J- i.-iwi -Okm. J a - .k. THE ONLT RADICAL CURE FOR ' CONSUMPTION ! I ttoAiW nr K1it'i Evil, Rhetmwtiim, Obstinate CuteiwOM Krapttunt, PimpU of Peutta on th face, Bkh, Hilra, Chronic Vire Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, 1 ttcahl Ilwrd. Enlnrgnnent uid Pain of the 4 V B mra anil jiiinta, Httiliboni I' leers, ffvphi--. - sitic Bytnatoma, Sciatica or LnmbafO, -. , r. ., riiaeaaea arising frxm. an iiijudi iuni us of Meicnry, Drnp y, Exposure or liiiini t. , - . uenee in lila, alio, Tv., , Chronic Cmisti- tutioimlDis- orders. In this medicine arreral innucent but very potent artfclea of the vppeiolHe kinipKnn are united forming a awnpoend entirely different iu ita chomrter awl properties from any other preparation, ami nnrimlled in Its operation on the system when (abortus; under disense. It should In in Uie ItniHla of every person, who, by bu tineas, or general cimrse of life, is preaiftposed to the very mnny ailiitieuts tltnt rrn Uer life a ciine, iitntead of ft blessing, ami so often result iu ueuifn ' TOR 9CRC)FLI-A. rtr. aDmWe's Puiwecn is recommended as a certain remedy. Not one instance of ita failure has ever occurred when free ly used ! It cures the di-wnse and nt the same time imparts vigor to the whole system. Scrofulous persona can never pny too much attention to the state of their blood. Its pu ! inration should be their first aim for perseverance wiU accomplish cure of eves hereditary disease. FOR ERUmONiToF THE SKIN. Jirurry, Seorbntlc Affectioiis, Tumors, White Swelling. Kryafpeloas Ulcere, Cancers, Running fores, Scabs and llil'es. Dr. Drake's Paiwtoua, cannot be too highly extolled it searches out the very root of the diseuse, and pennuueut. INDKIKSTIONOK DYSPKPSIA. So medicine perhaps Ims ever been discovered which gives so much tone to the stomach and muses the secre tion of heutlhy gnxtric juice todecomjxe the fovd as Dr. Drake's Pmiucea RlHILMATlWr. Dr. Drake's Panacea is used wilh the grentcxt success iu Rhetnuutic OrnipLiiuts, especinlly such ds chronic. It cures by driving out all impurities mid foul humours which have seen i nulu ted in the system, which are the rmise of Rheu matism, Gout, and Swellings of the joints. Other remedies fctuetiutea gjve temporary reliet'; this entirely eradicates the disctve tnmi tiieaystcin, cfen when the limbs ami bunea ire dreadfully swollen. CONSUMPTION. CoNitTMrrioif cah bb ctjuko. Coughs, Catarrh, Bron liUis, Kpittiug of Blood, Asthma, Dilfi unci utt or profuse Kx iect(ratiim, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Pain in the side cc. have been cured, ami can be with aa much certuttitv as ny other diseuse. A specific has long been ermght fur, but (i vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Panacea. It ia lild and safe but certuin and ctficatioua in its operation, nd cannot possibly injure the moat delicate constitution. Vc would earnestly recommend those afflicted to rflve it a iol and we lclieve they will not have occasion to rcprct Ttie system is elcansed and strengthened, Uie ulcers on te lungs are hcidcd, snd the viticnts mdually leguiu their uai ncoiin ami streugtn. neau ute louowmg i test1mI)nv. Pnil,.. Dec. 14th. 1847. TKAft Sin : In reply to your question respecting the use ' Dr. Drake's Panacea, I will any, that altlwugh a perfect believer in tiro existence of a Panacea, or cure tor all seases, however nahle it may he in certain conditions the system, still I liave believed that a cure tot Consuin hi would be discovered wviner or later, and cutioeity led e to try your medicine in two very inveterate cases. ley were pronounced by the attending phvsieians to be XMosajly coxstTMrTtoN, and alsmdoned by tlient aa m RABbK. One of the mrBoisi had been under the treat' mt of several very uMe prm-tititstcis for a number of are, aiKi tney sum mie nan "ow fashioned Oinsumption . mbiue with'Scrot'iilii," and that she might luigerfor arnna le, hut coukt not le pennanentiy relieved. In both cases effect ol the Pnnncea has been most amtifvinff. Only ir ur five bottles were used by one of the persons before t began to improve rapidly. 'The other took about ten. vill only add that familiar us I am with consumption by eritance and by extensive observation as a study, and fwimr also the injurious effects in nine rases out of ten ar, boncset, and other vegetable tonics, as well ns of ny of uie expet'toratusaiidHcOiiiives, 1 should never luive mimended the use of Drake's Pnnncea if I had not Iieeu uainted with the ingredients. Suffice it to say thnt these recommended by our most popular and scientific physi is, and in their present combined state, form prolnMy best attentive tliat luis ever been made. The cure is ceort lance with a theory of Consumption broached iu tice a lew years aim, uy one oi nr most einmenl wri on medicine, uiid uu now estuoiisiied by lucts which Bo of ao disnute. Very Resjiectfully Yours, U C. GUNN. 9 use the language of another, "Dr. Drake's Pauncea In lys salutary in its enacts never injurious. It is not as ite it is not ami Kxpectorant. It is not intended to lull 1 1 valid into a fatal security. It is a frreat remedy id heal i iw and curative compound, the arreat and only edy which medical science and skill has yet produced the treatment of this hitherto nnconouered malady. And person afflicted with this dread disease, wiU be mat t .self and his friends, if he ro down to the crave without ing fta virtues, A single bottle in moat cases, will pro e a favorable change in the condition of any patient, r iow." . TO TUB I.ADI13 radios of pln conintexiin and cnnauiiipiive linbita. and M aa are debiliuten try those otiatrurtions which fenialea Uahle to are rcnt)red bv the. use of a bottle or two, to om visor. Il is by tar the best remedy ever discovered . weukly children, and auch aa have bad humors ; being aaani. mev iuse it. u iinnivauueiy restores me appemc, ensth and color. N'oihins can be more surprising than its iiiviaoratinc ef. fta on the human frame. Persons, ail weakness and nti nde before takinf it. at once become robust and full of enry under ita in6uence. It immediate eounteracta the rveleaanejis of the female frame, CAUTION Be careful and aee tliat you net the tcun e Ur. Duakk's Tanacsa U lias the signature of en. F. roass m the wmpper and also the uuine "Da. Drask's tiacea, Thila." blown in the glun. Prepared onlv bv 8ro0Us 4 Co., Druggists, No. 31 Xorlh . xth St., Philadelphia, sent for Punlmry II. MASSER. Hold also by Ws. A. Mi khx Co.. Danville vIl.PiiAitr r, Milton; Mabt McCov, Nortliuinlierland ; K. P. I.vrz, liNimshmir. Airil 1, ly :" salamander; KIRK AND TllllJF l'ROur f HFSTK. IRtM'ltOOF UOOIW FOB BANKS AND HTOMKH SiNtl ami Letler-Coj)) ing Prewes, Patent Slatc-Linod Kf friorattirs, Water Fil ter, Patent Portable Witter Clo sets, intended for the Sick and Infirm. EVANS & WATSON, ' 76 South Third Street, OPPOSITE TUB rillLADKI.l'HIA EXCHANGE. Manufacture and keep constant ly on hand, a large auortmatt of III! theaUnrtj artick'S, f wether with their Pttteiit Impruvet) Snaunaikter FiRK-PltOOF SAFI-stS which are cmistmoted s tu el ut rest tai. .i all maimer nf doubt as to tlu-tr buiUtinir. Th ouUide ritses of these Safes ore inude of boiler irun, the inside case of wap auviie, ami between the outer case atid iiuier cae is a spape th,, ini hei thirk. and is tilled in with indealrue- tilris material, so as to make it an impossibility to burn sny of the r.Hitcnts iusiile of this Chest. These Soapstone Ma Ifurwmlers we are prepared aud do cliallentra the world ti pruUuos any article iu the aliapa uf Hook buies that will stand as wueh heat, aud we hold ourselves ready at all times to have them uurlv tested by public buuiire. We aiaonmiiiiiuii to nwiiufaetiire a kirae and aaueral aaaort ment of our Premium Air-tight Firs Preof Safus of which there are over bl)U uuw iu use, and iu every instance they Kuve given eutiie satisfaction to the purchasers uf which we will refer the uublia to a few (eutleuHut who have them in use Haywood 4 Pnvder. P.Stsville) Joseph O. Jjiwtoa f,tlsville; Mi. AVilliaia Carr, Doylestown, Pa. N. G. Tayl., lag ,tli 3d St.; A Wright ft Nephew viae sir wharf : Alexander Carol. Couvevaucer. eorirar ol Filbert and nth .; Juuu M. Ford, 3a north 3d at.j Myers Bush, BU north 3d si 4 Jainas M. Paul. 101 Hith 4lh St.: Dr. Duvid Jayue, 8 south ad St.; Muthew T. Miler, HO south 3d st.t and we eould nains some hundreds of others It it were uecesairy. Now ws invite the attention of ths puMie, and iartirulnrly those in want of Fire Proia" Clafes, lo eall at our stars before purcbasinc elsewhere, and we can satisfy them they will rot a bsttr and cheaper article - at our suite Ihsu at any other establishment in tiie city. We also uiuunfaeture the ordinary Fire Proof Cheats, at at very low priers. cheaper thuu they cau he boaght at any otaer ature ui j luiauciiiuia. DAVTD EVANfl, ; JOHANNES WATSON. t kiledrtuhia, April 8, IMS ly - Cseorffe J. Weaver, aopa suss & ship cbandlbb. Jto. 1 Water Street and No. North Wharvei I'hiladtlohia. ' XKS constantly oa band, a general aaaort. ment pt Uordsae, Beina I winee, ore , vn I era Hopes, rismiii Mopes, wnite no pea, Mann la aUpaa. Tow Unes for Canal Doata. Also, i "'--Aate aaartaseiii of Bebae Twines). eVe, auch as JWj Shad and Barring Twine, Beet Patent Gill Net Twine, Uxtoo Shad and Herring Twine, 8buc Tbreade.dM.ske. Atao, Bed Corde. Plough Iioea, H altera, Traeea, Cottoa and Liaea Carpet Chains, etc. all at which he will dispose of oa reasonable serene. Fhiladslpttia, June U, 1 148. ly PHILADELPHIA Eitabhthtd 16 yetft aghf Dr. K1NKELIN. Th oldest, euros! and beet hand la ear ill farms of Mcrrt dlsssses, disease of lb ekla end solitary habit of youth, I DR. KtNKELINj tf. w. corner d mni Union aft., between Spntd rnnd Pine, It $qumr firm the ExtXmng. OUNQ MEN t If yon vi.m font life or jroor betlth, feromber, tin tUtay of a monih. wf en week, may pro yonr rain, both of Wy nd mind. Hnc let no M modmty deter yoo from mtkinff yoor cam known to on who, frooi education end reertOctabtMty,can alone befrieyofl. He who place himtelf ondor Ur. KINKELIN S treatment, may religiooely confide In hie honor ae a gentleman, and In whoe boeom will bo forever locked the aecrot of the patient t Too many think Iney will bug the aecrot to thoir own hearta, and corn tbemeeWea, Alee! bow of ten thle a fatal deloalon, and how many t pro miting young man, who might heo been an orna ment to aoclety, hae faded from tho oarih. COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding It Inconvenient io mike pereopal appllca tinn, can, by etating their cane etpllcWy, together with all their ay mptoroa, (per letter, p SpMA bare forwarded to them a chest contain traVr. K a me dicines appropriated accordingly. Perkagee of Mrdtcinet forwertlfj f mnf part ol the United Statce at a momenta Notice. n- Port rrn unim, addreAflei! to Dr. Kia KRLiif, Philfldelphia, will be promptly attended to Oct. 30th, 1847. I y M'CLEES &GEItMON'S DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS, No 19S Cbeinnt Street, South East Corner of Eighth tl., Philadelphia. PORTRAITS from the imilmt breul-in lo lha l.rgrtl liB. singly or in groaps. The Proprietor. r w.rranteil in tijrinir, Ih.t their work hi caimJ rennUtion rcond to none ia the world. Extucle from the Free I I,ifc-like in the expression, clmtlf correct in the nhinJing. Ledger. "The nit hu trrivcl it great perfection, end none umiertnd II lieuer mm mci-ice a, uer mon."Jfai'niore hit. "Admitilili-1 nothing can exceed their exquisite di-licecy." V. S. Gazette. Extract from the report of the JaJee, at the last fair nf the Franklin Insiiiute Daguetreotjrpe in thia department I hire are nme ery excellent aDccimpna in the exhiliitinn, and the Judges think they aee a prncrenWe improvement in thia branch of the art They have not n-commended an a ward in favor nf any of the competitors, bnt are ili'pnseil to rank as f!rU in order, lha collection of McULEES & GERMON, aa containing the far- gut number of tuperior ipteimenw." 1!,.,.IlT. V.I. IA 1.1. r niisueipnik. rco iv, 1010. m CUTLERY. AN extensive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT. LERY, for sale by JCH1T Ma COLEMAN, A'ot. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8 North THIRD Street, Gump ising SOOO dozen Penknives, Scieaora and Raton. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgara & Sons, Wosteiiholm's, Greeas, W. & 8. Butcher sand Fenney'a Cutlery. Also, Spanish, Diik and Hunting Knivea. Also, Guns, Pistols, an I Dowis Knifes. A Is-, The American Kaznr Strop, a superior article, worty (he attention ol Dealers. Cad Dealera in Outleiy, will 6nd the aboe Stock worthy their attention, aa the Subscriber's chief business Is importing and selling cutlery, Philadelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly. GIESE fe SON. Commission and Forwarding MEHCHAXTTS, Ar 48 Comment Stret Wharf. BALTIMORE. win receive and sell all klnca or Country rro duce Flour, Grain, ke. N. B. Particular attention given to the aale of Lumber. And cash advances made on con ignmenta, when required. April 1, 1818. 4m UW?r CHEAP GOODS. John W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY informe bis frienda and customera, that he baa just received and opened a splendid assortment of GOODS, consis- ins or DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Sec. Tbe public are invited to call und examine for tnemseivea. Sunbury, May 8, 1848 tf riie Grand Purgative FOR THB CURB OF Headache, Giddiness, Measles, Salt Rheum, liheumatism. Piles, Heait Burn. Worma, Dypcp Ut 8cuivv, Sm.ill Pox, Jaundice, Psinsin the Usik, Itiwsid Weakness, . Cholera Morbua, Coughs, Quinsey, Whooping Gough, (yonsumption. Fits, Liver Complaint, Erisipelas, Deafness, Itchinga of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nrrvoua Complaints, Pslpil3lion of the Heart, wing in lha Throat. . Dropsy, Asthma, rvers of all kind', i male Complaints, a5D A VAUISTT OF OTBKB DISKASIS ABiaiBB raoM iMrcaiTiaa or tr blood, aan oa. STBucTioaa ia ths obbabs or di. ' : OESTIO. P.xprrienrs has proved that nearly every Dia- eaie originates horn lmnuniK s of Iba Blood or da rangrmcnts ol tbe Digestive Organs ; and to secure neann, we must remove those obstructions or re store tbe Ulood to its natural atate. The aversion to tailing medicine ia most effec tually removed by Ulickbib e VsscTaaia Pub oiTiva I'ills, bemg compktelv tnvtloped wilh roaimg oj pure wane augar, (wtiicb la aa distinct from the internal ingredients aa a nut shell from he kernel) abb uatb bo tsstx or midicibb, But are aa eaaily awallowed aa bite of candy. Moreover they neither naueeat or grip in the slightest degree, but operate equally an all lha dis eased perls of ths sysism. Instead of confining themselves to, and racking any particular region. Thus, if tie Liver be sneered, one ingiedienl wiU operate on that particular organ, and, by cleaeaing it of an Excess of Bile real ore il lo its natural state. Anothsr will operate on tbe Blood, and remove all Impuiilies in ite circulation t while a Ihiid will effectually expel whatever imourilies may bars been dischsrged into ths stomach, and banes Ihey stbicb at tss boot or Bissau, rs- ' 1 1 f II r . i . move an impure numan irona tos noayi open ths pores externally and internally aepareta all tore in and oluoxloua particles frora the chyle, so that lha blood may be thoroughly pure thus aecu. ring a fiee and healthy action lo lha Heart, Lunge and Liver and thereby they bbstobb asAira a tbb wbib all otbib msabs bavb raiLis. The entire truth of ibe above can be eacartained by the Irial of a aingle box t and their virtnee are positive and certain in restoring Health, that tne proprietor Mods blmsell to return the mooay paid for them in all eaaee where they do not give universal aatialaetion. Betall Price), 35 cU. per Pox. . , Pruwipal office No. fig Vesey at, N. Yo.k, BoU by JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury, M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. O" Remember Dr.O. V. Clickener b the h tenor of the Sugar Coated Pills, and thai nothing of Iba sort wee ever heard ef anul ha inlredeeed them in June, 1 843. Purcbssere should, therefore, always ask for Clickener'a Sugar Coaled Pills, and ike no others, or they will be aaade lha victims of eireaev vepi, IHtb, le4T. ly eew SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM OKIN qo u atar ssa 3x1 sct UT hae power to eeaet all SORBS. R BCROPULOU8 N DI8KA8K8, POISONOUS WOUKDS M dkeebarge tbeh pa trld Mttete.and Om ita the. Jt la richly (erased AVheelinf, for there le sea re ly , diaeeae. eiternal ar internal, that K will not benefit. I hare ased H lor the lest fourteen yeera for all dlsessee of the cheat, eonsamption and Brer, IneoWIng the utmost danger end TaepotralhlHty, and I declare before heaven and man, that not In ana ainale esse haa il failed to benefit when the pa tienl was wiihin the reach of mortal means. I have had physicians, learned in the prolession. I bare had mini era of the gospel, Judges of the bench, aldermen. Iswrers. aenllemen of the high rat erudition, and muHltudee of the poor nse it ia every variety of way, and there hea been bat one voice one universal voice eayfng t "M'Allister, your Ointment la GOOD." - In Scrofula, Old Sores, Erysepelss, Tetter Li ver Complaint, Sore Eyea, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Broken or Bore Breeet, riles, an unest Diseases, such as Asthma. Oppressions, Pain Alan. Bore Line. Chapped Hands, Tumors. Chil- drrn'a Cutaneous Eruptions, Neivone Difessee, and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known es rood. 8CAI.D HEAD. We have cured esses that actually defied every thing known, aa well ae the ability of IB or 30 doctors. One man told oa he had apent t300 on his rhildien without sny bene fit, when a few boica of Ointment rnrrd them. BALDNESS It will restore the hair aooner than any other thing. HEADACHE The aalve haa cured peisons of the headsche of IS years' standing, and who had it regular every week, so thai vomiting often took place. DaAraisa, Esa Acne, and Aeoc in rat Pick, are cured by this Ointment with like success. RURN8. It is one of the best things in the world for Burn. (Read the directions around the box.) RHEUMATISM. It removes almost immedi ately the inflsmation and awelling when tbe piin cea.es. (Read the Directions around the Box.) COI.D FEET. Consumption, Liver Com Isint, Psin in the cheat or side, falling oft of the hair, one or the other always accompanies cold fret. (Thia Ointment ia tbe Irne remedy.) It ia a sure sign of disease to have cold feet. TETTER. There ia nothing better for the curs of Tetter. PILES. Thousands ate yearly cured by thia Ointment. CORN8. Occasional nse of the Ointment will alwsya keep Corns from growing. People need never ! troubled wilh them if Ibey will nse it. Head the foUtoinr Communication, R eeived from en old. respected an J well known eiitien of Philadelphia, and then judge for yout self) Philadelphia. 10 mo.. 13tb, 1846. To T. B. Peterson, Having been requested to rie my opinion on the merits of M'ALLIS TER'S SALVE, I em willing to enumerate some of tbe benefits which I have expeiieneed in the use of the article. In the spring of I84S, I had an attack of Ery aipelaa in my fuce which became very painful, and extended into one of my eyes, being attended with fever, my distress was great and I began to be fear' ful of losing bit eve. Although not much of e believer in what ia commonly celled quack medicines, I purchased a box and made an application to my face. To my autprise the pain soon abated, and in a week'a time it was ent.rely cured, and I firmly believe that II was the eslvc, under Providence that cured me. From that lime lo the present, I have need the article aa occssion required, and in every csee where I have used it, I have found a decided benefit. At one time, on going to bed et night, my throat was ao aore ibat I swallowed with difficulty, but by an application of the salve I was relieved Ufore morning. I have usod it in case of burns, liruisra. sprains. and flesh cuts, all with the happiest effects, end nne ease of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods, has been dried up end cured by a few applications. From my own experience, I would strongly re comnerd it to all, as a chesp, convenient, fsmily medicine. I he become so partial In it, that I expect lo keep it constantly in my family. Though not ambitious to appear in print, yet I cannot refuse lo have thia cummniikaiion mede public if judged beet lo eerve the c.use of humani ty. Kespeelfully mine. WM. AUAMB, No. 6, Old York Rosd, CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine unless the namea of James M'Allister, or Jamee M'Allisler cV Co., are written wilh a pen on eve ry label. jamcd m aludi isk, Bole proprietor ol the anove medicine. (iJ-PRICE. 85 CENTS PER BOX.J3) Aoksjts : J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, FOR8YTH. WILSON & Co.. Northumberland Dr WM. M BICKLEY, Danville, J. (1. CHOUSE. Selinscrove, P. C. SHFLI.ER, Lewishorg, WM. F.NAGI.E. Milton. JOHN 8HARPLE88, Cettew Feb. 10th, 1843. row ly y DY8I ENI, VIDI, VICI Dr. ALLEN'S VEGE- TABLE COMPOUND, for the core nf '8PEP8IA. LIVER COMPLAINT. NER VOUS DEBILITY. BILIOUS AFFEOTION8, Ac. This Medicine is offered to ibe public under ibe etsursnre ihat there ia no article in existence having stronger claims lo Iheir eonstdetalinn. B ing comioundsil by a regular Graduate of Jeffer son College, Philaili lpb a, and a practising physi cian of twenty years' standing in Philadelphia, bis long experience has confirmed him in Ihe opinion Ibal a compound medicine was required to prevent and remedy the debilitation pr dueed by residing in low, mia.matic climates, and lo counteract the pro traling influences of many nervous disorders with which Ihe bumsn family are afflicted. DR. ALLEN is a well known phjsician, and baa used the above medicine in his practice for g years with the moat atoniabing effect, having tee- led ita qualitiea in above FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever received more flattering re enmmendstions from phyrtciana of eminent stand ing than has been bestowed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION AND ITS COX8EQUENUE8. An eminent Prfi-s. sor a.iys: "it chiefly crises in persona who lead either a very sedentary or irregular life. Although not regarded as a fatal disease ; yet if neglected or linpropetly Ireared, may bring on incurable Me. Isnrholy, Jaundice, Msduess, or Veitigo, relay and Apoplexy. A gr-at aingularity attendant on it is, that it may and often doee continue a great length of lime without any remission of tbe symp toms. CAUSE)1. Grief end uneasiness of mind, in tense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venerv. excessive uss of spirituous liquors, lee, tobacco, pium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of ihe secretion of lb bile or goiric juice, exposure to cold and damp air, are Ibe chief causes of Ihia die- ease. SYMPTOMS. Loss of appetite, nausea, Heart- bum, aclility, snd fond eructations, gnewing of ihe stomach when empty, uneasiness in ths throat. pain la ths ale, coalivenrea, cbillnesa, languor, lowoeea uf spirits, palpitations, snd disturbed sleep. TREATMENT. AT. ALLEN'S VEGE TABLE COMPOUND noun failed in affor ding immediate relief, and a radical cure for Ihie dieeeae. . CT Thia Medicine can be bed or H. B Master, Sunbury J. O. Martin, Pou-viUe, Medlar da Bicfcslj Orwlgsburg and of Druggists generally. ' ALLEN & WARD, Proprietors. rntiaoeipnia, wov, ST, ibvT. cq ly fgtHE eubeeriber is prepared la receive and ae. X commodate a few transient or persaasent Btardtrt. at her reeideaca ia Suaburv. The lo- catioa is ia a baodaem aad pleasant part af tbe lews, eowmandiag a fiae view of tbe Susquehan na, Northumberland and tbe scenery adjacent. T persona from the city, who wish te spend a few montba during the summer season, Sunbury auoras a usiiguiiui reiraai, ANN 0. MORRIS. April I, I4I.-sax DARK HOTE tsISTs pEimsnrAini. "S.":..- The rnlVmlna Hal ehowa the eenrerrt velae ef alt enasyrranta Beak Novae. Tbeaaciet ImprkM f aaay ha aead upon Vt, aa R eoaneered with and earn arefBWy mmm bbsbbbH'a KsAOrt'eWi Euki if rtallaSttylala. !! , LacATioa. . pl. NOTS8 AT PAR. Bank of North America - i i k i , . - par' Bank of the Northern Libert lea t . 1 fair Commereiel Bank of Pemve." . ' , ' per rennets' and Mechanics' Bank . pat Renaington Bank . 1 . . per Philadelphia Bank ' . .1 par Schuylkill Bank ' i . ' i per Boatbwart Bank ' - " j per Western Bank per Mechanics Dank ' ' "' '. '' ' ' 1 pat Manufacturers ' Mechsnles Bsnk par Bank of Penn Township ., , i -", , per Girard Bank . . , - par Bank of Commerce, late Moyamenaing 1 . per Bank of Pennsylvania , . , par Jonntry BanKR. Bank of Cheater County Weeteheoter par Bank of Delaware County Cheater par Bank of Germantown" ' Germantown par Bank of Montgomery Ua.' Nornatown par Doylestown Bank Doylestown ' , par Easton Bank Eastnn per Farmers Bank of Bocks en Bristol par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank Ac n ridge co.Columbia par Farmers Bank of Lancaster Lancastet par Lancaster County Bank Lancaster ' " par Lancaster Bank Lancaster pat Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading par Once of Bank of Penn'e. Hamshurg These Office do do Laneeeter l offices Office do do Reeding r do not Office do do Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the United 8U!ee Philadelphia 17 Miners' Bank of Pottaville PottavilU par Bank of Lewistown Lewiatown ' failed Benk of MidJIotown . Middletown 1 Carliale Bank CarlUle t Exchange Benk ' Pittsburg 1 Do do branch of Hollidayaharg I Harrisburg Bank Harriaburg I Ihanon Bank Lebanon par Merchants' dc Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 1 Bsnk of Pittsburg Pittabuig I Weal Branch Bsnk Williamsport 1 Wyoming Bank Wilkesberre l Northempton Bank Allentown no eaie Beika County Bank Heeding failed Office of Bank of U.S. Pittsburg failed Do do da Erie do Do do do New Brighton do Bank of Cbamberaborg Chamberabarg , 1 Bsnk of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1 Bank of 8nsqoehanna Co. Montrose J J Erie Benk Erie 35 Farmers' dc Drovers' Bank Wsyneeborg 3) Franklin Bank Washington 11 Honeadale Bsnk Honeedate I f Monnngahela Bank of B. Browns rille I York Hank York I N. B. T he notes of those banks on which we omit quotaliona, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter of reference. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia 8av. Ins. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuvlkill 8av. Ins. do failed Kensington 8s v. Ins. A do Penn Township Bar. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W- Dyott, prop.) failed fowanda Bank Towanda Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swalara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Bedford no eele cloeed closed Beaver Harrisburg Washington Belb-fonte failed cloaed Pittsburg Pittsburg Fayette cn. Grecncastle Harmony no aale failed failed failed no eele Farmers dc Mech cs Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' dr. Mech'cs' Bsnk Herroony Institute Huntingdon Bank Huntingdon no sale Juniata Bank Lewistown no aale Lumbermen's Qank Warren Dundaff Nsw Hope Milton failed Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope DeL Bridge Co. Northomb'd Union CoL Bk. North Western Bank of Ps. no sale cloeed no aale Meedville Port Carbon cloaed Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. dc Manuf. Bsnk Carlisle . , failed Montrose . .' ' closed Uniontown failed Greensburg closed 8ilver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'e. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesberre Bridge Co, Wilkeebarre no aale frT All notes purporting to be on env Pennryt vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set town as irsuus. MEW JERSEY. Bank of New Biunawick Brunswick Belvidere Medford Perth Amboy Bridgeton Mount Holly failed i Brlvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank farmers' Bank P! i par par farmers' and Mechenics Bk Rahway farmers and Mechanics' Bk N. Biunawick failed v Farmers' snd Merchants' Bk Middletown PL 1 Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed Hotioaen Dag ex uieiing vo Honoken failed failed failed failed lerary City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank ratlereon Belleville Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jersey City Manufacturers' Bank Morria County Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk i failed i par Morria Canal and Ukg Co no sale no aale fostiXotee Newark Ukg dc Ina Co New Hoiie Del Bridge Co Newark Lamberts villa N. J. Msnufsc and Bkg Co Hoboken failed failed N J Proteelon dc Lomberd bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange 1 rateraon nana' I atersoa failed i Peoples' Benk do Princeton Benk Princeton P P5 Salem Banking Co 8alea Bute Bank' Newark Bute Bank Elixabelhlowo Bute Bank , Camden per State Bank of Morria Morristown Slate Bank Trenton i failed Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem ' I failed 8usscx Bank Newton ', . Trenton Banking Co Trenton a par failed Union Bank Dover Waabington Banking Co. Hackenaack DELAWARE. Bk of Wilm dr. Brandy wine Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Bank of Smyrna 8myrna par P' per par P' P per par par Do branch Miltord Farmers' Bk of State of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington Do branch Georgetown. Do branch Newcastle Union Bsnk WilasingkM tr? Under 6'e i try On aU banks marked thus f ) there are sk tber counlarfell or altered notes of tna varione di nnminationa, in eireulaiian. Time) and Distance Saved I sunbury rrnriY. rglHE aubscribera baring leased the Sunbury JL Ferry, beg leave to inform Ibe public, that ibey are prepared to convey reams, rieaaure Carriages and Foot passengers acroaa tbe river with safety and without delay. They have pro vided themselves with new aad commodious erafta, which will always he attended with able aud careful nanos. Persona travelling to aad from aad threagh Sunbury lo New Berlin, Lewiaburg, Hartletoa and other nlacee. will find it greatly to their ad vantage to cross at this Fsiry instead of ths Bridges, aa they would aave tram two lo four miles la distance. ' ; Junn rr.ui,. LEWIS LENHART. Sunbury, April I, IMS o. ssrmniiT, BOOT MAKER, No. 40. Boots Fwbtbi Btbbbt, Abovb CaawTiiirr. Jaa. Wih,TJCS,,W,XA JOURNAL. fix 3CT -Cw CO oa rfntin MedMaa le werrentea, oa oath, not to 11 eenteia a panMU ef Calomel, Corrosive 8ab Rateta, Araraie, Chlerlda af Oeld, ar any aeUae- . The pcmeiple a pea wkloh thia MadMae ease, le by aaslatirn and aMrtBonislaff with aatara ' k drives oat all teal aerlojanloae hamvara frara the blood and body, and by eesleriletiag with and alrengtheahig the gaetrie juiee af the etotneeb, h eaaiate digeeiion W short there le not a vain. art. rv, moeele or nerve in the human body, that la not strengthened by tbe PANACEA, and il alar possesses tbe remarkable property ar removing mercury from Die hones and joints. FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, ' Scurvy, Beorbatic Affections, To mors, Scrofble or Kings' Evl , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcere, Cancera. Kenning Bores, Scabs and Biles, timi and a determined perseverance ia D .SWEET 8ER"8 PANACEA, will effect a ear. .- FOR INDIGESTION. Rejection nf food, Nsuses, Vomitings, Nervous af fections, Billions complaints, Head ache, Patencaa, or Female Irregular Hies. Dr. BWEETSEICS PA NACEA will soon effect a core but if obstinate. or attended with griping, flying peine, the doee should be inereoeed, end the core will soon be et reeled. I,et not the patients frighten themselves with the idea thai they are too weak to lake much medicine; hut hear in mind ihet thia mildly opera, ting med cine put not weaknena into the frame, but mort certainly drawa weakna oof, lesvea strength in Its place, and by giving composed sleep at night, and an appetite to relish any food, re-anims'es the whole frame wilh vigorous ection, clearing the mind and improving the eight. SCROFULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. Scrofula ia oaid Ut he berid ita nr. the Infant re ceiving from lit parents the seeds of thie dieeeee. which increases with Ha years, H neglected and not eobmilted to frequent parmeatioei witn Ur. SWEETSER'S PANACEA. The glands are pie. ced in the corners of the body, and aut of the way of direct communication their roal use is a subject on which niuch difference of opinion prevsilst it suffices us to know that when in s diaeaaed state, they are capable of being purified and cleansed by a long course nf Dr. 8WEETSER'8 PANA CEA, which restores them lo sound and pinper action. 8erofu!.us persons ran never pay too much attention lo their blood, ila purification should be their first thought, for after a long course nf perse verance, ihey will ever cure hereditary disease. In eaaee of JACNDtCB. ASTHMA. LIVER COMPLAINTS, TIC DOLORBVX. RHEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC OOVT, Dr. 8WEET8ER'S PANACEA cannot be loo high ry extolled ; it eeetehea out tbe very root of the disease, end by removing it from the Blood makes a core certain and permanent. For diseaaea nf the Bladder and Kidney, Slrie luret. Gravel. Stone, Pile: Fiitula. Viinart Ob itruetioni and Extreme Coetivcneu Dr. 8 W EET 8ER'8 PANCEA ie Ihe best remedy ever tr.ej ; it removee all those acrimonious humors from the Blood which give rise to the- above disesses, and by keeping Ihe blood in a pure condition, insuree healtb. For DROP8Y, FALLING ovtbi BOWELS, Impuritiet of the Blood, Mercurial Taint, Weak nc$i of the Spine Flow of Blood to the Head Gid- dinet, Siiging and Butting Noi&e in Ihe Head and Hart, Ut. "WtEISKKB r API At; ISA will give certain relief ; in ell severe and chronic esses. the patients cannot be too often reminded that far ger dotet and pertevtranee will effect a core. Vhuuana revert, muout revert, Ajreetiont of the Eyet aud Eart, Spongy and Bleeding Gumt Branehitit and recent Vougnt and Vouu, Dr. BWEKIBEK O rArvAIJEA will be lound perfectly aore and certain in its effects. GRAVEL AND URINARY COMPLAINT8. Thore complainia are generally attended wilh the most fatal consequences, snd aie seldom or ne vet cured by the present mode of trestineni ; they usually accompany lha patient t. tbe grave, after suffering tbe most excruciating pain and torture, Tbe cause of theee complam'a are Ihe aame aa all others, lbs dross ol the blood recomis encrusted on Ihe finest nsrrow passages, whence arise morbid secretions end stoppages of urine. You will find the most powerful diuretics af no uss, as they only increase the quantity of urine end do not patify snd strengthen lb ports. By purifying the blond lib Dr. SWEETBERb PANAUEA, tou re move the causa of the Jiasase, consequently it can not exist eny longer, after oufficient perseverance in ita nae hae deprived the blood end body of ell acrimonioua humora and incrustation. DISEA8ES or tbb LUNGS-CONSUMPTION Thia ie a very prevalent and fatal diea-e ; it re- suls mostly from neglected coughs, eolde and bron chitis, also from imoioper treatment in many uf'cr caiee, such as meaalea, fevers, inflammations and small pox, and a boat of other badly treated diaessea; where the cause, instead of having len thoroughly removed from the blood and body, have only been pal listed or removed from one part to break out In another. By divesting y eur bodies ol ell foul nu mora, through the medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, the core ia at once rendered certain and permanent. Recollect, while there te acrtmo nioua humora floating in the cireu'ation, it i- aa apt to settle on tbe lungs es any other part of the latdy I his ia tbe reason that consumption is ao prevalent BILES, BORES AND ULCERS, Which you aee on the exierior, come from and have their source in, the iuleiior, snd might just se well bsve fettled on your lungs, liver, or any nuier pail; which we know they frequently do, and pio duce most violent inflsmmeiory disorders. The humor which occasions tbese sores ia of a highly acrimonious burning nature. We kdow it from the pain it gives in forming, and afterwards ita ra pidly ulcerating and corroding ibe fleah and akin of tbe part where it breaks out Thia shows the necessity of frequently purifying the blood with Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, end keeping auch malignant humors in subjection. Bbould yon have a bile or nicer, be thankful that nature haa taken trouble la warn you of the danger your Ufa and bo dy la In, fur it is a warning that the blood is foul. Had thie same acrimony selected the lungs in.tesd of lha surface of your body for ita aeat, consump tion ol the lunge would have been Ihe 'consequence, D- lay not then, to purify and cleanas wilb Dr. Bweelsnrs Psnaeea. BI'INE DI8EA8E Spinal affections, enlargement of Ihe bones and joints, while eweilinge, hip joint complaint, rup tuiea, falling of the bowele snd wonv disesre, will find e speedy oure in Dr. SIVBETsER'S PA' NACEA. Where the disease ha been of Ion standing, tba lime required lo make a cure will be longer bat tba patient may reel assured that determined peraeverance will effect it. BRONCHITIS. A8THMA abb DISEASE OF THE WINDPIPE. These diseases proceed from Iba aerioaity or oorrupiaussors at ws dkkw, asvmg settles ilsetfaa tbe throat aud lunga, and slopped them op, so thai they cannot drew sufficient air in for respiration. Dr, SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give imme diate relief, and lo make Ibe cure perfect end car lain, il should be continued eome lime efter, to free Ihe system of all bad humors, RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT AND MERCURIAL DISEASES Find a aafe and speedy cure in Dr, SWEET SER'S PANACEA. Il cures by searching every blood veeel end artery, and driving out all impu ritiee and foul humora eccumulaled therein, which a the eaaaa of rh- amaliasa, goal and aw el rings of the joints. Tba deleleroae affects of calomel end other mineral poisons, readily yield to its sovereign influecjoei indeed, when iu vslasbls properties be cocas fully kaown, tba use of ell mineral poison wlH br eonetgaed to 'the tomb of ell the Capnleia,' and only ha thought af aa a by-gaass eaatom of the das. ksr ages. Dr. 8weataers Panaaaa Is she a ears cure for dyspepsia, pi las, eoatlvaniss, vertigo, head ache, pain ia the breast and live aomplaiut, FEVER AND AGUE. Fever ie always aaaead by a disorderly amove meat of lha bleed, aaroggUag te free HbsbT of some thing thai cucumbers it la fact, every kind of fa. ver ia nothing more than a struggle between iba blood and eorrupt humors, aad a aoea ae the eer- ropt hamore are expelled, yob hale bo inora.hvsr When peiiem whb revet eubthlla to be bleu, ar have his blond peieeoeal wilh aMrsery, K weakens hie warns to each a degree thai W ha survives the preeaaa, R alw ays leaves him Mbjeet Ut distressing entile, wnea iraeoo ovn e i v as roaona aa agae Bills aovMars, ar tonic Mrareat tnis m gntng rmai bad le weree, ee theee vegetaMa piria. powdera, dte, era Wnthinf hat taereery and qaitrlne to dl age lee, wkicii sav far a time drive me otseeee ao isr mm the body as not to ho pereeptihle, hat very Boon b will break out again with restful violence. Te ear ague and fever, the cause of the diaeaaa most he re moved out of the blood and body, which can be ef fectually done by aaint Dr. 8WEET8ER'S PA- PJAliEA, which purifies, cleanses and strengthens, It contains nothing thai cart poasiMy injure, and its use la always a safeguard against ehitlaand fevers. PILES. In att Casta er Pitta, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will effect a very epeerfy cure. It moves from the blood, stomach and bowels, ell ihoee foal acrid burning humora. which are the eauee of Pib-a end Cnetivenee. and bv strensthen ing the digeeiive organs, improves every part nf the entire nooy. FLATULENCY AND WIND. These diseases are csa-ed by the stomscH and bowels being choked up wilh viscid slimy matter, the air which enters them cannot escape until forced by eome contraction of the eiomseb lo expel it t hence the eaoaa of psin. A few doses of Dr. 8WEET8ER'!! PANAt'EA will convince the sutierer that relief ia attained. GREAT MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Psrenls will Rod ihe PANACEA a v.luabltt medicine for their children, keeping Ibeir bodies in s healthy condition, thereby s.sisling their g-owih; children or grown persons, after taking it, are not liable to be attacked with en epidemic ea before, as ft alwaya leaves tbe blond in a pare condition, and the i mire system in a strengthened state j it drives oal all kinds of weakness from Ibe body and leaves an neanny witnin. MARRIED LADIES Will find Dr. 8 WE TmER'S PANACEA a r.lL cine purely adapted lo their nae. Most ladies do ring ihe period of pregnancy are afflicted with pile. Dr. 8weetser's Panacea, by regulating Ihe bowele. -in entirely odvibis mis. ana ila purifying proper. Ilea on the blood and fluids, insuree to Ihem heal thy off-pring. No one who is a mother should be without it, snd those who are nursing will find il of gieat bent fit lo Ibe health of their infants. rr berrennee and all diseases of the womb, il ia without a rival in theenire hiatoiv ami e.i.lo..,. of medicines ; by ha extraordinary strengthening I,-.., ,. ....u,.,c aou sirengtnene me womb, a weakneaa of which la the cause of failure to here offspring. IMEKVOU8 DI8EA8E8. Under Ibis bead mev be classed P.tniL.u. r sieari, s 10 AHHoreaux or r ao-acha. Neuralgia Indigestion, Toothache, Meleneholy , Hysisrics.snd in fact, every dieeaee caused by ibe sbsrp. biting acrimonious humors irritating the nerves- lbs a.- is . . r uer.es receive ids mormo impieaainn from ihe sto mach, or rather from the blood through the eerncy of tbe stomach and dige-tivr orsana. and lih...,.h other parts of the liody are apparently the seat nf ioe Disease, sun it is caused by the morbid impres. sion conveyed from the blood by the nerves, to that pari. A lew noses of Dr. SWEETMRII'H PA. NACEA will soon assure the patient that he has tne cure in nis possession. ERYSIPELAS, oa 8T. ANTHONY'S Frnrc This ie sn inflsmmslorv divider, al Ma axttmnA. ed with more or less pain. It proceeds from the rout, acrimonious oumors lodged in lbs blood and fluids. Milling on the limbs snd face, causing ex treme pain and fevers: all application, nn lha mil face ere worse than useless, aa Ihev onl .A t throw the diaeese in some other pert, end perhaps reuee fleam. Bleeding is likewise improper. To cute tne unwaea you mut get nd nf the cause on- i j manage . gn me roui numnrs out of your blood sou you win ne wen in a day. Ur. rlWEET 8EK'8 PANACEA, a thorough nurifiev nt lha blood, will aearch out every impurity in Ihe more remote p.irta of the body and expel it through the medium of the bowels. There is not a vein, arte ry, mnscte or organ of the entire framework of man, Ihat Ur. Bwectser'e Panacea does not im prove. In take rt when yon are well la to keen wbii j anu warn sick io necome well. DR. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, he.in.enr. posed only ol a vegetable metier, or medical nerhe, and warranted, on oetb, aa containing not one par- ucie or mercurial, mineral, or chlmtcal eubatencea, ie found to be perfectly barm less to lha most tenaW sge, or the weskesl frame, under anv stem f hu. man sutler ing j ine most plea..nl and benign in its 0ration mat waa ever off. red In the world ; and at tbe same lime Ihe moat certain in searrhins out ne root oi any complaint, However deep, and of performing a core. l-nce g per bottle, or six hollies for S5. For ssie, wholesale and retail, at the corner of CHARLES snd PRATT Streets Baltimore, an4 eieony UEOKGE BRIGHT. rtov.n 1847. .y Bunhury SILENCE TBAT nassnrnt causa I Tag ipaea aaa in Bta- BtsTaoraa nae B.as usus, tax coven or cssinamsi aara A RE YOU A MOTHER! Your ds.lins child your idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps connnru io ner cnamber liy a dangeroua cold h pale cheeks, her thin shrunken fineera. toll ih hold ili,eae baa already gained upon her the snunu oi ner sepuN bra' eogh pieicea your soul. YOUNG MAN, when just about to enter life, uisease eneu e been rru-bmg Might over the fail prospects of lha future your hectic couth end fee ble hmba tell uf your loaa and hops, hoi yon need not despair. There ie a balm which will heel ths wounded lungs, it ie SHERMAN'S ALL-II EALING BALSAM. Mrs. ATTREE, the wib of Wm. H. Attree, Esq. was given up by Dr. Bewail of Washington, D-e. Roe and McClellan of Philadelphia, Dr. Roe and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friends sll thought shs must die. She had every appearance of being in consumption, and was so pronounced by her physicians Sherman's Balsam waa given and il cured her. Mrs. GARRABRANTZ, nf Bull's Feiry, was elan cured of consumption by Ihia Balaam when all other remedies failed to give relief alia waa re duced to a aksletoo. Dr. A. C. Caeile, Dentist. 81 Broadway, haswitneased lie effects in eeveral ca-ee where no other medicine afforded relief but the Balsam operated like a cbaim. Dr. C. also witnessed lie wonderful effecta in caring tatbme, which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, alar, miog ae h may be, ie effectually cured by Ihia Bal aam. It bee la tba raptured or wauniled blood vcaaeia. end makes lha lunga sound again. Rev. HENRY JONE8, log Eighth avenue, waa cured of coogh and catarrhal affretiona ! 90 yean Branding. The fire! doee gave him more re lief then ell the other medicine be had ever token. Dr. L. J. Scale, . 19 Deiancy street, gave it to a ei.ter.in-lew who waa laboring under cousum pi inn, and la another sorvly afflicted wilh tbe Asthma. In both cases its effects were immediate, soon re storing them lo comfortable health. Mre. LUCRE TI A WELLh. 65 Christie eiieet. suffered from Aalhma 48 years. Bbermn' Dal. mm relieved her el ouce, and she ia comparatively well, being enabled to subdue every attack by a timely use of Ibis axedicine. Tbia indeed ia Ihe great remedy far Cuoghe. Coida, Spitting Blood, Liver Camplalnia, and el the afl. ettons of ths throat, aad even Asthma and Consumption. Price IS cents aad $1 per boula. Dr. Sherman' Cough and Worm Loaengea, and Poor Man' Plaster sold ss above. Dr. Sherman' eAVae ia al 108 Naasea at N. Y. Agents, JOHN YOUNO, Bunbary. M A. M.2 AY, Northumberland Septomber 11th. 1847 ly ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, by ate ar book eccoart, are hereby soli tied to call and settls the same without delay, ia order ta aave coat. IRA T. CLEMENT. Suahnry, April l, l4- SIX YE ARM AAA PpHfc children began te cry for Shermsa's La.' T JL. utopt. Tba nelee was noi .ho load al that nine, mm, it baa kept increasing eve since, and now has bewmji ae (real that the months of the title ewea can sesree ha stopped. Dr. rfberaMa sympe thiaas with the Utile otflTerers, and wty maeh re " anna mm any ar in cm anoatd se vJisiripoeBtad. ' Knewint Ihe vast benefit which bag tni7a red upon the eommunlty by aha hrtredacilM of ;.v hie infallible i-v, l'L" w oiraa.v.-". he hae entered Into arrangements for enlarging hhr " Manofseujey.b mnana of which he thinks bo wllF be able to supply lbs . demand. And Ihe seme peine end cere will be uketJ, that these MlebraudLo engae be made as ihey have alwaya been, la ov der ihet those who depend upon them, may not be' disappointed in iheir hopes. Hi knew when he-, commenced the manufacture of lhb Worm Latent get, Ihat ihey would supersede the am of every ; other vetmlfoge. as ihe Lntenge is veff pfeasnni io the tss'' . tpeedtj in its effecta. as well as ieriin, ,ri and ihe quantity required to effect e perfect csirey ' isvervsmill. These prop, rties in connexion with- ihe f ct ihat they are sold for SB cents per hog, than pi cing them in the reset) of the poorest men in , . Ihe land, haa not only raoaed them lo take tba piece of every other vermifuie ever offered, but a! n rarxlerml them popular to the community. . Dr. ghersnaai's COUGH LOXBlfOBSi continue In core Coughs, O.-lda, Gonaumption, ? Aalhma, ahorlnees and difficulty of Breathing, and other Hisee ea of the Lunge, wilh the same facility Ihey did nn their first introduction, end the people, 1 have now become perauaded by actual experience, tli at on the accession of a slight cold, they hsvrv only to step to either ihe Dr's. office, or one of ttiJ Agents, and obtain a bog or bia Coogh Loierfgec, which are very convenient lo carry in Ihe pocket. and lo take a lew through tbe day. By pursuing thie course a ears ie alien effected in 14 bouts, and Ibe patient about hie basim-aa. So great W rbe ce lebrity of lha Loaengea, that thousands nf persons who have need them, and become acquainted wilh Iheir effects, will never ha without them. SHERMAN'S V0O7A MAST'S TPXiASTISa aa cured more eaees of Rheumatism, Pai 1 in the Back, 8ide and Chest, Lomlatgo and Wtakness, hsn eny application Ihat haa ever been made. Ae - Ihe celebrity of ihe Plaster haa increased, hundreds of unprincipled rascals have attempted In counter, feii it, and palm it off upon the community a tbe genuine, try Beware nf Deception. JJ) Remem ber that the true end genuine Plaster is spread up on rediliah paper made eipres.lv for the purpose. end in every ese the eignelureof Dr. Bheiman is print- d upon the t-aek of the Plaeter , end Ihe whole secured bv CopyHighl. None others are genuine. Therefore when yon want a real a-d Hhermeo'e Poor Man e Plaster, call al Hie office, 106 Nassau atreei, and you will not disapioiiitel. Remember ttv numlr. 106 Ne sen sr., wbee Il Dr. ether men's Locenges are sold. His A genie ere Mrs. Have. 139 Full. street, Brooklyn t '. Hmeson, Wiibsm-hura ; snd Redilii-g & Co, -Boston, snd JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury. M A McCA Y Nortliomberlsad. -September I lib, 1847. ly. Vegetable Universal rills, The only known Medicine that at the lame time purget purijiti and tlrenglheru the tytlein. Lobdob. July 7. 1846. TkR LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine .PLF which has just appeared, and ia ft lakine; ibeilsces of all others nf the san.e clsas. These pills ars composed of many ingredient., but the two principal nnea are Bsrsspanlla and Wild Cher. ry, so nntted that Ihey art together; ihe one, through ite admixture with other sub-tateee, pu rifying and purging, while the other ia etrenglhen. ing the system. 1 bus those pills are al Ihe cent lime tonic end opening; e desideratum loni and eegerly sought for by medical men, but never be fore discovered. In other word ihey do Ihe work of two medicines, and do it much better thin any iwo we snow oi, lor iney removo nntbing fr-m Ihe sysrem but the impurities so that while they purge ihey strengthen; and hence they cause ne debilitation, and are followed by no re-acii.n. Dr. le Koy a ptlla have a wonderful influence on the, blood; they not only purifs without weakening ir,. but ihey icmove all ljxioua particles from the chyle befoie it is converted into fluid, and tbua make im pure blood en niter imnne-lbiliiy. Aa there ie aaa debilitation, so theie ie no nausea or sickness se tending lbs nps'slions of this moat excellent ofmev dicines, which never straine or tortures the digee iive functions, but esuea tbem to work .ne a per. reciiy natural manner j and hence pe-snw, Minp them do not hecone pale and em cisied. bur ihe contrary ; for w'uile it ia Ihe property of the Hsrea- paruia, outran aa t i with other ingwdients, n remove all ihat ia foreign and impure, it ia equally the property of the Wild Cherry to retain all that e natural and aound; and hence a rbtM five-off health ia the certain result of their united nosm tiona ny Price 55 eenla per BOX. Agents for Le Roy's !'rflv J. W. FRU rtt,Ji ' JOHN YOU Ml. ""nliu-y. M. . UrfTY, NoeiHumheri'el August Sis. 1847. ly Burn, Semtdt, and mil kniwV of Inflamed tiorrt Cured.. T1U8EY'8 UNIVERSAL flWTMENT, fa the mualesomp ea Burn .AclrtSPila ever known. Il ir-etan'lv. (n l as if by VI agh-Y stops paina nf the. mnl ilesperate Burn- anil 8c.illf . For ol.l S.rrer, Bru sca. Cut., Nrainsf aVe;. nn man or beast, il ie be heel application Unw can he n.aj. Thousands have tned end BweimmU pr.ise it li ia ihe most ptifrct masver ef pain ever discovered. All wbe use rrcomrTrerirf il Every family should he provi ded with il. Nona can till how soon some of Ibe fsmily may need it (ry Oheerve each hot nt the gennire Ointment baa iba name ot 8. Toosaf written en the outaide kibe.To imitats this Is forgery. Boatman, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who nae Homes, will find thie Ointment the very heat thing Ibey can nse for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, dec etc., on their animals. Surely every merciful man would keep bis animal as free from pain aa poesr. bio- Tou say's Universal Uintment is all ibal ia re quired. Try it BITES OF INSECTS. For tba sting or bite of poiaonoue Insects, Tousey's Ointn-enl ie nnri vailed. Hundreds havs tried It ami found it good. rii.co i ror tne nice, Tousey'e U niveraal Oinment ie one of the best Remedies thst ' can be spplied. Ail who hse tried it fat the Pile ' recommend it. OLD 80RE8 CURED. For oil ohetinato Sori s, there ie nothing rqunl lo Tousey'e Oint ment A person in Meniiua hsd, for a number ef years, a sore leg that lreffle.1 the skill of Ibe doctors. ' Tousey's Ointmeni was recommended by ana of the visiting physicians, f who knew ita great virtnee,) end two bnxee produced more benefit than ihe pa tient hsd received from any and all previous reese diee. Let all lev it. BURNS AD KCALDS CURED. Thousands of case of Bur. a and Sealde, in aU parts af the-, country, bsve bee cur-d by Touaey' Universal ! Oinlmeni. Certificates enough CouU be bad lo Bit Ihe whole of this sheet. VIOLENT BRUISES CURED. Teetimoni-' le on tostimonieU, in favor f Tousey's Uintment for curing Bruises, have been offered the proprie. lore. Hundreds in Myracu-e will certify lo its great merits m reli- ring ths pain of the most severe Brute All paraons should try it SCALD HEAD CURED. Bores af easns ef Scald Head have been cured by Touey 'a Oim ' me.it. Trv il seWom fsiis. SALT RHEUM CURED.' Of all the remediee ever dieeovered ftrr ihia asoat disagreeable cuoiplaiat, , Tousey's Universal Ointment ie Ibe moat complete. It never ws. Vh 'Wd fail. SORE LIP8 CURED. , Far ihe ear of Sara Lip, there waa never anythiag made equal u Teu sey'a Oinlmant II ia aura ie eura them. Try at, It ie a aoientifie compound, werranled not la eaa teia aay preparation of Marcnry. ny Prie le ' eanai par baa. Far further pan icy Is rs aenearninff ' ihia really valuable Ointment th Buboe am rafa. ' red to Pamphlets, la b had gratia, af rmpialakl ' Druggists and MeeefaeaU throughout ihe United4 Stales. Prepared by ELLIO dk TOU8EY, X)rtiggsBa' Byracue. For sale by JOHN TOUNO, Saabnry, ' M. A, McCAY. Nertoamerlaad' 1 1th, lgT. ly eew vr i .