SUNBUllY AMEKICAN ANT) SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. gvUttlturc. HORN. AIL IN CATTLE, ., . , . i,,This is ft diseosS mthcr, prevalent )ii this part of the country, the fietunl sent mid char kicter yvhicb, 1 think, is but little under stood among enr farmer. Tbs horn Is not, generally supposed, the original spat o( Jhe fisase, it . being merely a continuation the frontal bitrtrs, Ihn sinews of which ex tend to tha very tip of thhom, find in which e attend, yriih Iufl surrounding membrane, the disease first! commences, afterwards extend ing to the horn. At this the farmer ceneral Jy commfnoet his treatment, notwithstand ing the disease may have existed sereral weelts, unobserved, tho possibility of which I will endeavor to convince him, by relating some of the primary symptoms of this disease Horn-Ail, so called. They consist in im paired appetite,- ab.annee of dew upon the muzzle, pulse and bre.ithins accelerated, in creased heat of the horns, thirst and frequent constipation pf the bowels. Now, at this singe of the di.casi were the farmer or own cr. to apply the proper remedies horn-ail would seldom exist. Instead of th's being done, little notice is taken of the animal till all the primary symptoms have subsided, and another set show ihsinsclvcn, such ns agreat er loss of appetite, depression of the spirits, staring coat, wasting of tho body, horns cold, discharge from the noss, a dull, spiritless ap pearance. This morbid chsnjc of tho pints having extended to tho horn, terminates in suppuration of its softer parts, and conse quently the honey-comb-'iko colls nppi-nr empty when bored in wi'h a eimlet that being the farmer's remedy nt this stage of tho disease, generally to him tho first stage. He follows the operation by pourins into the hole some irritating mixture, which snldom proves of any avail. I would not say this is the case with every one, but it is thus too frequently. Some, at an enrlirr stage, com menced giving a dose of purging medicine, applying an external stimulant between the horns, changing the diet for a more lmative one, and one easy of digestion. By these proceedings, in soma instances they restore the animal to health; at other times the dis ease teiminates differently, by extending to the organs of respiration, producing caiurih, bronchitis, or even pneumonia, (inflamma tion of tha lungs,) which, if not promptly nnd properly "treated, terminates in death The causes which give rise to this disease are generally pretended difficult to discover. Yet upon reflection and inquiry, they are easily traced out. Perhaps the door or win dow of the cow-house has been left open, and a cold wind allowed to blow directly upon the animals. Poilnps thev have been turned out into llm yard during a cold storm, upposing that, they being animals, it will not hurt them, while they are just as liable to take cold as man, if exposed to tho same vicissitudes of temperature. Again; frequent ly their diet is not sufficiently nutricious to keep up the necessary degree of animal heat to resist the excessive cold of our winters, for it is at this season when it prevails the most. For two years past, 1 have attended the noat stock belonging to the Stale Agricultural Society, under tho car of E. Phincy, Eq., of Lexington, during hii h I hnvc never seen n case of 'horn-ail, its nott-existenco being attributable to tho comfortablo manner in which they are treated. Another causo of this disease is in the fod der with which tho cattle are fed, it being full of dust. In breathing, tho dust IS drawn up the nose, into the cavities of tho head; irritation of the lining membrane isoceacioii ed, and extend till the disease is establish ed ill one or the parts before mimed The treatment I prescribe, when called to animals laboring under this disease, in its primary stages, is to place them in a comfor tably warm situation, giving them a clean dry bud to lie upon, a diet easy of digestion should they bo inclined to cat ; a ilosa of moderately purging physic, with such medi cine ence or twice during the day, as tho' case may require, and which shall allay fe Ter at the same time, and allow the patient to drink at liberty of cold water. Should I not be called till the disease has assumed a ehronio character, I then, after seeing the patient housed comfortably, and giving it a dose of laxative medicine, commence giving one or two dusea in the day ot cordials, com bined with vegetable, and in some cases, mineral 'tonics. There are cases, in some instances, where in the cure is performed by tho operations of nature, ana without any aid from medicine. In roost cases, however, of this disease, as well as all others, nature can ba materially assisted by the timely aid of medicine pro parly applied. Lou-ell Journal. ,1" r .. TIE PEACU xnEE. A New York letter in tha National Intelli fencer says At lha meeting of tha Farmers' Club of one the American Institute, to-day, Mr. Pell, of the most intelligent and successful of our scientific farmers, beside reading an able essay on the general economy of tho farm, and it management with regard la stock, manures, &.c, stated the results of his expe rience in the cultoro of the pearTi treo. Con trary to th-s more common usage, his practice wa to apply tho pinning knife very fit'ely to hi peach trees. lie gave them rich soils, and stimulated their growth, but at tha same time kept them down by very close pruning or, a he termed it, "excessive pruning." Tbi practice, he believed, increased the quantity of fruit, preserved tho health of tho tree, and prolonged its life! While others, who suffered their trees to grow without pro ning. were losing them at five, six, or seven .years old,, he had them in a good bearing Ut thirty year old. His advice was to prune Uie. peach treo freely. He thought thertirwit no danger of pruning it too much. .rJCKM or Popvitio Mrs. Miller, residing near Fahni'stock'a brickyard, Harris burg, on Monday morning last, gave birth to fivt boys, all of which' are alive and doing won. What make this case singular is, that at her first confinement she cave birth talVQt aut al her second to thru, and at this sat4btrd,tovf, making i" all tin children to fear para, aa4 all Kiig. . mAKVZ OND ' POWDfen FOR -, . RAZOR STKOrS. " T riHIS Powder is warmrltcd for superior to ny I thing in me for imparting a keen, smonthedge to Rntors, Surgical instruments, nnd all kinds of fine Cctmwy It may be applied to any kind of strop, Also superior Koror, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent Depot of Fine Razors, Slrcps, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bova Chestnut Philadelphia. , TESTIMONIALS. - PmtAtittrniA, Feb. 15th, 1648. This may certify that I hsvo used one of the Strops prcpsred with HAYXES' MAGIC DIA MOND TOWDER, and can attest in tho most unequivocal manner, thnt there is nothing esn bo found that will produce the snmc cflec t In my opin ion, and must say to others, try It, and you will find it superior to any licjcto!orc in Use. I esn truly say that I never knew what a sharp raior was before. - ' JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 418. Third st. PiitLAiitLriiiA, October, 1S48. A very bard beard and tender face lias compel led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shuvinj easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made uso of llit Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, snd Rousscl's Sltavini Cream. Their united pow er act like majric, and impart a power to the Razor to remove me most stubborn beard, uiuiout irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. . J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sile. at this ofikc rrico S3 cts. per Box. Novcn.lcr 55, 181S Gin. I SSL . It AND I'lIICCATlYati. FOR TUB CTJIiB OF Headache, Githlincrs, Mcatha Rill Klinim, Hcuri Burn, Wjrma, C;h era Morbur, Cimpt'a, Ijuinecy, WIio tpinp Cnuifh, Cmsutnptirn, I i.t, iincuavuiain. lues, , Dyspepsia, Scnrccv, timill l.x. Jnunilice, I'aina in the Duck, Inwnrd Weakness. fall itaiion nfihe Heart, iivcr viimpnini, using in me j nrjiii, lMri", AB'hm-i, r' evens of all kinds, Female Complaima, 1-Tiiela8, DcRinrta, iiciuim i i ine Bum. C Ida. G' nt, Gmvcf, Nsrvnua Complaintr, AKD A VARIETY OF OTIICn PI5EABES ARISINO FROM IMri'RlTIES OF TUB BLOOD, AND OBSTRUCTIONS t! TUE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Experience ha pr wet! that uenrly every PiBcaye nririnntet fr-unlmpuritiea ff lheHI'd 'T derniipMncnta pf tlie l)iff tivra Orirnnnt and ti secure Ilwlih, u-c mutt ntnin-e Ihosc oba'rucli nsor rcarorc Ihe tllaixl t iisuniurul state. The aversion to taking mctliciui is cnrolually re- m wert hy clickner's EaKTAtiK riPr,Tiva 1'ills. Iieinj c mploU'ly envel ped vith a citing . f pure white diigar, (which is an distinct fr m the iniernnl in?;c.1iei;ta uaauut ahcll icrn the kernel) and haven-Miste ( mt,licln'. But are as easily svv.ill .u-ed ns bits of cnndi. M renver they neither niuseti'.e or pipe in the slichieet degiee, but opente enir.'jy on nil Ihe (hsuised rwiis of the system, in Siend of c 'iifitiit'ir Ihcmioives U , nnd nicking nnv particular repi ni. Thut, if Ihe l.iver be nffeeted one ingredient will opente on thnt partieulnr "rpin, ami, by cleansing it i f mi Kxccss of Bile restore it its nntiued state. Another will operate on the Bard andremoveall impurities in its circu hiiin ; whilea third will eflcciulty espei whaiexr impu rities mry have lieen discharged into I lie at -mich. nu Ihenca they strilient the root cr disease rein ve all Impure Itu m'rsfrimthe bnly, npeu the pores extcnuillv and inter nally j separate all f reifrn and obnoxious panicles from Ihe chyle, a tint the bio id mny be thoroughly pure thus seen rin(ta free and healthy action to the Herri, t.unssand l.iver and thereby Uiey restore health even when uil uUicr raaans have failed. The entire truth rf the abn-e can be ascertained by the trial of a ainple b-x; and their virtues are atrtaitiva and eerlain in restoring Heilih, that the proprietor biuds himself to return the monev (tfiiil for them' in all cases where they do not give universal satisfaction. Kcliitl I'rU'e, t25 ct, cr linx. Principal otTice No. fit Vcrw-y sr., N. York, SldbyJ01IN Y. YOUNG, Snnlmrv. M. A. McCAY, .Northumberland, ty nemem'vrDr. C. V. Clicknvr is the inrciilor of the Puear Contcl Ti'V, and that uothiuir f the s rt was ever heard of until he i.itroduced them in .lude, IP13. Turchasera shul.l. always ask for rhekner'a Bnpar Cvated fills, and take nioihers, or they will be nude the victims of a frmd. February, 17, 1915 ly W'SI RI WP.vV YORK COLI.EGi: OF II HALT II, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. DIl. G.C. VAUGHN S Trptliililc Lilt)otttrl;ttie Wixlnrf. splits celebrated remedy ia constantly inctcasiuc ita fame X by the many cures it is making ALL OVER THE WOULD. It has inw lcc nie the onlv medicine for family use, and ia particularly recommended for DIIOPSY : all stapes ef this c Mnplaint immediately relieved, m matter ot Iijw lamr Btandinc. See l'lMiniihlet far tcsllinjiiv. GRAVEL, and all diseases of the urinarv orgruis j f t these distress iiip1 coinplaims it stands ul ne; n i i ilu r article can relieve you ; and ihe cures testified to willc wince the in st skep. j see pauiphlcf. Licr C 'luplain', iliteascs, FEVER &A(iUE. To the Great West cspeeiullv. and wherever these ciin plaiuts pievail l Ins uirdieiue is "Acred. NO MINERAL AGENT, in deleter! ns c impound is a part of ihis muturc, it cures these diseases with cert iinlv and ceUriiv, and dies nut leave the smcm torrid. Pee ramiihlct. ' PILES, ccmphint of a mil painful diameter, is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and a cure follows by a lew dara use of thisarticle ; it la rar lief're any other preparation for thia disease, er ftr any other disease originating from impure M Aid See pain- phicl. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM. weak Inclc, weakness of the Kaliicvs, Ac., or inaainma lion oi same, is immediately relieved by a lew davs u.e n thia mediciuc, and a cure ia always a fteull u its' use. It suiids aa A CERTAIN" REMEDY, f such coniplaiiits, and also for dcran aeiiicuia of the fe male frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, naillflll lUCUIIniali ins. N larliele hns veer heel, . ,A;.rd cxee)it this which would loiidi tins kii.d of dLTanireimnts. it may i,c relied us a sure and cdective reiueily, and did we t'cel permitted t d . a i e aild aive A IIIULSAIMJ iSAMES, aa pro if of cures in this distresbine class of eimnlnbttM tee pamphlet. All br ken down, di bilitatcd c iistiliiti ns ir.m me eueet mercury, will bail ile bracing p.)ver of Uiis aniele to act immediately, and the uais.uiuus mineral eradicated from the sv stem. ERUPT VE DISEASES will &id tlie alietalive properties of this article. 1'L KlfV THE BI.OOD. and driven audi diseases from the avrtrm. Pee pamplilel for tealim my el cures ui all diNM.nV, wlueh l he limita of an advertiaciuenl will u a permit to be namr.1 hure. AKents ntcin tway ; iney c aiiuui iwces ,1 ucrtilicatca t.f 1Kb ciiarucier, and a air aiger ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It ia ens of the pcenliar features of this article that it never fuila to uciu.-m ni any ewe, ana n onie ana muscle are left to build upjn let the emaciated and linjreriiiB invalid HOPE ON and keep tukiint the medicine aa I ng as tlicrs i. su iui pra-tuiciii. The priprieti W'lukl r CAUTluN THE PUBLIC "gaiiiat a number oi articles whicli aatuo out under tha head oi SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, LC, as cures fw Dropsy, Gravel, fcc.: They arc cjod for uo. thlllf , and eoneoeled l- call ,e uuwury l TOUCH THEM NOT Their Inventors never thought of curing aueb diseases till this article had dw it. particular study of the pant, pliltt iseuriiestiy 'liciteil. Agenu and all who sell tl nniete are GLAD TO CIRCULATE Sratuitoualy. Put uii in 3a oi. botiloa, at fJ i 12 oz. d at . I each the larper liuldine 0 oa. mare tluni twa small b tles. Look out uud get impiand up at. Knerv Untie hue "Vaiujiin's VeguUiblo LilhoiiUiptie Mistiire,M iwa up si the glass, the written sittiiatnra u' "U. (3. Vaunlui" t u tlie direetiona, ami "G. C. Vaughu, DulTal auunpol on the c irk. Nona other are aeiuiiue I'rejttrrd bv Dr. G C Vaiirhn, aiut ald at Ike Primiptd I), tin .Main street Bnffiihi. at whftleaate anil retail. No atteuti -n given to 14! tera unless p'SI paid rdera fnn regularly eauatituled AKentaexeeptwl; pot puid letters, or verlial conuuuuica tioua a rticiiing iidiiee, pr aupilv allended b arotia . OIBees devoted eaernsivelv pi ihe sn!e of tills nr'l. le 1& Naaaas at. r'w Voikcilri Sol F.wsst Halem. Slnsa.: and by the priu ipal Drugisislhwutiomtlie Cmled blaus snd Caimda, aa Afenia. .. . Ust of Agents Si .rra k VY sle gMi rhiladei. I js J. W. Kriliiur. PuHtmrr Isnae Oearhart. Seliiisayo V; A. Wyatlt, Uewiaburp H. I.Hhenfer. Milton Hayes leCurmick, McEwensvulo .Miss McCoy, Norlhuuilwr- AplUt.lWf-y , . , G UM 8H0E9 for Gentloraen snd Lsdie.. just - f- nl f. tat, by H. MAS8ER. Ounbui-f, Dee, a, t4g, - A XE3.( 7 upsrir uusUtv lor sale 1.v." iMroitTANf to Tiin .rymjc. 'HOP.SE AlTE CATTLE Don't irmityour Horses ot tattle to die, when the means of cure are witliin the reach of all 1 : The undersiirncil lias spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice In "London and E dinboro'," he has alio availed himself of the resear dies of Iciliifr, and oilier celebrated mcn.holtn-e contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals i tho prlr c'plca of our practice consists in the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experienco has shown to l of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act In harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to tho directions which ac company each srliilo they aro capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence arc safcin the hands of every one. O. II. DADD, M. D. A List of Horse nmt t attle Mrdlclnrs. Physic balls, T3e. per box. Alterative ball, Toe do. " powders for bad rondition,75rperpsck- sge. Heave powder for diseases of the luns, 75c de. Urine powder for " " kidneys, lac do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for iuilamation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting tits growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 60c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 5Cc per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, VSc per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c l per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal cnnal. 73 per packaire. For sale by STI.MPtfON .V UEED. 8(5 Mer chants Row. nlso st DAPD'S HOUSE A AD CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 & 8 Hayraaikct Siiuarc, Boston. Pamphlets describing: the diseases for which these remedies arc used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates arc in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold bv GREEN & FLETCHER, No. SO South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Auxxts. Hcinv M tstta, Sunbury, February 3. 1849 tf DR. TOWXSEXU'S i'MIPOI'SD EXTRACT OF SU.SAIWIULIA. THIS Extract is put up in quart Urn lea. It is six times cheaper, plcaiuiitcr, . unit warrunitil suprri r to any aid. It enrt-s discuses wiihout vomiiiuc', piiitring. sick ness, or debilitating the patient, and is particularly adapted for a TALL AND SITING MEDICINE. The (rent beauty and superiority of this Strsaparilla over other remedies is, whilst it eradicates disease, it iurig raies the b tly. Oaisutnpti n curd. Cleanse and Strengthen. C-aisumpti n can bo cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, l.iver C tmplaint, Colds, Cnghs, Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of lllood, S ircucss uithc thcsi, lleetir Flush, Nialit Swcuts, liim cult and Pr 'fine Expectoration, on.i Pain in ihe Side, Ac. Ac., have ami can lie cured. Prolnbly there never wns a remedy that has been so suc cessful in desperate cases of conruinpii n us this ; ii clean ses and strengthens the system, and appears to heal Ihe ill. cers on the lilies, and puueuts gradually regain their usual health and strength. CUKltH S CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There is srarcely a day p-isais but there are a number ef cases cmstunpiion reported ns cured bv the use oi Dr Tuwimeu's Sorsapaiilla. Tiie fillawing was recently re ceived : Vt. Townsind Pear Sir: For tha lust three vears I have been attiicted with Keucrul debility, and nei vo'us con- sumptioii ,.f the lust siut;e, and did n , expect to ever fraiu my hcnlih at all. After $ iuq lhr iuh n c nine of mrdicine under Ihe care of some of the in si ilisliiHtnisUil rrgulir physicians and iikiiiIxts h' the Hoard of Health in New l ink and rliM-wheic, uiul ipcudinit the m si my earuiiars in uticinptiug lo rivaiu btalili, uiul alter reading m a Ilie iperof y 111 Mirsajuiill.! I rib . Kill I tr II Alier ulug six b .ttles I f I it ,1 ne tlie greut g hk1', and culled t see you at your uificc ; Willi your uiU ice I kept i n. and d most heartily thank you lor yinir udviee. I peisevere in taking the tarsajiarilla, and have been able t i altenil t i my usual kihursf r thu list fur in ml hp. until hope bv tlie blessings of G tl and y uir Sir.i4inlh l e nliiiue my healih. It heled me bey ml ihe exicc:ati us fall who knew my case. f IIAIll.KS Ijl l.MUY Orange, Kssex c. N. J.. Aug. 9, IS47. Stale, f .Sew Jersey, Essex couutv, sa. Charles Quiin by licing duly swam according to law, on his mull kiiiIi, tint the f ireg ing statement is true nee irding to Ihe best of Iui ku iwttalge and belief. CUAKI.LS ql'l.MHY. Sw irnaiid aubacribed lu liefic me nt tiranee, the id Ajgutt, 1647.. CVItl S BALDWIN. Justice i f the Peace. SP1TTIXO BLOOD. Read the f U iwiug, and aay tlut caiuamptioii is in iucu rable if yau can : New York. Anril n. 1SJ7 Dr. rnwNixxD: I verily believe that y mr S irsaiarilla I has been Ihe means, thr nigh Pr ivi'lem u, of saving my liie j 1 have f r several years had a bad c ugh. It bcc.iinc w rse and worse. Al List 1 raised hirire aiuuiiiiea uf bio il. laid nicht aivealaan.l was greatly debilitated an. I r ilineil. uud did ii 1 expect to live. 1 only use. I j-uir,ariaa but ash rt lime, and there his a won lenul elt.imc bicn wr. Night in me. I am n wable t w ilk all over ibccitv 1 raise n lit i , and my c 'iigh has left nie. You can well imagine Hut 1 urn thankful 1 r them, n ml s. Your olicdi. cm servant. WM. lil 'SSKLl., 0.5 Cullmtine st. LOST IIJ.Il SPr.KC II. Tlie aiineaed cert iticale tells a aimple and truthful atory of BulTeriug- and relief. There ate 111 usnuila I similar cj aca iu this city and llro klai, and yet theieare th nisaiuts cf parents let their children die i t fear of being humbugged or to save a few shillings. Hro klyn, Sept. 13. 1-47. Dr. TewxsExo: I take pleasure in staling, fjr ilie bene fit of 111 sc whom it may c inecm, that my duuuhler, two yeaia aiui six maiiiis old, was aillieted wuli genend de. uniiy aim mm i a,ieecu. cne was ruS Cll'eil UO Ua nasi AC- CJverybyour family physiciau ; but f irtunaicly I waa re- e mmen.led by a Incud to try your Hiraaarilla. lief re having used one bollle aha reci'vereil her a.ieech and waa cuaiiied to walk al aie. to the as! ausliniait . f all wll w ere acuuauilcil with the cireuiuiuaiieeji. She is isnv uui.e w eli, and in much better health than the has been f r to m n: hi pas.. jUbEI'II TAYLOII, Iia York al., Br siklyit. TWO Cllll.DltE.N' SAVED. Very few families ia leud iu fact we have u I hear I of one tliat used Dr. T wnsjud's S ir ip inll i iu time. I u any ehildteti Ihe past Suiluner, while th so tint lii.l a ", aicltcuc.1 and died. The cercificale we p.iWih 11 .w ia c 'iicluaive evi Unice of i t v due, and it udy an nher instauca of its saving the lives of children : Dr. Tuwxsxxn Dear Sir : I had iw children citre l hy y ur Susaimrillit . f tha summer c mijil lint and ilyseii:iry ; one waeouly IS uvuiihold aiit llu other 3 iwi. They were very much reduced, uu 1 we cx;iecled Ibey woul.t die i tliey were given up by tw resicctal4e phi tiuiaua. When the doctor nil" rrued us that wo must I au them, we res 4. veil to try your Suaarilla we bad heard eo much of, but had little c iiifi.leiice, there being s iiiueli sunt' a tvemseil that la worthless: hut we are thankful that we did. fir it undoubtedly saved the lives of b ah. 1 write this tliat oth ers may be induced lo uee it. Y airs, res KM-ifullv, . . JOII.V WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Bnioktyii, Sept. 15, (4?. TO THR LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Ds. Tuwvsinu's Sarsat axilla is a sovereign and speedy cure f ir iuuipictil c uauuipliun, and f:sr ibu general pr : ra tion of the system no iiuiliet wheiher the result of inhe rent cause ur oauaea, praluecd by Irregularity, illness or au. cidcut. Nulling can he in 're surprising l ban iu uivig ming ef fects mi flic human frame. Pcis uia all wciknesa aji l laa eiimle. from taking it at once bee ana t ibust and full nf energy under i.s intlueia-a. il iiuuieJutely e wiiiorucs ilw iierveleauiess of the feuiale fruiite, which ia the greut eauar barieiuu-aa. ... . Il will ii it l,e expected of ns, iu easea of aa dcticule a na ture, to exhibit eertihcalea iu cures perf iruwd, bul we can aaaurc the alliieteil tluu uuudicua ot tuaea aav e beau reia le.1 1 , us. Dr. Tow.nsrxb : My wife being greatly distressed by weakiurta ami general debility, and sinlciing e -niiuualiy by pas.i and with other Uimcuitiea, and liaviiar ku iwn cases where your nieiliciiie lias etl'ucied great curea; aial aksi hearing it ree Hiimeialed lor such cases aa i have described, i octu.ued a b atu, of y air Lxir.ict of 8iraasuilla and f 0 bwed Ihe direcii aia you gave me. lu a short peri wl it reus neil her c uuplaiuis and resl.aixl her l benkh. Ueiug greatiul f r tha benefits she received, take pleasure iu thus aekujwledging it, and reajanuwudiuf it to the public. , . M. D. MOOKE, Albany, Aug. 17, '41. t . Grand Lydie, sis. '" dyspi:psia. No luld er mediciias line ever been rtiscrwered wieh so nearly resembles ike guetric uiiee ur saliva in ctae anpneiiig food and auvngiheniia,' ihe tiriiuiiBof digeeti 'U aa Una pra pamii -ii oi' HarmparillB. It siaitively cutea every case i-f dyswpsui, luiwel'er severe or chrome. '. Uank Deiurliuenl, Albany, Mav III, 1SI3. Dr. Townaeiid Sir : I Iran lieen alluded f ar several yeura wilh iKstieetui in iia worst f irm, atleiuied wita a ur ttcs of BLHlneu. I aa uf appetite, exlreme honrtiuun, eud e greiit avetw ai Hull kiwis of f i d, awl f weeks, (what i c mid ant) I have been unablu to retain but a aiuutl imruiai ournyeiomacii. I tried tha usual remedies. Iwl Ihevhul but litil. ,w aa effect iu rem wing Ilie e mplahe!.- I waa in. duck ai ait two m aulis etuce, to try yuur Eirmi l uf atur. aa(wrdla, an 1 1 mutt aay with lutle e nri leeue i but aiier using nearly tvr u ailea, I fMm. uir appenie reatore.1 and lee bearthunt aiausly ,ia wod and I w aikl earueeily re c auieu4 the as. .a it t , umm wh lore keen amigted aa I have been. .uirt, At., W. W. VAN Z ANDT. Agent -far Sanlnry JORN W. PRIUNG; Sot ttniinlierlaiid, MAUY A, UuCAY I Dau villa. YM. A Aftt) IN, Ussf If f v.t - OXYGENATED ''. ' TH i kj? "CI Hi 33 9 A SO VLRtlti.N ItEiUEDY 1'OR ''DYSPEPSIA,. lIITIII81Cs ' ' AM) - ' OENr RAICEB f LXTTs GEORGE D. GREEN, Proprietor,' . H'indnorj Vermont. IS a sovereign remedy for DYSPEPSIA, in many of ait forms, surli as mm in the St iin.wli, lluurtburii, liubllaal C isiiveiiesa, Acid Stomach, Henduche, Ih'M ol Appetite, Piles, Nicht Swwra, mid even Consuinpttoii (Drtplie Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phlhisie at landed with ilerainre innii ii the St auaeh (or lvape tie Asthma.) birBcult Breaihiua:, which oflcn rcsnlta irm imperfect digestiiai Uystic Syapiwra,) ia relieved by these Bittera. In short, their u-e has Iwen proved in the relief of almost all tha symptoms that pr. need front a debilitated of at mic condi tion of the Stomach nlso in (rcnerul debility ansini frtnn aire or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever nnd Apne. Females suiVcring niub-r any iileriue 'deruiiyemeiit arising from weakness, will find the "lixvovxATKn Hit Tim" an excellent reineity, and not aurpasseilhy any uieili cine in use. The history of this medicine is pecnliar. It has made lis way 1 1 public lav or a.dely by the f irea of Its own intrinsic merits. N arlificinl means have liccn used to give it n t ricty and thrust it up 'ii nulilic nttnitl n. It lias never before even been advertised, but hiivlng first shown its re m irkuble citlcicy in the family 'f Ihe pr 'prirtir, ami by liim alterwaiila adminisleretl t t hia nlTiirted friends and ac quaintances with a like result, Its reputation gradually ex tended until it is Itn iwn in the in st mstaut jviris uf the Fill ii, as a medicine of unrimlled vinuea in Ihe cure rf Ovspcpsia in ail its different f wins, and nla for the care if Asthma or Phthisic, lis tally herald nnd its only en I pry has been the atory of iia w aiderl'ul erticnev, aa told fr 'in m 'Uth to m aith or by letter fr an friend t friend. In eve ry instance where these Bitters have Iwen need, and the re sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificates, attcating the ubiputar efficacy of the "Oxygshatkd HiTrsas.11 nr.; in the p uarasi it ot tha l-r priet or; many of them aigneil by pcraoua already widely snwii it me puiaic. CEO. B. OI1EEN, lr ipriet r. . WINDSOn, Vt., Oct her 3, ISIS. The following Certlflcntra hnvf recently been received t Whsiiixotos. D. C, Jext 10, 1PI0. Ilnving made use ef the ''Oxvircuntcd liillerso prepared by Dr. lie . H Green, ( Vmils r , Vt. mid iioiii ku w ledge i btaiued of their efficacy in Iher euses, weeheerl'ully rec 'luiueiid them 1 1 1 lit, public, believing thnt they will fully sustain the ree inincndaii n of the Pr inrict -r. We line that this valuable remedy may ba a genernlly dill'used thr -ni;hout the c.aiutry tluit it limy be accessible to all tha allliclcd. wSlK; f.S.Seiaito, from Verm ,t. JAMES F. S.M.VlnNS, F. S. Scuat r from It. lahml. .1. T. MOKEI1EAD, f. S. Senator and f inrMrly Govern or of Keiilnckv. I.. II. AI1NOI.D, Mamtr of CmigretB and formsrly Go. vcrn-'r of II. I. W.M. WOODBRIUCE, I'. 8. Senator and formerly Go. vera a- of Michigan. M. I.. MAUTiN, Delegate in Congress from Wisconsin Tciritory. From Hon. II. D. FosTrrt, Member of Congress from Pennsylvania. Wasiiixotox. D. C, Jcxi 10, 1846. Dent Sir. I liave been a dysjwpiie siillerer for abjut len years, nnd hav res irted to various medicines fia- relief without sueecsa, until I made use of vour "Oxveenatcd Bitlers." I have used ah nil two Miles, and riiidmrsclf restored to nertcct heilih The forms in which the 'dis ease ah wed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of Hie st much, I ss ot apiartitc, extreme flatulence, severe' cnnstl l.ti 'ii oi the bnvels. and violent headache. Feeling desi tons thnt a ku iwlcdge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly alllicted. I take great pleasure In rec Til. iug my tiTtiui try 1 1 its curative power i and would nisi rcinaik. that while on a visit at h.'inu a short tune since. I administered a part "1 a b mle t . a iiuiiitier of my alhicted friends, with great suecss. Thev are ilcsinais 'tlait y .11 sh ul'l establish nu agency at PiilsUiirr. nr iiifonn Ihem where the me licine can le obiaiiwil. With an enrneit de sire for viair pr-'speritv and liappiness, I suliseribe ,n,seif truly your friend H. D. FOSTEIl. 1) 'ct. lir.o. M. Garsy.Winda r, Vt. S .Id Wh leaile and Ite'nil bv frecn & Fletcher, No. SOSiuth Sixth Strict, Philailelpliin. Auent f r SnulHirr II. II. MASSEIt. Ageuls fa- Milttni MACKA V A IIAAO. Agent f t 1'poer Mahon J. G. ItENN. April 15. ISIS Tn prcaeutius the public with a remedy f the tfalinenl x and cure of Fcct.n ,n Anr-r mhl alir l.ln ., ,ilu..uu. ! lliap-lwy ia needed. 'asl miniliers iu ibe rniteil H-ites, ,va. maier ,r an inese aiieeii'.us ui ttieir varieil fiirni, are e nipclleil 1 1 so k relief fr iu "Iher a nrces the iniiiie ili ilc preserLili us I the regulir phvsiei iu. Il be,-.ines llieref re nu bjeiu of biiin uuty. as well as . f pulilic inter est. t bring bef.ire Ihem a reiueily pruired In in much ex vrienee. and which m iv ulvvai s lie relied up u ns saik. RSKECTCAL. H.1D IIAKMl.f TO TIIF COXSTITCTIOV. That s leb is the Hue eliimeter of the IMHA t'IHLAtfil'i:. is limply ntti-ned by the universal success with which il has been empl yed. rf" r.xtnict frem a ommanieaii n . f the II-w. Wil liam WooDcainoi, of tha L 8. Senate, lute Govern if ef Mieliiguu. Dsisoit, Oct. SI, 1840. Doctor Cium.r.s Osaoon, Dear Sir. I have read with much interest, yur lit'le Tr..trTlac upon the ''causes, Ireninient and cure" of Ihe felwile dlaeasea winch have a , extensively prevailed in our country during the l ist few in aillis an interval increased 11 d mlit, by Ihe fact I hat I bnve in.lit idlinllv ..ilH'cred much fr in them. Th ingh I feel nivaelf very' lire mielent I" judge aifely urvn a t a en'lirelv iirofrthi .nal. vet I yoar Ihe ry seems t i me well reas ami. and v ur c m lu i si uis just, and I Ihiuk willeil. tint your pamphlet ia calcu l lab'd to pr xluee much nnieiinil p-mit. Si etiking ni the iiinbeine he snvs It fnllv justified your I It ilteriiw exiwlati us. mid as a sine, eonvenieu!. ami p pu. I lar reme.y, my own experience, a . fir, inducca nu t l- heve that it will pr 't e a pie.t public Ivuclit. I mil pleased t hMrn ihit ym have rweutlv ert ibliHhe.1 several aceneiea f r i s disp siii'in tleaigh I riitret that, wilh a view I a in re ffeiieral disscuiiuati 'u of if, y at sleaild linve f und it necessary to remove from y air present rividenee am. tig us. Wilh much respect 1 have the h to l, sir, Your oldrred sennnf. Wl! LI AM WOODUKIDGE CT Fiem Hon. Stffiieu V. It. Tsowcaioox. of Michi gau Stale Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. HisnisQiiAX, Oaslasp Co., Dee. 13, lSlt. Sir vn wish me to infirm you what I know of Dr. usa ioii s imlia cti- ig gne, uuti.bili sis meilieine. 1 d i J ,1ml it ,1. ,'in... n..,l e i... 1:..: generally kinwn, the i-fvie axo aoi s woukl diaaniwar in .Michigan. H"' I nr ynred a h iltla in the anrine nf IHI. aiwt I,..,.. . j reason I believe tliat mvseli aial family escaiied tha acne ! Lisi se is in ill i o iseuuen'ee of in nse lVrhni.s iu no suinmnr since Ihe selllement nf ilos S., peninsula, hna the fever nii.l ague lieen a i prevalent aa tiie last. I have ree 'iimieii lei thia medicine in numerous iu-sian-es. and when the d'aense luid become bxeil and haAled the skill of physicians i awl 1 leive never kn wu it fail. I. has universally ir flueil the m s balmy ell'ee'a. and I liet lieve ii ha never leu ex.'ee'M by any meilieiue in rein ving Ihe bili sis d'teisea of the climaic. Yours, reapet Ifully, ri'EPIIEN V. II. TROWBRIDGE. Aee,i f i Siiuhurr II. Jl. MASSER j Northnmlrlnnd WITIIINGTOM 0 ; Milteu, J II. H ASLK : teliiu grTC, MAY A KI.OSE. May u, Ma II' e OAKFOTD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. C II A H L K tt UAkl'URD, No. 104 CJIESTfCUT STREET ' flutatletphia. Wi nli! irai relTu'ly li.v.le ait. hiion to hia nipcnnr .-iyl of bale lor aolunin. 1818, wb'cli Hill la f und li e most peilen cicr Ii off rial l i ilie C 'lii i'iin.) . i peculiar f irms reniler- it the mote t S'rsi'l , asii eninliinrs all the paaeuiiVt of uV. bili-y I'lu'iieaini'-a. ni). site in that atlicl.' uf . r bi it liia loriesnil f.eiliiies in in m iinifacturinj ill all. he I'lulirn vein. nu, .,n.i.. bun Pm GuALLAtkoK iiik Wuhlu In lir. duce lietl. r tlHUDRRi'a Fasci IIatsasr Car ur s l.-rei MunK. Tlice gnolaliasa Ueu srWi tl th great c r-. and mil roniul m ei loiuiilul ml fi ss in ttieir -ly'n l.nii.' Uinivo (1T, ,', Cars or n ,rius L s.w ''attki rs.-tiien wi'h.i ! n I, iow. ,mI iii riii-siii). in ilioe sii c'ra ih t they niy lii c.f. ni) eu. j ami I'jiiii s graceful upi ir ce CHARLES OAKFORU, 104 Cl estnut st. s :w il.x. duw !' ml l'hi.,lrl.bU. S.', .iniilTi 90. 18t8h June 9 1, 1818 ly- JACOB KBCliv7 '. ' - WHOLESALE AMP HF.TAtL ,'' .'.'!, viiic ijQuouuaiiu. 1 .Va t'Ji l urlict ii'ltl Hehiiu ''g-iA, tfyrih S le """ ' ' I'lllLHU LI III A. ' Keeps constantly on haml til itu of oM Li linn, vix : Suo"ior ob ry whikeym,erif.r fliautlv, tiin, &c Alto wh.l. tusMly In. preeef- ni. Wllit loiiy ami llliirklwiiy biaiuly.. - i liils'lelphia. June 3. 18i8. ly ' "' - WINDOW GLASS. 8 by 10, for sI HKNRY.MASiTJlU. 8uitkti7, Jsq tTik, A THE ONLY RAPICAL CCRB.roit CONSUMPTION!! ."rrofutn nr King'd Kvil, IMuMinmtirni. ()lttnnt Ciittne ii t-.rn iniHi. rimph i" rtrriitfi-n n itie im'V. rii icht lliUp.Chnni.ri re l'.ytn. King Vrui r T?iter, Bf-nhl 11 end, l-.iiliirf:i'mriti ann luin ot tli Hour rnwl j int. Hlnldi ni ritcr. 8yplii lilir 5ymt':m. scifiliiH tt J .ittnlvig , dlnmiKrt nripinff i'n m on injmli ci -wi "re ' Mtficnry, I)rp denre in lii'e; !, CltnHiic C iirtl till. -n .lLi nrttrn. In this meHwhir nevenil inn wit hut very jvtnt art ir ten of the reffctnltlc khifni in are unite), ftirmhtfi cn.p"iid entirely different in itnrhnnirter una pertir fnm nny ttier prvpnrtiti'in. nml mirii-ntleri in it .prmti ti en the ritlom when Mt Ting nmler dtwnse. ItalnrnkMie hi lhr hniMlH of mxrrv nera n. wh . by lni(sinw, r grmntl r nr of IHp. ia prnban e't to the rerr many nilimmta thnt ron rter liifl a curse, iiintcad i a blevaiug, nivd n oittn remit in aeain. FOUPCKOrt'IsA. fir, Drake Pnnweri is tre. immeiiflrtt na a rertain retnrity. S t 'tw intnnc!t' ttn tnilnre hna rvrr HrnrTeH when tni- ly tiicd ! It rnres the dirwiM nnd nt tlie anmr time im nrtu vig-T t the wh le vat cm. fVr mt na ym -na mil nvtr my t'i mnrh nttmti ni b the atnie nt their M d. Ita pu rifii-ali n h uM be their first nim ; f t pnrveraiK- will aec mpnan a cure oi evbm iierrditamt inaeuae. FOR IlRrrTIONtToF TI1F.WIN. rVuny, !p rl'iilic AffecliMi. Turn w. White lvellinir. FrynliTlnn, ricrra. Cnnfera. itiitinfiig I'fpn. ftnd imhI Htlra. lr. nke'a Pnnnpen ctniii t be ! hhrblr ext lletl it amrrhi-a out the ver Mit f Die dimsiae, ami innniieiit. IXDIOFSTION OK PYPPF.rMA N merlicine per)m a brm errr been dire vered wbii-h givcB n mnrh t"iie t tite rt mtifh nnd mimt the aerTe- ti n "f a benlthy gnxtrie juice t dec. nip ac the to d aa Vt. iruKc a inimrea KIUKMATISM. Dr. Drnke'a Fanncen ia used with the rrmtert sucrcta in niientuaiic C Miiisfciiiits, epwiatl aiu-bnarhr iiic. It purrs by driving i,ut ull impunliea and I'md huimnira which have art'iiiiuilutcd iu the patcm, which are the en tine of Rheu niniim, Gml, and Swellings"!' the j. inls. Other retnedica metimes give temporary relief; thia nilirely eradiedtea the dihcnue tr un theayatein, even wheu the limba and U,ne nre ureatiiuuy swollen CONSUMPTION. CoxsrjirTto!! ess st ccied C.aichs. Catarrh, Dr hi chilis, li illinr nf HI "i. Asthma, DiAieiilt or iirmise Kx pcet ran n, lice le Flush, .ieht Sweats, Pain in the aide c. have neencureil. nial can be with ne much certuiiitv any thcr disease. A specific hna I ne lieens ughl i l, but lu vain unlit Ihe disc, very il' Lr. Drake's Panacea. It la mild and sale bul certain and etnculi us in its imeiati nnd caun t p ssibly injure the most delimte c usiituli u i e w uld earnestly rec-.mnieud tltose iilrtieted t ' give it n trial and we lielieve Ibey will n n have censi n t'i nirret it. The system is cleansed and strenglhened, the ulcers n Ihe luiiss are heeled. .ihI the sltienls graduullv leguill their iisuui iieaiiii eun sireugiti. lieiHl tlie Iwllowlug : TESTIMONY. Pimla , Dec. Ilth, 1S4 Dsah Sis : In renlv to vour ouesii n resneciina the ua,' ef Dr. Drake's Panacea. 1 will anr, that although a perfect nisueiiever lu tlie existence a Paxacca. or cure lor all diseases, h. wevei valuable it nuiv I iu certain c nalili ns o tlie system, still 1 have lieheved that a cure I i C .aisumi. ti. n w ukl Is- disc vercil s i ner or later, nisi cun any led me lo iry y ur meilieiue m lv very invetiasite cuses I hey were pr, n ainee.1 by Ihe nttcndiiig phvsie s to I Pt'LMONAKY CONsVMrTION. and aluiiid uetl by them ns IX CCRALLR. One ol" Ihe IH.I sous bad been under Ihe treat incut nl several vry able pnielili neis for a uuuiber ot' years, nml they said sbr had 1,1 Inula aied C usiiinpti. c aniline wain tN'r !uln," mid that sheuugbt lincerl ir a ma lime l-ut could ntit lie iK'niianeully rehevetl. In b ilbenses the effii-t i l the Panacea hns lieen in -st cratifvnig. Onlv I ur or five Isitlles were used by one of the persons befiTe im eegnn t , impr ve rapiiuy. i lie omer l vm uli ait ten. will "n!y add Hint familiar ns I am with c iisunipli ai by iiiheritunee and by extensive olwervnlj n ns a study, mid knowing nls the iujiiri ms elTeets iu nine eases i ut "f ten of lar, b mesct. and other vegetable t mice, aa well aa many ol the extieet tnmtsnud sedatives. I sb uld never have ree .uuucndtd Ibe use o Drake's Panacea if I laid li t lieen ucnuniulcd with the ingredients. Suffice it t ny that these are lec imileuneii ny our m st pmiitair uml acieutilic pliysi eiaus. nnd iu their present c 'luhiitcd slate, f Tin pr bribly llie lcst Hlleiative tliul lias ever lieen made. The cure is in ucc irihoicu with a the ry of C usniiiiti ai hriacheri in prance a few yeura ng , by one "f her m ".t euiineiit wri- teraon uieilieuw. and il iv esluliluhed by fuels which ait mil Ol ic.i 11111 Hie. Yery Respectfully Yours, I,. C. flt'NN. To use Ihe lauiruagc of nn-ilber. (iDl. Dnike's Panacea In always salutary in its rlleets never iiiiuri us. Il is n I as Opiaie it is ii I und K.xreeloranl. Il is n I in'ciulcd fi lull the iuvulid into a fatal security. It is a grenl renuali n gniiMl healing mid curative c nip-nnd. ibe arent and onlv remedy which tueilieiil aiaence and skill lias yet pr sluced f ir the triaituient of this bithert ' line unuereit'nelHilv. And no wru u athiete.1 with Ihis drisid disease, w ill lie Mist f himself and bia frieiala. il'he g i d -wn I Ihe grave without testing us virtues. A single li tile, lu in at eases, will tar ihiee a fiivoruble change iu tlie l- unllti ll of any patient ip'W v er l.'iv. ' TO THE LADIES lldiea of nalc coinnlexi-4, and r aismmaive habits, mid such as are dehiliulcil by lhose nbslructi lis which feiualea aie liable lo, are rcst-ircd bv Ihe use of a b llle or two, f., I.I i. nit vig t. Il ia by far the Irst rcmedv ei-er disc t'tral fir weakly children, and such as have tsid hum 're i liug pmisnui, iney mke n. ii imineiiiuieiy rest 'rcstneui peiite strengib and e l t. N linns ini be m 'le surprising than its inn's? ralinr ef. feela on ihe hiiuinn triune. Pers ns. all weakness uud las situde lie. ire taking il. nt onee hre me r hurt nml full energy muler i's inllueuee. It immediate e anilentrls the lien elcssiKsa o Hie lemnle trauie CAt TION. lie careful mal ree that yu get Ihe genu ne ui ijnAnr. s i-AitACKA u lias me signature I lien, r . , Stohhn on the w nipia-r nnd nla ihe isime 4,Dn. I'Saxs's I'ASACEA. I'lllLA." bl 'Wll III the gl'irs. I'resired only by SroaasAt Co., Drurrgisls, Nn.tll North. c-iAin ri., -iiunoeipiua. Agent for Suuliurv II. MASSEIt S.ildalsobv H's A. .Mcbrax Co.. Danville II.SHARr r, Mili'Hi; Mart McCor, Northiiinlierlaiid; E. P. I.uiz UI NUlHWUtg. April I, ltMtV ly Mclorlnl IMilloii ar l 4 iiMprno'is gr'ut ttiii ti mis the ll'fii mmi'tii ! F THR SIX TEKN TIi PF.N'I CRY IN HY.H i' MANY sW I Zt-.RI.AN & IV. II li piililtslieil m, or aliiiiil lie l.l n inil. IKh In IOS A M'Hl.L No till t liei i si .oi- lot. j Ilia spiellllhl I 'll. o eillllon uf Ihe iiiaitn Hano i , wnik villi IS elgiaieil iIIiiiiuioii fii'in oi i ' g ma I ilekign. ; I vol. iii S boon. I in eiua iliol ; Mini tibial Ir eti... i I I he ieMH Holly la'talhe aM.lil i" j "! If!" kH'te wi.ii Ibe public g..ieiaHv. In lb j unik h'ing the only edition pnhlo-h : in in- in Lil Malee tl liusta I bat lb- li.-a.iii ol Ha enibellibtii ut th. stinng and siihslanlia inanner in wnu n it it boniiit in rniiliiiirlinn will. Ihe known uiuilaiilv nl Ihe wuik lUell. will h sure recoiiniiciiilul inn t public fa'or ' JOS. A cPK.FL 00 Ch-itv t sbuv 0th J. A S tiaa tan lately a new and nrajniiitii r.ilitinnnl S-rg"ant He I's Rare Show suitable book fr children, neatly done up in exna rinm. Philadelphia, April I, 1848 CUTLERY. AN in. n ice tJimk nf Pnrkei ami Tab's CUT I.KIiY. f. r sale by J0E1T M. COLlIAlT, Ao. 3S mnd 34 AHCADE. ottii 81 Kuril. TH1HD fUtft, C mp iiii fiflno iIuih reokiiivie, 8cisa rs i R stirs. Also, a choice asa.i tmei'i of Ro'g'iactc Rons. M'ne'n hn'inV, '(. '. W, cV 8. Uuirhri's s i' KVniiev'e I 'niter. ' Also, MpaiJiali,' lli k su! Hiin'iiiB. Knieia. Al-n, Ohii., I t)i ', an' llowi- Kmr, At t Th Amtriet.H Iht'" Stmt. s suarn .riilw. wo li.tlo- atn nli n f l) ..ra Cabd lliulirs in ( m.i Icy. evi 1 1 nl the ! si"i k wmihv Ibeir sticn i hi. ihe 8u ..cri''.' i'l. iff I us lie.. a im .r ii ( Hit Mtlin. Kftb , (ill it. I hi., J.iue I lb I, H4H It i s.j.IuSargkk & CO. IMPOftTIWQ AND l OUMMilON ' : MEUCHANTS, ' And Dealer in Paper, and Paper Mattuactw , Te) t, jya,r'a1 No-33 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA. ; KERP'rnnsitutly an hJ s. UiAje assort ment p pilliling anil other paper Newt laipis iu the fttuHiiy, rt b S"ltiil st l liirva. wnh sapor of suy tilt Snil Matltly, the loweal prices., , -, . PbtUMirlpbu, .'ua 7lk, 1I4 ,HSIK MOTR I. INT. , , , , rKKnvt.Vi.. rtic f. lt,ii" Hat h,.wa thr eurr ni al,n of si flti'Svlvsnis ItaiiV .U-s, 'I'riii m.Mt implicit n-. 1-arieS moi 1 plarail tuiort k. as )t , srrry mt arefii'lv cmtiiasrsit with si d ristrsris,! It t It -.ell'a IteftortS' ' - - - , ItnnltH In nlla1clphla. fntKH AT PAR. Isnh ,if Nmlh Armvles i Hank iifths NArilirrn l.i!rlii Oomtnerrial Bsnli of Pnn's. . Pssmsts' sml Mwhsnies' Hank (is I pa pa pst pal fsiiairt'on B'lfk "hilsilclpriis IIiiir MimlhiH Itsi-k . . oiitliKark Katik t..s,-,, Itatik 'i r'' IN,.l 'o i, wcMni rs' A M.l, ,ioc It nk pal pni I'S fin pai I'' pf t,il f I', nu Toernohip . . . ' Ha-l 'ai I I t 'onoi'i nr. I ,le tovami lismt I't P' Itank of I'fi.nn Ivan'n . 'oimti'.r fliinti.. tank ..I I'I.esiei Cfiiiini, Westchealel pS S'tk of iMawnrr I'mmiy Hank of ftrrinanlott n Uank of Moiiipomers V.,. ('heater (ornisntown Nioria'iiwn T)ovlet0Wll pa P ps Dovbslown Maul pat Ka. on Dank Eaainn par Pa.mers' Hank of Itiiek. en llri.tol p.. Hunk T ! rtlinmlH,i-inil X .rthiiinherUml I'otiim' ia n-n k nriiirr.r.l'i,liirnlM par par raron r. r .ns oi i a'n lei" l.anci-iei pi I sin a ter iToni ty It mk t. uieasTr llnnk Lancaster lisnciater ia P I' ' .nwn' lllll'k of t'lS'lilig itliee ,1 Mank nl Pfi.n'a. Iltiif do ln 'fTtcr ,ln iln flice 'iln ,ln li a-DiiB Harribnra' Vhe- l.ancisier fliee Hosiling to nut fvaaton J inane n T Km A T 'Ui.k nf ll.p 1'nilml St ile I' IRIJII II !N T. Phila..phs I'ol'avtlle lw.t.nn Mill. I le own CnlisV Piltshmr HoUiilissliiirg II arri-d. urg l.rliamin Piiialmrg PiitsSuiK Williamspori Wilkeslisrrs I Mil,, rs' Itaok of PnllBtilli' Hank nf l.ewi.nn Hank . f Mal.lMown pal fail INrlmte Hank Rxebanae Itsnk llo hraucti nf Itmri'lmig Itank l.plianon Hank Wer. liant'cV Maiml flank 'iitnk Pillel'urii ll.snch II nk Wyoming Hank V. rih in plmi Itsnk links IVnntv Hank aitW .,1 itaiik nl IT. H I lo tin iln Uo iln ilo tl-ii'k nf I 'hainlipr.ltiifg 'I - k nt (teiHeblira 'tittiV of Su- iiieliaiiii i I 'n. in. It o l '.n.'r',V lliover It mk ' ink i ll nik' 'I .K.I le ll.nk I . nu r.i. ll.iok ol II. .-k I' .. llmilntrn no sal tteailing faite Pittsburg fail. Erie , ' Urijliion d I'llainlieratiurf I I leltyshurg I Montrose 2 3 Waynealmrt 2 Waaliinritiin 14 lliuieMil.ile t7 UmvnsriHr I Vo.k I N. tl, I tie iioiis I itinse banks on which we n n siiiitiniiiii. ai snli.iitute a da-li ( ) are not uirelinseil by tin- I'liibiil, brokers with tl r S i e lint, i.l tli .r tvlm h baee a leitcr of r leretice, II H l K P. i It A N K c5. t'l.ll ib li.lns Sa. Ins. I'hiln 1. 1, Ina . do lo lo lo llvott, prop.) Tnwamla Itiillonl Heiiv.'t Marrtaburg V'alinmloti Hell, fonie I'.ti-biiiB I'lll.l.lirj; Ffttetle en. (ireeneiit p H irnim.v If nnliriir.toii l.e i-tnin Wariei, Diin.lirt' New llop. Milton Meailsille tailed fiiled fiilcl I'liiliiih'lptiia l.iim Itn, 'Im. lit si I In. Kei.-inumn av. Ina. A IVini TiihiikIiiii M i Ins. x'ai.ll.l It ma ( I Y t'owaiitla Unnk II ink of Pa 'I .ok nl Hosier t ink nt Wivatara Dan't nl VYa.binul m I'enire Uank 'ny 1I.ii. k farmer-' A 1e hVa' Hank FHimrr'A- MwliV.' Hank Kiiiii.i ts' iV MochVa" It ink lln'niony Inmiiut. 'tiililinrr.l ii. Haul. Joinaln llmk Lnnil'ruiet.'. tl.iiik N. riberi. Hank "f ''-.. n Mot P l. I.;,. t o. ..iiliiiiiii'M I'niiin I ol. Ilk. No.lh Hilok of p,. I.l.,,. .1 Kelii'vlklH lin.k k. Ai" A Miimf Hank ' i'Vi-1 I. ike li n k 1 i Urn k ..f IVnii'u Ceiiniiirlami Hank vt ilKe-liiitre llrlilne ( ', f.iloil no sate rl.wp.1 c.e i Inileil no .'e fiileil fnle.l f illnl mi -al. ml .ati no s il. la, li no ile e ,!.,! no nU c...,l failcil ilos- ,1 f.lllill Port I la'b ui I'arliale Monti, .se I'nioiiinwn ltr'eiial.ura rloseil Wilkesbnrr no sal iXj A" unit" pitlKi'lli'U tn on any Pannivl Lima Hank not en en in the above li-l may he art lown a frauila. u:w .m:ki:v. 1 1 k .-I IN,- HiniMwick '. vi. I, i. ttnok 'iirl"vloi I n. H'flifc ' u. . . u-.ii! H ii.k I o.t. r.i..' II.. k '. 111 .-' It.. I -'4110-I Mei-limtir.' '.fi. .!. !tti rbaiiN's -iiiirt-re anil M,-ri Iihiiu' Itinnan iek H-lv.tlrre M.tltonl Perth Ain'i-iy Uml ei-m tt.uml Holly Ilk Ita'iwav Ilk N. Huinsi. k faibil i I' pi" psi i filled Hk Mi-I.lletown Pi. 1 r'ruiik'in It mk of .N.J, Jerev 1,'ilv H e.-keii UkstV (iiHiiiia ! Hoti-ken fail tl fail, it failc.i failed fulle-t' i failed i psi mi nilt no aiil. ii s 'ii II ink Jtfeey l!ity Patteranii HeUiville Morrietost u Kreeh 4.1 Mew .irk Trenton Jersey ttily ami a' Unik tj,..,;fti inr- r." Hoik I iiiioiv Uank '. i.niiiouil' Hk ol iS. J. elniiii. ti n k i-b.iiiK ' hiiii innul. Uk "ni. I 'anal ami lilts '-' I'.. I ,N.. . si'i. likb A lua I 'ti Hoi t Ijrl lirnlue t'n .:. V .iiiil..i (ike. I n Newaik LsintaillHiille llnhokmi faittil failed i failr.1 i pm pa i i s i in c n A I ia,.Cf II i.k ' ok ler-ey ,iy ' Iraiige Pair-latin tin . . um in Newark KllxaKrtliinwi I 'ami leu iicr- mi ll.tiif," . -.'i s' linnk ,ii,i l-'.in ll'll.k i .i, in It -i. kins l " lu H-il. Ur lllllk an Hint .It U ink III M.ons M.,te Hunk ilein ami Pliiiatl VI hii.,1 , uwa. I Hank' I'lenu ii llaiikiiig (' l!ui.-n Hank 'A aetiii at-ui tlankins t'u. Mimisuiwii Tienioii Xak-m .ewl.H. TieoUin iMeer Hackenaack lailen tailed i pai i rade.1 pai pei pa par pai I' per par par DELAWAKE. ".k nf U'ilin ii ttrmiMlytstiwr VV'iinungliai Uank ttl IMttvarr Wjlntinflnn tank of Smyrna Hmyina Oo tuaiirli Millnrd ' annus' Hk of Nlate nf IM Dover l,i hraitrh Wilminstun Ilo bianch lieorfetnwn tu limiM'h NeitC'tetle iti-isi Hoik WilmitifbMi ,r If l.'inlei ft ,1, Iln all l-ai-ks m nked thus () there sre ct. net itnniieiteii ol altered notes of ihe earnia ale. itiiM.atsrW'a. in earriileiinii. A THnvt UoLitas ! ASHBY &, HOCAP, lint nnd .Ylnmithcf iirrrv, Huh Eatt Corner of ilk uud Market Si reel. Hut- meat tliry fHIZiASELFHIA, HAVK pi nt'anl on l aiul loll snd rn i.p'etr aa-nrtn lit of HA 'Psi. t? XP'S, end YVU ' m . hn rl- S"t i ssnrtm- tit nf nn-' an I tuna' lghnm, Panama, sml n leaf Hals Al f ich b sarin.- nf flfltlO in r- nt, ss. ill he e.d.1, wlinls sle "it relai', al the ty k.wral prirps. t:,iuiriy Jealela waul I il i well lu rs.ll. St by P Mioii.y snd low ei', we i su il-le I lo tell et Wiy low talcs . . - J'uiia I0ih, l84S.-ly' ' ' CBSimCZlT. BOOT MAKlUt, N. 40. ' Sot T S) Put kTH t'TV.r.KT. Astnvc CuESTNl'T. Jaav Sh, Uiem SAlrAlrlANDEIl. riRE Ann thief moor cueist. Fir.E-rROOP BOOR9 FOtt BANKS AND STORE Swl Km! Lnttfr-Copylfiit I'rpwa, Pntent Slatc-LinpJ Rofriiierntoi-s, Water Fil ters, Putent Portable Wut:- r Clo sets, intentlfd for the Sick and Infirm. . EVA1MS d WATSON, 7 Sn ilk Thr4 Street, OPPOSITE TIIE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. jstSJSw Manufacture and ketpc nise int '"-"Il Mf llbV I S "'A srticlea, toaeiher witk vJ lU.-illi I 'heir Patent lmpr.ived!S.,lumandef are ,, eiaiMrueted aa to set at rest all manner of d ulit e to then lielua trip,!., a - .r l " 'eTiil . biiitiliinr. Ti. .i.i. ..... .i Iheaa fnfca nre made of b ulor iron, tlie inside en sent mo st me, and het-een the outer inse and inner rise ia a nasce nt' s une three inches thick, and is filled in with imteatruc tibte m tterial. a i as 1 1 imke it an iia;, vsilnbtr t , Imrn any 1 tlie r aitenia mame n nm -nei.,. nese n sipst me (a. bimandera vrf nre prereired ami d i clralleuire fie w ld t pr.shice nnrartiele In the shape a" lt .tifes that will stand na much heal, and tve n 'Id miraelvee rendy at limeatn huve them inirly resteil by publie hmRre. We nis i continue 1 1 maunl'nclnre n hrpe nud eeuerul ass Tt ment nf our Premium Air-tin t f ire rre ir fulea or which, there are over ftst n 'v in use, nnd in every instance thee have riven entlie eilisrncteui t the piirehnsera ' which1 we will refer the pulilic t a few eeiitlemeu who have them in us Haywood A nvder. P.atsville! Jneph 0. I .a veto P Itsville; Mi. U illnm Cnrr. I vlestnivn, Pa. N. A O. Tuvl t. pjp n 'rth l at.; A Wrirht A Nephew Vine at. wharf; Alex-mder Onr.H-, Ciuveynueer, corner of c iiiu-ri aim pin sis.: jonu ni. roru. : u-irih Tki et.; Mvera Itiish, an ii Tib 3,1 t.: .Inincs M. Pnnl. ml s intli 4ik i Dr. llavid Jnyne, ft amth .1.1 St.: Mnthew T. Miller. SO a nth Hd at. I and we c ail l name nine hundreds .if there Il it were n"essiry. N iw we. invite Ibe of the public, ami pnrtienlarly those iu want nf Eire lrof ?Vifes, lo call at our store lief ire pnrchnsitur elsewhere, nnd wa ran mlisfy them Ibey will let a better nnd cheaper article at onr store tlirm nt nny oilier esimmemnent in ll.e eitv. Ye nls i imniifnetiir'e the ordiu-irv Eire Pr vif Thesis, al nt very I 'W nrees. ehMner than they can be b-Mipht at any othei store in Philadelphia. PAVID FVANf. .IOIIANNK8 VATSO.X. PhiUdelphia, April ?, tf-IS ly ni:w GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER Henry Masser, LJ AS just receivnl at his storr, in Sunbury, - on anoitmi'iil of the t-bfapest GooJs, lltut ever cumu to thit place, cimsisliiig of DHV GIIOUN. CnOCEMES, LIQUORS, $t. French black Cloths, Cassiuelts. &c. Cali cocs. of excellent quality and colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Gomf Muslins, a yard wiilc, at 6J, rents. These are not the low nriceil trash articles usually sol. I. Muslin tie Lnines. of line qu.l ity an'il patterns 18J. HamUome Terkeri ami other Shawls nml various other articles. The public are requested lo call and judge for themsi'lvi's. Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1S48. S3 L 02i jl LS2. S3 rafint tii-l'iuht SUMMER AND WINTER COCKING STOVES. cpilF.abne Stove, which iaeqnnlly well artfipted to Wood J. or C al, h-is recricetl silver ineihils ut the luirs of the American Institute. New York ; of the MeclwnncB' Insti tute, I! -eton ; "1 the r'runklin Institute, I'bilmtelphia ; and of the .Mecluiiics' liiHtilule, Wiltiiinct in, lielnware. It ia eap'ible, if properly used, oi d nig ill -re work, with resa lucl. th in any - Iher St vc yet i liercd t the pnUic: in wlnfci it will wurin the t-irijest kitchen, while ill aniiimer. with the siininicr ilres nlt icheil, it throws out no in -re lieut thnti a chiirc nl liirntice ; and for b lilnift. broiline, te kmir, t roustmrr, it cannot U snrimiiscU by any other Stivt, open fire, ir brick --len. K lit O.M .I f :.NU A T. O.NS. CESitricAix or tiieJcdoes or the MicniNtcs' l.isri- TfTE. KoaTOS. Vc. the subscribers, beiit- ch st n Jndirea by the Mnsaa chnsetls t;h:irit ilile MiM-hnnics' Association in Host in, on st -ves, liirnnees, rniites, .Vc. w llkl iiil'-rni the public, thai nf-er teslinff till the e.i kine stovca th:it wero put into the Kuir f-ir exluliitl ni, nisi lelliuft ent-h iiuiii uuuuigc Ins own st-ive with tlie kiiiic kind of c ml, iu order to nacerluin which wottl-l d the aiuie work with the least luel in the rune time, mi-1 do it licst. we find that Stewart's Puteut rtiituincr nnd Winter Air 'J'tirlil C sikinaM ie. iniiuatactur eil by Ihe patentee, of Tr iv. N. V.. to tic the best, us II took but ift uiuiti'es to l.-il tic enllou of wntci and Isike biscuit iu ihe Mine lime, nud br.iil lieel slenk. nnd all d ne in tha bi-st iiinntit'r wilh seven p .-unils of coul. in thirty niimitet fr-nii the tune the lire wie put into the stove, 'i'j which weanir-le.l the silver lucdul. urn jvm i .!i;oi i.l), wai.tfr ronxEi.i., THOMAS MOPI.TOX. A. I). WKIlltliU, and JAMI'.S PACK, Jcikiks. The sulisi-ribcrs respectfully invite the uttention of e -tin-try dealers, t i one 'i the laryest and tiest selected st'H-k of stoves, ever uttered in this city, aia mg which are the tub I wing : Screen Cjler.ders. Oven Stnvet Wa-liinjtnii Ait Tight Cooks. ii I can Kmekas Lrt Oven A Ihany Willi iln da do iln ilo tin dn do do di do Mi flregnr Menimnth 1 reimiima Conk S lives. National lir-TiKjit C nkt. I'ai lor Stnvet. mil T.nma An Tight Tartor Stoves. 1,0 Char rathe let Al 1'isbt dn 2(10 I.aJy Wa.liiiietnii, Air-Tight Parlor. 1.1(1 U's-diinvton Air-Tight dn .100 McUr.-itnr'a three days Parlor Air Tinht Coal Sluvrs. biirniiif three days wilbnut atten- linn. For sale wholesale ami retail hy North. Harri son Sc Co. No .1IIII Mark. I street. Philadelphia. I'll ladetphis. Jut) 18th. 1818 FEVER AND A(UIE!! UZTTIIOROUGIILY ERADICATED BY ROW WU'S TIIMC MIXTI EE ! 111 tT ureal Nalional. Obi Favorite. snd rrer l-.fat K-meity!!! of KIGIt I'RF.M Y ARS "TANDINU still unapptnai-ned in its tvonder ful aiiicen. reilainty. n tal ty, iathe ctss or BSTcitm cuttrbAiT ! (Xir" Il )im would r-inie the sraeeica' (po:tn. mis) roniit- rfeiit take not a bottle frnnt a it awe. tha ts n t guur.leH by t e written e'?Wuce" nf the original inventor and proprietor. Jot) R. Row a Mi. mi a paper label, erotiiog the muHlh ml for. Toil remedy ias rev r li-en bolstered up by fal.e am! d-i-ei ful iiuffs. hut lis won its way to the oifiileirp snd uuive'sal adn linn of the in habitantsoi Fsvca on Ai-e !isTstns BV ITU HOOD WOKKS.1M) l-KIJITS HOSE, to whuh all theaent. and every person who tilf uted it, well lslify. FROPRIETOR'8 OFFICE 111 Arch Mreet Philadelphia. Atisais for "a Iniry Ira T. Clerr.ent, J. V. Frilina:, II. M aer and Gen Bright. Ar.amt for Nnrihiimberland Forty! he, WiU son At C . R M. MTsy. iisnil 8, I8t row p..r i WiM'drnba of Fatiltloiiuble CLOTHING. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Na. 184 Market Street. FinJ Ctdhhig soeeir- erilO Sixth. . PHII.AtlKt.rilU. t IIFRK they are rniitlauily enrared is fet lint up trout Ihe beat French. Kflf'iah and American t alb. r nlhiua: rut and made up in Ihe most superior and fashionable sly . t'ertons whn buy In tet , wil find a arit snd esre teat stock al Ihe nwett e it y prices. Coining- made up to Older, ia a superior style at Ibe shortest not ire. N R Old Fellows IWa'is. 'tree assort ment alwa)s u hand Oidera lium Lodger and iiMlividua s prompt'y attended to on tha most re, tnuah e lernis. I'fai ade phis, June 3, 1118 Jy. (Lute Kt'llcr Grseuuugti.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AWO MBOHANXOAIs BWOaXCBBB, YVavlklustun, U.', DRAWINGS anj papora for th Pataot Uifijt), prepared auid all thtt neixrasarv bo attieaa, in rwlmion to aaourinp patents, t'ransr notwl, and promptly attended to, at their e fioti oppositn th Patent Othw. ' - i Oclwber 28, Uil. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers