- I....- ....g-..,, .! I I. I a.ll-. -I. ?. - - HO 1 ma"; iC .1 V VlnA "ii t1'. 11 .Uti I.'.,.. 0tfT,"Vl I'.l fi...l,. t ;an,1 ... - I -am il rt' i-1 IV ' 'it ubi..x j-nnrn ml -a. r vi d id k . n .: . t...r. .' .U ... .... uu,..,.tMfr&Z&nZ&Mte MA J.JLl.xf,AAV4JtUAfM, .a, noshes MrS f f !V bar Arc. in ..; n - .. -I-.- - - AfcT j ijiiLi.Ti j,1 ' . .- i - . - . . i-i-iii tr? . t r n :.-(.... '1 . ' '. lift v '.I I I ' i . ' f fc mJi.w . : rr 'ii- i. i. - p y x-i r. , i . . -i, 9 WTEKMN OF 'I'll K A.MI'.U11J4.. j THB AMERICAN i fBlillhl r 8itmxlnyt tWO T0OLLAU8 per annum to be paid half yearly iu, advance. ' 'Napaper discmtinned until all orrearngcs ere pnid,r Allirmninlrioiiof!ertrio)i Im-lni'oCfclittlng'to (lie , affice, inaureaKainiua, mutt be iOSX PAllJt U1 ". t ( !! TQt.CLliJi8, ,i i a . .Three coplca to one addrew, ( ipson Fifteen . . Do Uo N " a(iu Five n-tlnr lif advance will pny foi three ?e!ar'Bubiicrip 'ikm tirtfleAmetioun.i' ( i i i n h'ih i dne feq'unre'of l(l Unci, S timca, Mfv ribetiuent initertt.int ' , SI 00 1 S3 t-i'tt-iU , :i75 , , 6W) aoo tne Ikiaare, S uumtha,-! n ! ' , Hi niinlba,, i, , m, .,:. . One year. . j. fc Bnaiirem Canll oT FiM line, per'nhnnin, 1 Merrhante awl other, wtveitiiin ky tlw ia h .j , rear, wUh the privtluge ut imerticgdii'- i , remit adveiliseinema weekly. I- W Largirf.AtlerlBeineiit, aa jier'agreoirirtt. lorjo 1 1. ATTOR N E Y-,A. T. I,A , ;. eCetbury, pa. r , f t MKi ri icjt Mi'inleil til III lllr i'mnitlo ol ,iuii f I'rlanit. tlmnti. livvuniiua iul olumtna Ueier tei w, ,,, LOVTKII V BIUIJI , (,!.. ,r fOMKia & IUK.l, , .., ,,f! Hmrouiis. jyici.Ain.AXU V Cn yi'iiilail. o 9eKKlsj "ion A, vo., . 1 H-r .t, !TBB.CHBAF.UUHSIUIUf.. . : "IILTISLS. ?. SMITH'S ; " CHKAP NBVy &;Sl!faNp BAND UoOK SlORK, NurlhW'esl, corner nf t'ourih,"oni( .Arcli , Sl.rtet rhilaileliihux. I.aw Btwikt. Thi-ologiral and Classical IJopka, " ' MSBICA1. BOOKS.' ' 'mOQRAlUUCAA mroKWA lBOOKS. , HXl fcC6QL-looKsi SCIKNtlFlO and Mathkxaticao BO'KS. i ""J Jutenlle Boohs, in )reat taritlif.' Hymn Books and Frnyt Hook, Bihlf a, all sizes .i 1rt i t! . i I. ff' -f . j. iBioic 'j?ooI-, Tfriing Par, and Stationary, i.. . !!'.' - : r?" Oitb prices arc much I vwer than the HEnrr. prices. IT.llilarina and ainnll pnrpclanrbuVa nnrph-iael. , 'IT Bo'iVa iTip xtcil M nrnVr frm Ti'md n. " Philadelphia, April!, 1Mv t . .i t" t;l eri s 'rtvSnsxtoN wnnniAN'TS ii iittrt lrlprH in i'e1. . ... i .V. 3 -Atk -V ;;. 1.. , .. f 'rMivtiiiiti vwi hai'il ' ' Hyi ' It" i'1 '"' ' G R OC E IU R Fs T E A S, "WINES,- f- R K O.-:. LUIUOKS, &c. f o'wti'ch thy lUpi-cilnHv1 ni'-'thi'' aitAtiiti nl th .ulitif - ' ! ' 1 " All k'lid- offonii'rv iroHucp tnk-ii in -Xi liiini; for ('inrori nW t'.uii("iiiiii. ., J'llll yUll J ;ll .1 r , y . , . .. ,. ,. mAHUFAdTOIilT, Mi. 15 'A txri'mUimt fast Mc drncn stunt, r:, . 1II1I,AHJ'IIA. , ., , -x ., . J HENRY COULTER, "; 1"HJWF.SfE:TI"UI.LY'iiifo.m bis frifiiila mid Siij ' rilD lhnt ii ctmstant y keps on kdii4 lr)f asort mi-iit of Mil ilrrn iwtl dw I'MCliea, Chan, ('rail ' niatki-f and Have ling biMkets, aixi ewryvartiy of baskfct jwork nMufitctwi:r(hi' ' ' " ' -i n'tmmWy VI tctiant wrrAt htbprs lio with to piirthaBB IW'a itkr n ml. .anl rbtip. would du ur to -pa lorkhmi. a tii-y are al mnulac tiird by hrra itrt-lie bnrt ifiMinir. I'hl-pl.iili' 8. 1848-Iy1 " WM OrMASONf.f -'.-i n . 4S Cif.'HHt 3 ffi-nn rihorf W , Vhihrblftlua Walch pnprB. f-itfJls' h&n iW. R-aU anil ftampt lof fliU'Pp.lloM-a',. f!.Wi-iif .IVtnpcrante. ((.., &c. 'Alwayi on hanil a RHtirral HssortrtiHiit ot Fini Tariry t!iod finld pens nf eyi'ry quality 'louTolMr in itV variety.- ' Kitscravrtr inula (ml rr,atVTia1.' V" ;' 1 ' 1 ' " "; Alncy.roT ftte Marl'ifacWirer if filaJsirrs D'.. ntoto! ' " ' " ' "' Oh'A-s fir-r rra'rl '(poM'pnil) itl .jmwctilnlly ttnM-tft "i '"''' "'u ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " rttiU.IlpMi' April f; llSy '' " . - Con ave Iron. H to S-p f enu " ' 1 TJY prrrhmtnff tlfir OILCLOTHS tliivil jlVifrjiHV JhM""lt':'"r?' t " t - ,Tt ..pO't'TJER fcC-tfeHtflMfttA .! Irav.e'op'e'i.eH .WreKoii. No MS North Third .wWe-rhiy wiH alway k.-eflrf bid'aTomplfti .otrnVitl 'of ;t P"'"' jfi.Ct.rWj V ,. JS SB. iO. 48 and St nth - WMte.J Ti ' .irtl. PaMitrtli and l;liiii'm-4M rnaW, on Una ' iirr1Wi atw! liara ' Tnblt Oil Vttl.hu nf the moat dcairaltt J r-rn. 3i, 4fl ud Stu hi i, wide Mwr'O'l Clo'h: Irani OT wtin to 'Jl fori wlfle W)-!? 'tpatntmeT. lha npwpal tylf Vf paftrfns.'altof thHr,n-vn tnantfaetuf Trana pat-nV Vimlow fhd.-a. Cmii fie '. AH gnoda warranted; , -ir-'i .-..i: : i . , .' - Phita! May t2l" J8 m' 1 ".-' ;''.' VlilST PREMIUM PIAffQ tOHTSS.1 ra:,HE SUBlEU basbfen appninte(i aaenti a for the sale of K AD Miiilili 8 Vr-Lr. BKATEUPRB-IUM KOSE WOOD PIANOS, t rtiislae. '-Thse Pian.n hve J filain. ma eive and hiaatinil fsu.ior finish, and, far jleptb bi loiip.'anj uleganr of workmar.akip, ara not aurpa.ied by any in th Umtad States ' ' ' Thae Instruments ar highly approved of by n moat umlienl Ptnfi-ntora and ..'ornpoaurs of Muaic in Ihia and other (illel - a' ' For qnalitlea f tonr, tnurh and keepint ia one, upon Conrert pitch, tliey cainiHt b aoi-'paa-ied Ky aithrr' Ami-rit an or Euitipnaa pianos.., '.'i -. Smlfice it toaaf that MaiUma Caaiallan. W Vj tVatlac. Vieo Tcinpa, and hit antt-r, 4h rle-; lira led Pianut, aiul anany nihia nl, Ihf moat lia-! ttinquiaberl patlottiM-". Ja aiven thus inalrn 1 tnenta prefcri-nee ovn all othra ; " .i n i ..i x , i They havi aln r rnivrtl ttln fimt ,ioia fth! ibre Ui.Ebjiinv"l.h.''-l i!v-' by tha FwiirWtauii4illU d'd ta.tbwi,Hhirh, vllr.Jfp.r.;iVT,t,' amou.. mav ba a-enaUHe Wifre'inatri o. ,48 .ith Fnarih al. 1. .. -.rt.,.'i-- ;i"n a ftTAanlher ilvr.,Mal: .aviariM ln, .Ummi. hv rl -.Ftahkk'H Jiv'M VV. r V1 l'v the bl P. ano in th- t xh h tinn a.'.l i Aa-aii.-a. "hr eKhihttot. lit It.- FiJ-ikl-ti ..alt j tut 0.-I tS H-filrlrJ...i-iti m dal . awar.M Mwt lix fcflwon MhiaikV; '. 4,,! b.ra twtar4-4 t iib -WWiinn Ai.'ht- vai bfir.a) ka (touimI vox haliarf wJ-.l)l ial i r amnion eirnia an ,hr Urrumei.ta ikm;tbip lh: .l..li)amlilllM. ! S: i I li". Inatitnte. amMaya. tfrerntun.rwaa waaravi la C..iMevl, to h k-at Piano- .at h fihibtVon .rf,ftwla,lil,",,',',',,1 Ci Mr trva1 "i" v''al im M- Uilonrai tortbekaaf "'" B''""0" 1 near r'a.iaa ariin .." .... -- r'atffa; iipTiiladlpbja pcira. if not something -1-, (peraonf arc reqteH to call and am j tutiM. 11. B. MASsER. Stjnbury, April t, lis!. GHS, OF, POESY; :, TrT-" ... ' ' ' t !'i ; 'n-vrrr THE AITER S PPAT1I BED H,i.J Ti-eid jsoftlya-wihrt mh In Teverent siteifdff tmr-- No passing iljojl -Joth toll ., Yet an imniovtal soul , ) , Stranpp'r f however frreal, tKj,i. j v i i Wilt holy tetreiwir bow'; . l.'v ' j '' Th'sone? lii that poor fhrd-- " ' ' "j!".'. One by Ihrtt palry Wd- I "ri Greater han tjiij'u ' " ',, - j ti.'i !.. f i Bon with that MrstrV ir,-, UJ i . Lo ! .death doth keep his state ; ... ' hh-iitcf rtfiHtTloid I Enti'r no rruards defend '' .;,,lTi-fnlnce UMbr - :' " 3'!'r - THnt rmvprnont, dump and fol, M ' (Mr ..No emilina courtier trendy ( r . ,, ,;I .,, Utio,siIelit uornan stanil.i", 1 ; .. . i : Lifting with mwijrre hitndri " '; : ' !l '- -A dying head.'. '"j'J j' ' . ' ' No miri!.'lips vpitres somul-r An infant wail alone i " 4 ' :! A. Virui!l-:again , , ; That ShoM,1 deep fmfsty nnd then !xThe V'inVirroafi'-' . J : .- ! I .-. 'i i !7.1 ,, ., . Oh ! rhnnre Oh ' wond'rpusehangi.'--i ,H a 3. ; .'.. '-I'- j a. i Burst are the prison bnrs-1- ; This riiomenl there, go' low, Sn iirronisCrl, nnd'riow" ' ' ' ; M k Beyond the stars ' H. AS. 0 ! ehiTue jtnpen Ions ehuimo ! , There lies 'h-1 sinHps clod 5 --Thn" rtTMi-t .liiinV - - Thf,of i"!1y'j';,'r'j,''r - I'ri"" - 'f 1 ':..' i ' 't 7 .' ' ' : "nT:tt vii'-tr-.'r.' , - , . ; r.K l r! --rl'ur. -'.'.-.'ii ' ... .ti s Am :te h.ivc ,;! 'rr. 't'i I -a-!M( r tit : Tn "vnlh T ei'lt !t rniti t 'r. ll ' '; ' " ' . Y'l'Q'U! wlnt ar Oie r""i ? . : ' " - - . - - - . i i I vetyt l';u twenty u!i, vrt rjn-.vr- ! ,., ;. . l A spinster's lot is h'.r-l tn KvV On earth nlone to tis hr 1i-H'vs, ' ( .( . Ma I !pis ,!ouv) thin. No oflnrj ye-no off.;'f yut !. -. v ;. ? I'm pn7.ied quite to make it out; For every bean mv cap t set, , . . , i ...Wh'tt, whnt, what are the men nhoirt Ttt 'V don't propose 'hey won't propone, ' 1 For fear, pr'ili.Tps, T'd not ny. f yes 1" Jnst let Jjiem )ry-r,'or haven knows . ,. . I'm tired of gir.cle hle-jsedness. ;u .'' Vn married yet not married vet The (leii-eis hi the mep, fear i: ,. , j I'm like ftT-ttmethins to be Ic,,- j ., V Aed 1r h-fef ooc that's eler.iy" ' ' They s:i v " slu-'s pretty ;bnl no rli'tiK ' " And love, with int it runs in debt !'' It nsitaty' ply Jwyrit'o think , , . . i nut i nave p.'aii no oner yei: ,. (Froni Sharpe'a I.ondoa Maparitieyl ; "UF.COIJT, K(rT TONS' ....ii i I a ' -t op Tltiri.lPf; " -e " '" '"" Cbnchnletf. On the bed lay a lonjrTvrry long,straisht form, much taller than my mother, covered with a white shpeL t Clara walked before cov'erih?f the head". There. stire enou-h. ! . v.a.u.. -.1 . i . l .?r..vi: i iav mv ii oi er tiiuciu nrm ncai niiu ms ever, her sweet countenance,' with 'the same expression. But oh! the, truth, at uiicr iiasueu , uuoii niH-fie. xoux ur'tn.-. ! .1 1 .1 . . .J I I I n c u j j u j i u ' Uriel, shame and despair had . done their ... i c, , .'. 1 n , i work. She was dead indeed ; and all my I . e e. i . . . -V ! projects;. Jur, , future. istiQBi ijvas, ai li u i Tl. ,., ',.. 1 iliuillll, 4IIUI it'll. J IJI3 Viia IHW ot-.ei-nt '. ,i-i .i . ... . Stroke of a'l tQ my V0,''lg . .hear.,., I stood like one in a trance y Clara and I remained hand "in hand for some time! then we UJ.aJ'I.I :h..kl . 1 li k. .1 t . 1 .. I .. 1 1. iLtuivi-u at eu.i.11 utiit-i. utiu a"atii ui me,, . -.' . corose : then we snt. doWn nn tlwhP(l kk e : and more thatl. an hour must ha? elapsed before pither of ns xnokc. ' At lau I 'aid. i ' . . ... ni.f H iiMif u u. i h .hinit At iviA-ac c' vi . .1 'i'T kk;-'-' v'ii if she did notnow what I meant. I said ciara, uou caa , i. e.p .a , .o.u.:,. vu not apnear to' understand me vbut.iwe kneeled down, and I iwrayed; that is, 1 said over and over again, uon nttip . "God help us!" ta. osewereon y words I could find, but they were from the ..I hut iho wpw irnm me heqrt, oud .Ihejr ascpntled jtp thaFattojj' of Mefeies; and we fovftf hup. ;: I pass ,qvert.my nnojhef's unffal, which topl .place jhe ."next day, and tha-qoncoise , .t .'.1,11, .4uVitoft " t Vtaea'Aver the lamentation tferthe' pbor 'woman and her habl .K thp VxpcratiOrtJ gainst my. fattWtll o'C which wpnt to wy heart.. Mr sister aid irvvtelf went hdm. Where, sww kind neighbors haj prepared for uaa ley- necessaries ;an.1, we passed. Jt)e jest'ol.i.oev.-.tt ws wh( ,mm mwv; Mrpr thn,diiy ia walking from room torootTnand tilkiji r ovr, wjt , wqiijer ;vha.t..wr should do. The next inorni nr, as soon as we had, Mhl'W nioitr'titU ?bw;akfast,'ton'V, 6ne I knoi.ke 1, at the d orv I OTned it, and who, should . ak in, but my friehd, lhe chap-; lair) hrthga-jt'i rH.' )oV' f1iy .thejilind,; anil atdownin.n,i little -paalor, wnf-atatec; and myHjf san1lin'j'bpTr)rihlm." ,H asked' ' ml I liad liear f aiiy'lhi "gf 6t my father.) My' rtclabia'lotf "irt ''answer Wa ' In "be .hanged W .- Thtre was aa abVuptRwss tn my, mar4Pe.w,uco nyvi couiq raccpnra, tor,' . ... L . I J . l a ... ' mtt aupptisi tnm, -ne -iwri loucireqrajpot) 'nej kri ni whirh . wa wWroaoat ifl rOT.-tniiid -'J and I eouM' hut think' thatttfoo4 "tan( must t know, I was impatient To 4b UiiorMI I pats over iriWMirA(nt'al rtitKigiit of mat ion he had to impart ; and, besides, ot aflection lor more than twelveJ yTv??lZ-SlZi1 nu iiitr' tv ii ij- anit.niaiiinriiia " J I a t y uu heard any thing?" said he-. .We assured him" We" had hot and he then', in as'g'uarded miinrie'r' a prtssldle, lold ds he jvas doai? not-hanred,' bift that he di stroved 'hihiSelfl - muisoflMrJ; remeinber that he waff some- hnn;telling us. all thiund that before he h?ft us hei mailt! .us kneel down, found a lit-J tle.deal table, and- prayed for, us. .-..What a good uian I thougiht ie ,rnust jje,. .f ' pl) iTv. father, joy he destroyed hinisel f, or Was buried, or , any other- particulars, I never heard, nor' '.inJecirl wished to. hear. Our frretid theri' said, And 'het is to be done wifh'yoU, rhy j5oof ' children T" " I never seemed Wliave : thought of this, but tvas very soon nrnde to understand that Ave coold ;not remain where - we weref' for -tny father's ereditors would take every thing ; and besides, , we could; easily understand that u;e ,pould .not keep house,, .11 at once the, thought came intp my head, that I had heard of boys seeking tlieit fortune, so. I srtid, I will 'go 'and "seek, my fortune." Ihit then I said astain, " But my "sister 1" This, too, my "nod fii end" .had.. thought of, ami i lotnui inai a piace wuti' a connexion of his own liad been provided for her, many miles off. I blessed him.' ; - '' " i i At thisiime I was a strong,' steady ,"qnick, active boy, hetween tVelve and thirteen years! of age. . -"'And F aiJ , he, wijat,wtii yoiwial: r-t,-:.' ; ,ir , Again I.answi'red, ".Why, seek ;nV fur tune, to be sure.: Never mind me, air, j shall do.f; .: , He IfKiked at me . very earnestly, and said, Not as yon have done, I hope." 1 blushed till mv face and hands glowed, but felt quite indietiant at the imputation, and for the momtfit laliliost hated my rrtnd because he conlil not undefstind the full conversion of. my uiind... The- feelin? was hut for a moment, for I took his hand; and fctssed.it, and sol-mnly assured him I would never do any tiling which, shouUt, Lc myself, l)iit that J had ma le, up piy jiiind . to ,be God's child, , He siniled, flud tljCj, tears c:tiiiP into his eves, and he looked for a nvp '";nt"t(s if he' prayed. 'He then fold 'nie ftl.U'nHV f l!1irr-VrfitVWa 1li.it Timi'im1 1 M i n'1 L ' - ' ,, . V . . T -. ..!. one, nnn nmr we nod a ri"M to nribtru r t this was, hf-snid fortunate. In spite 'of all liis'Ofrrr of providing for me, or of getting me into some service, I deterhiihpd to--go away and the very njext ?ay T found iny- self q:j the road from , with -17. till. in ny pocket, and with - no. id. a .where I should bi'iid m v course, or what I should do. ( I liad uiiny jwckt t lh . JitejcliQir to the. siluatjou where . ray sister was .going, and had taken a verv allectjonate , leave gt her. . J vas fulf of iiope, and, leafed . more for her than iiiysclf, for although 'she would have a good ' Iioine, I djd ' hot, ' think sli'e trusted in' Gofl.''; I started at four : 7n'' the morning, for I diil not wish' to be' i-lV'hy-any et! and at ninef-wa niftrvy Ivih's away ; further than I had ever been before. Aly-BuppPT had been WSH-arUl,Wrsa4' down' upon1 a 'heap bf etrii"eSi' by tli'e Way' side, aiid tat:it for breakfast, 'arl triri toolv cut my Bible (for piy giwd' friend hadiven jue one,), to read-a; chapter..-.': In doing, so, out droppad a note,; it. was directed to nie;; Ihese were the words : . : :v , F-.i.i.i pray earnestly qpd constantly ; God will helnou. Your friend, rr-.V r M . i i r .f I c. .':-if I .(.i J ett'in .myiheart i thje inipulse, find'at once-- hv the .wayside": kneeledJdow"i,'biKl prwyeri lbr-Btnncrth;' I wa aroused-liy a a slight blow of Hi xfhty across my shoul ders, nrid by art eXclaniatlon 0f ?VYhat!t(he devil was 1 ' nhout 1" ' I 'sla'rfed ' and saw a very gooj-loakinj; well dressed in:in staiubhg before nie.' ' I 'answered at oriCt, ' Pravlng,' fi - "Vhat; , . the" 'Toad?' 'Why donTvou nraV at homo r1 r. ! , - .Mr a rr '' 1 .'s "1 nave uo Iwme, tar t , y.'- ' .-We walked tosretheh and he entered in to rofi'vcBatiotl VftH es5 l'HeAvWplt'ased . . ..... .... . . '. wnn mviranknrss, and bclore parted wave . . .. . c.f .' , ,. . v,-"i-pT me hiscotd,: ahd'v'hjte' a direction for me . ... ,' .... .. ; to a Inend at a Tie&port tWenty mils off; . ... , . .... in .,j and wiien wo nartil, he-wished 'me1 'food , , .. .. - u. 'J ... j . lin-l. ami lie ot tliH ifrii.itnne talflJ.. Jlut remember, do not pray in publicr.ta i-,1'. I Jivwere,!" vyhv; pot V-'A V -e: aO The question seemed to puzzle.hin. for . i c . 1 a mniiieiil. nnd in f-.ict.he. ative jne. namn I . ( . . 4 !."..:. ' T ... v". - ""l" " . ttt-nr Kill liivtiiirl nuMu. nmi I r.iv n te:ir in : ' . ... bis eye. .-Bftf p v 1' )t meihfgave half-a- i crow IU...V s, '. '.'A."i r,i-A'f- I , I continued o walk on, and evening Sl),ne. miles IUtantTfrojB ihl ; . , ,,,llklH, lo lhe door 0f . iUU inn. and asked if I mizht- come in. The land liM-d said, " Uo, he wanted no bet- 1hefe." . T r,i ,..,! -ki a. ,i,a ,;, i;k,'J,;.i - " " " "7h" ' . - ........ vWell, then, if you have any niorley you may." So I went iir, and layin?'down nfV half-crown, received a Srd htPal of blyad and cheese and a rhiig'of beer, and on shillinr, with an aiinouncefnent that j niy.d , , werjija'yl.sia fyyy 4ij9p tWaetJ.je(d,afl i yer' soon fell asleep ; the kitcheiws fu afld ill -wnep j wqKs. louia inai some ,oneJ ad Jhrown a, cloak 9ver,q.e,as (aj iirtne,cor-i .f f ..iir . .if , t 'i "fc were whispering oear.uiieii aivd, bein,s J .niil tafore.a verv sharn bov.'did not m3ve-j th.k more1 so, "a i oon'JroUnfl'Mhe f vrrtcJ. bf oneo( the $peakf rs vt-as fiihil'rarto me,' '' I UAJ- t...n I, '.rt.in al.mtf f'atliLeia . T uina lian lirdiu u.Sj'sw' nv-f'n , ty " well acquaintea wun meir manner oi iaiK' 'ihno Hiat I fcoliild nnVl'tMlrhfniJrv-ao ino-. The while q'jj AVAiliiJtj.j'iahouge. at the seapmJtto whieh l wks -gVini; and, H ei rrmembemd thei laartfcbhT-thri -&nr it -- thp erv house t Was diretted Mo" ' I layftiiietly till' th'eyVfnt 'fwayj aftdrheh went Ho fed. On inv' enti-rin the town' Of mm 9rrm-f$,lfo Lth road iroia.frJl I tifttthiiiiksr: my first impulawM fcto koitUrt fcta-eiiilt 1 1 the ocean ) I am detailing facts, not sensa had. loaft fill 'fling 't "father: 'and waV little IBvJliona. . I ill on vmtlro.l i. ik hv the. diknrwkiJi .l-- n..r..i :' rap.U ttde ; pH,fVM rnew to n. aud Tor a.time I Jprsotvttrv tliinsr in the ft LI l LI VP ilierit qtid woiidurlof tbYeene.' I was. I fulloH fA intionlr I ..."..'.... I .. ' yio- "lehtly liiki-n oT rny legs '.by a rope vl ivag n use for hariiin?; a tshtp into the ba hich n into the hnsin. aim a norse laug-f) accoiTTjianied by an oath. al thy blmdiiess. 'IVasbufsliohtlv hiirt.'afid . . . i o . . v if i felt anpry Tor fliel rnflmeriL J 'remtlhi- bered 'promise Jo niV friend, and with out saying a word, hopped away as well as Icon Id.- 0': r-v. it'."; ,-7A very nnld but firm voice, hoWever, took up my quarrel, and rebuked the sailor for not. calling to me. ..I looked up; my friend wasj a tall, fine-looking young man, with a benevolent' countenance ;" he came Up' to fne, and asked if t Was much hurt. I' aisiifea him ! I was iiot. "Let me-see "Wnr ;r,s, said ' he; Irt "sfoopins down to mtfie rfty stockmg,'the card I had Teteived friihi tlli stranger day before, fell out of my pocket He took it op, and lookingatlt inquinM how Icame' ly if. Upon my giyinghint Ihe, particulars, he said, " We Were lokkigont for youto-lay." J started. " Yes,'?, bp said, ,." Mr.. - wrote about yon tomy! father., "Come alonp; with nie.! , , ,1 iimpeu atie,r nim. . yye entered ine t.dwn, and passing downlwrj or three streets, came to a verp handsome house, arid turned through gatewaj' into a large yard, three sides of -which vere warehouses, and the fourth the back of the htaisi we had passed. He stopped nt a floor, and givihs; it a sw.ine, entered, i jTIip door sWg'ng rack, and I, was i,ell alone bust 1 stood here, two or t hree ladies passec me, .with a beautiful little rirl. Ore of the cartyrs was putting a horse into a carf. , Just as the child passed, the horse backedj and the little girl was in the immi nent danger of being; crushed nnlrr the wheel. I sprang torw-ard and pulled her away, hut hot so" quickly as to disengage myself.;: The whel passed dver my ley, and I was unahleto rise.; The pain was intense, Unit I di 1 not cry out. fot, so with the la dies; bft last (tlung 1,,. heard was , their srjvanirvp. jta? ?r -! ' .. :. vr y.Whe.nJ was pe'xt conscious, I was laid ovt upon a, bed ;, maiv persons were" about me, and a siirico" W is settiroj the bone. I reiiiymbrr ll)i'n; c.,U,nir?fnit with pvn, and bvinfj lii mlTv cfmlhrtivl. , When all was: oier,.! "ns under 3be, care of an old woman, and v eil tended; the bed and, "the room were something more pxand than I had eyef before' 'seen.' 'About fh'e time of lighting; th'e candles, and when the glare'of a large lamp in.the court-yard showed that the nicht was closing in, all at 6nc: the conversation I had' heard at the ulehoase the alehouse five day before 'came tnlii'mv mind. I asked the'l ohl wcifnan wher.?jl was. She tli.) not sfein iuulbied to be (tom miuiirativi aul,i.ij)OHiiiy,inrire earne. r' inn'istrancesrtfadc ui be, quiet, arid, h-ftitje. I In gan toflie jve.aij.vitsi, 1 ctnildviiot doubt that I-wa iq w ry.ignie intended ,ti be roMivd. ,he clock , struck sevenand a-iiin citht: aM 'lbenVnine."', I felt hsh-ep, Hid awoKe to near it srriKe Ten. u na ne id ove. I wa-r rra'lv in 'ainv. During' itiy eri some one livl- hw-n in -the l'ooin; frr the candle had been ' moved. . - cailei' oud, but .nb. onoohe. ontwered. .- For nearly an, "hour. I, lay JiBtejimg 4o eyery sound, and pain 15 my Jr'Was nothing ip the auxietwof niyj iHin4..( rI was aSa'n owever, doiag, .aiKpreaiuig ol loiiners, hen I was. awanv't'vai something move'd m ar me. 1 looicea up. sorneunng wnire passed mv'hetl.'"-! spiiki f "noone ariswered. I entreated whoever it was to co:i to m. t last a gentle voice said, "Are yot. in pain?" "'' 1 1-' '"' "" It twmf'tlie:' liUIef -ftn-r: whenf jne naa saved when mv lea was, broke!., ..Sl had Jeen 'tflrld Bot-. to rtisturb me, but had. ,not licen .ulile;to re,sist the feeling of gratitude; and had risen from, her bed to tjteal in aid seif J..was really .alive. I sjioke tn,her,, and begwed she. wotdd .send jier father W':: ... -i .. . .. t "SheT dared hot,' he 'would be" very . . . .... (s.r 'Bur, rrty nlear1, ? must'H' htrrt." ;' " To-monow' 8h'ald HvOii will.".' v.-, M.Bot I must see him 4ini'jfhtJ' -II She assured me it was impossibW.-ren- trffst-td.and at last said, yf you dongt, you Wtljll be niur lered." ; ,i r,lfOuld but smile, in all Jii.v, anxiety, at theT'',ar child's face. Slfe wis alavflygirl, with the most beautiful eve. I' ever saw. I did-liot, however, thiiak'1 oP- these" then : tlti'ifinipression, lUfialtej; yiarsj iwps Jlie scoaree of many a heqrl wVti They were' then filled with tears, and shone in the re Avciignnuf. iUn. gW .of vhWfr yard,,. J jlJ4w.niaaa nepronus o ieic.ii ttie nuse-t,9, .meji as (jjie. reacneo ue yoor lot.trujl puqxe, l again eniorceu ner pro-, mLsp. Af tiuit moment a voice on the stairs' said! Who'rss that?" - ' J I Yin child slipped back in fright the door' npi-ued, andt middle-aged man , in a' Tiesstnj.'-: 'oru entered the, rooin. ' His surprise' at ijee-; inr the 'child was ver iireatj'but ho seemed pt ptensed at tlip motive, that he spoke ta.her. Wj .the utjnpst Kiniiiiesd, ana iook tier up in, m 'nrmiiVnd Viwed her, aooldej Very' little. I .....in.. '.' i .,..'' 'v . .I., 'a.' a t v. . , . ' ... . t i ' - . ' jwi 1 Rtie could jf) no goon, caueu up iiieuurnc, and seuf ji'dr'to be'V, and ttie'ii'.' to rriy fatisfmc- 'ion, came 10 my dpushib. auci ..id u. i i ;i iri..' il'.ri;,.iH !l''W!'i,n.', VTI'J1"8 v ahotij I te taken) . mill. " vou need not ienr o on i'l hurt vou." I nel I was "ot atrniu, our mai inara woro. r'V.1n.S(?li '1FiifVr,hn. Boueatidt-rth H Hn''?hJ, niWalil,,Le4 th4n Hifne.virj h v .nn." rca &g hhn- IJatea tnt ? hd aookThiM iiM.rlrtiiiinKwvil. KjeiadlK tot bnnriwilf -ryon .jiiratn ioN inomhvav.'ril antrakted Itiil Wnasod W juat fc raaohakl fc doori I id, "YorfMyr.'arjwiBy 4mlawMnj your bed-room V V., S VTtMnAY, OCTOBEIl SS, 1848 .C- i.-T TA V.lf ', JiLJiH'. "!IA...-F JltildiipL;il, irtip "said," 'hatfheli "Is it not behind your bed' head 1" He return ed and putdown i the calidla.""The key is like llvroa"keJ-j;7. nfjame-16 t'rfy bedside. I then explained nil t had' heard, 1iow they intended entering,: ond their number, six of them, and more, -that they were determined to succeed, by fair ir foul means." "' ' 1 ,:' The clock struck tjleveh. ' ' ' a 11"" : "Did you Sa'y'tyvel ve J" he said. answer ed, ('Before twelve, before the vrafchmaii goes his rounds.?,' . ,. ',',, ' What happened more, I krmw not, He left thn room, und 1 romaiued In darkness, except that the lamp in lhe court yard flared 'with the wind, uiid lhat the rain battered against the window. ; My' leg ached very much. Sleep I could not. I lay and listened for every passing sound. '"Tickj tick,' tick,'' went the great clock, which was fixed outside the wall of that part of the house whe.e my chamber was) and which between thegu'sls of wind I could distinctly hear. Once or tvt ice I Ihought I heard whi)erin(rs on the sluircase. "Could it be the robbers? IlaJ' the gentleman neg lected my warning ? Oh, how I longed to to-, he able to cretlp lo lhe door'! The clock struck twelve, but there was no twisobultho continual tick, tick, tick of the clock, and the pattering of the "rain. Could they have given over the ottqmpt? I wnRSuro I had not been mistaken in my information.. AD al once t heard, in this room over mine, the. window opened, and a man step down ujwn 'lhe iloor; another followed, another and another. , They struck a light, the window-was gently shut, and I could distinctly hear them walk lightly across the room, towards what by tha. shape of my chamber I conceived the door.' 1 was risht ; tho door opened, the sound of their feet was upon the stairs. 1 lay in agony. What would be the event ? ' I did not wait long in euspprVss."' A Violent otitcry and the firing Of pistol succeeded strngslinp, swear ing,: blows 'nnd screams. This lasted some four oj- five minutes. . Presently otrie enter ed tlie room over head. and opened the .win dow, and then rushe l back again. It must be thought.!,- that, they had cut off hi escape T As-1 afturwaid learned, lhe ladder had been removed. lie returned to the .staircase and ran down. My door opened ; some one en. leicd und mado for tho window: .it was bar. rod : he bad not much time to -undo it The master of the house nnd two others entered he fouplit well, and once was nearly -on "the bed,. I shrieked wi:h .apprehension, for my p uir Teg. At last he was overpowered . and led out of flie. riioiij. There was no more quiet in 'tliii hiuse tbnt riight." Every one was moving about. The coiirt-yard sounded .yth Jlieytiices 'fifj niuiy, persons., .Ay was confusion and uproer.; Jl lj. not tail ol my. fhare of, theUfctitipn-.; 1 soini found I wftfe an object. ofio corimiou feeling. 5 vf'; ' Vii s l(tio syrpoq came Jo me , aqin in tho motnnig, una the wiiole lamily VfsiteU jne ui course of the" day- .1 learned" "that ' bnp robber had been shot and badly vrnfuided. an other ' beaten" ftlmostrto' death ; one escaped by opetnng thn 'slnlrttlobi' and joining sorne f.ompiintonsj-who.drove off in aeurt; nndont! take in my room.; ,8uch weri the dveut of thoniahtr ' ....it. !. One of lhe pai-tars, was much hr?, and an- piper dif,co!utfd. his. wrist, by ,aa11 ,.onktlu' house and l)is soy escapej wlh qnly a .few sliglit hrnisps." "' lav some weeVs ft mybf, dnrinii'whieh I wnfi fufmsbeif with hnnk'snnd-in-leed every thin I enul t fpfinirf'f and nt 1ast, 'for it' ap peared a weary liinfwftsprmlrtp l'io sro a Iwnt r.pou'i p crtitch. ,--My 1 little blue-eyed .frlfiul jH attiritiT)n to mp and in a "few more weeks I was,, well, jjnd aain wanderetl. doVn th the onay and nbnu! the tow n. , . One day, the m.ns'er ca'lel trie' into his pri vate room,; mid. said, "Well, F-i , you are no:?'werl :.- Wbni dn'ynn hitimd to tlo!'tT i; -.1 answoreik,;''! m mm J don1! kaowj'-i-r; , j.'-PerUapsi, ho' idi ..l'yott.,yill jroakev a I friend one, pud ,ell we your history V, i ?, "i on neeu not r nr. ,pu hav one me two services, and I nevpr mret. ,lell me all, cnn.iiilly jyqslIiiTf liever repent it no erne shiifl v'e'r knoSv'rt from''m.''1" ' ' ' ti i i VWVWonV'rt'lf-f''',fi' vr;;-,-:-. .id; jj"Si1l.lit aaiAi,!rrtt rPViiii-mynvife.,":'.' ' "Yon will never speak to me.a)ghi'ii,' -AvUr?ii you k now ollt'lrs-h fijn.J.;t-.j''l irii :h af,ni'! " .--! ..- vi-v.'-i :l .! '. ,f. i;i ';.t And so I mauQ a, full coivfs.iuii ; anl when t had done," I looked up W ith shame and con fusion; 'fcxppctmir to 'seel him as an' enemy, and'to-W tunietl oof "of his'houee: To wiy aiirprisa,i be took ma by tha ha'rfd, and said, - d,..jhank vom for-thia !cwifidojic, (Iliad, hideoil, axpe'pted asmpcb,,! krew that you, must have been. 4n very pad, poinpaqy,;. for, although' y oil didnot observe it, 'you told niq the names of those men, whose voices you eo'uhfonl 1iaa eird M tfeti' f 6d wore afous. ed frbrd ilaep in tha,lehonr4o.and when' I talkd iti haroito rpilaat,f audi iatimatod U',:Jtw V''Hlc'rM'ff lftpguaflKYOuai fW 5"S-?g5 0 WliWWSW.WW'r Jf i ionln'TrniTi hl lirw BPrimfdln 'iuraTilvaa ' mi. mej r Bot lis W-aMurei.t MHM orrtretrma alion ib" India,- whtehThe "had froeured fbra ust.er'a son who was dead-a clerk in a of. f)V 'erjV Jaid' it L oaki'oa'sotaanti ve. I mitrhl': inaka "my efoAond; aiifl .qaaai dhM I aJitml'lflQ)Otu.putii'M)larai md thip-jtrflwluoh- ralaltaaof JaialnrM captaiw who would hava ma instructed during the .. , J.I voyage, to fit me for my situatiou, Bis kind, ness did not stop here hefui'uishcdme with every thing needf'.'.l, and 1 sailed amidst the good wishes and tut) bounty of the whole lumily. '1 'These particulars were told me friend, General Sir F - H ,'as by we my rol. led along in his travelling chariot and four to hfs mav'tiificent mansion in Square. ''This,' ho tsaid, "ivus 'my early history You my dear Archibald, know how I sped in iii India how, from the mercantile,! became a volunteer in lhe famous expedition " under and how, by one stroke of what pien call fortune, I rose above my fellows, and far above all expectation. I thank God He has always been my God. o it is who has hel ped me. Trust in him. Vou are young yet but ths mercies of the Almighty, through his blessed Son, are fortune enough for any for all." ' ; ' - ' , "And your sister, Genera'?" ; i:She died young, 1 never naw her more. I have, indeed, been but once, in England since that time. My benefactor was dead my secret died with him ou are. now its only daspository. It was in that visit to Eng land that I married ; and 1 will let you into one more piece of my history Lady II was the fair hie eyed daughter of my friend' the child I saved from the cart wheel at nearly at lhe expense of my own life." It was many years nfter Ibis tWt t obtain ed permission lo publish these particulars The General's lost words were "I aro wife less and childless; you are the inheritor of my property, duo to you as the preserver of my life in India. The history may do good it can harm no one. Let tho public have it after ,my decease." SELLINO OF N'OSEa. , Bullet us introduce you into another scene in commercial life lo describe which drama tically, we should first show the chief actors. The place is the commercial room time, ten minutes after dinner. A supposed novice is being -drawn ont in lhe ijMial style by thenn ticipative chairman. . .. 'Lei mo see, Mr. ,6'priggiiigs, I think .we havo met before 011 the road ; I know I bave seen you somewhere.'. , . , , , 'Very likely I often go there.'. ;You travel, I think, for .' Moses.' ' v,;Noses?;. ; . ,v .-.tt. ;V " .. 0,008?''-., .:;."",. j..',' ; I '.'Ahliil the toy tinde, I see V : ' ... ..'You aro wrong, sir. I deal in noses be longing V living humanity tho ordinary sneezing noses of every physiognomy.'- . .... (1We.ry odd Irufiic,. certainly; but I never met witha geiitleuuui . in lhe nasal Hue be fore.; sv.r fi; 1 ..,1 r ... . Jf hen I sliajl, b most happy to ihial with yoii.. , ) cannot say that .your nose in of the .fir8t:quali,ty il turuti up rather loo rnuuh, and belongs to a variety not greatly in demand, but I will buy ft of you.; t. ; ., :j .'My nosu !'.,.,. :;: ,;Yes, air, I am sorioua. iii my proposal your o89.';, ;j ,,; . 4 :a ; -f .1 .To he delivered .? -... . , ; . , b. Awh!?il yon. have io longer any usu for it.' 'That's not very troublesome, , And to be paid for--,?; UA ,'. , , This very moment I will give I'.s full val- .uer-aayio. , v.ir:J. v-.-,-; . 'I accept your, offer.', j ' .... .. .. ... .. . ., 'There is only fjii prjudilioir, that wo both agree lo forfe.it, JCiO ii" eilhor of, u should go r.. iV,a KariY'i tl 1 HID UUlpUHii . - . v ..... , Agreed! tbat.is, if you idlow mo all my life, to enjoy your property, and do not attempt-to iuterfero with-it in- the, perfor- j3 mauce of iU functions.' . - . ,,, . 'You may import or export the - merchan- line iu question as you- please:, nuH not evea make a cciulit.au tliat.U slii.ll be insur- ed.VJ;, 'Then 1, will consent to the ;tlause m agreement,'-.;,,., . - :..!;;.;.; JAnd I will TOY VOU ilirectly, ,-. ...... The-ugreemeiU ia drawn. up, aiid tlie mw paid-and the. .bargain concluded, the pur - chasisr ;onljj whispered, to the , waiter,, who j aoanaftttiturna jwi'th a pair ' ofkjichen i1 tongs,, having thcmreui.e etida neaieu rea Jl'-. --. n :i ;'- -. ' ' - -. 1 Give me the tongr, Viiliamt' says t ine dealei; iuppses.., fi ... ... , . ?. Thowaitr hands them, ana tne purchaser , ... .:.' .:. i, ,... ...t,;..i,' hu hnl.u in- Wana mfta..u r-T..; r; ; warua me aeiir, ;.v ( 1 : . ..x.. iVhv. what's all this ?' exclaims the man. who llo4 vold. hi nose, looking aghast, at the oroiuoua preparatiunsv, 4 r f ., .. . . , ,Chi)y pair Pf.jre4 hot tonga, sir; every .iiu.vaakA. purchase, I, mark ,my mer- chaudise, in order to insure, us 501 changed. Hayjnsboughuyour Hose, I must putpur apoaLbrivuI ipi 1W711-P ::. ... . ..!!.. ... iM.I , i K.iThil mint remind. Tou of thelaue. tn iaroerowmwal that yoi anj first tq break iheiiMitrae'ts;:!' .drro'O. l-y rM j rBut put youraeil.,111 nix p'w! ti .si . u--AlbM 1 - I arm 4U4 buvsn iiot , the -elierPAr thM forfeit. 3 Tsrenty. pounds I fjUhn)-. Jpeija geetlewen wild I m aura, ao tbe jaadrai my umoo; rtt$ r.sf. i. . m UVknatelri tha oAaa-onay-: yvas cf UuHkadVaai i doaeof cuatopagnfi acoopt- it iaua poariprviioso. r. lMirlaHUiaii'irciim aVaiJiiiiedatawnOthia brflthaj 'eoarr(api4l as one of tho.rbbt arW' sXfidl sh. COi)fud chairman tha vender of (ha tarn-up noses 'eWWaSol,'1'! Wiar 4J!faa4' W W fiiaeJ to Bd bef. fo :ha'-flrattiBiavja M life, altogether sold. Hd' cduTol n Travtlltrt and TravtUtnf. OLIjV SfcRlES VOL, o, 1 ' A Sikovlaa Siroav Tho last ' Glivgow, . News tells a strange tale of "one 6f the earlyr settlers of Saline county, Mo. He' was Frenchman, who,' about twenty. ,n,rs ago,, became dissatisfied with the prospccts.befote. him and left his Wife and daughter,' to seek tither means of mending his fortune. " ' I S-"' . For several years, the wife and daughter awaited his return, till ven ttffeclion' com pelled them to believe him dead. 'They strug gled along in poverty, until the daughter grew to womanhood, and married, as did also tho mother both of them remaining" In strarghteYied circumstances. Last week, however, an, old gray headed man went to the humble dwelling of the daughter,, and after surveying her with Aee'p emotion for tt -few moments, feaid : "Do you know the name' of your lather ?" To which she replied by giv ing it. "Then," said he"l am-your father." After their mutual greeting, ' he brought in two hags rjf gold, containing S10,000 and gave them to his daughter, and offered her hus band the best farm he could find in the neigh' borhood He knew his daughter" by'a scar on her forehead, from a wound received when a child. . ' " . Tub Loss oe the Fiust Bork. We liave road of a young mother who had newly bu ried her first born. Her pastor went to visit her, and, on finding her sweetly resigned, he ' asked how she-had -attained sweet resigna tion. She replied, " 1 used to think 6f my poor boy continually, whctiier sleeping or waking to me ho seemed more beautiful than the other children. I was disappointed if visitors Omitted to praise his eyes, or his curls, or the robes that I wrought for him with rriy needle. At first I believed it the natural current of a mother's lover Then I feared it was pride, and sought to humble myself before him who resisteth the proud One night in dreams I thought an ange) stood beside, and said, ' Where is . the little bud ' Ihou nursest iu thy bosom ? I am sent to lake him away ! Where is thy little harp? Givo it to mo ! It is like those which sound the praise pf God iu heaven.' . I awoke i;i tear; my beautiful boy drooped like a jbud which the wofm pierces, his last wailing was like the sad music from shattered harpslrings all my world seemed gone ; still in my agony I listened, for there was a voice' in iny'soul, like tho voice of the angel who had warned ma saying, God loveth a, cheerful give.' , laid my mouth iu tha dust and said, letThy will ce mine ; and as, I arose, though lhe tea' lay on my cheek, there, was a, smile also,. Since- thca the voice has been lic'ajd amid the . duties of every , day-jnetliiuks jX says Con tinually. the- cheerful giver.': " . ,"..,.' Til t Exiles. Tlieire Is at this , moment "a crowd of illustrious exiles ia London,' instan ces of the reverses of fortune " more strik in than the ex-Royalties whom Candide encoun tered at "the Carnival of Venice. A;Frenfch paper" thus sums them up : ' " ' f - 1 Louis Phillippe. ' ' ' ' . ""' The Tjfc'e and Duchess of Nemoursr-th latter boir heiress of Saxe-Cobourg, CoHarJ; and csusiu-German of lhe Queen.. ' " ' The fiiuoe and Princess of Joinville. - ' . Guizot, who is guest of the Soei'ety for lhe Advancemenf of ScienceJ at Swansea, Wales.. . Duchatcl, puest Of sir Robert Peel. J ' - ' Fliiluint', ancieot Ambassador to Veil ice. ' ,' Klineworth'chiefVlilor of the Guizoi-Mer-teruichian journalj the Spectateur de.Lbn'dres. itiui secvet agent of Louis Phillippo, whose letters relative to M. MoleJ" the Revtie Re iwpectlve .have been published.'-1 :5 l's f ' JvloutemblinJ absolutist 'pretenaer to the crown 6 Portugal! ? - " " - " ; v ' Louis Napoleon. ' - ' ' , .' j The Duke of Bordeaux and his wife, Arch- :rf rhes' of AbMrlal Uo are snrnossed to be , y. in London." " " " ' ' ,,t Th;; p,.- Mettornlch. '.' ' ;? . j- r.g Coimt de Colovroth, Minister of State Kf Anstria?"' 1 r''j - 1 6.U ;Tlu; hgel,'J-private Secretary ot , 'Metternichbn whom the Tory University nl-tarA tin lieslowpfl thedeirrci of Doctor, a . :'. 4- f., c.T '-"; . " '"- .".;"I , Yarke, Counsellefrorthe Court of' Aastria, n,,,', of articles hi 'the Times, Chronicle; -c c ; tt .. . - ..-r . - j: Louis BlnnO and CairMidere, wtio strangely : n0,wj, tics a hit eomrrionced wit ft tne naroo 'of Louis Philippe.- Aioa Anas. 3 J- .t:cr. ' " .. Tatesi. ..Tact.'. FMsaviBASce. Those 1 tbjee atialilitis help men forward, M weU-de- r8(,n.eirwealth and endunng.JUonors.. David rtitlenftonse; the American Astronomer, was . plow-man? Roger Sherman, a boot and aliue irlaktt i : Goorge Bruoe, the wealthy type founder, (who has geueiously helped lurward many" a poor but deserving brother of tha press,) a poor printer boy ; as were also Hot aoo J roely, Jamea Harper, Thurlow, Waadi unsl rjiraon CanierCn of the United States Srv ate j: the able and eloquent Senator for Qhioi Cc-rwln," began life driving a' team between Colirmboa ami Cincinnati... Thfimas Ewbank was bred ai plumber John Fitch, .aho iavnt od tba stearuboat, andoxlubMod fts ajwatioa, was a'lantive of Cbunecticut," aud'fcgi. )r ' nnd neglected,1 ns did' tha"'iugenipu.Of)yft I'vnm A mna nml AKtsnt l.nwr0nc.e. thethtt- f iii fioenf pat roas of tbrf tsWrtl arta.'oaoe tthoUgr not receiittyi waataa nam iromi' awvtu.t an Boston, with acarcfcalot, in jhei pocketi; and liardly a,ny shoes op their feet. Andrew ' H. Mieklrv tobaccbofttr a trfnrMpr H Nd'w York, navrf Intifcrlied eet If fbrftha ( and.Mayaf Brady -jraia iiiai way to wealtai.hy skidativA jnecUuip aai yrudei)oo as man & bueinesi'. Sixteen year before" the gallanl but' nna46ming" Gcrferal Brown waia c0o maniariia-ckW ot It Atrftias of M t7tftt, ftiataa, .he .tras-ttoaehluvr; iiuaaJkt Wataaj seholVI, Cicero,, tlja graatoatjoffll m&. Orators; was of very nuinbls origin yat h,a eWnjenes' c6nfoundx''tho6trairof CtaTlna:-, and mada' litttlis Cai rerriblf?. lhou2B-4l j the plentitu la of hi ower
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers