SUNBURY AMElllCAN AND SHAM OKL JOURNAL. Fo tnm Atmct!. THE tAMENT... Mutt th links of friendship Vffdd be ! And Ihoe we loveil, rcitinin, Distent, and cold the north wind'i blast, That sweeps o'er the froien plain. In the rude north, there are many joys, That would tempt us to linger here, Whilst, where perpetual spring doth smile, They know not our christmas cheer. Can it be, that angry passions are wrought By ruJs winter's boisterous mirth And the founts oflovs and friendship sealed By the dreary frosts of the north ; ' Then hasten spring, with thy bustling train, Decked in thy gay attire, And dissipate the gloom that hangs Around thy aged Sire. Sunbury Jan. 1 7th, 1 849. N. R. sjssjBasssassssssssjji ssasasssst as A Paris correspondent of the Courier gives the following as the personal npearnnce of ' Louis Napoleon, the new President of Fiance : Some five feet eight inches in height. Brown hair and heavy moustache. Some forty odd years of various expert ence. A strong German accent. A little literary pretension. A gentlemanly manner, and a creditable taste in dress. Mr. Hawk, editor of the Cosmopolite, has been lined $3, for chopping wood in unsea sonable hours in his printing-office, by the recorder of St. Louis. Foa California. The number of passen gers who have already sailed, or are on the point of sailing from Boston to California, is three hundred and seventy. The Boston Journal says there are now between and twenty and thirty vessels at Boston fur Cali fornia, most of which will carry out a greater or less number of passengers Two hundred and ninety-two passengers left New York on Saturday in two ships, and some fifty more are ready to follow. Two hundred left Balti more last week Throughout the West par. ties are forming to go to the gold land ; so that California will soon have a numerous population, who will build up flouring towns upon the Pacific, and expedite the period when the East India and China trade will take this course. Three full-blooded gents approached a Lon don stable, fur the hire of a horse and gig, to take them to Brighton and back in one day. 'What!;' exclaimed the groom, "you surely would not drive a poor beast a hundred miles in a day 1" ''Vy not?" said one of their, "we've all got vips!" Two editors in Rochester are engaged in a personal controversy, the temper of which may be inferred from the names by which each style the other: Iscariot Butts and Hye na G. Warren. JH J It It I K It , In Kelly township, Utrinn county, on tho 2d ins!., by the Kpv. l b. Alnrr, Mr. William P. Doucal, of Millon, to Miss Sarah, daugh ter of Mr. Thomas Cliiiyan, of that township. On Thursday the 4th inst., by Rev. John P. Hudson, Mr. James Wilson, to Miss El len Tcnebhook, both of Delaware tow nship. On the 28th ult., bv Rev. Mi. WeincuD. Mr. M. J. Apr-', to Miss Harriet, daughter of ueo. a. snyuer, tsq., all ot elinsgrove. On the 4th inst., by Rev. J. H. Grier, Rob CRT M Russel, Eq , of Lewis township, Northumberland Co., to Miss Hester G., daughter of J. H. McKinney, Esq., of Pine Creek township, Clinton county. d i : d , In Milton, on Monday last, Mrs. ELIZ BETH, wife of Mr. Jacob Bastian, aged 55 years. In Milton, on Tuesday last, JOHN, son of jnr. jepina Allien, aged iz years. In Turbut township, on Saturday the 6th inst., Mr. JOHN MARR, aged about 36 yrs. In Penna township, Up ion county, on the 22d ult., Mrs. NANCY, consort of Cupt. Jacob 1 1 Ma nummei, ageu 1 i years. rartASBURIA MARKET. Tcesdat, Jan. 16, 1849. Wheat Red is worth 110 a 111 cents; white is held at 113 a 115c. Rte Pennsylvania is worth 68c. Corn New Penna. yellow is held at 6lc, white 58c, weight. Oats Southern is held at about 30 a 33c. Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 23c and in bbls at 24 cents. PRICE C UK RENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Master . Wheat. .... .00 Ria. . . . ' 56 Coax. .... so Oats. .... 37 BcTTta. . . . I6 Easts. . . is Poaa. .... 5 Flaisiid. .' . . . 125 Tallow. . . .10 Binwti, . ... jj Flax. . . . .8 Hscklid f lax. ... jo Dana ArrLts. . . . . 75 Do. Piacmks. ... soo A'oticc. HT HE public are hereby notified that I have pur- chatted at Countable s sale on the 11 111 of January inst, tbe following articles, sold as the property of Abraham Sarvis, which I have left with tbe said Sarvis until I shall ace proper to re move thein. 1 Wsgon 15,00 1,75 8,00 2,50 2,50 15 7,50 5,00 SO bushel Corn more or lets, at 43 cts. per bush. $6,60 14 bushel Oats 3,48 8 acres of Wheat in the ground at $2,50 per acre 0,00 iO acres of Kye and Wheat 34,12) 1 set of Black smiths Tools 10,00 1 Plough 1 do 1 Harrow 1 Cultivator 1 Cuttingboi 1 Cow 3 Calves 1 set of Harness 6 Pigs 1 Log Chain 1 Grubbing Hoe 1 Clock 2,37 3,12 2,00 16 100 REUBEN PEG ELY. Sunbury Jan. 20, 1849 at. AS IRON of all kinds for sale tow, at tha tore of C. . BOGAK. fcuubury Jan. 20th, 1M9 If. PLA8TEK, a lot for sale by G & BOO AH. Sunbury Jan. 20th, 1849. tf. iVKUP MOLASSES Superior refined Syrup 5 Molasses for sale by HENRY M ASwKR. Hunbiiry, Dec f, IMS. SELLING OFF !! ! - Itnrgftlns to be had! HPHE subscriber having purchased tho stock of GOODS, formcrlv owned bv John Borrnr. in tends selling them off nt City prices and under, for or country produce, t'ersons in want 01 Goods will do well to give him a call, as he is de termined to sell. C. 8.B0GAR. Sunbury, Jan'y 13,1849.-tf . LMANACS! ALMANAC! ALMANACS I DOCTOR D. JAYNE would respectfully in form the public that he publishes annually for gra tuitous distribution, by himself and alt his Agents, an Almanac, called Jnyiic's Medical Almanac, AND GUIDE TO HEALTH. The calculations for this Almanac arc made with great care accuracy and for five different La titudes nnd Longitudes, so as to moke them equal ly useful as a Calendar in every part of the United Stntrs and British North America. They are printed on good paper, and with handsome new type, and are neatly bound, and besides being the neatest and most accurate Calendar printed in the United States, they contain a large amount of val uation information, suited tn the wants of all, and of that kind too, which cannot lie found in books. HIS CATALOGUE OF DISEASE, with re marks and directions for their removal is really invaluable, and mako them welcome visiters in every house they enter- Every family should possess at least one of these Annuals, His Alma nacs for 1849 is now readv for distribution, of which he designs to publish at "least TWO MILLIONS, and in order that thov every family in the United States and British America, may be furnished with a copy, he hereby invites MERCHANTS ASD STOREKEEPERS to forward their orders to him as earlv as possible, and they shall be supplied GR ATL'lf OI LY with as many copies as tlicy may deem necessary to supply their various customers. They are also in vited at the same time, to send a copy of their "BUSINESS CARD," which will be printed and placed on the cover of the Almanacs sent them, also without charge. They are also requested to give all necessary directions how the Almanacs should be forwarded to them. By law they cannot lie sent by mail un less the postage is first paid on them here. Orders, (post paid.) directed lo DR. D. JAYNE, Philadelphia, will meet with pompt attention. V FAMILIES can obtain these Almanacs Gratis of WM. H. THOMPSON, Sunbury. Agent for the sale of Dr. Jayuc's Celebrated Family Medicine. Sunbury, January 13, 1848 3t EOHr.E A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Why will you suffer your Horse to die, tehen he may be of times cured for a triflef A new era in Veterinary Science is about com mencing ; this is needed, for it is a most lamenta ble fact, that the science of Vctcrinory Surgery scarcely has existence in this country, while in Europe there is a greater improvement in the knowledge and practice of the art, than has ever taken place inhuman medicine. The undersigned has spent much time in the study of this I ranch of science in "London and Edinboro'," and has witnessed the practice of sev eral eminent men in the treatment of diseases of Horses and Cattle. He also availed himself of the of the researches of Liebig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards a ju dicious and enlightened treatment of the Horse. The object is, to treat the disease of Cattle on the same fundamental principles that guide the practi tioner in human medicine, and to make use of those therapeutical agents only, that when given in small quantities, are capable of exciting and increasing . the natural functions, with out diminishing or destroying their power. The undersigned will devote himself to the manufac ture of the following articles, yet every Medicine used in regular practice may be obtuined at short notice. Pamphlets, describing the different di seases, may be had gratis. G. H. DADD, M: D. A List of Hone and Cattle Medicines. Physic Balls Tonic Pow- Healing Balsam, for saddle galls, wounds and bruises. Ointment, for mange, scratches and old sores, Embrocation, for sore throat, catarrh, stran gles, and common cold, Hoof Ointment, for sank crack, brittle it contracted hoof, Horse Liniment, Distemper Powder, acre. Alterative Ball, Fever Powders, Powders, for heaves. Diuretic, or Urine Pow ders, Cordial, or Colic drink, Chlorine Solution, for foul ulcers. Liquid Blister, Ointment, for promiting the growth ofhair, Wash, for inflamed eyes, Worm Powders. Sohlbv GHEF.1V Av PI.EWHPB K SIXTH 8treet, Philadelphia, and by his Aoixt Henry Masser, Sunbury, January 13, 1848. EXECUTOR'S SALE. 11 ILL be sold on the premises, on THURS- ' DAY the first day of FEBRUARY next, all that It KICK HOUSE and tenements together with the lots attached thereto belonging to the estate of Catharine Ross,, dee'd., in the Borough of Northumberland. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day at which time terms will be made known by JAMES TAGGART, ) ,, JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. txee tr"- INortliumberUml, Jan ry 6, 1649. Assignees' Sale OF THE PAXINOS FURNACE. f pilE subscribers assignees' of Dengler, Haas, I A Co., will expose to sale by public vendue, on Thursday the 8th day of February, 1849, on the premises. THE Cn.iRC0.tL ri'BXACE, known as tbe P.tiv.h F .......... .:... c.-t. . . .....a l , .ItUDLG VII DUB- mokin Creek shout 1 1 n,;u. ua. r a. i 1 - LKn. ... uui.uui y aim within one fourth of a mile of the Danville & Potts- vine nan iioau, together with coal house, two dwelling houses, saw-mill and other improvements, and with all the necessary implements, necessary to work said Furnace. There are also, cut and in rank, two thousand cords of Wood, which will be sold at the same time. The location is a fine one, and the country is well urrnmi.t.l uoib ....! timber. Tbe Furnace is built on a perpetual lease at a rent of ner Annum fnr iKnu u rvnM . -i i ...... .... him. jmii.iiuiii aiin next, after, which time, the rent may be raised to $400. ncr annum. Tbe Fi imaA u.ill I.a L-ai.t blast until the middle of Jan'y next Any persons "'"""j u uie same call uo so l.y calling on the premises. For further uartienliriii,lv m ih. subscriber. W. & R. FEGELY. Sunbury, Nov. 25, 1848. rv Tbe i'i,ii...i. i.,i,iu n,,ii...i u. : .i Keystone, will please publish the above, once a w,-k till ..tu bi.,1 .-An. I tiln; i.;na ... av. I W..U m..,u HILII Will W Ulll UIIM.C OA PS. An assortment just received. Also, silk HATS at 25, for sale by H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1848. TJLANK BOOKS An assortment of Blank Books, just received and sale by , , H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec, 8, 1848. A XES of a very superior quality for sale by. 1 , H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. OAISINS currants, citron, cheese, pepper I T' If" or0:ofle h l- W- FRILING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1844. PLASTER, Salt and PUh, 1 c,ived ,,, for .y, J w.rmuNo. "uinnirv, I?. H48. AN fJlMYERSAI HISTORY. FROM THE INFANCY OF MANKIND TO THE PRESENT TIME. By G. C. Hrsai I L D. Now ready, 1st volumc.bound in cloth. Price 1 75 and to be continued in monthly parts, until finished, five numlwrs forming a vol ume, 85 cts. per number. The author of this work seems to havo had in constant view the celebrated treatise of Lucian "How a History ought to Iks written." . Truth In its sevority, and reason in its manly state, are the chief Muses and Graces to which he has done obe dience. What a diflcrciil view has been opened to us of the state of nations of by-gone ages, from that which has been presented to'iis by other historians. No wonder that the numlicr already issued, have met with a large sale, and been hailed by frequent laudatory notices of the press, of which a few a bridged extracts here are subjoined. F rom the Democratic Review. This beautiful octavo the first volume of Dr. Hcbbc's Universal History forms the initial vol ume of a uew and greatly improved work, devoted to the history of the Universe, based not merely upon the usually received data of former historians but derived from the best authorities, attested by revelations of m odcrn discovery. Tho recent re searches in areha'ology by Chevalier Bunscn, and other learned investigators, among ancient monu mental records, have so entirely change the asjiect of primitive times and revealed so many iinjKii taut new data, that the wonder has been not that such a work as the present should make its appearance but rather that the task should not have been le fore attempted in Europe. From a somewhat careful examination of this volume, however we find no cause to regret thut the theme should have leen reserved for the judicious snd laborious press of Dr. Hcbbc. To such as cannot command the leisure for a more systematic course of study, this work proves eminently important and valuable, since, when completed ! it will form a compendous libcrary of universal history, the most accurate and complete extent, and written up to the spirit of the age. From the New York Tribune, Sept. 23 In regard to the literary execution of this work, wc have spoken as the numbers appeared, but not as fully as its merits deserve. Now, on reexami nation, wc hesilnto not to pronounce that this vol ume, as a history of the earliest period of mankind has no rival in any single work of universal histo ry in the English language. From Graham's Magazine. The author of the Universal History now in publication, judging from the portion of it already published, is equal to his task. He comes to it prepared by twenty years of study, and a familiar acquaintance with all the necessary authorities, not only those to whom we look for solid records of facts, but those who have gone beneath the sur face of events, and tracked the source of political convulsions by a thousand pulse back to the hidden heart of some great principle. From the Boston Transcript. Dr. Hclihc, by availing himself of the light which the Egyptian hieorologists and other inves tigators of antiquity, have shed on the earliest his tory of man, by means of his vast eruditions ena bling him to avoid the errors of compilers, and to draw from the original and most undoubted sour ces ofauthority, and by his acute judgenment, his liberal philosophy, his deep sympathy with huma nity, and his enthusiastic love for his favorite stu dy, has produced what may be termed in many respects an original history of the infant nations of the world. The work is written in the most en larged and lilieral spirit, while the author rejects the superstition of the ancient priesthood, he is a stout defender of the immortal and sublime truths of Christianity. From thcNete York True Sun The style of Dr. Hebbe, though writing in a tongue foreign to him, js always (lowing and ani mated, sometimes picturesque, and sometimes even eloquent and sublime. This work nppears in monthly numbers seven numbers now ready. A liberal discount lo the trade. Sent by mail to any part of the country. DEWITT & DAVENPORT, Tribune Buildings, Nassau street, New York. 17 Papers inserting the aliove three times, in cluding this notice, and noticing the numbers as they appear, will have the back numbers sent to them by forwarding a copy of their paper tojhe publisher marked. Also receive the numbers as fust as published. December 30, 184831 COLUMBIAN SERIES OF &rCUimrtfr0. The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. 'THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR This -L work is already introduced into some of the best Acadamies and a large number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal system of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it is so considcre l by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Amt rican Scholars : By Almou Ticlnor. The Yoi-th's Colvm hi ax Calculator. This volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. Tickxoh's Arithmetical Tables, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. Those Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two Hundred examples ui Mensuration, drc, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, thev have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. AUo, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in (he City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in tbe lloroughs of Harrisburg, York, Chambcrsburg, Lebanon, Doy lestown, Potts- iue, urwigsuurg, etc, flee. For sale by Hixrt Masser, Sunbury, Agent iur orinumieriand bounty. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. EXECUTORSALE IV ILL be sold on the premises, on Saturday the ici.iu uuy oi r euruary next, all that h arm containing 150 acres, more or less, situated in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland Coun ty, about five miles from Sunbury, near the Centre Turnpike road. About one half of which is clear ed and on which is erected a good STONE HOUSE, a large LOU BARN, an extensive Tan. HOUSE, and out building, belonging to the estate of Catharine Rosa, dee'd. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock of said day, at which tiinu terms will be wade known by JAMES TAGGART, ) , JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. txec Ufc Northumberland, Jan. 6, 1849. U Notice. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Rhoads dr. Farrow. of Snydertown, on Book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to pay up or make settlement on or before the first day of February next, as longer in dulgence cannot be given. Persons interested will give this notice their immediate attention. RHOADS & FARROW. Knydertown, Dee. - Mt DIAMOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. fllHlS Powder is warranted for superior to any JL thing in Use for imparting a keen, smootheilge lo Raton, Surgical instruments, and all kinds ol fine it may be applied to Any kind ol strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Htrops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. FntLAr.LrH!A, Feb. 15th, 184s. This may certify that I have used ono of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in tho mml unequivocal manner, that there is nothing Cnn be found that will produce thes-Jnieellert in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and Jou w II find it superior to any hejetofure in use. I ran truly say that I never knew what a sharp raxor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third at. Philadelphia, October, 1849. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Rousscl's SliRving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn leard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this office Price 23 cts. per Box. November 25, 1818 Cm. 1TEW"CEEAPGC0BS7 Tho largest assortment In Town, John W. Fi'ilinir, W ESPKCTFULLY i nforms his friomlsnml customers, that he has recciVL-il the lurgrst nixt best assortment of poods ever of fered in eunbtiry. Consisting or DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Quecnsware, Liquors, Drugs, Paints and a great variety of other articles. The public are respectfully requested to call ami examine hi stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. NEA VG O ODST " CHEAPER THAN EVER Ilcnry Masser, LJ AS just received nt his store, in Sunbury, -A an assortment of the cheapest Goods, that ever came to tho place, consisting of 1)1(1' GOODS, GROCERIES. LIQUORS, $c. French black Cloths, Cassiuett, iic. Cali coes, of excellent quality ami colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 6J cents. These are not the low priced trash articles usually sold. Muslin HeLaines, of fine qual ity and patterns 18J. Handsome Terkeri and other Shawls and various other articles. The public are requested to call and judge for ihemsclves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1818. I. ANDREWS,"',: tTIITlAIX win To tub SickI Health fi the Weak ! ! A HAI.M is found f. the VVIi'ile llumiin Kuee in An drewa' PAIN KILLER. This is an entirely vc seta, ble compound, cntnpnKrit of Tweiity-Fivudiileiviil ingre dient, and is an internal and External Remedy lor the vs. ri-ius ills that human nesb is heir tJ ecu as, llsSEj-Jii.-s'W C iuphs, Colds, Pains, Nervnns niul Sick Ilemlaclie, Rheumatism, Cuts, Pjiniiiw, Spinnl Affections, Summer Complaints, Cholera Mnrlms,T,mtharlie, Kruptinns, Conn Piles, Frozen Parti, Hums. Scalds, Ame in the Face Dud llrcast, Painters' C 'Hie, llruisef, old 8 ,res, l'M of apiie lite, General Deliility, Aslhmn. Ae. Put up in boltles f. 1. or 4 shilltiuri per botlle. For further particulars see Pamphlets to he had of every agent irutis, containing a briel history i' the origin, discovery and onds effects of Andrews' Puin Killer, Certificates of Cures, directions. Ac LOOK OUT FOP. FRAUD. The triumphant success of Andrews Pain Killer in re moving the causes lluit produce death, the uutimely death of minimis of our race, has induced some men of vvhem it may be truly laid, their villainous occupations manilest their villainy, to attempt to put in circulation spurious snd counterfeit articles called "p,,i Killer," using ficlitious names for tha pretended author, Sorged certificate, fcc. 8 una have appeared, and others uo iloul wiil appear. l.ct all remember that Andrews Oenuiue Pain Killer has the written simature of I. Andrews on Ihe Inliel of each bottle in black ink. 1 n't simply ask for Pain Killer, but ask for Andrews' Psiu Kilter, nnd hnve noiHher. 8 hi by M. A. MeCay, Sole Afent, Northumberland j J. W, Friliug. Sunhitrv ; John II. Hoser, Milton ; John R. Myyer, HI miusnirg j Win. A. Mnrrav Co, Danville; Davenport Siiulli, Plvm mih ; Andrew Yuhr, Wilkes. Inrre ; Hays It McCormiek, McF.wcnsville ; Schaffle Chnnilierbiin, lwislsirg j lie .rge .McAlpin, Jersey Shore: J. M. Judd, Willuiinspoit. Ciders addressed to 1. Andrews, inventor and only Pro prietor at Itheea Tompkins county, X. V. Will receive pr unpt attetiti.m September 30, IMS. ly OAKFORD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. CHARLES UAKFURD, No. 104 CHESTXUT STREET Philadelphia. Wouhi respectfully invite attention lo his superior Kiyleofhats for autumn, 1818, which will be found the m'ist itecl eer In fore olf. r'ilti tlie comiiiuiuiy- lis nerulinr forms rentier- it the more id sirsM , as ii combines all the esseu'iaU of du-l-ili'y anilneatneH, requisite in that aitii lc of ,lre wiil'la his mcressitl r.irililie m in m inufacturiiii; wi h all ihe n impr.vemi nts. ennbl.-s linn Tu Ch4Llns tui Woulii m sir. iluce a bell, r Ht. ,1 ' T. i,iiiiiiiii, rmt inn in wars or ths I.stkst Moiis. TI.e.e cnods have w Ih greet ere, ami wilt tie found most benwulul sml chss'e in their styles. Lariks' Kiniso Hits tin Cam or Esnat IT mw I'aTTEHas. Great rare lias he. n In-slow. eil in ronstiuilii g these snides, ih t they may fil eriiciiy eay sou Mini a gracelul si r'Pce. CHARLES OAKFOIID, 101 Chestnut at. a lew doors atove Ti iul. Philelihia ptemlr 30. 1818 ch June St. 1818 If A G E NTS rim CUNVAHS FOK SOME NEW AND X POI'LLlR VVOK.K, in every dUNI'V throughout ihe Lniied rllilrs. To Agenls, ihe most liberal enconngement is offered with a small raj.uslof f'JS to f 1 00 A chine is i.ffi-red. wnrreny an sgenl ran make Irom (10 to per week, For fuilher pailiruUia eilihca ( WM. A.LEA RV, No. IS8 North HICI'ONU Street, . Philadelphia, Kepi. 9, 1848. flin. (Late Keller . Greeiutiigli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANIC AXj ENGINEER, Waaliliigton, U.V. DRAWINGS and paner for tha Patent Ollice, prepared and all the necessary bu- mess, in relation to securing patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of fice opposite the Patent Office. uciober 28, 1848. riEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin M. Tea Company. For sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dee. 2, 1848. PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's wrilinz and indelliblu ink. Cotton vara ami lls, just received and for sale by J. YV. FPILING. ftunVtiry, Pee, IMS. DR. TOWNSEND'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S.VHSAPAKILLA. THIS P.xlKirt Is put np In nnnrt bottles. It s sis times cheaper, plemwitter, and warranted superior lo nny s ld. It cures diwnses williont vomitine. purging, sick nri, or dcbilitatiiia the patient, and is purlieu arly adapted lor a 1 PAI.T. AND Pl'lllNO MF.DIR1NR. The e;rent Itenuty ami superiority of this forsnparilla over other remedies is, whilst it eradicates disease, it invigorate the Isxly. Consumption cured. Cleanse and Strengthen, C'.i.iiinipti.n cnn In! cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, l.iver C impluinl, Colds, C'nigjis, Catarrh, Asllunn,8piltinanf Itlnoil, orcness in the Chest, Hectic Klunh, Night fvents, I) i in tuit mid Profns" I;xpcTtirnlicn, and Pain in the Hide, Ac.. Ac., , have and cnn lie cured. rroW.My l!icr nryer was a rtme:iv that lias Iseti e ccsnfiil in ilcpcmte eimes of Mimpli u an thin ; it clean. S"S nnd sireiitlieii tiie sx't-ui. civl ancnr to lual the u. ecru on Ihe lmij, aiel pulicuts gradnnlly regain Ui.-ir usunl health and slr.i'jlh. cirntors cam: of consimptiox. There is sctireely a day pis: but there are a ntinuVr of cases of enus-iinptinti ri;porlcd ns cured by the u nt Dr Townseu's Sarsiipiu ilia. Tins follcnving was recently re ceived : Dr. TmvxsKxn Dinr Pir: For tho lnt tt r-'O years 1 hnve been ntlliclcd with gem rul rlebiiity, nnd nervous cnn. sumption of the Inst singe, nnd did e.prct to ever 'jnin my lienlth at nil. Alter going through a eotiriJeol iiic'licinc under the eaie of s mie of ilie m ial diHtitignisiril regular pliysiciaus nnd incmliers of llio Hoard of Ifcallli in .New Voik nnd elsewhere, and spending the in -nt of my eiimiiiirs in ntlentpliiig lo retrain my health, niitl nficr rcntling in s tine paper ol yout $ineiiui illct 1 res lived to trv it. After using six boltles I f inud it d .ne me emit g hI. and called t aw you nt yonr oiliec ; with i.ur advice I kcjit nn, nnd do most hcarlily thank yon lor vimr nd ice. 1 persevere in taking the Sarnapanlh, nnd ISivc bti-n able nutlend to my usual labors fr the List four m iiitim. audi hope by the blrminga of G 1 mi l y .ur S iroiinllu to e minue my lienlth. It helped me bcvolld the expectation., ,,f n W, knew my case. ' CIIAkl.liS (L'l.MMY tlrauge, Kunex n. . J., Ang. 1el7. Srateof .NewJemy, Kssex county, ss. f'lmrles Qnim by being duly sw irn aeeonliitg tn law, oil his onth jit!i. tint the foreg .iiijr -tntemeut is true nee irding to the bent of hn knowledge mi I liclief. CI1ARLK8 (Jll.MIJY. Swoninnd subscribed to tieforc me nt Orange, the 'Jd A.igust, 117. CYltl'f BAI.UWI.N. Jualicc ol' the Peace. SPITTING m.OOD. Ilend the following, and say that einsum;iti(m Is in incu ruble it yju can : cw York. April in, 117. T)r. : t verily believe that vour Kirsaparilla has been the means, through Providence, of ifnving my life 1 hnve fir severul years had a had cough. It liccnme worse anil worse. At hist I raised large quiiutilii of blood, hnd night stveiilsnml was gn-itly ili btlilaled mid reilueeil, nnd did not expect lo live. 1 have only need your SarwijuirilUt but a short time, and there has a wonderful change lieeu wrought in me. 1 am now nble to walk nil over the citv. I raise ui, blo uL and my cough has left me. You erni well imagine that I am tliuiikful fir thee results. Your nhedi. ent servant. WM. III SSKI.l,. 05 Cnllnriuc st. I.O.TIIKKSI'Ki:cll. The annexed cert ilicate lells a simple and truthful story iiuciiiu; nun renci. i acre are inousanus 01 similar e:i scs in this city mi l Ilroklyn, and yet llierenre th nncnels tn purcius let tlieir cmjilreu die I jt fear ot being humbugged o. ,u sue a lew sniiuugs. rimkli-n. Seol t.1 1R17 l)r. TowsEr: I take pleasure in suiting, for Ihe lienc fil of th ise whom it may concern, that my dnitgliter. two yrars nun six in nunrolil, wiis altlietcu with gen, nil dc. bilily nnd lies of stieech. She was given lin us past Jc covcry by our family phvsieinu ; but fortuuntcly I was re commended by a friend to try your !arci;nril!n. Ilcf re hnving used one Iwrtile she ri-eovered her speech nnd was eiinhM to walk nlone, to the nut inisluncut of all win were neiiiniiileil with ttte eirentnstnnees. She is now qutlc well. una in mueil imtiit nealtll ttri'i Stic tins u,.'eil lor 14 montl pnsl. JCISF.I'II TAYI.Ori. I9J York Hi., llr ooklyn. TWO f.'IIII.IHU'.N PAYKI). cry few families indeed in feet we have it it heard ol one innt Dr. T nviiseiurs S im ipinlla in time, nny children ihe past Summer, while th ise that did n it sicKcneii and itt't. rite cerement-' we publish below conclusive evidence M its vilue. nnd it only ;n -tli-r iict'tiic 01 its s:ivuig tne lives ol etitldren : llr. Towx-f.xd Hear Sir : I had two childrui cure! Ii .ur r- irK-iirti,a c itie summer coniplitut nnit dvst iitnrv one v.-us only ir, tn-aith old ami l)u other n vear. Tin were very much reduced, and we txj:tovl ih. v w.mM ilie tney were given up by tw i respeetnlilc ph. si. ians. V le tberiocbw inforinnt us that we mint I scthem. we res ved to try y nir S irsapnrill i we had bear I so iimch of, but nun utile continence, mere le-iugsi much null advert iscil lint is worllileM: but we nrc Ihanklul that we did. fi undoubtedly saved the lives of b nil. I wrile llii.i I lull ot! ers may ue uiuueeu lo use it. Y urii. re? w-tfullv, Joiiv vi!.so., j Myrtle-nvctme, rtrooklyil, Sept. 15, tH7. I TO 1 Mi: LADIES. OKliAT FF..MALE MF.1IICINE. Da.Towxsi:ND'5SAnsrRtu. is a sovereign nnd speedy emu ior iiicipiciu c nsiunniiun. una tor itie general proslra- II m ol tlie system no matter whether the result of in! rent cause or Cannes, produced by irregularity, illness or ae cident. Nothing can be m ire s'.irpriytti than its iivi irutlng ef- i.:cia -,ii me iiiiiuuu mime, l'ersons nil weakness niul unj. smine, troin taking it nt once bee unc r bust and fiiU i energy under its inniieuce. It immediately c ii'iilfraeiH ll; nervei'-s-iies.i i i tae lemaie It tine, wltlell n the grc.'i: ea.i.H.' unrreuuesH. ll will not Ik; expected of us, in ca.-es of i dc!i,:a'e u na turc, in exnitnt eerliheatcs ol en-es perlorined, but .we cui assure the utilised Hint huadrcls of caies have rt jior ICO I ' 11-. Dr. Towxsen : My wife lieing grenlly dijircsic.l 1, weakness snd general debility, and end. ring c umuilally by v. on ..hit niuicilirics. snu linviug Ktl iwu eai Where vonr medicine hns ed'ectcd rru.l eur. ii: nnd : hearing it reeomiiiended for such ense as I have described, I ootnined a b 'tile 01 your hxtrnet oi &irssnarillii ami f,.l. lowed the direeti ns you gave me. In n short period it removed her complaints and restoml her to health. Being greatful f T the benefits she received, I take pleasure 111 iuub uesu owieucuij; ii, oiiu rec iiameuuing It to the public, M. U. MUOKK, Albany, Aug. 17. Ml er. Grand I.ydia its. DYSPEPSIA. No fluid or medieim has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gnsinc juice or saliva In decompose; food und strengthening the organs of diaestion us this nrc paration of Sarstiparilui. It positively cures every ease ol u) ai:piia, move er severe or curtsne. Dank Department. Allianv. Mav 10. IKI.1 Dr. TowiiscimI Sir : 1 have been alHietd for several years Willi aysiiepsiu in its worst form, attended with s air ness oi sionuen, i iss ol appetite, extreme heartburn, and great aversion to nil kinds of fo l, and for weeks, (what emild eat) I hnve lieeu tillable to retain but a small portion wi m MKiiMi-ii. i trieo oie usual reiuemes, nut tney lnu but liltle or no effect in removing the complaint. I wiis in- (tuceii. aleml two months since, to try your Extract of Sar sapnruiH. ana l must say with Utile confidence; bin niter using nearly two unties, 1 lonnd my appetite restored and tha heartburn entirely removed; and I would earnestly re- coinmenn ilie use m it to those wh have been n nave lieen. yours, 4c, V. V. VAN ZANDT. Agent for Sunbury JOHN W. FRIUNfi; Nor thnmhertind. MARY A. McCAY; Danville, WM. A nit sns l et (o., Apiil!, Id lei. y il( AND 413 1VIARKET STREET, rniL.nrtPHia. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMKNTS Of CJoIrt nnd ftilvt r M'nlt lirs IN PII1I.ADEDAI1IA. Gold I. even-', full jewelled, 18 carat cum) f 30 ami nve nver I .eve . full tewelle.l SIB .,! .,ver pines ju a, ov " 4u.i t i., GoKI I'l-nei's, 5lo flU I 51 Silver Tes Sjjnns, cqu.I to coin, UolJ Pe. s, siltei ho'Jer ami pencil. 4 .')0 1 nil Willi a spb i.diil sstor unlit ol kliul. ,( aid es, both, fjolj ami silver; Hi h .leweliy. & olc, in 1 1 iha.ii ot Hie he-t nnn if rtinr., ami in .ti-.j u nit in ui., o mat tu. i jet iiy line at much Iras i ices ihau ran bs b iialil its tins City or elm iliciH. Pletse sive lhi atlveiiisms ii, and call st her LUWIS L XlJllML'", I0 413 MARKET re e . i.beve E.veinh. i.orin s:dB,oi ai JAGO'I LAUOMU 810 MACIiKT t. firlton llow Eih', miulh Sllll Cj" Wc h i' Gi ld and fci'ver Lev. rs still dies. ier ihuiillie above pr te.- a lib. ral nWount made lo i lie trade. eiiiemhei 83. IS48 Oin RICH FANCY FL'RS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHARLES OAKTORD, Furrier. So. lO I, C li?tiiu( Klroet, A fete doors abvvel'hinl, Philailelphia, would iuvi a the ladies to call ami ei .mint I suneiior nk rt Muff, li. ne, Tipiirli 4e. every, rnnsisiing of II eh ltui Kible, II .... j.... 11 ... St ...... Ik' . mm . . . ..Uo-.. . maiiin, .torwss; n nun, Itlli R ble. Bium Msriiii, Kiiine Msriin. Ermine. Lyni. otc, &e. These skins hsn b. u el cied with eaie, nil are in nle by iho best workmen in tliecouiitiy. I.olte. m v rest assured no article will l enlfered for sale iti this etallulini-nl that is rot perlrcl in every i expect. CllrI.ES OAKFOBD, A'o. 104, Chetnut tlrtrl. betwtn Third and Fourth J'hiiudthihia 8e limber SO, 1848 6 in otton Yarn, Cotton Carpel Chain, C'otlou Laps V ' and adilinir. Cotton Outlines. Helu ....! X7 ' f Meiouv rantaloons, lieady made. Vests, Cougresa Knives, Porcelain lined nresorviiiir kettles, inst ieciv..l for sale by II. MASSER, Bunuury, Dec. 8, ISIS. L'M SHOES for Gentlemen and Ladies, Just receivud and for ult bv H. MAPKK. Jiea -iyy. VfW ekWiKfl WESTEIIX HEW f OAK OF Itli ALTH, 207 Main street, Rvffuh, N. Y'. DR. G.C. VAUGHN'S FrRclnble Liibnntriplie Jlixtnrr. rpHIS rclebrateit remerly is eoi.'UuiUy iiicrnasing its fraae X by the many cures it is making ALL OVER THE WOULD. It linn now htwime the only mnliciiif fr family um, HhI it port icu In rty rconirnciic,',(i for DROPSY : till ?lages of this c .mplnint immediately relieved, iri mutter of how long standing. Sec Phaniphh t f r toftunmy. GRAVEL, and all diseases of the urinary organ" ; for these distress ing complaints it stnnds nlone j no other article can relieve yon ; nnd Ihe cures testified tn will cniviuee the tnosl skep tical j sec pnmphler. l.iver Complaint, Ililliou diseases, FEVER fc AGUE. Tj the tlrcat West especially, nnd whetcver these com plaints prevnil this medicine is oll'ercd. NO MINERAL AGE.NT, tn deleterious e itnpound is a port of this mixture, it curt these discuses with eerinintv nnd celeritv, and dors u t leave the sj stein torpid. See Pamphlet. PILES, a omphiiiit nf n m 'St pntnfnl chanieter, Is I MM E DI ATELY RELI E V ED, nnd a cure follows by a few ihvs use nf ihisnrticle ; it If heiiire any other preiiarnlion for this disease, or forsuy i'Ll -t nSe orl3l"!IlillS' imaure blxKl. see pain- '"' ' DEBILITY OK THE SYSTEM, wenk Uaek, weakness nf ihe Ki lne, c, or inrferr.m.i li in w Mule. i iiliiiledi.itely relieved by a few days use ! tiiis iiil.1iciii, nnd a cure is' alwas a result () its' use. It stnntla r.s A CERTAIN REMEDY, fr s'.i"h coinpUiiuls, nnd also for demngctnents of the fe male frniii. I RREGULARITI ES, SU PI'RESSIONS. painful menslruatiiins. Nn'artiele has ever lieen oll'ered except this which would touch this kind of deranuement. It tuny be relied upon ns n sure and ert'-elivo remedy, and did wc leel permitti-d to no so eriul.l pivc A THOUSAND NAMES. ns nf cures in this distressing' elas of cimplnints S'e painnhl.-t. All broken down, .lei.llilated e mriiluti ns Irom the elleet of mcrcurv, w ill fimrthn br acing power of thisnrliele to act immediately, and tl;e p .is'.iious mineral crndieateil the avsl'-tii. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will int. Uie nHnri(iv pr'-iw rtir-i nf ttjis nriirh' PURIFY THE RLOOD. " and driven such discuses from the s.icm. S c pamphlet lor testimony of cures in nil diseasesl win. l. il, limii. , r an advert iseiuent will not permit l inineil lu re. Agents ' give thcin nivae ; they c intain B4 jiges of eertificat. s of I high character, and a stronger ARRAY OF PRtX)F nf the virtues nf a medicine,- never nnpeare l. tl is me of the peculiar features ol lliu article iiu.t it never fails to! hcnetil in nny ease, nnd it" hone nnd muscle nrc left to build i upon let the einueiuted tnid linzcring intuli.l HOPE ON and keep tukip; the medicine ns I nig as there is su im ; provtiiient. The proprietor w mid ; CAUTION THE PUBLIC j nraimt a number of urticles wlib.h come out unr tin- i head of IS A USA PAR I LL A S, SVni'PS, ns rurrg f T Drttpny, Gravrl, Ac: Tlu-y ate grxtl 'for ik thing, luul e-MiCH-ffil tn pull Xhr niiwnryi TOLCH Til KM NOT Ti.c'r inv"!. r icvr of cnritifj mi'h i1ismis! ii it iliiK urtirle lrht'Mi; it. A xirticuKir slmly nf ihe pam. (Oil' t is rarnUy "s 'licitn!. Ajriitj. ami nil wit s!l the nr'ic'.' ttr GI. AD TO CIRCULATE ri"iliiioiuty. Put up in 30 oz. b lilies, at s-i ; IK oz. do a SI each the larcer holding- 0 oz. m ,rc than two smuit Lit tles. ..v.k out und get imp s..d u,, n. I'.verv bottle hns Vaiielafs Vegetable I.ith mlrti-lie .Mix,nre,,1'bloM-u iiein tae elass. the wittten siginturc rf "O. 0. Vunchn'' on the i!leeti"tl,ni1 (";. C. Vaiigliu. Dun d ,' alampeil n ti c rk. None oilier are eeiiuiiie. lrc;,red Lv Dr. fi. f: Vaoehn, urn! t Id .it the l'dieo-yd, an? Alain s'ree'. '. nt wli -lual.- and r. t iil. o oti-iiti ii (iivcn to let- I ters unless p st p-ii.t n-,eM iV :i re-ularl, eoustitmcil j A.Tllls exeente-l : n is! tuo.l 1. rr. ,.rl.,.l , o:n, 1 tine silicitiiig ndv'ice, promptly n,lepile, to critin. 0;fices devoted eJtclilsi .1'. t' i Ilie eile of t':is nrt'eie l.'I'i X isiau St. Xew Yorkei'v: ! Km ."Xst.Sdenl. Mass.; an I bv tlie principal Dntsgisis thr'nili out the fnitei! Mates nw t'.'n ela. ns Agents. JaM ot" AgelUs.St irrs A eo Wliolesate Agent Pliilialel p'li l .1. W. I'riling, Suulairy I sire (leatliart. Selinfrove r. A. Wy.'th. I.ewifbiti'tr H. I.Mteafer. Milton Haves fc .MetJ.iraiiek. .Mvliwetisvill.! .!s Mel'.-v, Xorihumb'er kinl. April I, Flr-y 7ht Bs;Jt'ltrL-l ii SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING j STOVES. j cpjIRabwe Si n e, which is caunay well adapt, d inWinl : J or Ceil, has received silver inedaitfilt the I'uirs of Ihe American Institute, New Yum ; nf tae Mechanics' Initt. ! tute, 11 t.jn ; ol Hie Kiiiiikiin liiitituic. Ptnladelphin ; un.l ! of the .M..'eht,llic!l, lustllute, Wllaiitictou, llelnwure. i ll is capable, if properly usetl. of ,1 ,iug more work, with less met, than any otner Move et olfi-rcd to Ihe public : in wintei it will warm the Inrgot kiti iu u, while in suiiuuei, with the summer dress ultaehed, it throws out no more heat than a churc ml furnuee; und for Isnling, broiiiin., la king, or riaHiiiig, it cannot be surpassed by any other Stove, open Cre, or brick oven. KUCOMMF.XDATION3. CKRTtriCATC OF TIIK Jl'BT.Es OP Tllli MECItSICs' Isstl TUTE, llOHTON. We, the subseriliers, being eh .sen Judges by the Mama ehuselts Cliurituble MecllanlCB, Assoewtioii in Bosbiu, on loves, furnaces, ranges, 4c. wuil inform Ihe public, that niter leslmg all the cooking stoves that were put into Ihe 1'uir ior exhibition, and letimg eneli limn muuitge his own stove with the same kind of e.ial, in order to ascertain which woukl do the same work with the least fuel in the siiiie time, and do it best, we find thsl Stewart's Patent Summer und Winter Air-Tight Cooking Stove, innuufaetur eil by Ihe patentee, of Troy, X. Y., to be the besl, ns il look but 13 minutes lo boil two gallons of water slid Imke biscuit in tiie suae tune, and broil lei-l renk, and all done in the liest manner with seven pounds of coal, in thirty minutes from ihe time the fire wne put in'n the stove. T) which, wo the silver medui. JAMKMOOI l.D, WAI.TPrt conxF.u. T110.IAS.K,I.I.TOX, A.l). wr.HUr.U.nnd JAMP.S P,flK. Ji-ooi:. The subset intra respectfully invite Ihe attention cf ciun try dealers, 1 1 one ni the largcul und best selected nock of stoves, ever offered iu tliis city, among which ore the fol lowing : Hue. Screen Cy lenders. Oven Stoves. N asliingtou Ail Tight Conks. mean Eurekas La i tr' Oven Albany Willie tin lo do do do da do do !o do do McGregor Mammolh Premiums Cook S oves Nationnl Air-'l igtit CvoLs. i'ailor Stoves. 100 Louis Aif-Tieht Parlor Stoves. loi) DharVs Ihe 1st Au-Ttght do 200 LnJy Washington, Air Tibht Pallor. 130 Washingion Air-Tiglit do 1H0 McGregor's three dava Parlor Air-Tiuhi Coal Stoves, burning three days without atten tion. For sale wholesale and retail hv North. Harri. son ii Co. No. 3U0 Market street, Philadelphia. i n miieipnia, juty jsth, ISIS' LINN, SMITH & CO. 2131 Market Sirhet, PHILADELPHIA. xnivas &, ifrisit ii:s, Psists. Oils. Gum, Prs STiirs, VaaaisiiKS. A,c, cVc. ALSO Paleol M.diiiues, Med.eins Clifsis, Hurgital ai d "ui insiiunieiiis, C'lit mical l e-is, Ae, flO'-'idrrsfrorn M.rcliaiiis i r 1'hvsieiani. hv eiirr or otherwise luninntlv ailcn.l. .1 i . 9, 1848 dm COLD PENS, PEN HOLDEUS & T'EcrLS. G. & E. M. SIVIITH, (Late us the firm of A, G. Dnglcy It Co.) VUirKiCTt mas or Gold fin. I'm uiudihi AMD I'SSCILS. o. 16 Maiden, .esv-Vork. WE, ihe Ku' arriliers ill'.r lo the irade, and ilie pahlie eenersllv. "iir dinrreni styles of Gold Pen-,'whicli ere wirrenti J s iintt all mi. p rf eiions I y fair usage. Slid si 1 1 he sn tie ioi in every respeet 1 1 any oihe s mij . II ivinj in. erraar.l f icilities f ir manufieluiug. w. aro deter, aiined that no pen sh .11 be I'eliveie I fiomour ee sDliehmeni unli si il i l eil ct u aU i karn lutaiillt on I'snil our uief or O ild l'i ncila. and 'enri's u ilh Pen, hi h we aio enabled lo , ft'-r si he lowest isles. All O'dets a hlressed to the full. scuuers, V.HI pe eareiuiiy ami iiroiurily stienJeJ ID. CJ. & E. M. SMITH. No. IS MsW.n l,n. fi. y r. . m i.ia s THSTEU DY TH0l;SANt3 AND ioi!H(i,if AriiioTi:ui . o iumw y. a o tegciabie - . e PfLLS MS" day is this . celebrated medicine extending tttJ sfl. -re ot ii : usefulness, and every rear srldiiip to Uie dialogue of ils trittmpl.s. , . A MILLION OP IU)XKSnr distributed mimisdy with out fnllymetting Ihe demand! For s-fiw. time tost, the. ales l.nve been limited solely for want tf fae'fitles of tip-. ply. Truly ll, is it a universal remedy! t'nlicniif, t:ete pills havo found their way into the tematert comers of (he, Uni-m, everywhere proving their title pi the poor man's friend sick man's hope the marvel r.nd blessing of the age. For a trilling sum, every individual mid every fi unity miy lioveHF.ALTII IXSUP.KD lo them for an indefinite i -riod ; and what is life without health but a misere.blc exis tence ! It i too precious a boon to be tampered with, by trying nil sorts of experiments up"n it. The sick should use those medicines on! which experience lias shown to be the best- A PIIVSICIAX'S TFrVriMOXV. From Cntskill, Green County, New Yi ik.J Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir: I have found y iur ludi-itr Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in enss cf General Pe bilily of the system, nnd in nil Hilliotis die .rdcrs. 1 am rdso in the habit of recommending thonto females in peculiar c.scs. 1 1 bsorve them t sprrute in the system wiiliout producing debility or puin. leaving il in a healthy coiuliliun. June 11 1, je.t. John DoiNt, M D. tui-: ci;st famm.y MnDicixr:. From Xorlon Hill, urecn County X. Y.J Dr. Wiiglit : Wuhnvc used and sold yonr Indian Vegeta" ble Pills for three years past, nnd do not hesitate lo rccom mcn.1 (hem to our friends nnd customers oi iho best Family Medicine iu use. ,x. Kamsdeli.. fFmn Mrrrble Unit Ps To Dr.AV. Wright Denr SSir : For the lust two years I hnc hnd the agency for the snle of your Intliau Vcpetable Pills nt this place, and have add amuially large quantities at retail. They have in every instance given entire satisfac tion. Many fumilies in this section keep them, nnd consider them invaluable as a family medicine. There is no incdi" cine sold here that can be so universally recmmcndcn' cs Wi i-hfs Ind'nii Vegelnbh: Pills. Yery truly yours. February!, lt, -vv. M.I.VKrxs. T1-5TIMOXY fiF AXfJTH!:tt PIIVMclAK. Tiie following letter is in reply to a noli fr. in nut agent i slilng Dr. II jtiton's opinion of thin medicine : Tcskiiannock, August 2, Mr. A. Duiaom DearSr: Iu reply to your note of yes terday, 1 would state, that I have occasionally f Uiid it cel.' vcii-t to use il,... vari us "Paten! Pills" vend. J in ihe shops ; and while I em unwilling 1 1 say aiijlhit g tode;,reeiute the value of other.., I am free to c aifess that I consider Wright's Indian V rclalilc Pills superior lo all ethers with which I am aequainir.l. I have used them f .r many years both in my own I "unily nnd in my practice gem rally, nnd they hove unib rm!y prove l mil.!, certain and safe iu tla ir rpenili' ns The care and skill tfb which these pills have hitherto min-tf acircd arc, in my opinion, a smTieient guarantee for like results in future. Very respectfully, H. A. DniTox, M.D. Mr. II is n practitioner of I mg exjicrience, well knnvn in and even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. lie is a "T.uliin'.e rf Peiaisylvauiii, nnd highly popular wilh the people among whom he resides. Itcwus'C or.Sug;,i- coated Cou:itcr ft its. nemetii' tr thut the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the wtittcn signature of Win. Wrihl Co th? t ip l.i'el of each box. Fun Wric.i.'M ItMlluu Vegrotablc EMIIs. J.'-hn W. Friling, Sunbury. Henry Mnsser, Sfenbnry. ltios A MeCormiek.'MeEwensviUa. 1". Kaull'inan, Augusta tp. John II. Vincent. Chilisquarjue Kes.:A llergstresoer, r.lvslmrg. W. Itothcnuel, Little Mnhoii'iy. Heinen A Ilrnther, Milton. Forsy.!-., Wilson .V Co., Xorthum'r!rnd. Jus. Itceil, Poltsgrove. W. A It. l'egely, Siimnokintown. J. C. Morgan, rhiydcrstown. AV. Deppin, Mahonoy P. O. Itcnneville Holshue, I' p. Muhonoy. J. G. rteim. Line Mountain P. O. Heni. Heltner, Iiwer Mnhoning P.O. Amos T. nrissell, Turhnttsville. . J. A T. Piper, Wutsnnville. I'. A. Kiezuer, Bonneville. II. 11. KnieMe. F.iysburg. Oiliees dev .te.1 exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vi-ge'ub Pills. Wholesale and Retail, 160 Race St., Phila. iVpliin, Greenwich street, Xew-York, and 108 Trcmout, Dec. A:h. JSJ3. Jy. "quKahlc 1,11c Iniiuraiico, Auuulty :uid 'i rusl C'oiiiiaiiy. oi fici: rt w.M.xt T strlft, Philadelphia. CVIMTAL S- 'ilMSHI ClHHTK I'FR I'BTCAL. 'PHI" C MU.any ere u -w pi'e;ircd to Irniiuct busiires I ii.i -u the most liberal nnd ailviiilrairisiiis l.-rins. ihey nr.- nuili-iicl by their charier (sect. :i) '-to m-ike all nne eery in-uranee apiiertniuiug to lit',, risks of wliniever kind or nature, titsl 10 receive and cxi erte trusts, mro:e endow inents, met I c nn en.l purehiite iiiiuuities.o 'i iiSCom Itfiny sell uuiitiilics an.1 en.l oviiieuts, mid act as 'trustees I of lutti -rs and h ire. lal.e of Preniiuins rciuirnl f.i the Assurance i tae whole term of Lite. SUM for mm tea Aje. Pre,n. 10 i ;o " I S3 11 1 ;"! In 1 ,14 I ii,) SI 1 fi:) ft! 1 ii j -"I 1 ii. i I ; 5!i i :u sti i -.- a? I ?! as i i.i 49 1 !i? M SOI 'l' "' ' 31 tttsj IT'i' 3a Si IS 47 3 4 S3 a in 4,1 3 HI .".'7 411 377 S M SO 3 M "1 a 4" CI 4 W 3. 4 47 c.-i 4 W . a.l :VI M 31 S til 64 4 71 io a ;u j.-, 4 n, 41 4 51 sa ifi 4('. S7 SM 43 H1 5rt 5 5-1 41 3 14 r,v S 7H li )fl CO 6 03 The pretniums are leu tlnn any other cvupauv, ail Ihe policies all .r.l preater u.lvai.te(i.s. Tables ol ik-yerly mid quarlorly prauiintns. half creilil rates .( preinuim. short tenia., join! hvej, survtvorsi,,! s uud endiiivincnls; also, lurru o Appheali (1 ,r which there are sheet. ) are to i. uad on apiiiieati u st the oifu-e, or by letter t the Afc'cnt, J. II. PlTIDY, r-unbury. l.Arri ron tsvsia f IU0 a s sai,; Life For life. I, lei i.iH l7 3trl 0.03 rxiMCH A pers ui seil 3U ytsirsii. il birth tliy be Iiaviiur the C1SI111.111V on cents would secure to .'..'..ii.. or heirs sjino should he die .S one yew 1 or for $n no he se-eur.-s hi ihein sluui; or f..r $IJ aiuuially fur svveu years he secures to Ihoni 111011 sh mid he die iu seven vears- or for fcon.H) paid nnilaaily duiius: hie ha secures Rlinsi to Is, snd when he dies. The insurer x-iiu,,k kisownbmus' by the dillercnce ill aai Hlntof nr. nnunu fromlh ise-elmreeii by oilier oiliees. For ll),3u the heirs would receive WOUO sli-nifcl he die 111 one year. Forma ol'ajipliouiiou and nil purticulars mav 1st had it the J. W. CLAGIIUltX, PresiJeul Tumi-sis Fmxcu w. Rawl a ' r'c"ur'" V5u 1,5i0 ,'HY'lr"l-'-ljr 1 B Master, SunLurv. , J. H. Piautr, Bunbury, Aireiil for Xoithumberland'oMin ty. Sunbury, July ! Hl JACOB KCCX, WHOIESAIB AXU RETAIL WI.YK 4l Mqioil U1MLC1I, A'o 89 j .X.arket Street, litluw t'lgiih, Nurlh stjt. I'HiiianrHii. Keept eonstanlly on hand ail kind of old Li quor, vis : Superior olj rye whiskey tuncricr brandy. Gin, fVc. Alto white biandy lo. pretir. vinn. U iid t berry snd (Jlackbeiry brandy. I tuladelphis, June 3, 1918. ly Ae. Fi 1 year. For 7 years. W bl nl !' f9 l.:i : l.'-'.l I fil M i.f S.H7 Atf 3.4s 3,g7 .TUSTICES' DL'ANKsS F"9 f AI F AT THIS OFFFF nir nnSnry, Pee. 9, III. I. I, i - - - roi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers