SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. dUl oil5 of 3tcmf. MEETING OF OEW. TAIXOH ft GET, CASS. AWoshinRton Correspondent, .wril,in? ,!" tf March, gives the following account of thn Reeling and preetin? of Iho President and his unsuccessful rivnl : Gcti. Cass paid Gon. Taylor a vipil lo1ay obont noon. The meeting of these distin guished men was .of the most agreeable and happy character. We will endeavor to give a description of it. Gen. Cas, accompanied by Senator Fitzge rald, camo into the office of the hotel and in quired of our friend Willard if Gen.' Taylor was receiving company. Ho was told ht was, and asked to walk up to his apaitmcnls which he accordingly did. tn. Taylor, tit the moment, was seated, speaking to a g.-n-tleman.and did not nt first perceive Gen. Cass' entrance. Upon turning round ho nt once recognized him, and coming forward, grasped his visiter's hand in both his own, and shook it most cordially, Gen. Cffss appa rently being equally friendly. Gen. Taylor Ah, General, how do you do 1 I am very glad indeed, to sou you. Gen. Cass (who, it appears did not know the President elect by nigh!) Thank yon, General. I am very glad to see you, (slink ing hands all the time.) By the way, Gene Tai, you had the advantage of me, (alluding to his recognizing him first.) That's twice you've had the advantage of me ! (This was said with great drollery, and paused the Gen eral ami every 0110 present In laugh heartily.) Gon. Taylor Yes, that's true ; but yon know the bailie's not always to the strorg. eh? Gen. Cass That's a fact. (Lnrgh'er) How do yon feel, sir 1 Gon. Taylor Well, pretty well, ihark you except that I have two or three ribs stove in, that's all. I suppose lint's merely a circum stance, however. (This evidently uninten tional hit caused lh? most immoderate laugh ter, in which Senator C.'fs joined as heartily as any one. When liu could g' t his iv.en j straight, he continued the conversation.) ! Gen. Cass Ah, indeed; I am very sorry to hear it ; where did it happen 1 Gen. Taylor At Madison. You see the Indianians felt a little sore about one of my reports, and asked me to pay them a visit. Of course 1 complied, to tdiow I had no feel ins asninst them. Well, I got on board of a small boat at Madison, to goto Frankfort, mid just as she was about Install, I stepped out of the saloon, which was brilliantly lighted rp. to speak to a friend, ll appears a large black trunk hail been placed in the passage, and. in the transition, from the glare of the saloon, 1 did not perceive it, ana the first thing I knew 1 thought both my legs, my arms and all my ribs were stove in (Laughter.) lain ncaily well now, however. Gen. Cass I ain very glad you are, indeed General, allow me to introduce my friend, Mr. Fitgerald, of the Senate. Gen. Taylor (shaking hands) How do vou do. sir ? very clad to see von. I think I have had some correspondence with you be fore 1 Mr. Fitzgerald assented. Gen. Cass I will do myself tho plensnm ef calling on you again, General. Good morning. Con. Taylor Do call again, and often ; I shall always be happy to see you. Hero they both shook hands again, and Gen. Cass retired. In the passage a gentleman met Gen. Cass and remarked Well. General, in all the States where 1 stumped it, you got the vote. Gen. Cass (laughing) Well, my friend, 1 am very much obliged to yon, but i wish you had stumped in two or three more ! TilK most jEAVTm'L sioiiT in nature, Dobbs says, was a woman he met yesterday. '-Grace was in her steps, Heaven in her eyes, and in her arms a baby." A rosebush with a bud clip-ring to it, was nolhing to the heavenly loveliness. PROCLAMATION. V OTICK is hereby given that thcscvcrnl courts l' of Common Pleas, General (junrtcr Sessions of Iho peace, nml Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for Hie county of Northumberland, to ccnimonce at tho Court ilouse, in Iho borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A.M. on Mondnv tho Sd of April next, will continue TWO WEEKS. The cornny, justices of tho Pence and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, arc requested to be then and'thcre in their proper per sons, wilh their rolls, records, Inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollircs appertaining to be done. And nil witnesses proscrulinn; in behalf of tho Common wealth ncnint nny prisoner arc also requested and conimnmlrd to be 'then nnd there attending in their proper persons to prosecute niaint him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to licpunctual in their attendance, nt the time appointed agreeable lo their notices. Given under my hands nt Kunbury, the 3d day of . March in tho year of our Lord one thousand eisht hundred nnd forty-nine nnd the Inde pendence of tho United States of America the 73d. JAMES COVERT, Kh'ff. God save the Commonwealth. EViriT KTAIT HIS OWN PATENT AGJ3WT. XT CNN Sr Co. publishers of tho "SCIENTI L'i FIG AMERICAN," have favoured us wilh n riiamphlet contiiiiiiiiir the Patent Laws of the United States, toaelhev wilh all the forms necessa ry for applying fur a l'nlent, information in regard to filinc; caveats, W ith remarks on its uses, etc., a mount of fee required nt the Patent Ollice, and every other information that is necessary to instruct a person in making his own applications. Prii e 12 cents single, or 13 copies for one dol lars sent bv mail to nnv partofthe United States. Address Ml. XX & CO., New-York. March 10, 1S49 A MILLER AV ANTED. A GOOD MILLER ia wanted nt the MillW ' Vr. the subscriber in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland count". One that can como well recommended lor sobriety industry and honcstv. Inquire of HENRY MASTER." Sunbury, March 10, 1840. if iot.ic CjJ O'l'ICE is hereby given Unit Adam Schuyler, JL one of the Trustees of John Shade, of Tur but towm-hip, on the Mth day of February, 1S4D, died his account in the Court ofCoininou l'leas of Northumberland county, as Trustee of said estate, which account will be ollcred for confirmation ut April Urui next. JOHN FARNSWORT1I, Proth'y. S-im'iury, March 3d, lS-lf. St 1 1 . 1 J. U. MASTER has removed his oluce, to the ollice formerly oc cupied by H. Tl. Masser, as the printing Allien rl llu Similttirv A nn.ri.'n il. Itrw-lf Vff. ..I'll M.u.,. ... r-unluiry, Feb. 5-1, 1849 NOT TOO LATE YET, ' y HERE are still great bargains to! had of the f-uliKcrihcr, as he is dcteriniucd to sell ull oil' and quit the business. He is now selliutr tltc li'st HONEY SYRUP MOLASSES at of! cts. per gallon, the Lest SI UAI! IIULSE lor 40 cts. und NEW ORLTJAN'S at :5 cents. Oihcra.'liclcs in proportion. AH want to eet bargains must "Jinc soon. CHARLES S.BOGAR. SSunlmrv, Feb. 51, IS ill tf MACKEREL, SHAD, SALMON' HERRINGS, PORK. HAV.s AND SIDE. SHOULDERS, LARD & t.'HEE.sE, Constantly on hand nnd tor sale by J. PALMER & Co. Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. REMOVAL C. C. MACKX2Y, AUCTIONEER, 'PHILADELPHIA. nAS removed from No. 31 North 3d street to No. 508 MARKET Street above 0th St. 3 doors above the Rr.nLiox Hotcl. He respect fully invites the attention of Country storekeepers visiting tho city to his EVENING SALES at which will generally be found a largo assortment of II.itipwahi:, Ccti.hiit, Moots, Shof.s, Hats, and n grenit vnricty of Miscellaneous good suited to Iho sales of country storekeepers. Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1R49 3mo. tS" LycomingGn7ette, will copy. CF.OP.Gi: J. WEAVER . EDWIN II. FiTLEH. Cicorjjc J, Weaver & Co., ROPE MANTIFfl CTTTItTinS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Nn. 19 .V. Water St., and 1 1 AT. Wharves, PniLADEIPHlA HAVF .iiislnntlv 011 Iihk", n a-enn-al nssirlment of M1...II11 Hope, Tnrrcd rt"po, ii.'inn Hope. Bate H"po nml Twine, Tow Lines, fir funnl Boats. How .".'"I s"" t.ini . ..r il Ilenipnnil Cotl n Seine Twine. I.inen Mm C il 'ii Curiu't Clinin. Cotton Yarn. C'nmlle Wick, A-e. Omln !;,:!. Ijh-i, mi Colli 11. Tnr, Pitch, Itinin, anil Oakum, Hi Conlf. Vlouirh T.incn. llnltori, Traces, Ac, all of winch they will (Jif;KHf ?'f cn rcnsonoMe tcmil. Itnpcn rr any Size or Dcncription, Made to Order, at short n-itirt. Pliiladclphla, Ftb. 10, ll!. ly. RAISING BLOOD And Consumption, Pain in the side nnrl Night Swciiis, Asilima, Whooping I'onlh, I'nlpiiation rf i ho Heart, T,ivcr (-ornplaint, Droncliitis, i'M:i risy a coxsoirTiov. Mn. U A(.OAS. n Indv unwnr.l v( 70. rrxirlins f-S ShrrilT. Inn T ir vin.-f: lu-cit jiiiltMv'-t tniiiu kH t'f I'lnirisv, Itjiisinir of lit v il. severe OniHi. Slv-rl ncps i Hrrntli. Pnin in her llturt suit vori;im wirt yt Imr fW. Itrr friemlt believe J her. past ana overt TJ; AtUIFenlinst H;i!iki rclit:vcil licr ot onen fjf nil her nlruiing pympt'tm, mrl now slie is nb!e t attend tu bcr wrk. ASTHMA AND 1VUOOPIXG COVG1T. Mm. I.(prrti;i WeWn. 0.. Christie-n'retM : ft. Umk t!) 1j- Imirey MnM ; Win. II. Youngs, 73 Wuhnit street, kn tw the value of litis ereut rfniflv. Ask.forShernnn'fi All-Hmliup 13olain, find see that his Written iif'tfitur': i nn e.-urh Uitle. Priee J- rents nrnl 1 pfr Ixitllc. Dr. Sijcnnaii's Wrm nu Cmli Lei ges s ilJ csabue. SHEM1AV8 POOU MAX'S PI.ASTKK tins enretl mtre oases of Hltcnitviliiim, Vutn in ttie Rnelt. Siiie nnrl Chr-s!. I .innhrigo mitt Wtnkness. tlmn onv npi h- e itL'ii tint Ins inere.tsfil, tituidrwi tif nnprtiiriplcd ntseuls linve iitteinpletl in c.ninii-rfvii it. uml jwilm it ft' iipun tin; c mniiiiiity ns lite pfiuiine. Hcwiirc nl" Dflrepli: n.. l?MiUMii!i,f llint (he true nnd p'iuiine lUiMer is sprend iip-n ruddiS pnper inude rtprr?s!y fr the pur(.Brt nnd evcrv c.'Pt: tin fisMiilure f Dr. hermiiii is printed uy-m the luiek i f the rturt.T. nnd tin wlmle wetired byC(py Ilifilit. Ntn mhers nre tr-Miiiin". Therefore when ym w;uit a renl -rwid Shenufir's PtKir M:mi'e Piaster, call nt thoofliee, 1C6 Nufcsau Street, nnd ytu will n 't he difMnviuted. Heiuenil'er prinripfil li'Jiec 1 1 ;i NaBtiu-slrect, New-York, where nil Pr. sTicrm:Mi'i Iizrnaes are s ld. His Aireuts nr Mr. liny, 1;V Fntteii strt-et, UrookTyn ; UinvKon, Williunishurg ; nnd Ued Vvt A C Ttuwton. nnd .HUi YtH Nfl.t-uiiliiirv. M. A. MeCAY, .NorlliuniUrlnnd Fcbruury 17, cli earn ly TUBS FrilttATlYC. for TMir enrm or Ufflidjirhe. Oiddincgs, lOiennrttisni. piu-s. DyMjwpsin, Iv'iirvey. Snifill pi.x. Jrnindice, PaiiiK in the Daek, Inward WenVnrss. P d'liiiiti in of the Uenrt, H tfi iter in the Throat, Merit s g!lt Rhum, Henri Uurn, Worms, Ch lera Murhns. Ctiphs, (iuinsey, Wh.npinjr OmiuS, C'nnmptitn. Kin, I.iver Cnniplainl. Am;:?i tf.Vskiiir f t.ltls, (i"tU. Ornvel, Nervtais Com plaints, CALIFORNIA. GOLD! DISCOVERED BY SIGNOR D'ALVEAU'S GOLDMETERt THE GOLD SEEKER'S GUIDE! Sicrct Art of ftidingfyines of Gold. Silver, Iron, Ltad, Copper, Coal, and otwr Mini- ral Riches. PpHE first iliscotwv of Oolo In California was 4 mmlo 1 y DON JOSE D'AI.V EAR, n emi nerit Psnisri Geologist, Chemist and Natural Philosoplier, by mentis of newly invent cJ Magne tic invtmmcnt, rsllcd THE GOLDOMETEK OR GOLD SEEKER'S GLIDE 1 Siirnor D'Alvcar has just nrrivcj at New York, from the Gold regions of C'alifornin, hy way of rononis, C'hngrM, and New Orleans brinprius wilh him a very lnrjre quantity of (iolil or,vluc(l ot nearly one million of Dollai-s, which he collnc terl there, loni lieforo tho existence of the Gold mines hecame known to tho residents of California grnerRllv. HI.VrORV OF THE DISCOVERY ! 8iirnor D'Alvcar went out to Culifomia nearly two vears nan, in consequence of certain informa tion w hich he had received of the geological char acter Oi" that country, with tho firm belief thut vast mines of precious metal w ould he revealed there upon careful investfction. He wo encouraged to thi enterprise, also hy liis conlidcnco in the powers of a certain Magnetic Instrnntfint which he had invented. culled "Goldometcr," hy whoso aid he expected to he directed at once to tho "Gold PI icers," if any such existed. Nor were his ex pectations disappointed. His scientific calculation proved to he found in Irulli and profound wisdom, and his new instrument, tho "Goldometcr," fulfil led his highest hopes. In less than two months lifter reachiiifr California, he struck upon one of tho richest gold mines in ihnt country, upon an oliscurchrniieh of thfl 8acr;ito river, in a sorrje of hills extremely roi kcy and difficult of access, and seldom visited hy the native C'nliforninns. Dis guising his ohject unde r thn pretence of purely scientific research, he obtained the aid nl'iwnic fif teen or twenty simple and faithful Indians, and steadily pursued his tusk, collecting often more than fcS.GOO worth of gold in a singlo day, which he concealed in a deep ravine, without exciting any suspicion whalcur, until after the discovery of gold at Copt. tin Sutler' Mill, when tho mountains were ransacked by gold seekers, and fsignor D'Al vcar's "gold placer," the richest in till California, was beset with greedy adventurers. It is now found that the real mines or sources of the gold, lie in the gonrcs of tho mountains, and not in the beds or sands of ihe rivers. Previous to leaving California, iguor D'Alvcar sold his instrument, the Goldoinclcr. a very imperfect one, for '53,000. The person who purchased it confidently expected to tiinkc a handsome fortune, by simply finding "gold pincers" and selling out t!:c right of digging to the gold workers, MANl FACTl Ri: OF THE GOl.TiOMETER prm.iCATiox of the glide. 8iguor D'Alvcar. in compliance with the request of numerous scientific gentlemen, has cotnmcuced the manufacture of his new Magnetic Instrument, the Goldometcr, which he now offers for sale, in the I'nilcd iStates, at the remarkably low prine of $U each, accompanied bv full instructions Cr use. nnd a vnrlcf of Philosophical hints drawn from the ancient and modern science. or the ART OF FINDING MINES OF GOLD! Silver, Platinum. Quicksilver. Coal, Iron, Cop per, Lead, and other Mineral Rii lies, the whole be ing given in a publication called tho GOLD SEEKER'S GLIDE! , ,. This new work, and the Gnl.i.- trc bolu now ready for "' . rrn - v.indoineler is COLUMBIAN SERIES OF swtlututceo. The Pupil t friend and Teacher't comfort. 'pHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR Thi J- work U already Introduced into torn of the best Acadamiea and a large number of School, where ita use ha given decided and univerml -tisfaetion, both to teacher and pupil. It i purely American In it character, baaed upon our own beautiful decimal lysttm of tnrrtncy. It contain more, the arrangement are better, and it is the easiest nnd cheapest work of the kind now in tise and it is so considered hy hundred of tho most competent touchers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rican Srhnlart : liy Almou Ticlmm TlIK YoCTII CoLt Mlll S CllXCLATOB. Till volume contains 01 pages, with alwut 900 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embrace the Fundamental Utiles, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, biugle Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. ' . Ticksob's AniTHMiTici.TiStr.,is destined for the use of younger classes in tho ffchool of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and tho only one oftho kind of any value. There arc Key to both Arithmetic bound sin gle or double, for ihe convenience of teachers, in which the olutions oftho questions arc given with much extra matter for tho black board. These Keys arc the most coinplcto works of the kind ever published, nnd contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the ;!6C of the Teacher. All that i wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best work that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they liavo alreadv lieeil introduced into tho Night Public Schools of New York City in all the School public and privaf.", except two, in tho City of Reading. Also, iii about twenty Acadamics in tho State of Pennsylvania di a large portion of the Schools in lhe"City r.f Wilmington, the City of Lancaster, and iu'llie Boroughs of Harrisburg, Yoik, CliMiibersburg, Lebanon, DoylestoTvn, Potts- ville. Orwigsbiire, c., &c. Fors-ilcby HtsKT Masseii, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland CotiCtV, Sunbury, Dec. 3. Ii8. 1TEV CHEAP GOODS. Tho targcKt ioi lmcnt In Town, t,.i. v t?:i:. Ullllll If . 1 I lllllf ESPECTFULLY informs liis friends and ouslomers, thnt he has received the largest tind best assortment of poods ever of fered in Suiiburv. Consisting of DKY GOODS, Groceries, Hardwire, Queensware, Liquors, Drugs, Paints and a aient variety of other articles. The public ttru respectfully requested lo call and cxamino his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. 'feoVegdaDte Tub. 21, 18-11). Cm in: 4 L IIIOIJ. Kciiiule Cinnlaints, AND A VARIETY OF OTHEIl DISEASES AKISINO FKOM IMfUBITIKS OF THE BI.OOD, AND OBSTKVCTIONS IN THE ORGANS Olf VUi ESTION. KxiH'Tlrnc Ins pr.-ivtit thnt nenrty every OiRcasr nrigiuatcl fr.iin liui.uritic i l lla-111 w vl r ili-'niiipeiuciitmif Ihe lilca lu t'.i (lrir:inti ; nii'l t-i ni-i-nri.' II.-nllli, vf inui.1 riiin ii thuse ol.,Tncli iimtr rr,:nri' lln;! t. i.p tinuritl 8lnic. ii'fTM -nit 1'ikinij ni-dii-ini! is in mt c-lt'-'i-umlly re in 'Vil to- (LicnNRii'ii 'Rjr.TAHi.n lTi ugative 1iu.s, Iicuik c .iiin.i'ri'lv L'nvcl 'pitl Willi n cinti ff l pirn wane npar, j (wtiu-li IH: Bums, Scalds, and till Li.nh of ivjlamcd Sores Cared. iliiiticcl t'r in the iiilrruiil iiiL'rcilirula na built hhi-ll I'; til the IliTlii I) "nil I.nvi: tl taste f iilfiliruie. Hill :iri' us niKilv hv itl wi-it as liitu ofciiuiU'.. .M -reovur tl;cy noiliT ii;iuiMi. i it l'I'I'C ill ll.c eliehUhl tli'iirce, lint opi'niiM-u.illy mi nil tlii ilifii':i6cM pnila i I' llic'in, iji-' uliviil nl' c nliiiiiitr Ihi-iii-n'Iviu I.-, nml rurkiiiir uny iirliciiinr I rciri 'ii. Tliim. il llm I .ivcr hi; iilli'i'li.-il one iiianilii-Mt will iipCT:ne oil 1 ll'H pnriliMH ir i'r-iii. linn. n vi.iiiiu ll ' ull lOrf-EVS, is the most nl hub rcK-re linns niiiiiru ir. .,,,.ii-rui c nu;.li-le Iluiil Aiitiit'te iv. r ku wil. it inilnnllv, . V. " - i n . ."" " . '" " (unit in. ll bv Mi'U'ii-) Kl ii.h tviuts nl the nn M ll. ai.i-nile "V " " , " 1 "' 1 , , ' . . , t,,,",i"-- iJurn i.n.1 l'..r ..1,1 S u. -. Hliiisin, fun.. Siiruinn. Ac. ll,!tr,1"" ""'"-" "lc '''. uiiaiiciH-e m nuil-r Ix-ajl, it is 111.- Ih-m applicatinn Uml cu liiailc. I ""Y ". , "r "-in . ye n. ..up. re I.,.. iis.iiulji ..nunc it. It ii tliein ut ' ,, ' ' , , .. ........... lliicvilnl. Ail who line rt- i ln"v i sernle nil i-imi!I1 nmt !.xu.ll purtlrlm 11. 'Ill llio i'll, I.