Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 10, 1849, Image 3
SUNBURYrAMEiaCAN-AND SHAMQKIIS JOURNAL, ' tnm ihe first day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, to the thirty-first f r n December, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, both dap inclusive. i i JESSE M. SIMPSON, ESU., "TREASURER OF SAID COUNTY,' IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME, : ' .' I lojj .,.- .,;.. I ' ;.. r - OH ' DOLL!.. CTS. IV cash received of Unseated hind ' " " " 1 okl by Um CommiMioart for ' r U4t.', 1 171 M T depreciated money received of Commieeionere, ' 51 00 To cash received of Edward Ei'sely' t 00 To cash received of Wm. H. Kase 14 67 To cash received of Peter Fetter . . . man, for State and County tax on a lot of ground in Coal township, 35 To oaah received of Charlea Carr, r for State and County tax for 1946, S 00 . To oaah reoeived of Peter Lazarus, '! for ground rent, 5 75 To cash reoeived 1 00 To cash received of the Bank of , Northumberland,- . 2460 83 Te cash ree'daa county tax for 1842, 12 30 To do do 1849, 479 171 To do do 1846, 886 621 To do do 1847, 2056 42 To do . do 1848, 1436 99 To cash received as county tax on ' unseated lands for 1844, To do do 18-16, To do do 1847, To' do ' do 1848, To eah reeeived as road tax on . unseated land for 1844, To do do 1846, To do do 1847, To ' do do 1848, To abatement received for the rea dy payment of State tax in July X848, To canh received of John Fanis worlh.Prolhono'ary, a Jury funds and Court fines for 1847, To cash received as Interest on Stale tax, To abatement received for the rea d V payment of Slate tax in July, 1848 by Treasurer, 2 49 206 81 61 59 69 3 69 306 72 148 26 1 38 353 43 57 00 22 11 172 88 Total, - 9,826 78 JESSE M. SIMPSON, ESQ., TREASURER IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPEC TING STATE TAX FOR THE YEAR 1842-3-6-7 AND 8. DR. BOLLS. CTS. 5 58 50 00 128 54 2506 74 8037 42 To State tax received for 1842, To State tax do To State tax do 1843, 1846, To Slate tax do To State tax do To cash received as unseated lands fur To do To do TP dQ Total, 1847, 1848, State tax on 1844, 1846, ioi", ' 1848, 2 49 336 '27 on AO 2 08 do uo do 11,252 21 SETTLEMENT WITH THE SHERIFF AND PBOTHONOTARY. Extract of Jury fund in the Common Plets of Northumberland County from the 1st January 1818, to the 1st January 1849. Plaintiff Defendants, Jury Funds. Catharine Ross, adm'rs vi Joe Wallis, $4 James Merrele ex'rs. vs George WatU adm'rs 4 ' Wood & Rahn vs David Haup, 4 Borough of Milton vs 8amucl Blair, 4 " George Eckert, vs Jacob Shits, 4 Daniel Conner vs Daniel Weitlman, 4 Baize r Garnhart vs George Oyster, 4 William Gilbert vs Haughawout, 4 William Dale vs John Follmer, ex'rs. 4 Chariest Pleasants vs Jas. tt Wm. Ross, 4 M m. H. Strickland vs A. E. Kapp, 4 Benjamin W Richards vs Franklin Piatt, et al 4 Charles H. Frick vs Wm. H. Frick, 4 Wm. D. Gearhartvs Charlea Carr, 4 Thomas H. Wilson vs Abraham Straub, 4 fcarah W. Cotnly ve William H.Frymire, 4 R. D. Foresinan vs Benjamin Foresman, 4 Daniel Miller cY wife vs Philip Hsckman, 4 J. Miller ex'r of J. Kerr vs M. Sweny dr. wife, 4 Truman. H. Clark, et al vs John Schrciner, 4 Henry Kcieer vs Henry YoxUieiroer, 4 Hugh Bellas, et al vs Wm. & Reuben Fegely, 4 Hugh Bellas et al vs James Graham's heirs, 4 . George Shily vs George Long, 4 Mary Weeks vs Jacob Haas tt Byerly, ' 4 Total, 9100 EtTXiCTs or Juar Funds and Coobt Fihes COVKTT rOM JANCAAT 1ST Jury Court. ' Funds Fines. Commonw'h vs Sam'l Redinger S4 9 do r va Daniel Conrad 4 20 do : vs Colored man 4 do . vs James L. Ireland 4 20 do vs John Caul, jr. 4 dd ' vs Dennis C. Caul 4 do vs Mary Rishel 4 Total, 28 40 . . -SETTLEMENT WITH THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY. Expenditure of the County of Northumberland as per orders issued by the Commissioners on the . Treasury of taid County, during the year, commencing on the first day of January and ending on the 31st daw of December 1848, both days inclusive, vix : Auditors wages for 1847, 113 00 ' 'Viewing Roads k sites for Bridge ,&c. 177 00 Contingences 85 07 Damages, 109 30 Publk Buildings, 141 69' Assessor1 wages, 281 874 Commonwealth costs and others, 454 484 Jurors wages, 2,035 274 r. Constables atleuding court, 92 00 , Stationary, 154 814 Bridge building and repairing fee., 1,356 88 uenerai anil spring eieolions also i - Presidential, v Court Crier's wages, Premiums for Fox scalps, Clerk's wages for 1847 iu full do do. for 1848 Printing by contract, Coroner Inquest, : Refunding, ' ' 779 75 130 00 66 00 40 00 275 00 296 95 106 47 10 61 Total, 6,695 57 Jt'i Vmm0fiCelUttms, am oal stol, v ftlichaei Evorl,' Jas Covert, Dauiel Robin, ErMklinAvCUrk, Elijah Crawford, Honry Shipey -' ' Joseph Bingeman, ' John Leisenring, , , Isaac Beidelspach, Isaac Sober, : John Leabeg, u Daniel P. Caul, ' David Stallmaker, - Miehaol Trooo, ThosnasBarr, Honry Ships). David Haw, James Booy, John Leisenring, Edward Geadv. AMOUNT OF TAX Toumskips, , Augusta, Milton, Point, . Delaware, , Lower Aiiausta, (sineepaid) Lower Mabonoy, Northumberland, Point, (since paid) s Ebamokin. , Coal, ., ' . Chilisquaque, Delaware, Jackson, i ' LeWiS, ' ' ' ' . Lower Augusta;' ' ' -Lower Mahonoy,' Milton, . Nbrthsmberland, Point, ' Rush, i " . ' ' Shamokin, Sunbnry, Turbut, ' Upper Augusta, Upper Mahonoy, ' " A-" 1 .i William Johnson, ' ' 8amoel Hale, ' Jacob Bk, ' Daniel Follmer, Isaae Fisher, 'i Aaron Hofa,',.:; "''' 1 i fit.'' ' '"' 'MIX. CTS. ' or-' ' ' i -, , By cash paid on Commissioner's ,i orders, ... f .! , By percentays) on 8,13S 87, 8.133 87 , . 203 34 ... 26 00 By depreciated money By money paid to Wm. Gulick, late Treasurer, ' .. , By eash paid to John Pifer, , 7 By cash paid to Peter Vandling, By discount on depreciated money By cash paid Northum'land Bank, By Interest on money received on Bank Northumberland, By balance due the county, by 'Treimiire, credited by error on county lax for previous yenr, 299 23 . 1 08 ' 1 50 80 500 00 - 31 33 2 60- By balance due Treasurer, Total, the county by 627 124 9,826 78 CIt. DOLLS. CTS. By cash paid State Treasurer as per nis receipt oaiea juiy xyin 1848, t, . i . a e n aaa 10,000 00 626 31 uy But&ienieui ivr 0iv,uw By Treasurer's commission By balance in the Treasury, in the hands of collectors 100 00 625 90 Total, . 11,252 21 IF PAID, AND TO WHOM. Paid to Prothonotary Farusworth not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farusworth not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth in the 8upreme Court Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth not paid in the hands of Sheriff BUUngton MM M not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth in Supreme Court not paid Paid to Prothonotary Farnsworth in the hands of Sheriff Billington in Quaxtes Session or Nobthcmisrland 1848 TO JaNOAXT 1st 1849. IF PAID, AND TO WHOM. not paid Paid to clerk Farnsworth not paid Paid to Sheriff Billington . Paid clerk Farnsworth . ii , not paid BaODOHT ovca. Physicians and Surgery, Prison expenses, A Homey for the county, Fuel, ( Peter Vandling, Commia're' J William Follmer, wages. S Jacob Hnffa, - I Charles Weaver, Road tax on unseated lands, 6,695 57 , 17 00 10 37 30 00 25 75 116 50 129 25 152 75 46 60 450 67 57 60 80 92 132 43 i 6 60 r'. 25 00 7,976 81 Constables giving notice of spring election, Constable, who made returns at court, Prothonotary fees J. Farnsworth in full. Charles Pleasants for fees in case of G.C.WeJker, . : . Charles J. Bruner for Auditing Total, DUE FROM COLLECTORS. Years, JB4D 184 U 1147 u 1147 u u ; t IS4I . M II : U Mi. M n . 41 II ( II II 7. i ' ' ii t $ 27 96 54 95 269 63 19 86 81 8 636 804 71 M 1 00 354 03 77 05 62 OS 137 11 135 68 965 18 150 084 ' 930 24 210 661 152 684 191 93 269 48 70S 46 ' 266 84 141 194 m it S8S 67 , 1S'1S 111 784 15,176 62 AMOUNT STATE TAX DUE FROM DIFFERENT COLLECTORS, ALSO MILITIA FINES . . .. . . , . from 1843 to mt:j;::.).-' .'A ,w. Names of Collectors', Townships, William K. Irwin. " Chilisouaaue.' James Covert, Elijah Crawford,"; Henry Shlpe, Michael Evert,. , , Franklin A. Clark, '' John Leisenring,-'. .h i'-1 Milton, 1846 ' Delaware, ' ' 1847 Lower Augusta, (since paid) , ..Upper Angusta, ' ''" 1846 ,:' Coil 1847 I Northumberland, " AMOUNT OF STATE AND COUNTY TAX Jr ! I,, . , FINES. .. . ,j . ., .', "I r ? Names of Collectors, ohn Lenbeg, Daniel P. Caul, David Stallmaker, . Michael Treon, ' " Thomas Barr, Henry Snipe, Isaac D. Raker, ' David HHin, Jnmes Buoy, ' y, John Lpis!nriug, . E Iward Grndy, William J;ihiison, Sumni'l Halo, , . Jacob Buck, D.miel Follmer, laflO Fisher, Aaron HorTa, Township) .. Coal, Chilisqnaque, Delaware, r Jackson, ' Lewis, 1 Lower Augusta, Little Mnhonoy, " Lower Mahonoy,' ' Milton boroniih, N'lribumberland, Point, , Rush, Shnmnkin, Snubury, Tirbut, Up Angusta, Up. Mahonoy, EXONERATIONS. Tills is to certify that in auditing the imMie accounts of Northumberland county, wc find cioncra tiona and allowances made bv the Commissioners of said county, to diftcrent Collectors &c Amounting on County tax, to the sum of scventv-four dollars and fotty-thrce cets. Also, percentage to l-oll" two hundred and seventy dollars and fortyseven cents, on State tax exonerations to the snm of forty six dollars and four and a fourth cents, and s percentage to Collectors of ure hundred and mxty-one dollars snd thirty-nine cents, snd on Militia fines, exonerations and Commi..'" to collectors, to the sum of two hundred snd eleven dollars and seventy cents. These exonerations 5nu allowances will lie a net loss on the amount due the Countv and State, at the settlement of 1848. We the underfilled Auditors of Northumberland county, elected and sworn accorn.Hg to lew to settle and adjust the public accounts of the county, do certify that we have examined vouchers, dec, an., finds bnlance due the county in the hands of 'the said Treasurer, of six hundred and twcnty-SbVen dollars and twelve and a half cents; due from the several Collector, the sum of five thousand one hun dred and seventy-eight dollars and sixty-two cents as county tax; also due from the several Collectors the sum offour thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents, as Slate tax, of which there is due the County two thousand seven hundred and six dollars and seventy-seven cents; also forty d 1'am as court fines; also one hundred anil twonty-cijlit dillars as jury funds, also a nolo due from William (iulirk, late Treasurer of one lmndreJ dollars ; also from James Strickland a judg ment on Esqui.cWciscr's docket of twenty-three dollars and sixty-six cents; also, anolcduefrom Joseph Hougendobcler, seventeen dollars and sixteen and a half cents; alsi due from Thomas Allen, a note of ttiirty-scvcn dd'ara; also due the Treasury from James Buoy, five dollars. And after deducting t re 3 hun 'red an I Our dollars snd sixty and three-fourth cents for Commissioner's orders yet in cir culation there le nainsduo the county the net sum of eight thousand five hundred and sixty-one dol lars and seven-teen and three-fourth cents. Witness our hands, this 5th day of January, A. D. 1849. EMANUEL ZIMMERMAN, WILLIAM JOHNSON", DANIEL P. CAUL. - Auditors. OAKFORDVS -s-f UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS Vi FOR GENTLEMEN. M.. . r m . ar v A n n iianii No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Wrold respectfully invite attention to his superior oiyle of hsis for autumn. 1846, wh'rh will I f.iunu the must ieileri eer n. .,re on. ri ii ins C'lmoMiniiy. lis peculiar lrms render H tns more tram as it combines all the essenUa'k of ours. hiliiy sndnestnens, rrqinsil in that article of .Iress lulls bia uicieasid l.iciMies in in m inuiactunng wl b all ib modem improvements, enable him To CaatLssas tbs Wobld to produce a beltrr Hal. CaiiDBia s Fascv Hats Cars or vas LsTttv Mob a. -These foods bsv bean selected with great ere. snd will b found must beautiful snd chasi in ihcir styles. - Laaiss Hidisb Hats aan Cars or CjMTIBB It sw Patte. Gram rsr has han bratow. d in conatiurtii.g Ihes articles, ihkt they may 6i psrli-ctly easy sod form a xraerful CHARLES OAKFORD, 104 Chestnut st. a lew doors above Ti-iid. Phillelphis. September 30, June 24, 1848 If CHEAP GCODS. The larg-est Isitortment In Town, John W.'FiTHn'g, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that he has received the largest and best assortment of poods ever of fered in Sunbury, Consisting of DRY GOODS, j Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Liquors, Drugs, Paints and a great variety of other articles. The publio are respectfully requested to call and examine "his stock before purchasing elsewhere. - Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. COLUMBIAN SERIES OF ftrftiimrtfro. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR This work is already introduced into soma of the best Acadamiea and a large numlier of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful dtcimal tftttm of errey. It contains more, the arransvmenta are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in us ; and it is so considers I by hundreds of the most competent teachers snd men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rica Scholars : By Almon TirJhur. Tax Youth's Colvm bi a Calcolatob This volume contains 91 pages, witS about 900 exam-, pies for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &e. ? Ticksob's Abituniticai Tabus, is destined for the us of younger clussea in th Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, slid the only one of the kind of sny value. j s . . Then are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for tho convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, ere., for the us of the Teacher. All that, is wanted is to have the above books elimined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arititfnetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have aver been published in this or any other country. Although iasucd but a lew months, they have already been introduced into lh Night Public cJchook of New York City 4a all the Schools uuhltO and private, except two, in th City of Raiding. Also, In about twenty Acadamiea in the But of Pennsylvania in a tarn aortioa at the Schools In the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, ana m we oorougns or Msrruburg, York, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doylestowa, Potta. vHle, Orwigmburg, cVc etc. '- Poraalsby Hstrav Massbb, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. , Sunbury , Dec t, 184S, " :' J, J. ORSE1TOTOS. (Late Keller VreBM(h.) PATENT ATTORNEY. rrr imiwm and for U p.tnt livOmoe, prepared ana alTlM nscessary bu siue, in ratation to aecunng patent, tramv fon4 promptljr aiusndsxfio, at their of. no opnosltsi the Patent Oflo October 8, 1618. - ; Years, 1843 ' v I'M i - State tax, 9 64 981 332 60 ' 603 36 48 34 Militia jms. $37 50 34 6 24 St, 039 30 1 $102 60 FOR THE YEAR 1848, AND ALSO MILITIA County tax, Slalt lax, $197 II t 525 694 406 684 1.038 894 618 18 1,326 02 331 084 822 64 461 74 1,259 14 301 66 722 68 62 98 157 73 302 684 ?42 03 322 86 - 733 77 817 48 641 19 245 09 638 43 301 86 797 96 816 194 774 66 292 81 756 66 897 31 1.107 75 223 28 605 68 232 914 570 82 $5,231 82 13,227 95. Militia fines. $36 00 24 CO 88 00 17 00 30 50 24 50 3 50 27 50 23 00 30 00 7 50 22 50 52 00 35 00 10 60 16 00 26 00 $474 00 DZAiaOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder Is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge to Razor; Surgical instrument, and all kinds of fine Ci'tlkbv ; it may be applied to any kind of etrop. Also superior Rator, Knivea, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goode, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. - -TESTIMONIALS. Puilaoklfhia, Feb. 15th, 1848. This msy certify that I have used one of the Htron.Drer.ind with HAYNES MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is notiiiiig can ue found that will nraduce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and -you will And it superior to any nejetotore in use. i can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at. Philadelphia, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender fiice baa compel led me to seek and lest many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made uae of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Rousael's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove tho moat stubborn bean!, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 40 South Fifth Street. For sale at this office Price 25 eta. per Uux. November 25, 1818 6m. I. ANDREWS, DE ATH TO PAIN Rxxiav to Tin Sict! Health to Uie Weak!! A BALM is loand for the Whole Human Rao ia An drews1 PAIN KILLER; Thia is an entireljr vegeta ble oocnpouikd, composed of Tweuty-Five different ingre dients, and ia an internal and External Remedy for the va rious ills that huuian Bean is heir to seen as, Coughs, Colds, Pains, Nervous anil Sick Headache, Rheumatism, Cuts, ftnruius, Spinal Affections, Summer C'ntttlsinis, Cholers Morims, Toothache, Eruptions, Corns Piles, K risen Pnrts, Burns, Scalds, Ague in the Face and Hreast, Painters' C Jlic, Hruiacs, old S. , Loss of apie tite, General Debility, Asihma, e. Put up in bottles foe I, S or 4 shillings per bottle. For further particulars see Pamphlets to he had of every sgeiu gratis, containing a brief history of the origin, discovery and i vl effects of Andrews' Pain Killer, Certiacates of Cures, directions. Ac LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant success of Andrews Pain Killer in re moving the causes thai produce death, the untimely death of millions tit our race, has induced some men of whem it may be truly ssid, their villain ua occupations manifest their villainy, to attempt to put in circulation spuriaua and eonnterfeit articles called "Pain Killer," using fictitious names f. the preteuderi suth , forged certificates, Ae. Sane have appeared, and others no doubt will appear. It sll remember that Audrews Genuine Pain Killer has Dm written signature of I. Andrews on the bihet of each h-ntle in black ink. D m't aimply ask foe Pain Killer, but ask for Andrevs' Pain Killer, and have no other. 8 -Id by M. A. McCay, Sole Agent, Northumherland ( J. W, Fnliug, Sunbury ; J.ihii II. ftaaer, Miltou ; John R. Myyer, lit lonialiurg ; Wm. A. Murray A Co, Danville t Davriipon Smith, Plymiulh; Andrew Yohr, Wilkes- barre ; lliiys a: AlcCvmick, McKwensvilla ; Schaftle a; Chainiieruiin, lwialwrg George McAluin, Jersey Sliore; i. M. J wM, Williamipoit. Oidera addreaaed to 1. Andrews, invents end only Pro. prietor at Itheca Tompkins county, N. Y. Will receive uranpt attenti,n Septemlier 30, 1848. ly NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masscr, UAS iust received at his store, in Sunbury-, AA cn aasoitment of the cheanest Goods, thut ever came to the place, consisting of DRT GOOIM, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, trc. French black Cloths, Caasiuetts, fee. Cali coes, of excellent quality and colon, , price 6 to 10 eta. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 61 cents. The) ar not th low priced trash article usually sold. Muslin de Laines, of fine qual ity and patterna 181. Handsome Terkeri and other Bhawls and various other articles. The publio are requested to pall and judge for themselves. Sunbury, Nor. 18, 1848. ; AGENTS TO CANVARS rOR BOMB NEW AND POPULAR WORsT, la'svefi CJOUNTV lbrht tb UuhW State. T Aiauta, rha liberal aneosiraawmMt la flared Wiih a saaanrapiialel'StJitoflos) A chane Is oaVrsal, whefsbvJb scMt saa ak fiross 610 I $m pat set. For funks airticalsra. sJdieea (ftnaSpeiJ) ,, WM. A. LEARY, N.,186 North SECOND 8iret, riiilasel,!,, Vesf.- IM.-a. DR. TOVVSSEND'S C01P0U5D IITIACT OP . 8AK8APAU1LLA t pHIS Extract ) put up In qtmrt bottrrt. It t Ml limn X cbtjaper, p)NNnir, sjiKt warrantH MpeHfir to nnr M. It curt dinum without VfmiiUnf, pvrfluf t iipiw, or UOtHtatiiig Um palieiit, aud ia partictiarty Mfajttcd for a I Pali. An ftpniNft Mrmnr. The gnot brauty oml mprriorilT of thiH Hanvipfirilla orer tnnor rornniivia ip, wmiin ii eraaicaiMUiirvaaeB ll in vigors twt the Uxiy, CoiiPiimptjim purrd. Clratiiaw aitd r(iTngtlifn. Cimmimntiun ran Ite tnrrf!. BroirHiilii, Coiimimptioii. Avrr Crnnplnint, CoMb, Coughs. vwi" nniiiMan.rMiiTiinptiq IiKltKl, rwirRlirsm IHinS Clicsl, Htwtic Pltwh, Mglit Swrtiin, liift . cnlt ami lmfiiie i:pfftnrutiun. ami Pniu in the fcirlrf Ac, .. have nnil mu lo cured. Prolmblv tlitrra nrvrr wnn a rviiirdv titat htis Wn an unp. cMfiti in dt'njwnile msra of nutiMinipiitin as tliis ; it cltain mp aim hirtiiuiiHup me p-stiin, ami uptnursin hml ih ul cers uti thn linipTPt niiff pniii'Dls pnbtiiully n-gnin Uwir uriiu hfolth and strraiplh. CL'RIOl S C'AJK OF CONSUMPTION. Thrre is ai:in:cly a dny pnwm Init th'Te arc a NiiiiittcT of caauauf ttmsuiuptiiHi rrptirtwi as ciirod hy th: iiw ot Dr Tuwiiscti'a 8arf(!illa. The full" wing receiilly re ceived : Dr. Towj7n .IVnr Wr : Fnr tire kirt three yea I hnvc heni altiictrd with frenerat dobility, mid tvrvnua onn umntiott if the last atnire, and did int expect to ever pun my tan It h at all. After fptna: thrmth a eourre fit' meilieine umlrr the en re of some of the m-wt distinfriiisbcd riviibr physic inns and member of the Hoard of Hunlth in New York ami t la ;vh're. niai ppeiHtinfr the m ml of my enrniiipr in attetnptinr to rtirmii niv henlth, and uftr rt-Htliug in a nne pnpor of yoin Rarsanaftlla 1 reaolvi'd to try it. Alter using six bottlm I found it done me irrmr (T"mI, oih! culled to see ymi at your nnVe ; with your advice I kept on, and do most heartily tlinnk you for your ad view. I persevere in taking the SSirrctptiriHn, and huve been able to attend to my u -mil I biborsftr the Inst ft Mir m-iiillm, audi hope hy the blessings of find and vtnir Hnrsnporilbi to etmlinue my health. It helped mu bcyinul the expectations of nil who knew my ense. CIIARLKS QUIMBY Onmre. Kssex Co. N. J., Aug. , 1847. State of New JtTsey, Kswx OMinty, as. Charlea Qitim by beinjr duly sworn neetinliiiK to law, on his onth anith, tint tlie fiireg-uiif stnteineut ta true aecirditipr ttt the beat of hiikiHiwlcdgeaiHl belief. CH VRIJvH qLIMIIV. Hworn and aubacribed to bvAco me nt Onunte, the ltd Aagiist, lfc-17. CVRCS BALDWIN. J nut ice uf the Ponce, WITTIXO RlaOOD. Rami the folluwiiig. and any tint consnmptHm it in incu table if yuu eau Nt-w York. April A3, 1&17. Dr. Towsskxd t I Vt rlly lMtliere that ynr KirsnpnrilLu hns been Uie inenna, thmuajh Pnividetiee. of auving my life I huve for aevenil years had a bud coigh. It iMTnine worse and wurao. At hist 1 miaed large quantities of hloml, had night sweats and was greatly debilitated and rralucetl, and did not expect to livu, I Imve only used your Hnrsnpnrillu but a short time, and there hns a wonderful chnutro been wrtnntht in inc. I am now able to wnlk all over the city. I mi so no blood, ami my cough has left me. You can well iii?lK'uc thut 1 am thankful f r these results. Your obedi ent seruiit. WM. RLfSRM, 63 Catharine st. LOST JIKIl HPKKCII. Tlie li.'Miexeu certiliente tells a simple and truthful story if suffer it iff h.'"! reii"V There are th hikiuIs of similnr en- ..: ... I llmiMvii. Btiil vet there are th tnaiiMlsi of parents lei their eln'Jrcti u.C h't fear of being hnmbugg.-d or to save a lew siiiiinujs. D J.miklTl, Sept. n, lf7. Dr. Towxsrsd: I take pleasure in aiming, '"r ,H'n fit of thtaw whtan it niav coticern, tlrnl niV Hanghtef, two veara ami six mmtha oM. was afflicted with nJnenil tit1 biliiy ami laarf speech. She wna given up as past sic- covery nv our lauitiy pnysieiau) diu iitnuiiaiciy i wna re- j C'HiinieiHied by a fnVnd to try your ftirsHparilla. Kef'ire hnviug used one In it tie she recovered her teeeh and was ' enabled to wnlk alone, to the astonishment irf all who were acuuainted with the cireunisttiueea. She is now quite well, auu in much better health thnu ahe has been fir H months paat. JOSKPH TAYLOR. 12 York at.. Brooklyn. TWO CIII1.UHKN tSAVKD. Very few families indeed in fnet we have nut heanl of one that used Dr. T.twiiaend's tirsaparillu in time, lost any Children the pat Sumim-r, while those thnt did not, icaeueil ami iliixf. The cercihente we publish leltiw is conclusive eviricnCC of its value, mid ia only another instance uf its snving tlie lives of children t Dr. Townnd Dear Sir i 1 had two children cured by your Soraanar ilia of the summer complaint and dysentnry ; one wna only 15 mouth okl and ttw other 3 years. They were very much reduced, and we expected they would die j they were iven up by two respectable physicians. When the doctor informed us that we must hse them, we re li ved to try your Sursa par ilia we had heard so much of, but had little confidence, there being so much stuff advertised that is worthless : but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly aaved the lives of both. I write thia that oth era may be induced to uae it. Yours, respectfully, JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15. IH7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Db. TowxK?tn' irsapaKcll ia a sovereign and spedy cure for incipient c onsumption, and for the general pruatnt ti m of the system no matter whether the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nothing; can be m ire aurprtstng than its iuvigoratinr ef fects on the human frame. Persons all weakness and las situde, from taking It at once become robust and full of energy under its influence. It immediately counteracts the uervelcsatieas of the female frame, which is the great uause barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in cases of so delicate a na ture, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, but we can aasnre the afflicted tltat hundreds of cases have been rcpor- U"V to us. D)X. Tu!v3n : My wife being greatly distressed by weakness cm geiiuTS! aeuiiuy, ana aunuring otaiiinuauy uy oaiu and with mlier ditficu!:' wd having known cases r7i i- L . ..iT... .....I -.. s-lirsHI all Ul sslavi wnere your nieuieinn on pi ilZi hearing it recommended for such CK as I have urr-"bed, I imniet1 a brttle nf your Extract of Baraupnrilla and fol lowed the directions ymi gave me. In a short period it removed her cojnpluiuts and reatoreit her to health. Being great! ul f.w the beuetits she rtseeireil. I take pleasure in thusackuuwletlgiug it. and rucoaimending it to the public, M. D. MOORti, Albany. Aug. 17, '44. cor. firand k Lydia sis. DYSPKPSIA. No fluid or inedicina has ever been discovered .which so nearly resembles the gttsiric juice or snhva in decomposing fiMid and strenmlieiiiiitf the urarans of diffeatiou as tins pre ptirati m of huraunuhlta. . It ptsi lively cures every case of dyspepsia, uowever severe or chrome. Bank Department, Albniiv. Mnv 10, Dr. TowiiscihI Sir: t Imve been afflicted for Severn I years with dyspepsia in us worst form, attended with s ur neaa of stomach, i sa of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aversion to ull kinds uf food, ami for weeks, (what 1 could eat) 1 have been unable to retain but a aniatl portion on my stomach, i tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in removing the eompiauil.- I wna in duced, about two months since, to try your Extract of 8a r. ssparilta, and I must say with little oonfideiice j but after using nearly two bottles, I found my appetite restored and Uia heart hum entirely removed ; aud I would earnestly re cominend the nae of It to those who have Iteen afflicted na I have been. Yours, Ac, W. W. VAN ZANDT. Agent for ftuntmry JOHN W. FRIIJNO; Nor. thumbertand, MARY A. McCAYj Danville, WM. A. MURRAY at Co., AptilW, 1848. ly 246 413 MARICET STREET, PHti.riat.pfui. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF Gold and Silver Watches IN tflllLADEDAUIA. Gold Levers, (ull jewelled. 18 csrat ess $ 30 and over Silver Levers, full jewelled 918 snd over lupines " (Handover Qusih rs, t 5 to f 10 Quid Pencils. I SJ ttilwr Tes Spoons, equ il to coin, 4 fiO Uld Pars, silver holder and iMincit. I 00 With s splrndid ss.orimint nl sll kinds of Watches, hnttt gold and silver; Ri. h Jeweliy, Ac. Itr, G4 1 Chain of the bet menuf irluies, snd in fact evptv thins in the Watch and Jewelry line at much less pi ices than ran bs b uyh in this City or ele a been. Pless savs (his sdveiiisnma'tt, and rail at ei tber LEWIS LiDOMUS. No 413 MAEKET arre. al.eve Ei-venlb north side, or st JACOB LADOVfUd. 146 MAIiEET St.. 6r.t slure below Eighi, south side. Wc he Gidd snd Silver Levi r. still chea per ibun the above price. a liberal ill.count mtde to I he trails. Sepiemli 83, IS18 6m FURS. RICH 1ANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR turner. Ko. tot, Cbeatnut Street, et Joorj above Third, Philadelphia, would invil th ladies U call and el amine his supaiiar stock of Muffs, Unas, Tippe'S o. of vary vaiietv, romrlaiirig or R c'h Russia Hable, Hudson' Bay Martin, Norway Maitin, Mit.k Bs M. Baurn Martin, Stone Martin, Ermine, Filch. Lym. dte, ate. The skins have btea seleied with great eare,fti) it mail hy th beet workmen in th country. Ldis th j rest aasiirer) tbat no article will b oflersd for sale in this sstabliebaieiit that is not perlect la e'y iepact. CHRLE8 OAKFORD, No. 104, Chunut street, between . Thirdmnd Fourth street tkilmdtlpkim 8.tmUr W, I84 aa Cotton YarmCottoa Carpal Ch4ii,Cjtioa Laps aa4 Waddanc, CoaUm Ouliinea, Kaady aaad Pssrtalsosis, Bawdy mad Vaata, CoajrrsM knivsa, Poroslaiii had pcaasrviat ketUoa, juat recesved foraaUby iLMAaWER. aViiibury, Dee. I, 1848. . yrXXJ UIQEa ibi Oeleenen Li Ladies, hsst HJT ttv4 and far saU by H. MA8HSR. Munbtwy, Dsc t, 1848. : t .rSasW XaaK W"14P Aim. ULA.afeVa. mmmmsm WEST Ell W NEW YORK COLLEGfi OF HEALTH, 207 Main etrect, Dvffulo,"S. Y. Dlt.O.C. VAUGHN S ... . r Vf?flable Lilhontriille Hixlurr. fpirif cpkbrstrd romtdy is cnn.lsntljr inrreaniitg lis li'Jtie X by Hie tniiny cures It is making ALL OVER THE WOKLD. It has nmv hcenmpthe only medicine for family ue, anil is particiihirly rcctnuiieiHlrd tiir DROPSY : nil ttig;ri of tin's ompluhil immeflintrly relieveil. n matter of bow loni sunidiiur. 8ee Plinmiilili t fur testiinany. GRAVEL, sik) nil iliaesaes of the nrimrv ortans ; for these distress. inn r nnplnints it atnnrls sl me ; mi other arth lc can relieve you ami the euro testified to willconvinrn the moat skep tical are pamphlet. I.iver Complaint, Billious diwaacs, FEVER k AGUE. To the Orent West eapeeinllr, and wherever them com plainta prevail I hist medicine is' offered. NO MINERAL AGENT, no deleterious eompramd is n port of this mixture, it cures these diseases with rertaintv and erkrily, and docs not leave the system torpid. iVe 'Pamphlet. PILES, a oomplnlnl of s most neinliil ennraeter. is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and a cure follows by a few da-s uae of thisnrticlc j it la Inr liefore any other preparation for this diacaae, or for any other disease originating from impure blood. See pam phlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, weak hack, weakness of the Kidnvvs, Ac., or iiiBmnma thai of same, is immediately relieved hy a few days nae Una medicine, and a cure is always a result of its uae. It stands as A CERTAIN REMEDY, ft aitL-h eomplniiila, aitd also for dcratinicnta of the fe male frame, IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS. painful menstruations. No article hns ever been (f're, except this which would touch this kind of dcrmiircmciiln. It nsiy lie relied upon aa s sure ami effective remedy, and did wc feel permitti'd to do so eoukl aire A THOUSAND N AMES. na proof of curea in this distrcwdmr claw of emnnlsints. Stw pamphlet. All liroken down, di hilitulcd coiwlltiitions from the efleet of mercury, will hud the bracing power of thin article to act immediately, tmd the poli 'lli Ul mimrnl cniiltcutcil from the m-ptetn. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will fuul Hie Rlteiiitive properties of this article ITRIFY THE BLOOD. ' nun nnven aneti ittacnaes from the aymem. Pee pnmnhlet I lor t'Uliinony of curea in all direiises. wliieh tho liuiita of i mi ailvertiwmeut will not permit to he iiiiiikiI here. Aircnts t-ive them nu-ny t they cmlfiii it! pages of cvrtificaiea of I liiyli chanieter, nnil n .trouper ARRAY OF PROOF of the virinrs ofa medicine, never npHvired. Ilnt.nieof ' he M'enIinr leatnrca of this article Hint it never fails to i bene..' In any cane, nud if hone mid inunele are left to build 1 lino,; let the ciruciuteu mm linireruiR invalid HOPE ON nml keep bikiits H'C medicine as long ns there is su ini nroveinciit. 'llie pr..l'rietor woukl CVUTfON THE PUBLIC ORiiinM a number uf articles which come out under the SARSAPARILLAS, SVRCPj?, &C, ancnrfltrDnpay. Gmvcl, Sect Thry aro good fur thing, ami caicH-tt(l In pull the unwary; TOUCH THEM NOT Ttioir iuvrnl'ira never thought of curing auh liiaeaaca till this article hml done it. A particular utiuly uf the pom-phU-t ia earncatty vlipital. Ago nl and oil who aril the article nre (;lad to circulatk frmltiitfuuilv. put up in 3( oz. botilea, at B'i i 19 ox. du a $1 ouch the Inrfter httkling 6 oz. more than two amalt Uu tlea. Iik nut and fet impoani upm. Every bnttlo liU ''Vaughu'a Vegetable IJthutitripiir Mixture," blown upon the frlaaa, the written aig tint ure f '(. C. Vaughn1' on the direct hma, and "O. C. Vaughn, Banal",' atamped on the cork. None other are Reuuine. Prepared hv Dr. O. C. Vaughn, and a-ild at the Principal Office, 207 Main atreet, Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. No atientmn given to let ters unleaa post aid orders from regularly conntituted Agents excepted : post paid lettera, or verlml oommiinica tiom soliciting advice, promptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusively to the ante or this artiMe VN Nassau st. New York city; F.asex st.Palem, Mass.; and hy the principal Druggists throughout the United States and Canada, as Agetita. I jst of Agents. Storrs St oo.. Wholesale Agent Philadel phia J. W. F riling, Sualmry Isaac (ionrhart, Selinsgrove C. A. Wyeth, Iewisburg H. I. Shearer, Milton Hayes V McCormick, McKwcnuville Mia McCoy, Northnmbcr knd. AprU 1, IMF y Patent A ir-Tight SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. rpilR above Stove, which is equally well adapted to Wood J. or Oad, has received silver medals at the fairs of the Ainei'i?"" Institute, New York j of the Mechanics' Iiuui lute, IJoaton; ;,f III" Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; and of the Mechanics Iiuili'ute, Wihuinslou, Delaware. It is capable, if properly useu, "f doinir more work, with less fuel, than any other Stove yet oflereii to !! public : in winter it will warm the fewest kitchen, while in summer, with the summer dress attached, It throws out no more heat tlutn s clutraial furnace; and for hoillufr, hroilimr, bu king, or roasting:, it cannot be surpassed by anyotuerritove, opeu fire, or brick oven. KKCO.MMENDATION8. Cebtuticate of theJcoces or the Mlciunics' I.niti- tctk, Boston. ' We. the snliacribers. being chosen Judges by the Mufean cliuselts Cliuritnble Mechanics' Aastx'iatioil iu Ilostun, on stoves, furnaces, runges. &c. would inform the imblic, that after iesiing all the ciMking stoves that were pat into the Pair fnr exhibition, and anting each mail managa hia own stove with the same kind of coal, in order to ascertain which would do the some work with the least fuel in the sriiue time, snd du it best, we find that Btewart's ratent Bummer snd Winter Air-Tight Cooking Store, miiuafHctur ed by the patentee, of Troy, N. to be the best, as it took but 13 minutes to boil two gallons of water and bake biscuit in the some time, snd broil beef steak, and all done in Uis best manner with seven pounds of erial, iu thirty minutea from the time the firs was put iulo the etove. To winch we awarded the silver inedaj. J AMKStiOl l.l), WALTER CORNELL, TUO.MAr? MOl l.TON, A. D. WKbBEB, and JAMKSPAGK, Jtnow. The sulcribers rcapectfully inv ite tlie altentioa of eintn try dealers, to one if the largest and best selected sbark of stoves, ever offered iu this city, among which are the fol lowing ! Bases. Screen Calenders. Oven Staves. Washington Ail-Tight Cooks. Vulcan do do do Eurekas Largs Oven Albany do do do do do do do Willi do MeGrefor Mammoth Premiums Cook S ores. Nstional Air-Tight Cooks. Psrlor Stoves. 100 Louis Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. ISO Charles th 1st Aii-Tight do 200 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor. 130 Washington Air-Tight do 300 McGregor's three days Psrlor Air-Tight Coal Stoves, burning tor days without atten tion. For sale wholesale and retail hy North, Harri son it Co. No. 300 Market street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, July 18th, 1848- LINN, SMITH & CO. WHOLE GAL 213J Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. MU GS St medici.:, Paibts. Oils, Glass, Dvs-STirrs, YiiStsHld. A-r, Ac. AL80 Pstent Medicines, Medicine Cheala, furfirat OhsMrteal Instruments, Chemical Texts, eke, J1 Order from Mt-rehsnt or Phjaicians, by letter or otherwise pioaiptly attended to, Amne'. , 1848 Am -u : , d : U ; GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS k PENCILS. (Lsts of lbs arm of A.O. Uagkry at Co.) Maact actcsibs or Oolb Ps, To aotssas Psscils, ' , Km. 16 Maiden Laue, Kew-York'. .th Subscribers offer to lh trad, and Wyf lh poblie oerlly. our different styles fOoki Peas, which r warrMted aios sll im perfect iooa by. Tsir nasf , snd also to be supeiioi la artwy raeei to say otbi made. Having in ereaasd raetliUee lor asaaaftetariBg. w ar deter. mlna tbsl as pea shall b delivered fioatour ea UblishaMeil oolru it I pettVct W 'st.o gaep sasansatly a band our sapcriof OoUl Pencils, sad Pejocil with I 'so. which w tie onabled to laTar st the lowest late. All oideis aJdrssapJ lo ths Hub suibers, will b crfly sad promptly'. kUaoded a! V E.M. tiMITH.N. 19 M si Jen LeseN.Y. Oet.T, IM8 8m , TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND' ixiMMoisLi APrnoi'cof M O 5 , Every day Is this celebrated medicine art,': Jlng'tl' sphere of ha usefulness, and every year arhlinv ts t!"- Mo caUilogne of its triumphs. ' ..,.. .1 ,, ; . A MILLION OF BOXES AM diilribiile.1annuu'; i ont fully meet ing the demand! For 'inc time pan), ll ales have been limited s Mcry for want of fa-iiim s rfupi ply. 'Truly this is a universal remedy.' VnbernM, llir.e pills have fouad their way into the rcmotrst ci.irncj'S ?f Liilm, everywhere prjving their litis as Uu . r n .n'a rTiend"fick mnn's ho)C the innrvel end Uewing 1 f i!;! nge. ' ' For a triOingsnm. even- indivtihtaland every family rmy have HEALTH INSfllLU to them for an indefinite j riod; and wkit is life with ul hciilth but B miserable cis .... .1 tence ! It is liiopreci'iltsa bi;ot H be blinperetl with, by tryirur all sorts of experiments avn ii, The Sick should una thoM mcilicincs only which experience hns ahown to bethebest- A l'H 8tCIA.VSTK8TI.MrJN V. ( From Cnlkill, Creeu County, New York. Pr. W. Wright Uinr (ir: 1 Irnvs found your Indnrr Vegetable t'illl a vntunlile rcmeily fu cases of General IJc-. billty of the system, and in all Uilli niadis' Titers. 1 em elm in the h:ibit f recommending them to fcnnles iu cu!inr canes. t observe ihcm to epcrote iu the sstem without pn nlucing debility or pain, leaving it in a healthy cimiliti 11. June '111, PM. Joni l)oac, M. I). - TIIR BKUT FAMILY MEDICINK. . -l. rrom Norton Hill, Orecn Cuiuity N. YJ ... Dr. Wriyht : Wc luive lined and sold your Indian Vegeta ble Pills for three years pnsf, and do n-l hcaittite to rec-mi-mend them lo our fi iends nnd customers as the best Fatuity Medicine in use. N. A L. lUaHutu. (From .Marble Hull Pa To Dr. AV. Wright Rear Sir : Firr the two years I have letdthe iieuey for the ailo of your Indian Vegetable Pillx at thin j lace, mid have sold annually large quantities st retail. Thej h-ive in every instance given entire rntiff&c siou. Mjiiv liiuulies in this section keep them, anile niyliJ'r (heui iiiviiliiutle n a family rrmlitine. There ii no medi cines ld here tliarcaobo So universally refSMOtnendc '. i.s Wright's liuliiui Wuctabls Tills. Ycry truly yourn, rvbruary 1, lf-19. W. M. .-. TIWTIXtrtNY OF ANOTI1ER PIIYPICI VN. , Tin- following letter is in reply to s note from our m iu asking Dr. rjoulon's opinion of this medicine : Tr?(K Hancock, Aucnt 39 . lrl. Mr. A. Purliuirt Dr Sir : In reply to your note of ycf . tctilay,! would state, that I law e occasionally f .und it ( n-.. veiiicl tonne the various '-Pulenl PilUt'' vended iu the ; Slid whilel am unwilling to sny anything todepreelale th value of others,! sm free to confess tlutt I consider Wr'in" Indian Vegetable Pills superior to all others with which: I am acquainted. 1 have used them for many years bot!. r.t my own family and in ray practice generally, mid they t;.:v" uniformly proved mild, certain and safe uiUicir nper. '1 i: The care and skill with which these pills have been ?:il.rto mnnnfactDrcd are, in my opinion, a sufficient gtisrunlee for like good results in future. Very respectfully, D. A. Boctox, M.r." Mr. B Is s practitioner of long experience, well ku Vvn iu ami even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. lis is a grndunto of Pennsylvania, and highly popular with aliu people among whom he resides. 1 Beware or Sugar Coated Counter feits. Remember tliat tlie original and only genuine indiuu" Vegetable Pills have the wtittensignatnre of Wrs. Wright on tlie top label of each box. roa Wright' Indian Vegetable I'lIH. John W. Friling. Sunbury. Henry Macser, Sunbury. Hays A McCormick, McEwensville. E. KaufTman, Angusta Ip. John II. Vincent, Chrh'sqsaqiM. KaseJk Bergstresser, Elysburg. ' ;' W, Kotlieitiiel, Little Mnhouuy. , Ileincti .V Brother, Milton. Forsyth, Wlls n A Co., Northmiiberlmd. Jns. Bccd. Pottsgrove. "'. W. 4 R. Fegely, Slinmokintown. . . r . J. C. Morgan. Suyderstown. . r W. Deppin, Mahonoy P.O. . , Bcnnevillc Holshue, Vp. Mnhonoy. ' J. G. Reiiu, Line Mimnluin P. O. Beiij.Huiluer, lower Mahoning P.O. , ' ' Amos T. Brissell, Turbuttsvills. 0. J.Jk T. Piper, Wntsonville. E. A. Kiifzner, BiMisviiTe. ' ' H. II. Knrehle, Elvslairg. : . Omces devoted exclusively to the sale of Wriglu's In ii ui Vegtlablc Pills, Wbolcaale and Kctail, 16.1 Race si.. V.1Y.-1 delphia, Greenwich st reel, New-York, and IH6 Trcm -lit , Boston. ' Dec. 0th, ly. ,- !l Equitable Lire InNiiranre, Antanlt! and Trut Company ' 1 OPFICE 74 WALNt'T STREET. PHtl.APraiYlij.t' . Capital -iVi,ioU. Cuabtsb FtBPXTr.iL.. ' ',T1E Comnv ore now preimred to traiuutt bi:r1fi 1 iipm the most liberal and advantageous terms. Tin ' are authorized by their charter (sect. A) lito make all and every insurance appertaining to life risks 01' wlaiiever kind or nature, and to receive sitd execute trusts, nuke endow ments, snd to grant and purchase annuities." Th Com pany sell annuities and endowments, and But a Trustees for miii'nrs and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Auunmce of SIM for the whole term of lile. ' .lee. I Pren. ft 1 0 3W :i 77 3 "I 4 U :i A ..I 4 71 4 !! .'. 13 tm S.M r. ,h 6 itl and quarterly premiums, hull ertxIU rates of preiliiiini. Abort terms, ioiut lives, aiiri'ivorahiia anil eialownients ; nlai, form of Applicant Hi (i'h which tliors are blank shorts-) aie tit be llud oil noplicotl'tii at the olfiec, .or by ktlvr ti th Agent. J. 11. Ft rlUV, Kuibury. ( . -. ItAtas rua lmi.j eiUU on a single Ijit . Age. I Prem. Age. I Trcra. I 16 1 SO 31 09 17 lil W 15 18 1 56 si 9 in IU I I 50 3 47 90 1 HO SI tX) 41 1 63 36 4 ,0 44 1 00 37 947 S3 1 6 an s f,t 21 1 74 3D 4 ti'l fti 1 76 40 4-I0 40 1M 41 4 St 87 1 b 44 4 04" S-J 1 jrl 43 .'I til 40 I U 44 3 14 3U iul U lil The preniiiiins are less tlpn nny oil polielus lilf rd greater advantagi. ' Aire. For I year. I i 7 yceia For !!;. 4" el ti .. .,, 3d M 1,9U 4,, 40 1,4 l,4 as a,4 37 Vt "i F.iAMPl.x A persju aged 30 years next bid". drA- l nnviiig tlie l'imiiu uo cents would secure lo l .j urkeire SlflO should he eie w nn'; pr fur mV e e . ciireajlo aHHM ; for Si:i anniuilly f. aevvu y Ke setmres to them S1UO0 saouJd he die ineveii- rear i i: for ,4II paid uiAiuaihf duriug L'le ire sn uraa OIUUl paid when lie dies. The insurer serllihw ttvjiv f by tlie dirli-raiice iu amount nt' nreuimius than h,iac,ei. . by oilier vlhi-es. Foe lo,SU the heirs would jeeeivei-" u should he die ia one year. !.-!; Form w applicatiou and all part ictilars suv b ! . H t thc.vrn.e. ' J. W. FLAtiHUHX, lwui.i.t TaSASI'BBB FSAKt'lS W. Kawlb. , 1 j, I . . . H a. Tuckett. rVoretarv. r "'' 1 1 ' roxsi-LTixa Pinrurua lt.J. B SuaUify J, U. Fi-Bur, tNuibury, Agent lor Niatliuuibcrbnd e . ty. - Suatotry, JalVi, IW8 'I -"T ; r i f 1 JACODXICCZiL". ii(iiwn axd arrAit. , ., WISE ASD MI OR DUALER, iVe 393 Market Strut, Pclow Eifhthi Nvrth , Js, 1'aiLaaai.raia. . ' , Keeps constantly on hand sll kind of ol Li-' quor, vis 1 Superior ld rye w hiskey niperirr" Brandy, Gin, etc. . Also whit bissdy fn. ptewr inj, Wild fberrysnd Dlsckbeiry btsndy. Philadelphia, J1411 3Ui8, ly , rOll SALF. ATTJIls uiTlCE;'.