Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 25, 1848, Image 4

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A swallow in the Spring)
Caluc Id our granary, and 'neath the
Emyed to make nest, and thr did bring'
. '. WM earth, will straw end leaves.
Day aAer day she toiled
With patient heart, but ere her work was crowned,
Borne sad miiihap the tiny fabrio spoiled,
And dashed it to the ground.
She found the ruin wrought,
But not cast down, forth from the place the flew,
And with her inalca, fresh earth and grasses brought
And built her nest anew.
, But scarcely had alio placed
The laat soft feather on its ample floor,
When wicked hand, or chance, again laid waste
And wrought the ruin o'cri
But atill her heart she kept,
And toil'd again ; and Inst night, hearing calls,
1 looked, and lo I three little swallows slept
Within the earth-made wall
What Truth la here, O Man !
Math Hope been smitten In its early dawn t
llatli clouda o'ercast thy purpose, trust or plan 1
Have Faith, and struggle on !
Martin Luther Martin Luther, it is
well known, was a compound of strange and
heretogenerons materials. One striking pe
culiarity of his character was his singular and
enthusiastic love of music. Not that there is
abstractly and thing remarkable in such a
passion ; but in him it had a singular, effect
constrasting strikingly with the bold and
indomitable qualities of his nature. He had
an admirable ear for harmony, and was no
mean proficient on several instruments. He
had also a beautiful voice, which he constant
ly kept in order by the chanting of hymns
and sacred songs. The principles of church
music he studied profoundly and he com
posed several pieces of great merit. Hut the
most striking thing ubout his musical charac
ter was the power which melody had over
himself. He seemed melted and subdued
into a stale of almost helplessness by its tones.
Amid their influence, all other faculties of
body and mind appenred suspended he was
in state of ecstatic rapture. In letters which
he wrote to Linccius, (Frankfort edition, 1640)
we find him jesting about his extreme sus
ceptibility which he considers as a weak"
ness in his character. He tells Linccius se
riously that it was his custom to sing a hymn
every night before he retired to bed ; and,
such was the soothing power of the melody
on him, that however, much he might have
been excited or troubled throbghout the day,
from the moment when the key fell upon his
ear, he forgot all earthly matters and vexa
tions Atheneeum.
Ri les fob Governing Children. 1. Ex
ercise your authority as seldom as possible,
and instead of it employ kind persuasion and
deliberate reasoning, but when you joxercise
it, make it irresistible.
2. Bo careful how you threaten, but never
lie. Threaten seldom but never fail to exe
cute. The parent who is open-mouthed to
threaten and threatens hastily, is irresolute to
punish, and when the chiid is not subdued by
the first threat, repeats it half a deen times
with a voice of increasing violence, and with
many shakes and twitches of the little cul
prit, will certainly posses no authority.
3. Avoid tones and gestures expressive of
agitation for trivial matters, indictive of no
depravity, and exhibiting only heedlessness
or forgotfuluess of children, for nothing more
is common to all young animals, than to love
to use their limbs. In such cases the tones
should bo kind and persuasive, rather than
authoritive, and even the gravity of authority
should be reserved exclusively for cases of
disobedience or depravity, or for the prevent
ing of serious evii. A perpetual fretting at
children for little things will inevitably har
den their hearts, and totally destroy parental
authority andhinfluence. There never was a
fretting parent, who often threatened and sel
dom performed, that had o particle of cflicirnt
Ruta Baoas. Some how, and we have
really never heard the reason fully explained
the Ruta Baga is pretty generally taking the
place of the Mangel Wurtzel and Sugar Beet
Several fanners inform us that they prefer it
to the beet, and that is about all the satisfac
tion we received. We presume, however,
that the real cause is, that while the Ruta
Baga is raised with less risk aud no more ex
pense and is equally productive, it is whole
sorrier food for stock, that is, it is not of so
laxative a nature as the beet, which gener
ally causes cattlo to scour to a dangerous
degree. Germantown Tel.
Baptist University The 8100,000 ne-
eessary for the endowment of this institution
fai Lewisburg, Pa., having been nearly raised,
the trustees have commenced a building,
which they intend to have ready for the re
eeption of students by the first of January.
Poor Van Bi-res. Here is a Whig parody
on "Oh, Susannah :"
"I hails diuim the, other night, when U around wu Mill
I thought I saw Old Kinderhuok 'a going dowu the hill.'
A cabbage stump whs in bis mouth, the tear was in his
ys he, -We're lieaten north and south, but Jounsiv d-m'l
yen cry.' "
Hit him again, he's got no Iriends."
How to Look Yoi no. An aged person
being asked how ho had managed to retain
his youthful appearance ao well as he had
done, said, "I never ride when I can walk ;
I never eat more than one dish at dinner,
and never get drunk. My walking koepsmy
blood' in circulation, by simple diet prevents
indigestion, and never drinking ardent spirits
my liver never fears being eaten up alive."
But he forget to add one of the greatest cau
ses of lasting ycuth, viz: a kind uuenvious,
eontented heart. Envy and discontent can
dig deeply into the human face a time
Who are happy ment The mechanics!
They live to benefit others are always rea
dy with a word to encourage a smile to
eheer a look to persuade,, and a dollar to
assist. They are never fearful lest a- good
trade or an excellent bargain should fall into
the hands of a poor neighbor, but the more
rejoice when such a one meets with encouragement.
1 mwr m
Scrofula or Kiiiff'i Evil, Rheumatism. Otwtirwto fntaneout
r;ruptlon, riinplenor l'etnuirn onme mcc, nrpitiiw,
&ilen. Chronic Hore Kycs, Ring Worm or Tetter,
Sen Id Head, KnlargeniMit and Tntn of tha
Urnies and Joint. Htiil.horn lUcem, Syphi
litic Hvmptmna, Sciatica of Ininligot
dincnaea arising from an injucU
cioun e of Meicttry, Drop
ay, Kxpoanre or Impru
dence in life; nlan,
Chronic Consti
tutional Dis
orders. In this medicine several innocent bnt very potent articles
of the vCrTetnble kingdom are united, forming a compound
entirely different in its chnractr and properties from any
other preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on the
system when laboring under disease. It should 1m in the
hnmls of everv person, who, by business, or gcncrnl course
of life, is nredisnnsed to the verr mum silimeuts that ren
der life a curse, instead of a Messing, and so often result iu
nr. TirnWa Pniinron im rfrrm?jnended as a certain remedy.
Not one instance of its flu hire has ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the disease and at the same time imparts
Vigor to the whole system. crofiiknis perwms can never
nnv too niurli attention to the state of their blood. Its pu
rification should be their first aim , for perseveranca will
accomplish a cure of kvcm hereditary disease.
Sctirw. Scorbutic AflVctions, Tumors. White Bwelliiiir
Krvsipdas, I.h-ers. Cancers. Running Sores, Seal mid
Miles, Dr. Drake's Pumtcea en n not be too hiirhlv extolled
it searches out the very root of the disease, and permanent
No medicine perhaps has ivtr been discovered which
gives so mucii tone 10 itie simnncli and causes the secre
tion of a ltMilthy gastric juice to decompose the food as l)r,
uniKc s I'unaccu
Dr. Drnke's Is need with the greatest uccess iu
Itheimmtic Complaints. rrntcmllysiii:ti nehrnic. It cures
liv drivuiff out ull milium irs nud ton I huinoi.ra which hnv
accumultitfd in the Hstrni, which n,re Hie chiisc of Rheit
mutifiin. Gout, and Swclliimsuf the joints. Other remolics
soitictiincs give temporary relief ; tins entirely emdicates
the iliwnse fnni the system, even when the limbs and banes
are UTcauiuny swollen.
CoxstTMTTTON can be rtHEP. Couehs, Catarrh, Bron
chitis, Snitlinir of 1!hI. Asihnin, Diiliciilt or nrofusc F.x
trcctorfitmn. Hectic Fluh. icht Swtaits. Pnin in the side
Vc. have been ctireil, and can be with as much certainty as
any oincroineiife. a speeiiic mn i'ng iteen sought lor. nut
in vain mini iia uimtwcry oi jr. imike s 1'aiiucea. It
mild and safe but certain lind eincntioim in its oner at in
and CHiinot pnsxihly injure the mottt delicate constitution
n e would earnestly recommend those alllieted to itive it
trial and we In-lieve they will not have ocension to regret
it. The system is cleaiiKed and strengthened, the ulcers on
the lungs lire healed, and the patient (.'nuluully icguin their
usual neaitn aim sircugtn. ueati ttic louowing :
Piiila.. Dec. 11th. 1P47.
Dear Sir : In reply to your fucsti"u respecting the ue
in ur. urune i nimcca, win sav, iiiai aituougii a pence
disbeliever in the existence of a 'anapka. or cure tir ai.i
diseases, however vilimlile it inuy le iu certain conditions
of the systein, still 1 have believed that a cure for Consump
tion would be discovered sooner or Inter, and cuilosity led
me to try your medicine iu two very inveterate cases.
They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
i-ixMosARY ro.xscsiPTiox. ami nijfmcioucti tv tlivm as in
curable. One ot the persons lwul leeii under the trt-ot
inent of several very able pruciitioneis lor a number of
years, and they said she hud "old fashioned Consumption
combine with Scrofula," ami that she might liinrerfor emu
time, but could not he permanently relieved, fn both cases
the effect of the Pamicea hns been most gratifying. Only
four or five bottles were used by one of the persons before
fiic uegim w improve rapiuiy. i lie oilier toon alout teu.
I will only add Mint lumiiiar hi lam with consumption b
inheritance aial by extensive observation as a study, and
kuowimr also the injurious effects iu nine, tmtw nut of ten
ot'tar, IsNiesct, and other vegetable tonics, as well as of
many oi me cxiiecuirantBaiKisefiatives, tshouid never have
recommended the use of Drake's Fanneca if I had not been
acquainted with the ingredients. Suffice it to say that these
are iccommeiuied tty our most popular and scientific nhvsi
cinus, and in their present combined state, form prolubty
the best alterative that lias ever leen made. The cure is
in aeconumce with a theory oi Consumption broached ii
France a few years nn, bv one i' her most eminent wri-
tcrs on medicine, and now eubiihed by fHCts which ad-
nut ui no aismiie.
Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. OUNN.
To use the bmguniro of another, Dr. Drake's Panacea hi '
always sidtitary in its efleets never injurious. It is not as
Opiate it is not and Kxpectnninr. It i not intended to lull
the invalid into a falnl security. It is a great remedy a
grand hen lii iff aud curative compound, the great and only
remedy which medical science and skill has yet produced
for the treatment of this hitherto uuconuered ma lad v. And
no person utflieted with this dread disease, will Imj just to
himself and his friends, if he go down to the grave without
testing its virtues. A single kittle, in moat chsch, will pro
duce a fuvorable change in the condition of any patient,
however low."
to tukTadiks.
Ladies of imle coumlexnai mid coimumplive liabits, and
such as are dcliiliatej by those obetructiona which females
are liable to, are restored bv the use of a bottle or two, to
laoirtii vigor. It is by far tlie betrt remedy ever discovered
for weakly children, and such as have ind humors ; being
pleasant, tht-y take it. Itiuuiiediutely restores the uppetite,
strength ami color.
Nothing can Im more surprising titan its iuvigoruting ef
fects on the human frame. lVrsous. all weakness and lus
situde het'orr taking it, at onee become robust and full of
energy under its iiirhuincc. It imuiediute counteracts the
lien eleMiiess of the female frame.
CAl'TION. Re careful and see tliat vou get the genu
ine Dr. Urxkk" Pasacka il has the signature of tito. F.
Syokbm on the wrapper and also the nunie "Dr. Dhakb's
Panacea. Phh.a." blown iu the ulass.
Prepared onlj bv SroBKs V Co.." Druggists, No.UI Noifli
S.xth St., Philadelphia.
Agent for Sunbarv H. MASSI'.R.
Sld also bv 'M. A. .Ml RRAK A Cn Tsnnvdlo If ftuav
er. Mdion; Mabv McCoy, Norihuuiberlandi E. P.Ltfix,
April I, Itslft ly
Seal ami Lcttor-Copviiiir Presses, Pulent
Slute-Lined Ret'i i;erator, Water Fil
ters, Patent Portable Water Clo
sets, iuteiuled for the Sick
mul Infirm.
76 South Third Street,
Iv I'll build, a lurire luu. trtiiiem of
.-S'ij'A tlie uUive articles, together with
.ViL t''r I'att'Mt Iimrovt SHltuiioiulcr
-tr vU 1 ro " wastnicted as to set at rest
iVYfi1 """""'' tloul as t theii
Tiiiih 1 '""'"K slrirtly fire-nroof. mul tluil
inry m iu rinul ike tire ul any
r Uiifdinir. Tlie ouuide pnu. ni
iiirae isites ure made ot buiier irm, ttie inside raseof sua
stone, hikI between the outer ense and inner ease is a srce
ol'aMine three tnrhes thick, and is nlled in with indestrue
titile niuterial. so as to make it all iinrOHMibihty to burn any
ol Die enntciils inside ul this Chest. These Snapetune Sa
uiumiidcrs we are iirciuired and do cliullcnire the world to
pnshieo any article in the slinpe of Hook Sufes that will
stiind as nuirh heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all
mm-s 10 uuve mem lairly liwtiul by pulilic bonhre. Vi
aliMi citntinue to nianutHctiire a kirire and senerul assort.
mcnt of our Prriiiiuiu Air-tight Fire Hreof Sul'es of which
there are over MS) now in use, and in every instance they
have given entile inunction to the purcluisers f which
we will refer the public lo a few gentlemen who have
them in use
lliiyw.iod Ic Snyder. P.ittsvillc; Joseph 0. Lawton
l-oiiavnie j Air. tt illiaiu Carr, DoylesUiwn, l'a
N. O. layli, ISo north 3d St.: A Wriirlit k Nenhew
me st. wliarl ; Alexander Carof, Conveyaueer, corner of
r mien anu 9111 sis.; joim ai. row, m north ad St. I Myers
Rush. ! north 3d st.j James M. Paul, till uth 4th St.;
Dr. Dnvid Jiivnc, h south M St.; Mathew T. Miller, 91)
south 3d St.; ami we cm Id name soma humlreds of others
II it were unccsmry. Now we invite the attention of the
public, and particularly those in wuut of Fire Proof Safes,
to call at our store before pun Iuimiik elsewhere, and we
can satisfy them they will net a heller aud cheuier article
at our store tliau at any other establiahmcnt iu the city.
We alsi limiitifucliire the onluuiry Fire Proof Chests, at
. trry low pnrcp, eneaper luau Uiey CUD UC uoilgili ml any
otiier store iu Philadehifua.
Philadelphia, April S, 1848 ly
CSeorffe J, Weaver,
Ho. lt Water Street and A'o. II North Wharveg
TVA8 constantly on hand, a general assort
MM. ment of Cordage, Heine Twines, &c, via t
l ar u rtopes, rubtng Hopes, Wbila Roties, ManU
la Hopes, 1 ow Lines for Canal Boata. Also, a
complete assortment of 8ein Twines, sVe, such at
Hemp Buad and Herring Twine, Best PaUnt Uill
Nat Twin, Cotton 8had and Herring Twine, 8ho
Threads, aVc ice. Also, Bed Cords, Plooah Lines.
Hallers,Traca, Cotton and Lines) Carpet Chains,
Ac, all of which be will disposs of on reasonable
Philadelphia, una 14, IMS. ly
EttablUhed IB vturt tun, by Dr. K1NKELIN.
Tha oldest, tureit anil beit hand to cur all form
of iccrrt disesSfs, diseases or lb akin and
solitary habiti of youth, ia
N. W. corner of 2d and Union ill., between Spruce
ana fine, 1J tquaret from the Exchange.
UTOTJNQ MEN I If von alue four life or yonr
J health, remember, the delay of a month, nay,
even a week, may iro your mm, bom oi pooy
and mind. Henca let no false modesty deter yon
from making yoor cate known to one who, from
education end respectability, can alone oeiriena yon.
He who nlacea himself under Ur. KINKELIN 8
treatment, may religiously connoo in ms nonor
a Rentleman, and in whose boeom will be foreter
... . s a e i I
ln.lro,l ikaiMMl oflh flStlsnt.
Too many think they will bug the aecret to their
own hearts, and cure themseWea, Alee! bow of
t.n i. thla a fatal delusion, and how many a pro
mising young man, who might nave neen an orna
ment to aocicty, his latieu irom urn snu.
ftn.lin.- It Inronvpnient lo make personal applica.
tinn, can, by elating their case explicitly, together
with all their symptoma, (per letter, poet-pntd.) have
forwarded to therri cheat containing Dr. K'e me
dicines appropriated accordingly.
Packages of Medicines lorwnrcicu to any part oi
the United Slates at moment s nonce.
rrV Post psrn la-rrans, addressed to Dr. Kisj
kbliu, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Od. 30th, 1847. ly
IVo 19S Chesnut Street,
South East Corner of Eighth ., Philadelphia,
PORTRAIT8 from the smallest breast-in to
the lars-pst size, sinirlv or in Btoups. The
Prnnrietors are warranted in Snvintr. that their
work has gained a reputation second (o none in
the world. Extiacta from the Press :
"Life-like in the eipression, chastty correct in
the shading. Ledger.
"The ait haa arrived at great perfection, and
none understand it better than McClees & Ger
mon." 'Baltimore hi:
Admirable! nothing can exceed their exquisite
delicacy." U. S. Gazette.
Extract from the report of the Judges, at the last
fair of the Franklin Institute. "Daguerreotypes
in this department ihere are some very excellent
specimens in the exhibition, and the Judges think
they see a progressive improvement in this branch
of the art. They have not recommended an a
ward in favor of any of the competitors, but are
disponed to rank as fint in order, the collection of
McCLEES & GEKMON, aa containing the lar
gmt number of tuperior pecimen."
Philadelphia, Feb 10, 1818. 6m
AN extensive Stock of Pocket and Table CUT
LERY, for sale by
Ao$. 92 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North
THIRD Strett,
Comp laing 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and
Also, a choice assortment of Roilgers & Sons,
VVostenholm's, GreaveVe, W, & 8. Butcher's and
Fenney's Cutlery.
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Also, Guns, Pistols, anl Bowie Knives.
Alsr, The American Razor Strop, a superior
article, worty the attention of Dealers.
Card Dealers in Cullety, will find the above
Slock worthy their atteniion, as the Subscriber's
chief business Is importing and selling cutlery,
Philadelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly.
Commission ond Forwarding
An. 48 Commerce Street Wharf. BALTIMORE.
Will receive and sell all kinds of Country Pro
duce Flour, Grain, &c.
IN. B. Particular attention eiven to the sate
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con
signments, when required.
April 1, 1848. 4m
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum,
Rheumatism, Piles.
Heart Burn. Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quintey,
Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint,
Erisiprlas, Deafness,
Itchings of lha Hkin,
Colds, Gout, Gravel,
Nervous Complaints,
Dyspep-ia, Scurvy,
Small I'ox, Jaundice,
Patna in the Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in the Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers of all kinds.
Female Complaints,
Experience hns proved that nejrly every Dis
ease originates from Impurities of the Blood or de
rangements of the Digestive Organs ; and to secure
Health, we must remove those obstructions or re
store the Blood lo its natural slate.
The aversion to UUing medicine is most effec
tually n moved by Clickneu's Veoktable Pea
sative Pills, being completely tnvehiped with a
routing of pure white Sugar, (which is as di-lincl
from the internal ingredients as a nut shell from
the kernel) aeii have wo taste or ntDiciat,
But are as easily swallowed as bits of csndy.
Moreover Ihey neither nauteate or gripe in the
slighiesl degree, but operste equally on all Ihe dis
eased parts of Ihe system, instead of confining
themselves lo, and racking any particular region.
Thus, if ti e Liver be affecteJ, one ingredient will
opersle on Ihit particular organ, and, by cleansing
it of an Excess of Bile restore It to its naturtl
state. Another will operate on Ihe Blood, and
remove all tmpuiilies in its circulation; wbilo a
third will effectually expel whatever imrurities
may have been discharged into the atoms. h, and
hence Ihey strike at the nooT or iiiseae, re
move all Impure Humors from the body; open
the porea externally and internally ; separate all
fore gn and obi oxious particles from lha chyle, so
th it the blood may be thoroughly pure Ihua secu
ring a free and healthy action lo ihe Heart, Lungs
and Liver; and thereby ihey restore health e-
The entire truth of ihe above can be ascertained
by the trial of a single box and their virtues are
so positive and certain in restoring Health, that
Ihe proptietor binds himself to return the money
paid for them in all cases where they do nut give
universsl sttis'action.
Ilctall I'rlce, 25 ct. per IIox.
Principal ofiiee No. fi6 Vesey st., N. Yoik.
Sold by JOHN YOUNG, Hunbury,
M. A. McCAY, Northumberland.
QCj" Reinemlr Dr. 0. V. Clickener is the in
venior of lha elugar Coated Pills, and thai nothing
of lha aorl was ever heard of until he introduced
Iheui in June, 1843. Purchaaeis should, therefor,
always ask for Clickener's Kygar Costed Pills, and
lake no others, or they will be made the victims of
a fraud. Sept. lHtb, 1847. ly eow
And Dealert in Paper, and Paper Manufactu
ten' Material.
No. 33 Commerce at., PHILADELPHIA.
KEEP eonataotly on band Urge assort
ment of printing tad other paper, lews
papers ia the country, can be supplied at all
times, with paper of any sue end quality;, at
the lowest prices.
Philadelphia, Jane 17th, 1848.
CD 12 S2T sO? 52C5 XQ S2T "CP
T has power to esuse all atTtawst SORES,
RnnOFI7LOU8 humors. 8KIN DI8EA8E8,
OISONOUS WOUNDS to discbarge their pu
trid mstters, and then hesls them.
It ia richly termed All-healing, lor mere is scs re
ly disesse, external or internal, that It will not
benefit. I have need it for the last fourteen years
for all disestes of the chest, consumption and liver,
involving the utmost danger and responsibility,
and I declare before heaven and man, that not in
one single esse haa it failed to benefit when ihe psi
tienl was within the reach oi mortal means.
I have had physicisns, learned in Ihe profession.
I have had ministers of the gospel, judges of the
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
est erudition, and multitudes of Ihe poor use it in
every variety of way, and there has been but one
voice one universal voice saying I "ftl Ainsier,
your Ointment is GOOD."
In 8crofula, Old Sores, Erysepelns, Tetter Li
ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Soro Throat,
Bronchitis, Broken or Sore Breast, files, all lnesl
Diseases, such as Asthma, Oppressions, Pain
Alan, Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, Tumors, Chil
dren's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases,
and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
as sond.
SCALD HEAD. We have cured esses that
actunllv defied every thing known, as well ss the
ability of 16 or 30 doctors. One man told us he
had spent $300 on his rhildien without any bene
fit, when a few boxes of Ointment cured them.
BALDNESS It will restore the hair sooner
than any other thing.
HEADACHE The salve has cured persons
of the headache of 13 years' standing, and who
had it regular every week, eo that vomiting often
took place. Deafness, En Actts, and Ani'K lit
ths Ficr, are cured by this Ointment with like
RURN8. It Is one of the best things in the
world for Burns. (Read the directions around Ihe
RHEUMATISM. It removes almost Immeili
ately the inflamstinn and swelling when Ihe pain
cesses. (Head the Directions sround the Box.)
COLD FEET. Consumption, Liver Com'
plaint, Pain in the chest or side, falling off of the
hair, one or the other always accompanies cold
feel. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) It is
sure sign of dier ase to have cold feet.
TETTER. 1'here is nothing better for ihe
cure of Tetter.
PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by thi
CORNS. Occasional use of tho Ointment
always keep Coins from growing. People need
never be troubled wuh them it lliey will use H
Read the following Communication,
Received ftnm an old, respected nnJ well known
citizen of rhiladalphia. and then judge for your
Philadelphia, 10 mo., I3lh, 1846
To 1 . Tl. Peterson, Having been requests
lo give my opinion on the merits of M'ALLIS
TEfi'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate some
of the benefits which I have experienced in the use
of Ihe article.
In the spring of 1845, I hail an attack of Ery
sipelas in my which became very painful, am
extended into one of my eyes, being attended with
fever, my distress was great end I began to be fear
ful of losing my eye.
Although mil much of a believer in what
commonly called quack medicines, I purchased
hox and mntle an application to my lace. I o my
surprise the pun soon nlnteit, and in s week s tim
it was entirely cured, and I firmly believe that
was ihe salve, under Providence that cured me.
From thai time lo the present, I have used th
article as occasion required, and in every esse where
I have Ufed it, I have found a decided benefit.
At one time, on going lo bd at night, my throat
was so sore that 1 swallowed with dilhculty, but
by an application of the salve I was relieved before
I nave usou it in case ol nnrns, nrutsrs, sprains,
and flesh cuts, all wilh ihe happiest effects, and
one case of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods.
has been dried up and cured by a few applications.
from my own experience, I would strongly re
commend it to all, as a cheap, convenient, family
I have become so partial In it, that 1 expect to
keep it constantly in my tamily.
Though not ambitious lo appear in print, yel I
cannot refute lo have this communication mail
public if judged best to serve the ciuse of human
ty. Hespectlully thine,
No. 26, Old York Road
CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine
unless the names of James M'Allisler, or James
M'Allister oV Co., are written wiih a pen on eve
ry label. JAME8 M'ALLISTER.
Solo proprietor of Ihe above medicine.
Askhts: J. W. FRILING, Sunbury,
Dr. WM. M. BICKLEY, Danville,
J. G. CHOUSE. Selinsgrove,
P. C. 8HELI.ER, Lewisburg.
WM. F.KAGLB. Milton,
Feb. 19th, 1848. eowly
W TABLE COMPOUND, for the cure of
&c. This Medicine is offered lo ihe public under
Ihe assurance thai there is no article in existence
having stronger claims lo thair considetation. Be
ing compounded by a regular Graduate ol" J r tier
son College, Philadelphia, and a practising physi
cian of twenty years' standing in Philadelphia, his
long experience has coiillnnej him in the opinion
that a compound medicine was required lo prevent
end remedy the debilitation pr dueed by residing
in low, miasmatic climnles, and to counteract the
pro-traling influences of many nervous disorders
with which ihe human family are afflicted.
UK. A L Lb IN is a well known physician, and
has used tho aheve medicine in his practice for 8
yesrs wilh the most ai-tonishing effect, having tes
ted Us qualities in shova
No medicine ever received more flattering re
commendations from physicians of eminent stand
ing than has been bestowed on this,
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Profes
sor says: "It chiefly arises in persons who lead
either a very sedentary or irregular life. Although
not regarded as a faUl disease ; yel if negleclul or
improperly treared, may bring on incurable Me.
lancholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitlgo, Pslsy
and Apoplexy. A great singularity attendant on
it is, that il may aud often does continue a great
length of time without any remission of the symp
toms. CAUSED. Grief and uneasiness of mind, in
terne study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery,
excessive use of spirituous liquors, tet, tobacco, o
piitm, and other nurcoiics, immoderate repletion,
over distention of Ihe stomach, a deficiency of the
secretion of the bile or gislric juice, eiposuie lo
t old and dump air, are ihe chief causes of this dis
ease. SYMPTOMS. Loss of appetile, nausea, aesrl
buin, acidity, and foetid eructations, gnawing of
the stomach when empty, uueasinesa in the Ihrost,
pain in the side, cosliveness, chillness, languor,
lowness of spirits, pilpilalions, and disturbed
TABLE COMPOUND hss never failed in affor
ding immediate relief, and e isdicsl cute for Ibis
03" This Medicine csn bs had of H. B Mss-er,
8uubury J. C. Msrtin, Pott-ville, Medlsr St
Bickel, Orwigsburg and of Druggists generally .
ALLEN t WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847 eq ly
THE subscriber is prepared lo receive and ac
commodate few transient or permanent
Boarder, at her residence in Sunbury. The lo.
cation it in handsome and pleasant part of tha
town, commanding a fine view of the Busquehan
na, Northumberland and the scenery adjacent.-
To persona from the city, who wish to spend
few months during toe summer season, Sunbury
affords a delightful retreat.
April 8, t84l6nn
bank dote list.
The following list show the current value of alt
Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most Implicit re
liance may be placed upon it, aa It la every week
lawfully compared with and corrected from Bick-
Bell's Reporter.
Dank in Ptalladelptala.
N tT,o. DE
Bank of Noith America ,
Rank of the Northern Liberties
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. .
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank
Kensington Bank
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Bank ,
Southwark Bank
Western Bank
Mechanics' Bank .
Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bank
Bank of Penn Township . .
Girard Bank
Bank of Commerce, Inte Moyamensing
Bank of Pennsylvania . .
Country nanus.
Bank of Chester County1 Westchester par
Bank of Delaware County Chester' par
Bank of Germantown Uermantown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown par
Doylestown Bank Doylcslown par
Easlon Bank Enslon par
Farmers' Ba.ik of Bucks co. Bristol par
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank & midge eo.Co!umbia par
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancastoi par
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster par
Lancaster Bank Lancaater pat
Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading par
Office of Bank of Penn a.
Harrisburg") These
Office do do Lancaster 1 offices
Office do do Heading do not
Office do do Easton J issue n.
Wank of Ihe United States
Miners' Bank of Pottsville
Bank of Lewistown
Bank of Middlciown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do tin branch of
Harrisburg Rank
Philadelphia 17
PiltribuiS ,.
Allnntowti no
' 1
Lebanon B?nk. . . ,. , . Lebanon par
Merchants' & Manuf. Bank' Filtshurg I
Bank of Pittsburg PiltKbuiS , . I
West llranch B.rnk Williamsporl 1J
Wyoming Bank Wilkesbsrre li
Northampton Bank Allentowrt 0
Berks County Bunk Reading failed
Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erie do
Do do do New Brighton do
Bank of Chamhemhurg Chambersburg 1
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose 2
Erie Bank Erio 35
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Woynesburg 2
Franklin Bank Washington I J
tlonesdule Bmk Honcsdulo I J
Monongahela Bank of B. Browns ;ille I
York Bank York 1
N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh ihe
exception of those which have a loiter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. PhilaJelihia
Philadelphia Loan Co. do
Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do
Kensington Sav. Ins. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Manual Labor Bank (T. W; Dyott, prop.)
Povranda Bank ' Towanda
no sale
no sale
no sale
Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford
Bank of Beavor Beaver
Bank of Swatara Harrisburg
Bank of Washington Washington
Centre Bank Bcllefonte
City Bank Pittshutg
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bonk Pittsburg
Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Fayette co.
Farmers' A. Mech'cs' linnlt Greencnatle
Harmony Institute Harmony
Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no salo
Juniata Bank Lewistown no sale
Lumbermen s Bank Warren
Northern Bank of Pa. DunJnff
New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope
Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. Milton
North Western Bank of Pa. Mcsdville
Office of Schuylkill Bank Port Curbon
Pa. A r. & Manuf. Bank Carlisle
Silver Lake Bank Montrose
Union Bank of Penn'a. Unionlown
Westmoreland Bank Greensburg
no sale
no sale
V ilkesbarro Bridge Co. Wilkesbsrre nossle
Oj" All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl.
vauia Bank not given in Ihe above list, may be set
Jown as frsuds.
Bank of New Brunswick
Med ford
Perth Amboy
Belvidete Bank
Burlington Co. Bank
'Jommercial Bank
Cumberland Bank
Farmers' Bunk
Mount Holly
farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N.Brunswick failed
farmers' and Merchants' Bk Middletown Pt. 1
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City
no sale
no suit)
nonoaen UKgot uianng vo Hoboken
ersey City Bank Jersey City
Mechanics' II ink Patterson
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville
Morris County Bank Morristuwn
Monmouth Bk ol N.J. Freeh ild
Mechanics' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Pott Notes
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newark
New Hiqie Del Bridce Cu LamberUville
N. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Hoboken
N J Proleclon & Lombard bk Jersey Cily
Orange Bunk Orange
Paterson Bank - Paletson
Peoples' Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
Stale Bank Elizabcthtown
8tate Bank Camden
Slate Bank of Morria Morristown
Slate Bunk Trenton
Bnlem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Harkensack
Bk of Wilm & Brsndywine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
ttunk of Smyrna Smyrna
Do branch Millord
Farmers' Bk of Stsle of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Da brauch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
fj l. nuer o s
dj On all banks marked thus () there are eu
Iner counter lei I or altered Doles ol
f the
i various ds-
nominations, in circulation,
Time aiitl UUlance Saved t
THE subscribers having leased the Sunjbury
Ferry, beg leave to inform the public, that
Ihey are prepared to convey Teams, Plessure
Carriages and Foot passengers across the river
with ssfety and without delay. They have pro
vided themselves wilh new and commodious
crafts, which will always be attended with able
and careful bands.
Persons travelling to and from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewisburg, Hsrtleton
nd other placet, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of the
Bridges, aa they would save from two to four
miles in distance. JOHN 6PEECE.
Sunbury, April 1, 1848
No. 40.
South Fouith Btbkbt, Abovi Cucamtrr.
Jan. 20th, 1848
DP 1 C23 3-33 Jw .
THI8 Medicine is warranted1, on oath, not to
contain panicle of Calomel, Corroaive Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete-
rous minerals. . , .
The principle upon which this Medicine acts, H
by assisting and harmonising with nature! it
drives out all foul acrimonious humors from the
blood and body, and by assimilating with and
strengthening the gastric Juice ot tne stomacn,
assists digestion In short there is not s vein, Brie
ry, muscle ot nerve in the hnmsn body, thai Is
not strengthened by tha PANACEA, end It also
possesses Ihe remerfcablo properly of removing
mercury from the hones and joinls.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, Scrofula or
Kings' Evit, White Swellings, Erysipelas, uicers,
Cancers. Runninir Sores. Scabs and Biles, time
and a determined perseverance in D . 8WEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejei.tion of food, Nnusea, Vomitings, Nervous af-
lections, Bullous complaints, Head acre, Paleness,
or r emale Irregularities, Ur.BWbh I oLll I A-
NACEA will soon effect a cure ( but if ohstinale,
or attended with griping, flying pains, the dose
should be increased, and the cure will soon he ef
fected. Let not the patients frighten ihemselvps
wilh the idea thai Ihey are ton v.e ,k to take much
medicine; but bear in mind that this mi'tlly opera
ting med cine put not weakness into the frame, but
most certainly draws weakness out, leaves strength
in its place, and by giving composed sleep at night,
and an appetile lo relish any fond, reonima'cs the
whole frame with vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving the sight.
TIONS. Scrofula is said to be heriditary, the infant re
ceiving from its parents the seeds of this disease,
which increases with its years, if neglected and
not submitted lo frequent purification with Dr.
SWEET8ER'S PANACEA. Thr:'nds sre pla-
ced in the coiners of the body, and out of the way
of direct communication ; their real uo H a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevnils; il
suffices us to know that when in a diseased slate,
they are capable of being purified and cleansed by
a long course of Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA
CEA, which restores them lo sound and proper
action. Scrofulous persons can rover pay ton much
attention lo their blood, its purification should be
their first thought, for after a lonti course of perse
verance, they will ever curt hereditary disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA ca:;t be too high
Iv extolled . it searches out t!; very root "f the
disease, and by removing it from the BiJod wakes
a cure cerium unu permanent.
For diseases of the liadiler and Kidneys, Stric
tures, Grarel, Stone, Pi leu. Fistula. Uiinari Ob
itruction and Extreme Costivencss. Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANGEA is tho best remedy ever Ir e
it removes all (hose acrimonious hurno'S from the
Blood which give rise to the above diseases, and
by keeping the blood in a pure condition, insurrs
Impurities of the Itlnod, Mrrrurinl Toint, Weak
nemofthe Spine. Flow of Blood to the Head Gid
diness, Singing and Buzzing No;se in the Head
onrfAVs, 'Dr. "SWEETSER'S PANACEA will
cive certain relief; in all severe and chronic eases,
the patients cannot bo loo often reminded thai lar
ger dosn and perseverance will effect a cure.
In Chills and Fevers, Bilious Fevers, Affections
of the Eyes and Ears, Spongy and Bleeding
Gums. Bronchitis anil recent Coughs and Colds,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be found
perfectly sure and certain in its effects.
Thote complaints are generally attended wi ll
the most fatal consequences, and are seldom or ne.
ver cured by the present mode of treatment ; thi-y
usually accompany the patient t thii u.rave, after
suffering ihe most excruciating pain and lorturo.
The cause of these complain's are the same as all
others, the dross of the blood becomes encrusted on
the finest narrow passages, vliencc aria? morbid
secretions and stoppages of urine. You will find
the most powerful diuretics of no use, as thry only
increase tho quantity of u:ine and do not puiify
and strengthen th" pnrts. liv purifying the blond
wilh Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, ou re
move Ihe cause of Ibediseaso, consequently it can
not exist any longer, ofter sufficient p'rsepriince
in its use has deprived the hluod and body of all
acrimonious humors and incrustation.
This is a very prevalent and fatal disease ; it re
sults mostly from neglected roughs, colds and bron
chitis lso from impmper treatment in many other
cases, such as measles, fevers, inflammations and
small pox, and a host of other badly treated diseases;
where the cause, instead of having been thoroughly
removed from the blood and body, have only been
pulliateJ or removed from one part lo break out in
another. By divesting your bodies of all foul hu
mors, through the medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S
PAN ACE A, Ihe cure is at once rendered certain
and permanent. Recollect, while there is ncrim i
nious humors floating in ihe circulation, it i- ss apt
to settle on the lungs ss any other part of the body ;
this is the reason that consumption is so prevalent.
Whi; h you see on the exterior, come from and
have their sourc e in, the interior, and might just as
well have fettled on your lungs, liver, or ony other
putt; which we know they frequently do, and pin
iluce mot violent inflammatory disoiders. The
humor which occasions these sores is ol s highly
acrimonious burning nature. We know it from
the pain it gites in forming, and uftcrvtards it. ra
pidly ulcerating and cotroding ihe flesh and skin
of the part where it brtaka out. This shows lha
necessity of frequently purifying the blood with Dr.
SWEE1EK,S PANACEA, and keeping such
malignant humors in subjection. Should you have
a bile or ulcer, be lliaukful that nature haa taken
trouble lo wain you of the danger your life and bo
dy ia in, for it is a wanting that the blood is foul.
Had this same acrimony si Ircted ihe lunes instead
of the surface of your body for its seat, consump
tion of the lungs would hav.- been ihe 'consequence.
Delay not then, to purify and cleansa wilh Dr.
Sweelser's Panacea.
Spinal affections, enlargement of the bones and
joints, while swellings, hip joint corrplsinl, rup
lutes, falling of ihe bowols und norn'i disesse, will
find a speedy oure in Dr. Sit EETSEK'S PA
NACEA. Where Ihe disease ha, been of 1 nir
standing, lha time required to make a cure will he
longer ; but the patient may rest assured that a
determined perseverance will effect it.
These disease proceed from Ihe seriosity or
corrupt humors of the blood, having settled itself on
the throat and lungs, and stopped ihein up, so that
thev cannot draw sufficient air iu tor respiration.
Dr. SWEETSER'H PANACEA wrll giveimme.
dialer relief, snd to make the cure perfect snd cer
lain, it should be continued some lime alter, to
free the system of ull bad humors,
Find a aafe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANACEA. It cures by searching every
blood vessel and artery, and driving out all impu
rities and foul humors accumulated therein, which
ia the cause of rheumatism, gm and swellings of
the joints. The deleterous effects of calomel and
other mineral poisons, readily yield to its sovereign
influence indeed, when its valuable properties be
come fully known, the use of sll mineral poison will
be consigned to 'ihe tomb of all Ihe Capulels,' end
only be thought of aa by-gone custom of the dar
ker ages. Dr. Sweelser's Psnacea is also sure
cure for dyspepsia, piles, cosliveness, vertigo, head
ache, pain in the breast and liver complaint.
Fever is always caused by a disorderly move
ment of lb blood, struggling to free itself of some
thing that cucumbers il ; in fact, eveiy kind of fe
ver is nothing more than struggle between the
blood and cenupl humors, and as seen ea the cor-
rupt humors are expelled, you hsve no more fever-
When a psttent with fever euhmits lo he oicti, or
have his blood poisoned wilh mercury, it weskens
his frame lo such a degree that if he survives Ihe
process, It slw ays leaves him subject to distressing
chills, when v limes out oi iu ne resorts to ague
pills powders, or Ionic mixtures; this is going from
bad lo worse, as these vegetable pills, powders, &.C,
are nothing but mercury and quinine in disguise,
which may for a lime drive the disease so fsr into
ths body ss not lo be perceptible, but very ioon Is
will break nut again wilh fearful violence. To cure
ague and fever, the cause of the disease must be re
moved out of the blood and body, which csn be ef
fectually done by using Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA, which purifies, cleanses end strengthens.
It contains nothing that csn possibly injure, end it
use is always a safeguard against chills and fevers.
In Ait Casfe or Pltrs, Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA will effect a very iSfeerly cure. It re
moves from the blood, stomach and bowels, al
those foul acrid burning humors, whfch ere , the'
cause of Piles snd Cosliveness, and by strengliirnr
ing the digestive organs, improves every part of lb"1
entire body.
Tbnen diaeaspa am punsoil l,t Ilia .inmMl, rfn.
bowels being choked Op wilh viscid olimy matter;
the air which enters ihem cannot ecipe unlil forcet",
by some contraction of the stomach lo expel it :'
hence the cause of pain. A few doses of Dr,'
SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince tV
sufferer that relief is attained.
Parents will find the PANACEA a valuable
medicine for their children, keeping their bodies in
a healthy condition, thereby assisting their growth;
children or grown peisons, after taking it, sre not
liable to be altarked with an epidemic as before, as
it always leaves tho blood in a pure condition, and
Ihe intire system in a strengthened state; it drives
out all kinds of weakness from the body and leaves'
all healthy within.
Will find Dr. SWETSER'S PANACEA a medi
cine purely adapted to Ihoir use. Most ladies du
ring the period of pregnancy are afflicted with piles.
Dr. SwCCer's Panacea, by regulating the bowels,
will entirely obviate this, an:! its purifying proper
ties on the blood and fluids, insures to Ihem heal
thy off-pring. No one who is a mother sriuul'l bo
without it, and those who are nursing will find it
of gteat bcnifit to the health of their infants.
For barrenness nrul nil diseases of the womb, it
is without a'rival in the enire histniy and cntal urue
of medicines; by its extraordinary strengthening
power, it Mimulstes and strengthens toe. wonjb, a
weakness of which is the caue of f.ii!u.e to have
Under this head may be classed Palpitation of
Ihe Heart, Tie Dnlnrc.iux or Faceache, Neuralgia,
Indigestion, Tooihaihc, Melancholy , HystJries.and
in fact, every disease caused by the sharp, biling,
acrimr."lous humors irritatine Ihe nerves r lha
nerves iceive 1" morbid imprcs-ion from Ihe sto
mach, or rather iVriiT: the .,,.l oJ through the agency
of the siomarh ond iliRe.tivn organs, although
other parts of the body are apparent?; th seat of
the, disease, still il is caused by ihe morbid impres
si m conveyed from the blond bv ihe nerves, to that
part. A few doses of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA.
NACEA will soon assure the patient that ho hai
the cure in his possession.
This is an inflammatory dU,,1cr, olw ,vs attend
ed with mere or less pain. It proeeeds'from ihe
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in the blood snd
fluids, settling on the liml-s and face, causing ex
tremc pain and fevers; all applications on the sur
face are worse llion useless, :,s Ihey only t. nd lo
throw the disesse in some other part, and perhaps
cuuse death. Bleeding is likewise improper To
cute the disease you mu-t get rid of ihe cause ; on
ly manage to get lite foul humorout of your blood
ami you will ho well in a day. Dr. SWEET.
SER'S PANACEA, a thorough purifier of the
blood, will search out every impurity in the more
remote pirls of the body and expel it through the
medium of tho bowels. There ij not s vein, arte
ry, muscle or organ of the entire framework of
man, that Dr. Sweetser'a Panacea does not im
prove. To lake it when you are well is to keep
we'd ; ond when sick to become well.
posed only ot avegetuble mailer, or medical ncrbs,
and wuiranleJ. on oath, as containing not one par
ticla of mercurial, mineral, or substances,
is found to be perfectly harmless lo the most lender
ago, or the weakest frame, under anv BtnKn of hu
man euiTerinn; the mo.l pl. as .nl and benign in its
oteration II, at was eer off. nd to the world; and
at the same lime ihe most certain in searching out
the root of any c unplain', however deep, and of
performing a cure.
Price fl per bottle, or six hollies fr ?5. For
sale, wholesale snd retail, at the corner of
CHARLES .,nd PRATT Streets. Baltimore, and
Nov.B 1847 ,'y Sunbury.
Clllli II ! THE
4 RE YOU A MOTHER ! Your darline, child,
your idol and earthly jov, ia now perhapa
ronlined lo her chamber by a dji,aerous cold her
pale cheeks, her min shrunk, n fingers, lell ihe
hoi I di-e.ise h..s already pained upon her the
sound of her sepoli hra1 cuuirh i. tecs y.uir soul.
YOUNG MAN, when just about in enter life,
disease sheds a heart crushing blight over the fair
prospects of Ihe future your hertic cough and fee
ble limbs lell of your los and hope, I u I you need
not despair. There is a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, il is
S II 13 H M A X ' 8
Mrs. ATTREE, tho wifo of Wm. H. Attree.
Esq. was given up by Dr. Sewall of Washington,
Drs. Roe and McClellan of Philadelphia. Dr. Roe
and Dr. Moll of New York. Her friends all
thought she must die. She had every sppearsnce
of being in consumption, and was so pronounced
by her physicians Sherman's Balsam was given
arid it cured her.
Mrs. GAKRABR ANTZ, of Bull's Feiry. waa
alsi.cured of eonsnmpti n bv this Balsam when
all other remedies failed to uive relief she waa re
duced lo a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Castle, Dentist.
S81 Btoadw.iv, has wiines.ed il effects in several
c-es where no other medicine all'oided relief but
the Bnlssin operated like a chaim. Dr. C. also
wilnessed its wonderful effects in curing Aslhms,
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alar
ming as it may be, is effectually cured by this Bal
sam. It heals Ihe ruptured or wounded blood
vessels, and makes the lungs sound again.
Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue,
was cured of cough and catarrhal affections ot 50'
years standing. The first dose gave bim more re
lief than all Ihe othet medicine he had ever taken.
Dr. L. J. Deals, 19 Delancy street, gave it lo a who was laboring underconsumption,
and to another sor. ly sfrlicted with Ihe Asthma.
In both cases, ils rfl'ecls were immediate, soon re
storing them to romforiable health.
Mrs. LUCRETIA WELLS. D5 Christie street,
suffered from Aslhms 43 years. Sherman's BsU
ssm relieved ber at once, snd she is comparatively
well, being enabled to subdue "every atlsck by a
timely use of this medicine. This indeed is the
great remedy for Coughs. Colds, Spitting Blood,
Liver Complaints, and all tha all. clions of the
throat, and even Asthma snd Consumption.
Price SS cents and f 1 per bottle.
Dr. Sbsimsn's Cough snd Worm Lounges, and
Poor Man's Plaster sold as above.
Dr. Sherman's office is at 108 Nassau si N. V,
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury.
M. A. McCAY, Northumberland,
September Utb, 1847. ly
scD'cpacaoae, : :
A LL persone indebted to the subscriber, by
note or book account, are hereby notified to'
call aud settle the same without delay, in order
te save costs. IRA T. CLEMENT.
Sunbury, April , lift-