v. THt ORLf KA0IC4L CTM TOE 1 CONSUMPTION!! gamMa or King Evil, Rhaumatiera, Obstinate Cutanea rapugns, rimpKi or rmnin n ina im( dmciib Bite, Chrome 8or Eye, Ring Worm of Teturr, eald Head, Enlargement and Pain of to Boar and Joints, BtnUnra Ukwn, SrpU Mm ftrmsaome, Sciatic or Lmntwg, sweatee arising from an lnjudi eicaxa aa of Meirjory, Drop. y . Expoar or lmpr. donea In lif alio, , . Chroni Coned- tutionalDi. Ik tail audleina eevaral innocent hat very potent article . . . . . . . . . i r J ea IM TaceuRHO Kinmorn are unireu. lurintna a isjrnpuw-. antlralv rfuTaMnt in it character and nrorjertiee from any other preparation, amf unrivalled in It operation' on the yatam when laboring under dieeue. It should b in the bant of every peraon, who, by business, or general coo re of life, i prerliepoeed to the very many ailimeat that ren ew life e carae, imtaad of a breaming, ana woftra remit in eata. FOR fiCROFVL. err. Drake Panacea i renrwrrmeaded as a certain remedy, Not one inatanoe of it failure be ever occurred when free- ryaaadl It cures the diMaae and at the earn time imrcrt vigor to the whole ytem. Bcmfuiooa perann can narer pay too much attention to the etate of their blood. It po rt ice tion ehould be their firat aim : for pereeveranca will eoompliab a cur of vn BiapiTAT ran for EnurnoNu of the skim. aVurvT. fleorbutie Aftectkma. Tumore. Whit flwellin. Eryeipelea, Ulcer, Cancer, Running Sore. Scab and Bilea, Dr. Irrake'a Panacea cannot be too highly extolled l it aearchea out th very root of th diaoue, and permanent. iNmARnrtrYv: on Tiysbf.psia No medicine per ha p. ha ever been discovered which give ao much tone to the etomach and canace tb ecre flon of a healthy gaatrie juice to decompoa th toon a Jr. vras) ranacea RHUEMATISM. Dr. Drake Panacea la uaed with the greatcat woe in tbcumatic Comulainta, especially euch a chronic. It cure by driving out & unpuritie and foul humour which have acennuilatcrf m the aeni.-which are the cauae f Rheu- mad em, )odt, and Sweltingrof the joints. Other remedie ometime five temrjorarv relief: thra entlrerr eradicati the diaeaae from the ayatero, even wkm th limb and bone ar oreBaiuJiy ewoueni coNtnjiJipTioN. CowtPHPTictr ea crn. Courha, Catarrh, ehitia. Smttinvof Blood, Asthma, DiflKuit or nrofu Ikon' pectutauon, Ilectic Fluahf-M4ght wcat, Pain in the aid kc. bav been cured, and can no with as much certainty a anv other dieeaae. A specific ha Ion been eouaht for, but in vain antM th discovery of Dr. Drake' Panacea. It i mild and sue bat certain and emeatioo hi it operation, and cannot poanrjry Injur, th moat aeticat constitution We would earnestly recommend thoee afflicted to civ it WiaJ end we believe they will not nave occasion to regret ia. The ivstem i cleansed and strengthened, the ulcere on tb lung are healed, end tb patients gradually regain their . aaajai aoaiia suia uengxor jiaen uta touowiug : ' TE9TIMONT. Phtl.. Dee. Mth. 1S47. Daua Sra In reply to yjrmr question reapecting the ee e it. ARaKc ranacea, i will say, disbeliever in to eajitenc of a Pi disnears, however valuable it may ba in certain condition a in yaiem, mi i nave oeueveauiai a car tot uonaump tioa would bediaeovered sooner or later, and cuitoaity nd so so cry yoar meaiciu m ro very inveterate rases avney were prunouncea oy in attending pnysician to rvLMONAr coireVHrTioif , and abandoned by them a lit CtTBABi. On of th persons had been under th treat ment of sevenu very abl nractitioner for number years, and they aaid she pad old fashioned Consumption i wiin Bcnnum," snn ussresemigm ungerior com Imnrove ramdlv. I will oolv add that-familiar aa I am with eonsnmntinii hv Mseritanee and by extensive observation a a study, and Snowing also the injunoua erf ecu in nine case out of ten of tan, boneaet, and other vegetable touics, a well a of nmnj ui UN especirtranw ana eeoativee, i anouki never nav neonunended the na of Drake' Panacea if I had not been acquainted with tba ingrediente. Suffice it to say that these as leeommenaea uy our most popuiarjn sfueatiBc physl tb best alterative that ha aver been made. The icon i in accordance with a theory of Consumption broached ia Frane a few veara aa-o. bv one of her most emiMit ttra on medicine, and now established by facta which ad skit of ao disnues. Very Respectfully Yourt, L. C. OUNM. To nee th kiujuag of another, "Dr. Drake' Panacea ia away salutary in its effects never injurious. It is not a Opiate it i not and Expectorant. It is not intended to lull tb invalid into a fatal security. Jt iaa great remedy a (rand healing and curative com pound, the great and only remedy which medical science and akill has yet produced far the treatment of this hitherto unennquered malady. And no peraon afflicted with this dread disease, will be )nat t mmaalf and his friends, if hs go d iwn to the grave withoat testing its virtue. A single kittle, in moat case, will pro. a lavoram cnanu tit itw condition of any peusnt, rashsr lour. '' , Tti THE LADIES. ladies of pal aomulexina and consumptive hablte, and MCh a are debiiiated by thoee obstruction which females at kabia to, ar restored by the use of bottle or two, to P00- VF- ?f ky lr th beet remedy ever discovered towaakly children, and auch as have bed humors ( being plaaaant, tkey take it. K immediately restores the appetite, atrangtk and eotor. ' NotUng can be mora eurpridng than iu invigorating ef. t th an man frame. Persona, all weeklies nd buv unda before taking it, l eoea become roboat and full of r earner ns innuenea. it immediate cnsuitaraeta the of tb female frame. 