Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 04, 1848, Image 2

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an tflrm.4 ASSitLT-rERii.n or THE
General Rl,lot Lee, who, In a. recent jour
ney over the plains, was attacked by the In
diana, wewmlod and supposed to be dead, has
writrea a fetter to the St. Louis Union. ' He
describe his escape, which, under the oir
temstaflces, waaa'tnost remarkable one.
tta says:
)u the lth of July & party of us, four
teen ii pttraber,. ware attacked by about 150
Indian's, oh the head waters of Red River,
andeear the Retoan mountains. We had
been encamped about one hour, and just in
the act of eating our dinner, when we were
alatmed by the Indians, while they were in
the act of Tunning off with our animals, which
Were gracing a short distance from us. As
they passed us, we fired on them ; but thoy
were so far orTthat otir shots had no effect,
tn about twenty minutes they all returned,
surrounded oar camp, and set fire to the grass
all around us, with the view of driving us
from our position, which we were inclined to
keep, with a view of saving our baggage, or
a portion of it. But in this we were foiled
We, however, defended ourselves for about
four hours, firing at the enemy every oppor
tunity we had. Our position not being a good
one, they had the decided advantage of us.
We defended ourselves until five of our par
ty were slightly wounded, and one killed.
We now determined to retreat to tho moun
tains, as the Inst and only alternative.
On retreating, 1 received two shots one in
the left thigh, the ball passing through the
thigh, though fortunately not breaking the
bone J the other ou the middle finger of the
left hand. Charles Town, who was ahead of
me, received a shot in one of hi9 legs, which
broke it. He, of course, fell, ami not being
able to walk, was left to the mercy of tho
Indians. That is the Inst 1 saw of him. There
was a Spaniard who was shot in the kidneys
before we loft camp, who also was left. Our
lumber now consisted of eleven, eight of us
rounded, all of whom succeeded in making
jur escape. Night came on ; we travelled
intil we came to water, when we huddled
lurselvcs as near together as possible, for
ho purposo of resting and trying to sleep,
laving lost every thing save what we had on
ur backs, we suffered much from cold, and
ould not sleep. The next day we move 1
ff up the mountain, where we cached cur
sives until night, being afraid to travel in
10 day time. On the night of tho 20th wo
11 put out for Taos, distant about eighty
tiles. 1 hose of the party that were woun
3d were slightly so, and generally in tho
ms and body, with the exception of myself
id one man, whose ankle was slightly injn
id. My wound being in the thigh, ren-
rel it very difficult for me to walk. Con
quently the party had to wait for me to
me up frequently. We had travelled but
short distance, when they left me. 1 hail
them, but could receive no answer ; so I
't within two miles of the battle ground,
d in sight of the fires of the Indian village.
letermincd not to give up, but pursued my
irney, keeping near the water course, until
truck the Bent's tort road, leading to San
)n the third day out, I fortunately came to
Indian camp, which, from appearances,
st have been deserted but a very short
e. Their fires were still burninn-, and
t of an antelope was left on the ground,
ich I helped myself to, not having eaten
thing for four days. 1 filled my shot
left with meat, and ngain pursued my jour
y, travelling day and night in the best way
ossiUy could, for i was very lame, and
aid not mute mote' than a mile an hour
metimes I crawled", and! in fact got along
y way and every way I could. The seventh
y I came to fresh wagon tracks and great-
to rayastonishineut, for I had no expecta
in that any of the traders would think of
aving the Santa Fe road. This so much
ated me that I spurred up, and in a short
me came in sight of the train, consisting of
' ur wagons, ayimpany of miners, the Messrs
; jckson, and Mr. Thomas O. Boggs, who had
iXyhe main Toadefwith a vieiv of going to
'aoa. Sosoon asMhey ajjeceverad jjje, they
: ent A horse ami arilrui to-ene, whoaidelTme
., i therain. iwhen I "received every alien
on that was- in their power to bestow on
1 am happy to say to vou-hat lam. in a
manner, well, anil wHTproceed on to Santa
fe to-morrow. The ort'iermen of our defeat
od party arrived in Taos in a worse condition
as I am informed, than I was, when I was
picked up -r one1 of wftom, a Spaniard, has
since died of his wounds. They reported me
; as moet unquestionably dead. Indeed.
was very natural, for I think, in a thousand
trials of the same kind, not once could a
person escape.
P. S. Every letter that was entrusted to
my care has been lost. The distance I tra
velled iu the seven days is said by those who
know, to be 80 miles."
Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune.
URNma or the temple at nauvoo.
Nauvoo, III. Oct. 11, 1848.
The "Mormon Temple1' in this city was set
on fire on Mouduy morning; last and burned
down. The fire was set in tho belfry about
2 o'clock in the morning. No efTort was made
to stop the progress of the flames, the people
being stupefied with horror and amazement
at tB Vandalism that would lay in ruins one
ef the- most magnificent structures in the
country, erected' at an expense of $200,000.
' Nothing now remains of the edifice, which
was the pride and' boast of a deluded people,
but the blackened walls, and the few Mor
mons who are about heie, breathe in whispers
tHe most terrible vengeance. The Temple
had just been leased by the Trustees for the
purpose of being converted into an institution
f learning-and the agent of the lessees, was
t have taken, possession on the morning it
ww bamed. 1
Jki double curse now rests on this ill-fated
city;. "She character which it hat so long
bam-of being a den of infamy, crime and
blood, wlt not' be- improved by this last
crowning act of. atrocity..
Yours, tc.,. W.
Cholksa m EoVfU is- calculated' that
there must havben, throughout Egypt, up
wjuds of H.0001 victiiBS to the cholera. -
Ht MAMBR, Miter aa rreprieter.
Out PlillMtlnhla KtiAinM MtMrilMivantrl
edvertieenwnla and euliecriptiona for title papor, and newf
for tin
Democratic National Nomhutiohs.
of Michigan.
of Kentucky.
WILLIAM BIGLF.R, of Clearfield.
DAVID D. WAGENER, of Northampton
H. L. Banner, Philad. CO.
13 1. C. King, Clinton ao,
14 1. Weiriman, Lebanon '
15 R. J. Fiaher, York '
18 F.Smith, Franklin
17 J. Creawell, Hunt'dnn '
18 C. A. Black, Greene, "
1g G. W. Bowman, Bedfd
3(1 J. R. Shannon, Beaver "
S H. R. Knena, ' city
3 Iaaatrflhunlc,
4 A. t,. Rumiort, c.
8 J. S. Yoat. MonteVrv
R. E. Wright, Lehigh
7 w. w. Downing, uti
8 H. Ilnldemnn, Lane'
o P. Kline. HerlcH
, Chenter
i'ter "
21 o. P. Hamilton, Alleg'y
0 R. S. Schnonover, Monrna W.H. Dnvii, Crawrd
tl W. Swetland. Wyora'g "
23 T. Ive. Potter
m J. nrewaicr, noga
24 1 O. Campbell.
O" An active boy about 14 or 15 years
old, would be taken as an apprentice, at this
fly Entered tiroN tiikir duties. Mr.
James Covert, the newly elected Sheriff, of
this county, and Mr. Charles Weaver, the
Commissioner elect, have entered upon the
duties ol their respective offices. From the
kind disposition of these gentlemen, we
have no doubt they will make obliging of
ficers, and render satisfaction to the people
of the county.
IC7" We refer our readers to an excellent
piece of poetry on our first page by Mrs.
A. M.F.Annan.
KF The jour Shoemakers of this place,
during the past week, struck for higher
wages. We have not been informed whe
ther the employers come to terms with
On Tuesday, the 7th of November, the
voters of this country are to exercise the
independent right of Freemen. There can
be no one who is not fully aware of the im
portance of his vote. A single vote has,
in numerous instances, elected men to the
most, important stations. Let no democrat,
then, if possible, fail to exercise the inesti
mable privilege of speaking his sentiments
through the ballot box The close vote in
the late contest should urge every man to
his post. Although our candidate for Go
vernor is defeated, it must be remembered
that we have a democratic majority of 4-,-536
on the Congressional vote; that we
have a majority of 2,700 for our Canal
Commissioner, and that we have a majority
of about 2,000 on our Legislative ticket.
This, indeed, presents an encouraging state
of affairs to the democracy, and shows that
the result in this State is not a matter of
doubt if every man docs his duty.
HT"! The editor of the Miltonian thinks
it remarkably strange that we should speak
well of Governor Johnston, and 'the Hn.
Jas. Cooper. Thvre are many persons who
think it little less than sacrilege to speak
well of a political opponent, even after the
election. The editor of the Miltonian,
however, though a senator, is excusable on
account of his extreme youth. There is,
therefore, ample room for improvement.
In the benate Chamber he will come in
contact with larger and older bodies. The
attrition may liberalise as well as enlighten
him. Hard rubbing sometimes effects
polish on the crudest material.
The True Democrat, a paper pub
lished by a couple of fellows who set them
selves down at Pottsville, some months
since, presumes to read us a lecture, for
asserting that the cause of our defeat was
the tariff question. The editors are said
to be young men, which is probable. And
that they are somewhat green, is also very
evident from their own columns. In the
very next column they acknowledge that
"hundreds and thousands of persons voted
for Wm. F. Johnston, on the questions ot
a tariff and free soil." In regard to their
remarks in relation to our vote and the de
feat of Judge Longstreth, we have only to
say, that they are as ridiculous as they are
false. Ignorance is sometimes, of itself, ex.
cusable, but when connected with impu
dence and falsehood, it is wholely unpar
donable. The State Central Committee
should award to this valiant pair, a leatJxr
medal, for the fruits of their valuable ser
vices in Schuylkill County, and for their
persevering and consistent stupidity.
O" The Miltonian announces the ap
pointment of Charles W. Tharp, of Milton
Prosecuting Attorney for this County,
07" F&ee Sou. in tub South. It is said
that Van Buren and Adams will receive
pretty large vote in North Carolina. In
Virginia a ticket for this party has been
formed, with an elector for each district,
which was, at first very difficult to obtain.
E7" Datb or Baio. Gm. Kht. Gen
Stephen W. Kearney, the conqueror of New
Mexioo and California, died- on Wednesday
last in Bt. Louie. He wasa native of Newark,
N. J., and died in the 55th year of his age. -
The Miltonian affects to discredit our
statement that Mr. Bright run ahead of the
democratic ticket in Dauphin County, be
cause 1 we said the wAole ticket. We of
course did not look below Senators, to coun
ty officers, such as director of the Poor, &c,
to which the editor refers us. We refer
red to the vote for Governor, Congress and
Canal Commissioner. Such petty quibbling
should be beneath the dignity, ot a Sen.
ator. Mr. Frick should not be so sensitive
on the' subject. His friends here think he
did remarkably well in running only 118
votes behind the ticket.
. ffy" Hon. David Wilmot and John Van
Boxen, There it rumor afloat in the po
litical circles that these two gentlemen in
tend supporting Cass and Butler for the
Presidency. It is said that Mr. Wilmot
has written a letter to Job Mann, of Bed
ford, in which he announces his determina
tion to support the democratic nominees,
The news of the conversion of John Van
Buren comes from the Cleveland Plain
dealer. The evidence given, that a new
spirit has come over his dream, is, that he
has been speaking under the broad banner
of "Cass, Butler and Weller," "Soldiers in
War, Citizens in Peace." The rumored
defection of Mr. Wilmot has alarmed the
Free Soil men in Philadelphia. Dr. Elder,
the editor of the "Republic," the organ of
the party in that city, has gone on to Tioga
to ascertain whether the rumors are true.
O" Out upon him. - Hon. Truman
Smith, the chairman of the whig executive
committee at Washington, has addressed a
etter to Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio, the
great abolitionist of that State, upon the
stand he has taken in this campaign. Al
though Mr. Giddings is battling for Van
Buren, Mr. Smith accuses him "of laboring
to ensure the elevation of Lewis Cass to
the Presidency purposely, and with malice
aforethought !" In Gidding's district alone
there will be whigs enough votinp for the
Free Soil ticket to give Gen. Cass the State,
all of whom voted for Ford, the whig gov
ernor elect. This accounts for Mr. Smith's
It matters not how unexceptionable a
candidate for public favor may be, there are
always those to be found who are ready to
heap all manner of epithets upon his char
acter. The candidate of the democratic par
ty for the Presidency, was looked upon, pre
vious to his being honored with the proud
position which he now occupies, with be
coming pride by every American who was
the least acquainted with his history. The
transition, however, of many politicians,
from the highest admiration to the lowest de
traction of the same individual, is so easily
effected that none need be surprised at the
use of the vilest slanders to defame the fai
rest name. To show how unmerited and
unjust is the abuse of Gen. Cass, by a por
tion of the whig press, we give below the
honest sentiments of men whose motives
cannot be questioned ; . -
Opinion of Hon. Abbott Lawrence.
"I know him well. I have broken bread
with him in his own house, and he with me
in mine. He is a gentleman : a man of un
blemished personal character, against which
nothing can justly be said."
Opinion of General Harrison.
"1 have already stated, that General Cass
and Commodore Perry assisted me in forming
the troops for the action, battle of the
Thames. - Tbe former is an orficer of the
highest promise, and the appearance of the
brave Commodore cheered and animated
every breast."
Opinion of General Jackson.
"Having full confidence in your abilities
and republican principle, I invited you to
my cabinet ; and I can never forget with
what discretion and talents ynu met those
great and delicate questions which were
brought before you whilst you presided over
the Department of War, which entitled you
to my thanks, and will be ever recollected
with the most lively feelings of friendship by
Opinion of William C. Rives.
The value of his Gen. Cass's services to
his own country it were difficult to appreci
ate, even by any approximate standard. Had
the quintuple treaty been consummated by
the ratification of France, (and that it teas not
teas owing erpecially to the timely and spirited
interposition of GenH Cass,) we have the au
thority of Lord Palmnrston in the late debate
in the House of Commons, and of Lord
Brougham, for saying, Great Brittain would
have been so flushed with the success of her
projects, and so emboldened in the pursuit of
her long cherished aim of uudisputed supre
macy on the ocean, that America would have
had no alternative but war or submission on the
great question of maritime rights, on which
she had staked her character and fortunes,
Submission is a word not found in the vocab
ulary of American patriotism.
From the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, (Wg.)
"It is too much the custom of the mere
party press to perceive nothing but what is
evil in an opponent, and only good qualities
(real or imaginary) in a political friend. We
accordingly find General Cass spoken of aa a
man without character, and without political
strength." '
"This is a great error. In all the relations
of private life General Cass has been known
to the writer for nearly thirty years, and a
more estimable father and husband, or a more
honorable and conscientious gentleman, we
are not acquainted with. Of bis talents there
can be no question; and were he a Whig in
principle, the election of no man to the Presi
dency would give us more pleasure."
The very essence of society it subordi
nation. It is the ruling principle of all
creation, from the planets in Heaven to
the lowest of animate beings. The parent
of order, it is the primordial substance and
operative cause of all government, a well
the Democracy as the Monarchy. Its ex
istence is necessarily implied in the forma
tion oi law, and every interruptien of its
courts produces discord and disunion. There
it an opinion abroad that subordination is
inconsistent with Liberty. It it a popular
idea and it too rapidly disseminating ; for
its tendency is to anarchy. The mobs and
disorderly assemblies that to frequently dis
grace every country, and are of far too Ire.
quent occurrence in our own, show plainly
the spirit of insurbordination. The disin
clination ot the people to administer whole
some laws for the punishment of popular
vice ; is a mark of the same spirit. Gam
bling and duelling are almost as frequent as
if no penalty were attached to them. Even
the assassin is rarely convicted, and when
the sentence of the law is pronounced upon
him, a morbid sympathy is excited to shield
him from punishment. And the more hei
nous the crime the greater the sympathy,
A distempered public opinion usurps the
seat of judgement and renders statutes pow
erless by their virtual repeal their refusal
to execute them. The remark of an honest
and true Democrat, in our Legislative Halls,
that a law against public opinion is no law.
is every day exemplified. Men are carried
away by the very true, but too seldom un
derstood maxim, "all are free and equal."
They forget that no man is free from the
fetters of justice and duty. It is not be
neath the dignity of a freeman to obey. It
his duty to submit "while evils are
tolerable." It is his high duty to stand by
the law while it is a law, however unjust,
for there is a proper mode of redress. Where
rulers are not looked up to with respect, no
government is stable. Where insubordina
tion exists, no institutions are safe. That
man who censures the judge for pronoun
cing the law of the land, and would make
the wilful felon a martyr, is himself unfit
for liberty ; for he lacks the all-necessary
quality of subordination. His is the spirit
"Crowded Hell, when Serapha flung awnyaubjection."
It is the spirit that would make our own
government a mobocracy, and people it
with slaves of passion, and prejudice, in
stead of freemen. It is at variance with the
divine precepts of religion, where submis
sion is everywhere inculcated, and had its
origin in the breast of the Arch Bond who
first breathed insubordination in Heaven.
KP"Tire duty: of Voting. President
Wayland, in speaking of the duties of the
freemen of this country, says :
"1 think that every Christian citizen is tin
der obligation to vote in every case where a
public othcer is to be chosen, ine happi
ness and virtue of the community, no less
than the security of property, depends preatly
on the character of the magistracy. If I am
injured in person or property by a wicked
public officer, I have a right to complain of
my fellow citizens who gave him authority
over me, or who, when it was in their power,
did not prevent his election. A Crtnt.ti.-tn m
this country, above all others, has a duty to
perform in this matter, and he disobeys the
commandment in the text if he does not per
ioral it."
We now say to our Democratic friends in
other States, says the last Detroit Free Press
that Michigan will give her vote to Cass and
Butler by at least FIVE THOUSAND over
the whig ticket. Tho county of Wayne, in
which Gen. Cass lives, will increase her usuaj
majority full 200. The city of Detroit, the
residence of Gen. Cass, will give him an in
creased vote, and a majority of 200. Let
what we say be recollected, and placed to
our credit, if we speak truly if not, let it be
chargd that we do not speak correctly.
Increase or Votes. The popular vote
since 1828 for President, has been as follows:
Years. Voters.
1828, 1,162,418
1832, 1,252,298
1836, 1,501,298
1840, 2,402,658
1845, 2,702,549
In 1848 the vote will exceed 3,000,000
The New York Herald gives the follow,
ing statement of the late elections compa
red with 18U: ' .
The result of the elections already held in 1848,
tomparea trii tut returns oj 1844.
SiofM. Dem. Whig.
Maine 40,007 30,241
Vermont 13,420 22,007
Conn. 28,699 30,851
Delaware 66
Penna. 168,220 168,525
N. Carol'a 41,486 42,360
Dem. Whig.
45,719 34,378
18,041 25,770
29,841 32,832
167,535 161,203
39,287 43,232
44,147 42,100
9,546 5,504
41,369 31,251
407.877 392,764
Georgia 36,940
Arkansas .
394,446 3n, 193
Dem. maj, 23,258
Democratic gain since 1844, 8,143
It will be seen by this table that there is
a democratic gain in majorities of over
8,000, which the Herald, a neutral paper.
but favorable to the election of General Tay.
lor, concedes makes the election doubtful
Srci The steamer Forth, at New Or.
leans,' from Mexioo, brought seven hundred
and fifty thousand dollars in specie, about
forty thousand for New Orleans the rest for
"In an article on the political affairs of the
United Slates the London Timet takes occa
sion to remark : i ;
"The United States are the fuel of political
strife and only wait the spark that is to kin
dle them. What security can there be ia
such a people T How long will it be before
a personal contest of extraordinary vehemence
or a political adventurer, more than t usually
unprincipled and crafty, will plunge the
whole Union into civil wart - In the absence
of sound political views and honest political
differences, there is sure to be an evil ten
dency to personal factions and quarrels. Such
are just the times for a Marius or a Sylla,
Pompey or a Caaar. For our sake, and for
the sake, of the world, we would deprecate
the advent of. such men anywhere, and espe
cially in the great Anglo American Republic!'1
This anxious solicitude for "the great An'
glo-American Republic," at a moment when
the condition of Europe gives warrant for the
worst apprehensions as to the imminent dan
ger of war, confusion and chaos, may call for
surprise or for grateful acknowledgements ac
cording to the disposition of the reader.
In the course of some ten days the Ameri
can people, throughout the length and breadth
of the Union, will choose a President to hold
the chief executive power of the Republic for
the next term of four years. If a similar
event were so near at hand in any European
nation it would be contemplated with fearand
trembling. The fact that the French people
are to choose a President, as soon as the Con
stitution is formed, is regarded as indicative
of a crisis. But with us the election of a
President, although it enlists the most lively
hopes, and wishes, and fears, among the sup
porters of the respective candidates, is so far
removed from any apprehensions of revolu
tionary disturbances that the suggestion of
such, if seriously made, would bo utterly ri
diculous. There is no body in this country
that would wish to see our system of govern
ment overturned.--Baimor American.
Judicial Butchery. We ask the atten
tion of the admirers of old England in this
country, to the sentence of Smith O'Brien,
by the presiding Judge :
That sentence is," that you, William Smith
O'Brien, shall be taken hence to lha place
whence you came, and be thence drawn on a
hurdle to the place of execution, and be there
hanged by the neck until you be dead, and
that afterward your head shall be severed
from your body, and your body severed into
four quarters, to be disposed of as Her Ma
jesty may think ht. May the Lord have
mercy on yonr soul !
North Carolina .--Hon. A. Mast, in a let
ter to the Raleigh Star, states that he has
been incorrectly classified among the Demo
cratic members of the Legislature. This
makes the Legislature now stand, Commons,
60 to 60 ; Senate, 25 Whigs to 24 Democrats
one vacancy. choulrt this vacancy be
supplied by the election ot Mr. Wnddell, the
Whigs will have a majority of two on jnint
ballot, which will secure them a United
Stales Senator otherwise the Legislature
will be a tie.
The Growth or Ohio. In the October
number of the Milenial Harbinger, conducted
by Alexander Cambell, President of Bethany
College we find the following account of
Ohio, from the pen of the editor : , -
The State of Ohio still grows in all the ele
ments of worldly greatness. Some dozen
years have passed over the towns of Zanes-
ville and Columbus, and the country from the
Ohio river to those flourishing centres of
trade and commerce, since last we travelled
over this section of the State. How great the
change for so short a time ! But, indeed, the
State of Ohio, whose territory was first sett
led by a white family the year of my birth)
is one of the greatest States now in the world,
of that age, and probably that ever was in
the world. Possessed of a rich and greatly d
versified soil and gentle climate, almost ara
ble ; settled by active, enterprising, worldly
population, its wealth and advancement are
passed into a proverb. It will soon have two
millions of as intelligent, enterprising, and
efficient citizens, possessing in the aggregate
some eight hundred or a thousand millions of
taxable property, as can be found in any State
of the same territorial limits in the New
World or in the Old.
Lykens Valley Railroad This toad,
connecting the coal region of Dauphin county
with the Wiconisco Canal is about completed.
and coal cars will immediately commence
running upon it. The ' road is built in the
most permanent manner, with ' a regular
down grade from the mines to its terminus,
thus rendering easy the running of heavy
Th Official Result in Ohio. The Ohio
State Journal of Tuesday, furnishes the offi
cial vote for Governor, from all tho counties
in the Slate, save three, and in these three,
the vote is authentically known and given
From these returns there is a majority of 336
for Gen. Seabury Ford, and he is the Gover
nor elect of the State of Ohio.
The National Monument to Washing
ton is now about ten feet above the ground,
and it is believed that the fund in hand will
be sufficient to pay for its construction to
height of one hundred feet.
Makino Light or Castor Oil. A Mr.
Morse, of Alton, manufactures candles from
castor oil, which emit a more brilliant light
than sperm. They cost only 25 cents
The Spanish Difficulty Adjusted. The
difficulty between Mr. Saunders, our Minis
ter at Spain, and the Spanish government,
arising out of the arrest of his servant, ha
been settled. . .
Thb two political parlies in New Orleans
have adopted rules and regulations, signed
by Committees of the various clubs, for the
purpose of avoiding collision,- and to create
good feeling and courtesy between them du
ring the present politic! campaign.
marline is again rising to consideration and
popularity in Paris; He iB mentioned among
the candidates for' trie Presidency of the Re
public. This favorable re-action Is attributed
in a great ; degree to the splendid orations
which he has of late dslitared in the National
Assembly, in favor of the election of the
President by universal suffrage, which has
. forth the, most enthusiastic admiration
Various' quartet ' ! ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' "
front varioui
Editorial Fsacas. We lcam from the
Delaware Chicken that, on Wednesday last, a
fracas occurred between Wm. Penn Chan
dler, Esq., junior editor of the Delaware Gaz
ette, and Lieutenant Columbus P. Evans, sen
for editor of the Delaware Republican, late
from the army in Mexioo. -The dispute origi
nated in a bet. Both battered one another
earnestly. . ! s i -i
Death or Harrison Gray Otis. Harrison
Gray Otis on the 27th ult., died at his resi
dence in Boston, having attained the age of
81. He was one of the early statesmen of
the Republic.
The Price op a Husband. Mary Walker
recovered, last week, $3,500 of the Buffalo
and Niagara Falls Railroad Company, for the
death of her husbadd, caused by upsetting the
OF Northumberland county for November
Term, A. D.; 1848. ,
Grand Jurors.
Sunburv JohnSpeece.
Lower Augusta--Abraham Shipman, Esq.,
uaui. Hoiiouncn.
Rush Jacob Arter, Wm. Pegg, Leflerd
Hatigbawout, Isaac Kase.
ShamolcinP. Swenk.
Jackson Solomon Boob, Jacob Buhner.
Upper Mahonoy Jacob Geist, sr., Charles
Snyder, Andrew Geist, jr,
Lower Mahonoy Samuel Keel.
Northumberlunil Chas. Barnhart, James
Milton John M. Patten, Timothy Miller.
Turbut John Briton, Charles llotlenstein.
Delaware Robt. McKee, John Neicely,
Jarred Irwin.
Leva S. Montgomery.
Traverse Jurors.
Sunburn Daniel Malick, Jno. V. Martin,
Michael Mullen, Philip Clark,
Upper Augusta Win. Metier. :
Lower Augusta Geo. Raker, John Long,
Henry Conrad, (son of Henry,) Adam Renn,
Nathaniel Lytul, Michael Shive.
Rush Geo. Creek, Joseph Campbell.
Shamokin Anthony Dengler, John Furman,
John Moore, John Boughner.
Coal Sylvanus Bird.
Jackson John Carl, John Adam.
Upper Mahonoy Valentine Paul, Reuben
Lower Mahonoy Andrew Gonsert, Jacob
Bingerman, William Michael, Daniel Camp
bell, i
Northumlierlanil Conrad Wenck, Alexan
der Colt, William Leighow, Joseph Johnson.
Milton James White, Paul Masteller, J.
L. Meixcl, Jacob Campbell.
Point Kii-li.ucl Jones. .
Chilisauaane John E Kramer. Joseph
Straub, ThoiiinsSingley, Joseph Meixel, Wm.
Curnniings, John B. Frederick.
L?wis William Barr, Aaron Cask ins, Pe
ter rMmuK, illimn V ils'.in, Jacob Mx-ngis.
Delaware Jolm 1'. Bard,
rttrbiit Robeit Griffin.
I'clit Jurors.
Sunburn Geo. B. Yeunsmnn.
Upper Aueusta Joseph Morgan, Phillip
Renn. Abraham brosious.
Lower Augusta wm.Keitz, uaniei Bloom,
Henry Reiser.
Kusn Robert Scott.
S&amofct'n Joseph Chamberlain
i"Vul l:ivh Rpat. Sam in-1 Citln.
Jackson John K. Clark, Daniel Kemble,
Phillip Hetrich, Jacob Einert.
Uwoer Mahonou John Deln,
Lower Mahonoy George Kmerick, John
Spatts, sr.
Lower Manonoy wm. iiaKtsr.
Northumberland Henry Haas, Henry Ren-
ninsjer, Wm. tlliolt
Point John Nesbit, Charles Morgan, 1 nos,
Ckilimuawit James Reed.
Turbut--Daniel Straub, Samuel Follmer,
Henry Funk, Griggs Marsh.
Millnn M rises Chamberlain
Lewis Michael Sechler, Stephen Glaze,
John C . Shanon,
Lewis Schuyler, Samuel
1(R trial in the Court v( Common Pleas of Nor.
thumlnrUnd County, i November Term
Jacob Kehr'a exn vi Montgomery Sweeny, et a
John N Oviter vs Hush Mcl-all,
William Snnonlon va J 8liiniaii & R firernough
Beniamin Robins s Valenlina Klx-
Henry M-er $ H U Maaaer At J,i..h Eiaely
Jacob lleei v( V t el al
Freeman H C'ark va 1-hn Schriner
D At. P Railro. d ei ti H ijwnoil & Snyder
Wm At It Kegoly Al eo ti Reorgn Herkeit
Harlow Prior va Hugh McFall
Clurlei Pleaaanti 'A, vi U-wis Dewarl . .
William Murray I a Bal'ti-r Gunliart .
Fl' tclinr Mnltiewi , , v Danie Weidner '
l-iael Gutiliu . John Porter ''''
8tth I Comly rta va David M il laaae Blown
Jacob l.aiRvnring va William IJepuey v
HughBelUa ; a It A W Fi-gely
Elijah Crawford va M At. P Uillmyer
Wm H Frymire va Samuel Hnilerson
William Starke Jn McGinnis
Breuiiffam ic Wapplei va O 11 ai d Win Fiirk
Hn.ry Keiser a Henry Yuxthe mor
Bank of lSorihumbetland va Phili 8iemtinch
ni.lron Market va John J WaiforJ
(ia.iree Hil-man va Mar in & Wm ItanuYta Diebl rt al vi Prter Laiuui it si
Vra.inirk Kvener va William Ayra
Porsyihe, Wilaon At co vs I C Bryant Ac ITCIe-
i ' merit :- , . ' ' ;! '
Wm Pat'epson'i ani'ne va W McCay'i admra. Ace
Mahan (ur Hiinuiitiin a mckentwrg Ac Kieli
Huh Bullae va Jnmea Ron et al
Juhn G irner'e hein .' va Leah Stro cker
Andrew Gxrneretal vi 8a me '.
Jacob H Rhoid-Atnif va Jame At. Wm Roai
R..lei M CI irk ' va laaae Bconn
Aiuliew Emeiva'a vi David riuhlnecker
Henry H Buir
Dami l Uncat
Thaiuaa AllfQ
ChartV Dnchertj
i -hn Wolf
Jacob fwenk
John McGinnie .
John G Montgomery
At J. Hibler
va Wm Mi-Cay'a admra
va B.llier Garnharl
Va Jamei Cummingi
va Samuel Caldwell
vi Char e Runl ,
va Samuel Hvnderaon
vi William tHarki
vaTbomaa Lloyd
Uarnurl Yoont
vi J & 8 KerMrtter & eo
ch.iol Dir. lion of Ruh thi va Wm H Kaa
Daniel P Caul vi Dentlcr At Montagu
Jonathan Fuiman va 8ain -el rutin m
,.... L,rem.- ..u.r. j b Rb(l,
ilian tif Ana Slower '
Orahami Hairs va H. Bella J. PwlM it al
Leah tilroecker t vs Jacob Hoffman
Levi Hotwrli adm'rl ' va C. Barrel
Jacob Hooael A- wife Philip Hoeeel adm'ra
Jonathan Pureed wife va Jacob & iv. Klu t
J. hn Marts va "
Jneaph Bird va Altut G. Bradford
Elijah Brarch vi Jemee Covert
Etoeaor Reedcida'rt v Jacob Wk
Taylor Paulding Wtst
v Jaa Da Normandia
Wm. McCay'a adWrl
Ac Uo
Msrv McOav - V " '
Landaw, Randalls
Ultimo KelormeJ
D. 8. HenintAon A
I Martlanrl
Dtnlct Boated ttylbr
JSBowee J C- Oiltner
SarM M F. Mathews Conrad dillnet
JonMlnn P. Bhutts x ti Jieob Wetk
Peter Richter's xr VI Dodge and Barratt
Hannah Mmdcnball vs Jos. Wilkir at Ue . ,
John Dnnklibcrgcr vs Solomon Dunklabergar
Piter Ermihi t vi John J Wiks
Catharine Zimmerman vs Blythe At At res
nnn innii vs uawarlr Jordaa it al -w
Pachael McCarty vi Elisabeth Weitiel et al
Jonathan P Shutts vi Sarah Read
Jacob W Bcitsinger vs Leah Birecckcr
- . , OHN 'AUN8WORTH. ,
ProtBonntary's office,' 1 .1 -, pil'J
Sunbory, Oct. 1848. j 3
-' ' JU J at n t m n '
At Harrisburir, on the 2 2d ult. bv tho R, -
Mr. Shaffer, Mr. John H. Braotioamt, Drng '
gist of Port Richmond, Philadelphia county,'
amiss oahah I.Colt, oi iNortuumDerland,'
P- , , -
Tuksda Vi Nov. 1, 1848.
Wheat Red is worth 113 a 115 cents;
white is held at 118 a 120c.
Rve Pennsylvania is worth 60 a 70e.
Corn Sales of Penna. yellow at 67o
white 65c.
Oats Southern is held at about 29 a 30c,'
Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 224 a 23c j
bbls 23 i a 24 cents. - . , .
Corrected uicekty by Henry Tilatser,
Rrs, .
! Cobs, a ',' '
' 75
Oats, , ' ' .
Bottir, , . . '
tons, . '
Pork, .
Tallow, . '
Bikswai, V .-
Flax, . . . i
Hbcklsd Flax,
Daixn Apfles, - - -
Do. Piacrki, 1 4
A DARK grey colt, well built, ubout four
years old, with long switch tail, was taken
tip at Paxinos Furnace, Shamokin township,
Northumberland County. ' The colt has a '
pair of new spring heel shoes on bejbrc, with
the letters H. & E. stamped on them. No
shoes on behind. By provinsr property and
paying charges tho same will bo delivered to i
tho owner. JOHN TREGO.
Shamokin tp., Nov. 4th, 1848 3t
AN Election will be held at tho Bunking
House, on Monday, November 20th, be
tween the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, for tho
purposa of choosing Thirteen Directors to
serve for the ensuing year.
Tho annual meeting of tin stockholders
will be held al tho Banking house on Tuesday,
the 7th day of November at 10 o'clock A. M.
Northumberland, Oct. 28, 1848. ,
Oysters! Oysters! ! Oysters! ! i
ESPECTFULI.Y informs the citizens ol
Stinbury and vicinity, that hn constant
ly keep on hand the best qualify of oyster,
in the shell and otli?nvisi), which will be-,,
served up in tho best style, on tho shortest
uotico. Also an assortment ol contectionary.
His establishments is opposite J. ioung s.
store, Market street, Sunbury.
Sunbury, Oct. 28, 184K 2mo ,., ....
At l'ubllc Vendue.
'T'HE subscriber will offer for sale on the
premises, on Saturday the 18ih day of
November, 1848, at 12 o'clock M., by public
vendue, the valuable farm on which he re
sides, situated iu Shamokin township, Nor-'
thnmberland County. ' The faim is situated1
near the Centre Turnpike, nboul 7 miles from
Sunbury, and contains 1224 acres, about 90 '
acres of which are cleared. The balance is
excellent woodland. About 35 acres are new
ground. The old land has been nearly all,
well limed. There is also, on the premises,
about six acres of good new meadow. The
improvements consist of one r.ew TWO STO
BARN, and also a good FRAME HOUSE and
BANK BARN, in good repair. There is a
good Spring, house, and a fountain on the pre-,
roises. Also an Orchard of about t)0 apple
trees, and a number of peach trees. An in
disputable title will be given, and popsegsiou i
delivered on the 1st of April next: ,
Terms and conditions will be mw known
on the day of sale by
Shamokin township, Oct. 28, 1848.
. A oticc.
FTV.HE undersigned, appointed by the Or-'
X plums' Court of Northumberland County, ,
to make distribution to and among the heirs
and legal representatives of Thomas Grant,
dee'd ; hereby notifies all persons interested
in said matter, that ho will attend to the du
ties of his appointment on Saturday, the 4th
of November, at his office in the borough of
Sunbury. CHARLES. J. BRUNER. '
Sunbury, Oct. 28, 1848. ,
Dissolution ofCo-Partnersbip
THE subscriber hereby gives notice, that '
the Co-partnership entered into the 31st
day of Majch, 1847, by Anthony Dengler,'
Jacob Haas, Daniel R. Haas and Peter Haas, '
was dissolved the 14th day of Februajy, 1848.
by the withdrawal of Jacob Haas, from said '
Co-partnership; the remaining partners a
greeiug to pay all just debts of the firm of
Dengler, J. Haas & Co.
. . .. . JACOB HAAS.
Shamokin tp , Oct 28, 1848 ,
. (Late Heller & Greenoufki.)
Washington, U.C. -
DRAWINGS and papers for the Patent i
Odioe, prepared and all the necessary bu- ;
suiess, in relation to securing patents, traus-
acted, and promptly attended to, at their of- "
rice opposite the Patent Olftoe. , - ...
October 28, 1848. - , - ..
Aotice to Jurors :
'plfE Grand and Petit Jurors summoned te
I attend the November Term of our Court,
at Sunbury on Monday the fth, need not ap
pear until Wednesday, the 8th of November,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., as the Court House will
be occupied on Tuesday, iu holding the Pre- .
sidentiai'oleoiioa ; and Jurors generally will
desire te embrace the opportunity of attend-' ,
ing the poll, in their respective districts. ,,,.'
By order of the Court, r . . '
Sunbury, Oct. 28th, 1848..