Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 23, 1848, Image 3

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WILL b sold at public vendue, on Monday, 16, 1849, at the raxinoe Furnace,
n Shamokin township, Northumberland County,
he following doecribrd property, . -
wine nouses
nd Ham, two four Horse BROAD WHEEL
3D WAGON& one two home broad wheeled Wa
on, a Truck Wagon, a Bugfry and Hamea,
iree Carta and Harries, Wheelbarrow, Wagon
led, Pick, Shovel, dec, &c.
A Variety or Store Good,
onsistine; of Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware,
tueennware, Druga tt Medicines, Spice, Ac.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. en tk'A
iv, and continue from day to day, , until all ia
Id. Conditlona made known on-the day of sale,
' AsrigntH of ptnglrr Haas 4" Comp.
Kunbury. Dec: 1M8. 18
8 hereby given, that I have become the purrha
ser of the following article from Jacob Rotliar
fti of Lower Mahonoy Township, and that I
hi hi deed for tbo eamc, viz i
Greymarc 1 Plough and Harrow.
2 year aorrel Colt, . J of 2 Wagons,
actt of Horse gears, 1 new M'agon not ironed,
Cow. 1 Clock
Sheep Hi interest in a Limekiln.
Head of Hog,
Dalmatia, Dec. 16, 1848 3t
Auditors' Notice.
"WE undersigned appointed auditor by the
i Orphans' court of Northumberland county,
the matter of the Estate of Daniel Hollcnbach
r'cl. will attend to the duties of his appoint
nt at the office of Dewart & Bnmer, in tfunbu
on Saturday the 30th day of Dcccmlier 1848.
hen and where all person interested can attend.
WM. J. MARTIN, Auditor.
Sunbury, Dec 9, 1848 3t
pllE undersigned, appointed by tlm Or
I phun' Court ol Northumberland County
niRKe distribution to and among the heirs,
d leiral representatives of Thomns Grant,
c'd ; hereby notifies nil persons interested
said matter that he will attend to the du-
of his appointment on Wednesday, thn
th of December, 1848, at 10 o'clock A. M.
the ollice of Dewart & Bruiier. in the ho
igh of Sunbury. CHARLES J. BRUNER,
Simbiiry, Dec. 9, 1848. 3t
Stray Heifer.
AME to the premises of the subscriber, in the
' town of Sbamokin, Coal township, sonic weeks
re, a stray heifer alxtut 18 month old, of red
or, white face and belly, and a hole in the left
. The owner is requested to come forward prove
iperty, pay charges and take it away, or it will
disposed ofaccording to law.
Shaiuokin, Dec. 2, 1848 3t
the gl oni:.
Congressional, Agricultural, and Literary
The Editors of the Congressional Glolic propose
ew publication. To deserve the patronage wliich
ngreas has accorded to their reports of its debates,
-ccriving and making the Glolie Hie oliicial tvjii.
, they intend to add pruinptituitr to wlintrv;
rit has hitherto recommended the work. They
1 publish a Daily Globe, to record the proceed-
and debates us they occur ; and a Conirrrssioti
Cilolc ieriodically, as heretofore, embodying the
oris of Congress separate from the misrcllnne
i matter which will accompany them in the daily
lit. To till the sheet of the daily newspaper, it
icsigned to gather the news from all quarters, ami
nplete the contents by drawing from every source
.t may be of most interest among literary novel
i, and of great utility in scientific, and prntical
rks on agriculture. For material, the leading
iriuila und periodicals of France and Great llrit
treatiug or such subjects, will be consulted, and,
.hoped, advuntageoiisly used. Original csnvs,
iccially on topics connected w illi agriculture, will
obtained from the most enlightened ami practical
of our country.
The Glolic, as a newspaper, and as a vehical of I
formation and aiiuiK.imeat in other respects, w ill
under the charge of l'ranrir V. litnir and Jrmr.i
J'iricit. The Congressional department and
siuess concerns of the paier will be under the
inagemeut of Jnhn ('. Hires. The public are
nitiur with Iilair and Rives ah connected u-itb
; press. In introducing Mr. Pickett us one of!
8 concern, they will be allowed to say a few
rd: of liim. Ho is u gentleman
.awn to the Government, for the talent and
ilgmrnt which distinguished his diplomatic ser;
t while connected with the mission to Quito -d
more recently when Charge d' A rl sires to Peru',
om his pen mainly the Globe will derive the
lection and translation from the French jour
Is and neriodidal. the comment on them, und !
l other literary article, which will be found
ion it chief attraction.
The filole will be published daily durini? the
niiun of Concho, and weekly the balance of the
ar, and will undcrpo dimribntion in the form of
Weekly tilol', a ConsreiwionBl (Jbibe, and an
The Weekly Glolic will lie the vehicle of the
iacellnneoua nrlicle of the daily print, with a
noitnis of the ('ongregxinnat proceeding.
The Comrrewiioiial Globe will embody, as it bus
lie for the last sixteen year. Congressional pro
rding and debate exclusively.
The Appendix will embrace the revised speech
aeparalelv, and the messages of the President
the United State, and ttic report of tlie Head
the Ens. utive Department.
The Congressional lilobc und Appendix will
i published a fast a the proceedings of Con
e will make a iiuiuIht. Hubscrilier may ex
ct one number of each a week during the first
ur week of a session, and two or three numbers
' each a week afterwards, until the end of the
Nothing of a political party aspect will apiicar
i the Globe save that which will he found in the
Congressional report. A paper assuming to be
,i impartial vehicle for all sides, cannot maintain
h character if the editorial columns reflect a party
ue. The Editors of the Globe have borne their
liare in the party conflicts of the press. They
taim an honorable discharge from the vocation,
'he Globe will inviolably maintain the neutrality
,'hich it relation to Congress impose.
Vtf one copy of the Daily Glolic daily during the
aesnion' ot Congrcan, and weekly during the re.
cess a yert, 1JJ5 no
or one copy ot tlu) Weekly Glol one
year, . 8 00
'or one copy of the Congressional Globe
during the neit session, if subacrined for
before the first of January, I 00
'or one copy of the Appendix during the
next session, if subscribed for before the
first of January, 1 00
'or six conies of either the Congressional
Globe, or the Apjieiidix, or part of both, 5 00
The subscription for the Congressional Globe,
r the Apindix, after the 1st of January, will be
M 50. The original price of one dollar doc
lot pay the expense of the publication in coiuu
luence of the great increase of matter published.
Our prices for these papers are so low that we
annot alTurd to credit llieui out ; therefore no per.
on need consume time in ordering them, utile
he subscription price axcoiopauiM 111 order,
Proprietor of newspaper who copy litis Proe
vrctiyi before ihe let day of December, and aend
i one copy of their paper containing it marked
ijound with pen to direct our attention to it,
hall have their, name entered on our book lor
ne eopy:pf 4ite Congressional Globe and Appen.
IK during session, pr one copy of Uie Italy
ilobe, wluchever they prefer, j , I ' -..
Wa.hinrion, October (, I84S. Nov. 9b. '
' AssJghcesV Bftlc . V
'' ' OP THE '
THE subscriber assignees' of Dengler, Ha,
tt Co., will expose to aale by public vendue,
on Thursday the 8th day of February, 1840, on
the premises,
known a the Paxiko Pi-awaca, situate on tjha.
mokin Creek abotil 1 1 mile east of Sunlmry and
within one fourth of a mile of the Danville tt Potts,
ville Rail Road, together with coal house, two
dwelling houses, saw-mill and other improvements,
and with all the necessary Implements, necessary
to work said Furnace. There are also, cut and in
rank, two thousand cords of Wood, which will bo
old at the same time. The location is a flue one,
and the country is well surrounded with good
timber. ...
The Furnace ia built on a perpetual lease at
rent of $300 per annum for three years from April
next, after which time, the rent may be raised to
$400, per annum. The Furnace will be kept in
blast until the middle of Jan'y next. Any persons
wishing to view the same can do so by railing on
the premises. For further particular apply to the
subscribers. W. & R. FEGELY.
Htinbury, Nov. 25, 1848.
CP" The Philadelphia Bulletin and Harrisburg
Keystone, will please publish the above, once a
week, till sale, and send their bills to this office.
IS hereby (riven to alt Legatee, Creditors and 1
other persons interested in the estates of Jacob
Kuntz, dec d.; settled by his atlm r. Peter Snyder,
of Jacob Boush, dee'd ; settled by his adm'r. An
drew Gnfly, of Wm. Irf-tnon, dee'd; settled by his
adm'r. Thomas Lemon, of Abraham Eister, dee'd j
settled by his adm'r. John 8. Eister, of Rnlwrt H.
Hammond, dee'd settled by his adm'r. William
C. I.awson, of Frederick Kobel, dee'd i settled by
hi executor Henry Latshaw, of Jacob Shive,
dee'd i settled by his adm'r. Samuel At John, Shive
ot I'sul Lalir, deed; settled by his ndm rs. Mi-
t .1.- a, ai i i r. :. .i. :
verton, dee'd; settled by his adm'r. Wm. Fegelv, !
ofEliMlth martr.,dec'd; settled by her adm'r.
Peter Pursel, of John Jones, dee'd. settled by his j
adin'tors Wm. H. Mnench & Elisha Kline, of Mi- 1
rhnrl Sn. J-',! .ltn,l l,v rv'tor. Mi. i
chael Keitx & Peter Reitr.. of Catharine Conrad, '
ded'd, settled by her ad'tor John Snvdcr. The ac !
count of Jacob of Elias Peifer, j
the account of Jacob Raker, guardian of Anne 1
... . ..... ...
Dunklelierger, the account of Win. Raker, guardian
of Lewis Rothermel. late of Northninlierland coun
ty, dee'd. That the Executors, Adminstrators and
(iuardianshavc filed their accounts with the Regis
ter of this County, and that they will he presented
to the Orphans' Court of said county, on Tuesday
the Jd day of January next, for confirmation anil
Registers' office )
Hiinbury, Nov.85, 1818. J
The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort.
- work is already introduced into some of the
best Acadamies and a large number of Schools,
where its use has given decided and universal sa
tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely
American in its character, based upon our own
beautiful im'mn rtj.ilrm of ciirrtncy. It contains
more, the arrangements are tatter, and it is the
easiest mid chcaiest work of the kind now in use ;
and it is so considered by hundreds of the moM
competent teachers and men of science in the 1 "ni
on, who have recommended it, It is the book,
particularly and expressly prepared for our .lwic
rii'toi &rtoar.i : hj Ahnon Ticltior
Thk Yocth's Cou-mmax Cai.iti.atoh. This
volume contains 91 pages, with alsiut U00 exam
ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the
Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple
and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three,
Proportion, eVe.
Ticknor'k Ahitiimktm al Tadlks, is destined
for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the
I'niled States. A beautiful little book mid pleas
ing 1 1 children, and the only oueofthe kind of tiny
There lire Keys to lwtli Arithmetics bound sin
gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in
which the solutions of the questions are given with
much extra matter for the black board. These
Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever
published, and contain, in addition, aSont two
hundred examples in Mensuration,, dec, for the
use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have
the aliove Iwoks examined, and no teacher who is
acquainted w ith the science of Arithmetic, will
hesitate to pronounce them the best works that
have ever Ihcii published in this or any other
Although isstird but a few month, tliry have
already boon introdured into the Nitjlit Pnhlic
!S Iiool oriVcw ork Lity in nil the School
liuulic and private, except two, in the City or ;
Koailing. Also, in about twenty Acadamic in the ,
JSt.ito of Pi'iinaylrania in a large portinii of tho
School in the City of Wilmington, in the City of i
I.iini'iipter, and in the. Borough of Hurrishurtr, 1
ork, ( hamlH-rabtirg, Lebanon, IJoyletotvn, Poll,
ville, t)iv.i(rsburir. &c, &c.
rorH.iicuy iiexri Mikskr, nimiiiiry, AhoiiI
for .Nnri!iumlorland County. '
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1818. j
- !
riMUS Powder js warranted fur superior to any
L thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedgc
to Ha tort, (Surgical instrument, and till kinds of I
fine t'l TLtai ; it may be applied to any kind of i
strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu
merv, wholesale and retail, bv
Depot ot Tine Razor. Strops, Brushes, and
Cheap Fancy Good, No. 18 South Filth street ,
hove Chestnut Philadelphia.
I'iiiliuklphi A, Feb. 15th, 184.
This may certify that I have used one of the
Strops prepared with HAYNES MAGIC DIA
MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most
unequivocal manner, that there ia nothing can be
found that will produce the same effect in my opin
ion, and must say to other, try it, and vu will
find it superior to any hejetofore in use. I can
truly iay thut I never knew what a sharp ruzor
was before.
JOHN SCOTT, Iron Sufe Maker, 41 S. Third sU
PiiiLiiiELmiA, October, 1848.
A very hard heard and tender face has coinix'l-
led mo to seek and tttl many contrivances design
ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with
inuillcrent success, until I made use of I lie Magic
DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett,
and Roussel' Shaving Cream, Their united pow
er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor
to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri
tating the skin or temper of their owner.
J. CU.Y, 49 South Fifth Street.
For sale at this office Price 85 ct. j.r Box.
November 85, 1848 6m.
IJLASTER, Suit and Fish, just received and (or
W. FltrLlNG.
Sunbury, Dec, 8, 1848.
fjAPS. An assortment just received. Also,
"ilk HATS at 35, for sale by
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848.
CYKL'P MOLASSES S u potior refilled Svrup
MoUsae for aale by HENRY MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848.
A XES of a very auperior quality for aale by.
Sunbury, Dee. S, 1848.
"ni.AlSK BOOKS-An aamrtment of Blank
Book, ut received and aale fcy
' ' H. MASTER.
Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1849.
Notice ' 4
To the Ilelrtiof Iteiiry M'Oee, dee'd.
rpO Michael McGee, ' Rodney McGce, Dennis
1 JVlcGeo, Bernard McGee, Sarah McUee, John
McGee, Catharine McGce, Margaret Ann McGco,
Who have lot their Guardian John Mot ice, rtarah
htcrmarricd with Daniel Labey, Nancy McGee,
Manasscs McGce and Catharine McGee.
YOU are hereby cited to 1 and appear before
tbo Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphans'
Court to bo held at 8unbury on the 1st tiny of
January A. u. 1849, at 10 o clock in the forenoon,
thon and there to accept or refuse to take the Real
Estate of Henry McGee, dee'd., situated in Chilis
quaque township, in the County of Northumber
land, at the Appraised Valuation put upon it by an
inquest duly awarded by the mi id court Of which
the aforesaid heirs will take notice. . ,. '
Shrff. Office. Sunbury, i
November 25th 1818 )
Henry Masscr,
HAS just received nt his store, in Sunbury,
an assottment of the cheapest Goods, that
ever came to the place, consisting of
dry roods,
French black Cloths, Cassinctls, &c. Cali
coes, of excellent qtmlity and colors,
price 6 to 10 els. Good Muslins, a
yard wide, at 6J cents.
These are not the low priced trash articles
usually sold. Muslin de (.nines, of fine qual
ity anil patterns isj. Handsome Terkeri
and other Shawls and various other articles.
The public are requested to call and jndgo
for themselves.
Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848.
- tri'f i r r .... !.. ..p .1... rv.
I riJlv.L ivv. ui mi urut-r ui uu; vi-
A.r111!1"s ,t1ourt .N 01 hun ''l".1" 1 .PT'
w ill be sold at public sale, on i riday the 2! h
day ol December next, oil the premises, to
'it : A cerlam House and Lot .f land situa-
tliU ill Rllsll tOWtlsllip, III Nlld CulllltV, Illld
known ns the Union Corner Store House, ad-
joining kind ol Jos. Reeder, Robert Scott and
John IVnsel, coiitniiiinu two Acresnud ihirty
two perches more or less. Luto the. Kstate
, i . i oi . .
of llanimli Reed, dec d. Snlo to commence
'at 11 o'clock, A. M. of said day when the
! terms of Sale will made known by
; JACOB IiKF.D. Adm'r
Bv order of the Court,
! Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1848 )'
j A U K N T S
L POl'l I. K WtlKK, in ncry CoCNI Yj
1 ihroiighoul Hie I'niled Si iti s. To Agents, the !
most liberal enconngement is oficrrd with a i
' small rapiialof $'J.r)t,i $IM) A rhsnce is nffi-red,
; whereby sn ngeiil cm make from $10 to 25 per i
:. eik, For further partirnla'. addiess (inw.ipii,
No. IS8 North 8KCOM) sired, iphia, Sept. 9, tSIH. fim.
No. IOI, C'htiiut Street,
A few doors ahove Third, Philadelphia,
would inviie the ladies ti rail snd ex amine lii
supeiinr .t.k of Mufi's, Uoas, Tippeta Sic. i f
every vsiiety, ennsisiing of It eh Runsia M.ihle,
II ni. o.'s Itiy M rtin, Norw iy M iitin. Mil k Sa
I'le. Rnim Manin, Stone Msriin. Ermine, Kitdi
Lynx, tte, &e. These s'.ins bsvr bien el cled
with great rue, nd sr.' in n'e by ihe best workmen
in the country. I.. die in y risi nsMiredtbit no
article iv. II l e oll'. re.l for m- in ibis rnl.ihlndini nl
that is i ot pcrleel in every ie-pei l.
A'o. 101, Climnul Ktrert. brtwein
Third and Fourth strert
S..,.Hn,! er 3(1, 1818 6m
pHK Subscriber would respectfully inform
1 his frii-nds ami Ihe public generally, that he
hus just rfceiveda large and splendid assortment
1 the
Very hvt .Movent
consisling upwanls of uDO, umont; which ran be
loin d rooking Stoves of difl'.-rent sizes and pat
rarior Moves, Stoves suitable for OUicea.
shnpi. Ke- A II Ihete Slovei will be told cheat
from S.) and upward. Likftwi on hand, large
variety of Stove Pipe, Zinc, Tin-ware, lira
kettel of different sizes, Ac.
The anbicriber return his thanks for the lib.
eral enconiagement received, and invites the Pub-
lie to call and see hi present viiriety of Stoves ttc.
ttyOld Iron, Cttiii!, Copper, Pewter and
wrain iaKen in exchange lor Ware,
Sunbury, Sept-21, ISIS Sin
(!!. i the lirm nl A. U. Ilugley .V .'.)
MiFACTiRRH or Gold Pkxs, Ptx muniua
inn Puru.a,
Xo. 1 3lallon I.nno, Sew-lork.
WVTK.iha Sulscrlher oiler to the trade, snd
the public geneially, our different styles
uf Gold Pen, wh'i'h are wirren'.u nnt all im
u rirc'ionf by fair ushrc, and also In Iw uiioi
in every respect ti any olheis made. Hiving in.
rri aneil f icilitiri nianufjcluring, we are deter,
mined that no pen 'i ill lie delivered finmmir e.
lablixhment unit' it i fcif.ct We also kjep
c.instantly on hand our nuper'.or Gold Pencils, sr.d
I'enei' iih Pen. whiih we re enabled to Her at
i lie lowest rate. All xid.'i ddressed lo the fuh.
rciiberr, d ill be carefully and pioiupily attended
I (J & E. M SMITH, No.
I Oct 7, 184S. 3in
16 Maiden Lane N, Y.
(I. ate Keller l Circcnouli.)
WnMliliiKtoii, I. C.
DRAWINGS ami paper for tho Putmit
OlRce, prepared ami all the necessary bu
miii'ss, in relul ion to M'curing patentit, truiie
uctBi.',, und promptly attended to, at their of
fiee opposite thn Putent Office.
October 28, 1848.
Oysters! Oysters! '.Oysters! ! !
RESPECTFULLY inform tlm citizens ol
Sunbury and vicinity, that he constant
ly keeps on hand tbe beat quality of oyster,
in the shell ami otherwise, which will be
served up in the best style, on the shortest
notice. His establishments is opposite the
Presbyterian church, Blackberry street, Sun
bury. Sunbury, OcL28 184 Smo
Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps
and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made
Pantaloons, Ready made Vest, Cougreae Knives,
Porcelain lined pweervinf kettle, jut received
for sale by.'- . ' HtoA8SER.
Sunbury, Dee, 8, 1818. . , , "
GUM 4HOE8 lot.GenUmfliaud Ladies, k
ftceived end for at py Jf. MANSJCR.
The largest assortment In Town,
John W. Frilingi
RESPECTFULLY informs hisfriendsnnd
customers, that he.' hns received the
largest and best assnrtment of good ever of
fered in Sunbtiry. Consisting of
Groceries, Hardware, Queen.iware, Liquor,
Drugs, Paints
' and a great variety of oiher articles.
Tho publio are respectfully' requested to
call and examine his stock before purchasing
elsewhere. ' ....
Snnburv, Nov. 18, 1848. "' "
Relikf to the Hick!
Ilmlth to tlw Weak!! A
H.I,iM is fount, 1 thr
Whoif H ii i nnn Hnec in Au
rtrrws I'AIN KIM, Kit.
TlitH Is nn cnlirrly veireta
tilt? euniimnml, eomiKwctl of
TwL'i.ty-FivetliflVKHt injrre
dicntii, Htitl in ati internal nnd
KxltTim) Rnmwty fortbevn
hma ills Ibat tinman flh is
Cmitflnt, Coltln, Fnin, .mni nml Sirk IlnnilnrliPi
Rbeuinatimn. Cutu, 8pm inn, Hpinul AffiTtitmn, Huininir
Coinplmnts, Ch'tlrrn Morbim, Tootliuche, Krupiioiw, Com
Piles, Froacn Pnrld, Hurnn. Hoalds, Apne in Ihe Knco nml
lirennf, rrnnrrrs' Cniiic, H rumen, oU !ire, liosn 01 npH'
tite, (tencrnl Oeliilily, Aflhmn, A c. 1nt up in Imttlea for
1. a or -I ihilltnffH p;r bttllc. For furilicr jwrtirulurn nvc
lHnil)U'tff to l' Imil i if rvTj' nreiit pnitiii, rintinninfr a
IXIKI MCI"! J ' III l)(HI, lll'IrVlTV II1HI itlll f 'II fl'l 'I
Andrews' INthi Killer, Certifitttten iif Curr. direction. Ar
lt)OK Of T I-OH FRAf D.
The tritunpliutit mireeMi of Andmvn Pitiu Killf in re
moviiiff the (iiufcs tliut nroduer dunlli. Ill Untimely death
ul" milhiHis of onr race, ims indueed tnc tm n of wbem it
tuny le truly ml, thrir villatnotm iHfiitiiioiii ncmilVnt
their villnlnr, to nttrmnt to nut in eirculrttimi (tnuri'ti nml
r Minterfeit artieen cfilkd Pnin Killer." iicintj lietiti'ius
nunivs for the pretfiutctl uiithor, tnr)rul certiuente. r.
f ine linve iippeiirttt, nml nihcra no dimltt wiil nppenr. Iet
all reniemlM-r tint Andrew einthic litin Killer luio the
written viirtiulitre of I. Andrew on the ItM of paeh liotlle
in Itliu k ink. J)"nt t imply nsk f-r Ptiin Killer, hut unk for
Andrews' Pnin KilhT. iiih) Imve u 1 nth r.
S.ld l.y M. A. Met'ny. A-rent. -rihmii1erlum1 ;
J. W, Friliiifr. Hunbury ; John II. miter, Milton : John R.
Myycr. Ill mmitbiirfr ; Wm. A. Alurniy .V, Co, Ilnnville ;
Davenpon A Sinilh. Plym uth: Antln w Vi-lir. WtlUett
Uirre ; llnys A Mefornnek. McKweurville : Helmftlo A
Cltnmlierlnin. liewmlHirft ( tie r$p .Me.Vlpin, Jtrm'y ftiort-;
J. .M. Jmltl, Wtlli:iiinioit.
OiilerH H-MrxKFed to I. Aiittn u , invent r and only Pro.
prictor Ht Ithecft 'nipkiiifi county, IN. V. Will reeeiir
prompt tittfiilioii.
flepteiubcr iUU IMti. y
S3 I3a 02 !QP 9 2
Talent Air-Tilit
'pHKnbive Stove. wIiilIi ittetpully w II w t- tl
X or Coid, hrm reeeiveil ,ilver itlttlrils at the l iim ! the
Anierienn liiftitutf. New York; of the McL-htniiiV Insti
tute, iJcuton; il the l-'riuikliii Invtitutf, P In ItnU-Iphia ; nmt
nl" the Meelruiifs' hi-stiliile, Wiliuhi'it'll. Ileltiwure.
It in ciNihle, if properly lined, of 111110; to -re work, with
U'ck fuel, tlmn nuy tither St ve yet oilered to tlte pMhlie : in
winter it will warm the lnruet kitchen, while in iuJiiuei,
with Ihn itumiuer dieM att iched. it throw out 11 in re
heat titan ti chnrmul iitrnnce ; and for h ilihr. Iiroilini, Im
kiii. r riiiiit)i, it etiimot he suqHOceil hy anyothei St c.
open fire, or briek oven.
Ci;nrn ir.iK of the Jrn:t or jiik Mkcii iv In
titk, IdtsroN.
We, the KiiIwrilMTH. iMrim eh ikcii Jiiil4i'H the Miiuki
cIhommtji 'harituhle. MeeliuuieV Am teintion in 11 -i n, on
nloven. furunee, ranjre. ,Ve. woukl inl. mu the pnlilie. that
after teHtiurr all the eookimt Htovett (lint were put into the
Fair lor exhibition, ami letting eneh man hi own
stove whit (lie Kiine kind ni' c tl, in miler to ani'erinin
wli i"h would do the mine work with the leant fuel in the
name time, mid do it I:!, we find thai Stewuii'n Patent
Summer and Winter Atr-Tiht Cooking Siove. mnuaftietur
ed hy the patentee, nf Troy. . Y., to be the best, its it t-ok
but i.1 111 mutes to boil two gallons of water mul bake bipeuil
in the wiine time, und broil In-ef steak, nml all done in the
best iimiiiirr with seven pound of rotd, in thirty inttiutes
from the time (he tire wur put into lite stove. To whieli
we awardinl theHiIver medal.
jam i.s i;( r 1,0, w.i.Ti:it cniJM-.u..
1'IUt.MAS Mof 1roN. A. I)., antl
JAMKS PAK. Ji iik.
The milmerilierH reeetfuHy Invite the nttTit ion of conn
try dealers, to one of (lie liirgesl und bel selected toek of
stoves, ever ofl'. ril in thieeity, ;;m ng whii h are the fol
lowing I
I lH PS,
Screen Cyler.ders.
Ovrn Stoves.
Washington Ail-Tight Cooks.
uiran do
Kurekas do
Lore.; Oven
Albany do
Willis do
.MctJreeor Mammoth
Premiums Cook S oves.
National Air-Tight Ccnks.
Pallor Stoves.
100 Louis Ail-Tight Parlor Stovea.
ir,0 Charles the 1st Ati-Tisht do
200 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor.
l.'IO Waahineton Air-Tight do
3D0 McGregor' three days Parlor Air-Tight
Cnal Stoves, burniiif three days without atten
tion. For ! wholesale and retail by North. Harri
son c Co. No. 3110 Market street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, July 18th, 1818'
Would resj rcifu'ly inviie altrulion lu his cupcrior
style of liais for nulumn, 1818, wh'rli will be
f.und ihe most 'Cilcc( eiet b. f .ro off. r-il I i the
c.iminiini;y. lis peculiar firms render-it tha mure
di siralil , as ii combines sll the esye.iiiali. nf ilun.
biliiy alldneutnes, requisite in that aiticle of .Ire-i
whi'.t his iiicreasid firililies in ill m iiiufaeluriii
v,i h nil iliR ii o.l. in iinpr veni' ills. htm
To Cii u.LiMit Tin. Woui. n tn pr .luce a kettir
CiiiLiiiiF.x's FNcr Hats ami Caps oe tiik
l.iTUi Mo nr.. Thi-.e goods have bten seecl'd
with great cire, and will he found m t Iciulilul
and clinsie in their ftylcj.
l.Aiiir.,' Kiiiixii Hath An Cais of Eana
LT siw I'ATTtnx.. (ircal care has ! n. n b, stow,
ed in coriatiu. lu g these ailiclcs. ih..t they may Ii'
pt-.ficily c iy and t'orm agraeiful rce.
101 Crstnut at. a lew dour ahove. i'liinl.
Se, (ember 3D, 1SI8 ch-Juno 81. ISIS ly
2-ii) ami m
(aold antl Silver Watches
l I'tlll.AllKDAUlA.
Cold LeverK, full jewelled, 18 carat
case f:i0 and over
.Silver I .eve s, full jewelled flG and ever
" l.i pines 7 1 1 anil over
Quaitif, ftto ftU
G.dJ I'enrils. I b,
flvei Tea 8Hnn. rqu d loc.iin, 4 SO
(i.dd Pei , silver holder and pencil. I 00
Willi splendid aa'.ir.iiif nt id all kind' nf
Watcl e, hotli gold snd silver) Hi h Jewelry. eVt.
A c, Chain of the l'-t me nnf rtine, and in
tact eveiy thing in the Watch snd Jewrliy line
at much less pi ices, than ran ba b tight in this
city or elsewhere.
Please aive (hi. advcilia men!, an I call al ei
No 413 MARKET s'reei. .here R.venlli.
iionh :du,nr at JAC'OII LAOOMUi.
346 MAIiKET St., first siore below Fighi.south
(Tj We bave Gold and Hi Ivor Levers still rhea-
per than the above prices a liberul discount made
to ilia traile.
September t 1648 6m
OF a supeiior qualiiv, handsomely eolnied, and
put lip in heauiiful Moroeen Cases, complete,
NUT Bueet. below Feiuth, PhilailelphU. All
PicluiM assd at litis talsbiisbmenl will b Wit.
BAari rtarscr.
Pbllsdelpbu. Bapt. 13, 1848 (n
IIIIS Kxtrnrt ia put up In quart botlloii. ll tlx tlinc
J. fhrniwr, pleimiinior, und wiirranlml miterlur to ny
nil. II riirr tllacniu! without vnmitiiur, piirRin. ic
forn '" M",UlU"S,u lliit, and ia purlieu nrly rlaitcd
I Iib ftmi lorniy .IH) attp.trioriiy of Una ftarmparilla over
mlirr rn.K-.lM. i., whilM it enirlintca diaraac,
it ihvi(t.imt the tvirly.
Cnnmmpti.,i ciircj.
ClrniH! ajiri Klrciiflthfil. '
Coii.iunpli,Hi cn,, mr
BroiirhMla. Coiiaiunplu,,,, Jv nn,pii,rt, ola, rmigrn.,
tatnrrh, Aathnia, Spitting nf Hlo,i, Hwoicm in til
t hr, 11,-cli,. (S'luah, N i.l,t Jlwoat Uilti
cull nml Prul nae hpr..ortC,i,
mid Pnin in the
have and can be cured.
I'riilnMv lh,r nrver wna a remedy that W11 ..
ecwliil in d,'M-riite mm nt' eaiinmipli .11 K. thia j it elean
eaaml nrenirlheiia tlie ytc-m, and nppcarahi hral the ul.
eora oil Ihe limgni, mid patienta grwhuilly regain D.rir unu,!
hivilili au,l airrimth.
There ia scarcely a ilay ric but there are rtnnilwf
eases of conailmptlntl rejairtetl si citreil Iw Ihe- use ol Dr
Tuwnaoii'a Maricipalilln. The .illo-inir va recently re
ceived :
l)r. TinvNKit Dear tlr : Fur I he hat three veara I
have liei-ii alllii-ted with venenil del.ility. ajid iiervoiia enti
auniiaiini of Ihe laat atai;e, iiihI Hid nut 'expect to ever train
my health at till. After wrintt Ihrjiiirh a comae nfmeilicine
tni'ler Ihe can- of some of (tie nt t illKiiniiiahcfl retriilar
phyaicinna and meiuhifra of Ihe Bnord of ll.tilth in Neve
Voik nrsl elafwlnire. nml apeialiinr Ihe m l ia' my enrnitiirs
in attemiin to reunhi niv henlih, uml lifter rrnilin in
some peper of your Hiiriifilln I resolved tn trv it. Aftrr
iiainjr aix lantles 1 f mini it d 'lie me srenl (roml, und eallnl
to at-p von tit vonr oiTi.-c : with vonr mtvi.-L- I kent im. nml
do moat heartily thank yon lor your nilviee. I persevere in
Uiking the &irsupiirilln, ami have h'-en nlili- .i attend to my
iiaiml lalHrnf.,r tliu Ui1 l.n.r ntoniha. nu.l I hope hy ihe
hlt-airinga of fiinl nml vonr HtirwiKirill:i lo e itiliniie' my
inlth. It helpix mu hcvolld the of nit who
knew my ease. CII AKI.KS (((. I.MUY
tlrnnae, Knvx e.i. X. J., Aug. a. IM;.
ftalcof New Jersey. V.r einmty, ur. Diarlea ((uim-
b heii'ff duly aivoni nenmliiig to kiw hia until anith,
Ihit Ihe fiiregoing mm. in. nl ia true a.-r to Ihe In-al nf
hiakieiwlerlgeamlle'lirf. CIIAKI.CS JI I.MUY.
fwornnn.1 anlw -ril-il to In-fore me al flmnee. the 3d
Angina. Iel7. c HI K KAI.IIWI.N.
.lotice ,-f the IN-acc.
Rey, t,, f .llowinp, .-mil tliiit e inaiiniption in in ineu
mhle it" yon cun :
New York. April l, II7.
Dr. Tow.vsemi : I verily helieve that y.air riraiipnrilla
hiia hwn the mean, through Providenee, of mivini; my life
I have for aeveral year ha. I n tiatl eotih. It beej'nie worat!
mvl wurse. At laat I rni-eil larire .puintiliea of vl, mt
nitfht an-nita nn I was tneally .l. l.ilitale.l nml re.lncal, i,irl
li.l ii il expect ti, live. I have only ued miit S.irn;uirill-i
but a h rl time, icel lh -re Ina u won U-rliil change l.eii
wronchl in me. I am n -w nl,!e I walk nil over t'.eeilv
I raiae no , nn l no e 'Uiih has left inc. Y..ti can well am tli.n!,fiil ,r Mnv reaal'a. our nheili
cut aervaut. WW Itl SSi:U Oi failiarme t.
(.(1ST llCIt Sl'KI'.CII.
Tie? a:i'i-'eil eeriilteate f-lia a simple an-! triii'ii'nl a:.,iy
of aullernnr ar.'l reliei. There are th iM-inila - f ?imilar ca'.
aes in thia city ten! flro 'klyn, fni.l yet there are th inaanila
of xir,-nlK lei their eliil lren ilie f.jr i'eur of UeilK! Imuibileciil
it Ij save u few Khillii.e.
Hr.i V1 n. Sept. :i. I -1 r.
Dr. T,w.-kd: I take plea.-nre in staling. f.H" t.he I'.-ne.
fil of Hi ., whom il nwy caicrn. Hint mv ilancliter. two
years en. I aix m aitlia .il.l. ivja iilllnnsl with ireneral ile
bility iiihI l.a.s of aiwt-eh. She waa pi en up aa paat je
covcry by om lamiiy phyKieinn ; b'lt f-utuirc- J 1 waa re
c aiiuieti'lMl by a friea-l'to try your Sarajin!'a. lief ire
ha iiei me-il one I n ,r I Ir alie rei-.verel her p h nml waa
enable.! tn w-ilk al. .ne. to tin n..l iiiiithiil.-iit of all wh i were
tii.priiltie.l with the eirenaiaVmees. She ia tiov .piite well,
imtl in much b.-;ter heahh than he hna b.en f r Id ru.aitlia
pua.. Jl ISKI'll TA Yl.Olt. - York at., Ilr..,klyn.
tv(i t.'iiii,in:r. sa en.
Very few fanhliea In. lc-,-rl in fact we have n l h.-ant of
one tlnit nai'il J)r. T wn. n.l'a S iraipnrilla in time, tail
liny chiMrcn the pa.-t Summer, while th ae that ilul n !,
ai -kened llll'l Tile cereiiieale we pabliyll lielow ia
e neluive evi.lence of i;a value. iiihI iaonly an lher itiatauce
of ila an inir the livea of chiLlreii :
Dr. Towni:mi II, ar Sir : I had two chiM.-en cured b
y.iir S iraa.Nirilla f the a.uiiiiier e.Hiipl iiut im.l .lyaeutnry ;
file v.-aa ..lily l.' in ,iilh ol.l ami tl Iher :l vears. T!n-y
M-ure very liuieh re'luee.t. ta i we exp.vt.-dthev wouklilic';
lh-- were j;iveu up by tv . reKpectahle ph aieiaus. When
thed.K-l-.r iuf .riueil ua that we liuist liKi'thein, ivlt-n.1.
veil to try y.'iirSiraaparilla we hail iiear.l h.i iiiii'-Ii of. but
hail litlle eonli.leiie.-. there beni!i a i much a'.ull it.lvertianl
that is w. irthlerts: but we are th iilkful that we ili-l. f.r il
uniloubtivlly saved ihe Uvea if bah, I write thin that oth
era uiav lie iteliiceil lo ttae It. Yoiira.'u!lv.
JiHIN, Jr.
Mynl.-avinne. Hr.kb.n. Sept. 1.1, l".
to tiik t.Ai)ii:s.
r.RKAT l'l'.M AI.K MKDiriXi:.
Dk. T.m'EMi'. SiltaPiitii.L ia a a tveretL-naa.! a;,ee,y
cure iiieij.teut e iiia.uuption. nu.l for Ihe general proa! ra
ti ii of the tystein no mailer whether Ihe rcault of inhe
rent Caiiae or cjuaea. produced by irrcgularitv, lllneaa or nc
cidenl. Xolhing can lie in .re aurpriamg than ita iuviuoratiuir cf-fi-eta
on tlie hiinutn frame. I'eri.oua all weakueaa anil laa
aittiile, from taking it ul once bee.. m.. r .bina. tmd full of
euerev under ita iiiiluenee. Il immediately e-utnteracta the
li.irveii-aanrea of the female frame, which ia the great cauae
tairrenu. aa.
Il will not lc cxiv-cled of us. in cuaca of m, deli. -ate a nn
lure, lo rTtiii..,,!,. ,,f eurea performed, lail we can Ihe nlliict,! that hiludrctla ol t-jaca liae In-rn iep,H
tel l-l II-.
Dlt. Townknp : Mv wife la-ing greatly flitreaMal by
weakm-aa and ueiieral debihty. nnd a.iMerliig'eonliuuallv bv
IKiiu and with ,-lli.-r dillieuliiea. and haiugkiiwn eaea
where your ui.ilieine ha elieeled great ciir.-a; and nla i
hcirinir il r,M- nuiieuh'.l f.r uteh c.-iM-a na I have d. aerilie.1,
I ti b .tile .it your lixtraet f S.iraaparill'1 nml t'-.l-l-ovwl
Ihe direrti aia you gavo hie. lu n abort period it
reuioved her e iup!aini tui'l real, .red her I heallh. Ileitig
gleatftll f ir the heu.-lila ahe I take ple-iaure in
IhuaaekuiwIedHiMie it, and rcc .miueuding il lo Ihe puMie.
.i d. Monitr..
AlUinv, Aug 17. 'II. e .r fimnil a.
i h'i:psia.
No f.uid or m.-lieiiw has ever be.-u wllieh a,
nearly reaeml.lea the g laM ie ;iiieeor aallla in lb e l.ip.aing
1' nnd atrenctlieuine the ..rg-tua of digeyti 'll "a thia .rc
juirali n of Saraaiuiriila. It Milively eurea every eaac of
dyaia-paia, however aeverc or chronic.
Hank Department. AiUmv. May IP, Ma.
Dr. Townaend Sir: 1 have been llllliete.l tr aevenil
ycara with dyapepaia in ita w,.rat form, intended with a air
ueaa of atcanaeh, 1 ,aa of tipi.etile, extreme hearthurn, and a
great nvcraiun lo all of l, -il. and fir weeka. (what 1
e alld ent) I have lai-u unable to retain but a aniall n-irliou
on mv atoiuneh. I Ii ied the uaital reiurtliea. but they had
but little or no dice! in removing the e ailptaint. I waa in
duced. two mouths ain-e, lo try y.air Kxlraet of Sar
saparilla. nnd I l.iual any with little. conlitcitcc ; but lifter
uamg nearly two Uiltlea.' I foim 1 my ,iietite roAtortaj und
tha h.virthurii entirely rcm wial; aiel I ivoulit oar.ieatiy re.
commend the use nl 1. to Iboae. le, lava been uttl! t.a
hue been. Vmirs. fro.. W W. VAN A) l',
Agent for Sunlairv JOHN V. I'llll.lNH: Nor
thuuiberland, MAHY' A. MeCAV ; Danville, YV.M, A.
A pill, ft". ly
IMiila., ltp;idlnur, and Iot(svllle
Cull lloail.
C"iHANiE of Hon:, and two Train Daily
J each way, except Sunday.
On and after Monday, May 1st, ISIS, two
trains will inn each way, daily, between Phila.
am! Pottsville.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily except
Passes Reading at 10 43 A. M.
Leave PotKville at 7) A. M daily except
Sundays. Passes Readihg at 9 10 A M.
The ahove Line stops at all way stations on
the roiid as formerly.
I'p Train, I Down Train,
Leaves Philadelphia atLeavca Pottsville ot 3
2J P. M .daily except P. M , daily except
Sundays Sundays.
Leaves Pha-nixville 0 l,i,Lcave Sch. Haven, 2 37
Poil Clintuii, 3 00
" Reading.
" Poil Clinton,
" Srh. U.iven,
Arrives at I'otts-villi-,
. nn
U 10
(I 2!)
" IleaiLni. 3 50
" 1', 4 30
" riiti'iitxviiif, a oo
rrivps at Stale
Hoj.I, 3,50
The afternoon train w ill slop only at the above
named -stations I'am.'iigers for other point
intiat therefore take tin orning Line
Depot in I'hiladetphia, tniner of Uroatl and
Vine Streets. No Passenger can enter the Car
unless provided with Ticket.
NOTIi'K. Fifty pounds of baggage will ba
allowed tn eaeh pa.aenger in these lines; and
passengers are expresaly prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their wearing apparel
which wilt ba at the risk of itt owner. No
fieight will he taken by these-lines.
By order of Board of Managers
S. BRADFORD, Secretary
May 6 1819. If
Wnrdrobe of raslilonuble
J. W. & K. O. STOKES,
No. 194 .Market Street. Firti Clothing itore be
low Sixth,
Puil.iDsi.rH4 A.
WHERE they ar constantly ( ngaged in get
ting up from th best French, Kafliab and
American e'oth. clothing cut and made up is Uie
most auperior and fashionable aty'.' lreona
who buy to l, will find large and excellent
lock at lb lowest city price. 0 othing made
up to order, in auperior style at the aborted
ti. B Odd Fellow Regalia, large assort
men! alway oa hand. Order from Lodge and
individua'e promptly attended to oa th most rea
sonable term. , .
Philadelphia, June 3, lgg-ly.
LO Ct "0? tLJ Laj LX2 S33 e
A HOVKntlfjaj RF.MlillT tOR. .
Windsor, Vermont.
I a aovereirn remedv DYPPKPSIA, in many of an
forma, auch na pain in the Sbarun-h, Heartburn, Inlritual
Coalivencaa, Acid Stomach, Headache, laiaa of Appelile,
riles, .Night Sweata, and even Ciniaumption (l)yieplie
t'hlliiaic,) nnd Aathma, or Phthisic attended with deranga.
nient nl IheSlomaeh (or Dyswpil Asthma,) Difficult
Hrmthing. which olten result a from Imperfect digtiou (nr
D aieptie Syspnres,) ia rellcveil by Dieae llillera. In abort,
their uae hns been proved in the relief ia:' almost nil Ihe
ayinptoma thai proceed from a uVlrilitnte or nt.mie emali.
tnai ol the Stomach; nlao in general debility nriamg
age or from Ihe eir.i-la of Fever, lairlieiilnrlv I'ever and
Ague, reticles anD'ering imrler any iiierine ilerangemeui
"""an wciiam-aa, win nml lite -f ixtoknai .n hit-
TKaa'' an excellent remedy, and surpassed by any niali
emeinnn.. The hiatnry of ibis mbi lue ia peculiar, ll has made ila
way in public favor a lely by the force of ita own intrinsic
merits. No nriiticiitl menus hare been uaed lo give il no
lorici.y and tlirual it uin nublic It lias neier
''r''.v''", bm having (irst ahnwn ila rc
kh. . ,i '"'m'y Ihelimiily nl the proprietor, mid by
.'. . '"WMils adminiatercd in hia afflicted frienda nnd ae
qi iiiii,uw with a like, result, ila reputation grmhiallv .
t o 2 " k" ll ill the nvm distant (virla ,a tire
IlvIJ. " " "enieine o unrivalled virtues in Ihe cure of
AanTnm iV" " rtl,r''r'" nil nla.i lor the cure ot
has I?- IT . ,",,l' l' "ly herald nnd lis only !.
"mil. 2, in? tr', " w.anlen',,1 elfieaev, na wld Iroln
Inl ma le k.T :.'hT hav' bwi uaed, and the re.
m',1 V" "" '""''riH " "' have proved a re
nre in the puHHrririioii at the
Cuown'to C pamhe!'""1 PI-'ready widely
w.NDstm. v,., iVv,?KKKx'
The fullnwinjj terllfieiile. Imve recenil, hern
received t
WailllTllTOX. t). P.. Jt k 0, HC
Hiiviiii made use of the ( lygeigi!p, llittera'' prercd
by Dr. teo. II. (In-cn, ,.f Yinda..r.. VI. and from know.
Icdi-c ohlniuial of their e.tieaev in i llier i-nsea, weeheertally
rcc immenil them to the public, believing that thev will fully
suatiiin Ihe ree .inmeiidalion of tho I'ropriet'.r. We hope
Hint thia valuable remedy inav be ai g.-uerallv UilTnse.1
Ihronghout the eountrv Dial it inav be m ecaible to all tlie
SA.MI'I'.I, l'ltl'.l.pS, .. , .
WILLIAM I IM I l I . S. S,-uat r irom erin ml.
JAMKS I'. SIMMONS. I. S. S-ii-.l .r fr K. I (:,.!.
J. I . MHI!i:ill;.D, C. s. S-ual .r and f-niurlv ti..vern
0r of Kentuckv.
L. il. AltNlll.D, .Meail-r
Vern it of It. .
wm. wtMiiumiDtii:. r
Veruor of Mi'-hinail.
! (.'.ni.'i'es and f .rmerlv L m
. S. S.:uit'T mid for.neriy Uo-
in t.'...igre floui Wise ini:i
. M. L. .MAKTI.N. Del-gat.
From II .p. II. D. Fosinn, .Member ol Congress from
i- ,. .
Dear Sir.-, have b ,m a w" ol. ' ami'.rVr. Z ' 'V
ytrarit, ttnil lmvo rc rtnl t vunonn tnciticin' lir rriir-t" :
wiili-mt mic.'fvji, until I mntlf nl' vtir (xvpiimt'(l '
Uinrrt..'1 I h:ti two Milt-?, uti-l fniiliin mil'
r.-tirtl to priV- t hmtlih Tiie Itirtim in which tin- ilis- i
vns' h! itst-li. in my c;is', w'i. reut W'ltlily of (lie j
ihoiiiim -ii, i p. i hih-iii-, ''Xirvuic iiaiiiii noi1, Frvtre cjiuIi
luti n m ilic b wrh, nnl violent tn-aiU-:ir. Tci'lintf li!in-r-iii!ttliat
tt kiit'vlfli;f i .ur v:ilu'ill rfiiifiiv imty rmi-h
otliir finiilnrly aillicttil. I tukr K't'"t pl-iwnre in rcril
1113: im- U'Ktiin.iny t- iln ruruiiv 'kwt I iiihI woiil'l iikm
rciiKiik. thill1 while on u vikii nt lionif u h.Tt time Hm-r. I
ottiiiinistcrrit u Kirt oi n linttli to u nuuiU r of my ittliicUit
Irifiitln, witli pn-at Furriw. They ant ilt'Hi,(im that v-m
nhtnihf CrttaMinIi nn ojfrttry nt riitnliurir. r inform ilifin
wJhtc th' iHctliciuu ran l oljlaiiint. Willi an eurnt !
iirr tor yout roKHrity uiul ii.'iipinf!u. I iliairilw intdi'.
truly your fritml , ). t'OSTKK.
l-.K-t. (ino. II. ni:rRx.AVimJ .r. Vt.
SiM VIio1i-rii unit Itrtail In- liim. k ri-'tr.'iiT. No.
WSmiiIi Sixth Slrift. IMnlittt.-l.!tit.
AkpiiI I T Siniljiirv TI. IJ. .MASSI'.lt.
Atff ntntoi Millon MAUKAV V IIAA'i.
Aciit f-'i I'mmr sMahou y J . Ii. IE I IN .N .
April 1.1, IMs
207 Main street, llnffalo. N. Y.
Oil. (i.C. VAltiMN S
Vrgilalilc Lillioutriplic Mixture.
rsllls eelelirnletl remedy la eon-nintly Inereasinu its fnnie
X b the lluiiv eurea it la innklti
It liar u v bee nn the only f r fiunilv uf. nnd is
(Mtrticnl-irlv ree -mmeiub'il t r
nil ftnfv's i 'f this c mplaint itnun ili.ticK n licveil, n i mailt'
of Ujw I -m; Mantling. See I'liaiihililet l .r tetstiiiiDnv.
and all diitejseM if tin: urin:iry nraaiiN: f'r theue difttrfw-iii-
compLiiiiiM it siiandti al ne i no 4. "t I ir urlicle can relieve
ym ; tmd the cnrei. tefiihedto wille inviuee the iiiotit ski
Heal; sec pamphlet, laver Ciiijiltiitit. Ilillious tiiKeasek,
V KVKH ic A;rE.
T-i the tirenl Went eprri iil. ami wlu-revcr thvsc com
plaints prevail this riietli.-ine niVered.
n deleleri un v mpoimd a part of litis imxtur-. it
ctire.H these diwiisrs with e. riainly and eHeriiy, and dovs
n.'t latve tint '.itein torpid. Sei l';ti:i,ihlct.
a complaint of n ni'isl pninitil rh;ir:ieter. is
nnd a cure toll ,w by n few itiyr ue of thisarticle ; it is
far 1-eiine any oilier pieinrahou tins di-H-ake, or IW any
other ili!e;ot; oriiimtitig fr.'iu impure blttod. ScJ pain
ill let .
M Mk Uu k, wuttku',M ol Hi tvidtim,, Ae.. or intlnmtnn
li 'ii ol uinet iat tiumtidiateiy relievii) ly n tew day ne t:
iIum iit'iiiein( iUKj s onre is uUvny- a rennlt if Its' use. Il
tandtf us
for such eoinptaiutf, inul uUj for derun-fcniculs of the fe
male fruine.
iKKEiarLAurnus, sri'iiu:s.ioxs.
painful inenatnuitlons Xo arliele baa ever keen ottered
ei. e,l this whieli would to.ieb tins kind ol ilcrunitemenla.
It mav Is- relied upon n a sure im.l ill'eeiive remedy, and
did we feel oermitted to il., a., e.nild give
A 1 111 II ..M . V V IKS.
ns nrxfof eures ill Ibis ilistrewi.K etnas of e.annl:..nla.
See itnuinhlet. All broken down. flebiliUilMd e.nialitnlioiia
from tin; etleet oi inereii. v. will lind tlie briu iiij nower of
thia arllele to net inunedinle
!v, end llie n .ia .,K,, mineral
eradieatvd from tlieavalein.
will find the nlteintive propertien of this article.
and driven mirh disfnueti from tlm system. See pamphlet
lor tei nnHiy uf eurea in ull d;auiiaen, wliieh Iht limit of
nn ihlvrrtiaeinent will not permit to be in met I hen. Asmtti
frivr them nvvuy ; they eoiilum 'Jri ;ipi ol crliliesitev of
ugh ciureielcr, ami n vtroiter
of the virtue, of m medicine. ntvr impaired. If I on) of
the peculmr iVaturm of llui iitiiel.i tlint it never fmla to
benefit in uny him', und if If me uittl uuiM'te are left to build
upon let tlie eiiueuited mid limierin,; invalid
1101'K ON
and keep laMini the meilieine uit ton hk ihci in an hn
provtiucnt. The proprietor wintld
aeaiuat a number of articles whieli onic out uuder lb
lietid of
aa cures for Dropay, firavel. ,Ve. : They am g wd I'oriK
lliiug, and c jucoetcd to anil 1l:e iiuwntv ;
Their invent ra never thought ol euritii; au.-li diaeaaea till
Una article, bad done it. A particular of the iim
pblet is earneatly s-lieile,l.
Agents and nil who sell Ihe article are
pniiuiioiulv. Put un in -V . bottler, at Hi : Ll oz. do a
-l each the Uirirer lioldiua ti . more th in two aniall li.
Ilea. Ia.k ,ail and ael llrai. Kvcry blle k.s
.-Vuu-tlui's Vefretaluu l.ithotilitptic .Mixlnre," blown ll;, hi
Ibe siaaa. the written ai'iriture of "ti. 1.'. VanizbuO on the
iltreetl.aia. and "li. C. N'auelul. ltiial.,o atiiTnped on tlie
e rk. None ntlier are weiSiiue.-Preiairdl I,t Dr. ti. C.
Vaushii. and a .1.1 ul the i'ri i. iii (ntiee. a"! Main street,
llulfal.i, at wboleaale niul retail. No allentioti given lo let
ters uiuess ptaM paul-oriiers' from reeularly euuslltuted
ARIH.Is exen'ti'd ; paid (utters, .1 verbal cMnuiuuiiw
tunth solieitinit adviee, promptiy ailendert to teraiia.
tltrieea Uev,riel ex.-luaively 10 Itie sni of Ihia antc-Uw
13 Naaaau st. New Yorkeilyi Kcsl.r'.-ilem, Mass.;.
sod by iho prineitxil Drumjistaihrouf hout the L uiuxl Sunes
and I'ana.Ui, as Agenls.
Usi of Asents tatm k eo.. AVholesala Aeni Pluiailcl.
phis J. W. Kriliinr, MuaUiry Isnae lienrliart. ISeliiowrova
C. A. Wvelh. Iwiaburll. l.Hhealer, it lltuo Hayes
McC.auu.-k, McKweiaiviUo .Miss McCoy, N.mhuoUKi
land April I, tsif y
213J Market Stbkgt,
iuugs & m:uicii;s,
PiiT. On, Gisss, Di BTcrrs,
Vabivis. Ac. tke,
Patent Mediein, Medicine Cbeals, Kurgical anil
Ohet. trical Inatrumenls, ChemicslTe-is, eVe,
Older from Mercheut or rhysioisa, by
letlef or otherwise promptly eiisnd d
Aogue', 9, Ilia.
r.tiiioifsiJv Ai-fnovrnf
s a a a -
" . o . ..
livery Jay is thia crlnbmtcd incdieuia xtendni the
sphere ol ila uaeiiiuitw. uikI every year adding It Iht long
catalogue ol' ila triumphs.
A MILLION or HON f.P ar distrlbitted amtnally witi-'
cut fully meet inirll.e .lemainlV Tor some lime past, the1
sales IravelaaMi hnnieil .lyly fjr waul of facilities of sup- ,
ply. Truly this is a iMiyersnl remedy ! t'nherald, theae
pilla have fiamd their way Into the trnviti-st corners of lhaj
tnion, everywhere proving their tide sa the poor malt's
friend aick nam's hoi,e the rmirvel nnd Meairtm of tin)
l-'or a trilling aunl. every individual nnd every lainii) trmj
have tll'. Al.TIt INSl'KCD to them for an Indefinite p ; and what ia lifa i ithout heahli but a iniaernble exis
tence !
It ia too preei axa n b . .it to laj tampered with, by trying
sll s.irts of experiments upon it. The aick should uae thoso
medicines only wliich e.vperieuea has aliown to be tha beat-
Crom fat-kill, Oreen Comity, .etv Ymk.
Ur. W. Wnght Dear sir: I hav found your Indiiu
Vegetable INIta a valuable remedy in caaea ..'f Genrrol I.'o
l.ilily of tl.c system, nnd in all llilli.fl.a dis iders. I am ah. i
in the habit of rcc .liiilieu.liug thetnto femalea ill peeulinr
I obanrve them lo operate in the ayatein willioul producing
debility or pain, leaving il in a healthy con.liti n.
June!. l:t.. John l)OA.xe,M.D
nn: iii'.st famTLy MCDiciN'r:
1'n iii N n .a Hill, tire.ii (?. r'nty N. Y.
Dr. Wright : Ve have us-da, i! . ,11 y,,ur lu ban Vegela
ble Pillafor Ihr-e ycara aiMldo not hesitate to recom
mend tlieitl to cur li;e!liii uik ca.".omers ua the best Family
Medicine in use. ? . & L. Hamslei-L.
Vr,-vi Marl.N-Hi.lIl'aJ
T.iUr.W. U rilil lU-arSir: J'or the hm. tw y.ttrt t
i 'e had the ap-ney for the sa.c
f viir Ii'-tlian Vej'.-taMa
V.V. at thi .ia'', und have M mmually larce (mititie at
rvlj,l. Th' y hitve in every inntancc giveii entire wLisfue
ti 'ii. -M .iiiy faiuilicM intln-' scctitni keep tlicui. and coiifidtr
tlicni invuhial'Ii. ph n family tncdit-iiie. 'Dure in ni modi
fitifilil !ht that i-:tn l? r imivtTKally n-comnienrled or
Wrifrlit'H Indian Vegrfuhle 1Mb. Very truly your
Kcbrum y 1, If lb. W. M- Ia ilbm.
The followine U'lltr in in reply lu a note from our agent
nfUiny Dr. H nt"ii'iojiitii n ni' ilii iiRiliriuo :
Tf.M.itANoc. AugurtiiO,
Mr. A. Dnrhuin Dc;ir lir: In tepk to your, note of ye-
' Irttlay. I WtjuMntutii, that I Jiave ccr:ii mally fuwid it con. .
wuit l toiiKethevari um Puti:iit Pills" vcnrlwi i.i the h -i .
cm! while I om miwiUinir t ay iinylhing ttulppreciftte the
' vnhie of othrrp. T utufrec toeomtrut I ct-iiMtlerWriiflit'
Inilirm VrpftaI.Ii? Pill suiuaior to all other with which I
I oin arquaiut'ii. 1 have mhril tlicni for many years both in
j my n family anil in my practice Kenerntly, nnd they have
j uniformly proveil milil. cc:tain aiatKafe lu their cperati'Tt
, The rare ami Fkill with which thes pilln h:ivc been tiithTtc
, maiinfucturfl an in my opinion, a nufticient puamntte for .
' likeg tKrresulii iii titlun-. Very rrupceifiijlj. .
II A llo'-iw, M.D.
Mr. it is a pi.'Ktti'fir-r of I 'iiy rx;; i: r. c, wfll kn"vr
I in ami i-veii hfy-iKt the l!:t .f Wy. inin eninty. He i
ja g ruinate vi PnnisyKftuia, tt:a( hij'tly popular with tha
p i)lt om .nig whom h' n -.siiii . ,
- Ilewaic of Sisur 'on led Counter-
Krineniber tliut the original nntl only cenuom Indian
i V)ietaiilc Piiti have the wiiltei.iiguatiirc of Wm. W right
1 o;i tin t tpl thct of r.uh
' cni i"r 23
ro u
Jhu W. ri'iliuir. Simhury.
Henry Mnyju-r. SunlMiy.
j IIuyH A .Met-ormiek. Mt Kwensvilie.
i 1.. Kuiiirnan, Auiifta tp.
.1 'Im II. Vineeiit, t'liilii-qtuttjiie.
Kaw.V HerpsTrrswr, VA n!urp.
j V. Ilothermel. T.ittlc Mimi-uny.
j H tint n A- Urolluf, Miltcn.
I I'orirv'ih. Wilson ,V Co., ortliutuberlr.iJ
I Jul Itt t-i). PoMsirrovc.
W.i It. Fepely. tamofciiitovr.
.T. t. Morpm, Siiyderstown.
1 W.Drppiu. Mahon y 1. O.
j Ht:iinei!!e IMshne, I'p. .Mah.noy
i J. (I. Henn, Line M aintain P.O.
1 Bfiij. 1 1 Hitter, ijwer Mrthnitnj P. O.
! Amos T. Mriiwll, Turhnltsviiie.
;.J.A T. Piper. Waimiiville.
j I!. A. Kntziier. H-.K'ii?ville.
i II. It. KikpM-, i:iy!-!.urjr.
t .T(ei devoted PXeInii"Hy to l!tr ki! nf Wright's Indian
i VoretuMe Piiti, V!i.!eiUa and lictai), ld9 Kea St., Phila-
delphi t, '(.reouw itli street, i w-York. and iftf Tituiont,
I n..i -n.
j lli-e inh. I-I;. Iy
! KqilUablC Llf? lllMUI'UllCe, AllUUltT
I ir,,.... '., -
U11U a I Mil . Oisip.l u .
(apitai. riai,iaj. i UAini:k reerErit
T'"'- C .,!.iMnv are now prepare to tn.naael
' I
no'u tlie m -at hta-ntl and a.lvanttieeous terma. Thev
i ""' aulli-ril l.y their eimrler (a-ei -i) -i itaaae a.i ano
" msnr,uTe ..pri.imua .o .... u. FiwKH ias..
nr nnture. and 1 1 reeive und exeeute trnata. umke ei-r.ow-
lueiit. and to grant and pnrehaae annuities T Cian
M.ny aell iiimuii i.-a nnd eud.iwiitcnta, and aei as Trustees
fa" minora and heir. ,
.1 Prcmiuina lenuired fa- the Aastinmee of 9100 fur
t!n- wh .le leria of Lite.
Aire. I Piein.
J Ull
a -.11
a m
S 40
a t7
9 63
11 .0
2 hi
3 ia
3 Iff
3 6.4
3 -e
4 13
4 Sll
4 7
1 . :
5 7
Tlie i.reiiitina n.-f ha ih:ui .-my
vllier c 'inauv, and the
I ,!.. ,... ,.ll..r.l -re-er 1.. I.Il-e
T.iM.s i'l li:.M-yeriy
i au.l ,narlerly )iremiuiiis. I.011 cr. .Ill rales of premium, ahorl
terma. joint lives, aurviv Tal.ipa und end..wineuta; also,
f 01 Aiiplicaii"!! (fir which there ar blink ahtvts-) ai
1 . 1-Im.l on 111.eli.-1tl -n nt the mlice, or by letter to the
lipi'lie-ltl 'll Mt I tie nil
Atleut, J. 11. PI HUH , Huin-my.
Itaiu toa ai'iuxa fe'ioo 011 a diule'e.
.r I y
I' or 7 ycara.
1. n 1
For t.ilp
I, on
a,iM ,
in '
r..ajjrt.r A iicr-u aeial :i:l y,airs next birth dav. bv
vins' the O.anpany tifi ecnra wr-util seeure to his fninily
or heira llsj sliould he die . one year ; of for 8t).u0 be se-
eurea to them miaiti; or for I3 auuuallyf,ir seven years
he surilree to theiu JUH0 slaiuUt he die its seveu vsarsj or
for e.ti III paid annunlly during life he secures -UKI V, ba '
luiiii when he dies. The insurer seeiiiuifr hia own boiiua, .
iy lit drtfer.aice 111 nuiounf ot nreraiunui from lu.a cbareed
In oiher otfiees. F gli,,W the heirs woula recei 6.VXX) .
ahooai he tils in ime year. . r
.'..rn ui apuUcauoii and all parlicukara 'mav las had a;
the office. . J W f.A(IHORN, PieaHlent
'I'RSkai eb Vaixcis V. Kawls . .
II. J. Tueketr, Secretary
(,ksvi.tikii FsTValcu-c it. ). B. Masaer, flunlMiry
J. il. Ptativ, :iiuijur, AgcjB fur .Vlhuuiueilani coaa
tv. '
Sunbury, July , IMS . "
'. aVUUli:Ale AND RT.TA1L ''
lK AMD LlQlon UEtl.CH...,
A' 893 .l.'orAef Stitel, Below. Eight.'iNurth .
I'ltiiiuririiis., ..
Keeps constantly on band a U i kind cf old Li
quor, via : Superior old. r?e 'vbiskey superior, Cia. tie. Alt white brandy frrpreer.
vin, Wild Cherry and Blackberry biandy, .. . 3
Philadelphia, 'line 3, 1848. Iy
1 Tli bh
j Ape. I Preul. I
in 1 1 .vi
1- IN
in I I Ml
a 1 1 00
Jl 1 tt
J-i 1 iw
2:1 101
J I 7li
il 1 Tti
mi 1 ft
I VT 1 e
-S 1 111
t-.l 1 in
1 Sol
Bunbury, Pec. S, H48,