Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 03, 1849, Image 3
SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. removal; TL J. B. MASSER has removed hi ' office, to the office formerly oc- r copied by H. B. the printing office of the Sunbury American, back . e XI UaMM( InM. SuhbUry, tebi 24, 184ft. NOT TOO LATE YET, TT'HERE are still area! bargain to be had of the 1 subscriber, at ho it determined to aell all oif ted quit the hummus. He is now selling the best 3NEY SYRUP MOLASSES at 56 eta. par gallon, the best SUGAR HOUSE for 40 eta. and NEW ORLEANS at 89 cents. Other articles in proportion. All who want to ret bargains must come soon. CHARLES 8. BOGAR. Sunbury, Feb. 84, 1849. tf MACKEREL, 1SHAD, SALMON HERRINGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDER8, LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER & Co. Market Street Wharf, PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 24, 1849. Sm Assignees' Sale OF THE PA&INOS FUItNACE. (Bt AsibcmtMixT:) THE subscribers assignees' of Dcngler, Hans, A Co., will expo"" to sale by public vendue, on Thursday the 8th day of March, 1849, on he premises, THE CITARCOAL FURNACE, ' known as the Paxikos Fcairica, situate on Sha mokin -Creek about 11 miles east of Sunbury and within one forth of a mile of the Danville & Potts ville Rail Road, together with coal house, two dwelling houses, saw-mill and other improvements, and with all the necessary implements, necessary to work said Furnace, There are also, cut and in rank, two thousand cords of Wood, which will be old at the same time. The location is a fine one, and the country is well surrounded with good timber. The Furnace is built on a perpetual lease at a rent of $300 per annum for three years from April next,fter which time, the rent may be raised te $400, per annum. The Furnace will lie kept in blast until the middle of Jan'y next Any per sons wishing to view the same can do so by calling i on the premises. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. W. & R. FEGELY. Sunbury, Nor. 17, 1848. tS. Notice t riHE public arc hereby notified that I heve pur--l chased at Constable sale, on the 10th of Feb ruary, 1849, the following articles sold as the pro perty of Abraham Ruch, and that I have loaned him the said articles until I see jirojicr to remove them : 12 Acres of Wheat and Rye (more or less) in the ground, $25 00 One Wagon, 1 1 00 One gray Horse, CI 50 One dork gray Horse, 50 00 $147 50 DANIEL KEIFFER. I'p. Augusta tslip., Feb. 17, 184931 REMOVAL C, C. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER, PHXZ.ASEX.PBIA. nAS removed from No. 31 North 3d street to No. 206 MARKET Street above IHh St. 2 doors above the RkiiLiox Hotel. llercopoct fully invites the attention of Country storekeepers visiting the city to his EVENING SALES at which will generally lie found a large assortment of Habdwabe, Cl'tlfht, Boots, Shoes, Hats, and a greajt variety of Miscellaneous goods suited to the sales of eountry storekeepers. Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1848 3mo. tj3 Lycoming Gazette, will copy. GKORGF. J. WEAVER. EDWIN II. FITLKR. George J. Weaver St Co., ROPE MANTJT ACTTTHERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 19 N.WaterSt., and 11 AT. Wharves, Philadelphia HAVF innatautly on hniul, a general naanrlmrnt of Manila Ki, Tarred Rope, Italian Rope, Bale Hope and Twine, Tow Ulna, fur Cunal Boats, Bow and Stem Lines, for do. Hemp and Cotton r4eiue Twine, I.lnen and Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarn. Candle Wick. Ac. Ijrain Baste, Linen and Cotton, Tar, Hitch, Hoein, and (liikum, Hi-d Corda, Plough I.inea, llultera. Truces, 4c, all of which they will diepoer of on rtiiaonQhle terms. Ropes in- any Hiae or Description, Mado to Order, at short notice. Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1849. ly. SORES CAW BE CURED. Burns, Scalds, and all kinds of inflamed Sores Cured. TOLSEYT UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is the most comiaete Bum Antidote ever known. It instantly, (and as if by Magic) Hops pains of the most dVaiierutc jsuniana Sim. , ror uu e,rce, tsiuiaea, luls,pruitis, Ae. on man or beast, it is Uie beat application that can lie made. Thousands have tried and thouaamls praise it. It lithe mat perfect master oi pain ever discovered. All who uae re commend it. Every family ah wkl be provided witk it. None can lei how soon smile of the family may need it. ir Observe each boo of the genuine Ointment haa the name of S. Tociky, written ou the outside labd. To unite to this is forgery. Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who use Horses, will mat Una Ointment the very beat thing they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, Ac., Ae.,on their animals Surely every ulercyful man would keep his animals aa free from pain as possible. Tousey's Iniveraul Ointment is all that ia srquired. Try It. BITES OF INSECTS. For the sting or bits of pniaon us liiaucta, T.aisey's Ointment ia unii vailed Hundred have tried it and found it good. 1'IIjESCUHED ! For the Piles, Tousey'a Uuiversal OinU meul is one of Uiebeat Remedies that run be applied. All who have tried it for the Files recommend it. OLD SOUKS CI RED. For old obatinale 8 'res, there is nothing equal to Touaey's Ointment. A person in Muiui ua had, f a number of years, a a re leg that baffled the akill of the doctors, Touaey's Ointment wus rec luimended tiy one of thcSJtsiung pliyaiciana, (who knew its great vir tues,) snd two b ea produced more benefit than tbeta tient had feceived from any uud all previous remedies. Lei all try it. ' BURNS AND SCALDS CURED. Thousands of esses of Burns and ScaUa, in all parte of the country, have been cured try T Hiary'a t'niverul Ointment. Certificates enough could he had to till the whole of this sheet. VIOLENT BKUISES CURED. Testimonials on test!, monial in fav of Tiauwy's Ointment for curing Bruises here been offered the pnprietaui. Hundreds in Syracuse will certify to its great menu relieving thepsiuof the m art severe Hruiara. All pera na ahoukl try it. SCALD HEAD CTKED. Sores of csm nf Scald Head bare beeu cured by Touaey's Ointment. Try it it seldom SALT RHEUM CURED. Of all the remedies ever dis coveren f wths moat disagreeable c mpkiiut, Touaey's Uni versal OuiUucat is the must complete. It ucver was known to fail. CHAPPED HANDS CAN BE CURED"-Tousey's I'm Veraal Ointment will cure we w rat eaaes of Chan, kwd Haisls, Scorea of ners aia will stale Ibis. SORE LlPtJCL'RED. For the rare of S re Una there Was never anything made equal to Touaey's OiuUuent It ia sure In cure ihetn. Try it. It is a arientiae eompnund, warranted no to enntaiu aay preparation "f Mercury, ty Price as eeute per box. Fi further particulars eaioemiug this really valuatile OiuUaeut Um public are referred to Pamphlets, to lai had gratia, of re spectable Druggists and Merchants throughout the United Prepared by 8. TOU8EY, Druggist, No. lot Nsaasa Street, New York. Aoiht-JOHN YOINO, Sunbury, M. A. MeCAY, Northumberland: February 17, 1849. If PATENT Trusaea of all kyids, Hartison'a writing and indellible ink. Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by j. w. t ftitixo. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1618. AUD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MA8SER. Bunbury Jan. 37th, 1819 tt BAt BUM A An ciccllent article for ami by , HENRY MASJSKR. bunbury Jam. t7th, 1649 tf. G UM BHOES trlr Centlemen and Ladies, tuat raraivml aatl for aaU kr H. MABatER. gunbury, Da. S, 1646. JUSTICES' BLANKS VW HALE AT TH18 OKFIC. RAISIIfa BLOOD And Consumption, Pain in tho side and Night Sweats, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Palpitation nf 1h HenR, Liver Complain!, Bronbhilis, FLEfrntSY AND CONSUMPTION. Mrs. BAOOAS,s Isrly upward of W, restdlnf 86 Sheflr, hsa for years hern subject tonttsrksof Plenrisy, Raising of III od, severe Ciaigh, Shnrtneasof Breath, Pain in her Head and vsrioua parts ) f her body. Her friends believed bar. PAST RECOVERY. The All-Healing Bnlsnra reliever) her at onrs of sll her alarming symptoms, snd now she Is able to attend to her work. ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGH. Mrs. Lnrrcti Wells, 95 Christie-street : L. 9. Bears, 19 Delancey street Wm. H. Youngs, 74 Walnut street, know the vslue of this grent remedy. AakforShermerUs All-Henliug Balaam, and ses that his written signature ia on cash l,ttle. Price So cents and VI per bollle. Dr. Slierrmn'a Worm and Cough txixrngcs sold as abort. SHERMAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER hnarnmlmnrr oner of Ithenmatiam. Pain in tire Rack, Siile ami Cheat, lumbago and Weakiiraa, titan any appli cation that hsa increnanl, hundreds of nnprincipted rascals have ntlempted to ciainterfcit it. and palm it off upon the community as the genuine. y llewnre if Dcceptim.aS l Remember that the true ami genuine Plaster is sprend upon reddish paper made cxpresHy for the purpose snd every rase the signature nf Dr. Sherman ia printed npon the hock of the Planter, and the whole secured by Copy Right. None others are genuine. Therefore when yoo want a real good Shermac's Poor Mnn's Plnatnr, call at the office, 108 Nassau street, and you will not I disappointed. Hemrmtier principal Office Kid Nasnu-slreet, New-York, where all Dr. Sherman's Ixizenges are soW. His Agents sre Mrs. Hays, ISO Fulton street, Brooklvn; Hin'eson, Williamsburg j and Redding A Co; Boston, and JOHN YOUNG, Snnlmry. M. A. MrCAY, NorUiumbsrland Felmtary 17, 1849. ch eUin ly THE OIIAIVD riJtiCATIVE. FOR THE CTTIIB OT HracLtehe, Giddiness, M retire Salt Rheum, Rheuinatisin. Piles, Heart Burn, Worms, Dyspepsia, Scurvey, Ch. lera Morbus, Small P.x. Jaundice, Coughs, tininsey. Paiuain the Back, Whoiniiig Coorh, luwanl Weaineas, Conaumptiim, Fits, Pnlpitaiion nf the Heart, Liver Complaint, Rising in the Throat, Krieipelas, Deafness, Dropav, Asthma, Itehings of the Skin, r evers otau Kiiiaa, t,-'"', woui, uravei, Female Complaints, Nerv ous Complainta, AND A VARIETY Of .OTHER DISL.tSES ARISIKO FROM IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOP, AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Extwrieiipr has nrnved that nenrlv cverv Dieenseoririnstea from Impurities of the HLiod or ili'miigenicnts of the Diges tives Organs ; ami to arcure Hrnlth, we must remove those ohetructi 'iiaor restore the Blood to ite natural state. The aversion to taking medicine is rrHiet effectually re nt ived bv Clicsneu's Vioetasli Pi gtivs PtLLa, lieing eompletely envel ped with a coating r pure white Sugar, (wnicn ia an niatinci irnn rue liucrnni ingrenieuta na anui shell from the kernel) snd have no taste of medicine. But are as easily swall iwed na bits of candv. M ireover they neither natieeute or gripe in the slightest degree, but operate equally on all the uiaeased parts of the syatem, in- sicanot cinmiing tnemseivea to, ana racking any particular region. Thus, if the l.ivcr be affected one ingredient will operate on thnt particular organ, and, by cleansing it of an hires of Bile restore it to ita untuied atate. Another will operate on the Board andrcmovenll iinpuritica in ita rircu- Istion ; whiles third will crlectUHlly expel wliatever lmpu rities limy have lieen discharged into the stomach, and hence they strike at the root or diarnae remove all Impure Hu mora fr an the Nuly , open the pores externally and inter nally ; sr-pnmte nil foreign and obnoxions particles from the chyle, so that the blond may be thoroughly pure thus sreu rings free and healthy action to thellrart, Lungaand Liver mid thereby they restore health even when all other means have tailed. The entire truth of the nbove rnn be ascertained by the trial of a single box: and their virtues sre so paitive snd certain in reatnring Health, thnt the propriebn biuds himself to return the raonev paid for them in ail cases where thev do not give universal satisfaction. Retail Price, 35 els. per Box. Principal office No. tjflTrraey St., N. York, Sokl by JOHN Y. YOl'NO, Sunbury. M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. fV RememlirrDr. C. V. Clickner is the Inventor of the Sugar Coated Pills, anil tliat mithing nf the sort waa ever nenrn j until he mrmnuced tnem in Juite, IH43. Purctuuwrs should, therefore alwaya sak for Clirkner's Sugar Coated Pilla. and take no others, or thev will be made the victiniaof a fraud. February, 17, 1849 ly AUCTION! AUCTION!! A LL who want to buy goods rhrnper than they can be bought in Philadelphia, should attend the Auction held by Chas. 8. Boirnr, in Sunbury, every Saturday, where all kinds of goods arc sold far below rtty prices, uooris sold at private sale equally as low. All who want bargains, should not delay this opportunity. CHAS. 8. BOGAR. Feb. 10, 1848, tf. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. H0E.SE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or rattle to die, when the means of cure are within the reach of all! The undersigned haa spent several years in the study of Veterinary practice in "London and E diuboro'," he has also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towurds a judicious treatment of animals; the principles of our practiee consists in the rejection of general bleeding and the total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies art in harmony with the vital principle, and when given according to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, hence are saft'in the hands of every one. G. H. DADD, M. D. A List sf Horse and Cattle Medicines. Physic balls, 75c. per box. Alterative ball, 75c do. H powders for had condition,75cperpack- age. Heave powder for diseases of the lungs, 75c dc Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanders, 75c do. Cordial drink for inSamation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, AVc, 50c per bottle. Embro' ation for sore throat, 75c par bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, dec, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in England for lameness of every description, 75c & $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders for the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by UTIMPHON rV REED, 86 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'8 HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Noa. 1 tV S Hayraarket Square, Boston. PamphUts describing the diseaaea for which these remedies are used can be. had gratia. Numerous Certificates are in possession ef the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEK & FLETCHER,No,S6SouUi SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Agists. Hesbt Masses, Sunbury, February 3, 1849. tf rjAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper A auuee, Ac. For sale by J. W. F RILING. Bunbury, Dec 2, 1848. DLASTER, Salt and Fish, just received and for 1 by i. W. FKILING. Sunburv.DecS, 1S48. I) LANK BOOKS An aasortmsnt of Blank Books, just received and sale by H. MA8SER. Bunbury, Dee. , 1848. AXE8 of a very aoperier quahty for sale by. c, t H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. t, 1848. TEA8, from the New York Cantos and Pekin Tea Company. For sale by . J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dec t, 1848. 7IND0W GLAS8, 8 by l6, foT ul, , V HENRY MIV7X. ttahtiry, Jan t7th, 1848- i. Receipts & Expenditures OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, From tit firtt day of January, tigJten hundred and forty-eight, to the thirty-first of December, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, both dayt inclusive, opo JESSE M. SIMPSON, ESQ., TREASURER OF SAID COUNTY. IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. DR, DOLLI. CTS, To cnh received of unseated landa sold by the Commissioner for 1848. 178 39 To depreciated money received of Commissioners, 61 00 To cosh received of Edward Eisely 3 OCT To cash received of Wm. H. Kase 14 67 To cash received of Peter Fetter man, for State and County lax on a lot of ground in Coal township, 35 To cash received of Charles Carr, for State and CounM lax for 1P48, 5 00 To cash received of Peter Lazarus, for pround rent, 5 75 To cash received 1 00 To cash received of the Bank of Northumberland, 2460 83 Tocashrec'dascountytajiforl842, 12 30 To do do 1845, 479 17J To do do 1846, 886 52J To do do 1847, 2856 42 To do do 1848, 1436 99 To cash received as county tax on unseated lands for 1844, 2 49 To do do 1846, 206 81 To do do 1847, 61 59 to do do 1848, 69 To cash received as road tax on unseated lands for 1844, 3 69 To do do 1846, 306 72 To do dd 1847, 148 26 To do do 1S48) 1 38 To abatement received for the rea dy payment of State tax in July 1848. . 353 43 To cash received of John Farns worlhjProlhonolary, as Jury funds and Court fines for 1847, 57 00 To cash received as Interest on State tax, 22 11 To abatement received for the rea dy payment of State tax in July, 1848 by Treasurer, 172 88 Total, 9,826 78 JESSE M. SIMPSON, ESQ., TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPEC TING STATE TAX FOR THE YEAR 1842-3-6-7 AND 8. DlC a DOLLS. CTS. To State tax received for 1842, 5 58 To State tax do 1843, 50 00 To State tax do 1846, 128 54 To Stato tax do 1847, 2506 74 To State tax do 1848, 8037 42 To cash received as State tax on unseated lauds for 1844, 2 49 To do do 1846, 336 27 To do do 1847, 183 09 To do do 1848, 2 08 fetal, 11,252 21 I SETTLEMENT WITH THE SHERIFF AND PROTHONOTARY. Extract of Jury funds in the Common Pleas January 1818, to the Plaintiff Defendants, Jury Funds Catharine Ross, adm'ra vs Jos. Wallis, $4 James Mcrrels ex'rs. vs George Watts adtn'rs 4 Wood & Itahn vs David Haup, 4 Borough of Milton vs Samuel lllair, 4 George Eckcrt, vs Jacob Khitz, 4 Daniel Conner vs Daniel n cidinan, 4 Ualzer Garnhart vs George Oyster, 4 William Gilbert vs Haughawotit, 4 William Dale vs John Follmcr, ex'rs. 4 Chariest Pleasants vs Jas. &. Wm. Ross, 4 Wm. H. (Strickland vs A. E. Kupp, 4 Benjamin W. Richards vs Franklin Piatt, et al 4 Charles H. Frick vs Wm. 11. Frick, 4 Win. D. Gearhart va Charles Carr, 4 Thomas H. Wilson vs Abraham Htraub, 4 Sarah W. Comly va William H. Frymire, 4 It. D. Forestnan vs Benjamin Foresman, 4 Daniel Miller & wife vs Philip Heckman, 4 J. Miller ex'r of J. Kerr vs M. Sweny & wife, 4 Truman H. Clark, et al vs John Schreiner, 4 Henry Keiser vs Henry Yoxthc imer, 4 Hugh Bellas, et al vs Wm. dr. Reuben Fegely, 4 Hugh Bellas et al vs James Graham's heirs, 4 George Sliily vs George Long, 4 Mary Weeks vs Jacob Haas &. Byerly, 4 Total, $100 Extracts or Jurt Funds and Court Fines ' County raox January 1st Jury Court. Funds Fines. Cominonw'h vsSam'l Redinger $4 8 do vs Daniel Conrad 4 20 do vs Colored man 4 do vs James L. Ireland 4 ' 20 do va John Caul, jr. 4 do vs Dennis C. Caul 4 do vs Mary Rishel 4 Total, 28 40 SETTLEMENT WITH THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY. Expenditure of the County of Northumberland as per orders issued by the Commissioners on the Treasury of said County, duiing the year, commencing on tlte first day of January and ending on the 3 1st day of December 1848, both days inclusive, viz: Auditors waees for 1847, 113 00 s. 177 00 85 07 109 30 141 69 281 871 454 481 2,035 27 1 92 00 154 811 1,356 38 779 75 130 00 56 00 40 00 275 00 296 95 106 47 10 51 6,695 57 Viewing Roads Si sites for Bridge &c lontiiiKeuces Uamapes, Public Buildings, Assessor's wages, Commonwealth costs and others, Jurors wages, Constables attending court, Stationary, Bridge building and repairing tc, General and Spring elections also Presidential, Court Crier's wages, Premiums for Fox scalps, Clerk's wages for 1847 m full do do for 1848 Printing by contract, Coroner Inquest, Refunding, Total, AMOUNT OF TAX DUE Names ofCollectots, Samuel Awl, Michael Evert, James Covert, Daniel Robins, Franklin A Clark, Elijah Crawford, Henry Shipe, Joseph Bingernan, Juhii Leiaeuring, Isaao BeideUpach, Isaao Sober, John Leabeg, Daniel P. Caul, David Stallmaker, Michael Treon, Thomas Barr, Henry Shipe, David Hain, James Buoy, John Leisenring, Edward Grady, William Johnson, Samuel Hale, Jacob Beck, Daniel FoJlraer, Isaao Fisher, Asron Hoffa, Townships, Augusta, tt Milton, Point, Coal, Delaware, Lower Augusta, (since paid) Lower Manonov, Northumberland, Point, (since paid) Shamokin, Coal, Chilisquaque; Delaware, Jackson, Lewis, Lower Augusta, -Lower MaEonoy, Milton, Northumberland,' ' Point, Rush, Sharnokin, Sunbury, Turbut, Upper Augusts, , Upper Mahsnoy,' bOt.L9. CTS. By cash paid on Commissioner's orders, By percentage on 88,133 87, By depreciated money By money paid to Wm. Gulick, late Treasurer, By cash paid to John Pi for, By cash paid to Peter Vanilling, By discount on depreciated money By cash paid Northum'land Bank, By Interest on monev received o Bank Northumberland, By balance due the county, by Treasure, credited by error on county lax for previous year, CR. 8,133 87 203 34 & 26 00 299 23 1 08 1 50 80 500 00 31 33 2 50 By balance due tho county by Treasurer, 627 121 Total, 9,826 78 CH. DOLLS. CTSi By cash paid State Treasurer as pef his receipt dated July 29th 1848, 10,000 00 By abatement for 810,000, 526 31 By Treasurer's commission 100 00 By balance in the Treasury, in the hands of collectors 625 90 Total, 11,252 21 of Northumberland County from the 1st 1st January 1819. IP PAID, AND TO WHOM. Paid to Prothonotary FarnswortU not paid Paid to Prothonotary FarnswortU not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth in the Supreme Court Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid tc Prothonotary Farnsworth not paid in the handa of Sheriff Billington U U M not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth in Supreme Court not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth in the hands of Sheriff Uilluigton in Quarter Session or Northumberland 1848 to January 1st 1849. IF PAID, AND TO WHOM. not paid Paid to clerk Farnsworth not paid Paid to Sheriff Billington ' Paid clerk Farnsworth i i it not paid Brought over. Physicians and Surgery, Prison expenses, Attorney for the county, Fuel, f Peter Vandling, Commis'rs' William Follmer, wages. Jacob HorTa, Charles Weaver, Road lax on unseated lands. 6,695 57 17 00 10 37 30 00 25 75 116 60 129 25 152 75 46 50 450 67 57 60 80 92 132 43 6 50 r 25 00 7,976 81 Constables giving notice of spring election, Constables who made returns at court, Prothonotary fees J. Farnsworth in full, Charles Pleasants for fees in case of G.C.Welker, Charles J. Bruner for Auditing ac- Total, FROM COLLECTORS. Years, 1840 S 27 96 1846 64 95 " 369 63 m -19 36 1847 21 85 " 026 80 t 72 90 1847 7 00 " 254 02 " 7T 05 - 62 08 184$ 137 II 334 68 " 385 i8 150 08. $J0 34 310 56, 153 684 18 S3 363 48 191 461 tt 366 69 341 19 it 393 81 382 67 . 313 S3 131 784 M,1TS M AMOUNT STATE TAX DUE FROM DIFFERENT COLLECTORS, ALSO MILITIA FINES FROM 1843 TO 1843. Names of Collectors, William K. Irwin, James Covert, Elijah Crawford, Henry Shipe, Michael Evert. Franklin A. Clark, John Leisenring, Townships, Years, . Chilisquaque, 1843 Milton, 1846 Delaware, 1847 Lower Augusta, (since paid) Upper Augusta, 1846 Coal, 1847 Northumberland, I' AMOUNT OF STATE AND COUNTY TAX FOR THE YEAR 1848, AND ALSO MIL1TIA FINES. For the Mfi Years. Names of Collectors, ohn Leabeg, Daniel P. Caul, David Stallmaker, Michael Treon, Tmtnships, Coal, Chilisquaque, . Delaware, Jackson, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Little Muhonoy, Lower Muhonoy, Milton borough, Northumberland, Point, Rush, Shamokin, Sunbury, T-jrbut, I'p Augusta, Up. Mahonoy, Thomas Barr, Henry Mtpe, Isaac D. Raker, David Haiti, James Buoy, John Leisenring, Edward Grady, William Juhnaoji, Samuel Hale, Jacob Beck, Daniel rollmer, Isnao Fisher, Aaron HolTa, EXO.N'ERATIONS. This Is to certify that In anditinrr the public accounts of Northumlierland county, we find exonera tions and allowances made by the Commissioners of said county, to different Collectors dec Amounting on County tat, to the sum of seventy-four dollars snd forty-three cents. Also, percentage to Collectors two hundred and seventy tlollitrs and foftyseven cents, on State tax exonerations to the sum of forty six dollars and four and a fourth rents, and a percentage to Collectors of Are hundred and sixty-one dollars and thirty-nine cents, and on Militia fines, exonerations and Commissions to Collectors, to the sum of two hundred and eleven dollars and seventy cents. These exonerations and allowances will be a net loss on the amount due the County and State, at the settlement of 1849. We the undersigned Auditors of Northumlwrlanu rounty, elected .and sworn arrortlintr to law to settle and adjust the public accounUof the county, do certify that WC have examined vouchers, Ac, and find a balance due the county in the hands of the said Treasurer, of six hundred and twenty-seven dollars and twelve and a half cents; due from the several Collectors, the sum of five thousand one hun dred and seventy-einht dollars and sixty-two cents as county tax; also due from the several Collectors the aunt of four thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents, as Stato tax, of which there is due the County two thousand seven hundred and six dollars and seventy-seven cents ; also forty dollars as court fines; also one hundred and twenty -eight dollars as jury funds, also a note due from William Gulick, lute Treasurer of one hundred dollars ; also from James Strickland a judg ment on Estiirc Weiser's docket of twenty-three dollars and sixty-six cents ; also, a note due from Joseph Hougendobeler, seventeen dollars and sixteen snd a half cents ; also due from Thomas Allen, a note of thirty-seven dollars ; also due the Treasury from James Buoy, five dollars. And after deducting three hundred and four dollars and sixty and three-fourth cents for Commissioner's orders yet in cir culation, there remains due the county the net sum of eight thousand five hundred and sixty-one dol lars and seven-teen and three-fourth cents. Witness our hands, this 5th day of January, A. D. 1849. EMANUEL ZIMMERMAN, WILLIAM JOHNSON, DANIEL P. CALL. Jludiiors. aMaTJsaTsMWa3c4MaaaaTM mat.'1 "imtiniMmsmsaswxm Columbian Series of' 3rft.imtt(r0. The Pupil's friend and Teachers comfort. THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This s- work is a,.eadv introduced into some, of the liest Acadaniies atij a large number of Schools, where its use has iriven ilretded and universal sa. tisfaction, loth to teacher ano' pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own lieautiful dtrimal t v. it em of enrrrnev. I' conta,'ns more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ! and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Am' riran Srholar : l)y Almon Tielnor. Ttia Youth's Con-jtaMaCAici-iAToa. This volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam ples tor solution on the slate. It embraces tho Fundamental Kules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. Tickkob's AaiTHNETicAL Tables, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the United States. A lieautiful little book and pass ing to children, and the only oneofthe kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most romplete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued hut a few months, they have already been introduced into tho Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Heading. Also, in about twenty Acadamtcs in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the lioroughs of Harnshurg, York, Chambcrsburg, Lebanon, Doy lestown, Potta- vtlle, Orwigsburg, dec, c. For sale by Hexbt Massed, Sunbury, Agent for northumlierland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. 1TE77" CHEAP GOODS.- The largest assortment In Town, John W. Friling, W ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and B. customers, that he has received the largest and best assortment of goods ever of fered in Sunbury. Consisting of DHY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Liquors, Drugs, Paints and a great variety of other articles. The public are respectfully requested lo call and examiue his slock before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. Eatate of Samuel Smith, late of Point township Northumber land county dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration on the above estate have been this day granted by the Register of Northumber land county, to the undersigned, living at Dan ville, Columbia county, all persona indebted to said estate are requested te make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present the same property authenticated. EDWARD H. BALDY. Sunbury Jan. 27 u, 1849 t Estate of Solomon 9Iengas, dee'd TOTICB is hereby given, that Utters of ad fyl ministration have been granted to the sub scriber, on the estate of Solomon Mengas, lata of Delaware township, dec d. All persona indicted to said estate, or having claims against the same, are requested to call on the subscriber for settle ment JOHN MENGAS Adin'tor. Delaware tshp, Feb. 3d, 1848 6u Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready asadS Yeats, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettlea, just received for sals by H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. t, 1611.' HEAT WANTED. One dollar par bushel, cash, will be paid lb good wheat bf IRA T. CLEMENT. 8unbury Jen.7u 1849 1 AR IRON of ell kinds tW sale low, at the store of C. B. BOGAR. anbury an. SOtt, I649-1tV hltlitia fines. 37 SO 14 00 6 65 34 60 91,039 80 $102 60 Slate tax, I 64 981 333 60 603 36. 48 34 i County tax, State tax, Militia fines. 0197 11 t 525 694 $36 00 406 684 1)038 894 24 50 618 18 1,326 02 88 00 331 084 822 54 17 00 461 74 1,259 14 30 50 801 56s 722 98 24 50 62 98 157 73 3 50 302 684 742 03 27 50 322 86 733 77 23 00 317 48 641 19 30 00 245 09 638 43 7 50 301 86 797 96 22 50 316 194 774 66 52 00 292 81 756 66 35 00 397 31 1.107 75 10 50 223 28 605 68 16 00 232 914 570 82 26 00 85,231 82 $13,227 95 $474 00 DIAXVIOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. TitiS Powder Is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, snioothedge to Rators, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Ct'TLEat ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Kaxor,. Knives, and rcrfu mcry, wholesale and retail, bv , . ALFRED BENNETT, Agent.. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, rind Che.ip Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Pnir-ADELritiA, Feb. ISth, 1848. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYA'ES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attr.t in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nollii'ig can lie found that will produce the same eltect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you wiii find it superior to any heretofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third sL Ph i la Delphi a, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and teat many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indillVrent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Uousaol's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street For sale at this office Price 25 cts. per Box. November 25, 1848 Cm. I. ANDREWS,- - V?Vr 'H. DEVrilTOPAlN Reliff to the Sice! wllh to the Weak!! A HAI.M ia found lor the Whtile Human Race in An drews1 PAIN KILLER. This is sn entirely vegeta ble compound, composed of Twenty. FiVdlioVrent in!fre (lienta, snd ia an internal and External Remedy fur the Va lium ilia that human flesh is heir to seen AS, CoU(tIia, Colds, Pains. Nervous and Pick Ifesdnelie, Rheumatiant, Cats, fimin, Spinal Afleetlona, Simmer Complaints, Cholera Morbus, Toothache, Kruptiona, Corns Piles, Frozen Parts, Burns, Srakla, A (rue in the Face and Breast, Painters' 04lic, Bruises, okl Sores, Loss of appe tite, General Debility, Asthma, k e. Put up in hottlea lot I, a or 4 shillings per tattle. Fur further partirulan see Pamphlets to he had nf every as;eiit gratis, containing a brief history of the origin, discovery and g'inde effects of Andrews' Psiu Killer, Ceiuficsua of Cures, directions. Ae LOOK OCT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant success of Andrews Pain Killer in re moving tha causes that produce death, the untimely death of millions of our race, has indnned aims men of Whem it may be truly said, their villainous occuiMions manifeat their villainy, to stteinpt to pin in circulation spurious snd counterfeit articlea called (Puui Killer,11 uaing fictitioua numes for the pretended author, forged certificates, &C. P Hue have appeared, snd others no doubt will appear. It all remember that Andrewa lienuiue Pain Killer has the written liijiiature of I. Aiatrews on the Inliel of each bottle in black ink. Don't siimUy aakior Pain Killer, but ask for Andrews' Pain Killer, aiai have no other. t ld by M. A. McCay, Sole Agent, Northumherland ; J. W, Friling, Hunhury; John H. Raaer, Milton ; John R. Myyer, Bl aimshurg j Wm. A. Mnrray Jt Co, Danville j Davenport h Smith, Plymouth: Andrew Yohr, Wilkes barre ; Hays McCa-mick. M F.weinville J tjcharTle at Chamiierlaiii, lwiahurg j tie. irge McAlpiu, Jersey Shore: J. M. Judd, VVilliamspotl. Otders addressed to I. Andrews, inventor and onhr Pro. prietor at Itheca Tompkins county, N. V. Will receive pnanpt stteutiiat September 311, 1S48 ly NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masser, HAS just received at his store, in Sunbury, an assortment of the cheapest Goods, that ever came to the place, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, t(c. French black Cloths, Cassinetts, tie. Cali coes, of excellent quality and colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 6 1 cents. These are not the low priced trash articles usually sold: Muslin de Laines, of tine, qual ity and patterns 181. Handsome Terkeri and other Shawls and various other articles. The public are requested to eall and judge for themselves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. PLA8TER, a lot fcr aaky C. 8. BOGAR. Bunbury Jan. tOth, t6t-L SYRUP MOLASSES. Superior refined Ervrup Molsasesforseleby ' HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec J, 1848. CATS. A a assortment just received. Also, lk HAT8 at .', for sale by H. MAMES. Maneury,' Dee. I, 14 8. TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND VSAIVIBIOISLT APPIlOfEDt hi H . 8 o -J us GUTS INDIAN TegetaLle o o A r F.rary day la this eetebtstad medicine sxtsndiuf lbs sphsrs of Its usefulness, and svsry year adding as the luf astalofue of ita triumphs. A MILLION OP BOXES srs distributed aimaalh kk-' out fully meeting tin demand! For soms lima past, the alas have been Hmited Solely for want of facilities' of Sap. ply. Truly Uiia is a universal remedy ! I'nksrsld, these pilla have found their way Into the remotest oirnsrs of t) Villon, everywhere provlug their litis ss tha pout nan's friend sick man's hope the marvel and Uiaiing of Um age. For a trifling him, every individual and every family aaaf havs HEALTH INSURED to them for an tndullnite pe riod j and what is lifs with mt health but a missrsbls sans tence ! It is too procions a boon to bs tampered with, by trying sll sorts of experiments upon it. The sick should raw those, msdicines only which experience has shown to bs ths hast' A PIIYSICIAlTsTESTlMONY. From Catikill, Green County, New York. Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir : I have found yoar Indiaa Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in cases of General De bility of the syrtem, and in all Billioua diardsrs. Ism slse in the habit of rscoramsuding than to females ia pesuliai cases. I observe tliem tnspcrste in the system without prodiMinf debility or pain, leaving it in a healthy condition. Jisuif, JS-19. Jon.tDojB,M.. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. From Norton Hill, Green County N. Y.) Dr. Wright ! We have used snd sold your Indian Yegeus Us Pills for three years past, snd do not hesitate to mom mem! Ihcm to our friends snd customers as ths best Family Medicins in uss. N. & L. It latiaath. From Marble Hall Pa. To Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir : For ths last two years I have had tin agency for the sale of your Indian Vegetable Pilla at this pbice, and have sold annually large qnantities st retail. They huve in every instance given entire satisfas- ion. Muny families in this section keep them, snd consider them invaluable n a family medicins. Thers is no medi cine sold here that can be so uuireraally recommended sa Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Yery truly yosrs, Februsry 1, IMS. Y. M. Lvui. TESTIMON Y OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following letter is in reply to a note frost eur agaat asking Dr. Bouton'sopinion of this medicins : ToxsniMtocK, August M, lU. Mr. A . Durham Dear Sir : lu reply to your note of yas. tetdny, I would state, that I have occasionally found it sua veniet to nse the various "Patent Pilla" vended in the shops ; snd while I nin unwilling to aay anything to depreciate the value of others, I am free to confess that I consider Wright's lndisn Vegetable Pills superior to sll others with which I sm acquainted. I have used them for many years both ia my own family and in my practice generally, and they hays uniformly proved mild, certain and safe in their operations The care and skill with which Uieae pills have been hilhsrw manufacture,! arc, in my opinion, a sufficient guarantee far like g wd results in future. Very respectfully, B. A. Bovtox. M. D. Mr. R is a practitioner of long experience, well knows iti snd even beyond the lines of Wyoming c unity. He is a grpdiiato of lVniuylvnnia, and highly popular with ths people sinoiig whom he resides. BeitnrcoCSugitr Coated Counter-! felts. Rcmemlicr that the original and only genuine ludiaa VrtrrinbkfVills have the wiitten signature of Wra. Wrlglu on the top label of each box. FOR 7i IgrlitM Indian Vegetable I'lll. John V. Friling, Sunbury. Henry Mascr, Sunbury. . Hays A McCormick, McEweosriHs. E. Kaiiffiiuni, Augusta tp. John II. Vincent, Chilisquaqii. KnaeA Bcrrstresarr, Elystmrg. W. Hothermct, Little Mahonoy. Ilciuen A Brother, Milton. Forsyth, Wilson A Co., Northuiutietlrnd. Jas. Rerd, Poltagrovs. W. A R. Fegely, Shamokintown. J. C. Morgan, Snyderatnwtl. AV.Depsin, Muhonoy P. O. Bclllirvillr H ilahur, I'p. Mahonoy. J. O. Reiui, line Mountain P. O. Bcui. Heflner, tower Mahoning P. O. Amos T. Brissell, Turbuttavills. O. J. A T. Piper, Wataonvills. E. A. Kntzner, Boonaville. H. II. Knable, Elysburg. OIRcrs devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indiaa Vegetable Pills, WholeaaU; and Retail, 19 Raes St., Philar dt-lphia, ffcS Greenwich street, New-York, and 1M Trsm wt Boston. Dec. 9fli, IS1. ty. Equitable IJfe Insurance, Annuity and Truat Company. OFFICE 74 WAl.Nt'T STREET. PHILADELPHIA Capital ?ii0,lJ0 Ciustss PcarxTVAL. rpiIE Company are now prewired to tranaact bueines 1 upon the m at liberal and advantageous terma. They are authorized by their charter (sect. S) "to make all snd' every ineurance appertaining to life hake of whatever kind' or nature, ami to receive and execute Iruata, unite emlow mente, and to grant and pnrchaae snnuilies." The Com pany sell snniiitb'S snd endowments, and act aa Trustees fia miii'irs and heirs. Table of Premiums required for ths Amaratics of 8100 fr ths whole urm of Lifs. ill Age. IPrem. (Age. Prem. age. Prena. 1 150 .'It 3 01) 4 ' t.V. 17 1 53 3i IS 47 3 4. 18 IM !M 1 n li 3M 18 I IU 34 li 7 40 J 77 90 1 an ai S 33 50 8 94 81 I 63 3d 1 40 SI 4 13 l 1 1 37 S 47 M 4 3i 3 It) 3H 54 S3 4 41 81 1 74 3 8 6.1 64 4 71 ft? 1 76 40 8 70 W 4 II Iti IN 41 M M 3 11 87 1 S3 44 98 37 3 M 88 14 49 3 01 M3S4 8ti i un 44 3 1 8 re auiot 333 00 ( 0 The premiums are leas than sny otner company, ana policies stT id greater advantagea. Tables of ball-Yearly and quarterly prennuine. Bail creun raiee u pieumuu, wi terms, loint lives, survivorahipa and etstowmente ; also,, furiaof Application (I. which there are blank sheets') sre . . L. tA .'... at the or bv letter lu the form of Apslieall'W (I' WniCB mere ana aiiacia-j to be had ou apnlmtH'W at the odVe, or by tetter to the Agent, J. H Pl'KDY, Sunbury. KATK WOm I9vmi9 aiv vn awntjasx mhv Age. 80 31) 40 60 For 1 year. HI (a) Fi 7 years. 8,07 For lAfs I. oe s.m. 1,70 3.04 3 3,48 3,io Eiistna A person aged 31) years next birth day, by paying the Company bb cents would secure lu ai faoHly or heirs Slot) Stxnrtd he die .5 one year f or for So-gO he aa rures tn them BlOnO; or for (13 annually for set en yosrs he secures to them 81000 ahoukl he die in seveiV yeara ; of for i.40 raidjaumualty during life he aseusrs SUMS lo bs Caul when ae dies. The insurer securing his own bouse, y the dirference in' amount of premiums from those charged by other olfifes. For 4e,S0 Ins heirs would rervive SOU) should hs die ia am year. Forms of application and all particulars msv hs had st the oilica. J. W. CLAGHORN, President. Txauvaaa FSAitCH-W. iUwu. H. O. Tuckett, Secretary. . CoastrLiiHe PaTMCiiB t)r. J. B. Mssaer, Sunbury. J. U PaapT, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland esaa Sunburj!, July 3, tatS T J. ORSaElTOTJCrEer (tat Heller Greeaougb.) PATENT ATTORNEY ASTtf HBOHAiriOAXi BIf OtMHrif, Wnsblnstoii, . DRAWINGS and papnra for the Fateu Othoe, prepared sutu all the necessary btiv aniese, in refalioa lo securing patents, train,' acted, and promptly attentltd to, at iht ir 4 Ike oppoite tha rVtrtit Orfrw Oteber , l.