1.CAi,J?0',r-r'B e"fa' nd that you gt th genu- Dr. Du i Paraox it ba th signature of Geo. F. Praua on the wrapper and also the name "Pa. Dkau's FaMou, ParLA." hkrwn ia th gkua. Ann for Banbury H. MAS8ER. t-'lJ by Wm. A". Mnxu Co., Danville H till JjMoBi Mm McCor, Nonhsmberlandi E. P.Lsrs, April 1,'fmMf SACArZANDSR, fire aitd thief proof chests, FIRE-PROOF DOORS-FOR BANK AND STORES Seal tter-Copying prMBea, Patent SUte-Lmed Refrigerators, Water FiU tors, Patent Pbrtable Water Clo sets, intended for the Sick and Infirm. EVAN S- At WATSONr 76 South ThirH Slrtti. OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Manufactur and keep constant y on band, a large aaaoitmeni of tb above article, together with their Patent Improved Salamander Fl&E-PKOOr SAKEM, waick or o aonatructed a to set at rest all manner of doubt aa to their being asrietly Ire-proof, and that they will rosiat the are of any buildinc. Th outside ease of Safes ar made of boiler koa, th mains caaarof soap, e, and between the outer ease end inner eea is a spec of some tare incaea wick, ana is nuea In with Indosln). tiese sastenel, so aa to mak it an impoesibility bant any of the eonteuU umds ol this Cbeat. Theea Soapatona B. asrsander wa ar prepared and do challenge th world to preduee any article in the abape of Book &Wea that will stand as musk heat, and wa bold ouraelvee ready at all tsnaa to have than fairly keeled by pubue bonkra. Wa also aontiaa to snaauuetur a large and general assort nsaat f our Premium Air-tight Fir Preof Balsa of which there are over 600 now in use, and ia every inatanoe Uiey her given entile satisfaction to the purchase re ef which w will refer (be pabue to a few gcuUoroca who bav Haywaod Rnyder. Fottavilla) Joseph 0. rottaville: Mr. Willm rrr IVwlMlin-n Pa. Lawtosi N. A O. Taylor, Kg north 3d at.: A Wright Nephew Vin St. wharf; Alexander Carer, Conveyancer, corner of Filbert and eth ata.; John M. Ford, 31 north 3d st.j My em Busk, a aortk 3d at.) Jama M. Paul, 101 south 4th at. Dr. David Jayae, south 3d at.) Mathaw T. Miker, M aoathMU aad wa could usual aom hundreds of others M II were Bsc rssery. Now we invtl the aUantloa of lb Ptakke, aal particajarly tkoaa ia want of Fir Proof Safe, te sail at oar slots before savehaauif elsewhere, and w ea astufy tkoai tkey wtk get belter aad cheeper articJ at oar store tkaa at any other tabuahmeat ia tb erty. W asm saauafaetara tb ordinary Fir Proof Cheats, at DAVID EVANS, Georve J. Wearer, PkilmJelnkim- T'TA'r whMantt avkaad. a JilLaaatsi Corda. Man TwiaM. t via V M rhhbtg Rpa, WhJl Eap, Mutil. ?T Tear Umm far CatuJ Boaaa. Also, wpWto .jamum oe4 Twimm, sV. stwk M itTtZrJ? " Twin, Bt PMaU UiU I'M Twt,yaa, tfaaansl Haurrlaw Tssu itk Lfcate. aftlaaaMCfPlMaUaM, TlSeM. Caties aai IJm " - Ks.Hak.tl fin tbea PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL EOTTSS, ' EttahKtktd 16 war artJv Dr. KINKSUN. Th old, tareil and ht band to cor all form f Men I di, diea or m akin ana oliury habit of youth, i DR. KINKELIN, H. W. tout at So W Vnion tit., between Spruce - r. I . and fine, it) tq turret jrom ine among. - YOUNG MEN 1 If yon 1u your life or Joftr heth. remember, tht delay of month, nay, yen week, may pro your rain, boih of hod and mind. Hone let no tale modetT neier yon from matin yoor cot known to oft who, front education end repctbiliy,ean Ion befriend on. H who Dlaeoa himself under Ur MPHVEL.li o treatment, may religloualy confide In hi honor gentleman, and hi who- bourn will b forer locked th aeeret of th Datient. Too many think lhy will hag lh cvt to their own heart, and fur themselves, Alt I how of ten la thia faUl deluainti, and how many pro mitring young man, who might b been n orna- meat to (octety. na ruu irom in nn. COUNTRY INVALIDS, Andln It inconvenient to mkt personal applica. tinn. can. by Mating their e explicitly, together whb all their ay mptome, (per ..tier, poit-paid.) have forwarded I them cheat eon'ainibg Dr. He m dieine appropriated (ceordinily. Package of Medicine forwarded to any pari ol tb United State at a moment notice. r Pn.T vara timan aildreaeed to Dr. Km KBLta, Philadelphia, will ba promptly attended to Oct. 30th, lB47.ly M'CLEES k GERMON'S DAGtTERREOTTPE ROOMS, So 19S Ctaesnat Street, South Emt Corner of Eighth tl , Philadelphia, KfAORTRAIlS Irom ihe amnllext breat-ln to K the Uroeal alie. atnglv or in groups. The Proprietor are warranted in nyrng, that their work ha sained a reputation second to none in iha world. Extract from the Pre I Lifeiik in the tnrcion, chastl attract in th ahadini. Lmr. "The it b ml at great peneciion, ana none understand it better than McUlee Ger xaan. Baltimore hit. Admirable I noticing csn exceed their exquisite delicacy." I. 8 Gazette. Extract from the report of the Judge, af (fie la fair of the Frmklin Inatitot "Dagoeirotyp in this department there are some very elcellw.t neeimen in the exhiliillnn, and the Jmlgeg think thry ae a prngrewiva improvement in tbia branch nf the art. They have not recommended an a ward in favor nf any of the rnmpeihoia. but are li-poneil In rank Jint in order, Ihe collection of McUI.Et.o & UbKMtnv, aa coniatiiing tne for- reel number of tuperior tpeeiment. I biUdelphia, Feb 19. 1848. Bra CUTLERY. A N extensive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT tA LERY, for le by J0E1T 1. COLElrlAlt, Ata. 33 ana! S3 ARCADE, and 8) North THIRD Stwt, Compibing 9000 doxen Penknivee, 8eiur an Rior. A lo, a choice iMoitmeit of Roitger ft Bona, Woeleiiholm', Oreavrra, W. ft S. Butcher' at Fenney'a (Jutlery. Aleo, Spanish, Ditk and Hunting Knirca. Also, Gun, P lol. an t Bowia Kniee. Alv T American Ratnr Strop, a aupenor article, worty the attention nf Dealer Casd Dealera in Cutlety, will frml the annve 8tock worthy thett attention, a the Subscriber' chief bonnes la imKirnng and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 10th. 1848 ly. ex GXESS h. SON. Commission and Forwarding XXUKCHAXTTS, An 48 Commerce StreH Wharf BALTIMORE, win receive and sell all kince ol Country Pio ouce I leur, urain, etc. If. B. Particular attention giver) to the aai ot uumoer. Ana catn adirancea made en con aignmenU, when required. April 1, 1848. 