Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 09, 1848, Image 1

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H- J.
i mm
I. THE AMERICAN la published every it
DOLLARS per nnam la be paid half yearly in ad
V. , r . , ... ' J J -"!,
i w inper aiaoominaea amn iu arrearagee are paid.
communications or letters on bnmnem relntingto the
nrea copies to ona addrcsa. SSOO
Pen Wo Do mot)
uiffn i in i in u.
Five dollar 111 flftranee will nay for three year'e subscrio-
tie Bqunre of 16 lines, 3 times,
3 00
very aubeeqaent insertion,
laeni inseni
8 months j
ne square,
fits, montha,
une year,
Buaineea Carda of Five linca, per annum,
Merchanta and others, advertising ty tlia
year, with the privilege of inserting dif
ferent advertisementa weekly,
ty Larger Advertisements, aa per agTceinent.
Business attended to in the Counties of Not"
humlerlsnd, Union, Lycoming and Columbia,
liefer to I
P. dr. A. Rotoopt,
Low SB & BlKHOH.
Somes &. SironoRAss, yPhilad.
RirnoLns, McFarlahp & Co.
Sfibihs, Good & Co.,
Cheap New & Skcond Hand Book Siork,
North West corner of Fourth and Arch Streeti'
Law Booka, Theological and Classical Booka,
Scientific and Mathematical Books.
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn Booka and Prayer Booka, Biblei.'all sites
' "i :. .ana prices.
Blank Bool, WritS Paper, and Stationary,
Vktale and Retail.
ry Otra pricea are mnch lower than the nsorLAR pricea.
l.tbiariea ann ainau pnrceiaoi ww. purcimavu.
iy Hooka imported to order from London.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1618 y
croc Ens commission merchants
and Dealers hi Seed,
Conatantly on hand a general assortment of
To which tbey respectfully invite the attention
of the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
Tor Groceriea or"aold on Commission.
Philad. April 1, 1848
No. 15 South Second street East tide, down ttairt,
W ESPECTFULLY informa his friends and
m,tha public, that he constantly keeps on
land a large assortment of chi'drens wil'ow
Joachea, Chairs, Cradles, market and travel
ing baskets, and every variety of basket work
Country Merchanta and othera who with to
urchaae such articles, good and cheap, would
o well to call on him, as they are all manulac
red by bim inthe best manner.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1848. ly
8 Cheinul it. 3 doorx above 2nd it., Philadelphia
Watch papers, Labela, Door platea, Seala and
tampa for Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance,
:c, Ice. Alwaya on hand a general assortment
f Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pens of every quality.
tog Collar! in great variety. Engravera tools
od materials.
Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Dia-
Ordera per mail (post paid) will be punctually
ttended to.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1H48 y
Bjal .aiiJHCLJsW
I THE SUBSCRIBER has been appointee, agent
for the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CKLE
this place. These Pianos have a plain, mat
ve and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth
tons, and elegance of workmanship, are not
rpaased by any in the United States
These instruments are highly approved of by
most emihent Professors and Composers of
usic in this and other cities.
For qualities of tone, touch and keeping iu
ne upon Concert pitch, they cannot be sucpas
d by either American or European Pianoa.
Suffice it to aay that Madame Castellan, W. V
allace, Vieux Temps, and hia sister, tha cele
ated Pianist, and many othera of the most dia
lquished performers, have given these instru
cts preference over all othera.
Tbey have also received the first notice of the
rea last Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal
the Franklin Institute in 1843, waa awarded
them, which, with other premiums from the
ma aource, may be aeen at the Ware-room No.
south Fourth at.
(Another Silver Medal waa awarded to C.
syer, by the Frahklin Institute, Oct. 1843 for
t beat Piano in the exhibition.
Again at the exhibition of the Franklin Insti
;e, Oct. 1848, the first premium and medal waa
arded to C. Meyer for hia Pianos, although it
d been awarded at the exhibition of the year
fore, on the ground that ha had made still great
improvement in hi Inatrumenta within the
tt 12 months.
Agx'xi at the last exhibition of the Franklin
ttitute, 1847, another Premium waa awarded
C. Meyer, for the best Piano in the exhibition.
At Boston, at their last exhibition, Sept. 1847,
Meyer received the first silver Medal and Di
ima; tor tbe beat square Piano in the exhibition
These Pianoa Will be aold at the rr.anufactu.
