Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 02, 1848, Image 4

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rnoM viuteside's
It it very amusing, because novel to
atand near the door of the erand chapel,
and look at the cardinals as they enter one
by one at short intervals; accompanied by
a. chaplain in full black clerical custom, fol
lowed by an attendant in russet brown,
with a bag, and their footmen in bright
liveries, whose coats hang loosely upon
their shoulders, as if made for their grand
lathers. The party draw up in the outer
hall to settle the tail of his eminence ; the
bag is opened, robe taken out and adjusted,
and let down to sweep the ground in a
long, graceful train. The dress ol a cardi
nal on such occasions is not only rich and
splendid, but peculiarly elegant and becom
ing. The colors on certain festivals vary ;
red, purple, white. Sometimes during a
religious ceremony the tippet is removed
and laid aside j why, I never could find
out. This I would regret, as it looks beau
tiful enough, yet I am consoled by observ
ing that what is underneath is even finer
still. But I must enter to see what a car
dinal does when he struts in so proudly,
like a peacock with his gaudy tail. lie
weeps along between files of obsequious
Swiss ; the noble guard receive him as a
prince of the blood. The moment his emi
nence crosses the threshold of the sacred
enclosure he drops gently on his knees;
while engaged in pious meditations, the
fine gentlemen of the palace (who wait on
the Pope in black court-dress, lace ruffles
and sword), not to lose time, settle the dress
about the shoulders of the cardinal and pull
out the tail properly. Whenhis eminence
rises all is right, and he may move on,
which he does with solemn dignity ; not,
however, to his seat, but to salute his holi
ness the Pope, who sits apart in solitary
grandeur under a canopy, with two priests
at each side to lolu his rolie, and take oil
his mitre and put it on again, and hold the
book, with a pair of huge wax candles
lighted in broad day, to enable his holiness
at intervals of the service to read. One
might suspect the Pope had neither arms
nor hands, for he never touches anything,
except when a cardinal kneels before him,
when he graciously extends his robe, on
which a cross is embroidered, to the devout
man to kiss, which when the cardinal (who
never kisses his slipper) has done, he rises,
make a profound obesiance, and then grave
ly moves to his place on one of the cush
ioned benches which surround the enclo
sure. Here a difficulty would arise as to
what should be done with his long tail,
which looked so beautiful as he strutted
aloncr the floor. This is guarded anainst bv
a prudent arrangement. There is a lower
bench, on which is seated the attendant in
russet who carries his master's bag; this
practitioner rises, adjusts the cardinal's
robe, enables him conveniently to sit down,
and then seats himself, ready for any emer
gency, at the feet of his eminence. Occa
sionally the members of the Sacred Col
lege, during a religious ceremony, rise and
descend to the floor ; the men in russet are
nn h nlort, wntrh the loilo and untwiof
them, so that not the least discomposure
happens. The new cardinal was now in
troduced by two ol his brethren. How
fine ho was! His crimson stockings, and
scarlet robes, and shining buckles, and dia
mond ring delighted me exceedingly. He
went through all the ceremonies cleverly,
and grew quickly into a pillar of the
church. Sometimes the whole company
of cardinals stood up and with much for
mality bowed to each other, as il lor the
first time making acquaintanceship. Again
they whispered confidentially, what secret
I know not ; but when the new cardinal
was made, they had all severally to em
brace him a serious business to get through.
This is done by each laying both arms on
the shoulders of the other, as if the cardi
nals were about to wrestle (which, some
say, they do for power, and occasionally
one of the wrestlers get a heavy lull.) This
embrace is to prove their affection for the
new comer (and, no doubt, that affection
must be very sincere), who thenceforward
is as great a personage as they are.
Scrofula or Khar's Evil, Itrieiiniatism, Obstinate Cutaiieoua
Eruptions, rimplcs or reran on i; .:tM"
Biles, Chronic Sore Kyes. Ring Worm or Tetter,
Sonld Head, Enlargement and Pain or ths
JJmih-s and Joints. Sluuhom Ulcers, Pyplu
litie f vmptoms, tVialica or Lnmlxigo,
diseases nnsinp- mui mjuui
ciona tin of Mercury, Drop
ay, Ex puaurc or Impru
dence, in life; also,
Chronic Consti
tutional Uia
ortlcra. In thia medicine aevernl innorcnt hut very potent article
of the vegetable kinedoin nre united, forming a compound
entirely different in it character aim properties fiom any
other preparation, and unrivtiltcd in Ha operation on the
avatein when luboring under disease. It ahould be in the
hands of e.vcrv person, who, by business, or general courae
of life, Is prodisposcil to the very many ailimeuta that ren
der life a curse, instead of a blessing, oikl ao often result in
Established IS year ag, by Dr. K1NKEL1N,
Tha olrle, eoresl and heat bind to cur all forme
of secret diseases, diseases of the akin and
solitary habile of youth, It
N. W. earner of id and Union tit., between Sprue
and Pine, 1 ) squares from the Exchange.
YOUNG MEN t If you value youi life oryour
health, remember, the delay of month, nay,
even e week, may prove your tain, both of hotly
nd mind. Hence let no false modesty Jeter you
from making your case known to one who, from
education and respectability, esn alone befriend you.
He who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'8
treatment, may religiously confide in bia honor aa
a gentleman, and in whose bosom will be forever
locked the aecret of the patient.
Too many think they will hug the aecret to their
own hearts, and cure themselves, Alaat bow of
ten is this a fatal deluaion, and how many a pro
mising young man, who might have been en orna
ment to society, has faded Itom trie earin.
finding it Inconvenient to make personal applies
tin, can, by atating their case explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, (per letter, post-paid,) have
forwarded to them a chest containing Dr. K'a me-
icines appropriated accordingly.
Packages of Medicines forwarded to sny part ol
the United States at a moment's nonce.
