MMM , .A LmcL - 3W(ocflliTurouj3 i-Unttcv. NOW I LAV MK 6WN TO BLEEP. There are probably ' no four linei in the English language that are repeated so many timet daily an the following : "Now I lay me down to sleep, . . 7 I jwy the Lord my toul to keep : If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my eoultouke." ' And it is not only children and youth that repeat them. Many whose heads are "sil vered orer with age," have been accustomed N repeat them as their last prayer before closing their eyes in sleep, every night since Ihey wero taught them in infancy. Tho late ex-President of tho United States, John Quin cy Adams, was among that number. A Bi aliop of the Methodist church, in addressing n Sabbath School, told the children that ho had been accustomed to say that littlo prayer every night since his mother taught it to him when he was a little boy. In conversing recently with a ship master, overseventy years of nge, and who has been for many years a deacon in the Church, he said that when ho followed the seas, and even before he indulged a hope lhat he was a Christian, he never lay down in his berth at night without sayinfr with great seriousness and ho thought sincerely, "Now I lay me down to sleep." He felt so strongly his need of religion, and his danger without it, that ho used always to ' read, his Bible, and place that precious book under his pillow at night, and ofton to kiss the eacre'd volume, trusting, no doubt, in this reverence for the word of God, instead of trusting alone in the Saviour. . Let every reader learn, and every night re peat that little prayer: Now I lay mo down to sleep." Ac. Gi Your Slates.--Tho Times ak tho following interesting questions. The ladies had better get their slates and work out the sum : If kisses were a penny each, And words a groat a score, A kiss for every twenty words, And twenty in an hour Visit the fair one twice a week, And stay from eight to one, 'Twould take how long, at such a rate, To spend a hundred pounds 1 Here is a Puzzle from the Baptist Register The person who solves it shall receive as ma ny pickled eels feet as he can put gallons of porcupine fat into two pieces of twine. "If a Mr. Randall is blessed with a son, whom he names Ezra, and if Mr. R , upon the death of Ezra's mother, marries the daugh ter of Mr. Alvord, who a few years before had lost his wife, and who subsequently, by a second wife, is blessed with a daughter named Mary, but who lives not long to la ment the early death of his first daughter, Mrs. Randall, or enjoy the society of his com panion and daughter Mary and if, after his death, Mr. Randall takes for his third wife tho former wife of his father-in-law, and if his son choose to marry the daughter of his father's third wife, Miss Mary Alvord, will any law, human or divine, be broken, and what relation will Ezra be to his father, or his children to his father's wife." Destruction of Human Life In the Mines of rotoil. The mines of Potosi were accidentally dis covered by Diego Hualca, an Indian peasant, when pursuing wild goats. Arriving at a sleep place, he laid hold of a small shrub to to prevent himself from falling, but tho shrub being unable to support his weight, was torn tip by the roots, and disclosed to the astonish hunter a rich mass of silver, lumps of which adhered to the earth and came away with tho plants. Not long afterwards the discovery was made known, and the mine was opened in 1645. 1 From the first discovery of these mines to the year 1803, -the quantity obtained from them amounted to the enormous sum of one thousand and fifty millions of dollars. The annual quantity thirty years since was about five million dollars. Although their produce is reduced to obout one-quarter of what it once was yet they are still the most produc tive mines in South America. These mines have caused the destruction of thousands of human beings iu tho latter end or the 16th century. Si.vteen thousand Indi ans were constantly compelled by tho sub scription of the meta to work in thorn. A t present there are only about two thousand miners employed, who are well paid, and work lrom choice. John's Shae. "Dad," said a hopeful sprig, "how many fowls are there on the ta ble!" "Why," said the old gentleman, as he booked complacently on .a pair of finely roasted chicken, that were smoking on the dinner table, "why, my son, there are two." "Two !" replied the smartness, "there are three, sir, and I'll prove it." "Three!" replied the old gentleman, who was a plain malter-of-lact man, and under stood things as he saw them: "I'd like to see you prove that " "Easily done, sir, easily done ! A'nt that net" lying his knife on the first. "Yes, that's certain," said his dad. 'And ain't that two 1" pointing to the sec ond, and don't one and two make three V "Really!" said the father, turning to the old lady, who was in amazement at the im mense learning of her son, "really, wife, this . . . ji v wj mm m, guuo, mm uveerves to 90 encou raged for it , Here, old lady, do you take one fowl, and I'll take the second, and John may Jiava tb inira tor bis learning." i:FiMDtMO the BcTTta Wiv,"-We notice in a exchange the marriage of Mr. Wright to Mm 'JUtteb wat. t Mr. . Wright had no doubt read Pope's Universal Prayer, partiou. larly the following Terse of it : t ' "If lam biobt, thy grace impart, ,, , UU la the right to stay j Jf I b wrong, O teach my heart ., , Taflitd the aiTTta wat." i "Did'jro fall hurt you 1" said one Patlan. dor ta arretlaur, who had fallen ffojn. the top m . , i, .' . i , I : , of 1 two stcy houaq. i'Noi id the last, honay, 'twas atopjin' o quick that hurt ine." lV. aU... -i'LJfl'' .fV vs)XYGENATED ' i, cab'-a cp vls? ej c& ss3 8 A SOVEREIGN REMEDY FOR , -D7GPEPSIA. -X:J , : 1 rirriiisifv AND aSNERALpSBXLXTT. GEORGE B. GREEN, TttonuETOft.' Windsor, ftrmont. To a eoverclgn remedy !y for DYSPEPSIA, In many of sit X forms, men i Dfim In tho Btumaca. llearumrn. hatmuai vmuvm, Acia stomach, Hcwktohe, liossoi Appeuie, Pile, Nig lit Swoon, and even Consumption (Dyspeptic Phthisic.) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with dcrsngo nicnt of the Stomach (or Dyspeptic Asthma,) Difficult Breathing, which often results from imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic Syspncea,) is relieved by these Bitters. In short, their use hns been proved in the relief of almost all tho avniptuins that proceed from a debilitated or ntonic condi tion of the Stomach ; also in general debility arising from age or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever mud Ague. Females Muttering under nny uterine derangement arising from weakness, win find the "OxvoEXATKn Bit Tims'' an excellent remedy, and not surpassed by nny medi cine in use. -- The history of this medicine la peculiar. H has made its way to public lavnr solely by the fores of its own intrinsic merits. No artificial mcuns have been used to give it no turicty and thrust it uxm public attention. It has never before even been advertised, but having first shown its ro markuhlo cflk-acy in the family of the proprietor, and by him ai'tcrwtiiits administered to his afflicted friends and ac quaintances with a like result, its reputation grndually ex tended until it is known in the most distnnt p.irls of the 1'iiion, as a medicine of unrivalled virluea in the cure of Dyspepsia in all its different forma ami also for the cure of Asthma or Phthisic. Its only lienikl and iu only eulogy htis been the e'ory of its wonderful -iVs-ncv na tiold from mouth to mouth or by letter from friend toYnnul. In eve ry instance where these Hitlers have been used, and the re sult mode known to the proprfctir, they have proved a re medy. Numerous certificates, attesting llic singular efficacy of the "Oxygenated Hitters," are in the ponrr-sslon of the pr "prietor ; naiiy of them signed br persona already widely known to tho public. ' . . i - OKO. TI. GliF.F.y, Proprietor. WINDSOR, Vt., October 3, It 45. The following Certiilcntcs have recently been received t Wasiiinotom, D. C, Junk 10, 18-18. Hiit-leg made use of the "Oxvm-natpd Bitters" preimrcd by Dr. tie . II. Green, of Windsor., Vt. and from know ledge obtained of their efficacy in other eases, weeheerfully recommend them to Ihe public, believing Hint they willfully sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. We hope that this valuable remedy may be bo generally diffused throughout the country Hint it may be accessible' to ull the afllieteii. Wl I J il AM l: PI I A A1 ' t. Venmmt. JAMKS F. SIMMONS. U. S. Scnntor frmn R. IrIiiihI. J. T. MORTsUKAD, U. f. Senator and furmorlv Govern or tif Kentucky. L. II. ARNOLD. Member of Cowrreen and ionnerlv Go vernorofR. I. WM. W()(JDnRlDGE, U. S. Senator and formerly Go vernor of Michicnn. M. Ii. MARTIN, Dclcirato in Consrross from isconsin Territory. From Hon. II. D. Foster, Meraber of Congress from l'einisvlvaniu. M'ahiiin'oton. D. C.j Jvsk 10, 1816. Denr Sir, I hnve been a dynpe;itic Buflbrcr 1'or about tm years, una have reK'irted to various medicines for reliei williout nuereK, until I made une of your "Oxyirenateri Bitters." I have used about two lottle, and fuin myself restored to perfect health The forms in which the dis ease ah-ml itKulf, in my case, wcr, great aridity of the tnmnch, 1 of appetite, extreme Hatulenee, severe consti pBlion of the biwt-Is, und violent headnche. Fcelinp desi rous that a knmvlfidfre of ynur valnnble remedy may reach others similarly afflicted. "I Uike great pleasure in rcctird- inp mv icstuumy i) curative jwiwcr; onu wouki niso remark, that while on a visit at home n short time sinee. I administered a part of ft battle to a number of my afflicted friends, with great snecss. They nre df-firoiin that yon ilr mid establish an affency at Pittsburg, or inform them where the medicine can be obtained. "Vitli an parnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, 1 subscribe nivself, vour irimd II. D. FOSTER. Doct. -eo. H. GnrENV nuls.r, t. Slid WMes;i!e rmd Retail bv Green & Fletcher, No. 1 26 Suth Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Agent for Sunhury H. B. MASPKR, Apents for Milton MACKAY A HA AO. Aeent foi ITpner Muhonoy. J. G. HENN. April 15, 1B48 Wardrobe of Fasliiouable CLOTHING. J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, iVo. 194 Market Street. Firit Clothing ttorc be low Sixth,' rmLAniiLniu. YYHERE they are constanily engaged in get- ting tip from the best French, Knijlish and American c'oth. clothing cut and made up in the most superior and fashionable sly e. persons who buy to sel1, will finrl a large and excellent stock at the lowest city prices, C othing made up to order, in a superior style at the shortest notice. N. B. Odd Fellows Regalia, a Inree assort ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and individual promptly attended to on the most rea sonable terms. Philadelphia, June 3, 1848 ly. THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. IMPORTERS OF "O1 23 Zm S3 9 Tk'tei anil Britannia Ware, Cutlery, and Fanay Goods, and Manufacturers of Jew elry '.nJ 8ll,er W"e' 182 Ch,.,ul 'Utet' phi,a' delphia; tuve received by late arrivals a large and handsome s'oi k of English and French Watches, and Marble, I'nrcelatn and Fancy ('locks. f lated Urns, Uaslors. Cake Haskell, High and ChsmberCandlesiicks Soup '.vile. Spoons and Forks. Alse a good assortment of Uriiannia Ware and Fine Uutl. ry. - Their stuck of JEWELRY is large and of ihe most fashionable kind, and ihey are well supplied Ith Silver Spoons, roika, Mors, Napkin Ktntrs, 11 utter Knives, Ac, ond without m.iktns sny dis play of prices in ihe public prints, ihey are pre pared lo gel I as low as lhoe who do, and invite pr isons wishing lo purchase In call. rt)ilauilriia, June 10, 1848. 6m In presenting the publie with a remedy for the treatment and cure of Fjcvt.r ad Aocb and other bilious diseases, no apology is needed. Vast nuinliera in the Tinted Suites, who sutler from these aflVctious in their vuried forms, are compelled to seek relief from other sources ihuu the iiume- ulete prescriptions of the regular ptiysu-iun. It Incomes therefore an object of humanity, as well as of pulilic inter est, to bring before them a remedy prepared fuim much ex- erience, aim wuica may slways lie relied upon as safk, CFk'KCTUAL, AND HARMLESS To TI1K CONSTITUTION. That such is the true eliuracter of the INDIA CUOIAIiOfJl K, is amply attested by the universal success with which it hus neen einpioyeu. tV F.ilract from a eommunication of the tl.m w,t.. liam WoouBniuoa, of the U. S. Senate, lute Uoreruor of Michigan. ... ditboit, Oct. si. lata. Doctor Ciiaslss Osoooti, Ajeur ntr, i nave reau wriui niuca iiueresi, your lime TRARATisa upon Ihe causes, treatment aial cure" of the febrile dinenses which have so exleuaively prevailed ill our oountrv during tlie last few months an interest increased no doulit, by the fuel that I have individually suffered so much trom them. Though I leal myseil very incompetent to judge safely uihui a aubjeet so entirely professional, yet your theory seems to me wen rnusaien, and your com-iu-sious just, and 1 think withal, tliut your puiitpldet U oulcu. Mle4 VO DIiKIuev nuien nraciical S'lou. nattering eipectatuMis, and as a safe, oruivenieiit, and popu- nnntsuiK i wo iii.wi.