Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 11, 1848, Image 4

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- Sh cotnos to,thf-f still groves j Ihearher;
And now 1 feel a bolder heart.
The gentle child--why need I fetr herl
She never csusod one breast to smart.
' The others they aH gladly greet her ;
'' fiut I pass by occaiionfliea;
, The loveliest of the eUra, I meet her,
Yet ne'er to her can lift myeyea.
"the .lower ail bow, and seem to know her
The birda in merry carols tie !
' All they their love may freely ahow her,
Ah! w by timid only 11
to Heaven how often I've lamented,
The whole night long most bitterly !
But I have never yet attempted -
The one small word, the "I love thee !'
Here every day I've seen her walking,
' And here beneath the trees I'll lie ;
Like one in dreams, I'll still keep talking
And call her my sweet life for aye.
1 will ah me ! oh, woe betide me !
Sho's coining now she'll see me here;
I'll to the thicket run and hido me,
There watch her pass and diasappear.
The Ability or Commercial Nations to
ciaY cm Wah. While the spirit of war,
' says Hunt's Merchant's Magazine, is op
posed to the spirit of commerce,, we must not
be understood to menu that commercial na
tions are on that account llio less capable of
carrying on war. Their indisposition to war
arises not from want of courage, but from a
peaceful disposition and a feeling of justice,
They are not led away by a love of glory or
a desire for revenge. The take a business
like view of the question ; they examine the
debtor and the creditor side of the account,
and calculate) beforehand what they shall gain
by fighting. But, when once compelled to
draw the sword, commercial nations are foes
not to bo despised. Look at ancient Tyre,
that for thirteen years resisted the power of
Babylon, led on by Nebuchadnezzar ; at new
Tyre a town built on a rock that for seven
months arrested the progress of Alexander
theGrent; at Carthage, that for centuries con
tended with the armies of martial Rome; and
come to modern history, and traco the wars
of Venice and Gooun, of Holland, and of Eng
land, and tell ine if commercial nations havo
shown themselves deficient in that valor and
enterprise which are the foundations of suc
cessful war. It is remarkable that tho com
mercial city of Corinth supplied excellent
military commanders, insomuch that the other
states of Greece preferred Corinthian generals
to natives of their own states. May we not
infer from this that the commercial virtues of
foresight, calculation, diligence, arrangement,
and perseverance, united to a knowledge of
military tactics, laid the foundation of their
success? But though commercial nations
have been sometimes compelled to engage in
war, and have generally waged it successful
ly, yet war is injurious to commerce.
It should be the aim of young men to go
, Into good society we mean not tho rich, nor
tho proud, tho fashionable, but tho society of
the wise, tho intelligent, and the good. When
yon find men who know" moro than you do,
and from whose conversation you can ga
ther information, it is always safe to be found
with them. It has broken down raauy a man
io associate with the low and vulgar, where
the ribald song was inculcated, -and tho indc
'cent story told to excite laughter or imluenro
the bad passions.
Lord Clarendon attributed success and hap
piness in life to associating with persons
moro.iarned and virtuous than ourselves. If
you wish to bo wise and respected, if you
desire happiness and not misery, we advir-e
you to associate with the intelligent and good.
Strive for excellence and strict integrity, and
you w ill never be found in the sinks of pollu
tion, or in tho ranks of profligates and gam
blers. Once habituate yourself to a virtuous
course, once secure a love for good society,
and no punit-hmcnt would be greater by
accident to be obliged for a half a day to as
sociate with the low and vulgar.
There is nothing which adds so much to
the beauty and power of man, as a good mo
ral character. It is his wealth his influence
his life. It dignities him in every station
exalts him in every condition, and glorifies
him at every period of life. Such a charac
ter is more to be desired than everything else
on earth. It makes a man free and indepen
dent. No servile tool no crouching syco
phant no treacherous honor-seeker ever bore
such a character. Tho pure joya of truth and
righteousness never spring in such a bosom.
If young men but knew how much a good
character would dignify and exalt them
how glorious it would make their prospects,
even in this life, never should wo find them
yielding to the grovelling and base-born pas
sions of human nature.
'The melancholy daya have come,
The saddest of the year"
and yet the most beautiful for however
bright and gay, and joyous, other seasons may
be, thero U a rare beauty in tho dying away
of the many hued vegetation, which makes a
. deep impression ou tho lover of God ami na
ture, tilling the heart with piety, and impart-
. iug to the season a glory surpassing far the
grandeur of Spring. Thero is in fact, moro
. heart in this season, than in all the others of
the year, and it is justly calculated to turn the
mind to the Supreme BeneGceuce which has
made even decay and death so glorious;
. while as the once green leaves fall to the
ground, we aro remipded that man, too,
cometh forth as a flower and is cut down
t "that all flesh is grass, and all the glory of
man as the flower of the grass." It is the
" figure of the down-hill of life, and even the
silent falling of the leaf, speaks to us in the
voice of Him who '-changeth the times and
the seasons," telling of the approach of the
autumn of life, and winter, and death, when
the murmuring rills aliall be stopped, and the
vital current frozen. .
'Ann, whre are you going to night V
Why, to the ball to be sure !'
Are you 1 so am I. How many petticoats
w you going to wear V
'Why, I was going t0 put on twenty-five,
kut a the fashioa's chancing, 1 wou wcaj
t El. ff )t I
i -a rafiHUi t
erofut or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous
Eruption. Pimples or Pestulea on the face, Blotch,
Bile, Chronic Mire Eye, King Worm or Tetter,
Scald Head, Eiisuaeineni and Pain of tho .
Bones and joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphi
litic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago,
disaaaca arising from an injudi.
etous use of Metcury, Drop
ay, Exposure or Impru
dence in life alao,
Chronic Consti
tutional Dia
In this medicine several innocent kut very potent articles
ef the vejretahle kingdom are vnited, forming a compound
entirely different in ita character and properties from any
other preparation, and unrivalled in Ita operation on the
system wnen mooring unacr disease, ic should tie in ine
tnnoe of every per n, who, hy business, or general course
of life, is predisposed to the very many aiiimcvte that ren
der life a curse, instead ef a blcssiug, and so often result ill
Sr. Drake's Fanace is recommended as a certain remedy,
ot one instance of its failure hss ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the disease and at the same time imparts
vigor to the whole n-stcm. Scroful me pere ma can never
nav too much attention to the slate of their blood. Ita pu
rification should be their tret aim ; for perseverance will
accomplish a cur of win hiditat disease.
Scurvy, Scortnitie Anectionn, Tumors, White swelling.
Erysipelas, Ulcers, Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and
nilcs. Dr. Drake's l'unncca cm mot bo too highly extolled ;
it searches out the very root of the disease, and permanent.
No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which
gives so much tone to the stouiach and causes the accre
tion of a hcaithy gastric juice to decompose the food as Dr.
Drake's Tanacia
Dr. Drake's Panacea is used witli the greatest success in
Rheumatic Complaints, especially such oa chronie. It curea
by driving out alt impurities uud'foul hutuoure which havo
actuinukitcd in the syrtem, which are the cause of Rheu
uiatietii, Uottt. and Swellings of the i,inta. Other remedies
s .ruetimrs give temporary relief j this entirely eradicate
tlit! disease from the system, even wh-:n the limbs and bones
are dreaufully swollen.
Co.-ucm no can a cvked Crn-hs, Catarrh, Don
chilis, Spitting of Blvd, Asthma, DitTicult or profuse Ex
pectoration, Ilec-ic Flush, Night Sweats, Paiu in the aid
tc. have been cured, find can be with as much certainty aa
any oliicr disease. A specific hits 1 ng been s night fur, but
in vain until the discovery of Dr. Druke's Panacea. It is
tnild and sate but certain and erncntious in ita operati n,
and cannot possibly injure the most delicate onstttuti u.
We would earnestly recommend those afflicted to give it
trial and we believe tliey will not have occasion to regret
it. The system is cleansed and strengthened, the ulcers on
the lungs are healed, and ttie patients gradually regain their
usual health and strength. Read Ihe fallowing :
Phila., Dec. 14th, 1847.
tin Si : In reply to your question respecting the us
of Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will aav, Uiat although a perfect
disbeliever in the existence of a Panacea, or cur for au
diseases, howevei valuable it may be in certain conditions
cf the system, still I have believed that a cur for Consump
tion would be discovered sooner or later, and cull ily led
ine to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases
They were pronounced by the attending physician! to b
rcLXoNAXT consumption, and abandoned bv them aa in
ctXABLi. One of the persons had been under the treat
ment of several very able practitioners fin- a number of
years, and they said she had "old fakhi mod Consumption
combine with Scrofula," and that she might liturer for a una
time, hut could not he permanently relieved. In both case
the effect of the Panacea has been most gratifying. Only
four or five bottles were used by one of the persons before
she began to improve rapidly. The other took ab ut ten.
I will only-add that familiar a I am with consumption by
inheritance and by extensive as a study, and
knowing alao the injurious effects in nine cases out of ten
of tar, b-ineset, and other vegetable tonics, aa well as cf
many or the expectorants and sedatives, I sh-aikt never hav
recommended the use of Drake's Panacea if I had not been
acquainted with the ingrrriients. Sutfic it to aay that these
are recommended by our Biost osrmlar and scientific phvsi
ciane, and in their present combined state, form pr ibably
the best alterative that has ever been made. The care is
in acc lrdauce with a theory of Consumption broached iu
France a few years ago, by on of her most eminent wri
ters on medicine, and njv established by facta which ad
mit of ao dispute.
Very Respectfully Yours, L. C. GUNN.
To use the language of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea In
always suluiary in its clfcct never injurious. It is not aa
Ouiate it is not and Expectorant. It is not intended to lull
the invalid into a fatal security. It is a great remedy a
grand healing and curative c impound, the great and only
remedy which medical science and skill bus yet produced
for the treatment of this hitherto unc mquered malady. And
no person athicted with this dread disease, will b Just to
himself and his friends, if he g d wn to the grave without
testing its virtues. A single bottle, in m t cases, will pris.
dnce a favoruhle change ill the condition of any patient,
k'jwever low."
to theTadies.
Ladir of nale complex! n and consumptive habits, and
such as are dcbiliutwl bv those obstructions which females
aie liable to, are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to
bloom vigor. It is by far the best remcilv ever discovered
lor weakly children, and such as have bod humors j being
plenaont, they take it. It immediately restores the appetite,
strength and color.
Nothing can be more surprising than ita invigorating ef.
fee's on ti.e human frame. Persons, all weakness and las
situde before taking it, at once become robust and full of
merry under its inHuence. It immediat counteracts th
aerveleswiers of the female frame.
CAUTION Be careful and see that you get the genn.
ine Dr. Duaix's Panacea it has the signature of Geo. F.
Stor on the wrapper and also the nam "D. Dsuxx's
Panacea, Phila." blown iu the glass.
Prrirtd oiy by Siokbs t Co., Druggists, No. 31 North
Sixth St., Philadelphia.
Arem forSunhiirv II.
S .1.1 also by Wit. A. Mvxkax A Co., Danville H. SrtAir
in, Milton; Max Mit'ov. Northumberland : E. P.Luiz,
April 1, 1S18 1y
rmn-PKooF doors for banks and stores
Seal and Letter-Copying Prt'Rses, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrigerator., Water Fil
ters, Piitont Portable Water do
sots, intended for the Sick
and Infirm.
78 South Third Sirct.t.
Manufacture and keep constant
ly on haud, a large assortment of
thealve a nicies, together with
their Patent Improved SnlauiaiHlcr
are so constructed aa to set at rest
all manner of doubt aa to theu
sing strictly fire-proof, and that
tliey will n siat the fir of any
buil.liiitf. T! Oillkiili, macs nf
these Sales arc made of boiler iruu, the inside ease of sjep
stone, sihI between the outer case uisl inner case is a Siac
of some tbre inches thick, and ia tilled in with indestruc
tible material, so as to make it an impossibility to burn any
of the contents inside of this Cheat. Tticse essApat-aia S.
lamandera we are piepired and do chuliciute tlie work! to
produce any article iu the ahape of Book exile that will
stand aa much heat, and we hold ourselves ready at all
tnnea to hav thein fairly tested by public bonfire. We
also continue to manufacture a large and general ass rt.
incut of our Premium Air-tight Fire Preof Kufes of which
there are over HjO now in use, and in every instance tliey
have giveu entii satisiuction to th purchasers M whioa
we will refer the public to a few gentlemen who hav
them in use
Haywood k Snvder. Pottsville; Joseph G. Lawton
Pottarilla i Mi. William Carr, Divleslown. Pa.
N. k (i. Tuvt or. l!iu north .1,1 si.: A Wriirlit A Nenhew
V ine at. wharf j Alexander Caror, Conveaucer, corner of
r iiswn anu pm jonu ni. rrirci, ;cj noriu ju at.; Atyera
Bush, 20 ivirth 3d St.; James M. Paul, 101 a nitk 4th at ;
Dr. David Javne, S south ad St.: Muibew T Miller, an
s-hiiIi 3d St.; and w could name soni hundreds isf others
II it were necessary. Now we invito the attention of th
public, aud particularly those in waid of Fire Proof Sufes,
to call at our store before purcluising elsewhere, and w
can satisfy them they will get a belter and cheaper article
at our eurs tlian at any other ceiahlishinent iu th city.
W also manufacture the ordinary Kir Proof Chea'ta, at
at very low prices, cheaper than they can be bought at any
other (tor ia Philadelphia. '
Philadelphia, April t, ISIS ly
Cieorgc J. Weaver
So. tt Waler Street and . 1 1 North Whantg
VVA9 rooatanlly oa hand, a ganarsl sasorl
I ment of Cordait, Seina Tsvinea, etc., vii
far il Kopm, Fulling Ropes, Wbii RopM, Manil
a Kop, Tow l.inea for Canal Boats. Alao, a
eomplet aaaortmetit of triM Twin. Ve, aucb a
Hmnp Bhad and Uerrlnf Twin, Baal Patent Ui
Mat Twine, Cottoo Hbad and Haniog Twira, 8hor
l-hre,!, sVt Jtc Alao, Bed Cords, Ptnut h Una
Hltora,Trc, Cottoo and l.inau Carpal Chains,
c, all of which b will diapop of op rnaaoaabky
tsuni. '
Fbilad.lphia, ua p IHtv !'
r j.wr; --. - r
" PtltL ADEL PiT.U
BttnbHthtd IB jfftrr og by Dr. KINXBLIN.
'I'D oMtst, stiropt and lMl hsnd to cur all forms
of Mrit difMSSsiMaaeaof ibr skin and
, olitsrt hahil of ynoth, Is
IV. W. enrnt' nWtmo tfnfon tti., tV'tesrri Spruet
and Pittf, 1 1 tfuaru from tht Exchange.
YOUNG MEN I If yon tlui your lit or your
heslih. rrnvmbr r, th oVIsjr of a month. na.
even wrrk, msy prov ynnr ruin. ioin or onuv
nd mln.1. Hsnc Irt no' false rninlraiy Jeil yotl
from makinc your rase known to on who. from
education snd rcclarvility.C-n 'onr h- friend n".
n wno pi seen nmn unner ur nn'sui"" "
trsalmrnt, may icllclouslv cH'fliln In his hnnnf
a ten lemsn, ami in who-e hnaom Will b forrr
loekMl th rrrsl of th patlmt.
Too tn.n think the will hill th iMrnM t,l the"
own hearu. and rur lhem-lv . Alssl how of.
ten is thiia fatal ilrliiaii n. and how mnn prn
mising youi f man,h-i m'aht ha trn n orna
ment to aocirty. naa tansn imrn
fimlina II reon niant in mk pe'sonil spnlir-a-li
a, ran.hv tailnt th'lrcs uplfritly, to h f
with all tiryitipinm,(p"l t'r ini-pIO '
forwarilnl to ihrm a chest ron'ain-i.f l)r. K's m
dirm' atpr"pria'il arcnrilinglv.
Packages of M dirioea forwarded to any pari nl
the IJnlied State at a moment' no iee,
p.i.T in Lsrrsaa. id eed In I) . Km
taiii. Phil-drtn" is, wllbe promptly tmd.d t
Oe. SOtli 1847. ly
Ko 19S Chesnut Street,
South East Corner of Eighth it , Philadelphia.
PORTItAt 8 from the. amal'est hrrai- In to
the largral site, tinalv or in rouis. The
Proprietors are warranted in a -ting, that their
work ha gain-d a reputation second to lion in
the wr1d. Extiacl from ihe Prrwsi
Life-lik in Ihe etpretsion, chaatly conect in
the shad ng. Ledger
The ait has arrive,! at g'Sst p rfceiion, and
nuns umlerstnnd I' lirtler than Met 'Ire tV Ger
mon."flamore Int.
Ailmiiatib ! not' lug can exceed thrii eicjuime
di licacy." V. S Gazette.
Kx"sc from the report of th Judges, at tho lat
fair of ihe Frmklm Inaii'U' DieueirenUpes
in t'lia ilepanmcnt there are some rtcellent
riHcnu ns iu the n iiion. anil the lu 'in li n k
they m a piogresstve imornvenieni in tha branrh
of the art Thev h ive not r eomme ded an a-
ward in f vor i f an nf th c, mii'oia. ui
'I p se I t tank a- firit in order, 'lie rol'erii ,n o'
MrCI.EFtt & RFKMllN. aa e ni I g ill for.
gftt nus her nf t,per or tpee ment
I lul ileiptii , r i K lit ISIB om
AN ritrn iv Block nf Pocket and Tab' CL'T.
LERV, for aale hy
J0H1T Irl. COLElrCAlT,
fiot. 3J end 33 ARCADE, and 6 Xurth
I MIHU Utrt't,
C. mp Ising 50( 0 dozen Penknivi, Seias ra and
1 sort.
Alan, a choice assoilmenl of Ro.lgsrs cV Pons
Wos'ei.holrnV, R iato's. V. cfc 8. liutrher' and
Penney s t-nllrr.
Also, ppaiiiih. Uiik a-d Huniina Knvra.
Al-n, Hoii.. I at ' an Uowi Knives.
Al , Tht Amtricun Iiifr Stniji. a Uk rim
arti le, wo tv Ihe atn ntion i f Ue d rs
Caan lralrra in Culleiv, wid tin.l the aiiove
Stoik wmlhy their at'en ton. as th Su'-rribir'.
cl'irf bus nes la im, or ing and wllin cuthiy.
rini.iiiii' iua, jooa lutn, ims ly.
GJESZj h son.
Commission nnri Forwarding
f" 8 rommrree ftlrrat Whmf BALTIMOIIK
Will receive and tell all kinds ol Countrv Pio
duee Flour. Grain, itc. s
N. R. Parttrtilar attention given to the aale
or Lumber And rash advance mad on con
signments, when required.
April I, 1848 4m
John W. FHIinff,
RKSPECTFL'LLY informs hi friend and
rualnmer. that hm hss lt i
opened a splrniiid stsortment of GOODS, ronaii.
sins; vi
Groceries, Hardware, Queensvare, Vr.
The public are invited to call nml .,;,..
tbemaeivea. .
Sutipuiy, May C. 1818 tf
The Grand Pufffativc
Headache, Ridilines, Mesalra Malt Itheum,
Itlienmaiism. Pile.
lles't Burn. Worms,
Dv-pcp i, Hcntvv,
"m il I'm Jaundice,
Pains in the B i- k.
Inward W .knees,
'aljotii'nn nf It. Heart,
Rising in the Tlna',
Dropsy. Asthma,
Fever of .,11 kiurR
F, male t'oinplauita,
f'I'iilere VI irhu.,
Cliche, Qoin-ey,
Wh inning f! luiih.
I!onsninti'ion. F'ts,
Liver ("omtilnrit,
Eris p. la, IVsf. es,
Iir'.iogs of -he Wk'n,
('o'ds. Hon,, f;r. I.
Nervous Complaint',
iD t vamixtt or nrata niatA-t satsiaa
raoM lajrrniTit or trs sLoon. aan oa.
STBccTiuss is rns oaasa or pi
etsTtoa. Kjp. iicin his pmved that'y every Dis
ease urigina1 finm (inpnti'irs nf the Blood or de.
rangi mcnts of ihe Digestive Organs ; snd to secure
Health, we must remove thus obstructions or re
store Ih Blood lo it natural alate.
Th s vers ion io la1 ing medicine is nio.t , ffc
liiillv H moved hy I'ttraara' Vxitablk Pen
OATivg I'iils. being fimphttlfi tntelnped wi'h a
ranting of pure u-hilt Sugar, (which ia a ili-tiori
from the internal ingredient a. I iui she'l fiom
he kernel) an bats u tastx or Mipirisii,
But are as ealv walln.eil aa hit of raudv.
Moreover thev ntithf naute-ife or gripe in Hi
slightest decree, hul niial squally on all ihe il
aed pa la of th rai. insiesd f roi Hniiif
th, meies lo, ai d raiking any l ar'irtil r region.
PI'U. if I' Liver he .fleeted, one ini'do-iii will
p rat an Ih t pari enlir nrgvn. d, v rao-i.g
t ( an Eireaanr Bile r, store it In H. naor I
'aw. Anotbei will npern , n li e B ood ami
'rm.iv all linnn-iii. in it ei'eul liont while a
ihird will iffceiuall aiH whatever impuritie.
may hate he-n discharged into tie rom.c'i. and
hanee the stbii tr tb .mit or aisa, . re
move all Impure Humor frm th Hotly s nil u
ih pre egiarnally and imernally aepiiat - all
for gu aid oli. nxious panicles fio the rhyle, so
thtl the blond miy he thorough y pO'-lhua seen,
nng a f e and healthy action to the Heart Lung
and Livei; and thereby -beg ihtoii BBstTi -
The entire tru h nf ih ahnv ran he asceiNined
'y th trial uf single ho ; and (heir vir'ue r
po'itiv ami cerinn in recnr ng Health, thai
he pmpnetor hiil himself t i r-tura ih monev
aid for them in all case wbrr vhay do Dot i
univciasl ilia action.
netall Price, 3A els. pr Box.
, Prinrip .1 office Nn. Ve-ey atH N. Vo k
ttoldby JOHN YOtrNG.Munbory,
M. A. MeCAY. N.tbumt.Und.
(Cf Rememhar Dr. (7. V. Clirkenei b th in.
vn'o of ib rugar t:otd Pi I, and thai oib ng
f Ih a 41 aa ever aeaid f until be inlroduced
hmiuJua. 1843.. Pucbai h"abL irvfc.,
Iways aak f. Clii karsM'arwjgar Cull Pilkand
k no others, r they n h ,,( ih viclua of
sfraad. aVspt, Ittb, IsHTe tf
ao n 3csr so? sact aa sr lp,
IT ha power in can ad gTsjl SOKEb
Stt'ROFULOim humor, HKIN DI8eAlEct
POISVONOU8 WQUMHt fo diacbatg tbit pu
Itld mai'erm end then heala them.
It is rlchlv termed All-healing, for tbr.i r.r
ly t diaeasei t mal r inlaraal. that il will nm
henelt. I bar oerd it for th I t fbaitren year
for all di-eaee nf tb chert, ennsgmptiou and H'er.
involving th mmnat danger and re.poiihilil
and t declare before heaven and man, thai not in
one single case ha it failed in benefit when the pa
tient wa wi'hin the reach nf motlal mean. -,
t have bad phyairiane, learmd in the prnfeeeinn.
I have had mnusiera nf the gtel. Judge of U'e
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
tl erudi'ion, and muitittidea nf the u it in
every vaiiely nf wv, and there ha lieeii but one
voir one u irnl voire ray ing I "M'Alliater,
vour Itintmenl ! tJOiiD"
In rternfu'a. Old Bieao, Eyetls. Tetlr r Lk
v. r Complain', Here Eye. Qia)n-y, Soie Throat,
Brm chi'is, Br ok n of Sore Rr-'i, Pile. l Hm-t
Diear, surh B- Alinia. Oppreeainna, Pain
At o, Hore Lip-s Cbapi e.l H m , Turn rs. Chit
dr.n'a t'tnaninu Eruptmna Neiv.ius Di.easew,
aod nf ih rtpina, iher ia no medicin now known
a go it.
HE'D W bave tbal
actually iVfieil ev. rv thing known, as well s lb
ability of 15 r 311 doctor. One man lold a- he
had ieni 300 on his i h Id en without any heii-
fit wheo a few hns of liinlment rur.d them.
BALDNBM! It will icstor ih hair soonii
ban any mher ihieg. i . , ,
HEAMAIIHE The anlre has cured prison
il Ihe bead rhe nf U yutt' stamina, and who
had h regnl r iverv ateek, an that vomiurg of'rn
took pare. Ir.rar.a. Esa Acnr. and Anrs ia
tna Fack, are tured by this Ointment with like
RIIKNH It is one uf Ihe best things in the
world for Burn. (Read the d.netiona around ih
hoi ) ' .
RHEUMATISM It remove almost immedi
ately ih inflamaiinn and (willing when the pun
c,e. (Rel ihe Dneetions nround ihe Boi.)
COLD FEE'P. Consumpiion. Live- t;m-
la si I. Pain in ti.e rh at or ride, falling off of the
h;.ir, one or ihe niher alway acemiai'iea cob
teet. (Thi Ointment i the liu r me.iy.) It ia
a sue sign uf disease In have cold fee1.
TETTER. There ia noihing belter for Ihe
cure f Tetter.
PI LES. Thousand aie yearly cured by this
CORN8 Decision il use of ihe Oin'mcni i'l
nlwita keep Cn i'B from gmtving Pol.- need
nrver le Irotib'eil with, 'him it I' ei wj ii-e I .
Head Ihe foil wing Cunimunientlon.
R reived tinm an. d.rri-perid III w.olkinwi.
mix n ol Phiaihilphu. and H en judge fm y. ui
Pli'a'rlp' ia. 10 m-.. tih. IRIR.
To T B. Pe'er-iw, H.iv nn h ei. i qn. '
to clan niv minion on ibe ineiits .f M',l IS
TEH" SALVE. I am iiin lo . nomir to so e
,.f the h. n fit h rh I h ve ip, neneed in ib use
of ihe nicl. .
In l e Sfin g nf IMS. I had an at'nrk f Er -iliela
m m f re tadich b-ram- very fsmfn' at .1 d int one f mv eye, 'ei, g attei ile.l ni l
I, v r. mv d atieea w is girat and I be tan In be fear
ful i f l"i-g my et.
Ali'nugh not n.urh of a believer in v. hit is
rnmmniily rll d q-'Bck medirine. I urrha-ed
hoi anil made an t'licli on t mv face. To my
suipiiae the pun soon ah te,l, and in a we- k's time
it was ent rely rurrd and I firmlv lo li, ve that it
as ih il' , under Pr.'Videnre thai cil ed me.
From thai lime In the pre- nt. I have ued the
mcle He occasion ri quirid ,nd i ever eiae whe'e
I h ive u e l it. I have found a derided benefit
Al ni e lime, , n m ing to l-.l at night, my ihrnai
was Bo a-re h'l I sl lowed with illfTicnov hot
by nn application if the sa ve I was rMieved 'efo e
miiini g.
I b .ve oaod it in ease nf burn. I rtiisra epnina,
and fl.'sli cots, a I wiih the bappuM efiWi, a d
one ease of poisoning by a iid vin- in the wn xl-,
h is hen dried upmid rii'e.l by a f,w p'iesiimis.
Fmm my own eipeiienre, I w, uld et onoly te
rniiineid it to all, a cheap, convenient, family
meiln ine
I h ive become so partial In it, Ihnt f riprct to
keep il cn-tanily in my familv.
Though not am' i'ious lo ap- ear in prii.t, yl I
cannot nfu tn hav tht rnmmm ira ion made
public if judged het tn serve ihe c u-e of hiimam
iy. eiertfully thine.
No. 36. Old York Road
CAPTION. No Ointment will be genuine
utd, as th nam of Jamre M'Allis'rr. ot S..tnt
M'Alliater tV Co., are wnlien wiih a pen on eve
tole prop'ii-lor ,,f the a e m.dirine
Aitc J W. FRII.INO. Wunbu-v.
Dr WM. M BK'KI.EY, Dauvile.
J II. I'RlilTKB Melniginve.
P C SH LI E Lni-btirg.
M F NAIil.F. Wi'tnn.
JOHN KM A.I'FI.E8. Callawir;.
Frh. I9lh. 164!. rowl
I'lHLE CiViMrD f.r fe cue I
Ac. This Med'rine i nrT rid m he puhlir under
the eseiiraor thai there ia nn -rli.-'e in eiistenr
bavii g stronurr rla m io then e on-ideinti n Be.
ing r mpnutideil by iegulr Oradiiale of J, fl'cr
snn C liege, Phila 'elih a, and a p'artiaug .hv'
rin of trmv years' standi' g in Ph'lideipbia hi
lent i-xp rirtire ha- riniltmril him in Ihe opioi n
ih e omi-oiind rrclicine wa- reqifred t pr sent
and remedy the d hilii:iiion p' doe. ,1 hv i, si 'nit
in ln-v. m a.mtlir c'iiii iii, and In mumer ni He
prn mAuine. a nf in nv nervoua di-nidere
with whrh lb human family are afllirte.l
DR. ALLEN ia a well known i hoici -n, and
has used the a've meilirine in hi p'sc'iie f.,i H
yeara wi'h tl a mot atonwhing cITerl, having t
id ita qualui' in alm
No mediein ever irei ived more Bui'ering re
roniiiiaodaii ns from phyicin,a nf riuiiif lit sUi.d
ing thin ha b, en bestowed on this,
ITS CONHEQCEM ES. An emi-enl Pr. fe..
sor s y: ''It clili flv iiaes in p. ison v.h le d
ei'her a veiy aidrntsry or irregular life. A thntmh
not a a fnt il disc-,-; yet il netleci. d or
impiopetlv treared, mav bnng on L cur. hie M".
Un holy, Jaundice. Madness, or Veil 'gi. Pa'
and Apoplriy, A gr a singularity a't ndaiit
it is, that il may d often dn a c-nlii ue a area'
lengih of lime wiih"Ut ai.y rrinis-ton ol iheaymi'
CAI'WE. Grief and uma-ineaa nf ra i d, in
en study, pr lu-e rvacua nma, eec. invei rn.
IC siv ue ol apniUiiHI- I g'Hirs. I , tohaerit i
plum, and inher lurrniis.s,. invmnb evte lepletm'.,
v, r diiiili,ui of the .t im.rh, a ib fie eney nf tl.,
siere'iooof ihr I ile or g a nr ju ee. ritme i
old and d ni air aie i ri bl causes nf this di
e ise.
riYMITOM". Ie nf atsstite, nana', aearl.
bum, ari i-y, ,i.d sosihI einct ihm.s, gnaw ng d
,he iniiiach mtv-n eaniny. em. sa in ha I'.ro i
li i in t '. cnatven-as, rhilln. a. ngun,.
In neas ,. spirit, p 'lpil.ui.ti, anJ d a mlwii
TABLE C WOUND Ut nev i (ailed in a
dmg immadiat telief. and cu tar ibw
(ry This Medicin cn he bsd of H. B Mas er.
Soui'urvi J. C. Maitin. P.ltvlle, Med ar 4
Bickal, Orwigalurg am' of DrugsvsU'gen My .
ALLEN V WARD, Fropriel.ii.
Phila-Mphi. No. fT. 1 447. eq Iv
THE subscriber is prepared to receive and ge
commodate a fear transient or pernisuenl
Bturderm. at her reaiaVar in Sunbury. The Iu
ration is in a bandaom and pleaaanl part ol tb
town, commanding a An view of ibe Suaqurbsu
na. Northumberland and lb scenery adjarenl
To per son from Iba rily, wbo Wish lo apend g
few raontfaa during tb summer season, Suuburv
sOurds a delightful retreat.. -- j
':.! v' eaVei.ras :u.
Th follnwitig lis "hows the current value nf al
enoevlvania Bank !M sjea. Th mnat imptkit re
hanrmv be plaoed owm k. as it i even Inee
arettillv enmpared wMb ai d rnTreefed from hut
tell' Reonrter ,''
nankfi In lhllaaislalav.
M , Disc. i
ri'SBJR. ; . , lCATIO. fmttk,
' Nf.TBrt AT PAR.
tank of North Ameie
dank nf the Northern Libert!
l?nmmereial Bank nf Penn', .
S'armer' and Merhanie' Rank
Tensingtnn BAnk
Philadelphia Bank . .
ehtirhHI Bank ' , ,
.niithwark Bank .' ' ...
Weetem Bank
Mechanic' Bank .
Mahoraetnrers cV Merhanlee' Bunk
tanh nf Penn Township . ,
Oir.l Baek . -
Bafk nf Cnmmerr. Ite Mnyemrnmg
Bank nf Paimsvlvann .
fount ry llnnka.
Bank nf Cheater Count
Weelrheater '
Hank nf Delaware County
Rank nf Oermantnwn
Bank nf Monieomerv Co.
Dnylestnwn Bnt
Kasinti llntik
Faimera' Bank nf Bucks en Bristol
Bnk of Nnrthnmheilanil N.-rthnmlierlaiid pai
olumM Biidl A "ridge rn,Cnlitmhia
Farmers' Beiik nf l.aneaetei Lanci-eei
l.anra-ier CouMy B mk
Lincaa'er Bank
Firmer Bank nf Reading
Lane is'er
R ading
llfUce nf Bank nf Penti'a.
Harrishmg'! Thesi
'"Knee do do
i Iffice do do
Office dn do
Lincaater I officei
Healing f dn not
Eaalnn j naaue n
Wink nf the United Hlntea Philadelphia 17
Miner' Bank nf Pottsville Pottgvill pur
Bank nf Lewiatnwn lrwistown failed
Bank of Mtddlntnwn Middletnwn 1
Carlisle Bank Carlisle 1
Eirhange Bank Pillaburf t
Do do branch of Hutlidivshurg I
llarrisl'tttg Bank Harnturg I
Lrhannn Bank Lebanon p-i
Merihanis' & Matuif Bank Piuehurg I
Hmk f Piltelmrg , . . Pitls'.uig 1
Weal Bianrh B nk Williamaport li
Wvoming Bank - Wilkeshari I J
Vorlhan.pion Bank . AHentnwn nna.le
Merke ('oiuitv Bank . Reading fin In
llfiee of Baiik id IT. M PittsLurg laiieil
Do do do Erie .1..
Dn dn dn No v llriihion d
It ink nf Chambersbtiig Chamherahurg I
I -k n Geilvabura II. tiyn''U'g I
'tank nffii ittiehanna Cn M inl-ose 1
Erie link Ene 3
Ffni'r-' dr llnwew' II, nk A ny.esloifv Sit
" anklio B.nik MsgioiiKion lj
'IoiichI le B.i.k llnm-sdil.' I)
1.e ongatiel llok nf B. Brmns'ille I
V,ok Hank V -k I
N. B. 'I he mite of I'm. so 'umk- mi h'i b ,
unit quotations, and substitute n da-h ( ) are no
.iirrhaaed hy Ibe Phil ehlpliia hrokera, with " t
xception of tlnsse which have a teller of r fereuc
Obibfdelphia 8a. In.
"hil.nlrlphU Loan Cn.
rhi Ikd1 Kav. Iu.
Kenringioti rav. In. A
Penn Township Siv Ina.
Manual Labor Bang ( I'. W
I'owand Hank
Phibd. I,.hia
Dvott, prp.)
Fayelle cn.
Vlterl any Bank "f Pa.
II nk nl Beaver
Hmk nl Hnatnra
Bank nl VV'ahiiigtHi
I'enue Bank
Citv Bank
Farmer-' & Mei hVe" Bank
Faimera'tV Mech'rs' Bank
Farmer' cV. MeehV' Bank
Haimnny Insiitute
limtingdnii Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen' Bank
Xorihi-ru Bank of I'a.
i w Hope Del. Bridge Cn.
Nnnhiinili'd Union Col. Ilk
North Western Bank uf Pa.
llfiee ol Srhntlkili Bank
Aar cV Mannf. Hunk
Silvei Lake Bat k
I nimi Bank nf IVnn'a.
'' esiiooielaiol Bank
V ilkeabarre Bridge Co.
no saI
I'l sleil
nn -an
nn sale
Hnulingdnn no sale
lsi-lowu no s ite
New Hope
M ilton
Purl Carbon
no -ile
no sab
(Jj All noiee purpmiing in l-e nn any 1'ennsyl.
aina uaiia nm given in tne almv list, may he set
own as iraun.
Uaukid'New Biunswick
Perth Amlmy
'teivideie Bank
liirhintlon Co. Bank
Joino.etcial Bank
v'uinU rl.iiid llnk
'mi re Bi-itk '
Mount Holly
'arim re' and Mechanics' Bk Rahwav
aimers' anil Mi-cliatnr' Ilk N. Biunsii k failed
annere nml Mcnliants' Bk Middlctiiwii 11,
Kraiikun Bank of IS. J. Jer-ev City
Hnl'okeii Bkg Sl (timing Co Hnh iken
lersey City Bank Jer. y l'ity
Mocbanka' Btnk Palierasm
Manufaitun rs' Hunk Belleville
Vtnrri County Bank Morristown
Monmouth Bk ol N.J. Freeh tid
Mirhatiir' Bank Newark
Mei'lianiiV ami Manuf. Bk Trenlnn
la i hit
nn sal
no kl-
Morris I aiul and llkg Co Jersey City
Post Nnira
Newaik llkg cV Ilia Co ewaik
New Hiiie Del llndce Cu . LambeiUville
N. J. Manulac anl Bk Cu Hnhoken
N J 1'iou tion cV Luiunard lk Jersey City
trance Bunk Orange
"aiers,m Bank I'alerson
People.' Hank uo
Prinreion Bank Princeton
Halcm Banking Co Salem
State Bank Newark
Stair Bank Eliiaheihiown
Hate Bunk Camden
Hale Bunk of Murrta Morristown
ie Bank Trenton
olem and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Suaaei Bank Newton
rieri'on Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
v aahiiiglnn Banking Co. Harkenaack
Ilk of Wilm V Brand) wine Wiimiiigbm
Hank nl Delaware Wilmington
Hank nf rtioyrna Smyrna
Dn luanch Millnrd
"'ariners' Bk nf riiaie id ll- l Uov,
Dn braueli Wilininaiiin
IM blanch tirsngetowti
tin 1-raiM'h .er,si
' iiion Hank Vt iiin nat,,,,
Jj l.'niiei ft's
' i
I In all ! k m.'kid ibu () iln-re are ,.
net rmiiileilell altered note nl ihe vjr.mia
MoinaiMi. a. in eitesilaisiiii,
. l'lm stud UUtMuce Saved!
'IHE subscriber having leased the Smibnry
L Ferry, b g leave to inform the public, thai
hey ar prepared t rouvey Teams. Pb-ssure
Carriage and Fool paaaenger arioaa lb river
with safety nd without delay. They hav pro
vided tbemaelvea with new and rnmmodinu
rralla. which will always b attended u lib able
and careful hand
Pei sons travelling to and from snd tb rough
Sunbury In New Berlin. Lewisburg. Harlleion
nd other place, will find il greatly to their ad
vantage lorioa at thia Feirv instead of the
Rridge. th-y would save from lis) lo four
miles ia dwtant. JOHN SPKF.CE
bunbury, April t, tfdtr v '
' ' ' Ni. 40.
SoiTai Focbtsi Kraarr. Aanva CstaVVMirf.
awrv.avAwiwaiia. ,
Jaa. Mth.'Ua"
DP sCt. tCa. CS iEBa
Trtl M dle'n I Vrsrr mlerL'on ith. rfot In
contain panicle of Calomel, O'OMjiv Bnh
matr-, ArerniC.t;blnwir) oi irnio, or ny
nn mineral 1 : , ' i
The principlD upon which this Medicine art. I
hv aaaieling -nd hvrmnni-tng win nature t I'
'rive mil a'l foul acrlmonlou bumom fn m I' r
Icmd and Ivvly. ai d by gaeimilating with and
lengthening Ihe g-nric jnir nf lb domaeh. it
its d'ge ion I In short ibern le nnl a'taiH are
v, muscle or nerve in the human hndv. lhai is
rerifrtieried by fn PANACEA, and It al
loseessee the remarkahl prrtpi'rly '0 removing
nercury from iha hone ami Join;.,"
'rurvv. Hcnrhn i,..Afleclions,Tnmor. Hi-roful n
Kims' Evi . Whil- Hwrllin-. Erviili,IJlror
'sneer. Running Snres. Scabs and Bi'Oi'ime
t.d a il, teindmd iieraeveranee in D BWEEr
ERS PANACEA, arill rm-cl a cure,
tejeeiinn of fud. Nnea. V- mit'nas. Vervotiaa''
clion lii'l'iin- rotnpiamls. He il e. ra en a
rr F.mal- Ir egularhiea. SWEETBEU'8 PA
V ACF.A vri'l annn erTirit mr I hut If nlisiii aie
nr attended with griping, living pain, the dose
should be ii e'eed. ami the cuie will nn be f
ecied. Le' not Ihe pa -enis frigi ten ihemaelves
wiih the dr that ih y are too oe k In lake much
nvilieinet but bear in mind 'bat this mi'd'v one-,
ting med cine pill not w. akne-a Into ihe frame, bn
n l r.rtnin'y dfw asakn on1, leave atr ng'h
' iispl re, an l bv givn-g romM il s'eei t' ii'g t
ndsn aiieti'etn iehh anv fntd, rn-atibni'e ih
whole flam" wi h v-giiMits ae'ioii, clea ing lb
niud and imp'nving toe aighl.
Srrnful i B iid In he hernitav ih- inl-nt r
eeiving fr, m ii lain nta he eeds of b disea
vhirh I' rreas wil'i its ten. if iiealerted and
o ai'ho, I ed In freqn- til pnrifie tin with D
8WEET8F.R'8 PANACEA. The ue p ,
etl in the enrners nr I' e bmlv, a d nm id Ihe w
fdinr' eoinmui ieat nn : their real n-e i- a nldeei
nn which tien ilin- r ee nr ,min tircv nis s
suffi.-es ti ! kn w ih t when in a d H- d siae
they are C ipa le nf '-e ng .nr fieil and cle nsed In
a tong enur e of Dr. t WrtE IXER'.S PAN
CE A which rea-n'ielh'm tn ammd and pi p
acfnn Scrnfiit u era.,ns can iev.-i pat inomiieh
ailent 'on In their blond, its pur R. atioii sh'u'd te
hetr fir! ttmughi. for aft. r a long e ur-e I p, r-.
v, ranee. th y lll cve cum hemlil .ry iltsen-e.
In e.e. r JAlNTtirF. ASTHMA UVI-'I
COVPl. lVTv. 11C nttl.tHiVVX KHIiV
W E' TfiR'S I AN I'EA ra em he n . h a
V evlo lei t ! se .h Hi .rv I
i s. . hi i i i in i ri' ft .in 'to o'i';.
, nre c- il'iio and . rm no ',
F r di.e ,.f h' WW Vr a ft K l ien Sirtr.
lur Crnrel .Vooe. ' In ' n (7, 'nr. Oh
rtirtimnniid l-'x'reme rivl'vene l tvt'EET
SK-.'S I'tM'Kt i h- li re ii iK . ve. trel
.1 r. i. nies er ib.i e cr n.i. t,,ti I t ..o a I'r lb
Ml- n,l v hi. h true r ss o I,, ! ve dise.ises and
! keetong he tl ml in a pu e enn ! uin, in-nr
i a ill
Fo' DHO 'Y, F 1 1.I.IN'G . VTita ItOWEL"
Impur Ire' if the Blind Mereti'ial Taint Wrnlt
e of the Sp ne FlmKof Blood In the Html G-d
a rr. Si gtng nun Ihitfng v e in Ihe Hem
and E.irt 'D. "WEKTSRR'S l'NCEA d
irie ierl hi rel ef: in all ! ai d ehr -n c case
he , em nt loooft n rein mb-d thu lar
ger diiA't si il nn nevrrnnee tl' . IT el s cu e.
I Ch II and Feve n B Hn' Frer AJTrrl'-nn
f Ihe rTie Eur Spngy and Bbed-ng
fSumt Br-.neh n-til reein' Cimglin a-d C.rfv,
U HWI li I i'tlNV K will h f.un
leofirllv Hire ai d cert .io hi it- ilfert..
Thiee rniiip ain ae gene.nlli' id'ended wi b
the inoai fetal nn- quei ca. ai'd e -el loio ot ne.
vei ru-ed hy lh ..ea I m l nf l-e it in ; Ih y urcnnin Ihe pdieni t Ihe onve, alitr
iiirenng ihe most cicru iating pain an l innure.
Tb- rau" t,f h' ee e plain a ate the una as a'l
Ihei the d-o-s , t I, hioial 1aeennv-aeniru-ed on
he tin-si n-rrow pasajg . w Sci re h s iiioilnd
ict o, ai d -I .pnaci nf ti ine Y u ill find
he in at p w-ifnl d ur.tir- nf no u-c. a- Il ev
lorr. e the qn miity of urine 'il l do nnl l o lit
ml slrenjlh ii Ih p.rl U. potifvina ihe I I d
with Di. SWEE I'fER'H PAX tCK . re
iiove Ihe cause I ihedte .s .eons, qi,.,t y t can
out i sist an lunger, all-r iiHicteut p eeiiHi e
in il use ha deprived Ihe hl.-oil and b mI uf a I
rnmoniou- homo' nml uirrusialinn.
Th s - a er pr. v.lci l and ttl di-ea e ; il r,
sul i.oi.lty fr. in ii. tile, ted e..ii(h,eol,l ami hr.,n-rhdi.-.
also from tm loper lieatmem in hm.,v l ir
e-i-es, -uch iiiimsI.'s, f, vera i fll onioi ns end
nml poi tnl a h i-l ni , lh r ' adlv tu a'eil discsev
win ! ihe cause, mat ad of linvu.g ' e n 'hor gh
te. oove I from 'he ami I, l . hue oolv h e
iabtale, nr ri pvv. from one pe in bre k mil i,
another, Bv dive ing ur '"idle. all foul ho
ill 'is 'hmiigh the. ined uill of llr. K EE I ER f
PAN ACEA. 'he cure j i note rendcrid c rtao
I'd eiiiiani-nl R collect, white there tirrim
iiinus hurr.oi II m'iog in the ri cu a inn, il i- a- n
in settle mi the lung- a- any ot er ( .in of I' e Inaly
his ia the reason Ih .t cniisuinpiion is so prevaten'
Whl h v-u . oo the ei s-ri t e.ime liom and
hrtve iheir niir. in, Ihe inleiior, and niiuht jitsi
well have .fined on voin luuga, Ine , or nnv ihc
pull ; which we know lh-v foijnenilv d , and n.
tice ino-l vtolei t lift iilniiaioit d smlcr. Th
hum-r whC' ierasioi-a these aor, a Is nt a h'g ib
crtmoi i ii. burning mlu e M e kno H fr in
he pa. n i gi-es in lor ing, Hnd ft r sar.1 iis rs.
i idly u l era ing and roir d ng ihe fl.-h and ki
nl ilia a t whet it l.r. ak- nut 'I h shnws Hi
erea-iiv "I I equei tl i'a iryi.i ihe Id.Nxl w I-. II
SWEF.OEK'i P.A ACr.A. and keepnig sue'
uaiigi.anl buiiiora ill u j ctiou rtimuld vou
li.e .r ulcer, he th kfui Ih .1 na U e has uk
rouble In wurii tll f tin dangei vont life and ho
ly is in, for h ia a wanitg I at it Mnml i- fou
Had ihis aim - acriiunn l-c ed 'he lungs in tea'
,.f the aiufaie f yon hmly f.r i' " a', ronsu'iip
lion ol the lung wou d ha leen ibe'coi.atqui u
II lay not lien, lo UHlv and hiiIi D
SmeilM t's I'anseea.
rlpind aiTi'C"oii-, nla g' o.ent of lb h.r es an
joints, whit ssiellii ss i i,i jo i.t en i p'sim, iui-
Uirs, tal i g uf ibe ho el n I vnoi dise.-e. e tl
find a a(dy ouie in Dr. SIl'EETEK S PA
CAVCA. vi tie. e tne usae i t ,4 I i.g
utidiiii!, ihe tune lequirad lo link a runt wll i
longei 5 i U' the p.ieni imv Hist
dc ermnieil ie.svernt. e w II ill'irl it,
I Id l.N I'll 1 1 s As I'uM A vn DISK.A"E
inE xti.n r:.
Th. i'j-eaei pm i.d limn lh
e rrtlpl "line rs of ih h ood h vinj .i n-c
the tin ai d lung -lid -I c.l ihein u... so h
he e ii d'asv sufH.-i. aii m l,u ',.(, ,M o
Dr. fsWEEI MEU'- PAN ACE m II aiv, .,
bale relief ami In make Hie rure perl. I and ce
lam, llslweil lUe ,SMii lm I aoine li ne .,n i.
rec i -y'iti uf -II hut uoioia ,
Fiml a safe ami atieaslv cur in Dr SWEtlT
StlfS PA SACEA. It cure by aearchin ever,
h,id vr el and an. ry, anil driving out all impu
rities and l.iu' buinoia scrumu atrsl therein, whirl
in ranee ir rlt umalism. g iU- ami awelliuas ni
ine j 4, is. i ne it eletous eit. nf cabenel am
Hiei inineial poi-on. a 'ily yield to n -overeig.
fluener t iiilteeil, whi n H val'iahle In. Mrliea l
enme ful'i known. Hie tw 4 all ww-r I p ,ion wi
w cn Mgisei in "mm Mn ol all trie i;p ,le,' am
uiv ne ii i.i ui a any-(ot,erD-tiu ,fhilar
erge. Ur, Mwesrl-ar' Panacea la ,! au-
cure tor dyaueiajla, ti . eniu, aa, vartNhS hJ
ra. paw la tne ( and liver tavmpnint
Fevev i at Mr Mua bv a dssosderfr kaaee-
aneul of th hbssd, atruggling tn fig iiarkf mt aooie.
thing ibal gsteiMiiUr it t lu tn t, vvy kind at
i uaMBiB ara toaa a xruggw twaen inr
blood and cwrapl bamr, and a soon a tb cor-
I humor are i ire l sal, vnq hav nn mnr levef
AVhen patient with fever vHilsmlia fa' IV tdrd, or
hat hi I4'd pmeoneil whb waabi n
hi frame In ei a degree thai if h surviv thd
roc', it ai avs leaves mm entijert tn tlitrsatnr
hpla, when II time nut nf 10 h psors tn agu
pills pnwiltr. m imve mi'toroaj ltd ia gelfig fr.isa
had tu vioree. a trie v-graari' pin, powder. He.'
ire n- thing hdt niereurv ami qu niri in tliegulw,
hirh m fiir lirtiS drlv the diaesae ,t far into
ibe 1'O-rv a r be netrenttbl. kul erv svvsri i"
will break mil ga n si'hfe'fj m?t!r To.t
aviie and fever, -he ran f the dieease mual b re-'
moved mil nf Ihe bl.avl ml hndv which run lie ef.
rlii-llv don hv tia'nr Dr WWEE PSER'H P V-
"V, A t b A, which purines, clesnee and Mreawihcn.
li root dn nothing that ran po-iMv injur, and its'
ore is alway a vsfrguard again-t chill and fevers.
In tt Cas ns PtiRB. Dr. SWEET&ER'rf'
(AN At'E A will eff el very spse 'y c,i'. g-.-nves
fiim ihe blond, stom'nrh. and hottiels, gf
resje foal acrid horning humor. ' Which '!,'
riia ..f I lb and Coiieoe-, and by etrengtben'
n ihe tPg ive nrgan. impr-ve every fart of ihg
enii bodv. . '
ilise.' cmi ihI by the stomach and
mwels ,in rhnke.1 up wiih viscid t mj mailer,'
be air v. hi h enn r- lhm cannot a c -pe tin'il forced
hy nme eniifra-tinn of Ih enmaeh lo eipel ii
heiee -he eaua of psin. A few dneM nf IW:
-tWEETsER's PN(ACEA will con vine the
iifTe rr thai tel ef ia atbiined. ,
. . i
Pnrenta nil fl d ihe PANACEA v.ltisb'e
medi. ine f ! Ihe r rhdil en. keep ng their hodie in
s h- al hy e nd' i .n. thsrehv a-sisting ther g owih j
hildren nr g own itsona. after taking il. are no!
I a' Ir 'n he a isrkiil with n epulemin as before, a
I alwava lea the l.o-l in a pue Condition, an
he-n'ir sv 'cm in a strengthened alate it drive
il' a I Vi- d nf we k rs fmm Ihe b.aly and leave
I heal hv will in,
W.ll find Dr SvtErER'rt PANACEA a medi.
e ne pnreW ad .pied tn their ne. M ist ladies du.
r ng n. e perl d nf i.rennency ate afflietml with pl'es.
Dr 8aeeier'- Panacea, hy regnbting lb bowel.
ill eidi .ly -bv. e ihis. ai d il pnrifvinf proper
ie. , n h !. aal ami fluids, m-ure in them h. at.
Ihv off pri..g. Nn o, e who is a mother should b
without il. ai d thn. who arenuran.g mil find il
nf g eat h n- fii to ihe beahh nf iheir infanu.
F t lisi.etn e-a ..nil aH disr of il,r womb, il
s va .th. in a livalin theenirp h.stoty and c .h...n
f midicbiesj hv iu evlraordmary rtreiiglhening
!?, ii aiimilt- and eir i.gth.-u the w.-inh. a
'u f h c'i i the can e ..f failure to bava
ffsp ill".
Nf VnUs ppiE tMRH.
I. der t.i- t.. ,1 u,a lrrlaa.,, IN'nivi ,n
... II P.- Dh..e , ,.t Fac.che. N,Ur,lgiA.
I d ice I ii. I". oili-ch.', .I,-, .ehn,.H,. ..
n f ev r, o b , ,. . , ,, ,h1 rp (iitiB
i- ni.ioa l, ...... j,, iui ,,,, ,.,,.. .,,
' " Vf 'h'' " pi- a-i. n frm 'he In
in ., r t.f . , tr t ., hl....i,r,r., .a., ,.,,,,.
fie -i o i. I iv .Bj .,( ,,h tlt
t er ...l- ,.i e n-, re ai p re. .Iv the -eat of
i. di- se. anl i i. ,t , ,, ,n im, fu
i conv.-ved fro, n ,,H,j ,,v f," nerves In that
t. I w d'seanl Dr. S WEE I'.iEK'S PA
N At'E ..ill soon a-atire ihe p.itienl lli.t he ha
th- euro in his pnsarsainn.
1 1ns is an inflammatory di-n der, aw y aHand-
d with m. re or hss pj. j, f,vrrt,u flom lh,
fiml. errimnniotia humor lo,lCe, in the hlnml nJ
flu d-. settli. g .e Im's and face, canainget-
l.enie pain and fevers; all appb. a-ion. nn lh ur
fa are . than useless, . th,, nn( ni) tiJ
Ihrnw t, e d.sea e in some other part, ,nj p,,h,,
.a..-de lh. Bleeding ; likewise impro,,. To
u.e the di esse vnt, u.U t gel r d of the cuuse ; on
Iv inaiii;e t . get the foul hum .rs out of y .or bl.v.,1
i. d vnu will he well in a dav. Dr. MWEET.'
KlfS PANACEA, a ,ho,ul, pfie, f ,, il a a-rh out sveiy iinpnritv in th nor
reinnie p n. of .he body m p j, Hougl. lha
m. ilium of the . .eU There i. not vein, arte-
rv. nn ec.e or organ m ihe entire framewmk of
mini, iltat
r. nvv.ier Panacei does not im
k it wh n tun w.ll i. L .
tiiove, T
we I
nd when sick to le com well.
1 1, nl .i v i' iai'1.. mai'er nr me icn nerh.
a.r..e.l ..i.n.ih as eotitaioi g nt one par-
nif iiri I. mineral ehimi..! ...i..'
' cl
, I. ii ill. b. ,e.i..(i. barmlesa 1. ihe most lender
ee ..r he .eke-l f. ime. under an sse of hu
man stifle i .B : t e m i-t p'. ,lt ;11J henig,, ita
... er Mo il .t hs e er orT r.,1 I., the world; and
I Hi ant ime the nm ecr'ao, in eir hing nut
. he tn.,1 ,,f , y c'uip'aii', however deep, and of
perf rm ni i c ro.
Pnee f I ier h Hie, or ,it l,nl, , r, y yat
-ale.'e and retail, al 'he corner ef
CHARLES .nd PR ATT Si reels lUbimnre. , J
d-oby GEORGE nillfJHr
"a. ... 3 tat
cornH ! thi
lean iv nts.
" r , .na soil l.r TH a
Iifsthiivbn na .r aiir, - -tub
cot'oii nr rnvsi McTiiiv hat
I' ii a son ii or pi na.
A RE YOU. A MOI HER! Your darling child
your did an. I earlhly j ,v, is now perhapt
confined In her rhsmher bv a dangernua cold hl
pale die k. her iV'.n shrunk n fiugeite ih
hdl di ease has already gaimd upon till
sound of a.'pu'i ha' c-utih inc. your soul.
YOUNG MAN. when just so nt lo entrr lite
ibseaae sheds hear" C'vdvne t light over Ihe fn
or 'm-t nf the fulu you. tiecn couth and fi
i.'e li'iiba tell uf vot r loss ami h .pe, but yon neei
oi de-pa-r 1W is halm which wilj heat lh.
v. ni, d,, lungs, it i(
ft II E It 91 A W ' M '
M.. ATTKEE. the wit" of Wa. H A lire
Ks.. wa given up by Di. en-wall of Washington
D R.Maml MrClellan of Philad-slidtia, Dr. Rn
nd Dr M.ut of New Y.srk Her friend l
houghi she musi die. Slie had eserv appearane
d heiog in ro'.sumtni.M., and wa so piooaui re
by her phi istis-Hhertnau' Balsam u give
nd it rnrcl her.
Mr- OARR ABRANTZ, ..f Bull'. Ferry, w
i' ru ed of roi.suinp'i .ii hv this Balaam hr'
II n'her .em dies f ,.,J t,, ..i,e n.l'..t,, w.
'need '.i a sk.lel n. Dr. A. C. Caail. Denli
ts HmoU.y, ha witnessed its efferi in aevt
ea . s wbe.e no.eher m d'rin air.nded relief hu
He Hal-. m oiH-raied I ke a chaim. Dr. C. U
' "' ' '"'t . IT n in cuti. g thm
M.h.nev .fa.l-..f, 8r. tt ilg H. ,
n ! as i ma. i... ,fi ,.tt4v ru j ,,, ,fcU ,
ni it heals no roi.t.r. ut woun VJ l.(.,0
v s I. a d sn ik- I 'nnts mud again.
It . Mr'AKV lONEI lllg K.iMh even-
a c i.d ..f eng., and ratatrbai airbm 1 1
ve r an 'i. g l'h. fir Awe h m,r
'' 'he n'l ei uwiWine he had rv.r "sk i
''r. L. J. 'I ah., ly lie am gave it lo.
' l r-in-l.i whn w Ia ring un.leic.Mi-umpti.u
d in ai nibei orr v afl! rt d with the Athin
In Isi'h ea.a lis iff-cls wer imunklia , .M r
I .rii.g ih m p. eomf r'ab'e health.
Mr. LUl ltE I'I WELL. 85 Chri.ti ai.ei
uff.e.d Asthma i yara. rtheia.B B
sam relieved her at iitea, and ab ia omajralive
II, twing rnshletl lo subdue every attack by
mely us of thi medirine. Thi inded i tl
i rest ri mrdv (i C ogh. Cokla, ctpilling Blon
l.ivar Complainta, and all lb fl ction of tl
h-oai, and vn Asthma and L'onsumpiioa. '-
Pries, ti rent and II r hottle.
' Dr Mheenian'r C"lgh aad Warg Logngafcj
Pi4 Mai.' Plsaier m.U a above
Dr. Sherman' -ffin j. al log Nail si ft j'
Aienta, JOHN YOUNO. Hunburv. 5
ht- A.M OAy.NiKtbuojbgrliri
rAwhar I lib, 1M7el
A LL person iadWd to th waawrbw, I
- not or hook accouat. ate keaabe baI( I
rail atdactll tbtssrn without dly, in rd
io aav coat, . .,. . . sUIA T. CLEMEN
Banbury, April H, U4g