ON BURY MI CAN it. B. MASSER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE, CORNER OF CENTRE ALLEY & MARKET STREET. gt jFamfls JUtospapfr-Brtotrti to fldUt.w, - flftcratitrr, ioralB, jrowftw ani nomestfc iirtos, scteit'cc an ih? arts, Storteulturr, jKarluts, amusements, c. NW SERIES VOL. 1, NO. 3. - taunts of the American. I THE AMERICAN it published event Saturday at TWO DOLLARS per annum to be paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontinued until all arrearage, are paid. , All communications or letter, on bu.inera reloting to the Oftce, to insure attention, mull be POST PAID. TO CLUBS. Three copies to ens address, 8.-o0 Sevan Do Jo 10 00 Fifteen Do l)o 11000 Five dollar, in advance will pay for three year', subscrip tion to the Amvricau. One Square of 18 line., 3 time, 91 00 iKvery subsequent insertion, & fine Square, 3 months, Sjo Six months, 37J One year, I0 Business Cards of Five lines, per annum, 3 00 Merchants and others, advertising by the Tear, -with the privilege of inserting dif ferent advertisement, weekly. 10 00 Cf Larger Advertisements, as per agreement. S. B. MASSES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUITBTJBY, PA. Business alleiulcj lo in the Counties of Nor bun-lcrland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia, liefer tot P. & A. Rovoi'nT, Lowrn & Baiiho, bOMIIHS & SjeoDORASS, RlTKOLDS, McFaIILAXI) &. Co. Bpsniso, Ooou &. Co., yi'MlaJ. THE CHEAP 110 UK STORE. DAITIELS & SMITH'S Cheap New & Second ua.nd Book Siohe, Forth Weit corner of Fourth and Arch Slreetr Philadelphia. Law Books. Theological ami Classical Books, MEDICAL BOOKS, BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes and prices. Blank Booh, Writing PaperjundStatiunary, llViohtnle and ItttaH tV Ot!R prices arc much lower tluin the nwiULAtt prices. TV I.ibiariraninl mM parcels of hooks purchased. IV Books imported to onlirr from London. Philadelphia, April 1, lfflSy PO?TTEp7&rEiTGLISH, GROCERS COMMISSION M IXl'lIANTS and Dealers in Sent. No. 3. Arch St. PHILADELPHIA. Constantly on hand a general assortment of GROCERIES, TEAS, WINES, SEEDS, LIQUORS, &c. To which they respectfully invite the attention of the public. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for Groceries or'sold on Commission. Philad. April 1, 1818 BASKET IflANUFACTOIiV, iiu. 15 South Secnnd tired East fide, duivn stairs, PHILADELPHIA. HENRY COULTER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tli public, that he constantly keeps on band a large assortment of chi drens wil'ow Coaches, Chairs, Cradles, market and travel ling baskets, and every variety of basket work manufactured. Ceuntry Merchants and others who wish to purchase such articles, good and cheap, would do well to call on him, as they are ali manufac tured by him inthe best manner. Philadelphia, June 3, 1848. ly CARD & SEAL. EXGUAVIXG. WM. G. MASON. 48 Chesnut t. 3 doort above 2nd it., Philadelphia Engraver ol BCSIXESS fc VISITING C ARDS, Watch papers, Labels, Door plates, Seals and Ftamps (or Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance, lie, fcc. Always on hand a general assortment f Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pens of every quality. Dog Collars in great variety. Engravers tools -and materials. Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Dia monds. Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually attended to. Philadelphia, April 1, 1848 y riRST PKEMITJM PIANO FORTES. 'f IpHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointed agent , A for the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE .B5.ATED PREMIUM ROSE WOOD PIANOS, .at ;hjs place. These Pianos have a plain, mas .tive and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth of tone, and elegance of workmanship, are not surpassed by any in the United States. Theae instruments are highly approved of by ,he most eminent Professors and Composers of JZdusic in this and other cities. I For qualities of tone, touch and keeping in tone upon Concert pitch, they cannot be sucpas d by either American or Kuiopean Pianos. Suffice it to say that Madame Castellan, VV. V Wallace.,Vieux Temps, and his sister, the cele I tinted Pitnist, and many others of the most dis tinguished performers, have given these instru ments preference over all others. They have also riceived the fiist notice of the t three l;tt Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal by the. Frankliu Institute in 1843, was awarded to thena, which, with other premiums from the same source, may be seen at the Ware-room No. .33 south Fourth st. (JAnother Silver Medal was awarded to C. 'Meyer, by the Franklin Institute, Oct. 1613 for (the best Piano in the exhibition. Again at the exhibition of the Franklin Insti- tute, Oct. Ib46, the first premium and medal was warded to C. Meyer for his Pianos, although it had been awarded at the exhibition of the year before, on the around that he bad made still great r improvements in his Instruments within the (past il months. Again t the last exhibition of the Franklin Institute, 1847, another Premium was awarded to Ci Meyer, for tbe best Piano in the exhibition At )toston, at their last exhibition, Sept. 1817, .C-Meyer received the ficst silver Medal and III pfojroa, for the best square Piano in the exhibition Tho.a Pianos will be sold at the rr.annlar lo Ver's lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something lower. Persons are requester, to can and exam, ioe for themselves, at tbe residence of the sub' scriber. H- B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 8, 1813 THE CHEAP Urusli, Comb nml Variety STCVRE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, . v pRt aJH MAM J' At Ti ll EKS, AND DEALERS IN COMBS & VARIETIES So 98 North Third, below Hate St. and North jst Conner of Third and Market ttreet, T": PHILADELPHIA. TUTHERBtfaev offer (or sale a general assort ment of all kinds of brushes, Combs and varieties which tbey art determined lo tell Lower than can be purchased a'sewhere. Country Merchants ani others Purchasing the above tine will find it to their advantage to rail before purchasing elsewhere as tbe quality and prices will be fully guaranteed against all xompetitioa. .PJiilajWpbia, Juot 3, ISlS-ly. SELECT POETHY. THE MISSION OF THE ANGEL OF DEATH. st jibs, s. w. jiwett. "Go forth," said the heavenly father, To one of his seraph train "Go forth on an errand of mercy To the world of trouble and pain. "Loosing the galling fetters, That bind the weary and worn ; And bear to their glorious mansions, The souls that for bliss are born. "And away from earth's noxious vatiors, Some buds of beauty bring, To bloom in the heavenly gardens, 'Neath the smilo of perpetual spring." And the angel with wings resplendent, Went out from the heavenly band, Midst a chorus of joyful voices, Resounding at God's right hand. In the street of a crowded city, An old man, beggar'd and poor, Hungary and sick, and sorrowing, Sank down by a rich man's door. Sleep weighed down his heavy eyelids, And feebly he drew his breath, As beside him, with look of compassion, Alighted the Angel of death. Then he thought of the years long vanished, The lovely the lost, and the dear, Till borne on the wings of sweet visions, He woke in a happier sphere. There wero none on earth to sorrow, That the old man's days were o'er, II ut myriads bade him welcome, As he ncarcd the heavenly shore. iSlowly night's gathering shadows, Closed round a mother mild, Who, tearful and heavy-hearted, Watched by her dying child. Fevered and restless und moaning, On his little bed he lay, When the bringht-winged angel drc near him And kissed his last breath away. So softly the chain was severed So gently was stayed the breath It soothed the heart of mourner, And she blessed the Angel of Death. For she knew that the soul of her darling Had gone to his Father above Clasped in the arms moro tender Than even her fondest love. And still on his holy mis ton, Did the heaven-sent messenger roam, Gathering God's wandering children To their eternal home. Those only, whose souls were blighted, And withered by sin and shame, .Saw no light in the path of the angel, And knew not from whence he came. And those, only, who close their spirits In wilful blindness here, From the light of God's nearer presence Need shrink with distrust and fear. DASEE LEWELLVN S WISH. "Oh, father! how delightful.it would be if you were an outlaw, or a rebel, or some thing of that sort ; then, I might be like El len in the Lady of the Lake ; there would be danger and excitement, and daily sacri fices to make for you ! IN ay, if you were but an old blind harper, papa, I would be content! Leading you over the hills, as in the olden days of chivalry t in lighted hulls and Beauty's bowers to be welcomed every where." Such was the observation made one day by young Dasee Lewellyn, the daughter of a Welsh squire, and my very intimate though eccentric friend a compound, as I sometimes thought her, of Die Vernon and Anna of Gierstein. I was at the time on a visit to Swan Pool, the picturesque resi dence of Squre Lewellyn, and though Da- see had often amused me wun ner nasnes of sentiment, I felt that her present wish to see her father either a rebel or a beggar was rather too romantic. "Thank vou, my darling : 1 am much obliged to you," said the squire; "but as 1 1.. ...lnmaH 1. if mil" n o wr h we ure already welcomed by our neigh' bors most heartily, whenever we go amongst them, I murh prefer the conveni ences of a comfortable carriage, with the inestimable blessing of eyesight, to toiling on foot afflicted and wayworn." "But." vehemently urzed his daughter, "then we should be welcomed for the sake of genius and the love of art ; now it is be cause you are the Squire of Swan Pool, and I your heiress, and that we give good din ners in return, and a ball at cnrisunas." "Don't talk any more nonsense, Dasee," answered her father impatiently. "I like sentiment well enough, but not sentiment run mad, as yours seems to be. Why don't you take a lesson in common sense from your mend Bliss -mere; pointing to me as he said so. "However, we need not say any more about that just now. So come and kiss me, like a good, sensible girl, and tell me what you think of Mr. Smith, our new pastor!" "Why," said the good, sensible girl, "he is a great deal too fat and ruddy for a cler gyman, and too young and happy-looking. What with his commonplace name, and and commonplace appearance, I can't bear him." ""But my dear," added Dame Winney, the squire'i sister and housekeeper, 'a good young pastor, well and conscientiously per forming his manifold duties, ought to look happy, if a quiet conscience) and peace of I ' . . U .. ! .. . 1 . L .. T nnnu can give iiuiiimii-w ; uiiu us iu ucni ruddy and robust, what fault ii that of his ! I am sure he is a most excellent young SUNBUltY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 184S. : y r- maD an(1 we are veT fortunate in having . such a successor to our lamented Mr. Mor gan." "I should think we are much more for tunate," saucily rejoined the foolish, heed less, Dasee, "if Mr. Smith bad been a Mr. anything else, and a palo interesting, mis erable looking person whom it would have made me weep to listen to, thinking of the sad tale that doubtless formed his history!" "Right glad should I be, if he had a tale to tell thee, thou foolish Dasee !" said the fond father. "But if thou art so full of folly, depend upon it that Mr. Smith will never think of thee." "Mr. Smith think of me indeed !" indig nantly exclaimed the heiress : "I would not have him, even if he prew pale and thin, and elegant to-morrow !" On my second visit to Swdn Pool, Dasee herself reminded me of these words, and also of the following incident, which took place in the churchyard : The burial ground was situated on a hill side facing the lake ; ancient trees spread their branches above the grassey mounds, many of which were ornamented with beautiful flowering plants, placed there by the hand of affection, and carefully tended, for the Welsh peasant attaches peculiar in terest to these sweet mojnorials of the de parted. It was evening time, and all was hushed around as Dasee Lewellyn and my self sat down to rest on a projecting stone. A woman, clad in mourning garb, entered the churchyard, and, not seeing us, pre sently knelt down by the side of a newly made grave, on which the flowers, but lately planted, were struggling to regain electricity and strength. We saw her tie them up, and pluck off the faded leaves ; we heard her deep sobs, and her fervent ejaculations reached our ears. Dasee was very pain, silent, and thoughtful, lookii.g on the mourner with deep interest and ab sorbing attention ; and when at length the poor woman left the burial place, she arose and sought the new made grave, with clasp ed hands and an earnest manner softly ex claiming, "Oh I wish that I too had a grave to tend !" Admonition, warning, or reproof was alike useless. We silently left the spot, nor exchanged a word till within the warm cheerful rooms of the old house once more. We found the squire and Dame Winny busily engaged with a disputation at crib bage; and 1 fancied I guessed Dasee's feel ings as she sprang into the arms of these dear ones, embracing them again and again with unwonted demonstrations of affection even for her, warm and affectionate as she was. Her heart perhaps smote her, but the idle words could not be recalled. Our sojourn in the pleasant Welsh valley at length terminated ; and many years pas sed away bringing changes to us all, while still at intervals of time we continued to receive tidings of our valued friends at Swan Pool. Dasee's letters were piquant and artless productions, but affording subjects for seri ous contemplation, as making the gradual change of circumstances, and the develop ment of feelings which had hitherto lain dormant. With heartfelt sorrow, we heard from Dame Winny of the worthy squires afflic tion namely, that he had become a palsi ed, sightless old man ; but then Dame Win ny spoke of 'Niece Dasee's beautiful de meanor and dutiful love towards her fath er;' and we shrewedly opined also that the reverend gentleman of the 'ruddy counten ance and odious name' was beginning to find favor with the heiress. She herself wrote to us of his many amiable qualities, of his assiduous attentions towards her poor father, who, from his past habits and pur suits, most bitterly felt his present deplora ble condition, so that, when the final news reached us of her princely patrionoymic being lost forever in the commonplace one of 'Smith,' we were not much astonished. After this event our corresjwndence be came irregular. Our wanderings, vicissi tudes, and sorrows, and her increasing fam ily, accounted for this; while dear Dame Winney had so much upon her hands, so many calls upon her time and attention, that writing, which had always been a la borious task to her, now became an almost impossible one. "Destiny, however, conducted us once more to Lewellyn's home ; and at the pe . d th u f ,he hm d . t5 . ... . r riod of our second visit to awan Tool, when zed down on the valley beneath, it might have seemed as if the summer-time of our first visit had come again, only that the summer ol the heart had departed, and ma ny wintry blasts impressed reality too viv idly lor lancy to hold its sway. All was unchanged without: there reposed the sparkling lake, over which Dasee used to skim in her fairly shallop, the ancient trees, the mountains, the old house, and the church spire rising amidst the dark foliage ; all were there as in the days ol voro : A we passed the burial-ground on the hill side, an impulse which I could not resist impelled me to alight and to cuter the sac red precincts alone. How many new graves there were; how many brilliant flowers clustering around them, as the last rays of the setting sun illuminated the rain bow tints ; thus telling of glory for the de parted, and whispering hope to the survi vors, seeming to say. I shall rise again to morrow ; the flowers will bloom another and another summer; and the inmates of these quiet graves are not dead, but sleep ing !' I was aroused from a deep reverie into which I had fallen, by the soft sound of infancy's sweet engaging prattle : and on looking up, I saw a portly lady with two fair children standing beside two little grassy mounds, and answering their questions in an earnest, impressive and tender manner. The voice I knew it at once ! But how could I recognise and Identify . the sedate and rortly matron, the anxious nursing mother, and the wild, giddy, serial sylph of the mountain side. But it was Dasee her- self, and she smiled when I called her "JIrg. Smith," and tears came into her eyes as we spoke of her numerous offspring : then I knew her again ; for the smile was the saucy smile of yore, and the eyes wore the same touching and gentle expression which so often in girlhood had given promise of better things. The little children watched our move ments; their prattle ceased; and they looked awed, holding by their mother's hands with trustful love as she pointed to the graves beside her, turning towards me a glance which I well underwood, for the same remembrance flushed simmultaneously on our minds. "You do not forget ; ah ! I see you do not, she whispered, "those thoughtless words once spoken here ; when I heedlessly exclaimed, "I wish that I too had a grave to tend !' Am I not answered: For here sleeps my first born, and by his side a golden haired cherub babe a second Dasee!" She meekly bowed her head ; and silence was the only and the best sympathy I could ofler as we slowly approached the old gabled house the beloved home of her early years, the scene of so many wild ex ploits. I have already said that without all re mained unchanged ; within, the same, but oh, how altered ! The white-headed squire was gently lead about, not by his daughter she had other pressing duties to attend to but by his grand daughter, Winny Smith ; and if Winny Smith's papa had been fat and rud dy on our former visit to Swan Pool, what washe7iow.' while of his hilarity and happiness there could be no doubt ; it was perfectly heartfelt and decided. Dame Winn', too, was as active, as kind, as fidg ety, and talkative as ever; but withered, and shrunken, and slmhtlvdeaf (only slii'ht- tij, she said ; going about with a tail silver- headed stick, stuinpinn loudly up and down the stairs and passages; ever giving warn ing ol the dear old lady's approach un known to herself. There were so many tiny Smiths run ning about that it seemed unlikely there was any real danger of there being indi vidually spoiled by grandpapa or Aunt V inny. e observed that they all wore black sashes, and that Dasee also was attir ed in mourning, thus giving notice of a re cent loss; we found on inquiry, that she had not Ions: buried the second child she had lost ; her eldest born, a promising boy of seven years old, had been taken from her a few years previously, and she had mourned his loss nearly to the death : but this last bereavement found the mother calm and resigned, prepared to render back the priceless treasure unto Him who save Many visits in company' together, Dasee and myself paid to the burial-ground on the hillside, with her pretty children frolicking around us, and I believe, were the usual tenor of our conversation analysed, and the pith of the matter extracted, the condensa tion would be comprised in a small space, the following quotation of lew words am ply expressing our voluminous reminiscen ces "Experience is the best of school-masters, only the school-fees are heavy." UtiiriFiLLr EirnEssto. No uiuii, how ever UrgrailcJ, u utterly twyoml reformation. Beautifully 1ms Whittier in one of his poems ex pressed tins trutli. As on the White Sea's charmed shore, The l'ursce sees his holy hill With tlumicst smoke clouds curtained o'er, Yet knows bcncutli them evermore, The low, pale tire is quixcring still ; So underneath its clouds of sin, The heart of man rctaiuetli yet Uleains of its holy origin ; And half tjuciicht d ttars that never s't, Dim colors of its faded bow, And early lieauly linger there, And o'er its wasted desert blow Faint breathings of its morning air. Oh ! nover yet upon the scroll Of the ain-Ntained, but priceless soul, Hath Heaven insrrilwd "Despair !" Cast not the clouded gem away, ineiiclt not the dim but living ray My brother man, bewaro ! Villi that deep voice which from the skies Forbade the Patriarch's sacrifice, God's angel cries, Fuubear ! Mili.kt The American Journal of Agri cultural Science, for September, contains an article by Professor Emmons, on (he cultiva tion of millet. Tho larger millet is much cultivated in some, parts of Europe. Germa ny, for example, where it is seen in tho mar kets, prepared by seperatiou from tho hui-k, in the form of beautiful Trains, perfectly round, of a golden color. It is used in jumps, and boiled by itself with water, it forms an eeellent and voiy wholesome, kind of homi ny. Professor Emmons has subjected millet lo nn analysis, in order to determine tho pro portion of nutritive matter it contain. Ho finds that "compared with wheat or Indian corn, except in oil, it exceeds both in its pow er of sustaining life." The groin l "rich in tho elements which produce bone and inus cle, and its atraw is not deficient in the ele intuits" common to the culvated grasses." Ho it might be cultivated in tliis country thinks with profit, as food for animals, as it yields from sixty-five to seventy bushels to the acre The Sloop of War Yohktown sailed from Boston on Wedneaduy, for the coast of Africa She take out Commodore Cooper, who is ap pointed to the command of the African Squa dron. BtuvTirvi. Afabtmekts in Paris, which formerly rented for six hundred fiaucs a month, may now be had (or sixty. HOMES OF THE REVOLUTION. Tho wife of Benedict Arnold was Marga ret ShippenJ of Philadelphia. One of her ancestors, Edward Shippen, who was mayor of the city in the beginning of the eighteenth century, suflered severe persecutions from the zealots in authority at Boston, for his Quakerism ; but successful in his business, he amassed a large fortune, and according to tradition, was distinguished for "having the biggest house and the biggest carriage in Philadelphia." Jlis mansion, called "tho governor's house," "Shippen's great house," and "famous house and orchard outside the town," was built on an eminence, the orchard overlooking the city, yellow pines shaded the rear, a green lawn extended in front, and the view was unobstructed to tho Delaware and Jersey shores. A priticely place, indeed, for that day with its summer-houso and gar dens abounding with tulips, roses, and lilies It is said to have been tho residence for a few weeks of William Penn and his family. An account of the distinguished persons who were guests there at different times would be curious and interesting. Edward Shippen, afterwards Chief Justice of Pennsylvania, was the father of Margaiet. His family, distinguished among the aristoc racy of the day, was prominent after the commencement of the contest among those known to cherish loyalist principles; his daughters were educated in these, and had their constant associations with those who wero opposed to American Independence. The youngest of them only eighteen years of age beautiful, brilliant, and fascinating, full of spirit and gayoty the toast of the British officers while their army occupied Philadelphia became the object of Arnold's admiration. She had been "one of tho brigh test of the belles of tho Mischianza ;" and it is somewhat curious that tho knight who appeared in her honor on that occasion chose for his motto a bay leaf with the motto, "un changeable." This gay and volatile young creature, accustomed to tho display connec ted with "the pride of life," and the homage paid to beauty in high station, was not one to resist the lure of ambition, and was captiva ted, it is probable, through her girlish fancy, by the splcudor.of Arnold's equipments, and his military ostentation. These appear to have had their effect upon her relatives, one of whom, in a manuscript letter, still ex tant, says: "We understand that Gen. Ar nold, a fine gentleman, lays closo siego to Peggy" thus noticing his brilliant and im posing exterior, without a word of informa tion or inipiiry us to his character and princi ples A letter from Arnold to Miss Shippem which has been published written from the camp at Karitau February 8th, 1779, not loug beforo their marriage, shows the discontent and rancor of his heart, in the allusions to the President and Council of Pennsylvania. These feelings were probably to her, as it was his pleasure to complain of injury and persecution while the darker designs, of which no one suspected him till the whole community were startled by tho news of treason, were loubtless buried in his own bosom. Some writer have takeu delight in repre senting Mrs. Arnold us another Lady Mac beth an unscrupulous and artful seductress, whoso inordinate vanity and ambition were the cause of her husband's crime, but there seems no foundation even for a supposition that she was acquainted with his purpose of betraying his trust. She was not tho being he would chouse as the sharer of a secret so perilous, nor was the dissimulation attribu ted to her consistent with her character. Ar nold's marriage, it is true, brought him more continually into familiar association with the enemiesof American liberty, aud strengthen. d distrust of him in the minds of those who had seen enuugli to condemn iu his previous conduct ; and it is likely that his propensity for extravagance was encouraged by his wife's taste for luxury and display, whilo she exerted over him no saving iullueiice. In the words of one of his best biographers "he had no domestic security for doing right no fireside guardianship to protect him from tho tempter. Kejecting, as we du ut terly, the theory that the wife was the insti gator of his crime all euumion principles of human action beinir opposed lo it we still believe that there was nothing in her inilU' enee or associations to countervail tho persU' usions to which ho untimely yielded. She was young, gav, and frivolous; fond of dis. play und admiration, and used to luxury; bite was utterly unfitted for the duties aud priva tions of a poor man s wife. A loyalist's daugtt ter, she had been taught lo mourn over the pa geantry of colonial tank and authority, and to recollect with pleasure the pomp ol those bnel days of enjoyment, when military men of the uoblo station wero her admirers. Arnold hud no counsellor on his pillow to urge him to tho imitation of homely republican virtue, to stimulate him to follow the rugged path of a revolutionary patriot, Ho fell ; and thou his wife did not tempt or counsel him to ruin there is no reason lo think she ever uttered a word or niado a sign to deter him." I lor instrumentality in the intercourse car ried on while the iniquitous plan was ruatu ring, according lo all probability, was au un conscious one. Major Andre, who had been intimate in her father's family while Gen Howe was in possession of Philadelphia wrote to her from New York in August, 1779, to solicit her remembrance, and offering his services to procure supplies, should she re quire any, iu tho inilliuery department, which' he says, playfully, the Meschianza had given hiin skill and experience. The period at which this missive was sent more than a year after Andre had parted with the "fair circle" for which he professes such lively re gardand the singularity of the letter itself justified the suspicion which became general after its seizure by the Council of Pennsylva nia that its offer of service in tho detail of capwire, needles and gauze, covered a mean ing deep and dangerous. This view was ta ken by many writers of the day; but, admit ting that the letter was intented to convey a mysterous meaning, still it is not conclusive evidence of Mrs. Arnold's participation in tho design or knowledge of the treason, the con summation of which was yet distant more than a year. The suggestion of Mr. Reed seems moro than probable that tho guilty correspondence between the two officers un der feigned names havihg been commenced in March or April, the letter to Mrs. Arnold may have been intended by Andre to inform her husband of the name and rank of his New York correspondent, and thus encourage a fuller measure ef confidence and regard. Tho judgment of Mr. Reed, Mr. Sparks, and others who have closely investigated the sub ject, is in favor of Mrs. Arnold's innocence in the matter. It was after the plot was far advanced to wards its denouement, and only two days before Gun. Washington commenced his tour to Hartford, in tho course of which ho made a visit to West Point, that Mrs. Arnold came thither with her infant to join her husband, travelling by short stages, in herown carriage. She passed tho lust night at Smith's house, where she was met by the. General, and pro ceeded up the river in his barge to head quarters. When Washington mid his officers arrived ut West Point, having sent from Fishkill to announce their coming, Lafayette reminded the Chief, who was turning his horse into a road leading to the river, that Mts. Arnold would be waiting breakfast; to which Washington sportively answered. "Ah you men aro all in love with Sirs. Arnold, and wish to get where sho is ns soon as pos sible. Go, breakfast with her and do not wait for me." Mrs. Arnold was at breakfast with her hus band and the aids-de-camp Washington and the other officers having not yet come when tho letter arrived which bore to the traitor the first intelligence of Andre's capture. Ho left the room immediately, went to his wife's chamber, sent for her, and briefly in formed her of tho necessity of his instant flight to the enemy, This was piobably the fiist intelligence she received of what had been going on. The news overwhelmed her, nd when Arnold quitted tho apartment he eft her lying in a swoon on the floor. Her almost frantic condition plunged into the depths of distress is described withsym- athy by Col. Hamilton, in a letter written ho next day: "The General," ho sas. went to sco her ; sho upbraided him with being in a plot to murder her child ; raved and shed tears, and lamented tho fate of the infant. All the sweetness of beau ty all the loveliness of innocence all the tenderness of a wife, and all the fondness of of a mother, showed themselves iu her ap pearance and conduct." He, to, expresses his convictiou that she had no knowledge of Arnold's plan till his announcement to her that he must banish himself from his country forever. The opinions of other persons, quul ifiedto judge without prejudice, acquitted her of the charge of having participated iu the treason. John Jay, writing from Madrid to Catharine Livingston, says, "All tho world nt-n mil-t,,fT A rlf ill 1 IlMll nitvilKf 1,14 It I f " U.u ...... ...... And Robert Morris writes ' Pour Mrs. Ar nold '.was there ever such au infernal vil lain!" Mrs. Arnold went from West Point to her father's house ; but was not long permitted to remain in Philadelphia. Tho traitor's papers having been seized by direction of tho Exe. cutive authorities, the correspondence with Andre was brought lo light ; suspicion rested on her, and by an order of tho Council, dated October 27th, she was required to leave tho State, to return no more during the continu ance of the war. Sho accordingly departed to join her husband iu New York. Tho res pect and forbearance shown towards her on her journey through tho country, notwith standing her banishment, testified tho popu lar belief in her innocence. M. do Marbois lates that when she stopped at a village where tho people were ubout to burn Arnold in effi gy they put il off till tho next night. And when she entered the carriage, on her way to join her husband, all exhibition of popu lar indignation was su:-poiidud, as if respect ful pity for the grief and shame sho suffered, for tho time overcame every other feeling. Mrs. Arnold resided with her husband for a snort lime mo ciy 01 ai. jouu, -ew runs- wick, and was long remembered by persons who knew her there, and who spoke much of her beauty and fascination. Sheuftcrwards lived in England. Mr. Sabine says that she and Arnold wero seen by an Aiuericau loy alist iu Westminister Abbey, standing before the cenotaph, erected by the command of tho king, iu tho memory of the unfortunate Andre With what feeling tho traitor viewed the monument of the man his crimo had sacri ficed is not known ; but ho who saw him standing there turned away with horror. Mrs. Arnold survived her husband throe years, and died in London iu 1801, at the age of forty-threo. Little is known of her after the blasting of the bright promises of her youth by her husband's crimo, and a dreary obscurity hangs over the close of her career; but her relative in Philadelphia che rish her memory with respect and affection. Haunah, the sister of Arnold, whose affec tion followed him through his guilty eaieer, OLD SERIES VOL. O, NO. lO. possessed great excellence of character j but no particulars have been obtained by which full justico could be done her. Mr. Sabine says: "That sho una a tmo woman inthe highest possible sense, I do not entertain a doubt;" and tho same opinion of her is ex pressed by Mr. Sparks. Mrs. Ellct. death sci:m;s Of KCM.UIKABLK sovs. rru. Mary, Scotland's frail beauty, met tho "gloomy king" with a degree of resolution not to be expected from her misfortunes, so numerous were they, deserted by every friend except her little dog Sir T. More remarked to the executioner, by whose hands he was to perish, that tho scaffold was extremely weak; "I pray you, friends, see me up safe." said he, "aud for coming down let me shift for myself." Chaucer breathed his lust while composing a ballad. His last production is called, "A ballad niado by Geoffrey Chaucer on his death bed, laying in great pain." "1 could wish this tragic scene was over," aid Quin, the actor ; "but 1 hope to go through it with becoming dignity." Petrarch was found dead in his library, leanins: over a book. Rousseau, when dying1, ordered his attend ants lo remove him before the window, that iu might look upon his garden, und gladden his eyes with the sight of nature. How ar dent an admirer he was of nature, is poeti cally told in "Zimmerman's Solitude." Pope tells us ho found Sir Godfrey Kueller when he visited him a few days prior to his end) sitting up and forming plans for bis monument. Ilia vanity was conspicuous even in death ! Warren has remarked that Chesterfield's him with death! ffood breeding oulv Irft "Give Drysdale a chair," id ho to his valet, when that person was announced Rayle, when dying, pointed to the place where his proof sheet was deposited. Clarendon's pen diopped from his hand when ho was seized with palsy, which put an end to his existence. Rede died while in the act of dictating Roscommon, when expiring, quoted from his own translation of Pies Int. llaller feeling his pulse, said "the artery- ceases lo bent," und immediately tlied. When tho priest, who Allien had been prevailed on to m-i-, rnmc, he reqnestrd him to call to-morrow, "Death, I trust, will turr) ronr and twenty hours." Nelson's last words were, "Tell Colling; wood to briiij srous Herald. ' tho fleet to anchor." Rcl From the Home Journal. l'AXKEC rillLOSOl'UV. s I.ica there a Yankee, far or near, Who, when his flails "get out of gear," Has never said, "Wall I, dout keer, l!y Golly !" Who, if he "stub liU too" and fall, Dotit't want to swear, but great or small, Will vent his wrath with "darn it ull, ll Gully !" The Yankee boy, wilh startling ejes, When first thj elci.liant he csjiics, ith won-lcr auuttts and s:.-oohs, und cries, By Golly !" The youth, with jack-knife sharp and stout. Will try a trade to whittle! out, And shaving, ijm-ry, "What you bout, By Golly !" The man that's "dickered mor'u a few" Will inmiutly ask you, "How ity'c dew f" His btory tell, and, "shore 'tis true, By Golly !" For the "main chance" he ever tries, And thiidis that, "take things as they Use, Twont do to l c more nice than wise, l'y Golly !" With brass cnoneh hi:i way to win, However much he gels of "tin," He "swoW he'll have, "as much ugin, By Golly I' ll' hick attend him, and he make.-i, A happy hit, he sweeps the stakes, With, "Art t all, 'tniut no gnat shakes. By Golly !" But if Ii" lose the hick he had, May be he'll get "most proper mad," And guess as how "this ere's to bad, By Golly !" Whatc'cr he triis, il ishisiulr, If once he failed to reach the "gool" To rate himself "a tavnal fool, By Golly !" And to the yi nkee "staves along," Full chisel, hitting right or wrong, And makes the burden of his song, "By Golly !" A nuw kind ot Lift: PutsLUVta has been brought forward iu New York, tho inventor of w hich claim for it tho follow-in-' advaiita 'A person wearing one of theso life pre servers can carry from lilty to one hundred lbs. in addition to their person, anJ lleat four persons iu thu water, without sinking, andean lake no other position on tho water, except with the head and shoulders entirely ubove tho waler. Tho entire person, savo tho fat e, is enclo sed by an India rubber dre.-, parts of which are ititlated, enabling tho wearer to rlout in uu erect, or bleep in a reclining posture, or with paddles which aro attached, at tho rate of three miles per hour. His persou is kept en tirely dry, and iho heat of his body o re tained, that ho 13 warm and comfortable, when flouting on tho waler in cold weather." I Mr hi so. me xt roa Di'.bt, were tho uinu u not above ten pound", has bocu aboiieht'd i'.it Iieland.