-iiw rte savs ii iiiiiv luniaea vour utr rvuinoy, my twu cjjoi umh-u, inr, iiiuueua me in ue lieve that it will prove a great public benefit. I am plensed to learn ihat vmi nave recently established several agencies I for Us disposition though l regret that, with I mo,e ireiieral dissemination of it, you should I a view to a have found it laycsHary to remove from your present resilience among us. vt. nu mucu rcspwt uave tne u'nhw io ue, sir, - i.i: i . .i WIILIAM W DODDRIDGE. rST Fiom Hon. Rtettibi V. R. Taowaairxsa. of Miehl- (an Slate Senate, ui tlie Agent at Detroit. . , .,, BiSMlsailAM, Oaslans Co., Dee. 13, 1811, gir von wish me to inform you wliut I know of Dr. Osgood's India Chohnpigue, or anti-bilionsinadiHna. I du believe that u the virtue and efficacy nt line nieaieuie were generallpkiiowu, the rrvia anoagcb would duauopaar iu Michigan. . .. . - , , v - 1 procured a bottle ta aha spring or VHIi and have good teason to believe that mvsetl and family eacuiMkl the ague lost season in eonseoueiice of its use. Perhaps ill rm summer sinee the settle ment of this Srut peninsula, aaa the revaf and ague been au pravmant as ins teat. 1 hava raausumsfidad Uus medicine in munerous in stances, aud when the disease had become nxed son named the skin of nhvsictana: and I hears Mvae kawn Is (ail. I- haa anivaraatly sroducad tb moat bappy- sdeouvaud I bat bsva H has aaver bmo uceed-vl by any modicurt tu reino. ihuuiw uiamses Off lilt culllUte. Yoars, respeclfnily, - .- ... lritlili , ,. , u fTEPHErl V. R. TP.OWBH1DCE. 1 wit hinctom t'co. , fii T 4SfcB Agent for Hilnhurv H. B MAM1- H NorlhmiuWbuuL TH1NCTOM a Co.! Uikon. 1. hL HAStR. umZ. I Ma, , tmt if ' v ii mm mm J - nli'f'l i IKUr f If ii - )' i 1 1 I'll hi iii hi i j 1 Ll ii j, SXJNBXJRY AMERICAN AND SHAMQKlNOtJlffiAtii THG ONLY RADICAL CURB Foil CONSUMPTION ! ! Scrofula or King's Kvil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cntniiaous irupuons, i-iinpirs or i-esiuirs on tne lace, Ki-ncnea, ( i Bilrs, Chronic S to Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Ileail, Knlarftement and Pain of tho , Doiiesand j'iuts, Slultl)oni I'lcers, Syphi litic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago, diseases arising from an injudi cious use of Meicnry, Drop sy, Exposure or luipru dence in life; also, Chronic Cnnsti- tutional Die- , orders. In this medicine several innocent but very potent articles of the vegetable kiiifcdom are united, forming a compound entirely dilTerent hi Its character ana properties fioin auv other preparation, mid unrivalled in its operation on the system when laboring under disease. It should be in the limine oi evcrv imni. wli'i, liy business, nr general course of life, is predisposed to the verv many ailinicuts tliat ren der life a curse, instead of a blessing, nud so often result in death. . '. FOR SCROFULA, ftr. Drake's Panacea is recommended as a certain remedy. Not one instance of its failure has ever occurred when free ly used ! It cures the disease and at the same time Imnarts vigor to the whole system. Scrofulous pers ma can never pay ton much attention to Ihe atate of their blood. Ha pu rification should be their first aim ; for perseverance will accomplish a cure of Kvrs hereditary disease. ' FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN.,- Ort.-.rl.otin 1 In... 1n.!. O Erysipelns, I'leers, Cnncers. Running 'Sores. Scaba atiri Ulles, Dr. Dnike's Pnnaeea caulirrt be too highly extoHed; it searches out the very root of the disease, nnd permanent. INTDIGESTIONOR DYSPEPSIA. Noniedieiue perhaps hns ever been discwerwt which gives so much tone to the stomach and causes the srere- tion o( a healthy gastric juice to decompose the food as Dr. Drake's Panacea RHVEMATISM. Dr. Drake's Panacea Is used with fh greatest success in R hctimatic Complaints, especially such as chronic. It cures by driving out ail impurities and 'foul humours which have accumulated in the system, which are the cause of Rheu matism, Gout, and Swellings of the joints. Other remedies s aiietiiiies give temporary relief; this entirely eradicates the disease trom the system, even when the limbs and bones are dreadfully swollen. CONSUMPTION. CossuMrrros cam as crnm. Coughs, Catarrh, Don chilis, Spilling of 131 sxl, Asthma, Difficult or profuse Ex pectoration, Hec'.ic Flush, Night Sweats, Pain in the side Vc. have beeucured, and can lie with as much certainty as any other disease. A specific has been sniglit for, but in vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is niikl and safe but certain and c;Tic.iti us in its opeinlioii, and ciuin t possibly injure the most dclieutc c mstituti we w.iuio earuesiiy recommend tnnee nltlletnl to give It a triul and we believe thev will not luivo ocensi "n to regret it. i'he system is cleansed und strengthened, the nlccrs nu the hours urc liculetl, and the patients arndunllv rciruill their usual health and strength. Read the fullowing : TESTIMONY. Piiila., Dec. Mill, 19.17. DkaB Sm : In rcnlv to vour ouestion resnectinctlie use of Dr. Drake's Panacea, 1 will sav, thut although a perfect disbeliever iu the existence of a Pan acea, or cure lor all diseases, luiwevei valuable it muy be in certain conditions of the system, still I have believed that a cure for Consump- utiu wouju oo uiBvovrreu sooner or lurer, ana Clillosny lea me to try your medicine in two verv inveterate cases They were pronounced by the attending physicians to lie rcLMONABY CONSUMPTION, nud abandoned bv them as in curable. One of the persons had been under the treat ment of several very able practiti.nera for a number of years, and they said she hud "old fushioued Consumption combine with Scrofula," and Uiat shemight liugerfor soma time but could uof be permanently relieved. In both eases the effect of the Pauucea has been most gratifying. Only four or five bottles were used by one of the persons before she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten. I will only add that familiar us I am with consumption by inheritance and by extensive observation as a studv, and kuowiug also the injurious effects in nine cases out of ten of tar, bonesct, and other vegetable tonics, as well as of many of the exncctorautsaiid sedatives, I sh -nld never have recommended the use of Drake's Panacea if 1 had not been acquainted with the ingredients. Suffice it to sny that these are recommended by our m ost popular nnd scientific phvsl ciaus, and in their present combined state, form probably the licst alterative thut has over been made. The cure is in accordance with a theory of Consumption bMached in France a few years ago, by one of her most eminent wri ters on medicine, and now established by fucts which ad mit of no dispute. Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. GUNN. To use the language of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea in always salutary in its effects never injurious. It is not as Opiate it is not and Expectonint. It is not intended ui lull the invalid into a fatal security. It is a gruit remedv a grand healing and curative compound, the great and only remedy which medical science and skill has yet produced for Ihe treatment of this hitherto uuconipiered mulady. And no person afflicted witli thia dread disease, will be jnst to himself nnd his friends, if he go d nvn to the grave without testing Its virtues. A single bottle, in most cases, will pro duce a favorable change iii the condition of any patient, however low." TO TUB LADIES. Ladies of pale complexion and consumptive habils, and such as are dehiliated by those obstructions which females ate liable to, are restored hv the use of a bottle or two, to bloom vigor. It is by far the best remedy ever discovered for weakly children, and such as have had humors ; being pleasant, they take it. It immediately restores theappetitc, (lentil, niHi cim.r. Nothing can be more surprising than lis invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Persona, all weakness and las situde helore taking it, at once become rotsist and lull of energy unticr its influence. II immediate counteracts the nerveiessness 01 tne female frame. . CAUTION. Tie careful and see Uiat you get the genu ine Dr. Drake's Panacea it hns Ihe signature of Geo. V. Storks on the wrapper and also Ihe tuuiie "Da. Dkasi's l-ANACEA. flllLA." loVII 111 the glnSS. Prepared onlv bv Stobrs Co., Druggists, No. ill North Sixth St., Philadelphia. Agent for Bnubury H. M ASSER. , Sold also by Wa. A . M una ax Co., Danville. H. Shaef fr, Milton; Mart McCoy, Northumberland ; E. P. I.uti, uiouiiisimig. April t, 1848 ly Pictorial Edlllon of d'AuMgiic's threat noi k on tlie lielurmailon F THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MAN Y. SWITZERLAND. &! Will h. published or. nr about the 1st of April, 1618, by JOS. A. SPEEL, No 86 Cherry at. above 6th, his splendid lQmo edition of the above named work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vols iu 8, bound in extra clotb and library sheep. I be puoiisncr respectfully calls the sttention of the trade and the publie generally, to this work being the only illustrated edition published in Ihe United States He trusts that the beauty of its embellishments, the strong and aubslantial manner in which it ta bound, in conjunction wilh the known popularity of the work itself, will ba a sure recommendation to public fa or. - JOS. A. SPEEL. 96 Cherry at above 6th. J. A. S baa also lately published, a new and beautiful edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show, a suitable book for children, neatly dona up in cxira cioin. Philadelphia, April t, 1848 CUTLERY. A N enten.ive Block of Pocket and Table CUT LERV, for sale by , JOH1T 1. COLEIvtAlT, Hut. 33 anri 33 Ah CADE, anil 8 Nvrth TlllHD Hint. Comp Uin 60U0 dosen I'eukuivea, Scissors anil Kiors. Also, choice asaoilmenl of Rdasra & Hons, Wosionholm's, Oiravrs's, W, &. 8, Buicbei's and Fenney a Cullery. , Also, Kpanish, link and Hunling Knives. Alo, riiiniy Paiola, ant Qowia Knivfs. . i Also, in AuertC4in km afrnu, a aunrnoi srfii le, woity tlieatienliun of Dealers. , " : Usan Dealt ra n Ijulleiy, find the heve Stock worthy inoir atteuimn, a ihe nlocribet'. chief I'uainesa Is importing and selling cutlery, rhil..d.l,. his, June 10th, 1848 ly, , CJeorffsj J. Weaver,' BOPS MAKEB a SBIP CHANDLBB. No. IU Wattrbtrtet and Nu. 1 1 North Wharvei Philadelphia. YYAB const sully oa hand, a general assort. mant of Cordage, Heine I wines, dec., sis ' Kopaa, Piahlna Kopae, White Ronsa, MsnU Is Ropea, Tow 1 Line for Canal Uuata. - Alsavs saiappsts saaarUni.t aaT Heina Twinea. mXa auct) a Hemtt Sbad and Ji erring wiua.Ueai fauial Uill Nat Twine, Cotton 8hsd and Herring Twuu.Hku Tbreada, cVe. etc. Alao, Bed Oorda, Cteaurh Line Halters, Traces, Cottoo and Lilian' Carpet Ukaina. Ac, all af which ha will disusee of Oa rnaaanable tatraa.' ' ...t 1 1 A p Philadelphia, June 94, y t SALAMANnm i " FIR E AND THIEF PROOF CMKSTS, FIRE-PROOF DOORS FOR BANKS AND STORES Seal and Letter-Copying Prenues, Patent , , i ... Skte-Lined Refrigerators. Water Fil- ! ters, Patent Portable Water Clo acts, intended for the Sick 1 ;, , ' . and Infirm. EVA1MS & WATSON, 70 South Third Street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. 'Manufacture and keep constant Iv On hand, a him MMm-tinMll nf li'M&S ", "'"we articles, together with U'Miri thcir Patent Improved Salamander IVii!. FIRE-PROOF SAFES, which l: 'F.. 'toll are SO conalmr-tMl mm In mt at ml ilV-i i'i ife If 811 "anner of doubt as to thelt hVitsiiir being strictly fire-proof, and that nicy win resist tne nre oi any building. The outside esses of these Safes nre made of boiler imp, the Inside case of soap stone, and lietwcen the outercase and inner case is a space of aoma three inches thick, and is filled in with indestruc tible material, so as to make it an impossibility to bum Sny of the contents Inside of this Chest. Diese S apetone Ba. IftmniKlers we are prepared and do challenge the world to produce any article in Ibo shape of Hook Safes lhat Will stand as much heat, and we hold ourselves rcaAV at all times to hnve them fairly tested tiy public bonfire, W's also continue to manufacture a large nnd e-enernl assort ment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Preof Safes of which there are over PtK) now in nee, sud in every instance tliev hsvc given cntiie satisfaction to the purchasers nf whioh we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who have them in use Haywood k Snvder. Pottsville ; Joseph O. Ijiwton ppttsville; Mr. William Cnrr. Doylestown, Pa. N. A G. Taylor, 12 north 3d af.; A AVright It Nephew Vine at. wharf; Alexander Cnmr,1 Convevnncer, eorner of Filbert and nth sts.: John M. Ford. M north 3d st. Mvers Rush, ill north 3d St.; James M. Paul, 101 south 4th s Dr. Pnvid Jnyne, 8 south 3d St.; Muthew T. Miller. SO smth 3d st.; and we could name some hundreds of others II it were necessary. Now we invite the attention of the publie, and particularly those in wnnt of Fire Proof Safes, to call at our store before purchasing elsewhere, and we can satisfy them they will set a better and cheaper article at our slore than at nny oilier establishment in Ihe citv i We also manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at nt very low prices, cheerier than they con be bought at any other store iu Philadelphia. , 11 , , DAVID F.VANS, , . ' , . ., JOHANNES WATSON. Phibdelphis, April 8, 1848 ly S.J.MEOATsGEE&CO. IMPORTINQ AIVDCOMMHSION -JIERCHANTS, And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manuactu- rer' Material. No. 32 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA. K' EEP constantly on hand a la rue a. sort. mpnt of printing anil other iianr News. papers in the country, can be supplied at all times, with paper of any size and qnality, at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, June 17th, 18-18 DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS t a stippnor quality, hsnclsMiriHlv colored, and v-' pill up in heiii'ifiil Morocco Oases, compl r onlvONK nil,I,AH,stsPIRr,ER'S CHEAP AOUERREAN OAf.I.ERY.Xo. 8(1 1-8 WAI.- U I flieet. below Fnuiih, Philn'elphii. All ictnres itisdc at tin-, e-taMisliment will bo Wan A NTFTI PEnrtCT. Philtdclihia. r!ppt. 83j J848 6m . -. ';'" ! . o. , . .. ., " lALLISTESlS- 1A QD LE SPSSQ OS !P T hie power to Cause all mrraaii SOKES, ISfROKIILOtIS humors, SKIN DISEASES, POISONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their pu in matters, ami in-n neais inem. It is richly termed All-healing, for ihere is sc re ly a disease, ex e.rnal or internal, that it will not benefit. I have used It for the list fourteen vara ir all dieases of the client, consumption and li-er, nvolving ihe u i most danger and re-iioi,sihilitv. and I declare before heaven and man. that not in one single cie hss it failed to benefit when Ihe pa tient wa wi'hin the reach of niotial means. ( have had physicians, I'-arn- d in ihe profession, have had ministers nf ihe gowpel, judges of the bench, aldermen. Iawers, gentlemen of Ihe high- si erudi'ion, nnd multitudes nf the poor use it in every variety of way, and there has been hut one oire one U' ttersal voice satins I "M Alllsier. our Ointment i GOOD." In Kcrofula, Old Sn-es, Erysepelas, Tetter Li ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Mroiichius, Uiokm or Sore Ur.-Hst, Tiles, all Chest Diseases, such a Aa'hma. Oppressions, Pain- Also, Bore Lips, Chapped Haiula, Tumors. Chil- ren'a Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Discsses, nd of the Spine, Ihere is no medicine now known aa good. - SCALD HEs-D We have cured easea ibat actually defied every thing known, aa well aa Ihe hility of 15 nr 20 doctors. One man told us he hsd epenl 1 300 on hisrhddien without any bene fit, when a few boiea nf Ointment eund tbem. UALU1N LaS It will lestore ihe hatr aounei han any other thing. HEADACHE The ealve haa cured Dei son. of the headache of 12 years' stsuding. and who had it regular every week, so that vomiting often took place. DxsrNKas, Ear Achs, and Anus in res Face, are cured by ibis Ointment wilh like success, j f . BURNS. It is one nf 'the best thine- in the world for liurjoe. (Read the directions around the bo,.) . KH r.IJM A 1 Sf It almost immedi. tely ihe infismaiinn arid swelling when Ihe piin cea-ea. (Howl t,s Directions srnund the Bar A COLD FEE P. Consumption,' Liver Coin Isint, Pain in the cheat or aide, falling off nf the hair, one or the other ' always accompanies rnM feel. ( I his Oinlmeni ia the true remedv.) It ia s sum sign of disease to have cold feel. I t I I bit. There ia nothing; belter for the cure of Teller. FILES. Thousands si yearly cured bv tbia Ointment. CORNS, Occasional use of the Oinlmeni will slways keep Co ns from growing. People need never be troubled wnh ihem II they win use it, . Head Ihe fulluwmg Communication. ' Received from an old. respee'rd nJ well known ciiin n ol Y miadilbia. and then judge for your self! Philadelphia, 10 mo., 13th, 1846. ,To 1. B. Peterson, Having been requested in give my opinion on the merits nf M ALLIS i en Mt,t, i am wining to enumerate aoma of Ihe benefits whicb I have cxpeiienced In the ui of Ihe article. In the spring of 1845, I had an atlaek nf Ery sipelas in my fiire which became very painful, and eitendrd into one nf my eyes, being attended wilh fever, my distress wss great and I began to be fear lul of losing my eye. Allliough mil much of a believer in what ia commonly call, d quack medicines. I purchased a X and mads so application to my face. To mr auiprise the pain amm sh .te.l, and in a week's time It was entrely cured, . and I firmly believe that it wa ihe ealsc, under Providence lhat emed me From that time to the present. I base used the article sa occasion required, and in every case where I have u-ed it, I have found a decided benefit At ore time, on going In bd at night, my ihroat was an sore that I swallowed wilh ihflicuiiy. hut by an application of the salve I was relieved before morning. , : 1 I hive usod il in ease nf burns, brulsre sprains. snd flfsn ruts, al with the happiest e fleets, and ne can of potaoruasj by a wild vine in the woods. h is txea dried up and rU'ed by a few anplienions, Frum my own sgpetisnce. I would strongly rev coiiin.end it to all, as s cbeaji,' convenient, family I hive become an partial 'tn'tt lhat I expret to keep it con-tanily in my family; : i ' ' Though net ambitions to appear In print, yet 1 can mil refuse to bavs this 'ciimmitiiks'tna made public if judged best la eerse lbs siuaa of bemani iy, - :: . Keepsetlully mine, i : . , WM. AD4M8, No. 88. Old York Rd. CAUTION. Ni OintmeBt will he genuine unless the nam. s of Jamaa M'Allisier, or Jamna M'Allisier cV Co4 era written with a pen on ere- ry label. MV.ES M ALL"' I EH, k.' i Sola proDtletiir ui the e'Mi aaeilicina, bTTPRiQE, U CENTS VBH B0 JUT) , Azsi-.J. W. KRIUNn. Sunburvj , ..FPRSlfTH, WIL80M Coh r ,l, , , , rforafcumhgriend. . ,i -v . !, D Wl M BlOKI.B X, D.ostlla. ...0. -a kKC.wHr-M.tR.Lewial.grf, (,3 J t,nsi. r,isuiiK, isiasa, y ' v, , .junit tsnABr (.cbci, vattawiaaa. r.b. iti,.)Mi.iy , , , ii ui,,, PEKXSIXTANIA. ) -v fr,. , The following Hat shows the current vslue of all 'ennsylvsnis Hank Notes. The most imnlicit re liance may ha placed upon it. as it ta every tveeJt awruny compered wlta and corrected rrom. Diet nell's Reporter. ' " Banks In Philadelphia.' : Nfc I.OCATIO. raiisn. NOTES AT PAR. Bang of Noith America , , Bank nf the Northern T.ilwrties par par par par par par par par P' , par par par par par par par par Commercial Hank of Peon's. .! i ; Cannere' anil Mechanics' Bsnk . , Kensington Bank , , , Philailelpfiia Bank. . . Schnvlkill Bank ' . ' . V 9outhwark Bank 1 . , , Wcsiern Bank 1 ' , ( Meclianics' Bank '' . Manufacturers' tV Mechanics' Bunk " . flank nf Penn Township . 'j fliraril Bank . i . . Bank nf Commerce, late Moyamrnsing . Dank of Pennsylvania , , ' ConnlrT Danka. Bank of Chester County Westchester Bank of Delaware County Chester Bank of Oermnntown Germantown Bank of Monicomery Co. Norrisnwn . Doylestown Bsnk , Doylestown Easion Bsnk 1 .. Easton Farmers' Bank of Bucks co. Brixtol ' par par par par par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank Ttrlilre ro.(olumhi par Farmera Bnnk of Lancaslet Lancislet par Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster Bank Farmors' Bank nf Rrailing Office of Bank of Penti'B. Office , do , do Office. , do ,,,, ., do Office An do Lancaster par Lancaster - pn Roailing pat HarriehuifO Thee Lancaster I offices Reading , do not Ension - issue a. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. tank of the United States Philadelphia . . ? . P"r failetl Miners Uaiik of rollsvtlle' rotisvill . Bank of Lewiatnwn , Lewistnwn Bank of Middlotown . Middleiown Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Batik Pittsburg Do do branch of Hnllidavaburg Harrisburg Bank if Harrisburg Lebanon Bank Lebanon - Metchanis'& Manuf. Bank PiiUburg Bank nf Pittsburg Piltshutg West Branch B ink Williamaporl Wyoming Bank Wilkesharre l l l I p.r 1 t . 4 Northamplmi Bank Allenlown Berks County Bank Resding Ollice of Bank of U. S. Pillsliurg no asie failed . failed Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Bank of Chnmhershurg , Chambersburg Bank of Gettysburg , Gettysburg Bnnk of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Bunk Erie Farmers' St Drovers' Bank Wayneshurg Franklin Bank Washington Horiesdale Bnk Honewlale Monongahela Bank of B. . Browns rille ---Vork Dank - , York do do 1 ' 1 2 35 i i i l N. B. The notes of those banks on which we omit qunlaiions, and substitute s daah ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh ihe tception of those which base a lei tor of frfsrence. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia failed failed f.iiled 'hiradelphla Loan Co. do chuvlkil 8av. Ina. do Kensington Ssv. Ina. A do Penn Township 8av, Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed fnwarula Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford Beaver "' no sale clneed clnseil Bank of Beater Bank of Swaiars ''' ' Bank of Washington ' ' Centre Bank City Bank ' 1 ' '! Harrisburg Washington Belli fonle ' failed closed Pitlahurg 1 Pittsburg f Fayette co, Greencaatle Harmony no sale " ' failed ' failed failed r armers at Mcch cs Bank Farmers' cV Mecb'cs' Bank Farmera' Ac Mech'ca' Bank , Harmony Institute ' Huntingdon Bank '" ' no sale Huntingdon no ante Lewiiitown no a.ile uniala Bank . umbermen'a Bank Warren Dundafl failed no ale cl.nsed no sale Northern Bank of Pa. : New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk, North Western Bank of Pa. New Hope Milton Mesd.ille Port Carbon Carlisle . Monlroaa ITniontown closed Office of Schuylkill Bank fa. Agr.dt Manuf. Bank failed closed failed closed Silver Lke Bank Union Bank of Penn's. estmurelsnd Bank . Greeoaburg WilVesharre Bridge Co. . Wilkesharre no sale OfT All notes purporting to be on snv Pennsvl. tania Bank not given in the above list, may be set town aa irauua. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick .' Brunswick failed , I p.. par par elvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank ' Belvidera Medford Perth Amboy Bridgelon Mount Holly omniereial Bank . Dumlierland Bank farmers' Bnnk Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Brunswick (ailed Farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pi. 1 Franklin Hank of N.J. ' Jersey City failed nonogen oKgct uiaxmg vo Hoboken failed failed failed failed i failed 1 par no aale DO sain lersey City Bsnk Jeraey City Mechanics' Bank ; . f ) '', Manufacturers' Bank ' Mnrria County Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. fstteraon Belleville Morrtstown Freehold Newark Trenton Jeraey City Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Msnuf. Bk Morris Canst and Bkg Co footnotes Newark Bkg dr. Ine Co . Newark New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Msnufae. and Bkg Co Lamberts villa Hoboken failed tailed i failed i .' Par -. par N J Proieelon dr. Lombard bk Jeraey City Orange Bank Orange - Paieraon Bank' - Pateraon Peoples' Bank do , Princetoa Bank . Princeton Salem Banking Co ' Salem State Bank I Newark -m. '.' State Bank N ; Eiixabethtown sJtate Bank Camden r State Bank of Morris . Morriatowa illale Bank ! Trenton '' ; Pr i failed failed 1 par failed Salem end Philad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank . , Nawion : i Trenton Banking Co - Trenton Uiibin Bank '. . Deser Washington. Banking Co. Harkenaack DELAWARE, Bk of Wllm dc Braudy wine Wilmington Bank a f Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna . 8myina par pai par par par par par par par Do branch Miltord Farmera' Bk of Stats of Dl Dover , Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown Do branch ' . , Nawcaatls . Union Bank 1 Wilmington , try Under 6's (XT On all banks marked thus () there are ek i her counterfeit ur altered nouw of lbs various da- oominalinna, in eirrulatinn. ' A TtlODSARB DoLLABS SaVSB ! ' lK Asumr fe nocAP, : i t Mat nnd Cap .ff apuOicturer., South att Comer of 44 ud MorUt Street, d) nt .,::..:-ikihtawUhrjf. ''; v , H BILlDSLf HIAi . " HAVE o.ietanty n baql a full sud complete sseonmcnt of HATS. OA PS, and FURi-.., Ala-i an clsajatit aaaorimeni of auerw' and boys Leghorn, Panama, and Psbrt-leaf Hate. AH of wi ich b a savins of ft 000 in rent, wilt be sold, whole-ale sd retail, at the ry lowest prices. ' T Coan'ry tjealrrs weald do well- to call, aa by a. cnoomf snd low ipt. wa ara anibkaj to sail at ry low' rales. ,J " 1 Jii ' -- i Ju la,B4 IMjm-ifiAi VI ''-s jllvi, ta -wss aa a aa a n jo. -aUs vi f;i 'ii.' J BosTal PoaarwBTi bbt. Aaotra HmtHV t X h aein, istSv. M ! I ta .h, CIIF.AI .! WATCH IBft & fjEWELRY, dWl atfttlTaTiiaantTW ai. w. .1 J No. 108 tfHESKXT SlrveU PhtlMelanla, J QvihsiH the franklin House. - w I j i M PORTERS or Gold and Kilter Pstent 'La ver Watchesv, and Manufacturers of - Jewelry -A good assortment always on hand. ' Gold Pa- lent Levers, 13 Jewels. $38: Silver do. 918 to 120, Gold Lepines, 30i Silver d6 112 6 181 Clocks and Tims Pieces, Gold Pencils, $129, upwsrdi; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, $1.50; Gold Bracelets and Breast Pins, in are it variety; ar Rings; Miniature Cases; Guard Chains, $19 to $29: Plated Tea Nets, Castors, l ake Basket. Candlesticks. Britannia Ware, Fins Ivo ry Handled Table I Oiler, and a general assort ment of Fancy Gnode. , ,ni--.i p,', AMBBTO A IT 8XT.VBR. ' " v ! FORK AND SPOON MANUFACTORY. r.fcW L. WARD. No.! 106 CHESNUr PL, Philadelphia, opposite ' the Franklin Home, Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver f poors. Forks, Tea !etii;''Ldles. Ac.' All work made by in is stamped with our name, snd warranted to he made of purely American roin. ' Philadelphia, August 12, 1848 8 mo. FEYER AND AGUE!! I DC?" THO R0UG II L Y ERADICATED! BY ROWAND'S TONIC MIXTURE ! ! rTHT great National, Old Favorite. and Ster A ling Kmedy ! ! 1 of EIGHTEEN Y '' A RS STANDING still nnnpproached in its wonder ful success, certainly, ami saf. tv, in the ciiRg or WRKTCHFD COMPLAINT !', ! K- Ifyou would escape the arsenical (poimn. mis) counterfeits take not a bottlerom any fine, tha' is not guarded by V e written ngnoture" of the original inventor anil proprietor, John R. Rowan d, on a paper lalet, crossing tht mouth and enrk. This remedy has npver been bolstered up by false and decei fill puffs, but has won its way to the confidence and universal adoption of the in habitants nf Fever anu Ashr Districts B Y ITS GOOD WORKS JIND h'RVITS dLONE. to which all the agents, and every person whohaee used it, well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 143 Arch Street Philadelphia. Aoents for Sin. bury Ira T. Clement, J. W. Friling, H. M'sser and Geo Bright. Agents for Northumberland Forsythe, Wil son cVCn., R M. M'Cay. Aueutt 5, IS-IR eow ' V Time mid Distance Saved! SUNBURY FERRY. THE subscribers having teased the Sunbiiry Ferry, beg leave to inform the public. tbat they are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure Carriages and Foot passengers across the river with safety and wilhnn delay. They have pro vided themselves with new snd commodious crafts, which will always be attended with- able and careful hands. . , ( Persnns travelling to and from and through Snnbnry In New Berlin, Lewisbiirg. Harllnton and other places, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of the Bridges, as Ihey would save from two to four miles in distance. JOHN SPEF.CF. ' ' LEWIS LENHART. Snnbnry, April I. 1848 DR. SWEBTSER'S E3 C23 LS3 o THIS Midicine is warranted, on onh. not to contain a panicle of Calomel, Corrosive Sub limstn. Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete rona minerals The principle upon which thia Medicine acts. U hv assisling and harmonising wilh naiuret it drives out all foul acrimonious humors from the blood and body, and by assimilating with and strengthening the g iBiric juice of the stomach, it assi'ls tliges inn ; in short there ia not s vein, arte ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, Ibal is mil sirengihened by the PANACEA; and il also possesses, the remsrkatdc property of removing mercury from the hones and juims. FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKTN, -curvv, rflcornn'ic Alleciions, rumors, Ki rolula or Kings Evi , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers, tanrers, Kunning Bores, scabs snil Ulles. limn snd a determined perseverance in D . SWEET. SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure. FOR IN DIGESTION. '; Rejection of food. Nausea, Vomitings, Nervous af fections, Billinus complsints, Head acr-e. Paleness, or Female Irregularities. Dr. 8WEET8EU 8 PA NACEA will anon effect a cure ; but if obstinate, or attended with griping, flying paina, the dose should be increased, and the cure will soon be ef fected. Lei not the psiients frighten themselves wuh the idea thai Ihey are ton we .k to lake murb meuVine; but bear in mind lhat thia mi'illv opera- ting med cine put not w.-aknesa intn ihe frame, but nnt cerlain'y ilraws weakn a- out, lesvea strength in us place, ami by giving composed tern si nig' t and an appetite lo relish any food, re-snimaies the whole fr erne wi, b yigornus acuon, clearing the i mina ami improving tne aignt. 8CR0FULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC- ' " TIONSJ. Scrofula is said to be hcriditary. the infant re ceiving trom Its parents ihe seeds nf Una diaeaae. which increases with its years, if neglected snd not siibmil'e.l to frequent purification with Dr, 8WEETSER'S PANACEA. The glands are pla- ceil in the corners of the body, and mil nf Ihe way of direct communication ; their real use is a subject on which much uitlerence nf opinion prevails; ii surhi-ee us to know ihat when in a diseased stale, they are capable of being purified and rleansed by a long enurse nf lr. B WKE I SEN'S PAN A iiuA, wnirn restores mem lo sound and pioper action. Bcrntui- us persons csn never psv tun much alteniinn to their blond, its purification should he their first thought, for sfter a long course of perse verance, iney win ever cure neteuiiary uiaease. ' i , ' 1 i In rases of JACND1CE. ASTHMA.. LIVER COMPLAINTS, TIC DOLOREUX RHEU t i MATISM OR RHEUMATIC GOUT, Dr, sWEKI'SEK'S fA NACEA cannot be loo high ly egtolled ; it reaicbea put the very toot of the disease, and y rt moving it from the Blood makes a cure certain and perm ment. For discuses of lha Bladtlcr and Kidneys, Strie- lurn. O rave I. .Mone, filet, fistula, Uimaru Ob ttruclinni and Extreme Cvstivtnem, Dr. 8WE.ET. stift a raoUriA la Ihe beat relhedy ever tre.l it removes all those acrimonious humo's from the Blood which give rise lo ihe shove diseases, and hy keeping the blood in s pure condition, insures health. ' For DROPSY, FALLING ottbb BOWELS. Impnr lie tf the Bhod. Mercurial Taint, Weak- nest of the Spine Flomof Blood toihe Head Gid dnet; Sitting and Bntzinif Noise in the Hci! and Ears, Dr; eiWEETSEK'S PANACEA, w) give certain reliefs in all severe and chronic eases, the pstients cannot ba top flr iwmi.vide'J that iar ger doses and perseverance will Acl ( cu, Iu Chills and Fevers, Bi'jous Fevers. Affections nf the and Ears, Sponey and Gums Bnnchitis anilneent Coughs and Cold; Dr. SWEE I SRR'o PANACEA will bs found perfectly sure snd certain in ita effects. ; ORAVF.'u AND URINARY COM PLAINTS ' - Tbia eomp'einie ara generally attended with U moat fatal consequences, and are seldnm ar na i val rured by lha present mode or treatment they ususlly accompany the patient to tha grave, after suffering the moat eioruriating pain and lortura. Tne cauio of these aomplain'S are tha earns aa all "thers ihe dross nt the blood becomes encrusiad on lb finest nsrrow passages, whence aria;' morbid secirtiona snd stoppages of mine. You will find tha moat powerful d uieties of no they only increase the qu sntiiy of urina and do not puiiy nd strengthen th parts. Br purifying tha btuod with Dr. SWEETSER'8 PANACEA. ou re move the cause ot ihediaeue.eonseqaently it can not eitst any longer, gfler sufficient perseverance in lie use has deprived lha blood and body of all acrimonious humors and incruststion. 1 ,4 TJIftE A8E8 er vas LUNG8-CON8UM PTION. A.Tbis ia a ary prevalent and laialdisesss i It r .ebrs auoslly from neglsctsd coughs, colds snd bfna chilis, alao from Impiopar treatment in many other eses,gvch aa measles, irvara, inrlsmnsiios and St fn poiyand S h.t of ather badly trsatad dieaasest I a.. . a a ... J . . . -palliated; or resntad from one part lo break out la . . - a u r a- !a,a.i! jl. s . . ala ah . ansrosr. vj tuseaimg your mines oiaa loul ho mora, through the medium of Dr. 8 WEETSER'8 PANACEA, lbs cure Is at ones rendered certain ' and pevmamnt. Rreolleot, while there Is scrims ImVous humors floating in the circulstion, it is sa apt to seiiU on the lungs as sny other part of the body t this is the reason thst consumption is so prevalent, I BILES, BORE8 AND ULCERS, Which yaw see on tbs )rior, come from ami have their eourr a in the inleiior, and might just as', well have ietitr.1 on youi lungs, Ijser.o, any ptbgr psttt Which e know they frequenily'ao,'nf pro duce moHt violent inflammaiory disorders. The. humor, which occasions these sores Is of j' highly acrimoni ms humipg nature. . Ws know -ft fr ntn, , the pain it gles lif fonhlng, 'and afterwards Its r-' pidly ulcerating inil cofritling the flesh snd skin1 of Ihe psit wbere it breaks out This shows tha' necessity of fiequrntf purifying the blood with Dr ' SWEETSEIfS PANACEA, ami keeping such mslignant humors in so'-j- ctioo. Should you have a bile nr ulcer, he ihmkful lhat naiura has taken trouble In warn you nf the danger your life and ho- dy is in, Tor it is a warning H al lite blond ta foul Had this sime scrim'nny s. jrc'ed the lungs Instead of the surface of ynur body for Its seat, coneomp lion of the lungs wou'd have been ibe'coneequence D. lay not then, to purify snd clsanas with Dr.' Swci Ucr's Panares. ,.,1, t i SI'INE DISEASE. -. Spinal afTcciions, mlargement of the bones and joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, rup." mies, falln g of ihe bowels and worn disease, will find a speedy nure in Dr. SH'EETsEK'S PA. NACEA. Where the disease ba, been of long standing, ihe time required to mnke a cure will be longer but the paiienl miy rest assured thai a determined perseverance will effect it. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA Ann DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. These disease i proceed from the serlositv nr orrupt humors nf the blood, having settled itself on he throat and lungs, and stopped them Off, so lhat hev canioii draw sufficient air in for rrsnir.tmn Dr. SWEETSEU'S PANACEA will .iMimm.. lisle relief, slid tn make the cure perfect end car. tain, il slionbl he continued aoma lime after, to tree roe .ysicin or .nt n in r.umors. i RHEUMATISM. RHF.UM TK3 ooflT awti MERCURIAL DISEASES Find a ssfn and speedy cure in Dr SWtfFT SF.t'S I'ANACEA. It cure, by seerching every ,.,...., -m-ri no,, nio iy, nilll UrV,g OUt Sl tmpil- riltes anil foul humors accumulated therein, which s Ihe cause of rh umnlism, gout and swpllir,.. r the join Is. The dexterous nffm-ts of calomel eel iiirr mineral puieous, rcsiiuy yield to its sovereign nfluenrie ( Indeed, when its valiahle nronertio. i.. come fully known, the ljseyf all miner l poison will he ciinsignH to ihe trfrfirrof all the Cannleis.' and only be thought Of ks a hy-gonerustnm nf tha dar keragea. Dr. Sweeiser's Panacea is also a . sure cure for lyeprpsiB,-pilrs, cosiiveims-i.-verlign, hsd- aiiio, pain in int.- wrrasi ana liver complainL -' i j FEVER AND AGUE.,',",!-'v ll Fever is al'vavs canse.l by a disnrderlv Rui v rrrenl nf ihe blood, strugg'ing to fee iiaelf nfi. thing lhat encumbers it; in f.ict, every kind of fa ver is nothing mora lhan a struggle between tha blood and corrupt humors, and as Soon as the cor- rnnl Humors are i xpl eil. you have no more fever wnen a patient with tever subrmls lo he hied, or have his blood poisoned with, mereorv. it wk.n. his frame In sui b a degree that if he survives the prore-a, it al ays leaves him subject to distressing chills, when 9 times out "of ll) he resorti to sgus pills powders, or tonic mivturva; this js going from bsd lo worse, ss these vegeiahte pills; pnwdera; dtc' are n thing hut- mercury and quinine in diegulee r. - - 1 which -nay mr a iime drive tne disease so far into the booy as not to he perceptible, but very anon is will break out again with fearful violence. To cure at un and fever, ihe cause nf the disease aiiiu hs m. moved out of the blood and body, which ran hs f. f clii'illy done by using Dr. ,8 WEE TSE R'S;P IN Alh.., which purifies, cleanses and st'-,k. T, , ... . - . "a-' ,.,.,, possi;.,v jniije, andil use is slways . safeguard g,',a cbtUassH fcvsn fevers. ' '.PILES.'.-". ' .'; In ah Cst!a or Pubs. Dr. 8WEKTSPna PANACEA will eff.ct s very speedy euro. It'rei mnves from the blnotl, stomsch snd bowels,! al thoae foul acril burning humors, which ara' tha cause of l'i,sj ,nj Cnalivenea, and by strengthen wigu'v urijanv, improves every pajtof tha tnuta bodr. i . .. , - FLATULENCY AND WIND.- - : These disessea are eaued by Ihe stomach and' bowels being choked up with viscid slimy matter,, the sir which enter Ihem cannot escape until forced by some contraction of tha stomach to expej it; hence lha causa of pain. A few doses of Jlr SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince tha sufferer that relief ia attained. ,..'.. - GREAT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN " , Parents wUI find ihe .PANACEA gt vshiable medicine (it their childie n, keeping their bodies in a heathy condition, thereby assisling their g ovth; children or grown pet sons, after taking il, liable io bs si tacked with an epidemic aa before, as it slwaya leaves Ihe blond in a pure condition, and ihe i mire system in a strengthened aisle; it drives out a I kinds of weakness from Ihe body and leaves all bcal by within. . MARRIED LADIES V ' " Will find Dr. 8 WE TVER'S PANACE A medi. c ne purely adapted lo their use. Moat ladies du ring the period of pregnancy ate afflicted with piles. D.,1,8"e,fe,' ""sees, by regulating the bowels, will entirely obviate this, and ita purifying proper lies on ihe blood and fluids, insures lo ibem heel thy off prtng. No one who i. s mother should ba without it. snd those who are nursing will find it of gieat brm fit to the health of their infants. - For barrenness and all diseaaea of tha womb, ir ia without a rival in theenire histmy snd eatslogue of medicines j by its extrenrdinsry strengthening power, it stimulates snd strengthens the womb, a weakness tf which Is ths cause of failure to have olT-piing. NERVOUS DISEA8ES. l: tinder this head mar he classed Palpitation of ihe Heart, Tic Doloreaui or Faccache, Neuralgia Ind igeation, Toothache, Melsnchol) , Hysterics, and in fact, evry disease canard by lha sharp, biting, acrimonioua humors irritating the nerves j ' the nerves teceive the morbid impiession From ihe sto mach; or rather frnsn the blond through lha agency of the stomach snd digs live organa, and although other parts of the sre apparently the seat of he disesse, till it is cause,) b, tha mnrldd imprea l,m conveyed from tha blood bv lb. nerve ta that Cir.. " 4,nM,,f Dr-8NVEETSERU fA NACEA will eoon aaaun ak. ,k. k. i.-- a . . -r ww fsmui aaaasai was umm in curs in his posaeai,,,,, . , ; Ep.YSIPLAs.n, 8r ANTHONY'S FIRE. -. ?w n 'ifl'mmaiory disoider, alw.ys attend ed wtfh more or Icsf pain. It from the foul, acrimonious humors lodged iq lha bljmd sor; fluids, settling op the limbs and face, eaiisinrer- , weme psin snd fevers all spplirslions on the sur faes are worse than uwlsas, as thay atrenl,ts -throw the disease in some other part, art psvhape, cause death. Bleeding ia likstsairnpropetf Ta . rmethe di-eaae you mu'-t get udef 4tveaaaMt on ly manage t- get the foul humors SsH nf your blood, ' snd vou will b well in a da). Dr, (tWBET ' SER'S PANACEA, a tursrotigb purifier of tha blood, will sesrch nut evaiy impurity- io tha more remote p,rts of ihe body aoj ti l k through tba medium nf the booela. Thera is not kehii1 arte- -ry, muscle or nrgsn of the entire framework of man,, that Dr. 8weetser's Panacea does naf im prove, I'ii take it when y"ou sre well Is to keep well j snd when sick to beeoms wall, j,,; .. q , DU. SWEETSER'S PANACSA,'bMB$com. peed inily ol a vegetable m site, er aadtcaiterba, snd vsirsnted. on oath, as rontaissiCg not ana par licU f mercurial, mineral, or 9tMroaral awMSnoes, is found In bs perfectly harmless, aa, BBssal tyBJar'. aga. ar ihe weakest frame, undss IMsawsBj bu atsa suffsring t ths most pleayM a4 sisiga in ito iieration thai wss svsy ' off rd Ip, lha woetdt and al the ssma lima the moat certsm.Ba.asaarhiag out - iha raot of any complaint, however, deep, asid of perfurm ng a eore. ' , Prjce ft par bottle, or aix bollles Tor, f Put Fat , sale, .whnletale .and retail, at lbs forosr af CHARLES and PRATT Streets. Baltimore, and also by , ,., GEORGE BrtldHT, - . Nev a 117. .y HunburyV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers