SUNBURY, AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. .-"3 TllE GLOBE. : ?mgrtuumd, Agricultural, and Literary 'ewipOftT. ' .'I"1' ho Editors of the Congressional Glob propose publication. To deMrrtttut patronage which frost has accorded to their report! of it debates, calving and making the Globe the official rejris thejr intend to add promptitude to whatever t haa hitherto recommended the work. They publish a Daily Gidbe, to record the proceed and debate ai they occnr ; and a Congrcsnion :obe prriodically, ai herttoforo, embodying the ts of Congreas separate from the misccllane natter which will accompany them in the daily .' To flU the sheet of die daily newspaper, it agncd to gather the hews from all quarters, and ilcte the contents by drawing from every source may be of most interest among literary novel and of great utility In scientific and pratical a on agriculture. For material, the leading ala and periodicals of France and Great Brit 'eating or such Subjects, will be consulted, and, oped; advantageously used. Original essays, ially on topics connected with agriculture, will aiiied from the most enlightened and practical f our country. - ' ; 1 Globe, as a newspaper, and as a vchical of nation and amnsomeat in other respects, will jer the charge of Francis P. Blair and Jamet 'tiett. The Congressional department and ess concerns of the paper will be under the gement of John C. Rivet. The public art lar with Blair and Rives as connected with rcss. In introducing Mr. Pickrtt as one of incern, they will be allowed to say a few i of him. He is a gentleman favorably n to the Government, for the talent and lent which distinguished his diplomatic ser; while connected with the mission to Quito lore recently when Charge d Affaires to Peru his pen mainly the Globe will derive the .ons and translations from the French jour nd periojidals, the comments on them, and ther literary articles, which will be found its chief attractions. t Globe will be published daily during the it of Congress, and weekly the balance of the and will undergo distribution in the form of ekly Globe, a Congressional Globe, and an idix. J Weekly Globe will be the vehicle of the lancous articles of the duily print, with a sis of the Congressional proceedings. i Congressional Globe will embody, as it has for the last sixteen years, Congressional pro igs and debates exclusively. t Appendix will embrace the revised speech arately, and the messages of the President United 8tates, and the reports of the Heads Executive Departments, e Congressional Globe and Appendix will blished as fast as the proceedings of Con will make a number. Subscribers may ex nc number of each a week during the first recks of a session, and two or three numbers h a week afterwards, until the end of the t. .hing of a political party aspect will appear Glolic save that which will be found in the sessional reports. A paper assuming to be partial vehicle for all sides, cannot maintain iracter if the editorial columns reflect a party The Editors of the Globe have borne their in the party conflicts of the press. They an honorable discharge from the vocation, ilobe will inviolably maintain the neutrality its relation to Congress imposes. TERMS: le copy of the Daily Globe daily during the ion of Congress, and weekly during Hie re- a year, $5 00 te copy of the Weekly Globe one r, S 00 to copy of the Congressional Globe ng the next session, if subscribed for re the first of January, 1 00 e ropy of the Appendix during the t session, if subscribed for before the of January, 1 00 x copies of either the Congressional be, or the Appendix, or part of both, 3 00 ! subscription for the Congressional Globe, I Appendix, after the 1st of January, will be ).' , The original price of one dollar docs y the expenses of the publications in rouse e of the great increase of matter published. : prices for these papers are so low that we t afford to credit (heni out ; therefore no per ted consume time in ordering them, unless bscription price accompanies the order, prietors of newspapers who copy this Pros- before the 1st day of December, and send i copy of their paper containing it marked 1 with a pen to direct our attention to it. nave their names entered on our books for py of the Congressional Glole and Appen- j . . . i. . W . inn); mt session, or one copy oi me uauy : , whichever they prefer. I5LAIK Sc RIVES, shington, October 16, 1848. Nov. 25. Assignees' Sale OF THE SINOS FURNACE. IE subscribers assignees' of Dcngler, Haas, It Co., will expose to sale by public vendue, mrsday the 8th day of February, 1849, on emises, TUB CHARCOAL FURNACE, n aa the Paxixos Fcbkacx, situate on Sha I Creek about 1 1 miles east of Sunbury and i one fourth of a mile of the Danville dc Potts Rail Road, together with coal house, two ing houses, saw-mill and other improvements, vilh all the necessary implements, necessary tk said Furnace. There are also, cut and in tavo- thousand cords of Wood, which will bo it the same time. The location is a fine one, .he country is well surrounded with good i. e Furnace ia built on a perpetual lease at a if $300 per annum for three years from April after which time, the rent may be raised to , per annum. The Furnace will be kept iu until the middle of Jan'y next. Any persona ng to view the same ean do so by calling on emises. For further particulars apply to the ribers. W.dc R. FEGELY. nbury, Nov. SS, 1848. r Tha Philadelphia Bulletin and Harrisburg lone, will please publish the above, once a , till sale, and send their bills to this office. Notice hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and ther persons interested in the estates of Jacob tSadec'd.; settled by his adin'r. Peter Snyder, cob Boush, dee'd ; settled by his adm'r. An ' Guffy, of Wm. Lemon, dee'd; settled by his 'r. Thomas Lemon, of Abraham-Eisler, dee'd ; jd by bis adm'r. John 8. Eiater, of Robert H. imotid, dee'd ; settled by his adm'r. William .awson, of Frederick Kobel, dee'd ; settled by executor Henry Latshaw, of Jacob Sliive, 1 ; settled by his adm'r. Samuel ct John, Sliive aiil Lahr, dee'd ; settled by his adni'rs. Mi I Lahr eV Abraham Lenker, of Dennis Wool- m, dec d I settled by his adm r. Wm. Fegely, lizabeth marts, dee'd settled by her adin'r. r Purse; of John Jones, dee'd, settled by his 'tors wm. It. Muencn cx Ellsha Kline, of Mi I Reitx, Sen. dee'd, settled by bis ex' tors Mi I Reits dr. Peter Reitx, of Catharine Conrad, J, settled by her ad'tor John Snvder. The so rt of Jacob Hillbish,guardian of Elias Psifer, account of Jacob Raker, guardian of Anne ikleberger, the account of Wm. Raker, guardian wis KotUermel, late of Northumberland coun lec'd. That the Executors, Administrators and jdiarishave filed their accounts with the Regis- if uiif County, and that they will be presented is Orphans' Court of said county, on Tuesday 2d day of January next, tor confirmation and vancc , , EDWARD OY8TER, Reg'r, egisters oTice . ) unbury, Vtor. 88, 1848. J itton Yam, Cottosi Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps nd Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made U loan, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, whun lined prsscrvm tattiea, jut reoaivM . . Sf lilBfiTB aJSJ Oy ... 4V7V.a, anbury, Dee. t, 1848 pLASTEft, Salt and fish, just received and for PT ' c J. W. FRILING. Sunbury , Dec S, 1848. f AP& -An assortment just received. Also, HATS at SS5, for sale by H. MASSE R. Sunbury, Dec, 3, 1848. CYRUP MOLA88E8-nperior refined Syrup Mol.iM. for -1 h HENRY MASKER. Sunbury, Dec, 3, 1848. .P1 UM 8HOES for Gentlemen and Ladies, just JJT received and far sale by I H. MABUfctw Sunbury, lcc.8 18482' AXES of a very superior quality for sale by. , v, H. MA8SER. Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1848. TJLANK BOOKS, An assortment of Blank Books, lust received and aale by ' , H. MASSER, Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. ' ' COLUMBIAN SERIES OF Slrftttmctfra. . The Pupil' $ friend and 2'earVer' tomfort. THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR. This WOrK IS aireaoy imrouueeu iiiiu wjiiio ui uic best Acadamies and a large number of Schools, where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It is purely American in its character, based upon our own beautiful decimal ivstem of currency. It contains more, the arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use , and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and expressly prepared for our Ame rican Scholar! : By Almon Ticlnor. The Youth's Columbia Calculator. This volume contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the slate. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c Tickhob's Abithmktical Tables, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys arc the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. - Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harrisburg, York, Chambcrsburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, &c, etc For sale by Hkxbt Maseeh, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. DIAMOND POWDER FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warranted far superior to any thing in use for imparting a keen, sinoothadge to Kazors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Cutlebt ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale and retail, by ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a hove Chestnut Philadelphia. - TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Feb. 15th, 1848. Thin may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in mv onin- i ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any hejetofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew what a sharp razor ws before. inY vPATT T G..r r..l It a IM.:-1 ..-i a, nun ouiv ia&rr, ti a. xinru si. PuiLADELruiA, October, 1848. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shaving; easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Roussel's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove tho most stubborn beard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 8outh Fifth Street. For sale at this office Price 25 cts. per Box. November 35, 1848 6m. Notice To the nelriofllenryM'Gee.dec'd. FIO Mi. had McGee, Rodney McGec, Dennis 1 McGee, Bernard McGec, Surah McGee, John McGee, Catharine McGee, Margaret' Ann McGee, Who have for their Guardian John McGee, Sarah ntermarried with Darnel Labev. Nancv McGec. Manaases McGee and Catharine McGee. YOU are hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Sunbury on the 1st day of January A. D. 1849, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then aud there to accept or refuse to take the Real estate of Henry McGee, dec iL, situated in Clulis quaque township, iu the county of Northumber land, at the Appraised Valuation put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the said court Of which the aloresau! heirs will take notice. JAMES COVERT, Sheriff Bhrfl. Olfiee, Sunbury, November 23th 1848 NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER. Henry Masser, HAS just received at his store, in Sunbury, an assortment of the cheapest Goods, that ever came to the place, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, LIQUORS, kc. French black Cloths, Cassinetts, &o. Cali coes, ot excellent quality and colors, price 6 to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a yard wide, at 61 cents. These are not the low priced trash articles usually sold. Muslin deLaines, of hue qual ity and patterns 18,. Handsome Terkeri and other Shawls and various other articles. The publio are requested to call and judge tor ineniseives. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. ORFXXANS' COURT SALE. TN PURSUANCE of aa order of the Or- A- nhnn Pnnat KT. I V. rv... '..' - vi .1UIIUUU1UCIMIIV VJUUJ, be sold at nublio sain, on Friday tha 2ftlh day of December next, oa- the premises, to Wit : A Certain UlHIU an. I T l nf lor,. I allna. ted la Rush township, in said County, and known H the Union Corner Slnra House, ad. . w a,.... aw, v. muvwiiw ioininir land of Jos. Ra.nW KKaH nd John PenseL containing two Acres and thirty i wo percues mora or less. Late the) jMtatS oi runnan iteea, aeo n. Bale to commence at 1 1 o'clock, A. M. of said day when tha terms oi eaie wiu matt known by .. . , JACOB REED, Adm'r By order of the Court, EDWARD OYSTER, Clk. V . Sunbury, Nor. 18, 1848. f DEATH TO PAIN RtuD to twa Biral Health lo the Weak!! A BALM is found fur the Whole Hurtian Rave la An drew!' ' PAIN KILLEP. This Is an entirely vegeta ble oompnand, composed of Twenty-Five different ingre dients, and Is an Internal and External Remedy f, the ve- ridlia Ilia thai human Aaak la &2iS , not AS, a. , li Cuueha, Colds, Pains, Narvons and Sink Headache, Rheumatism, Cuts, Rnrairis. Pninal Affections. Summer Complaints, Cholera Morbua,Tonthache, Erupt ions, Com nice, rniren rans, uurna, pcaios, Afrasia ine a ace sate Breast, Painters' Collie, Bruises, old Sores, Loss of appe tite, Ueneral Debility, Asthma, Ac. Put up in bottles lot 1, or 4 shillings per buttle. For further parrleulan see FnmnhleU to he had of every agent gratis, ctmtaialuf a brief history of the origin, discovery and goods effects of nipjiiwi- rain nuier, i;eruncaies oi unrea, airecuone. e LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant success sf Andrews Pain Killer in re moving the causes that produce death, the untimely death of millions of our rare, has induced soma men of where It may be truly said, their villainous occupations manifest their villainy, to attempt to put iu circulation spurious and counterfeit articles called ''Pain Killer," using Bctltioae nnmes for the. nrctended author, fonred certiboates, ate, Some have appeared, and others no doubt wiil appear. Let all remember that Andrews Genuine Pain Killer has the written signature of I. Andrews on the label of each bottle in black ink. Don't simnlv aak for Pain Killer, but ask for Aimrew rain nuier, ana nave no otner. 