From the Lnlte Superior News, Oct. 28. " ',' FRO.M LAKE UPERIOR. North Amica Mimino CoMPAttr.s-The Paciilo brought op last week the angina and tamping work belonging to this company which are to be erected at their mines in the coarse of the Winter. From Judge Bacon, their energetio Superintendent we learn that hit force at the mines hare, since the 1st of December last, sunk a shaft of 155 feet and extended a lerel or drift, 323 feet the drift commencing on the main shaft at 95 feet from the surface. At present operations are con fined on a winze, 85 feet south of the main shaft, at the 95 feet level, and on another trim 100 fuet north of the same shaft and on same level having in tlio former irin: a rich load of stamp an J barrel work. There is at present, raised to tho surfuce, over 200 tons of good stamp work, with the ground .suflicieutly opened to take out the course of Ihe next year, with twenty miners, ot least from present appearances, full 2,000 tons of "good stamp work. Since the organization of this company, their total amount of expenditures including tho supplies now n hand for six months, with engine, &c, has been $35,000. During the Winter, the working force will consist of about 30 men, and the expenditures of the company will average about $800 per month. An intelligent gentleman who has just come town from the Euglo River District, informs ns that he considers the North American lo cation "second to none but the famous ClifT ' From tub Far West Tho St. Louis Re- publican, of tho 31st ult., has a long, gossip ping letter from Fort Childsin Nebraska Ter ritory, dated the Gth, the substance of which is that the troops there are anxiously expect ing the promised relief, that the greater part of tho Oregon battalion is scattering along the j frontiers, only the headquarters and eighteen j or twenty men remaining at tho fort, and ' that tho headiiunrturs would, in a few davs. ! , , .ii. , i r i .ii t,,L-u ,e ila litu f innrn i lilt I .pnvnnairnr 1 11. V ...It ... NtulVH IV. u,u . ,. no wt .... : The Pawnees were stealing horses from tho Sioux, whenever they could get n chnnce, mill now and then taking a scalp; tha Sioux returning the compliment with equal zeal. We give the postscript to the letter : P. M Mr. Culbertson, and party, from St. Louis, pissed here on the 1st for Fort Lara mie. Some two hundred wagon passed down yesterday on the opposite side of the Platte, from the valley of Ihe Salt Lake They are roing to tho frontiers for a fresh load of Mor nods for the happy valley. It is understood hat so soon as a sufliciunt .number of the aithful reach Salt Lake, they intend to tip ly for a Territorial Government, The move iicnt 1 think will bo made next year. The Republican publishes and order from he late General Kearney, dated at Jellrison tarracks, Oct. 28, transferring the cuniiunnd f the military department to Lt. Col. Loomis villi the headquarters at St. Louis, Gen. K. PM-ming the command on account of the ill- i en which, as we know, lias since tormina- j ?d his valuable life. i Ouaci-lar Calculation. An ingenious 'rci.oh correspomletit of the New Orleans j ier, ol Hie id mat., live days oehire tiie lertion, gives the following eurions aritlmie ical roiiiciilence, npplied lo bis own cnlciilu ion, on the result of the Presidential dec ile say, by numbering Ihe letters of tho lphabet in the order in which they stund, nd npplying the numbers to the letters com osing the name of Zaehary Taylor, he finds i addition of these numbers is 173. By the same oystem, he finds tho numbers pplied to the letters eomprining the phrus will be President" also add up 173. THE PROOF. C 3 O 15 D E F G II 1 9 U 21 K I. II 12 W X 23 24 4 P 16 6 R 18 7 S 19 C II A 11 Y TAYLOR 3 8 I 18 25 20 1 25 12 15 18 1 I Total addition of these figures, 173. ILL BE PRESIDENT I 9 12 12 2 5 16 18 5 10 9 4 5 14 20 Total addition, 173. This curious necromantic arithmetician en gives the following list ot States which t calculates will vote for Taylor, and finds ut the addition of their electoral votes tunnts exactly to the magic number of 173. STATES WHICH WILL VOTE FOR TAYLOR. is&tchusetta, 12 North Carolina, lode Inland, 4 Louisiana, nneclicut, 6 Florida, -rmont, 6 Kentucky, sw York, 36 Tennessee, sw Jersey, ' 7 Georgia, nnsylvania, 26 Miss.ssippi, laware, 3 Wisconsin, tryland, 8 Total 11 6 3 12 13 10 6 4 173 Unfortunately for the calculation, Gen ylor lias but 163 electoral volo, or ten than the number required by the Frnch litical prophet. Mississippi may utld six )re to this number ; but that, by the re us, appears to be now the only doubtful ite, and it is not enough to save the French ui'a reputation as an arithmetical necro incer. to Cook Rice Soak the rice in cold salt iter for seven hours; then have ready a w-pan with boiling water, throw in the e and let it boil briskly for ten minutes, n pour it in a cullender, cuver it up hot by i fire for a few minutes, and then serve, o grain are double the usual size, und ite distinct from each other. Vaval. Orders have been received at llie vy Yard, at Goaport, to fit out thd Unitard tea frigate Raritan, destined to the Gulf of ixioo, it is said, ga the flag ship of Commo e Lawruucu Kearney. K. little rolcano it aard to liave broken out i coal bed iu Shelby county, Texas. The is vtas accidentally set on fire about a ir ago, and haa been burning ever since. MAOocaATiosi Day. The 4th of March it year comas on Sunday. The iuaugura i of Gen. Taylor vrili, therefore, take place Monday the 5th. Who will be President he 4th- . . ' . FARMFOR- $ ALE . . ; , At Public Vendue, a. -JJ 'THE subscriber will offer for sale on Jh premiseg, on Saturday the 18th day of November, 1848, at 12 o'clock M., by public vendue, the valuable farm on which ho re sides, situated in Shamokin township, Nor thnmberland County. The farm is situated near the Centre Turnpike, about 7 miles from Sunbury, and oontains 1221 aores, about 80 acres of which are cleared. The balante is excellent woodland. About 35 aores are new ground. The old land has been nearly all, well limed. ThereSs also, on the preiniwn, about six acres of good new mendow. The improvements consist of one new TWO STO RY FRAME HOUSE, and n new FRAME BARN, and also a good FRAME HOUSE and BANK BARN, in good repair. There is a good Spring house, and a fountain on the pre mises. Also an Orchard of about 90 onnlo trees, and a number of peach trees. An in disputable title will be given, and possession delivered on the 1st of April next. Terms and conditions will be made known on the day of side by GEORGE KOCI1ER. i Shamokin township, Oct. 28, 1848. ' Dissolution ofCo-Piulnershin riHE subscriber hereby gives notice, that JL the Co-partnership entered into the 3 1st day of Majch, 1817, by Anthony Denslcr, Jacob Haas, Daniel R. Haas and Peter Haas, was dissolved the 14th day of February. 1848, by tho withdrawal ol Jacob Haas, from said Co-partnership; tho remaining purtners a greeiug to pay all just debts of tho iirm of Dongler, J. Haas & Co. JACOB HAAS. Shamokin tp., Oct. 28, 1848 I. ANDREWS ICiTHTUP4I. RKLIKr TO TKK Rlfl ! llejiltli In tl, WmL I A HALM ia found fur the Whole Human Knee in An drews' l'AIN .KILLER. Thin in nn entirely veetii. tile, compound, p. ninrsed i-f Twenly-Kiveilillerelit insTe ilieuts. untl is on interim! tuitl Kxtcrnal Remedy for lite vit riuui ills that liiumin Heslt if heir lo stcti a. tu'. Col-Is, Pnms, .Nervous nnd KieV IfenuVtelie, III... I.. ...... u :. . u- : ... ' C'oii!(lis, Colds, Pnins, .Nervous nnd HieV i.miukwiiieiii, 1T1I IItSf JllllUl iVlieeill'1 I. rM'rnllls. rllllllul Aneetli'lis. Kmnmer Coinitiuiiits, Cholera .Morbus, Tonthuche, Kruptfins, Corns i i ro,rii i-nns, minis, eM-nius, .ifrm; n) u,e i-u(.c nnd : Hreuet. l'ninters' Collie, Hrnises, old Hires, I.:,ss of nope- ! lite, Oenernl Debility, Asthma, A c. I'm up In bottles for ' t. S or 4 shilling, per b illle. Tor further rtieuliir s.-e ' l'uuijililets to he li.-id of every ui-enl frruiis, e'utiiiuii ,, ; briet history nf Hie tiriiriu. tlist-iner) und poods etfeets of ' Andrews- l'liin Killer,' Ceitiiicales if l ures, directions, fee ' look oi t tort IHAI I). The siu-cess of XiinVcwa Tain Kiilerin n -moviiiij Hie enuses Hut nroduee death, the iiiiliui' ly dentil ; lf niiiil.nis of our ruee, litis indueed s .lnc nu n of helil it may he truly snid, their villtiiiious cHTUptitiotis mutiitest i llietr villidny, to nttempt to put in eirciiliilion spurious uml ' couiiteifeil tirtieles enllnl "l'liin Killer." llrinif fictitious untues lor Ihe preleudeil mithor, forgisf certilieitte, ,-e. : ri iuc have appeared, nnd others no doulit wiil apprnr. I.t l all retiieiiiucr thut Andrews (ieuliine I'uiii Killer has lh ' written sittiiulurc of I. Andrews on Ihe kiliel of eai li Ii illle I in hlaek Ink. Don t simply osk for f'uin Killer, hut usk for ; I Andrev-s' rain Killer, nud have no other. i I f..l l.y M. A. AleCay. !ne Arient. N'ortlinui'ierland : i J. w, I- rilnitr, Minbury : John II. Uaser, .Milton; John It. Myyer. Uhminslmrs; ; Win. A. Murrnv .V Co. Unnville : Davcnisir, tc fmilh. I'lnnoulh ; Andrew Vohr. Wilkes liarrc ; Hays & iMeCormiek, .MeHweusville Sehalfle & Chninlierlaiu. Iwisl.uiii ; lieorge MeAlpin, Jersey Shore: J. M. Jildd, Wiljiantspoit. ' ' Outers addressed to I. Andrew, inventor nnd onlv Pro. prietor at liheea Tompkins c iinty, M. V. Will receive i prompt attention. j r-epletuDer ail. IIF. ly aOO PERSONS WANTED!-!! FJilIK Subscriber would respectfully in .JL , hi' friH"U ?ml. ,he P,,l,.lic B'''."'-,h inform int he ! lias just received a large nn I splendid assortment ' I i inn Vt'l'V bctit Slovrn, consisting upwards of 300, among which cm. be : louiicl t. ooKtng aioves or ilitlereut sizes und pat- j term, Parlor Stoves, Stoves suitable for Offices ! Shops, fcc All these Stoves will he sold chean- '. from S3 and upwards. Likewise on hand, a large variety of Stove l'ipe, Zinc, Tin-ware, Itrass kettels of different sizes, &e. The snbscriber returns bis thanks for the lib eral encouiagement received, and invites the pub- ' lie tocall anil see bis present variety of Stoves kc C7"01d Iron, Casting, Copper, Pewter and ' Grain taken in exchange for Ware. j B. ZE TTELMOVK.R, ! Tinsmith. ' Siibury. Sepf 23, 1818 3m ! FURS. ! RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. ! CHARLES OAK FORD. ! Furrier. Xo. 10 I, Chest mi t Street, 1 A ftunloors nbm-e Third, PhihtMph 'w. , would invito tho ladies to call nnd rx.inine Lt j siipciior stick, of Mull's, Hoas, Tippi is &c. ..f ! , every vatlety, consisting of Hh ltu-in S.ihle, ! Hudson' By Mjrtin, Norway M ittin, Mirk Sa- ! ' hie, B utim Marliu, Htoiie Marlin, Ermine, Filch. l.ynx. cVt, &c. These !,ins have bn-ti scl tledj . with great eaie, nd are nmde hv the liest workmen in lliecoun.ry. Luliei m iy rest assured no : article will be offered for sale in this eUbliahnvM ; that is i ol perfect in every tasnect. CHARLES OA KFOPD, ! o. iui, t nemiiit ttrecl, btlivem Third and Fourth si ret! i I'hlMphla 8epi,.er 3o, I8l96m GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & PENCILS. G. 8c E. XWCTSIVIITH, (Ijite ut the tinil of A. G. flag ley A: Co.) MtsrvACTtnkin or Gold Pins, Pn hiilukrs awo Pencils, o. 16 M aide ii Lnue, e-Yoi'K. S1Q7E ln0 Su'.-scrihrrs otter lo the trade, and V V tre public generally, our difTer. nl style of tiold Pens, which are wurrcnled agninat all im p.rfic'ions l.y fair usate, and also tube aiipeiini in rvr ry re.f;.erl t ) r nv olheia made. Hiving in. rri aneil f.icilitii a manuficlunng, we are ileier. mined that no pen sli.ill be delivered fiomnur es tjbli.liiiiem i,iiii i a ia icifict We also kaep constantly on baud our auperior Gold I'i ncils. and t I encils nb Ten, which we ate enabled 10 , Iter at the lowest tales. AH oideis addressed to the ub. sciiuers, will be carefully and pioui il alieuded lo. G. i E. M. SMITH, No. 16 Maiden Line N, Y. Oct 7, 1849 3.n UPMOST EXTRAORDINARY WOllhJCD 1 THE IIA1XRXED WOXiIAH'J PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. - BV Hit. A. M. MAl'niCT.AV, " ' PKOFBSSOB OV HISEASU OF WOMAN. alti KAlitliai. lHiiai. pp. 'i-itl. Price l VS.OUII Copies aald lu Three Manilla ! Yrars nf suffering, of physieul and mental anguish to Jiiany uu ull'eetionute wife, and pecuniary tbrtieulties to the Inislsmd, might have been spared by a timely possession ol' his work . Ii is intendeil esieeially for the nvirritsl, or tlioae eonlem pluling lltarriuge, aa it (fiaekiaea imstitnilt aecrela which should be known lu ihein partieularly. I ruly, knowledge is inwer. lt i lieolth, happiness, afflu ence. 'ha revektlions etsitained In ita pages have proved a tnewiia-to tlamaaiKls, as the iiuiuuterable Irttera raosived by I lie author will sliest. Heie, also, every fenuile the wife, the mother, Ihe one either bulk ing into womunbissj or tha one ui the decline of years III whom utKore ooulemplutea ail imponaul change, can discover the causes, aympio,u aud the most erticienl leinedies, and nusjt eeriuui in Jo of cure, in every com plaint lo which her aex ia aubjeet. Carles wlU ba seal mall Ire. .f a.tMa ta Ike ear. chaser. Over ten thouaaud ooput, haV been Mt by wiuu three mouths, with perleet sulely apo ceruunt y On the receipt Ona Dolku,. r.Mriei' Womfcn'a PtialeMedmalUrniuon''-wull sent (m.iled raw) to any nan of tha Lmttxl Stale.. .A letter, aw ha post pant (eacept those contallimg a reinitUuic.) awl addreased In IH. A. IT, Box laai, New-York Ciw PuC liahing OfficB, lite Ubeny-at., New York. . '' . Tha "Marned Woinan'a Private Mvaieal Companion'' is by kaokKllert ihrmif houl the t'nited Stiles Jiuia 'J, l4 mm SUNRUK Y AMK1UC AN AiNP SHAMOKIN ; J OUI1NAL. ; Patent A ir-Tight SUMMER ' Aft WINTER COOKING " '. STOVES..1 . 1 ! i : TMRlyre "tfirtj, which h aqmllt we Ktrnler to Wis si w Ctstt, hss received sHtct medals at Uie liiir vf the Anwrioan inttituta, New York f U Meolnuiica1 Inati lute. Boston of the Fnnklin Institute, Pliikidehihia i and of tha Mechanics' Institute, Wilminalim, DeViware. It is capable, arafmly aaarl, ofilohia; mora Work, with rasa foal, thnn any other Stove yet offered to the puMic : in winter it will warm the largest kitchen, white In suumi.-r , with the aummer dress attached, it thrown out no tit ire hent than a charcoal furnace ( and for hoilin, broilin. tn kuif.or roasiini, it ennnot be aurpawed by any other Stove, open fire, or brick oven. H ECOM MEND A TION'fl. CmTirii ATK of Tin Ji noKs or th Mxcnuttca' lam- tutk, Rostov. W e, the sulwicrilicrs. heinj ehoai-n Jmtfres by the Mnsan. ehusctts Clinritakle Meclmuica' Associslion in ItiM.!, on liivea, furnaces, rnnires. Ac. would inform list public, Ihnt niter testing nil the cookiiar stoves that were put into Ihe rnir for exhihition, nnd letting each man mnnnjre his own atove with the same kind of cool, in order lo ascertain which woukl do tho snme work w ith Ihe least I'llel in the snme time, and do it best, we iind that Stewart's Patent Hummer and Winter Air-Tight Cooking Wove, miiunfiictur. oil by Hie patentee, of Troy, IV. Y., to he the best, as it biok but 1.1 minutes to IkuI twn'gulkms of wnler and bake biscuit in the mine time and broil beef stenk, nisi nil done in the best manner with seven rrnnsls of rnal. In thirlv minutea from the lime the fire wns pul into the stove. To which we n warded the silver tnedtU. JAMfSOOl I.I), WALTT.R COnNKI.K THOMAS JIOVI.TON. A. D. WKUHKiI, and jAMI'.f PACK, Jl does. The snbacribers respectfully invite the attention of coun try dealers, to one of the largest and best selected stock of stoves, ever offered in this city, among which are the fol lowing : Basel, Screen Cy lenders. j Oven Stoves. Washington Air-Tight Cook. Vulcan on do Kurekns ilo iln i Larue Oven (lu tin ! Albany tit) ilo Willi do do j McGregor Mammoth do : Premium! Cook S ovei. , National Air-Tiuht Cook. j I'atlor Stovpj. 100 Louis, Ail-Tight Parlor Stovet. 1 ISO Charlrs Hi 1st Aii-Tight do Sn I.nily Wdsliinston, Air-Tight Parlor. i 130 Washmifton Air-right ilo 300 McRregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight CohI Stoves, burning three days without atten tion, t Tor a!p wholesale and retail by North, Ilarri- I son & Co. No. 300 Market street, Philadelphia. I'li lailelphia, July 18th, IS 18 CWr ii 1V1TC I1KS Si. JEWKI.RY. I J. & Y. j. AVA1M), ! .u. llMi I'lll'.SM T Street, Phllndelphlu, ! Opposite tlir. J'runUin Iloust, EMPOnTKn-i of Rold and Silver Patent I.e. ver Watches, end .Vlaniifacturi'rs of Jewelry (rood assoitment always on hand. Cold Pa lent I.even, 13 jewel. S3S : Silver do SIS to ! -20; (Jolil T.epinps. S.10; Silver do. 512 to 15 ;: CI cks ami Tun? Pieces, Cold Pencils, ?I 2 . , npwaids; l)iamiiin! i' Cold I'cnt, SI. 30!; Cold Uracelols and Hieast Pins, in ure.t variety; , Kar Kings; Miniature fuses; Cu.ird (.'hains, , 15 to Pi 5 ; I lated Tea ets, Cnstois, Cake: Iluskets. ('amllesticks. Brilantiin Ware, Fine Ivo- ! ry Handled Table t'u lery, and a general assort- ment of l-'anry d ods. ; AMERICAN SILVER. I'OHK ASD SPUOS MAS L FACTORY. ; J. & W L. WARD, No. 106 CHENUC M., ! I'hiladelphia, opposite the Franklin House, I Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver Spoons, ! Forks, Tea wets. Ladles. Ac. All work made I by us is stamped with our name, and wai ranted ! to lie made of purely A inei tcan coin. rh!!adcl. hia. August I'i, 13JS G mo. 2i() ,m, 413' MARKET STREUT, ! rHinnririit a. TIIE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSIHITMI-.NTS OF ' in old a ml Silver Walt lux IN l'llll.ALiICD.VIIIA. j (Jold Li vers, full jewelled, H caial case $ 30 and ovei ' Silver Love a, full jewelled $16 and ovet ' l.epiiira fit m il over j Qua-t., ft to 510 Cold IN mils. I 5J Silver Tea Spoon.", i qu Ilo coin. 4 50 (Sold I'o a, siliet ho'der uml pencil, I 00 Willi a splendid ssor.nnlit ol all kinds id i Walct-ea, both gold and silver; Hi -h Jeweliy, Sec. itr, (iol l Chain ol the newt menufictuies, and in ! fart cveiy Ihiug in the alch and Jean Iry line j at much leas p ices than can ba b uuht in this 1 city or else here. i'leasu aive this advcilis-ment, an.l rail at ei ther LEWIS HUOHU-t, No 413 MARKET a re', alwve E evenih. north side, or at JACOil LAUOMUS. 846 MARKET si. first alore below Kigti', south vide. (Zj We have Gold and Silver Levi rs still i hca. per than the above pr te,. :i liberal ili-counl mule lo the trade. .epieinl ei ISIS Bin IJNN, SMITH & CO. WHOLE SAL 2131 Market Street, , I'JHLADELl'llIA. j II51 -GH 3c Ii:iIt Il, I'iits, Oils, (ilsfs, Pv KTirrs, VlHNISIIES. & C. etc. ALSO ' Patent Mulii ines, Medicine ("heals, Surgical ai d , (Ibst- Irirul Instiuments. Chi micsl Te-is, ict, fj" tJiders from M-icbanta ir Physicinns, by lelur or oU.erie pmniplly attended to. Aiii s . 9, 1848. Oin FKVE1 AND A(U;K!!! O-TiionouaiiLY eradicated BY ROWAXU'S TOXIC MIXTIRE ! ! ri ii i t m .. : i m i T7 ...j t?. ill i i cofc nil una i, wtu ravin ur, aim irr i ling Kemedy! ! ! of EIGHTEEN YKARS- ; BTANl)INli still unapproached in its wonder fill success, certainty, and iaf ty, in the cukk or ' WBITCIIF.O COMPLAINT ! ! ! If yon would i leapt the arsenical (poi'ein. ' out) couiiterleita lake not a bottle Jrom anif tne, thai is nottruaricrf by the 'written lignature" of the original inventor and proprietor, John R. Rowani), on a paper label, ercting the mmilh and eurk. ' . This remedy has never been bolstered up by false and decei ful puffs, but has won its way to the confidence and univcsal adoption of the in habitants of Favaa aho Agus Dmthicts B Y ITS GOOD WOHKSANU FRUITS HLOSE. to which all the agents, ami every person who have used it, well testify. l'ROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 143 Arch Street Philadelphia Aiikms for r-utibury Ira T. Clement, J. W. Fnling, 11. .Misser and Geo. Bright. Agekis for Northumberland Kortytbe, WiU son & Co , R. M. M Cay. Auguet 5, 1813eow ' DAGUERREOTYPE roirriaAiTS OK a superior quality hsndsi.mely colored, and put lip in beautiful Morocco Cases, complete, fur onlvO.NE DDI. I.Alt, at KPlEI.KH'rt CHKAP DAGUERREAN UAM.ERY, No, 80 l-l WAI,. N U V tliel. below Fouith, Philadelphia. All Pictures msda at this tablishment will ba W.a BAaraa rsarscT. PhtNdelphia. Sept. 13, 1848 flm 7Ch KNT8 " Ttxrcr3T,3araj TO CANVA8S FOU BOMB NEW AND roi'UHR WORK,, in e.ery UIUNTY throughout lbs United tJUtca... 'J'a Agents, the oioat liberal eneoaragerrteal hk otlered with a small capital of 825 lo f 100. ' A ch.ncs is offered, whereby an agent can make from 910 lo f 15' per week, For further particulars, sJdtess (postpaid) WM. A.LEARY, No. 168 North BEOOND Strrel. Iphia, Seyt. 9, It i. 6nr THOMAS C. GAURETT. fit CO. - iMfoitTCRs or Jh P'aled nJ Brltarifiia ' Wire, Vufori." !til Fsnrv Oootla.iml Msnuf'ttOfef nf Jew elry and Silver Want, ISt Cheanul atfeet, Phila delphia! have rereleed hj tat ferrlvsN l-ge tml handaorrra I'lkk of English iind Tm cli Wajtchea.' aiid MarMe. Porcelain and Pane I5l.irk,!- " Plated ITrna. Oaatora Cnki" BsVeis. High and Chmb'-rUinil!esilrk Hotip , .die. M.iWn-it a d Porks.' Ataa a goixl asaortinant of Mil sittila War and Fine 0iitb f. ; - Their stock of JEWELRY 1 large anil of ihe moat fjfhionaltle kind, and they arc well upplleJ Ith 8iler 8oon. Forks, Mugs, Nspkln Rings, Butter Knives, cVc, and wi houl m .king ny dis play of pilces in the puldie prints, they are pre tiared In sell as low as tint e who do, nnd invite pusona wishing 10 puri-hase to call. Philiiiblphia, June 10, IMS 6n Vardrobe of FiiMliloiiable CLOTHING. J. W. & K. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WJREUOUH lu. No. 194 .Market Street. Pint Cluthing aore Ac iW Sixli, riiii.AnKt.rniA. V HERB they are constantly engaged in get v ting up from the beat French, English and American e otb. clothing cut and made up in the moat auperior and fashionable sty e, t'ersons who buy to sel1, wil! find a large and excellent stock at tha lowest city prices. C othing made up to older, in a superior style at the shortest notice. N. B. Odd Fellows Kega'ia. a Inrge assort ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and individua s proinpt'y attended to on the most rea snnab'e terms. I'hilade'phis, June 3, 1818 ly. A Tiini-aann Doitn Svin ! ASHBY & ROCAP, Hat nii Cap .TlaiaiifacturrrN, Smith T'usl Curner nf ith nnd M.irket Street, Bufmenl story PHILADELPHIA. HAVE Conatant'y mi Imnd a full and cmip'ele aor'tn-nt nf HATH, V.X. and KUIM , AN i nn eb estit nasorini.-nt of flien-' an I Inns' Leghorn, I'uiiaina, and Plm I. r lists. All nf wl ich by a savin-, of $1000 in r nt, ill be a il.l, whole-nle aid retail, nt ihe v. ry lowea ptices. Country dealers woul I d i well to tall, as by e. conomy and low tent, we are en il le I lo hc'l nt very low rates. June 10b, ISIS ly XKAV AND CHEAP csr aaa r.ti0 "B PST received, at the store ol IlKNnv M,s jp ser. a chnire sssol tinei't c,f )UY GOODS, Vrnrtrim. L'ln-irx. I'almlruf und a'licr ;.,. A'c. all of which will be sold nt the lowest piices. i Sunbury, June 3, ISIS. JACOB ZSECII, WHOI.KSAI.B AND lltTAll. , wimmm) Lnjioit ii:i.t:i?, : A'o 293 Market Street, ltetuw lii!,t!,, Kurlh aide, j I'm uni i.piii. Keeps constantly tin hand nil kind of old Li- quor, viz : Superior old rye whiskey superior j lirandy, Gin, &c. Also white Jiramly forprescr- j vini;, Wild ('berry and Blackberry biandy. I'hiladelphia, June 3, 1518. ly s. jSr kc7 aTm; i:T: &co. IMI'lllt llMI AMHinntlSMIIX ! MERCHANTS, ! .Li' Dealers iii l'apir. and Paper Mairijarlv. rets' Mnttrii'ls. No. 32 Commerce st , PHILADELPHIA. EEP coiHtautly oil baud a large aoit ment of printii u and other paiiei- News papers in the country, can be supplied at all times, with paper of any size and quality, at Ine lowest prices. Philadelphia, June 17th, 19 18 JOSEPH CASE7, Attorney at Law, NEW I.I N, PA. INFORMS the citizens of Northumberland county, that he will hereafter regularly at tend the courts of said county and wilt promptly attend to any business entrusted to his care. He may be consulted at the Hotel of Peter Lazarus during court. Sunbuiy, July 59th, 1818 Equitable lAfe Insurance, Annuity nnd Trust Company. OFP1CK74 WAIATT STHKF.T. Pllll.AUKI.IMIIA. Capital -iU,noo. Chakteu Pkii pett al. ri'HK Coiiiony nre nmv prepnreil to tninsnH tsisines 1 iieu the moil litieral and Btlvauuiiei terms. They are mtttionzuri by their elurler (sect, il) -to umke all nml every iisturunee apiertamina to life risks of wlmtever kind or niiture. auft to reeeive and exeente trusts, nuke eislow lileuts, nnd to print anil pnreluise Bululities., Tiieroin suiy sell nnuuilitai antl endowments, nud act ns Trustees for mill rs umt heirs. Table of Premiums icquired for tiie Assurauee ia' 1110 for tli whole lerm of Life. Age. Prein. Age. Preui. Age. Preui. ' 10 I SO 31 2 Up to ' 3 M 17 1 (S-'l M 9 IS 17 3 tq Id I SO : ! I tllil! Iq I&9 :H 'H7 49 3 77 vio l isi m ii:h su 3 nl i i u-i :id v I" st 4 i:i IH IIW 37 -i7 54 4 3-! Jl I .'IN SI 6:1 4 AI 'l 1 7-J :ly S Ikl A4 I 71 ii I 71) 4U il 7U Aj 4 fil Hi IM II 2 HI SO 6 l-i iJ 1 et) 4'i 2 ffi S7 i :tl S- I (, 43 .101 iS 4 S !!.) 1 I 41 3 IS 5p S 7 m 4oi a-a tm tin I The premiums ure tes. than any other eonismy, and Ihe jKiliciea uliitrd greuter eilynnUtges. Tuhlcs of hnlf-yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates ttf prcinuimj short terms, joint lives, survivorships and vietowiueuts; itlso, ftinu ol Application (lor which there ere blank sheets) are to be had on uimlieiihon at ihe olliee, or by letter to the Agent, J. 11. Pl'KUY, ISunhury. ItsTKs rox iNtrMixQ SiUUou a single Life. Ace. jl no III 80 l'or 1 nr. el Itl l,Sl por 7 years, (ll l.lki 1,11 117 3,1)7 For Life. I. isi s.iM S.7U '3.e,l 0,lO KxotrLS A person aged :w years next birth day, by paying the Company pu cents would secure to Ins fiuniiy or heirs Sinu should he die . one year ; or for fto-pO he se cure, to them Mono- or for 913 nnuuHlly for seven years he secures to them atllkio ah aikt he die in sevea yeura ; oi lor -V-jl),IU uiitl aiuiiiully during hie he secures SrltMlu to tie fai.t when he dies. The insurer securing his own biuu., y the dinereiH-e in em--mil nt' premiums from those etinret-il by other unices. For IMo.-' (tie heirs would receive eVrimu ali.Mild he die in one year. l-'onils ol'tippliciilioit nnd all teirtieitliirs muv It. Iiiul at the nlfice. J. W. l'I.A(l(IKN, r'resident. TaxtsraiB V'asscis X'. Uawlx. II. 11. Tiieketl, fecrelary. Conhi-i.tino Puvsicua i)r. J. B. Mnsser, Punbury. J. II. l'l'BDVi'Suuburv, Agent I'i Northnmht-rlnml eoan tv. SunlHiry, Jiy)-8, 118 OAKraiilVS UNRIVALLED STYLE OK HATS FOU (JKNTLEMEN. tlUULLS OAKFUHlt, So. 104 CIIESTSirr STREET Philadelphia. XVouli! res eclfully invite attention In his superior style of hats tV-r sutunin. 1S4S, which will he found the most peifect ever b, fore olU-red I.) Ihe community- lis peculiar forms lenders it tha mora ilrairabl -, aa il combines all Ihe essentials of dura bility sndneatnesa, requisite in that srlicle of dress whills his increased facilities in in manufacturing with all tba modem improvements, enables biin Tu CR.iiAies Tits World to produce a better Hat. CutiDRsa'a Finer Hats in Oxrs or Tax LiTtsT Mods. Tbeaa goods bava been salecled wilb great care, and will tm found must Usalilui and chsata in their styles. L.sits' Kidi H.ts aa Cars or Eatias. IT sw Pt-rrsaase Great cats baa barn bestow. il ia conatiuclirg Ibsao arlicles. iht tbey may Bl peiltclly easy and form a' graceful appearance). CHARLES OAKFORD. 104 L'nsetnut St. s few doors sbove Third. fbiladetpbis. iSe tsiahst 30, 1 a 18 i h wunc SI, 1818 ly I)R..T0WNSEND'S CO.Hl'OI NO EXTRACT OF sAusArAftiLiA ; r rrnnn fcWiWt l pUI nn ill nrlnrl Hotttes." II ' sit tiniea I A. c-aeaper, ptensanter, nisi warranteil auperiitr .to nny i s 1. It eiire rtiseases without vomilinp;, uurrint, aiek I nes, or ilntatirtg tha patient, and la partirit arly artniiied i , " FALL AND SPRING MFJ)IC1NK. Tlie pr-it lieanty and anperiority of this Sarsnrilla over oihar nemeJtiea is, at l.lutt it eeadicataa ilisansn, 1 ' It Inviiitoraleii tti o body; " ' ' . i, .-. t, , , 1 Vonsumntion cured. .. -. , Cleanse and 8treiirlhen. - ... ,., Consumption can tic cured. JJr Jiielutis, Cousiiininiim, Lirar rmni.talnt, folds, Coltrha, j Catarrh, Asthms, Hnitting of Hlooa, Soreness in tha C hest. Ileetie Flnsh, Nieht Sweats, Diffi I cult and Profuse Kxpe.oinilon, I and ISin in the ride, I . e.,e., nave awl can lie eured. Proleilily there never was a remedy that has been an sue. I resstul ui desperate, eiseaot eonsnniption as this; it clean- ss and streiit liens the svstem, ami opiieoia to Ileal Die ill i eers ,m the liiot-.. and putients (trailuully regain Ihcir usiuil health and strnnattt. i C('KI()t CASK OF CONSUMPTION. , There is wareely a dny msses hut lliere are a number of j eases of cmsniuptiini r,-rml ns em-i d by tho use of )r I I'ownseu's S.-iriiiiltn. The followiuir was recently ro. , ceivisl: ' ! I)r. Tow.f.iii Dear Sir: For the Inst three vnsra I i have been ntnietcd with general ileuilitv. and nervous con. sumption of the last eliuie. anil did n exneel lo ever ruin ! 'ivy health nt all. Alter (toum through a e.mrseol meilieine i under l he eare of s.iik- of the most disiiniuisbed reaulsr lihystelnns nod lllemliers ol" the ILnnl ol' ll.illl. i V..u ork and elsewhere, nud spending the in ! of my enrniiiKS In attempting lo rv,iin mv health, and after rending in me siHr of your rarsiiinrilln I reaolved to trv it. After usma six bullies I found il dono me gri"it gisul', und called to see you at your nffiees with vour 'n.tviee I kept on, and no nmst heeriily thnnk vou for vonr advice. I persevere in taking the tsaranpnrilfi. nisi liavn been ahle to altenil lo my usiml Inlsirsf.s- ihe lust four mouths, and I hope by the " . . ! n" "irsaonrillu lo c.nillliue my : neaitn. it helped me ihe i-xpe.-tnii ,ns of all who knew my ease. I'llAKLl-: (l IMBV ()ruiige, h,ss;x eo. X. ,1., Aug. 2, 1H47. ! Mnleof uw Jersey. Kssex couulv, ss Clmrlos Quint . by being duly aeemiling t ., ,wlh Mlth , Ihi i the loreg ,nig slateui'iil is true aeeonliini lo Ihe liest of i hi.knowleilKeandlK-liel. CHAKLUS (ll IMBV. r?worilaiHl sitbserllje.! fo K-fore ine nt l lrmme. Hie id I A.ignst, 117. CVKt S UAI.UWlV. t,,..... ,., , . .. -I'lsiiee of the peace. Sl'ITTIMJ IIUJOD. It citil the f ai-wing, uml sn) Hint c uisuumliou is in ineu rable l, yju cin : , ', .. , New York. April . 1BI7. I. IWx.rmi: I VT-rili Mieve Hint v iur S irsapurilla Ibis lieen ihe menus, thr.mirh Providence, of saving my Hie I hiive lor several ye.irs hml a Ud c eigh. ll Isx-iune worse nnd worse. At hsl I mined Inrge iiuaiititiea of l.lo l luel . night sweats ami was prenllv dehilituied and redii'-eil, and diil u il cxpi.'l to live. I have onlv used your Harsn)orilln but a short time, nml there linn a wonderful chiuiga been vvr inirlit in me. 1 mn u-,w able to w.ilkall over llieeilv. I raise in hl.ssl. nud litv e Mirll hns left nie. S'oll enn well imagine I tint I am tlinukiul f .r Ihest' resuLs. S our otieili. eut sirvnut. . W.t. Itl .SSKI.U 0i Calliutine at. iw ii!-ii si'i.i;i.ii. The nnnex. d eertilie il.. lelisa simple mil truthful sfory of siuferiiiir nnd relief. There nre th hikuiiIh i f similar en- .-s in llus eiiy mi l llio .1.:, u, und yet liicr. nre Ih.msuuJ of parents lei tin ir rliiMrcn die for fear uS beiug or 1 1 sjve. a few sliiiiiii.,. Ui'o .kiwi, Sept. 1:1. nr. Dr. TH-.-i-.NU: I I,,!,. pl. i,-,ire in slating, for th-.-bene, lit ol Hi ise whom il mav e mru. Hint tuv i! uiliter. Iwo viius und six iiMnths, wis nillieied with g-iitrul de l.illly nMil I -us of ;wli. S!i en e.i up ur li-ist je c ivery by our family ,le. .-.ieien ; l.-K .. I was re. c .miiic:iiied by n iVieirt I i try yo-ir S.iru;-nr;U. Il .-f re h-uing use,! one loltl-.--i,c re over.. I h.-r n-id was e:i:..ll to walk to tile tie! Mii.,i..nen! ,.f wll weis neil-.iaiiite'l with ll.e ci.--.rus :ia:-in. .Sii is n iw fiui'e w-ii. and lu iniii.-h lienor hc !,i l,an she has In f ,r ! ni ,i 'hs .a.. JllSI'.l'll TAVI.UI1, i-Jn York nt., Lii nvti i ii,!.i)ii:;u. V er t-w fitiulii-s iu-bn-d in fie-t we linve n t heard of onc-tliat uscl llr. T .wusencl's S-iwij.-iriil-i in lime, hsl any children Hi,, past Summer, while those tint did n it. sickened mil died. 'Ihe cereilicale we iulili:ih hel-iw is e ne-iusive cviilene,- of its vnlu-.nild isimi till .tlier inslaneo of us saving Ihe lives of children ; Dr. Towxskmi IhsirSir: I hud two chiklreii cured hv y -ur Sars:iKiriila of the summer eouipLiiut and dyscntary'; one v.-as only 1.) Inontli old and llu oilier U ei,'s. Tliey Were very niueli reduced, und we expected they would die'; they were given up by Iw , r--elnl,le pliv .li-Lii,-. When thed.K't.jr iiifortnetl us llul we must lose Ihelll. we resol ved lo Iry y nir Kirs.ip-trili.-i we had l iiiu -Ii of. bul hud little eouhileui.e. ibrre being s niueli .itutf adveniseil Hint Is worthless - but we lire thankful that we did. for il undoubtedly saved the lives of Mil. I write this Hint oth ers may be induced to use il. Vours. rcs.cttl'illv, JOHN WI!0,Jr. Mynle-iivi-im.-. Hi i iUm. S pi. is, ik;. f tim: i.uiii... .;u:a'i' 1' mkdii im'. liR.ToWNiKMi's S is us ve.ei-,-n aul s;mj.1) cute .r incipient e itis-iiiiiyt ion, naJ for tlie ge leral pr sent ti in of the system no matter w hether the result of inhe rent cnuse or causes, pr.idu'-ed by irregularity, or ae- -Nothia!: Mai.-.' Ill 're p irf;i-.f:m-r than ils inviu-irating cl. f.-eiKon the human fcc-ne. Pers n.s i:lt weakness iinii las sitllile, 1,-om lakiinr it nt oaee lu'ciri" r.!iu-l and lull of eueigy under i-s mlliience. it, iiinuediritely e.'ii.iiemcts the iieryeliwuess i f ihe leni-ilc frame, which is Hie u.-e.u b:irieiiiicjs. It will n it Lu c,ec ture. lo exhil'M eeiitii -I of u. i.i c:i.e of so tit lieate h na tes oi l 11,-es prrfo ri'l'il, Ije.t we ejn asse-e the atiiielei thut' is it evss nave b'r.-n rcp-ir- ted 1 1 1)H. TuWNHPtnr Mv Wife being erectly ili.i;-es-e.l l.y u-eukness nisi genend tieltililv, aud sinfrriiu' c 'iilintm.Iy ,y lai,i nnd Willi olliet diliieiihiea, ami iiaving known ea.-es where your inedieuie h is rllectetl great euro: nud ills t heuiimr il ree iiiiuieii.led lor audi en.K-s as I have d'nciihiil I olilnined a h Mile of your Kxtmet of S-,rci;i r ill-i nud f... lowetl Ihe ilireeii.His you give me. In a sliort period it reinovetl her e niiit-:iiits nnd rest ircl her I i hailth. Ilcing grecillul f ir the lieueliis she received. 1 tnktt plcusure in Ihiisnckii 'wletljiiug il, ami rc-oumieudiug il to the public. M. U. MUOItl' Alluuy, Aug. IT. 'It. e.r. (irand 4 l.ydia sts. l)VSPKItIA. No Itilitl or me lieiin kis ever been "lise lvereil which so nearly resembles the gastric iuiee ot sulivu in rlecompuig nasi ami atrenglhniiug Hie orennsof as tins pn -pnralioiiof Snrsuisirilln. It swilively cures eiery cuso of dyspepsia, however severe tr elironie. Ilimk Uepnrli it, Allmnv. M.-iv IU, h5. Dr. Towuseist (ir: 1 havo been nlAieted for severul year, with dysiepsia in its worst form, altemled with mr iicks of slomi'u-li, I iss oi upiKiile. eln iiie heartlnirn. and u greul aversion to all kinds of fo sl, ami for weeks, (what I could eat) I have lietm uiiuhie hi retain hut a small fioriion on my stomach. I triitil the usual rem.slies. Imt they had but liille t,r no clltvl in reinot mu; Hie complaint. tv;ts in iluetHt, ub tut two mouths since, lo try your Extract of S-ir-s-iir ill t. nisi I must s-iy with little eontideuee ; Isil nfler using nearly Iwo b glles. I found my apelile rcsioretl and tha hisirllsirn entirely removed : audi wouht enrnesllv re etmiuteud Ihe use oi' it ,, those who havo lieen alliiclcd' us I liuvebeeu. Vours. 4e., V. W. V AN ANDT Agent for Siuihurv JOHN XV. PKIIJNfr; Nor llunnlierliind. M.XItX'' A. MeUAV I Danville, XX'.M. A. XII HItAY tc to, Ajnil , Mf. ly I'hilH., Krskdiii":, and 1'oUmv Ille Hall Itoad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT CHANGE ol Hours, and two Trains Daily each way, except Sundays. On anil alter Monday, May 1st. 1818, two trains will inn each way, daily, between Phila and Pottsville. MORN I XG LIN E A CCOM MOIUTION Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily except Sundays. Passes Reading at 10 4 ) A. M. Leaves Pottsville at 7 A. XI. daily except Sundays. Passes Reudth-; at '.' 10 A M. The above Line stops nt all way stations on the road a formerly AFTERNOON LINK F - ST TRAIN. Up Train. I Down Train. Leaves Philadelphia atLeavea Pottsville at 2$ 8J P. M , daily except P. M , daily except Sundays. Sundays Leaves Phcunixville 3 IS Leaves Si h Haven, 5 37 Poltslowu, 4,1.') ft. 01) Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading. " Port Clinton, " Seh. Haven, Arrives at Potts " Reading, 3.50 " Potutown, l 30 " riiicnixville, S 00 Xrrives at Slate Road. 5,50 3,4.'i 0.10 6 SO ville, The afternoon train will slnpouly at the above named stations Passengers far o'her points must tlierefore take the X orning I. ine Depot in Philadelphia, comer of D.oad and Vine Streets No Pa-sengeis can enter the Cars unless pinviiled with Tickets. NO Tli-F..- Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each passenger in these lines ; snd passengers are expressly prohibited from taking anything as lagsug but their weariiig apparel which will be at the lisk of its owner. No freight will be taken by these lines. Hy order of Board of Manageis. S. liRADFORD, Secretary May 6 1818. tf Pictorial i:tlilloii of d' Aiiblirue'is great Work on tlie Helot-mat ion OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MAN V, SWITZERLAND, Will be published or. or about Ihe 1st of April, 1818, by JOS. A. SPEEL. No 98 Cherry si. above 6th, his splendid limo edition of tha above named work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori ginal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in extra clotb and library sheep. Tha publisher respectfully calls tha attention of tha tiade and the publio generally, to this work being tbe only illustrated edition published in tha United States Ha Irusts that tba beauty or ita embellishments, lbs strong and substantial manner in w hich it is bound, in conjunction with tha known popularity of the work itself, will be B sure recommendation to public favor. JOS. A. SPEEL. 8 Cherry St. above 6th. . 3. A. S baa also lately published, new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rarea Show, a suitabla book for children, neatly dona op la eitra cloth. ' i rhiladelphia, Arif 1, 1848 - OXYGENATED DB LE &2 xxi S3 L1 ' ---------s nr.SHM rort ,.. aOx 3PEFJ OXMBBALSSBILZTTs GEORGE B. GREEN, PaoPRmtoKi ' Windsor, Vermont. VrtIVi" nmY " WWEWIIA, in ninny of s,. ..JoT ' ,uc'' ".P"'" in the rJtoinneh, HnarllHltn, I nbilual PuTL STSS ,:i,,,9to"-r. Headache, loss of Apprtiie. Phthish?,) an.1 AKhma, or Phthisic attended with derange ST .m U,?mch (' Dvapeplie Asthma,) Uimcult Hrmthing, which often rnsiili. from imperfect digestion (or Dysue,4ic Syspurea,) ia relieved by these liiticrs. In short, their una has henn nmvml i th ...lie ... . . . nil i r ,rl H)IIMnu symptonia that pruceerl from a debilitated or atonic condi tion of the Stomach j nlso in general ilclillliy arising from age or fmm the citecis of 1'cver, partieularly Fever nud Ague. Females sufferinir mirier ituv uteri,,., .leru. arising fnun weakness, will tlisst tlio "OnvrtuN.iKn ll. r. tkbs" an excellent remedy, and nut surisvisedby any medi cine in use. The history of this medicine Is peculiar. It hns made its w-nv to nulilic favor solelv hv tl, i;m.n ,,r Ii. o...n i..t.i...i.. merits. o artineial means linve Is-en ued to give it no. uni, u upon pmiiic ani.innni. it ims never belore even len atlverllsetl, Imt having finl shown its re mnrknltU. ..rf....... ;.. .1 .';,.. p . ... . . . v,,.wr , ,,-iHiuiiy 1,1 tne proprietor, ana l,y u,niiiiiistcreu 10 ins nmieieo irienus ami ae- qiimntnnees iih a like result, ils reputation gradually ev tcildetl noli ,t I. 1...... . .. ","..,, ,11 01c inoei tiisiiiut pins 01 tlie 11. . '"- oeuicme 01 unrivalled virtues itl tho euru of llVSiwnjon i ail .i.jr . .- A.u . . """vrcui lorms, aim niso lor ine curu is Asthma or Phthisic. Ils onlv hemlil ami its onlv eul hv iuis neen the st.M-v ,.t t . ' mom, i i ,V 3 , . """oertiii cmeaey, as torn iniin re i . il . 1 ,r"m "'"-'"u I" friend, lu eve still ,m,, . r M!KCT" h"ve ed,il the re. meil" V" ll,c Pr,,P,i,',or. r hae proved a re- limerons crl,fien,n. .... ,l" " . ' .'lemma- tne singular efficacy or the 'tltyoENATr.o Hittkiis." ur. l 11.. L'n'o'wu u lluX:"' bi '"-"y-idcly v,nio, vu rM.,.; WBEX- rprM ' Thf folio wiui( l erlitkiiiPM huvr rrcrullj htru rii'flvsii 1 . . W.IIIXTOX, f). C, Jl'M Ity, KI0 IIIIVIMP lll'ldn ltKv nf il. ,t,.n.l U... m . hv ur ii.. ii v" "7 vv :.:t".. "- r rrrea 11 1 .' "-"-"i . oi,io.'i.. .i.ntni trout sn iw- leuge ol their eifieitcv in other ettcs. weeheeriullv rcc tiiiinenil tliem t Ihe public. Itclievuig that thev will lulli snstoin the reeoiunienditli 111 of tho Pronriet T. ' XX'e h ,ee Hint this .-nl....t.1 1 .... . ...tM.uic rciu-ruy inrty ne nt gunrTullv (tliiiiC(l llinmphoui i!. ctmtrj tlmt it mnv be ncccs-siolc' U nil the WII.IjMM TIMMM' ( t.S.SeialoT from Vennunt. W'M. WlMimininr:!. r i - .. . ., Vfnrr m .Mif:tj:fl!i. M. Is. ,'IAIS i n-ig:tc in : n ,m W,,,,. ierntor)-. From Hon. II. D. Konrt:. Member of r.-ne.-ei" fr-m IVICISV!,-:!!!. XVstit.iT(o. D. C. Jcnc 10. ma. Dear Sir I have been a l"-,n-..ti - miilercr I .r ab 'tit tni years, unri have re. trted to 'vmi .us uiclieii.-s f T rcliet' withiitit MU.'ee. until m.i'!e uso of y ttr ul lvg -:i:i1e-i Hitters." I li ne us -d nl. .ut Hv . I. itifes. nud luid invsclf reel.iretl M perfer-t leulilt The f.rms iu which the 'ili eiise showcil iiseit. iu in eae. were, pre tt noi.iit-.-o!" tl; st ,ui.ic!l, 1 i 1 0! :i,p,.tit '. etre:ne tUln!, ,1 -e, .Vle C.iiMU u;di 'il 01 Ihe b iwi-X on.i violent h..-t'i-c:ie. Keeliuc iles r "I'.s that a k;i iwle.lge of v mr val.t il.le r.-nic'lv n.jv n-ic-li oihurs siuui irly uiiin t.-J. 1 take pieasuf.: 111 r-e rd nig my I.M:m nv I 1 in cumlivc pou-ei-; mi l w 'aid :t!e reiuaik, that wliiic i-n a visit ut h ime u .sltorl time yitice, I nduiinitlcrcil a p-irt i f 11 b nk- t 1 a nu n'.er of my i-illictd trivii'Js, with great Mtec.. They are desirous 'thut ..u .i iihJ i-aiablisli uiiueuey ai I'ituhin tr. or iiiforin Hicni lyi.cre Ihe lueilii-ine can li.: "btaineit. With nn eatnot de sire fir your pri'Speritv Hill l-ri ifj.ijsc ,-. I anl.-c-rihe 11-0 e.-lf truly y-mr friend ' . t) ptiH Ti'l! ' I) et. (ii:n. IJ. liHVTN.XViin'H r, Vl. K il.l XX" h ilea lie ami Hdnilbi llrecn 1 I'I-'.-her. N-i 'JUS mth hix'h r-treet, Pl.iia 'eljl.i-i. Airenl f .r Sim'airv II. 11. .ll.Sl:lt. Agent, lot .Milton MAI. Ii XV A. IIAAO. lo, 14'.- a prettentluj the'.ic- witti n r. ly f..r the Irealeient run! cure ot i'KVt-:s anj i;,-i: uu I t'.er bin lis tliseaM--. no apology is ueedett. uil 1- i:i the r.iileil Staler, wim stiller from these ntl'Tti-ais :n their vuri.a l'.rm., u:e e itiijicllcd 10 swk relief from other smrcs than llieiuuue di ite prescript i in i.i i'i,.- recui.r ..sicitn. I', kc 'iocs Increforenn object of huniuiity. ns well ns.f public intei- ct. lo brills bel'.'ie tlleill u re'n'ejy l.o-pl'lell fioln niueli ev penenee. nnd which nny a!v.l;.i be relied upria nil s.rn. EVFECri AL. A IIARXLK'. TO THS CON.TITKTIO'C. Thai such is ihe true chaMctt-r cf Ihe INDIA I HOI.AUOrit'F., is amply nllcstc.1 by llie uuii einal success with which il has been employed. l Kxlraei from a communication of Ihe lt-ui. XX'11.. liam XX'or.tBR!DoK. of the I . 3. -m,c, hie Uoyeruur t i Michigan. Detroit, Oct. ai. iVIO. Dik-tor f 'HAR1.ES Os,;ootl, Denr Sir. I lutve read with much interest, vour little tkakatisk upon the ..causes, treatment and cure" ol Ibo felirile tliseuscs which hal t- s 1 eiteusivcly prcvaileil iu our country during the last few 111 tilths an interest increased no doulrf. by ihe fact thai I have individually sintered s much fr an them. Though I feel myself very' iucomiieient 1 lo jiidire aafely upon a atir.j.t-t s 1 entirely professional, yet y.sir tiieory s,.f-uis 1,1 nie well rcas airtl. nnd your e aiclu- i sions just. iobI I think withal. Hat your pamphlet ia Caicti- , luted l.t priMiii,. much practical g.ssl. Steaklug ttf Hie medicine lie says : ll fully justifu-tt your i Haltering exM-elati ns. and 11s a siife. eonl euicut. and p ipii- ' fair remedv, my own experience, s fir, induces me 10 I lieve that it will prave a gre-.l puhlic is-ue,t. , t,e;n.i ; lt ienru ilwtt you liave recently esablisli,Hl several itirencics for ils ilisi-sition Ihoueii 1 ri-gret Hint, with a view tt n ; more general dissemination of il, y nt should liave found il ' UffcKsary lo remove from jour present resiil.-ii.-e 1.111 .ng e XX'illl niueli resp,.-et 1 hive the Ii in 1 1-1 Ik', sir, V'otr ot ii .'. 1 "r-.-::i:t. XVI! I.IAXI XKlllDDltltilii: ' fr- From lion. Sti i-iikx X . It. 'l'Rott nn.E. of Mk-U- g.-tn Stare St-nati-. lo lite Accul ui Iletroil. . ; HlRMIM.IIAM. (IvKl.AMt I o., Dec. IJ, l- I. Kir yon wish u,e 10 iui.trni vou what I kie.w rl IV. Osgissl's lisliu L'IkiI-ii! 'gii.-. or nitti-bi;; es nieitieiiie. 1 ,1 . lh-lieve thai if Hie virtue and cliieaev 01 this tiidlicill'- were geneially known, the rrvLR ami Aiiri: Wou'nl ilis,ip;-...n,- u, Michigan. ; 1 procured a li-ittle in the spring of lell, nnd hi'vccil ' reason to believe tiiut myseii'n'i'l family eseupc-J lin- aue j Uisl smtsoii in consetpteiicc 01 its use. , Perlints iu 110 summer finee lite s-ltle-ale'il o,' tliis fine peiiinsiilil, has lite fever an. I liene lee,i st tireval-nt as I'.c last. 1 have ree-imiucil led tins lie'.li.-ine iu iiiont i.i- ! stances, and when Hie disease had une fixed and nalllc.1 i the skill nf physicians ; and I have u.-v.-r kn-ovn il fit!. I- ; ha. uiiiverKilly prislueed Ihe 111 'at Ifipny eti"-'s. nn.l I l.r'. lieve it has never been cxeced sl liy any medi.'iue 111 reL'i-.- j ving the bilious diseases of Ihe ellltla'e. Yours, respeclfiillv. BTj-iPiif.N V. n. Titowt:i!!i)r,r.. Agent fi Siiiibury II. I!. MAifSI'R ; oi-: amberliin I, XVlTIIINOTfl.Xf A- Co.; .Milton, J. II. It.VSKlt ; rieliu. grove, MAV 4 Kl.t'Sl'.. MayG, IMS tl CHEAT NATIONAL WORK. A Iltury ot th Urvoliilloii nnd I-lvca of Ihe Hrrof oMItf War of Inflfpemlfiicr. M'CUARLKS J. PKTlinSOX. An elegant volume with IS fine Sleel Platr, aiid nearly 200 bwitiff.l Wood Knxraviit"-. 'Tln in a iu I oml ul b -ii.. A vu!n luliititdu t ihe Hint vio IjittTature i tnir r uuttiy. WD aid nnit-li tmiii kwi it it cl K-i ii'H lak- nuik wai. Uhj wriv. t Jrvnik aud rrt-acolt." I'ruikioril Ht.nUi. lt i-tiriMisstcai nny tm;lui wr! t oil- r ;l t- tlio Antt-ii- can iniUitO' eal' t r-iic. it lie priineriy r 'ix-l'Ti-! n poiH:.irii. .1 MJii-ny 1 Ilmitsfy 1 1 tin lx'v.i'iu n. fJtlfoiiU.y w-.l uml juu;ei ;in j written." N, Aimrir:ui. "Tne iritrtit w.trlc o.i th? R' V.riiion ond iit Hrrt-j, u i Muperi'ir, tnuh in ex lent mi 1 tUijj-n w i-nv it.itt u.i hcn-i.-lut'u c -mr iimliTour ii"t .f." ' huj. A wet I f.niit?oiet. lit -try t-i i!ut evcuiful puriivl. !,t-tl- ! gvT. ) .-iitiLliv tlis brt ivu!rir lit. ry ol Ui war oi'tiiu . Kev lni 'ii iul n lift thut hu i-t bieu pivea !; the j oimntrv." Sitrct:tv llvtmii!? lii, 14" AtiUMfi A.N l i-l LiiMiivoc.tir tiiealknp tic pint W rk, in every Cuiity ntiJ '1'hwii in tint I iiinij Slate), to wl'in the in l utwial utiiuenu'iiti wiU be oti.T !. I 'net; only tfj. A MrtM (iKiHiau)) WM. A. I.KAltY. No. lin NTth SliOi.N'hHi. J'lltL.Aii;isl'lilA rhllmk-lphio, Muy vKt, Hlt U.u THE CHEAP Itrimh, Comb ami Variety STOliK. BOCKIUS AND BllOTHER, BRI SII MAM FACll Ri;i. AND DEALERS IN COXIliS Sc VAUIRTIKS No 0U Nnrth Thi d, Aemu Ran and Nurtn EmI tanner uf Third and Market 'trret, PHIItADELrHIA. WlIEREtbey offer for sa's a geneial assort- merit of all kinds of Brushes, Combs sn.l varieties which ther srs rletetrrrneil lo sell Lower Ihsn csn bs purchased t sewhore- Country Merchants end others Purchasing in the above line, will 6ml it to their advantage to call belore purchasing elsewhere as tha quality and prices will bt fuUy guaranteed gaint rstoipstilion ThiU'lelpliia, .Tuns .., 18H- ly ars.iVfes.'AmVrl ."&VW s 1 1 isw u..' jt.iwti!ii:i5j '. hi vra?;'. ifts:Tfv''4P. t,-'t w f! i-' a i. -ri f'Pji " A 5 1 5 - if I 1 AVIMGIIT'S . Indian Ycetnble Pill. This inrtti, Ine is comptuiKlen on general pfinclple, from Iks pure, inmdult.fateil herl a of tha Ihrlian. AHhoegll there are many merlicinos called try the aaine name, c one is aware Uiat there ia a very great difTeranea'aaitssg than. Those of Uiem Uiat are called "Indian," have etohaa the name from us, who were the Bist to introduea a prepa red Indian medicine to the American public. Of course a similarity of name does not create a similarity lu Uis bhar aotor of the malleiue XVrighl's Imlian Vegetable Pills are iliatiugulstied for their perfect adaptation to the liuinan Isaly In their opar.' lion, they do tsactly what nature does; and nothing mora They have a roc-roi.D actio, upon the lungr , skin, kid neys and bowel.. Henee their peculiar power over disaan. Hv t.rnm. j ; .. . , , ..... ' r i"-T"iiranon. tnoy nreak upf.oLM Corjeas, RuntmAtic c,rLA1, Va , T Bi r,,.lti isnirTioM,, PixrLK., lu.orim.-s, rKUM, KkYslrcLAS, c. The action of Ihe Pill, on the kidney, Is" such it lo make thnn a valuable llthontri,ie. liaor.v, tiKAvit, and Ta Mts C0Mrt..,iNT., aiising from ol,tnil.-Hoii. A senile , p-m-sis, are speciiiy removed by their u. j A free 1-n.n1 Hie lung, is excited br Ihe , us, of XV nghf. Italian Vegetable pj u,u, n. j Pulmonary Complnim,, mch ., Asthma, Tltcrnnu ! UIENBSS AMD TltlHTXE.S or ilia Bma.t, Cougha. S a j Throal, 4c. Ry their action on the Sti,ui( it i. lb,. .v. cureDrsrarsiA, t.ivsn Complaiht, Paj.pi tat urn or tb ltEAST, F1.ATULKXCT. t'llSTIVR.rst. r.c.n. nf .11 t.:j j Pleurisy, Headache, Uiddiness, Dysentery, piles, and all uisornurs 01 tlie intestine. j Taken in small doses. XX rigM'a Irelian Vegetable Till ! become an .LTr.ltxtTrve melicine. of -ent 1.1.. I lieaey, for the cure ot'Sor.Es of all kinds, TtrTia, TvMoas ) JaVSDUT, UllVNCMor fPIRITS, N'SLRAIUIA, IlASn, Paim j IS TIIS UONF.-I, AC. ! These Pills nlso thoroughly break up InrLvixis, in : which complain'. Ihey ore extremely valuable. ; In Itti lous Complaints, these Pills excreise a ootnplete nvistory. Hence Fever ami Aoi-s is speedily cured by Ui j use of them, In Ihe XX'esleru uutl Southern Slates, where this disease tn.vtly prevails, ihenePiiisgolike an Avalanche. XVhilethey are cheaper than ihe fever and ague remedies 1 in genend, XVrighi'. Indian Vigelable Tills liave beau pr m iam-.-'l superior to all n them. would ap. , pear tha! if there is eno complaint over which these Pills hal o m.TC power limn an-.ther, it it Fever and Aoca. i For destroying and ex,.i-llinj xX', 110 X'ennifuge is ; "'peri 1 l these Pills Ai li -.ugh We have not taken pains to make this fact public, the merit of the medicine itself has ; aeipiircJ f ir it an extensive rc,utuii .11 and sale for the r. j m-ival of XVoiim. Admiiiistereti to adults or children, tlio ell'icl 01' llie Pills it eipnllv ni liijl nnd dn-isive. All who aiitT".- fr .11 XX'obms v!i 'uld by all means, use XX'right'e tru . diftu X'eeetable I'iiu. , I.i ia .. 11 1 o:u can g j auii-.t in the use of this mediciue ' The-, ure natural ft the I, y ns food is. A trial wijl e m.i inet- !, skej-tieal that XV right's Indian X'egelnlile Pills ; l u from b,i.ig 0 v niuuoii "quick ncMruin," are docidadly the 111 , st jlihle nie-lh-iiie ever-nflereil lo the pnhlic. I I'cv. at eorsusitr 1'ontctl Counter ft'lU. . ItemeoiVr that the er-ganl and only genuine ludun ; V.gef ;i,h.. p,i!, have Ihe wtittcn jifnature of XX" ui. XVriglit ; ' Jl tho I'tpl-tlM-l of each box. I O It WilslilS Inilinii V'StlsibIc IMIN; ' Menrv ST tsser. SSuntury. '. it. A .1. KmtViti ill. Altffilrt.i ! IoIiii M. Vine lil, l?iiillisousiiit). j Kase & lleig-trcsei, Elysbu'g. I Stmiicl Heih, I.itile Malum :v, i William Depp-11. Jack mi. j lnl mil ami I lav lies, McUwi nilte, : Willi- 'in Heim u rV., Milb-n. j t' .i.C!lie, Wilson fc i:,i., Noitliumheilin.l i l inn K.c.l. I' illei;rove. i (!. W. !"volt. i!.i-hvi;!u. 1 W.A- I! I', 4, ly, S' ikintunn. ! Ithoilt'.. & I-'niriiw n tlvr;.' own. : Ami s T. Hcs, I1, 'rurlnilsvillii. I Hi lit. 1 vil e H j!;uc. I 1 per Mnlionoy, I lin (). 1'.. mi. tin ilo. ; P.. 1. 1'ij er, NX'uleoii'iiw o. . ,j Xl'lio'e--If, ai tiie olTu-e 111 ii general ilcput, Ubti ; Hue H 1' July 8, 1848. 1; I ' - ' - " - I rsA $J$: jjPJg, vi:sTi:n.v sew vork COlsLlaGI-: OF II E ALT II.- 207 Muin street. Buffalo, S. Y. nit. c.c. v.vruiiN-s Tcgitiible Litlionlriitic Slixturf. rpifil celebrated remedy is e.tnvtnntly iicraasiug ita saraA .1 by the iimuv cures it is making AI.I. OVER THE WORLD. Il lias n .- bee une tlie only laedieiua ix family uu, atul m IturlicuUriv rcc inm.'iided for ail MftLe ii this c mj.iaiut iuniHiliutsIr relic vwl. no iBtttiw ui Iww I ut tfUuwliiii'. S-e Piiaitit.hlcl lor lctttjuiny. Ci RAVEL, nnA h!I ili-vt riMos -t t;.e urinary tTsnuin ; tor the diPtrea iug tinpluiutu it M'hiiU ai-m'e ; x nthtT article can reli y -m ; nml tin: vir t-'Milicd it wiiicnvinfcthe mtt sleep. licul; nvo Mtinnhlft. I.iv-r Coinplntnt. HiUiou diteaiisM. FKVEK he AGUE. To tls Grtti Wl-sI rfSixi i-iriUy, nn1 wherever ihint tuat pt;.itii prevail ihi innh'-it o;lVrit. NO MINERAL AGENT, nai !' etTi u c 'iit:ii!id ni a fajirt of thi niixteHr, it -.'.r-'e. i!i-c lit.Ni. with fertninty hik. reterity, and di u t Ictvc nxisiciu t-jr.tiiT. S:e ParupUlet. PILES, si tMi iji'rtin; .-I a m di p.Hiiiul chMnrtir. ii IMMEDl V -:ELY RELIEVED, 9it; h cure f.i!l WK ly m iVw dnys uku ot' thiartictt ; it la i;ir Ifii.rc un (UtH.T tri';mnttiinit"r Uii dtaeaie, or t'oraity ttln r th i-a-.t oriinntrij tr"ia impure Nkx1. 8ea jaiu' ''''' ' IH-.liil.lTV OF THE SYSTEM, v.- lu.-k, w-Mkii.v oi ihe Kt'lnevB, Ae., r inAamma li n oi Min:, i-i .niM.'.'tjiitfiy rviic.ed by a few djya uh : t; is mt -4.i-i:ie, ui-.A h care in a i ways a result uf iti ute. ll A CERTAIN REMEDY, r "ic'.i coir'iuinU, und aw I ji tleraiigemcntt of tha fa- m""ltiuE(;i."LVRI TIES, SUPPRESSIONS, ju.inml iHn:-truLiti jus. N'anii.'lc ims ever beenoflWed t- -pi tlii-i v.-W: Ii w-uiit! tiMi'-h t!ii kind of deranxeiueiita ll i.i i lo rcli: 1 n fil a s-urv and eiVecliva ramttd, and ti.J c. t.'f! .."fiitlMi-J ! ' d .' toii!'l (T1VC A TIlorSANl) NAMES, i. ('t' eirs im f'n-t ditri'isii; cts of eontnlainta. tff I'liii't1 . All It ikr-u it i-n, debilitated hiitituuoi.a. iV.i.ii t.'ii- fi i - t -)i u'-n'iirv. will tiuii the hnu-ius powtr ut this :irir!: t ait iiriiiK-'ti.ttrlj, onJ thu p'ia-twHia minaral E'iL'PTIVK DISEASES wiil un 1 tl.; .! :it i r yr i'Tti"n of tlittf Mrln-lr. Pl lUKV T-JK IMWD. uii ldiivta situ '.i ilit-enf-f n fn'iu ihe ytni. Hta pamphlet i 'i trj.'im ny 'i t iirt'H in itll il'c:lH.!!, whii'h thd liiniia f 'in nVi nv :u -nt w i;i a;! pr.cul t.i la imnttil Iiom. Amenta uivir tin-in uw-tv ; ri-'v i.tini li pageJ n cvrtitifaiua of tii;:it oiuintfr, l f Mr- iv,. r ARRAY " tK I'lUIOF ,'ihc vi.'itc't n nivdipii'. ik'Vt B;i;rrd. ll u m V t!:e ptiii:i..i' I -ur si "( i.i.i article tlutt it nrvei t'aiia U li- tt h; in t'uy c-n. u I nv und nuifcd are laft tu buiki u'.s-it l.t tii- ciiui'iutrJ :it!:::rinj uiVsiild iioiM-: Up t'ikti c tho tnt'itit ii.e l'ia; aa thare ia an tia .1V mvnt. iff I'fi n.-ttT w.-mi CAL TltN TUK ITBLIC n-.T-inw u iuti)i! r ot artii lt-sj whuh como out undar Uia UM ' 's.VRSAl'ARILl.AS, SYUL'PS, tC, as eures l r IJr,. sv. C.iMVel, e. : They aiti good lur iw- ll.nic. uu l cue t cl In anil llie miwnrv; J'DLXil Til EM NOT Thfir invcutTB never ihtmuU t curing iueh diaeaara Itlr ttiia article ha1 ifcrnr it. A a'ticuiar alivly of tha pam phU t i famrtty a licited. Arc nt und nil who tvlt the article are liL AD TO C IRC ULATE sraiuil nislv. I'nt un in 30 os. bottle., at Wl ; IS e-a. a' a.1 such tiie turner tuialing tiz. uff. than two anall bas llea. lssk out ami get iniiosl an-w. livery bntiia aaa '-Vaiiihirs X'egelnlile l.ilte.ilriilie Mulure," blown nnoal the, llie written sijiuiutt. iK "U. C. X'.imlui" on Uis direelious, aial "G. C. Vaojihu, Iluflslo," seH'J ! .'rlt. None other are seunine Prirl by Or. O. O. X'utialin, and s Ju al lit. I'riuelrsil tlrfiec, SXrt Mam "reel,. atiut'uK at wholeaala and retail. No allention fien I" tet ter, unless pest pnitl ordi r. from w'tarjy ixnatitnld A(teiits exeeptctl ; t paid tellers, or verbal .liunu.t lions s ilieitiinl adviee, pr imnlly aileasted ft jrati. tlilicea devoid cselusively H Ihe aal. t l' "!kT . l:M Xisiu m. New Yorkei'yi V "11' TCslSli and bv llie prill. itl Dnujta Hirotujhoul the l alias Maue- aiet i anarui, aa As-eiu. fthio J Wei. A tail 1, ISIr r JUSTICES' BLAKKf ftR M T. AT Tgl? OVFri- S Atfettts. bioits v.-., ;-.- . XV Frlli'if, Sunhury-laaac Omrhart. PeUnsaror, ..- a ' 1 II I 9hJUilsT. rat lltOanV IlaVBal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers