SUNBUKY AMEUICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL, (Fium the PhUadHphla Udger.J TELBO RAPHICN E V8. WssHirtotcm, Sunday, Jan. 1. TheDelegleaqr,iHe Caucus of Southern members hers .adopted tha report prepared by Senator Berrien, and rejected tha repert offered by Senator Calhoun. Senator Be rri q'a ,feport ia legal in character and mild in argument. Highly f aipariaat Iran tke SeM ttegtoa UMm to ths Waihinotok, Jan. tl. The Union of this morning publishes let ters from Lieut. Larkin, received at the State Department, and dated Monterey, Nov. 16ih. He states that the gold ia increasing in siae and quality daily. Lieot. Larkin further states that he has examined several pieces of the precious metal weighing from one to two jMundseach, and has heard of several lumps being found weighing sixteen pounds each, and of one lump that weighed twenty-five pounds. Many men who were, comparatively speaking, beggars last June, are now worth twenty thousand dollar?, accumulated Uj' dig ging and trading with the Indians. One hun dred dollara is considered on ordinary day's work. From July to Ootobitr nearly one half of the diggers were sick with fevers, though there had not been many deaths The Indi ans trade an ounce of gold dust for a common calico shirt. Others sell it nt ten dollars per ounce for specie. The gold region is known to extend three hundred miles, and the pro bability is that it extends to the distance of one thousand miles. A letter from Com. Jones slates that things are in a deplorable condition. Anarchy pre vails. Even his oflieeis are disposed to do. sort for the gold regions. Several petty offi cers snd seamen have already deserted his ship. He says that the Indians are selling ruU dust at fifty cents p-.-r ounce. A-Mltlearat Calllernla Ow. V. S. Vre.ele Drarrt ed Scarcity ol Provl.lene, arc. Baltimore, Sunday Night, Jan. S I. A number of vessels that have arrived lately, have been deserted by captains, cooks and all hands. The captain of the ship Isaac Walton offered discharged soldiers 850 per month to go toCallao, but they refused to ac cept it. The captain was finally supplied by government sailors. All the United States vessels at San Francisco and Monterey are short of hands. The U. S. ship-of-the-line Ohio is one hundred and fifty hands short, and sailors continue to desert at every op portunity. The population of Oregon and the Sand wich Islands aro rapidly pouring into Cali fornia. Nearly all the soldiers, and some of the officers of the Third Artillery, have deserted and set out for the gold regions. . Provisions are very scarce, and almost any price is paid for them in the currency of the country gold dust. Board cannot be obtained for less than four dollars per day. Washing is six dollars per dozen. Merchants' clerks get from two to three thousand dollars per annum. Washington, Jan. 21. The Whig Congressmen of Pennsylvania held a meeting in the Capitol, on Saturday, and adopted resolutions, asking from Gen. Taylor the Treasury department for Penn sylvania. They also fixod on Andrew Stew ar, Esq., for Secretary. Electlea mi Gen. Caee to the V. S. Senate. Cleveland, Jan. 22. A report has reached here, pretty well au thenticated, that the Michigan Legislature has re-elected Gen. Cass to the U. S. Senate. Th Virginia Leg lalatare a ad Slavery. Richmond, Jan. 23. The Legislature of this State have adopted a series of strong resolutions in favor of Slave ry, in order to counteract the feeling in the North. Iaaagarattaa ef Feveraor Ford. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 23. The long delayed inauguration of Governor Ford took place here this morning, in the presence of a large number of spectators from the surrounding country. Ilea. Henry Clay Noniiaatrd for Senator. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 23. The Whig members of the Legislature of this State have met in caucus, and nominated Hon. Henry Clay for United States Senator. The Mcetlag between Geoerat Taylor and Mr, Clay. . Baltimohe, Jail 22. The New Orleans Delta has the details of the first meeting of General Taylor and Mr. Clay. They met on board the steamer Prin cess, and as the General passed by the din ner table, he recognized Mr. Clay, and bowed to him ; but Mr. Clay not appearing to recog nize him, a gentleman at the table remarked, "Mr. Clay, that is Gen. Taylor." "Is it !" ejaculated Mr. Clay, with surprise and pleasure in his countenance ; and imme diately leaving his dinner, walked into the social hall, and with that warm frankness and earnestness characteristic of him, extend ed his hand to the General, who grasped it very warmly, and shook il very energetical. .After the first salutation, Mr. Clay re marked',, Why, General, you have grown out of my recollection." "Yon can never grow out of mine' replied General Taylor. Mr. Clay then congratulated him on his election to the Presidency, and hoped that his ad ministration would1 be as successful as his military career bad, Been. The General thanked him and said, "I am not President yet." The interview was most social through out. Mr. Clay appears to have recovered his health. The Cholera Js still rapidly abating at New Orleans, and the city is filling up with citi zens and strangers. Cheating the Wosms.S, William says that a farmer it Seneca county, N. V., finding the worms destroying hit newly planted crop of corn,' planted again between the rows. The worms confined themselves to the first till, and he harvested a heavy, full, and even crop. Insanity. There are in New Jersey, ac cording to the statements of Mies, Dix, 442 insane persons being 1 to every 844 inhabi tants There are a greater number Id pro portion to the population in A State, vii: Maine, where there are 1 to 798 J New Hamp shire, 1 to 663 ; Massachusetts, -I to 580 ; Rhode Island, 1 to 508 j Connecticut, 1 to 572 Vermont, I to 710; and Kentucky, 1 to 790. In New York the proportion isonly 1 to 1,038 while in South Carolina it is only 1 to 8,158 J in Louisiana, 1 to 8,624 ; in Michigan, I to 8,263; Iowa, 1 to 3,919; 1 to 2,081 in the District of Columbia, &e. Without stopping to remark upon the fact that thero should be fewer lunatics in South Carolina than in any other State, it is noteworthy that the propor tion should be greater in the New England States than in any other part of the Union ; we might say, perhaps, in the free than in the slave States. These statistics present a subject for interesting inquiry. The propor. tion of lunatics to the whole population of the Union, according to Miss Dix's tables, is I to 977 ; by which it appears there are nearly 18,000 lunatics in the United States. Wonderful, ir True. Mr. Henry M. Paine, of Worcester, Mass., informs the "Sci entific American" that he has discovered a plan of generating light, by "mechanical ac tion," from water and lime. Mr. Paine says: "I have continued tho experiments at in tervals, and I am now enabled to announce a successful result. I have produced a light equal in intensity to that of four thousand gas burners, the largest 'bat's wing1 pattern, with an apparatus occupying four square fet of room, at ti cost of one mill per hour, the cur rent of electricity Using evolved by the action of machinery wound up with a common lock key, and the only materials consumed arc water and lime. "I am now engaged in making an appara tus for public exhibition, which will be com pleted this winter, and all its parts submitted to public inspection, except the interior of the generator. . This apparatus I shall exhibit one year, at the termination of which I will make public the mechanism of the generajpr." Lamps will have a lessdisagreunble smell if you dip your wick yarn in strong hot vinegar and dry it. KF Another fire occurred in Danville last week. The Hotel occupied by Henry Weaver, took fire on the night of the 13th inst., and was only subdued by the timely and active exertions of Mr. Weaver himself. The furniture in the room where it' caughti was nearly all destroyed. The Democrat says, this second fire has so far aroused the energies of the citizens, that they have ac tually procured a ladder to reach ' the old Court House bell. Where is the "Big In gine," friend Cook? PHILADELPHIA MAHKET. Tvksdat, Jan. 23, 1849. Wheat Red is worth 110 a 111 cents; white is held at 113 a 115c. Rve Pennsylvania is worth 68c. Corn New Penru. yellow is held at 61c, while 58e., weight. Oats Southern is held ut about 30 a 33c. Wiiisket. Sales ia hhds at 23o and in bbls at 21 cents. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly ly Henry Masser. Water. . 100 66 SO 37 16 13 6 115 10 85 8 10 78 200 Kit. Com. . Oats. -Bums. Ego. Poaa. Flaxsiid. Tallow. DtSSWAX. Flax. Hecklid Fla. Dm ed -Do. PsAcais. ALMANACS! ALMANAC! ALMANACS ! DOCTOR D. JAYNE would respectfully in form the public that he publishes annually for gra tuitous attribution, by himself and all his Agents, an Almanac, called Jaync's Medical Almanac, AND GUIDE TO HEALTH. The calculations for this Almanac are made with groat care accuracy and for five dilTcrent La titude and Longitudes, so as to make them equal ly useful as a Calendar in every part of the United State and Bitish North America. They ore printed on good paper, and with handsome new type, and are neatly bound, and beside being the neatest snd most accurate Calendar printed in the United States, they contain a large amount of val uation, information, suited to the wants of all, and of thnt kind too, which cannot be found ' in books. HIS CATALOGUE OF DISEASE, with re mark and direction for their removal if really invaluable, and make them welcome visiters in every house they enter- Every family should possess at least one of these Annual. Hi Alma nacs for 1649 is now ready for distribution, of which he designs to publish at least TWO MILLIONS, and in order that they every fumily in the United States and British America, may be furnished with a copy, he hereby invites MERC JUSTS AND STOREKEEPERS to forward their orders to him as early as possible, and they shall be supplied GKATLITOL LY with as many copies as they may deem necessary to supply their various customers. They are also in vited at tha same time, to tend a copy of their -BUSINESS CARD," which will bt printed and placed on the cover ol the Almanacs sent them, also without charge. They are also requested to give all necessary direction how the Almanacs should be forwarded to them. By law they cannot be sent by mail un less the postage is first paid so them hare.' Orders, (pott paid.) directed to DR. D. JAYNE, Philadelphia, will saeet with posnpt attention. VT FAMILIES can obtain (boss Almanacs Gratis of WM. H. THOMPSON, Sunbury, Agent for the sale of Dr. Jsyne's Celebrated Family Medicine. Sunbury, January 13, 1848 3t o A XE8 of a very superior quality for sale by. . H. MA88ER. Sunbury, Dec J, 1848. TAISIN8, currants, citron, choree, pepper - sauce, tic,, For sale by J. W, F RILING. Bunbury, Dee, i, 1848, --- j ri '' ; ' t " ULASTER, Salt and Fish, ifet received and for by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1848. . , . . BLANK B00K8. Ao assortment of Blank Books, just received snd sale by ' H. MA8&ER. RunWv. Per. 5, IMS. i HORSE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Why will you luffer your Horn to die, wktn kt may bt of times turtdfor trijlt 1 A new era in Veterinary Science Is tbout com mencing this is needed, for it is s most lamenta ble bet, that the science of Veterinary Surgery scarcely has existence in this country, while in Europe there Is a greater improvement in the knowledge snd practice of the art, than has ever taken place inhuman medicine. . The undersigned has spent much time in the study of this branch of science in "London and Edinhoro'," end has witnessed the practice of sev eral eminent men in Hie treatment of diseases of Horses snd ('utile. He also availed himself of the of the researches of l.ieliiit, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards s ju dicious and enlightened treatment of the Ilorne. Tho object is, to treat the ilixcasc of Cattle nn the same fundamental principles thnt guide the practi tioner in human juedicine, and to make uso of those therapeutical agents only, that when given in small quantities, are capable of exciting snd increasing the natural functions, with out diminishing or destroying their power. The undersigned will devote himself to the manufac ture of the following articles, yet every Medicine used in regular practice may be obtained at short notice. Pamphlets, describing the different di seases, msy be had gratis. O. II. DADD, M. D. A Llt ol Horse and Tattle Mediclil.-, Physic Ball Tonic Pow der, Alterative Ball, Fever Powders, Powders, for heaves, Diuretic, or Urine Pow ders, Cordiol, or Colic drink. Chlorine Solution, for foul ulcers. Liquid Blister, Ointment, for promtting the growth ofhair, Wash, for inflamed eyes, Healing Balsam, for saddle galls, wounds and bruises, Ointment, for mange, scratches and old sores, Embrocation, for sore throat, catarrh, stran gles, snd common cold, Hoof Ointment, for sank crack, brittle & contracted hoof, Horse Liniment, Distemper Powder, Worm Powders. Sold by GKEEN & FLETCHER, No. 28 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Agint Henry Masser, Sunbury, January 13, 1848. SELLING OFF!!! Bargain to he Itntl! 'T'HE subscriber having purchased the stock of GOODS, formerly owned by John LWar, in tends selling them o(T at City prices and under, for cash or country produce. Persons in want of Goods w ill do well to give him a call, as he is de termined to sell. C. S. BOGAR. Sunbury, Jnn'y 1 3, 1 SS 9-lf EXECUTOR'S SALE. Tl J ILL be sold on the premises, on THURf? W DAY the first day of FEBRUARY next, all that ItlUCK HOI Mi and tenements together with the lots attached thereto belonging to the estate of Catharine Ross, dee'd., in the Borough of Northumlierland. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day at which time terms will be made known by JAMES TAGGART, ) tw,,.. JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. J xcc lr Northumberland, Jan'ry 0, 1849. ts e1:ecut6r'" VI 7 ILL be sold on the premises, on Saturday the tenth day of February next, all that Farm containing 150 acres, more or less, situated in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland Coun ty, about five miles from Sunbury, neur the Centre Turnpike road. About one half of which is clear ed and on which is erected a good STONE HOUSE, a large LOG BARN, anextensive Tan HOUSE, and out building, In-longing to the estate of Catharine Ross, dee'd. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock of said day, at which time terms will be made known by JAMES TAGGART, ) ., JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. J tdltc Northumberland, Jan. C, 1849 ts Assignees' Sale OF THE FAXXNOS FURNACE. THE subscribers assignees' of Denglcr, Haas, & Co., will expose to sole by public vendue, on Thursday the 8th day of February, 1849, on the premises, THE CHARCOAL FURNACE, known as the Paxixo Fliinalk, situate on Slta mokin Creek about 11 miles east of Sunbury and within one fourth of a mile of the Danville & Potts villc Rail Road, together w ith coal house, two dwelling houses, saw-mill And other improvements, and with all the necessary implements, necessary to work said Furnace. There are also, cut and in rank, two thousand cords of Wood, which will be sold at the tame time. The location is a fine one, and the country it well turrounded with good timber. The Furnace is built on a perpetual lease at a rent of $300 per annum for three years from April next, after which time, the rent may be raised to $400, per annum. The Furnace will be kept in blast until the middle of Jan'y next. Any persons wishing to view the same can do so by calling on the premises. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. W. & R. FEGELV. Sunbury, Nov. 23, 184S t3?" The Philadelphia Bulletin and Harrisburg Keystone, will please publish the above, once a week, till sale, and send their bills to this oflice. COLUMBIAN SERIES OF auatuurfjra. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'piE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR This - work is already introduced into some of the best Acadamies and a large uumlier of Schools, where its use ha given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal tgtltm of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it it the easiest and cheapest work pf the kind now in use ; snd it is so considarel by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended It, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Anu rican Scholars : By Atmoii Ticinor. Tax Yocth's Coli-mhiii CiLtrLATos. This volume contains 01 pages, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the slutc. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, dee. Th-kmor's Arithmetical TssLts, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solution of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black, board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred example in Mensuration, eVc, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who it acquainted with th science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them tha beat works that have ever been published in this or any oilier country. - . Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all tha Schools public and private, except two, Jn the . City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania 4n s large portion of the Schools in ths City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in ths Boroughs of Harritburg, York. Chambsrsburg, Lebanon, Doylettown, Potta. ville, Orwigiburg, oc ckc, t For sale by Hissr Masssr, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. punhtrry, IV-. 1, 1 848. DIAT20ND P0V7DER roR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothed ge to Raters, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fins Cutlebti it msy be applied to any kind' of strop. Also superior Rssor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Gootlt, No. 1 8 South Fifth ttrcct s bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS., Feb. I Oil i, 1843. This moy ccrtil'v that 1 have i.srd ono of the Strop prepared with 1IAYNE' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can at ct in the most unequivocal niunner, thnt there in nothing con be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, nnd must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hejetoforc in use. I can truly say that I never knew wlint a sharp razor Was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron 8afc Maker, 41 S. Third st. pHiiAnr.i.riiiA, October, 134S. A very hard beard and tender fucc has compel led me to seek and itt many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Rouasel's Shaving ('ream. Their united pow er art like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to rcunV.-? most stubborn bearj, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. VOX, 49 South Fifth Street. For s.ilc at this oU'rc Price 2.'i cts. per Box. Novembers.1, 1SI8 Cm. "iTSV" CHE.P GCCDS." The largest assortment In Town, Jolin W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, that he has received the largest nnd best assortment of goods ever of fered in Sunbury. Consisting of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Quecnsware, Liquors, Drugs, Paints nnd a great variety of other articles. The public are respectfully requested lo call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Nov. 13, 18 IS. . ANPREWS.3!. itIUTIITl) IAI lies to the Sick ! llculth l the Weak!! A 2, riAlM is round the Wll.'te h;""!! lU'e in An drews' 1'AIX KILI.K rt. ht ir t Cumin", CoMtt, Pninn, Nerv-itis nnd Hick HV-iuIjcIkn Rhcuiiiatinn, Cuts, Sirinnn. Spinal Aflcrtiont. Summer Complaints, Cliolfra Mnrlu,TnttliorIi?, Kruptioits, Corna Pile. Frozen Purl, Hurtm, Sculiis, Ague in the Knee Hurt Breait, Paint eri Collie, Hruiftm, tild Sored, fxitw of appe tite. General Debility, ABthtrw, Ac. Put up in bottles (ot 1, 8 or 4 lulling per bottle. For further partieulnrt nee Pamphlets tube had of every apent gratia, containing a brief history of the origin, discovery and from) effects of Andrews1 Pain Killer, Certificates of Cures, directions. iVe LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The triuni limit success of Andrews Pain Killer m re moving t"9 causes that produce tleuth. the untimely death of mi I linns of our race, mitt induced s me men of whom it may be truly snid, their villain us occupations miinuent their villainy, to attempt t- put in circulatr n spun tun nnd counterfeit articles called "Pain Killer," using; fictitious name I' r the pretended auth r, forced cert ilu-jle, Ac. S me have upptnred, and others n doubt will npcar. I t till remetnlrer that Andrews Genuine. Pnin Killer has the writtfii siiruaturc of J. Andrews on the IuM of each bottle in black ink. i m't simply ask f r Pain Killer, but ask fur Andrews' Pain Killer, and have no other. S id by M. A. McCny, Sole Atreiit. Northumberland ; J. W, Friling, Sunbury; John II. Raw, Milton; Jobu R. Myyer. 1)1 muwliurs; ; Will. A. Mnrray Jr. Co, Danville; Davenporj A Smith, Plymouth; Andrew Yolir. V ilk ca lm rre ; Hays fe MeOon'dick, McKwensville ; ScharTIe St Chamlrerlain, l-ewmlmrg ; (ieorge McAlpin, Jersey Shore; J. M. Judd, Wiltiamspoil. Oiders addressed to I. Andrews, inventor and only Pro. prietor at Itheca Tompkins county, N. Y. Will receive prompt attention September 30, 1848. 1y NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masser, II AS just received at his store, in Suiibury, - an assortment of tho cheapest Goods, that ever catnu to the place, consisting of iinv ooons. GROCERIES. LIQUORS, Ifc. French black Cloths,' Cas.-inctts, Sec. Cali coes, of excellent quality and colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, al 6 J cents. These are not the low priced trash articles usually sold. Muslin de I.uines. of fine qual ity and patterns 18J. Haudsomo Terkeri anil other Shawls and various other articles. The public are requested to call and jud.'0 for themselves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. OAKFOKD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. CHARLES OAKFORD, No. 101 CHESTSUT STREET Phuailelpha, Wruli! rr fctfully ii.vile attention In Ills superior slylo of lists fur nntumn. ISIS, which will he found the m.'t (iptleri c ier In fre oir.-rej Id ilis Ciimiminity. Il ppouliiir firm n-mlrr- il ths more il imlil , s il cmntiiiir ill ths of Jura, hiliiy uruliicatnrss, rrqnisita in that article of ilrcss wli;u his increaKiil f.irililio in in m mulacturinii ih nil the niodi ru impnvemi nl. rnnhl.. him To CitALLisos thi Wobld tn pf. dues a belli r H.i. Chiiiisss' PiKcr Hat asd Cam or tss Latkrt Mods. These good hsve Wen se'rclrd with great and will he found most heistilul and ehnie in their style. Ladils' lliniso Hats asd Cam nr Gitiii lt tw Pattshws. Great rare has li n brstow. ed in ronstiurtii'g thrse sit idea, ih .t they may fit pei ficlly easy and foim a grscrfnl sppe innre. CHARLES OAKFORD. 101 Chestnut t. a few dour above '1'ljnl. Philadelphia. September 30, 1818 ch June 21, 1818 ly .. CANVASS FOIt SOME NEW AND JL P()Fi;LR WORK, in sery COUNTY throughout Hie United In Agents, the must Idirral enrnuiagement is cflvred wilh a small rapiial of f'!f ti $100 A chines is pff -red, wherehy an agent can inakn from $10 In $29 per wei k, For further puliculma sddie (iMp iiJ) WM. A. I.EARY, Ni. 158 Nnrih HKt'ON 1) Kirei-t, I'liihili-lphia. frpt. 9, 1848 -6m. (Late Keller & i-eeiiuugli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. , . . AXVD MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Washington, D.CV DRAWINGS snd papers for the Patent Olfice, prepared and all the necessary bu siness, in relation lo securing patents, trans acted, and promptly attended. tp, at their of fice opposite the Patent Oflice. October 28, 1818". ri'EAS, from ths New York Canton and Pekin X Tea Company. For sals by ... J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec t, 1819. 1 J i";T 71 cnipounil, composed cf r?- 'V' v! Twenty-Five dillcr-rnl iuqre- M tienls, imrl is nn int. runl pud rjrfsTTO Kxterisil Kemtsty fnrihevn- n ns lis mm unman ii.-hji is I writing and indellible ink, Cotton ysrn and Ihlis, just received and for sale by ' 'J. W. 'FILING, funbury, Dse. , 184S. DR. TOWNSEXD'S tOJIPOlJND EXTRACT QL SAKSA.PA1.1LLA ... . THIS Extract In put np In quart bottle. Il uta Htm chaaper, pitktaaiitcr, and warrant?. Mprfor to any lM. It enrol riiscnitri wit! tout Vomiting, purging ck naaa, or debibtnting tlin paliout, aud la paxtieuarly adapted FALL AND BPMQ MEDICINE. X3; Tha froat baanty ind uparioiity uf thia Sartaparilb ora othar reroedina la, wbiiM it emdicatcadiaaaar, - j il invigorate) the bdjr. Consuinpti u, cured. . . - ' ,' Clannna and Strengthen. - , v C.nnnptiii. etin bo cured. '.'-. Bronchitis, C mftimtijti.Hi. I.ivnr Omiplulnt, CoMn, Omgl;", Catarrh, Asthnvi, Spitting of HI wd, ft irnnom in tha v Cher, Uiviii- Fhih, Nihl frweatf, Uifli i tit nii'l Pntfitr'c I ,XKf toiaticii, ' -anl l;n in the Hule. ftr.,ir., L'lVr; jntj c-.tti Ik: r tircd. v . Pr1iH tltrr nf vr wr a remedy rhnt lcn ar- eewinil in ( otfvs ol roiiMunpli tn i lhi j It It .in tra and a'rrMifi.V:i)fc tiif: ti'M?tiii, fin-1 itppcms ti lies I ilic til- health mi I a:n;iih. Cl.'ltioi;.- C;K OI- CONSUMPTION. TJiire is rtflrcrlif n day pjrw Uit llitro nre a uutiitK-T of i'iki'S of ( ttwimirtion ie;jjru:d cured by the no ol" Dr TownMii'a Santtpniilu. Tho tillowingvaa racautly re eel ved : lir. TowNHFtv Dcnr fton Fit tha hist ihrra ycara 1 linve, brjii ofllijted wnli gcnerul debility, and nervou con-suniMti-tn (if the lust Htntf'j. and did not uxpcot to ever ftin tny fie iltii nt all. After going through a euurneof medicine under the t;iie of aotne of lliemjai diatiiiKiiiabcd reitulir I'liysicimm nnd membura ol the Bnnrd ol licalth in New Voik nnd t-xr where, nnd spending the tn wt t my mrninc in attempting to raia mv htnllh, anil after rending in i mie piiper of ynti irwiparilki 1 reaolvetl to try it. After twiiif aix battlea I fmnd a d me me priait p.jtwl. nnd called to nee ynn at yonr oflice i wilh your mlvice 1 kept on, and do moat henrtily thnnk you lor yuur advico. 1 perMvere in taking the tferanparilla, 'nnd have been able to attend t my umial the In at four months, audi hone by the blessings of U'jd nnd your Hrtranpnrilla to continue my health." It helped tnc DC ; .J exoectnlions of all who k tevv my ense. CHARLKS 4Ui?iftaV Orange, Ksacx no. N. J., Aug. 3, 1H47. J:n'eof New Jersey, Kssex c.tunty, as Charles Quint by being duly swirn according to law, on his ottlh saitli, tint the f irejf .jnrr utatmicut ir line according to the best of hUknowhnhrennd belief. CIIAHLK3 QL1MUY. Sw.m nnd subscribed to bef ire me nt Orange, the id Ajgust, 1817. CYHL'ft BALDWIN. itutiee of the Peace. SPITTING W.OOD. Rend the rilknviiig, and say that conaumirlioii is in Incn rable if you can : New York, April f), 1I7. Dr. Towimeno : 1 verily bellera that your Bsrsnparills hns been the me;tn, thnugii Providenee, of mving my hie I have for several years hud a bud cough. It beenme wrse nnd worse. At last 1 raised large quantities of bkvwi, had night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expeut to live. 1 have only used your Hnrsoivanlla but a short time, and there linn a wonderful change been wrought in me. 1 urn now nhlo to walk till over the eily. I raise no blood, nnd my onh hns left me. You can W 'll imagine thnt I am thankful i r thee results. Yonr obedi ent servant. W.M. IH SI-'.LI,, 65 Cutlmriiic St. LOt?T IIKK SPKKCii. The mmcxed crtificntf tells a simple nnd truthful story "f suifering and relief. Tlmro are th Mimiuds of similar ea sis in this city nnd Jlro-'klyii, and yet there up th msinuls of jwt rents let their children die for fear of being huiulxitrged or to save a few shillings. Uro k!yn. Sept. 13, 1RI7. Dr. Townsfxd : I take pleasure in staling, for the bene fit of those whom it may concern, that mv daughter, two. years and six imnths old, was afflicted with general de-, bility and Iwsnf speech. Siie wiw giveu up u pust ic c very bv our fumily physician ; but fortuiuitclv I was rc c 'inineiuled by a friend to try your HTirsiipari'lln. Kefore hnving used one bottle she reuoVerud hur speech atid whs cnol.ltril to walk Mime, to the rtnt'ijin1irn!nt ri all vh ) were ncquai;:'! with (he cireuinstMiiees. She ts nrnv quite well, nnd much !eMT hwlth thnu she hns been for IS months pas:. JOSEPH TAVLOH. 1 York St.. Hrkrrn. TWO vix.lMVX SA V KI. " ' Very few f.miilie indccl in iu:! have iH beard H" one thai used J Jr. T-iwiiRi'inrs Hitrsapnrn'ii in time, Iv aov cliilJreit tin put Smniii'-r, while Ihos: tli-d dirt iiVTY sii'kepcd aiu di' d. The eiTeitiente wo uuldish bel"W U e'liiHusiv? cviildi'-y of its vnltie, ntU id unl) u:i tli uisfaucCj t'i irn n inc; ; uf'i ii'.iiiii-n ; , Dr. Townr,c UenrSir: 1 had two children cured by ynir Sirnpnril!n of ;h unni.ner etHupIaiut nnd d eiitnry t MiewaKfidy 15 motitti old and llu oilier '.i years. They were very m i h re hu-ed, ni,' we expert et I the v would die ; they were pi yen np v Iwi renpcC,al1,! physicians. When the doctor infrm"dns tlmt we must ,''' them, wo rem li ved to try jnnr S:riainrilln we had heurtl " much of, but had little confidence, there being si much stuff' ."'dveriused thnt is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, frr it undoubtedly anved the lives of bh. 1 write this that oth ers may be induce! to use it. Yours, respeetfuMr, JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 15, 1817. TO THE LADIES. r ,.. . GRKAT FKMALK MEDICINE. ' Ln. Townsenos Saksaprilla is a sovereign enJ speedy cure f r incipient c msttinption, nud for the general prostra ttn of the system no matter whether the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. " - ' Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Persons all weakness and las situde, from tnking it at once become nhust and full of energy under Its influence. It immediately counteracts the iiervciesMicss of the female frame, which a the great C4Use barrenness. It will not b: rxre'ted of lis, in eases of no delieatc a na ture, to exhibit certificates of cures performed, bnt we can ass'tre thy ui:'.el thnt h-i.idrc I? of c?scs hare bie:i repor-ti-d to nn. ' Jn. Tow.mkf.nd: My wife being greatly distress! by weakii'.-MS and general eU biJ.ty, and sinlerin ronii:ua!!y by paid nnd with other diuVuh'ies, and having known casea where your nicbriitc b'.s cITeeteil gr.-it cures; and filao hearing it recommended for such eases nn I have descried. I o Warned u b ttle ot yt-ur Extract v Sarsapuritla and fit lowed the ibreeti -us ytntgive me. In a short p'Ti-id it removed her r-a:pl liuts and restored her to heil:h. Utility great fill f t the lien, fits she received, I take pleasure i;t 1tuaukiivy!i;d'nn'' il, aaJ rtvui.tnaidiug it to the pu !Ic. M. I), MOORK, Albuiiv. Aug. 17, M 1. c r. Gr.uni k Lydlu s;. DYSPKPSIA. No fluid or medicino has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the ynstrie juice or saliva in decomposing food and streiitrtheiaiiu the organs of digestion as tins pre parati n of SiirKipiinll.t. It positively curwj every cusc of dyspepsia, howe or severe or chrome. Hunk Department, Albanv, May 10, 1RI5. Pr. Towusciul- Sir : I have been atlhetvd for bevcnil years with ttysjH psiei in its worst form, utteuded withsur liens of nt lu ieh, Ions of ap;tc:it:, cxtreiuu heaxtbiiru, aial a great nveraiou U all kinds 'f fojd, mid for weeks, (what J could eat) 1 have been unable to retail, but a small portioo on mv siomaeh. I tried the- usual remedies, but tliuy kid I.... i . :.. i. : uuv nine u- s.'-i tiiwi in rruii'ivmg ijie cmpiiiini. i was in duced, two moullis since, to try your Extract of Sar sapnrilln, and I must say with Utile coufidcivce j butufiar using nearly two bottles,'l found my appetite restored and tha heartburn entirely rcni'ved; audi would earnestly re commend the use of it to those who liave been atHieted aa 1 liave been. Yours, &c, W. W. VAN ZANDT. Agent for Sunbury JOHN W. FR1LIXG ; 'Nor thumberland, MAKY A. McCAY: Danville, W.M. A. MURRAY A Co., . Aprils, l& 246 " and : MARKET STREET,; PHiiinrttrniA. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ' ASSORTMENTS Of , ,.. Gold and Silver Watches , IN PUILADKDAHIA. . ,., Gold Lrvera, full jeweller, 18 carat Cft. Silver Lovei. full jewillej ' I.r'llilir . Qua,i-r, GolJ I'.nriU. Sllvt-r Tea S(H)i. rqu .1 Iq coin, liuld Pe , ailver ha'Jrr ami encil, Wilh anlrruliJ aoorinnnt nf (30 snd evr $6 and urer (II nd over ( fito (10 1 6.1 4 60 " 1 00 .11 kind i.f Waict e., both kdM and ailvpr i lii.h Jwhv. Vr Slc, (Jul I Cham ol the Iw.t menuf..ciuiei, .di) in iat'l rvviy lliinn in tliu. V stcb nnil Jewrlry line st much Ira fici than ran b b uglil in thi city r eluAlitiH. Please (.vi) thi. advrrii -me it, anj call at ei ther LEWIS L DO Mi; 4. No 413 M AIiKEI" re-. abrv B veiith. r.onh at JAt.'OU LADOMUal, 246 MAKKli l' .i.'.fir-l alore kcluw Ciiih'.aouth "iJ. CTJ" We h'e (ii.Ul anJ fi!vcr Lei i'rj!l cfipa er ihiin the above j.r.te. libi-r uiicwu t m.Je to I he lr le. ' ; Meplcmler 23, I H IS Cm ' 1 j HlUl rAAtl Ulli tVH LADIliS,JVfi.VR. CHARLES OAKFORD; Furrier: " i Xo. IOI, ClicNtiiut Slreitv' ' J few doors above Third, Philadelphia wtiubl invite the Indira t call; and o.iuiue, li uppiinr kt .rk i.f Vuir. 11.'., Tipiwir t eve.y vaiiely, eiuiaiHiin or It t h HoMU,ri.ble,'. U.y M.rtin, Norr.j M wtirv 1U..W &A , B.uin Martin, Stone Martin, Krni"i, fyithi l.yni. Ac, &.c, Tbei kiu..a. b,vnx'a.tad Willi greet, Jul r,t nnly the ltAltn;kmrii in lliecjunliy. I, uliqi in-,? fHttt.MureJ lii.t ..rticle vn.ll l DrTr.d for HtU in thi )uulllk4tsij in.i i. not ierievi in r.ery 4'Recl, ,. i,f CHlil.E3 OAKFORD, As. 104, CAei4 taWv eVuxett Third and FowtkMrtU September 30, I81-dm , ' ,Tr " p otton Vsrn, CottAl Csrpel Chsln, CouionlKi snd Wsddmg, Cotton Outlines, Besdr snkis rsntsloons, Udy mads Vests, ConjTees Kspi Porealein lined preaerring kettles, juat received for sale by " -. ' H. MA8SEK. ' , Sunbury, Dot. 1, 1S48. " - - , .. I, ' (hi f in C j GUM B1IOZ8 for Gentlrunen knd ilakgU rsesi snd for sele br H. MAl'i.M I Honbury, Vf. 9, 49. ' ' " 'J - " .MBaW 207 ylatrt slretfi Buffdofjf.. Y. K V. V!A -i .- tJil. U.U T il 1OrAt. ') nlf .SI 'i (.V I rptllS ocfoMtr rVnteflj- i-Wrl!rfHy WtfitiViWl 1 hf the tnariy twpt It Id th;hi'' r"-' "'-V" '' - 'j II haa eotv Imam tin etrty tHedlcitie'ior rewllf sire, wH. parlkutarly reeemmenrlerl fr. iv - -. u u- .!,..ii j M .DROPStV i.M wi im' til nffr rfli blattNtrihsiiisHy rillWtf, JJ7 Wtrjr I ivl ell tiwneKa aC Ike evaaay. org ! tut-tkm- diellue. Ing cnniilninl. It ninrid. nlnnn j ir other article can rettere Vi. Ktad Uoarcte.tifiodtj.wiJIoiiiil.nin.l(ie- lioal a aea ewiiiUct. Jjvtr Oomptaint. CiUiuae 4iena,J ! Tr-tlieOrM WeW Mtnhilly, arfl WbereVer'tlfV! WS plmiirapreTalltriia'riKidMne I orefe.' " ; ' - 1 NO MINERAL 'AGENT, V.?,11' no rluk-tcrioua ompouiid I a part ff thia rnixture, it enrea UieM dltooM. with certainty and celerity, end doea not leave Uio ayMera torpid. Bkie Pamphlet. . . , . Pit TQ . aemainiirtef a moal jminfal chnmclcr, ia i , ., ' . IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, ' anrl cure fotlsw. by a few day ee of thlaarticle :" it la far before any other brer Hon Cor thia diteaae, or for any orherdiietno Orlginatm; from Impure hlood.lse. ptun phlct. r DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, weak back, tyenknena of the Kidney, Ac, or inBamma tion of name, 1 Immediately relieved by e few day uae it thia medicine, and a cure ia alwaya a rewtlt of ita uk. It atiuida a. ... A CERTAIN REMEDY, ...... f r audi complaint., Siidldwf'ur.deraiigenicnla'ur the fe male frame. , IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, . .painful meiwtrunUonl.-' No article haa ever beer) olforrd except thi. which would touch Uii kind of ilerana-emeula. It may he rolled upon a. a aure and cAeclire feniNly, and uiu we reei permuirft 10 no ao e uira clve . ... .. v A THOUSAND nIIiCSTV,:", 1'." n.wiip nsjroaMjir rim. compraaita'. r-i:e punipnmi. vll l.r.iKcn nowil, ilel.i lilnttril C liMitution i linn ini-vii.mti ui mercury, win nnatMBmclii mwh lln nrtirle to act irrtmedralcly, and tli rxnsJiwii tuiiierril erndicated irom thc'atent. . e v- : ERUPTIVE DISEASES .v . : will find the altctntive properties of ihi wide "" ' ' "'WRrFY tHE-MmrrT-V. ' nnd driven nch Uauu retn-iie !evi IVo pn'mphil' l ir ti-atnn-niy or enrea in all diacnaea, wliieh til limit of wwciwianu uiiwi-Buriiul to tM.n.tmort lr. AcenH l ive them nwny i the)' e uiUiin 31 pngtl i,f certirkalcatif inyu vuurueier. alio n .tritngof .. . AUliAY,; OF PROOF - of the virtue, of a medicine, never oimmreil. limn,,. lhepee4ili:ineatureaof thia article thnt it nevirfiiil. to ociienr in nnjr ew. ami it none and muHe are letr to build upon lei ino eruaciatcu and iirarerluir Invalid 1 I10PK ON',-"-'? .,.'- - - and keep tnitii the mcrlidiie a. bng '''' there' ia iuiUlA I rovement. 'nie nfnpriet ir would " ' ' ' ,,rT" ' fiTFi-rnvmrr.iirhvAler'fa ..... y4uiw.viiij, r;Lj)i,iiv-,i ivtMnA a number, ol arueiee s which cut. ut . under uW .fUliSAPARILLAS. 'SYftUPfi. &C.v . Hireiirea for Drni .y, -Omvrr.'fteM They Bfc good for ON il..-n. nnd ediiCoet. rm aiiD Wie Sntvftrt-: ' .. a ,.jij.; ... , l.ffl r t r 1,, d.. - ,', TlK;ir mveul..r never; tjtoitthtrfii cuxuig'. such dujcaau Igl tiua arut-ie- nwiwwe it.A.pactuiAli swwy 44 Jar pauv v.l.rtU :iu A.tSJt)SULl AV '.nn ,.; rnttiil'Mle.,prft aslniWrw' ejSr tO- n ?l eiieli the lirecr holulntr S r.. rt rMh tv".mtl ilea. 1,'iok oul and rmwiaed itponi Everj"-b.l Jiaa v utigiin-. etfetabnr'lhnrnrlptle SltXtore," browareaon the sum, the wrilten aitruntnre of C Vnnirlm" oa the direction nnd "U. C. Vautrhn. IlutVtl ,u etaaipeS oil She e-WK. .none ttrrer are aenoine iTeparm-uy nr. o. c Vaitehu, an. Met J KripetMl PiSoe, S02 ilm atreet, RiUliilo, at wnoloale diiq i'l'h, o alltithai'given to let ter. nnleu Krit paitV'SdSrS iiOTi treSulaaJy eonatituled Arreiit. exceptcfl; peat puis letter., or ircrrjei communica tions . ilieitiitg ad nee. prneiptlyelt.pded to rratie. tilTiee. devoted rteltiiivety to-the mle' of thi. article 1.12 Nnaam at. Mew jforkverty; aryVEaaexet.&ileai, Mom.; en. by the prinotpai BAjgi.t.thr1iugrilttbe VnUedBtatea and Canada, aa Agenta, . , IM ft Aaerrta. Store ItM.-.'WIWeente Aeent Philadel. phin J. W. Fniiiift, ftaauor. leaae Gearliart, Selin.rove i.. a. v yetti. ixwiataire ii. i.sneaier, Milton iiayea Jj Mt-CorpuckMc-cn.vUre Mia Mc(jXn-vtittJiuuilH5- A;il 1, t64f-.iti ttd .(J n:et! n, ' r-T lyi . . o ' 'uj ; 1 1 : ' . . ro i I'Miii r-pMU ii'uore tMUvawklchia uollv S:iVnpted lb Yttood !-( C Jul, l:roOc.tliulVLT iu,'kthtu lhalh I44be American lualtfute, X-;Yorkj otil)ij Mt-clwiiic.'Juiili-tute. rt'rton; t.fthe r-rattklih Infli'ntei'VlillJdelphia: and of tiit; MovhuiiH-V Institute, Wiluiiivjton.tMlawHie..' a.lua It in ciijuible, il properly ncd, yt i.ns,iuoce,York, f. itli lesit Uu-I, than any uthtir Stove yet oll't.-rcij lo Uie public: in wiu'.er it will wunii llie lurqi nt kitchen, wkilo. in auinmer. with the aiiuuuer lrea Sttacbeil, h tlrtJWa.ont iiio more hout thmi a charcoal, lumuvc; eiut,iur b-tiiiier. broiluifr, ba king, or roanliutr. it ennnot be aurprnrfed by any other Stove, oi on 6fe, or bm k oaamr v r v -- m t it - KW3onynan.ttnyXa - . o i ' 4DM(f b.i U'eiir' toTicvt 0 ,tiik rus JJiwxwat R- j . , JtT,.C...T0X .. . A We, the VurWribrjiV. beiny ehonen JrtdjrM t ff.e nftar bniiett C)rai'iuM.'Meehaaice''AaaeiatioruWBaie'an wovm, fnriawea, mnfraa, Ac. would iui'jruA thaAMtUiCt lfiat alter teitiiig all the; c,xkiiii stove, that wrc put into t'ie air t or f,ihibtttou, and letting each matt manage hi. own tors' with ehe kind analr in aeBer to tvleVb wnuiS (l.Au-.ane woek.wita.Uie lean fuel ia the Sunirtief Bnd'tV'iiiter Air-Tirtt CoiiVliw toVe, miiiaifnrti muue mite, ann no il neat, we iuiu inai mcwart'a rati we nnd that Stewart'.. Fata eil bv the natenlce. of Trov. I. Y.. ti uallkilidMlaanSnk hot 10 imi:tbotWo:gaa of y,'aei aadiwiu IHScuir' in the auine tpnid briyQieci .teak, aadalidoiie iu the U thirty jninnt from the timB the Cre waa ym iatoihOA..-T which wemvm-iian uejuu-er aoetiaai h w'fljt rjfl i Ell CORNELL. 1 r. wi:nirF,R. Lid ' The u,wribcr.iTi-aily1oiaaterteV.a..i try ilCTkrn, to one ol 4 lernet and-l eleeed,atok oP novea. ever offered in' thia city, ammg V-jiieh are Th fol lowlng: " . 1 eeCyleridert:i-V''i t Ov . uaaiiiiiatoa ni ii(-Ai -,- v. r w 1 Mi&hWWk-kttft -at. AsJ:,UilMml'k . - y-r.-aTW.V.. V Je W1 Nstional Air-l'ltbL Cooks. . . . , ,T i; ifl-St m -tastTrrcAi''TS.A ,130 V'a.htiilon Air-Tight Jo" ' 300 McGregor"'-. Hvv. dys PsilstXir-Tit Coal Stoves,' burmaf three, day iho Uea- tion ' t i.-i e..-mei. akftii mjj- v.c-.'. VI-For iife oWnle 'ijifj reVairt'SoJlltl UsTrrl- on m. im aau4iaraa.aveenj niretiripBiau r,hiladelpMnJl18thr848-r-'u;1 .mi , i:.2.l3. RKET Street, "f-- II fUftf ,lfWlU b.wltJfAlBi. Oil, 0aeaD-8trfTS,. 1 :- a-rt rmmmks.'aVer' &c m-" Pa! MrUuiieXrli UW!;hTtS'Ml AhH)St I. Its iM mm Uiw ai nuu ' ilii-' t ,r r '"' '' -T 'r Ttly 411 ystrOlal tWtHI JWISP H SMIIf rtaMsM m 'MX ..T riiA49C'cif6fSa.ojr O. Bagley ft Co ) MiMVl-rsaor(4riksJr,i.r-i I'WlWl' Ammm m as lffs).ta WrtetageaT Csjsj WW-York. f taVS.raiil fSSSioeV jLfMmLfU4 of 4ioU resMs-srkaiS) se ej)rsmaiedieSleBr art tin, CLrtVf.ioAn,bj ue!, sad s(sl a( btlsraflbi lIwwMssvs( sne.stWs wU..HistMi erreeil fcililire fti ejasnyfislejii 4a j' 4m. seribsrs, ill baasssAsMa. br aaietassnOl to. ,tvM.k J'ttn i 1 St- trtcti IryitfWtSef,., tr 1 T : SUisrMli)rwtes rauraai4kleMt d aurwn ul . E5TEi3J?tTHOUSANDS AND; t .1 X i 3I9ff LYk ITUOTED I WCewZilf it r2i fl;f , , ; 5 s a? coi ihta 'eiilebniteit medicn.e '.itunilr. the' nJfiM of k tiMTtrtntM, and every year adding to the tone oVajtef ks liiMipaat .S -j.-.l inf . ft L"v- "1 j mu-t!i OP noXlWaerdittribntelwinually whb but filly rm.iuig th ikTtta:ilt.yr ame lime peat, IU hale, have beetj liinUcd .tfle- fa-, want of .facilitre of sup- ply. Truly' Hit ii a imlve'raat (ei"lj -1 V'nheraW, lliM pill. haV6 founS their Tiy Intd rh reinoteM eoniera if th.1 Union, everVwJlere proving tlielr litnj a tKe awe ana'f friene uH Bran' hope the marvel tni iiir of aie ge.: ; :' :-! '! ! "; " , For a tridiug turn, every individual and every family m.if havelIF.AI.TII INSURED to them for an indefinite p riod and what i life without health but e niiacrable vxia .tence : .', It ia toepreclonaa boon to be tampered with, by trying all eon of experiment upon lt. Th lie k should uae IhoM medicine, only which experience haa shown to be the bnt. i A rftYSICIANTE.nMONY. From 1'nl.kill, ftrecn County, New York.) Dr. W. 'Wright Dear Sir : I have found your Inah.n Vegctnble Pilia a vuluuhle remedy in caaeaof General Do' bility nf the nyatcm. and In all Billiou di.ordera. I am alto ' in the h tbtt of recommending them to tVmsle in peculiar rane'a. J ' I observe ihem to upernle in the ayatcm without priKtucint debility or pnbi, leaving it in a healthy condition. . 4nc ! ', IMS. . . Joiui Doa.m, M.D. . 15 hr.sTHK UKrT FAMILY MEDTOlSil. ' - (From Norton Hill, Gref County X. Y.) ,Dr. VV right -. We have uaul and .Jd your Indian Vegela Pilta for three yeara pa.!, nnddj n. herimte to reeenv mend them til our frti nda and tu!oinete an the beat Family MrrSciiie In iipc. :' .'- : N. ft L. Rtxumxr.. ., .' ? 'J. ' From Marhie Ilali Ta . T Dr. V:'Vri(ht Dear Sir i For the tout two yean I hare hail the agency for Hie sale r.f your lndinn Vegetable PiUa at tlri. plwe, and have anld annually large quantitie. at retaij. 'fhoy h:re i every matance given entire aatisfitc lion. Many Janulira ill this aeclionkecp tliem. andewaidee them invaluable us a family medicine. There i no rnedi Sine ild Ik-jp, lint can be n tmivcreally recoinmetuled s Wrfjlif'alntniiYegc'.nhlc Pilli. ' Terr 'truly your, ;Arunry f. li1.' . - M .t.KX, : 5c -: ':' . . - - Tr.SI'OiON'Y OF ANOTHKR rilYSIClAJf. - T!ie following letter ia in reply to a note, from our agent asking Dr. Ortilon'a opinion of liiia medicine:' ' 'I -'' Ouiq J-! , TcMtn.vNWCK. Atietut S9, IH48. " rrMrAvPitrlmin DoarBir: In reply to your note of yee. teidey, 1 WouUl ai'ale. that 1 lava occauonally found it eon.', veniet lo llc'ti.e vari us 'Tatcnt rill-' vended in the ahops ; andwjiilui am imwilltug tj say nnytliiug todepreeiate thi value of yTliets. I rim Tree to Mi'ifc. tliat 1 consider Wright". Indian Vepetable Plltj attperfor to alf other, withivhich I anJ Soqualnteu". ' 4 have oaod them fur many ycara both in my owafamlly and tamy practice generally, Mid they aavs tuiifucrnly proved rnikl, certain and aafe ai their operatioua The care and .kill with which iheee pitta have been hitherto manufactured are,'iii my opinion, a auflicient Riutrantce for like good remit in future.'. Very respectfully, ' " S"'' I'''-." J 1 " B. A. Doctor, M. D1' ', iV. B la a practitioner a long experience, wall knowrt in and even beyond the line of Wyoming county. ' He ia a graihiale o renuaylvania, and highly popular with the penplainong whom he reetde. . . . fteOTrfreorgiignr Coated Conater- -i-r-V. sb -. rells."- t Remember ttmt' the orighnU end Only genuine India. Yegetidvle VrlH have the wiittea aignatnr. of Win, Wrik!,i OJAfalAf fasti ko. v. . ...... FOtl tiWl'saiki-'e) AvittliaU VogutalrlC i'lllii. "I Julia WfJ'ryling, Siutbuty, : .; ,';,. v J J iUf ylAXa. arty Suul ury., lla- 4- .Mi Cornitf'f, McKwciuviU. , ' Y- ItiutfTnian, Auguv.n tp. SoKirl ff. Vln.-iid, i;Ui)fqnnqpp! '' " Kaei tttr:.-:'.rc-er,'r.lf-burg , .'W. ftolheriiiel.- l.iuleMahonoy. tl ! . Itrioen t brclher, Milton. . " i ' - ' Fo-kviIi, '.Vilj it ft Co., Nurtliamlierlrud. v Jns. Ree l, rottrgrovc, i, . Y. n. tpgHy, Hnin'jiitiilown tf. Ttf- rVin'. Siiydcrsthwii" ' " '' ' ".'W.Dep'ulii. Mnhmny PI O:- !. '"' t. I- BeiaheviUe rualiu, l'p.'Mahonoy. t J. .Heutc Line Mountain F.O.- -. " Bcnj. Ilefliier. 1jwer Mahoning P.O. ; Ainoa T. Briimrl!, Tnrbutt.villa. G.J. ft 7lp.)VwiviUe., ' M 1 V , L. A,uucrfcp oiuivillB. i li " eSMl-aB Am-tmttLl i.d. h. .id T.V, I.' ... (SttMe W. SlfMifeUe and RoKail, W lUr tn riuta- Bt-?tii. ' " r" . ... f:(iuiluli Lir Insurance, Annalty .. j,..' ninJCriMt C'fMiiaHy, . OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREET, PI'fl.ADEi JIIIA. er-iTAi eVMi. CKiaTAVt Panptrti.. .. 'pHE, CMn;iiiyare now preimreil to tuuisaot bil.lnc. 1 npon the nvrnt llherat ann advantaeanna term.. Thev aneauUiorixed by irteir elrer Ooet- 1 l-to laake. all and every insttrauce appertainii ff to life rifk. nf whate-er kind or nature. nal H receive ana execute mat., make endowr inenta, and to grant aol pim-haar anuuitiea.11 Tha Com pany eell annuitia and endowment., end art a. Tntateea fur minora and heir. , . , . TUe of Prcuiium.i'eriiiired for the Anuraiire ot J10U fur the whole term of Lite. . . Age. Pi em - .. .fr ,rl . . te . . IT, a.. . saj ... MSm.- laTfr.'nriii : . . i ' ' IMMit Vi 1 II nitR I d enhsWIfcaVj-.M:-:-- pill? H' Age. Prea, W 17- 33. 9 40 Silt, 3 7? 3S4 Ui set i 71 4 SI 3 - sm 1 53 as.1 SB ' to Y os- I 1 of Jt3 .lot: 1 79 178 1 1 '1 h SS :3 -Jo tr ,aa, .in , Toe premium, are lo truut unv other c 'Ulijeiiy, and Ul lit-ierT gfeaier aehraulair'e.. Table Of hall-yearly and 4narU3tiy prtuuftaiuvluiU' credit ratea of premuira, abort term., johlt livt-a, .itrvlvonhlrs und endowment. : al. . JvftH Oi Appbo.'iux (M iveih there ere blank aheeta) ea to' be hid on aiphenU' 'n at ihe tirtiee, or by letter to the Aksss, .H.'tpY, Hduey..- - - . : BA)K;iAUn.:"t trtOUaa aiugle Life'.; i,... ' 'Ag.- 20 . j o ' As" I Prenl' . at sub M B 15 .Ik I t aa asn 31 a 47 . "-'' f;uj 33 , BO -i 40 ' 37 SH7 : a in- 3t S i3 .-j: o- .tiit . j . . 11 SSI sua . u jot 1 44 a ii ' Fur Life 1,0. S.04 ' S.70.- I-C09 as LxAJtrt.: tPLX- he Kt. m. jyjod 30 year next tvth 4r, by lainuy for lil-JO.tO uaid aiuiuallv durinv lite be neuM attrkai in h. rai1d afaen'bS die. ' ThehiaK eeeuriiur hia own biaiu., by trie Utrc.jn(UOiitt praiwuuajrorn trWMcb.rtd by other office For Ho. M the heira would receive taouu taouu hS'l.o.oneJyoi'.umti- ,:m :ti . . m apni.eeuou ann ail peniciii.r. m.v tie naa e-iM" T .1(1. W 'LATJBORN. rnadal f at L T-"-''ia W. Bawlsv . . f" H. Q--lKk!ft,c rcrary. 'ownaweigfiinia. Qt, J.B. ttseaaa, Boatairy. 'J. H. PukdtI TSunbury, Agent for Nnrthumtwrauid ec eosB- Binliurv, July 8, f&tS n-n ej tod .lti't I, A I pavt.r. -faA-rrun' si r,o Sa M ':JSt4WaXS'aSMa MstSH. ' T"' ' r ' tiHwrrvcfaiitP'XiqvoB dkalkr, MsrpM HorkM Sirs sUbw SigkIA, North pf,. !r-"1 Stilt fni fISlSMa)IAs!,l , t s. ftyepi eon.tentir on nann,su ateji ,tfi oU -$unerier old rye wh.Uk.y-eue.rnif. lAMdM Sm. Its.'Afc srbit brandy- fc rear Ufito W l"SSjiJibwrytWa4dl - eXICitSVBLANKS' ' for l-ear. t Fur 7 Year. CI . gl - - Mo - l.t4 '-11,07 j eA'11..'.: "it. 9' ; u-1 U. I. s,'MrrM f'' ouj jj one y , ur tr k. e- eure. to tl.-m IflbOO; or lor GI3 annua. ly fur aeveu yeara lBaiirra-tB-ltaeUrlUi.i.iMTa vaani: or t-..i li a a- ...a ei-MB: ,1 c