Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 20, 1849, Image 4

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    gOlt.TIIE YOUNG.
Reader! Nvere you ever at a Quilting
Party an old-fashioned quilting party?
If not, you will do well to rvad our descrip
tion, which, of couf e, must fall far short of
the reality ; and thii reality, as the thing is
now nearly obsolete, you may never have
the satisfaction of witnessing. 'Tis one oi
the pleasantest things in the whole round
of a country life to attend one of these
gatherings together of the young, and light,
hearted. Let it be understood in the first
place that these quillings are indispensable.
The quilts, Sec, must be made ; the girls
must have their "things ready" as the phrase
is : or they will assuredly meet with no at
tcntion from the nwriasro-seekinc Voiinc
men. The preparation of the requisites of
uumt'mii; mi- is a son oi impneu declaration
of readiness to receive the addresses of the
lover, and to encounter the perils of nmtri
mony, and is understood and acted upon
When a Quilting is to tak? place, the
respectable young ladies of the neighbor
hood are all invited : there is no aristocra
cy j no singling out of favored individuals.
They assemble early nt the dwelling of
their friend, and immediately fall to work,
as if their very lives depended upon their
exertions. They consider it absolutely ne
cessary to forward their work in such a man.
ner as to prevent any material encroach
ment of it upon the hilarity and mirth of
the evening. The evening is always look
ed forward to with a great deal of satisfac
tion, and many a fine eye glances impa
tiently at the slowly setting sun, whose tar
diness seems to mock the feverish anticipa
tion of the fair quilterj.
Night at length comes ; a New England
winter night for the Quilting is usually in
the long evenings ot Winter with its gor
geous skies; clear, beautifully clear in the
dark coloring of sky, moonlight resting
like a smile upon the white lustre of the
snow, streaming through the naked branch
es of the wild forest trees, and flashing like
pale fires upon the distant icy hills. The
merry sound of bells now rings upon the
ears of the fair listeners within doors.
"The fellows are coming," cries some eager
voice, and a sudden smile steal like elec
tricity around the apartment. There is a
moment of rapid preparation ; a hasty glan
cing at the small mirror; a trembling ad
justment of curls and combs and then all
are seated demurely at work. One after
another the "fellows arrive, until the apart
ment is literally crowded with as merry a
company as ever laughed away an evening.
The girls however, still remain persever
ingly at their work, their fair heads stoop
ing almost to the outstretched quilt before
them, now and then, exchanging a sly
glance, or a smart reply, or a meaning nod,
with the fine, healthy-looking young gen
tlemen around them. They are soon inter
rupted; one complains of the loss of her
thimble, another that her thread has been
taken away, and a third that the "fellows
plague her so that she wont work, nor
touch so," and in a few moments Babel
like confusion is effected, very much to the
natisfaction of all parties. The owner of
the quilt now interferes, and carefully re.
moves the quilting frame, blushing ail the
while at the good natured jokes of the
young men relative to herself, her quilt,
and her lover, who if she is so fortunate
as to have one is pretty sure to be present.
The scene is now all life and gaiety. In
one part of the room may be seen the stu
dent ofthe old village Doctor, amusingand
astonishing by his quotations of Latin and
laughing at the amazement of his friends.
Hard by is the schoolmaster of the district,
a privileged and favored personage, you
may know him by his pale cheek and fair
hands. He is leaning familiarly over the
chair of a pretty girl ; the very fairest in
the room. She is telling his fortune, by
the odd and curious method of palmistry ;
tracing out with her own pretty fingers the
various lines of good and bad fortune which
intersect the hand of the master. There
are strange blushes on her cheek, and ihey
sieai ai umes even to ner neck, with a va
riable and beautiful play of coloring. She
knows that the eye of the general favorite
is upon her, and her young heart is thril
ling with a new sense of joy. Nor will
her pleasant dream be broken in upon by
disappointment. There is admiration and
honest love, but nothing of the deceitful
and the designing, in the gaze of her lover.
Meanwhile the sports of the evening go
on. The "Blind Man's Buff," with its odd
encounters and very ridiculous mishaps;
the play of "Pawn," with its kindly pres
sure ot fingers ; the whirling of pewter
plate, in default of catching which before
its revolution ceases, the delinquent, if a
male, is doomed to kiss all the fair cheeks
in the company, and vice versa if a female.
Then, too, there is a mock marriage cere
mony of leaping over the broomstick a
pretty certain precusor of that more impos
ing ceremony wnoso oones are Droken only
by death.
But the evening passes away almost in
sensibly, and the time for departure arrives.
The uleighs arc speedily laden with the
merry company, and the tingle of bells,
and the loud cheers from one vehicle to
another, and the rich-toned laugh of the
fair travellers, break upon the calm cold
air of midnight. There is nothing on earth
like a sleigh ride by moonlight ; when the
path is smoothly worn, and the horse
springs onward as freely and lightly as if he
were running wild in the desert, and rejoi.
cing in his untamed freedom.
We can duly appreciate the blessings of
refined society ; we know how much the
rugged asperities of our nature are softened
by an intercourse with those whose minds
and leelings have received the polish of
euueauon. wur sole object in the above
hasty sketch has been to convince those
who from education and habit have learnprl
to hold in contempt the simplest pastimes of
our ancestors, mat tne pure thrill of pleas
ure may be awakened in the rustic farm
house, as well as in the gay halls of fash,
ion, where the chastened and rich light
tends a deeper beauty to the fair brow with
iis wreathing tresses, and adds a milder lus
tre to the laughing eye, and where music
melts upon the ear, like a very dream of
melody and Jove. ew J-.ngland t aper.
A Crazy Fellow in Connecticut, the other
day, threw a large (juuntity of jwn Jer into
his fireplace, fur the purpose as be eaM, of
driving tin una? pox out of the neighhorbopd.
UiiQ exr'riiilPiit was fatal lo him.
GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor.
Windsor! Vermont. .
19 overeiiw remedy for DYSrHPSlA. in many of nt
furma, tuch at pain In the Stomach, Heartburn, habitual
CtwtivcncM, Acid Stomach, Headache, loo( Appetite,
J,) l "'ffl't Swca't, ami even Cunanmntion (Dyapeptfe
I nthiatr.) and Aitluna. or Phthiaic attended with dcrange
metit of the Stomach (or Dyftpeptie Asthma,) Difficult
Hrcnthing, which often remilta from imperfect digcnlion (or
Dyartentir Byanmea,) in relieved by tlieftc Bittcra. Inahurt,
their uic huti tccn proved In the relief of almovt all the
Hvmptoina tlint proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi
tion of the Stomach ; slno in general debility arising from
age or from thn effect of Fever, particularly Fever and
Ague. Females miilcring under nnv uterine derangement
ariaiug from wrYikiicn, will find llie "Oxyoknated Hit
ters" tm excellent remedy, mid not tmrpacsuU by nny medi
cine fn tine.
The hi'tnry nf thin medicine ii peculiar. It has mode its
Way to public fnvor solely by the I'nrco of it own intrinsic
merit. Nn artificial meant have been used to give it no
t.irieiy and ihrtut it upon public attention, H litis never
before even been advert irn, but having brut shown its re
mnrkablo ciiienuy in the thirdly ofthe prupi it-tor, and by
Mm MtervvuKifi atlnmiietertij to liifl afflk-t'd fiimdn tmd rtc
qutiintunocit with a like result, it reputation gradually ex
tended until it ia known in tin mom distunt p.inti of the
rui -n, n a medirine of uurivalird viriucii in the cure of
Pyflpcpaia in ml iis different f'-rmi, and ftl') for the cum of
Asthmn or Fhthisic. lis only heruid nud its only eulyy
hn been the story of itn wonderful erlleaov, pb told from
mouth to Hk'iuh or by Idler from lYinul i "friend. In eve
ry inptii'irc whrre these Hitters hove Iwn used, and t he re
milt made known to the proprietor, they Imve proved a re
medy. Numerous certificate, altering the w.tirulur efficacy of
the "Oxygenated BiTTKTtfl," rtre in the jv iKscst-'ion ot the
proprietor ; many of than signal In pers m idi emtv widely
known to the public.
HKO. B. OIUnr.N. Proprietor.
WINDSOR, Vl., October:), lbC.
The following CcrtlfiVntc have recently been
received t
Va$!UNTOX, D. C, Jt'.NB 10, 1H10. jiintte use of the "Oxvfienated Hitters" prepared
by Dr. fjo. U. Orrrn. nf Winds, r.. Vt.mwl from know
ledge obtr.ini d uf their euVnoy in other onset?, wechecrfully
reemmend them to the public, believing tint they will fully
sustain i he reoommendntion of the Proprietor. Wo hope
that tliia valuable remedy may be i gem-roily ditfuscd
throughout iho country that it inny be nccciwible to all the
PAMcl:I, PHELPS, I i, ,
WII.UAM ITIIA.M, f u s,!"
Senator from Vermont.
nntor from II. Island.
J. T. .MORKUKAP. U. S. Senator and fornurlv Govern
or of Kentucky.
L. If. AK.VOIjD, Member of Congress and formerly Go
vernor of H.I.
WM. WOODRRtDGE, t S. Senator and formerly Go
vernor of Michigan,
M. ; MARTIN", Delegate in Congrcsa from Wisconsin
From Him. II. D. Foster, Member of Congress from
Washington, D. C. Junk 10, 1B40.
Dcur Sir. I have been a dyspeptic HufTerer for about ten
years, and have rcsnrtal to various medicines for relief
without success, until I made use of your "Oxygenated
Bitters." I have used olxiut two bottles, end mid myself
restored to perfect health The forma in which the dis
ease showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the
stomnch, 1 'ss of appt-tite, extreme flatulence, severe" const i
pulton of the bowels, and violent headache. Feeling desi
rous that n knowledge of your vn limbic remedy may reach
others Himihirly alllicted. I take great pleasure in record
ing my testim my to its curative power; and would also
remark, thtit while on a visit nt home u short time since. I
administered a part of a bottle to n number of tny afflicted
friends, with groat sucrss. They fire desirous "tlmt you
should establish nu agency at Pittsburg-, or inform them
wucrc the metlifinc can be ohtained. u ith nn earnest de
sire for vour nroaperitv and liannincss, I subscribe mvself.
truly your friend II. D. FOSTEK.
Ut-Ct. .'E0. If. UREKN.WlUOB r, t.
Sold Wholesale nnd Retail bv (ireen Sc Fletcher, No.
SOSuith Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
A cent tor Minimrv n. .
Agents for Miltnn MACKAY & IIAAG.
Agent for lTpper Mahon-'y. J. G. IiENN.
April 15, IBIS
Wardrobe of Faslilonable
J. W. &. K. D. STOKES,
No. 101 .Market Slrtct. Firtt Cluthhtg store be
lino Strli,
Villi. ArKi.riiiA.
YVHEKE they are constantly engaged in get
' ting tip (rom the best French, English am!
American c'oth. clothing cut anil made up in the
most superior and fashionable sty e, i'ersnns
who buy to eP, will find a large and excellent
stock at the lowest city prices. C uthing mai'.e
up to order, in a superior style at the shortest
N. B. Odd Fellows Regalia, a Inree assort
menf always on hand. Orders from Lodges and
individua's promptly attended to on the most rea
sonable terms.
Thiladelphia, June 3, IS 18 ly.
3KST "CP CS3 OO 3 9
Plated and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, and
Fancy Goods, and Manufacturers of Jew
elry and Silver Ware, 123 Cheanut street, Phila
delphia; have received by lale arrival alu'ge and
handsome slots, of English and French Watches,
and Marble, Porcelain and Fancy Clocks.
Plated Urns. Castors. Cake Ukrts, High and
ChamberCandlesticki Soup I.vlloa, Spoons and
Forks. Alse a good a.sortment of Driianuia
Ware a"d Fine Cull r.
Their stuck of JEVYEI.RV is Urge and ofthe
mi st fi-liionable k:nd, and ihey are well mpplled
.'ith Silver S,toona. Forks, Muuf, Napkin Kiiur.
Uuttci Knivfg, &c, and wi limit miking ny dis
p'ny ff p iers in the ruidic prints, they nro hc
pori il i,i a.-il na low a. llio o v. ho d.i, und invite
p' lfnns wishing to purrha' lo i'hII.
I'Uil.ul.-lt.hia, June 10, I813.G.n
In prescntir.g the public with ft remedy for the treatment
and cure of Pkver and Aung ami otlier hi thus diseases,
no npolnpy is needed. list iiuniU-rs in the Tuned Mules,
who sutler from these aifectious in their varied forms, are
compelled to seek relief from other sources thun the imme
diate prescript ions ol Ihe regular physician. It becomes
wi.-iri.ire .11 iiujeei in iiuiuuuuy, a. w ell as 01 punuc liner-
eel, to bring before tlieui a remedy prepared fiom much ex
perience, and which limy nlwuva be relied upon as sapx,
such is th true character of the INDIA CIIOI.AGOOUE,
is amply attested by the universal success with which il has
been employed.
tV Extract from u communication of the Hon. Wu,.
li a m WooDBRiDoa, of the V. 8. Senate, late Governor of
Dctuoit, Oct. 31, ls40.
Doctor Charles Osgood,
Dear Sir, 1 have read with much interest, your little
traeatiss nnon the "causes, treatment and eure" nf ths
febrile dist-nses which have so extensively prevailed in our
Country during the last few months an interest increased
no doubt, by Ilia fact that I have individually suffered so
much from them. Though 1 feel myself very incompetent
to judge safely u;ioti a subject so entirely professional, yet
your theory seems to me well reasoned, and your conclu
sions just, and I think wilhal, that your pamphlet is calcu
lated to produce much pracMcal gtvxt.
Speaking of the modieine he says : It fully justified your
flattering expectation!, and nt a safe, convenient, und popu
lar remedy, my own experience, so far, induces me to be
lieve that it will prove a great public benefit. I am pleased
to learn that you have recently established several agencies
for its disposition though 1 regret that, with a view to a
more general dissemination of it, you should liave found it
necessary to remove from your present renidenee among us.
With much respect 1 have the honor lo be, sir,
Your obliged servant,
VT From Hon. Stephen V. R. Trowuidgi, of Michi
gan State Senate, to ths Agent at Detroit.
Birmingham, Oakland Co., Dee. 13, 1811.
Sir you wish me to inform you what I know of Dr.
Osgood's India Cholngogne, or anti-bilious medicine. I do
believe that if the virtue and etficucy of this medicine were
generally known, the efveii and auce would disappear in
1 procured a bottle in the spring of lf41, and have good
reason to believe that myself and family escaped the ague
last season in eonsequetiee of its use.
Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this line
peninsula, lias the fever and ague been so prevalent as the
last. I have recommended this nie.liein in imiiimmi. l.
Sluees, and when the disease had become fixed and baffled
the skill of physicians; and I have never known it fail. I-
nas universally produced the moat happy ellects, and I bet
lieve it lis. never been exceeded by uuy medicine iu reino-
i .1.0 me muoim aiaeairs ol tha climate.
Yours, respectfully,
wmmirWV P. ,MAK!. ; Northumlrlond,
grove, MAY Ac kslAWE, , .
Wuy 0, H( M
0 u M i) i h'lni ifO si ! ti iim
7 .;. .
Scrofuln or King's Kvil, ltlienmnliBin. Obstinntc Cutanetnis
Krnplion,. rimplrsor Pestules on llie fucc, Itltches,
Biles, Chronic Bore Kyen, King Wiinn or Tetter,
Scald Head, Enlargement anil rain of tho
lionet nnd j'linU, StnhKirn Ulcere, Syphi
litic Symptoms, Seintira or Ltimljogo,
diseases arising from an injudi
cious npo nt Meiciiry, Prop
sy, Kxpofiire or Jinpru
uenre in life ; nls:,
Clil-onie Confti
tuti'Mnl Dis
nrdcrs. In this mettleine Severn! (nivx-ent hit very polent articles
of the vccetoblo kininl in are nnitetl, Ibrming u compound
entirely dillerent in its clmrncter and pnpertles ftom any
other prennrnti"n. nnd utirivnllcd in Its operation on the
s)ttem wlien laboring under dinense. It should be in the
h'nnd, ot" everv pers in. wh i, by hnsine. or general eourse
ot lit'n, is predisiose(l to the ve'rv miinv nilinieuts thnt ren
der liic a curse, instead of a blesiing, nnd sjoitou result in
death. ,.
ron Pciiori'LA.
dr. Drake's Panacea is rreommciulrd os eertuin remeily.
Not one instnucc of its fnilure hat ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the disense nnd nl the sunic time lnimrts
vigor to the whole system. Scroful ma pers ms can never
pnv too mneh attention to the Mate oflheir blood. Its pu
lificnti'in shiuld be their first aim for perseverance will
uceumplish a cure of even iiehkiutahv disease.
Scurvy, Scorbutic AITertinna, Tinmrs, White Swelling.
KrsiH'las. t leers, Cnneers, Ituuuing Sores. Scnbs anil
Uiles. Dr. Dnike's Pnnncen cnunot be tw highly extolled;
it searches out the very root of the disease, nud permanent.
No medicine perhaps 1ms ever been discovered which
gives so much tone to the stomach and causes the secre
tion of a healthy gastric juice to decompose the food as Dr.
uiui.e s i miucca
Dr. Drake's Panacea is nsed with the greatest success in
Rheumatic Complaints, cspecinllysuch aschrouic. It cures
by driving out all impurities and 'foul humours which have
accumulated In the system, which are the cause of Rheu
matism, Gout, and Swellings nl the joints. Other remedies
stmctimes (jive tempomrv relief; this entirely eradicates
the disease Irom the systein. even when the limbs and bones
are dreadfully swollen.
CosrMrT!o!( c?r bk ccukd. Couahs. Calarrh. IJron-
chilis, Spitting of Hl nxl, Asthma, Diiheult or profuse Ex
pectoration, Ilec'ie Fluh, Night Sweats, Tain in the side
Ac. have been cured, nud win be with as much ccrtuinty as
nny other disense. A specific has lomr beensouolit for. but
in vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Pnnncen. It is
mild and safe hut certain and cflicatioiis in its omunlii ii.
and ennn t possibly injure the most delicate constitution.
tVe would earnestly recommend those ulllieted to give it a
trial and we believe thev will not have occasion to regret
It. file system is cleansed and slrenethened. Ihe ulcers on
the limps are healed, end the patients grmlunllv legaiu their
usual health and strength. Head the following :
PlltLA., Dee. 1 Ith. 1(47.
IJEAn Sm : In reply to your question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will snv, that although a perfect
disbeliever in the existence of n Panacea, or cure lor all'
diseases, howevei vnluable it niav be in eertuin conditions
oi the system, still 1 have believed that a cure fui Consump
tion would be discovered sooner or later, and cuilosity led
me to try your medicine in two very iuvelenite cases.
They were pronounced by the utteudiiig physicians to be
rci.MoNAIlv coNrMl'TloN. ami aluiniloned by I hem as IN
Cukable. One of ihe persons had been under the treal
mellt of several very able praetitinueis lor n uuiuber of
years, and they said she had "old fushioncd Consumption
combine with Serofiiln," nud that she might linger for s inu
time but could not be permanently relieved. In both cases
the cireet of the Panacea has been most gratifying. Only
four or five liotllcs were nsed bv one of the persons liefore.
the began to improve rapidly. 'The other bk about ten.
I will only ndd that familiar as I am wiih consumption by
inheritance and by extensive oliservation as a study, unit
knowing also the injurious effects in nine cases nut often
of tr, boneset, and other vegetable tonics, as well as of
many ot the expectorants and sedatives, I should never have
reeominendid tne use of Drake's Punnce-a il I had not been
acquainted witli the ingreilieuls. Snlliee it to say thnt these
nrc recommended by our most populnr and scientific physi
ciaus, and in their present combined nuiie, form prolKibly
the best-alterative that has ever been made. The cure is
in accordance with ft theory tf Consumption broached ill
prance a few years ago, by one of her most eminent wri
ters on medicine, and now established by facts which ad
mit of no dispute.
Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. CL'NX.
To use the language of another, ''Dr. Drake's Panacea in
always salutury in its effects never injurious. It is not as
Opiate it is not and Expectorant. It is not intended to lull
the invalid into a fatal security. H is a great remedy a
grand healing and curative compound, the great and only
remedy which medienl science and skill has" yet produced
for the treatment of this hilherto uncmiqucred malady. And
no person afflicted with this dread disease, will be just to
himself and his friends, if lie go down to the grave without
testing its virtues. A single bottle, in most cases, will pro
duce a favorable change in the condition of any patient,
however low."
Indies of pale complexion and consumptive habits, and
such as are dchiliated by those obstructions which females
aie liable to, are restored bv the use .if a bottle or two, to
bloom vigor. It is by far the best remedy ever discovered
for weakly children, and such as have bail humors ; being
pleasant, they lake it. It immediately restores the appetite,
strength and coloj.
Nothing can be more surprising than its invigorntine cf
feels on tne huinnu frame. Persons, all weakness and las
situde before taking it, at once become robust and full of
energy under its influence. It immediate counteracts the
ncrvclcssness of the female frame.
CAUTION Re careful and see thnt you get the genu
ine Dr. Drake's Panacka it hns the signature of Oko. P.
Sroiins on the wrapper and also the name 'Dr. Drake's
Panacea. Piiii.a." blown in the glass.
Prepared onlv bv Stork & Co., Druggists, No. St North
Sixth St., Philadelphia.
Agent for Siinburv II. MASSP.R.
Hold also by Wit. A . Mt SRAX A Co., Danville II SllASF
er, Milton; Mart McCoy, Northumberland.; B. P.Li'iz,
April I, l&IS ly
Pictorial Illinois of d' tiiltiuriic'N
great Work oa llie itcl'tiritiai iMi
inljlisheil or. or ahnut tin? 1st of April, ISIS, ly
JOS. A. SPEF.L. No 00 Cherry st above 6th.
his splem'.xl I'Jmo edition of the above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ginal 'designs ; t vols in 2, bound in extra cloth
and library sheep.
The publisher respectfully rails the attention
ofthe trade and the public generally, to this
work beinz the only illustrated edition published
in the United States He trusts that the beauty
of its embellishments. th strong and substantial
manner in which it is bound, inconjntiction with
the known popularity nf the work itself, will be
a sure recommendation to public fa'or.
JOS. A. SPEEL. 90 Cherry st above 6th.
J. A. S has also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Sell's Rnree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly done up in
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April I, 1848
AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, for aala by
A'ot. 33 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North
THIRD Slrert,
Comp Ising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice asemlment of no.lpra & Hons,
Wosienhotm e, Gieavrs s, W. & S. Uuirher's and
Fenney'a Cutlery.
Also, Spanish, Ditk and Huntina Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, an I Howie Knives.
Ala , Tlit Amerieun Hutnr Sirup, a superior
srliele, woity the attention o Uenlers.
Cin Dealers in Gulleiy, will rind tba above
Block worthy their sttemion, as the Suliscriber's
chief business Is impornnj snd selling cutlery,
PhilaHelphis, June 10th, IB48 ly.
George J. Weaver,
No. 19 Wate Street and No, 1 1 North Wharvei
If AH ronstantly on band, a general assort.
il ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, &c, via I
Tar'd Hopes, Fishing Hopes, While Ropes, Manil
la Rones. Tow Linos for Canal Uoals. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, &c, such as
Hemp Sliad and Herring Twine, Beit Patent Gill
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Threads, eic. Ac. Also, lied Cords, Plough Lines,
H alters, Trsees, Cotton and Linen Carpet Uliaina
&c, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable
terms. .
riiiladelphia, June 94, 1818. ly
Seal and Letter-Copying Presses, Ptvtont
Slate-Lined Refrigerators, Water Fil
ters, Patent Portable Water Clo
sets, intended for tho Sick
and Infirm.
7 South Third Street,
Manufacture and keep constant
nil mnniier nf rtrmhc n to ilirii
being rtrictly firo-pronf, nnd Hint
Jlicv will rcsiit the fire of nny
linilillnif. The nut-tide ensos nf
these Safe m infill nf InilcT iron, Om tniflo cnneof iinnp
Hone, nnl hetween the outer cusc and inner ense in npnce
of torn; thrr e inched thick, ond is filled in with indestruc
tililr mnttTfnl, i nn to nmlce it nn impmsihilitv to hum nny
fif the enntent iimitle of ihin Chert. Those fifinpdtone Sn
latnnnden we nre prepnred nnd do ch'illeuffo the world to
(Ti'duec nny nrtiele iu tbe ulifipn nf Bonk Safes thut will
ntnnd ns much hcul, and we h'ld nurnrlvc-s rendy nl nil
times to have them inirly tcrted by public bonfire. We
ftlBicmtiime to mnnumcture a Inrpp nnd ecncrnl niei'rt
mcnt of our Prpmiutn Air-tiM Vhc Prcif Snt'cs f which
there nre over 800 n-m iu Hue. nnd in cvnry instance they
Imve pi veu entiie sntisfnetinn to the pnrclmncrs nf which
we will rcftr the public to a few gentlemen who have
them in n ie
Hnywiod 9t Pnvdcr. Poitn-ille; Joseph O. Jjiwton
PottRvillej Mr. William Cnrr, lovIertowni, Vn.
N. & Ct. TjivI ir, Hf n nth nd rt'.; A Wricht A Nephew
Vine rt. wharf; Alexander Caror, ConvcyMiircr, corner nf
Filbert nnd rjtb rts.: John M. Tord. nJ north M ,t.; Myem
Hut-h, n rth 3d st.; .Inmcs M. Paul. 1(11 mntti 4tli ' ni.x'
Dr. Dnvid Juyne. 6 ninth ad st.) Mntbew T. Miller. B0
s utth 3d st.: nud wo e nild name s nne hundreds nf others
It it were necessity. N w we invite the nttmUnn of the
publi", and particularly tbone iu want nf Fire Proof Pnfes,
to call nt our t'rc befnre pnrchafiuR elsewhere, nud we
enn satisfy thein they will cret n better and cbenner article
nt nnr store tlian at any other establishment in the eltv.
We atsT innimtiiclure the ordinary Fire Pmnf Chests, nt
at very low prices, chenrier than they con be bought at any
other store in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 8, 1S49 ly
And Dealers in Paper, and Paper MarwfactU'
rcrs' Materials.
No. 32 Commerce at., PHILADELPHIA.
KEEP constantly on hanil a large assort
ment of printing and other paper. News
papers in the country, can be supplied at all
timea, with paper of any size and quality, at
the lowest prices.
Philadelphia, June 17th, 1918
OF a superior qunliiv handsomely colored, and
put up in heuiiful Morocco Case, compl- to,
M7I' ftieel. below Founli, Philadelphia. All
Pictures mmln at this o-tablislimeiit will bo Win.
nTtn rmrtxT.
I'liil-idrlpliia. Sept. S3, 1818 Cm
C5D LI S3 Q? SZ IS3 S31 U?
T tins power to muse all ruTrnissi SORES,
POISONOUS WOUNDS lo dischntge their pu
Irid matters, snd then lienls them.
It is richly lenncd All lienlins. for ihcre is sore
ly a disease, ex'erml or inlprnal, that it will not
bene At. I have used it for the I ist fourteen years
for all ili-eiffs nf ihe chert, consumption and liver,
involving thn uunost danger nnd re-poi,sihilii v.
and I declare before heaven and mnn, that not in
one einoje cse has it failed lo benefit when llie pa.
lient was wnhin the rearh of moital means.
I have had physicians, lenrni d in the profession.
I have hnd ministers of ihe gope', judges of the
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
i at eruiliiinp, nnd multitudes of the poor ue it in
evety variety nf way, and ibere has been hut one
voire one uoiiersnl voice saying : "M'Allisier,
your Ointment i GOOD."
In Scrofula, Old Sores, ErysepeUa, Tetter Li
ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Bote Throat,
llroiichiiis, Uroktn or Sore Breast, Piles, all Chest
Diseases, such as As'hma, Oppressions, Pain
Also, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Tumors, Chil
dri n'a Cuianeous Eruptions, Nervoua Diseases,
and ofthe Spine, there is no medicine now known
as good.
SCALD HE.D. We have cured ensea lhat
actually defied every thing known, as well ss Ihe
ability of 15 or 30 doctors. One man told us he
had spent 300 on hia rh Idien without any bene
fit, when a few boxes or Ointment cured ihem.
BALDNESS It will restore Ihe hair eooner
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The aalve has cured peieons
of the headache of 12 jear' standing, end who
had it regular rvery week, so that vomiting often
took place. Dkafkess, Eau Acns, and Aodb in
the i'tcn, are ruted by this Ointment with like
RL'UNS. Ii in one uf the best things in the
world for Hums. (Read the directions around the
liox )
RHEUMATISM. It rrmovca almost immedi.
ately the infliimtiiinn arid spelling when the piin
cea es. (Renl the Directions nround Ihe Box.)
(.'OLD KEEP. Consumpnnn, Liver Com
I hint, Pnin in t'.e cheat nr side, falling off of the
hitir, one or the nlher alwiys eecompaniea eobl
teet; (This Ointment ia the due remedy.) It is
a su'n tifrn of disease to have cold feet.
TETTER. There is noihiug better for the
cure i f Teller.
PILES. Thousands aie yearly cured by this
t ORNS Occiaionsl use of the Ointment will
Iwiti keep Co ns from giowins. People need
ever be troubled wiih ihem il Ihey wi'l ue i'.
ltead the following Communication.
Riceived Irom un o'd. re.per rd i.n I well known
citizen of I'hi'adulphta. and then judge for ynui
self: Philadelphia. 10 mo., l.lih, 1846.
To T. B. Peleron, Having been reqni-led
lo ci mv opinion on Ihe merits of M AI.I.I3
TEH'S SALVE, I am willina In enumerste aome
f the l n fits which I have experienced in the use
f Ihe article.
In li e soring of 1845, I had an attack nf Ery-
aipelaa in my which became very painful, and
extended into one of my eyes, being attended with
fevrr, my distress was great and I beyan to be fear
ful of losing my eve.
Alluough nol much of a I'Cliever in what is
commonly ealli d quack medicines, I purchased a
box and made an application to my fare. I o my
sui prise the pnin soon abated, and in a week's time
it wae entirely cured, and I firmly believe lhat it
was ihe ealie, under Providence lhat cured me.
From lhat time to the present. 1 have used the
ariicle as occasion required, snd i every esse where
I have ued It, I have found a decided benefit
At one time, on going to bed at night, my ihrnal
wiia ao sore I swa'lowrd with ililucuHy. hut
by an application ofthe raise I was relieved before
I hove usod it in ease nf burns, bruises sprains,
snd flesh cms, all wiih the happiest effects, and
one ease of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods,
h is been dried up and cured by a few ai-plications
r rom my own eipenenee, I would strongly re-
fonm.eiul it to all, as a cheap, convenient, family
I hive become ao partial In it, lhat I expect lo
keen it constantly In my lamily.
1 hough nol ami itiuua lo appear in print, yet I
cannot refuse to have this communica'ion made
public if judged best to serve lha e mse of human!
ly, neapectiuny mine,
No. 86, Old York Road.
CAUTION. No Ointment will tie genuine
unless the nanf of James M'Atliater, or Jamoa
M'Allisler ct Co., are written wiih a pen nn eve.
ry label. JAMES M ALLISTElt,
Sole proprietor of Ihe a' oa medicine.
Auksis : J. W. FRILIN'O. Sunbury.
Dr WM. M BICKLEY, Danville,
J. G. CHOUSE, ttehnsgrove,
P. C. SHKLLER, L.wi.l.urg,
WM. F. NAGLE. Milton,
B i'T ""WJ '7 u" s inrge assortment ot
KM tti,iiV'S',4i'A M "larva articles, together with
,'lfVM '1E 'heir Patent Improved Salamander
Bri IV f ' : :,!))!, are so constructed ns to act at rent
Feb. I'Jih, IS4S. euwly V
The fnllowlnff list shows the current value of all
'enneylvania Bank Notre. The most implicit re
liance may he placed upon it, as it is entry trier"
arefully compared with and corrected from Bit
(tail's Reporter.
Iniaka In Philadelphia.
Nas...' I.ocATto.c. P,,c-'
Sank of Noith Ametira . ,
Bank nf thn Northern Liberties ,
Commercial Bank of Penn'e. . ,
Farmrta' and Mechnnira' Dank
Kensington B.nk , ,-
Philadelphia Hank . ,
Srhnylkill Batik
Sonibwaik Hank ,
Western Bnnk .
Mcclinnirs' I'nnk . .
f nnufnetiirers' V Mechanics' Bniik
Hank of Perm Township , ,
Gjrar.1 Hank
Hank of (Jnnimrric, Iste Moyamensing'
Bank of PennvlvanU . .
Country llaiikN.
Hank nf t'lipster Cmmlv
Hank of llelnwnve Gonnty
ll.tnk of Germsntown
Hank of Montnomerv Co.
Doylrstown Bnnk
Easton Bank
Fnrmnrs' Hnnk of Bucks co."
Bnnk of Norlhumbeilnnd
t'oluml.ia Bnnk cV Itriilue en.Goliimbia
Fnrmcra' Unnk of Lanrnstet Lanctstei
Lancaster County Unnk Lancaster
f, messier Bank- Lancaster
Farmers' Bunk nf Reading Reading
Office of Bank of Penn'a. Harrisbuig" These
Office do do Lancaster I offices
Office do do Reading fdn not
Office do do Easlrm J issue n.
tank of Ihe United States Philadelphia
Miners' Bank of Pottsville Pottavillo
Bank of Lewistown Lewistnwn
Bank of Middlctown Middletown
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exchange Bank Pittsburg
Do do branch of Hnllidavsburg
Harrisbutg Bank Harrialiurg
Lebanon Bank Lebanon
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg
Bank of Piltsburg Pillahutg
Weal Branch B ink Williamaporl
Wyoming Bank Wilkeaharre
Northampton Bunk Allentown
Berks County Bank Reading
Office of Bank of V. 8. Pittsburg
no aale
Do do uo Erie
Do do do New Brighton
Bank of Chambershurg Chamberahurg
Bank of Gettysburg Gettyahurg
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose
Erie Bunk Erie
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Wayneaburg
Franklin Bank Washington
Hnnemlale Bnk Hnncsddla
Monongaliela Bank of B. Browns rille
Vork Bank York
N. B. 'Ihe notes of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the
exception nf those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphii
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuvlkill Sav. Ins. do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Snv. Ins. do
Manii il Labor Bank ( P. W Dyott, prop.)
Powandn Dank ' Towanda
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bnnk of Beaver
Fayetle cn.
no aale
Bnnk of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Formers' & Meih'ca' Bank
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank
Farmero' & Mech'cs' Bank
no sale
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
no sale
Huntingdon no aale
Lewistown no sale
untnta Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
no aale
no sale
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
New Hope
Port Carbon
Office nf Schuylkill Bunk
Pa. Acr. 6c Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of I'enn'a.
W estmoreland Bank
Wilkcsharre Bridge Co. Wilkeaharre no sale
rrT All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
jown ta trauus.
Bank nf New Brunswick
Bclvideie Bank
Burlingtnn Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Med ford
Perth Amboy
Mount Holly
3umherl.ind Bank
HNncrs' Bnnk
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mi-chanica' l!k N. Biunswick failed
Farmers and Men limits' Bk Middletown Pt. 1
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City
no sale
no aale
iionoKcn ung at iiiazmg l o liobokcn
lersey City Bnnk Jersey Cily
Mechanics' Bonk Pntierson
Manufacturers' Bnnk Belleville
Morria County Bnnk Mornatuwn
Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold
Mi chanira' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Fust INotes
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newaik
iew Hope Del Bridge Co Lamhertaville
IN. .1. Manufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Protecion fc Lombard bk Jersey Cily
. 1
i !
( Irauge Bnk Orange
Pateron Bank Peterson
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
Slaie Bank Elixahethtowi
Slate Bank Camden
Slate Bank of Morria Monistown
Slate Bank Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newion
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Hank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackenaick
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Millord
Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington)
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
dj under 6 a
QJ- On all banks marked thus () there are ei
iher counterfeit or altered notes of the various de
nominations, in circulation.
A Thousand Dollars Savid I
Hat and Cap Manufacturers,
South East Corner of 44 and Market Street,
Bavment story.
HAVE eonstant'y on hand a full and complete
assortment of HATS, CAPS, and FURS.
Alan an elegant assorimenl of n.ens' au l boys'
Leghorn, Panams, and Palm-leaf Hata. All of
which by a saviun of $1000 in rent, will he aold,
wholesale and retail, at ihe very loweal prices.
Country dealers would do well to call, aa by e
conoiny and low lent, we are enabled to sell at
very low ratee.
June 10th, 1848 ly
No. 40,
South Fouhth Strbkt, Above CiieaTNi'T.
Jan. !9th,
J. & W, Li .WARD,
Wot lofl CHEStUT Street, PhllB.delbla,
Oppositt th$ Franklin House,
IMPORTERS of Gold end Silver Patent Le
ver Watches, and Manufacturer! of Jewelrv
A good assortment always on hand. Gold Pa.
lent Levera, 13 iewela. 38 : Silver do. tisto
(30; Gold Lepines, 30; Silver do, 9 la to 13:
Clicks and l ime Pieces, Gold Pencils, J 1 93,
upwards; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, $1.00;
Gold Bracelets and Breast Pint, in grant variety;
Ear Rings; Miniature Cases; Guard Chains,
$12 to $'i3 ; Plated Tea 8eta, Castors, Cake
Rasketa. Candlesticks. Britannia Ware, Fin Ivo-
ry Handled Table Cutlery, and a general assort
ment of Fancy Goods.
J.&W L. WARD, No. 108 CHESNUT St.,
Philadelphia, opposite the Franklin House,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver Spoons.
Forks, 'Tea ets, Ladles, Ac. All work made
by us is stamped wiih our name, and warranted
to hp made of purely American coin.
Philadelphia. August 13, 18486 mo.
T'HT great National, Old Favorite.and Ster
A ling Remedy! ! ! of EIGHTEEN YEARS
STANDING still unapproached in its wonder
ful success, certainty, and saf. ty, in the cum of
0y I' you would escape the arsenical (poitnn.
nue) counterfeits take not a bottlerow any nne.
thai is nt guarded by V e 'written signature"
of the original invetitorand proprietor, John R.
Rowan n, on a paper label, crossing the mouth
and enrk.
1 His remedy has never been bolstered up by
false am! decei fill puffs, but has won its way to
the confidence and universal adoption ofthe in
habitants nf Fkver and Artir Patriots I) V ITS
which all the agents, and every person who have
useu ii, wen lesruv,
1J3 Arch Street Philadelphia.
Agents for Sunbury Ira T. Clement, J. W.
r ruing, n. m'aser and ueo. Hright.
Aoents for Northumberland Forsythe, Wil
son cVCo , R M. M'Cay.
Auentt 5, 184P eow
Time and Distance Saved!
THE subscribers having leased Ihe Sunbury
Ferry, beg leave to inform the public, that
they are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure
Carrianea and Foot paasengera acroas the river
with safety and without delay. They have pro
vided themselves with new and commodious
crafts, which will always be attended with able
and careful hands.
Persons travelling to and from and throneh
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburg, Hartleton
and other places, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to cross at thia Ferry instead of the
Bridges, as they would save from two to four
miles in distance. JOHN SPF.F.CE.
Sunbury, April 1, 1818
LP 3r oa
THIS Medicine is warranted, on oath, not to
contain a panicle nf Calomel, Corrosive 8ub
limnle. Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
roue minerals.
The principle upon which this Medicine acts, is
hv sssistini snd harmonising with nature ; il
drives nut all foul acrimonious humors from the
blood and body, and by assimilating with and
strengthenina the gnstric juice nf the stomach, it
assists diges'ion ; in short there ia not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, lhat is
not strengthened by the PANACEA, and it nlsr
possesses the remarkable property of removing
mercury from the hones ami joints.
Scurvv. Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, Serofula or
Kinus' Evi , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers.
Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and Biles, time
and a deteiniinrd peraeveranee in D . SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejection of food, Nausea. Vomitings, Nervous af
fections, Uillious complaints, Head set e. Ps'eness,
or Female Irregularities. Dr. 8WEET8EIP8 PA
NACEA will soon effect a cure ; but if obstinate,
or attended with griping, flying pains, the dose
should he increased, and the cute will soon be ef
fected. 11 not the patients frighten themselves
wiih the idea thai they are ton we .k to take much
medicine; but bear in mind lhat this mi'dly opera
ting med cine put not weaknesa into ihe frame, hut
mott certainly draws weakm a. out, leavea strength
in its place, and by giving composed sleep at mgt
and an appetite lo relish any fond, re-anima'ea the
whole frame wi'h vigorous action, clearing Ihe
mind and improving the atght.
Scrofula is aaid to be heridilary, ihe infant re
ceiving (mm Us parents the seed of litis iliseas"
which increases with its veara, if neglected and
unl anbmit'ed to frequent purification with Dr,
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. The glands are pla.
eed in the corners of the body, and mil of Ihe way
f direct communication ; their real ue . a subject
on which much uilterenco of opinion prevaila; it
suffn-ra ua to know thnt when in a diseased stale,
ihey are capable of beine purified and cleunsed hy
a long course of Dr. 8WKEISERS PAN A.
L bA, which resioies them to sound and piop. r
artino. Scrofub us persons csn revet pav Inn much
atleniinn In their blood, its purification should lie
their first thought, for after a long course of perse.
vcrance, Ihey win ever cure neteditiry disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be loo hieh
ly extolled , it reatchea out the very toot of the
disease, and y r moving it from the Blood makes
a cure certain and perm ment.
For discuses of the Bladder and Kidneys. Slric
tares. Gravel. Stone, Piles. Fistula. Uiinaru Ob
structions and Extreme Costiveness Dr. 8 W EET.
SEH'S PANCEA ia Ihe best remedy ever trel;
it removes all those acrimonious humos from the
Blood which give rise lo the shove diseases, and
hy keeping ihe blood in a pure eondiiion, insures
Impur-lies f Ihe Blood. Mercurial Taint. Weak
nest of the Spine Floin of Blood lo the Head Gid-
d'ties; Si-igmg and Butting Noise in Ihe Head
and tiars, Ui. WEtS I BISK'S raNAUEA will
give certain relief: in all severe and chronic cases,
lite patients cannot he loo often reminded that tar
ger doses and perseverance will effect a cure.
Li Chills and Fevers. Bilious Fevers, Affections
nf the Eyes nnd Ears, Spongy and Bleedtng
vums anncnuis ami recent Uoiighs ana Uolds,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be found
peifectly sure and certain in its effects,
Thoe ronip'sima are geneially attended wiih
the moat fatal consequences, and are seldom or ne.
vei cured by the present mode of treatment ; they
usually accompany the patient t the grave, after
sufforing the moat excruciating pain and torture.
The causa of iheae eomplain'a are the same as all
otheia, the dross ot Ihe blood becomes encrusted on
the finrst narrow passsgea. whence ansa morbid
secietiona and stoppsgrs of urine. Yon will find
the moat powerful diuretics uf no use, as they only
increaso the quantily of urine and do not purify
snd strengthen lh part'. By purifying the blond
wiih Dr. SWEETSER'8 PANACEA, ,ou re
move Ihe cause nl ihe disease, consequently it can
not exist any longer, after sufficient peiseverance
in its use baa deprived lha blood and body of ell
acrimonious humors and incrualation.
Thia ia a ery prevalent and lalal disease t it re
sults mostly from neglected coughs, colds and btou
cbilitf, also from impioper treatment in many other
cases, turh as measles, fi vers, inflsmmstions and
small pot, and a heal of other badly treated diseases!
where Ihe cause, Instead of having been thoroughly
reinoveu irom me moou snu nooy, navst only beerj
palliated or removeJ from ono part lo break out In
another. By divesling your bodies of all foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S"
PANACEA, ihe cure ia at once rendered Certain
and permanent. Recollect, while there la acrimo
nious humors floating in the circulation, it is aa apt
to setile on the lungs as any other part of the body (
thia ia the reason thst consumption Is so prevalent.
WMeh you see on the exterior, eome from and"
have, their eonrce in, the interior, and might just aa
pa.t, we know the, frcquen.l, do, and pro
luce mo, violent inllamma.,,,, disorders, The
humor which occasions these inrea I, of a highlv
acrimonions burning nature. We know It from '
Ihe pain it gies in forming, and afterwards its ra
pidly uiceraiing and corroding ihe flesh and skin '
of Ihe pait where it breaks out. Thia ahowa the '
necessity of frequently purifying the blood with 11. '
SWEETSEKS PANACEA, and keeping ."'
malignant humors in sui j ction. Should you have)
a bile nr ulcer, he thmkful that nature haa taken
'rouble In warn you nf ihe danger your life and bo
dy is in, for it is a wanting that the blood is foul. '
Had this snme acrimony si heed ihe lungs instead
of ihe surface of your body for ila seat, eonsump-'
tion of the lungs would have been the'eonaequence
D. lay not then, to purify and cleanse with Dr
Swettecr's Panacea.
Spinal affections, mlargemenl of the hones and
joints, while swcllinga, hip joint complaint, rup.
Mter, falling of ihe bowels nnd worn'- disense, will
And a aeedy oute in Dr. SIVEETMER'S PA
NACEA. Where the disease has been of long
"landing, ihe time required to make a cure will he
longer hut the patient miy real assured that a
determined perseverance will effect it.
Thrao tlieasei proceed from the seriosity or
corrupt humors ofthe blood, having settled itself on
the and lungs, and Mopped them up, ao lhat
Ihey cannot draw sufficient air in for respiration.
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will gi.eimme
dialc relief, and to make the cure perfect and cer
tain, it should he continued some lime after, to
free Ihe svatem of all humors.
Find a safe and speedy cure in Dr SWE FT
Stiffs PANACEA. It cure, l,y ,eching every
hlood ves el and artery, and driving out all impii
ruies and foul humors acrumu'ated therein, which
's Ihe cause of rh umalism, goUt and awelling. of
the joints. The cle'eterous effeets. of calomel and
other mineral poisona, readily yield lo ita sovereign
influence ; indeed, when ita val-iahle propertiee be
come fully known. Ihe use of all miner I poison will
he consigned lo 'the tomb of all Ihe Capulet, and
only he thought of aa a by-anr.e custom ofthe dar
ker ages. Dr. Swei tscr's Panacea ia also a sum
cure for dyspepsia, piles, cosiiveuea", vertigo, hf ad
nth", pain in the breast and liver complaint.
Fcvrr is al.vave caused by a disorderly move
ment of ihe blood, struggling to fiee itself of acme
thing lhat encumbers il ; in fuct, every kind of fe
ver is nothing more than a struggle between the
blood and corrupt humors, ami aa soon as the cor
rupt humors are expelled, you have no more fever
When a patient with fever euhmits to be hied, or
have hia blood poisoned with mercury, it weakens
his frame lo such a degree lhat if he survives Ihe
prore-s, it alw ays leaves him subject to distressing
chills, when 9 limes out of 10 he resorts to ague
pin. i,.,,in, o, mnic mixtures; mis is going from
had to worse, ns these vegetable pills, powders, dee,
nre n .thing hut mercury and quinine in disguise,
which may for a lime drive the disease so far into
he hoity as not to he perceptible, but verv mnn I.
will break nut again with fearfjl violence." To cure
ue anil lever, ihe cause of the diaease must he re.
moved out of the blood and body, which can be ef
f dually done by uaing Dr. SWEETSER'S PA.
NACE A, whirh purifies, cleanses and strengthens.
It contains nothing lhat can poasikly injure, and it a
use ia always a ssfeguard against chillaand fevera.
lo alt Casks of Pilks. Dr. SWERTSEH'j
PANACEA will effect a very speedy cure. It re
moves from Ihe blood, stomach and bowels, all
those foul acrid burning humors, which are lha
cause of riles and Costivenes.. and hv
inu the digt'itivc organc, improvet every part of the
These diseases are cau-ed by Ihe stomach .nrf
bowels being choked up with viscid slimy mailer,
ihe air whieh enlers them c innote-cipe until forced
by some contraction nf the stomach to expel il :
iimi-fT ,,m t-nuev oi pr,in. n lew uoses oi Ilr
8WEETSER'S PANACEA will convince thai
sufferer that relief is attained.
Parents will find the PANACEA a valuable
medirine their children, keeping their bodies in
a heabhy c ndiii.,n, thareby assisting their g'owih;
children or grown peisons, after taking it, are not
lial'le lo be attacked with an epidemic as before, aa
it bIwbvs leaves the hlood in a pure eondiiion. and
the mire system in a strengthened stale itdrivee
nut a'l kinds of weikue ss from the body and leavee
ill heal hy within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE T.-ER'S PANACEA a medi
c ne purely ad ipted to their use. Most ladies du
ring the peri. d nf preanancy ate afflicted with pile.
Dr. Sweeiser'a Panacea, by regulating the bowels,
" ill entirely obviate thia. and ila purifying proper
ties on "he blond and fluids, insures lo ihem heal
thy off-pring. No one who is a mother should be
without it. and lho who are nursing will find it
of gieat ben. fit to ihe health oflheir infante.
For hanennesa and all diseaaea of Ihe womh, it
is without a rival in theenire histniy and catalogue
of medicines; by its extrsordinary strengthening
power, it stimulates and atrengthene the womh, a
weakness of which ia the cause of failure to have
Under this bend may be classed Palpitation of
Ihe Heart, Tic Dnlorestix or Fafvache, Neuralgia,
Indigeation, Toothache, Melauchol) , Hysterics, and
in fact, every disease caused by Ihe aharp, biting,
acrimonious humors irritating the nerves ; the
nerves leceive the mnrhid impiessinn from Ihe sto
mach, nr rather from the hlood through Ihe agency
of the slomach and dige live organa, and alihnugb
other psrts of the body sre apparently the seat of
ihe diaease, still it is caused by ihe mnrhid imprea
sion conveyed from the blood by the nerves, to that
part, A few d usee of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA will soon assure Ihe patient that he has
the cure iu his possession,
This is an inflammatory dismder, alw iys atieod
ed with more or leas pain. It proceeds from ihe
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in ihe hlood and
fluids, settling nn the liml snd face, causing ex
treme pain and fevera; all appheationa on the eur- '
face are worse than useless, as Ihey only tend to '
throw the disease in some other part, and perhapa
rauae death. Bleeding ia likewise improper. Te '
cute the di-eaae you must get rid of the cause ; on
ly msnage t gel ihe foul humors out nf your blond,
and vou will ha well in a dav. Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the'
blood, will search out evety impurity in the more
remote p irta of ihe body and expel it through the
medium of the bowels. There ia not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or organ of Ihe entire framework of'
man, lhat Dr. Sweetaei's Panacea doea not im
prove, 'I'd take it when you are well Is to keep'
well ; and when sick to become well.
posed only ol a vegetable matter, or medical nerbs,
and warranted, on oalh, aa containing not one par
ticle of mercurial, mineral, or chimical substancei,
is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender
sge, or the weakest frame, under any atageof hu-
man aullering; the mnl pleasant and benign in its
operation that waa ever offered to the world; and
al Ihe earns lime ihe most eeriain in searching out
the loot of any complaint, however deep, and of
performing a eure. ,.
Price l per bottle, or six bottlee for J5, For
sale, wholesale and retail, at the corner ef
CHARLES iud PRATT Streets. Baltimiire,, and ,
N v. HIT. ' y flunbury