-. illi.i ill'' I'rin mi, u- 1 1" 'i 1 iiiiiii uii iiiiin mtu- imil liL'.'iltliy lu'll 'ii Tl llie llcnrl, I .tnicntitiil l.twr T 'I' hitVr liiril iiuil lit t:rrlt:t-l UYAhU r i I Iilllll t'V It. Millions of acres of land are now un der wutt'r between the mouth oi tho Ohio river and New Orleans. Charcoal ground lo powder is one of the best things ever discovered to clean knives. This is a late and valuable discovery. To STOP Ul.EKDINO AT THE XoSE. Dr. -Ve- irrier, a French surgeon, says tho elevation cf a person's rij-hl arm, will ulwavs btop bleeding ut ihe nose. Me explains the hict physiologically, and declares il a positive jeinouy. ll is certainly easy of trial. The Importance of one Vote. Al an . eleetiou for Judge of the polls, in the Ml. . Carbon disttiet, ISchu) Ik ill county, i'enua., Mr. Joseph Georo received oiie voie, und there being no other all day, ho was declared . July elected. . Sinoltivr I'nopiiECY. In ihe ''Vcstije of CrvaJiou," pnblifflied several years ago. in ihe following passage: tiTlie United Stali-n migiil be expected to make no great way in civilization, till they be fully peopled to the Pacific ; and it might not be unieasonable to expect that when the event occurred, the greatest civilization of thai vast territory will found in Ihe Peninsula of California an;! the tiurrow strip of country ;eyo:id thultockv I jounianiB," inniii"l it. r.verv n.uuly 'i uK' U piviti'tt with Nmi ctmi It l hW mi 'll u mr (! I hf Iniiily iu:iy lli-il ll. t v?- ( ))..-. rve --u-i Ihkj n the fr ii'iuif (liritiucii) hus Ihe iiiiiii' t-i" 'inh.v. wiittt ri 'ii the oiiibUlt lulH. uuitu this it: i .rjjfiy. n.'iiliiiMi. LivT Mm, I'liini'Tft. !ttifl nil vh use Hnrscs, wili titil tiiis (iiiiiiiiuuL liu' vl'v in at tiling llicy Ciin um; i t ' ' (i:ii;s.S'r.i'i'iiuf, Kiiv.v, ,Vi-., A r., mi t!n ir tuiirn ia ".iri'iy rvt'iy mer' t'ul iiirii w ulil ki'fp Iii' miiiiiiitti ns In-r l'r in us p t-MMi. T .u.---y'n Inivcrsul (.Jin incut in uIJ l!,;it i r ii i i :.' 1 - Ti-v i. IH l'lXir lY;:t'T.s. r-ril:esrii;.-or l.i'e of p.-igm if is.T w 'a Oiirmuit i naiiv;ilud iiuniiri-!n have irif-l it :nil i' 'imrt it ' 1. l'ILl.Cl ! 1'nr i iii; ril T -lift Univv: b-i! Oiul- liit-iit is one l' iIh'Ih-M iU-nu-i'lrb tlut vju Irt Uipliil. All wii't h ivi trii-1 H 1 t nn-rii. k wr liiui'Mui n. Ul.USOiaiS Cl HKJi. I i l-l . I!in-t; S rvs, (lit re 18 ii'ittiin v ;u:il t 'iHit! 's iintnit'iit. A pirn n in Mumi III lirul. 1' r ll iiuiiiIkT "f y:itf, n h r Itjl llt:it Uillieil Ok ijkiil I't!.!' il'-ct'Tj;. T nf 'h 'in::u -i:t wj r-r 'miin-inlrU liy nnc 1 liio viKiiiiif; phyhli-i-int:. (who knew its pnttt vir tues.) ami tw h xv )..m1u''m1 hi ir lii'itciit ttinn I lie IkMit h;ul ifc'-'ivL-il inmi any tun! till pirv.i'UM ri-jinUiia. Let ii tl i iv it. lit it.NS AND SCALDS C ! lt:t). Th nsim's f c-mn pf IJnniH Siviln, in uli iiftrlH i ihe c 'Untiy, hnvt- Ihtii rnrit I'V T w h 1'iiiwrcit t iin'iii'.:it. Ct-rtihc ilt'rim tujjli t-niM Ik- htfl I fill tlit w!i'M nl'thij rIiitI. VHU.L.NT llKt IKSCl'UKO. Titinioninli r t,Mi lii nl il in fi'V r '!' 'V hc-y's Mntiiii'iit l' r ctirin iirni? s Iipv Im--i ciViTt'd the t- ; tit . :f. ilnwti"t'ln in Svr.tcnfe wilH-oriii'y tin:? 2fvu mriiit rriiviit llie )jin of ihe in 'Hi Kt-wP' hriiiHtt. AH pi-is "titl try :i. SCAI.U lll'.M) I'TilKl). S-uch I cuf" of lcald Irive lvcii ctiicil hy T -iui ' OiiUinctil. Try it it arid in l.nift. h LT HlU'.l'M CfltKI). Of ull Dip irini-fin ever ilif- c tveren t rtii iiijui 4t:is it r-f;ii ife t niiini, i.mwyniin vci il liintnii-Lit tlic m v id ik-ir. ll never was ku nvn ..f:iil. I-HAIM'KI) HANDS CAN lil'.Ct l! T.l) T.mnn-'i I'm- voril ('iii'.iiit iit will alwn cur. ihe w rt cuwu of (.'hup jm- I liuiiilp. S -icn of i-ers tif will uliitetliti. SDItK Lirst'l'lif.U. For i lie rnr of S -re Mm there wiih never imxthin made r piul I '1 oiim-v' (linttui-iil, ll in sure t't enie 'linn. Try it. It is n wiea! Tu t"im;h u;rl. wirrwnteil li' t.i eoiituiu Hliy nre:.irati n I' Meretny. 1'9 I'ru-e V eenn per 1. x. llt flintier iiunieitlars 'iieernii." Ihic leitHy valunMe Oiiilnx-iit the puhlie im re i erred to 1'ani, IiletK. t. lie hud pniti. of re niwftaMe DiiijzyittK ond MiTrluniy iluoiiL'U.iitt l In. L ulled htntea. 'rep;irid t.y R TOI'SIIV, Pnivgifct, No. 1()C Xiimkiu Street, New York. A(..:m-JOI1N YOfNU, HunUiry, M- A. MeCAY, NortliniiilerliMnl. t-'ehmuryi:, ly :i)i.l tSerehv they restore herdili even when nil uiher ineJiii htive fiiiietl. j 'J'he eniire truth of the nh'ivr ran 1k jtBoriniiwd hy the , trinl if :t siiit'lc Wx; mid tl:Mr vtrtiim ore ntpsitive mid certain in resrniiiff Ile:ili)i. that the proprietor hind hiinnelf t return ihe ni'Miev paid tor them in nil cune where they dj not pive nuiveic d 8-ilipfuetiou. v Retail I'l iro, 25cts, irr x, Vrinetnal oTi'-e No. fa Verm a Ft.. N. York, SaLi iy JOHN Y. YM Ni. S-nihnrv. M. A. .MelWY, NnrthumlK-rlBiid. Ii?" IL niP!iiherI)r. C V.CIieVneT i the inventor of ti e Suiftr ('"Med ViiV, nnd lint tirttitj: " the Mil vm ever heard f until he iutrodueed tliein in .Inde, l'undiAfHTM h mid. t;,er. fore nUvnv?) nhV for Cliekner' S-iirir (-"died l'il'ji. and take ii'iotheri, or they will beinndelhe viclinutof U Irnid. !-ehrurry,17, 110 ly IMPOUTAXT TO THE PUBLIC. Don't jrrmit your Iliirtrs or rnttlp t.i ilic, when the incans of cure uvc williiii the reach of ull! Singular Cause of Illness. Mr. Wil liam B. Scarfo, a respectable citizen of Pittsburg, while dressing a few days since, stuck the point of a common pin into one of his fingers, since Which time he has jeen racked with excruciating pains; The Gazette say that faint hopes are entertain ed of his recovery. Jons Mitchell, the Irish Patriot, goes out as a fret emigrant from Bermuda to the Cape ol Good Hope, by permission of the British Government, for the benefit of his health. The Sultan of Turkey has lately triven permission to the Jyws to build a synagogue, or, as they prefer to call it, a temple on Mount ion. A Cheap Poslnge Association is formed in New York. It is moving now wilh reference to the next session of Conyrt'?, so as to pro cure a reduction of Ihe present rates of postage. General La!", tf Indiana, i lo be called, il is said, from Oregon, cf which h ra appointed Governor by Prrsl tcnt Polk JJATEXT Trus9 of till kiiula, Harrison's writing anil ludelliMo ink, Cotton yarn ami liiiw. ;"s' received uud for wile liv Sunlmry, Dec 2, 1S18. ADD'8 celeliratrd llorso htuI Cattle Modi .inc for Hale by llli.NKV MAssEK. bunlmrv Jan. "'(In, lBl'J tl. AY IiUM. An excellent article for sale f) l,y 11E.M!V MAnSGIi. fcunliury Jan. 87th, 181U tf. Tlic undersigned has jorit sevrrnl year in the Rtuily of Veterinary pratlicc in "London und E dinlioro'," lie liaH nUo 11 Milled liimself of llierenear clicitof Eeil.irf, and otliiTecUl'raled men,hoUati eontrilmted so imieli towards a judiriouatrentmrnt of uniiiials ; the iiriiieioli s of our practice coiiMsta in tho rejection ol ienerul lileeilnif; anil llie total reie. lion of all medicine that experience has shown to he of a dangerous temlancy. These re medies net in harmony w ilh the vital principle, mid when given according to the directions which ac company Vncli article lliey are rapahlc of exciting and increasing tho natural fiuietions, without di miiiishiiiir or deslroyinn their power, hence ure safeiu Iho hands of t verv one. ' O.H. DADU.M.I). A Llsl,of llursr and Cutlle Medlclurs. Thysic la!l, 73c. per lix. Alterative hall, 7 3c do. " powders for had condition, 75c per pack age. Heave nowder fordiseates of the limp, 75o de. l"iino powder for " kidney, 75c do. Tonic nowder for had condition slander, 75c do. so simplu nn intrunieiit, that a child may learn to operate w ilh it in livt minutes. It is not affected hy climate, moisture, or any other known cause, (except the natural magnet.) and will retain its power of poiutiutr out mineral riches in the earth for any number of years. By the aid of the Guide any jierson may use the instrument at mice w ith perfect success. FARMERS AND .AND OWNERS. Farmers and Land Owners throughout tho Uni ted States, who have reason to suspect the exis tence of any kind of Mincrul riches upon Iheir lands, should nvnil themselves of this opportunity to test lhat fact, hy the surest of ull known tests, before the nhundance of discoveries ill all parts of the country shall have hsiened this source of wealth in their estate. AlAENTt r.L-.K8 TO CALIFORNIA. Fersor.s going to California cannot make a let ter investment than hy purchasing one of the c instruments, which will not only he worth lilty times its value there, to sell aenin, hut will he of inestiinuhle worth to those who go in search of tiold, as has heen proved hy the most abundant experiment Isilh in California und the United ilafe TESTIMONIALS. Siguor D'Alvcar docs not does not deem it ne cessary to encumber this notice with a long list of testimonials, in proof cf the value of his (iOLD OMETER and (;OI,l)sEEKER'S GUIDE. The brilliant results of his labors in California, and the discovery, this very week, of fresh veins of Gold in Virginia, and lieds of Coal in Rhode Islaud, hy it use, aic alone snliicient lo stamp it as the greatest discovery of the age. Nothing hut tho extreme cheapness ei the instrument, and his desire to see it used for ihe benefit of mankind induces him to dispose of it at the low price of which he offers it. j l'esides '.his, his own desire for wealth is nearly 6atisfai"tied. The following Testimonials, in proof of the value of the Goldonietor, selected from a great number equally satisfactory, must suliice for the suffice for the present: Astoii HotsK.N.V lVcSl, 1R18. The uudersifiied, having this day withesscd the practical 0sration of Mgnor Jose DcAlveai' newly invented magnetic instrument, tho Gold, feel entirely satisfied that it possese the extraordinary power of desecting Mineial ore hid den beneath the surface of the earth, and have no doubt that it w ill prove invaluable aid in the dis covery oftho Mineral resource of the United Stales and the world. J. R. lHri:B, Jr., Chemist, L. fi. Tikumixx, Magnetic Ins. Maker, (J. 8. Dixa, Geologist. DIAMOND POWDER ISA.OU STROPS. T'HIS Powder is warranted fur superior to any thins in use for im parting a keen, smoolheiltrn to liainrt, Surgical instruments, and all kind of fine C'1-ti.krt ; it may lc opplicd to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wuoiesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, lirusna, ...a Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fiftu street a hove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. PiiiLAM.i.piii, Feb. IStli, lt)48. This mav certify thut I have used one of tho Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most uncipiivocal uiauncr, that there is nothing ran be tlmt will produce the same ctlect m my opw ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will hud it superior to any ueietolorc in use. I can truly soy lhat I never knew wlmt a sharp razor w as wlorc. JOHN bCOTT, lion Safe Mi.kcr, 41 S. Third st, Pi:lniu.i.eiiu, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face ha compel' led me to sock, and '. many contrivance design ed to moke shaving easy und pleasant, but with indiflcrent success, until I made use of thu Magic IJJ.v.MtJA ll ri) XJI.K, solo bv Alfred Uennetl, and Roussi l's shaving ( 'ream. Their united pow er act like magic, und impart a power to the Razor lo leiiiovc the most stubborn heard, u-uiuut irn- tuliu the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 40 South Fifth Street For salo at this ollice Price 23 cts. ct Lox November 2j, 1S18 bin. 1 1 .fi.3"Uiii V8 Cl- ltKMCT TO THE SlCIt I llcnllli lo 1110 Weak: IHI.M ia . mud r.,r Uk- v hole Human Kucc in Aii uriuV PAIS KILLER TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND LNA1UMOISLY AFPItOTEDt S ; w S s U Ettt dtr i this celebrated medicine extendinf the inhere of its nscfulnen, end ever year ldui( t the long catalogue of its trinmihs. A MILLION OF BOXES are dittributnl annwally with out fully meeting llie demand I For eome time put, the alee bnve been limited eolely for want of ncihtiei of nip ply. Truly tliis ia a universal remedy I UnkenUd, tlieaa pills hare found their way uito the remotest eornera of the L'nbn, everywhere proving their title as the poor man's friend sick uuin'i hope llie marvel and blessing of the For a trifling eum, every individual and every family may have HEALTH INSURED to them for an indefinite pe riod ; and what ia life without health but miienbl te lenet ! I It ia too preciima a boon to be tempered with, by trying all aorta of experimente upon it. The aick aliould use thoae medicines only which experience baa shown to be the beet- I A PHYSICIANTESTIMONY. From Oata'till, Green County, New York.) Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir : I have found your Indian Vegetable Pills valuable remedy in caaea of Oenend De bility of the system, and in all Dillioua disorders. I am alae in the habit of recommending tlioiu to female iu peeulia,' caaea. I observe them to epernte in the system without producing debility or pain, leeving ll in a' healthy conditiuu. Junetl'i, 1848. Jon Doa.n, M.D. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. From Norton Hill, Oreen Connty N. Y. Dr. Wright : Ve have uaed tnd aoU your Indian Vegeta ble Pills for three yeara peat, and do not beiitat to recom mend tliein to our fiienda and customers aa the belt FamXy Mediciu iu uae. N, 4: L. Ruusiu. From Merlse Hall Pa.) To Dr. W. Wright--Dear Sir : For the !aat two yeara I have had the (geney for Ihe tile of your Indian Vegetable Till lliii place, and have sold annually lar-c quantities at retail. They have in every instance given entire niiafug. aicn. MnnV Ittmilici in thii lection keep them, and consider tliein invaluable aa a family medicine. There ia ao medi cine sold here that can be so uiuTeraally recommended aa Wright's Indian Vegetable PiUi. Yery truly yours, February 1, 194?. YT. M.Ltrua TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER THYSICIAN. The following teller is in reply to a note from our agent asking Dr. Houton's opinion of this medicine : -Tuxkhaxnoc. A. mutt S3, 1819. Mr. A. Durhsui Dear Sir: In reply to your note of yee. terday, I would atate, that I have occasionally found it con venict to use the various "Patent Pilla" vended in the ehope j audwhilel am unwilling to ny anything todepreciate the value of othera. I am free to confess that I oonaider Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilii superior to all othera with which I am acquainted. I have used them for many years both in my own family and in my practice generally, and they have uniformly proved mild, certain and sufe in their operatioua le care anil skill wilh winch these pills have been hitherte mnnufuelured are, in my opinion, a sufficient guarantee for likcgjod retails iu future. Very respectfully. H. A. BotJTos, M.D. Mr. D is a practitioner of long ejiiericnce, well known in aud even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He is nf Pmnsvlviuiia. and hiclilv uonuuir with the pe.iplc among whom he residca. tn varo of Sugar Coated Couulor- Mt. Remember that tho original and only gouuina luduui Vegetable Pills have the wiitten signature of Wm. Wriebt on Uia topiatjct of ach box. Poltticol. TUIRTY-riRJT CONORtUA. Tbstcrmof the Tmntr-Fm.T, Coars cominencatl on Monday. The rjqw Senate ia comprise-! of ihe follovring membtr: Pre siden', Milliard Fillmokc j , f Whivs in Italics; Democrats in tloman. Those ihorUi F. S. are Fret Sailers. Tern Alabama. Exvires Benj. Fiipairick,1853 Uncertain, 1855 Arkansas. L. Jem MicrfiOAK. Expires. LewisCai", 181 Alpheu Felch, 1891 Wm.K. Sebastian, 18S8lThog. II. Benton. 1851 Solon Borland. 1855 Darid R. Atchison 1865 COWNCTICUT. Roger S.Bnldurin, 1851 Truman Smith, 1855 Drlawake. John Wales. 1RS1 Presley Sprvonr,1858 X LORtDA na, i,i r v..i.. ion Jaclson Morton, 18551ucofj W. Miller. 185J Gconrm. North Carolina. John M. BerrienAZSS, Willie P. Maneximm New IlAMMHtRt. John P. Hle(F.S)186l Moses Norris, Jr., 1855 IW YORK. , ' Oan'IS. Dickinson,! 851 Wm. H. Semari, 1855 XNEWJCRSET. H m. L. Dovfon. 1851 Wm. C. Dawson, 1855 INDIANA. Jpse D. Biiah', 1851 1865 Geo. E. Bad&er, UHIO. Thos. Corvin. 1861 Whitcomb?(FS)1856 S. P. Chase, (F.S)1855 ILLINOIS. ' rENNSYLTANIA. Stop. A. DonelassJ853 James Shields, 10WA. Geo. W. Jonpg, 1855 1851 AugustosC.Dodgcl854 oAi . Clarke, 185J Kf.ntuckt. Henry Clay, 1855'ISIANA. Sol. U. Downs, 1853 Pierre Soulp, 1555 IVlAtNE Daniel Slurceon, 1851 James Cooper, 1855 HHODE ISLAND. Albert C. Greeitr, J?51 South Carolina. J. R. Undent ood, 1853 John C. Calhoun. 1753 1755 A. P. Butler, 1 ENNESSEE. H. L. Turney 1SS1 John Bell, 185J Hannibal Hamlin. 1851 Thome,. 1 Pn.b isnt Jas. . Bradbury 1853 Sam. Houslbn, 1858 3HA.srHt;sETT8. Vermont. . Darnel Webster, S1 Sam! S. Phelps. 1851 John Vans, l8MWilliamVpham, 1856 T . Maryland. Reverdy Johnson, 1851 Vtamt-! James M. Mason, 1851 ames A. Praree, 1855jRob tM.T.Hunter 1898 Mississippi. Jefferson Davis, 1851 Henry S. Foote ,1853 Wiscokiin. Henry Dodgr, Isaac P. Walker, 1851 1851 HECATIIfLATION. Whigs, 05 Democrats, u Free Soilers, ) Uncertain, 1 Total number of Members, GO The Women Moving. In the Legi'si'atut of Msachusrtt3, a lew days since, a memo rial was, presented from a largo number of females, praying for certain modifications of the exist ins law of divorce. The tone and temper of iho petitions are ral her curious. ,;Vith duo deference, we would ask, "w here from what source, in what enlightened age and nation, did the men originally obtain tho exclusive right to monopolize the privilege of ler-islatirir for females, and of compelling them to submit lo their laws, however une qual and objeetinnoble thev might be 1 Echo answers w here 1 The Bible, it is said, gives thpm the riiiht, because it says, 'Wives, sub mit themselves unto your own husbands in the Lord.' How a wife can submit herself n thn Lord., to a man who is 'dead drunk' one Imlt of ihe time, and a fool the other nail, in consequence, from whom aho recei ves only a scanty subsistence of the meanest cest-ription. is more ihau woman's wit can devise " pi.ASTER, a lot for sulo ly Sunbury Jan. SCtli, 1819. tf.. C. . BOGAR. I, us Axiicuii, California, Ann. lS4t. This may fortify that the unuVrsipjiieu1 is fully convinced that Siirnor Jose Dc Alvenr was the first disrovrror of the Gold drHUositrs of Valifurnia. ami Unit this discovery was mmle hy the aid ofa Mag netic instrument called the Goldometcr, which I hnvc seen successfully applied to the discovery of vein of (lold ore, places where no indication of the earth. T. W.SHEKMAX, Lieut, 8d Artillery, V. . Arinv, NO AGENTS". In consequence of the dilliculty of findinjr faith ful acf nts, aud of preventing frauds, where urticles of this nature arc sent out fur generul ante, Sipinor De Alvenr hn detennined to ecll none of his work or instruments unless ordered hy letters sent ch' rcctly to him, when the desired puliliration, or ill' strument, will be forwarded under Ins signature Cordial dunk fur iuflaiualiou of bowels, 75c per 1 0UJ ,-w-al, go that ull douht us to it gcuuincuess tYlil'P MOLASSES. Supirior refined Svrup O M..I r... .,i 1.0 lll-'.XKV MAssKK. Wunhuiy, Dee. 8, 1818. Also, OAPS. An assortment just received, silk HATS at &2S5, for ulc hy 11. MAe-ISEK. Sunlmry, Dec S, 1848. TiLANK UOOKS. An assortment of Blank - Books, just received and nale hy II. MASTER. Kunhur)-, Dec. 5, 1818. IE AS, from tlie New York Canton and I'ckin Tia Company. For sale by J. W. FKlLl.Mi. Sunhury, Dec 8, 1848. T OA I N 1 S, a few for isle by CIIAS. 8. BOGAR. Punbiirv, MaMi in, 1840. llOttll Liquid hliitcr, 7.e ?r boltle. Oiutiiieiit for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wound and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sore, &c, 50c tier bottle. Kmurocation lor sore inruai, oc per unitie. II mil ointment lor sand crack, brittle boot, eve, 50c. per bottle. . . .1.- ii ...j 1 liorse l.llllllll Ml, mc iuubi i-i-ivuiairuamciv Klivwn in 1'uijliiud for lameness of every description, 75c & 1 1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red wutcr, $1 per bottle. Worm powder tor tne .removal 01 worm irotu the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For ale by 6TIMFHON & REED, 28 Mcr. chant Row, also at UADD n HOKS13 A-MJ CATTLE MEUIC1J5B UEJ'OT, Ko. 1 & S Ilavmarket Buuare, oUin. l'umphleu Uccrilii)ig the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificate are in possession of the Proprietor, of cure performed by the abbve Mcdi. cine. Sold by GREEN V FLETCHER.No, 86 South ........ 1 , 1 j 1... l: BIA J tl Oiroei, roiiaueipuuu auu uy mm AsiiTi-UMd Miuci, Kunhnry, Fehruarv 8, 1840. tf mv be removed, H BEWARE OF ALL IMITATIONS of this Instrument which may hereafter p(ier, a the secret of imparting the' Oold Detecting power is known to 110 person whatever, except mo oir ginal inventor. tyr The GOLDOMETER and COLD SEEK ER'S GLIDE, will both he sent by mail, closely enveloned and sealed, and heretofore, not subject n insnretioii bv lost-inaster lor in uin 01 PUREE DOLLARS, sent post paid to SHj.MIK JOtsE Di ALVEAU. Box S713, New Turk City. The instrument i very liirht, and the Guide U nrinted on thin nancr sotbat the charge by mail or express will 1 very small to any part of the l ulled otate. ! lie 1 rice 01 uie ER'S GLIDE alone, is ONE DOLEAR, sent as above. Address, - 6IGNOR30SE Ds ALVEAR, Box 3713, New York City 1 nr OFFICE forthesale of the Goio Stm 1 firini and GuLiioMiTKR. No. 88 Centre Street, New York City, where visiter may see eeveral nske of California Gold, in the rough tte, as ex- trsctiMl bv Simior D'Alvcar from the Sacramento Mines, and also witness the operation of the GoLxoMSTia, when held" within the Magnetic in of the rjrarioa metal, am) unerring man ner in which it indicates the prnee of thst and ether maUllie sursstanoM. rekraarv 17th, 149 Thin is nn ciriri-iv vectn Ww C'liiiixmiul, c 'iiip'mJ vi 1 wciuy-i iveuiu.'rciii uicrc. rii cut , nnd ia nn iuTri.-it und l.xfi'rufil Ileiiirdy ir lh vn- nous ilia thut tmimu rtevh heir tt fVCU Al. HIieUHiittistu. C'liI. Si riiiiia, S.iiiuil AlTrftiuiia. Suuiiiut Ciuplaimn, Cli ltiu Morlma. TiMtiliat-ho, Kruptiin, Coma Vilcn. 'rtzca I'lirin, liurnn, tS-nMd, A-tie in the Vuvtt uud HrcitH, Pninfcr' C Hrtiit. ikl S ff8, IsOKH u ;pc- (itr, tttiicntl DrtMlitv. Anttiina, Ar. rut uti in im 1 uunhleli lolxj luul nl every dccw kihiis, o 'iitithiiiia a Uriel iiiHtory t tiricui, niHP .vi ry Andrews l'aia Kiilcr, Cenihcn' of t'urftdirc4tioii. ice LOOK OUT FOR FRAl'D Tlie triitnitth'iut fitorcM 'f Aiidrewa Pain Killer m re- ivuii? thr rttiiar tnni prtstmee (imni. tnr uaiimiiv auui ntillttius ol' our rmf, hna iiitlured rune nn n ! wh-'in it nmv Ik tmU a-nd, tln'ir viIImiu his ix-ctiiwui'im inn ni left their villidny, t uttinint tt put in rirc-ulaliou hpuri-iii nml tiimertt-ii riini r.i:ii "ruin llllfr, ufiiik m-uiioua lutint-!! I.r the itrHentiett untni-r. lorfff! cenitieaies, e. mi linvf oin nrei. nnn oilier ii' Hilt will nninr. let I reiuenilar ihut AmlfewH (ieuulne Pain Killer Ima the ritifii mirtiutiirtt of I. Andrew on the lahrl f vnvH h Mile hlat k ink. U u i annplv uaK I t rum Kdter. wit nik lur twlTtuM, I'rtin KiHtT. mid imve n-Mttu s .Id hv Al. A. .Met;itv, rfcut; Affeux, .ortnuimeriuiia : V. Friliiw. Suii'mry ; Jm II. Riwer, Milton ; Julm R. Mvvff. HI MHimlium : Wm. A.MnrrnvA Cu Innvile Diivciiiwrt V Smith, Plvnriith: Andrew Yohr, Wilkea- Ivirri! ; Il tVi Si Mct'iffiiiii'k. MerAVeiiaville : tHefuilne V I'linmifPiin. Isewia.-iinr j ie.rge McAlpin, Jerey HUhc; (I..I.TS. Mddr4M-d to I. A iv Ire wi. inventor and only Pro- llhem Toinnkiin Ciiinty, N. Y, Will receive p.pienni?r jo, itto. ly Wright's Indian Vegetable SMlie Jolin W. Filling, Siunburjr. ll:nry Macr, Hnnbury. Hny Sc MeCorniU'k, McEwuin ill. V.. KaurTman, Augusta tp. Joint H. Vitivcut, Cliiltsquaqu. Knsc Jc Br rcitrcsser, Elysbiirg W. Ito'.litnnel, I jule Mahonoy. lleinrn c Flrotlicr, Milton. Forsyth, Wilsmi 9c Co., XorUnuubsilrtid. Jus. Reed. Pollsgrove. V. ,V R . Fegely, haraokintowa. J. C. Morgan, tfnydtfrstowu. W.Depiiin. M:iliin.w P. O. Hrnne.ville Hilshue, t'p. Mahoaoy. J. C. Ren Line Mnuntaia P. O. Benj. HcAiiir, liw Mahoning P. O. Araos T. Biissi-ll, Turbnttsvii:. O. J. k T. Piier, WatsnnvUl. K. A. Kulziirr, nnonsvtll. II. II. KiucMc, F.lysbarg. OfTiors ilrvotod vxchisivdy to the si! cf Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale anil Retail, 10!) Racs St., Pkila rf' l,hia,' Grccnwiib street, New Yurk, and U1S IVciucut, Bost "ii. Dec. Din, IftlS. ly. Tims' an hand's breath; 'ti e tale; 'Ti a vessel under nail ; 'Tis an eaile in its: way, Darting down upon its prey 'Tis an arrow in it flight, MtiLkintr the pursuing sight: 'Tis a short-liv'd fading flower ; 'Tis a rainbow on a shower; 'Tis a momentary ray, Smiliu" in a winter's day ; 'Tis a torrent's rapid stream ; . 