Post urn Lrrrans, addressed to Dr. Km
iliu, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended lo
Oc. 30th, 1847. ly
j- vuiiiv uvjuuimi.u n lilt a J UUlla
nanasoine, lasmonable Count, who mixed
largely in l-nglish society in Rome. Du
ring an evening's conversation he remark
ed, he had never beheld the sea and had
greaiaeaire to ao so. i observed that was
very easy, the sea was but a few miles dis
tant, and if he preferred a sea-port, Civita
Vecclna was not very far oif. The Count
laughed. "I made an ellbrt to accomplish
it, but tailed," he then said. "You Eng
lish who travel over the world do not know
uur sysieui. x uppueu lately lor a pass-
pon to vismne coast; the omcials inquired
my age and with whom I lived ; I said
with my mother. A certificate from mv
mother was demanded, verify'ins the truth
of my stntement. I brought it ; the pass
port was still refused. I was asked who
was my parish priest; having answered, a
certificate from him was required, as to the
propriety of my leaving Rome. 1 got the
priest's certilicate ; they then told me in
the office I was very persevering, that
really they saw no necessity for my roam
ing about the country just then, and that it
was better for me to remain at home with
my mother." The only palliation for the
refusal of a passport to this young man for
his trip, may be found in the fact that the
insurrection had occurred at Rimini a few
months before, and as the youth had an
honest face, and was not then of age, the
officials may have considered him a conspirator.
r-xroMxu the iarsox. A minister wad
one Subbulh day examing the Sunday School
in catechism before the congregation. The
Sr. Pniko1 Panacea is recommended M a certain remedy,
ot one instance ot iU failure linn ever occurred wlien free
ly used ! It curci the iliseuac nml at thesnnie time impart!
vipor to the whole syntem. SVrofuloui persons can never
jmv too mncli iittcniimi to the Mate of their blood. It pu
ri iient inn it In hi Id le their Brut aim ; for perscA'enuice will
accomplish a cure of kvfx her kim taut disease.
Scurvy, Scurl.utic AlTix'tions, Tumors, White Swelliiur,
Kryniclns. Ulcers. Cancers, ft nulling Sores, Scabs and
Hi leu, lr. Drake's Phi mem cannot im too highly extolled;
it searches out the very root of the disease, and pcrmajicut.
No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which
pives so much tone to the stomach ,M causes the secre
tion n a itenltliy gastric jmcc to decompose the loud as Dr.
Drake's Panacea
Dr. Drake's Panacea is unci I with the crrateot siieccra in
Ilhi-umaiic 0uilaiiio. enpeeiulK such nnehronic. It cures
by driving out all impurities niid'foiil humours which hnvo
hot i in m hit til in the system, which nre the cause of Kheu
mat i urn. Gout, and S wellings ot the inl. Other remedies
s-iiuel itucs irive temimntrv relief: this entirely eradicates
the disenne from the system, even when the limbs and bones
uiv uiuum uiiy awuiicu,
Coxsr.MrTiox cas be ciTtED. Coitiihs, Catarrh, Brm
chitis, Spittiuir of lil., Asthma. DithYult or i.rniW Hi-
ptietonituni. Hectic Plush, Night Sweats, Pain in the aide
Vc. hnve been cured, and enn be with us much certuinty as
any other (tinea sc. A specific has injf been sought for, but
in vain until the discovery of lr. Dniku's Panacea. Jt is
mild and safe but certain ami ellieutions in its opeiation,
mid cannot poywihly injure the most delicate constitution,
We would curnestly recommend those afllicted to give it a
trial and we lielievc they will not liave occasion to regret
it. The PYutoui is cIcauKcd and vtreuglhcned, the ulcers on
the luniks nre healed, vnd tht imtients irradually leguiu their
usuui iieuiin anu streugin. neau me luuowuig :
Piiila.. Dee. 14lh. 1&47.
Dkar Sir : In rcnlv to vour ouestion rcHneetinir the use
of Dr. Drakes Panat eu, 1 will sav, that although u perfect
dislnjirever in the existence of a Panacea, or cure lor all
dibeascn, however valuable it nmv be in certain conditions
t the system, still 1 have believed that a cure foi Consuinp-
uni wouiu ue uiscovereu urner or later, and cuiiosity leu
ne tu trv vour medicine in two verv inveterate cases.
They w eru pniuouucetl by the atteiuliiitf physicians to he
lmonaky coNsrMrTioN, and abandoned by Uicm as is
cl'Rablr. One of the ncrtkais had been under the treat
ment of several very able practitioners for a number of
yfjuip, tuiu nicy siiiu inc nau "ftiu lusnioneu wOiisrimpiioii
ctMubine with Scndula," and that she might linger for nu
lime nut eon iu nor ne permanently relieved, in outnesses
the effect ot the Panacoi has been most trrutifviutr. Only
four or five bottles were used bv one of the persons before
sue negun to improve rapidly. 1 lie other Kxiic about ten
1 win only ana trial tuiaiuar us l am witli consumption ty
iibritnnea d by j.tunaive olcrutin as a study, and
knowing also the injurious effects in iime cases out of ten
of Uir, botiestt, and other vegeUible tonics, as well as of
many oi me expectorants umi seilutives, 1 should never have
recommended the u&e of Drake's Panacea if I had nut Ik-mi
aetpiuiiited with the iugredieuts. Suttice it to say that these
are leconimenuen uy tair most popular and acientilic nhvsi
ciuus, and in their present eomhiued stale, form probably
i ue iM-st an t rim e mat lias ever tHen nuidr. The cure is
in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached in
r ranee a iev veurs airo. iv one oi ner iikphI eminent wri.
ters on iiiedieine, uud now established by facts which ad
mit uj no uis nine.
cry Hespectfully Yours, L. C. CUNX
To use the kinauagc of n not her. ,;Dr. Pruke's Panacea In
always salutary in its ellccts never injurious. It is not as
Opiate it is not and Kxpectoraut. It is not intended to lull
the invalid into a fatal security. It is a gTeut remedy a
Kiunu iicaiiinr ana ciiniuve compound, ine great ami oni
remedy which meibcal science and skill has yet prod need
fur the treatment of this hitherto unronuucred maladv. And
no per hi amicieo with tins dread disease, will be just to
h nncii anu ms iricnos, It he go down to the gruve without
testing its virtue. A single b-ttle, in most cases, will pro-
Mict: itivoiiioiu eiuuiue iu u u conuuiou oi aiiv iiuiient.
uun cvci iv .
IJldlua uf ptile roninlfxiiin ami oniniiinntirf. luiliif.. nml
urn u ore u;iiiiiaieii uv inottc utifftruell'ins whlca feinillt;
ie li.iiiie n, art- rcxunil bv tho use ol a bottle or two, U
bliiimi vior. It is by inr the best reinedv ever discovereil
fur weakly children, uml such as have tail humors ; being
lucuNi mi, iiu-y luKu it, it muueuiuieiy restores tiie uimeule,
streuvth uud color.
Noihiui can be more surprisina; than its invifronitinir ef.
km-is on me iiunmii iraine. l'emns, ull weakness ana uir
silude brlore Uikinir il, at once keeoine robust ami full of
eiierfry umier u mitiienee. It uumedmtii counteracts (lie
ucrveiLSsuess oi the lunule Iruiue.
C AUTION'. He careful Dud see tlint yon Ret the peuu.
ine Dr. Urakk's I'anacka it has the sinnalure ol" Geo. F
promts on ine wrajiiwr mid nlso the nuuie "Da. Drake:
i "cea, i-imla." I.l jwn in the irMra.
Hreiired only bv Stores & Co.. Drueuisti. No .81 Vnrth.
Sixth St., riiiuulelphiu.
Aecut for PuiilmryII. MAPSI'rt.
Sold nlsj by Wj. A. Mlurax tt Co., Dnnville II. Shaet
fr, Miltonj Mauv .McCov, Norlhuiiiberlund: li. P.Lvti,
A;ril 1, leie ly
Seal and Letter-Copyinsr Presses, Patent
Shite-Lined Ilel'i iterators. Water Fil
ters, Patent Portable Water Clo-
l fur the bick
and Infirm.
70 South Third Strct.t,
No IDS Chcsnut Street,
South East Corner of Eighth it., Philadelphia,
PORTRAITS from the smallest breast-pit to
the Unreal aizc, ainily or in groups. Tho
Viorirkiors are wairaiitcd in sayinp, that ihrir
work hat gained a reputation second to none in
the world, r.xtiacts from tbe l're?a t
'Life-like in the expression, chasll; correct in
the shading. Ledger.
"The art haa arrived at great perfection, and
none understand n lietter than ftlclleea ei ucr
mon." Baltimore hit.
o Admirable ! nothing can exceed their exquisite
delicacy." V. S. Gazette.
Extract from the report of the Judge, at the last
fair of the Franklin Institute. "Daguerreotypes
in this department there are some ery excellent
specimens in the exhibition, and the Judges think
they see a progressive improvement in thia branch
of the art. 'J'bey have not recommended an a-
ward in favor of any of the enmpeiitois, hut are
deposed to rank as firtt in order, tho collection of
McUI.EKa & UEKMUIN, aa containing tbe lar
gest numher of tuperior specimens."
I hihideiplim, tea. ia, ibib. cm
CE) 12 3C2T CP KOC 123 "CP
AN extensive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, for sale liv
Xus. 33 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 J North
THIRD Street,
CompiUing 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors anil
Also, a choice assortment of Rodgera Si Sons,
Woatenholm's, Greavc.'s, W, & S. Uulchei's and
Fenney'a Cutlery.
Also, ppamsh, Uirk and Hunting hnivcs.
Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives.
Alar, The American Razor Strop, a superior
article, worty the attention of Dealers.
Card Dealers in Oulleiy, will find the above
Stock worthy their attention, as the Suhtcrihr r'
chief business is importing and selling cutlery.
l'bibdtlhia, June lOlh, 1848 ly.
Commission and Forwarding
No. 48 Commerce Street IVhatf. BALTIMORE.
Will receive and sell all kinda of Country Pro
duce Flour, Grain, he.
N. B. Particular attention given to the sale
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con
signments, when required.
April 1, 1848. 4m
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddiness,
Rheumatism, Tiles,
Dytpep-ia, Scuivy,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
Pains in the Back,
Inward We.kness,
Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers of all kinds,
Female Complaints,
Measles, Salt Rheum,
Heart Burn. Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quinsey,
Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint,
F.risipt las, Deafness,
Ilchings of ihe Skin,
Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Nervous Complaint',
sets, liiteime
usual question was put to the first j
trapper, about thirteen years of ae.
irl, a
occasionally assisted her father, who was
publican, ill waiting on customers.
"What is your name'!" said the parson
No reply. "What is your name V he replied
Hi a more peremptory manner
"None of your fun, Mr. Minister," said the
girl. "You know my name well enough
Don't you say wheii you come to our house
n a night, "Bet, bring me some more ale :"
The congregation, forgetting the sacred
aess of the place, were in a broad gtin, and
the parson looked daggers.
SiiEBirr v one Vote. The Canvassers
of Oswego county, New York,' have declared
Norman Howe, the Whig candidate for
Sheriff! elected by oat majority
Maiiuiurturc and keep constant
ly on haiul, a larse auortiuenl of
' A the above artieles, together with
' S't Iheir latent Improved Siluiuaurier
1 'ttir lil"'e ';si whieh
j:'i((Jr Vf'C pre m) eolistrueted us to set ut rest
I 'i-i' ,'i'h all manner of iloubt aa to their
Ili. y will resist the bra of anv
uuiltlinif. The outsiile ese. of
these bules are inuue ol boiler iron, the maute cuaeol' si)
tone, anu between the outer eue and uuier euse ia a snuee
ot me tlirea inelies thick, and is tilled in with indestruc
tible mnteriul, so us to umke it nn iniioiiUilily to burn any
of the eontenta inside of Ibis Chest. Thews bijiiMloiie Sn.
bnunulora we lire prepared uml do chulh'iure the world to
pruduee any urtiele in Ibe slmiie of llook Sufea Ihut wilt
stand us mueh heul, unit we hold ourselves rauly at all
limes to huve litem fuirlv Uwted by iiulilie bonfire. We
alo continue tt inunuliieture a birge uiul Keueral assort
ment ot our rretiuuiii Air-lipht r ire rreol bulea ot which
there are over Hio now in Hue, and in every nwtatice they
have iriveu eutiie autisiiteiion to the pureliaaere uf whieu
we will refer the puUic to a few getitleiueu who have
inciu in use
llnvwood fnvcler. Poltsvillc! Joaenh G. Lawton
Poiisi ille j Mi. William Oirr, l)oyletown. Pa.
N. 4 li. TurUir, I2u luirtli 3d St.: A Wrnrlil k. Nenhcw
Vine St. wliurf; Aluxunder Caror, Cmveyuncer, corner of
Filbert and ylli sts.; John M. Ford, .13 uorth 3d St.; Myers
Hush, 2i north 3d at.i Jumea M. Piml, till aoulh 4lh st.j
Dr. David Juyne, b south M St.; Mai hew T. Miller,
'iiith 3i st.; and wu could iiume some hundreds of others
II it were neeeiwary. Now we invite the attention of the I
public, uud particularly those in want of Fire Proof ftufes,
to call al our store before purcltusuia elsewhere, and we
can satisfy them they will get a belter and cheaper article
at our stoie tluui at any other cslaUhstnueiit in the city.
We nlso numuluclure the ordinary 1 ire Proof Chests, at
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at any
other store in Philadelphia.
rA v hi r.v a.t,
Philadelphia, April 8, IMS ly
dieore J. Weaver,
A'o. la Water Street and No. 1 1 North Wharve
AS constantly on band, general assort
ment of Cordate. Beine 1 wines, etc., mi
si d Hopes, Fiahinc Hope. While Hopes, Manil
Is Ropes, Tow Lines for Can Boats. Also,!
complete assortment of Seine Twines, etc, such as
Hemp BhaJ and Herring Twine, Deal Patent (Jill
Nat Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Bhoa
Threads, 4c cVe. Also, Bed Coids, Plough Unas,
Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
4c, all of which ha will dispose of on reasonable
Philadelphia, June 31, 1843. ly
inn a viaicTT or otueb diseases abisiko
raoM iMrrniTits or the sloop, and ob.
STitccTiom in thi oboais or ni-
Fxperienre hss proved that nearly every Dis
ease originate fiom Impuriliea of the Blood or de
rangements of the Digestive Organs ; and to secure
Health, we must remove those obstructions or re
store the Blood to iis nalural state.
The aversion lo taking medicine is most rrTec
tually removed by Clickhib's Viof.tabii Pub
sativb Pills, being completely enveloped with a
eoatwg of pure white Sugar, (which is as distinct
from the internal ingredients as a nut shell from
the kernel) ad save ao taste or mkdicibs,
But are aa easily swallowed as bits of candy.
Moreover they neither nauiente or gripe in the
slightest degree, but operate equally nn all Ihe dis
eased parts of the sysiem, instead of confining
themselves to, and racking any pellicular region.
Thus, if tl.e Liver be affected, one inuredient will
operate on thnt particular organ, and, by cleansing
it of an E I ces of Bile restore it to iu naturil
slate. Another will operate on the Blood, and
remove all Impuiilies in its circulation; while a
thiid will rtreclually eipel whatever impurities
may have been discharged into the stomach, and
hence Ihey stbice at the boot or ihskae, re
move all Impure Humors from the bodyt opm
the pores externally and internally sepnrate all
foreign and obioxious particles from Ihe chyle, so
that the blood may be thoroughly puie thus secu
ring a fee and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs
and Livei; and thereby ihey hestobe health e-
The entire Iruih of the above can be ascertained
by tbe trial of a single box t and their virtues are
so positive and certain in resioring Health, that
the urnpnetor tnmla himself to return ihe money
paid for them in all eases where they do not give
universal siis action.
Itctull Price, 35 eta. per Itux.
Principal office No. 66 Vesey st, N. Yoik,
Hold by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Noiihumimiland
03" rfememlier Dr. C. V. Clickener ia the in
ventor of the Sugar Coated Pills, and lliut nothing
of tbe sort wss ever heard of umil be introduced
them in June, 1843. Putchaseis should, therefor.
always ask lor (Jliikener Hugar loafed Pills, and
lake no others, or they will be made the victims of
fiaud. Kept 18tb, 1847. ly eow
T has power to cause ill extxbwal SORES,
OISONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their pu
trid matters, and then heals them.
It is richly termed All-besting, for there Is scare
ly a diaease, external or internal, that it will not
benefit. I nave nseu it tor tna last tourteen years
for all diseases of the chest, consumption and liver,
involving the utmost danger and responsibility,
and I declare before heaven and man, that not in
one aingle case haa it failed lo benefit when ths pa
tient was within the reach of mortal means.
I have had physicisns, learned in the profession.
I have had ministers of Ihe gospel, judges of the
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of ths high
est erudiiion, end multitudes of ihe poor use it iu
every variety of way, and there baa been but one
voice one unHersal voice saying I MA luster,
your Ointment is GOOD."
In scrofula, Uld Bores, Eryeenelaa, 1 elter. !.!
vet Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinv, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Broken or 8ore Breast, Piles, all Chest
Diseases, such as Asibma, Oppressions, Pain-
Also, Bore Lips, Chapped Hands, tumors, Unit
dren's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases,
and of the Spine, there ia no medicine now known
as Rood.
SCALD HEAD. We have cured eases thst
actually defied every thing known, ss well as the
ability of IS or 20 doctors. One man told us he
had spent f 300 on his children without any bene
fit, when a few boxes ot Ointment cured tbem.
BALDNESS. It will testore the hair sooner
than sny other thing.
HEADACHE The salve has cured persons
of the headache of 12 years' standing, and who
had it regular every week, so that vomiting often
took place. - DxArnEss, Eak Atns, snd Aoub in
the Face, are cured by this Ointment with like
KUKN8. It Is one of the beat things in the
world for Burns. (Read the directions around Ihe
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost immedi
ately ihe infliimation and swelling when the pain
cen-es. (Rout the Directions sround Ihe Box.)
COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, Pain in the chest or side, falling off of ihe
hair, one or the other always accompanies cold
feet. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) It is
a sure Sinn of disease lo have cold feel.
TETTER. There is nothing belter for Ihe
cure of Teller.
PILES. Thousands sie ycar'y cured by this
CORNS. Occasional use of the Oinlment will
always keep Corns from growing. People need
never be troubled wilh ihem il they will use il,
Bead the following Communication,
Received fiom an old. respected snj well known
citizen of Philadalphia. and then judge for your
self: Philadelphia. 10 mo., 13th, 1846.
To T. B. Peterson, Having bren requested
lo cive mv opinion on the merits of M'AI.I.IS-
TER'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate some
of the benefits which I have expeiicnccd in Ihe use
of Iho article.
In the spring of 184.'), I had an attack of Ery
sipclas in my face which became very painful, and
extended into one of my eyes, being attended with
fever, mv distress was great and I began to be fear
ful of losing my rye.
Although not much of a believer in what is
commonly cnllid qnaek medicines, I purohaeed a
box and made an opplicalion to my face. To my
surprise the piin soon ab.iteil, and in s week's time
it was entirely cured, and I firmly believe that it
was the solve, under Providence that cured me.
From that time to the present, I have used the
article as occasion required, and in every case where
I have ued it, I have found a decided benefit.
At ore time, on going lo b?d at night, my ihroat
was so sore ibat I swallowed with difficulty, but
by an application of the salve I was relieved l.efote
I have uaod it in coco of burns, bruises, sprains,
and flesh cuts, all wilh the happiest effects, and
one case of poisoning by a w ild vine in the woods.
has been dried up and cured by a few application.
From my own experience, I would strongly re
commend it to all, as a cheap, convenient, family
I have become so partial In it, that I expect to
keep it constantly in my family.
Though not ami itious lo appear in print, yet I
cannot refuse lo have this commnnicaiinn made
pullic if judged best to serve the ciuse of humani
ty. Respectfully thine,
No. 26, Old York Road.
CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine
unless tbe namea of Jamea M'Allister, or James
M'AIIister 6i Co., are written wilh a pen on eve
Sole proprietor of the above medicine.
Aqehts : J. W. FRILING, Sunbury,
Dr. WM. M. BICKLEY, Danville,
J. G. CHOUSE, Selinsgrove,
P. C. SH F.LI. E It, Lewiaburg,
WM. F.NAGLE. Milton,
Feb. I9tb, 1648. eowly
TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of
4c. This Medicine is offered to ihe public under
the assurance that there is mi article in existence
having stronger claims lo their consideration. Be
ing compounded by a tegular Graduate of Jeffer
son College, Philadelphia, and a practising physi
cian of twenty years' standing in Philadelphia, his
long experience has confirmed him in the opinion
Ihut s compound medicine was required to prevent
nd remedy the debilitation produced by residing
in low, miasmatic climates, and to counteract the
pro-trating influences of many nervous disorders
wilh which lha human family sre afflicted.
DR. ALLbN ia well known physician, and
has used the above medicine in his practice for 8
years wilh the most astonishing effect, having tes
ted its qualities in above
No medicine ever received more Haltering re
commendations from phyticians of eminent stand
ing than ha been bestowed on this.
da iv k note list.
Ths following list shows the current valus of all
Pennsvlvsnia Bsnk Note. The most Implicit re
liance may be placed upon H, as it is every week
jarerully compared with and corrected from iticK
nell's Reporter.
Blank! in PhUadelpbia.
Na-.; I.ocat,o.
Bank of North America ,
Bank of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bsnk
Philadelphia Bank . .
Schuylkill Bank
8onthwark Bank .
Western Bsnk a
Mechanics' Bank
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bank
Bank of Penn Township .
Girard Bank
Bank of Commerce, late Moyamensing
Bank of Pennsylvania
Country nanus.
Bank of Chester County Westchester
Bsnk of Delaware County Chester
Bank of Germontown Germantown
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown
Uoylestown liana JJoylestown
Easlon Bank Easlon
Farmers' Bank of Bucks co. Bristol
Bunk of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & Bridge co.' Columbia
Farmers Bank of Lancaster
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Bank
Farmers' Bank of Resding
Office of Bank of Perm's.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do do
Wank of the United States
Miners' Bank of Poltsville
Bank of Lewistown
Bank of Middle-town
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do do branch of
Harrishurg Bank
Lebanon Bank
Merchants' 6c Manuf. Bank
Bank of PitUburg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bsnk
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bank
Office of Bank of U. S.
Do do do
Do do do
Bank of Chambersburg
Bunk of Gettysburg
Bank of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Bunk
Farmers' Sc. Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Honesdale Bank
Monongahela Bank of B.
York Bank
N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the
exception of those which have a teller of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuylkill Sav. Ins, do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Lancaster par
Lancaster par
Lancaster par
Reading par
Harrishurg"! These
Lancaster I offices
Resding jdo not
Easton j issue n.
Philadelphia 17
Pottsville par
Lewistown failed
Middletown 1
Carlisle 1
Pittsburg 1
Holliilaysburg 1
Harrisburg 1
Lebanon par
Pittsburg 1
Piltsbutg 1
Williamsport H
Wilkesbarre l
Allentown no aale
Reading failed
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chambersburg 1
Gettysburg 1
Montrose H
Erio 35
Washington 1J
Honesdale 1 i
Browns 7 i tie 1
York 1
OP ,jk 2T S3 J& .
THIS Medicine Is warranted, on oath, not to
contain particle of Calomel, Corrosive Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
rous minersls.
The principle upon which this Medicine acts, is
aaalatlna snd harmonising with nature t It
drives out ell foul acrimonious humors from the
hlnml and bodv. and bv assimilating WHO and
strengthening the gastric juice of the stomsch, it
aa.Lta d mailon i In short mere is noi a vein, n-
"... ... . L 1
nr. mn arte of nerve in the numsn uouy. tnai is
not strengthened by the PANACEA, and it also
possesses the remarkable properly or removing
mercury from ine nones snu joints.
Scurvy, 8corbuiic Affections, Tumors, Scrofula or
Kings' Evii, White Swellings, Erysipelas, uicers,
Cancers. Runnine Sores. Scabs and Biles, lime
and a determined perseverance In U . owtr. !
8ER'S PANACEA, will effect cure.
Rejection of food. Nausea. Vomitings, Nervous af
fections, Billious complaints, Head ache, Paleness,
or Femsla Irregularities. Dr. 8 WEET8Elt'S PA
NACEA will soon effect a cure t but if obstinate,
or attended with griping, riving pains, the dose
should be increased, and the cure will soon be ef
fected. Lei not the patients frighten themselves
with the ides that they are too weak to take muc
medicine; but bear in mind that this mildly opera
ting medicine put not weakness into Ihe frame, but
mod certainly drawa weakness out, leaves slrengt
in its place, and by giving composed sleep at night
and an appetite lo relish any food, re-animaiea the
whole frame with vigorous action, clearing Ih
mind and improving the sight.
And Dealer in Paper, and Paper Manufactu
rers' Malcruiii.
No. 33 Commerce St., PHILADELPHIA.
KEEP constantly on hand large assort
meat of printing and other paper. News
papers in ths country, can be supplied at all
times, with paper ef any sue and quality, at
id lowest prices.
Philadelphia, June 17th, 1818
no sale
no sale
no salo
Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.) failed
fowsnda Bank Towanda
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford
Bank of Beaver Beaver
Bank of Swalara Harrisburg
Bank of Washington Washington
Centre Bank ltellefonte
City Bank Pittsburg
Farmers' Si Mech'cs' Bank Pittsburg
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Brink Fayette co.
Farmers' &. Mech'cs' Bank (ireencnstle
Harmony Inslituto Harmony
Huntingdon Uank
Juninta Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhumb'd Union Col. Bk,
North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. &. Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
Westmoreland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre no sale
Qp All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
lown as frauds.
Huntingdon no sale
New Hope
Port Carbon
Scrofula is said to be heridilary, Ihe infant re
ceiving from its parents the seeds of this disease,
which increases with its years, if neglected snd
not submitted to frequent purification with D
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. TheglanJs are pi
ced in the corners of the body, and out of the way
of direct communication ; their ronl use is a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevails; il
suffices us to know Ibat when in a diseased state,
they are capable of being purified snd cleansed by
a long course ol JJr. sw i tsuit a taina
CEA, which restores them to sound and pioper
action. Scrofulous persons can never pay loo much
attention to their blood, its purification should be
their first thought, for alter a lonsr course of perse
verance, Ihey will ever cure heieditary disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be loo high
ly extolled ; it seaiches out the very root of the
disease, and by removing it from Ihe Blood makes
a cure certain and permanent.
For diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Stric.
litres. Gravel, Stone, Piles, Fistula, Urinoru Ob
structions and Extreme Costireness, Dr. SWE ET-
SEU'S PANCEA is the beat lemedy ever tr ej;
it removes all those acrimonious humors from the
Blood which give rise lo the above diseases, and
by keeping the blood in a puro condition, insurcB
Impurities of the Blood, Mercurial Taint, Weak
ness of the Spine, Flow of Blood lothe Head Gid
diness, Singing and Buzzing Noise in the Head
and Ears, Dr. SWEETSEH S PANACEA will
give certain relief; in all severe and chronic cases,
the patients cannot be loo often reminded that lar
ger doses and perseverance w ill effect a cure.
In Chills and Fevers. Bilious Fevers. Affections
of the Eye nod Ears, Simngu and Bleeding
Gums. Bronchitis anil recent Coughs and Coldt,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be found
perfectly sure and certain in its clfecK
Those complaints are geneiully attended wiih
the most fatal consequences, and ate seldom or ne.
ver cured by the present mode of treatment ; thry
usually uccompany the patient t the grave, alter
suffering the most excruciating pain and torture.
noeirhTT The cause of these complaints are the same as all
no sale
no ssle
not' humors sre expelled, yon have no more fever
When a patient with fever submits to be bled, or
hsvs his blood poisoned with mercury, it weakens
his frame to such a degree, that if he survives the
process, it slvr eys leaves him subject to distressing
chills, when S times oat of 10 he resorts to sgae
pills powders, or tonic mixtures; this is going from
bsd to worse, ss these vegetable pills, powders, c,
are nothing bat mercury and quinine in disguise,
wnicn may tor a lime drive tbe disesse so fsr Into
tbe body ss not to be perceptible, bat very soon l
will break out again with fearful violence. To core
ague and fever, ihe cause of the disesse mast be re
moved out or the blood snd body, which csn be ef
fectually done by using Dr. 8WEET8ER'S PA
NACEA, which purifies, cleanses snd strengthens,
Il contains nothing that can possibly Injure,! and its
uwm - !) i against chills snd levers.
PILES. . ,
In Att Cases or Pitxs, Dr. SWEF.TSEU'S
PANACEA will effect s very speedy cure. It e-j
moves from Ihe blood, stomach and bowels all
Ibose foal acrid burning humors, which are' tb
eauae of Piles snd Cosliveness, and by strengthen-,
mg ms digrs'ive organs, improves every part of th
enure nooy,
These diseases are caused bv Ihe stomach and
bowels being choked up wilh viscid slimy matter;
ine air wnicn eniera mem cannot escape until forced
by eome contraction uf the alomach to expel it ,
bence tbe cause of pain. A few doses of Dr.
8WEETSER'S PANACEA will convince the
sufferer that relief is sttained.
Parents will find the PANACEA a vsluable
medicine for their children, keeping Iheir bodies in
a heahhy condition, thereby assisting their growth
children or grown peisons, after taking it, are not
liable lo be attacked with an epidomic as before as
it always leaves the blood in a pure condition, and
the entire system in a strengthened slate ; it drives
out all kinds of weakness from the body and leaves
all healthy within.
Will find Dr. SWETSER'S PANACEA a medi
erne purely adapted to their use. Most ladies du
ring Ihe period of pregnancy are afflicted with piles
Dr. Sweeiser's Panacea, by regulating the bowels,
will entirely obviate Ihis, and its purifying proper
lies on the blond and fluids, insures lo ihem heal
thy olT-pnng. No ono who is a mother should I
without it, and thosn who are nursii,B win finj j,
of great bem fit to tho health of iheir infants.
ror narrennes and all diseases of the womb, il
is wilhoul s'rival in theenire hisloiv and pi.lrJ.,..
of medicines ; by its extraordinary strengthening
" "uuiawa anu strengthens Ihe wnmh, a
weakness of which is the cause of failure to have
Under this hend mav be classed Pl,,ii.ii.,n
Ihe Heart, Tic Dolorenux or Faceache, Neuralgia
in fact, every disease caused by iho sharp, biting
acrimonious humors irritating? ihe nr. . n..
nerves receive ihe morbid impression from Ihe Mo
msch, or rather from the blood through the agencj
of the stomach and dilutive organs, and allbougi
other parts of the body are apparently the seat o
llic disease, still it is caused bv the morbid impres
Hon conveyed from t',e blood by ihe nerves, to lha
part, n i. w doses ol Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA will soon assure tho patient that he ha
tho euro in hia possession.
Bank of New Biunswick
Qclvideie Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
Tanners' Bsnk
Perth Amboy
Mount Holly
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick failed
Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middletown 1'U 1
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City
Houoken ilKgdt Ui axing Uo Hoboken
ersey City Bsnk Jersey Cilv
Mechanics' Bank Patterson
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville
Morris County Bank Morristown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold
Mechanics' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Post Notes
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark
New Hope Del Bridge Co LamberUvilla
N. J. Manufuc and Bkg Co Hoboken
no sale
no sale
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Profes-
sor s iys: "ll chiefly sriacs in persons who lead
either a very aedenlary or Irregular life. A Ithough
not regarded as a fatal disease ; yet if neglected or
improperly tresred, msy bring oil incurable Me
lancholy, Jaundice, Msdiieas, or Veitlgo, Palsy
and Apoplexy. A great aingularity attendant on
it is, Ibat it may and often does continue a great
length of lime wilhout sny remission of tbe symp
CAUSE-". Grief snd unessiness of mind, ins
len-'e study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery,
excessive use uf spirituous liquors, tea, tobacco, o-
piuin, and oiber narcotics, immoderate repletion,
over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of ihe
secretion of ibr bile, or gislrto juice, exposuie to
told and damp air, are the chief causes of Ihis dia
S Y M PTOMS. Loss of appetite, nausea, Heart-
bum, acidity, and fuitid eructations, gnawing of
;he stomach when empty, uneasiness in lbs thront,
pain in tho aide, cosliveness, chillness, languor,
lowness of spirits, pilpilnliuus, and distuibed
TABLE ' COMPOUND hss never failed in alU
dmg immediate relief, and a ladical cuie for Ihis
fXj- This Medicine can be had of H. B Mas-er,
Sunbury; J. u. Martiu, rottville; Medlar 4.
Bickel, Orwigsburg ; and of Druggists generslly
ALLEN & WARD. Proprietors.
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847 cq ly
fllHE subscriber is prepared to receive and ac
X commodate a few transient or permanent
Boarder, at her residence in Sunbury. Tbe lo
cation is in a handsome aod pleaaant part of the
town, commanding a fine view of the Susquehan
na, Northumberland and tbe scenery adjacent
To peraons from the city, who wish to spend a
few months during ths summer season, Suobury
suorus a aengniiui retreat.
April 8, 1818 6m
N J Prolcclon & Lombard bk Jersey Cilv
Orange Bank Orange
Palerson Bank Peterson
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
State Bank Elixabethtowo
State Bank Camden
State Bank of Morris Morristown
Slate Bank Trenton
Salem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Hank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Harkensack
Bk of Wilm & Brandy wine Wilmington
Batik o f Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Milford
Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do brauch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
(TV Under 6's
tt? On all banks marked thus C there are ek
I her counterfeit or altered notes of the various da-
noiinnalKina, in circulation.
Time aud llUtauce Saved t
fllHE subscribers having leased Ihs Sunbury
JL Ferry, beg leave to inform the public, that
tbey are prepared to convey Teams, Plessure
Carriages and Foot passengers across the river
with safety and without delay. They have pro
vided themselves with new snd commodious
crafts, which will always be attended with able
aud careful hands.
Persons travelling to and from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewiaburg, Hartleton
and other places, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of the
ttriuges, as tbey would save from two to four
miles in distance. JOHN SPEF.CE.
Sunbury, April 1, 1841
No. 40,
South Fourth Strut, Asova CuasmiUT.
Jan. 29lb, lois
others, the dross ol Ihe blood becomes encrusted on
the finest narrow passages, whence arisd morbid
secretions and stoppages of urine. You will find
the most powerful diuretics of no use, as they only
increase the quantity of urine and do not purify
snd strengthen th psrts, JJy punlying the blood
with Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, you re
move the cause of the disease, consequently it can
not exist any longer, after sulficient perseverance
in its use bss deprived Ihe blood snd body of sll
scrimonious humors and incrustation
This is a rery prevalent and fatal disease ; it re
sults mostly from neglected coughs, colds and bron
chitis, also from imptoper treatment in many other
cases, such as measles, fevers, inflammations and
small pox, and a host of other badly treated diseases;
where the cause, instead of having been thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only been
palliated or removed from one part to break out in
another. By divesting your bodies of all foul hu
mors, through ihe medium of Dr. SWE ETHER'S
PANACEA, the cure is at once rendered certain
and permanent. Recollect, while there is acrimo
nious humors floating in the circu'aiion, it is ss apt
lo settle on the lungs as any other part of the body
ibis ia the reason that consumption is so prevalent
Which you see on Ihe exterior, come from and
have their source in, the interior, and might jut as
well have fettled on your lungs, liver, or any nlhur
part; which we know they frequently do, and pro
duce most violent inflammatory disorders. The
humor which occasions these sores is of s hiehly
scrimomons burning nature, we know it trom
the pain it gives in forming, and afterwards its ra
pidly ulcerating and corroding ihe flesh and skin
of Ibe part where it breaks out. 1 nts snows th
necessity of frequently purifying the blood wilh IV
SWEETSER'S PANACEA, and keeping such
malignant humora in subjection. Should you have
a bile or ulcer, be thankful that nature has take
(rouble lo warn you of the danger youi life and bo
dy is in, for it is a warning that the blond ia foul,
Had this same acrimony selected ihe lungs instead
of Ihe surface uf your body for its seal, consump
tion of Ibe lungs would buva been the consequence,
Delay not then, lo purity and cleanse with Di
Sweetsnr's Panacea.
Spinal affections, enlargement of Ihe and
joints, while swellings, dip joint complaint, rup-
luies, falling of Ihe boweU un.l worn i disease, will
find a speedy ouie in Dr. Sll'EETSEK'S PA
NACEA. Where the disease ba been of l-n
standing, the time required to make a cure will be
longer ; but ths patient may rest assured that
determined perseverance will effect it.
These disease proceed fiom the serinstty or
corrupt humors of the blood, having settled iuclf on
Ihe throal and luugs, snd Mopped them up, so that
they cannot draw sulficient sir in for respiration.
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give imme
diate relief, and to make tbe cure perfect snd cer
tain, il should be continued some lime slier, to
free tbe system of ull bad humors.
Find a safe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANACEA. It cures by searching every
blood vessel snd artery, and driving out all impu
rities and foul humora accumulated therein, which
is the esuse of rheumatism, gout and swellings of
ths joints. The deleterous effects of calomel and
other mineral poisons, readily yield to ils sovereign
influence ; indeed, when its vsluable properties be
come fully known, Ihe use of sll miners) poison will
be consigned to 'the tomb of sll the Capuleis,' and
only be thought of sa a by-gone custom of the dar
ker ages. Dr. 8wetser's Psnaces is also a sure
curs for dyspepsls, piles, cosliveness, vertigo, head
ache, pain in ths breast aud liver complaint.
Pever is always caused by a disorderly move
ment of Ihe blood, struggling to fiee itself of some
thing that encumbers il ; in fact, every kind of le
ver is nothing more than a struggle between ths
blood and corrupt humors, and as soon as the coi-
This is an intlammnlorv di-ooli-r aim i
ed with more or less pain. It proceeds from th
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in the blood an
nuids, settling on the Inn! s anj face, causing ex
Heme pain and fevers; all annlieatinn. nn I haa suit
foce are worse than useless, as Ihey only lend t
"""" " uica-s in some otner part, and perha
cause death. Bleeding is likewise improper. T
cuie the disease you mul gel rid of the cause : ol
ly monone to get il.j foul humors out of your blom
and you will bn well in a day. Dr. SYVEE'I
SEH'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of th
blood, will search out every impurity in the moi
remote parts of ihe body and expel it through th
medium of the bowels. There is not a vein, art
ry, muscle or organ of Ihe entire f.ainework i
man, that Dr. Sweeiser's Panacea does nol in
prove. To take it when you sre well Is to ket
well ; and when sick to become well
posed only ol a vegetable mailer, or medical neri
and warranted, on oath, as containing no one p;
niio ui mercurial, mineral, or chimical subsume
is found to be perfectly harmless lo ihe most n ni
sge, or Ihe weakest frame, under any sti of h
man suffering; the mnsl pleasant and bcnijrn in
0ration that was ever offered to the world; ai
at the same time the moat certain in searching o
the root of any complaint, however deep, and
performing a cure.
Price Jl per boitle, or six hollies f. x
aale, wholesale and retail, at ihe rnrn
CHARLES and PRATT S.reeis. Bl,imr., ; . GEORGE BRIGHT.
Nov. 6 1847.-.y Sunbu,
cocgb ! THS
oxa, tub wonK or THS
tub couon or coxsuarTioii hath
IV IT A SOU Jill 11 nKATU.
ARE YOU A MOTHER ! Your darling chi
your idul and earthly y, is now perhi
confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold I
pale cheeks, her tdin shrunken fingers, lell I
bold di-esse bas already gained upon her I
sound of her sepulchral cough pieiecs your sou
YOUNG MAN, when just about to enter I
disease shed, a besri crushing blight over the I
prospects 'of the future your hectic cough and f
bin liinhs lell of your loss snd hope, hut you n
not despair. There is a balm which will heal
wounded lungs, it is
S II E n M A X 8
Mrs. ATTREE, the wife of Wm. H. Atlt
Esq. wss given up by Dr. Sewall of Washing!
Dts. Roe and McL'lellan of Philadelphia, Dr. I
and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends
thought she must die. She had every appears'
of being in consumption, and was ao pronoun
by her physicians Sherman's Balsam was gi'
and it cured her.
Mr. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull's Feiry, v
also cured of consumption by this Balsam l
sll other remedies failed lo ciie relief she was
duced lo a skelet m. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dent
2rtl Broadway, has witnessed ils effects in sevt
cases where no other medicine affoided relief I
tbe Balsam operated like a charm. Dr. C. a
witnessed its wonderful effects in curing Astbr
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, si
ruing ss it may be, is effectually cured by ihis
sam. It heals tbe ruptured or wounded bit
vessels, and makes the lungs sound again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eiuhth aven
was cured of cough and catarrhal affections ot
years standing. The first dose gava biin more
lief than all the olbei medicine he bad ever lak
Dr. L. J. Heals, 19 IVancy street, gave it I
sister-in-law who was laboring under consumpli
and to another sorely afflicted wilh the Asih
In both caaea, ils ell'ecls were immediate, soon
storing Ihem lo cnmforiabls health.
Mis. LUCRE TIA WELLS. 95 Christie an
suliertd fiom Asthma 49 yvars. Sbeimsn's I
sam relieved ber al once, and she is comparalii
well, being enabled to subdue every attack b
timely use of this medicine. This indeed ia
real remedy for Coughs, Colds, Spitting III.
Liver Complaints, snd sll the sthclions of
Ihroat, and even Asthma and Consumption.
Price SS cenls and 1 per bottle.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Loxenges,
Poor Man's Plaster sold as above.
Dr. Sherman's office is si 106 Nassau st N
A gen is, JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury.
M. A. McCAY, Norlbumberl
September 1 lib, 1847. ly
ALL persons indebted to tbs subscriber,
note or book account, are hereby nolilis
call aud aettle the same without delay, in oi
to savs costs. IRA T. C'LEME
buubury, April 2?, le IS