's loweat Philadelphia pricea, if not aometbing
er. Persons are requested to eall and exam
i for themselves, at tbe residence of the aub-
iber. H. B. MASSER.
Unbury, April 8, 1848.
ruisii, . Comb and Variety
08 North Third, helow Rait St. and North
, EmI tonntr of Third and Market itrtel,-
THERE tbey offer for sale a general assort
' merit of all kinds of Bruabea, Comba and
ietiea wttich tbey are determined to sell
wet than fad be purchased e'sevvhere.
ioaatry Mercbknts and bthere Purchasing in
above line will find it to their advantage to
before purchasing elsewhere as tbe quality
price win be fully guaranteed againat all
bilaovlpbia, Jua 3, 1841-ly.
m totospwr-nmu to mwtB, mttxmuvt, otamg, STon m m Bofomct MBisuum watte arts, mwfatoxr, mutkit, amttrmer
Europe I The reflecting mind now pntisca
when that word is spoken. A volume
there being opened, written iu a characte
none yet can decipher. A dazling ray of
brightness is thrown upon llio page that baf
fles the clearest and best trained vision. We
turn from a future thus obscured by exces
sive lustre, and. aided by its reflected rays.
glance Hack upon Ihe past. Now are opened
pvnn tn nur limitfi.1 r.i.
I w ""'" tjoiuu, iiuiiumsui tiiu im
penetrable depths of almighty design: the
causes of things that have been, the instru
ment, and the end. We see and wonder to
see this Tree of Liberty underwhose broad
branches we so securely repose is not, as an
egotism deemed it, indigenous to our soil a
lone. The blindness that ascribed to it little
more than a half century of existence is now
mado manifest. Century after century, in
multitudinous, unerring circles, have inscrl
bed the lapse ot ages on its Trunk. " We see
its sinewey, intertwined roots, extendingfrom
stato to state, from empire to empire, from
hemisphere to hemisphere; through centuries,
through ngs, through all time, firm planted
in the eternity of the past. The forces of its
life, the aspirations, the yearnings of the hu
man heart; its verdure drawn from the
blood of martyrs and of patriots ; the sun-light
in which it basked God's own benignant
smile. It has sent forth its shoots in every
clime ; but, like the seed of the "sower' soon
sprung up "by the way side" and were "de
voured" "Some upon stony places where
they had not much earth," "and when the
sun was up they were scorched" "and some
full among thorns" and were "choked." But
others into good ground and brought forth
ftuit. As it is dependent upon the dignity
of man's nature for support, 60 can it exist
but in the reliance of man upon God. Sin,
Ignorance, Despotism, Licentiousness its
Antagonist principle have each in their time
checked its growth. The children of Isrnel
were led forth from bondnaro and were free
tliey debased themselves and were slaves
The'reptiblics of Greece and of Rome, in their
multiplied objects of worship, descending in
regular gradations, untiLtheir very fears (the
basest of human passions) supplied Deities
fitted themselves for subjugation ; and we are
no longer surprised when we find them ad
ding their enslavers to the number of their
Gods. The world was enveloped in dark
ness the Tree of Liberty languished, and
slaverj', the attendant of Ignorance, like a
nightshade spread over the earth. The pro
vidence of the Creator disperse'l the gloom.
Let there be light" "and there was Light."
Christianity spread overtho earth. Its teach-
ngs: "Equality of man, obedience to God"
doctrine fatal to the sway of Despotism.
But again Antagonist principles for a time
prevail. - The scriptures (that magna char la
of man's rights) are supressed -a new thral-
lom prevails new Despots are enthroned
the mind of man isagaiu benighted, enchain
ed, and lost to the dignity of his nature he
turns from the Creator and worships the crea
ture. But again the Almi-rhty hand is exten
ded, to rescue the Lord of his creation, and
again set him free. His smile beams forth
and lights up the dark horison of human
rights. The Gates of knowledge are thrown
wide; In rapid succession (theinagnet points
the way and) Columbus gives another Hemis
phere to Christianity. The Press fheds forth
the rays of Truth Luther tear , tho scales
from tho eyes of benighted ma:,. Tho geni
us of Copernicus, Galileo and Bacoa rend
assunder tho shackles of superstition nnd ex-
ploro the Heavens. Locke opens tho store
house of the mind Newton divulges to man
tho harmony, the majesty tho inconceivable
randeur and immensity of the creation, and,
himself ubashed and subdued bows in humil
ity nt the feet of its Lord. Cromwell asserts
tho right of man to self government nnd Sid
ney sheds ids blood in defenco of the sacred
principle. Mankind are dazzled with the
light that burst upon them, and the Tree of
ages again shoots forth its verduro. But tho
"serpent is scorched, not destroyed." Patii
ot hearts are enchained in the conscience and
denied the right of worshipping their God af
ter the simplicity of their nature, "Wo will
seek" said they
' A happier shore
'Vhere wa and our people may kneel before
"The ahrine we ereet, to the God we adore,
(iAod none ahull our rights molest."
The arks of Liberty break the billows their
Prows touch against the Rock of Plymouth or
grate upon the shores of the Delaware. The
Forest resounds with the stroke of the axe
wielded by these exiles in Liberty's cause
and the Temple of the Goddess is reared in
the "clearing." But Tyrany would defile its
altar one more struggle and behold ! a na
tion entirely free from the rule of man. and
bowing in humble worship at the feet of God.
The mind of man riot in its freedom. He
e.vplores the arcana of nature and diving into
Ihe bowels of the Earth drags forth its hoar!
ded treasure. Ho casta water upon the fire
and a mighty power that shame the fublod
"Oeni of the Lamp" springs forth the sub
missive slave of his will. . And now al! the
faculties of hi nature seem multiplied; He
steps, and leagues Intervene between every
stride. He bid inert matter live; sod the
engines of his will perform the labor of t
thousand bands. The lineaments of those that
are dear to him, he perpetuateth, and the
Larukcap that delightath. his eye, become
a fixture by hia fire aide. The speed of light
he no longer envies, for
Ha wreathes hia infers in the Lixhlniaf's nen"
and hold it his obedient messenger. He
atandeth in the East and changetb it with
his will, and strait it is performed in the
West whilst the front of time is all unscathed
by the transit.. The curse that in ''the sweat
of Am faco he shall eat his bread" seems to
be removed and he approaches his pristine
likeness unto the "image" of his God. Such
tho light shed by the dawn of Freedom, what
shall be ils noontide ? Here then is an epoch
pregnant in its bearing upon the future. Hero
was laid the corner stone of that ijreat Tern
pie, at whoso altar an enfranchised world is
soon to worship. For upward of half a ccn
lury the anxious gaze of oppressed nations is
fixed upon the shoot of Liberty's Treo here
nurtured. Tyrants, (tho wish, parent to tlu
thought) foretel its decay or overthrow
whilst tho prayers of their subjects ascended
to Heaven for its protection. As tho children
of Israel gazed upon the column of fire thnt
guided to the land of promise, so are the
hopes of the suffering of all nations, directed
to this Western world. But hope seems ex
tinct ; Nations groan in bondage ; who sub
mit are enslaved who resist expatriated, and
their land apportioned amongst the spoilers
The oppressors of mankind rise iu fancied se
curity; out mo eye tnat sleepetli not o'er
looks them, nnd tho hand of him who smote
the host of Pharoah is upon them. Hark !
"thero is a voice of one that spoke;" "Son of
man stand upon thy -feet." At the sound,
the inhabitants of the world start from "off
their faco" and spring erect For an instant
naught is heard but tho clank of sundered
chains dashed upon the ground. Another
instant and it is succeeded by the wild shout
of Freedom that burst from the heart of an
enfranchised world. Vive Ic Lihcrtic a world
joins in tho chorus of Freedom; ils parts
voieod by nations, and Heaven's angels its
auditory. The task masters of tho Earth fly
iu terror before the frown of those, who late
renibled at their nod. Bondmen make bau
bles of Thrones at whose footstools they so
lately bowed tho trembling kiiee, and the
festivo Halls of Royalty are converted into
Lazarets for tho martyrs of Liberty.
Such are the events that have marked the
middle of tho 19th century ; who can fortel
their results, or the granduer that may charac
terise ils close. Results from the united ef
fort of a world of mind made free. The His
torian who shall record these things, the
causes that have induced them, andthe con
sequences that shall ensue, will find volumes
too narrow for his labor; whilst the history
of the past from the earliest recorded time,
will find its place in marginal notes as tend
ing to trace their connection, and illustrate
their dependence the one upon the other) but
all tending towards the same grand design of
the creator, the liberation of mankind. We
are lost in wonder at these things enacted
around us, and conjecture is baffled in its at
tempt to pierce through the vista of
years iu a search for results. A thousand
questions crowd upon us, the solution of no
one of which we are equal to. The men of
the time, are they equal to tho tiino 1 Oh !
let us hope that he who prepared a Washing
ton, has aleo fashioned a Lamartine. We
liave warrant for this hope, for surely since
the day of the "Father of his country" no
other pen could have written, no other heart
have dictated, the "address of tho Provision
al Government." Be steadfast, be firm,
brave heart ! Yield not to the mad counsels
that summoned thee, tho voice of freemen
made mad, or worse, mad men made free.
The freedom of man be thine only aim, the
approbation of good men, and of thine own
conscience, thine only reward here, tho ap
probation of thy maker thy reward herealter.
Remember, if upon ono side of thy path is
slavery, upon tho other lies Licentiousness ;
'tis but a narrow lidgo that divides them.
A pure heart single to its purpose a wisdom
dependent upon God for counsel, and a hand
nerved by tho consciousness & purity of intent
Me necessary for tho guidance of the chariot
of nations. In avoiding the dangers ou the
ono hand beware of those that threafen on
the other neither to tho right nor to the left
diverge then. i medio tutissimut ibis.
J)roll funeral Phocession. Mr. Ken
dull, writing from Hamburg, says : Lest
some of my readers may think that the term
droll, as applied to a funeral procession, may
appear strange, let me tell them that iu Ham
burg tho friends and relatives of the dead do
not follow their remains to the grave, but in
their stead march along some twelve or six
teen hired mourners, with curled and pow
dered whigs upon their heads, short cloaks
upon their shoulders, and swords at their
sides, while the very quaintness of their cos
tumes, and a species of mock gravity upon
the countenance of those whose trail it is to
mourn for pay, combine to give any thing but
that solemnity to a scene which the stranger
meets in other lands.
Tub Cheese Trade. The Ashtabida Sei
timl state that Messrs. Mills, Conver& Co.,
of that county, recently shipped in ono week
five entire cargoes of cheese, amounting to
over 500 tons, from Ashtabula harbor. They
have purchased in Ashtabula, Lake and Ge
auga counties during the last two months,
over 1000 tons of cheese for shipment to New
Mcstano. Mr. James L. Freaner, the cele
brated Mustang of the Mexican war, arrived
in Hagerstown Md., on Thursday upon a vi
sit to his relatives.
The French Minister of Finance has pre
sented a plan for converting the late Falsi
Royale inlo a General Post Office.
a-, e . . MA1"AC
Aiie loiiowing nncs, ttescriptivo ot a scene
in a private mad house, are from tho pen of
M. G. Lewis, Esq. They were published in
the national intelligencer about eightoen years
since, tho editors of which paper introduced
them with these remarks: "If any one can
read the following lines without shuddering
in sympathy with the supposed captive, he
must have a heart dead to every human feel
J'tny, jailor, stay and hear my woe !
She in not mad who kneels to thee,
For what I'm now, too wrll I know,
And what I was, and what should be.
I'll rave no more in proud despair,
My language shall be mild, though sad;
Hut yet I'll firmly, truly swear,
I am not mad ! I am not mad !
My husbnnJ forged the tale,
Which chains me in this dismal cell,
My fate unknown my friends bewail
Oh ! jailor hasto that fate to tell !
Oh ! hnatc my father's heart to cheer !
His heart at once 'twill grieve nnd glad
To know, though kept a captive hern,
I am not mad ! I am not mad !
Ho smiles in scorn, and turned the key !
He quits the gate ! I knelt in vain !
His glinim'ring lamp, atill, still I see !
'Tis gone and all is gloom again.
Cold, bitter cold no warmth, no light !
Life ! all thy comforts once I had
Yet here I'm clminod this freezing night,
Although not mad ! no, no, not mad !
'Tis sure some dream j some vision vain !
What ! I the child of rank nnd wealth (
And I the wretch who 'clunks this chain,
Bon ft of freedom, friends and health t
Ah ! while I dwell on blessings lied,
Which never more my heart must glad,
How aches my heart, how burns my head
But 'tis not mad ! no, 'tis not mad !
Hast thou my child, forget ere this,
A mother's face, a mother's tongue 1
She'll ne'er forgot your parting kiss,
Nor round her nock how fast you clung j
Nor how with me you sued to stay ;
Nor how that suit your sire forbdde ;
Noi how I'll drive such thoughts away
They'll make mo mad they'll make me
mad !
His rosy lips how sweot they smiled
His mild blue eyes, how bright they ahone
Nono ever bore a lovelier child
And art thou now forever gone 1
And niUKt I never see thee more,
My pretty, pretty little lad !
t will be free unbar the door
I am not mod I am not mad!
Oh, hark! whut means those dreadful cries!
His cham somo furious madman breaka
He comes I see his glaring eyes
Now, now, my dungeon grates he shakes
Help help he's gone oh fearful woe,
Such screams to hear, such eights to i
My brain, my brain I know, I know
. I am not mad but soou shall be.
Yes, soon for lo, you wliile I apeak
Murk bow yon demou's eye balls glare
Ho aces mc now with dreadful shriek,
He whirls a serpent high in air.
Horror the reptile strikes his tooth
Deep in my heart ! so crushed and sad ;
Aye, laugh, ye fiends, I feel the truth
Your task is done P Mad Pm Mad !
The Ice Trade, but a few years ago a no-
velty and experiment in the way of com-
merce is exclusively a Yankeo idea. Ice has roar us there is when a train arrives here,
become an important and staple item in com- a,ul ne accordingly "slid out." On alight
merce. The first cargo ever taken from the ng, he stopped short stared about rub
United States, was shipped from Boston, in d h,S W'??? n,n ,ooke1d "l t',e
1825, by Frederic Tudor, a gentleman who lPJen at the conductor, and finally
had previously despatched agents to the West
Indies for information touching the enter
prise. Up to 1S32, the business was confined to
the enterprise of this one individual. At that
period, others embarked extensively in it, and
in 1833, Tudor extended his' operations to
Culculta, Madras and Bombay. The ship-
inents of Ice from Boston inthe year 1847,
coastwise, amounted to 51,889 tons, making
158 cargoes; shipped to foreign ports, 22,591,
making 95 cargoes. The freight storage, and
other expenses on the whole, amounted to
$335,151. Inthe same year, 29 cargoes of
provisions, fruits and vegetables, valued ut
$72,400 cost, wero shipped in the ice from
the United States, to ports w here such articles
could not otherwise be sent.
Eiahtlco houses in Massachusetts, erected
purposely for the trade, are capable of con-
j 141 382 tons. The cousump.ion of
Boston alone, ml837, was 27,000 tons,
Ice in
employing 66 wagons in the deliveiy. In
Havana, loo sells for 6J cents per pound ; in
Calcutta at 12t cents, iu Boston at 13, cents
per hundred pounds, on tho average. The
entire statistic of the Ice trade are highly in
teresting, not only as evidence of the magni-
lude it has assumed as an item of commerce,
but as showing the indefatigable enterprise
of the man-yankee. There is scarcely a nook
or corner1 of the civilized world where Ice has
not become an essential if not common arti-1
cle ot trade.
Th Oldest1 Voter in America Mr.
Hughes, revolutionary soldier, In the Nmh
year of his age, wa taken to the poll all
Rockbridge county, Vs., at the late election,
oy a mena in a carriage drawn by four dun I
horses. There were several rofers in Massa-1
rnuaatta ovar i
a mntntvoutt Sftttcli.
Sleeping In the Car
a rich joke.
A great many funny things happen, and
any quantity of amusing stories are sold of
occurrences that take place on the railroads.
A llltIe incident transpired last week on
the road between here and Rochester, that
is really about as good of its kind as any.
thing we have heard lately, and proves,
conclusively, that "the longest way round
is ine surest way fiomc."
One of our "fellow citizens" having busi
ness to transact at Syracuse, took the even
ing train here at 7 o'clock, and departed on
nis journey. Having been lauoliotisly en
gaged during the day, and considerably
fatigued, he fell sound asleep just the other
side of Attica, and only stirred from his po
sition when the conductor came about to
collect tickets. Tempus fusjt-cA rapidly,
and the cars soon reached Rochester.
Here, as the traveller will remember, pas
sengers are translerred to another train,
which takes them cast ; and those who had
come down from the west had arranged
themselves comfortably in the other train
all except "our friend." He was so
sound asleep that nothing waked him.
1 ho consequence was that the cars started
promptly at their time, and he M as left.
It so happened that no one went into the
car, and he remained perfectly undisturbed
The train from the east arrived just as the
other was leaving, and passengers lor lluf
falo left the cars in which they had been
riding, and stepped inlo those going west
into the same train, in fact, by which
"our friend" had gone to Rochester, and
where he still remained, enjoying a mag
nificent nap. Another conductor was in
charge of the train, and when near the
water station, six miles west of Ihe city,
gave the usual significant intimation
"Tickets !" "Our friend" had to be tapped
on the shoulders once or twice beforo he
"took," and seeing a new conductor, sup
posed everything was all right.
"Do you go through, sir?" asked the
"Y-e-s," replied the sleepy-head, with a
"I'll take your fare."
"How much?"
"Eleven shillings."
"Well, that's cheap." (Supposing, doubt
less, that he was paying from Rochester to
Auburn.) And forking over the amount,
he subsided into his former position to finish
his snooze. Two hour more brought
them to Attica; but not even the noise and
confusion at that great point, nor the sonor
ous announcement that "the cars will stop
fifteen minutes, and give passengers plenty
of time for refreshments," could disturb the
slumbers if "our friend." Those fifteen
minutes, however, soon passed , the engi
neer's bell rung; the conductor gave i
twitch of the "bed-cord," and the train was
op-u. bomewhere near Peters' rnilk me-
tr0P0lls the conductor opened the car
aoor, ana exploded on the word "itcK-
etsl" But "our friend" was deaf to the in
"Ticket, sir," said the conductor, giving
mm a gooa snaice on ine snouiaer.
1 1 at 1 1
"Take your fare, if you please." .
"O-h ! Y-e-s! By George ! I've slept
like a book all the way ; never had a better
nap in the cars in my life. What's the
fare V
"Ninety-three cents, sir."
"Well, that is cheap cheaper than I
T PVr nirl hofiiro'' nnA nflne TMi-in(e nr
he wriggled about until he got "quirled" up
into about the same attitude in which he
had been reposing, and went at it again.
Bv and bv the cars arrived at tho denot.
and he was necessarily roused up. 'Twas
no use to try and sleep amidst such an up-
" Well by thunder ! "
"What's the matter ?" asked the conduc-
"This is too bad."
"Look here, friend, I should just like to
know where lam?"
"Where you are !"
"Why, in Buffalo, to be sure ; yon can't
go any farther west on this road."
'Well; this is a pretty business. Last
night I took the cars to go to Syracuse, and
now find myself at 5 o'clock in the morn
ing, back at Buffalo ! If I aint an ass, then
there never was one." And off he went,
muttering and swearing, to and at himself
the swearing being done up in a language
nervous, but inelegant strong, but very
unsentimental ; sucn as would be quite im
Vt0J?r i fT J ?a FOI'le'
The fact is, it is just as Read told him,
the only correct way to go to Sy
to be ure and lale tfe f- h
ractise. is
train at
Rochester. Buffalo Courier.
Charles Limb and Geleb. The author of
"Elia" had a uice old lady acquaintance, who
waa a great admirer of "Cotlebs in Search of
Wife," and lent him tha book is a special
favor. Charles, who never could relish this
sort of writing, relumed the volume with
some lines scribbled on the fly-leaf. What
was the old lady's horror on opening the book
to read the following doggerel
If ever I marry a wife,
I'll awry a landlord's daujhiar j
For then I may ail in tha bar,
And driak ookj brandy sod water.
Frirkdiy Notice, Tbe following appear
at the Twig Folly Bridge, Bethnal Green :
"Take notice I Any persona trespassing en
these enclosure are requested to bring their
..villus m.u . i.w. i.
- flr. - .-lit. ihan. "
(From tho Philadelphia Ledger.
The Catawba deservedly Stands at tiia
head of the list of all American Grapes, both
for tablo use or for making wine. It is culti
yated extensively near Cincinnati and from
it excellent Hock wines have been made, e
qualling the best that come from Europe.
Within a short lime thousands of bottles of
Champagne, of an excellent quality, have
been made, and readily command twelve
dollars per dozen bottles, It is hardy in all
parts of the country south of New York.
The Isabella is undoubtedly better known
and more extensively cultivated than any
grape in this country. It is hardy and vigo-rous-7-and
like the Catawba, exceedingly
prolific, both kinds often producing ten bush
els to a single vine. From the Isabella an
it. a ...
excellent vino is mado equalling, when it
has a httlo age, tho best Madeira.
a he Alexander. i ins jrrape at Citicmna
ti is called the "Cape," At Vevay, 111., "Cou
stancia." At York. Pa.. "Madeira." Al
Flushing, N. Y. "Schuylkill Muscadel." and
t others the "Winne grape." It is rather
coarse and pulpy for table use, but from it is
mado an excellent red wine. At Cincinnatti
it is only exceeded by the Catawba in th
estimation of wino grr . -, and is one of
the most hardy varieties.
The Elsinburo is highly esteemed by
many as a table grape. It is without pnlp;
sweet and of delicious flavor, the fruit small
but a good bearer.
The Bland or Powell grapo in flavor and
appearancp, resembles Ihe Chapselas grapo
ol Europe. It is a shy bearer, but from its
many good qualities, should find a place in
every garden, as the fruit keeps well for win
ter use when packed in jars. It should
always be planted in a warm exposure.
Lonuworth's Ohio, or Seoar Box Grape,
is an excellent uesserl iruit, but small, very
similar in appearance to tho Elsinburg; it
is without pulp and produces largo bunches.
sometimes measuring fifteen inches in length.
It ripens early and is an excellent bearer.
Norton's Yiroinia Seedling is in appear
ance and size of fruit very similar to Long-
worm s unio anu cisinburg. it is very pro-
uctive, both in the garden or vineyard, and
specially valuable at tho South, where many
kinds rot m wet seasons.
The Missorri is cultivated at Cincinnati,
aud from it is made a wine resembling Ma
deira. It is rather a shy bearer.
fT., r .. .... '
jne uf.noir is an excellent tablo grape,
superior in the opinion of Downing lo any
of our native grapes. It has the habit of a
foreign vine, but bears and ripens well as
far north as Newburgh.
The White Sctppernong is the great wine
grape of the South, and is found growing wild
from Virginia to Geoigia. It is known from
all other grapes by its small leaves, which
are seldom over two or three inches in diam
eter. At the South, it is a prodigious bearer,
one vine having produced one hundred and
fifty gallons of wine in one season. For many
years an excellent wine has been made from
this grape. Sidney Weller, of North Carolina,
informs us that the best quality of his last
year's vintage of Scuppernong wine has been
sold at three dollars per gallon. This grape
only flourishes at the South, being too tender
even for the latitude of Philadelphia.
All things considered, the three most valua
ble varieties of grapes in this country are
those first named in this essay Catawba,
Isabella, and Alexander.
B. G. Boswell.
A Gentle Hint. A" country parson who
was not over promptly paid by his parishion.
ers, on entering tho church one Sabbath
morning, met ono of the most wealthy of his
iiock, and asked him tho loan of a dollar.
"Certainly," said the man, at tho samo
time handing over the coin.
Dominie put it into his pocket and pre. .ched
his sermou in capital style, and on coming
down, handed tho identical dollar to the man
from whom he borrowed it.
"Why," exclaimed the lender, "you have
not used tho money at all."
"It hus been of great service lo mp, never
theless," replied the parson. "I always
preach so mnch better when I have money
in my pocket."
The hint was taken, and tho balanco of his
salary was got together the followiug after
noon. Just use an editor that way,' and see how
wonderfully his paer will improvo No
editor can make an interesting paper mile's
he have a cheerful disposition, and there is
no such thing as keeping an editor cheerful
unless his subscriber pay up well. A sub
scriber who owes for his paper has no right
to grumble about its being uninteresting. So
say the Elmira Republican, and so say we.
Mr. Wuittiesey expressed his confident
belief at a public meeting in Baltimore a few
days ago, that tha requisite fund will be pro
cured, and that within five years a Monu
ment id Washington would bo erected at the
Capitol of the Union, of great dimensions,
and of more than 5C0 feet in height.
,. . i
Tub Wall of the saloons of M. Lamartine
in Paris, are bung around with pictures of a
pleasing character painted by his wife.
A great decline in the prices of cattle and
aheep' has been experienced in Ireland.
Truth is a hardy plr.nt ; and when once
fiirnly rooted, it cover tha ground so that er
ror can scarce find root
More Nk from the Gqld Region.
Wild as the reports are from the gold regions
of California, they geerri to fall far short of the
reality. The Washington correspondent of
the Baltimore Sun writes as follows :
It is reported, with truth nnd reason I be
lieve, that Col. Mason, of the army com;
mandingour forces iu California, has sent an
official account of the extraordinary gold and
quicksilver mines of California to the Secre
tary of War, and that similar accounts from
officers in tho navy have recently reached
the Secretary of the Navy. The previous re
ports that all other kinds of business, eiiept
ging for gold is deserted, is confirmed,-
and the fexiracVdindry price of flour, which
is said to have risen to $50 a barrel, main
tained to tho latest period. Solid lumps of
..a,c uecn lound equal to $4,000 in value
or almost as larre n th,,. r,..i .....
O- '"'" V" 1UO
v nneiiall estate of Major Heiss. of V
The mines, with the exceptiou or the pro
perty belonging tho Messrs Forbes & Suter,
are on the public lands of the territory, and
their value is, t believe, f-thrtted at a thou
sand millions of dollars! From this, of course
an equally enormous discount must bo made
C.old and silver, like every other product of
tho soil requires labor, and if that labor, as is
stated in the accounts, is now remuneratedat
the rate of $20 a day, the profits even of these
wealthy mines must be limited. Alexander
Von Humboldt ha, proved that tho poor silver
mines of Saxony are more profitable than tho
rich silver mines of Mexico, furnishing the.
silver dollnr 16 cents cheaper than it can be
furnished in Mexico.
Tho gold rejrion of California is paid to nv.
tend on both sides of the Sierra Nevada, and
to embrace a surface larger than that of the
State of New York. If these discoveries are
really of the importance these statements leaij
us to infer, they will probably bo embodied
in the several respective reports of the Sec
retaries of the Army and Navy as othorwiso
Congress itself will institute the inquiry, and
demand an account of them. It is indeed a
strange and mysterious fact, that while all
other countries are involved in great national
disasters, every thing seems to prosper iu the
United Slates, both in war arid peace, and in
our foreign and domestic relations.
Tus following fine poem, l.y G tones V"j
Ccttsr, of Covington, Ky., Blackwood has pro"'
nounced "the besf lyric of the century."
Harness me down with your iron bands,
Be sure of your curb and rein, ,
For I scorn the strength of your puny hands,
As ffie tempest scorns a chain ;
How I laughed as I lay conceulvd from sight,'
For many a countless hour,
Al the childish boast of human might,'
And' the pride of human power !
When I aaw an army upon the land,'
A navy upon the seas.
Creeping along, a snail-like band,
Or waidng a wayward breeze ;
When I marked the peasant faintly reel
With the toil which he faintly bore
As he turned at the tardy wheel,
Or tugged at the weary oar :
When I measured the panting courser' speed,
The flight of tho currier dove,
As they boro a law a king decreed,
Or the hues of impatient love ;
I could not but think how tho world would feel.
As these were outstripped afar,
When I should be bound to the rushing keel,
Or chained to the living car!
Ha ! ha! ha ! They found mo at last ;
Tl.ey invited me forth at length;
And I rushed to my throne with a thunder blast
And luughed in my iron strength!
Oh ! then ye aaw a wondrous change
On the curtli and ocean wide,
Wh?re now my fiery armies range,
Nor v. ait for wind or tide.
Hnrrah! hurrah! the water's o'er
The mountain's steep decline ;
Time space have yielded to my power
The wjiIJ the world ia mine!
The giant streams of tho queenly West,
And tha Orient Hoods divine.
Tho ocean pales where'er I sweep
To hear my strength rejoice,
Ar.9 tho monsters of the briny deep
Cower trembling at my voice,
I carry the wealth and the lord of earth ,
The thoughts" of the god like mind ;
Tho wind lags after gojng forth,
The lightning is lt-A bchiuX
. ,.
In the darksome depths of tho fathomless mind
My tirekeS arm'drth play, ,
Where the rmka ne'er saw the sun's decline,
Or the dawn of the glorious day.
I bring earth'a glittering jewels up
From the hidden caves below,
And I make the fountain's granite cup
With a crystal gush o'er flow !
I blow the bellows, I Cjrge the steel,
lu all tbe shop of trade ;
I hammer the ore, and turn Ihe wheel,
Where my arms of strength are made. .
I manage the furnace, the mill, the miut
I carry, I spin, I weave t
And all my doings I put in print,
On every etturdcy eve.
I've no muscle to weary, no breast to decay,
No 'bones to be "laid on'the shelf,"
And toon iutend'yoa may "go. end. play,"
W hile I manage the world any self. ,
But harness me down with your iron bands,
Be sure of your eurb and rein 1
For I scorn tbe strength ct your puny bands.
As the tempest acorns a chain !
Women love strength without imitating it :'
men, tenderness without fiomin fn.-Rtthttf