Annual Message Of thi President ofjht United States, to thsScnateand&useof Representatives in Congress assembled. ' Under the benignant Providence of Almigh ty God, the representatives of the States and of the people are again brought together to deliberate lor the public good. The grati tude of the nation to the sovereign Arbiter of II human events, should be commensurate with the boundless blessings which we enjoy. Peace, plenty, and contentment reign throughout our borders, and our beloved eoun try presents sublime moral spectacle to the The troubled and unsettled condition of some of the principal European powers has had a necessary tendency to check and em barrass trade, and to depress prices through out all commercial nations, but notwithsthnd ing these causes, the United States, V ith their abundant products, have felt their effects less severely than any oilier country, and al our great interests are still prosperous and successful. In reviewing the great events or the past year, and contrasting the agitated and distur bed'state of other countries with our own tran quil and happy condition, we may congmlH late ourselves that we are the most favored people on the face of the earth. While the people of othi-rs countries are struggling to establish free institutions, under which man may govern himself, we are in tho nctunl en joyment of tluni a rich inheritance from our fathers. While enlightened nations of Europe are convulsed and distracted by civil war or intestine strife, we settle all our poli tical controversies by the peaceful exercise of the rights of freemen nf tho ballot-box. '1 he great republican maxim so deeply engraven mi ihn hrm ls of our nconle. that tho will of the majority, eonstitutioiiiilly expressed, shall prevail. is our sure aieirunra ngmiisi force and violence. It is a subject of just prule, that our fame and character as a nation con tinue rapidly to advance in the estimation of the civilized world. To our wise and free institutions it is to be attributed, that while other nations have achieved glory at the price of the suffering, distress, and impoverishment of their people, we have won our honorable position in the midst of an uninterrupted pros perity, and of an increasing individual corn tort and happiness. I am happy to inform you that our relation with all nations are friendly and pacific. Advantageous treaties of commerce have been concluded within the last four years with New Grenada, Peru, the Two Sicillies, Belgium, Hanover. Oldenburg, and Mecklen burg Schwerm. Pursuing our example, the restrictive system of Great Britain, our prin cipal foreign customer, has been relaxed, a more liberal commercial policy hag been a dopted by other enlightened nations, and our ttade has been greatly enlarged and extended. Our country stands higher in the respect of the world than at any former period. To continue to occupy this proud position, it is only necessary to preserve peace, and faith fully adhere to the great and fundamental principle of our foreign policy, of non-interference in tho domestio concerns of other nations. We recognise in nil nations the rights which we cnjny ourselves, to change nnd re form their political institutions, according to their own will and pleasure. Henco we do not look behind existing governments, capa nle of maintainiug their own authority. We recognise all such actual governments, not on ly from the dictates of true policy, but from a sacred regard for tho independence of na tions. While this is our settled policy, it does not follow that we can never bo indifferent spec tators of tho progress of liberal principles. The government and people of the United States hailed with enthusiasm and delisrht the establishment of tha French republic, as we hail now the ettorts in progress to unite the States of Germany in a confederation, slmilaj in many respects to our own federal Union, If the great and enlightened German States, occupying, as they do, a central and commanding position in Europe, shall succeed in establishing such a confederated govern ment, securing at the same time to the citi zens of each State, local governmentsadapted to the peculiar condition of each, with unre stricted trade and intercourse with each other will' be an important era in the history of hu man events. Whilst it will consolidate and strengthen the power of Germany, it must es sentially promote the cause of peace, com merce, civilization and constitutional liberty throughout the-world. With all the governmentson this continent our relations, it is belirved, are now on a more friendly and satisfactory footing than they have ever been at any former period. Since the) exchange of ratifications of tho treaty of peace with Mexico, our intercourse with the government of that republic has been of tha most friendly character. The Envoy cxiraoruinary ana .Minister i'lenipotentiary 01 me L imea states 10 Mexico nas been re ceived and accredited ; and a diplomatic re presentative from Mexico of similar rank has been received and accredited by this govern ment. The amicable relations between the two countries which had been suspended have been happily restored, and are destined, i irusi, 10 oe long preserved. I no two re publics, both situated on this continent, and with coterminous territories, have evory mo tive of sympathy and of interest to bind them together in perpetual amity. The gratifying coudiliui of onr foreign re lations renders it unnecessary for me to call vour attention more specifies lv to them It has been my constant aim and desire to cultivate peaco and commerce with u na lions. Tranquility at home, and peaceful re lations abroad, constitute the true permanent policy of our country. War, tho scourge of nations, sometimes becomes inevitable, but is always to be avoided when it can be done consistently with the rights and honor of the nation One of tho most important results of the war into which we were recently forced with a neighboring nation, is the demonstration it has afforded of -the military strength of our country, tie to re t lie late war with Mexico European and other foreign Powers entertain eil unpertect anil erroneous views ot ourphy sical strength as a nation, nnd of our ability to proscule war, and especially a war waged out ot our own country, l hey saw that ou standing army on the peace establishment did not exceed ten thousand men. Aocustomed themselves to