Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 04, 1848, Image 3

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    Dicktnsoit Seminary,
YWVSt TMetiiei ar . Pf l8nilly W.M.
!i.q lb prf.nte.lion rflh. .eiwtfoav .
, ILwilloiHB o Tnly ' ofSeptenv
L lala U ansoU nroviaioa fas lb eccoaim.
im U3 inttrnction youthboth mate tnp fe-d
baleaa w duMRaxnif orjeaxoiof f maaea, id
tt tcadiea, (.,. - v, ,1. . , ,
. Tte. mom U W UwrouiU and iinic,
'nWcJn, ) dtlitiB la lb eonoKMi m1 blither
Encash studies lh ancient and Modern. Ian
ai vocal an4JiMinMqUl ropiio twi varioaa
ornanMDtnl branche. ...u,, .,.i ., .;.
Ptimtirf Deprtm'enl, per quarter,)
t 80
' 3 00
4 00
8 SO
uomrnon r.ngusn,
Higher English, "' ,'," "'
Ancient Lane-tuges, ''
Drawtnf and Fainting, rktV,J "
Mtis. '
Lecture. " :
f l
. if rail
ante, tuition must be paid half in
dinr. '
BiHird and lodging can ba had in private fsml
lira a ft AO. The erection of attentive boarding
boo k ontrmpltil at tba carliett pmcticabla
period. ' ' .; ' -
, Toting men disposed to unita in eluba ind board
themselves can reduce th expense one-half.
Education in iia highest and purest aenre, li the
cherished aim in lb it enterprise. Tba mind alioutrf
1 trained not Tor ibis life only, hut for ila whole
life for heaven as well ae eailh, ' Accordingly ihe
moat ussiiluous and prayerful attention will le
paij to theapirltosl inteieats of the pupil, and
,wiih this great object in view the truatcra have ec
lected the following Inj.ird of instruction, to wil I
lie. THOMAS BOWMAN, A. M., Principal.
Rev. B H. CREEVER. A. M.
Mr. SUSAN C CREEVER, Princidtl of Fa
male Department.
, !l whom are known and appreciated by the pub
lie, a well f.,r their eminent qualifications tit im
patl imtioction ta youth a for their arbanity and
eicellerce. . v-.,v t " ' - "T ' ' '
The location of Qiikipann arnmsry if unrival
led, the building it retired and standa-on an emi
nence eoirim inJing a wide range of river and
mmlntain acenery of entrancing beauty. The
health of the cnmmoni'y la extraordinary good.
The town I accessible both l.y Canal and Kail
Road, and is among the most beautiful rural settle
men's in the Union Communications address to
Ihe secretary ofthebjurj will receive atteniion.
WiuiiMsru.T, August 10, 1648 Oct 7.
"cr." & b. nxTsiazTH,
' (Late T the firm of A. G. Baglcy ft Co.)
MiircrACTcaiRs or Gold Pans, Ps itm-nnis
Wo. 16 Mnldcu I.aue, New-York.
WE, the Sutscrilicra offer to the trade, and
the public generally, our different stylea
of Oo!J Pen-, which are wnrrenltd against all im
'purfi cions by fair usuge, and also tube superior
in every reaped to any othera made. Having in-
er- aseil ficilitii s Wr manuf iciuring, wn are deter
mined that no lien shall be delivered fi.imour e
tabliKhment unless it is peif.ct We a Inn kurp
'conataritly on hand our superior Gold Pencils, and
Penri'a with Pen, which we are'enaMeil to . ffer at
the lowest rales. All mdi'T addressed to the Hub.
crihers, will bt carefully and promptly Htlrnded
'to. '
O. & E: M SMITH, No. 16 Maiden LaneN.Y.
Oct. 7, 1848 3m
' - Furrier.
Xo. I04f Clientniit Street,
A few doors above Third, Philadelphia,
w.iuld invite Ihe ladirs ti call and examine his
superior t ik i.f Muifs, Unas, Tippets &c. if
every vaiietv, ennsixiing of H eh ltu'n K.thle,
HmiianV Bay Martin, Noiwsy Maitin, Mil k Sa
ble. Bium Martin, Stone Martin, Ermine, Filth,
Lynx. Ac, etc. These akin have been eel ctrd
will) or. at care,' nd are made by the lest workmen
in trie c.Hinlfy.' ' Lidie mny rest assured that no
article w II be offered for sale in. this esUbli.urornt
that is i o perfect in every tespect.
104,' Vhunut ilrtrt between
' ' ' Third and Fourth Mlreeft
" ' ' ' ' ' Philadelphia.
S :l lemher 30, 1819 8m
TftY Virtue of a certain Older of Sale, issued
S out of the Court of Common Pleas of Nr-
tiiiiin'ieil ind e.iunty. In me directed, will be sold
I I 'el.wk P- M. on MONDAY, the Sib dsy of
NttVEMBER, A. U. 1848, at the Court bouse
in the horeogfc of Sunbuiy. the following descri
bed priority, t. will
A fcHia tract r piece of Land.
tillage in Dpr AuenMv township, Northumber
tand r.iuii'v. hmiiiiled bv land of Wm, Reed, Pe-
t. r.0 Mtr' lohn Welverton. land surveyed in.
the name of Elualwih Wallis, and known by the
name of the Jordan tract, containing 100 aciea,
roots) vt tea. ALSO t
'' ' A certain other tract of Land,
iiiiain iit Ihe township and county aforesaid, d
j lining Ihe Susquehanna liver, the Mansion firm
uf Tn imae Grant, dee'd, and land of John W.
.,,.. known bv tho name of the Darch
lr , c haining 50 acres, more or less.
I. ,1.: ihe estate of Thomas Giant, dee'd.
Kliuitr's OiTi.-e. c - r Sheriff.
' Suajleat'v.Ocl. 1 I'. S '
ssirnees, tXotice,
A'j'X peisoiia bin cUim ginal lh 6rm of
hfngVr. Hss & Company, of Shsinokin
loVqshi NortbuinbatlsnJ couniy, r reque.teo
lit fsVatsaAnt ihem. oronerl aulhenticaU il, lo 1 lis
ubsciitiai, wh bv been appointed aaic"ta of
Ihe saiJ firm, for scltlrinrni ; and all inilrwa.1 li.f
..:.i fi. Mnuiuleil to make Divmeiit to us
wttho-tdel.,.; : wiLI.AM FACELY,
I;V, ,. Aaaiincc of Dmglor. Hsas & Co.
tar. .n.n.l .t our office, in Suuborv, vo
U...U. ih. 9n,h nmaktr. for lh purpoa of
..,i. .ns nons who mat hava aeUlrmcnl
b r '
to auk.. ' ' ''' '
Sunhuiy, Oolobei8lal.l848 81 ,
a. . THE . ' ' "
, ,, saevruA o mss or '
s.So JaJa soW U TUw Monl-s I
v.raofsulTeruur. of physical and mental aiiyuiah lo
Yeara 01 ineru J , dtiKculun to tbe
any a. -e,--- ZZZZZttl liiolv of
ausoaua, aan -t
ais wur.a- -.ii. f ihs uwrried. orth eoutem-
ne. . . , a tM Mrta liava Droved a
Heir. ''" or Ihs one 111 the decline of
TTnX.k kr s is auhieet.
Z vri.1 w m
, Ikree S" luu '(h7 MMarried -Woman's
Oa lh. rrM nf Q j1,, g . ,UAIV ran)
say ..rrnii) and ldrel
bv kook-llr) livou. H f
" CttARLES o a k f o r t, '
No. to Chestnut street.
Would. respecifully Invite attention ta hi superior
style of hala, for autumn, U48 which will ba
found the noet pat feet ever btfora. .fired to the
6oromonily Ita peceliar form reoiera it the aaore
dcairabl-i aa It combine all the essential of dare,
bilily.andheaineea, requisite In thai article of Ore
whills Jiia Increased facilities In In manufseturing
wlih,J.ibs,uiodau improvements, enabloe him
Te Casnaaaa Taa; Woblb to produce battel
Cuiinitia'a f nct HaTa ana Cara of t
Litsst Mbna. These goods have been selected
with great care, and will be found moat beaatilul
and chaste In their stylea, i i
Lnj(e' Rinia Hire ana Car of EttTiae.
tt K rw PTT!i, Great csrehaa benbretow
ed in constructing the articrn,ibt they may fit
perfectly easy and form a. graceful appear ince. w.
. , , . bHARLES 0AKFORD,
' 104 Cbeetnatat. a faw doors above Third,
: September 30j 1848 ch-JtleS4i 1818 ly
In tin Court of Common Pitta tf Nortkum
i btrland County, Pennylvania:
WILLIAM J. (JREENOLGH va 8opht Jolly,
Nancy Ely, Chas. Ret and I.ydu his wife
in right of aaid l.ydia, John Thompson, executor
of Rebecca Jolly dec'd.j Relwcca Le Due, admin
istralrix with the will annexed of Mary Rex.dec'd
heirs of Thos. May bury dee'd, t Rebecca Mayhu
ry, Warren Jones and Elizabeth his wife, in right
of said Elizabeth; William Harrison and Ann
hi wife, in right of end Ann ; William Harris
and Susan his wife, in right of aaid Rusan ; John
Unyd and Jane his wife, in tight of said Jane and
Sarah Ann MsybUry.- 'Which sAid Rebecca, Eli
lalieth, Ann, 8usan, ' Jane and SnTah Ann, are
heirs of Willoughhy Mnyhnfy, dee'd! who naa
one of the heir of Thoma Maybury die'd -
Augo-t 9th IR48, Court grant a Rule on all
parties rntereated, to appear by the Brst day 'of
ne i Term and accept the several purports at the
valuation or refuse the sitae, or show cause why.
the tame should not be sold. i
Extrac'cd from Ihe records and certified Sept 1st
1848. ' : "
'- ' J.FAR.N8WORT1T, Proib'y.
Notice Is here'.iy given to all persons interested
in the f.iregoing proceedings in partition to ap;
pear by Ihe first Monday of November net. ,.
Shr'ff office, 8unbury J . i ... . ,,
8ept. 23,. 1848. J . . i , -
246 - and 413
. ,....:! rHiLsnxi.fmA.ii . '!' ,
'" ASSORTMENTS. OF '( .... .
Caold anil Silver Walclies
Gold Levers, lull jewelled, 18 caral '
e ise $30 and over
Silver Leveis, full jewelled f 1 B and over
l.euinca ' III and over
" Quartirs, $ filo $10
Gold Pencils, I Bo
Silver Ten 8oons, rqu il to coin, 4 50
Gcdd Pens, silver holder and pencil.' I HO
With a splendid ssaonment of all kind of
Watches, both gold and silver; Hi. h Jewelry, Ac
Ae, Gold Chain nl the het men'if ictnies and in
fact eveiv thing in the n atch ' and Jewi lry line
at much less piices than can ba b ugtit in thia
city nrel.e.vhere. ' '
Please a ive tbla advertisement, and call at ei-
iheri i ' LEWIS LMJOMTJ.'.
No 413 MARKET a re', abeve" Evvenih.
north aide, or at ' JACO'I LADOMU.
S40 MARKET at., fir.i store lielow Etsh', sooth
cry- We have Gold and Silver Levrrs still chea
per thiiti the above price n liberul discount made
lo the trs.le. ' I
Septemhei 23, l186m
OF a aupeiiof quality.' handsome
put up in neitj'iful Mur irci Ci
mely colored, and
nut on in beiO'iuil TVTomcco lyase, coinpl. le.
for onlv ON E TM LL A R, si S PI ELE R'S C HEAP
NUT Street, below Fouilh, Philadelpliik All
Pictures made at thi e-tabliahment will be War-
Philsdrlphia. Sept. 83, 1848 6m .
213J Market Street,
Pimt. Oils, Glass, Pix ETrrva,
Varxis. Aft, fVc.
Pstent Meiliiinea, Medicine Chests, furgical ai.d
Dhst.tiical Instruments, Chemical Teta, Ac,
try- Orders from Merchants or Physicians, by
letter or otherwise promptly attended to.
Augi e . 9, 1848. 8m
FIHE Subsrribsr would respectfully inform
I bi friend and the public generally, that be
ha just received a large and splendid assortment
"I lb
Vcrjr beft Stoves,
consisting upwards of 300, among winch, ea. b
found I ookiHK otovea of iliovrent aiaea and pat'
tern, Parlor Stoyej, Stove suitable for Olfices
Shnns. &c Aft these Stove will be sold cheao.
from S3 atid upward. L JtmsU on band.jt lrg
variety of Stove Pipe, Zine, Tin-ware, Urass
kettels of different aizeSj &e. . , ,
The subscriber returns hia thanks for the lib
eral encouragement received, and iuviteallie pub
lic to call and see his present variety of Stove Ice.
Cna-Old Iron, lasting, Copper. Pewter nd
Grain taken in exchange for Ware.
Snbury, Sept- 53, 1818 3m .
-Rsxiav to ma Sics!
'llralth to Ihe W'rnk ! ! A
HALM ia found l'i the
Wauls Hunma Kaee in Ao-
This is aa eaiiitly vef al-
lUs cuiupiiid, ci'iuptatcd of
Twenty-Fivs dilft'rriit ingre
riienia, and ia an internal and
Ellanul Kaineir)' l' lb va
rioua ilia that buiuua assb ia
heir Ui
even as, " "
Cutulia. Cukla, Paiua, Nervnua and Hick Hnadach.,
Rheunuitianl, Cula, Kiraiua, 8Uiul Affwliona, Summer
Cumpbiiiits, Cholera Mortaia, Toolliache, Krupiions, Corns
Piles, Frozen Harts. Hunts, rx-alda. Ago. in the Fauauud
Urcaat, l'uiiilrra' Ciillie, Hruiaea, old Sores, Ua of appe
1.1. i;,u.mi ik-hiliiv. Aathnia. c. Put un in Lotties lot
1, a or 4 aliUllniTB per bottle, rur innnnr pajiicuiani wem
PuinhlfU mh. had nf every aseut aratia, rouiainine a
hriei hwtoryof the ori(rin. diaoovery and gooda csTecisof
Ajidrewa' Paiu Killer, Cerlitieatos of Cures, directions. Ae
Tl,jiirimimluuii surras of Andrews Tain Killer in re
moving Ihe eauara that produce death. Ihe untimely death
,J miiiLna ,ur m. haa iiatueed aouM ana uf wheia it
iwy be truly aaid, their viluuuoua occupation nauiifeat
their villainy, to attempt to put in eirnulation apuiuaiaaiid
counterfeit urtiolee rnllrd 'I'uin KfUer," uaina: Belilioua
lortlia nmti-uded author, limed eertuioalea, As.
rkiioa hnv. auprwad, mid Uhnrs no doubt wid iuear. Lat
V remember lliat Auurrwa Geiiuin. PaJU Killex has Hi.
written sisnatur. of I. Audrews on the hdid ol each bottle
in bau k ink. lou't sininlr ask for Pain sullse, bol ask rut
Andrews' aB aUBer, and hay. no oilier, . ,
. , Hold by M. A. MoCsy, 8oe AjrenW Northumlierland j
J W. Frillmr, Bunbury: John II. Kuaer, Milton; Joun n
ii-. Hi,misburtf : Wm. A. Mnrrav A C, DanvUle
iJjn j. Mmilh. Plyiwmih: Andrew Yubr, Wilkes-
barr. Huya A Mi Cormick, MeEwutiBviU. rVhanle A
( Iminberhui. lewislurg i (Joorf. McAlpiu, Jersey 8hor
ll, 1 ta i . A'ndrawa, lavaatnr and oaly Pro. liBMa 'IVimpiuua pouaty, H,. V- Will rwstv
prompt aiUuii ion. , '!, :.'-, .. ! ' . '.u
V Septambcf i, MfT, ,
. . . , .aiiiiia' nnwtA mv'snan I I .
' j BI Buwanu a luniti miAitnri : : -
HPHAT grekt National, Old Favorite. end Stsf".,
L ling Remedy! II ef EIGHTEEN YfiARS i
STANDING atill nnaprtrotched irt in rondee
ful aucceaa, certainty, and aaftty, in the coat t
warroiin conLiNt I I ',. -..v:,i.' -:i i
fry- If yoa would mtapt the arsenical (rxHt.
on ) cdanterfeit take not i bottle from anyone,
thai la not guarded by the tertffeis lignrntori"
f the original Inventor and proprietor. JenaN R,
Rewaan, on a pitper label, trotting Ik mouth
end cork; .i i- . .. ,(t v .-
Thia remedy has never been ' bolstered an br
-fala and decei ful puffs, but ha won it way to
the connaence and univt'sal adoption of the in
habitants of Fivti and Aoob Distxicts 0 Y ITS
which all theagenta, and every person who have
need it, wall testify. . ,j .'' . - t ,
T;-'l '143 Arch Street Philadelphia. ' - 1
' Agrnts for Sunburyolra T. Clement,' J. -W.
Friling, H. Misser and Geo. Bright.
Actinia for Northumberland Forsyth, Wil.
ion dr. Co , R. M. M'Cay. i i.. r--.-. . ,
Auguat 0, 1848 sow f.ri .
throughout the United State. To Agents, the
most liberal encouragement is offered with
small capital of $ 26 to j 1 00 A chance is offered,
whereby an agent can make from f 10 to $IS per
- L. ... . - .1 i r . : n
.rn, K or lurilicr ariiuuiaa, luurvi. iosip:illi j
' WM. A.t,EARY, ,
, No. 158 North SECOND Street,
rbilaJuiphia, SepL.9, 1848. 6m, , j-.-.u,
ltitte of Catharine Bourne, dee'd.
TJJOTICE is hereby vlven. that letters of ad
1 niihstrafi.'ii have heon granted to the aobaetl
ber, on the estate of dtharine Bourne I lie of Son.
Iniry, rlec'tl,' All peik na indehti d to asid eslste, or
hiving claim against the same, are requested to settlem nt. "
', Sunl'ury, August S6, 1848 fit .
J.&W.L. AVA1U),
Ms. 108 I'HESNUT Street, Philadelphia, '
' Opposite the Franklin House,
IMPORTERS of Gold and 8ilver Patent Le
ver Watches, and Manufacturer of Jewelry
A Rood assortment always o hand. Gold Pa
lent Leveis, 13 jewels, $ 38 : Silver do. tie to
S20; Gold Lepines, S30; Silver do. fia to 15:.
CI cits and Time Pieces, G9U Pencils,;. $1 23,
upwards ; Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, $l,00;
Gold Bracelets and Breast Pina, in gre it. variety;
Ear Rings ; Miniature Cases; Gourd Chains,
$12 lo $'25 ; Plated Tea ets, Castors, Cake
Baskets, Candlesticks, Britannia Wars, Fine Ivo
ry Handled Table Cuilery, and a general assort
ment of Fancy G 'od,.
J.Ik W L. WARP, No. 106 CHESNDI' ft.,
Philadelphia,, opposite the Franklin House,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver Spoons,
Forks, Tea ts. Ladles, &c All work made
by us ia stamped with our name, and warranted
lo be made of purely American coin. . .
Philadelphia, August 19. 1818 0 mo.
Patent Aii-Tight
" STOVES. . , .
TUT. nl vc Ht"T, whitb i equally well utbplcd to Wood
or Cool, lin rwrivetl silver nuiiiiln at the lair if (lie
American Institute, X'W Yitrk ; of the Mechanic.' hind
tiitr, U wtnti; of tho Franklin Jiini ituto, PliilaUdphitt ; tuul
nf 1 lie .MiTlmuim' J itisttf iitc. Wilmington, lMtiwarr.
It is carmttle. if nronerlv tmwl. nt'iliinir mnre work, with
ices HH'i, tnaii my iHtitr rttvo yet nuert5d to tlie public: in
wiittt c it will warm the liirrst kitchen, wliile in umuier, ,
with the utnmr (lrei otttclittl, it throws out no more
Jient thnii n clmrcil funince; aiwl for toilinfr, broilins', ba
kiujr, 4r niaKiinc, it ruuiot le urpassed by any otlier stive,
ohhi tire, vt brick oven. , .
CciTinoATi or tueJudoe or tub Mechanic' Isbti-
f TL'TE, UotTON. ,
We, the i1revrilers. leinT chosen Judues bv the Mussa
chusetts OiaritnMe Mofhanirs' Amoemtion in Bimton, on
stoves, I'urnaces, nngea, wiukl inform lite publie, that
after testing all tbt cooking stoves that were put into the
I 'air for rxrnbitiou, and lettuifc each uuu nkuiute his own
stov with the same kinrf of coal, in order to ascertain
which wouM do the same work with the least fad in the
enine Lime, aitd do it best, we find that Stewart's Patent
Summer and Winter Air-Tight Cooking Stove, mnuafuctur
cd bt the patentee, of Troy. N. Y., to be the best, as it took
hut 13 miniiTes to 0011 two gnuon! 01 water ami bake biscuit
in the same time, ami broil beef steaks and all done in the
best manner with seven pounds of on), in thirty minutes
from the time the firs wae put into the stove. To which
we u warded the silver medal.
The subscribers respectfully invite the attention of coun
try dealers, to one of the largest and best selected stock of
stoves, ever onemi in this city, among wnicn are the roll
lowing t
Screen CylenJeri.
Oven Stovet.
Washington Aii-Tight Cooks. ,. ,
Larg. Oven
Albany .
' do
McGregor Mammoth
Premiums Cook Sovea.
National Air-light Conks.
Parlor Stoves.
100 Louis Air-Tight Parlor Stove.
ISO Charles the 1st Aii-Tight do
200 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor
130 Washington Air-Tight do
300 McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight
Coal Stoves, burning three days without alien
tion. ' i
For sale wholeaale and retail by North, Harri
son & Co. No. DUO Market street, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, July 18jh( 1848 "
Equliable 1,1 le lunuraucc, Annully
uuu g Tuai t.:ouiiau. ...
CAVITiL f 1 0,1U. l.ll&KTEK 1-ESrXTDAL.
MIR ConinanT are now nrermrwl to traunc-t Nialnea
,,r. in iha irvwt lilwral and advantairmus terms. - Tbev
are autU'KiZMl by tlieir cliurler (met. 3) "lo rnaka all awl
every liwuraiire an)eruimiliir w me riaKa hi wiimcver sina
or nature, and to receive and execute truMa, make endow
n,..,,t. ,ul n omul mid nun-haae anmiitiea." The Cook
iviuy aril annum, ana enomvineins, uuu mn u i runoea
tr tiuii'irs aim ncira.
Tuul. of Praoiiuuia required for the Aaaunuiee of Sluu for
tlu wbUe term u 14le. ,
Age. Prem.
it 4o 1 ( ai aHi 4 sat)
17 1M ' I 32 0 IS I 1 47 34
18 - lad I 33 US" - 48 W
Ig Iff ... IH 1(7 I 49 77
$ IBU I 3S 33 60 3l
-i I i tn I . I as la 4u I si I 4 1.1
a ' lS ' I 87 I 247 ' M I tn
1 log ;U 38 . - 14 .1 63 4 51
ttt 174 I , ,, 3g Sftl , 54 4 71
21 I 17fl 1 1 I 40 I 1 70 1 I 6 I 41 ol
JS 1HS f I 41 I S HI I '- I AS 6 1
7 Ira 4J tgi . 67 6 33
iM 1 1 u) 43 3 01 . 1 68 fti
30 I ill I j I 3-ia ' j 8 I SW
Tlte nremiuins are leas than any other eomnauv, and Ihe
polioiea afford aTeater advanUurea. '1'aUes of half-yearly
aud quarterly premiunia, halt' credit rules of preinuim, short
tenna, joint liveji, aurvivornliiis slid endowmeiita; alait,
lornl ol Appueuiiiai inv wmea mere ar uuuis wivrw- i
to bs had oa amJiaitio. at th. uffine, ur by kHIer tu lh.
Agent, J. II. PL Kill, riunbury.
Ritk vos lasvaiKo Vluu on a singM uia.
' 30 '
.' 40
i 40
For Ufa.
I t,7ll
F.iAMPUt A pereuo aged 30 years pext birth du, by
paving the Oanpuny og oenta would roi-ure to hla family
or beira 100 ahould k. die S m. yaur ; fur SfgU k. as.
cures to Uim 0IIMO; oi lor SUanuua,' fu smmi yaius
he aneuie In theia SI UUU abouu lie me In eevea -eora ; or
for tMO. 40 paid annually during life ha SBCurea SKUU to be
.l hVi iIik IVwairK Hruniw hiaowa bonoa.
by the difference in aaaounlof pratiuuma Irooi taMe ulwrs'-d
by other . For WgO lbs heirs would receive gMUU
ahould he die in on. year. '
F.irms uf apphMiuw and ah" nartieoatra may. ba had at
tae omee. a- - . ..'nw.,., , Lmuuu.
TKauvasa Fasacia W. Kawl.
H. O. Tuekett.' Peerclary '
i!m..m.Tfia P.traiiHr. J. B. MaaaeA unlKiry, i
J. H. Fuaix, eauuwry, AgfUl for Nurihamuerkuid eoaa
. For 1 year. Foe 7 years.
61 fil
90 1.S0
: i I.S4
. , I,B6 ., ... tfil. ...
. a,48 , , 8,7.,, .
tiToRtAFc. GARRtrrT A. CO.
.lilt PORTERS or
!v3P3r dx TTTf S22 feJ
P ated and Britahnia' Ware,' Cailerv. ami
Psnsv Goods, and Manufacturera. f Jew
elry end Silver War. tS3 ;henullrelrPhil
delphtai havareopiived by lale arrivals, a la'ge and,
hndMlie etotk of English and French Walohe.
and Marble, Porcelain and Fancy Clock,, r n
Plated L'rrt,L4Ta. Q, rUakatatchj am
(hatabntOandleaticka Soup, I, .dies, Honn a d
Forks, . Alee a good sort men t uf Brl'tniiia
Ware and Fine ttoileryv s ; j r o V '
Theirstock nf JEWELRY! large and of the
most fanhionsbl kind, ami they are welt supplied
with 8ilver 8pnone. Forks, Moga, Napkin Rings
Butter Kqivea. ice., and wihout making any dis
play of pticea in the public prima, Ibey sre pre
pared to sell aa tow as ilioie who - do, and invite
persons wishing lo purrhsse lo csll. o.,! j,,,
,PhilHili'l. his, June 10, 1848. Shi . ,
- ,. Wardrobe of Fanlilonubl ,
;! CLOTHING.' ,7 ;
j .;.! J. W. & E. D. STOKESL, .. , ,
No. 104 Market Street, ,Firtt Glutting ttnrtb
- &U Sixth, ; 1,
1 Pmi-aDRirniA. .,.
WHERE tbey are constantly engaged in fet
ting up from Ihe beat French, English and
American c dth. clothing cut and made up in the
most superior and fashionable sty e. I'erson
who buv to el'. will find a lane and excellent
stock at the lowest city prices. C otbing made
on to order, in a superior style at tba ahortest
notice. ......
. N. Tl Odd Fellow Regalia, a large , assort
ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and
individual promptly attended to on the most rea
sonabl terms. . . . , .
Philadelphia, June 3, 1848 lr. , .
rn vn ANTK at well as Monopolies, must - fall,
' I an muat nricee. VThat this i faet can be
proved by calling at '1 mii,' .-(t
No. 72 N6Hh 2d street, ftbove Arch,
. L.E III7KAY, .
Wholetetle and Retail,
Tbe tock consist in "part of Gold nd Silver
Lever ; rK.pine and Quartier Watche J jewer
rv of the newest and most fashionable pttern
' SM.VEH SPOHNS. Sc. Particular attention
paid to these articles, the qual tif ofwhnh
tfo.l, and workmanship ri: ' The establish
ment of LE HURAY has been well known FOR
yntJHTY YEARS, in SECOND Street.' and
has mad a charadef which needs no putting
Silver TEASPOONS irto as 4,G0 per aett
cart be made Tor les if wished t ' ' ' 1
WATfH CLASSES Plain. 10 ct i Patent
Ii5; Lunette. 80ctj other article in propor
Remember, you can buy here below ny pub'
iliia Citv or New York.
Watch Repairing particnlarly attended lo, and
warranted to give satislaclion
N B. Old Gold and Silver boujibt for cash or
taken in exchange at (don't forget ihe No .73)
North Second Street, above Art;!), Philadelphia.
Sept. 85, 1847 ly c. May 6, 1818.
r.n. smith
Pocket Hook nntl Morocco Case
Has succeeded B P. SISTY, at the Old Stand
514 CHE3NTJT Street, Philadelphia
Pocket Books, Bankers' Coses and Portfolios of
everv description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tablet
Card' Case, Dressing Cases, Segar do . Writing
do.,- Backgammon Boaids & Chessmen, Gold
Pen, Snyder', Chapninn'. and Saunder's. Razor
Strops; Fehny' Tally bo Razors, RwU-ts's
Wadn ft Butcher's Jackson, Chinese and Egyp
tain Razor, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every
description, Bowie and Dirk Knives; aiso, a
arge assortment of rancy me
lowest ratea. , , . .... .....
Jobbing done with r.eatness and despaicn. .
Philadelphia, June 24, 1848 3m .:: , .
KJiOlV ALL MEJi TMAT , ,, , .
HATE REMOVED from 193 MSrkel Bireei
at theii New Splendid and Immense Estrfb
ishment to be known a the ' '
Tower Hall Clothing Baiftar,
No. 182 Market Street, between fifth $ tixth,
., .1 UlLADELl HIA.., .
Tka Pronrietor feel a reluctance in promul
gating what in any way might appear like the
usual Bombastie exaggeration of aome in (he
rade, but will beg leave to quote the lotiowing
nntii frnm one of our citv ra ners;
'One of tbe greatest curiosities that our Liiy
affords to theatranaer, ta BENNETT St 1U
,.ii nth n store. Ko. ISi Marcel oireei, or
wn Kiiin ana Dizin. wnico nas ueen i
. ...... l ; t , ...,l.
Tnwer Hall." from the peculiar bnun ol me
front The huildin I an immense one, con
taming seven capacious rooms, all oi which are
stocked with every variety ol seasonable gar
ments, arranged in the most perfect order ana
rrauUritv. The nronrittors take areat pleasure
in showing their building and content to the
citizens, particularly strangers, anu to innse co.
ming fiom the coiintty we know or no piece
more worthy of a visit.
Philadelphia, May 27th, 1518 3m,
A THocssitn DoLisas Hstsb I
Hat nnd Cap IHaiuif'act lire is,
South Eut Corner of 4th and Market Street
tiai'ment utnry.
HAVE cinl8jl'y on htnil rul. ind complete
ftttorim. nt of HATS, C APS, .ml KURS
AU an el cdtit mworlm nt of nnn' o I hoy
LeRhorn, Punnma, and rlin Ivnf lints, , AH ol
which by pavina of $1000 in r ni, will W fT,
whole-tie nd n'taU, pt ihe i ry Inwfit prictu.
Country det-lera woul I d well id cri!ls m hy e
r oho my ami lour ten!, we tre en iMel to ell
ery low reice. . ' . .
June lOih, .,,
I sra, a choice siiortment of DRt liOODS
Groeeriei, Liquors, Palmleaf and other huts, ,
all of which will be sold at the lowest prices.
Sunbury, June 3, 1848 f "
A i93 Market Street, Below Fifhtk, North tide
! . i Pait.PEi.rHiA...- .
Keeps constantly on band all kind of aid Li
quor, vn : superior ota rye wnisaey superior
Brandy, Um, etc.. .Also wntt oranoy ior preser
sing. Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy.
Philadelphia. June 3, 1848.--ly . - . .
Ami Deaicri tit Paper, and Paper Manufactu
tcrv Materials.
No. 3i Ctfinmerce t., PHILADELPHIA
KEEP constantly on hand large assort
ment of printing and other paper. Newa
naiMra in th. countrv. can be supplied at a
time, with paper of any six and quality, at
lh lowest price. , i , i ... ...
Philadelphia, Juna 17th, 1848.-T ,( ,
! , JOSEPH CAS.31T,"
! Attorney at Law,
INFORMS th eitii'en of Northnmberlaiid
i rauntv. that ha will hfAr rSlarly at
tend the court f wid county and wid promptly
attend to any iu ijieaa eptrysted tp hia car. He
nay be consulted al toe noiei or
during eoqrt. .'if.
i 8uabuiy,Ju1y alb : . "1 ;
THIS Extra is put ap bi quart hmUaa. It Is six lime
cheaper,- pleasanter, and warnwitnl snpevl to any
s.M. Iteures diaraan withool yimiitjnir, purging, sich-
wm, or detiiliratins the natlenl, and ia narticularty aaaptea
i r.jil Jiiau WKinu ir,ii;ii'a. . i ;
Til gntt lraaiity and anporioritv uf.lhia HeranparlUa over
vtuar rementea ia; whilst n eradicates ai
i si IrlnriraHMtknticwIr. i't-m ii. -rtrnsmsartinn rnrl
. 1,
. . Clssnae aud.tVrawtlMn.
j . i7nnmp:itrt can be enred. '
Bronnh.tft,' 09nmmkmyUm Compia.iit, CoMa, ConeM
, uraianmpthxi can tat enrej. '
:. CheiiocticTluah. Night Sweats. Pifft. t
1 ' lum. grid PnWiiM K&pnctivration, '
1 end Pain in Um Bide, - -
r llti , g
A I " 'mvt cmn cured.
Pmlablfr thtre never wai a remnlv that hat heen so mo
eearful hi ttmnTate cases of eonsmnptioii as this t tt olean
ara ad strengthens the ayatem, and appears to heal the 1
enra on the lunga, and patieiite f radnally rcgnin their usual
There is ererrHf day pf aaoe bat-limre are a namber of
vnana of eomnimptioH report xl ae curol aytthe tae of Dp
Towiiaen's flarsupai ilia. The following va rectriltfy re
eeivedi t. i - ; j,, l4 -i
- Dr. ToWHtftnn Dmr Sir i For the laatv thrrt years I
have been aittictrd with general doty I it?, and nejrvoos oon
iimntlon of the tntt atiiret attd did hot expert to ever gain
my health al alt. 1 After goitlv through i mntm of medicine
under the care of smie of the moat diatiiwuiahnd regular
ohyBiciana snd manlwrs of the Hoard of llmlth in New
Vwk and Hwwhere, and spending the tn st of my eemlngs
in attempting to mm in my heullh and alter rending Tn
awne paper of your rxirmnarilla I resolved to try it. After
using six bottles I found it done me great good and celled
to see yon at vonr office j with yonr advice I kept on, and
rio moat heartilr thank von for vnur advire. I nersevere in
taking the rsapartUA, ami have been able to attend to my
uaual labors fur the Inst four niontlm, and! hope by the
blesaingiof God and vour Hnranpnrilla to enntinue my
health. It helped me beyond the expertntima of all wlio
nv-w III Jr CI1BC. ij AKljlaS 4KJ liniil
Oranse. Kraex co. TV. J . Anr 0. 1k17
ttaletvf New Jcrary, Kfturx county, B. Charlrs Quim
by being duly swirn acnonling to law, on hie oath snith,
mil i ne ii.rrgdiiig iQifuiont ia true ncfjiirtling to the ount ol
hifknrwlodireaml Ulipf. CI1AUI.1'.? U1IMBY.
Sworn and mil)erilcd to bcf'ire nv nt f raur, the 2d
August. MH7. CYRU8 BAL1JW1N.
( Justice of the Peace.
trrrriNi hiajuu.
Hend the following, and iy that conimnptifiii is in then
ruble if you can t
New York. Anrll 33. 1847.
Dr. TowsnKn: I verily brlirve that ynir ftir:porillo
nns ocfn me men hp, tnnmiifi rmvuiPtire, oi saving my me
1 hnve tie several ymrs hml a bad ohwIi. It brjcnme worse
una worse. At IttHt I raised laiire auantitiKS of blod. had
uight swentfi and was grttitly dcliliUitol aiw) r-fiiic, and
did not expert to ive. I nave only used yo(nr "kirmpnriUa
but a ahitrt time, -anil-there his a wonderful chauire been
wrHiglit in me. 1 am now able to walk all v,?r tlw city.-
I roiae iv W'ilI ami my r uurh his ift m.. Yoaran well
hmigine tlmt I am thatiltrnl f t the rrsntii. Yo'ir obedi
ent servant. . WM. Hl SKLU 111 Cutlutriiie st.
U)PT HUH l'l-J-:cil.
Thn nnnexeil rrrtilicatH tcllp a nimple mid truthful story
of sunVrint: nnd rrlfpt'. There Ore tli unnnds f niniilar ai-
St-s iu litis city and Itnviklyn. and yi-l there are th'maauils
ol parents let ineir rnihircii ine lor loar ot being iiumouggeu
or 10 auvs a tew wiimnifp.
Dro iklvn, LVnt. 13. 1M7.
' Dr. TewNMttfPt 1 take nteamre in auilintr, ftr the bene
fit of IIiubo whom it may concern, Ihut my dnuglitor, two
years and six in ml list old, ut Hie ted with geiienil de
bility and limsof spieh. fhe Wm given up us' past ie
eovery bv Hir familv Dhvstctan r.hut fortmiatelv 1 was re-
cHnineinicd by a-In end to try your 8ursuarilL-u Before
hnviug um1 one U title she niritverud hur jHn h m wns
eablrl to wnlk iilotie, to Ihe antiMilphmenf (if all wlr w-re
.acfiutiinted with the circumstances. Hhe is now nntte well,
ami in much tarter hiltli than ahe lias been fr IH m'tnllis
pasL JOSKl'II TAYMHl. lirt York at., IlMokiyn
' Very few families indeed in fnrt we hnve n t hennl of
onear-lhiit used Dr. T'wticnU' iimpartlla in time, lost
ony children the nnrt Smniner, while th-we that did not,
sickeiifd atwl dieI. The crcihcnte we publish lielmv is
conclusive evidence nf its value, nnd is only another instmico
of its aivina the Uvl-s uf children :
Dr. TnwN.E?in Dear Sir: 1 had two children cured by
y Hir HarKirnrin;i nf the inn inner romphiut and dyiientnry;
ine was onlv IA nitnithold and tha ntln-r 3 vcars. They
were very much reduced, uutl we expected they woukl die ;
they were piven up by tw rw;HTtnlile physieinns. When
the doctor informed us I hut we must lose them, we resil
ed t try your Siirannnnlln we iiad heard so much of, but
had little c.HinilcuAj there being so much si till udvertised
thai ia wurtlilt-m: but we tire tlcuikful that we did, for it
undoubtedly saved the livn of h tti. I write thift that oh'
ers may be iiHluced Ui oae it. Yours, respectf nil v,
jutiM Usu., Jr, ,
Mvrtle-n venue. Ttrniklvn, Pent. 15. 1M7.
to tiif. i,aiii:h.
DR.TtiWNSKXD' Saiuaf-ihilla isanvereitrnnml speedy
cure for incipient c tnanuiptiou. nnd for the gen end proptra
li ui f the s-ftrrm no inn tier whether the remit of inhe
rent enuae or cumses, produced by irregularity, illness or se
nium, . ; , . , .
Not)uuff can be more fnirnnnttisr than its liiviir RilhiF ef
fects on the human frame. IVmais all weakness nnd las-
.i tude. in mi taking it at ouee become rolnist and full of
cuergv muler ila inlluencti. It immediately ctiuitemet the
iiervelcsfiiciiB uf the female frame, which is the great cause
1 1 will not be expected of ns, iu eases of bo delicate a na
ture, to fixhibit certificates of cuies ncrfitrined. but we cnu
naanre the ulllicted Uiut liuudruhi of caes have been repor
ted to us.
Da. TowinMD i Mr wife heme greatly riirtreanrd br
WMtkneM uiul general drhilily, and siitlWing eoiiiinually by
pniii bihi wim ouier uiiuctnncs, aim iiaviug Kimwu cuwi
wnere vur meiueme nns cnerteti irrent cures: inui n so
bearing it recommended tttr such eostrs as 1 hnve descriltcd,
iiniauiru a yjur xiroci oi sursapariii:i anu l
lowed the di recti ns y tugrive me. In a short teriod it
remnred her comnlaiuts and reftired her to henlth. Heinir
greaU'ui for the benefita ahe rereived. I tuke plensure in
tHus acknowledging it, and (ecjmmcnding it to the nnhlic.
Albany, Aug. 17, Ml. e r. Grand k Lydia sts.
... , . UYSPKPrUA.
No 6uid or nii:dicjii lias ever been discovered which so
nrtv rraetiiblea the rmtric mice or snlit'a in deeommieiiur
fooal and strengthetiioff tha (traima of cligeatitm aa this nre
narati n uf SuraumriUa.. It noaitivelv cures verv eaan of
ayspepsia, aowner seveje.or curtuiic
mi ns uenartmmii: a inn v. nmv 10. ima.
Dr. TowiwendWir :, 1. have been afflicted' for several
years with dvanensia ttt Us wnrat form, attended with aair
neaa of stoiaach. 1fs of aipelile, extreme heartburn, and a
rreat aversion to all kinds (if fo kL and for weeks, f what I
c Mild eat) 1 have been lumbk to retain but a siuhII portion
on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies, hut they had
hut nitie or no cneci ju reuiovtiig the complaint. 1 was in
duced, about two months si nee, to trv vour Kx tract of ISnr-
npiiriiia, mpj. iiiuk any tiim numi cjnuuencc , urn alter
using iirari iwv wnijn, j, luy nppniio rowunrcii ana
tha heart mini ciituely removed a -anu I would en meat ly re
commend the nee t it to tliose who have been afnicted as 1
have been. ' Yours, fcn. W. W. VAN AND T.
Agent for PimUirv JOHN W. KRIIJNO: Nor-
thnmlterland, MARY A. McC.VY: Danville, WM. A
Plilla., lteauiiitr; ailIoll 'ilT
Kail Koail.
II ANIiK of Hours, and two Train Daily
earn way, exceiii sunuays. i .
On anil alter Monday, May 1st, 1818, two
trains will run each way, daily, between Phi!
and Pottsville.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A.' M daily except
Passes Reading at 10 45 A. M.
Leave Putlivilla at 7J A. M. daily eicept
Minituya. rassea KKauinir at u iu A il
Tbe above Line, stops at all way atalion on
tbe road a lormerly.
Cn Train. I. Dawn Train.
Leaves Philadelphia atLev(-s Colts villa at 31
3) P M .daily except
P. M , daily except
Leaves Fhirnixvilla 3 43
Leave Sch Haven, 3 37
" Pottstowu, 4,l.'
" Reading. 3 Oil
V. Port Clinton, 3.43
" Sch. Haven, 0 10
" Port Clinton, 3 00
" Reading. 3.30
" Pollslown. 4 30
V .1 bcrnixville, 3 00
rrive oi State
Road, 5,30
Arrive at I'olli-
ville. 0 20
' Tbe afternoon train will itopouly at the above
named stations. , Passengers for other points
must therefore lake, t lie Morning Line
D(pot in Philadelphia, corner of uroad and
Vine Streets.. No Passenger can enter the Car
unless provided wi:h Tickets.
NOTP'F.. Fifty pounds of baggage will be
allowed to each passenger in these lines ; nd
passengers are expressly prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at tha risk of its owner. .No
freight will ba taken hy these tines.
By order of Board of Managers
S. BRADFORD, Secretary
: Mnjr .1848. tf
Pictorial lUlllou of d'Aublgrue'a
grout oi K oil tue Heloruiatlou
published or, or about the 1st of April, 1818, by
JOS. A brr-KL, No 00 Cherry St.. above 61b,
his splendid lQfno edition of the above named
work, .with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ainal designs 1 4 vols id 3, bound ia extra cloth
nd library ibcra. -..! ; i.... j
' Th publisher respectfully .. call tba attention
of the trade and" tha public generally, to thia
work being the only illustratededition publish
in the United Slate IU trusts that tha beauty
of its embellishments,1 tbe trong and ubslantial
manner In which It ia bound, in conjunction' will),
tbe known popularity of th work itself, will be
aureecommenrtation- to puotic raor..
'JOS.-A; SPEF.L. 8 Cherry t. above lh.
! J. A. 8 has alia lately published, a new and
heaatiful Editioto ef Sergeant Bell' Rare Show,
euitabl. book for ehildrea, neatly doat ap ia
extra ckttb. ' -
Philadelphia, April 1, 14 i : '
...... fi I ' :
JXJ U S34 a Lf4 'S3 i
A soebciun hs;:i Ktx foa
' " AND . :r." .''
GEORGEjB, GREEN, fnoFkinToai
. ' ' ' Windsor, rerhonf'. . ' " '
P Sortrelgn remerl fnr DYSPKPBt A, la msny of n
rorma, aocn as pain in the Momaeh, Hearlhani, ratMuasI
Coativencaa, Aflid Stomaeh, liearlache, lm nf Apprtit,
Pile., Night Sweara, and .Ten Cuneumptlun (DmierilHi
Phtlilaie,) ant Asthma, or PhthMe attended with aeranae-
ment of the Htoauich (or UyaperKio Asthma.) Uirhcnlt
Breathing, which often results Iroin imperfect digestion (or
Dyspeptic Byepiura,) ia relieved hy these Tlitters. In short,
tlisir nas has been proved In the relief of almost all the
symptoms that proceed from a debilitated or atonic oornli.
Hon of the Stomach also in general dehliity arising from
age or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and
Ague, Female Buttering aimer any uienne iMrvrnremem
amine from waaknna. will Ind Ui "Uitokkatiu hit
s'' an excellent remedy, and not aurnsssed by any mcui-
eine in use. , .
mil - .r. n ., .1. ., i'(: iul!.a ,. , I- ti-
i n. mawwy oi imrnrcoicine ia peculiar. nmm nm. m.
way to DUblic favor aolelv br Uie liiiwof It own aiHrlnsie
meriu. No artiBcinl meuna have heen uacd tv give it i
torietv and thniat it nnon lmhlic atlentiiai. It luis never
before even been advertiaeil, but having first shown Its rev
markable eftitwy in the family of the proprietor, ad by
mini muerwimia aumuiiaicrcu to nia ainicieu irienon nnu
quaintancea Ivith b Uka rminlr. Iia rpnirtnlion eraduallv
.enfieu Ulllll It la ttninvn lit ii,a imwl riirinm fliria.fll lie
JJninn, aa a medicine of unrivalled virtrteS in the cure of
Dyapepaia in all i'.diflcreiit furina, and a Ian for the cure of
Aainnia or rtillii lis onlv herald and iu only eulogy
haalieenth. t"A,f ita woiidort'ul etnency, aa told from
month to moinl.jtli.Her from friend to friend. In eve
ry inatance wiif&'te Wttrni have been used, and the re-
siiii inooo anoneje proprwfir, they Imve ji
Iumerpua certtSi-aira, attesting the singular emency of
c u,iuu,ih mi rsfi!.." nru in in. pojweaanai oi ine
proprietor many of them aigiied by pcraoua already widely
known to the public. , .
. vi-.i.r. h. UHKtttf, frnprletor.
WNDSfirt, Vt.,0U..ar3, ISIS. . ' . .
Tbe followlu Certliu'ale live recently been
r' - i i ' reeelvrd i .-. I i
AVsamsoToJi, D. C, Jtrs 10, 14I. '
Ifaving mnde nee of the 'l ixvgenatefl Hitters" prcuorrd
by Dr. lieo. B. Green, of AViiidaur., Vt. uml froirt kmw
leilge obtained of their ctiiowy in other eiinea, we cheerfully
recommend them lo the public, believing tlmt they will fully
sueUiin Uis reeonnnemlaliiu of the Pr.tjirietor. We hoi
uiai una valuable remedy inny he s: generally niiiiifteii
tlmmghout tiis country that it iniiy be neeeaaililu lo all the
afflicted. .,. ,. i .
Wn.UinMl'vM' I U.B. Senator Irian Vermont.
JANlVii F. SIMMONS, IT. f. Peimtor from R. Island. -
J. T. MlinKIIKAU, U. B. 8.-iuor aud luniurly Ooveni
or of Keuturky. .
I,. H. A flNOI.D, Member of Congrees and Pmncrly Oo
Verniir of It . I.
WM. WUOUHMDGK, U. S. fletmtor and formerly Oo-
vernor ih iiliemir:
m. l. MAirri
IN, Delegate in CntigreH from AViscoiisin
From Hon. il. D. F' Meuilicr of Co.igreaa fnim
Wabhinoto. U. C, Jbxa tn, lilO.
Penr Sir, I have lieen a dyfiKpiic anflerer for nlml ten
yenrs, nnd have resorted to "vnrinus medicines for relief
without mieceHS, until I mndo use of ymir u()xgeiaued
Ilittera.o 1 huve tiaed nhtnit two liotllee, and niidiuyaell'
restored to wriert heullh The forma iu which the dis
ease ahoweil itself, in my r.iac, wtvr. (Trent acidity of the
atomnch, i'aa of appetite, estremc rlatuleiKe, severe consti
pation ' the bowels, and violent htwlache. Feeling desi
rous tlmt a knowleilge of your vuluiilac remedy may reach
others similarly ofllietint. I l:ikc great pleasure in record
ing my teelimouy t its rnmtivo power; aiat w.aild also
remmk. that wliile on a Vlfit at isaiie a short lime since, 1
adiniuiatered a part of n b ittlc t) a numlier of my alHieted
friemla, with creut sneeas. Tliev nre desirons tlait Ton
should esudlih nn ugem'y at I'iUnhurir, or iuforiu llieiu
where the medicine ciui be obtained. ill) an enrnen d'
sire for your pmaperity and liujipiues, I snbaerilie myacir,
truly your I riend ' 11. D. FUM UK.
Dm-t. iko. H. i,nrr;?i. unfair, vt.
S ild IVIi ilimlii mill lleuiil bv nn-rn A Fletcher. No.
aeSmth Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
Agent 1 ir Miiuinry II. II. .n asskk.
AgititaforMilUai MACKAY 4 II A AO.
April 13, ISIS
Tn nrpMiift!i llm tuiltlif uIth n rriir'
tv fr the tn-itm-piit
X and rure l Fkvkb ad Aoik ki Ut ' M t--
r I'lll Hlsl (llrM'llM-ll,
iu ninilnirv is ittTiiU-vl. Vnrt mnnlM-rF itt Uie INiittxl Statin,
wlm MitltT irtfin tiii ntlwiUHt in tiic.r vuritKl l'rni., tire
poniptrllioil Id ttt't'k rt'lu l irim othiT f iiirrffi tliaii the iiinno
Ui'ite nrracntii i um nf tlio rrul.if nlivtriaii. It Uf -niif
tlitiruf rc un nt-ift of tinmniity, na well un of public inter.
est. u hrutg betoratuem a H'iur(tirt-!pHrnl Horn mtit'll ex
perifnrp, nuu which niuy liiv im rclutl utwm n wk.
EFFKCTL'Al.. ASD 114SMLMMT 1 HT? roMiTlTCTIO?!. I lrit
Mii hiatlm true cJt irai tor ( t" Lhc INDIA t'HtL.ljOit'K
li amply nttmtnl l.y the elu t'fiw iritli winch it bus
been emnKiveu. f '
lr Kxtrnct irum aumnunicmMt or uie iiim. U
liah WtxiunniDoK, of the V. 9. Senate, late Guvermv of
- Pktkoit, Oct. 41, 1W0,
Doctor Chailes Ohochd.
lienrriir, l luive rum wim much luiereai, your Htiw
tuakatink ii no ii the "cmuwh, treutniciit nnd cure" oi tn
fetririle (tinenee which have c.teiiively nrevniled in our
country duruifc lht) itst lew niiiUh nn iMlTeat iiKrrnn
nd d-Hiht, by the tact unit l have luUividuniiy uaered a
much fr-tm ihem. nuHirh I 1 myw It very tntr.Hnpeteiit
tn iuiliTo avifflv iitHtu m Biiiiieft a- ciitirclv tirisTeanaiMiiiL ve
your Ihfniry BfinM t me we II renatwetlj ami yoiir anifiUx-
mma juw, and i uun wiuwi, uuu your iampuiet is coicv
tnte-fi tii nriM line niurn nniriictu ffuoti. .
8pekinft oS the meilirine he aaya : It fully justified yoor
Hnurriiur exneciarvms, ami as a aniu. r-onvenirntt ana iyiHi
bir reniraly, my owu experience, n fur, iiwluf nie in bo
lieve that it will prve a -gre-it puhlin henefit. I am pleased
tn lenrn ilmt you mv re?ciitly estiiMtshcd several atreneies
tr IIB Ul WVllle sls--Uft(l C I raj I era, viui. Willi W TltW ,
m ire ffttienil (hssemnialioii ot it. you shoiiM huve found it
uccraiiry to ruinove from y-wr prewnit rnuleiire smmig us,
With much respect I have lite nwn in lie, sir,
Vour oflitr,l wrv:mt,
vi! i.i am WoopimmnK,
IT From Iloti. PTHriiKs V. K. '1'uowiiHimiK. uf .Michi
gan Stute Snmte. to the Ajjnit ul Detrnil.
gir .von wwh uie u inform von wlmt I kimw of Dr.
Ostnnd's iimIiu ChoUffiitme. 'r inili-hilious nuilicine. 1 tl
ttelieve that if the virtue anil etVieacy of litis int-dic-hitf were
frvnerntly known, Uie fvvee and aoib would Uisuppcor
M ic)Himt
1 l piocunni a Doitie in tlte spring oi ik-ii, and lutve a?,
rtviwm to believe tlmt niyeli nul fiuuity ewapA-d the ague
last sra i son in couseaueuce u Us use.
Perhnps in nd sununer siiM the Ft1lcinent of this fine
peninsiila hita the fever ami eue lncn si pmalnut na-tii
last. 1 luive rec nmnemlod Ihis nmlifiiw iu uumerims ai
stances, ami wlicn thf tliAcasn tun tH-tMiie tiscil a..d wniiod
the skill of nhvs.ciuns: and 1 imve never known U tail. I
Ins uuiversaily priKlaeed tli m si iipy eih-ts, nnd 1 bet
lieve it uan nevur Uen exceed by ntiy metlii-ine in remo
ving the bihous dtstWHus ot Uie climalc
Vn-irai nafji-srrll"iilt'.
,.f f.,i Rmiloirv II. H M.!r.R : NialliHiolierlniul.
WITHINOTOM Co.( Milton, J. 11. HAftlUl; V-is.
grove, MAY ;.KiAcI.
May 6, 1HIH tf
A History of the Revoliillun and I l.vrs of tli
Heroes of the War of Iudepcndeiice
An elegant volume with- IS-fine Steel Plates,
and Marly 200 beautiful II Wi Engravings.
"Thin is anlejHliil b-iok: A valuuble aJilition to Ihe
lliat iric liiuiaura f' our countrw We ar. wnieh nusta.
ken if it Uoea nH take rank with Uie works of Irving aiul
I'reaeiSl." r rauk unt llwal.1.
It sunauses .ny aiiinliir work yet offeree tn Ihe Ameri.
euii nulifi.O.VuurB liabilui.
"11 nmv be iironerlv e imi' a iiopiilirised Military
History of tfce Hemhiti si,' extremely well wet juilieioua
wriltan.o.x. AjneeMruu. ...
'The work ou the Revolution mill Ua Heroce,
npei i k, both Ui extent nn I ilesi;;ii to any that lias liertlo
fiira eiMiia nmlef our notiw.Owlno. ,
A well eoaueoted UiMory a luul evenlful parml. l,U
"Deeineiliy the best popular niatry of the war of Ihe
Revulutiiai anil ita llerooa, tlu.1 luia yet been given lo Ih.
eouuiry." tStttunbiy Kvaninff Piatt. ) -
If AGK.NTS VA'l'l.ll l i c mvmM for the above do
(Kill Work, In every Comity and Town iu .the I njt
Mala, lo whom th. mat liberal iwhleeuienta wilt be on.
ed. 3 Price only 3. - . . ' ' '
AdOreas (post-mid) . i -, WM. A, I.KARY.
' . ' riAiwuiiU'iu
l'hiladelnliia, May 90, 1W8 3m
Ilriisli, Comli nnd Variety
An V,.eA lltirif. hrluw Ilnre St. ana Aurra
- FJMt tanner of Third and Murket street,
' -piiii.ASEi.rmA.
XlTllfur ihev offer lor ss!e a eensial sssol
V ment of all kindeof Brushes, Comt nl
varieties which thef r rleteirniaed to ell
Lower than en he purchased sewHare.
Country Merchant and othsrs Purchasing in
theabov. line, will Cud U .ta their advantage to
rail before purebaains) elsewhere aa tha quality
and price will b fully guaranteed ajaiu.t a I
eamprtiton.ll4 . - , t - . . -...
, J'ttilatsMKie Jiim 3. HIS ly.- ....
I Indian Vrsctablc IMIU.
This ihedlcin. i eompoaisled on general principle, fro
th pure, .unadulterated herbs of tha Indnn. Allho.gH
there ar. many roedioines called by the asm name, eesrjr,
one Is awarit that there is a very great difference, asanng
thm. Ham, of them that are osllod "Indian," has atosa
lh narae from aa, who Were the tret to Introdoc a pr
rad ladam MedleiMl )m American public. Of ejaaaea, at
similarity; of sank dues uot a similarity la the aaar
aeter ef the SMdieine. T -M. t" . :. 4
Wright's InWan VajnMaM Cllis an distinguiakal aar
Ihtir perfect adaptation to ths hamsli body Iathehoer
stun, the Aseaaetry whet nature assas, and nothing Btor.:
Taey bars a rt)rs-rn.B' actio, upon lbs MMura, akin, kk.
aeys aad bowels. Bepee their peculiar power over dissase',
- By promoting perspiration, thry break dp Col.D. Cove as,
Cstassovs Eavmoas, Piaixai, Pictrcnts) FanrsLas,
EaTaiexLAs, Ae.
The aetioa of Ihs Pills oa ths kiihieya is suck aa tu make
Ihem a Tahiabl liihontriptla. EuorsT, Gsavsl, and Fa
L ConrtAiHTs, arising from oMrnetion al eertaia .
pwioda, are speedily remoTed by lias. v
A free EirtrosAgloS .frnm the, cJtlliy..lhf
nsa of Wtiglrt'a Indian Vegetatls JIUay tliuSi removies
Pulmonary CqmpWiims,; ueh as- Astsima, flamtcaitie,
SoBixm ASH TmuTsii or tax Bbia.t, Coughs, Sore
Throat, Ac. .. . ! ! ,
By their action on the Btobiic and Bowais, th. P.1M
enre Drspxrais, Livkr Complaiht, Palpitation o tb
IIkakt, Flatclixct, Costiviscsi, Fxms of all kinds,'
Pleurisy, Headache, (liddiness, Dysentery, PlUe, and all
disorders of tha intestlnea. ' ' '
Taken In small doses, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
become an ALTKBS ATrv merlieine, nf gnat searching ef.
Rraicy, for the. pure of flog M of all bods, TiTTKa,,
JavkdicBs LowKiass or SriRirs, NarSALOiA, Rasb, Pairs
I!'T1IB HoRE, AC. ': ' .
These Pills also thoroughly Lr'cok up Irflcbrza, in
which complnint Urey are estremely valuable.
In Bit tots Complaints, thess Pills exercise a complet.
martery. Hence Fevk akd Aoua is speedily cured by the
ae of them, In the Western and Southern States, where
a diaeaae mostly prevails, these Pills go like an Avalanche.
While they sra cheaper tlem tbe fever artd-seus. eemadlea
general, Wrigh'a, Indian V.e'goUiblo Pilw v beou
pri'n -nored mipc iijr tp all of th':m. Indenl, it would ap., .
poor tlu.1 if titers is one complaint, mcr which thess Pill,
have more pnver t'lnn another, It is Fxvkb ARB Aoca.
tF or destroying nprl ct;ieJ!iiig Worms, no Vennifugs ia
iK'rior to thcsojPiils Ait -wtah we have not taken pains tu
snakethi fnct public, the merit of the , itself hss
anpiirnl for it sn extensive repuuuior te-j sal. for th re'
inovul of Wobm Adinini.itcred lo adults cr chiktasii,. th '
tITtvl of the Pills ia etpiully radical and der.isivs.' 'All wh
ni-r from 'VVoR'ts should by rM lucnii'i, uss Wright Iu-
lian Vejretnble Pills. ' .
pt ii fact, no one can go amiss in the bee of this mediciaej
Thc3'. are, iin.turul to the body aa' fiNid ia. A 'trial (Will
invinee the skeptical that Wrighl'slndiarrVcgetabl. Pilty
fnr from being s common, "quack . jtoptrnm," are decidedly
lie most vnlunble medicine ever offered tothe puhlic.y . . . ,
Dctvnre of Sugnr Coated Counter-
fell .
Remember thut tha original and only genuine Iodiaal
egetnble Pills have the written signature of Wm. Wright
nn the toplnliel of each box.
ran ,
Wright's Inilian Vegetable Pills.
I.nry Nfrtftsnt. Suntunta - .
R. & J. Kiutrmui, Auflusta towrubip.
John H. Vine nt, Cliiltinqilnqtid.
Knuf & BmRrtrwwi, ElyMtur
Samuel Hnh, Litllfl Mahon.iy,
William Drppen, Jurk(.n.
IrrUml ai.d llaynp, McEwi nilln,
WilH.m HHnrn & Urotlier, Milt an.-
ruuy.he, Wilson & Co.. NoithumberUnti
Jnmmi INcJ, PntldHrove.
G. W.Scott, Kjslitfijlc. .
W. & U F g y,
(UioJr fe Turrow. SnvdfrsSmn,
AmntT. B-fiSi I!, ToiWsvtlle
Uinnrville Huishue. Upper Mahonoy.
hn G. UiMin. Jo d
K. I I'liCf, WuUontnnrn.
Who-It ui the oHu-e ud gnrrn Jppot, 109
Rire H., riiiUilclphii. July 8, 1848. ly
207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Vrgcliiule Lithontrijitic IHixtnre.
rpilil celebrated remedy is constantly increasing ila iasar
.A. uy uie iiiuiiy cures ii is iiiuuiig
It bus how bee miethe only niedicine lor familv use, attd ii
particularly reetiuinenclel lur
all stipes of thH yipluiiit immetjintefr irft'evef!, ho'mattei
of bow 1 ng siciHliii. tiee pisnwhlet for testiinony.
aiat all diaeases ikt'tlie urhiury orfraiis; for these distress
ing ciMnpiamts u ktaiHts alone ; no other article can relieve
y.ti ; and the cures testilied to will c-mvince the nnst skea-,
tieul; see uaiimhlet. iAver Cotnplaiiit, UUlioua diseases,
To the Groat West especially, nnd wherever these aoov
p taints prevail this medicine is 'anftt-d. v.
nn iHeteri us eHii;iiiid in a -part 'nf thisi mixture, li
cures these diaicjisca-nvilh trftiffnty tand celerity, and ooee
Hi leave the s.mem lornid. Lvf ruinnhlvt.
. ' . HLES,
a c Kiii'tuiiit of a rn t painful rfw meter, is
nnd n cure full ws by a few davs use of iiisarticje; tlta '
far bi'lore any other preairatiiHi fr this diucase, rti1 for any.
oibcr dim-wso origumting fr-un imjuiro liod. See pani
. wt-ak back, wenlsivw til U.e KWiieya, c., or iiiAamma
tl'in ui iviint is iiiitiictljti'ly relieved by ft few durt useK,
ibis iiKdieine, and a. cure Is alwti'a result of its use It
SIWIUIS US i , ' .
f r such coiapluiuts, and alto tt denuigcincats of the fe
mule frame, 'j - -
pninfnl rtu-j Vtri.atKnis. No article fans ever been offered
-'vil tiiis winch wuuld touch this kind of deraturemente
Il m-iv lie relied um st a suru and crttctive remedy! and
did we feci permitted to do so c Hild rive
as''ti' cures in thia dislressina: cstss' -nf 6omplaiuU. ,
S e tuuiphlct. All broken dnvn, dfUilrti't-i orHistitutimiSj
IV. mi the ciJect of mercury, will fipd the bmciite; power of
this article to act imiiioiliateJY, a..d Uie poiinms mineral
orwlicalnd iruin lhesvsHui. -
will find the aHrVf'tivr pr.iMTtiof this article.
v . It 111 FY THE BI.OOP. r t'.
nnY drive;i such disease fntin the system. f& 'pamplilei
li't tesLiin-my uf cures in ull diseases, which lre '.Uuuts of
an adveitieint'iit will u4 ermii to be imitmxI Juan. Aftente
sithoni away ; they v ujtain mujcs ol c rUftcatce uf
hiuh eharac-ter, and a strnger '
of tli. virtue, of . mevlichi. never ernred. It is on. nf'
Uie peculiar fuuturea ol Iliia art.i'ie that it never ImiI. as
beueAl in any ease, and il boil, and ruuaele .re kit to Inula
uiion let the eruuciuies sad tinerin. uivalid
HOPE ON . ; - .
anil keep WVii l)'e medirine as kmg as there is ta im-
liroveiucnl. 'I .le nMiirietor woukl
niraiiKa liuuuier ul arlieiea which outu. Okt ludsr U.
beuu ol . . . .
a eiirea ( l)nw, Omvel, .o. : ike.y are food ss
tliiiur, and caieneled lo riill tbe tinwarv :
TUeir inventors never tboui;li'. uf enjing ..una diaeasaa UH"
tlni article hud done it. A mlii:u!u AJy of the psav
pblet is eumeally ft.iiciled.. . t .-.
Aseuu and all wim il tlte article ar. .
GLAD TO ClUCTLATK t - -ottoilisulr.
Pill up in 30 o. bottles, at W !: '. fatf
frl curb tlie laruT h.ilbnr oz. inors tlian two anr'ot .
tl.-.. lvk out sod ael unpocl peii. Hvery-'fcitK laa.
'Vuniibn'a VeKeuilil. I.iilioiuriitie Mixture' lw npo
the sUmi,Uie written signature of -'ft. C. .'aiurhn" on the
directions, an "e. C. Vaiiglin, Umluii," sumped on um
eirk. Niaio olhtr r. sehniiie Prepared by Dr. O.
V. ueho, and a .Id at the l'rbs -pal tlrSe r7 Mia mnf .
BndUlo, at wkoksHilow) retail. No Mwabua ajia tsulev I
ler. unleaa p-t paiii mders fnan ref ularly euonVUM
A goats exou4d uo4 pnid Irtlera, or voroal atasunuaiaav
tiiHwaaicilii! oJvloe. rianHly .Headed lo pnVua . ,
OT s t evoled eselu.ivel) t U' '!" artleks
13-J Nuan al. New Vorkeilyj uS al. fnimM, Mmm.f
a hI br lu. prinril OnwaUlJrlih tauedrSalw
aial tunad, a.
Uat of Aieina.-Sl.wts Iten., UTinhisal. AsFMkMel..
pUia J. V. Prillng. l1nlwlaa.e Owrliwt, fe4iMeTovi
i-C. A. Uevl6uie M. I.Sheales, aliltasHrea.
MeOoruuck, ate: AinnH Mm McCoy, NjUhiwIiss.
kind . .-,
, AprU 1, 18 T
Jan , , it : 1, W. ...