Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 04, 1848, Image 1

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n ;t,
. aW it,-at. Hfvil
vHhbasser,1 editor and nbiiiEToni
In 1)
THK AMERICAN If pabllihad every Baluntajr at TWO
THttJLARS per aruraa lo be pale half reariy in advance.
taP' """'" antll ALti rwrajj am paid.
All ounmunioatioa or Mtara on buiinen rotating to th
Vlirea oopiaa lo on addreat,
Sevan Do Do
. Fifteen Do Do
Five dotlart In advance wlU pay for three rear'aaabaerio
,110a to the American. . r
'Om Square of 18 linea, timca,
.Kvarv subaeqaent insertion. .
: flOO
, ss
. aw
'One Square, 3 monthe.
six muntlia,
vie year.
trtiaiiwat Carda of Five llnea, per annom, '
Merchant! and othera, kdvertiaing by the
year, with the privilege of lnaertieg dif
ferent advertiaementa weekly.
OT Larger Advertiiementa, at per agreement.
UlfBUMT, PAa '
Duaineaa atlended lo in the Countiea of Nor
barlrUod, Uolon. Lycoming and Colombia.
Refer' I
P. V A. RarocaT,
. Lowia ck Bimnoir.
BoMtni St 8ODsmAis, ' Pkilod.
8riaia, Good 4c Co.,
Cheat New & Second hand Boot Sioke,
North Weil corner of fourth and Arch Street
Law Books. Thiological and Claaaical Booki,
SciiMTirio ado Matbjkmayioal Bonaf.
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn Booki and Prayer Booka, Bible, all aiaei
and prieet.
Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, ,
nkmlinlt and Hrtatl.
tV Otb prirea are much lower than the kkocla pricee.
Libtariea and imnll parcel! of brxtki purchased.
y Bonks imported to order from London.
Philadelphia, April 1, 1848 y
nd Dralrra In Srrda,
Conitantly on band a general assortment of
To which tbey respectfully invite the attention
of the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Grocenei or sold on Commission.
Philad April J. 148
Ko. 15 South Second ttrtet Etui tide, dotvn ttairt,
band a
I ESPEUTFULLY informs his friends and
, the pub'ic, that be constantly keeps on
large assortment of ehi drens wil ow
Coaches, Chairs, Crad es, market and travel.
ling baskets, and every variety of basket work
Country Merchants and others who wish to
purchase such artidea, good and cheap, would
do well to call on him, as tbey are alt manufac
tured by aim intbe best manner. ; : '
Philadelphia, June 3, 1848 ly
40 Chetnut it. 3 tWt above 2nd ut , Philadelphia
Watch papers, Labels, Door plates. Seals and
Stamps for Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance.
tie., kc Always on band a general assortment
of Fine Fancy Goods. Gold pensof every quality
Dog Collars in great variety. Engravers tools
and materials.
Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Dia
monds. .
Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually
attended to.
Philadelphia, April 1, 148 y
Can save ?rm IS te 2J per Cent,
Tiy r.vrchasing their OILCLOTHS direct
from the Manufacturers.
Clave apeaed a Warehouse, No. 1-13 North Third
'Street shove Race, second door South of the Ea
gle Hotel,
H'nPreinr, WHIlw,y.rrT uric
awortmenl of Patent Elattie Carriage y,
Citths. 98, 36, 40, 48 and 34 inches wide. Fi
gured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Mus
lin Drilling ant Linen. Table Oil Cloths of the
most desirable patterns, 30, 40, 49 and 34 inches
wide, floor OH Cloths, from 38 inches to 31
feet wide, well seasoued, and the newest style
ol patterns, all of their own manufacture. 1 rans
parcnt Window Shades, Carpets, ttc. AH goods
warranted, '
Phila. May 37, 1848 3m ' ' ' 1
''HE SUBSCRIBER has been appointee, agent
I for the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE
it this place These Pianos have a plain, mas
tiva and beautiful exterior finish, and, for depth
if tons, and elegance of workmanship, are not
nrpassed by any in the United States
These Instruments are highly approved of by
he most eminent Professors and Composers of
Music in this and other cities.
For qualities or (one, touch and keeping ia
one upon Concert pitch, they cannot be sucpaa
ed by either American or European Pianos. -
Suffice it to say that Madame Castellan, W. V
iVallace. Virus Tempt, and bis sister, the eale
irated Pianist, and many others of the most dis
inquished performers, have given these in.lru
nents preference over all others . . ,
. Tbey have also received the first notice of the
hree last Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal
y the Franklin Institute in 1843, was awarded
0 them, which, with other premiums from the
ame source, may be seen at the Ware-room No.
i3 south Fourth at.
' Oy Another Silver Medal was awarded to C.
iteyer, by the Frahklin Institute, Oct 1843 for
be beat Piano in the exhibition )
1 Again at theeihibitionaf the Franklin Insti
ute, Oct I84S, the first prerninm and medal was
twaidedta 41. Meyer for hi Pianoa although it
tad bees awarded at lha eghihiiion of the ysi
lefnre. en Ise ground that tie had snade still great,
r irnprovameejis ia bis fust rrtsente within the
at 13 months. , .
Again tl lha last exhibition enf the franklin
ialite. 1847, another Premium was awarded
C. Meyer, for the beet Piano in the ethibitlan
At Boston, at their last exhibition. Sept. 1847.
:. Meyer received the first silver Medal and Di
loans, for the best square Piano in the exhjbitioa
J These Pianos will be sold at the manufaetu
er'a lowest Philadelphia prices, if not something
uwer. Persons are requested to eaU and exam
se for themselves, at the residence of the sub
:riber. H. B. MASSER.
Bssaary, April ; 1I4.
' 39.
Bv Mm. A. M. F. Amman..
"How many tales of human weal and woe,
of elory and humiliation could be told hv
iiiubk veuiys, wnuin, in passing, we regard
nOt!"- Rl irlnrnnn
.1 i : i i . J.
Turn not upon 'the passing crowd,
Though stranger all, looks light and cold :
Though ne'er, for us, be rent the shroud,
That doth one heart one fate enfold ;
No ray no Bhade, of human lot,
Amidst that transient throng is not !
The seeming scorn, In that proud eye,
Of those who cross its masters path,
But may, when earthly watch is by,
Be worn to hide a conscience wrath :
The thrill for shame the throb for sin,
Can move the haughtiest heart within.
And yonder frail and shrinking form
Which seems to crouch at word or look,
May rise, to front the hour of storm,
And the bold wronger's power to brook ;
And snap the chain, and break the rod,
And trample him, who would have trod.
The child that sports, unmasked, along,
Who can his destiny foretell t
Perchance, the bright and great among,.
Brightest and greatest, he shall dwell ;
Who holds his childhood's reason light
May tremble at his manhood's might.
And age muse on its silver hair,
And weak limb, tottering o'er the tomb;
Moral with mystery it bears:
That form wns flush with life and bloom,
And feeling written on that soul,
Now trnceless as a faded scroll!
Loathe not the becpars lpprous hand,
Shrunk with nejrlect and want and wo
In days, gone by, Hopes beacon, bland
As now for u, diffused its glow
For him : in days to come, may we
E'en thus, in suppliance, bend the knee!
The rmieht rock has oft a fount
Gtishinc within its rugged breast ;
And so, beneath the tudest front,
May feelinsrs flow, the kindliest ;
And sternest eyes that meet us, yet,
For us, with gentle tears be wet !
Turn not upon the passing crowd, .
Thnilirri atranrrpr nil. lnnlta lirrrit nrwl pnlill
o" - es- i n
Each heart is with a spark endowed,
That may, when Time lis years has told,
Though our lives' paths far distant be, ,
Unite us in Eternity.
IFromthe Christian Advocate and Journal.
Considerable excitement has been pro-
duced in the community by the unexpec-
ted death of the young lady who was mar-
nedtoJ. N. Maflitt, in March of last year,
Since that event, which took place on the
30th ultimo, the papers have given various
accounts of the matter. First, it was said
she died of "bilious fever then that it
was the result of "grief arising from some
thing which occurred soon after her unfor
tunate marriage with Mr. Maflitt." . The
"Brooklyn Daily Advertiser," of the 3d
instant, contains the following:
"Fanhy Piercc This beautiful and ac
complished girl, whose illslarred marriage
with the Rev. John N. Maflitt, created in the
community considerable sensation at the time
of its occurrence, died, it in said, of a broken
heart. She, among other accomplishments,
was highly gifted as a poet ; and we have some
beautiful verses of hers, composed a few
weeks before her decease, descriptive of her
. m t . , , . - ,. , . .
g"ef of mind and outraged feelings, which
we will endeavor to publish."
But, on the day following, instead of
publishing the "beautiful verses," the edi
tor wholly disappoints a large number of
the friends ot Mrs. Maflitt by the following
apology for the wrong which the above
paragraph had done Mr. Maflitt and a cer
tain "reverend gentleman," whose identity
every one is left to guess at for himself.
"We believe we did Rev. Mr. Maflitt
great injustice yesterday, bb well as the Rev.
gentleman whom, by implication, we made to
countenance him. We were misled .very
greatly, and but for speaking of the dead we
should say mure of the living. Wo have
learned facts that have disabused our mind
veiy much with relation to Mr. Maflitt, but
it is not time to give them now."
All this may be very intelligible. And
is the editor sure thajt he was "misled very
greatly" when he inserted the paragraph
which now to sorely troubles hit consci
ence From whom his he "learned facts
that have disabused his mind very much
with relation to Mr. Maflitt ? And what
are these "factst" We shrewdly guess at
the instrumentality employed in the recla
mation of the Advertiser from its tempora
ry aberration ; but it is ot little importance
to the public.
But the next issue (October 5) completes
the atonement of the unhappy editor for his
premature statement by the following, which
is so highly honorable to Mr. Maflitt that
he will now be letoffr . .
! "Rsv. Jf. N. MirriTT. We observe by
the Arkansas Democrat, of September 15th,
that Mr. Maflitt had been preaching with
great eflecf at fine Bluff. H had made an
engagement to ba at Hurrioaa) oamp meet,
ind en certain days, but the names ef forty,
three residents of Pine Bluff are subscribed to
n excuse foi the nonfuliilmeut of the engage,
mout, 'in the full belief that it is God's will
(hat he shoukl continue his labors so wonder
fully blest in this place."
What will come from the Advertiser
next we cannot say ; but we should not be
at all surprised if the editor should get still
further light upon the case of Mrs. Maffitt,
which will compel him to change his
mind again ; for the friends of that unfortu
nate young lady are too numerous and too
respectable, and we might add, have too
strong a sense of justice to her name and
memory, not to afford the gentlemen the
means of full and correct information with
regard to the matter. We shall now leave
him to work out his own deliverance as
best he can, and shall say something: in re
lation to the case upon our own resnonsi- I
During the winter of 1846-7, while
Matfitt was carrying on his meeting in the
Centenary Church, "Fanny Pierce," or
Frances Smith, was attracted to the church
in company with several young friends, by
a report that an acquaintance had experien
ced religion there. The result was that
she continued to attend until she became
impressed, and finally professed conversion
and joined the church as a probationer.
ooon alter this trances was asked, by a
irienu 01 ivianitt, wnom we snail not now
name, how she would like to become the
wife of Mr. Maflitt. The girl, in utter as
tonishment, answered, "Why, he is old
enough to be my grandfather !" The mo
tives were then laid before the mind of the
unsuspecting girl. Brother Maflitt was
very viout man, and the union would helo
ner in ner reiisnou course she would
travel with him and see the world he was
a very popular preacher, and minzled in
iuo oesi. society sne wouia De a periect
lady, and associate with the most accom
. L I . ' 1 1 I 1 y
plished ladies in the nation. Besides, bro
ther Maltitt was very rich, and he would
make her larjre presents to begin with, and
then she should never want for any thing
which was really desirable. ,
When the girl's ear was gained, matters
proceeded rapidily, but secretly. She was
conducted, at night, through the basement
of the Centenary Church, and taken through
the window in at the back door of the Par
sonage, to hold interviews with Maflitt.
She was presented with much costly jew
elry; a costly rosewood piano. &c. &c:
all through Maffita agent in the affair. The
result was, that the plan succeeded, and
the prey was secured. The first communi
cation which the mother of Frances receiv
ed touching the matter was made by the
Bnre ugeiu, anu men sne was told that on-
position was useless Brother Maffit andkle "in spofs," with the embrowned fluid
Frances were engaged, and would be mar
ried a' all events, and she might as well
consent, and make the best of it.
The marriage was consummated there
being only thirty-seven years difference in
the ages of the parties but it brought with
it none of the bliss which had been pro
mised Frances. Ai to religious influences.
ii,.. k.j n .?j xt -; J
U- . J . """""""
lor those in nia service in th mollur rf tk.
marriace. from the r tk.
meneement of th trao-ortw Rh hA ko
carried away with golden dreams of eleva-
tion her brain bewildered with phantom's-
out tne period ot her intellectual hallucina'
tions was of short duration
She soon had
to grapple with realities. ' But we forbear.
A portion ol the history has been given ;
but the rest, and by far the most mvsterious
and illustrative of character, remains be-
That the poor girl was unhappy in her
new and unnatural position was an event
that might have been expected : but that
she would so soon fall a victim to her mis
fortunes has taken all bv surprise. She
ever had perfect health until her marriage,
but for the last six mouths she had been ra
pidly sinking under the influence of grief
and mortification. She was defamed the
worst attributes of character attributed to
her and many of the tales of her tradu-
cers.were, by mistaken friends, whispered
in her ears. Her heart sunk and life be
came a burden. The functions of the brain
became deranged, and she died in convul
sions. At present we forbear reflections. Thus I
much we think the public entitled to at
present, but we are mistaken if more is not
forthcomin from other quarters. We knew
nothing of Mrs. Maflitt until circumstances
threw the information in our way. And
we confess, little as we thought of Maflitt,
so many strange accounts had been given
us, that we thought her none too good for
the destiny upou which we supposed she '
nad recklessly rushed. ; Hut authentic in
formation, from various quarters, changed
our views of the lady entirely. ' Now, we
can say, that we have heard of nothing pre
judicial to her moral character which can
not be traced to onesource and that source,
with us, is entitled to no respect whatever.
The fact that she died through grief is
strong presumptive evidence of her inno
cence of certain things existing in rumor.
Female such as Mrs. M. has been repre
sented by some, and suspected by many, to
have been, never die heart broken.
The materials for the history of the mis
fortunes of this hapless girl are being, and
there are those who have an interest in
their publication to the world.. , We are
mistaken if the device which has thrown
the Brooklyn Daily Advertiser into such
awkward circumstances, succeeds upon a
long run. The public are inquisitive. The
truth of history cannot long be concealed
or suppressed. Whoever has an interest
in keeping the facts under cover, may give
up in despair, for the world will have
them.!,-- ''" k
! It will be seen, from the notice of '-- Mr.
Maflitt, taken from the Brooklyn Adverti
ser, that he is preaching in Arkansas. Maf
litt, undoubtedly has a right to preach-,
that is, if ka goes on his own hook and
the people of Arkansas have a right to hear
him, if they , want to be Jaught religious
ruth by such, man a.s he is. ,But he has
no standing in the'M. E. Church, ana should
no longer be called a "Methodist preacher."
We have a letter now before us, from Ar-
If art coo trfafitnits thai MEiA I .
does not belong to them. Their act is dis
orderly, and subversive of the ends of dis
cipline, uut it people are disposed to be
gulled by such informed papers, who can
help it ?; ' ' -' ' " .?-
-Mere loilow broad r insinuations, highly
oily else, whom 0iA writer cnlls "reverenc
associates,1' whichwo omit. : i ;
Life in new Orleans.
A Pair op the B'Hoys, with Gals to
Match. David Dodson and Joe Gunter
were yesterday, charged before the recor
der, With furious driving and enrlano-erino-
the lives of good and peaceful citizens of
ine sovereign btate of Louisiana, on the
Shell Road, on Friday evening. Dodson
was also charged with breaking a barouche,
which he hired for the occasion ; but the
owner of the barouche, who preferred this
lauer cnarge, was told by the recorder that
he should seek for damages by means of a
civu action, une could tell at a look Dod
son and Gunter were a pair of the b'hoys.
The former wore a grey beaver, with a
long fur, lying no way in particular, and
surmounted by a narrow crape ; his brooch
was the miniature of a lady with very red
cheeks, and very black hair falling on her
shoulders, in very small ringlets his locks
though not long, were well soaped, and
lay into either side of his face with remark
able tenacity; his coat was bottle green
large brass buttons, short skirts, and poc
kets outside : he had no cravat, and about
an inch of shirt collar, his pants were with
out straps, and his shoes were of the hih
low cut. Gunter
straight-cut brim'd hat, a showy-colored
sun cravat, ueu sailor lashion, the ends fa!
ling down over his vest: his shirt collnr
was turned down, and about two inches of
the nether extremity of his uanlaloona were
tnrnoil ,vn lU. I fLf. L . , .
u u uj , me uusuiii oi ins snin was aoi'
ted over with little anchors, birds, dimini.
tive dogs, and such like devices, he wore
a drab sack coat which showed off to some
advantage his compact athletic form. Both
the parties were inventerate tobacco chew-
ers when spilling out the saliva, instead
of opening their months, thev sauirted it
mrougn ineir teeth, leaving the t oor snr n.
The owner of the broken vehicle being pre-
f in, ine recorder requested tiun to state all
ne Knew about the iunous driving of the
"I'll do that certain, your honor," said
ne and so he commenced
"I was in our stables on Friday after
noon, i can 'em our stables, your honor, but
ol course they 'long to the bos. Well, this
nere gem'n comes in and, says he, 'how
are you old Buster 1 res he, well, I feels
my oats, says I I'm hearty.' 'Have you
a wehicle to let out for the evenin?' says
ht I h
'Anil g.
naven'i got anything else.' kavs I.
ood 'oss?' sav he. 'Nothing shorter.'
savs J, "How much is it for the evenin' V
says he. A V.eveni'says I; "Harness up,1
said he, postin' the stake 'Here, Bill,' said
he. 'Aye, aye, sir,' says Bill. 'Put the roan
mare under the light : wagon,' says I, and
'Bill had it done while you'd be crackin
a whip. Any one to take a seat with vou
said I. A young 'oomon' says he, a kind
o' winknin' at me. All right, old feller,1
says x. 'lou re one on 'em, but never
mind, go a-head !' and off he went. The
next thing 1 heard on him was, that the
vehicle was knocked into a cocked hat, on
the Shell Road, and of course I expect pay
ment for the damage, because the bos holds
me accountable for all these things."
Recorder.' "Well, my good man, you
have gone to nn infinite deal of trouble, to
tell me an infinite deal of nothing. ; 1 have
already intimated to you that you should
seek redress elsewhere, for the" loss which
your employer has sustained in the break
ing or nis wagon. Did you witness the lu-
rious driving?"
triiness. "couuini, sir. i naint been
on the road but once in a month, and that
was the evenin' I popt Joneg and his crack
nag Buena Vista. 1 " , ' " ,
Recorder. "I have heard enough from
you. Officer Van Haussben !"
"Here," said a Teutunic gentleman,
lumbering up like a Dutch galliot in a calm,
and makinr his obeisance to the Recorder.
R'corder. "Van Hatissen, you witnessed
this furious driving; say what you saw on
the occasion." -. f . .. , , ,.
Van llntssben. "I sheed discb von shen
tleman's, and disch von shentjeman's (point
ing to Dodson and Gunter) and them wasch
in two gig, and there wasch two shentle
womans wid dhem and one shentlewoman's
wasch dhrivin', and twoshentleman's wasch
dhriviV, and them wasch all dhrivin' more
fasther than they could go, when both wa
gons came bang smash together, ' and lady
and shentleman and all sphill out on road,
and wagon broke to pieces."
Recorder. "Were the lives of any par
ties endangered by the furious driving 1"
Witness. "The lives of every podies
was." ': ''K - ; : ;
?ccorer.-Theii I shall fine each of
them ten dollars. Have you any thing to
say (addressing Dodson and Gunter) in ex
tenuation of your offence!" ,
Dodson. "Why, your honor, we did
kill nobody nor did not .mean to. , This
here, ypu see, is how it was,, Joe, ,hpre,
and his gal, and, Liz and I, was out a walk
in' on Thursday evenin', and the gall asked
us to take them down the road to-morrow, i
that was the last evenin'. Well, of course,
we was not to, be stumped, no how, and we
scd, good! as grease, : : Well, last eveuin' we '
did take, them down, sure enough, and a
right joljy time we had of h, too, I tell you ;
Swas a precious good lark, and after teliu
a few oysters, and a little su'thin', at the
lake, we was a comin' home like winkin,
I Mr 'A r 11a. . a
aa-'mas iniHUlE t,ilaXI. AVIUIIII I innwa rDMif.nnA. llUr raAf-f at- Ae li,.J a... a . t I
or character from certain persons in this di-.; better follow arter me, said he, I mean to,'
f ection. Whoever these gentlemen are, 1, for 1 was a smokin' my cigar, and did
tney nave assumed a rennorwihilitw I not fioi .11 iv... .P.u j
1 . !
- ""d in the' best kind ollumof.1 I was fust.
- La i n .... '
such a thing,' ses Liz, prjllin' the reins and
mo wuip out oi my hands ; notV, Joolt out
there, old feller,' sed she that ere Liz is a
monstrous great gal, I tell you 'look out
there, old feller,' said she, and she laid whip
cord on to the roan mare, I tell you. ' 'Go
it, Liz,' sed I: 'go if . .Inn 'aoi Ri
they went it hip and thigh, heck and neck,
I tell you. , I'm blest if J ever saw-any.
thing like it on Harlem rond iho v umni it
from the word go. , 'Hold on to my bon
net,' says Liz, 'it's a slionin' OtT: and en t
managed to take off her bonnet : 'all riht
now,' says I, gd ahead.'. 'I'll pon him.
now,' says she, 'before he goes a hundred
yards further,' and sure enough, she was up
by his side like winkin'. . Well, I don't
know how it was, but the wheels of both
vehicles locked, and before you could say
knife, Liz and I were pitched clean out
onto the swamp. 'You ain't hurt, are you,
Liz ?'. says I, as soon as I recovered my
breath. 'Dave savs she. 'I'm not hurt .
I did not care ifl wns, but I tell you it was
foul driving it was. She's a trump, your
uuiioi, is mat gai, id.." i ..
"Yes," said the Recorder, "you have told
me enongh to convince me that she is, but
nothing going to show that I should not in
flict On you and your friend the full fine.
You are, therefore, fined ten dollars each
for furious driving. With the breaking of
the wagon I have nothing to do.
"Joe," said Dodson, addressing his friend.
"we'll pay it right down. But they don't
do things in this way in the Bowrey ; do
iney .
"Not by a jug-full,', said Joe," "but I tell
ou that are gal, Liz, is some."
"I reckon," said Dave, and suiting the
action to the word, he counted down twenty
dollars, ten for himself and ten for Joe, and
the two B'hoys left the office as if thev felt
they had fun for their money. JVew Or
leans Delta, Oct. 1.
While Mr. Sam Stockwell, the artist,' now
engaged on the great panorama of the Missis
sippi, was one afternoon slowly floating down
the river in his boat, a very uncomfortable
shower came patting down, at the moment
he was about dropping auchor to sketch the
picturesque rtablwhment of a squatter. He
hesitated a moment, but ' finally let go, and
his boat swung around in the stream. ;t '
"Vot, ish you going- to pictur' him mil der
rain!" inquired his German boatman.
"No," says Sam, "but I'm going lo pictur
him mit tho pencil. , We are now nbout at
the right spot to take a good view of that odd
looking cabin, and if we go on .we will lose
it. So haul out the old umbrella, and I will
try a sketch. Perhaps by the time we finish
our view, the proprietor will invite us to take
some buttermilk with him."
This old umbrella had, by certain violent
concussions received on the trip, become
quite a curiosity. One half of tho whale
bones were gone, and, when it hoisted, it
hung like a wo begone sombrero over its
owner. 1 he nitclunir of it careless v into the
boat sundry occasions, had introduced ill-
shaped eky-lights in its roof; and, taken al
together, it was the sorriest apology for she!
ter ever stretched over a sovereign citizen of
the great United Slates. Sam, however)
worked away beneath the "gingham" until
he finished his sketch. All this time an afflu
ent from the top of his cone-like covering
poured a flood of dark tinged water through
one of the holes, and down his neck. His
German watched thU stream with intense in
terest, as if calculating how much the artist's
clolhes would hold before tltey would leak.
When ho had finished. Geoige, the German,
broke forlh in admiration:
"Veil, for a little mans, you soaks more
vater den ever I sees before. It vill take you
uu TuiT. io uo nice onu ary us ve vas
shust how."
Just then a vpicc from shore hailfd them
"Look yur, you with that awful ugly hat;
what in thunder are you aitting' out thar in
the rain for? ' Who aro you t What ore you
goin to do t"
"I am going to canvass the Mississippi,"
said Sam, ' ' : 1 '
"You're an electioneerer. or vou 1" inqui
red tho squatter.
"No, not exactly," said Sam, "except in a
small way for my own individual benefit. I
am going to ,:take the river."
"Whar are you goin to take it to ?" in-'
quired Iho squatter.
"All wind the country," said Sam, "and
over to England " '
"Well, afore you kin do that, you'll hev to
git awful big tub, and sot yourself at the
mouth to draw it off."
Oh, no, says Sam, "I am drawing it off;
The squatter looked up and down the shore
two or three times, nnd then shouted back
"I don t sea as it gitsmuch lower your
stickin' machine draws it off dreadful slow"
"I am painting tho Mississippi, my friend,'
answered ihe artist. ' ' '
"Hev vou cot mv cabin chalked down"
he inquired. i .! , i : , ,
'Yes," answered Sam, "and you too." . .
"Good by. thunder !" said the squatter.
"When you show .mo to them Ingljsh fellers,
just )ell 'em I'm a Mississippi screamer -I
can hoe more corn in a day than any Yankee'
machine ever invented, and when I hit. any
thing from, a bullock down to human natur',
they generally think lightnitt' is comin." ;
"Artf you a Taylor man!'; inquired Sara.
"No, by thunder,"' eayVhe'.''.' " ' r '
"De you go' ia for Cam, thoii" inquired
Sam. i
I -m . rriiiiju I - V UV ail IIHSI V T I (III hllHML III 1 II I
"yVellj 1 1 calculate not stranger," shonted
he. ... . ' j
"What 1 do yon support Van Burenl" con
tinued the artist. -- , p r
"No, Sir," shouted the screamer ; "I sP'
port Betsy and the children, and it's d n
tight screwin' to get along with them, with
corn at only twenty-five cents a bushel.".
; "Good bye, stick to Betsy and the children
said Jam; "they are the best candidates out;'
and raising anchor he floated off. As he
sped onward, the squatter's voice reached
him once more, and its burthen was ' '
"Hurrah for General Jackson, the old Mis
si?sippi and tn and Betmj!'1 St. Lows Re
ville. ...
''Such was his worth, his loss was such,
We cannot love too well, or grieve too
much,"' '
In one corner of the burj in-ground, best
known as Christ's Church-yard, Philadelphia,
repose the remains of the philosopher Frank
lin. On entering the yard from Arch street,
attention will unavoidably be directed to his
humble tomb by a well trodden path which
leads from thegtile to the mnible slab which
bear's the simple ingrriplion, which will nl
once strike tho' beholder with wonder, viz:
"Uenjuiniii niufeDcborah Franklin." With
wonder I say, because wo are accustomed lo
to see the stones covering the tenements of
great men inscribed with eulogiums; but the
one we are now beholding lias nothing but
the words above quoted, and in the year in
which it was placed there.
And this is the grave of a man who miglq
once have been seen, a runaway boy, in the
streets of Philadelphia seeking employment
as a printer; and again, as editor ami pro
prietor of the United Slates Gazette, long so
ably conducted by Mr. Chandler. Once try
ing experiments with a simple paper kite ;
again, astonishing the world with the disco
veries made through its instrumentality. Once
in England a deceived journeyman printer
again as Minister from an Independent Re
public. Once in his workshop, nsa laborin
mechanic ; again in the halls of Legislation
advocating the cause of freedom, and urging
an oppressed people to rise nnd drive the
British Lion from our forests. Yes he was
one of those who signed away their lives, for
tunes and honors, if necessary, for the wel
fare of their fellow-citizens. Rut all thiscould
not save him from the hand of death. Tho1
the Philosopher and the Statesman must lie
as low as the less favored, yet the circum
stances connected with the lives of those whose
motto was "non xibisrd ;irr," jxwsess charms
which all can appreciate and all love to die
rish. We read his name on the marble slab
ponder over his virtues, and mourn his
loss, as of a dear friend. We stand around
his grave, and think how many have gazed
with reverence upon that stone, and our eyes
become fixed upon it as though it possessed
an endearing ctiarm. We look back unon
his life and deeds, and when we remember
that a nation wept w hen Franklin died, we
cannot refrain from dronpina a tear over his
last abode. ' ,
No towering monument rears its head a-
bove the clouds where the first beams of the
rising sun' will gild his name : but that name
is inscribed in characters not easily lo be
erased, 6n every liberty loving heart, and so
ong as Philosophy continues to bo a science,
benevolence a virtue, and liberty tho watch
word of the American people, will his meim
ory be cherished, and his name be honored
Bapt. Rec.
Smith O'Bkien An Incidknt. During
the progress of the trial of this distinguished
Irish Patriot, a gentleman applied to him for
his autograph, when ho handed him the fol
lowing lines, betokening no drooping or falter
mg on the part of Mr. O'Brien :
'Whether on the gallows high,
Or in the battles's van,
The fittest place lor Alan to die
is where he dies for Alan.
Music. Every woman who has an apti.
tude for musio or for singing, should bless
Ood for the gift, and cultivate it with dili
gence ; uot that she may dazzle strangers,
but that she may bring gladness to her own
fireside. . The influence of music in strength
ening the affections is fur from being percei
ved by many of its admirers. A sweet melody
brings all hearts together,, as it were, with a"
golden cord j ' it makes the pulses beat in
unison and all hearts thrill with . sympathy.
But the musio of the liresidp mus' be si mplo
and uupreteuding, it doesnot'requirebrilliaii
cy of execution, but tenderness of., feeling
merry tune for the young, a more subdued
strain for the aged, but none of the noisy clap
trap which Is so popular in public. It is a
mistake to suppose that to enjoy musio re
quires, great onltivation ; the degree of en
joyment-will, of course, vary with our power
ot appreciation; it is uble to attract even the
horant; nnd this is what tho poets taught
when they' Orpheus and his brethren
the eiviluers of the earth, 'fu cases where
musical instruments are not within reach we
may modulate our own voices and make them
give forth sweet sounds. ' . ' '
South Caboi-uia. Tha Charleston Mercu-.
ry says that of the one hundred and sixty
fight members of the Legislature of the State,'
not more than thirty will vote for the Taylor
electoral ticket if indeed such a ticket, is vo
ted for at all , ' ' .
Lire. Look not mournfully into the Psatt
it comes not back again. .Wisely, improve
Ihe Present r it is thine. Go forth to meet
the shadowy future, without fear and with a
manly hoart. Ltmgfrffoif's Hyperion.
'"I :I " HV J.;h.j .! U'l'.if
j , , "viavi TH PEDLARS, V . ... . .
"One dHy' said ihe Bay State Pedlar, "as '
I was driving along, a fellow with a load of '
tin came out of a by-road, and followed right
along in my tracks. "Mister," said I, "which '
way are you going f .
"Ooing ahead ! don't you see?" said he.
"Yes," nays I; "I reckon we had ibetter '
lake different roads, else only one of us will '
sell any tin what say you VI ..l..4. 1 ' .,-!
"Yes we will. Yon may go ahead And sell
all yon cap, nnd then I'll nell as much chea-7
"No I'll gel more for every article.',1"
"Well, 1 don t see how you can do it." t
"Try it, and I'll show you; I'll stop here
while you drive to that house yonder, and '
sell all you can. Start on your team, aJittla
and then come back for your whip or some
thing you have dropped, and you can see
how I sell."
"Well," said I, so I drove up lo the housf
and went in, and spoke to the gentleman who
was reading tho newspaper. "How do vot
do ?" says I, but he did'nt mind anything a-
bout me,
"Want lo buy any tin puns, pails, or cups,
or anything?"
"NO," , . . .
"I'll sell cheap, and take almost anything
in pay. '
"Don't want none." ,. , : ,
"But just look at my lot i it is the comple-'
lest you ever saw'"
"Don't want to." , i .
"Well I really wish 1 could sell vou some
thing. You reallv think von ean'l hnv "
"No, don't want nothing."
So I went on and started on my( horse.
Whe, says I ; now I'll see what that Connec
ticut fellow can do. So I walks back to the
louse. "I did'nt leave mv whin here li.lf 1"
"Hain't seen it," said the old man, keep
ing on reading advertisements. Then the
Connecticut fellow came in
"How far is it to a tavern?''
"Half a mile," said the old man.
"I'm as dry as a codfish. I'll take some
of your water," walking up to a table, am!
taking up a pewter mug. "Oh," said he, "i
is cider," making believe he was going ti
set it down.
"Drink it," said the old man and he did
"That's royal cider you make that ft
your own use can't buy such as that if
had a barrel of that in Boston,', P.d ,get fiv
dollars for it. How did you make it ?",
"Made it out of opples." .
"Did you ? Well, they must have bee
extraordinary good ones, every one of thei
fit to make mince pies of. Got a large o
chard, huint you Squire ?"
"No." , j ;'
"First rate,' what there is on it then got ;
snug house here too haven't seen man
houses I like as well as this, and I've seen i
good many in may. Real snug houses," look
ing around as if hunting astray fly; "hov
many rooms up stairs?" '
' Four and all finished off," said Ahe ojc
woman who was ironing. On that he turnec
right around and made all his talk to her.
' Four and all finished ! You are thriviuu
like all imiui ! Gut smart girls enough to fiJ
them all up!" '
"No only one." gg. i '. i . . ,
'Well, ono,.gxjd one is. enough beUer
lhaii-rhVee or four jirdinnry oiies--how; old
is sue '." '.
"Eighteen," (
"Eighteen 'she'll be married before lone
I reckon. No many girls like yours live tc
be old maids."
"1 don't think she'll be an old maid."
"She looks like you, don't the, now ? I've
heuid of her she's us handsome as a pictur
what a handsome selling out you'll give
'Yes, I've got tive pair of linen sheets, and-
four coverlids, that I made for her this sum- '
mer. I mean, if she ever does get married.
I hat she shall have us good a setting out as
any body,"
"So I would, and you are able to do it..
Now 1 think of it, I've got a few first rate.,
tilings that I mean to carry home to, ejoinebo-,
dy, you can guess who, (winking ) I've, been,
offered more than they are worth, but would
not sell them but I've a mind to let you'
have them for that girl of yours. I don't,
know though that I can let them go. Bet.
sy will expect them. But come, you may .
look at them." ''
So the old woman put on her specs, and .
weutout with him to hjs yagon.,' H,e dug to '
the bottom and hauled out some pans sad;
pails just like those on the top, "Here thev
are; I keep them stowed away out of sight' i
the genuiue Lafayette, t in j come ifrom. 'i
r ranee. I ho more vou use them the briim- ;
er they glow ; they never need scouring." . '
"What i the price pf these common ues,-r
said she, pointing to some just like those he .
had m his hand. t ,. ... , . ,'..
4:Five shillings, aud,. these are tn-th . t
Lafayette tin cost nine and sixpence ; but for !
that pretty girl's sake, that Jooks, so mucu
like you, they say, I'll let you have a few for- I
seventeen shilling.' .- I
i ito he went on talking, till he sold her mora f
than five dollars worth of ware not uigh as i
good1 as mine,' at a. good deal higher prices. '. .:
. When he started on, says he, "Hew, tone
did yetisein" , '..
j Noue.",, ',,,..
: "Ah, you did'nt come pin Connecticut f"
( "No, I didn't says T;" and then in t low
voice 'and I dont want to,' if they all he as
jou do !"
. J