'Tis a shadow ; 'tis a dream; 'Tis the closing watch of night. Dying at the rising light; 'Ti a bubble 1 'lis a sigh' ; Be prepar'd, O man ! to die. Fbaxcis QriaUs, 1634.' I.'quttable Lite Insiirunrr, Annuity and Trust Company. OFI-irr.T4WAI.NrT 8TRF.F.T, PIHI.ATir.1JIUA. Capital "iVi,li0. Chaiitkr rtnrrriAL. M1K r-imisiny nrft now prvin-d In transnft liu.'invs 1 iip'Mi the m-isi liliernl tun! attvtmifiseims tenns. Ttivy su? by their clmrier (Hfi. :i) uio tn-is alt an,l every iiwuninoe iiiiprlniniiip tu lue r.-Ktoi wlmicvfir siml or ikitiirt'. nml t.i inivi anil eviiciile tri'Ww, litikc nslow- menu, :lul lo firsnt unil iir'liu- tuuiintlcs." n.ofisn ivinx w tl nntmilw's su't cii'IowukiiIi, ini'l net as Trustees hir iuiti'irs anil heirs. Tul le 01 Premiums required f r the A-surauco 01 etuu for llie wh ile lerin L,lle. Ae. Prein. I I Age. I Prein. Aite. ( Prern. 1 So 31 nil 411 :l X IM 34 Sli 47 .149 1 50 .tl 1! l 44 S Ott I5 ' 31 HlIT 4U 3 77 I no 3.1 K :tl .si 1 im 1 tl) 3d a 411 il 4 13 1 tW 37 8 47 M 4 3-2 1 OS 3d 9 M M 4 SI 1 7i 3D ttl M 4 71 I 76 40 70 . 4 SI im 41 ati m &ia 1 69 4a a ea st s ; tot 4a 3 111 65 fi 64 1(V 41 3 ia 59 4 78 a 04 45 33 00 03 GOODS, CUE AVER THAN EVER Henry Masser, HAS just received nt his store, in Sunbury, un ussoitment of the cheupest Goods, thut ever came to tho place, consisting ot 1)111' GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, 4c. French black Cloths, Cassinclts, &o. Call' coes, ot excellent quality ami colors, piico 6 to 10 els. (Joori Musline, a van) vviilt). at 61 cents. These are not the low priced traf-h articles I1KIU1 llv siihl. Mublin dol.iuiies, ot line ciual itv au'J pulterns IS?, llauilsoiiie Toikeri and other Shawls and variuus other article. The public are requested lo call and mage lor theniaclve. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. IT la in an a 1 aa a.) a 1 5 i 7 an a su The premiums are '.ess tlmit any other e;iiniMiiiv, and ths isilieies nlfonl grualfir adiiiiluses. Tallies of hull-yearly sin! quarterly premiums, liult' credit rules nt' preniuiin, short terms, jnml lives, survivorships atsl endowments; also, iorill 01 Apptieull'Si wliieh there are Uunk sheets') art to lie liaa on sppuesii n si ow otui-e, ur uy wtier 10 uis J. 11. IH UUI, rsuiibtto-. Kates fob ikuuk Vllsion a singl Lii Air List to California. The inventor of the aerial locomotive announces that ho will leave New York on the 15th of April on his lirbt iliuht to California. The price of passage is tixed nt S50, including board, and the trip i.s e.pi!ded to lie made in calm wea ther l. two days--against head winds in five davs. Captain TnLftrart, of Boston, has made another invention, which will bo finished suf ficiently tit make nil experiment iu a few month. Ho intends to make ihe first trip fiom K jsIoii to Bunker Hill, I Agent, Ak. For 1 year. For T years. SO 61 ! :m oe lJ 40 i,5 1,01 so I.1 ,T S 3,41 3.j7 For I jf. 1.00 rut .70 3.n4 6,0a P.kavsle .A nerson aaed 30 Tears next birth dav. bv paying the Company 99 rents would secure to his iniuily or neira 9liu wiiiuwi 110 uic . ..lie ; ,,r 114 w cares to them elUUO; nr lor CI3 snuusllv Ut seven yoin ha a.eiires to tbein Isluuu should he tlie 111 seven veani; 01 lor IK-Ji.tO paid anuuully durmg hie he secures liiuu lo us paid when he dies. The insurer eeurui his own txsius, L Lhs dnleroiice 111 snMsuiInT arsiviums fnsntlii4eehanred bv otaer otiieea. rot tHo.Mi lorn aeus wouui rai sw A Misr.Hs' Hospital has been established nt l'Di?er Park,'-' a short distance from Potta villti under llie charjre of Dr. Noble. Ar rangements are now in ruofrress to have the Hospital ready by the- first of April for the reception of palii-nts. The institution will be open to those only are members. Three thousand cows have been exported from Canada within the last three months." AN EMBLEM. A butterfly basked on a baby's grv, Where a lily had chance J to grow; Why sat thou here with a gaudy dye, , . Whilst the of tlie bright and sparkling eye Must sleep in the church yard low ! Then il lightly soared through the unny air. And spoke from iu airy track t I wa a worm till I won my wing. And she whom them mournrst like a seraph ings; ( Wouldst then call tlie bleat one back 1 should he die in one vear. Forms ol application sun mi r iiiii-nlnn may h had at I nar the nflice. J. W. CLAliilOrl, president. Tseah sri Fsancis w. iuwu. II. G. Tueltett, Serretarv. i T,v.i l.iT.irun-br. I. B. Mssser, Pimbury. J. U. Ptaot, bwilury, Agent for Not ihumherlaial coos ' Sunbury, July 8, 1818 THWTIIEAT WATEU. Una doUar per bushel, cash, will be paid for good wheat by IK. I . Ul..nt,I J Sunbury Jan. 87th, 1849 tf. "HTAAR IRON of all kinds for sale low, at the 19 store of C. a BOGAR. Sunbuiy Jan. 80th, 1648-t. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lap and Wadding, Cotton Outline, Ready made Pantaloon. Ready made Vests, Conpresj Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettles, nuu received for sal by - u. .n.s? tvitv. Bunbory, Uee. s, tete. "OAlSTNo, eurranta, citron, cbecse, pepper J--sauce, dec for sale by j. W. t BltiLXi. Sunbury, Dec 8, 188. AXES of very superior ottfity for sale by. . , , .!.MA88R. ' 6itnhury, Per. 2, 141. PLASTER, Salt and Fih, Inst received and tur , Punburv, Tee. S, 11 BOARDING. rr.Hr' subscriber will eoulinue to receive and ae l commodate a few transient or permanent. Boahdebs, at her residence in Sunbury. The lo cution is in e handsome and pleasant part of th town, comiuaiiduig a one new of Me susqvehan na, Northumberland and tlut sceuer; adjacent. To person from the city, Whp wisli to spend a few month in the country duriiy; th untnier ' son, bunbury stlords a delightful retreat , March 10, 1849. 6m OTICE. Tboso who are Id want of any i eoods are rwuoated. to come next week, aa the (ubsrriber is dvtermuutsl to sell U off by the last of th weak, . C. . BOGAR. Sunbury, March 10, 1643. SCHOOL BOOKS, for sale Ny eheef) H CHARLES . OaJk. " "6unbury, March 10. 1648. PARA80IA A tew far sale Wkr r4 by C.i BOGAR, Sunbury, March 10, 1849 ' SUMMER MUAWLS, for eate below oity prtVea -by . C. 8. BOOAJt. ' Pnnr-itrv, March l, lift.