8 Jd liv M. A. McCay, Sola Agent, Northumberland j 1. W, Friling, Sunburv : John H. Roser, Milton I John R. Mryer, lllonmahurg ; Wm. A. Murray k Co, Danville Davenpnn Smith, Plymouth : Andrew Yohr, Wilkea- lario j nnjra ft jicwimci, IfllbwoaTiira i mmtniv Chamlierlniu, lewisburg i George McAlpin, Jersey Shore; J. M.Judil, Williamapoil. Oiders addressed lo I. Andrews. Inventor and only Pro prietor at Itheca Tompkins county, N. Y. Will receive prompt attention. sepiemrjer aw, imtj. iy .ateiit Air-Tight SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. THE Hbove Stove, which is equally well adapted to Wood or Coal, has received silver medals at the fairs of the American luatitute, New York ; nf the Mechnnica' lusti lute, Uiaton; of the Franklin Inttitute, Philadelphia; and of the Mechanics' luatitute, Wilmington, Debiware. It ia caMtble, if properly uaed, of doing more work, with lens fuel, thnn any oilier ijtove yet offered to the public : in winter it will wurm the luraest kitchen, while in aummer, with the aummer dreaa atlached, it throws ont no more heal than a charcoal furnace ; and for boiling, broiling, ba king, or roasting, it cnniHit be surpassed by any other Stove, 0tei lire, or brick oven. K fcujin.n r.A ua i iu.n. CKItTiriCATE or THE JtOGEa or THK MeCUAMCa' 1.1ST1- Tl'TE, UOSTO.X. We, the suhaeribera, beinir eh sen Judges by the Maasa chuaetta t'haritablo Mechnmea' Aaaociution in Boet'm, on stovra, furnace, ranges, Slc. would inform the public, that after testing alt the cooking stoves thnt were put into the Fair fr exhibition, and letting each man manage his own stove with the same kind of coal, in order to ascertain whirh would do the same work with the least fuel in the same time, and do it beat, we find that Stewart's Patent Summer und Winter Air. Tight Cooking Stove, mnuafactur ed by the patentee, of Troy, IM. Y., to be the beat, as it took but 13 minutes to boil two gallons of water and bake biscuit in the anme time, and hroil beef steak, and all done in the beat manner with seven pounde of coal, in thirty minutea from the time the fire was put into the stove. To which we awarded the ailvcr medal. ' JAMKS GOl'I.D, WALTER CORNELL, THOMAS MOULTON, A. D. WEBBER, and JAMES PAGE, Judges. The subscribers respectfully invite the attention of coun try dealers, to one of the largest and best selected stock of atovea, ever offered in this city, among which are the fol lowing : Basel. Screen Cylenders. Oven Stoves. Washington Ail Tight Cooks. Vulcan do do Eurekas do do Largo Oven do do Albany do do Willis do do McGregor Mammoth do Premiums Cook S oves. National Air-Tight Cooks. Parlor Stoves. 100 Louis Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. ISO Charles the 1st Aii-Tight do 300 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor. 130 Washineton Air-Tight do 300 McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight Coal Stoves, burning three days without atten tion. For sale wholeaale and retail by North, Harri son & Co. No. 390 Market street, Philadelphia. I'uilndelphia, July 18th, 1848- J. J. GP.EE1TOUG-E. (Late Keller i Cireenough.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Washington, D. C. DKAWIXGS and tapers for tho Patent Ollice, prepared ami all the necessary bu siness, in relation to securing patents, trans uclej, and promptly attemled to, at their of fice opposite the Patent Ollice. October 28, 1848. FIRE! TIRE!! 300 PERSONS WANTED!!! fliHE Subscriber would respectfully inform X his friends and the public cenerally. thai he has just received a large anJ splendid assortment f the Very best Stove. consisting upwsrds of 300, among which ean be loiinu Loosing stoves or different sues and pat terns, Parlor Stoves, Stoves suitable for Offices, Shops, &e All these Stoves will he sold eheap- from S3 and upwards. Likewise on hand, a large variety of Slove Pipe, Zinc, Tin-ware, Brass, keltels of different sizes, Ac. The snbacriber returns his thanks for the lib eral encouiagement received, and invites the pub ic to call ann sea bis present variety of Stoves. ice. (COId Iron, Casting, Conner, Pewter and Grain taken in exchange for Ware. B. ZETTELMOYER, Tinsmith. Sunbury, Sepf 23, 1818 3m fuhs. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR CHARLES OAKFORD, Furrier. So. 10-1. Chest nut Street, A few doors above Third, Philadelphia, would invite ths ladies In call and examine hi superior stork of Muffs, Boss. Tippels. dec. n every vsiiely, consisting of Rich Kusais Sjble, Hudson's Bay Msrltn, Norway Mailin, Mink 3a ble, Bsum Merlin, Stone Marlin, Ermine, Filch, Lynx, oVo, dee. rbese skias bsva bten sehcled with gresl esre.and are matle by lbs best workmen in the country. Lsdies inny rest sssured that no article will be offered forssl in this estsblisbroenl llist is t.ol perfect in every i expect. CH AK1.ES UAKrORD, No. 104, Che nut ttreet, between Third and Fourth it recti Philadelphia September 30, 1848 6m Oysters! Oysters!! Oysters!!! . T. SANDERS, "O ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens ol Jai Sunbury and vicinity, that he constant' lv keeps on hand the best Quality of oysters, in the shell and otherwise, which will be served up in the best style, on the- shortest notice. His establishments is opposite the Presbyterian cnurcn, DiacaDerry street, sun' bury. cmnbury, twt. b io vmo HEW CHEAP GOODS. The largest kaaortment In Town, - John W. Friling, 11 ESPECTFULLY inform his friends and JbL customers, that he has received the largest and best assortment of goods aver of- terea in Dunoury. uniiing oi . DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queentware, Liquori, , ., ' : :' Drugt Pavui and a great Taristy o( othar articles. The nublio are respectfully reouealed to call ana examine bis stock before purchasing IHWUSIf' Sunbnfy7 Nof . , l4i; I. ANDREWS, GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & PENCILS. - a. & n. aSrimTxv- . (UVeafUisarmof A. O. Bagley k Co.) -MiflcraCTvasaa r Gota Pass, P atosa " PlRCIlS, l No. 16 Maiden laAne, WevrTork. WE, the Subscrlbsrs offer to tlie trade, srul ths public gsnerelly, nur differenl style of Quid Pens, which are warranted aiiiust sl im perfect iona by fair usage, and also tube in svsry respect to any others mads. Having In. creased fscilities for manufacturing, we aro deter. mined that no pen shall be delivered fiomour es labliahment unless it is psifict VV's slso keep eonstsrrtly mn hand our superior Uold Pencils, and Pencils with Pan, which we are ensbled lo ffnr st lbs lowest rstes. All otdala sddrsssed lolha fob. scribsrs, will be carefully and promptly attended In. O. & E. M. 8MtTH.No. 16 Maiden LanaN.Y. Oct. 7, IMS 3m , CIIFAP WATC'IIES it JEtTELRT. J. & W. L. AVARD, Ns. 108 CHESNVT Street, Philadelphia, Opposite tk Franklin House, IMPORTERS of Cold and 8i!ver Patent Le ver Watches, snd Manufacturers of Jewelry A good assortment slways on hand. Cold Pa tent Levels, 13 jewels. 838: Silver do 818 to 830; Gold Lepines. 830; KiWer do. 8 19 to IS: Clocks and Time Pieces, Gold Pencils, 8193, upwsrds; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, 8I.50; Gold Brscelets and Breast Pins, in great vsriely; Esr Rings; Miniature Cases; Gusrd Chains, 819 to a5 l isted Tea &eta, Castors, t'ake Baskets, Csndlesticks, Britannia Wara, Fine Ivo ry Handled Table I'uilery, and a general assort ment of Fancy Goods. AMERICAN 8XZ.VEB. FORK AND SPOOtt MANUFACTORY. J.&W L. WARD, No. 108 CHESNU'P ft.. Philadelphia, opposite the Franklin House, Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver Spoons, Forks, Tea eti. Ladles, Ac. All work made by us is stamped with our name, and warranted to be made of purely American coin. Philadelphia, August 13, 18186 mo. FEVER AND AGUE! !! V3TH0R0UGIILY ERADICATED BY ROWAND'S TONIC MIXTIHE ! ! . THAT great National, Old Favorite. and Ster ling Remedy ! ! 1 of EIGHTEEN YEARS- STANDING still unapproacbed in ita wonder fill success, certainty, and saf ty, in the cube or WEETCHKD COMPLAINT I ! ! (XT' If you would etcape the arsenics! (po:mn. out) counterfeits tske not a bottle from any one, that is not guarded by the ' written lign'ature'' of the original inventor snd proprietor, John R. Rowan d, on a paper label, crouing the mouth and cork. This remedy hss never been bolstered up by false and decei ful puffs, but has won its way to the confidence and universal adoption of the in babitanta of Fevkk and Ague Districts BY IIS GOOD WORKS AND FRUITS ALONE, to which sll thesgents, and every person who have used it, well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 113 Arch Street Philadelphia. Agents for Sunbury Ira T. Clement, J. W. Friling, H. Masser and Geo. Bright. Agents for Northumberland Forsythe, Wil son dr. Co., R. M. M'Cay. .tugutt 3, 1848 eow OAKFORJVS UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN'. CHARLES OAK TOR 1), So. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. Would respectfully invite attention to his superior style of lists for autumn. 1818, winch will be found Ihe most perfect ever txfore offered lo the community. Its peculiar forms renders it the more di sirsbl , ss it combines sll the essentials of dure. lulity smlneatneas, requisite in that article of ilrsss wliilts his increased facilities in in manufacturing wiih all the moderu improvements, ensbles him I u 1Hallasss tbs Wobld lo produce a belli r Hat. CmLDatVs FaMcr Hats and Caps or the Latest Mona. These goods have been selected with great care, and will be found moat beautiful snd chaste in their styles. Ladies Midi so Hats ad Cars or Kntise- lt hew Pattesns. Great csrebss been bestow. ed in constiurtii'g these srticles. tbt they msy fit peifictly eay and form a graceful appearance. CHARLES OAKFORD, 104 Chestnut si. a few doors sbova Third. Philadelphia. September 30, 1848 ch June 94, 1818 ly DAGUERREOTYPE PORTRAITS OF a superior quality, handsomely colored, and pul up in beautiful Morocco Cases, complete, for onlvONE DOLLAR, st SPIELER'S CHEAP DAGDERREAN GALLERY, No, 80 14 WAL NUT Street, below Fouith, Philadelphia. All Pictures made at this establishment will be Wit bantes rsarscT. Philadelphia. Sept. 33, 1848 6m 246 aso 413 MARKET STREET, ruiisnELPaia. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OT Gold and Silver Watches. IN PHILADEDAJI1A. v Gold Levers, full jewelled, 18 caral case :i0 sml over 8ilver Levers, full jewelled $16 snd over - l.e pines " (II ana ox i Quarters, ) 6 to 1 10 Gold Pencils, I 60 Silver Tea Spoons, rqml loeoin, 4 60 Uold Pens, silver holder snd pencil. I IK) With s splendid ssaoriment ot all kinds of Watches, both gold snd silver ; Kicb Jeweliy, dec cVe, Gold Cbsin of tha beat menufscluies, snd in fact every thing iu Ilia Watch aud Jewelry line at much leas pi ices than can ba b uglit in this city or elsewhere. Plesaa aave Ihu advemsement, snJ call at ei ther LEWIS LA DOM US. No. 413 MARKET si reel, sbeva Eleveulh, north side, oi at JACOB LADOMUS, 846 MAKEET at., first alors below Eight, south side, try We bsva Gold and Silver Levers slill chsa. par than tha sbova prices a liberal discount made lo the trade. September 83, 1848 -6m LINN, SMITH & CO. WEOLESacU, 2131 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. DRTG3 t ItTeDICINES, Paibts, Oils, Olass, Die STurrs, Vabbisbeav. 4c, die. AL80 ' Pstenl Medirinas, Msdicins Chests, Surgical and ObsUlncal Inatiamsota, Chemical Testa, etc, Oiders from Merchanls or Physkisns, by letter or oiDsrwise piompuy aiienuca lo. August. 8, 1848. 8m AGENTS TO CANVA88 TOR SOME NEW AND POPULAR WORK, iri svsry COUNTY throughout the United Butes. To Agents, ths most liberal ncourstemsnl Is oftared with a small eapitsl ofS6 toll Oa A chance is offered, whersbr aa stsnl can saaka from 810 lo 888 par week For fuilbar psiliculsrs, address (postpaid) S ...aa L .W. aw m m. sr. biissi, No. 188 North 6ECOND Strsel, PbUadslpais, Sept. 8, 1646,-.6j. DR. TOWSSLND'S COHPOOD EXTRACT OF SAliSAPAUILLA. rpilIS Eatraet Is pot op In quart bottles. It s sis times -J. cheaper, plea Banter, and warranter! superior to any ii cures oiseaaes wiinout vomiung, purging, sics tiess, ot rlsbililaUng the patient, and Is parties arty adapted furs I FALL AND SPRINO MEDICINE. The great beanty and superiority of this Saraanarllla over utlier remedies Is, whilst it eradicates disease, it invigorates tha body. . Oonsumplion cured. r i , . , Cleanse and Strengthen. , , Consumption can be cured. ' ' Bronchitis, Consumption, l.iree Cmplaint, Colds, Coughs, Cslarrh, A athma, 8pitting of Blood, Soreness in the Chen, Hoctie Flusli, Nisht Sweats, Uiifi. cull snd Prufuse Kxpeetoration, ' and Pain in the Bide, have and ean be eared, rrobshry there never was a remedy tlmt haa been so suc cessful in oeapemta oaf of eonaumpUou aa this ; it clean, ses and strenglhens the system, sml appears to heal the ul cere on the Innga, and patients gradually regvui their usual health and strength. CURIOUS CASK OP CONSUMPTION. There ia scarcely s day passes but there are a number of esses of eonaumption reported as cured by the nee of Dr evST"'" S,r"P,iu- Th" f'stowing was reoouUy, re Ir f owaasarj Dest Sir: For the last three rears I lavs been afflicted with general debilily, and nervous con. nimntion of the hat stage, and did not expect lo ever gain my health at all. After going through a course of medicine n idor the ears of some of the moat diatiiitruiaiicd regular rtiyaiciana and members of the Boald of llualUi in New 1 ork and elsewhere, end spending the nvist of my earnings In attempting to regain my health, and after reading in J.1! PT r'rsanBrilla 1 reaulved to try it. After using six bottlea I luiind it done me great gowi; mid called do morhJf .,H!;,"1ei i,h vr artviee, ke,rt on, and tokh h.T. y th"!!k "ou.';,r udvil- Persevere in Zt!$ S"P"r'"ai ' ve been able t- attend to my hhW i?fii.Bnd ?ol,r f""P'la to cntinue mv fcLv'-.; a pcd mo J"""1 ,he eapectuthms sll who knew my easn. . CIIARLKS QUIMIIV prange, Essex eo. N. J., Aug. a, it,)7. '" Rateof New Jersey, Essex canity, ss.-rharlcs Ouim by he ng duly swvn according to law, mi his cth suith, thit the fntcgmiig ataternent la true aecailing In the best of hiikniiwledgcand belief. CHARLES ULIM11Y Sworn and snliseribed to before me nt Oronge. the ad Ajgiial, 1847. CYRUS BAl.uWl.N spirr.No B,Wlu",,,u' u,el'e,- Read the fll,iwing, and say that consumption is iu incn. ruble if you can : ... New York, April 43, 1817. Vt. Towksexb : I verily believe that your Surauparilkl haa been the means, through Providence, of saving my life 1 have for several years had a bad cough. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large quantitica of blood, had night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I hnve only used your Sarssparilla but a short time, and there hns a wiaidnrfnl change been wrought in me. I am now able to wnlk all over the city I raise no Mood, and my cough haa left me. You can well imagine that 1 am thankful fir these results. Your obedi ent servant. WM. RIJSSKLL, 85 Catharine st. LOST HER SPEECH. The annexed certificate tells a simple and truthful story if suffering and relief. There are thouaanda of aimilnr ca ses in this city and Brooklyn, and yet there are th.nisands of parents let their children die fur fear of being humbugged or to aavs a few shillings. . Brooklyn, Sept. 13, 1S47. Dr. TewasgKD: I tske pleasure in stating, for the bene fit of louse whom it may concern, that my daughter, two VMira and six niontha old, was afflicted with general de bility and loss of speech. She was given up as past je eovery by our family phyaiciau; but fortunately 1 waa re commended by a friend to try your Saraaparilla. Before having uaed one bottle ahe recovered her speech and was enabled lo walk alone, to the astonishment of all who were acquainted with the circumstances. She is uow guile well, snd in much better health man she has been for la months pus;. JOSEPH TAYU1R. I4S York st., Brooklyn. TWO CHIIaURHX SAVED. Very few families indeed in fact we have not heard of one lliat used Dr. Towuscnd's Saraaparilla in time, lost sny children the past Summer, while those that did not, sickened and died. The cercificate we nublish below ia concluaive evidence of ita vuhie, and is only another instance of its saving the lives of children : ur. lowssKxo Duirhiri I liad two children cured by your S-iraannrilla of the aiinuner coinpLiint and dyacnlnry; one wua only 1.1 mouth old and tha other 3 year's. They were very much reduced, aud we expected they would die ; they were given up by two resiectalle physicmna. When the doctor informed us that we must lose them, we resol ved to try your Saraaparilla we had heard so much of, but had litlle confidence, there being s much stuff advertised that ia worthless: bill we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly saved the lives of both. I write this that oth ers may be induced to use it. Yonre, rese'tfiillv, JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn, Sept. 13, 1MI7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da. Towxskxd's Saksat auilla ia a sovereign nnd apeedy cure for incipient tiitisiuuption, uud for the general pruatra ti'ai of the ayslcin jin inntler wlicther the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nothing can be more surprising thnn its invigorating ef fects on the human frame. Persona all weakness and lus silude. fnsn Inking it at once lieeome robust and lull of energy under its induenee. it immediately counteracts the nerveiessuess of the female frame, which is the great cause barrenniiui. It will not be expeeted of us, in cases nf so delicate a na ture, to exhibit cemheates of cures performed, but we can aaaure the afflicted that hundreds ia' cases have been rcpor- liii w ua. Da. TowxsEan i My wife being greatly distressed by weakness snd general debility, aud suffering continually by paiu and with other dithculliea, and having known cases where your medicine hns effected great cures ; and also hearing it recommended for auch cases ss I have described, 1 obtained a bottle of your Extract of Saraaparilla and fol lowed the directions you gave me. In a short period it removed her eompluiula and reshaed her to health. Being greatful ftf the benefits alls received, I take pleasure iu inus acKiiowuMgmg it, ana ruooinmenaiiig it to the public. Al. U. MUUllli, Albany, Aug. 17, Ml. cor. Grand it Lydia sts. PYSl'El'SlA. No fluid or mediciiu has ever been discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decomposing fond snd strengthening the organs of digestion as this pre paration ol Snrmnarilia. lt Dositivelv cures everv cnae of dyspepsia, however severe or chronic. uans AMpartment, Aiuanv, may iu, lHia. Dr. Townsend Sir : I have beeu afflicted for several ye re with dyapepsia in ita worst form, attended with sour ness of stomach, hiss of appetite; extreme heartburn, and a great aversiou to all kuals of food, and for wueks, (what 1 could ent) 1 have been unable to retain but a small porthm on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in removing the complaint. 1 was in duced, abrnit two months since, to try your Extract of Snr sapsrilla, and I must say with little confidence ; but after using nearly two bottlea, I found my appetite reatored and tha heartburn entirely removed ; and I would earnestly re commend tha use of it lo those who have been atlticted as 1 have been. Yours, Ac, W. W. VAN ZANDT. Agent for Sunbury JOHN W. FRIIJNG ; Nor thumberland, MARY A. MeCAY: Danville, WM. A. MURRAY Co., ApuiiN, lis. ly PM!., Kendall?, and Pottsvllle Rail Koad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHANGE of Hours, and two Trains Daily each way, except Sundays. On and after Monday, May 1st, 1818, two trains will run each way, daily, between Phila. and Pottsvilla. MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M. daily except Sundays. Pssses Resiling st 10 43 A. M. Leaves Poltsville at 7) A. M. daily except Sundays. Pssses Resdihg at 0 10 A. M. Tbs above Line slops at all way atations ou the road as formerly. AFTERNOON LINE FST TRAIN. Up Train, Down Train, Leaves Philadelphia at 2J P. M .daily except Sundays. Leaves Poltsville at 2 r. M , daily except Sundays. Leaves Phcenixville 3 4S " Pottstown, 4.13 Reading. 3,00 Leaves Sch. Haven, 2 37 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading, 3.30 " Pottstown, 4 30 " Phcenixville, 3 00 Arrives st Slats " Port Clinton, 3,43 " Sch. Haven, 6.10 Arrives at Polts ville, 6 30 Road, 3,30 Tbs afternoon train will slop only at the abova named alations. Passengers for other points must therefore take the Morning Line , Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vina Streets. No Passengers csn enter the Cars nnless provided with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will ba allowed to each passenger in tbess lines ; snd paasengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel which will ba at the risk of its owner. No freight will ba taken by these lines. By order of Board of Minsters. S. BRADFORD, Secretary May , 1818. If Wardrobe of Fasulonuble CLOTHING. J. W. & . D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Ko. 194 Market Street. Pint Clothing ttorebe low Sixth, , PuiLADELruiA. 117 HERB the are constantly engaged in get ' ting up from the best French, English and American cloth, clothing cut and made up in the most superior snd fashionable stylo. Persons who buy to sell, will find large and Excellent stock st tbs lowest city prices. C'othing made up to order, iaa superior stylo st ths shortest notice. ... N. B. Odd Fellows Regalia. Isris assort msnt always on hand. Orders from Lodges sad individuals promptly attended tooa the most rsa aonsblo terms. Philadelphia, June 9, itsl-ly. . OXYGENATED A SOVERI intv HEMF.DY FOR ftlTIIISlfJ, AND ' OXNESAX. DEBILITY. GEORGE B. GREEN, PiiopiunToR. Windsor, Vermont. 19 s sovereign remedy f, DYBPEPrMA, In many of an forms, such aa pam in tho Stomaoh, Heartburn, habitual Coativencss, Aeid Stomach, Headache, UintuH Appetite, Piles, Night Sweats, and even Consumption (Dyspeptie Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with deraiise menl of tha Stomach (or Dyspeptic Asthma,) Difficult Breathing, which often results from imperfect digestion (or Dyspeptic Syapnrea,) is relieved by these Bitters. Iu ahoit. their use hss b-en proved in the relief of almost all the symptoms tliat proceed from a debilitated or atonic conili tfiai of the Stomach ; also in general debility arising from age or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and Airue. Females ainTeriiur nnder env uterine denusremeiit ariaing from wenkneas, will Gisi tha "Ostoekated Uit- TBBa'' an (.vealla,., n.ul .a .IK.. -.. oine in use. . The history of Olia medicine Is peculiar, ll has made its way lo public favor solely by the ihrco of its own iutrinaic merits. No artificial moans have heea used to rive it no toriety and thruat it upon public attention, lt has never before even len advertised, but having first shown ita re markable efficacy in the Inmily of tho proprietor, and by nun ntlcrwHiils administered to hia nrTHprfd fricnila and s... quuintaiieea with a like result, its reputation gradually ex. uiimi i. an .wn iu me most distant parts ol the Union, sa a medicine of unrivalled virtues in Ihe curs of Dyapepsia in all its different forms, snd also for the cure of AHthina or Phthisic. Its only herald and ils only cul vy ties been the etorv of its ivn.i.l, ,T... .a i.,l.l mouth to mouth or by letter fr.nn friend to friend. In evo ry instance where these Bitters hove becu used, and the re suit made known to Ihe propriety, they huve proved a re medy. Numerous ccrtifientca, attesting the eiiurular efficacy of the "Oxvosnated JliTTKaa," are iu the possession ol the troprietor ; many ol them signnl by pcrsjna already widely nown to the public. OliO. B. OHEKX. Pronrietor WIXDSOK, vt., OcMer 3, IMS. ' 'V',nr" The tollowlng Cerliflenlea have recently been received t . Wamiixotox, D. C, Jvxi 10, IS48. Ilnviiur mailri nu, nt' il,a i.ri.,..-,.. in, ,-.. 1 by Dr. tic.,, u. tireen, nf W'iinlwir., Vt. and from know ledge obtnined of their efficacy in other canca, wecheerl'ullv recommend them to the public, belicvint-thutthcv willfully miatniu the rceoiuiiiendiitioi, of the Propria or. 'We hope that this valuable remedy nny Ik si u.-nerally diffused throughout Ihe e.iuntry Unit it nuiv be aicessiblo to all the smtcu-d. SAMl'EI, PIIKI.PS, ,. . . AVIL.IJAM i:pn . L. S. Senaliir Inmi ermiait. v "'"'l'tt-AD, U.S. Senator nnd f .rnwrly Govern or Kentucky. Ia II. AU.NblJJ, Member of Couirrc. .,..1 r ,r,.,ari.. n. vernor of H. I. 2 wm. woonimiDOE. r s s i ...i t. vernor of Miehiirau. y - M. L. MAUI i, Delegate ill Congress from Wisconsin Territory. From H.m. II. D. Fo.TEn, Member of Congreaa from Pcunaylvaniu. WAsitixoriiN, D. C, June 10, 16-16. Dear Sir, I have been a dv.oeitiic anflcrer for nlioui ta yeara, and have rca irted to various medicines for relief without auceeaa, until I made use of your "Oxygenated Bitters." 1 hnve used two bottles, and find myself ...-,....1 tr. , l i.i. ,1,1.- r ..... ,-.-,-r.bu ... n.,lv, . nuuiui iue lonus iu wnien ine dis ease showed itself, in my case, were, great acidity of the stomuch, loss of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe consti pation of the bowels, and violent headache. Keeling desi rona tliat a kuowlnlge of your valuable remedy may reach othera aimihrly atflicted. I take great plcaaure in record ing my testimony to ita curative power; and would also reuinrk. that while on a visit at homo a ahort time since, I administered a part of a bottle to a nuinlwr of my uftiicted Iriends, with great succss. Thev are desirous tliat you should establish nn sgeney at Pittaliurg. or inform them where the medicine can be obtained. With an earnest de sire for your prosperity and happiness, I snlwribe mvaelf, truly yonr friend II. D. FOSTER. uoct. lino. H. unEES.Winda ir, VI. Sold Whi'lesul aisl Itetnil bv Giecn A Fletcher. N'o. 26 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Agent iir winnury ii. ri. .m.?m;k. Agenta for Milton MACKAY A 1IAAO. April 13, 118 41 WESTERS SEW YORK COLI.KGJa OP HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, AT. Y. 1)11. G.C. VAUCJH.YS Vegetable Lithontriitic Mixture. THIS celebrated remedy ia constantly increasing ils fame by the iiuiuy cures it ia making ALL OVER THE WORLD. It haa sow become the only medicine for family ue, aud ia particularly recommended for JJKOl'SY : all stages of this complaint immediately relieved, no mutter of how long standing. See Hlmniplilct for testimony. GRAVEL, and all diseases of the urinary organs ; for these distress ing coiiipiuiuia ii suuuis alone ; no other article can relieve you ; and the cures testified to willcouvinee the most skep tical j sue pamphlet. I.iver Complaint, Millions discuses, rtVEK & AC.LE. : To the Oreilt West esoeciallv. uu,l wherever liiaaa link plaints prevail Ulis uieilieine ia'euereil. ISO MINERAL AGENT, no delvtcri' us eomnouud is a tairt of this mixture, it cures these digcuaea with cerbiiutv and celerity, and does not leave the system torpid. se Pamphlet. rlLKS, a complaint of s most pninful clinnicter, is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and ft cure luUnu-l hv a loiv ilitva nam nf fhisiartipU it .si far before utiv othtfr urenarution lir Ihia iiisuiiM. ir tor muv other diitoaaio urigiiwUng Iruai impure Uoud-tfu pain- DKUlLl l Y Ot THE SYSTEM, weak back, weakness nf ihe Kidnevs, Ac, or inAamma tlou ot same, is immediately relieved by a few days use it ' this medicine, and a cure is alwaya a result of iu use. It auinua as A CERTAIN REMEDY, for such complaints, and also for derangements of Uis fe male frame, IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, puiiUul meiutnutiuiia. No artich- hue ever becu i0Wetj except tla wbicu would toucu tUi kind ol' deruiLcittcnU. It may be relied ujxiii aa a sura und tftcctivo reiutdy, aud did we leel permit twl to do so nmld ivts A THOUSAND NAMES. as proof of cures iu litis diatlrvMinir claM til' eomnluiniM. 1V laniptilet. All brokeu down. deUlitated O'lisututions from the riftct of mercury, will find I be bravixuf power of iiiisj nrtti'ie uisi't iiujiieiiiiueiy. ftiiu uic potsouous uuuerul efudicatui iroiii tlicsvnteiii. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the ultcrative pninertiea of tins article. 1'UKlt V THE WsOOD. aiHl driven auch dnttiasea from the syHteiu. "frc ianiphtet for testimony of cures in all diseases, winch tho hunts of an advertisement will uot eniut to ha nnnunl here. Agents give them away j they con tan i l utiles vt' vvrlitacatcs of high cUuracLur, and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a nurliriue. never apwnred. It is one f the peeuliur feature of this article that it never lulls to beuetit in any ouse, and it b"-ne and muwle are left lo build upou let the ciuucutted and lingering unalid HOPE ON aitd keep takitur the mediciiie as knif as Uiera ia au Ua invVCUKIIV. IIS3 ve 'III in" 1 H'TIS! CAUTION THE PL'BLIC against a uumber of articles which come out under ths head of SARSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, fcc. : They are good (of uu- umia, ajui vuuvmicu vt uuu ine uuwury , TOUCH THEM NOT Their inventors never thought oi curing such diseases till this article had done it. A (tarucukt study oi th iaitt phlet is earnestly solicited. Agents aud all who sell the article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE futuitously. Put up in 30 ot. bottlea. at ftc ' Id ua. do I each the bugia hokiiitf tf os. more than two amall liot Ues. isook out and net iuitsed upu. Every buttle has 4 Vaughn's Vegetable laithontn(ic Mixture1 blown tun the gUuta, tho written signature of G. C. Vaughn" on the directions, and "G. C. aughn. Uuftuio," staiuped on ths cork. None other are suiiuine. --Pre pared by Dr. G. C Vausjhn, and sld at the Prutcipul Office, i7 Iaui street, Buffalo, at wholeaale aud retail. No attention given to let ters unless post paui-orilurs from regularly constituted Ageuls eaotpted; post pan! letters, or verbal enmmuuiea tioos suliuttuig ad v tee, pnanptly attuuded to gratis. Omcee devoted exclusively to the sale ol Uiis article 13. Nassau at. New York city ; flu6 tUscz st.Bulein. Mass.; and by the principal Druggutu Uuoughout the fuiled States and CeUUada, aa Agenu. loat of Agents. Itootn Jt ou.. Wholesale Agent PhiladeU phia J. W. Friling. Sunbury laauc Gtrlart, 8eUnsgTov C. A. Wyeth, Lewisburg II. I ftheafer, Milton Hayes McCoriuica, McKweuavdle Miu McCoy, Northumber stvud. April 1, l&lf y A TH0DSSB POLLSBS HSTEO I ASHCY & ROCAP, llaland Cap Mauuract urers, South Eatt Corner of lh and Market Street, Batemeut t(arj. . , VHILIOBLVHI A. AVK eoostanllr on hand a full sod complete assortment of HATS, UAI"S, snd rUHS. Abo sn elrasnl sssoTiment of mW anJ soys' LaghoHi, Psnsros. and Palm-leaf Hals. All ot whicb bf a sasiug of $1000 in rent, will ha sold, wholessra and retail, al tea very lowest prices. Coanlfjr deslars would do well to rail, as bj s eooomjr snJ low lanl, w sis a'nstlaj lo sail st sr nw rales. tins lOib, U48. If TESTED BY THOUSANDS AND , 7 i iinot sLT itnoTrnt i 8 - ga., H ts- Q .8... B o n iraaqiTaS INDIAN Tegctablc o o a- sk riii.ii fflf.--a-.-..V Every day is this celebrated medicine asters-tag ths siihere of its uscfuluoss, and crery year sikiiug to the long , catalogue of its triumph. . , A MIL1JON OF 1IOXK9 ara diatrftrted .n u. out full)-nieethig the demand! For some time pa, tbs sales nave been limned solely for want of facilities of sap ply. Truly this ia si universal remedy! Unhcnud, thssa pills have found their war into ths remotest corners of tha Union, everywhere proving their title a ths poor nan's friend sink man's hope the marvel snd blessing of tha SRC. For a tririiitg sum, every individual and every family may have HEALTH lNfl HKD In them for an indefinite rav riod ; and wlial is life without health but a miserable exis- ' tciare ! It is too precious a boon lo be tampered with, by tryiui all sorts of experiments upon it. The sick should use thoaa medicines only which experience has shown to be tha best. A PHYSICIAN TESTIMONY. From Cutskill, Green County, New York. Ur. W. V rigid Pear Sir : I huve found your Indian Vegetable Tills a valuable remedy in cnaes nf General De bility nf the system, and in all Billions disorders. 1 am alj pi the habit of reivnin:ViKliiig them tJ females in peculiar eases. observe them to operate ui the system without producing debility or poin. having it iu a healthy condition. June 40. HIS. Jon DoaNB, M. D. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. : From N'.a-ton Hill, Green County N. Y. Dr. Wright : AVe have used snd add your Indian Vegeta ' ble Pills for three years past, and do not hesitate to recom mend them to our friends and curtcmers as the best Family Medicuie in use. N. & L. Ramsdeu.. From Marble IlJl Pa , To Dr. XV. Wrijrht Dear Sir : For the lust two years I hnve had the agency for the sale of your Indian Vegetable Pills at this place, aiul have sold annually large quantities st 'etail. They have iu every instance given entire satisfac tion. Many families in this section keep them, and consider ihem invaluuble as a family medicine. There is no msdi" cine sold here that can be sn universally recommended as XV right's Indian Veritable rills. Yery .truly yours, February 1, 1648. XV. M. Lveexs. TESTIMONY OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The followiug letter is in reply tua note from our agent asking Dr. Bouton'sopiuron of this medicine : TuMHAaxors, August 29, 1818. . Mr. A. Durham Dear Sir : Li reply lo your note of yes tenlay, I would state, tliat I have occasionally found it con. veuiet to use the various ''Patent Pills" vended in the shops . and white I am unwilling to say anything todepreciate the value of others, lam free to confess that 1 consider Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills superior to all others with which 1 am acquainted. I have used them fiu . many years both in my own family and in my practice g::erally, and they have uniformly proved mild, certain and aafe in their operations. The care and skill with which liaise pills have been hitherto manufactured are, in my opinion, a autficient guarantee for likcgf'Htd resulta in future. Very resjMXU'ulty, B. A. Boctox, M.D. ' Mr. B in practitioner of Ion experience, well known in uud eveu beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He is a graduate of Peiuisylvuuia, and highly popular with tha people among whom he resides. Iteivarc of Sugar Coated Couuter lclls. Remember that the original and only genuius Indian Vegetable Pills have the wiitleu signature of Wm. Wright ou thv top lalicl of eac. . box. run ... Wright's) Indiau Vegetable ilU- Jolm XT. Friling, Sunbury. Henry Maxacr, Sunbury. Hays A MeConnick, McEwcnsvills. E. Ksutfinan, Augusta tp. John H. Vincent, ChUisquaque. Kaae A Bergstreaser, Elyaburg. W. Kotherinct, Little Mnhouoy. Hemen A Brother, Milton. Forsyth, WHaon h Co., Northuruberlrnd Jas. Reed, Pottsgrove. W. A R. Fegely, ShuiiKikintown. J. C. Morgan, Snyderstowu. W. Deppin, Mnhouoy P. O. Beuucvihe H ilshue, l'p. Mahonoy. J. G. Kcnn, Line Mountain P. O. llenj. Hedner, Lower Mahoning P. O. Amos T. Brissell, Turlsittsville. G. J. A T. Piper, Walsonville. E. A. Kutzner, Boonaville. II. H. Knee We, Elysburg. Olhces devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian VegeUble Pills, Wholesale and Retail, 16 Race at, PhUa delihia, 2S8 Greenwich street, New-York, and 108 Trcmun Boston. Dec. Mh. 119. ly . ; rr-7 -r ; ; ' ! V riui(able Life luNurancc, Anuulty and Trust Company. OFFICE 74 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL tfcTiO,tlUU. CltAKTEB PeKPKTCAJ.. ' ( rl'IIK Coiupaiiy are now prepared to tiansaet busiues X upon 11m iu sit liberal and advantageous terms. They are authorized by their charter (seel. 3) "to make all and every iiwuranee apiertaiuing to hie risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endow ments, anil to grant and nureliase snnuities." The Com- laiuy seli annuities and endowments, aial set as Trustees for uiiiKas aud heirs Table of Premiums required for the Assurunce of 610U for tlie wieile term of Life. a aa v a a . 1r au is ri Age. Prom. I Age. lrem. Age. Prem Id I 50 31 M 46 3 aa 17 1 SI Vrl Hi 47 3 4 H toil SI i -II 44 3'J 11' I 5f HI 37 4A 3 77 !W IHU Ui 3J 60 3114 -'I I 6.1 :i 4 II) 514 1.1 ii I tsi :i7 a 17 M 4 .HI Si I tin -2 .'.I .Vt 4 51 '-I 1 1'i 3V AM 51 4 71 '.' 1 TO 40 70 6.1 4 61 JH IM 41 8 HI 50 S IU 7 I OU ii 57 S SI !H I il 43 3 01 58 554 M Id. 44 3 I 59 5 7M 3UH0J ii 3'jl 00 6 03 Tlie premiums are less than any other company, and the policies alford greater advantages. Tables ol' hail-yearly, aud quarterly premiums, half credit rates ol pretnuun, short terms, joint lives, survivorships and endowments; also, f.rtu of Appticati-si which there are lilank sheets') aro to be hail on apoheatiou at ihe ortioe, of by lelter to the Agent, J. II. PLKDV, Sunbury. . . Rsrss roa imcbiku V1UU ou a tingle Life. Age. JO au 41) aU For I yei el ..5 3,ia F J years. Si 1,30 1.04 S,U7 3,(7 For Life. 1,10 9.04 9,70 Fi.arLi-A oeraou aged 3d yesrs next birth dav. b psviisj the tanpauy as oaiiu vAaild secure to has family or heirs vtuu aaousi ue uie oue year j or I Of a,ou nc se cures to them 81UU0; nr fur SI3 amuially for seven years be secures to them 81UU0 should he die iu seven veers; or for sv.iu.4U paid aisaually during hie be secures S100U to be paid whei he dies. The insurer secur ing bis owu bauux. by the difference in amnuiaot uraniums from those charged uy other oiDces. F SId,5o the heirs would reueive V5UUU should he die iu one year. Porn ol appucatiou and all particulars mav he had ei the oAee. J. W. CLAGHORN, President. TkEASl'BSB KSARCU V. RaWLE, H. G. Tuekett, Secretary. : " ConsciriNo PuraicLaa Dr. J . B Masser, Sunbury. j i. II. Pi but, Sunbury, Agent for Nanhumberland eoua ly. - , . SuuUury, July 8, 1848 JACOB KECK, WIIOLESALB AND RETAIL ViXK AND Li4VOR DEALER No 593 .L'orttf Street, Bebui Eighth, North tid. . 1'aitEBEi.raiA. Keeps eoostsnll oa bsnd all kind of olj Lis quor, vis i Superior old rye whiskey superior, Brandy, Gin, fee. Also whits brandy for pressr ing, Wild Charryand Blackberry brandy. Philadelphia, June 8, 1848. ly JUSTICES' BLANKS . FOR SALE AT THIS OFFWt V