.,.- ... e r : :. ; ... .. . . . J .1. ul;. I.' ...... I'm in J ol l, 1 etlowness Hi II1U cum .'-, in the Side, Hack. Chesl, Umlsi, e., Sufklcn flushes it and great depression of Spirits Can bo llcetualljr cured by ID?.. EOOFLAITD'S Celebrated German Hitters. Their power over the abovs diseases Is sot excelled if euunllnl by any iShor preratii In 'hen" ",' in the mires attest, in many eases aHer skillful physiciuns kind fulled. . . e Demug- inent of the IJvcr and Stomach are mircre of Insunilv, nnd will also produce disease 01 the Heart, Won, Lungs mid Kiilnivs, and hivs th Usly opentn an attack 01 the I'h'Nrni. Ilili his. or Yellow Fever, and is grnmilly the first enuic 01 Unit 111 'St bruielul disease, I'onsuinptiun, Opinions of the Philadelphia Press. "THE DISPATCH." Deeeuilwi .Ht says: AN l.VAl,t:AHI.K .lKDHi.K. Wctinvc frequently lii urd the CelebmlMl tieniuill Millers, niuinuaclurid b Lit. ll xillluml. spoken "I i" terms of ci.tnmiinkti n. mid we know deservedly s . It nu tno cmiiiimn practice, in cer tain quarters. In pull' nil umnlicr nf lixclcmi trash, hut in the Hlmvc Hitters. Iiiiuilriil, arc living witnesses of Ilicir greut in irul und plivsicn! ninth. As u medicine of llic Liver t'tiitiplaiiit, Jiiumlicc, Nervous Debility und llSHsia. it has tieen biuiitl iuvuluable, eirecting cures und Hi, -r. niptilv eradicuting discuses, when nil other medicines hnve failed. tc feel convinced, that in the use of the German Hitlers, the patient dies not become debilitated, but constantly gains strenirih and vigor to the frame a fact worthy ot grent comiderati m. The Hitters are pleasant in tnsle and smell, and can lis administered uisier any circumstances, to the most delicate stomach. Indeed, they can be used by nil per sons nil h the m 'St icrfect safety. It w.mld be well f -t those who aro much effected in the nervous system, to commence with one lea M'ufnl or less, sisl grnitiudly in crease. Wc spenk from exH'rienee, and tire f c nirse, a prntr jmlffc. The press far and wide, have united in re commending the German Hitters, and to the niliielcd wc most coidiallv advise their use. SPIRIT OF THE TIM KS," June U 1 1 11 mtvs "I)t OtR r;ffI)t'l'ni:S'wlm nre invnlitla, kn-w llio ninny ntniiinliin cun-H ilinl lmve Ik uh pt-rt' itin-U by Dr. Hh'i)littnrn Ut'li-briilctl (icniuin J tit urn? IT tlicy () t 11 it. we rei -timti'm! tliem t"thr"t.iiTnntii Mrtliciim Slort",'1 nil whonrr ntHictcd with l.ivrr roni(iltiint, Jniiniticc, !) prtm, or XtTmits IMttlriy ; the Irt t tuisrurMl nmiiy ol our pihrim nfter tin It f "phj sicimn Imd t'nilr.1. AVr lm p tisfil limit. tiiHltlicy Intvr proved toleii meti(-iiiliiit every one duntWl kn iwnl', mitl wc mini-it rotntiti givmir our tes tim ny ju their ttivor, him! that whieh yivea them profit cr cluiin iiKn our tmnihlc Mlort, ihtv tire entirely Vegetable. "THE DAILY NEWS," July 4th my : "Wo spenk ktiDWtimly mi lr. Iln-tflniifl'irclpbnitrfi Gcr. rnmi Kilter, wlx-n we kiv it tun McFftiiiff oi ihi tipc; anil in' the biliary, ilijrtive mid .ServumSxntcmr. it hiiRiiot we think nu tijiuil. It i u Vitrehible lrepuniiiin, mill iimite without Ale mid t nil iuvalitls we would re c nuiueiid it 11 w Tthy their MnrMleiH-o. Kor rdo, wh'ih'foilo nutl reinil, at tlie principal I)cnt, f:i:ii.MA MKD1UNK STUKK, No. ST8 Uucu Street, Vhilndelphin. Fur mic by M. A. MeCAY, .Norttitimtierlnnd nml Sun burv nnd rtspeetuble dealers geiiertilly throughout the April 21, 110. ly THE X3INES OP C ALIFORM IA OUT DONE I FIXE WATCHES AXD JEWELRY. The Dlnmoml City of I'hllntlelphla Mill ilictult JACOU LADOMUS, 216 MARKET ST , 13EL0W EIGHTH, SOUTH SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. TS eonsianllv rccciviiiR from all the best Maim 1 fueturers of Europe, every style of FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. T7 Read this advertisement cut it out of the paper put it in your pocket, and call the first time you visit the city. Among the assortment will lie founj ! Gold Levers, IS k. cases, full jewelled, $!)0 silver Levers full jewelled, ... 15 Gold I'Epines, 18 k. eases, jewelled, 25 Silver I'Epines, jewelled, 10 " Qunrticr Watches. .... 4 to $10 Silver Tea (Spoons, equal to coin, per set, 4 50 " Desert " " " " 10 00 " Table " ' ' 15 oil Together with a splendid assortment of Chaste and Rich Jewelry, Ac, &c., Ac, Gold Chains of every variety and pattern at a sliirht advance ujiou the original cost. Examine them by all menus. The Trade w ill be supplied uioii the most advantageous terms. J. L A DOM 18, No. S10 MARKET Street, below Eighth, .South side, Philadelphia. April 14,1818 3 mo. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County, to me directed, will tie exposed to public sale on falurdav the 1 2th day of May, A. D. 1849, on the premises, the fob lowing property to wit! a certain undivided third part of a tract or piece of land, situated in Point township, Northumberland county, eontuiniim six ty-thrce acres and forty-two (icrchcs, adjoining lands of William Vankirk, Mrs. Nottrse, Eruncis Grady and Joseph Yttiikirk, late the estate of Henry Huusieker, dee'd. Sale to commence a.t 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day. Uy order of the Orphans' 1 'ourt. JAMES COVERT, Shr'fT. tSunbury, April 11, 1849. IS SADDLE & HARNESS MAKING. THE undersigned respectfully informs the public, that he has commenced tho above busi ness in Sunbury, and will con stantly keep on hand and niauulacture to order, at his stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to his hue of business. All articles manulactureil ly mm win uc nisuc in the best and most durable style, and at prices as reasonable as they can be had at any other estab lishment in the county. He therctoro respectfully solicits persons to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of pro duce taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at the market price. Al'GL'STL'S II. CLEMENT. Sunbury, April 7, 1819 cabinet" WARE ROOMS. flMlE subscrilier respectfully informs the public, I that be continue the manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all its branehss, at his stand in Market street in Munbury, and that lie lias now on hand a handsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on. at his old establishment, in Fawn street, the C II Mil M 4KIG m tilXCSS, In all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. All of which he will dispose of at prices as low at any esta blishment in the county. Hi lolig experience in the business, justifies hiih in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfactiofi, tnd therefore solicits from his customer e continuance of their patronage. la. II !.: )- t v.wA..m t-an . n whan.M SEBASTIAN HOUPT. Runbury, March 17, 1849. tf BRIGADE INSPECTOR. DR. J. J. UpdegrafT, offer himself to the elector of the lit Brigade and 8th division, a a Can didatc for the office of BRIGADE INSPECTOR, Should he be elected, he trust that a military edu cation, with considerable experience In military tactic, will enable him to discharge the duties of the office in a creditable and satisfactory wanner. Jackeon tahp., Mtrcb SI, 1849. Summer Arrangement PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL. ROAD, FROM PHILADELPHIA TO POTTSVILLE. CHANGE OF HOURS, and TWO TRAINS DAILY, each way, except Sundays ON AND AFTER MONDAY, April Sd, 1849 two train will run each way, daily, between Philadelphia and Pottsville. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily, except Sundays. Passes Reading at 10. 45 A. M. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. M., daily, except Sunday. Passe Reading at 9 10 A. M. The above Line stops at all way stations on the road as formerly. AFTERNOON LINE FAST TRAIN. Up Train Down Tiain. Leaves Philadelphia at I Leaves Pottsville at 2 2 J P. M., daily, ex P. M., daily, except cept Sundays. Sunday. Leaves Sch. Hnvcn 2,!7 " I'ort Clinton 3,00 " Reading 3,50 " l'oltstown 4.40 ' PhfTiiixvilie 5,00 Arrives at State Rd5,50 Leave rhccnikvillc 3,45 " I'ottstown 4,1 ft " Reading 5.C0 " Port Clinton 6.45 " Sch. Haven 0.10 Arrives at PottsvilleK.20 The Afternoon Train will stop onlr at the n- liovc nmned stations. Passengers for other points must therefore take the Morning Line. DEPOT in Reading, coroner of Chcsmit and Seventh streets. Passengers cannot enter the Cars unless provided with Tiekcts. Ltf " NOTICE. Fifty pounds of huggage w ill lc allowed to each passenger in these lines ; and passengers arc expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing appnrel, which will be at the risk of its owner. No freight will lie taken by these lines. By order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, Scc'rv. April 7, 1849. 2000 Pi 5 KMIU31 UL1XDS. It. J. WILMAI, NO. 12 NORTH SIXTH STREET, l'llll.ALIKl.l'IIIA. Vculllaii IIMikI and Vlmlo w Shade Maniilaclurcr. (AW A RUED the first and highest Medals at New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibi tions, for the superiority of his BLINDS, with con firmed confidence in his manufacture.) asks the attention of purchaser to his assortment of 20011 Blinds of narrow and w ide sluts w ith fancy and plains Trimmings, of new styles and colors. Also a large and cenenil assortment of TRANSPA RENT WINDOW .SHADES, all ol which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look eipiul to new. 'DEALERS .Sri'PLIKD on liberal terms, The Citizens of Northumberland County arc res pectfully invited to cull More buying elsewhere confident of pleasing all. rSTOPEN IX THE EVENINGS.; March 21, 1819. 3m Aycr's ('hern Pectornl, FUR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP ING COUGH. BROXCHlTHi AND CONSUMPTION. THIS vn I uu tilt jrcXirntion, a.1 tml jniHtiingtv niieccsnful in curiuit (jinruncfi tn the l.nnon, is ttir result i u skiil tiil coiiiuiiiiitii'ii nl llie known runitivu priiu iplej o( medicine. It itiffrtMliciit arc 1'rorly iiuhIc kiniw ii t the ni I. lie. uml tire I Ik mo nckiu'wltileni to nn-ilifal uu'ii ua pOflr-mnc riirt imiliml virtiu-n. which pttulinr virlues atr foiiiliiunt in the "ClIKUKY PKCTtMlAL" in llit-ir irrcul ft purity and eilitiicy, und whon limit, iin will be ik-cn ftoin the rU'viiK vnliuthh? tctim'iiv : lMlOI'KSStill t'l.F.VKL.VXn, of Itnnt. 'in Cullefft, Urnuiiwiek. .Miiinc, writi-n : '-I have wih)fjiKf.Hl tlic efl'tTlK o yiur L'hiTry I'tt-torul in my own rmnily tu id in thnt t( tnv fftcinln, mid it ha mivcii yratl Kituiaction in ojihoh lwlh i ndull Hint clnlilrfn " A VOICK I'ltOM .M AfS A t 1 1 1' S K'r'fS. From Ur. lii yunt, Drutiint und Ptwi master, C hie 'pre Fnii, .Miiks: Du.J.t;. Arn Dft'irSir: Knrltintil plcnHe find rcmit t n nee fur nil the t herry Peel on il lunt Heut me. I citn im lieHittttinuly ty, tlitit no innticuio we fc ll pivei such Kilia fitrtioi) n your' iloca tior have I ever cn a medicine Vliieh cured t many mPH of cmiuh und Intifz compluint Onr Phyinciuiia art- utR it cxtetmively in the prurtice, und with the happiet effect . Truly vouri. D. M. UUYAXT. DR. PRKKIXS. President of Vrrm-Mtt Medieut rulh e, one of the mt Iranied und inttlliifent phyMieiims in thcrountry, -convidcr it n etMiipsiition nf rare i-xorllenee for the euru of that for midable disease, (Vnsuiiiplioi).' Analni'tst itM-reitilile number of eorlific.ites have licen rcceivctl ; prtiviiig that the Chfrn PiTiorul it. in truth, u (.RK.AT UF.MKDY for Cnuchs. Cold, Astlnna and itll pulnvTinrv compluiut. pitin-: ici cfa i"? pi.i: jiottle. PrenariM liv J. C. AYKH. !w ll. Mass., and M liv !!. .MASSKH, Sunbury, and .MARY .Met AY. Norihuin. berlnnd. JIareh 31, joiioxxj:lia Mancfactuber op Donnelly's U"rniciiT Safety Glazed Capsi-led Blue MATCH ES, and Unitkii States Oil Paste iilacking, No. 83 AWit Third Street, rHILADSLPUIA, 'IHESE Matches arc justly considered the best 1 in the United Slates ; they are free from un pleasant smell, and can lie introduced with icrl'ect safety into all Stores and Dwellings. Warranted to keep ten years. The Rlaeking is of superior quality, and free from und inirrcdicnt that impairs the Leather. COUNTRY DEALERS and SHIPPERS will find it to their interest to call ui:d sec for them selves. N. D An assortment of Matches of various New York Manufacturers. Matches in round wood boxes also, packed in large or small tin cases, to ship to anv part of the world, JOHN DONNELLY, Late of 0 Bank .Street, now 83 North Third St, March 111, 1849 ly SORES C AN HE ( X'ltRD. Burns, Scaldt, and ull kinds of inflamed Sures Cured. rilOl'SKY'S I'XIVI'USAl. OINTMKXT, is the most I c siiiiletu tlurn Aiilid He ever kn wn. It iiislautlv, (uikI hi it by Magic) Hoiis piiiiis 1 1 the ni st ileaieruie Uurn uml Seulil. 1'nr nW Sores. Hi lliscs. Cuts, tSprnllix, Ac on iiiriiior liciist, it is the ticl ajilieatiiui lluit eim be livule. Tin m musts iuiveirietlniitl tlimiMHiidK praise it. It is the in st perieet nvister 1 1 siiii ever diseuveril. All ivh-j ns re c iniiieist it. Kvery luioil)' sh ulil Ihi pt.iviited with it. niie can tel how so si soiiie ot'llie I'tiniily nuiy ncetl it. (if (Itwii-ve each Us ot the enuine Oiiitmeut has the llameot' 14. 'I'ot'itKV, written uu thu uutsiile lubcl. To unite to this is lorfft-ry. tl'Sitiiieu, Livery Men, Furmers, aisl all who use Horses, will aiul this Ointment the very btsl thing they cun use f'V Collur Uiills, Serutehes, Kieks. Ac., Ac .uu their aiiiiiuls Purely every inereyful mini woukl keep bis uuinmls ss tree t'r.nii siiu as p; saiiile. Touscy's L'liivciisil Omtnieiit is all that is reniiired. Trv it. HITKS Of INMKCTS. For the sline or bite nf n.ilsrni us Insects, Tousey's Ointment is unuvslled lluudreds lisve triulit end fouuri it coed. t'l I.KS C V II Kl) I Tor the Piles. Tousey's Universal Oint ment isnne of tlieliest ltemedics that enn be applied. All who have tried it ft the fihs roe mmend it. OI.DSOItl'.S Cl'ltl'.U. V't old obstinate Sires, there is not hum equal t Tousey's Uiiiinwnt. A pewit in Miuni. usluut. tors number of years, a rc ley thst bo I II ml t he skillof the doct'trs. Tisisey's Ointment wus renommeiided by one el' Ihevisitinff phvsieuiiis. (who kmaw its great vir tues.) nod tw b xei produced nsire ts-uelit tluiu tint pa tient leid recciveil from any uist all iirevi.sis remedies. Let all ti vu. IH'liX8AXD8CAIJ)lCUBr:il. Til sisnnds i f esses of Hums suit Is. in all pnrfs of the c uutry, have been cured byT uimiy's l.'uiversil Oiiittnent. Certiucutcsen 'Ush c uilil be hsd t till ihe whole of tins sheet. VIOI.KXTBmiSF.Sfl'ltr.l). Testimonial en tesli m nuul in fsv of Tousey's Oiiituient f r rurin Uruises heve beeu oflered the pr ipriel s, llurslrrils in Syracrise will certify to its trrnt merits relievina the pain of Uie tu l severe Bruises. All pers ns should try it. BCALUHCAt) CTUF.D. Stsesof eases of Scald Head hav been sured by Tousey's Ouilment. Try it it seldom rails. HALT RHF.I M CURED. Of sll lbs remedies ever riis coveren forth most disagreeable esnplaiul, Tousey's I'tii versnl Ointment is the m st emuplet. It usvsr was known to fsil. CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE Cl'RFJ) Tousey's Vat. verssl Ointment will always cure the w rst eases of Chap, ped Hands. Scores of perajus will ststs this. SORE UPSCURF.D. For the cur of 8 ire Lips ther wus never siiylhiug Dude Kual U Tousey's OiuUneat. It il sure to cure i hem. Try it. I' is a scieiiiifte eotap uiid. warranted no to enntaiaany preparaUon of Mercury. CT Pries 9a cants ps' t"X. For furtliernarlieBlars j sieemin this really valuable Ointment the public are referred In Pamphlets, to 1st had gratis, nf re. siieciatua Druggists and Merchants lbroui;uoui the l uited States. Prepared bv S. TOl'SFY, Dmsgist, No. 1M Nassssj Street, New York. A.ssr JOHN VOL NO, Sunbury, M. A. MeCAY, N'.vthumherland. Fsbruary 17, IH9 ty DEATH tO PAIIt -Rnui to Tlis Sks! Hmlth to tha Weak!! A BALM Is found for ths Whole Human Rac in Ao drews . . . . PAIN KILLER. This I an entirely vegeta ble compound, composed of Twcnty-Fivsdiifcrent ingre dients, and is an internal and F.xternal Remedy for the va rious ills that human flesh is heir to CCI4S, Coughs, Colds, Pains, Nervous and Sick Headache, rtheuuistism. Cuts, Sprains, Spinal Affections, Bummer Complaints, Cholera Morbus, Toothaehe, Kruptiom. Corns Piles, Frosen Pnrls, Hums, Senkls, Ae in the Face snd rtrcait, Pnmtera' Collie, Bruises, old S res, ldm 0f Wnc. lite, Ueiicrnl Oebility, Asthma, e. Put up , bottles 1 I. 9 or 4 aliiitinps ,K.r lutlle. For further particulars see Piimplilcis tn If hud ol every scent gmlia, csitniniiig a hriet history of tl. urijiiii. discovery and goods eneeiaof Andrews' Pain Killer, Certificates of Curea, directions e LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The iriuiiiphnnl success of Anilrcws Poln Killer in removing- the eniiKS lliat produce death, tho untimely death of millions of our race, lias iislneed some men ot' xvhciu it tnny lie truly snid, their villsin-uis occUisuons manifest their villiilny, to sitempt to put in circulation spurious snd csiuterfeit nrtieles culled "Pain Killer," nsiu fictitious ttnmes f ir the prctciKlcfl author, forcoil certificates, sic. S sue lmve npptureit, and others no donls will appear. It sll rcmenilMr ihnt Andrews tlcnuliiA Pain Killer has the written sisiintiirc of I. Andrews on (he Inliel of each bottle in black ink. D 'u't simply ask for Pain Killer, but ssk for AudreWM' Pain Killer, mid' have n i ether. S Id bv M. A. MeCnv, S ile Airent, Noriliumberland ; .1. V, Frilinit. Siiiibnrvi' II. Haser, Mihnn ; John R. Myycr, HI miimliiiri! j Win. A. Mnrmv X Co. Danville; Davunpon A Muiiih. t'lvin-mi li ; Andrew Yohr, Wilkes Inrre : Ilnya A- Met 'onihek. MeF.wensvillc : Snhiiffle & Chniulieriiiiii. l.ewi.hur(! j Oe itpe .McAlpin, Jersey Shorej J. .M. Judd. Wiltinumpoit. tlnlersaililreKned to I. Andrews, Inventor nnd only Tt prietor nt lllieen Tompkins cusiity, N. Y. Will receive prompt ntlelition September ail. 119 ly COLUMBIAN SE1UES OF SUftttmctfce. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's cumfurt. 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR This work is already introduced into some of the best Acodamies nnd n laruo number of Schools, w here its use has civen decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful tttcimal tysfrm of enrrmn. It contains more, the arrangements are letter, and it is the easiest und cheapest work of the kind now in use; and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teacher and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly nnd expressly prepared for our .-Iwit-rt'run &rioltirt : lljt Ahnon Tictvur. 'I'lIK Yllt Til's Col.l'.HIIIAN CaLC 1" I. A TO It. Till volume contains 111 pages, with about HOtl exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Utiles, Compound Rules, simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. Tm'knor's AiiiTiiMkTif ii. Tadi ts, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha School of the United Slates. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, nnd the only one of the kind of any value. There arc Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, fur the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are piven with much cvtra mailer for the black board. These Key nre the most complete Works of the kind ever published, and contain, in mliUtiou, about two hundred example in Mensuration, &c for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the nboc books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them tho best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Nitjlit Public Schools of New York Cily in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of licadinsr. Also, in about twenty Acadatnics in the State of Pinnsylvniiiii in a hirtrc portion of the Schools in the City of Wilminuton, in the City of Luneaster, and in the Uorouphs of Harrisburg, York, Chanihersburrr, Lebanon, Doylcslown, Potts ville, Orttifjsburir, &c, cVc. Tor sale by Hi vnr Masscu, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 11H. 1TE77- CHEAP GCCDS. The InrgCNt LsNorliueiit In Town, John W. Frilin, RESPECTFULLY informs his friomlsoml i eusluruuis, thnt hi! has received the largest nml btrst assortment of jjood ever of lereil in Sunburv. Consist iny of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hurilu-arc, Queensivare, Liquors, Drugs, Paints nnd a proat variety of other article's. Tho public art: refpocl fully requested to call ami examine his slock before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. RAISING BLOOD Ami ('tiri8uiiiiiiin, l'aiii in the side and I'ihl Swum. Asthma, Whooping I'oiiIi, I'tilpiiation of ihc Henri, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, I'l-III Itl-SY A.D CO&rjllTIO. Mrs. UAUUA!, a laity ttpwanl ef TU, resiiliug w Shtriir. bus oryeursbe'li .uhiret tomtueksot' I'leitri.v, llulsilli; ol' 111 . d, svcre t.'. ut!li, Shorlncwol Urenth, l"in in her Head uml vurious parts t her borly. Her irieniis helicvetl her. PAST JCECOVEltV The All-lleuliuc llnlmui relieved her at once of all her uliiuniug nipieiui, und now she is uble to attend to her work. ASTHMA AXD WHOOPIXG COUGH. Mr. l.ueretia Wells, to Christie-street : h. !i. IJeuls, 10 lletuiecr street j Wiu. II. Youngs, 70 Waluul street, kn jw the ulueorthlSftreul remrtly. Ask lorSlarimiu s AII-IKu'lius llalsaru, and see tliat his written siuiiuture is on erieh bollle. Price eeuls und et jst bollle. Dr. Siarnuii's Vonn and Cough Loteugcs sold above SIIEKMAN'S POOR MAN'S I'LASTKU hn cured lU'trc cxiii of Hl.tunwiiinn, lun in the Back t fiile uixl Clicw. Luiiiiauf(i oud Wcukiit-M, thai) tiny pli ruliitu Uiut liui iiictcuncai, humln-ilii I ini.riitcipM niK'Ujs tmvc utit'iiiittl tit c-Kiiitvrii'ii it, wml (Htlin it ,iit'upu the c uiimuaily ui Uic gciiuuiv. (? licunrc H iitrepUoii. HcintiulxT tlml Ihu true und jicnuiiie flutter in uprcnd iiRn rttklihh pujur iiwilc rxpu'sitiiy 1'nr the purLniMc und every ciiite tin tfiffiuituru ot Ur. Wicryum in prmttxl upou the luck ol the PlitMcr, und the whole Iccuml ty Cpy l.iiht. other are gemum. 'i'lieiel h wheu yd witut h real tShfrHwc Tour Man1 I'IukIi i, cull Ht ijici'lhce, K0 Xuesuu fctntt, um) you will ifi l lttK iuunl. KctiKtiilx-r priitripuU.iht'tf liui iitnn--trcrl, New-York, where utl Dr. Hicruvuri Joznitfcs nru mki. Jlit Ageia nre Mrs. Jlttyi, 1 ti Kult.m ircci, ltriHklyn; ilmcikn, Wilhauisbur ; IttMilinir Co, liotttsn, nut) JOHN YoLMi, Sunbury. M. A. MeCAY, Nixthumburlaiid Febnuiry l?t 1310. cb e Jro ly BV-fiBlr XXAM HIS OWN PATENT AOBZVT. M1 UX.V & Co, pulilishcr of the "HCIENTI- FIC AMERICAN." have f:,vore,l n. with a riiainphlct conlaiuin? the 1'atcnt Law of the United States, together with all the form hcrrssn. ry for applying for a Patent, information in regard to tiling caveat, with remarks on its uses, etc., a mount of fee required at the 1'atcnt Office, and every ertlirr information thut is neecssury to instruct u person in making hi own application. I'rire IS J cents single, or VI copies for one dol lar sent by mail to any part of the I'nited State. Addres MUXN & CO., 'ew.'ork. March 10, 1849- MACKEREL, SHAD, SALMON HtKKI.NCS, POUK, HAMS A?ID SIDES. SHOULDERS, LARD 4 CHEESE, Constantly on bind and for (ale by J. PALMER A. Co. Market Street Whrf, PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 34, 1849. 6ra BLANKS. B LAXKS of every description can be had by applying at me oince i iue AertcD. SYRl'P MOLASSESr-Superior refined Syrup Mot tor aslc by HKNRY MA8EK. Munbuns, Pa, t, tl. I. ANDREWS, TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND CKAKIMOVtLT APPRUTEDt 3 n I n O o s, r s s 55 - s Sr. Z Grsry day it this eelebrattd modicine utendin( the sphere of its usefulness, and syery year addirg to lb long catalogue of its triumphs. A MILLION OF BOXES tr distributed annutUy with out fullymecting the demand! For some tint pttt, the lea have been limited solely for want of facilities of sup ply. Truly this It a universal remedy ! Wnhsrald, thest pills lmve found their way into tha remotest comers of tht Union, everywhere proving their tltls st the poor maii't friend tick man's hope the marrsl and blcsiing of Uie ape. For a trifling imn. every individual and every fnmily may I iiavsur.Aiwii I.-NSI.UED to them for an indefinite pe riod j and What il lifo without health bnt a miierahle exii tenee ! It istooprcrionsabxin to as tauipcrod with, lytrymg all sons of expetiinents upon It. The sick should nc meditincs only which cvpcricnco hns shown to bsllicbesl' A PHYSICIAN S TESTIMONY. (From I'ntskill, Croon County, New York. lir. W. Wright Dear Sir: 1 have found your Indian Vegetable Pills a vnlunhio remedy In crises of General De bility of the system, and in all llillieus dia inlerj. I am also in the habit of recommending thctu to f, mnlcs in cases. I observe them to sperate in the system without prodiieiug debility or pnin, leaving it in a healthy condition. Juneifll. 1918. Jons IJuam, M.D. THF. IU:ST FAMILY Mi:ririNK. From Norton Hill, Green County N. V.) Dr. TVrieht : We have used and sold your Indian Vceia ble Pills lor three years past, and do not in .itaio to recom mend them to our fnends and cuntciiicm as the but Fnrnily Medieuiu in use. N. A L. RiiiDCLt.. From Marble Hall Pa. Tj I)r, W. Wright Dear Sir : For the tost two years I hare had the agency for the sale of your lndiau Vftjetablu Pilis at this place, and havs sold aniiuoity laritc quantities st retail. They hove in every inltancc given entire satisfac sion. Miny families in this section keep them, aiul conuJcr them invaluable at a family medicine. There is in' midi cine sold bore thnt Con be ao tinivermlly reeommendeJ as Wright's Indk.ii Vegetable Pilla. Very truly ynurs, February 1. 1S1 W. M. Lcunt. TKS t'l MO.N Y OF ANOTHER PHYSIflAV. The following lett'f it in reply to s note ftom our agent Asking tlr. Ooutcn's opinion of this medicine : TcxKHAMSocii, Anginl !0, 1S18. Mr. A. Durham Hear Sir: In teply to your note of yes lei Jay, I would stntc, that 1 have oeeuaioiuiily found it con venict to u the various "Patent Pill." vended in Ihc shops i and wi.ilcl am unwil'ina to say miyiliiiiu loiUprjoiato the vahia nl others, 1 tun fre UicoiueKHthat 1 consider Wrie.Lt 'a Indian Vegetable Pills superior to all ethers with which I ntn nci;uaintcd. 1 have uxed them for niimy years Kith in my own family and in my practice ircnerally. und they have uniformly proved mild, certain and snfe in their t'perutioua The care and skill with wiiieh these j.ills have been hitherto manufactured are, in my opinion, a miticient cuannitec lur like good results in future. Very reaped fully, II. A. lIot.iu, AI. D. Atr. It is a practitioner of long experience, w ell known in snd even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania, and highly popular with Uie tieopte among whom he resides. Uewarc of Sugar Coated Counter, felt. Hii.euiber that the original and only geuuin Indirui Vegetable Pd'.s hove the written signature of Wru. Wright on the lop label of each box. rc- ra "y grj cag run n rlght'a Indian Vegetable Pills. John W. rriling, Sunbury. Henry Alnxscr, Sunbury. liujs V AleConniek, AleEwsusTiiie. V.. Kuiiiruian, Augusta tp. John H. Vincent, Chilisquoque. K.nci nrrgrtresaer, Glyaburg. W. Kothcnnct, I.itlle Aluhonoy. Heinen a; llroiher, Alillon. Forsyth, Wilson fc Co., Northumberlrud. Jas. Itocd, Pottsgrovc. W. Jt It. Fegely, Shannkintown. J. C, Aforgau, Snyderstown. W.Dcppin, Million-. y p. O. Itvnucvillc Holahue, t p. Mnhoiwy. J. G. Kenii, Line Alouiitain P.O. Ben) . Ileiluer, lower Mahoning P O. Amos T. Brisaelt, Turlmttsvillc. G. J. A T. Piper, Watannvillt: K. A. Ktitziter, rhmnsville. H. II. Knmble, F.lyilmrg. Oiheei devoted exeluaively to the sals of Wright's Indisu Vegetable Pilli, Wholesale and Retail, 109 Bsc at., Phila delphia. 'J?S Greenwich street, New-York, and IDS Trsmuat, riostou. IHc. 0th, 1M. ly. I'qultnblc Lire InNiiranre, Annuity and TriiMt t'oinpHiiy. OFFICKTl WAl.NFT STItKF.T, PIIII.ADIXPHIA. Capital j-'ili,ouu. Ciiab iek l'tnrETfL. 'I'lIK C'Mnjiany nre now prejsireil to tmnmi't huniues 1 tiivn Die newt litHrnl tiiHt umroiinv'eoiii termi. Tliey nre nuth iried hy their eliarter (Keel. 11) "to ni:ile all sail every invnrunee apiK'rtuiiuii'.' to lite riniis of whiilever kind or nature, und t leeeivu and execute trills, tnaK.- end .w inents, and to prant nntl pureliH.e uuuuilies.'' Tlie Com uy sell uitniuiit und endowiueiits, and aet us Truitees tor uilil' and heirs. TuUc of I'reiniainsewretlJiiMhe Aasnrsik'a ol ll,W Myl INDIrVN I ferafTcgctaBle Ase. Prem. Age. Prem. Ac. I'run. !rt 1 fsi t a tut to ' a : 17 1 &l Si ft 16 17 n 111 is lid ;ti a an h 3 t;-j tu I 1 511 1 at as? 4 :itt jo 1 ihi ji aji ' 511 a i'i at 1 1' 1 30 a iu si 4 1:1 aa 1 (is ;ir s 47 sa 4 : xi 1 n s :i a 51 :vi 4 .-,1 at i?a rm aoa &t 4:1 as im 4u a tu ai 4 i an tc.'j It ai 5S 5u 87 1 Mi 43 a i 57 5 ;ri as 1 ii 4a a 01 a s 54 SO II1 4t 3 14 50 5 7K M a til j 'J3 GO cw The iiretninnis are less than any other coniimn)', and the poliele ait'ord prenter udvantuges. Tnlrli-a ol' bull'.)t'arly uist quarterly ireiiiiiniis. hull erudit rales of irelnnuu, sliort terms, joint lives, 8iirvivor.liiis tust endowinenla; als), lorin 01 Apiilieution (tW wliicli there are hlank siiects') aie to he had 011 anplicnti 'it st the nnice, or by letter to the Agent, I. 11. Pl'ltDY, riunbury. Hates roa imh.ui.vo 8100 on a single Ae. ..1 SO 40 For 1 year. 81 89 l.-'O, For 7 years. til I,au l,bl 2,07 For I.if. 1.00 2.01 2,70 3,r,t 50 3,7 S,U3 F.XAMeii A pers m aged 3U years next lurih .lay, by paying the Company 90 eents wousl aeeure to Ins liiiiiiiy or heirs iuu aiiniiM he die . one year : or (or Sy.90 he se eures to thiin SsliaMI ; or lor g!3 annually lor suveu yrs ne seenies v mem anssi sisiuui lie tile in seven venre lor "f' paid annuully diirmi; hie he seeures lmo to be nnin wiicn ne aies. 'i ue insurer seennnr his oven Kinm bv tho din'erenee in amount ni' nremhuna t'rom tlswe eharce. by other ortices. For tf lo,50 the heirs would receive 86U0U oilier omces. r ,v eMQ,5U til ink! he die in one year. siinukt he die in one vear. horni. 01 applieatioii and ail particulars may h had at the oiiiee. J. W. ( LAGIIOKN. president TuaAst-aEa Vbaxcis W. Rawls. II. Q. Tuckett, Hceretarv. OoxauLTtNo PnrsiciAwir. J. B. Mssaer, "anbury. J. H. Pvaur, riunbury, Agent for Noruiutnberland ouun ty- . Sunbury, July I, IMS-. RAISINS, currant, citron, eheese, pepper sauce, Ac Tor aale by J. V, KRlLl.N'O. Sunbury , Dec. 8. 1818. PLASTER, Salt and TUb, just reoeivad and for by J. W. FRILINQ. Sunbury, Dec. t, 1848. "mmIIEAT WANTED One dollar par TI bushel, cash, will be paid foe rood wheat by IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury Jan. S5lh, 184bV-t DAlNTl, sfewforsal. by A CHAS, K BOGAR. Sunbury, Msreh 0, 164. Agriculture. A NEW MAJItlRt. Robert Bryson, Esq. of Cumbrimi mh ty, about eight mile from Harrltbtirg,- ft. ha been experimenting for the laat ten year, 'o m!:e ekhaunled tan bark available toil valuable manure. Besides his magnifi. cient fatrr, he likewise carries on the tan ninir bi:',ines. Finally; after a preat deal of expense, and many failures, he has Succeed, ed in discovering a mtlhod of prbdncicg from the tan an efficient manure, flit it hia plan : He has his tan wheeled out on a level piece of frround, and leveled off lo 9t three feci thick. Over this be spreads a layer of two or three inches of itne( and over that again a strata of lan then a layer of lime, and so on. He lets the bed ao pre pared remain for two years J at the end of that titno ho finds him self in possession of a bed of munure, the effects of which upon the land can hardly be surpassed, for the rich ness of its product, nnj the durable fertility which it imparts JIBSTltt TE OF THE Pdf AT0. Mr. Massoii of Pant, ha lately grown a new root, called the ulluco, which carl, it is thought, replace the potatoe. It originally came from Peru, and grows perfectly well in the open air ; the flower is very near the same as that of the potatoe. The part above (jrontul furnishes a veiy atrreenble vegetable, eotnuiliino; likss the bean in flavor. Three crop of Hi green part can be obtained in the same season. HOW TO MAkF. thfcAM CIIECtl, , For two cream cheeses, take six quarts of ; m;w milk, ami one of sweet crenin, to which aiiu tw o or throe? sjioiinsful of rennet, and let it stand Until sufficiently firm spread a linen cloth in a large basin of cold water, lay the curd gently on it, lie the cloth and hang h up to drain four or live hours in a coolplice; then ehan;;e thu t-loth, and put the curd into a Vcssi'l, the circumference of a common pla'.o and pies it moderately tu or eight hours, -hn it muat be taken out, and turn ed, anil split horizontally wilh a thread; lay the cloth between th3 two cakes, and again put them in press for 12 or 14 hours j if then pressed euouh which can be ascertained by their firmness, keep them in fresh crass a : few davs. tumilio thern mnroioo an, I B" O ..'OI.IJ. The prit-H of these chueses, about the fill ef a common dining plate, is 25 cents. iJariumnu.NW but those who have enjoyed a mlfii can appreciate the satitfac tiou of Kiitinir down lo a tablu spread with the fruits of one's own planting and culturei A btmch of radishes a few heads of lettuce taken from the garden of a Summer's morniiif,' for breakfast: a mess of green peas or sweet corn, is quite a dilfereut affair from tho market in n dying condition, to be put away in the cellar of usei And a plate of strawberries or raspberries lose none of their peculiar flavor by passing directly from tho border to the cream without being jolted about in baskets until they have lost all form and comeliness. Scientific Ameriean. j Two Lami were arrested the other jught at Providence, li. 1., for parading the Htrcels dressed in iiiulu atlire. Ono of them i was discovered by her tone of voice In ask. j ing for a punch at a hotel. They were die ! charged the next morning, under the promise j i hey would m-ver again wear tho breeches: i I Hah no Monty. Lieut. Henry Casper, j who accompanied Col. Doniphan's expedition i in the Mexican war. committed suicide at st- f-om's on the 25th ult., by shooting him self through tho head as he lay atretehed upon the common: Pecuniary embarrass' ment was the cause: Is there a heart that necf tighsd 1 I there a tonjUe that never lied 1 I there an eye that nerer blink'dt Is there a man that never drink'd I If so, llicn heart and tongue and ty Must tell a most cdiifeUnded lis. Estate ol' irobert fti, tirt dec'tl. WTOTK.'E is hereby given, that lettSr of AJ; i imiiiKtruiloii upon the estate of Rolarrt I; f.'rant, late ol l')is?r Atnriwu townhip, Northura berlttiid county, lice'd., have beeh granted to the suLseiilier, r siditn; in said township. All person iiumii emiins or ueniiiiius aaaltut the (state of j ,W sui.l dee'd.. aro hereby reo.ue.led to m.k ..o.. ie .aioc iu uie unoersiiftieu witliout delay, and all ticrson indebted are deircd to raak im mediale payment. The uniiorsitrned will attend at th office ef purpose of sctlltntt with such as may hav diaand upuinflt said estate. WILLIAM REED, Adrn'r. Ipper Augusta Uhp., May 5, 1849 et SPKRUY k COOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the tale or Fish isd Pra.i.lon. Xoi 9 SORTIl WlLiRVESt PHILADELPHIA. Mackerel, Shad Cod and Du fik. Kaluton, Herring, Cheese, Philadelphia, May Sib, 1849. lyi MERCHANTS' rearth ttreet, Wtwesa irck mmt Mark, rHIX,ASEl.RZA. T'lIE proprietorship and manamnl ef this - well known hotel, (which is located in tha vary centre of business,) having this day pMd ias to Uie hand of the subscriber, tliey bj Ua u stale that it i their purpose to randSr it warlliy f the liberal patronage with which it katbaen hsYV tofor sustained, and hope, by uaraaituay attesv lion, to deserve tha patronage tt their trieada, who may visit th city en business sr plaaswra. Ci 4 J. MsKIBBIX Formerly of th Exchaag Hotel, FittSbbrf. May 6, 1849. 4t Ealute of Ucau-r Rim4S 4e'4 OTICE is hsrsby iea. 4al tetstta of AV 1 miutsiraiionon tli esiaU f Hsary Rkeaia, lata ot'bbamokin towBship, rWd kaS beta . ted la lb (ubscrilstr. Alt fi ted to lb ubscriber. All asjwesastoewirut ikaaa. seva to ba indeUletl to aatd SaUta. ais saw saute, sr rao ment, m& taass Va su inaac tuirutuiat payment, aasf UM MvtU claims are requested to prtBt rstaaai uoa ana asiueiMnt. . WILLIAM AMMEXMAN, 4dV. eiismokin Uhp., April tft, 1141-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers