Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 13, 1849, Image 4

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WuiPFina Tins km oewtlkaait'
Just after the "Stat stations In Penn
vWania. Mr.' Smith, a wirra Caas roan, me
Vi$ friend Mr Jones, an eotbuaiaatio Tayty
man. "" ' 1 r- !
"Jones," aaidSatitn, "e election ef John
ston dee not incwaaa Taylor? cbasoea in
Penntylvsm'.' '' ' ,-
Yet it does," s newer ed Jones.
"I'll bet you a hundred dollar that Can
carrriet feat State," cried Smith -,
"Done," exclaimed Jonee. "But," he add
d after a moment'a hesitalion--'bot if we
bet we hall lose our totes."
. "So we shall," said Smith. ', '
. "I'll tell you what," Hones cried, his face
brightening up !I'll tell you whf t may be
done. My wife shall call on your wife, and
bet with her.",
"Good," says Smith.
Homo went Jones., "My dear, Mrs.Smilh
wants to bet hundred dollars with you that
Cass willary Pennsylvania."
"Mrs. Smith bet a hundred dollars with
inel" exclaimed the astonished lady.
"Yes and if you would like to bet, there's
the money. Go round this afternoon and see
her, and put the stakes into the hands of a
lady friend."
The two ladies met, and the money was
deposited. On Thursday last when the re
suit was known, Jones told his wife to go and
draw the money, as she had won. The lady
was not slow in obeying het husband that
time, and before an hour, the two hundred
dollars, exchanged into hnlf eagles, were glit
tering through the interstices of her beautiful
purse. .
When Jones came home at night, he said
to his wife--"Wel!, my dear, did you get the
money f"
"Yes,11 was the reply.
1'H trouble you for it, darling, if you
"Trouble me for what V
"For the money that I won of Smith."
' "You won ! Did you bet Mr. Jones I1'
"No, no, that is, yes. I bet in fact, though
to save my vote, 1 made you the agent," an
swered Jones with visible embarrassment.
"1 cannot consent, my dear husband,1' said
tho lady, with great dignity, "to be a party
in any violation or evasion ot the law. I
cannot consent .on your account you whose
honor is so dear to me. And I shall there,
fore keep the money, in order that I may
still retain my respect for a law-loving, a law
honoring, a law-obeying husband. Dear
Jones, kiss me."
The lady was as good as her word, and
Jones discovered, that in his attempt V whip
the old gentleman round the stump, ho had
lost a clean hundred.
This is a fact. N. Y. Dispatch.
A Nurse for English Puppies wanted.
An advertisement recently appeared in a
Paris paper, which the Boston Transcript
translates literally as follows. 'La Signora
Marchessa SirTanti di Sun-Bartholomeo wants
a nurse, unmarried, to raise a small family of
English puppies, pure blooded. The Signora
Marchessa will expect the nurse to board at
the house of his Excellency, breakfast with
the Marchioness, dine with the servants, and
sleep with the dogs. Salary twenty dollars a
A Miser.--A poor man once came to &
tniser and said, I have a boon to ask.'
'So have I,' said the raiser ; 'grant mine
first, then will 1 comply with thine.'
'My request is,' said the miser, that you
ask me for nothing.'
A Droll Bet. A singular wager was laid
on the Presidential election, by a couple of
politicians in Connecticut, who agreed that
he whose candidate was defeated should saw
a cord of wood in the street. The wood was
sawed last Monday in the presence of a large
committee of admiring spectators.
Gold in Massachusetts. It is stated in
the Taunton (Mass.) Gazette, that a lump of
ore has been found in the vicinity of that
village, which was pronounced by competent
judges to contain at least 60 per cent of pure
The marriage of Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer,
the late British Minister at the Court, of Ma
drid, and the Hon. Geogiana Charlotte Mary
Wellesley, youngest daughter of the late
Lord Cowley, and nioce of the Duke of Wel
lington, was solemnized on Saturday evening
Docember 9th, by special license, at Hatfield,
house, the Marquis of Salisbury's seat, in
A Drunkard's Soliloquy. "It would be
comfortable thing if I knowed just where 1
was bound for. Up street's got mixed with
down street, and there is no such thing as
cross street at all. The moon's cross-eyed,
and keeps wiakin' and blitikiV as if she had
her eyes full of Mackaboy. Now, what am
I to do 1 If I stand still there's a very
pleasant chance of going to sleep standing.
If I goes to stir, hang nte If I know which
way I am travelin'."
Miss Ltdia Moore has just recovered a
verdict in the Common Pleas of Bucks court
, ty, against Howard Stewart, whom she sued
form breach of marriage promise. Verdic
on dollar damages.
The Editob of the National Intelligencer
' speaking upon the authority of soma lady
friends, declares that the specimens of Bra
zilian Tea, recently brought to Washington,
by the Brazilian Minister, are equal to the
beat Chinese productions of similar kinds.
. - - . i
"lr ibm bevil should lose his tail, when
would he get another V "In the dram shop,
to bo sure, because they rt-tail bad spirits."
t New Example is Grammar. One of the
youngsters in our public schools eomparssthe
' word "flat," as follows:' "flat, flutter, flat
terer." ...
We once knew a boy who said that he
liked "s good rainy day) too rainy to go to
. school, and just about rainy snout to go
fishing. '
IUltfUjiwrou0 fatter
03 O o C? XJ tn 653 i
" GEORGE 8. GREEN, Proprietor..
- Windsor,' Vermont.:
T9 ii lorsreirn ratmdy for DYSPEPSIA, in sur of sit
m. lorma, mm a pain la In Storaoca, Raman, bmhw
Coeuveness, AuS Ssonach, HaihoM, Lorn of Anpetira,
Piles, Night Sweat, and even Cocaamptlon (Drspsptie
Phthisic.) nd Asthma, or Ttnhlsic ilUnM with deraiaj
Mat of tfiaSamack for Dyspeptic AaUaaa,) Difiealt
BraaOrin. whirl nftm rraslta (ma imcrfrat durastion (OT
Dyspeptic SyspneJa,) ! relieved by Una Bitten, la short,
their see ha been proves ia the relief of aJiaoat all tha
symptom I hat proceed from a debilitated or tonic oondi
tioa of tha Stomach ano In general debility anting front
age or from the effect of Fever, particularly Fever and
A roe. remain aa tiering nnaer airy uterine aiTi
eritiiig from weakness, win tin the uxtoewat hit
naa'T an excellent remedy, and aot aarpuaed by any medi
cine In nw. .
The hiwory of thie medicine I peculiar. It ha made ita
way to public favor auiely by the force of ita own intrinsic
mem. No artificial meant have been wed to give It no
toriety and thru at it apon pebllc attention. It baa never
before even been advertised, bat having first shown ita re
markable efficacy in the family of the proprietor, and by
hira aAerwardaadnwiieteres to hie afflicted friends and ac
quainumcea with a Kike result, ita reparation gradually ex
tended until it ia kixrwn ia the moat dianuit part of the
Union, aa a medicine of anrivalled virtue in the core of
Dyspepsia in all it different forma, and alao for the cure of
Asthma or Phthisic. It only hernkt and it only eulogy
has been tha story of its wonderful efficacy, a tuld from
mouth to mouth or bv letter from friend to friend. In eve
ry instance where these Bitten have been used, and the re
sult made known to the proprietor, they have proved a re
medy. Nnmerous certilicntos, attesting the singutnr efficacy of
the "Oxyoinatkd BiTTXHs," are in Uie poaseasion of the
proprietor; ninny of them signed by person ulready widely
knowu to the public.
uisu. h. l'roprietor.
AVIXDBOn, Vt., October 3, 1S45.
The following Certiflcntes liar recently bees
received t
Washisotos, D. C.,Jon 10, 181ff.
Hitvins made nse of tin 'Oxvscnatcd Bitters" nrenared
by Dr. (i. B. lircen, of Windaor., Vt. and from know
ledge nUniiifd of their efficacy in other casea, wecheerfully
rcciimniend them to the public, believing that they will fully
sustain tne recomioeiKiation 01 the proprietor, we nope
that this valuable remedy mav b t ffenerallv difTuscd
thonighout the country that it may be accessible to all the
Wll.f.1 .M rpii m' t V 8. Senator from Verrootit.
JAMKS F. SIMMON'S, V. 8. Senator front R Island.
J . T. MORKHEAD. U. S. Senator and furmarlr Govern
or of Kenturkv.
I.. II. ARNOLD, Member of Contra and funoerlv Oo-
vernor of R. I.
WAI. WOODBRIDGE, V. S. Senator and formeriv Go
vernor of Miehipin.
M. L. MARTIN, Delegate in Congrea from Wiaeonsia
From Hon. II. D. Fosrea, Member of Congress from
Wasmisotos. D. Cj Jrjnt W, I8t.
Dear Sir. I hnve been a dvsnentie sufferer for a boot ten
years, and have reawtod to voritais medicine for relief
without succeas, until I made use of your "Oxygenated
Bitters." 1 have used about two bottles, and find myself
restored to perfect health The forms in which the dis-
ic allowed ttselt- in my cose. were, areat aciditv of tha
atomach, toss of appetite, extreme flatuleiav, severe consli-
puuon ol the bowels, and violent hernlat'lie. Feeling deal
rons that a knowleoe of your valuable remedy may reach
others similarly afflicted. 1 take great pleasure in record
ing my testimony to its curative power ; and woukl also
remark, that while on a visit at home a short time since, I
administered a part of a botth to a number of my afflicted
frienda, with great succas. They are desiroua 'that you
should establish an agency at Pittsburc. or inform them
where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de
sire your prosperity and happiness, I anharrihe m vac If.
truly your friend 11. D. FOSTER.
iioct. iiao. u. uamrvinnsor, v c.
ft,M Wholesale and Retail br Green k Fletcher. No.
50 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Agent for tsinlnry H. H. I.NKK.
AgenUfor Milton MACKAY HA AO.
Agent for Upper Mabonoy. J. G. RENN.
April IS, 184S "
Wardrobe of Fashionable
J. W. & E. D. STOKES,
No. 194 Market Stmt. Firtt Clothing store be
low Sixth,
WHERE they are constantly engaged in jet
tine nn from tha hsat Franch. Envliah and
American c otb. clothing eat and made np in the
moat superior and faibiooabl ity e. i'eraont
who boy to tell, will find a large and excellent
stock at tba lowest city prices. C othing made
np to order, in a superior style at the shortest
N. B. Odd Fellows Regalia, a large assort
ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and
iodividua's promptly attended to on the most rea
sonable terms.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1848 lr.
3 C3 EE S3
Plated and Britannia YVarf Cutlery, and
Fan? Goods, and Manufacturers of Jew
elry and 8tlver Warn, 123 Chesnul street, Phila
delphia; have received by late arrivals a large and
handsome atock of English and French Watches,
and Marble, Porcelain and Fancy Clock.
Plated Urns. Castor. (Jake Baskets. High anil
Chamber Candlesticks 8oup Ladle. Spoons and
Fork. Alse a good assortment of Biiisnnia
Ware and Fine Cutlery.
Their atock of JEWELRY is Isrea and of the
moat fashionable kind, and ihey are well supplied
ith Bilver Spoons. Forks, Muss, Napkin Ring,
Butter Knivr. dec, and wi bout ranking any dis
play of pi ice in the public prints, they are pre
pared to sell as low a thoe who do, and invite
persons wishing to purchase to call.
PhilsUelpbi. June 10, 1848. 6m
m AT . M
Miry twtiiiw
Ia presenting the public with a remedy for the treatment
and cure of Fx via axd Aoitb and other bilioua diseases,
no apology ia iierded. Vast numlier in the l.'nited tSuuea,
who suffer from theae aflecthan in their vaned forms, are
compelled to aeek relief from other aHircea thou tlie nnnie-
dau preacriptiona of the regular physician. It becomes
therefore an object of humanity, aa well aa of public uiter
est, to bring before them a remedy prepared fioin much ex
perience, awl mm may always ne Miea apna aa savx,
arracTPAL, auaxLtaa to th oos.titotioh. That
aura ia th true character of the INDIA CHOUAGOGl'E,
is amply attested by lb universal auooeaa with which It baa
been employed.
17 Fa tract from a eontmunieation of tha Hon w.
liam WooDaamaa, of toe U. 0. Senate, late Goveraor of
mien ixti u.
DTBOIT, Oct. Jl, 1810.
Doc-roa Crables Osaoon.
Dear Sir, 1 have read with soneh interest, your littl
TBABATMS upon the 'eauaes, treatment end cure" of tha
febrile disease which have ao extensively prevailed ia our
country during the laet few miwlha aa interest increased
Ho doubt, by tha fact that I have individually sufferer! so
much from them. Though I feel mveetf veiy innanpetent
to judge mfely anon a subject ao entirely profeaaimml, yet
your theory arems to me well reoamiej, and your eunda-
sious just, aua i inutx witnai, tuat your pamphlet is calca'
hited to produce much practical aood.
Speaking of th medicine ha aava It fully ki stilled your
aaucmg upowuuaa, auu a a mi a, eiaivenieut, and popu
lar remedy, mv own experience, a, far. inducea am to be
lieve that it will wove a areat nuhlic betiefiL I am nliaiJ
to learn that you have recently aetata labed aevaral agencies
fia urn diaposit iHt though I regret that, with a view to a
mora general aiOTnwHiui u, i, jn anouia aava louad a
uereaaanr to remove from your present residence moiur ua.
. i . . . .i. i u .1. . . i -
r. as i ran u .Kmymi t " - w Buiiuf uj ue, si,
Voar obliged eervant,
IV From Hon. STxnrxa V. R. Taowaaiiasa. td uL
BtaaniaBAM, Oailaxd Co, Dee, 13, 18(1. .
Sir yaa wtah as to inform yoa what I know of Dr.
Oagoad' ladia Choharogiia, or aiau-bihoaa aasdieina. 1 da
nausvs taal V u virtus and emoxcy ot Ihi aiedieina war
galty koowa, that mil axd aura would i pprir ia
1 Bfoearad a hottte ia the spring of lrSl, aad have good
w vaunww toai apnu AJMJ lawny aaeapaa UM) M U
has aaaaoa In aonarquaaea of ita aaa.
aaea, aad whea tha -"- ka a. i ..i iai
th kiB af phyalciana, and I have aever knmva it fad. L.
haaaalveraallv -auhmad th moa happy aaeeta, and I bat
i!!! !L!ufmmZmkr' V dm ia im
-w"S - mm taacuiuat.
Voara, raapealfaly,
AX5iZj&Tf-L " ASSKH 1 NorrhBiBxajrhm.
WITfllNGTOM Co.) Itiiua, J.-H.aUSKMt aJS
aiwr, MAY 4 KUWR. ) i aaua.
Maya, eMft-
reraape la no aamasar sinea th settleroenl of thai In
MrJnauia, haa the fevsr ad ague be ao pravtuiat aa the
hua. 1 haaa ranoaaataadad this madicioa Ui uaaoaa ha.
vTT ,f',t
Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstmats Cola neon
E.iuptivns rimpicivi cmuicb un ,na i ni , n-wim,
Bile, Chronic Sore Eye, Ring Worm or Tetter,
Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of tha
Bones and Joints, rkubhoraU leer. Syphi
litic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago,'
' diseases arising from an iiijudi
- aious use of Metcury, Drop
sy, r.xposare or impru
dence in life; also,
Chronic Consti
tutional Dis
order. In this medlcftie several innocent but verv aotent articles
of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming a compound
entirely different in it character and nromrtie fiom anv
other preparation, and anrivalled in it operation on the
system wnen mooring under disrate. It should be In the
hnnds of every perm, who, by business, or general course
ol' life, ts predisposed to th very many aiiimeut that ren
der life a curso, instead of a blessing, and ao often result in
m. Drake' Panacea I recommended aa a certain remedy.
Not ohe instance of ita failure has ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the disease and at the mine time Imrarta
vigor to the whole system. Scrofulous persons can never
pay too much attention to the state of their Mood. Its pu
rification should be their first aim ; for perseverance will
accomplish a cure of xvsa hxbboitabt disease.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumor, White Swelling.
Ktysipei, Ulcers, cimcers, Knmnng Pore. Scabs and
Biles, Dr. Drake's Panacea cannot be too highly extolled ;
it searche out the very root of the disease, and permanent.
No medicine perhaps ha ever been discovered which
gtves ao much tone to the stomach and causes the secre
tion of healthy gastric juice to decompose tha food a Dr.
Drake' Panacea
Dr. Drake' Panacea la Med with tha eteateat loceeaa In
Rheumatic Comniainta. especially aueh aa chronic. It cure
bv drivina out all impurities and foal humour which have
acrnmulated ia the system, which are the cause of Rhea-
matinnv uout, ana swelling or the xnnts. other remedies
mrtime give ten:norary relief; thia entirely eradicate
th disease from the system, even whea the limb and bone
are dreadfolly swollen.
Cossramo cab aa ccbid. Couths. Catarrh. Bron
chitis, Sprtting of Ukl. Asthma, Difficult or profuse Ex
pectomuon, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Pain in the sid
Ae. have been cured, end can be with aa much certainty aa
any other di sense. A apeeific hn long been anight for, hut
in vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It is
mild and safe but certain and efficattoua in ita npcratiiai,
and cannot poaibty injure the moat delicate canmtuti'n.
We would earnestly recommend those afflicted to give it
trial and we believe Ihey will re it have occtmii'n to regret
it. The svatem ia clcanaed and atrcngthened, the ulcere on
the lungs are healed, and the patients gradunlly t egaiu their
usual health and strength. Read the following :
Phila., Dec. Hth, 1B47.
Dbab Sib s In reply to vonr auration res pectin the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will say, that although a perfect
disbeliever in the existence of a Paracba, or cure for all
diseases, however valuable it may be in certain condition
of the lyMem, MiU I have believed that a cure for Consump
tion would be diaoovered aoiaier or later, and cunnaity led
mo w rry your menicine in two very inveterate casea.
They were pronounced by the attending phvsiciana to be
roLamaABr coxsrarriux, and alatadoiied by them as in
cubabls. One of the person had been under the treat
ment of eeverol very able practitioiiei for a number of
years, and they mid she had "old fashioned Consumption
combine with Scrofula," and that she might linger for soma
time hot could not lie pernmnently reheved. In both case
the effect of the Panacea has been moat gratilying. Only
four or five bottle were used bv one of trie persona before
she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten.
I wiU only add that familiar aa I am with consumption by
inheritance and Dy extensive ooservatiun aa a study, and
knowing alao the injurious effecu in nine ease out of leu
of tar, boneaet, and other vegetable tonic, a well as of
many of the expectorantannd stlatives, 1 should never have
recommended tne use of Drake's Panacea if 1 had ni been
acquainted with the ingredients. Suffice it to any that theae
are tecommenaea uy our nuwt popular and arientiuc phyat
ciana, aial in their preaent combined state, form probably
the best alterative that has ever been made. The cur i
in accordance with a theory of Conauinption broached iu
France a few year ago, by one of her moat eminent wri
ters on medicine, and now estaulished by facts which ad
mit of no dispute.
Very Respectfully Your, L. C. GUNN.
To use the hnguage of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea In
alwaya salutary ui its effecta never injurious. It is not a
Opiate it ia not and luxpectorant. It is not intenned to lull
the invalid into a fatal security. It is a great remedy a
grand healing and curative compound, tha great and only
remedy wnica medical acienea ana akin haa yet produced
for the treatment of this hitherto unconquered malady. aVnd
no perana afflicted with this dread disease, will be Juet to
himself and hi friends, if he go down to the grave without
IcstiruT it virtue. A single bottle, in most casea. will pro
duce a favorable change ill the condition of any patient,
aowever low.
Ladies of pale complex Inn and consumptive habit, and
such as are debiuated by those obstructions which female
ate liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to
bloom vigor. It is by for the beat rceiedr ever discovered
for weaklv children, ami soch as have bad hamora : beuur
pleaeaiit, they take It. It immediately restore the appetite,
areugth and color.
Nothing ran be more surprising than it invigorating ef
fecta on the human frame. Persona, all weakness snd las
situde before takuar it. at once become robust and full of
energy under ita iitnnence. It immediate counteracts the
nerveleaauess of the female frame.
CAUTION. Be careful and see that you act the acnu-
ine Dr. Da tin's Pabacba it hua the signature of Geo. F.
Stobbs on the wrapper and alao the name "Da. Dxaii's
Paxacba. Phil a." Minn in the gtam.
Prepared oalv bv Stobbs A Co. Drurcitta. No. 11 North-
Sixth St., Philadelphia.
Agent for Sunhary -H. MA8SER.
bom aiso ny vm. a. mcsbax co., unnviiic, h t-nixv
cb. Milton : Mabt McCot. Nonhumberlaiid ; E. P. Ltrra.
Bhaansbuig. . ,t
April t, tuts ly
rictorlal Edition of d'Aublffne't
ajreat Work on the Helbrmatlon
published or. or about the 1st of April, 1818, by
JOS. A. SPEEL, No 86 Cherry st. above 6th,
his splendid 12mo edition ef the above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
gins! designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra cloth
and library sheep.
The publisher respectfully calls the attention
of the trade and the public generally, to thia
work being the only illustrated edition published
in the United States He trusts tbst the beauty
of its embellishments, tha strong and substantial
msnner in which it is bound, in conjunction with
tba known populsrity of tbe work itself, will be
a sure recommendation to public favor.
JOS. A. SPEEL. 98 Cherry at. above otb.
J. A- 8 bas also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly done op ia
extra clots.
Philadelphia, April I, 1818
A N extensive 8tock of Pocket aad Tsble CUT.
LERY. for aala by .
J0H1T 1. COLElCi.1T,
to. 8S and S3 ARCADE, and 8j North
Compibing 3000 doaan Penknives, Bciasor and
Also, a choice easoftment ef RoJger dc Hone,
Woeietiholm'a, Oreaves'a, W, dt 8. Butcher's and
Fenney'e Cutlery.
Also, Hpsnish. Di'k and Hunting Knives,
Also, Guns, Hiatnla, an I Bowie Knifes.
At, 7ns Amtricun Ruznr Simp, a soperinr
article, worty th atienlinn of Ussier.
Ciatf Dealers in Cullety, will find the above
Stork worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's
chief husine ia importing and selling cutlery,
Philidelphia, June 10th. 1848 ly.
George J. Weaver,
No. 19 WattrStrtu and No. II North Wharvtt
Philadelphia. . , ,
jriTAS tsnatanlly sa hand, a gaaeral aaeort
J aaaot ef Ikwdaffe, ctain Twinea, akc, vixi
Tar's Ropes, risking Ropes, Whits Ropes, Manl
la Ropea, Tsar Li dm for Canal Dual. Abo, a
eesaplets assertaisat ef Bain Twines, eta, euca a
Heap Shad and Herring Twine, Beet Paisat (Jill
Net Twin. Oottoa Bhaafaad Herring Twine, Bbo
Thraeds, dte. dus. Akw, Bad Cord, Plough Line.
H altar. Trace. Cotton snd Linen Csrpat Chains,
eke. all sf which he will diapoee sf ea reaeasMbie
an aaa.
rsiladalphi, Jaae ts, It4 1
C AX-aAtsTCl,
FTRat A! TMfatV Fit OOF CtTatSTS, j '
Seal and letter-Copying Presses, Patent
Slats-Lined lWrioratora, Water Fil- ' '
tsra, Patent Portable Water CW-.. '
. ssts, intsnded fat tks Bik
. s IfArrrtii.
,: ...BVAH8 & WATSON.
' To South rVf arrgrf,
Hanufacttira and keep oonatant'
nT on hand, a larg assortment of
be ahova articles, together with
their Patent Improved Salamander
r o,rocted as to set dt rest
all manner of doubt as to their
hel.u. --no a . C mA O..I
tiV maarj hy Will resist the lira of any
'oAsw- building. Th nutsida oma of
these Ssfe are made of boiler iron, the inside case of anap-
stone, and between the outer earn and inner case i space
of enme three Inches thick, and i fined in wfth Inrieatmc
tille material, ao as to make it an impossibility to burn any
of th content inside of this Chest. Theae Snapston Sat.
ktmandera we are prepared and do'challenge the world to
produce any article in tba ehnpe of Rook Safes that will
(land a much heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all
lime to have them fairly tested by public bonfire. W
alao eonttnue to manufacture a hrge and general assort
ment ot our rremram Air-ngnx r ire rraot care or which
then are over 800 now in use, and ia every instance thev
have given entiie satisfaction to the purchasers of which
we will refer th public to a few gentlemen who have
them in use
Haywood at Snvder. Fotttvillet Joacnh O Lawma
Pntuville j Mr. William Cart, Dnvlenown, P.
N. at O. Taylor, liig north 3d at.; A Wright k Nephew
Vine st. wharf t Alexander Caror. Conveyancer, corner of
Filbert and ath sts.j John M. Ford, !ej north 3d t. Mrers
Rush, 9(1 north 3d St.; James M. Paul, 101 south 4th' t.
Dr. David Jayne, 8 smith 3d at.; Mnthew T. Miller. M
nth 3d st.t and we could name aome hnndreda of other
II it war necessary. Now w invite the attention of the
public, and particularly those In want of Fire Proof Safes,
to call at our store before pnrchnsing elsewhere, and w
can satisfy them they will get a better and cheaper article
at our store than at any other establishment in the city.
We alao mannfoctnre the ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at any
other store in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, April 8, 1848 ly
And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Manufactu
rers' Materials.
No. 33 Commerce at., PHILADELPHIA.
KEEP constsntty on hand a large assort
ment of printing and other paper. News
papers in the country, esn be supplied at all
times, with paper of any afze and quality, at
the lowest price.
Philadelphia, June 17tb, 1848.
OF a superior quality, handsomely colored, snd
pul up in heiutiful Mororei Csars. compl
NUT Street, below Fnutlb, Philadelphia. All
Pictures madu at lbi establishment will be Was.
Phtladtlphia. ept. 33, 1848 6m
IT h power In causa all tlTtaan. 80RE8,
POISONOUS WOUNDS to diacbeiee their pu
trid matter, and then heala them.
It ie richly termed All-heeling, for ihere ia scs re
ly a disease, external or internal, that it will nol
benefit. I bsve used it fur the last fourteen yesrs
fur sll diseases of the chest, consumption and liver,
involving ibe utmost dsnger snd responsibility,
snd I declare before heaven and man. (hat not in
one single cse has it failed to benefit when tbe pi
tient wu within tha reach of mortal means.
I have bad physicians, lesmrd in tha profession.
I have bsd minister of the gospel, fudges of the
bench, sldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high-
ret erudition, and multitudes of the poor nse it iu
every vsriely of wsy, and there haa been but one
voire one universal voice saying: toM Allisler,
your Ointment 1 UODO.
In Scrofula, Old Sores, Eiysepeles, Tetter Li
ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, 8ors Throat,
Bronchitis, Broken or Bore Breast, Piles, all Uhasl
Disease, such aa Aatbma. Oppreasiona, Pain
Alan, Bora Lips Chapped Hands, Tumors. Chil
dren's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases,
and of tbe 8pine, there is no medicine now known
a good.
SCALD HEAD. W have cored ease that
actually defied every thing known, es well ss tbe
ability of 15 or 30 doctor. One man told u be
had pent 8-300 on hi childien without any bene
fit, when a few boxea of Ointment rur.d ihem.
BALDNESS It will testore tbe hsir sooner
than any other thing.
HEAIMUHE I he salve hss coreii persons
of the headache of IS years' stsnding, and who
bad it regular every week, ao that vomiting ofien
took place. Dxatkiss, Eab Acaa, end Aaca is
Taa Face, are cored by Otis Ointment with like
Rl'KNR It is one of the beet things in the
world for Burns. (Read the directions sround the
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost immedi
ately ihe infiamation and swelling when the piin
ceaeea. (Read th Direction around Ihe Box.)
rbB I . Uonsumptinn, Liver Com-
plsint, Psin in the chest or side, felling off of the
hsir, one or ihe other elwsys accompanies rold
feel. (Thia Ointment is the true remedy.) It ie
a sure sign of disease to have cold feet. ,
TETTER. There ie nothing better for the
cure of Tetter.
PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by tbia
CORNS. Occasional use of the Ointment will
alwaya keep Come from growing. People need
never he troubled wnb ihem it they will use it,
Read the following Communication, .
Received fiom an old, respected snJ Well known
citizen of Philadelphia, and then judge for your
self: '
Philsdelphis, 10 ma 13th, 1846.
To T, B. Peterson, Having been rrqneted
in give my opinion on tbe merits of M ALLIS
TER'S SALVE, I em willing to enumerate some
of the benefits which I have experienced In the use
of the srlicle.
In Ihe spring of 1845. I bsd sn stlsck of Ery
sipelas in my face which becsme very painful, snd
extended into one of my eye, being ettended with
fever, my distress was great and I began to be fcsr
ful of baling my eye.
Although not much of a believer ia what a
commonly called quack medicines, I purchased a
box and mad an application in my tare. I o my
emprise the pain toon abated, and io a week's time
it wee entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it
a lbs salve, under Providence that cured me.
From that time la the preaent, I have used the
article ea occaeion required, and in every ease where
I hive used it, I bse found a decided benefit.
At on time, on going to bed at night, my throat
was ao sore thai I swallowed with difficulty, but
by an application of the salve I was rslieved before
I have usod H In cans of bums, tirulsra. sprains.
snd flesh cut, all with th bsppieal effecta, end
on ease of poiaoning by a wild vina in th woods.
ha been dried up and rured by a tew applications.
From my own experience, I would strongly rr.
eoniajeiul U la all, as a cheap, convenient, family
medicine. j ,..... ,
I have become an pq, list tn it, Ihsl I expect to
keep it constantly In my family.
Though sot amldtioua to appear in print, yet I
cannot refuse is have th eoromnnkairon as ad
public If judged beat to erv tbe friuse of bumsni.
ty, i weepeciiuiiy mina,
No. t. Old York Road.
CAUTION. N Oieuseai will ha gsnuias
unlraa lbs nasaes sf Janaee M Allisler, sf Ja
M' Allisler eV Co ere written with a pen on eve.
ry label. JAMES M ALLIaTER, .
. - Sole proprietor of th ahnvs eaedioin.
A7STi J. W. FRILINO, Bunhury,
' Dr. WM. M BICKLEY, DaavUk,
J. O. CKOUHE. Hlina('v, .
WM. F.NAG1.E. Milwn.
Feb, tits, 1M. Mwty
.I-. ... . ,
faWtf LTAllTA. '; '
Til mtfaerfnc let attoSra tks earreDt valos of all
enoayrvsnla Bank Notes. Tbe rnoai IrnptleH rs
nance may be placed a poo H, a U Is nsry saseA
mrerulW com pa red with srvj corrected tVoas Bick
nstr Reporter. ' ' ,.
HanKl in Fblladolplina.
Dtse. t
Bank of North America
t P'
Bank of the Northern t.tbertie ; . ,
ComnMretal Bank of Penn'a. . ,
Psrmers' and Mechanics' Bank . ' '
Renaington Bank ' . ,
PMIsdelphis Bsr . , '
Schuylkill Bsnk - ,
1 1
8rmtbwark Bans ..
Western Bsnk
Meclisnics' Bsnk .
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bsak
Bank of Penn Township .
Otranl Bsnk . .
Bank of Comrnerce, lata Moysmensing
Bank of Pennsylvania" . .
Conntr Banks.
Bsnk of Cheater County
Westchester ,
Bank of Delaware County
Bank of Oermantown
Ension .
Bsnk of Montgomery Co.
Doylestown Bsnk
Esston Bsnk
Fsrmers' Bsnk of plucks ro.'
Bank of Northumberland
Northumherlsnd psr
'olumbis Bank dt Pride co.nolumbi'
Fsrmers Bank of Lancaster Lsnciatei
sncsater County Bunk , Lancaster
Lancssier Bank. . Lancaster
Farmers' Bank of Resiling Resiling
nffire of Bank of Penn a.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do do
Harrishurg! Theae
Lancaster offices
Reading jdn not
Esston j issue n.
1 8 COUNT.
Philadelphia tt
Potisvitle per
Iewistown Toiled
Middletows 1
Carliile 1
PitUborg 1
Hollidaysharg I
Harrishurg l
Lebanon . par
Pittsburg 1
PitUbutg 1
Williamspnrt 1
Wilkesberre 14
A lien town no sale
Reading failed
Pittsburg . failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chsmbersburg I
Gettysburg 1
Montrose 3
Erie 35
Wayneshurg 2
Washington 1 4
Honeadal I i
Browns fille I
York 1
Rank of Ihe United States
Miner' Bank of Poitsvills
Bsnk of I,ewistown
Bsnk nf Middlotowo
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Harrisbarg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' it Msnuf. Bank
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bsnk
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Bsnk of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Bsnk of Chsmbersburg
Bsak of Gettysburg
Bank of Susquehsnns Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers dr. Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honendale 11 ink
Monongahel Bsnk of B.
York Bank
N. B. The note of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, snd substitute a dssh ( ) era not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
sxceptioa of those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia 8av. Ine, ' Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuvlkill 8av. In. do
Kensinmoti Ssv. Ins. A do
Penn Township 8sv. Ins. do
Manusl Lsbnr Bsnk (T. W; Dyott, prop.)
lowsnda Manx l owands
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Bank of 8watara
no sale
no sale
no sale
Fayette co.
Bank of Washington
Centre Bsnk
City Bsnk
Fsrmers' Ac Mech'cs' Bsnk
Farmers' ic Mech'cs' Bank
Farmers' dr. Mech'ea' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Huntingdon no sale
Lewistown no sate
Juniata Bank
Lumberman's Bsnk
New Hop
Port Carbon
Union town
Northern Bsnk of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Cov
no aale
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk.
no ssle
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Aar. & Manuf. Bank
8ilver Lake Bank.
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesharre Bridge Co.
Green shurg
Wilkesharre no aala
(XT AH notes purporting to be on any Pennayl-
vsnis Bsnk not given in the above list, may be set
lowo as irsuus.
Bank of New Brunswick
B run wick
8ervidere Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Batik
Perth Amboy
Farmer' Bank
Mount Holly
Farmer and Mechanic' Bk Rahway
Farmera and Mechanics' Bk N. Brunswick (ailed
Firmer' and Merchants' Bk Middletown PL I
Franklin Bsnk of N. J. Jeraey City
rtotwften tlkg ex Uiaxmg Uo Hoboken
i failed
no aale
no ssle
lereey City Bank
Jeraey City
Morns town
Newer k
Jeraey City
Mechanke' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank '
Morria County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanic' Bank
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk
Morria Canal and Bkf Co
Port Note
Newark Bkg dt Ins Co
New Hone Del Bridge Co
Lambert ville
N. J. Msnufsc. and Bkg Co
' par
N J Prolecton dt Lombard bk Jersey City '
Orange Bank Orange
Paieraon Bank rater eon
Peoples' Bank- do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
State Bank Elixabethlow
Slate Bank ' Camden
Slate Bank of Morria Morristown
Bute Bank Trenton
Salem and PhUad M.nsf C Salem
Sussex Bank New Ion
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank . Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackeneack
Bk of Wllm dr. Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank sf Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Bmyrna Smyrna
Do branch Milford
Farmers Bk of Slats of Del Dover
Do branch : WUmingfss
Do branch . ' . Georgetown
Do - branch Newcastle
Union Bsnk Wilmington
fjj- Under 6's
trr On all banka marked thus f ) there an ek
Iber counterfeit or altered note of lie various )
nnminatinna, in rirrolation,
A Tsocsabb DoLtias Savsd I
Hat and Cap HI anulacturen,
South East Corner of Ath and Murktt Strori,
Basfiiuni slory. .
VE sefMtaatlf band a fsi) ad romplet
atasrtment of HATS. CAPS, and FURL '
A Wo s elegant assortment of teens' and boys'
Leghorn, Panama, and Palm-leaf Hals. All of
which by a saving of $1000 ia rent, will b sold,
tbelessts and reisil, at lb very lowest price.
L'osotiy dealere would do watt to call, as by a.
ednomy and low rent, w art snabled IS sU at
nr low rates. ' , , ,
Jun lOih, 1848." ly 1 - ' ' ' -
1 ; No. 40, :v ;
Sorra Fovstsi 8Tstsr, Aaovs CMawrwsT.
Jes. ttth,rftU,A"
titxi watches . icrrrcLBT. !
J.&W. L. WARD,
. ' Kl leS-CSknTS SsVsa, nilaylatahlar ,
, Oppotitt tks frimhih fivusf , '
IMPORTERS of Ooldarrd Silver Patent L
yf Watebes, aaa Manufacturers ef Jewelry
A good assortment always sa band. Gold Pg.
lent Levers, 13 jesrels. 838 1 biivr Jo. $18 to
$30 ; Gold Lepines, IM; rJifvet do. tl3 to is ;
ClorAe aad Tim Piece ; XSold Peacile, tl 38,
opwardi ; Diamond Pointed Cold Pens, $1.80t
Gold Bracelets and Breast Pins, is great vsriety;
f .P Rio.a Minhirure t'sies : Tiu.Td unsins,
13 to $33 ! Plsted Tea Sefs, Castors, Cak
Baskets. Csndlesticks, Britannia Ware, Fine Ivo.
ry Handled Table Cutlery, and a general assort,
ment of Fsney Goods.
J.ltW L. WARD, No. 106 CHE6NUT 8t.,
Philsdelphis, opposite the Frsnklin House,
Manufacturer of all kind of Silver Ppoons.
Forks, Tea Het. Lsdles, die. All work msde
by us ts stsmned with our nsme, and warranted
to be marie of pnrely American coin.
Philadelphia, Augnst 13, 18486 mo.
THAT great National, Old Fsvorite.and Rter
ling Remedy! ! 1 of EIGHTEEN YEARS
STANDING still unapproscbed in its wonder,
ful success, certsinty, and safety, in tbe curs or
07" If yon would etcnoe the arsenical (notion.
out) counterfeits take not a hot n from ant tne.
thai ia not guarded by h twiVfen signature"
of tbe original inventor and proprietor, Jonit R.
Rowakd, on a paper label, crotting the mouth
and eorh.
This remedy Ms never been bolstered np by
false and decei ful puffs, but hss won its wa to
1m confidence and universal adoption of the In.
Bssitsnrsor rsvaa ant Anna DtsTaicrs B Y ITS
which all the agents, and every person who have
used it, welt testify.
113 Arch Street Philadelphia.
Aor,TS for Sunbury Ira T. Clement, J, W.
Friling, H. Msser and Geo. Bright.
Aornts for Northumberland Forsythe, Wil.
son &.Co , R. M. M'Cay.
Aoeutt 3, 1848 eow
Time and Distance Saved !
THE subscribers hsving lessed the Sunbury
Ferry beg leave to inform the public, that
they are prepared to convey Teams, Plessure
Carriages and Foot passengers serosa tbe river
with safety snd without delay. - They have pro
vided themselves with new and commodious
crsfts, which will always be attended with able
and careful hands.
Persons travelling to snd from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisberg, Hartleton
and other plares, will rind it greatly to their ad
vantage totrois at tbia Ferry instead of the
Bridges, as they would save frpm two to four
miles in distance. JOHN SPEF.CE.
Sunbury, April I, 1848
Q S3T X 03 23 a
THIA Medicine is warranted, on oath, not to
contain a particle nf Calomel, Corroiive Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
roua mineral.
The principle) upon which this Medicine acts, is
hr assisting and tmmonieing with nninre ( ii
drives out sll foul acrimonious humors from Ihe
blood snd body, and by assimilating with and
strengthening the gastric jnfee of the stomach, it
sssists digesiion ; in short there i not s vein, arte
ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, thai ia
not strengthened by the PANACEA, and il also
possesses the eemsrkible property of removing
mercury from the hones and joints.
Scurvy, Scorbutic A flections. Tumors, Scroluls or
Kines' Evi , White Swelling, Erysipelas, Ulcers,
Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and Bites, lime
and a determined perseversnce in D . SWEBT
SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure,
Rejection of food, Nausea, Vomitings, Nervous sf
lections. Billious complaint, Head sebe. Paleness,
or Female Irregularities. Dr. 8WEETSEIt'S PA.
NACEA will soon effect cure ; but if ohstinste,
or sttended with griping, flying pains, the dose
hould be increased, and the cure will soon be ef
fected. It not the patient frighten ihcmaelve
with the idea thai they are ton wek to take much
medicine; but hear in mind that Ihie mi'dly opera
ling med cine pul not weakness into the frame, but
mot certainly draws weakness out, leaves strength
in its place, end by giving composed s'eep ai nigbt,
end an appetite lo relish any food, reanimaea the
whole ftame with vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving the aighi.
TIONS. Scrofula i eaid In be beridilary, ihe infant re.
ceiving from ita parents ibe eeed of this disess",
which increase with it yeara, if neglected and
not submitted to frequent purification with Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. The glsoja are pla.
red in tbe corners of the body, and out of Ihe way
of direct communication i their real use is a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevail; it
aoflicea ua to know that when in a diaeaead date,
they are capable of being purified and cleansed by
a long courts of Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA.
CEA, which restore them to sound and pinper
action. 8crofulou person esn revet psv too much
attention to their blood, its purification should be
their first thought, for sfter a long course of perse
verance, they will ever cure hereditary diaease,
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high
ly extolled it seaiehee out the very root of the
disease, and by remixing it from the Blood makee
a cure certain and permanent.
For diseaees nf ihe Bladder and Kidneys, Stric
tures, Gravel. Stont, Piles, Fistula, Urinary Ob
struction! and Extreme Coslivtness. Dr. 8 WEET-
SEK'S PANCEA i Ihe beet remedy ever treJj
it removes sll those scrimnnious humor from th
Blood which give rise lo the above disesses, and
by keeping tba blood in a puie condition, insuree
Impurities of the Blood, Mercurial Taint, Weak
ness of the SphH Flow of Blood to the Head Gid
diness, Slitting and Buzzing Noise in the Head
and Ears, Dr. OWE ETSER'S PANACEA will
give rerlain relief ; in all aever snd chronic cases.
Ihe patients cannot be too often reminded Ihst lar
ger doses and perseverance will efleel a cure.
in wins ana r evers. Bilious r even, A flections
of the Eye anal J?or, Spongy and Bleeding
(rim ttrtncAitis and recent Vougks and Cold,
UI. OWfifi I BEX'S FANAUISA will be found
perfectly sum aad certain in it effect.
Tho eamplaint gr generally attended with
th snoot fatal eon sequences, and am seldom or n.
et cursd by Ihe preeanl mod of treatment i they
usually accompany lb patient to the grave, alter
suffering the aaoet excruciating pain and fortars.
I n cause or inra eomplaime are ihe earn as all
other, th droaa ot Ibe blood become en crust sd on
th onset narrow paaaegrs, whence arias anorbid
aacietuwie and stoppage of siias. Yoa will Bud
lbs mt powerful diurrlios sf na use, as Ihey enly
increase to quantity ef una end do not pstify
and etresglhera th part. By purifying lbs Meanl
most tha Causa ol lb diseaea, ennqnniry M
not exist any longer, after sumctaot saannvsranes
in Iu na bas deprived Ihe Mood and body of all
scrimoalott humors am incruaielia. .. .
Ttai las van ae vales! and lalaldi f it
auba meatry from sespscMd evsb,e4de aaaf
ahiths. aha hasi laaMaaaai IrSaaaSSaH is asat
eases, each aa saeaaers, fbvers, Inflammations and
It pox.aod a boat af other badly treated sWasjf
where tha esn, instead el hsving sawn iBorssgrtiy 1
rwaoved from tha blood aad body, na only tM ,
palliated or removed from on part to break eSlld
another, fiy drrestftig yew bodies sfsll fool at ,
rsors, ihrosgh the ftediem of Dt. BWESTBBKjB.
PANACEA, tbe ewe rt si orree ramrerw certain
and permanent. ReBees, wbH IssrS M aiaBi!
aious huators Soetlns; aa inesiieu"Jt?or, nw as spy .
lo settle on the longs as any other patVaf (h body f
that i lb reason that sonedmbUM b So frsmissUl!
Whlrh you see an th sxterior, eons froe Max
have their aaorre in; the inleiior, and might jost si,
well have setlled on youi longs, liter, sr any other
petti which w know they frequently in, and prs
due moat violent inflammatory disorders. ..ThdJ
humor whieh occasions these sores is of a highly
serimoniim bdrning tntara, W know M from'
the psin it gives In forming, snd afterwards hs re
pidly ulcersiing and corrodirrg th jn tnj Al
ot the patt where it breek out. This shew (M
neressity nf frequently putifying the WooS; with C
8WEETSER:S PANACEA, and keeping W
mslignsnt humors In suljrelion. Should you href
a bile or ulcer, be thankful that nature baa taker?
trouble to wsrrt you of ibe danger your life and bo
dy is in, fur it is a warning that th blood is foolj
Hsd this same tertmony selee'ed ihe rang Instead:
uf the eurfare nf your body Tot If sell, coriaSrnb
lion of ihe lungs would hsVa been tho1conffnence'
D. lay not then, to purify and cleanse with Drf
8weetnir' Panacea. '
SPINE DI8EA6E. "' ' .--
Spinal affections, enlargement of the bones t
joints, white swellings, blp joint romplsint
iuics, tailing oi tne Doweis ami wnm'i disease,
find speedy nure In J. SH'EETSEWS p.
NACEA. Where the disease has been of Ion,
standing, the time required to make a cure will b
longer t hut the psiienl may reel sssured thai a
determined perseversnce Will effect it.
These disesses proceed from tbe sSrtosity or
corrupt humors of the blood, hsving settled itself on
ihe throat and lungs, snd slopped them up, so th: t
hey cannot draw sufficient sir in for respiration;
Dr. SWEE I'SEH'S PANACEA will giveimme.
dials relief, and to make the cure perfect and cer
tain, il should be continued aome time sftrt, trf
free I lie ryslem of all bad humors.
Find s safe and speedy cure in Dr SWEPT
SKfi'S PA NA CEA. It cures by searching every
blood e-el snd arlory, snd driving out all impu
rities and foul humora accumulated therein, whieh
s the csuse of rh"umalism, gnUi and swellings or
the joints. The deieteroua effects of celomel snd
other mineral poisons, resdily yield to its sovereign
influence ; indeed, when its vslaalile properties be
come fully known, the useofsll mineral poison will
be consigned to 'the tomb of all the Capnlei,, inj
only be Ihourjlit of ss a hy-gone cuftom of thedar-k.-r
sues. Dr. Sweeter' Pansce i also a uro
cure for dyspepsia, piles, cosiiveiiraa, vertigo hf id
ache, pain in the breast and liver complaint,'
Fever ia slwavs caused by a disorderly move
ment of Ihe blood, struggling to fee it.elf ofaoma.
thing thai encumber, its in fact, every kind of t.
ver ia nothing more than a strugele between the
blood and corrupt humors, and ae aoon ae Ihe cor
runt humors are expel'ed, you have no more fere
When a patient iih fever submit lo be hied,
have hia blood poisoned with mercury, il weak
hi frsme tn such a decree that if he survive ,
process, il lw ay leave him aubject to diitrsesir.
nuns, wnen times nut ol IU He resort to Sgae
pills powders, m tonic mixture; this is going from
bad lo worse, as these vegeleMe pill, powders, dee,
era nothing hut mercury and quinine in disguise,
wnrcn -nay mr a time tirtv me disease so far into
the body ss not io be perceptible, but very soon Is
will break nut sgsin with fearful violence. To cure
auue and fever, the cause of the disease must be re
moved nut of th blood and body, which can be ef.
fmtually done by using Dr. 8WEET8ER'8 PA
NACEA, which purifies, cleanses end strengthen.
It contains nothing that can poaaibly injure, and ita
use is slways a safeguard against chills snd fevers.
In ah Cash or Purs. Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA will effect s very Speedy cure. It re
moves from Ihe blood, sthmsch end bowels, all
those foul scAd burning humor, which are tha
cauie of Pilrs snd Cosliveness, and by strengthen-
tng tne tngesuve organs, improves every pert of the
entire body. . . :
ThAMt diseases are ciU'ed by the stomsch and
bowels being choked up with viscid slimy matter.
be air which enters them cannot escape until forced
by aome contraction nf the stomach to expel il i
hence the canoe of pain. A few done nf lir.
8WEET8ER'S PANACEA Will convince th.
(uffeier that relief is attained. '
. . . raur.
Psrenl will find the PANACEA a valaaVkt
medicine fir their children, keeping their bodies in
a healthy condition, thereby ssisiins,ibeir growth;
children or grown peisons, efter taking Jt. ar not
liable lo be attacked with an epidemic aa before, s
it siways lesves tne oiooo in a pore condition, and
Ihe i nitre system in a strengthened stste : it drivaa
out all kinds of weakness from Ihe body and leaves
it neatiny wnnin.
Will find Dr. 8 WBTSER'S PANACEA a medL
cine purely edspled lo their use, Most ladies da
ring Ihe period of pregnancy are afflicted with piles.
rt. a - n . ., .
'- unon, uj regulating in now!,
will entirely obviate I hia, and ita purifying proper
tie nn the Mood and floida, insures lo ihem heal
thy off-pring. No one who i a mother ehould be
without It, end thoae who ere nuriina- will find It
of great benefit lo tbe health of their infant.
t ot harrenpeaa and all disesses of the womb, it
is without a rival in theenire histniy and ctloeua
of medicines by its extrsordinsry strengthening
power, it stimulate anu atrengtDert ID womb, a
weakness of which is Ihe causa of failure o have
Under this head msy he clsssed Pslpltalion nf
ih Heart, Tc Doloreaui or Faceeche, Neuralgia.
Indrgeaiion.Tooihache, MelanChol),Hysierie,end
in ", every diseae caused by lh eharp, biting,
acrimonious humors irritsling the nerves tbe
nerves receive the morbid impieesion from this sto
mach, or rather from the blood through the agency
uf tbe stomach and digestive organs, and although
other parts of tha body are apparently Ihe seat of
tha disease, still it is csused by tbe morbid impree
sion conveyed from the blood by lh nerve, to that
part. A few dose of Dr. 8WEETSER'8 PA.
NACEA will aoon assure tbe patient thit. ha baa
the cure in hia poaeion. t H
This ie an inflimmaiory disorder, always attend
ed with' more or les psin. It proceeds 'from the
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in ibe blood snd
fluids, settling nn the limbs snd Taos, causing ex
treme pain and fever; sll applicative po ihasur-'
firs ar Wnra than useless, as Ihey only tepd to
throw the discs- in some other pert, aad perhaps
raoae delth. Bleeding ie likewise improper. To'
cute the dtase you mul gel rid of the cause T on
ly msoag t get tba foul humors mil qrynot blood,
snd vou will b well M S day. Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, a theroagh purifier of fh
blood, will anarcib sul ty iSnparily ht Ibe more
remote parts of lbs body and Si pel it ibtmtBgfc fba
medium ol the bowU. Tbere ie sot s yeis, arW-
a -i . ' . a Ja
ry, mnachv ar organ r in enjur iraaaawoiaisa
man, that Dr. 8wselseV Pasaes dse sol iav'
prove. To rake it whs you ere well I ts hasp
well end when sick to become welt t 2 ..iuiw
poasd only ol a vegetable metier, or medieaTflCTbe,
and watranisd. og oath,, ea containing sof as pat-
lid of mercori.l, mineral, ot cbimical tthslsneA j
ie found to he perleetlt asms leas is tbdaW tender ;
ge, or ih weakest frame, Bpuer sol tagsof ,
man tuffsrlng iW most pleasant anlf benign It) it .
otstation lhat was" evi ffered as las world ; atad ,
al Ih hot lira lb most certain sssrcbisf SsM
ih saot of any snaiplaini, however aWp, aad sf
performing a euro. ti,n
Pnce ( paf bottle, or six bottles lot 1 far.
mK whateaale aad iSeL-M ekm OSSSSt af
CHARLCe) ssaf PKATT Mlsess. Battiaaeea, asA
Nav. gl7.-'.'y Suahurr.