SUflBUKYryiMElUCAN fAND'SHAMOKINr JOUKNALJ COMMUNICATION; I vte 4t ssi-.i: ' ' "' FOB Till AMUICAW. wim eieonsJn, " we " . ,j ..i iu, atrons earth l- Mai hud aaies Its snaatls to be bound I r.4Mtw w-rn ; - n TlM winter nights are beautiful, when the Vlrery tnobnllght turn the fair pale mow, . jato. shMtof lnoid pearl, and wreaths the , treat like those In the garden of Allarlln's lamp with eiroleU of glowing gemi Even the child feels their magie and with cheerful shout, crimsoned cheeks, and brigh- ten! eyes, Winds forth into the cold bracing 1 7"' ' ." ' I - ' r...i .i,,n thick of th storm bow bappy ere they , .-. To welcome ft arst Jwpmowy day !": : Who has not ' some reminiscenso of his tohildhood that sends the blood w ith a warm er thrill through his heart, even if its cham !ber ef joy, hare been closed like the door !ioftheark, by invisible hands! ' Who has hot tossed the pure white snow in feathery 1 flakes around him, or with busy hands mould Med it into fantastio forms, or merily glided "down the hill side in his mimio sled, then panting and breathless drawn it to the top "again! ; t r. "Men of fourscore did ye ever know ;, ,i Buck ott as ya had in tbe drifting enow ? " And When the day was over, who has for ' gotten the fearful tragedy and ghost story tteld in the witching hour of twilight, by the winter fire, how the little group involuntarily drew closer together, and timid eyes were east stealthily around, fearing that a specter might start upon them from the shadows of the room! J,',' There is a holy repoBO in a winter night that stirs with a strange power the fountain of the soul " The earth in its "stainlt!s robes of velvet white," scorns like a spirit-land, nnd wegaze upon its etherinl branny, throngs of shadowy forms gather like wrcuths of -round and with mournful eyes look in 'S of the henrt, and with dirge wcih us for tho clouds of guilt surface hu gorgeous pngcimtry of r sky, its burning stais thrown from the lotin lorthern lights as they of golden spires touched n the zenith to tho eurlh. , while tho angel which -eg of affection folds its rn . nestless closer to its altar .ice of wntTn with beguiling forthc ear, wmis and the meadows green , onr feel away ; .st go in anil by your cheerful fire . . . Vait for (be offices of love, and hear . Aecenta of human tcndi-nicK," What nameless numberless influences spring from the humblest hearth-stone, insensibly moulding the character, and governing the destiny of those who gather around. The Mother soothes to slumber tho b.ibe upon her bosom, and as the roseat line deep ens on the fair round cheek and the tinged lids close over the Boft dreamy eyes, rnur .mnrs her gratitude for the well of living ten derness opened in her heart, and choc is her lonely hours in weaving bright fantasies for its future. But does she reflect that her idol , "Which ahuta within ha heart a bloom for heaven, May take a blemish from tbe breath of love , And bear Ike Might forever." That her own negligence may destroy the flower committed to her keeping still bathed in the dew of heaven - Could she look through the dim vista of futurity, at the entrance of which hope now stands with brow of light, and voice of pro mise, she would perhaps pray that she might fold the dimpled hands upon the silent bo som, lay the fair curls around the marble brow, and press the last kiss upon the cold lip of her babe W shudder at the cruelty of the Hindoo mother, who tears from her neck the clinging arm ol her infant, and dashes it beneath the wheels of the juggernaut, or while it smiles confidingly in ber face casts it into the Gan ges, but how much more unnatural the chris tian parent, who suffers her child to enter the wortex of the world without the moral strength 4o buffet its waves ' Who can doubt the strength of filial love "which ever spans the heart like the bow of rp remise ! It is the Mother's name that is first lisped. To her tho little arms' are all -stretched, and her bosom is ever the chosen resting place. How often has the heart, in sensible to every other feeling of human na 'ture, yielded Coriolanus-like to the tears of a Mother 1 How often has the guilty one been checked in his career of crime by the recol 1 lection of some sweet passage of his child Ihood perhaps the prayer his little lips weie 'taught to utter, the simple lay they sang a- iround the winter fire, or the kiss and blessing ere they parted for the night, comes back 'and guides the wanderer, like the star of the east, to a new and holier life 1 ' 'The Mother may send forth her children as a scourge upon the earth, destroying God' image in themselves and others, and then in'her desolate old age, when no loving eye meets her own, no strong arm supports her feeble frame, mourn in anguish of spirit over ifaer injudicious training Or as she binds the orange wreath around the fair brew of her daughters, and sends her noble sons into the world, feels that she well perfonned her part that each will spread abroad her precepts, and at the final account "arise and call her blea ts!."-- M. W. ' Doctobs DtrreaiKO as Usoai. Tho New York Sun says the Doctors ot the Academy of Medicine had a long discussion on the cholera last Tuesday evening. Some thought It was contagious, and others contended that it was only infectious. Fintlly, they decided that they would not express any opinion on the subject. - The Clebovmkn or Boston are preaching on -rite- gold fever. Rev. Mr. Frothinghum took the text John vvii., 25; "Then shall thoo lay up gold as dust, and the gold of Opbl as the stones of the brooks;" ami the Rer Dr, FwUian' tho text from Proverbs, "How w k ImSImv W it Ul rvni tri1nm limn imU Amkbicah Ice was much wanted at llnng Koitj;, Chin; hi SeptemW last. Notice.' jt.: A LL persons knowing themxelves Indebted to ' hs Rite firm of Rhoad & Farrow, merchants of Snydertosm, on Book account or otherwise are hereby notified to pay up or make settlement on or before the first day of February next, ss longer In diligence cannot be given .Persons interested will give this notice their rmmetHat attention. ' ' "" RHOADS FARROW. ; " Snydcrtown, Dee. S3, 188 at J -'' i .(i ,,i.-.f 'TJLY 'Ul?' ''" ; 'A 7.L persons knowing themselves Indebted to k the (ubscriber, for SALT and PLASTER, are hereby notified to pay up on or before the first day of January next If the accounts are not set tled by' that tune, they will . he left in the . bands of C, Bower, Esq., for collection. . . . . m 1 , ; HENRY V. SIMPSON, Sunbury, Dec-S, 1S48 U, ,' ,, ..., , flEAS, from the New York Canton and Pckin JL Tea Company. For sale by J. W. FRILIXG. Sunhury, Dec. 2, 1819. , ' ..' PATENT Truasea of alt kinds, Harrison's writing-end indellililo ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for salo by J. W. FRILIK0. Banbury, Dee. 2, 1848. T3AISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper At sauce, Ac For sole by J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. - PLASTER, Salt and Fish, just received andfor by , j. W. FRILIXG. Rimbury.Dec. 2, 1848. c APS. An ' assortment just received. Also, silk HATS at fjt2S, for sale by H. MASSEIt. f unbury, Dec. 2, 1818. , PUBILC SALE- WILL be sold at public vendue, on Mondny, January 15, 1849, at the Paxinos Kurnnec, in Shnmokin township, Northumberland county, the following described property, viz : NINE IIOISMES and Harness, two four Horse BROAD WHEEL ED WACiONri, one two horse broad wheeled Wu iron, a Truck Waion, a Buggy and Harness, three ('nrts and Harness, Wheelbarrows, Wagon Beds, Picks, Miovels, &c, Ac. ALSO: ' . .1 Variety or Store Good, Consulting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware, Drugs & Medicines, Spices, &c. 8a lc to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. on said dav, and continue from day to day, until all is sold. - Conditions mado known on the dny of sale, by WILLIAM & REUBEN FEGELY, A'Signrea of JJeugrcr Unas y l amp Sunhury, Dec 16, 1848. tS iVotico. T S hereby given, tlmt I have become the purcha ' acr of the following article from Jacob Kothar mel, of I.onyr Mahonoy Townxhip, and that I hold his deed for the same, viz : 1 Grcyinurc 1 Plouvh and Harrow. 1 2 year sorrel Colt, J of 2 Wagons, 2 setts of Horse gears, 1 new Wagon not ironed, 2 Cows, 1 Clock 5 fShecp His interest in a Limekiln. 7 Head of Hogs, 1 Sleigh. PETER BORREL. Dalmatia, Dec. 16, 1848 3t Auditors' A'otice. fVHE undersigned appointed auditors by the JL Orphans' court of North nmberlnnd county, in the matter of the Estate of Daniel Hollenbach dee'd. will attend lu the duties of his appoint ment at the oflice of Dcwnrt Si Uruner, in Sunhu ry on Saturday the 30thdayof December 184H. When and where all persons interested can attend. WM. J. MARTIN, Auditor. Sunbury, Dec. 9, 184831 Notice To tlie Heirs of Ilotiry ll'fice,lee'l. FIO Michael McGee, Rodney McGce, Dennis I McGee, Bernard McGec. Saruh McGce, John McGce, Catharine Mctiee, Margaret Ann McGee, Who have for their Guardian John McGee, Sarah ntermarricd with Daniel Labcy, Nancy McGce, Manasxes McGee and Catharine McGee. YOU arc hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury on the 1 st day of January A. D. 1849, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of Henry McGce, dee'd., situated in Chilis- quuque township, in the county of Northumber land, at the Appraised Valuation put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the said court Of which the atorcsaiil heirs will take notice. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff. Bluff. Office, Sunbury, Novemler 35th 1848 Notice IS hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the estates of Jacob Kuntz, doe'd.; settled by his adnr'r. Peter Snyder, of Jacob Boush, dee'd; settled by his adm'r. An drew Guffy, of Win. Lemon, dee'd; settled by his adm r. X nomas Lemon, of Abraham EisLer.dec d ; settled by his adm'r. John S. Eistcr, of Robert H. Hammond, doe'd ; settled by his adm'r. William C. La-.vson, of Frederick Kobcl, dee'd ; settled by his executor Henry Latshaw, of Jacob Shive, dee'd ; settled by hi adm'r. Samuel & John, Shive of Paul Lahr, dee'd ; settled by his adm'rs. Mi chael Lahr & Abmham linker, of Dennis Wool verton, dee'd ; settled by hi adm'r. Wm. Fegoly, of Elizabeth inartz, dee'd ; settled by her adm r. Peter Purael, of John Jones, dee'd, settled by his adm'tor Win. H. Mucnch St Elisha Kline, of Mi chael Ruitz, Sen. dee'd, settled by his ex'tors Mi chael Rcitz & Peter Reitz, of Catharine Conrad, ded'd, settled by her ad'tor John Snyder. The ac count fit Jacob of bluu 1'eitcr, the account of Jacob Raker, cuardiuii of Anne Dnnklcbergcr, the account of Wm. Raker, sruardian of Lewis Rothcrmcl, late of Northumberland coun ty, dec d. 1 hat the Executors, Adminstrators and Guardians have filed their account with tlie Regis ter ot this County, and that they will bo presented to the Orphans' Court of said county, on Tuesday tlie 2d day of January licit, for confirmation and allowance. EDWARD OYSTER, Eeg'r. Registers office Sunbury, Nov. S3, 1848. Assignees' Sale OP THE . FAXXNOS FURNACE. rilHE subscriber assignee' of Denglcr, Haas, J. fc Co., will expose to sale by public vendue, on Thursday tlie etti day of February, 1849, on me premises, THE CHARCOAL FCRNACE, known a the Pixiko Fl uxaie, situate on Shi' mokin Creek about 11 miles cast of Sunbury and within one fourth of a mile of the Danville cV Potts- ville Rail Road, together with coal house, two dwelling houses, sow-mill and other improvements, and with all the necessary implements, necessary to work said Furnace. There are also, cut and in rank, two thousand cord of Wood, which will be sold at the same time. Tbe location is a fine one, and the country is well surrounded with good umoer. . , J he Furnace is built on a perpetual lease at a rent of $300 per annum fUr three years from April next, after which time, the rent way be raised to $400, per auiiuui. Tlie Furnace will be kept iu blast until the middle of Juu'y next Any persons wishing to view the same can do so bv callino- on tlie premises. For further particulars apply to the uuscnuera. w. & . t lUUELX. . Hunbury, Nov. ?5, 1848. jy The Philadelphia Bulletin and Harrisbura Keystone, will please puMtnh the above, once a i week, till kale, site srn4 their lulu to thu oflice. . i COLUMBIAN .SERIES OF . arw.nutufl. Tk Pupil's fritnd and Ttactur't tomfort. rpHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR-This work Is already introduced Into some of the heat Acadamles and k large number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher anfl pupil.1' It is purely American in its character, based upotv onr own beautiful decimal tgttet if cumnty. It contains more, the arrangement are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now In use and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of scisnce In the Uni on, who have recommended It, It Is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Amr riean Scholitn : By Almon Tiei-nor. ; Tns Yoitth's CoLrsiBiAivCaLcviAToa This Volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the slate It embraces the Fundamental: Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. i , Tii'Kiroa's AaiTHacTicL Taaiss, is destined for the use of younger classes in the Schools of the United States.,;' A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only oneofthe kind of any value. , .: ,!... , There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which tho solutions of tho questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, dec, for the use of the Teacher. - All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them tho best works that have ever been published in tins or any other country. . Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into tho Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a largo portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of i Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harriahurg, l nrK, unamiiersnurg,L.eiaiion, uoyiesiown, i-ons- llle, Orwigshurg, &c, dec. Forsuleby Hr.xnr Makskk, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848.. : DXATVJOND POWDER - ' FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, snioothedge to Rotors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Cf tlibi ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Kuzor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 1 8 South FilUi street a- bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Feb. 15th, 1848. This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attctt in Die most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must nav to others, try it. and vou will find it superior to any hejetofore in use. I can truly has that I never knew what a sharp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Tliird st. Philadelphia, October, 1843. A very hard licard and tender face has compel led me to seek and itst many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with inuiiiereni success, until 1 made use ot tlie JHagic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and RoubscI's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri- iting the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this ollicc Price 25 cts. per Box. November 25, 1818 Cm. GOLD PENS, PEX HOLDERS & PENCILS. a. & e. irc. siviith, bs (Late c the firm of A. U. Uugley Ik Co.) Mxi'FACTiaxHS or Gold Psss, Psx HOLnsns A XI) Pkxcils, No. 16 Maiden Lane, Xcw-York. w 7E, ihe Subscriber offer to the Irade, and ine pnmic generally, i ur uiuercni of Gold Pens which are warrcnlrd az.iiust all p rficious by fair usHgr, and also to he aupeitni in every rrseet to nny otbots madtb Hiving in. rreaoeil f icilitics fir nia'iUMClunng. w n del or. mined that no pen sh.ill be deliveieJ fiomour rs Ublifhmenl unlisi it i ififct We also kep nstanlly on hand nur superior Gold Pencils, and 'enrils iih Ten. which we are enabled 10 fiec st he lowest isUs. All otdets s.l.lissscd lolhe Sub. octihers, will bt carefully and promptly attendeJ to. , & E. M SMITH, No. 16 MaiJen Lane N, Y. Oct. 7, 3m NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masser, IT AS just received at his store, in Sunbury, an assottment of tho cheapest Goods, that ever came to the place, consisting of DRV GOODS, GROCERIES. LIQUORS, 4e." French black Cloths, CnssinetU. &c. Call coos, of excellent quality and colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 61 cents. These are not the low priced trash articles usually sold. Muslin de Laiues, of fine qnal ity and patterns 181. Handsome Terkeri and other Shawls and various other articles. The public are retiuestcd to call and iudr;e tor themselves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. AGEN T S T O CANVASS FOR SOME NEW AND POI-'L'LR WORK, in every COUNTY ihroughout tbe United State. To Agents, ih most l.beral rnenuiagement is offered with small rspital of $25 to (11)0. A ch ines isi.ff.n J, whereby n agent Can make from J 10 to fli per sverk, Fur further pirliculNis. sudirM(ioipnJ) No. 158 North SECOND Street, rhilail. lphia, Sept. 9, 1848. m. FIRE! FIRE!! 300 l'KUSONS WAN TED ! ! ! flHE Subscriber would retpectfully inform J. bis fritndi ami lbs public generally, that ha bat just received s large and splendid assortment l ID ' Very best Moves, consisting upwards of 300, among which ran be found Cooking Stove of dint-rent site and pat iHriii, Parlor btoves, Stoves suitable for Office Sbopi, Ice All thee Stoves will he sold rhesi from 13 snd upwsrd. Likewise on bsnd, s Isrgs variety or Move fipe, Zinc, 1 lo-wars . Vrass kettels of different sites, See. The inbcriber returns bis thanks for the lib ersl encouragement received, snd invites the pub lie to rati snn tee bit present variety ofStovss c. (jyOld Iron, Catting, Copper, Pewter snd Grain taken in cscbang for Ware, , ' ! B. ZETTELMOVER. Tinsmith Sunbury, Sept-93, 18J83m : , AXEejf of s very superior quality for sale by. ; 11. MASSER. Bimbury, Dsa. , J 848. j, v. ; IJLANK DOOK8-An assortment of Blank Books, just received snd sals by ' . ' H. MAER Suiiborr, Dec. 8, 1818. " A II nD 17170 tt4TnTOPAM li AllllnClr Oi-nn-i" vi. Tin Bics'-k . rrrr 'tlMilth to lbs Wank I! A BAI.M Is foaixl for llw Whole Human Haca la An ilrcws' PAIN KILLER. ! This It an untlif It vreeta. We enmrmmul, rompnswl of Twenty-FIvs diSnrmt issro aimls, end is an Internal and Eltcrnnl Remtdy (at the va rlmit ills that human Bceh is heir lo i ii j j.,. vcnat,H (.;; Cuturhfl. rnltls.- tntitk . VrviMi. iwt Mrfc Vfi-nAiir-liH. Rtieninalism, Cms, rWsins, ftpinal ASiirtkiiw, . Sumirwr CcMtpialnts, Cholera iWorbusi TuMhaehe, Eruritlnn, Corns Piles, Fnuen Parts, Burns, SrH, Afrue in Ihe Fare aisl Rresst, Pslntm' Collie, Bniiscs, okl Sma, Loss nf appo lite, General DHiililr, AMhina, (re; Put up is nnttles ft I, S or 4 ihillinas per bottle. - For further pnnioulnri see Pamplilels to he had of every agent grails, eontiiiniiia: brief history of the origin, discovery and goods eAeett of Andrews' Pain Killer, Certineatea of Cnm, directions. Ac , t ; , LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. . ,: ,.. ; . , Tlie triumphant snccees of Andrews Pain Kilter in ri moving the cnutf-s that srodune donlh. the untimely death nf millions of our rare, hns indttred some men of whem it msy be truly aid, their villainous ocmpslions menilrst tltelr vilhlny, to attempt to pnt in circulation spurious a, eonnterfrit articles rsllrd "Pnin Killer," iwinij liciiiiona names for the pretended enthor forged eertinrstes, An. Some have appeared, end others no doubt wiil oppenr. all remember that Andrews Oenaine l'sin Killer hns the written sisiistore of I. Andrews on Ihe label of esok bottle in black ink. Don't limply n for Pain Killer, but ask f Andrews' Pain Killer, nod have no otlier. J. W, Frfling, Sunbury . ri uy at. a. Aieuiy, roie Arnit, I'irthumbrrlnn1 : riling, Sunbury i Jolin It. Knser, Miltoa i John R. Myver. lll.MtiiinburK i Wm Wm. A. Mnrrey A Co, Denville i Dnvenporj A Smith, Plymouth ; Andrew Andrew 1 ohr. WiBiea- borre l Hays A MeC'orniirk, AfrF.wonsrllle l rVlmffle ft Chaniberlsiii. Iwishurg Uv,irga MeAlpin, Jerae)- Sh're) jh. JiKHi. iviiunmspoii. Orders addreiwed to I. Andrew. Inventor ami only Pro. irietor at Itheea Tompkins comity, N. V. Will receive prompt intention. . rpieuiucr an, ic,-ly S3 IS vS-fii. Hi S3 Patent Air-Tight SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING , STOVES. THE ntxTve St'ire, wliich i eqmtlly wrll ailnptcd to Wood or Cnl, hns roecirerl silver iiicdnlt at the fair of the American Institute, New York; of the Mechmirr' ImMi- tute. Bdwtan ; of the Fmiiklirt Institute. PhitnnVlphia) and of the MechnnicB1 Institute. Wilniiiifrton, Uetaivare. it ir rapame, 11 pronorir uneo, i ti tiup m-ire wtirn, wim lens fuel, thnn snv nthcr tve vet offered to the nnNic: in winter it will warm the torret kitdien, while in lummfr, with the Mi in i nor drnu attached, it thrtnvsont no m re licut than & charcoal furnace; and for Knling, bmilinCf h kiiir. or ronrttinff. It cannot be nurrmsned by any other fttve, open fire, or brick oven. CEBT1KK ATI OF THKJl'DOKt OT THE MlCIIATItCS I?IST1- Tl'TK BoTO!t. Wo, the fnibflrriberii, l)eiits cIdicii Jtidzcn bv the Miifm clmstMtfi Charitable Mwhnntcs1 Am pialinn in Benton, on ttive. furnacen. rnnires, Ao. would inform the public, that afier tesiinur all the coikiiKr efnrea that were pot into the rnir lor nxeitiHion, ana loitmir earn man manage tn own alnve with the nine kind of oml, in order to aarcrtain which would do the time work with the least fuel in the Kline time, nnd do it best, we find that Stewart's Patent Hummer and Winter Air-Tifrlit Cooking Wove, mniwifictur- etl hy Ihe rcitenlre, ot lro ?i. 1i tiethelieat, aa it took but i.l minutes to boil two niToit of water and bake Itincitit in the name tiinr, and broil beef aleak, and all kme in the beat irmnner with seven nonnda of coal, hi thirty minntfa from the time tlie fire wns put into t lie stove, 'to which weawnnltfl tMOHiivermeilnl. JAMKS OOl'M). WALTKu COIIXEIJ. TIIOMAi MOUlVroX. A. D. WKHUKR. aixl JA.MK9 PACK, JrnoK-. Tlie aultacribcra resncctfnlly invite the attention of cmin- try dmlura, tn one of the largest and licst selected stock of stot-ea, ever offered in tltiacily, am 'ng which are the fol io wing : Bases. Serpen Cy ler.uVrs. Oven Stovet. Washington An Tight Cooks. Vulcan do do Eurekas Largo Oven Albany do do do do do do do do Willis do McGregor Mammoth Premiums Cook S oves. National Air-Tight Conks. Pailor Stoves. 100 Lmii Air-Tight Porlor Stoves. mo Charles the 1st Air-Tight do 200 L)dy Washington, Air-Tight Parlor. 130 WaahiniEton Atr-Tinht tin 300 McGregor's thre days parlor AirTt)(ht Coal Stove, burning three days without atten- ion. For sale wholesale and retail by North, Karri son & Co. No. 390 Mark t street, Philat-lphia. Philadelphia, July 18th, 1SI8 OAKFORD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. CHARLES OAKFURD, Xo. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Would resi rctfuOv invite attention tn his superior style of hat for autumn. 1848, which will he found the most peifert er btfore oil, red to Ihe commuiniy. Us peculiar f irms t.-nuer. It lbs more ih sirnlil , II combines sit the raii'ifi's nf Jy l iliiy sinlnealnos, requisite in that nnii-le of dress lulls Ins mcroasttl f iriliiiea in in miiiufsctarini ni h nil ihe n'Otk ru impr-ivemints. ensbl.-s him I u Challssoi thk V usin lu pr- duce s belt, r Hut. (JniLnsss's Finer Hats inn Cars or tns Latest Mon. Tlie-e good have been selected ilh groat ere, and will be found nv-st beautiful and ches'n in ihrir tvle. Laiiiks' liinixo Hats inn Caps or Esrins Li jus w I'atteii. (Jreai rsie hs l.n li-slow. ed in cookIiuiIm g thrre aitic'et. ih. t they msy fit prificil) ct-y and lotni a granful nppe rnre. . . CHARLES OAKFORD. 104 Clifstnut l. a lew doors shove Thiid. I'biUdelpbi. Sh, temLet 30, 18 18 th June 2 1. 1818 ly 246 and 413 MARKET STREET, rmttnicirHiA. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST assortments or Gold and Silver Walche- 1N l'HILADEDAill A. Gold Levers, full jewelled, 18 esrat ease (30 snd nvel Silver Irfv s, full jewelled $16 snd over ; l.epine . ft I end over ' Quait-r, $ 8 to 110 GolJ Pencils. . I 6.1 Silver Tea Spoons, iqu .1 to coin, . 4 60 ti. ld I'eis, silver holder snl pencil. 1 00 With a snh-ndid ss'or.mrnt ol all kinds of Welches, Ihith gold snd silver; Kiib Jeweliy.eVc. &c, (iol I Cham of Ihe l-e-l men'if. eiuies, and in fai t eveiy thing in the Watch and Jewelry line st much less prices than ran bs b tight in tbii City or elaowhel. f lease 4ve Ihi'sdri-itifment, tnJ call at ei ther LEWIS LA DOM US. No 413 MARKET stee-, alve E'evenlb iionbside,nr st JACOD LAU0MU8, 346 MARKET si.. 6rt store below Eight, south side. Cjr We bats Gold and Silver Levrre still chca. par than the above prica librral discount made to ihe trade. Bepiem'-ei 3, It 18 Out : Oysters! Oysters!! Oysters!! - . T. SANDERS, JT ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens ol W Sunbury and vicinity, that he constant ly keeps on baud the best quality ol oysters, iu the shell and otherwise, which will be served up iu the best style, on the shortest notice. His establishments is opposite the Presbyterian church, Blackberry street, iuii bury. ' ... s .i Sunbury, Qct. 28 1842mo J. J. GB.EE1TOTJGH. (Late Heller fc Graenough.) PATENT ATTORNEY. amd MBOHAirxoAX. narozxraBB, Washington, D.C WkRAWINGS atid papers for the Patent Office, prepared tnd all the necessary bu siness, in relation to securing patents, trans acted, and promptly auencieci to, at tuetr ol- lice opposiia inn uicuv uiuvo October J8, J848, gi UM &KOES for Gcntleujvn and Ladies, just Jf received snd for tsle by J, IAnhER, riuiiburj-, Dec. 8, 1848, TFardrobe of Fatthlonable ' CLOTHING. ' ; J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, . No. 194 Market Sired. First Clothing itnrebe ' low Sixth, ' W. Pmt.ADSLraiS. . r HRRE they are conttantly engaged in get ting np (ram the best French, English snd Amertcsn s'oth. clothing cat snd made up In the most snperior and fashionable tty s. - t'ertoni who boy to tel', wilt find s targe snd eicellent stock St the lowest city prices. C othinf msde up to order, in a superior style at the sborteit notice. ' "' ' 't i . N. B. Odd Fellows RegaHs. a Isrgs sstort ment afwsys on hand . Orders from Lodges snd Indiviitin promptly attended to on ths most res sorsble terms. Philadelphia, June 3, 1848 ly. iTEV" CHEAP GOODS.' The largest lsorl ment In Town, John W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY informs his frifimlsitnd . customers, that ho has received the largosl and best assortment of pooJs ever f. fered in Sunbury. Consisting of DltY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Quetnsware, Liquors, Drugs, Paints ami a great variety of other articles. ' '; ' The public are respectfully requested lo call ami examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. FURS. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHARLES OAKFORD, Furrier. Xo. 104. Chestnut Street, ; would invbe the ladies to call anil rxainina bio aiipeiinr t rk of Muffi, H iss, Tipets cVc. i f every variety, consisting; of It eh Rousts Mihle, HuiIoii's Uy Msrlm, Nnrwsy Martin, Mil k Ha. I'le. Binm Msrtiti, Sinne Merlin. Krmine, Fili li l.yni. Sec, &e. These skins have bten eel cted with great csie, nd are m ulo hy tho best workmen in Hie country. - L ,die mry rest assured thst no article will l-eofTered for rale in this cstabliahm 'lit that i lot perfect in every leaped. CH MILES OAKFORD, Ka. 104, Chetnul ttrert, brtwern Third and Fourth ttrtrti 1'hitadephia 8ett-tulier 3(1, 1848 Dm DR. TflWiNSESD'S COSPOCSD EXTRACT OF S A li SAP A HILL A. fTHIS tract ia put up in quart button. It nix tinv JL cheaper, j Ifjinauter, nnd wurruittrtl mipcri'r to rhv )kl. It rtirttt tlicni" without voniiiiti, purfiiiifr. aiek liens, or dt-bililaling the mticnl. out) is portion urly ailapttul Corn I FAt.I AND SPRING MF.DiriNK. Tho great beiuty nnH surrrrinritjr of thin Surnapnrill.t over other reiiieilirtf in, whilft it ernttiiateitiiipa?', it uiviaj.traien tlie tily. CMiBiiiiptin rtirctl. Clroimc ujid Htrctigthrn. rHisnivtion can be ruretl. BroiK-liiiin. 0imiinptiiin. Liver C iinpluint, C iltta, Otiighs, Calnrrli, A I una, Spitting of Blootl. 14 reucra in tho Chet, lleelie Flush, Night went, DilTi cnlt nttil Prot'use Kxpcctoraiion, and Pain in the Side, &e., Ac, Imve ond onn be cured. I'rii1klv tlir never whs reine-lv lluit hnn been nUc. CeMl'ul in desperate maca ol' ronmimpti'm tta tbia ; it vUiut ca ana airengiiicna tne ayatein, turn oppotra lo neui the til ccra m the lunga, and pjitiunta grudually regain their usual health nnd strength. CURIOUS CASE OF CONSUMPTION. There ia acarrclv a dnv naivea Imt there ore a imnilKf nf caayaof ctiiimnnptum rcjst.rted as cured by the line tn' Or Townseu'a "-URipaiilla. The folljwiiig na recently rc- cuivim : Pr. TowxsKXD Itanr 8ir: For the hist throe rears 1 have bttti lUHirte.l with gfiit-ml debility, mid ncrvnna cmi stimutirm ot' tlie lust BUitte, and did mrt expwt to ever gnin my nealtti at uli. After gtHtig thnnich a couiaeitf rnt-Uu-iiie nudcr the care of some of the m at thutittiniiufced regnLir hysicuiiis iud incuibura ot the Houid ui Jlnaliii in .t:v i'ork and elsewhere, nml NfieiKting the m )t of my eurninua 11 Mtleinntintr to retmin mv huitlh, and after rcmlinir in sjtne paper of ynui hurmparilla 1 resolved to try it. After using six bottles 1 lutnul it d ue me great good', and rnlled to aee you at your ofhee ; wilu ytmr utlvice 1 kcjrt on, and di moat heartily thank you lor your advice. I persevere itt taking the ftirsapuriUa, and have been able to attend i i.iy ii sunt lunors ior tue irtst tour moiiins, ana I nope oyine blessingB of Gjd and your (StiraEistrillu tn continue tny health. It helped me beyond tho expectations of ull who k:iew my case, CHARLES QUIMBY tiraitge, hsex en. X. J., Aug. , lts7. State of New Jersey, Kttsex county, as, Cliarlea Quiiu- by being dul) sworn acoortling lo law. on his oath raith, ' inn ino ioriging auttcincni is true nctMnnng w tne ot tut knowlwlgeund Mitf. CHAKLKS Qt'lMliV. tnrjrn and auiiarnbed to before iiw nt Orniiee, the M Aagtist, mi. - - - - CYRUS BALDWIN. . - j italics oi we reace. SPITTING BIsOOD. Read tlie foliuwiiir, and aav that eoiunimptUm is in incu rable if you cuu : pw lorx, April 71, itM. Dr. TouxEPt I verity believe that votir Haraanurilla has been the means, through Providence of saving my life 1 have fur several years had a bad cough. It became wwae and worse. At last I raised large qiumtities of bkml, had night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, did not expect to live. 1 have only used your Sarmarillu nut a sunn time, awl rnere wis a winieriui ctiange been wvouglit in me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no Utxitt, and uiy cough lias lui't me. You can well iimgmc that 1 am thunVifnl t- these results. Your obedi ent servnut. WM. ItUSSKLU 06 Catiiarine st. lost hkii spi:kci. Tlio annexed eertiheute tells a simple and truthful story of suffering and relief. There are thousands of similar ca sea in thia city ami Brooklyn, and yet there are tft msands of parents let their childreu die for fear of being huuibugged or Li save a few sliilluigs. urooKiyn, ep( iki. r. TowxsBKOt I take Dleasure in staliiur. for the bene- sa ui ur.w tvisusss ia mms visibitviiu siscm wi suaiiiiisci , rt veara and six mmths old, was afllicted with general de bility and lues of speech. She was given up as past je covory by our family physician ; but fortmMitely 1 was re eomnmided by a friend to try your Saraaparilla. Bet re oavnig usca ooe Donie sne reooveren ner steeca aim was enabled to walk alone, to the astonishment of all wh were aeuuainled with tbe circmnstaitces. She is now quite well, ana bi much better health than she has been for itf moot lis past. J014KPH TAYIXiR, VM York stn Brooklyn. IWU t. IIIIOJIIC': DA V JEeU. Very few families in Iced in fact we have not heard of onethat used Pr. Towiisend's Ha ran pari Ua in time, list any cliiklrati the past Summer, while thoae Hint did iru, sicVened and died. The txreincata wc nubltsh lclow is fXMtclusive evulenee of its value, and ia only another instance w iia asivuig ine uvea tn cmturen ; ur. i owysasDuear sir i I nno two ciuurcn enreu oy your SarsripurilLi of the an miner ctaniiL-iint and dysentnry ; one waa only IA month old and tlia other 3 years. TlM-y were very much reduced, and we expected iney wtmin me ; tbev were sriveu ud bv two reaoectnlile physicians. When the dootor uii'urined as tlist we must lose them, we rtatol- ved to try your fttrsapHrtila we bad beard ao much at, hut bad little eon&leuce, tltere being s much stud' advertised that is worthless: but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly an ved the lives of both. 1 write this that oth ers may be induced to use it. Yours, respect t'uilv, suni. iisTM.n, jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. IS, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. ' ; GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da.ToWMSKXD' SAasAPABiLLA is a ajvereiiniand apoe-iy cure ftr btcipieut CHaistunption, and for the general proatra- lioa ol tne system no matter wueiiier me rrami ta uuio rent cause or causes, produced by regularity. Ulnesa or as. cedent. Not hum can be mm surprising lliaa its Invigorutuig ef fects n the Imtnau frante. PerstNts all weakness and las aiUide. from takuur it at once become robust and full ot' energy under Its mnuenoe. ii uninetiiaieiy coumeracis ine tterveksMiesa of tlie fevaale frame, which is the great cause 1 barramiees. It will not be expected of us, iu cases of so delicate a na ture, to exhibit ecrtiueaies 44' cures performed, but we cam assure the attticted that hundreds of eases have beau repor ted to us. Pr. ToWKsBxnt Mr wife being greatly dtstrecsed hy weakueeeaikd general ncbility, and suncring euituiually by pain and with otlier ditneultice, and having known eases where your medicine has edocted great cures; and also hearing it rectninu'itdcd lor such eow-a as I have described, 1 obtained a bottle 04 your Extract of tkirsaperilla and fol lowed the directiiMis you gave mo. In a short period it removed ber eumpUiuts aiid resutred her to haulth. Being greatlui f jt the benetits ahe received, I tnke Dleoaure in tuiu acknowledging it, and reeoiniuendins: it to tne public, M.P.MOORE, Albany. Aug- IT, Ml. cor. Oruiu) k Lydia sis. PYSPKlSIA. No fluid or inailiaiiia hns ever becu iliwr.n ered which so nearly naainblisi the gatrio juice or saliva iu decomposing load and strengtheuitig the orgaiis of digestitw as this pn nantitsai of tieraaperiua. It positively cures every ease t'f dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. . Bank Penartnient, Albany, May 10, lrUA. Dr. Towiiasnd -Sir 1 1 have been attlietad for seveenl years with dyspepsia in ita worst form, attanded with nur Bjess ot sttsBiaiih, toes of S4spetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aver emu to aM kiade of food, and for weeks, (what 1 euedd sou) i have been uivuble to retain but a email portion on say etueaaeh. I tvied the aaual remedies, but they bed out htlle as a effect in removing tbe eoiuplaint. 1 was in duced, about two mouths since, to try your Extract of Sax as par ilia, and 1 must say with liule eoiiliitenoe but alter USUIH nWliT ubiiob, a ismiism tuj aisssaa3 iassuav bhb thal Sreartoui n, Miiirelv renvwri : mnA 1 vraula sanlestlv the ties of k to tkoas who have been afflicted as I aav Imou. Vours, 4s., W. W. VAN 7. A NUT. Agent for fcuatiury JOHN W. FRILING; Nor thomherUnd, MARY A. McC.VYl Doflvile, WM. A. MI'tlR AY 4 Co , Apiil, ItsS ly OXYGENATED LX3 a "OP 0 1x2 G33 - A aoTBREION RF.MEDT FOR , PiiTnisic, OBNBBAIt JBBIX.rrV. GEORGE B. GREEN, Priontraroit. 1 Windsor, Vermont. j 18 a aorerelgii remert foe DYSPF.PdiA, in many of eii 71 "lomeetl, Heartache, Im of Appetite, rtithisie.) am) Asthma, or Phthisic sttersUt with oeraiUe ment of the Stormek (or Dyspeptic Asthma,) Difficult Urcntlinig, which often remit from imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic Syspnms,) is relieved by ltiee Hitters. In short, their hm hns been prnrerl tn the relief nf almost sit tin symptoms thst proceed from a debilitated or atrmie condi tion of the rXimiaeh also in geneal detslity arising from age or from the efTerta of Fever, psriirularly Fever aist Anie. - Femnlea snftcring under any uterine riersngement arising from weakness, will find the "OaTosNAran Bit Taas an exeetlent reiusdy, and not surpassed hy any medi cine in nse. The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has made its way to pnlitic favor solely by ths force of Its own intrinsic merits. No srtifieial means have been need to give it no toriety and thrust it npon publie attention, it has never before even lieen advertised, bat having Mrst shown ils re mnrknljlo emincy in the family of the proprietor, and by him nftorwaids administered to his snlieted friends and ac quaintances with a like result, Its reputation gradually ex tended until it is known in the must distant p.irts nf tlie I'nion, ss a medicine of unlimited virtues in the enr of Dyspepsia in all ils different forms, nnd nisi for the euro of Asthma or Phthisic. Its only hernld nnd Its only eul fry has been the story of its wonderful efflcney, as told -fmra mimth to month or by letter from friend to friend. In eve ry instance where these Bitters have been nsert, ami the re. stilt made knows to the proprietor, they have proved a re rnedy, Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy of the "OxToajATKD Bittms," are in the possession of the proprietor many of them signed by perrjiui already widely known to the public. GEO- B ORKFJf, Proprietor. WINDSOR, Vt., October a, tm.y ' 1 The following Certificate, have recently been received WtSHIXOTOX, D. C, JVX 10, 18t. Having made use of the "Uxvgcraited Bitters" prepared by Dr. Ceo. M. Green, of Wimlvur., Vt. and from know ledge obtained of their efficacy in other eases, we cheerfully rec immend them to the public, believing tint they will fully sustain the recommendation of the Proprietor. We Imps that ttiis valuable remedy mny be S' generally diffused throughout the country that it may be accessible to all the ninicied. . WILLIAM t l'IIAM t'. 9. Scnatiw frmn Vermont. JAMK9 F. fIMMO'i, 0. S. Scnrtor from R. Island. 1. T. MOREHKAD, U. S. Scimtjr and f.irirurly Govern or of Kentucky. I.. II. ARNOLD, Member of Cinigresa anil fnnncrly Cli vt-nior of R. I. ' WM. WOODHRIDGE, V. 9. t!e.itor and formerly Oo. vern-w of Miehiijnn. M. Itf MARTiN, Delegate in Ciwgrcm from Wisroiiain Territory. . From Hon. II. D. Fon-rta, Memtwr of Congress from lcnns-lmuia. . WASlllXnTOX, 11. C. JUXK 10, ltH. Dear flf. I heve been a dyspeptic suflerer for about ten years, owl have resorted t ration medieiiies for relief without success, until I mule use of v ur "Oxvponntcd Hitlers." I hove used about two t)tlli-J. and Hurl invself resb iriid to perfect health The forms in wliieli the ilia ease showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of Ihe stomach, I s of spiwtitc. extreme ttntnlen.e, severe court i Nition ol' tbe bowels, and viulcut heudnche. t-'eeline desi rous tlial a knowleilge of your valuable remedy may reach others similarly BlHictml. 'I take greot pk-asura tn rce.inl ing my testim uy to its cumtive power: nnd would nlo rcinnik, thai while on a vmit at home a short time ulnee. 1 administered a part of a bottle to a number of my afflicted friends, with great succks. They nre definis 'lliat ym sli-iuid cRtablifh nn agem?y st Pitttburc. or inform llieoi where the medicine can be obtained. With nn eurnert du. sire for your prosperity sml huppiucis, I siil-rilie mvaelf, truly your Irieud II f). l'OSTIlll. D'Ht. Ur.n. II. CiKr.ex.tA'iuilsir, Vt. 8 lil Wholesale ami Retail bv (iieeu & Fletcher, 'o. a0 8,ulh Sixth Street. Philadelphia. Airint f or Snnbnrv II. It. MASSKR. Airi-iitsfor Milton MAf'KAV IIAAO. Agent fol l:pper Mnhon.iy. J. O. ItF.NN.- April li, IMS- WESTEIt SCff YORK COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. DU. G.C. VAUGHN'S Vrgt table Litlionlriptlc mixture. rplllS cctelmitcd romcily is constantly increasing im luinn the itnuy cures it.'is unking ALL OVER THE WORLD. It lina how bceiiiiflhe only mcilUMiie fur fuuiily use, t is jrjiiivuturiv ruc.uiunciiui-u nr DllOI'SY: all stages of iliii c miplaiut iinniedialely relieved, n i matter ol how Ijiuj sUndiiig. See Phamphlet lor ItMiiuony. nnd all diseases ol tne mi, Villi ins cnnnilHiiits it stands alone : no cii "!"n- nr-.; lna ltarra- you ; mid the cures tettified lo willcmvincethe most sitir Ileal j see pamphlet. Liver C-anplnint, Billious diseases, To tlie Great West especially. uiuV wherever tlurss com plaints prevail this medicine is' offered. NO MINERAL AGENT, d'Hetrrintu ciHnpamul is 'a part of Ibis mixture, it cures these UwetispB willi cerutiutv and celerity, ami does in Iviiyc the s Kf-'in turuid. N-e I'aiiii.hlct. PILES eomplniiit of a most pninfitl cfm meter, is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, aw) a cure follows hy a feu tlay usa of Ihisartiele ; it is far before any otlier preiaraiion ir this diseaso, fur any other diseasu rigiiiatiiig impure I4ood. See pam phlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, weak back, weakness ot'the Kidneys, Jke., or nifluiiuna I iil ufsaine, ia iinmedialely relieved by a few days usv tt tins medicine, and a cure is always a result of its use. It stands aa A CERTAIN REMEDY, for audi enniiliiiiits, and also for derangements of lb fe male frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, painful ineiuftrna lions. N nrlirlo li:ts ever been off' red nsrept this which would ttHih tis kind of deraneiiients. li mny be relied UKtn ns a Kure umd edeetive reutttly, and did we feel permitted to d s i cmiUI eive A THOUSAND NAMES. as prnof of cures iu this tlisuessiup clasfl ot' cmplniiiiK. See uuupliiel. All broken U nvn. ikbiUtited c tiuit Millions fnnn the elTeet of mereury, will tititl tlie braeing power of this article to act immeoiaieiy, ami tue piKMru4 uimcrai eradicated from the system. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the oltetative properties of this oil irk, PURIFY THE BLOOD. and driven such diseases from the syrtem. Sec jimphlet f.r leetimoMy of cures hi all di senses, which 111 limilaof an advertisement will not ermit to he tmiiHl here. Agents five tlei)l away f they contuiu 'J& viffes of certificileJuH' high charucter, and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is one of the peculiar features ol' this article that it tin t laila t benefit in any case, and if ttte and muwle arc left to build upon let the emaciated awl Imperiii; invulid HOPE ON and keep tukiiis the medicine ns mg as there is an im iirovemeut. 'Hie proprietor w-itH CAUTION THE PUBLIC neaiust a number of article wbicb CJine out under tlis lieuU of SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, &C, as euros for D.oy, Gravel, c. : They are food lis- no thing, and oonciK-lcd to siiil the iinwnrv ; TOUCH THEM NOT Their inventors never thought of curing sw-li diseases tilt thin aruole hud done it. A orticular siuily of tlie pam phlet is earueHtly aolicitctl. Aeeul and all who sell the article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE linituitoiBily. Pnt an In 30 or.. Uittles, rd 2 ; ll os. do a Al ,w.i-jfk lurver holiliiis 6 ox. tuors than two stuull t.t- IS-s. lyiok out auu get itniioseo uii-'u. r.very notiro wi. "Vuuplia's Vcitetable Litlionlripliv Mixture,'' blown upon Ihe pluse, Ihe written sieiulnre of' ti. O. Vauehn" oa ths tiireolkins, and "U. C. anglio, Und'alo,1' stniuped on the cirk. Niie other are cenuiiie. l'reiari-il by Dr. O. C. Vaiiehu, and sild at the Principal Otncc, "7 Slam street, HuAmIo, at wholesale and retail. No attention given to let ters unless post paid orders from rettukirly oimstituled Aireins etceptod; post paid tetters, or verhel eouuimuioo. Ujiis s jlieiUut; advice, prompllv attended to sratis. Olncesdevirteil exclusively to the ssle this article , 13-J N'aaeiu St. New York city; nl Ksses si. flalein, Mss. and by Iho prineil Druggisli throughout tlie I mlt-deHatcs and Canada, as Agents. List of Alents. SMorrs eo.. Wholesale Aeul Philadel phia.!. W. Kriline, Sanbqn Issue Cionruart, BeliiwwTin -C. A. Wyeih, lAwisburuWI. I.rihoaiM, aliinai Jluyes 4 Mccormick, MaCweitsviUe H McCoy, NorthuauVi land. AptU I, I8lf-:y lNrSMlTU k CO. WHOLE GAL ?1 3 J Market SnttiET, . : ' ffILADELrHIA.r Duress tfc tTi:dh , Pit. Oils, diss, PTirrs, Ysbsishu. A r. &c. . ALSO Paisiil Mli- ine.. Medicin Chest, Kmgicat si d llbst.triral Insliumaut. C'Ih iielTsi. eV.e, (j Older from Mi irhsni i r Phjrsiciups. I' latter 01 uihetwis ptoinptly sittnj d id. Angus', 9, t(8. 4rq TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND . UXAKlMOrSLY. AVFBOVED I -,- ... ,3.....:. ;; -5. .i:-o ' H ; pills j '''! a ss a s r 11.1.3 1 Rvsrjr day is this Celebrated medicine extending th sphere of hs usefolness, and every year adding to th Mug oaulogue of its trlampbs. , .: AMIMJON OF BOXES sr distributed annually with out fully meeting the demand! For rant time past, tta sales linve been limited eilcly fur want of facilities of nop. ply. Truly this Is a universal remedy ! Vnhereld, these pills have fonnd their way Into the remotest corners of tbe I'niorl, every where proving their title as die pry man's friend sick men's hrpe the marvel and blessing ef the Kr- For a trifling sum, ever)- Individual and every family may hove IIF.ALTH IXSl'RF.D to them for an indefinite pe riod ; and what is life without health but a miserable exis tence ! It is too precious a boon to be tampered with, by trj iug all sorts of experiments npon it. Ths sick should use those medicines only which experience has shown to be tbe beat- A PHY'SICTAVSTESTIMONY. From Cntskili, Green County, New York Dr. W, Wright Dear Sir i I have found your ludian Vegetable Pills a valuable remedy in cases of General De bility of Ihe system, and in all Billious disorders. I in also in tlie habit of recommending themto females iu peculiar esses. I observe them to sperute in the system without producing debility or pnin, leaving it in a healthy condition. 7 ' ' June i, 18t(t. Jons Dos.-cs, M. D. THE WEST FAMILY MEDICINE. . , From Norton Hill, Green County N. V. ' 1 Dr. Wright : We linve used and sold your Indian Vcgets ble Pills for tbrre years past, and do not hci-ltate to recom mend them to onr friends and customers as tbe best Family Medicine in use. " N. & I.. HMDru.. From Marble Hull Po . , Tj Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir : For the Inst two years' I Imvc had tlie ngency for the sale of your Indian Vegetable Pitts at this place, and have sold annually large quantities at retail. They have in every instance given entire aatisfae li n. Mniir families in litis section keep them, snd eonside (Item invaluable ns a family medicine. There is no medi. cine s ild here that can be so tinivcrrally recommended as Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Very truly yours, February 1, yv. M.U'KN.' TESTIMONY OF ANOTH1.R PHYSICIAN. The following letter is in reply to a note fr jui our agent nskintr Dr. Bont n'sopinion of this medicine : Tcxxiuxxock, Anifust 2i, 1H19. Mr. A. Durham Dear Sir : In reply bi your note of yes lenlny, 1 would statn, that I have occirionally fisjnd it con veniel to line the various "Putent Pins'' veiuled in Ihe sliope . and while I am unwilling to say nnyiliing todcprcciolc Ihe value oiiithem.IamfrectoeiiifeKslliat I consider Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills siierior to nil ntbers with wliich I am acquainted. I have used them for many years both iu tuy own fmuily and in my practice generally, and they have uniformly protcd mild, certain and safe in their operations The care and skill with which these pills have been hitherto manut'ai-turat tire, in my opinion, a sufficient piurartteu for likeg iod resulis in future. Very respeclfully, : B. A. lioi-Tox. M. D." Mr. B is a practitioner of I- ng experience, well known iu and cveu beyond tbe lines of Wyoming c-unly. He is a graduite cf Fcmuyli-uniu, and highly popular with tlie pivple among whom he resides. neware of Sugar Coaled Counlcr rellsi. Iteineiuber tliat the origins! and only geiutiiis Itidisn Vegetable Pills have the wtiltcn signature of Wm. Wright on the top label of each box. rot W igUV auili.lil VtsLju.Mc t'lllx, i L-bn W. Friling. Sunbury. Henry Masser, Sunbury. Hays A McConniek, MeGwiniiviil. K. KsufTman, Augusta Ip. JoLu II. Vincent, Cliilisqnatjue. Knse It Bcrgstrcsscr, Elvsburg. v.iu..... t ton, Mahonoy.' Ili'iucn A Brother, Milton. Forrytb, Wilson Co., N'ortbuiulerlrud. Jus! Rccd, Pottsgrove. W. Jt n. Fegely, Shamiikintown. . J. C. MiS-gan, Snyderstnwn. W. Deppin, Mslioivvy P. O. - Bcnneville Hohiliue, Up. Muhoiiny. ' J. G. Renn, line Mountain P.O. Benj. Ileflner, lower Mehoniug P. U. Amos T. Brissell, Turlsttlwillo, G. J. T. Piper, Watsottville. K. A. Kutxner, Bixmsville. H. II. KmrWe, Elysbarg. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale and Reuil, 169 Race st., Phila delphia, ?8 Greenwich street, New-York, and I'jS Trcinoot Bot -n. ' Dec. 0th, 1IS. ly. Equitable Lire IiiNtirntirc, Annuity nnd Trust Company, OFI'ICK 71 WAI.Nl'T STREET, PIIILADEIJ'HIA. CinrM (?-i'il),K10. CnsKTsa I'ltarrroiL. rpiIE C-uiiaiiy are now proioral to tmusact bn sines 1 up 11 the most lih.-nd ami adviinbiirei'-us ternsi. They are niuh-ri.ed Ity their charter (s.-et. n) "to make all and every insurance appertaining t liie risks of whatever ki:,-4, or nature, und t- roreivc and execute Inlets, ina'.e sndow nieuts, nml b grant nnd purchase uiiiliilllis.'1 Ths Com liiny sell aiuiuities and cud.wnoiil, aiiJ avt as Trustees lor minors snd heirs, Table of Premiums required for th, Assttruuee of gtuo for the whole term of late. Age. Prem. I Age. Prem. Age. Prem. IS 1 All ai li im 4fl 3 ; 17 IM trj tl IS 47 3 4!l 18 t 56 XI -J JO 4H a 6i 10 I M M 4 -17 4tl 3 77 1 on as tt 33 .iu 3 nt St I S3 06 i 40 61 4 1.1 ! 1 (Vt 37 -J 47 M 1 3-i 3 10) 3H 4 44 S3 4 SI Jl 1 7-J .1-.) tiftl S4 4 71 VI 1 7u ID tt 711 4 01 tttt IM 41 SHI id 514 tt7 I Ml 4tt tt !M 57 33 S I nt 43 S III 6 .M BU 1 t 41 8 I W 7 3U --Mil 4.i 31 uO QUI Tlie premiums are leisi than any other e mianv. and tlie policies stf inl greater advantegrs. Tables of hut-yearly und murturl) premiums, halt crolit rates ol' premium, short terms, joint lives, survivorships and endowments; als-i, form of Al'isiea''0" ('" which tliero are isms sneeis-j era 10 lie lui.l oti aiiliiti n st tho otflce, or by letter to tbs Agent, J. II. PL'KDY, SuulMiry. Itiltl rn liim(i S Mitt ou a single IJi'r. Age. JO :m 411 All For I year. . fitl I, i.-a r 7 vcars. , u i.M I. II I a,ti7 3,1)7 For l.ii'e. I, So S.t'l :i.ot e.iu 9 F.n-urLX A tiers m aired 3tl years next birth d-v. bv nnviiiir the c'omosnv no cents would secure to his t'liinilv or hnirs EHiu sliousl be die .5 one year ; or lor S.fi0 be se-s-ures li tlfcsn atllKHi t or for 91:1 annually for seveu years ho secures to tlieui a)IOU0 sh-iuUl he die in seven years; 01 f.s- jy-JU.40 putd annually timing lile he seeure tinsl to Lu psid yheu be die, 'liie insurer seeming bumvu b-uu-. by ibe dilb-rence in amount is' premiums t'r.MU those charge I by other otfiees. 'or 8Iq;U tlie buirs would recei c Pouutt slioukl be die in one your.' Forr, ot'sppliculi.ia and nil pnrticilhirs uuiv bs Imd a the oflice. J. W. Ci.AliiiOHN, Preii leut. 'UELbKATlt W. UW-. II. 1. Tuckett, foNt-LTiNO I'lnmrus Dr. J. B. .Masser, !-.u,!iiry I. II. I'l UBV, BuuUirv, Ageut for Niwiiuuiibet'land c "us- 8nn!stry, Itity t, lfte JACOB KECK, WIIOLESALK ANP eTAI, - wim; iiqioii ik a 1.1:11.: N t'ii Market Street, Below l'-ifhth, Kurth tide. 1'nii.tusi.piit. - Keep constantly on bto stl kind ol' olil Li quor, vis : Superior old rya hiskey superior Hrandy. Oin. fce. Also wlut btsiuly lor ptei-rt in. Wili berry snil U'sckbeiry btaialy. lbiU'lethig, June 3, 8l8.-ry KRJALE AT THIS OITR K. " 1