Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 27, 1849, Image 4

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    ,... -MWftrTOW Jt.:V 'ytiT 'oVf -V.i
f a mIm NMk fee fcYattkMIA, aa saatiy at n
Ml AM MWlL MMMM LMsf Appetite,
ljh leaM, east rniiMiMn (DrnM
MiMlalM yrvS ha tke MUf f saanw ae
Mb ft aaaaWsataa at atonic eondi.
New el kikwt alee I Ml atty arising frets
age M th ma ef Fevet, frakisarty fever aual
' M M4 Sjaeaa Ml
eg Ac th ma ef Pant, pa
. r ln saaTwtag W saty
Taanai nai i, wi iaaata
taaa'aa maae reaaeSy, aa as aa
Sea la a. .
"UiTinini Bit.
earfe any medi-
in Hits country witlout nns, fte SSm; E'bm iT.
himself Compelled to rMOrt IO tBOW SawHa. NeiiMal "a have hsa ) to atra It ao
ihmentl which he MsTaV)K, for I Mors ersr, Were asTMrtiVem Wvtrw an fcowit it r
. Accordingly he cominen. "? V rar'
i suas Biinwiui limn i 1 w lua auucfea irieno ana c-
aaintanMa ivith a lika result, ita mutation eraduallv ax.
wuru amu n is itiwwn m in anon aieiaut porta a toe
Union, ai a medicine of aortraUad virtues in tha cara of
Dyspepsi In all In iiaTerea foveas, and Uao foe lha cur of
Asthma at ratMaie. Ita oil berate! ant tta only evJngy
haa heea Ika awry of Ita WMuUrfal aoVawy, aa told from
aaotsth to awath or ay Ictus seat frisest to fiiand. In eve
ry hulaaaa where thaw Bitten kava baaa and, and tba re
tail aoae tawrwa to tha propriator, they Kara proved a re
seedy. - NlBfoM evrtlfleiits. attmtlna tea shitalar efficacy of
the "OitoaiATM BiTTtuta," are iu tha poaereelon or tba
Eoprietor ; many of thata atoned by per, ot already widely
lovca to Ue rmtlie.
WINDSOR, Vu, October 3, IMS. . ,
The fetlewlng Certificate have recently bera
rwvtvaai i
W.saiKovea. D. C, imn 10. 1816.
Havicc nude uae of the OxTaanalad Bitten" Drecared
by Dr. Uae. B. Oraen, of Windine., Vt. and from know
Jedfe obtained o.' their eatacy la other caaea, we cheerfully
reeoanMno (Beta aiaepauic, Deuenaf uanuwy wuiiuuy
aaataia the raaoaamendatloa of the rtoprietor. We hope
that thai vanaale leiidy aaiy be ao fenerany duTaaed
: n aay ae acceeaibt to au the
"A few jnn tnthn wm htndatfM
knd elegtnt man la WKloftM cMf , myt
the Philadelphlt Sdwf Cmrur, ea
gtged u t dmncing master. At the bretlt
ing Out of the Mexieaa war, he put bj nhe
fiddle and the bow,' and entered the tervicc
u a captain of Miwouri olaaten. He
showed that he was ai teadr at the cAar as
the cKomiu at 'forward au." ae 4brward
two,' and soon won a bifh reputatioa as a
gallant officer. Ho hat sow been appoint
ed professor of cavalry tactics in the UiUta
ry Academy at West Point"
Mons. Korponay was. at one time, we
beliere, attached to the Austrian service,
and held the position of a captain ef hut
tars. In consequence of his having been
engaged in several duels, he was obliged to
abdicate, and migrate to the United States.
cedthe business of a dancine-master. and
was the first to introduce the "pollct." He
also danced upon the public stage ; and, we
well recollect that he volunteered hit ser
vices to add to the attractions of the last
benefit that the late and revered Edmund
Simson ever took at the Park theatre. At
a soldier, he was as brave as he wat accom
plished, and rendered good service in the
M"xican war.
"'A little period aftt-r Monsieur Korponay
arrived in this country, another distinguish
ed foreigner made his appearance among us.
He was a Saxon Baron, and wat here
known as Frederick Herman."
The baron was a captain of hussars. At
the time of the Ronge riots, at Leipsick, he
v.i nl.irprl in rvtmmanrl if t ha ritartai of afltelad.
. I iiui m Bveiaa
thai nlv Ha .natm., ths I rVT7 . . . . TLTrr.T'
dispersion of the mob, and if they did not
retire, to discharge a park of blank artillery
over their heads; ana if they did not then
retire, to give them a full volley of grape.
The baron thought it best to let the grape
fly first, and give the blank afterwards.
Following out this view of the case, he
killed upwards of two hundred people, at
"one fell swoop."
For this act, he was court martialed, and
ordered to expatriate himself for the period Bitt" i hwe aad abot two botuea, andti
of two successive yeart. The affair cost ZTXXS, J'l
nun three or lour duels, in every one ot
winch he killed hit man.
Finding himself very offensive to the
people of the city of Leipsick, he proceed.
ed to Hamburgh; and, taking passage on
board of the packet ship Brarens, Captain f
x lore, procecoea 10 mis ciiy.
He arrived here a few davtaAer General
Taylor was ordered to proceed to the Rio
Urande. And soon alter he landed hap
pening to get remarkably blut, he wandered
into a rendezvous, and enlisted at a private,
in thn United Stain in rant nr. He was
forthwith disnatched to General Tavlor. Wsrrl jf sTsWMMoDlej
and was at the battle of Palo Alto, and the CLOTHING.
siege oi wionierey, ana tougni nerotcaiiy. j W. k E. D: STOKES.
A ItOV Ka aiAva K. hahaahkMaml awaa " I
MrfabT; Vbff agaiw'hen he Voog it into . CLOTHING WAREHOUSE,
his head that, inasmuch as he had fought I W. M Marktt Mtrfl. Fint Cbthimg tfefc be-
twice for the Americans, it was but fair I . '
.ut ..... , j . l it i raiuHLriii. .
aiitjuiu, ... .uio, rcuuer me ttmni .1...... . i i I. ... uHtuun. ive accoraingiy M iag p from th. ka,t Frewk; Esglisk and
deserted, and Went over to General Arista. Aaaaricaa r'ath. aUthine eat anil anad. in the
V-h f23T&Z- it At
Scrofula or Khit'a Evil, Rheiimatinni, Obatlrmte CnHiieona
Ernntierw, Pimpleaor Pcntnlr. on tlie fnce, Bl' tehee,
Bike. Chronic S ire Evea, Ring Worm or Tetter,
Bceld Head. Entailment and Pain of the
Boneeend Joinlt, Stubborn Ulcere, Syphi
litic Symntoma, Sciatica or I,nmtago,
diacaaee ariainf frum an injudi
eioNw nee of Mcictiry, Drop
ay, Exposure or Impru
dence in life !,
Chronic Onieti-tutionnlDia-ordere.
In Ibia medlctue enteral innocent but yen- potent articlt i
of the rcfstable kinrilom are united, rnnmnc a cninund
arateni when labnruis una or '"-'.sc. .noulil
:!j C, very norn. who. bv bunincm. nr ecnernl r.v',.-
of life, ia preitiHpiiacrl to the very m&ny aillmeuu tlint Ten
nrr lite I enree, mitead of D blesalng. and ao oiu-n rc.ult ill
' Seal and Letter-Copying Presses, Patent , J
! Slate-Lined Kefrigerntot, Water Fll
I ' ters, Patent Portable Water Clo
j ' " sets, intended for the Sick 1 '
.... and Infirm.
i 76 fiotilh Third fiirctt,
iT,55?t-i Mamilnjture anrj ke fp prmrtniit
entirely different in itt character and properties I mm any
other preparation, and unrivalled in it "pcrtiti'.'U on tlio
nen aionruig una or ""-js. i, .noulil t In tnc Fi hcrt nnd nth (.: J.ihn M. F"
J? C- C T iv en iiuiiii, b inrce owrtmcnt oi
Bi-.ljW$i';;iy- s.S lcnlwvc aniclc's, t-ipcthcr with
k' i it'iail f i ill IlifirPnlcnt hnnrovcil (SiiUimniiiler
(WWffrV-?! riUK-PHCJfil- UAFES. which
J .B. Senator
iN's.V. B.Saa. tatfrc
i,V. S.Baeatorantfii
of of Kefitaekv.
L. H. ARNOLD, Maaaber ef Coafraaa aal formerly Qo-
frora Vermont.
froan R. lakuid.
irly Ooveni-
and formerly Go
vernor ef R. I
wm. wocmnnicE. u. b.
Ternoroi mienifaa.
M. U MARTIN. Peleimta ia Coaa-reae from Wiaconain
From Hoa. H. D. Faana, Maaiber of Conareai from
A7..M.UM ft T .. u .a .Ola
Dear Nr, I heve beea a dyepeptte aniferer for about ten
yeare, and have reearted to varuma medicine, for relief
witboat aaecal, antij I raade aaa of your 'Oxygenated
im mraeu
uie aii-
aciditv of tba
lb, leaa of appetite, extreme flatulence, eevere eonati
of tke bna Ja. ar4 vraleat aeadacbe. Fetlirar deai-
roaa that a toirnrlerige of yonr valaable remedy may reach
athera aubilartr aSUctar). I take treat aleaaure in record
ing my Manmuay to na caranve power i ana wobm aiao
remark, that while oa a viait at home a abort time aince. I
edaiinirteretl a part of a bottle to a nember of my afflicted
1 ay are aeonoew uai yna
ft IHaebanr, or iaform them
Mamed. With aa aarneet de-
auajnaa. I aabacriae mveett.
trary year friead . D. FOSTER.
A -' -- mat keaul av'Sraaa A Flateaer. No,
StSoalk nurm Sareal, Fbihwabihai.
Agam fot aaary agaaiaia.
Aamaafa atmon MACKAY BAAO.
Agent fo. Uaper MaaonoyJ. 0. RENN.
April U,
His friends here, mortified at his conduct,
circulated a report that he vu killed at
Pah AUo.
We chanced to write an account of the
baron's enlistment, for one of the papers of
ine day, and tne gazette happening to reach
Liepsick, his friends wrote to us inquiring
what had become of him. We addressed a
note to the Secretary of War : who. in re
ply, ttated that he deserted at Monterey,
soon after the battle, and that nothing fur
ther was known of him.
Mons. Korponay distinguished himself,
and secured the patronage of this country
by his chivalry ; Baron Herman eternally
disgraced himself: and, in this consisted
the exact difference between then two
eminent foreigners. -
it sesame aad raeaiaaable atTe. F croons
wha bay to sell, will And a Urga and sseellcnt
CetniDf mace
at the shortest
K . B. Odd Fellows Regalia, a large assert.
teat always Mhaa4. Orders (rein Lodges and
individaate preaptfy atteaded te ea tke moet res
eonabW terms.
Phitadelpate, June 3, ! ly.
Sr. Drake', ranacea ia reenmmended m a certain remedy,
ot one inataiiceof ita failure hne ever occurred when free
ly uacd ! It cure, the diacnae ami nt the mme time Impnrta
vigor to the whole lyUcm. KiToful hi per. nia enn never
pay too inucn aitcntion to tne amte oi incir uiixhi. hi pu
rincation .h'luld be their firat aim ; lor piiracvernnco will
accumpliali a cure of ivem lixaaDiTAUT diauoac.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affecliona, Tumora, Wliile Swelling.
hryaipelaa, Ulcera, uincere, Kllnmng tsircs. sceiie ano
Bilee, Dr. Drake'. Panacea cannot he tu hiurlily eitolled ;
it eearchee out the very root of the disoaK, and permanent.
No medicine nerhan. haa ever been discovered which
givea ao much tone to the ntoinnch and came, the accre
tion or a healthy gastric Juice to decompose the fooa as Dr.
Drake's Panacea
Dr. Drake". Panacea is used with the arentent succei in
Rheumatic ComDbiinta. cneciallvauchaschninic. It curea
by driving out all impurities and foul humour, which have
accnmulatcd in the eyetcm, which nrc the cause of Rheu
matism, tiout, and swellings of the Joints, utticr rrmciiic.
emietimcs give temporary relief; llii. rntirrly ernilicntea
the disease from the system, even when the limbs and bones
are dreadfully swollen.
CoHstnaTTioir can aa crnxD. Couth. Cnuirrh. Er-w-
ebilia, Spitting of BIod, Astlunn. Difficult or proliuw: j:x-
pcciorauon, neciic riunn, .mow r-vvcnin, . uiu in inc wire
Ae. have been cured, and can be with n. inucli ccrttiinty a.
any other disease. A soecific has lontr been s melit lor, but
in vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Itin:icca. It i
mikl and safe but certain and clncntions lu Us opcrt.lioi
and cannot possibly injure the most dclicnlc cii'Miti;,,,,,!'
We would earnestly recommend those ntllicti to it a
trial and we believe they will not have oocti' .m, to rcirrct
it. The rjiterr, is cleansed and "trencher,,! tle ulcers n
the lunge are healed, and the pot.-f. r:,dualiy icguiu their
aaual health ami atrength. Read th fuUowing :
n... t. r Phila., Due. 11 tli, 1HI7.
-Yw - i i TCP'' ' ynr question resH-cliiig iho use
J! Wni,e'a Panacea. I will snv, that although n icrfi'rl
"oceVer in the existence of a Panacea, or cure for all
r!eeaBes. however valuable it mov be in ccrtnin condition.
of the system, etiii 1 have bclicvcil that a euro f:n Coumim
liua would be discovered sooner or Inter, on) ruuotity led
me to try your mediciue in two very invctcrute wa.
They were pronounced by the unending phrsici:mt to be
rCLMOHART CONKTMPTHI!. and atniHtomil bv them as IX
ccBAiic. One of the persona had been under the trcni
ment of acveral ven- ulile nnictitioneia for a nuinl er of
yearaf and they auid she hnd llold fubhiomnl Coutiuniptiou
eombine with Scrofula," ami that she might liuccrfor sonw
tune but could not be Dernmneutlv relieved, in hulli cases
the effect of the Panacea litis been most Rmtifv. inp. Only
foar or five bottles were used by one of the iicntonti liciore
ehe beean to imnrove raoidlv. The other bok atont ten.
I will only add that familiar aa I ain with consiiiiipliou by
inheritance and by extensive olwcmuion oa a atuly, onJ
knowing ateo the injurious effecta in nine cases out of ten
of tar, boneset, and other vecetatile tonics, as well as of
many oi uie cxpectiiruiiisanuseuiitiveB, ihjir.uiil never have
recommended the use of Drake's Paiuiccn if I linil not been
acquainted with the ingredient. Snificv it to any that these
are lecommrnucii by our most popular ond scientific physi
cians, and in their present combined suite, form pr nViHy
the beat alterative tluit Itus ever been murie. The cure it
ill accordance with a theory of Conrump'in brrchetl in
are so const mcteil n to set at rest
nil momt... nf .n
' Wit ttriclly firc-nrnof, anil tlml
v Lyav tlicy will resist the fire of onv
Uu H.lliiir. The onfstilo enses of
these Safes fife TTHifi nf i Icr inula Itir Miir1p cafvof inp
tune, nntl letwi-en Ifie onter enne and inntv ense is a bppc
of noint Ihf ce inchcit thick, fn id i filled in witli int1ctmi.
tible rnstrriul, : rm to mnke it nn itnpneittiliititv to Imrti nnv
of the content inside nf this Chert. Then S wintit'Mie So.
bimnndcri we fire prepnretl find d i rhnilenire the wnld to
pniditce ftny nrtirle in tbe tilinpt nf Bonk Sifrs ttmt will
ttond st tniirh hrnt, nnd we bold mirnelvrn rrndy nt n!t
timet to have litem' iHirly tented by pu'i)ie bonfire. We
ln C'ntmurj to manulnrtnre n Inrpc? nnd crnernt ne.'rt.
men! of oiir Premium Air-tir1t Tire Prenf Stafei nf whleli
tltere are over HKI nmv in ime, snd in every rnnrnnne llev
have it) ven mtiie Mltninction to tbe ptirchitwrn ( vhirh
we will refi-r tlio pitMio V) a few gentlvinen who hare
mrm in use
Ilftyw'! fc Snvder. p.4tmiUe; Joneph G. Lawton
l-.iivine; mi. u inifim tnrr. linvievlown. Vn.
J.h O. liiyl r, liQ ivrth 3.1 it.; A Writrht k Nephew
me 8t. wnart : !fr.ii'i..yi''if. Oiivevmirer. corner nf
iin.n "tl est MVnvai
Htwh, ijn flVth nd a. i Jnme. M. Pfinl. mi riHh 4th t.:
Dr. Pnvid Jnyn", 8 tit1i 31 r. Mnthew T. Miller. QO
Mith 3d St.; ond we e mid imme tnmc Imndred f ntipra
It it were neerpnr. N nv we invite te t tent top f the
ptiliti, and jmrtirtilarlv tlmne in wnnt of Fire Proof fnft',
tucxill nt mr at ore Wfre pnrHinrinir e!ewl'ere, nid we
enn KOtiRly them they will eet n baiter and ehenper nrticle
at our aloTe thnn nt nnv other ettniilini'mnt in t-e ritv.
We nni innnufnctnro the nrdimry Tire Prof rhent. nt
nt rer' low prieen. rhenner than they ron be bought at any
other store in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 8, 1S-I Jy
And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manufactu
rers' Materials.
No. 38 Commerce it ., PHILADELPHIA.
EEP constantly on banil a large aort-
merit of printing and other pap-r News.
paper in the country, ran be supplied at all
times, with paper of any tize and quality, at
the lowest price.
Philadelphia, June 17th, 1318
fetoaTflart V l tf 4 s
I x Eililiaisjr Aiisn
I The fottrrwlnt list ahnws the. current vain of all
'(rtvlah!a Hank Notes. Tha most implicit re
liance rosy o placed Upon it, aa It i etertf wtek
arefimy compared with a id eorrecied rrorn Uiclt
nell's Rertorier. n. i . .
Rniiki In Phlladelpltln.
Nit. Locatioh. pan.,,.
Bank of Nntth America , ,
Bank of the Northern Libertine ,
Oonttnercinl Hank of PennY .
Farmcra' anil Mrchanire' Bank4 .
Kennintrfon Rink
Phitailelphii llnnU .
chtivilkill Hank
Snniliwnrk Pnk i
VVesfern Hnnk
Sfeclianica' Hnnk . ; .
Manufaclnrfra rV Merhanica' Bunk
(lank nf Pcnn Townahip . . '.' .
Hiranl Rnek ; : ': '
Ilarik of Cnmmerre. late Mnyamerlirlg ..
Hank of Pcnnavlvania m.: . .. i '
oHii r HankH.
Hank of Theater Ounty Weatcheatct
Hank nf Delaware Ootiniy f!heater
Hank of (irrmi"lo n
Rnnk nf Mnntgomery Co.
Doylrsfnnn HitiU
.'O.l IITII 1,
Faimers' Hnnk nf Hnrk en 1Sritnl
llittli nf Nnrllinmlierlnnd NorllminlicrUitJ pnr
I'olitml'ia Bunk tiridae rn.('nlumliia pr
Fsrmrrn' ll nik nf l.ancM!ei Lnciei par
l.nnrn'ter I Vitnty U ilik
l.'inrns'er Bank
Fnrmers' Bunk nf heading1
nfice of Bank uf Prnn'a.
Office do do
I'lfira ((j (la
Office tin do
link nflhe TTnited St ites Philadelphia 17
Vlmr-nT Hank nf Pnllseillc
Hnnk nf l.cwistnwn
Hnnk of Mnldl"town
(Carlisle Bank
F.xeliariRB Bank
do branch f
Unirishun Bank
i Ne. 100 trIESNUT Street, Philadelphia, 1
Opposite the Franklin House, ' '
IMPORTERS of Gold and VlWef Patent Le
ver Watches, and Manufacturer! of Jewelr
A tood aseortment always on hand. Gold Pa
ent Leeeii, 13 jewels. 138 ! Silver do 18to
20: Gold Leninea. 1301 fllver do. f 13 to IS I
Ul.cks snd l ima Pieces, Gold pencils, l 83,
npwstds; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, $1.00;
Gold Bracelets snd Breast Pins, in (re t variety;
Ear IWnei : Miniature Case! Guard Chaint.
SI9 to tii: Plated Tea teti, Castors, Cake
Basket!. Candlesticks, Britannia Ware, Fine Ivo
ry Handled Table Tuilery, snd a general assort
ment of Fancy Geodi.
J.&W t. WARD, No. 106 CHEfNOT Pt..
Philadelphis. opposite the Franklin Home
Manufacturer! of all kinds of 8ilvef Cpooni.
Forka, Tea wet. Ladlea, Ae. All work made
by ui ii stamped with our name, and warranted
to be made of purely American coin..
Philadelphia, August 12, 18480 trio.
R' adiuc
, .Ml
rPH XT ureat National, Old Favorite. and Ster
i line Rmedy!!! of EIGHTEEN YARS
STANDING atill nnapproached in it! wonder
(ul turcesa, certainty, and inf ly, in the cuts op
small pox, ant) boat of other badly treated diaaasee;
where the csuae, inatead of having been thoroughly
removed from ihs blond and body, have only beet
palliated or rrranved rrorn one part to break out lot
another. By divealing T oof bodies nf all lonl hu'
ttinra, through the medium of Dr. 8TeET3ER'S
PANArEA. the core la at once rendered sertaitt !
and parttianetik R. collect, while there ia acricso , ,
nious ho mote floating in the eifcu'aiion, it ia aa apt
to seine on the lungs ks any nther part or the body j
ibis ia the reason that consumption Is so prevalent-4
,...t!n,E8,80Rl:'"AND ULCERS, '
v tii.-h you aee on tha enerio, come frnm .. .
have their aimrt e m, the iule.lor, etui might juet a
well have .rtiled on ynut lun.. I,,,,, or my otner
paiti which we know they frequently do, and pro-
uuce most tiiiioiii innnmmaiotj disorders. The'
humor which occasions Ihesi enrei is of a highlVit
Hcrimoniona burning nature. .We know u fron?'t
the pain it gie in forming, and nfirfaarda its ra.
pidly ulcerating and corroding thn fl'eah In J akin '
if the patt Where' it Idraks nut This shows tha .
ncee.-otv nf fierueutlv punfying the blood with Dr;
8WEETEU"i PANACEA, and keeping euch;
insliutiBiit bunion in U' J, ctinn. ShrntliVyop'hnve''
a h i'' or ulcer, hn thmkful thst naiuta haa taken1
rouble in wnrn you nf the danger your life and bo,''
dy ia in, or ii ia a warning lial the blond is foul '
Had ibia umi' acrimony ael'Ced the lungs in-teac
,,f the surfneo of ynui body for its seal, eongulnpJ""
tion nf the lunga wou'd have been the'ennaequenre-"
U lay not then, to purify snd cleanse with Drf'
dwcitser'a Ponnci a. s
Spinnl affeciions, nlargement of v ,
joints whil. .swelling,. joint ro'tnpla?nt', fall,..--, ,u.;;M)We,, wom . '
mnes snif
M.ia ill
KJ II you would escape the srenica (poison. I nn'1 -fccdy outc in Dr. SH'EETxER'S I'A-
i)contiterfeits lake not a bottle from , bACh.
lha' is not guarded b
Lebanon Bank
Merchant"' A Manuf, of Pif.l,i.-9
West Cr-,)rl, u'.,nk
The Londonderry Journal, of tin t7tk alt.
has a sUtement of an astoniahiaf disoowerjr
which was commanioated te the society for
wniiui or
sated aad BrtUaaia Ware, Collery. and
Peaey OooaVi, aaat ManufKlurere of Jew-
liver Ware, IU Uheenul street, Fnila-
4elphia hawa taaaivail by late arrival! a large anil
baMaoaas slack er Eaglisk anal Trench Watches,
a4 MarMa, farealato and Fancy Clacks.
riaesat Unaa. CasSata, Cake BaakvU. High and
OtuMtilCiadlswirke easp Leetkaa, Bpoaa and
rerka. Alee Mo4 ssssrlisstl sf Dillsnnta
Waee aaat fiae Cellar.
TkettaMSkef JXWBLRTb tattee aad afthe
saaet fcakieeaMa kind, end tbev ere wall repelled
Ms 9 eve elsieee. reiU. Mesa, rtapkla King.
eMev Kaivaa. eM erl'Man as eking aay du
rkHsdelpkie,JBue 10, 1141-las
I a arsasaliiia Cke
anal eera at Far
artth a resoady for tke i.-eatmeut
i Sana and other Btrloaa dlaoues,
ae ipelaay ia aaarlad. Vaat aaitisra la tha Hutted Wales,
who aaaTec frees tkeae saTeatieae ia their varied forma, are
ease react troas eOMa eosaees thaa the Imme.
ef ;taw aaaaaar taivaMaa. It
pvtwie inter.
ia aaaply attested It ehe ajnnraraej
oeesi esafsoyaa.
ve vn eeeMViveraaa
with which it haa
the'lmprorement and rrowth of Flag, heW ia
Belfast. The following extract eentaiito the f.r " ta ,fc P"" "ksj -
truth of the matter : V.' M
' , . vv7ii iviiiiiioil w m utMifrr waaa
his friend Dr. Hodges would say worthy of
the deepest consideration of every one pre
sent. Having heard noma time since that
from peat there could be procured ammonia.
naptha, soda ash, oil, spermaceti and some
other substances, he left London for Paris,
and called on an eminent chemist there.
He had previously been speaking on the sab
ject with a Air. Recce, also an eminent chem
1st, who tola him that foj the eipenae of 30
ho could produco from 100 lbs of beat chemt
eal results to the value of 143. It waa Mr.
Iteece who referred him to the Paris chemist
and be (Mr. Owen) produced it to him, and
repeated the statement of Mr. Reeee, as to
what he could do with the past, the former
assured htm (Mr. Owen) that he really could
do all that he had Stated in the document. I wam&i saaaaaafiieweSeeof petite
He then rang a bell, and ordered and the re-1 perteoea, aad which aaay always tetched epS m
-..l. t u:. : . . v. i v. I "-".""
tuns ui uie vAjeouiucuia iv vet iitwigui up I ear a la Ufce
from his own laboratory, and ho (Mr. Owen)
aaw with hie own eyes the sperm candles
made ; the ammonia, the oil, aad the soda,
ash produced from peat : and that chemist
thought this waa the greatest discovery of the
age, and one which would eventually, con
vert the greatest curse of Ireland the boars.
heretofore unprofitable and the greatest ob.
Steele of improvement into iho areataat
bkseainga, and doable the fertility of the soil,
w ea extent inn none ooeld estimate. Well
ha (Mr. Owen) being a man ef business, do-
iinea to nee say er ell these statements' for
granted, and, consequently, he cot a mumhwr
vt cxpsntioaQia meao oy ur. Hedges aad hia
tneod, Mr. Reeee, which were entirely
tirmatory ef all the statements made by hie
r ' ' a ca a . .
inena, Kit. neeoo. dm etilL w, to deeivw
bimself or othersv he sras determined to have
an experiment made en tarfe peak, aad
had eraplcjed ,h jargeet feMtna in us
"T wvmaimmmi, wan uaj rewarut , ,
-T" .De)rm! wpUosl for .everjrtljifg CaTsJLT
nav bcsee444o Has rttmoM wasftee uig. If -
Oweo here hanaW e thoChakwTae)sssyls If
"JF a aupe(lor 7(Unljtv lmndsotn. lv coloted, and
u' on ,o lie oril'itl M, r re 'aa. enmn' t".
f'if nn'vflNK Dlll.LAK, atsPIRLKR'S CHEAP
I'rtGUERRF.AN GALLERY. o. 8tl 1.3 WAL.
NUT iStteet. b.low Foutih, Phil .u'elphi i. All
Picture mad" at this e-tablishmcnt will bo Win.
rat.d rnuricT.
Philadelphia. IScpt. S3, 1818 6m
France e few years airo, by fHie of her m ait eminent wri
nut of ao dispute.
tera on medicine, and now eaUulifthed by lucta wtneh ad-
ery Respectfully Yours, L. C. Cl'NN.
ladies of pale complexion and consumptive hnhits,
suen aa are aeniuatea ny tnose otntriietions wiueii
To nse the rantruaire of another, "Dr. Drnke's Pnnace ui
always aalutary in its etlcvts never injurimis. It is not as
upiaie it is not ana t.xpeeionint. it is not intended to inn
the invalid into a fatal security. It is u grejit reineily a
grand healintr and curntivu ompniml, the irrent and only
remedy which medical science and skill tuts yet produced
for the treatment of thi. hitherto unconqucrnl nislaily. And
no peraon atHicted Willi thi. dread disease, will be pist to
himself and his friends, if he fro down to the orave without
testing its virtnre. A single Nitlle, in mort enses, will pro
dace a favorable change iu the condition of any patient,
however low."
ate liable to, are restored he the use of a bottle or two, to
bloom vigor. It is by fur the best remedy ever, discovered
for weakly children, end such as huve tied humors ; twiiur
pieaesnt, they take it. It immediately restores the appetite,
strength end color.
rvothineean be more surprising than its invirrorauttfr e(
feeta oil the human frame. Persons, all wenkiii ss and his.
eitude before takiue it. at once become robust and full of
energy under ita influence. It immediate couuteructa the
nerveieaaiieaa oi tne female frame.
CAUTION. Be careful and aee that von eel the cenn.
ine Ur. Diiu'i Pusirxx it has the ipnnlnre nf Gen. K.
KroKR. ou the wrapper ond also the name "Pit. Dhaxe's
ranees, miLx." blown in the ctn.
Preparetl nnlybv Sroaxtft Co., Uruegists, No. St Ncrtli.
Sixth St., PhUadelpliin.
Aaent for tannery H. M ASSF.R.
Bold alao bv Wit. A. Miniat Co., Danville II.PiiAtr
aa, Milloa; AUav McCoy, Noriliuinberloud ; li. P. I.ciz,
tlluomsbaifr. ,
April 1, 1818 ly
liasauiiiinHiao the Wu..
Use V. aV snala, ata Bossaat of
elsraett, Oct. SI, ISM.
tun W
Pectea Caeatas Oaassa.
Deer Sii I heve read with
laLaaanas apaa tha "aaaasaa, ataaiaaiat and care" of the
lcaTkMSMWVjiirhiweOTiaaiysfr i our
T eserlaf (ha hu few asmillsi aa Interest inrccaeed
ht,hV aha eart thaa I have Indlndaally avuTered an
fraaa theaa. Ihaas I isMaaeaalf verv Inaomnaient
to jeMlreeafalr saawaaa&iaekaa eatuelv aaofaaaional, yet
year Ossery saeaaa aa fee, wall vaaaaasd, aad year cunclu-
S, ikiat ef the saw
Sasaanssr assaslaalnaa
aar aaaaadv, aay
amaWavtlsam a freat saddia haasaaa. 1 eea sieaeed
la bora that vest have rniiilly sslittlili ii Mreral
teetteliaalHsa thsetsh I reps shad, wish a view to a
I m n, year Mats sawe loaad it
ssawsaaaal saeaaaaee assusw ea.
llvMehesMalhe,eit, '
- ' " ,', ' TaaweMlMf
t...j . ' " wnu
ae She Daieaat.
I r- Sslllsei1 flsBlK OS, Vs.1aVM.
'ef 9i.
as. fee
hesjw he aaya -lt faOy JsMiiadyoar
laa he
aaeee gsa irai casaaaasaaaaaa
Maeeearv te essaesre rreea-t
Wahianaaj usual
WnUAht rOutOK.
eajwish aaata Nsaaaeeaj .What I
rslaaCaW- , W ! -h w)i
hat ar the msi sad edkaarv 1 esia i
jheptirpoM; aadbe regoked M ssl.thia tri!r,i.h.M. i ni . -i..-' . - H
WVa that, op Toewday aasV Ue aupeci. J-rTJ?l,Jr rr
ills had he) auwimannaarl. aiwl thai seaanti K -e.aaaaw - aa sateca. i . if.
(tetti m iihjensar thsHaa
e W i ae p.- eaaaataa
- 4 m H a swss ta.
.t-JaM- MaMaaaM
s ea- , S , I.
tl f 0 stew
of the spermaceti ae -pMpauod Vy ki3, which ILji;. J,
WMfeloulely eIne4JyTof fa,sa T,
a grmt rtumbet I oil n ' ferqlseeesr iat tha T fj jZZZr T
room.) Ho carat her) 1mss fried ef Ire- wj ijmstw (Rm fieaT. w.'i
Srei laus v B44Dn.
May. iea-aj
Pictorial Edition of dViublnc'M '
great Work on the lldoi inaiioii :
Subliahed or, nr about the 1st of April, lb 18. by I
OS. A. SPEEL. No DS Cherry it above Gtli,
his splendid 13nno edition of the above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in 2, bound in extra cloth
and library sheep.
Tbe publisher respectfully calls the attention
of the trade and the public generally, to this
work being tbe only illustrated edition published
in the United States He trusts that the beauty
of its embellishments, the itrong snd substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction wnn
the known popularity of the work itself, will be
s sure recommendation to public favor.
JOS. A. SPEEL. 00 Cherry st above 6th.
S. A. 8 his also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell'iRaree Show,
a luitabla book for children, neatly done up in
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1818
AN eitenaive Block of Pocket and Tsble CUT
LERY. for sale by
JOEir Iff. COLElffAlT,
A'os. 99 and 3.1 ARCADE, and 8 Ifurth
THIRD Blrert,
Come iain 9000 dosen Penknives, 8ciesors snd
Also, a choice leeoiimenl of Rodg.ra Sc Koin,
Woaienholsn's, Orfaves'a, W. ic 8. Uulchet's ind
Feaney's Cutlery.
A Wo, Hpaniah, Di'k and Hunting Knivea.
Alao, Guns, Pialola, an I Bowie Knives.
' AUo, Th American Rati Strop, a auxriof
article, wotty the attention of Uealrre.
Csaa Dealers in Culleiy, will find tha above
Block worthy their attention, aa lha thihtcriber'a
Minaee Is imiioriing and aellina cutlery.
Philadelphia, June lOtb, 1848 ly. '
" George J, Weaver,
Na. 19 Water Street and Ho, II North Wharvet
PkUadetpAia. i
AH.OMlantly on hand, a general aee art.
assert of UonMi Beans I wtnea, dec, vn t
Ropaa, Fiatiine Bouea. White Roiies. Manil
laV JUpea. Tow Lines tot . Canal Boata. Also, s
sassseMa aaaortmeiit of Seine Twines, eVc, aucb at
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Host Patent Uill
Net Twine, CoUoa 8haJ and llarriog Twine, 8ho
Tkracave. Ac . Also, Pad Vewde, tt,H,h Jsies,
HsMerStTwesaas Cottoa spd l.inen Csrpal. Ufaaina,
ate, all ef which he will Jiapeaa of on reasonable
Philadelphia, June II,
CD UE Sf SD 533 5T 0?
!T hna power In cnuee all r.TTrtinAt. SDHES,
POISONOUS WOUNDS to dUcliaige their pu
did matlerH, and then bi uia tlieut.
It ia richly termed All-henling, for ihere i nc irp
ly a iliaenyn. cx cm il or inlernnl, lint it will not
benefit. "I hsve nard it for the I rt fourteen yara
for all di-envra nf the chert, consumption ai d li'er,
involving the uimnt danrzer ntid tc-pot, aibiliiv.
and I declitre before lienven n.d rnnn. that not in
one eini-le c t'O has it f.iile.l in benrlU when the pa
tient was wrtnn Hie re.irh i.l inoilul nieniM.
I have hml pby.ii'ian., learned in ibe profession.
I have had mtnisieM of the eopel, jndgee nf Ibe
bench, a'dormen, lowyi rs, ct nilemi n of lhn liiph
tat erudiiion, find mulliiudea of the poor un il in
every variely nf wy, nnd ihcro baa been bui nne
vniie one u iiertnl voice snjing: "M'Alliner,
our Oiniment u OOOlt."
In Strofula. Old So-ei", E'yepelne. Tetter Li
ver Complaint, Sore L'y-, Cjuin-y, Sote Throat,
Hroncbiiis, UroUi n or Sore Ureast. Pilea. all Uliel
Ui-eas.'s, such n As-binit. Oppressions, Pain
Also, Sore Lips Chapped Hmu's. Tumor. Cliil
drill's Cutaneous Lrnptions, NcivoUs Ui rases,
and of the Spine, there ia no medicine now known
as go.,d.
SCALD HEAD. We have cured cases that
actually drtVd ev, rv lhinj( known, aa well na Hie
ability of 15 or 20 doctors. One man told u he
had spent f:i(l(l nn his h Id, en without any bene
fit, when a lew boxra of liniment ru" d ihem.
UALUNESS It v.ill tcstore the hair sootier any other lliit-g.
HEADACH E The s.ilve haa cured pcifons
of ihe head.irhe of 12 enr-' standing, and who
hid it IpriiI ir i very ncelr, so that vomiting often
look place. I' En Aciir. nnd Ani K !
the Kate, arc tuird ly this Oiiilmei.t viith like
KUKNS. It jH one of the be-l things in the
world for Puma. (Kead ll.o directions around the
box )
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost
alelv I he infl iinaiinn and im llins when the piio
cen es. (Renl the Iliri'ction around the Unx.)
COLD FEE P. Consumption, Liver Com-
i laint, Pain in tie rheai or side, filling oir of ihe
I hi-ir, one or ih niher aecnmpai.iia rol l
I feel. (Thia Oiulinelil iallietiu It in
' a rum .ign nf disease In bare cold f h, .'
'J'KT I Kit I here ia ijoihing belter fur Ihe
I Cure i f Teller.
PILE?8. Tl.ousaiida aiu yearly cured by lliis
' Oiiilnieni.
CORNS. Occaeioml ue i f lha Oin'nunl ni I
i ilwts keep (o i, a lioui ptouing. J'eoplo need
j Iteier be troubled with bt in il tliet ui I u-e i',
j!ead the fu.'t .n inff ('ommini'raliun.
Received liom mi o'd. re-pec d n I Wi ll known
I'llinn of l'lli uJ..Ii!na. and Ihcii judge lor youi
Pl.i'adcipl.ia. 10 n.. Dili, 1(118.
To T. II, Peler-or', Having hi en r. que-led
to cie my oi inion on the merits of ,V1'.LLIS
TEK'? SALV E, I am uillimi to enumerste tome
of the U in fin which 1 have upeiieiicej in the use
nf ihn article.
lu ll-e spring of 184$. I had au attack nf Ery
liprlai in my fsce which became very painful, and
rili'iidid into one f my eye, leii.g attended with
fi v r. my d slic was gtrat and I beuau to be fear
lul tl l n g my re. . ,
Although nol much of a believer in ohat is
I'ommfluly call-il qoack mr.liriiies. I purrhaved a
hog mil mnde in nnplieaUoii to my fare. I o my
suipii.e the p tin sunn ah led, and in a wei V'j lime
it waa ent rely cured, and I nrmlv believe that il
was ihe false, under Providence ihal cii'ed ine.
From lhat time In tha present, I have uxed the
Hide ae occasion required, and io every esse wheie
I have u-ed il, I have found a decided 1m nefit
At oi.e lime, on going In bd at night, my ihrosi I awalowrd with dillieulty. hut
by an application uf ibe raWe I waa rslicved l efoie
I hvo uaod it in esse nf l inns. bruiMa rpMiua.
and flesh ruts, all with ihe happie.t elTecis, ai d
me caee of i.oi.oiiiog by a wild vine in the woods,
ha been dried up and cured by a few ai pliciiiout.
Frmn my own eipennce, j would atmnuly re
rninneud it to all, aa a cheap, convenient, family
I have become io ptriial In it, Hint I expect lo
keep II cnnotinily In my lamilv.
. Though pot aml'ilioua to spiwsr in int, yet I
cannol rtfua lo have tbie eommui if a ion made
public if judged bet lo aeiva ihe cj-um of bumsoi
ly. Reipeclfully ihine, t . u
' No. 88, Old Yi.rk Road."
O ara a a irate, x bkv a,e . .a .
i it-i.v. jv.i iiit'inp ni win lie grnuino
unb aa the nam, a of Jairie M" A Hiaier, or Ji.mea
M A Ulster fit Co., are wmien with a pen nn eve
ry label. JAMES M'A LUSTER. ,
' Role prorwirlor of 0 e a''oe medicine.
tCJPRWE, tUS CBA7'4- rEft UOX.T2
Asibts: 1. W. FRII.INO. Sunl.ury.
' . . . . e NnrlhlliSnr.Aalaan.1
, i 3 . hu,
Dr WM. M UlCbUJJY, Danville,
i. ii. i-yiu cr,. beioiov,
P. 0. RHKLI Ell. I.eWi,burg
WM. F.NAHLE.Jrlilion.
New Rriehtnu
. Honeadiile :
liro.vns ri lie
, York
no sale
0 1 Written .lonniire
of the original inventor and proprietor, John R.
Row no, on a paper label, crom'ng the mouth
nnd enrt.
This remedy has never be(. bolstered up by
falieanddecei ful p,ltY,, bm haa won ill way to
Ihe cnnfi-Vnre and universal ado, tion nf the in
habitants nf Ffvkr Nn Ant-v Districts. Ii Y
which all Iheagentt, and every person who have
used it, well testify.
143 Arch Street Philadelphia
Annua for S(, bury Ira T. Clement, J. W.
Friling, H. M aser and Gen Bright.
ArtENTS for Northumberland Foriytbe, Wil
son & Co , R M. .M'Cay.
Augiitt 5. 18feow
- 2
. I
'.imiiig B-ink
iVorihnmptnn Uilik
Herds Coiinlv llnrili
Office of Hunk of U. M.
Do do do
Dn do do
Rink of Chamheniliutg nf fit'ltyaburg
Dank of SuiUehatina Co.
Erie U ink
Farmere vc Drover' Dank
Franklin Dank
Hotirf.di.le 11. nk
Moimngaliela Hank of B.
York Hnnk
N. II. 'I he notes of those banks on which we
amit quoiniioiiR, and auhyfituta a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception nf those, which have a letter nf reference.
Philadelphia Phv. Ins. Philadelphia failed
I'hilmlrlphii Lonn Co. do failed
Sfliut Ikill Snv. Ins.
KctiMurttnii Sav. Int.. A
Penn Townhip tS iv. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W
rowafidn Itntik
Alleghany Rank of Pa.
Uiink of II raver
Dank of Swaiara
Dank nf Washington
Centre Hank
I'ily Bank
Farniere' & Mech'ca Hank
Farmere fit Mech'ca' Bank
Fanners' fit Mei'h'cs' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniiita Rank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank nf Pa.
New Hope Del. Urid-e Co.
Norihiinib'd Union Col. Uli
North Western Bank of Pa.
Oll'ire nf Sehuvlkill Bank
I'a. Aar. & Manuf. Uunk
Silver Lake Bank
I nion Bank nf I'enn'u.
Westmnietand Bank
Wilkerbarre Biidge Co.
AI) notes purioititig In be on any Pennsyl
vania Dank, nnt given in tne move list, may be set
lown as Irauils,
Time mid DlNtance Saved!
THE subscriber! having leased the Sunbury
Ferry, beg leave to it, form the public, that
hey are prepared to convey Teama. Pleasure
Carriage! and Font passenger! across the river
with safely and without delay. They have pro
vided themselves with new and commndioii!
rafta. which will always be attended with able
nd careful hands.
Person travelling to ind from and through
Sunbury .to New Berlin. Lewitburg. Ilnrtletnn
and nthet placet, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to cross at Ihia Ferry instead of the
dge. as they would save from two to four
milei in distance. JOMN SPEFCE.
Sunbury, April 1. lS-IS-
do failed
Dyolt, prop.) failed
Bedford no sale
He;ivet closed
HariUburg closed
Washington failed
Belli fonie closed
Piluhurg nn xale
Pittaburg failed
Fayette co. fa dud
Ureenrastle tailed
Harmony uu sale
Huntingdon no sale
IeeiiiloKn no sale
Warren failed
Dundaff no sale
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadvillo cloud
Port Curhun
Carlisle - failed
Montrose closed
Uniontown failed
fireensburg clueed
W'ilkeslisrre nossle
UankofNer Brunswick
tielvideie Dank
lliirlinulnu Co, Bank
Jominerctal Bank
Junilierl mil Bank
?armerV UbiiIi
farmers' and Meclianicn' Bk
Farmers' and Mechanics' l!k
Farmer' nnd Mun hania' Bk
Franklin Bank of N.J.
Penh Amlioy
Mount Holly
N. Hiunswirk
Middtetnwn Pt.
Jemey City
Holuiken likgfit tiinung Co Holoken
Feb. lUtb, It-lS. eo I v
lern-y City bank - Jersey City
Mttchanke-' Bank Patteraou .
Manuftioturi ra' Uunk '; Belleville,.
Morris t'ouniy bank Morriatnwn
Monmouth 13 k ol f. J. Freehold
Michaniea' Bank
Mechauira' and Manuf. Ilk Trenton
Morti Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
P-t Notes
Ncwaik Bkg 6c Ine Co Newark
New Hope Del linden Co l.ainnertaville
V .1, and Bku I'n tloboken
.1 I'roiei'iiin fit Lomliard bk Jersey City
I Irani-e B ink Orange
I'aierain Bank Paler son
Proploa' Bank , do
I'niireion Bank Princeton
Sulem Banking Co Salem
Stall' Bmk Newark
Siaie Uank Elizahcthlowi
rliate Bank Camden
Siaie Bank of Morrii Morristowu
Stule Ua.ok Trenion
Ialem ami Philad Manuf Co Salem
Suaaei Batik New ion
Ttenion Banking Cv Trenton
Union Bank Dover .
Washington Banking Co. Harkenaack
Ilk of Wilm fit Brandy wine Wjiminglun
Bank of Delaware . Wilniinglon
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna -
Do branch Millord
Firmer' Bk of Slate of Del Dovei
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
(Jj Lniler 6 a
0 S2T C23 SS3 &u
fTTfJ!!I Medicine is warranted, on oath, not to
H contain a panicle nfCal 'mel, Corrosive Sub-
nnste. Arsenic, Chlunde of Gold, or any deb to-
rons minerals.
I he principle upon which Una Meittnne acts, is
hv assisting nnd hrmoni-ing with nature; ii
drivei nnt all foul acrimonious humors from the
blond and body, and by aaeimilating with and
strengthening Ihe gaa'tic juice of the stomach, il
assist diges inn ; in abort there is nol a vein, ano-
ry, muscle or nerve in tbe human body, thai is
t strengthened by the PANACEA, and it ale
p.iste'ses the remsrkaWn property of removing
o cfciii) fioin the hones and joints.
curvv, Scotbn'it Affections, Tumora, Serofula or
Kings' Evi , While Swellings, Erv-ipelio, Ulcers.
Clnrvia. Running Sores, Scabs and ItiVs time
and n ib leimined perseverance in D . SWEET
SER'S PAN ACEA, will effect a cure.
- faile
' failed
no sale
no sale
(Lj- On all banks tnaiked thus () there sr ei.
if the various da-
her counleiteil ur altered nolee ol
onminaiintia. in cireliUlion,
A Tuousiao DuLL4as Htvin I
ASHBY & ROCAP, -llit
mid Cap .1laiiu0tcturi',
Suulk Eatt Corner f tlh and Market Sir ft,
' ' Biarmeat tlarjf. ... i . i'
HAVE con.isnt'y nn hand a full and enTp'et
sawi ment of HATS, CAPd, and FUR.;
A I.j an elegant assortment of men-' an I boy a'
Leghorn, Panama, and Palm leaf Hats. AH nf
widen by saving of $1000 in rent, will ha sold,
whole-ale snd retail, at the very lowest price.
Couuity dealer would do well to call, as by a.
conomy and low icnl, wa are enabled lo tell at
very tow rates.
June 10th, 1818. ly ' : '
io. 40,e.a..-..'. ..-. t-
Fut-TH Fonarii KTBBarr, AaoveCuearrMi'r.
Jan. 39th, lelei
Rejection nf fond. Name. Vemiiings. Nervous sf
, rlions. rilliou- eomplainla, aet-e. Pa'cn-ss,
nr Female lrregularitie. Dr. 8 W EETSEI!'8 PA
NACEA will soon effect a cure ; but if nhelinate.
or attended with griping, flying pains, the doee
should be increased, and the cure will soor be ef
fected. Let not the panenls fr g'iten fhemaelves
with Ihe idea thai they are ton we .k to take much
medirine; but bear in mind that this mi'-Uy oiw.
ling meal cine put not Wi akne-a into the frame, but
m,wt certainly draws weakn' s' out, leaves strength
in its pi w e, and by giving composed e'aeti at nig' t.
and au apietite in relish any fond, le-snitnaies the
whole (mme wi h vigorous aetioit, clearing the
mind and imptoving the eight. -
- Bcrofula I said In lie heriditary. the infant re.
eriviug from in parenta the seeds nf tliia tlisesa".
which increaaea with il years, if -neglected and
not snbm't ed In frequenl purifio tion with Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. The glamla are pie-
eed in ihe corners of tl'e body, and nut of the way
of direct communication ; their real u-e is a subject
on "Inch much difference of opinion prevails; il
eufhVea ue to know ih it when in a d '-eased stale,
ihey are capa'de nf being purified and cli'-maed by
a long course nf Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA
CEA, which resiorra Ihem to sound and pmprr
anion. Scroful us person can never pav ion much
aiteniion to their blond, ita purification should be
their first thought, fur slier a long course of perse
verance, ihey will ever cure hereditary disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cinnm be too high
ly estnllod ; it veiichei mil Ihe very root of Ihe, and y r moving it from the Blood makes
a cure eettain and permmanl.
For diseaaea of the Bladder and Kidneu. Slric
lure. Gravel. Hone. Pile. Fittula. Viinarif Ob
tlrtteliont and Extreme Cmtivenrst Dr. 8 W E ET
SEN'S. PANCBA is the best remedy ever tre.l j
it removes sll tho.e acrimonious bumn-s from ihe
Blood whivh gie rise lo ihe shove disease, and
by keeping Ihe blood in a pure condition, insures
Impor lie of the Bland. Merewrial Taint. Weak
licet a Sp:ne Flvnaf blood to lltt Head Gid
d'tien, Si"gwt and Hutzintf Koitt lit Ihe Head
and Eare. Vt. rWEETSKR'8 PANACEA wilt
give certain reliefs in all severe and chronic rase.
Ibe paiienls cannot he ton often reminded, thai lar.
ftr dote and perievermnee a ill effect a cur?, '
I CMUtand Fever. Bdiau Fmt'.ri, Ajfeelitm
nf the Ktys af Ear. Sputy and
Gum. Brnmtkiti mud Kcent Camgkt and Ciddt,
Dr. SWEETtSER'e) PANAUSA wiU be found
perfectly aura aps) eerlara lar Its eflfcote, ; .
,.:."t!.'i eesoil tll.l.i.' A 'I
'Thn canipiain' are getieralljr Slx-nded wi'li
Ihe most futal ron-Kjuences, and are seldom ea-ne,
vet cured by Ihe present mode of treat men I Ihey
usually acxoiupany lha patient .i the grave, afier
nffering ,tbe nuwt CJcrui iatmg piu and lorlure.
Th cau.if sins complain s are Ihe same aa all
tbers ibe diose nl ihe blood l'cume eecruated on
ihe finest narrow pssssges, whence ansa morbid
sanction and sloppagnof mine. Yi U will find
tbe most powerful diuretics of no-use, s they anly
increase the quantity nf urine and do not pu'il'y
-nd strengthen th" part. Bv purifying Ihe blood
with Dr. SWEETSER'I PANACEA, ou re
move that cause at the disease, onnaequantry at can
not eiist any longer, atUr suHicienl peisevatanee
in its use baa deprived tha blood and body of all
eetiiuowoaa humors and incruslstiuo.
'Piste is a 'ery prevalent and falsi disea-s it re
aulia usosily from negtecieJ oough,eoldi sud bton
chitio, also from iuipioper Ireatmeniiu many ot'.er
cfl-es, such . niea-!t's, f very, inatir.uti nr :ind
EA. Where the disease lie, been of Ions
landing, the time required to make a cure will be
nger hut the pi'ient mav real assured that a
determined perieverants Will clfecl it.
Thia dii-easei proceed fioin the serinsity or
torrupt humors of Ihe blood, having a. tiled ilseif on
he throat and lungs. nd .1 ipprd ihem up, au lhat
hev cannot draw sufficient air in for rrsirrnttnn.
I)r. 8WEE I SEU's PANACEA will give imme.
diale relief, and to make Ihe cure nnd cer.
lain, il hntiM be eoritinticd somn time after tu
free ilic ivntin ul all b id l.ynors.
Find a safe ami speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SEK'S f'A ACEA. It cure I., .,rching every
Id iod ves el and am ry, nnd driving nut all imnu
mii and foul humoia aeeumulated (herein, which
'a ibe caiiKe of rh u mat ism, gou nnd swellings nf
the joints. The de elerous efferts nf calomel nnd
oilu i mineral poi.ons, ri adily yield to iia sovereign
ififlu, nee; indeed, when its val'jable properties be
come fully kn iivn. the u?e of all miner I poison will
be consigned In 'ihe tomb of all the Capulei,' and
only be thought nfat a hy-gonc eut mi of Ihe dar
ker aaea. Dr. Siveel-cr's Panacea is also a sum
cure for dyspepsia, pi'ea, cnstivenrs, vertigo, (
aclie, j in Ihe breast and liver complaint. '
Fivir is ! rauiM.I by a disorderly move,
men! of ll.e l,..od, t-truggting to fee it.-lf of rouie
Hdng thai encumbers il ; in f,et, every kind nf fn.
ver in nutting in. .re than a Kirugglu 'between Ihe
blood nnd conupl humora, and as soon aa the cor
runt humors ate rxpel ed, you hive no more fever
When a parent with fever submils lo be bled, or
have bis .d poisoned with mercury, it weaken
his frame to h a degree lhat il I, a snrvi-n. ihe
prri e s, it i.liv ays h ives him euhject to distressing,
eliills, when 9 lime out nf 1(1 he resorts to ague
pills powders, ot ionic mixtures; this is goinir fr.wn
tied lo worse, aa these vegetable pills, powders, Jtc,
nr.- n ining im mercury anil qu nine in disguise,
which may for a time drive the disease to far into
the bony nol lo be perceptible, but very soon ia
will break nut ngvn with fesifjl violence.. To cire
atue nnd fever, 'he cause of ihe diaeasc must be in-
moved nut of tl,e Mood and hndv. whleh ea-i l.e ef.
f clifdly done by us:nt Dr. SWEE I'SEIi! PA
NACEA, vihleh purities, cleanses and strengthens.
It rontons nmhiiig lhat can po-iMv injure, and its
use is always a safeguard gaint chills and fevers.
In T.t. Cta np Pitra. Dr. SWEETSER'3
PANACEA will iff i:t a very speedy cure.r It re
moves fron ihe blood, si -much and howrls, all
hose foul acrid horning humors, which are lha
can.- of I'il.-e and Costivetiess, and by strengthen
in" ihe dig"'ive organs, improves every part of lha
litre boilv. .
7'.bee diseiaes i'e cau ed by the stomach, and
I'owel.. being choked up wilh viscid si my mailer,
he sir whieh eniers thi m cinnnte-eipe until forced
by somv coutraetinn of the s omach to eipel it ;
henre the rause ,.f pain. A few doses of. Dr
SWEETSERM PANACEA will convince the that rcl if ij a l.ined. "
Parents will fi. d the PANACEA a v.luablo
m-.!irine fn ther chkben, keeping their bodies in
a heal by c ndi i m. ibirnby a-aiaiing tKcii g owib;
ehililren nr grown prisons, after taking it, arenqt
I'tal.Ie lo be aitarked with nn epidemic as before, as
it awaa leav's ihe blood in a pure condition, and
he i mire sy-tem in a strengthened state ; it drive
out a I kind of weuknrs from the body end leaves
.11 hcul by within. ,
Will find Dr. SWE rsER'S PANACEA a m'edi
e ne purely adapted lo their use. Most ladies du-
nng Hie period of pregnancy ste afflicted wilh pi'e.
sweeiser s rnnacea, by regulating the bowels,
ill entirely ohviaie thi. and ila purifying proper-
lies on ihe blond snd fluids, insures lo ihem heal
thy nff pring. No one who is a mother ahould na
without it. and thoa who are nuriing will find it
of g eat b, ni 111 lo lha health of iheir infant.
For barienne-a and all diseases of the womb, it
is without a rival in theenire hisloiy and catalogue
of medicines ; by its exlrsnrdinsry strengthening
power, it stimulate and atrengihena Ihe w imh, h
wi alcres , f ah ch is the cau e . I fa. lure to hire
Under (his hei-d mav Ihj classed Palpitation of
"he Heart. T.c Doloreaus or Faeearhe, Neuralgii,
Ind gcs ion, Toothache, Melancholj.Hyeterics and'
n fact, every dieea-e caused by the sharp, biting
acrimonious homo, irnuiitlR (hi nerve , the
nerve leceive the morbid impiessjon from the Ha
mich, or rather from the h.,o, through tha agency
of tbe stomach and rtige live organs, and although
otlier paru of the ho ly are apparently the aeat of
he dwase, mil it i r,u.rt h, tb, morliJ jm
i .n conveyed from the blood by the nerves, to lhat
lk.-iaAs ' ' of Dr' SWEETSER'H PA
NAbliA ww all soon sseure the patient that he bss
the cure in bis possesion, 8T. ANTHONY'S FIRE,
nil:, Inflammatory didder, glw .ye attend
Ta With m. re nr , , ,in. x ptncrtiU from th
i'.., acitmqmous Humora lodged io the blood and
fluids, setlliog on tl. mi,( ,n, fMi eta,int.
ireme piu apd fi vers ; al appljcaiions on tha ur
fare are worse lian umW, is ihey 'only tend to
throw tba disease in some other part, and perhapv
rautv Jeslb, ; Bleeding ia tikewisw iaspr,s)r. i To
'uj e the sli-eeae you mu-l gel lul nf ih aausa ; on
ly manage 1 1' get ihe foul humors out nf your blond,
and voir will he well in a day. Dr. KWEBT.
SEH'8 PANACEA a thorough: puner the
. IiIoqiI, will search out every iwpirily in tag man
remote p irl uf ihe body snd espe it throujb the
medium nf the bowels. There is not a vein, arte
ry, mnsde ear argan of Ih entire fratrrewoik oi "
man, that Df. bwaler' , Panacea' doe qpi in
prove. To lake it wb' n you ue weil to keej
wei ; and when sick to l corns welL . ,
pused tmly ol a vegetable aaatier. or medical oerhs
and wairanled. nn enb, si containing not nne par
ncl nf mercurial, niiasvmt oy chiuweal aabetaaeee
found lo be peiiWtlv hartnlea (,i lb aan tende
age, or ihe wkst fme, uuder any stage of itu
man suffering i tlie mo-l pleasant ami basihm ia it
H oration tlMtt wa ever off red to Ihe world f am
at th aanaa lime lb etoet certain io eesn bing au
ihe tool 4 any C'nipla'nt, however Jeep, at)d a
perfuria'ag s cure. ' , . , . '
Piaa l er botiVe, of boitieii b& tfx. Ti
aadev-vjbolrsale. and' ttUil, at the corner H
CHAKI.r md PltVPtV Hiieeis. Baliimore, at
l 'y r;tR(iE UIU'JHT.
N'-.iv. 0 tii 17. .y ..- hunbuiv