LAtta rum irtCATAN. . . U' . By n'ini from tUd, th O.K t has dotes W th-a list oh., and has fclsd - eohfefsed with David ti. WiMs, passenger ''fori"'!' M officer of Iho 13th U. 8. Infantry, r who eamca to iho United State empowered by the Government of Yucatan to raise troops "' with which to make head against the Indians. ", 'The design is I form a regiment of Ameri- bans. v There are about SO Americans now in Itenial service in Yucatan, and 150 more have gone thither under Captain White ; but a full regiment of at least 600 men is needed. From ' Merida, the capital, the whites aro operating in five distinct lines radiating from that cen tre, towards the torrittfry in the occupation of ' the Indians, whose headquarters and general L rendezvous is Tiasuca, a town far in the inte rior. , In the third and fourth divisions are " n 'the Americans serving, of whom we have ! ' lately heard as being engaged with great cre dit to themselves. : . The city of Valladolid is in the possession 'of the Indians.' It is a place of of importance and formerly of wealth. The fourth division : was pushed directly upon that city, and hod advanced within sight of it by the route of Izamal, Tunkax, Oitax, Tinum nnd Pisoy.- Having reached Pisoy the news of the taking ' of Yaxcaba by the Indians arrived, and the ,' division was ordered to fall back. , Its head quarters at last accounts were at Izamnl, but . a considerable garrison was loft in Tunka.x) : Cilas and Temim. The last news is that the " Indians were in force in the neighborhood of all these towns, and had made several at tempts to carry thorn, bnt so far had failed. ''.They are so numerous that a repulse does not dishearten them, and they are now . threatening Ixamal. With skilful loaders, they would overrun the whole couutry at once. . . Gen. Kcarnkt was buried at St. Louis on the 2d inst. with funeral honors The mili. tary escort consisted of two regiments oi U. S. Infantry, one company of Dragoons, and five volunteer companies. There was a very large concourse of friends tind citizens beside. From Central America. Our advices from the city of Guatemala are of the most disastrous and deplorable kind. All govern ment and order are at an end within the city, and without it is surrounded by the insur gents, under command of Serapio Cruz. The insurgents demand four days' sacking of the city, or one hundred thousand dollar?. Fifty thousand had been offered, but it was refu sed, and it is feared that unless the whole amount demanded is given them, they will put their threat info execution, ns there is no authority or power to prevent them. Hondu. ras Observtr. California The California Star, of April 1, says that large numbers bf Chinese are preparing to emigrate to that country, which is considered a favorite climate for the nilk worm. The Hillsboro (O.) stage, while cumin;; in. to Cincinnati on the 20th ultimo, was rubbed of three trunks, which tho robbers cut out of the "boot." The venerable Geoige Washington Pink Custis adJressed a meeting of the friends of Gen. Taylor in Baltimore on Friday evening. Tin: President has officially recognized Louis Becker as Consul ad interim of Nassaui for the State of Texas, to reside of Galveston- The Legislature of Rhode Island adjourned on Friday last, 3d inst. to meet again at Pro vidence on the third Monday of January next. Robbery. The jewelry store of Russell & Clarke, at Woodstock, Vermont, was bio ken into on Monday night, and robbed of S 1.000 or 1,500 of watches, jewelry, &c. No (race of the robbers has been discovered. 994 immigrants arrived at the port of New York on Thusduy the 2d inst. RJ RHIC0, On Tuesday last, bv the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Jicos Trivelv, to M.ssSibilla Lerch, both from Shamokin. On the 5th inst , by the same, D. Walii sciiMinT, to Margaret Eiselv, all of this place. CHILD-BIRTH: A vaht-thlerV-tentifte Work, npnii the etihiect nf Gestation aid Child Uirih, by R. ti. GuniirB, M D., hue of tar, inst publish in New York by I lie Author. Mire Twcnty-Flvc Cents. rT,HIS WORK contains reoently discovered information upon a subject of the highest importance to Married Persons, or those con templating Marriage. It will be found of special value to those whose means, health or other circumstances, do not permit them to increase the number of their family, without great inconvenience, Buffering, or perhaps risk of life. A met ho J of avoiding these troubles and dangers, ut will, (recently discovered by a celebrated French Physician,) is fully communicated in this work, so that any person may avail him self of it at once, without cost. The means of prevention here set forth are therefore within the reach of all. The process is new, safej infalliable, convenient, simple, and can not injure the health of the most delicate. ITCAUTION.O Some speculator has clandestinely (under anotVer name) published an .imitation, (bear ing the same title,) which .besides omitting THE MOST IMFORTAMT PORTIONS of itS (1 11 pes the credulous out of One Donai-, When the price is Tweaty0ve Cents, For the genuine, full, and complete Work, Conies of this work will be sent in a close envelope, single letter postage to any part of :ne uniiea mate, lor iweij-ino kuh acm, -ust-naid. to Dr. R. G. Geissuer, Jog 2456, office 127 1 2 Liberty Street, N. Y. N. B. No Bookseller allowed to sell this work. : November it, 1848 5m Dissolution ofCo-Vartnersltip r HE subscriber hereby gives notice, that ik. rti.-irtiM.rahin enitflred into lha list y of Majchj 1847, by Anthony Denpler, acob Haas; Daniel B. Haas and Peter Haas, . . . . . i i eK l .a. a as dtaaiVcM tue 14to uay oi r eoruajy, 1049, tha withdrawal of aeob Haas, from said .na.rti)Hitr - the remaining partners a- remnar to pay all jtiat debts ! tha firm of n-n':?s;TNot.ce..;Ta -J he- Or- 'Itia unnersnrneo. armofnled It theur- M. phans' Court of Northumberland County, to make distribution to and among the heirs and legal representatives of . Thomas Grant, dee'd ; hereby notifies all persons interested in said matter, that he will attend to the du ties of his appointment on Saturday, the 4th of November, at his office in the borough of 8unbury. - CHARLES J. BRUNER. ! i i- - - ' r Auditor.' Sunbury, Oct. 28, 1848. - -, j J. J.'GRlSSlf OTTOS. ' (Late Relit r Oraenough.) PATENT ATTORNEY. A2TS MUOHAWtCAI. fettQJITSIIB, WaahlnctoR, D. DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent Olfice, prepared and all the necessary bu siness, in relation to securing patents, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of fice opposite the Patent Office. October 28, 1848. Is ANDREWSt-Rn-icr to Tilt Bict!- VT-tt-t. 'Health to the Weak!! A ylJQ J H.M.M is found for the roue Human Hece in An drewa' PAIN KILLER This Is mi entirely vegeta Me eomp. und, mp,ed of Twenty-FivedifTrrenl ingre dients, nnd is en internal and External llemedy 1W the va rious ilia that human Been ia heir to ccs AS, Coughs, Colda, Paint, Nervous and Sick Hcnilnchr, Rheumatism, Cuta, Sprains, Spinal Affections, Hummer C'nmplainte, Cholera Morbus, T.mthnche, Eruptions, Coma Piles, Fr-zen Parts, Burns, rVakls, A frue in the Face and Breast, Painters' C Die, Bruiaea, nkl frves, lias of ap tite, General Debility, Asthma, Ac. Put up in buttles foi 1, 9 t 4 shillings per tMtle. Fur further imrtieulars see Pamphlets to he had nf erery agent gratis, containing a brief history of the origin, discovery and goods effects of Audrews' Pain Killer, Ceiti&catea of Cures, directions, fte LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant success of Andrews Pain Killer in re moving the causes that produce death, the untimely death of millions of our race, has induced t ime men of whem il may be truly anid, their viilnin -ua rM-cupatioiis manifest their villainy, to attempt to put in circuloti -n spuri ait and counterfeit aiticlea called "Pain Killer," using fictitious names f,ir the pretended auth rr, I'nrgni certificates, Ac. 9 ana have appeared, and others no doubt will uppear. let all remember that Andrews Genuine Pain Killer has lha written signature of 1. Andrews on the bihel of each bottle in hafck ink. D n't aimply nsk f t Pain Kilter, but ask for Andrews' Pain Killer, and h.ive n" "ther. 8 Id by M. A McCay, SJe Agent, N Ttliuinl-crlnnil j J. W, Friling, Sunhury ; J hn H. Rner, Milton ,- J hn R. Myyer, Bl omenurg ; wm. A. Mnrray .V Co, Danville; Davenport A Smilfi, Plymmlh; Andrew Yohr. Wilkes barre ; Ha-a & McCoruiick, McFiwensville ; Skhnr7le A Clinnilierlaiii, lwisliurg j George McAlpiu, jersey Shore; 1. M. Juild, Willinnisp iit. Orders addressed to I. Andrews, inventor and only Pro. priet'ir at Itlieca Tompkins county, N. V. Will receive prompt !eptember 30, 1S4S. ty FIRE! FIRES!! 300 PliUSONS W ANTED ! ! ! riHK Subscriber would respectfully inform 1 hit frirntlt anil the public generally, that he hat just received a large an l inlenJnl assortment r the Very best 5 loves, consisting npwanls of 300, among which ran be round Cooking Stoves of iliff, rent sizes una pat- term. Parlor Stoves, Stoves suitable for Offices Shops &e- ll these Stoves will he solil chean Irom $.1 and npwanls Lk-wise on hand, a large variety of Stove Pipe Zinr, T n ware, liraas kettela of ilifft-rent sites, ike The anhtrriher returns his thanks for the lih eral enroiiiaKernent received, and invites the pub- icto call ami a-e his present ninety of Stoves kr fCV Old Iron, Tasting, Capper. Pewter and Gruin taken in exchange lot Ware. B. ZEt l ELMOVF.R, Titiim,tb. Snbiiry. Sept- 83, 1819 3m Assijruews' otice. A persiif s basins cla ma against li e Rrm Uei gter. Haas & Compatit, of Hhninokiii ownahtp. No ihninhriland coiiniv. ai rqn, leil to 1 re.ent ih-m, properly authentic I d, to ihe ub-crii-e-. wit. have turn i-i' ml a. gnee of ihr fnm. fit sett' ni-n ; anil 'l iio'e' te-i l n ,n, rrque-leil In make p-Miiem 10 us w ihout I'elsy, WILT.AM FAfiELY, UKUBEN FAfiKI.Y Assigni ra of f ng'er, Haa At Co. We will alleml l our nirii-, in 8u" bnry, on Monday the 30th of October, for ihe i.u'o-e nf meem gaoy prrsone who mav have ai tiunirnt to m ke. S.n.tiury, OclclicrtUl 1S48 3' FllilS. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHARLES OAKFORD, Furrier. JSo. I04. Chestnut Street, A few doors above Third, Philadelphia, would invie the ladies to call and rt .mine bis upeiinr -I 1 k i-f MulTs, II. .as. Tippets tic i f eveiy vaiii-ty, rom-isiing of It ch liu-ia 8..ble, lluiuon Hiy M irtm, IVorw.iy Martin, Mn k Sa le is mm .Marlii., t,,ne Mariin. Kriniio, f'Ull .vug. 6lc. &r. These skins haw b en eel cted wit. 1 gr. at cue. nd r mule bv lha best w -rkmen n thee .utitrv. 1, .die 111 y r,si atwured lint no .rlicle w H l e-fT. re.l for rah- in 'his e-ublishm- lit 1 1 I ia , ot i rlei-t in --very ieMerl. CH lil.ES OA KFORD, As. 104, Chrtnul ttrtrt. Oe'wtm Third and Fourth ttrttti 1'h ludtiphia S. Mini., 30. 18H-6m UOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS ti PENCILS. G. & Tt. IK. SMITH, (Late 01" the firm of A. C. Bagley Co.) Mi men nana nr finiu Pi.aa. I'isi KD PlNCILS, .o. 16 .Maiden I.aue, Xew-York. IM'E hi-Ku si-nlier- ft, r 10 t'-a ami ihe 1'illitic cem-tall" nr differ, ni slvle f tiold p.-ri wli'rh ire w .rren'. il an iibi l .n p rl r o. . ' v fi" iini!e. aii are, I be suiei,r., In ev. r. re e.e: I . .10 mlir . mad . H ivn I 11.. r ' I 1 1 11 , af.i . a of I'lirom w,- ar- deier. in-id t 11. jp. iar .ll li- .'eliverra t fiommir ea. ..till-llilie.:! 1.11" H 'i a r l rl also krfSp nia .tl mi I (. 1,1 o n -u rror liold I'mcile l.d ''irt 4 - lh 1 en. h-h We ,rc enst leil 10 (Tt al h low, t at, . All o d. r adilea. il lu the f uiw ctitiers, will b rarefHlly ami prmii.y attendad ii & E. M HMII II. No. 16 Mai.len l.anaN.V. Oct. T. IH48. 3m tt7-M0ST EITRHORDIiMlEY WOKK! THE MARK I II D WOMANl.4 PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. BY PR. A. M. MAl'RICEAU, raoriuoa or suusas or woaua. SiaiB Kdititw. lNino. pp. io. p,lca at 83,0.(1 C.elea said U r Three Mealhs t Years of aurreriiig, of physical and mental anguish In many an aOecliniaue wife, and pecuniary difficulties to the husband, might have beeu spared by a timely r nmuu of hisw.wk. It is intended especially f. la married, urtk aontenv platiua marriage, aa it diseluaes iiupoiuM aaereu wkieb should be known to them particularly. Truly, knowledge ia power. It Is health, happiness, afflu ence. The revehuiraw c nlained la its page have proved a blessing to th -u sands, as tha iiiuiimaralila tetters received by the sulk will atteal. Ileia, als every female ..tha wife, tha as-Hbar, tha one either budding into or the one ui the decline years in wh-an nature eonteinplatea ail imp r'a.u chaiute can dieeover the eauaes, sympt -nia, and ihe in et eihcieot reinedias, and m eertaia aa ate a eurs, ia every emu. plaint Si which her sex ia aubjec(. . Captes will be seat aaall (ree af pas'lag a to ik awl' chaser. Over tea thousand conies have been sent by mail withia three nv utha, with narfcet safety and certainty. Oa the receipt Una, lha "M,arried Woman's rrivata MoaMai.i-ranpanMMi--wui aa sens (mailkb r m tl) lo aay part of tha L'uiud Stalaa. AaJenara araat ea pnet aaid Qssssl aViaa enntaiiiing a remittaoea) mat addrtaaiid In Pi . M Maalraaa, Ut list. New-York City. ia- liaaiug unlet, lag jtamy-si., new y org. The "Marl I anuiiaa w a PrivaU Madaaal Caaaaealoai" la SUflBUJKX AMEKIC AN AND SHAM.OKIN JOURNAL Patent A Ir-Tight I SUMMER AND' WINTER COOKING ,. . STOVES.' l rpHE abrtra Btova, whleti la equally well artapted Witrat A Cail, has received silver meoaVa at lha falra nf the A marina Institute, New York) nf tha Mcchanica1 loan lutej B reton 1 nf tha Franklin Institirte, Philmli lpliiM 1 and of the Mechanics' Institute, Wilminrton, Delaware. It ia aaaaWa, 4f aenperlv a art, oftloiaa; aver, work, wtlh leas fael, than any other tst.rve yet laTered to the pulilici in winter II will warm tha largest kitchen, wtilla In siniimei, with the summer drees attached, it throws out no mjn heat than a charvwl furnace and for hoilin'g, broiling, ba king, or roasting, h cannot be surpasssd by any otkar Stuva, open arc, ur DTira oven, RECOMMENDATIONS. I.. CaariricATi or taaJvraas or nrs Macnoiics' Irsti totb, Boston. - we, the sshscribers, being ch en jnrlgea try tha Massa chusetts Chnritahle Mechanics' AssoclstHai In Boat n, on stoves, furtnees, ranges, Ac. would inform tha public, that after testing all the 00. .king stoves that were put into the Pair for exhibition, and letting each man manage his own stove with the same kind nf nail, if) order to ascertain which would do the an me work With the least fuel in the some time, and do it heat, we And that Stewart's Patent Bummer and Winter Air-Tight Cooking St ive, mnuafactur ed by the patentee, of Tray, N. Y , to be the best, as it took hut 1,1 minutes to boil two gallona of water and bake biscuit in the same time, ami broil lieef steak, and all daie in tha best manner with seven pounds of onal, in thirty minntcs from the time the firs was nut into the store. To which we au-arded tha silver siothd, -. JAMI'.SGOl IJ), . WAI.TF.n CORNELL THOMAS MOUI.TOV, A. D. WEBUKR, and JAMES PAGE. Jcnoas. The subscribers respectfully invite Ike attention of coun try dealers, to one of lire largest Bird best selected stock uf stoves, ever offered in this city, among which are tha fol lowing t Bases. - - ' Screen Cy ler.ders. ' .1 . Oven Stoves. : - 1 :' Washington Ail Tight Cooks. '! - Vulcan 'do do Kurekaa Large Oven Albany do do do do - do do do do do Willis McGregor Mammoth Premiums Cook Sorea. National A ir-1 iitht Cooks. Pallor Stoves. 100 Lomt Air-Tight Parlor Stoves. ISO Char es the 1st Ai'-Tight do 20(1 Lady Washington. Air-Tight Parlor. 130 Washington Air-Tight do .100 McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight Coal Stoves, burning three days without atten tion. For sa!e wholesale and retail by North. Harri son Sc Co. No. 300 Market street,' Philadelphia. Ph ladclphia, Jul) 18th, 1818 CIIRaP WtTC'IICS & JEVTKI.RY. J.&AV. L. WARD, No. 106 CI1ESM T Street, Philadelphia, Opposite the Franklin House, 1MPORTKR- of Gold and 8ilver I'alent L . nd Manufacturer of Jewelry A good assortment always on hand. Gold Pa tent Levers, 13 jewel $38 : Silver do $18 to $20; Gold Lepines. $30; filver do. $12 to 15: CI cks and Time Pieces, Gold Pencils, $125. upwards; Diamond Pointed Gold Pena, $1,501; Gold Biacelets jikI Breast Pint, in gre t variety; Ear Rings; Miniature Cases; Gu.ird Chains, $12 to S'lS; lated Tea Kelt, Castors, Coke Baskets. Candlesticks. Britannia Ware. Fine Ivo ry Handled Table ' u lery. and a general assott ment of Fancy G ods. AMEBIC ASY SILVER. FORK ASD SPOOS MANUFACTORY. UW L. WARD, No 10b ;HK-N(?i- t.. Philadelphia, opposite the Franklin House, Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver noons. Forks. Tea eta Ladli-a. &e All work made by us ia stamped wilh our name, and warranted lo he made of purely American coin. Philadelphia. August 12. 18480 mo. FEVER AND AJEm K3T110R0UG11LY ERADICATED bv miwuirs tunic mixture! ; 'I'H T great National, Old Favorite. and Hter I mg Rem-dy!!! of EIGHTEEN V "ARS STANDING st si I nnspptoai lied 111 its wotnler ful sorcets, certainty, a it auf ty, in the ct si or WRKTCHKD COMPLAINT ! ! ! flT" It you would rtcnpe the arsenics' (po'tntu inn) counterfeits take not a hottlermn any me. tha ia not gor,cJ by t e ' written signature" of Ihe original inventor and proprietor, Jonn R. Row no. on a paper Inlet, croising the motiA i.nd erk. Thi-i remedy has nevr r been bolstered up by false and deret ful puffs, but baa won its way to ihe confidence and univosal ado linn of the in habitants of Fkvf.r n Anrsj DiktsictsBV ITS GOOD WORKS ,1KD h RVlTS 1LONE to whit h all the agents, and every person who hvr used it, Wall testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 143 Arch Mtreet Philadelphia Auknts for bury Ira T. Clement, J. W. Friling, H. M ser and Geo Bright Agknis for Northumberland Foriytbe, Wil son dtCo. R M. M'Csy. August 2, 184 cow A li E N T 8 rin CXNVASS FOR HOME NEW A Nit X PDI'LL H WOKK. in ..ery C'HIN ! Y 'tiriMiglioiii tha United Mt.,t,-. T,( Agri-te, the most l.hrral riii-oniaKemenl ia offi-ml with small rapiial of $i& to I0 A ch i.flerrd, whereby an agent can make from $1(1 In $35 .fo xerk, For fuilhei pailirutara aJilie.. (1.., -lp.i l) WM. A. I.E AltY, No. IS8 North HKCO.ND Kireet. Philadciphia, tert. 9. I84H. 6m. 240 412 AND IVIARKET STRUCT. run. - n ten a THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS Of CJ old and filter Watches IN PMII.ADKDAIUA. (old Li-vers, lull j- well. d, 18 caial tw , (30 and over Silve- l.eve s. full jcw.lli-d tit and over ' l.r piura $ and o, 1 Qua I 11, $ 8 to fid (old P. m ils. I 6.1 "ilvr Tea HHwo", 1 qu .1 locoin, 4 60 ti Id I'e , ailvei ho'der and irencil. I 00 Willi 1 spli ndid aaior.menl id all kind nf Wali-I ea, h.'1'l gold and ailver ; Hi, h Jeweliy, cVc, (i.. 1 Chain ot Ihe Iw-i mrn-if Ouian, and in tad every tl iim in it.c W atch and Jewelry line al much Irs p iora than ran ba b tight in thia cily or elaeahere. . Please a. vr lh'- aJveil's merit, and rail al ei th-r LEWIS LvDOVtUi. No 413 MXPKEI aire, al-e.e E vemh tronh aide. or al J ACO 1 LUIOMIN J4B MA It I: ET al, fir-tsonr below Eigh ,uil. aide. We h .e G. Id and (Silver Lev, rsaiill hea. per ihuo ihe above rr te a lib, ral iir..unt m oti 10 1 lie irarle. Hepirml cr S3, 1818 6m LINN, SMITH & CO. - WHOLESALE 21 3 Mabket Stieet, . PHILADELPHIA uiii .h sc. neiicius PiaT.. Una liLtsa, lis .-'Ttrre. VaaisHta o r, 4tc. AI.HU " iiei.l Mnli. ir e. M-d i-nte I'-heeia, a d Ian inrai Instrument. C'li. miral Ta a, etc. dj-i lid, r. fi.,111 M i t s .is .r ")yaiciaD. by ten. r -,r o r er-i.- pi ,,tv a lend J to A s.. 1848 a D AGUERREOt tVE , rOHTKAlTS l kr supaiior uali".. ii -nda-m-It colored, end pui ihsiii be . Hilt Mor-a-S i Cakia. coropl -, fo- ..aivi IN K !' ILL K, ai P ELBH'M CHE A I' "AtiDSRKKAN UAU.ERY.N.vM 4 WAI. 1 m,eM. b-low reuilk. fbila elohu All I'Ulure. mad- al Ihl. .ubliabasetil will ba Was. asevas esaracT. Pkiladelphra. Bept. 9, IMB) ... , THOMAS C.-GARRETT & CO. , ' IMPORTER!? j jt o? era act uca so P'atsd snrl Briiarmla Ware, CairSrs. ami fanes Gomls. and Msnuficirr' nflew. eiv snd HHver Wars, Itfl Cbeanut etrwt. Phila ilelphia; ha T.l e.1 by lata rrll a Is-go and hamlaomt) , k of English snd Frsi eh Watches, Marble, I'oteelain and Fsney I'lork.-' Plated tlrna. Caators Ba.kets. High an.' tt.ilidlea'li'k Moilp l.lle. -K onus a d Prrif. Alan good aasortinent of Bil annis Wars srd Pins Cotb-ry. ' Their s'ork of JEWELRY Is largs snd of ihe most fa-hionaMek'nrl. and ibey are well .opplled ltd Silver 8,Nion. Fotks. Moge, Napkin Ring", Unite. Kuivea Set , ami wl hoot m king any dn p'av nf piicea in ihe pitbltc prima, ihey are pie. ..arerl lo sell a I.. a. il.o-e who do, nnd invite (i. larins wiabl-ij purehaae in call. Plul.l.lhia. Iiii.r Id l4. 6n tjTnrdrabn f rlloimble CLOTHING. J. VV. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Wo. 194 Market Street. Firtt ninthivg slure be low Sixth. 4 ' Pmt.ansi.rnis.' i"HFR V. thev are constantly enmrd In get ' ling lip (rom lb" beat French. English and niencan t oth r othing cut snd made up in Ihe most anterior and fashionable sty B. t'eraous who buv 10 set . wil find a ran snd exes lent stork st the owest city prices. C othing made up to order, ins superior style st the shortest police. N. HUilil r eliows rti-sa ia. a 'aire assort men! always on hand Orders from Lodges snd individua s promptly sttended toon the moat res tonab'e terms. Philsde phis, June 3, 1848 I jr. - A Tsnitaswo D.iLia Sivrn ! ASHBV & ROCAP, Hat nnd Cap Manufacturers, Srnh East Corner nf 4th and Market Street, Hat'tnenl story PHILADELPHIA. U AVE c-rna'ant v n hand a full and eo-nplele i- assor'm.-nt of HAT. C.W. and KUm Ala - an el- gant esoMm-nt of fli'-n.' an I hoys' Leuhnrn, Piinama. a .rl f .l 11 l. af Hnta. All nf wr ich bv a aaviu . of $1000 in r ni, will he s it. I, whole-ale a d retail, al ihe - ry lowest pure. Coun ty dealer wool d 1 well to rail, as by c eonorny an I low rent, we aie eti .t ie I to m-'I I v-ty low raiea June 1841 ly "new ANT) CIIEAr JPST received, at the store ol IIknrv Mas sks, a choice assortment of UltY GOODS, (Jrneeries L"nr. Palmtenf and o'hrr Anf 8c. all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Sunbury, June 3, 1848. JACOB KECK. WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL witKASu LiqinnuKiiA:n, iVr, 29:1 i.tirA-ef Street. Beluio Eighth, North side I'lllLllllLrillA. Keeps constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, vix : Superior old rye whiskey superior lliandv, Gin, ke Also white biandy for preser ving. Wild 1 berry and Blackberry biandy. I'hilailr-lphia, June 3, 1818. ly S.J.MEGAHGEE&CO. l.MPORTIIVO A1MI COMMIrtSIOS MERCHANTS, And Dealers in Paper, and Paper Mannfactn- rers' Materials. No. 33 Commerce at., PHILADELPHIA. KEEP constantly on hand a large assort ment of printing and other paper. News papers in the country, csn be supplied at all 4imes, with paper of any size and quality, at tjie lowest pricra. Philadelphia, JtWB 17th, IS 18. J03SPH CASE?9 Attorney at Law, - NEW BKHMN, PA. NFORMS the citizens of Northumberland county, that ba will hereafter regularly at tend the courts of said county and will promptly ttend to any business ent rutted to hia care. He may be consulted at Ihe Hotel of Peter Lazarus luring court Sunbmy, July 39lh, 1848 KqultMUIe l,lie Inaiiranro, Aniiulty nnti rr urn lempngr. OFFICF. 74 WAI.NfT PTItF.F.T, PI1II.ADRI.PI1IA. Capital wi V10. Charter I'krpctcal. PI'UB C 'inimny are now prered to Irnumct bustnes 1 np ai the m el liberal and advuiitaireouB terms. They are auth-iriaed try their charter (sect, ft) "to mike all anil every insurance appertniniiif to life risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make eialow- menta. aial to smut and oun-linae annuities." The tym pany sell annuities and cud.oA'menta, and act ns Trustees for minors and beira. Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of 8101) fur Hie whole term of l.ue. Age. I Preiu. Age. Prem. Age. Prcm. IS ISO 31 ling 48 3 17 1 S3 31 SIS 47 3 to 18 1 66 33 9 an 48 3 Ig lSg 34 47 4g 3 77 50 1 110 3S S 33 SU 3 p4 51 1H 3S S 40 51 4 13 3 I AS 37 S 47 131 43 I Sg 38 1 54 A3 4 Al SI 17S 3gS3 M 4 71 Si I 76 40 g 711 ii 111 IM 41 9 HI &tl 111 97 I Sg 49 ul 57 3 .13 98 I o4 43 3 01 58 5 54 9g I of 44 3 19 Sg 6 7S 91 IM 45 393 006U3 Tlie premiuins are leas than any other cnnpoiiy, and the policies at' rd greater advantages. Tables of fialt-ycarly terms, oint lives, surviV'irshipa and endowmeuta; alai, form 01 Aptlicati ai (f.rr whicli there are laank sheris) are to be had on appliruti-ai at the orhce, or by letter to the Agent, J . 11. ruaui , nunuury. Ratss sua iisscbiso 8100 on a single Life. For l.ii'e. 1,00 9.04 9,0 3l 6,03 F.XAMrLI A per Hi seed 3u years next birth day. bv m-uw the Comnanv on wiuikt aeciire In hia Inmik- or heirs 9100 should be die .5 one year j or for tVyD he rv- cures to tnem vimai ; or tor eia annually tor seveu years he secures to them 91001) sh ukl he die in seveu venrs; 01 f. 090.40 paid annually during life he secures ttlhno to be paid wheu ba dies. Toe insurer aacutii his own trnuis. by the digerenoa In am -unl o' nremiutns fr au th- ae charred by other dices. Por Ho,) the heirs would receive 80000 sh'Hikl he die iu one year. Forma of spplicatiou and all particulars may be had at the office. . J W. ('LAGHORN, President. Trrascrer I- ramis w. Ha xi. H O. Tuckett, Secretary. Coa.VLTixa Pavncutj 1, J. B Meaner, Sunhury. J. H Pvrdt, Sunhury, Agent tor Northumberland ooun Sunbury, Jury 8, 1848 OAKFORD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE QV HATS rOIl GENTLEMEN. CUAHL.ES OAKFORO. No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia. W,'uli! reai rcifully invite ailrnlion lo his superior lyie of i-sia i--r auluinn. 1848, wh-ch will H found ihe m.wl (iei lei-i eer h fire off. rrl In ihe r -111 .1 I p--i-o'iar f rma r.-mler 11 Ihe more Age. Fur 1 year. For 7 years. 9U 81 gt 30 ng 1,30 40 l,9g 1,64 SO 1,M 9,07 6g 3,48 3,g7 rt eiri'.l , i' ronilr . esal. the eaa I'ia'a ..f du'.t. i iiiiy .ih oenni . r- qn aila in lha" article of . r--e a I la hia n.rnra.'d I ililiea in in as -nufaeltirHig wi b .,1 he . ,mI in rmpr eem-nia. enabl.-a hnn I o L'u t sa a 1 VV uaia to pt' duee a bell, r II 1. . - -. Chi 1 fAgcv Hsts Care or raa l.tTAsi Mtirif fl'iv, goixla have Iweai ssleeud lh gn-ai e -r. and av; be found moat beautiful and e.' re in heir -lyle-!. t , Labiss' Itipiae Hara ssa pars, or Eavias l asw I'aTTaaga. Great rare bea,ley8 bestow, ed in rouetiui lu g three alielae. ih-4 Ihgy sssy tt , ri(iciljaaif and foiat f graceful eppsai.Doe, UHABLEt OAKFOItD. 104 Cbeefaut at. a taw aVaxe aboe Thiid. . - -1 PhiUuVslphUl'. BeptsasbwM.lill tbJliasSe, U4 ly Dft. TOWNSHM'S CQIPOt'uND EITI1CT OP - SARSAPAnlLLA'.. TITtS F.itrert II pot ar) m tjoarl bottteS. II e' sit times ebeaper, pleaaanter, and warrant rd au perinr lo any ad. It cures diseases without vomiting, purgring, sick ness, or debilitating tha patient, and Id partku arly adapted " FALL. AND 8PRINO MEDICINE" The great beauty and superiority of this "raranpnrllla over , ether remedies la, whilst it Sradiflatee disease, It invigoratea th body. ?. - Consumptioa eared. - " 'f ., ' Cleanae and 0trcngthen. . ,. t ' ' ' Coniaimptlon can be cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, Uver C'lmptaint, CottM, Couglia, Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of III001I, rVircnras iatha Chesl, Hectic Flush, Night Sweatn, Dill cult and Profuse Kspeetnratlun, -., and Pain in Ihe Bide, Ac, Ac, have and can be cured. Probably there never was a remedy that has been an suc cessful in despemto eases of consumption as this t It clean ses and strongOn-na the system, and appears to heal the ul cers 011 the lungs, and pntiinls gradually regain their usual health and etrencih. CTKIOt ! CASH OF CONSUMPTION. There is scarcely a day pasaes but there are a namber of cases of consumption reporti-d as cured by the use of Dr Towneen's Sarsapaiilla. TI10 folkiwing was recently re ceived : Dr. Towssaso Dear Sir : For the kuS three yenrs I have heeu atHictcil with gcueml dchihty, and irervoua enn aumnlion of tlie last statre. and did not expect to ever sniti my health at all. After going thnnigh a canac of meilit-ine uinler the care of srnie of Hicmost ilisiiuiiiiiifacil rciniUir physicians and members of the lliril of il.allh in New Yolk and elsewhere, and speialing the 111 t of tny curninas in attempting to rr-irnin my hcullh, and nfli-r reading in s rtne paper of your eViraajairilla I rea.lved to try it. After usin six bottles 1 f-nind it none me grout gooil, and called to see you at your office; with your artvicc 1 kept 011, and do most hcnrtily thank you for your ndvire. I persevere in taking the pVirmparillt, ami hove been able ro attend to my usual labors for Ihe last four months, aial I bop by the blessings of G and your Karaupnrilln to continue my health. It helped me beyond the expcitaii ais of all wlio knew my case. CH AKLF.8 CIU1MBY Orance, Kesex co. N. J., Aug. 9, lf)7. Stateof New Jersey, Kaar x ivmiily, . rhnrlcs Quim hy ticing duly aworil according to law. lai his oath unillr. that the forcg -hit statr-mcnt is true aecnnltng to IIk beat of hitknowtedxeaiHlbi'lir-r. t llARLIX ql.lMBY. Sworn aial sulnrcriliixl to bt-firc me nl Orange, the id A.lgust, 1S17. CYH I S BALDWIN. Justice ,,f the Peace. SPITTIXO ItUIOII. Renrl Ihe following, ami sjy that coiinmiiplititi is in incu rable if you ran : Xi w Y.a-k, April 41, 1817. Dr. Tov.end : I verily Mieve Hint y.air S:iraarrilla haa been the menus, lliroueh i'nrvirleia-e, cf snviiia my life I have for sevemi years hail a lad c xirh. It law-ainr w..rao aial worso. At kist 1 ruined lurirr- quaiilitir-a of liloral, had night sweats nnd was gn-itly debilitated mid reilucrl. ami did not expect lo live. I have only user! your Suranpnrilla but a shirt time, and there has a ' tvnii'lorl'iil i-tcnnre la.-en wr'Hiictit in inc. I am now utile to walk all irver the city. I raise no hloral, and my c mall has left me. V,at cnu well imagine tint I am thuiikful 1 r thrwe nnulia. our obedi cut sr.-rvaul. WM. ItrsSKI.I.. 0,1 Callmrlne at. LOST MPKKCII. The annexed eeriillcaii ,-ll a simple un.l trulliful story of siig. riiiir anil relict. There nre Hi ninrmlir of ximilnr m scs in this city anil llro,tklvn. aial vet there nre thousands of imrruts It their eliiUr.-n for i'e-ir of b-.-iii; humlnigged or to save a few shillings. liroiklvn, Sept. 1.1, ISI7. Dr. Tov.NKn: I take plensnre in muling, for the bene fit of th we whom it niny i-oiK-crn. that my il.iiiithler, two years and six mail lis old. was afflicted with g.-ncnil de bility ami lorn of a;ieech. r-lie 'aa given up aa pnst je c il-ery by our family physician; but t'ortriu-iiely 1 was re c rmineitrliil by a friend to try your Kinvijairilla. Before hrivintr used one liottic she recovered her speech nnd was enabled to walk al ine, to the ust uislimcni of all who were acquainted with Hie circniriataiicea. rMie is now quite well, ami in much U-ltcr heallh Hum she line Im-u fir IS mniitlia puc. JOSKI'll T.WLOII, IX York a'., llr joktyn. TWO Cllll.DKKN SAVKI). Very few families in.leoil in fiu t we hat e 11 .1 heard of one Hint usr-U Dr. T. wiiaciid'a Snranirillu in time. I rat any chililrcn the lanl Summer, while th we that ilul n.S, siel,.neit aial died. The oercilicate we publirih Mow is c rm-luaive evidenr-e of its value, nurl is only uu "thor instance irf ils savins; the lives ol'cliilrlrell : Dr. r.nvNKu D.iir Sir : 1 had two chililrcn cured by your S iraiwirilla of the siiiumr-r eonlpl riiil ami ilyseutrirv ; one was only IS month old and th.i irlher 3 years. Tlicy were very much n-duceil, nn.l wc exiM:cled Ihev wonH die ; they were given up by tw.i r- ieclalrlc physicians. When the doctor informed us Hint we must lose them, we rrnol vcil to try y.air Kiraunnrilla wc IkiiI heard so iimeh of. liut had little conli,leiiie, there lieine; aj inui-li Htulf arlvurtised lhal ia worthless: lait wc are Himikful t lint we did, for it uialoulanlly saved Hie liver of b -Hi. I write this Hurt olli crs may be iuriueed to use it. Youra, rcaiMN-ii'iillv. JOHN WII.SON' Jr. Myrllc-avenuc, Brooklyn. Cent. 15, IKI7. TO Tilt-: I.AIMKS. CHF.AT FK.MALK MKDICINK. Db. Towxsenu's Saiiaapahu.l. ia a arverciuu and sieeily cure for ita-ipietit c aiNtuuptirai. aial for the gr-uenil prrrstra ti ill of the aystein no mutter whether the roiilt nf inhe rent cuiiac or i-misrv, pr.iUui-cd by irregularilv, illness or ac cident. Nothing can be urire stirpriimiii than its invigorating ef fects 011 tlie hiiiiiuu frame. Persona all weaknr-ss anil liie sitiale, fi-,an Inking it at once hecome ribuia nnd lull of energy iinrler ila iiitliu-nee. It immediately c niiitcmcts the ucrvci.-sHiicss nf the female frame, which is the great cause barrenness. It will not he expected of uu, in cusrs of so di-ticute a na ture, to exhibit ccrtiheuli-s irt cures performcl, but we can assure the ahlicted ttiat hundreds of cases have been repor ted til us. Da. Towri: Mr wife being greatly distressed liy weakni-as aial gcueml ik-ltility, and auQering coutiiiuully by pain and with other difficulties, and having known rases where your medicine has roected great cures ; iuhI ale 1 henriiar il reciamnended for niK-h cases as I have described, I obtainM a h ailc of your Extract of Snrsarurillii ami fol lowed the direcli.ais you (rave me. In a short period it removed her compluiuis nnd rest. .red her to hojilth. Being greatfttl for the laments she receiveil, I tiiku pleasure in thus acknowledging it, and rednimcndiiie it to the public. M. 1). MOOR I-;, Albany, Aug. 17, '41. r r. Grand e; Lydia sla. 1IYSPKPSIA. No fluid or merlieina hns ever been ilimvivererl wha-h so nearly resembles the gastric juice or suliva in decouipiisiug food aial strciifftheiiiinT the orKana of diecstiai na this nr,-- parati ru of t-turKipnnlta. It Mitivety cures every case uf tiyspepsia, nowever severe rrr c itronic. Bank Depnrtmeiit. AlUinv, May tO, 143. Dr. Townaend Sir : I have lieeu alAieterl for sevenil yenrs wilh dysieisia in its worsl form, nltcmleil with a ur neas of st.rmarh, V iss of aHH-titc, extreme heurttium, and a great aversion to all kimla of fo rd, and for weeks, (what I c-aild eat) I have been uiaittle to retain hut a small portion on my stomach. I tried the usual reiucdica. but they had but little or mi effect in removing the complaint. I was in duced. aUait two months since, to try yiair Kxtmct of Sar aimrilla. nml I must aiy with little caihib-m-e 1 but alter using nearly two bittiea, I found my appetite restored and tha heartburn entirely removed ; uikI I waild ranitaiHy re-e-anmend the use ol' it to those wlio luive bf-ercnrhii-ti-d ns 1 have been. Yours, Ac, YV. V. VAN JCANIM". Agent for Huulairy JOHN W. FRILINO ; Nor Ihimilrerlnml, M AHY A. McCAY : Danville, WM. A. MI KItAY Co., Apiil-J--', 1K1S. ly Plilln., Hciidltis, nnd t'otl.ivlllo II 11 1 1 ItORd. sumvikh arrangemknt CHANGE of Hoots and two Trains Daily rarb way, except Sundaya. On and after Monday, May 1st, 1818, two trains will run earh way, daily, between Phila ant! Pottsville MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily except Sundays. Passe Reading al 10 4.1 A. M. Leaves Pottsille at 7.) A. VI. daily eicept Sundays. Panes Readily at 0 JO A M. The above Line stops at all way stations 011 the road as formerly. AFTERNOON LINK F ST TR IN. Up Train. lnwn Train. Leaves Polliville at 2 P. M , daily except Sundays. Leaves Si-h llaven.S 37 " Port Clinton, 3 00 " Reading. 330 " I'ottstown, 4 30 " riitenixville, 3 00 Arrives at State Road. 3.30 Leave Philadelphia at 2J P. M .daily except Sunday. Leave. Pha-nixville 3 43 " Potutown, 4.13 " Reading. 3 00 " Port Clinton, 3,43 " Srh. Haven, 6.10 Arrive at I otti- ville, 8 90 The afternoon train will stopnnly at the above named stations. Paaenera for other points must therefore take the V orning Line Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and Vine Street. No Passenger csn enter the Car unless piovided wish Ticket. NOTI- Fifty pound of baggage will be allowed lo earh pasaenger in these lines ; and paiaenger are expresly prohibited ftotn taking anything a baggage but their wearing apparel which will be at the risk of it owner. No freight will ba taken by these line. Hy order of Board of Managera. S. BRADFORD, Secretary Mny fl. 1818. If Flclorlal r.tlllloii of d'Hiblfrne'g greut Work nu iho llefoi matluu FTHESIXTF.F.NTH CENTURY IN GER. ' MANY, SWITZERLAND, &'. Will be published or. nr about the 1st of April, 1818, by JOS A SPEEL. No 88 Cherry t. above 6th. hi plenrfid IS mo edition of th above named work, ith 18 engraved illustration from ori ginal design; 4 vols in 9, bound in extra cloth snd library sheep. , , The poblisher respectfully cells the attention of Ihe trade and Ihe public generally, lo this work being the only illustrated edit ion published in tha United States He trust that the beauty of its embellishment, the Strang and subsiantial manner in which it ia bouad. in conjunction with tha knowa popularity of lbs work itself, will ba a ure recommendation to public feor. JOS. A. 8PEEL, 06 Cherry t above 6tbv 1 J. A- 8 has also lately published, new and beautiful Edition or Sergeant Bell's Raras Show, suitable book tor children, neatly doa f ia estre ebjth. rtriladlyhi April I, t4 ' ' 1 ' Ls;ygenated CD IX ti? CTt J3U 3X1 fS3 a : A -sOVEnetCJcF rlEKtS'DY FOR etopbssiaa riiTinstt; AND ' OBNB&AlVSirBXtiTT. GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor: Windsor, Vermont. Pr.""?" T 1VSPF.WIA, In many OT A forma, such aa pain In the fHraoaHi, Ueartbum, h-JHtual pCSTS Headache, I, ,a Ap,lit Piles, Night Sweata, and even UiaiaumiitiiHi (l)yiieplic Phthisic,) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with dernine ment of the Htomach (or I)yaaiptie Asthma,) Ilifhcult Hreathing,- which often reaulu fnan imperfect digestion (or Dysnetitlc ftrsnmrja.) is relieved hv iheae Hin.. ln ah.,.. their use has been proved in the relief of almost all the symptoms that proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi tion of Ihe Stomach t also hi general debility arising from age or from the enects )' Fever, particularly Fever and Affies. Females saflrinfr Under anv nlerine derniuremeot anshig from weaknras, will find the '-OxTnr.'rtTKii Hit tbbs" an excellent remedy, bih! ivg luriCT-aeil by any tncdi cine in use. The history nf this medicine Is necnlinr. Il has made its way to public favor solely by Ihe force m' its own iulrinsic merits. No artificial menu have been naed lo give it n-i-toriety end thrust it upon public attention. It lias never before even lieen advertised, but having lirst shown its re mnrkalile efficacy in the family of the proprietor, and liy him aiterwatda adminislercil u his alllietetl friends nnd -(luiiiiitaucn wilh a like result, ils rcpiiltition arndunllv ex- teiHied until it is known in the most distant parts ia' the Inl 'n, as a medicine nf unrivalled virtues in Ihe curs of Uyspcpaia in all ila different forma, and also for the cure 01 Asthma or Phthisic. Its tmlv hemld and Its only bns been the story of its wonderful effienev, as told from month to month or hy letter from friend to friend. In eve ry lnrtanee where th-ne Hitters have been need, and the re mMv kl,"wn 10 ,lw pr-iprietor, they have proved a re Numerous ecrtinentea, attesting (he sinmilar efficocy ol the "OxroMATED Hittrrs," are iu the possession ollio nrrairiclor: many of them signeil by person, already widely known tn the public. UKO. tl. IlltHKV. Vronrietor VINDfOR, Vt., Octr-r :i h43. ' r"',""'r The fallowing I'ertlricalea have recently been received t Wanisniox, U. C. Jiwr to. 1SI0. Ilnving made use of the Ixveenuteil Hitters" nreiaircil by lr. Ovt. H. Oreen, m' Wimtaor.. VI. anil from know ledire i4itainei1 of their etlicury in other cases, waclieerlntly ree rmiiieiMl llicm to tlie pul.tie. believing lliat they will full'v sustuin tha m-.aninenilnti.iii of Hie Piopriet .r. We h rpe that this viiluablu remeily may bu so geuerultv Uitiitiriil throuiihout the country llial it mm be ucci'saible' to all the ufflirted. HAMITf. P1IF.LP-5, ) WII.IJAM I'l'IIAM. 5 JAMK-i K.HIMMO.Vrt, I J.T. MORKIlKAl), L.r" or of Kentucky. 1. H. ytr-iMt'-r from Venn-rut. H. Senator from It. Inland. Senator ami I'oruirl) Ooveru- I.. II. Alt.NOLD, .Member in' Congrerui ami 1 -nu rly O venerr of It. I. WM. Wt)t)l)imll)UE. f. S. S.lator lr.l fomieriv vernor of Mii-liii-nu. M. L.'l'l, Pvlcgji,. iu Ciugrcrs fi-uu Wisconsin Territory. From If n. II. D. Fosrr.H, .Mtni'jei of C.rugrekn i'iuiti l"l-llllr. IvtJllUI . Washington. U. C. Jusk 10. I SIB'. Uc-ar rir, I have been a ilyp,-plie audr-rcr for nbout ten years, nnd hrive n-s-irted to 'viui.rus miiliciiii-s for. relief without soccers, until I made use of vour Oxvtfcimtcd Hitters." I have unci about two botllca, and hiid myself restored to perfect heillh The forms iu which the 'du ctule showed itself, in tny enfte, were, a rent acidity nf the stomach, l ias of appetite, extreme flatulence, severe conili pntii in of (lie bowels, ami violent henilnclie.' l-'er.-!iiiir dusi rons that a kuowlert-fe of y .nir valimhlc retried;,- mny reach others similarly I take ecat picas ue in rcc .rrl iug my testim my t i Ils cnrallrc power; oiui w nilrt tils', retiault. that while on a visit ut home a nhorl lime since. I administered a part of 11 b.nile t,r u iiuiula:r of inv ntHicinl friends, with great Mines.-,. Tli-.y nre ileniroio. that von sli-mhl estnblish an n;.,-ucy at 1'iitsUirir. or inloiiti lljeiu where the medicine run Ire olrluin.-d. Willi 1111 ninu-nl de sire for your prosperity ami tiuppim-.s., I sulnu-rilic uivneli' truly your friend n. 1). rfifTl-!H. l).k-t. ko. H. UEKx,Wiisls .r, Vt. !.UI Wh l.nale aial Hcltii! hv tirecn ,t fl-tchcr. Xo. 56 !Klth tixlh Street, Philadelphia. Affcnt for Soiilmryll. H. .MASSLIt. Agents for M1II1.11 MACKAV A HAM!. April IS, ISIS I SA I BiUS'jIli ti 1 f I fsJi t sfsi 11 a. iijiriarsajiiiiiiiiiiiiiri !Si; Cmi;aiii'!irM In presenting the public wilh a rcincily for th treatment aial aura ot Kkvrb ard Aoi-r ati.l .rtlier Irili aia disensca. no apology ia needed. Vast uuinliurs in tlie I 'nited (Mates, wlio sulfur from these anvtinis iu their varied forms, are c Hiipellrd to seek relief from other s-Hireca than the imme diate prrscriini.insol the regular hvi'.?uni. It liecomea therefore an object of humanity, as well ns of public inter est, to lirine before them a remedy prepared fioin much ex perience, nnd which may always lie relied upon as svfk. RrPRCTITAL, AND HaRMLRtU TO Till! CONnTITUTION. That such is the true character of the INDIA t'IKII.AIJIKil I-., is amply atiealcd by th universal success with which it has been enipl. aed, tfr Kxtract form a of the H.m. Wit.. ham Woodbuidoi, of ihe V. S. Hcnate, lute Uovcruor of Michigan. Detroit, Oct. 91, istu. Doctob 0ooon. Dear fir, 1 have rirad with much interest, your little trakatihr Umiii the --musr-s, lriitmr-nt and cure" of the febrile diseases which luive ai extcimively ircvuilcd in our country during the last few inailiis an interest increased no doubt, hy the fact that I have iiatividuully sutTered ai much from them. Tlnaigh 1 feel myself very UKompetent to jurlite Rifely upon a subject so entirely professional, yet your theory seems to me well reasoned, and your contu sions just, and I think withal, tliat your pamphlet is calcu lated to pnahicc much peict teal -git aT ........ Knenking of the medicine he says : It fully your gatt(-ring rxpeclatenia, and as a aife, convenient, and p'rnu str remeily, tny own experience, e- fur, induces 111c bilie lieve that it will pnive a great public beuctit. 1 am pleased to learn iluit you have rii-ently cstalrlinhcil sr'venil nureneies for its disrsition tin .iiIi ri-grct that, with a view t a m re ireneral dissemination of it, you should have baind it nccesmry tn remove from your present rcsideia-e aiu.iiur us With much respect I luive the hon ir lu be, sir, Your olrlii;,il servant, WIII.1AM WotlDllUllXiK. re" From Hon. Stephen V. It. TnowruiiKiE,of Mir-hi-guu Stale Senate, to the Agent ut Detroit. Hm vi v.iiak. ('AHUM, Co., Dec. 13, I'll. Sir yrru wiah me lo inform you what I ktarw of Dr. Osuood's India I'llotnj .ue, or anti-bilious lunlieiue. I d 1 believe tliat if the virluu ami rllicucv ol'tiila mcliciiic were generally known, the rrraa amiai-i u would diaippear iu Michifnui. I pna-ured a bittle in the spring rrf l-U, and have g.MHl reason lo baliee that myself and' family cscapiil the ague last season iu consequence of its use. Perliups in no summer since the sr-tt lenient of this fine peninsula, hns the fever and atfue been so prevalent as tlie last. I luive ree aiimetided thia medicine 111 numerous iu-staiK-ee, ami when the disease had bectatie fixetl and iKiltliit the akili ot' physicians; ami I have never known il fail. 1 has universally produced Ihe in wt happy etb-cts, ami I bet lieve it has never lieen exi-ecbil by any medicine iu rt'CKi. viug the bilious disease. of the climate. Yours, rcspcelfiillv. STKl'lir.N V. 11. THOWHUIDC.i:. Aceutf.i, Sunhury II. 11. : Norllmuilierlaml, WITIHNr.TtJM A fo.; Milton, J. 11. ItASKIt; Sellas. grove, MAY h Kl.OSK. Maytt, Intw tt CHEAT NATIONAL WORK. A lllhstory of the Rrvo.utloii and LItm of Ihr Ilrro-ps oftko Wur of Indrprudfiu?. BY CHARLES J. PETERSON. An elegant volume trith 18 fine Steel Plata, and nearly 200 beautiful Wowl Eneravings. "This is a splendid Iss-k. A valuable nddition to Ihe llist'Ric Literature ot our country. We are much uiiiila keu if it ras take rnnk with 'the works of Irving and Preseoit." Fmukford HeroUt. It suriaisscs any siuiilur work yet od'ercd tu Iho Ameri can public." Neul's tiuzetle. "It may be pr.rrly e auurh-rrd a popularised Military History of the Hevolutirai, extremely well and juilicurus written." N. American. -The present work "u the Revolution and its Heroes. Is suierior, both in extent and desiiro tu any tlrut has hereto fore c'liie umlerour mrlicc." Im. A well coimected History 01 thut even, ful period. Led ger. -Dechleiliy the best popular History nftho war of the Rerolutiou and its Hint has yet been given to the country." Sitiinkiy Kvening Post. ITST AOBNTO W A.NTKJJ to couvass f.rr the ulxn e ilc gnnt Work, in every I'oiinly and Town in the L'nited Slates, to whom the in llberul inducements w ill be ofVer. ed. Price only gs). AdVlres (post-paid) WM. A. I.KAKY. No. 138 North SEl'OND St. PHILADKU'UIA Philadelphia, May CO, IS48 o TEE-CHEAP" Briisli, Comb and Variety STORK. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, ' " " URlalf MAM FAt TI RKKS, AND T BALERS IN COMBS & VARIETIES No 06 North Third, below Rate St. and North Em! Conner of Third and Market street, TTTHERE they offer (or ! general anort- ' ment of s'l kind qf Brushu, Comb and varietiea which they r dtgimiril to sell Lower than caa he purchased a sewhera. Country Merchants and otuers Purchasing ia the above line will find it to their advantage te rail before purchasing elsewhere aa tha quality and pfieea will be fully guaranteed against compelitioe). Philadelphia, Jum S, 11 18-1 y " wmoirrs Indian Vcgetttlile rifti. This medicine la nirnpoitmlrst on gwerdl prmciple, froa) the pure, bnaduleratl heit of lb -Indhagi .AHkoegh there are many medicines called hy lh some earae, evsry one Is aware tliat there it S Very great rmTererie SBiong Ihcni. Tlwae of them that are eaHed "Indian," hers' stolea the name from As, who were the first tn Introduce s Steea red Indian frienicine to the American public.' Of eoeVsi a similarity of inline does mm create a sinUarity la the char ecler of lbs medicine,. r, -s -, jtt Wright's Indian Vcgatalrla Pills are dietinguishsd for their perfect adaptatina 10 the human body' In thslt oper ation, they n f laclly wlul nature duet, sad nothing were. They have a actios, upon the lungs, ekia, kpV "! and bowels. 1 lence their peculiar power over dlrrasf By imanotlng perspiration, they hrKak upCof.BS Coteat, P-nersuTic Coxpla,it, Pais is Tns Bars, Csereu, CtrrAMeoci Eaunioaa, Pihplcs, Blotcsss, reseatae, KtrsiPUAs, SVe: . Tha action of the Pills on th kidneys ia each aa lo atake thcia a valuable lithonttlptio. paorsy, Oravrx, aud ft mai.r Comtlaimts, atising from obstruction at eertaia perirall, nre scerlily reinoyed by their use. - A free Exrct-roRAttox fmm the lungs ia excited by Ihe use nf Wright's Indian Vegetable PiHs, thus removing Pulmonary Coinplaiuts. inch as Asthma, BRoxrmiia, Snnixcss axd Tiuht.nrss or raa Bsrast, Guughs, Sara Thrreit, Ac. By their actual on the toir and Rowal.s, t).a Pias core DynrxrsiA, Livir ronPLAlNT, pAt-eiTATUiB or Tax 1IKART, FLATWLRNCy, COKTIVIIKSl, FRVRRS llf all killdt, Pleurisy, lleadaclie, fliddincss, Dysentery, Piles, aud aH disorders of the intestines. Taken in small doses, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill become an Altrsxativk medicine, of great aearchiug i-fii-ncy, for I he euro uffiara of all kinds, TftTta, Tyxoas, jArxmcE, Ixiw.M!soKf,rii!iTs)Ei.RAUiiAI Ras, Pairs i?t the Bones, Ac. TheFS rills sl-r tlioroiirtlily hrsnk up tRrt-vanZA, iu which complaint they are extremely yalualrle. In Hit i..c. Complaints, these Pills exercise a complete mastery. Ilenen Fkvkb and Aut-s is speedily cured by lh' ite of them, In the Western and Southern States, where 'his iliaeanc mostly prevails, these Pills gojike au Avalanche. While they m e. chouicr than the fever and agn remedies iu general, Wright's Italian Vegetable Pills hay beau pr niouneril aiia-rior to all of Ihem. Imtenl, it would ap rear lhal if there is one complaint over which these Pill , have more power than another, it ia Fever AscR; For ik-Hirojiug ami expelling Wotixs, uo Vermifugs is I superior to these l'ills Although we have not taken paint te j niukc this fjet publte. the merit of tlie medicine iuelf lias j acpiircJ fir it an cxl'tinlvs nputaii..n andtule for tha re in ival of WuttMt Adtnlnistcred tn adults or children, the ! etlcet of the PilU is equally radical and decisive. All whe ' sully I'lom Worms sIk-uI'! by all means us Wright' la ' iliaii Veget'ohlc Tills. I lu fact. 11 1 one can go p.ntisri in tha use of this mediciue. ' They nre natural to the Ifxty as food is. A trial wil' convince the skeptical that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill far from being a c.-anmon -'quack . nostrum," arc decidedly the moat vu'..isb!e ineuVinc cvt.-i c.Tered to the public. netsarc orsiignr Coated Conutcr ftlts. Uftneinir Oil urieinul ain) uniy guiuin !uJiu V:KHnU' Tills Ikivi; lli" wiittensisnalure of Wra. Wriglt Ja. ClLl-133 'JTJT 5j? 33 ron sVrlpIit's Imlian Trgctable trttii: Henry Mrisser. Sunhti'V. E St J, Kautt'in ui, Augitala tiinsliip lolin H. Vitic nt, Chillisqusque. Kate & lleignlrrseer. Elv-liurg. ti imuel Hetb, Little Malioiuy, William Urppen, Jarks-rn. Iirltnd and Haynes, McKwi niille, William Hcinrn & Brother, VI ill, .n. Fotaythe, Wilson & (','., Noithuinberlaod James lieeil, Hntlegrnve. t!. W. Scott, Kjsliville. W. rSc R F- Ri ly, Shimokintown. Rhodes &. Fuirow. tSnydcratown. Am 1 is T., TuThutile. Hinnevil'e Holahue, Upper Mehnnny. J, hn G. Kenn, do do. E. L. er, Watfonlown. Who'e-ii.le, si the office ai d general depot, 16 Rare tt., PhiUdi Iphie. July 8, I84S. ly 'V -r-, --a. mmmmwm WCSTERX SEW YORK , UOM.EGn OF HEALTH, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Dlt. G.C. VAUGHN S Vegetable LilkoDtriptie Hixtorr. rpilltl celebrated remedy is constantly increasing ito Sua J. by the many cures it 'is making ALL OVER THE WORLD. It has aow becme the only medicln for family use, ail i part-'cnlarly reciaiimended for . L-ROPSY all sttiippg of tlii r iulaiiit iminetlinicly rrlievH, no maKo ui h v I hik ttiaiKliiw. Phauiphlet for tcatiiuunv. GRAVEL, nnti nil tlinrnam nf the uriimry orpuiK ; for the diitreM-c-anpUunU it slumhi aliiie ; no othr article can reliovt you ; uml th enrv iceiituti to will C'Uiviitre the innt tieal ; itee tnmplilit. Livor CVniibttiiT, BUIiona iliaoooM, FEVEU 'V thn Orrnt 'ei enpci'itly, hih! whererer thM ootn- iiluintH 1 ire vu 1 1 thin iiitxliciiin in tun rrtl, NO MINERAL AGENT, li t tl- ldori mi c inpuird irt part if tlu mixtura, it tnirra tUftu dirnac with certainty and celerity, and duaaj iM ItMVC I lie Urtll Inn Mil. Sr FaitllUikl, HLES, a Mii.tttitit nf a rn rt rvt infill chnrnctrr. if l.IMKDt.VTKI,V liELIEVED ami a cure fvunvt ! a lew tluya mte ot thuarticla ; it ta inr ltr any other tirfinniti'iiitir thia diteane, nr for any itl(iT dfihttujic uniuatuig froui iiujmrc WjoJ. Sea pum- '' DEIHLITY OF THE SYSTEM, vt ak bcu k, weak ut ot' th Kultveya, Ao., or iutUinma ti 'ti n' wiine, ia inn tittl lately rrlicveU by a lew iaya uaajt thin nu Uieiiitf, and a cure ti alwuvi a result U it una. li Ktaittlif r.a A CERTAIN REMEDY, f tt ik Ii coiMluiiitit, ttini ulsu luaT ilenuigciueutai ol tka- fa- HLilf fr;im. lUltEGlLAUITIP:!1. Slfl'IlESSIONS, tmiiiful mciiftriBili iiik. .NounirUf tvn ever been oTereJ rtinl tliiA wliii'li Wtuilil tmn'li thi kind ol drrHiuPiiiriiU. It nun lie rWiixl iiu tw a auira aial eilecliva rfiieJyt an4 tlitl we ft't l iM-fiuiiiiil U ii" s-i cmUl give A TIIOl'SAM) NAMES, a nrNf if en ret iu tin ilutrcauuiifi daaa m etajiipIaiBtP St iiniijhlft. AH trktii down, deltilitaird cmbtitutiona fr nu tin t ileet of mercury, will tint! tlie binviiiK (MweT oi tliiK urtii'U tn ut iiuuutluilel) , iuhI tliu piMHiiie. uuj.afaJ erutlicuttxl frm th stfin. ERL'l'TIVE DISEASES u ill find lh alleiutivc ocoM..rtirs of this article. 1TR1FY THE BLOOD. , H.i.1 ilnv.-u such dincuiM-s fnan the system. IV pamphlet l' Ullin.Miv 01 cures ui all dinejiaea, wli4 ae liual wl un artverliiK-inciit will J cniill to lie isonnl 1 10 re. A -tula una them away ; they craituin JSI pugee vt ecrtiacates 01 Inch cliuructcr. aial a stronger - ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues ol' a medicine, never appeared., h ss on nf the peculiar 1,-alures ,H Ibis artlciu llial il never lu. W beuutat in any case, ami if tn.e and muscle are 1 to buiJg loron k-t the eiuactalcd and liuKurma uivaUd HOl'EON awl keep biUiuc ttr medicine as ther ia an lai- liroveuu-iil. Tne nr .nrietor i.-oukl 1 t Ai noN THE PUBLIC aeiiiuat a uu-ulr 01 articles which coin cut aoder tk ''"""""'SAUSAPARILLAS. S"RCPS, S.C a cures lor Dropsy, Uravrt, Ac-: They are good tor i tltUig, auJ coiiC'rctcl to full the uuwarv : TOUCH THEM NOT Tlrrir inventm never though! of etiring eaoh dism sss tig tins article had done it. A paiticuau study of th paat. ihlct is earnestly Brlicited. Ageuts aial au who sell she article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE gratuitously. Put up in 3n or. bottles, st Si ; IS na. oe a SI ear li the larger holding S ox. mnre Unn two erwM Sm iles. Uaik out ami gel imposul upai. Every boM See "sushu' Vegetable lthoutriiaic Mixture," fuowa uaoa Ihe glass, the written signature of -ti. C. Vaugaa." on the dircctiraia. and "U. C. Vautihn, Bulralo," stainpcd oa the cork, Nona oilier are seiuxine. 1-rupsred by Dr. O. C. Vauthn, aial s .UI at th PriiK il Orti.-e, 7 Maiu atraet, lludalir, at whuleaiilr and raiail. No atteuiioa given ea let ters unless post paid onlers fnaa regularly .cwiautniaS Afreuta-eieepted; pnat paid letters, or verbal CoimmlRiC' taais sulicitiug sslvK. rrouiasly sitaiKted su gmu. ttfces lie voir. 1 axeJusiSelv ui lb sale at tin ertirhm lJ .Niuaau at. New V.msciiv; SgS EsseRat.talsai, Mass.; aial by the pi incipol Druggists Ihe Cuited Ssatae and Canada, aa Agents. I Jet f Agent -taorrs & ta., Wk-jaals Afaul IAuilt.. phis J. VV. Friling, Saiabury Isaac Caarhait. aBiisTiaa C. A. Wyath. U-wisburg-el I Shafrt M"a Uayea St MoCcenkk, McEwcvuie-.4a wWUaiaket mild. ABtai,W-T JUSTICES' BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFEJCC- . - . - ' JACOB HAAS Ebantoiin if , Oct. 28, 184S aaatby WsksisrstarooaoarbaUaitaatea. ua.l, S(.