Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 16, 1848, Image 4

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One of the most astonishing feats, in tele
graphing has just boen accomplished between
thii city and St. Louie, Mo., in the transmis
sion of the President's Message between the
two cities. Messrs. O'Reilly, of the Atlantic
and Lake Telegraph Company, and H. J. Ro
gers, of the American Telegraph Company,
wishing to prove beyond all cavail that the
lightning tine wild be made available tor
the transmission of large documents as -.well
s for short messages, determined to take ad
vantage of the President's Message as a test
little thinking at the time that it would be of
the very inordinate length it has proved to be.
For this purpose they stationed the most ex
perienced operators on the various lines un
der their charge, extending from Baltimore
to St. Louis, Mo., the starting point being
in this city, where the Message was received
at 25 minutes before 2 o'clock, by Govern
ment Express from Washington, and by horse
express from the Mount Clnrc Drpot to the
telegraph office in the Exchange. Messrs
Reddish and Hough, of Philadelphia, connec
ted with the O'Reilly line, having been de
tailed for the most important part of the du
ty to be performed, that of writing the entire
document in Baltimore, commenced their ar
duous task on Tuesday, shortly after its re
ceipt, and at a few minutes before 2 o'clock
yesterday afternoon finished their almost
Herculean undertaking at which hour the
signature of Jamks K. Poi.k nud the Washing
ton date were written as plainly and legibly
as the caption had been. 24 hours previously.
The two operators wero at work, relieving
each other occasionally, during the entire
time, with the exception of a couple of hours
yesterday morning, when they were inter
rupted by a storm at tlio Western end of the
line. They wrote the Message out in full,
following the copy verbatim, even to the punc
tuation and paragraphs a thing not usually
tlone in telegraphing. The operators at this
end of tlio line did not keep s register of the
number of words contained in the document
but are of the opinion that from the time oc
cupied there cannot be less than fifty thousand.
In its progress to St. Louis the Message was
dropped fit the following stations on the line,
viz: York, Ilnrrisbnrg, Carlisle, Chambers
Imrg, Bedford and Pittsburgh, in Pennsylva
nia, Massillon, Cleveland, Zanesville, Colum
bus, Dayton, and Cincinnati, in Ohio; Madi
son and Evansville, in Indiana; Louisville, in
Kentucky; and Saline, in Illinois; a large
portion of the Message reached Buffalo, New
York, but the connection was broken off by
a storm prevailing at that end of the line be
fore its completion; it was also received at
all the minor intermediate stations between
this city and Evansville, Indiana the above
mentioned placed having all acknowledged
its receipt entire. This is truly a wonderful
performance, and the gentlemen connected
with the enterprise have succeeded in their
arduous undertaking in a manner proving
them to be able to accomplish anything they
may make up their minds to do in the tele
graphing line. The idea of document filling
twelve columns of the Washington Union, or
upwards of eight closely printed columns of
the American, appearing in print in a city
nearly one thousand miles distant from Wash
ington, twenty-four hours after its delivery,
is almost beyond belief, and is, perhaps, one
of the greatest feats ever performed in this or
any other country. As the enterprise was
conceived and carried out by Messrs. O'Reil
ly and Rogers gratuitously, they certainly de
serve and will no doubt receive the thanks of
the entire Western press. Baltimore American.
i iJF
Scrofata or Ktnfr'i Kvil, RhcumMiwti, OTwtlmte Cutaneous
tmptiviiR, Fimpim or rencwes on ine .ace, uKnrncn,
DttPi, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter,
Son Id Head. Kiitorpcmnit and Pain of th
Bonn sno Joint , Pluliborn Ulcers, Syphi
litic Symptomi, Pcialica or Lurnbngo,
diMnaen rifting from an Injutli
ciona nte of Meicury, Drop
sy, Kxpramre or Impru
dence in life; !,
Chronic Cmirti-tulionnlDia-orrlera.
fn this medicine aevcrnl innocent but very potent articles
of tho vegetable kingdom are united, forming a compound
entirely difTprpnl in lie chnrnctcr and properties fiom any
other prepnrntion, and unrivalled in it operation on the
system wlien laboring under dispone. H should l in the
hands of every person, who, by buxiness, or general course
of life, is prettircposed to Die verv many nilimcwti that ren
der life a curse, instead of n blessing, and so often remit in
jop ca tax ua
Plated end Britmnia Wars, Cutlery, snd
Finiy Goods, snd Manufacturer! nf Jew,
elry snd Silver Ware, is uneenui siren, r nur
detphis; have received by lit arrive! t Isrgs snd
handsome ilock ol Engiisn sno r rencn waicum
and Met hie, Porcelain snd Fancy Clocks.
Plited Urn!. Castors. Cake Baekele, mgn ann
Chamber Candlesticks 8oup Ladles, Spoons and
forks. Alee a good sssortmenl of Brl'snnls
Wtrs and Fins Cutlery. . 4-.,. .,,.
Tbeirstock nf JEWELRY Is large nd of the
most fashionable kind, snd Ihey are well supplied
ith Silver 8poone. Foike, Mugs, napsin ing.
Butter Knives. die., and wi hout in iking eny dis
play of p dees in the public prints, hey l"
pared to sell as low aa those who do, and Invite
prisons wishing to purrnsse io can. -
rhlladelphis, JUlis iu. ma. mn .
KALLI3T3nrL3: : !
3D U S.tP S5Q a
T ties power Id Maes all ' SORES,
jcrofuiaiub numnm, skin uibkases.
OISONOU8 WOUNDS to discharge their pu
trid matter, snd then heals them. ......
It ie richly termed All-healing, for there ie scare
y a disease, external or internal, that It will not
bent fit I have need It far the last fourteen years
for all diseases of (he cheat, eonanmption snd llw,
involving tha utmost danger and responsibility,
and I declare before heaven and man, that not in
one single esse haa It failed to benefit when the pa
tient wss within the reach of mortal mesne, -
I have had phyeician, tearnrd in the profession.
I have had minister of the go-pel, judges of the
bench, aidemen, lawyer, gentlemen of the high
ret erudition, and multitudes of the poor u H In
every variety of wav, snd there haa been but one
voice one universal voice saying t "M'Alliater,
your Ointment i uotJU." "
In Scrofula, Old 8oree, Erysepelas, Tetter Li-
- - i i, i . u - I." r, . ! u 'I 'I. 1
. . - r.aaaM .r 1sanniarnCTai I rr vonipiniiiii ooro bjn, wuin-r, cure i iiruan.
t wrl7A tl.o llerormatlon Bronchills, Broken or Bore Breast. Piles, all Cheat
v ........ n I DineaefB, each aa Aalbma, Oppreeaiona, Pain
iF THE SIXTEENTH CKNIUKI Alao, SdreLip., Chapped Hands. Tumor-. ChiL
W MANY. SVV1TZERLAINU, win oe . , Cutaneous Erontlona. Nervooa Dl-rawe.
and of the Spine, there la no medicine now known
The fnllowint tiet ahowa tha current valos of all
'ennevlvania Bank Notes. Tha moat Imri licit re
liance may be placed noon it. as it Is ttthi Vattk
tarefolly eomnarsd with tnd corrected from Bick-
nell's Hepoiler.
Banks In Philadelphia.
Locro,. Yma"
Bank of North America .
Bank of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. .
Farmers' tnd Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bank
A very respectable looking lady stepped
into a store on Washington street, a few days
ago, to buy a steel rccticule; the clerk hand
ed out a variety of all sorts, sizes, and prices
of which the lady deliberately viewed, hand,
led and commented upon ; until at length
having made her selection of a small one,
f 2,50, she gave the clerk a ton dollar note to
deduct that amount ; the clerk went to the
desk, and returning, gave the latter change.
"Why, here's but two dollars and a half!"
says she.
"Exactly, madam," replied the clerk.
"Well, but I give you a ton dollar bill, sir!"
"Precisely madam," said the polite clert
"This bag is two dollars and a half, is it
notl" says the lady, holding forth the pur
chased reticule.
"Two dollars and a half is the price, ma
dam." "Then why do you lake out seven dollars
and a half sir!''
"Why madam, this roticulo is two dollars
and a half "
"Very well, sir," says the lady.
"And that one attached to your dress, be
neath your cardinal is Jive dollars more!"
said the complaisant clerk, raising lip tho la
dy's cardinal and displaying a very handsome
steel bead reticule, there secreted. The lady
became quite agitated, but the humane clerk
assured her it as all perfectly right.
"You don't for a moment suppose, sir V
said the lady, in a low and husky voice "that
I intended "
"O! certainly not madam '." said the clerk
"O, it's all right, madam, perfectly correct,'
continued the clerk.
"Good morning, sir," said the lady bowing
nd grinning a ghastly smile.
"Good morning," responded the gentle
manly clerk, bowing the lady safely off out
of the premises. No fancy sketch this.
Moston Mail.
ron fcitoFi"i.A
nr. Prnkc'a in rnMinnipmlftt nl
N'tt imp iitftmirpof it fiiilure him ever opcnrriil when free
ly efl ! It rurea the dinenw nml nt theanme time Imparta
vip.r to the whole nutem. Pcn'tiilnm peranna can never
nsiv too iniirh nttt-nlinn to the Mnte ot their num. Ita nn
rificnti.'ii fthouM be their firxt aim ; fur eneveraiico will
liecoiiiplmli a cure nl evkh limiKniTART uiaeniie.
rViirvv, fcrtmtie Afl'eetimis. Tnmnra, White Stwellinir
KrvMiH'lnF. fleers. Cnni-ers. Hiimiinir Pores, Pent ami
Hilea. lr. Drnke's rtinurtfi cnniiot lie too hichty extolh-d
it aenrcltee out the very root ol' I he dineiuie, and permanent,
No medicine perli;is litis ever Ihi-h clicovereil which
elves so mum lone to the momneh ami causes the secre
tion ot' n heiilttiy gastric juice to ihtntinpose the food as Dr.
l7riiKC s jiinuce.1
Tir. Driike s Piinncen is useit wilh the erwitest sncrcss i
i Klieiiintittc Coinplitints. cstHrintlvsuch ns elironio. It enrea
liv ilriviutf .-lit ull impurities hihI foul humours which hav
nccmitiil:ited in the tcin, which ere the cmtse of Rheu
I iittitiKin. tjout. nml Pwclliiifis of the joinle. (Ither remedies
1 S iinrtimtl (Five tplllnomrv relief: this enlirelv nrndienles
the difetise fnnn the s)-stvfn, even when the limbs and bones
are dreadfully swollen.
roxst'MPTios cx be ciRKD. Coii;hs, Cauirrh, Bt'
chilis. Sittitifr of Mood. Af tlitnii. Dillirultor profuse T.x
peel.inttl"ll, Hectic Flush, Niuht Swenls, I'ain in the side
Ac. huve tjeen cureil, nud cam be with ns much certainty us
nny other riixense. A specific hits long been sought lor, but
in vnin until the discovery of Pr. Drake's PaiiMCtm. It is
ntild and side but cerlniu nnd cdictilious in its opeintiou,
and citunot possibly injure the most delicate constitution.
We would earnestly recommend those uDlicted to give it a
trial and we believe they will not have occasion to regret
it. The system is cleansed and strengthened, the ulcers on
the lungs are healed, and the patients gmdunlly regain their
Ufual heulth and strength. Read the following :
Phil., Dee. 14th, 1S17.
pRATt Put : III reply to your question respecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will any. that although a perfect
dislieliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure for at.l
diseases, however valuable it may le in certain conditions
of the system, still 1 have believed that a cure for Consump
tion would be discovered sooner or later, and ennoaitv led
me to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases.
They were pronounced try the nttendiug phvsicinns to be
rcLMoNABY coNscMrTloN, and abandoned b'v them as lx
ecu able. One of the persons had been under the treat
ment of several very able practilioneis for a numlier of
years, nud they said she lind old fashioned Consumption
combine wilh Scrofula," and that she might linger for aoma
time but could not be permanently relieved. In hothcases
the cflcct of the Panacea has lieen mosl gmtifying. Only
four or five liottles were used by one of the persons liefore
she iM'triiii to improve rapidly. 'The oilier took about ten.
I will only ndil that familiar as I am with consumption by
Inheritance and by extensive observation as a study, and
knowing nlso lhc injurious erlcets in nine cases out of ten
of lur. Is'lit'Set. and oilier vegetable tonics, as well nsof
many ol the exneetorautsnndEedatives, I h uld never have
rccominrniltd the use of Dnike's Punaeen if had not been
acuunuitt'd with lhc ingredients, rtulhee it to say that these
are recommended bv our most nonnlar and aeientitie nbvsi
iff-iuns. and in their present combined state, form probably
Hie lcst alterative lhat has ever lieen made. The cure is
iu accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in
France a few years ago, by one of her most eminent wri
Irrs on medicine, anil now established by fuels which ad
mil of no dispute.
Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. OUNN.
To use the Inniruage of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea In
always salutary in ils effects never injurious. It is not as
Opiate it is not and Kxpeclorout. It is not intended to luir
the invalid into a futnl security. It is a great remedy a
grand healing and curative compound, the great and only
remedy which mediejtl science and skill has yet produced
for the treatment of this hitherto unconquered malady. And
no tM'raon alllicted wilh this dread disease, will lie just to
himself and his friends, ifhe go down to the grave without
testing its virtues. A single Untie, in most cases, will pro
duce a favorable change iu the condition of anv noticut.
lowevcr low."
Tidies of pale complexion and consnmntive habits, ami
ucli as are debiliated bv those obstructions w hich females
me liable to, arc restored b
bloom vnror,
r weakly children, and such as have bad humors : lieinr
plniBinr. they take it. It immediately restores theanpetite,
strength and color.
IVttliliur ran be more aurnrisina? than its invimmhnr f.
feels on the human frame. Persons, all weakness and las
situde before tnkiiw it, at once become robust and full of
energy under ils influence. It immediate counteracts the
nervelesancss of the female frame.
CAUTION. Be careful and aee that vou ret the nn.
ine Dr. Drake's Panacea it haa the signature of Geo. F.
ProBns on the wmppor and also the name "Da. Drake's
rsjiArEi, rnn.A." mown in the glass.
i-reisireu oniv uv rroRus a uo.. Lrrilraists. o. 91 ninrth.
Sixlhrll., Philadelphia.
Agent for Bunbnry II. MAPPER.
noin aisn ny . A. .llt'BRAX ft Co., Danville. H. PraET
e, Milton j Mabt SIcCot, Northumberland : E. P. Lute,
April I, it-IB ly
niibliahed or. or about the let of April. 1818, by
JOS. A. srEEL, No. 96 Cherry at. above 6th,
his anlendid 12mo edition of the above named
Work, Vltn JO erigraeu inu.o.ouii. n. ..-
ginal designs; 4 vols in 2, bound in extra clotb
and library sheep.
The publisher respectfully calle the attention
of the trade and the public generally, to this
work being, the only illustrated edition published
In the United Statea He trust! that the beauty
of its embellishmenta, the strong and substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction witn
the known popularity of the work itself, will be
a sure recommendation to public faor.
JOS. A. SPEF.L. 00 Cherry st above Cih.
J. A. S haa also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant BelPt Reree Show,
a suitable book for children, neatly done up in
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April t, 1848
The port of St. Francisco is avoided by all
vessels. All the U . B. ships stop at the Sand'
wich Islands. The New York volunteers
have bid adieu to their captain in a body,
stating that they would hand over in a day
or so the sum they were to be paid for their
service for the term of their enlistment.
Classical PuM--The completes! pun on
the records- of literature is produced in the
following words which were insciibed on
tea-chest : Tu docet (Thou teachest.) '
The papers have very generally come to
the eoueluatoa that trout can fee tickled.
Vrovidsooe editor, has set this important que
tie at rest forever.
ire restored by the use of a bottle or two, to
It is by fur the best remedy ever discovered
In prcsenltne: the public with a remedy for the treatment
and cure of Kecks and Aoi-e nnd other bilious diseases.
no apology is needed. Vnst numbers in the I'nitcd States,
who sutler from these nnertions in their varied forms, arc
eoinM-iicd to si-k relief from other sources than the imme
diate prescriptions of the rctnilar physician. It Im-coiui's
therefiire nn object of humanity, ns well as nf public inter
est, to bring twfore them a remedy prepared from much ex
perience, and which mav always lie rclm! upon as s.fe,
such is the true character of the INDIA CHOLAtiOOI'K,
ia amply nttestcd by the universal success with which it luis
been cmpl'tyed.
I"" Extract from a communication of the Hon. Wil
liam Woodbbidoe, of the U. 9. Senate, late Governor of
Dkthoit, Oct. 91, 1940.
Doctor CnABT.ES Osr.oon,
Dear Sir. 1 hnve read with much interest, your little
traeatise upon the "causes, treatment nnd cure" of the
febrile diseases which hove so extensively prevailed in our
country during the last few months an interest increased
no doubt, by lhc fact lhat I have individually suffered so
much from them. Though I feel myself very incompetent
to judire safely upon a subject so entirely professional, vet
your theory seems to me well reasoned, and your conclu
sions just, and I think wilhal, that your pamphlet ia calcu
lated to produce much practical good.
Speaking of the medicine he says :Ii f,,llv justified vour
flattering expectations, and as a safe, convenient, and popu
tar remedy, my own experience, so far, induces me to be
lieve that it will prove a great public lienefit. 1 am pleased
to learn iliut you hnve recently established several agencies
for its disposition though 1 regret that, wilh a view t a
more general dissemination of it, vm should hnve found it
necessary to remove from your present residence among ua
With much respect 1 have the honor to lie. sir.
Your obliged servant,
From Hon. Stephen V. R. Tkowsbidge, of Michi
gan Slate Senate, to the Agent at Detroit.
Bibmixoiiam. Oakland Co., Dec. 13, 1W1
Sir yon wish me to inform you what I know of Dr.
Osgood's India Chohgngue. or anti-bilious medicine. I do
believe that if the virtue and efficacy of this medicine were
generally known, the rrvER axd ague would disappear iu
I procured a bottle in the spring of imt, and have good
reason to believe that myself and family escaped the ague
last season in consequence of its use.
Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine
peninsula, has the fever and ague been so prevalent as the
last. 1 have recommended Ihis medicine lu numerous in
stances, nnd when the disease had become fixed and balnea
the skill of phvsicinns; and I have never known it fail. I
has universally produced the most happy effects, and I bet
lieve it tins never lieen exceeded by any medicine in remo
ving the bilious diseases of the climate.
1 ours, respect! uity,
Acnt fit Snnhurv H. B. MASSER : Northumberland.
WITHINGTOM Co.; Milton, J. II. RASER ; Se lias
grove, MAY A KIX1SE.
jiiay u, its l.
Philadelphia Bank .' , . .
8chtiylkill Bank . .
Southwark Bank ,
Western Bank
Mechanics' Dank ' . '
Manufacturers' At Mechanics' Bank
Bank of Penn Tonahip . . ,
Oirard Bank - r . .
Bank of Commerce, late Moyamensin
Bank of Pennsylvania .
Conntry Dnnks.
Sial and Lettor-Copyiiifj PrPuspR, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrigerator. Water Fil
ters, Patei.t Portable Water Clo
Hrts, iulcmled for the Sick
nnd Infirm.
76 South Third Strcf t,
Miutmucturc and kern count-int
ly un hand, n targe uwortmenl of
thealNive articlt-B, t'vHltcr with
a X tit ','ir latent Improved Salamander
f JKlvt'KUOF PA J-J, Uhlfh
art wt oniistmrted us U vet ut rest
ill manner of d ult aa to iheu
teiiii( triflly fire-pnM.f, ami lhat
thfv will rrsiiaat the fire of anv
Imtldinir. The nutinde rnca of
Ilire SnfoB ar mnde of boiler iron, the inside rase of anfip-
l-ne, and lintween th'- outer rnse ann inner case is a spare
of aime thrre inches think, and is filled in with indent rue
tittle nwteriul, S4i as to inake it an iuiMihi)ity to hum any
of thr rontenia inside ol this Chest. These noapstone fea-lninnndt-rs
we are prepared and do challenge the world to
prMlnce any artirle iu the shape of Bunk hales that ill
stand as much heal, and we bold ourselves ready at all
times to luive them fuirly teted by public bonfire. We
also continue to mauufarliire a larire aitd general assort'
mcut of our Premium Air-titrUt r ire I'reof bates of wlneu
there are over WKJ now in use, and in every instance thei
nave civeu etitne BHlistactioti to the uurenasere of whirl
we will refer tho public to a few gentlemen who huve
lliem in use
llavwoud ft Snvder. Pottsvillei Joseoh O. Lwton
P.tttuville : M. AViHiam Carr. Dmlestown. Pa.
ki n n i. ... rv i . . . nt.Ln a. vt -
AN extcn-ive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT'
I.KRY. fr,r aal, ht
Aot. 33 and 33 ARCADE, and 8J North
THIRD Strut,
Cmp Mug S0U0 down renknivrs, 8ciaaura and
Alan, s ch' icc esenitment of Ro.lgra & Hons,
Woeietihotm'e, OrraTc's, W. it S. Butcher's and
Fenncy'e Cutlery, '
Alan, rtpaniah, Ltiik and Huntine Knives.
Also, (5 litis, Pistuls, ant Bowie Knives.
Ala-, The American Ruziir Strop, a superior
rticle, svorty the attention of Deolrra.
CiHn Dealers in Oulleiy, will find the above
Sunk worthy their atteniinn, as the Suhfcriber'a
chief I umc-" ia iinnriing and selling cutlery.
rtnl idel; lua, June lOUi, 1848 ly. .
ZArr- tli
Vine st. wharf; Alexander Camr, Conveyancer, enrncr of
Fillicrt and nth sis.; John M. Ford, IN uorth 3d st.; Myers
wish, vi iionn au at.l James m. raui. lot utn atn si
Dr. David Jayne, 8 south 3d St.; Matliew T. Miller, SO
snnth ;m! st.; and we euki name some hundreda ot others
II it were necessary. Now we invite the attention nf the
public, and particularly those in want of Fire Proof Safes,
to call at our store before purehasing elsewhere, and we
can satisfy them they will get a better and cheaper article
at our store than at any other establishment in the eilv.
Ave also inanuiacture the ordinary rire rroot Cheats, at
at very low prices, cheaper than they oau be bought at any
other store in runaaeipnia.
Philadelphia, April 8, 1818 ly
George J. Weaver,
iVo. 19 Wafer Street and No. 1 1 North Wkarvet
VTA8 rooatantly on hand, general aaaort-
B men! of Cordate. 8ew Twines, dee., ts
Tail Rooea. Fishins Rooss. While Ropes, MauU
la Kouea. Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, s
eompluts sasortrnenl of Beins Twines, eVs. such sa
Hemp Shad and Herrlna Twins. Uaal PsUnt Uill
Net Twins, Cotton Shad and Hsritng Twine, Shoe
Threads, cVc eVe. Also, Bad Cords, Plough Lines,
II alters, Traces, Gottun and Lineal Uarpet Ubatna
c, all of which he will dispose of on rnsaooabls
tor ma. . .
I'hiladelpliis, Juus94, 1148. ly
Ettr.blhhed 15 years ago, by Dr. K1NKELIN.
The olilest, surest snd beet hand tn cure all forma
of seen I disease?, diseases of the akin and
solitary habits of youth, is
N. W. corner of 3d and Union its., between Spruce
ana rtne, l$ siuures jrom ine exenange.
YOUNG MEN! if you value your life or your
health, remember, the delay of a month, nay,
even a wei k, may prove your ruin, liotn ol body
end mitnl. Hence let no false modesty deter you
from m.iliintt ynur rase known to one who, from
education nnd reertatiility,ein a'one b. friend von.
lis who iilacea hinvcll under lr KI.KKLli a
treatment, may religiously enrfide iu his honor se
s gen lcmsn, and in whoe bosom will be forever
locked the secret nf the patient.
Ton many think Ihey will hug the secret to their
own hearts, and cure ihrmelvee, Alas! how of
ten la this a fatal delusion, and how many s pro
mising young man, ho might bsve been sn orna
ment to society, has faded from tha earth.
finding it inennvrnirnl to make peraonal applica
tion, ran, by atating their ease) explicitly, tngoiher
with all their sympioroa, (per hilar, post-paid.) have
forwarded to there a cheat containing Dr. K'e me
dicines expropriated accordingly.
Packagea of Medicines forwarded to sny part ol
lbs United Slates st s moment's notice,
Q3 Post rata iti-rase, sddiesaed to Dr. Kibj
cblis, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oct. 30ih, 1847. ly
as good.
8CAI.D HEAD We have cured caeea that
actually defied every thing known, ss well ss the
ability of 15 or 30 doctors. One man told ua he
had spent (300 on his childien without any bene
fit, when a few bones of Ointment cund them.
BALDNESS It will restore the hsir sooner
than sny other thing.
HEADACHE The salve has cored peteona
nf the headache of IS years' standing, snd who
had It regular every week, so Ihsl vomiting often
took place. PmrnTss, Ert Acne, and Aocs tit
Tin Pace, are cured by Ihis Ointment with like
R URNS. It is one nf the best things in the
world for Burns. (Head lhc dtrceliona around the
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost Immcdi
ately lha inflamslion snd swelling when the piin
cea-ea. (Knari the Direction! around the Uox.)
('OLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Com.
I'lnint, Pain in the chest or aide, falling off nf the
hair, one or ihe other always acenmpantea cold
feet. (This Ointment ie the ttue remedy.) It ia
s turn sign of disease to have cold feet.
TETTER. There is nothing better for the
cure nf Tetter.
PILES. Thousands sre yearly curprl by this
CORNS. Occasional use of the Ointment will
always keep Coins from growing. People neerl
never he troubled with litem if Ihey will nse it
Read the follnwine Communication,
Riceived from an old. respected an J well known
citizen of Philadelphia, and then judge lor your
Philadelphia. 10 mn 13lh, 1846
To T. B. Peterson, Having btcn rcqueMeil
tn cive my opinion on the merits nf M'ALI.IS
TEH'S SALVE, I am willing to rnumerate some
of the bcni fits which I hnve experienced in the uae
of the arliclp.
In the spring of 1843, I had nn atlack of Ery
aipelaa in my f.ico which became very painful, and
extended into one of my eyes, being attended with
fever, my dtstresa was great and I began to be fear
ful of losing my eje. '
Although not much of a believer in nhat ia
commonly callrd qneck medicines. I purchased a
box and made en application In my fare. To my
sui prise the p iin soon ab.ited, and in a week's time
it wna entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it
was the salve, uniler Providence that cuted me.
From that time lo the present, I have used the
article as occasion required, and in every case wheie
I have ufciI it, I have found s decided benefit.
At nr.e lime, nn going loh?d at night, my throst
waa en sore lhat I swa'lowed with difficulty, but
by an application uf lhc halve I waa relieved before
I have usnd it in case of burrs, bruises, epraina,
and flesh cuts, all with Ihe hnppieat effects, snd
one case of poisoning by a w ild vine in the woods,
has breo dried upend cured by a few applications.
From my own experience, I would strongly re
coinnjeud it to all, as s cheap, convenient, family
1 have become so partial tn it, that I expect to
keep it contantly in my family.
Though not ambitioua lo appear in print, yet I
cannot refuse lo have this commniiica'inn made
public if judged best to serve the c mse of humani
ty. Respectfully thioe,
No. 36, Old York Road.
CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine
unless thenameeof James M'Allister, or James
M'Allieter Sl Co., are written with a pen on eve
Sole proprietor of the a'wve medicine.
Asskts : J. W. FRILINO. Sunbury,
Dr. WM. M BICKLEY, Danville,
J. li. CROUPE. Hebnsgrovn,
. P. C. 8HKLLER, Lr-wiehurg,
WM. F.NARI.E. Milton.
JOHN SHARPI.ES, Csttswissa.
Feb. 19lh, 1648. eowly
W TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of
Ac. This Medicine is offered to the public under
Ihe sisursnrs lhat there ia nn article in existence
having atronger claims lo their consideration. Be-
ing compounded by a regular Graduate nt Jefler
son College, Pbilsdelph s, snd s practising physi
cian nf twenty years' standing in Philadelphia, his
long experience has confirmed him in the opinion
Ihnt it compound medicine wss required to prevent
and remedy the debilitation pr duced by residing
in low, miasmatic climates, snd to counteract Ihe
pro-trating influences of many nervous disorders
with which the human family sre a filleted.
DR. ALLEN is s well known phtaician, snd
hsa used the sbsvs medicine in his practice for 8
years with Ihe most astonishing ellert, having tes
ted ita qualities in above
No medicine ever rerrived more flattering re
enmmendationa from phyticians nf eminent sUtid
ing than has been bestowed on this.
Bank of Cheater County .Westchester
Bsnk of Delaware County Chester
Bank of Oermsotown ' Germantown
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown
Doyleatown Bank Doylostown
Eaalon Bank . Easton
Farmers' Bonk of Bucks CO. Brirtol
Brink of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank fc Bridge co. Columbia par
Fsrmera Bank of I.sncsster I.sncaatei
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster
Lancaster Bank Lancaster
Farmera' Bank of Reading Reading
Harrisburg") These
Lancaster I offices
Reading jdo not
Esstnn J issue n.
Philadelphis 17
Potlsville par
Iewitown failed
Office of Bank of Penn'a.
Office do. do
Office - do do
Office do do
f?snk of the United Stntea
Miners' Bank of Potlsville
Bank nf Lewistown
Bnnk of Middlctown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Ilnrrisburg Bank
Lebanon Bnnk
Merchants' & Mnntif.
Bank of Pittsburg
West Branch Bnk
Wyoming Bank
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Bank of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chambersburg
Bask of Gettysburg
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Hnnesdale Bank
Monongahela Bank of B.
York Bank
N. B. The notes of those banks on which ws
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) sre not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh Ihe
exception of those which have s letter nf reference,
CP k S2T v OS
THIS Medicine is warranted, on oath, not to
contain partiols of Calomel, Corrosive Sub.
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
roos minerals. V; . , , .
The principle Upon which Ihis Medicine sots, is
bv sssistinc and harmonising with nature t it
drives out sll fool scrimonioos humors from the
blood snd bodv. Sod by sssimilating with snd
strengthening the gastric Juice 01 Ins stomach, H
assists d sealion t in short there Is not s voin, arte-
ry, muscle or nenrs In Ihs hnmsn body, lhat Is
not strengthened by the PANACEA, snd il also
possesses ihs remarkable properly or removing
mercury from ins lionss sntt joints.
Scurvy, 8eorbolic A flections, Tumors, Bcrofuls or
Kings' Evl , White 8wellmgs, Erysipelas, Ulcers.
Csncers, Running Bares, Scabs snd Hiles. time
snd s determined perseverance lo 11 . OWEEI.
8 EIT3 PANACEA, will effect curs.
Rejection of food, Nausea, Vomitings, Nervous sf-
lections, Eillioos eomplslnts. Heart sens, raieness
or Femsls Irregulsrities. Dr. 8WEET8Elt'S PA
NACEA will soon effect core t but if obstinste,
or sltended with griping, flying psins, lha does
should be incressed, snd the cute will soon be ef
fected. Let not the pstisnts frighten themselves
with the ides thai they srs too weak lo taks much
medicine; but bear in mind lhat this mi'dly opera.
ting medxine put not weakness into ihe frame, but
mott certainly draws weakness out, leaves strength
tn its place, snd by giving composed sleep at night,
snd an appetite to relish any food, reanimaes th
hole Irame with vigorous sclion, clearing Ihe
mind and improving the sight.
New Brighton
Browns tille
no sale
Philadelphia Sav. Ins.
Philadelphia Loan Co.
Schuvikill Wav. Ins.
Kensington Hov. Ins. A
Penn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) failed
I owanua units
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bnnk of Hearer
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bnnk
farmer 6c Mech cs Unnk
Farmers' & Mcch'cs' Bank
Farmera' &. Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bsnk of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk.
North Western Bank of Ps,
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Apr. & Manuf. Bsnk
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
(Tj All notes purporting to be on sny Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the shove lint, may be set
luwn ss Irsuus.
Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed
Uelvidete Bank Belvidore
Hurlingtnn Co. Bank Medford
Jomniercial Bank Perth Amlrfiy
Cumberland Bank Bridget on
Farmers' Bank Mount Holly
Farmera' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick
Fsrmera' snd Merchants' Bk Middle town Pi.
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City
lloboken iSKgdt Uiaung t-o Hoboken
Fayette cn.
Huntingdon no sale
Lewistown nosjle
New Hope
Port Carbon
no sale
nn rale
no sale
no sale
no sale
Wilkesbarre no sale
leracy City Bank
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' Bank
Morris County Bank
Monmouth Bk of N. J.
Mechanics' Bsnk
Mechanics' snd Msnuf. Bk
Morris Canal snd Bkg Co
Post Notes
Newsrk Bkg & Ins Co
New Hope Del Bridge Co
N. J. Msnufuc snd Bkg Co
Jersey City
Jersey City
no sate
N J Proteclon & Lomlrd bk Jersey City
IT8 CON8EQUENCE8. An eminent Profes
sor ssyst "Il chiefly sriaes In persons who lead
either every scdentsry or irregular life. Although
not regarded aa a fatal disease ; yel if neglected or
improperly Iresred, may bring on incurnble Me
lancholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitlgo, relay
and Apoplexy. A gr-at singularity attendant on
il is, that it n,sy and often does continue a great
length of time without any remission of the symp
toms. CAUSED. Grief and uncainess of mind, in
tents study, profuse evscusiions, excess in venery,
excessive use of spirituous liquors, lee, tobacco, o
pium, snd other narcoiics, immoderate repletion,
over distention of the stomach, s deficiency of the
secretion of thr I' ile or giainc juice, exposure lo
t old and damp sir, srs ihs chief causes or lu dis
ease. " , i i, i i ;
SYMPTOMS. Loss of appetite, naueel, Heart
burn, acidity, and fbsiid eructations, gnawing of
ihe stomach wknn enipiy, uiiesainesa in lbs throat,
psiu in the stiis, coelivencss, dullness, l inguor,
lownesstf spirits palpitations, and. disturbed
aleep." "
TABLE COMPOUND haa never fsiled in sITbr.
ding immediate relief, snd S isdicsl cms for ibis
Qf This Medicine esn bs had of H, B Meaner,
Hunburys J. V. Martin, J'otl.ville, Medlar &
Bickel, Orwlgsburg snd of Druggists generally.
ALLEN cV WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847 cq ly
Orange Bank . - Orange
Patereon Bank Peterson
Peoples' Bsnk do
Piinreton Bsnk Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank , Newark
Slate Bank Elixabelhtown
Slate Bank Camden
State Bank of Morria Morristown
State Bank Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co ' Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Dank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Harkenaack
Bk of Wllm St Brandywine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Hmyrtia 8myrna
Do branch Millord
Fsrmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
. Do brsncb Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
fXy Under 6 a
PTtHE subscriber is prepsred to recsivs snd sc
And Dealer, in Paper , Paper ilanufaetu. uS ri
' 's-r i t An is in m hsnilcnmi ami nitaiiinl narf of tha
No. 32 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA.
KEEP constantly on hand s largs sssort
rasnt of priottn snd other paper. Nsws
papers in the country, ess, bs suppiisd st sll
times, with paper of sny six and quality, st
Ihs lowest prices. , -. . . . .
Pbilsdelphis, June 17th, )848
town, eommsndini fins view of the Susquehau
na, Nartbumberland snd tbs scenery sdjacent
To parsons from tbs city, who wisB lo spend s
few months during Ihs summer sesson; Sunbury
attordj deligblnil retrsst.
April 8, 184. 001
(O On sll banks marked thus () there srs ei-
of the vanoua a
iher coontsrleil or altered notes
nominslions, in ri.eulauon,
Scrofula la suid lo be heriditary, the infant re-
ceiving from tti parents ihe seeds of this disease,
which increases with its yests, if neglected and
not submitted to frequent purification with D
SWEBTSEK'S PANACEA. The glands sre pi
red in the corners of Ihe body, snd out nf the way
of direct communication ; their real una i s subject
hich much dinerence of opinion prevails ; n
suffices ns to know that when in s diseased stste,
they sre cnpsble of being purified and cleansed by
long course of Ut. BWriETsEll 8 PANA
CEA, which restores them to sound nnd ptnper
sctton. Scrofulous persons can nevet pay loo much
Mention tn their blood, its purification should he
their first thought, for after a long course of perse
verance, Ihey will ever curs hereditary disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high
ly extolled ; it searches out the very root of the
disease, and by removing il from the Blood makes
s cure certain and perm inont.
For diseases of the H ladder and Kidneys, Stric.
ores. Gravel. Stone, Piles, Fistula, Uinaru Oh.
stmctinms and Extreme Costivcness. Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANCEA is Ihe best remedy ever tr.eJ ;
it removes all those acrimonious humors from the
Blood which givs rise lo ihe sbove diseases, snd
by keeping ths blood in s pure condition, insures
Impurities of the Blood, Mercurial Taint, Weak
ness of the Spine. Flow of Blood lo the Head Gid
diness, Sinking and Buzzing Noise in the Head
t 7.- it. durwTtteDia p'ir r.- ;i
HIIU IjWfi 11, u iruu i wunu - 1.--1V..1 V- 1 1 1
give certain relief; in sll severe and chronic cases.
Ihe patients cannot be loo often reminded that or.
err doses and perseverance will effect a cure.
In Chills and Fevers, Bilious Frrers, A Jfi ctions
nf the Eyes and Ears, Spongy and ISIfcdmg
Hums Ifronchitis and recent Uovgns and Corf,
Dr. 8WEET8ER'S PANACEA will be found
perfectly sure snd certain in its effect.
Thnfe complaints sre generally attended wiih
the most fatal consequences, snd are seldom or ne
ver cured by the present mode of treatment ; they
usually accompany the patient to Ihe grave, after
suffering Ibe moat excruciating pain and torture.
1 he cause or these complaints are Ihe same as all
others, Ihe dross ol the blood becomes encrusted on
the finest narrow passages, whence nns" morbid
sectctiona and stoppages of mine, i ou will nud
Ihe most powerful diuretics of no use, as they only
increase the qunntity nf urine and do not puiify
xnd strengthen th" parts. By purifying the blood
wilh Dr. SWEETSER S PANACEA, ou re
move the caune ol the diseise, consequently it can
not exist any longer, after sufficient per erance
in its use bss deprived the blood snd body of sll
acrimonious humors snd incrustation.
This is s very prevalent snd falsi disesne ; it re
sults mostly from neglected coughs, colds and bron-
chitib, also from nnpioper treatment in many ot icr
casea, such as measles, fevers, Inflammstl -ns and
small pox, and a host of other badly treated diseases;
where the cause, instead ol having lieen thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only been
palliated or removed from one part to break out in
snother. 11 y divesiing y our bodies ol sn loul du
mors, through the medium of Dr. 8 WEETSER'S
PANACEA, the eure is st ones rendered certain
and permanent. Recollect, wbils Ihers is scrimn
nioua humors floating in ihe circulation, it i as apt
lo settle on Ibe lungs as any other part of the body
this is the reason lhat consumption is so prevalent
Which you see on the exterior, come from snd
have their source in, the inteiior, snd might juat ss
well hsve rented on your lungs, liver, or any nthe
pait; which we know they frequently do, and pro
dues most violent inflammatory disorders. 1 n
bumor which occasions these sores is of s highly
scrimonions burning nature. Ws know it from
the psin it gives in forming, snd afterwards ita ra
uidlv ulcerating and corroding the flesh and skin
of the part where it breaks out This shows the
necessity of fiequentlv purifying the blood with Dr,
SWEETSER'S PANACEA, snd keeping such
malignant humors in subjection. Should you have
a bile or ulcer, be thankful that nature haa taken
trouble to warn you of the danger yooi life and ho
dy is in, for it is s wsining that the blood is foul
Had thia same acrimony selected Ihe lungs tn-tead
of the surfacs uf your body for its seal, consump
tion of Ihe lungs would havj been the 'consequence'
Di lay not then, lo purify snd cleanse with Dr.
Sweetscr's Panacea.
Spinal affections, enlargement uf the bor.ea and
joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, roo
mies, falling of the bowels and womb disease, will
find a speedy ours in Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA. Where the disease ha. been of long
standing, the time required to make a eure will be
longer; but ths patient may rest sasured that s
determined perseversncs will slfect it.
rapt humors rs sjpelled, yon hive fit mors fevt
When pstiorit Wilh fever submits to t bled, ,
hsvt his blood polloned with mercury, it srsske
his frame to su ch. degree, lhat if hs survives II
process, It slw ays, leaves blm subject lo distressit
chills, when , gross. 0U or 10 US resorts to sgi
pills powders, or. tonic mixtures; this is going Iro
had lo worse, as these regsuws pills, poweters, 4
srs nothing hat mercury snd quinine in dteguh
which may Tor s tints drivs tbs disease so far in
ths body ss potjo bs perceptible, bot very soon
win areas, out sgain with fsSrful vlotscis. To c
sgus snd, fever, ths csuss of lbs disesss most bs I
moved out pj ih blood snd body, which esn bs .
wilV T b ' Dr- SWEETSER'S P.
. rfo.whu"B '" " strength
II eonta hi nothing lhat can posslklv inlurs. Snd
ass is slwsys s sdfsguird .sg.inat chills snsj save
In ili Casib or Puss. Dr. iwrsrain
PANACEA will effect t very ttuij
moves from ihs blood, stomsch and bowels
ihnss foal scrid burning humors. whUh ..'
csuss of Piles snd Costivenest, sod, by strength
ing ine aigrsuve organs, improves svery part of
entire pony. ....
These diseases are caused by ths stomaoh t
bowels being choked up with viscid slimy mst
the sir which enters them cannot escape until for
by some contraction of tbs slomsch to expel
hence the cause of pain. A few doses of
SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince
sufferer thst relief is attained.
Psrents will find ihs PANACEA s valut
medicine for their children, keeping tbelr bodie
a healthy Condition, thereby sssisting their grov
children or grown peisons, after taking it. are
liable to be sttacked with an epidemic aa before
it always leavra the blood in a pure condition,
the i nlire system in a strengthened state ; it d'r
out all kinds of weakness from the body snd let
all healthy within.
Will find Dr. 8WETSER'S PANACEA Vm
cne purely adapted to their use. Most Indies
ring Ihe period or pregnancy are afflicted with p
Dr. Sweelser's Panacea, by regulating the bow
will entirely obviate Ihis, and its purifying pro
ties on the blood sud fluids, insures to Ihem h
my on pnng. mo one who is s mother shout.
without it, snd those who are nursinir will fin
of gieat benefit to Ihe health of their infants.
r or narrenneas and sll diseases of the worn
is without s'rivnl in theenire histoiv ami natal
of medicines; by its extraordinary itrenglhei
power, u Biimuiaiee anu strengthens Ihe worn
weakness of which is the cause of failure m I
Under this hend may he classed Palnitati,,
the Heart, Tic Doloreaux or Faccache. Neural
Indigesiion, Toothache, Melsncholj, Hysterics,
in fact, every dtsesse caused by the sharp, bit
acrimonious humors irritsting the nerves ;
nerves receive the morbid impression from ths
mach, or rather from the blood through the agr
of Ibe stomach and dige-live organs, and sliho
other parts of the body srs spparently the set
me. lum-aae, sun h is caused iy the morbid imt
si m conveyed from the blood bv ths nerves, to
pan. n lew doses of Dr. SWEET8ER'8
N ACE A w ill soon assure the nstient that h
the cure in his possession.
This is an inflammatory disoider. alwva ti
ed with more or less pain. It proceeds from
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in the blood
fluids, settling nn Ihe limbs and face, cauini
treme pain snd fevers; sll applications on the
face are worse than useless, ne Ihey only t- n
throw the disease in some other part, and per
r nusc deith. Bleeding is likewise improper,
cuie the di'esse you mut get rid of the ean. -
ly mamse t pet ihe foul humors out of your h
mid vnu will be well in a day. Dr. rVE
SEK'.n PANACEA, a thorough norifir, ,.r
blood, will s arch cut rverv impuritv in Ihe t
remote pins of the body and exp. I it througl
meiiiu-n or ine now pis. i nere is not a vein.
ry, mtiec'ft or organ of Ihe entire framewoi
man, thnt Dr. Sweelser's Panares does noi
prove. To take it when you are well Is to
weil ; and when strk to hi come well.
posed only ol a vegetable metier, or me-ltcai n
and wairanted. on Oalh, as containing not one
tide of mercurial, mineral, or chimiral substa
ia found lo be perfertlv harmles to the mo.t i
sge, or the weakest frame, under any slee of
man sullerina; the mo-l plea, nt and henia-n
operation lhat was ever offi red tn the world ;
at the same lime the most certain in sean-hing
me root oi sny complaint, however deep, an
performing a cure.
Price f I tier bottle, or six bottles for SS.
sale, wholeaale snd retail, st ths come
CHARLES and PRATT Streets. Baltimore.
Iov. 6 1R47. .y . Hunl
Time and Distance saved!
THE subscribers having leased ths Sunbury
Ferry, beg lesve to inform tbs public, that
they srs prepsred to convey Tssms, Plessurs
Csrrisges snd Foot passsngsrs across ths river
with ssfety snd without delsy. Tbsy bsve pro
vided themselves with new tnd commodious
crafts, which will slvvayi bs attended with sbls
sud csrsful bands.' "
Persons trsvslling to snd from snd through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lswisburg, Hsrtleton
and other pieces, will find it greatly to tbsirsd
vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of the
Bridges, ss tbsy would save from twe to foar
miles in distance. JOHN 8PEECE.
Sunbury, April 1, 1848 ' i M
.: No. 40. i 'i .
South Focbth Stssst, Above ChcstpvT.
wsavT.anasT.WTTT j
Jan. S9ih,'84-1 ". ,
These diiesse proved fI0;i ine ty
corrupt humors of, uiood, having settled ileelf on
Ibe throat lungs, and stopped tbem up, so thst
tney cannot draw sufficient air in for respiration.
Dr. SWEETSEK'S PANACEA will give imme
diate relief, and to Bisks lbs curs perfect snd cer
tain, il should be continued some lime sfter, to
frse the system of sll bad humors.
Find a safs snd speedy eure in Dr. SWEET.
SER'8 PANACEA, ft cures by searching every
blood vesiiel snd Briery, snd driving out sll impu
rities snd foul humors sccumulsled therein, which
is tbs cause of rtuumslitm, goal snd swellings of
tbs joints. The deleleroos effects of eslomel snd
other miners! poisons, readily yield to iu sovereign
influence ; indeed, when its valuable properties be
come folly known, the nse of sll mineral poison will
be consigned to the tomb of sH the Capttleis, snd
only be thought of ss by-gone custom of lbs dar
ker ages. Dr. Sweelser's Psnseea Is also surs
eure for dyspspsis, piles, eostivwteea, vertigo, head.
echo, psin in Ihe breast end liver eomplsint. '
Fsvsr is always saossd by a disorderly move
ment of ibe blood, straggling to fise itself of some,
thing thst encumbers k i in fed, every kind of fe
ver is nothing mars) than struggle between the
Mood and corrupt boss srs, and as soon ss the cor-
Limns sns is dabt
ess, tbs woss or rut
ths cni'sa or (siirjarrioi bats
ARE YOU A MOTHER! Yourdsrlingc
your idol snd earthly joy, is now per
confined lo her chamber by s dangerous cold
pale cheeks, her Ihln shrunken fingers, tell
hold ili e.ise has already gained upon her
sntind of her sepulchral cough pieicrs your sc
YOUNG MAN, when just shout to entei
disease sheds a heart rruhing blight over tin
prospects of the future your hectic rough am
ble limbs tell nf your loss snd hope, but you
not despair. There is s balm which will hen
wounded lungs, it is
Mrs. ATTREE, the wife of Wm. H. A
Esq. was given up by Dr. Bewail of Washin
Uis. Hoe snd McUlellsn of fhtlad-lpbia, Dr
snd Dr. Mott of New York. Her friene
thought the most die. She had every eppea.
of being in consumption, snd wss so pionou
by her physicians Shermsn's Balsam wss i
and it cured her. '
Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, nf Bull's Ferry
elso cured of consumption by this Balsam
sll other remedies failed to give relief she wt
duced to s skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dc
181 Broadway, has witnessed Sis effects in sf
esee where no other medicine afforded relief
the Balsam operated like a chains. Dr.O
witnessed its wonderful effects in caring At
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood,
ming ss it msy be, ia effectually cured by Ibis
asm. It heals ihs ruptured or wounded I
vessels, snd makes the kings sound sgsln.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth sv.
wss cured of cough snd catarrhal affection
years s anding. The first dose gave bits mot
lief than all ths othei medicine be bsd ever b
Dr. L. J. Deals, 19 Delaney street, gave it
sister-in-lsw who wss laboring under eonsumi
sod to snother sorely afflicted with ths Aal
In both casea, its effects were immediate, son
storing them lo romCiriable heslth.
Mrs. LUCRE TI A WELLS, 93 ChrUlis s
suffered from Asthins 43 years. Sbeiman's
earn relieved her at once, and she is compare!
well, being enabled to aubdue every stlsck
timely uae of this medicine. Thia indeed I
great remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting I
Liver Complaints, snd sll ths sfVctions o
throst, and sven Asthma snd Consumption.
Price SS cents snd ft per bottle.
Dr. Shermsn's Cough snd Worm Loxengei
Poor Men's Plaster sold ss sbove.
Dr. Shermsn's office ia st 108 Nassau st I
. , Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury
M, A.McCAY, Nortbumbe.
- September 1 lib, 1847. ly ,'....,',
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber
note ew book account, are hereby notifi
call end settle the same without delsy, ia '
to savs coat. : IRA T. CLEM
Sunbury, April 93, 188 ,t . :.