maintain peaco large standing armies for the protection of thrones against their own subjects, as well si"' iuii-ijjii enemies, mey nau 1101 con' ceived that it was possiblo for a nation with oui Bucii an army, well uiciplined and ot Ion service, to wage war successfully. They held in low repute our militia, and were far iroin regnnuiiR iimm as an etlective torce, unless it might be for temporary defensive o pe rations when invaded on our own soil. The events of the late war with Mexico have not only undeceived, them, but have removed er roneous impressions which prevailed to some extent even among a portion of our own countrymen. That war has demonstrated, that upon the breakink out of hostilities not anticipated, and for which no previous preparation had been made, a volunteer army of citizen soldiers e qual W veteran troops, and in numbers equal to auy emergency, can in a short period be brought into the field. Unlike what would have occurred in any other country, we were under no necessity of resorting to draughts or conscriptions. On the contrary, such was the number of volunteers, who patriotically ten dered their services, that the chief difficulty was in making selections and determining wh should be disappointed and compelled to remain at home. Our citizen-soldiers are un like those drawn from tha population of any other country. They are composed indiscri minately of all profession! and pursuits far mers, lawyers, physicians, merchants, manu facturers and laborer ; and this: not vnly a mong the officers,' but the privates in the ranks. Our citizen-soldiers are unlike those of any other country in other respects. They are armed, and have been accustomed from their youth up to handle and use fire-arms; and a Urge proportion of them, especially in the western and more newly settled States, are .expert marksmen. They are men who have a reputation to maintain at home by their good conduot in the field. ' ' ; They are intelligent, and there is an indi viduality of character which is found in the ranks of no other army. In battle, each pri vate man, as well as every officer, fights not only for his country, but for glory and distinc tion among his fellow citizens when he shall return to civil life. The war with Mexico has demonstrated not only the ability of the government to or ganize a numerous army upon a sudden call, but also to provide it with all the munitions and necessary supplies with despatch, con venience, and ease, and to direct its opera tions with efficiency. The strength of our institutions has not only been displayed in the valor and skill of our troops engaged in active service in the field, but in the organi zation of those executive branches which were charged with the general direction and conduct of the war. While too great praise cannot be bestowed upon the officers and men who fought our battles, it would be unjust to withhold from those officers necessarily stationed at home, who were charged with the duty of furnish ing the army, in proper time, and at proper places, with ull tho munitions of war anil o ther supplies so necessary to make it efficient, tho commendation to which theyaro entitled The credit duo to this class of our officers is tho greater, when it is considerd that no ar my m ancient or modern times was ever bet ter appointed or provided than our army in Mexico. Operating in an enemy's country, removed two thousand miles from the seat of the fed eral government, its different corps spread o ver a vast extent of territory, hundieds and even thousands of miles apart from each other, nothing short of the untiring vigilance and extraordinary energy of these officers could have enabled them to provide the army at ail points, and m proper season, witn nil that was required for the most efficient ser- ice. It is but an act of justice to declare that 10 officers in charge of the several executive means; al under the immediate eye and su pervision ol the secretary ot W ar, pertormeu their respective duties with ability, energy and erliciency. J. hey have reaped less of the glory ot war, not havinc been personally exnosed to its per ils in battle, than their companions in arms; but without their forecast, efficient aid, and co-operation, those in the field would not nave been provided with the ample means thev nossessed nf nrhinvintr for themselves and their country the unfading honors which thev have won for both When all these facts are considered, it may cease to be a matter of so much amazement abroad, how it happened that our noble army in Mexico, regulars and volunteers, were vic torious upon every battlefield, however tear ful the odds amunst them. The war with Mexico has thus fully de veloped the capacity of republican govern ments to prosecute succesfullv a iust and ne cessary foreign war with all the vigor usually attributed to more arbitrary lorms ot gov ernment. It has been usual lor writers on publio law to impute to republics a want of that unity, concentration of purpose, and vi gor ot execution, which are generally admit ted to belong to the monarchical and aristo cratic forms : ami this featu.e of popular gov ernment has been supposed to display itself more peculiarly m the conduct ot a war car ned on in an enemy's territory, ihe war with Great Britain, in 1812, was a great ex tent confined within our own limits, and shed uui utile limit on tnis suuiect nut the war which we have just closed by an honorable peace, evinces beyond all doubt that a popu lar representatives government is equal to any emergency which is likely to arise in the atlairs ot a nation. The war with Mexico has developed most strikingly and conspicuously another feature in our institutions. It is, that without cost to the government or danger to our liberties, we huve in the bosom of onr society of freemen. available in a just and necessary war, virtual ly a standing army ot two millions of armed citizen-soldiers, such as fought the battles of JMexico. But our military strength does not consist alone in our capacity tor extended and sue ccssiui operations on land. 1 be navy is an important arm of national defence. If the services of the navy were not so brilliant as tnose ot the army in the lute war with Me co, it was because they had bo enemy to meet on their own element. While the army had opportunity of performing more conspicu ous service, the navy larcelv participated in the coduct of the war. Both branches of the service performed their whole duty to the country. For the able and gallant services of the of ficers and men of the navy acting independ ently as wbm as in co-operuuon wim our troops iu the conquest of the Califomias, the cap ture oi vera uruz, and the seizure and occu pation ot other important positions on the I'a cific coasts, the highest praise is due. Their 1 J I 'll 1 , .1 vijjnance, energy aim skiii rendered ine most effective service in excluding mututions of war and other supplies lromtlie enemy, while mey secured a sale entrance lor abund ant supplies for our own army. Onr eX' tended commerce was no where interrupted und fur this immunity from the evils of war tne country is indebted to the navy. 1 1 no t resident says tho concert of action between the army and navy on the Pacific and Gulf operated to great advantage and that me great results will tend powerlully to pre serve as from foreign collisions.! Within less than four years the annexation ot Jexasto tne union has been consumma ted : all conflicting title to the Oregon Terri tory south of the forty-ninth degrea of north latitude, being ull that was insisted by any of my predecessors, nas been adjusted, and New Mexico and Upper California have been acquired by treat y. the areaot these sever al territories, according to a report carefully Prepared by the Commissioner of the General nnd Office from the most authentic informa tion in his possession, and which is herewith iransmiued, contains 1,193,061 square miles, or 763,559,040 acres, while the area of the remaining 2 Slates, and the territory not yet organized into States east of the Rocky Moun tains, containing 2,059,513 square miles, or ISO 1 Arii rsl . . i,djo. i.u,ujo acres, inese estimates show that the territories recently acquired, and over which our exclusive jurisdiction and do minion have been extended, constitute a country more than half as large as all that which was held by the United States before their acquisition. If Oregon be excluded from the estimate, there will still remain within the limits of Texas, New Mexico, and California, 851,598 square miles, or 545,012,720 acres; being an additien equal to more than one third of all the territory owned by the United States be fore their acquisition ; and, including Oregon, nearly as great en extent of territory as the whole of Europe, Russia only excepted, The Mississippi, so lately the frontier of our coun try, is now only its centre. With the addi tion of the late acquisitions, the United States are now estimated to be uearly as large as the whole of Europe. .,, , , It is estimated by tha superintendent of the coast survey, in the accompanying report, SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N that the extent of the seacoast of Texas on the Gulf of Mexico is upwards of 400 milles, of the ooast of Upper California, on the Pad flo, of 970 miles J and of Oregon, including the Straits of Fuoa, of 660 miles ; making the whole extent of seacoast on the Paoifio 1,620 miles, and the whole extent on both the Paci fio and the Gulf of Mexico 2,0S0 miles. The length of the coast on the Atlanlio from the northern limits of the United States, around the Capes of Florida to the Sabine, on the Eastern boundary of Texas, is estimated to be 3,100 miles; so that the addition of sea coast, including Oregon, is very nearly two thirds as great as all we possessed before ; and excluding Oregon, is an addition of 1,370 miles ; being nearly equal to one half of the extent of coast which we possessed before these acquisitions. We have now these great maritime fronts on the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific makinir in the whole, an extent of seacoast exceeding S000 miles. This is the extent of the seacoast of the United States, not including bays, sounds, and small irregu- 1 : . : -f . 1. . -V nn,4 .f tlia ann IttlltltTS UJ UIU lllltlll OIIU Ul lliu islands. If these be included, the length of the shore line of coast, as estimated by the suiHTiinenueni oi me cuusi Buivey, in ma ic port, would be 33,063 miles. Such an immense sea const in the hands of foreign power would be, he says, dangerous to our peace. Tho depot of tho vast commerce which must exist on the Pacific will probably be at some point on the bay of San Francisco, and will occupy tho same relation to tne wnoie western coast of that ocean, as New Orleans docs to tho valley of the Mississippi and the gulf of Mexico. To this depot our numerous whale ships will resort with their cargoes, to trade, refit, and obtain supplies.' This of it self will largely contribute to buildup a city which would soon become the centre of a great and rapidly increasing commerce. Situ ated on a safe harbor, sufficiently capacious lor all the navies as well as the marine oi the world, and convenient to excellent timber for ship building owned by the United States it must become our great western naval depot. It was known that mines of the precious metals existed to a considerable extent in California at the time of its acquisition. Re cent discoveries render it probable that these mines are more extensive and vnluabio than was anticipated. The accounts of the abun dance of gold in that territory are of such an extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief, were thev not corroborated by the authentic reports ot otneers in tne publio service, who have visited the mineral district, and derived the facts which they de tail from personal observation. Reluctant to credit the reports in general circulation ns to the quantity ot cold, the oiticer commanding onr lorces in California visited the minora district in July last, for the purpose of obtain ing accurate information on tho subject. Hi report to the War Department of tho result of his examination, and the facts obtained on the spot, is herewith laid belore Congress When he visited the country, there were a bout 4000 persons engaged in collecting gold There is every reasou to believe that the number ot persons so employed has since been augmented. The explorations already made warrant the beliet that the supply is ve ry large, and that gold is lound m various placesin extensive districtsof country. Information received from officeis of the navy and oilier sources, though not so full and minute, confirm the accounts of the comman der of our military force in California. It appears also, from these reports, that mines of quicksilver are found in the vicinity of tho gold region. One of them is now being work ed and is believed to be among the most pro ductive in the world. The effects produced by the discovery of these rich mineral desposites aud the success which has attended the labors of those who have resorted to them, have produced a sur prising change in the state of affuirs in Cali fornia. Labor commands a most exhorbitant price, and all other pursuits but that of search ing for the precious metals are abandoned Nearly tho wnole of the male population of the country have gone to the gold district. Ships arriving on the coast are deserted by their crews, and their voyages suspended for want of sailors. Our commanding officer theie entertains apprehensions that soldiers cannot be kept in the public service without a largo increase of pay. Desertions in his command have become frequent, and he re commends that those who snail withstand the strong temptations and remain faithful, should be rewarded. This abundance of gold, and the all engros sing pursuit of it, have already caused in California an unprecedented rise in the price of the necessaries of life. That we mav the more speedily and fullv avail ourselves of the undeveloped wealth of these mines, it is deemed of vast importance that a branch of the mint of the U. States be authorized to be established, at your present session, in California. Among other signal ad vantages which would result from such an es tablishment would be that of raisiug the gold to its par value in that territory. A branch mint of the United States at the great com mercial depot on the west coast, would con vert into our own coin not only the gold de rived trom our own rich mines, but also the bullion and specie which our commerce may bring from the whole -west coast of Central and South America, The west coast of A- merica and the adjacent interior embrace the richest and best mines of Mexico, New Grenada, Central America, Chili and Peru. the bulliou and specie drawn trom these countries, and especially from those of West ern Mexico and Peru, to an amount in value of many millions of dollars, are now annually diverted and carried by the ships of Great Bri tain to her own ports to be recoined or used to sustain her National Bunk and thus contri bute to increase her ability to command so much of the commerce of the world. IThe acnuisition of California, the settlement of the Oregon boundary, and tho annexation of Texas extending to the Rio Grande, are re sults which combine one of greater conse quence, and will add more to the strength and wealth of the nation than any which have preceded them since the adoption of the Constitution, but to effect these great resuits it is our solemn duty to provide for New Mex ico and California organized territoral Gov ernments. The causes of the failure to do this at the last session of Congress are well known and deeply regretted. In view of the high and responsible duties which we owe to ourselves and to mankind, you may be able, at the present session, to approach the adjustment of the only question which seriously threatens or probably ever can threaten, to disturb the harmony and successful operation of our sys tem. The question is believed to be rather ab stract than practical, whether slavery ever can or would exist in any portion of the ac quired Territory, even it it were left to the option of the sluveholding States themselves. From the nature of the climate and produc tions in much the larger portion of it, it is certain it never could exist, and in the re mainder, the probabilities are it would not. But however this may be, the question, in volving as it does, a prinoiple of eqaliiy of rights, of the seperate and several States as equal co-partuer in the confederacy, should not be disregarded in organizing Governments over these Territories. No duty imposed on Congress by the constitution requires that they should legislate on the subject of slavery while their power to do so is not only seriously questioned, but denied by many of the sonnd est expounders of that instrument. Whether Congress shall legislate or not, the people of the acquired territories when as sembled in convention to form safe constitu tions will possess the sole and exclusive pow er to determine for themselves whether la- very shall or shall not exist within their li- I mils. If Congress shall abstain from inter- tering witn the question tne people ot inese pctmjo wim mexico, i recommenaeu m -territorieswill be left free to adjust it as they aoption of measures for the speedy payment mar think nroiier. when thev armlv for ad- of the publio debt. In reiterating that re mission as States into the Union. I ble o enactmenr ot congress could restrain the people of any of the sovereign States of the Union, old or new, North or South, slave- holding or non-slaveholding, from determine ing, the character of their own domestio in stitutions as thev may deem wim and nrorter. any and all the States possess this right, and congress cannot deprived them of it. 1 11 the whole subject be referred to tne ju diciarv. all tnrts nf tho ITninn should cheer- tuny acquiesce in the final discretion ot tins tribunal.! , .. " . r---- - . .. . . .. 7. ! JHe recommends the Mineral lands to be sold in New Mexico in small quantities yso i;ar irom entertaining apprehensions 01 territory, the belief is confidently entertain- made by Congjess shall not exceed the a ed that each new State Hven strength and an mount estimated, the means in the treasury additional gunranty for the preservation of the Union itself ITho liouidation of American claims against Mexico is recommended. By the ratification of the treaty Commis sioners are to meet at San Diego on the 30th of May, 1848 to run the boundary to tho mouth ot the Del Norte. 1 The Indian War in Oregon is referred to. No authority having been granted to raise troops orders were given to tho Stiuadron on the l'acihc to Rfford assistance. The cause of the difficulty is delay of tho U. States on ma. king a trifling compensation of a few thou sand dollars in presents, for the land.l ihe secretary ot the Treasury will present in his annual report a highly satisfactory statement of tho condition of the finances. The imports for the fiscal year ending on tho 30lh of Juno Inst were of tho value of $154,977,876, of which Ihe amount exported was $21,128,010, leaving 8133,849,866 in the country tor domestic use. 1 ho value ot tho exports for the same pe riod was $154,032,131, consisting of domes tic productions amounting to 132,904, 121, and 21,128,010 dols., of foreign articles. The receipts into the treasury for the same period, exclusive of loans, amounted to 35,- 436,750 dols., and 59 cents; of which there was derived from customs 31,757,070 dols. and 96 cents ; from stiles of public lands, 3.. 328,642 dols., and 56 cents; nnd from mfscel. i i : : i ,i . ok, ni "y IfllltHUS film JIIUUllllUl SUUlCft, O.Pl,vJI uuio.j and 7 cents. It will be perceived that the revenue from customs for the last fiscal year exceeded by 757,070 dols., and 96 cents the estimate of Ihe Secretary of the Treasury in his last an mial report ; and that the aggregate leceipts during the same period from customs, lands and miscellaneous sources, also exceed the estimates by the sum of 536,750 dols., nnd 59 cents indicating, however, a very near approach in the estimate to the actual result. The expenditures during tho fiscal year ending on the 30th of June last, including those for the war, and exclusive of payments of principal and interest for the public debt, were 42,811,970 dols., and three cents. It is rstimntrtl that the receipts into llic trrnni' rv for the fiscal year ending on the 30. of June, 1849, incluilinir the balance in the treasury on tlio first of July last, will amount to the sum of 57,- 048,969 90: of which 833,000,000, it is cstima ted, will lie derived from customs ; three millions of dollars from the sale of public lands ; and one million two hundred thousand dollars uom mis cellaneous and incidental sources, including the premium upon the loan, aud th.9 amount paid nnd to le paid into the treasury on account of military contributions in Mexico, and the sales of arms and vessels and other public property rendered untft eessnry for the use of the government by the ter mination of the war; and $20,695,435 30 for loans already negotiated, including treasury notes funded, which, together with tne balance in the treasury on tho 1. of July lt, muke the sum csti mated, The expenditures for the same period, including the necessary payment on account of the princi pal and interest or the public debt, and Hie pnnci. pal and interest of the first instalment due to Mc xico on the 30. of Mav next, and other cxpemli. tures growing out of the war, to be paid during the present year, will amount, including the rcim hurscment of treasury notes, to the sum ot ai.iya, 275 06 : leaving an estimated balaneo in the tres ury on the 1. of July, 1849, of 2,853,604 84 cts. 1 he Secretary of the Treasury will present, as required by law, the estimate of the receipts and expenditures for the next fiscal year. The expen ditures as estimated for that year are $33,213,152 73 cts. including $3,799,102 18 for the interest of the public debt, and $3,540,000 for the principal and interest due to Mexico on the 30. May, 1850; leaving the sum of 25,874,050 35 J which, it is be lieved, will be ample for the ordinary peace expen ititures. The operations of the tariff of 1846 have been such during the past yeur as fully to meet the pub lic expectation, and to confirm the opinion hereto fore expressed of the wisdom of the change in our revenue system winch was enected by it. 1 be re. ceipts under it into the treasury for the fiscal year tier its enactment exceeded by the sum of 5,44,. 403 09 the amount collected during the last fiscal year under the tariff set of 1842, ending the 30th June, 1846. The total revenue realized from the commencement of its operation, on the 1. of Dec 1846, until the close of the last quarter, on the 30. Sept. last, being 22 months, was $56,654,563 79 being a much larger sum than was ever before received from duties during any equal period under the tariff act of 1824, 1828, 1832 sod 1842. Whilst by the repeal of highly protective andpro- hibitory duties the revenue has been increased, the taxes on the people have been diminished. 1 hey been made lor the transportation of the Paci have been relieved from the heavy amounts with I fio mails across the isthmus from Chagres to wnirn mey were uuruenea unuer lormer laws in the form of iucreasd prices or bounties paid to (a- vored classes and pursuits. I he prcdicUons which were made, that the tariff net of 1846 would reduce the amount of revenue expected to enter upon the mail service be below that collected under the act of 1842, and tween Pnnnmn mul fWrrnn nnd ibo intoro. um . uua.,.. ...u .uu, i diate ports, on the first ot January next, and a penty of the country, have not been verihed. W ith fourth httg hoen engaged by him for the ser- an increased and increasing revenue, the finances vice between Havaaa and Chagres, so that a are in a highly flourishing- condiUou. Agriculture, rern,lar monthlv mail will T kpnt ,,n r. commerce, and navigation, are prosperous; the prices of manufactured fabrics, and of other pro ducts, are much less injurioesly atl'ocujd than was to have been anticipated, from the unprecedented revulsions, which during the last and the present year, have overwhelmed the industry and naruly xcd the credit and commerce of so many great and enlightened nations of Euroc. Several commercial revulsions abroad huve always heretofore operated to depress, nnd often to affect disastrously, almost every bruncn ot American industry, the tempora ry depression of a portion of our maiiufactur lug interests is the c-i.cct ot foreign causes, and is far less severe than has prevailed on an loimer similar occasions. It is believed that, looking to the great ag gregate of all our interests, the whole country was never more prosperous than at the pre sent period, and never more rapidly advanc ing in wealth and population. Neither, the foreign war in which we have been involved, nor tne loans wmcn nave absorbed so larce portion of our capital, nor the commercial re vulsions in Great Britain in 1847, nor the pa ralysis of credit and commerce throughout Europe in 1848, have affected injuriously to any considerable extent any ot the creat in terests of the country, or arrested our onward marcn to greatness, wealtn and power. u., tho ..i,o., ; u,. red, our commerce would undoubtedly have been stiU more extended and would have ad- ded still more to the national wealth and pub- ho prosperity. But notwithstanding these disturbances, the operations of the revenue system established by the tariff act of 1846 JUU,,U "UK1 Br M scheme ot internal im hava been so srenerallv beneficial to tha . Pro.vett?rils. The several branches of this ernment and the business of the country, that fx T . i"ay?' era M ntlmtely blended no change in its provisions is demanded by a T t! 1 J" he' OP8110" acl sustain wise publio policy, and none is recommended. flJ!.- ,trenB,hened the others. Their joint The Constitutional or Sub-Treasury, is highly lauded. Under its extensive operations not dollar ha been lost, notwithstanding the revulsions in Em-one. lis M,,iin,,.n JOURNAL. In my message of the sixth of July last, transmitting to Congress the tatified treaty of commendation. I refer you to the considera " presented in mat message in its support, The publio debt, including that authorized to be negotiated, in pursuance of existing laws, and including treasury notes, amounted at mai ume io od,i78,45u uols.. and 41 cents. Funded stock of the United States, amount ing to about half a million of dollars, has been purchased, as authorized by law. since that period, ana tne publio debt has thus been re 3 I . ,1 r t i .,, auced ; the details of which will be presented m me anuuai repori oi ine secretary oi me Treasury. .i--- . .!.,.. ...... The estimates of expenditures for the next fiscal year, submitted by the Secretary of the ireasury, u js ueiieveu win ue nmpie iur an necessary Purposes. If the appropriations will be sufficient to defray all the expenses of the government ; to pay off the next in- stalment of three millions ot dollars to mexi co, which will fall due on the 3Utn ot jxiay next : and still a considerable surplus will re main, which should be applied tc the further purchase ol the public stocK and tne reduc tion ot the debt. f A branch Mint is again recommended at New York as well ns the reduction of the price of the unsold public lands. Our present Military establishment is con sidered sufficient as long as our peaceful rela tions are disturbed. J the .military contributions collected in Mexico exceeds $1,100,000. Our Indian relations are presented in a most favorable view in the report from the War Department. The wisdom of our policy in regard to the tribes within our limits, is clearly manifested by their improved and rapidly improving condition. A most important treaty with the Menom- onies has been recently negotiated by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs in person, by which all their land in the blate ot Wiscon sin being about four millions of acres has been ceeded to the United States. This treaty will be submitted to the Senate for ratification at an early period of your present session. c. Within the last four years, eight important treaties have been negotiated with different Indian tribes, nnd at a cost of 1,842,000 dols.; Indian lands to the amount of more than 18,500,000 acres have been ceded to the Uni ted Stales, and provision has been made tor settling in the country west of the Mississippi the tribes which occupied this large extent of tho public domain. The title to all the Indi an lands within the several States of our Uni. on, with the exception of a few small reser vations, is now extinguished, and a vast re gion opened for settlement and cultivation. Iholteportot the Secretary ot tne invy gives a satisfactory exhibit of tho operations and condition of that branch of the publio service. The contract for the transportation of the mail in steamships convertible into war steamers, pro. misc to realize nil the benefits to our commerce and to the navy which were anticipated. The first steamer thus secured to tho Government was launched in Jnnuary 1847. There ore now scv en i nnd in another year there will, probably, be no less than seventeen afloat. While this great na tional advantage is secured, our social and com mercial intercourse is increased and promoted with Germany, Great Britain, and other parts of Eu- roiie, with all the countries on tho YV est Const of our continent, especially with Oregon and Califor nia and between the northern and southern sec. tions of tho United States. Considerable revenues may 1 expected from postages; but tho connec ted line ffom New York to Chagros, nnd thence across the isthmus to Oregon, cannot fail to exert a liencficinl influence, not now to be estimated, on the interests of Ihe manufacturers, commerce, nav. igation and currency of the United States. As au important part of the n stein, I recommend to your fuvorsblc consideration the establishment of the proposed line of steamers between New Orleans id era Cruz. It promises tho most happy rc suits in cementing friendship lictween the two re publics, and in extending reciprocal benefits to the trade and manufacturers of both. The report of tho Postmaster General will make known to you the oiwrutions of that department lor tne past year. It is gratifying to nnd the revenues of the dc pnrtment rapidly increasing. The gross amount of postages during the last fiscal year amounted to 4,371,077 dols., exceeding the annual average re ceived for the nine years immediately preceding the passage ot the act af the 3. of March, 1815, by the sum of 7,453 dols., and exceeding the amount received for the year ending the 13. of June, 1847, by the sura of 425,184 dols. i he expenditures for the year, excluding the sum of 94,672 dols. allowed by Congress at its session to individual claimants, and including the sum of one hundred thousand five hundred dollars paid for the services of the line of steamers be tween Bremen and New York, amounted to 4,. 198,845 dols., which is loss than the anuuai aver ago for the nine years previous to the act of 1845, by 300,748 dols. J he increase of mad transportation, in three years, has been over 3 millions of miles, sta reduc tion of expense or 15 per cciit. During the past year there have been era ployed, under contracts with the Post Office Department, two ocean steamers in convey. ing the mails monthly betweeu New York and Bremen and one, since October last, performing semi-monthly service between I Charleston and Havana ; and a contract has ranama. - Under the authority given to the Secretary nf the Navv. three ocean steamers have lww constructed and sent to the Pacific, and are ter that time between tho United States and our territories on the Pacific. Notwithstanding this great increase in the mail service, should the revenue continue to increase the present year as it did in the last, there will be received near 450,000 dollars more than the expenditures. These considerations have satisfied the Postmaster General that, with certain modifi cations of the act of 1845, the revenue may be still further increased, and a reduction of postages made to a uniform rate of fire eenls, without an interference with the principle, which has been constantly and properly en forced, of making that department sustain itself. A well-digested cheap postage system is the best means of diffusing intelligence among the people, and is of so much importance in a country so extensive as that of the United btates, that I recommend to your favorable consideration the suggestions of Jhe Postmas ter General for its improvement. The President says, the present cciidilion our country is similar in some, respects to that which existed immediately after the close of the war with Great Britain in 1815, when there was a departure from the earlier policy of our government, in the enlargement its powers uy construction. Tha Prol,lnt thn -""" '"ng aisquisition ot several co. . J?.0," the VK efleoU reu"'n& from ,n es,aDll8hment of the old U.S. Bank, which " .T?VU!Te?. ' "8 question of a protective 'ne.astribution of the proceeds of the a . n D"r(e"i i?...Bl.ld. t0 eno"rae largely inoi eased and w P!n'1'"r ot tne public-money. J . l""Bm n say. oeiioeraiea ten davs i signed the bill. actually prepared for him & veto, as found a- invito mo iTjuuisun papers.! , The President then ooncludes with an ela borate argument, of several columns, in de fence of the veto power, which power he av he has exercised three times. The last limn on the River and Harbor bill. The President then finally concludes as fol lows : It may indeed be truly said that my administration has fallen upon eventfui times. I have felt most sensibly the weight of the responsibilities devolved upon me. With no other obiect than the publio good, the endu ring fame, and permanent prosperity of my country, I have pursued the convictionsof my own best judgment. jAmiws r.. ruL.n. Washington, December o, i4B. THE SUNBURY. HATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1948. II. B. MASjSER, Editor and Proprietor. E.W. CARR. Evani' Ruilriiiw. ThiM tr. onnowte the Phitndeliihia KxctiAnire. iBretrnlurlv authorized to receive advertisements and subscriptions fur this paper, and receipt iui mc mii u v. tU" We call the attention of our readers to a well written communication on our first page, from a friend and correspondent at Philadelphia, on the subject of the late Revolutions in Europe. 117s" The President's Message this week prevents uh giving the usual amount of edi torial and other matter. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. The great length of the message prevents us publishing the whole. We therefore lay before our readers this week, the most important portions, entire. The less impor tant parts in brackets, we have conden sed, so that our readers can have the sub stance of the whole. It is a well written document. Its arguments in favor of the free trade policy, though elaborate and in genious, are not convincing. CP" In another column our readers will find the proceedings of the Taylor festival held at this place last week, which we pub lish at the request of several of our Taylor friends. The proceedings are characterised with moderation, and the toasts, with some few exceptions are such as might be re sponded to by any good democrat. tEF" Postage. The President recom mends a uniform rate of 5 cents postage on all letters. We trust the law allowing newspapers tJ be carried free under 30 miles will also be passed without delay. K7 IIoo Raising. There has been great rivalry of late years among many of our citizens on the subject of raising large and fat hogs. Some of the good people, in that line, in Hog street (sometimes vulgarly called Fawn street,) have, we understand, formed themselves into an association, to promote the business. No man can become a member unless, within three years past, he has raised a hog weighing not less than 300 p&unds. We cant come it this year yet. Persons are requested to report the weight of their pork to the President. "Spumous Democracy. The Sunbury A merican, and Evening Bulletin, in the ab sence of anything else to say, are out against Gen. Bowman's letter to Gov. Johnston.1' The above is irom our magnanimous friend Col. Tate of the Bloomsburg Demo crat, who like all peace loving military heroes, is exceedingly thin skinned on all subjects connected with military titles.- We said nothing against our friend Gen. Bowman. All we did say was, that we deemed his letter to Governor Johnston, "uncourteous and in bad taste" and we think so still. We have no very exalted idea of paper heroes, who are sometimes exceedingly valiant on paper, or on a pacing pony, not exactly in the "tented field," but at a par ade in a ten acre field, where every avenue and bar post is guarded to prevent the enemy's ingress. fXF" The Credit System. As some of our contemporaries are discussing the credit system, that should be, among the corps editorial, we will take occasion to remind Friend Hutter of the, Lancaster Intelligen cer, that he bas appropriated to his own use without credit, an editorial article, en titled "A Thought for Winter" from our paper of the 18th ult. We would not be so tenacious, but that the article was the production of a young friend, who kindly took charge of our editorial columns during our absence. IE?" Cholera. Seven cases are report ed to have occurred in New York. IT"" Thb Weather. Wednesday last was as mild arl as pleasant as the best days of September. Reported for the Buulsuy Aiunuxm. TAYLOR FESTIVAL. The friends of Taylor of the Borough of Sun bury and of Rush, Upper and Lower Augusta townships, met at the house of Captain Peter Lazarus on Thursday, the 30th ult., and par took of a sumptuous and delicious dinner, pre pared in the choicest style by our worthy host, whioh reflected the highest credit upon his last and liberality as a caterer. After the removal of tha cloth, the meeting was organised by choosing Major WILLIAM O. SCOTT, as President William McCatt, Hugh Bsxlas, Esq., Col. Elisha Klivk, Peter OBEapoar, James Forrester, James Campbell, Henrt Gulice, and Charles Hollabach, Vioe Presidents. Charles Bogar and Emanuel Katiffman. Sec Major Scott, upon taking the head of tHrJ table made a few brief and pertinent remark! bpon the felicitous result of our late State anrj National elections) and that as wa had met for the purpose of interchanging congratula tions upon the glorious triumph of Jtfferto- nian Democratic principles, proposed tha fol lowing sentiment: Qovernor (Tilliam P. Johnston. Bv his ta lents integrity and industry, he carried Penn sylvania. Hugh Bellas, Esq., beinir called on addret-' sed the meeting with great spirit and anima tion, during which he was frequently inter rupted with cheers and applause, upon con-" eluding his remarks he offered the following: The honet democrat!, who save broken the fett ten of party and united in the support of Taylor for the prosperity of our country. The cheering having subsided William McCarty, next entertained the meeting in i speech replete with sound sentiment and with "flashes of wit and merriment" "That were wont to set the table on a roar" and closed with the following : Tim Whig Party The real Jeffersonisn Demo crats. The following are a few of the numerous toasts which were responded to by the cheers of the Company, amidst the deafening roars of the cannon, command by that gallant vete ran whig, Capt. Henry Brown of Upper Au gusta township. By Col.Elisha Klint-Tbe Taylor men of Upper Augusta, when assured that their principles are. right like their Patriot chief, "trill never turren der." v By Peter Oberdorf Governor Johnston A statcman worthy of the chair he occupies, courte ous and gentlemanly, honest and firm enough to execute the high trust imposed upon him without fear or favor. By Jamet Forrester Pennsylvania, the bat tle ground of the late Presidential contest, has no bly secured the victory. By James Campbell Hon. Jus. Pollock the able and fearless advocate of American Industry nigncr Honors await mm. By Henry Gtc-The 13th with Joseph Casey stands true to tho protective policy, despite of the- Dos st ot untisn iree traders to rettrem it. By Charles llollabncii Sehuullill County feel ing the wide spread ruin of her interests under the Taritrof '46, has arisen in her majesty and proclaimed to the world that she is opposed to the ice Jt'rcsiucnt s casting vote and m favor of pro tecting American Industry and her great staple Coal. By Cunt. Henry lirott-n The tint n dors of Tay lor's cannon at Monterey and uent Via, awa kened the A merican people jus sense of his merits anil they have honored vm by an election to the highest civil office in the world, and to be commander-in-chief of her Army and Navy. uy L-apt. Samuel tetter rennsylvania, a northern volcano she has been laboring for years too numerous to mention, under Loco-foco attend ance, but in '48, she buret forth and was delivered of her burden of sin. By Col. J. H. PtirdyGeti. Taylor, the Presi dent of the U. States. The "Rough and Kcady," of the people's choice the brave warrior the kind hearted man the true Patriot and the workman's friend. By C. O. Baehman The Tariff of '42 The corner stone of Pennsylvania's prosperity. Shame and confusion awaits the enemies thereof. By Peter S. Master Gen. Taylor, the Hero of Bucna Vista and the conqueror of his country's enemies. By Capt Samuel Huntet Pennsylvania Honored and respected for her just laws and equal rights her illustrious patriotism and unparalleled bravery, may she ever sustain this exalted char acter. By TI'i. S. Grant To tlio old man from Ba ton Kouge may his name be remembered wheu others shall be lost in a vortex of Revolution. By linden l'tgely Pennsylvania by her late decision at the ballot Box, has evinced a just sense of her rights and interests, and that in understand ing them, she mil maintain them. By Jacob Painter Stanly county of North Carolina she gave unanimous vote for General Taylor. By John Speeee Henry Clay the sage of Ashland the Patriot and the stateman.- By Christian Sower, Esa. Success to Old Zack, and likewise to Scott Who so gallantry fought on the line, And with broad sword in hand, Did so valiantly stand, 'Till they conquered that Devil, Who ran like the Devil I mean Old Suuta Anna, By Jacob Seesholtz The perpetuity of the Union. By Edward M. Hall Gen. Taylor The peo ple's President tlio Hero of Mexico the friend of the Farmer, Mechanic and Laborer the scho lar and statesman. By Peter Hileman The glorious result of our state and National elections prove that where true interests of the country are made known and un derstood Demagogues are permitted to retrace their steps and take a back track on the Baltimore Platform. By Wm. A. Fetter. Milliard Fillmore staunch Whig, whose principles are firm & unwa vering, The interests of the country will never be betrayed by his casting vote. By the Company Our esteemed fellow citiien the Hon. Lewis Dewart may the blessings o health and happiness attend hiin. nil ' .1 i PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Manser. Whsat. - .1(M Ris. .... 5f Coax. - . . 5( Oats. .... 3( Bi-TTia. . . It Elms. ... 10 Pork. .... Flsxssid. .... 12,' Tallow. . . . If Beeswax. - . JJ Flax. - . t Heckled Flax. 1( Duiid ArriEs. . .7! Do. Peaches. ... 2(K Auditors JXotice. THE undersigned appointed auditors by thi Orphans' court of Northumberland county in the matter of the Estate of Daniel Hollenbacr dee'd. will attend to the duties of his appoint nu'nt at the office of Dewart & Brunor, hi ounbu ry on Saturday the 30th day of December 1848 When and where all persons interfiled can attend WM. J. MARTIN, Auditor. Sunbury, Dee. 9, 1818 3t Notice. THE under.;-, jnj by ,he 0 Tinatis' Court of Northumberland Count; to make distribution to and among the heirs and legal representatives of Thomas Grant deo'd ; hereby notifies all persons interested in said matter, that be will attend to the du ties of his appointment on Wednesday, th 27th of December, 1848, at 10 o'clock A. M at the office of Dewart & Bruner, in the bo rough of Sunbury. CHARLES J. BRUNER, Auditor. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 1848. 3t PATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison' writing and indellibl ink, Cotton yam am laps, just received and for sole by , , . 4. W. FALLING. Bunbury, pc. X, 1848. l AIWIIMH, currant, aLron, cheese. fMtnn IV sauna. 4V Fnr ..U k J. W FRII.IMSl 8uubury, Decs, 1848. TEAS, from ths New York Canton and Pekii Tea Company. For sale by recommend 1 . oeor, ,19 glg Mr. Madison, had retaries. Bunbury, Dec Hit. '