4m CHEAP OCOS. Jonn W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY inform hi friend, and cuatomera. that h ha just received and opened a splendid anortment of GOODS, eenaia. ting of " DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queenswart, 6(6 Tb public ar invited to tall und examine for tbemeelves. Sunbury, May 0, 1848 If The Grand P urgative TOR THB curb or Headache, Giddinssa, RheurMtianr; Piles, Dyapep ia, Bculv? , HmaH Pox, JaundlM, Pain in th Bark, Inward Weekneaa, Palpitation of tba Heart, Riing in tb Throat, Dropsy, Athm, Feeer of all kinds, Female Complaints, Measles, Skit Rheum, Heait Burn. Worm, Cholera Mnrbua, Cough, Quinsey, Whooping Cough, Consumption. Fit, Liver Complaint; Eriaipet, Deafn, Itching of I he 8k in. Cold, Gout, Graver, Nrou Complaint, raoK iBrcaiTirs or ma atoon, xan oa arrCTi I ma oaaxas or ui- IttTIOBJ. F.sperienr ha proved that nerly every Die eea originaiea from Impurities of th Blood or de. ,,,7,mn, of th Digeaiie Organ ; and to secure Health, we muat remov thoee oh.tructiona or r tor th Blood to it natural it. The.reraion totaling tnedicin i. most eftV tu.lly remo.ed by Cue.'. VMrv,,,, p,. ns Pi us. being tmmpktely tnthptd uyilh m noting of pun white Sugar, (which i. a dUtinet from th internal ingredient aa a nut ahell from the kernel) sxva varra or mibici, But ar easily wllow4 a bit of candy. Moreover they neither nauteiitt or gripe in th alighiest degree, but opera t equally on all the dia ed paru of th ayetem, instead of confining thenssalve la, and racking any particular region. Thus, if tl Liver b affected, on iugiedirnl will oprrat on Iht particular organ, and, by cleansing it of an Execs of Bite restore it to its natunl (let. Another will opsrat no th B'ood. and remov all Impuiiti in it eircoUion; while a third will" rfleclually xpe whatever importti may hv been discharged into th inmch. and bne Ibey eraixa n tw oot r Dtsxt.., re mov all Impure Humor from th bodyi op-n th pore exiernHy and internally arprt ll fopaign and obt oxiou particle freni th chyle, so that th blood my h triorooghly Mra ilras aecn. ring ti and healthy artina to th Heart Lung and Livw ; and therrby tby arax satirs t waa act imi nax axva tana. , Th ntir tru'h of lb above ran ba aerertained by the trial of s atngt bog and their virtue ar ao poaiirv and crtia i reorg Haahh, thai th propisstor hintl binwalf to return th mnrwy paid for lha u all arhere thy do not giv univsvaai ssliavaolioa. Btall Prlcf, 35 cU. per Do. rVMlp office No. 68 Veeey .t, N. Yoik. Wd by JOHN YOUNG, Itinbory, V M As MoCAY, Nurthar.Und. KscaessW Dr. 0. V. Cllckenw ia tb in ' of th Sugar Ooaud PiiU, and thai Mtk ng of Iko t ave aawd uf aaul ha ialioduerd thwa to Joe. IS43. PoraamM. stetd; toVtWor. Iwy. ak (, CHetMbar ej,.r C,al PtlU, and lake M tkw, r tiMy ,u b aaauU Um si! of B fratU. W)f, 18th, 1M7,Iy aw SUNBUBY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN CD LI Sb2T "O KCC S3B S2T "Q? T h por to et all ITat SOKES I WROFtlLOIIB bomnra,BKIN UlSKteiE!!! OI80NOUS WOUND to discharge their tu ltd metiers, and then heala them. It ia richly totaled All-healing, for there ia eea re ly a disease. x'etnl or internal, that it will not benefit I have need It fir th lt fourteen yi' for (II di-ee of ihcheet.conumptionand tier. involving Ihe utmoet danger and rpotimitt and I declare befnr heaven at i man. that not in me ainale case haa it failed to benefit when the pa tient was within lh reach nf mortal mean. I have had nhvsician. learn- d in the profession. I hv had mintaiar nf tb gupel, judge of le bench, aldermen, lawyer, gentlemen ol tne nign- t eniilltion. and mo Uiude of the poor us it in viy variety of w, and iher haa been but on . ' . . 1 . i.UXIIIa VOtre i owe Ul'iversail voicer nimi , tour Ointment I GOOD. In Hernfii a. tllil Bores. ErTsapeiaa. i euer uy vet Comnlslnl. Sore Eye. Quinsy. 8o Throt, Bronchiti. Broken or Bor r.v i ne. ai' "oi Dier, such a Aa hm. Oppression, Pain .. i i. t.. ... run ' . - mi , . ,s. . Alan. HAM 1.1ns. linatHWI IS"".', sin",-. drrn' Cutneoua Eruption, piervnu Ui-eaje, and of the 8pine, there i no medicine now known amnd. . n , ., BuAIiU tllitu. ' we nave curra case tnst actually defied every thing known, a well a It ability of lo or w doctor, line man told u- n had apenl 300 on his ch ldien without any ben fit. when a few bone nf (liniment ru d them. BALDNESS It will teslore th htr Boon. than any other thieg. HEADACHE The aalv ha cured prison of the headurhe of It ar- standing, anil who hail it regular evriy tteek, en that vomiting nf en took place. DxAmsa. Eaa Acaa. and Aorta t" Tea Fact, are rurrd by this Ointment with like meocf. RURNS. Ii is on nf th best thing in the world for Burn. (Read the directions around the box) tin r.U.M . i loM It remove almost tmme.tr- ately ihe inflsmation and set tling when Ihe pin cea-ea. (Read the Directions around ihr Box.) t'Ol.D FEE l Consumption. Liver Com plaint, Pain in the cheat or sitle, falling off nf the hir, on or the other always accompanies rnl.l feet. (Thi Ointment i the true ri me-iy.) It ie a sure sign of disease lo have cold feet. TETTER. Iher n nothing belter for the cure nf Teller. PILES. Thousand ar yearly cured by thi Ointment. CORNS. Occasional use of Ihe Ointment still alwsya keep Co' n from growing Proplf need never I tmuhled with ihem it thev will use i Read the folhwing Communication. R eeived fmm an old. reepec ed anJ well known cittern of Philadelphia, and then judge for your self: Philadelphia. 10 mo., 13th, 1846. To T! B. Peterson, Having bven n qite-ted to eive m opirtion on ihe merit nf M'ALLIS TERM 8ALVE, I any willing to enumerate eome of the lo-m frt which I have rxpriienced in the use of the article. In tl' epring of I84S, I had an attack nf Ery iprhte in my fce which became very painful, end i xtFiidid into one i f my eye, bring attended with feV'T. my d'ltreegWa gtet and I began to be tear ful of tueh g my eye. Although not much of a belicer in what t commonly cell, d qneck medicine. I purchased a box and made an application to my face. To my uipris the pain soon sb.ted, and'in a wei-k's time it tpa ent rely rurerl. and I flrml believe that it was the sale.-, under rriiVniener that eu-ed me, From that time to the prewnt. I hav used the article a occasion required, and ! every cee whee I have u-ed it, I hav found a derided re-ftefit At ni e time, on going in bed t night, my throat we k lore ihst I w lowed with tliflrruity. but by an application of the salt I waa rilieved lfoi mornfi w. I have uend it In rase nf burn, bruier sprains, nd 6eah rut, all with ihe hppiet erTerte, a d one ease of poisoning by a wild vine in the wo-vl-. hns N-en dried up and cured by a tiWs phC.tiont., From my own experience, I would stonily re- u ti, an, a ehp, eonvenlei.t. family medi. ine I he become ao partial In it, lhal I expect In keep It C"n -tan t ty In my family. Though not am' itinu to appear in print, yet I cannot rrfus to hav thi rnmmni irrlon made public if judged beet to erv the e u-e nf burnetii ty. Respectfully thine, ' WM AD MS, No. S8. Old- York Rd CAt'TIOIV. Ho Ointment wit be gnnuine nn.a thenam nf James M'Atlister. or J ,m-s M M'later ft Co., are written with a pen on eve. rylabe-'. JAVEf M'ALLIMTBK. Role prtiprii'tor i.f th ve mdiriiie. (iy PRICE. 25 CENTS PER BOX.JT) Aoxrt: S. W. FRII.INO. Sunbu'v. FOR8YTH, WIL80N ft t:o Northiimnerlanil Dr WM. M BR'KLEY, D.nv.l e J. O. CRni7KE. Hehnsaiovr. P. O. RHIT,I ER. Lewishurg. H. V. WAtsl.K. Millnn. JOHN 8HAKPLES8. Cattawi. Tab. 19th, 1849. eowly XTENI, VIDI. VIOL D'. ALLEN'H VEGB W TABLE COMPOIrD far tl cu e ..f DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAIVT. .N'ER VOU8 DEBILITY. BILIOUrJ AFFEt'TIO8. ftc. Thi Medicine I- offered to the public under the urnre that there is no article in eii-tenre having atrongar claim lo their eonidettion Br. ing compounded by regular Graduate nf J, fler on College, Philatlt Iph a, and a practising physi. cian nf twenty years' indii ; in PhiUilalphia.'bi long experience ha confirmed him in Ihe opinion that a compound medicine wa required to percent and remedy the debilitation pr durvd by ii-sldm in low, otiannaiie climaira, and to counter irt the pro trating infiuenev of many nervous disotder with which the human family are afflicted. DR. ALLEN t a well known phrsiri-n, arid baa used the lv mediciiie in his piaeiic En 8 yeers with the mnet s.tnnishing effect, having I ac ted it qualitie m ahnve FIVE THOUSAND CA8ES. No medicine ever len ived more (Uttering re eommendall na from phyician nf eminent vtiud ing thn ba oxen bestowed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR IDIfiE8TM")N AND ITS CO.VSRQnENCES. An emirent Pr .f.e. sor iysi li chiefly erier in pnaon who lewd either aee'ry aedcntiry or irregular life. A Ithoimh not regarded aa fafel dlseise f, yet if neglect, d or improperly Ires red, may bring on ineurabl M'. Isorholy, Jaundice, Madueas, or Vertigo, Pslsy nd Apoplexy. A gr at pingularity alt. ndant on it ia, that it may and often do-e coolinu great length of Urn without any remission of lb symi torn. CAU8E, Grief and unrasinea of m nd, in. lent study, profuse evacuations, ercea. in venery, riMeaiee use of spuiluoua liquor, t" , tobacco, n. plum, and othsr nsrcoiics, jmniodxrsl repletion, over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of the secretiuiiof the bil or gine juice, axpoeut tu ukl and djmj. air, are the chief cause of thi di a. 8YMPTOMS.r,oa orppetite,Duai.irl. hum, aei ny. and fcetid eructations, gnawing of lb Moqiaett whru empty, Uoeseuiesa io ibe thro it lieJn in th aid. eot ven., ehillneaa, I nguor,' lownra id cpirii. pdpiMiioua, a ax dicarlwd sleep." TREATMENT. DJt. ALLEN'S VEGE TABLE COMPOVHD ha. tie.., ft.W in ltZ dmg immoUiM relief, sod tadieat cut for thi iliaeaae. ' ' : fXT" Tlu Metlicln can be had of FT. B Macer 8uniuryt J. C. Msitio. Pnttvill. Med r ft' BioM, OrwtgeJ.org arao of DruggasU gener.lly. ALLEN WARD, Praprietor. PbilaiMphsi. No. 87. IM7-q ly rpHB aaWrtker i prepared la reteiv and . M. caenvaedat a- frw lrneieaf or permaaeat sWaw, at bar rMMeaet ia - Boabavy-. Tb ( eatioa ia ia a aaiiclaom and a)i.aaaar part of lb town, eommaading a la view eftke SosqarbaH na, Norlbamberlaad and th aeeaery adjacent T perton froea lkHy, waa wih i sreria) few aMMMb daring lb aumnaer aMsoa, Sua bury aflordi a delighlfiil retreat. f-. UTNX;.MpJUtIt.i April 1MV-S MAN H KOTG LIST. PENNSYLVANIA. The f dlowb.g Hr ahnwa th current value of ' navlvania ""t'k N -te. The mnet Implicit rr I arte) may n placed upon it. it ia even wet' refiitW enmiwnad with ai d eirrerd from Hi nell'e Rennrrer Bnnks In Philadelphia. ai i . Dtar i iasia. inrTinsj, Pttttat- p. i , pn P" . p , pa p' pa pa- v NOTES AT PAR. 'lank nf Nniih Amfrira . , , Bank nf Ihe Northern M'-ertlea Commereial Rank of Penn'a . Parmer and Mechanic' Bank" . Kensington Bank , . Philadelihi Bank Vhnvlkill Rank rtonthwark Rank , Weeiem Bsnk Merhanire' Bank . Manufacturer' Ar Mechanic' B.mk Hnk of Penn Township , fJiiaH Bk Rank nf C lta Mnyameneing Bank of Pnnlvni r per p.. P" P' pai Country Rnsk. Bank nf Cheater County1 Bank nf Delaware County Westrhestet pa- Chestnr Ocrmantown Nurrhrown Dovleetown pat Hank of Uermsntown Bank of MontBOmerv Co.1 Doyleaiown Bank Enn Bank pa par pet Roston per Farmer' Itsnk nf fltlrk co Bri-iol pur psr par Rnnk nf Northumlieiliind nhumli, rlnd t'nlttml'i B-itik A rtridge ro.'l'olumlus Farmers' B"nk nf l.ani aster Lancaster pay ,ncler t'onnty I) ink Lancaster p r Laneiater pt H' ading pi Harrthuig" The-e Lancaster I ific"s Renting f do rvn Eaelnn J issue n I SCO UN T. Philadelphia 17 Potiaville par Iwistnwn failed Middletowo I Carlisle I Pittehorg I Hollidavshurg I Harrishurg I Lebanon pr Pinhurg I Piltahuig 1 Williamapori 1 Wilkeslajrr If Allentnwn no aale Reading fade Piltahurg failed Erie do New Brighton do Chamberstmrg 1 Gettyahurg I Mnntroae H Erie 3S Wsyneshur SJ Washington 1 1 HoneatUle I Bro na till I York 1 Laneaeter Bank a Farmers' Bank nf Reading Offlce nf Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Offir do do Office do do NOTE 8 AT D nnk nf Ihe United Ktates Miners' Bank of Pottsville Rank of laewietnwn Bank nf Middletnwn Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harrishurg Bank lhanon Bank Merchants' ft Manuf Bank Bank of Piltahurg West Branch B .nk Wyoming Bank Northaniplon Bank Berk County Bank Office nf Bank nf IT. 8. Do do do Do do do Bank of Chirahershurg Bank of Oeitvshurg Bank of Hu-quehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmers' ft Drover' Bank Franklin Bank Honesdale Batik Moi.ongahel Bank of B. Vork Hank IN. H. 1 he note nf those bank on which we mit quotaiiona, and euheiitute a dash ( ) are not purchased hy the Philadelphia broker, with the exception nf thoee which hare a letter of re ference. BROKEN BANKS. PhiUdelphi Bav. Ine. Philadelphia fatliMl Philadelphia Loan Co. "Vhuvlkill 8sv. Ins. Keiieinginii Sav. I lis. A Penn Township Sav In. Manual Labor Bang (P. W Towanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa llniik of Beaver Bank ol 8alars Bank ol Washmut iti Centre Bank City Bank Farmer.' ft Mm fi'ca Batik Farmers' o? MechV.' Bank Farmer' ft. Mech're' Bank lla.mrrny lumitute llmitingdiu. Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Knnk Northern Bank of t'n. New Hrpe Bridge' ('. Norlhnmti'd riiinei Col. Ilk. Ninth West.Tn It.iok ol P. (Hire d crliv Ik ill Bank ''a. Aur ft Minnf flank Silvet Luke llai It I 'n ion Bai k of IVtin'e. '.' eaiiiMirerann Dank Wilkeeherrv Bridge t'u. do do do do Dyott. prop.) Towaoda Bedford Benver Harrishurg Wash hi gf on flefh frmte litihuig PtlMmrg Fayette en. Orrencastla Harmony failed f.ile.1 failed no sale closed chised failed rliaeml no sale failed failed failed uo sale Huntingdon no sale lwi-tnsn no axle Warren DiuiiUfT New Hope Milinn Uesdsiile Port I !arbui ('arliale Montr, l.'nioninwn tsreenal-urg Wilkeetarr failed no ail cl no sale closed fsiled rln'd foiled rloed no sale fj All note pui'liiig In he on any IVm-yt am Bank not given in the above li-t, may he set town a irauns !f.W JCIISKV. Bank nf New Bionawirk Brnnau'iik failnl tlelvidrie Bank Hnrhngton t'n. Bunk 3nmiiiercial Bank Jumla-rUnd Brfi.k 'arm- !' Bnk fiiiw re' ami Mechanic Bk farmers' and Merhariir-a' Ilk Karmere and Vlen-tiaiii' Bk Franklin Bank of N.J. Hoi token Bkg ft tltanng I'n lersi-y t:it Bins MechatiHe B ink Maoufiirtur. re' Bunk Morris County Bank Vtonniouih Bk ot N.J. M.fh Bank Mwhat.Ks' ami .Vlanuf. Bk Morns I 'anal and likg d Post Nou-a Newark Bkg ft Ins Cn Vew Hoe Del Dn.lee Co V J. Manulac. ai.d Bka f 'o Belvxlrr M.dford Penh Am'Hiy Bridtieion Mount Holly Rihwa N. Minns viik 1 pa pir par 4 f.nled Mnl teton Pi, 4 i-r--v I -ily fnileil Hob ken Jt l y I ol l'tt iln H.-ll, ville Morristoen Freeh lil Newirh Trrntmi Jeisey City Newark fail.il lmU-,1 ta.hd failed 4 failnl net no sal' no -salt' LaintM-.rti.eiHc Hohoknn failed failed N J 1'ioicritin & l.niiit.rl lk Jersey City Orange Bunk Orange I'atereon Bank Paterwm Peoples' Bank da Pimreion Bank , rriuceloa Halem Banking Co Salem Bute Bank Newark Stale Bank Eliiabelhlow State Bank Camden 4late Bank of Morris Morriatown late Bank Trenroa talent and Philad Manuf Co Halem Sussex Bank Newton Treninn Ranking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover Waahingtorr Banking Co. Harkeneack DELAWARE. Bk of Wllm ft Brandywine Wiuntiigtun Bank of Delaware W ilmn.gioa Uank of Smyrua Smyrna Do branch Millard Farmer' Bkof HUI of Del Dover Do brarrrtr Wtlmingtoo Do. branch' Uauigatown Do branch Nawcwti Union Bank Wilmington ay Under 5' i failed i par pal pa 1 fatleil tailed 1 psr i foiled par par pai par pei par par par par i E? On all hank marked thus () ihere are ei. titer counterfeit or aluvetT sTOra f id varemi d. luvninatinna. in eirmraliein!, Time and Dlatanc Saved! ' SUNBUXITT FX!ZIX17. THE aubserilxr htng leased' lb Sunbury Ferry, b' g leave to inform' lb public, that Ibey ar prepared to convey Team. Plraaur Carriagea and Foot pasaenger errosr tb riv.r with strfely nd without delay. They bav pro vided IheoieeUe with new and comirrodtrrut eraftir which will alway h allended with able and careful hands. Person travelling-' to amf frn d thrrnygb SunburyroNew Berlin. Lewisbarp Harlletoo and other ptare. will ffnd; It greatly to tbeirad. vantage tq ere ar I hi Peiry inttead of lb Bridge, a Ibey would av rrom two t four mile i dirdaoc. , , JOHNSPEFrE. . ' tvVIS tENHART. Sonhury. April I ! 184b BOOT MAKjjR Sot rtii'Tttiwarr; Aanvc Caamrrr. Jaa. Sttt, JOURNAL. DR. 8X7ZSTSX3XlfS aaCla 3T lV CS3 OS stVV THIS Mdicln I Warranted, on oath. Ant to contain a panicle of Calomel, Oismwiv Sirh timate, Arsenic, Chlutide of Gold, or any ileM. rem mineral i ; -t , , ., j . , ., ... ., The principle. Upon which thia Medicine act. i hv assisting nd hifrrlhhl-fng with ninrei i !rlea out all foul sr'rlmonino humor from the dond end hod, ar-d hy eelmilting trth and lengthening the g ietrie juice ef ihe stomach, h l-t dire inn t In hort there ia not a vem ere , miicele or netve In the human body, that iV ot streng'henel hy the PAN AIF,t. and it U iisei ae the remarkable amn-riy of removing ercury from the Itnnes ami joint. FOR F.RUPTIONH OF THE SKIN, 'curvy. Senrhii U. Affeeliona, Tumor Hi r .fill p. Kin' Evi , White etwellin-. Er-i..l... lllr. r nr. Running Hrtre. Hcah. n.l Bi'e. -i.... i.d d.tem.ln.d treerneH t.i D SWEET "F.R'S PNACB A. will ifTeei a cure. FOR P PlfiFfsTtoV Rel.-clon f f-o.1. N-n-e. V mtung. Nerv ui! t riion. I'.IH.oo rnoT'llnl'. He .1 a-. P n se. ir F-male Iregulariiiee. D-. SWEBTSEIi'S PA V CEA wi l oon eflfet enr-1 hui if oli.ti-ie, or ttendel with gr-pin. living pain, the d .hould le t. c-d. nd t rn'ewill eon he e(. erted. I- not the p -enla fng tin ih-ma Ivc nh the dea thi ih' are too e k lo take much medi inet hut ear in mind that thi mi d'y nno'a. mg med ein put not w akn-a Into ihi frame, hn n t e-rtniniy drw woekn nui, leaves ir"g'h mi n pt .re, and h givn g r 'mifl-i d s'eep a1 nig t .nd n apiwti'em relish nv food, e.nimaee thi whole frami- wi h vtgnroiw ecijon, clearing the mind soil imp'nving the siglit. SCROFULA AND OLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. 8rrofula Is add In he heriditary. the Inf int r. reiving from Its ian-nta tb eed of tbi dieee hirh ( creasna with it veer, if tieyleried nd mi i'boo e,l to rrrqti. ni purine Hon witn ur. 8WRET8F.R8 PANACEA. The gland are p. -el in the corners of t r body, t d of Ihe way f direct commni'lcal on t their reel u- i a suhjert on which " tirh diffi ee of opinion prevail; n sufli.-e u to know thut when in a diaenapd etate. they are cajaiMe nf being purfied and rlenaed hv a long cniiM nf Dr. MWEETSER'8 PANA CEA, which res'ore th m to sonntl and pi..p r action 8crnful Us persons ran never pav too much attention to their blond, it pur IVation h"Ud I their first though', fur aft. r a lng rnurxe f p.r-e- verance. ih y v. ill ever cur herrditiry disesae. In e.e of JACND1CE ASTHMA LIVEN C0MPLUr.S. TIC DOLOREVX RHEV MAT1SM OR RHEUMATIC GOVT, Dr SM'EF.TSER'S PANACEA ra-nnt heinnhgh ly extolled it eeatrhe out the very too of the tli ' -se, and r m iving it from Ihe Blood makes a cure certain and nerm neot. F r dise.iu-a ,if ihe BW'er a-id K'dneyn Stric ture. Gravel Stone. Pile Finluln Utinnrii Oh mructinnt and Extreme CitktiventM lr SVi BE'P. SHU'S PANCEA ih ihe treat rem. dv ever tre.l; it reii'Ove all Ihn-e criinoninu bo no a frou th' Blond which give r' to 'he above disease, and h keeping ihe blood in a puia condition, insuna health For DROPSY, F LLINO ..gra BOWEL, Impnr lien nf the Blood, Mercurial Taint Wrak nemoflheSp 'ne Flow of Blood to the Heml G!d d ne, Si-ting and Rutting So tr in Ihe He-id and Enrt D . WEBT8KR'S P N iCEA i give ie! .in ret el; tn u wvee ai u enr.-n r rase'. Ihe iiaiirnt cim nt he loo oft- n renwided thai lar ger oW and pe irverance ill ff-ei i ru e. I Cklltand Fert't B liout Ften AJTrctnn of the F.yet nud Enrt Spongy and Blcd.ng Gum Bmneh t't and recent Cough ad Cnd; u bw&b irjr.K rwt is., win p. found rfectly ure and certain in it- f nVct. GR WEL AND URINARY COM fLALN '"S. Thrte cnmp'ein'a are generally attended wi-h the moai fatal one, quencea, and are sehloin ni ne. vei rated by Ihe Lies-ol m nl. of neatmeni th'V usnslty accompany Ihe tistienl t- the grave, aftrr uR'ering the moat excruciating pain and mriore Th- rauac nf h-e e implain a are the same aa all theie the dm' of the blood hecnm a enrrua'ed on the fint narrow pssag. whence era- morbid sei tet on and toppag of u-ine Y -u will find the m el p weiful d nr-lic- of no use., the only mm see the qii'inliiy of untie and k nnt pu ify nil elrentilb-n th pn- Hv renilving Ihe Mm t with Dr. SWEE l nER'8 PAN l!Kt, nu re move Ihe eause . f ihe dis s , ronsequentiy it can not exist an longer, afi. r vnfflrirnt p ee.einiit i in it use ti deMive,t ihe b, od ami b dv of all acrinioniou- homo' and mrrusialion. iI"E A8ES or tu LUNGS-CONSUMPTION Ih' tea er pr.v.lei t and laialdiwa-et it re. ill si, o-llv fr m nb led rough-, rohls and hi cbt.. also from im -ioir trraimenr in m . -v isl ri.ee, such ipensV. f vera l fli-ionii n ul -nisi pox ami h -i t . th, r I adit tie e t ,'i,-whir- thei-atrse. inst' ad of baviog e n h .r i gh re. novel from he nlo- if artd'h l , tie oi.lv l-.-paliletett ni r ij I from one p ' . lire k mi ao-.lor. Bv ilive ing mir ' i. .. all foil b. m -r hrnvgh he mill inn or 1 r " EK'I'-EH PAN ATE he dir.- i a n'.i n rd, ih! r rir. mil snnaiirlil R r -tln'i, Wtire t!n ie ii-ilin drrna hiirrot-a f ni'.g in th ri en .V-., t i a in .sttlr no -h' loi g a- nv ,1 ei pail ol I' c tMnly i is g ih, n aruo th t t-oi'siiinpiion i n previ!en' BILKS SORI't ,Nl) I'l.CBRS. Whi h ii se o . ih- ex eri r. e-me liooi nn.l h ive their anur. e in, the int.'ioi. nnd migM jni a' wi ll havi- rtib.l on-vom lung. ll.,or any lhi pait wbirh e know Ih- y freqti. rolv d , and pio .!ur- inoet vinle. 1 1 .ifl iiniuaioiv d Mi'der. Th. hum.r wbirh iMeiint these a,,rig is of a highk irrimoiii n burning nalui We knnar ii fr on the pm tl gi-e. in lor., ing, and ift. rwanl its re pidlv u'reraimg and corr dmg the flesh- and eki.- ol th pail whet it hnaka nut Ttprehowa th. nerea.ity ,,f fiequently puiifyiog the h!ond Willi Di SWEETSEK'S PANACKA. and keepi.-rg etie' malignant huoe'rs in U J etion Should you h ive bile or ulcer, be ihinkfut that niu ba tak rouble tu warn you of the dinger yout life and Im dy i in, for it is a warning t at the hlood i- f.io Had this koi. acrimony a. l-ced br lungs in t. nd if the aiirfare of ynui rxxly for n sa-at, concump lion m me lung wou tl Dae been ihe conarquen - D lay nut ti.eny to iutily and cleanae witti D SwertHrr'a Panacea. Bl'INE DI8EASE' Spin, I effecnoiis, . nlaigmenl nf the ho- ea an joints, white awelliuga, hip Joint rempiaini, tup. uir, iait.goi mi- Doweta .nii tanm rliaei., wil On. I a eiieedy uie in Dr. 8rVEETEK'S PA Viie j u.'l .l i . , . eavaa. nni'f inr uiaiia le. nee t of I ng .tendiog, i be urn required to mak a cura wdl ie banger ( I u lb p teal mt r.i essured Ibat detaimiiied persevrrani w II eflect it BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA .aa DISEASE OF THB WINUPII'E. Tbea ilieease, proceed fiom th eerin.ily n e .rrupt humors ,4 the bl.sid. having t l,l n,f , th throat and lungs, and slopped ihem uii, s.i 111. ihev cannot draw suffi,:ienl air in fur 1. su ration Dr. SWEE lTBI'. PANACEA wdl giv. .. diale relief and to make Ihe cure per let I .nd i-e uin. it amkl he root nul aom I iota eth (. I tree Ihe eyeiemf l bad t.uqiora ' RHEUMATISM, RKKDMIPM GOUT AND MERCURIAL DISEASES Find a aafe and- soewhr cure in Dr. SWEKT SUM'S PA MACE A. It curve ley eeerehing evert I'Lmd e and sit, ry, and driving 01H all innu rnie mI loul buaanr acrurou'aled tbarsin, whiot- 1 a 00 ,4 rb uroaiuat. . ami awelliiiaa ..1 ins, j.ia. 1 ae aw aletoa lfea t 01 ri.rful .)ui ther auoeral piwoaa. allly ya-M to iu soveiaigi iiBuenee 1 iiidewl. hn U val iald urooartia. k. mow fully known. Ih us fall miner I a soa wi" he oce aigaed to .iha loaub at all lk Cb.uVul a.u oly ba thought af aa a hy-ewM ewVai ,4 th dar ker age. Dr. Wwaaatar'a Paaaawa it len a ur for dyapepessj, sares, eiariivwa, vartigo, krd H paJo ia ih brat and U( ooaapliri, f 8 VBR AND AGUE, , Fe i alwsae aatiaad kg ditwderl mmw mt th Muad. straaasin to f ee iiaelf atm M'lng thai etKOmUrs it 1 la fart, avail kiad of e aothiat avr la a ataaggla) lwtaa ib bfoed aaai aatrapt kaaaew, mU a aaae aa ta or- runt humor at rxpel'ed. yoa hav no more frser When t patient with fever submit lo I hhd, ot have his hlesal poieoned ith mereory, M weaken hi (rata lo etarh a degree that if he sorvie. thr prnraa. it elw ay leave him enbjeet la distrein eh I II, wbeo 9 time nut of 10 be reenrv to ra pills powder, or iniemmari mi. M going fr- m l-d to woree, these vegthle idll pnwd, r. ft, ere n thing bat mercury and quinine In disgul. , wh'ch na for a time drie the diet- o far Into the ho.tr n to he perceptible, hat verv e ain i will break nlil aga'O wnh fea'fill n''ne Tem atiU and fever, 'he raua nf th diaeaae must be rrv moved nut nf lha hlorxl end body whiei can he el r etn-lly don by using Dr. SWGR PSER'S PA N ACE ., which -arifie,eh an and etrengthen It roetein nothing that ran poadWI injure, and it is i alway a aafegusrd again t chill nd fever ,.-' , PILES, -.. ....... " it- - .: o tr. f'xa.a or Pit. IV, SWKRTtli;R l"tNM'Ei wiltefTei a vers pe y ru- It ve-f, 101 ihe hi .ml st rniach and bowels, el ll e fhul acrid n, ruing humors 1 rl.rti ae th,' en..- f It. and Cnm. ei and h sit-ngih. n ne the dig le organs, imjir eev.-y mrt .f thi mt Indt . 1 . FLATULENCY AND w IN II. .'-' The dieea-a a e e.n e.l ly the -liniac and bowel. Iving choked on tvtth ejvi, .1 me m .o.. neair rii. n en'ir Ih. m r -rm. I sen.. ifi.J by ome cm. U. lion ..f lie a omeeh 1.. 1, . re he reuse of nun k fa .1 ... ..r it. SMEK IMEKM PA'E will coovtn th, snBrier that irl ef is ai,inetl. OIJET MKDIf'INE FOR CHILDREN. Parent wi'l fi d ihe P AVtCKt . . .1... ui. m-dicine f w the r rh ld en. keen r.e ih.l, k.,1 i a h. al hy c ndi i .11. thtreby a-stsiiug their g ovh; children or g own H taona. after taking U. are not ita' ie 10 ne B't .rmn onn n epiileoilo . U f.ne, a it aw.talea.thel,n..lin nu e c .n 'iii,,r, ,A he.niir. ry-iemiu a -net ithened state it drive 1 ut a I kii d nf we k.' from ihe b lv and leavra II heal hi will in. MXRHIED l.ADIRS Wdl find Ut 8WErER'8 PAN AfIB ,. m..lL c ne purely ad .pied lo their n-. M t ladie, dit- r ng th peri d of pregnancy are afflictetl with pi'. D 8weeicr' Panana, by regnlitiog the horv.N. ill ei tio ly .'hvia e this, and lis purifying proiu-rl lies n he M.mmI and fluid, nurr lo them h al h off firing. No n-. who i. a mmhe- should he without it. aid Iho w o arenuramg w.i finJ l( of g eat h n. fii lo ihe hea'ih of ihe.r infaot. F t hsr.eni ..nd all dtase ,f ihe womh. ii i with 0! a iial in theei rite h.sioty and cn.l.igue nf nuiltrine ; hv n ev.lraoido ry tienglhrning aioer, it hiim.ilst. s and tr i.gti,,-i. the womb a weakness . f arh'rti ia ih.- can e ,.f f,rUra in hav flaptiiw, NFI VoUs lI-E .SK4 Ui der ihi lie d ma I rlas-, ,! H . pna'i ,, f ih Ht-arl. Te Dolore nx .0 Fa'-iacbe. Neuralgia i-d.ge I n, 'C olli, the. Me a. cho't . Hvate'irs ar.d n I -CI, e ry d a-a e cn-.l hv ihe h .rp. .iiir,g ci nioits hit -. jrr lat ng ih ne,ie it,. in re teceive the morbi I 01 pr, a p. 11 f, ,m the to inach, .r rather tr 111 i,. hi 1 rro..Bi. H,e aa.n. v f l" irh and .line tiv organs, mnl ahh nth ..t er parts of lhe ol ..re app.te. tl th- .eat f h.. diaae, siil ii i. .iim.I h ihe m ri.i.l Imp e. .i .n conveyed from t e blood l.v he nerve, to thai pa t S t-w d-seanl Dr. ft WEE I'sEn'g l4 NAt'EA will oon asaiire the pittent llt-t he h. ine cure 111 ni p.Mi'.eiotiB ERYSPBLs... sr. ANTHONY'S FIRE Thia i an inflammatory di o tier, iw vast end d Willi m -r I.aa pai.,. It pr.ee.l. from the 'onl. i.rriuinu'oii hum oa lmlg..,l in the Mood ,nd flu d-. seHli g 11 H e I m md (ne-, causing e. treme pain and I', vers j all ippli. atinna on ihe aur. n.rew ..e .Let useless, ,s lliev on! I nd to throw t- e tl.aea-e in some mher mrt, and ierhau raua" ne.tn. uiee.'int ; likewise impro4r. To ruie Ihe ill ease you mu I g.-l rid -f ihe cause' j on ly maoaue 1 , get ine lout num r out of y ur hl.nd aod von will be well in a day. Dr. SWEET. KBK 8 PANCEA, a ihornuih purifi.r nf the M00.1, will ra-rh ..ui .en impurity in Ihe meiie remote p ns of the body and eip. t it throng', the minium in ine r'ooeia. 1 line U p.ot a vein, arte. ry. mi.ecie or organ ol Hie entire ftamewo k of man, that llr. Wwe-iser Panacea doe not im prove. To lake it wh n you are well t to keep I , , -mi- .mu o . ,h coma ww. DR SWEETSERS PANACEA, heinrenm- ,Mi-eii i.i.rv 01 a vgoiatire mirlier or me teal nerh. nd usirante.1 ,.nonh s roftteh.f f nor one par txl nf merruri.il, mineral ir rhimicjt found t he irertl harmless ,., ih, mo. lendei age or .he weake-t frame, under an st,cf hn. nan ul1'e.ing to mo.t pie, nl and benign in if er lion that . e er off red th the wnnd-i .nd i th- cam - time the moat reriain in seir hjng ...11 he loot .if any onipla ni, however deep. a d if a-rf nn n a e re. Pure $1 isr h..ne, or sir l.ntt. f Jy p, sale, wl.nl. sale and rei.iil. at -fie rornrr ! CH.RI.BS ..d PHTTM-r.ei. Bl.im.r.. . 1 '-ohyJ . GEOKf.E Bl'Jtilll No. rt IH47.'--.y e.ni.hii y SITaTJNCB TIIT nnrti.r- ol i.H Tie a I n - IV. OIK l.v TIIK N K TH It nr. ri.ors rim r..i'oH .. l 1 a ' Has a-Es a et-. rovsr MsTioa earn A RE YttfTA vo t'HERI Yourila.tinerhild . p your did and e .rthly Jov, is now p-rlii confined 1 . her , hsin'.er hv r .Nnrerons cold h 1 pale , -he ks. her iv.n hinnk n finayr. lell -he h..l I di e .-e ha already 11,0 d npo he the soiir.il of her a. pu'. ha e n'fl r if iiey..iir aoui. YOUNG M AN. when just ah tit' 1.1 enter life, disease eheil' a bear eru h ng Might over Ihe f.11 iirospeet of thefuin e you I ectic rough and f bl h ob lell nf vour loss and h pe, tut y 'II need not de-pa. r There is balm which wilj heal the wound, d lungs, il is R II E It N A ! ' s ALL-II BALING BALSAM. M.. ATPRFET. the wife of Wm. H. Atlree, Esq. was given up hy Dr Bewail of Washington, D Roe ml VtrClellan of P1if1edli hi, Dr. Rue and Dr Mint of Nw York Her frien.ls sll thought she mai die. She had everv apssrurv of Iteiug in cotin mm ion, and war so pionnu. red hy her phi si Una-Sherman' Balaam wis given ml it cured her. Mr-. GAKHA BR 4NTZ, of BuM'a Feirv. w.. aa cu e.1 nf rnnenmpii .n by this B I'satn when ill 01 her emdies f.'W In iv if ie wa r . Wd o a sk irt n. Dr. A C. C. Ie. II ntist til llnisj iv, ba wiln-..,d il-rlf-c in cevera1 ra ea where n o'lor m d ro e attinletl re ief hu iIm Balxm ia-rai.il t ke a l am. Dr. C. io ime-Nl i w uid. iful elf ci in ruri. g ..thmi. whlrh 11 ne. faiK .afiloiiia. ftp ti ns III u I, alar, muig a i mav be. ir(f rlrjalU cur. d i.y ihia Bal. s.m It heals the riiH).ired 01 wounled I..hmI . as-1. and in k" t' 'onus sound again K.. HK.NRV JONES. tl :,Mh .,Bii.. . c-.t'd of r.g'. ai,rl riain a aff !. fji. e aiiding fhe firm el.we gave him m .re r.. Ief than all the nil ei nid'riii he had ir rak n lr. 1 J. 9 ale, 19 De ih'v nr. el. gave at m a 1 ! r-io-law who w la' una uiidrre-HiHimiiiiou. d lo another war. afll rt d with th- Ahma In both rare it rff.eia wee irnmetli ,aon re lorlng Ih m l-i eomf riah'e health. Mr. LUCRE. J WE I. Lb gSCbiiai: un r.u tnea iMbntg 4 y.ar M 'iel. ? 7. ""d - l-'- 'y II. bain ei..hle.l mail..:,, . . . ' dim n i Net, mr,. ym f hj. WeJiri uy a Tills llldeeJ .rirw.rd. f..r C g . 5.ddfc Spuimg B Lr i7o.,dain.a, sad . , ,a )(f Ih wrasr, aam ea n.i and Uniaawmp iotx. Price Wrwnl und f I r koule, . , P.nr Man' PlaMer ,dd a ahny Dr. Btserasaa'a . 4W j. a) m Veaii J. y. Ageaw, JOHN YOfVfJ. Kwnbairv. w ' . . ' f V T NortlmatiawUnJ aliar ik. l47Uly . , , t A tt aarranrr iadebted to lite eukaarHkwr, ky v aast M hatwfe aeuaial. ar tseevdrv aarHted la ran antf aerfU tb aiaaa whhaat dlv. ia ardor la aaa coal. IRA T. VUlfSMT. tuakary, AarU tt, 184a :, MX TCAnS AGO V THE rhment began to cry for Bhermak' 14 trngev' Th AnitM Wa hot t.t loud f twaf im. hat it haa kept ItKrrMn ever-eioe. ind fiW' haa henm so great that the morjth nf lb NtlllT , r ssere he atnpped. lAr. Bharmaa imp thiae with ih liitla anff ree. and wry mntkMf ertht any of Ihem Choald ta dis4pitileli V Knowing th vaet benefit which kit bee aonfor: ' red opon th community, bath iatrotJtif llo mt hi infaMibV . -, T.i!i. .-. womac toiiiraiii M, T ' he has er tered Into arrangement for cmargSag fcl ' Mannf einry,ty ineaua of which I thinks, b wilr . be -hie 10 opi.fy the item, d. And lhsmepin ar.d rare will he taken, lhat ths lb lehf ated Lev' xet.ge he made a they h .v alway been, ia " der lhat Iho-e who depend upon them, may not b li.Hppoln eil In their hope. , He knew when b c .minent.l die fhsftiifaCiura nf th rVrrnt LnxtH get, thai th woUl'l (orwfa.de ihe nee ..f even mher veimifiif . ihe l.i g.nge i eery pleatnnt i 'hi is' .tprcnft tn ita fieri n we'l as certain,' n d th.' qu ntitv eqoi-eil to i fTect a perfect cure, s ver. m d These .fr ,i. rue in connexion with' he f el hi 'hey - ...' f .1 SB ci nts per h- i thur' pl ring 'hem in Ihe reach nf the poo-rt-t rnan lr ihe lao.1, haa not only raoaed Ihfrn lo tale ihe p are -fevers other vernilfil ver off.reil, hui r . rendered them poplilrlr to the rommunltyi ' . ser. 11 . - .. sl j . OOUBB LOIBHOIC .I 17 ci linuei to cure t'HOigt., O hi. ll.anmr.f ohf elhm. shor.neasai.il dilfiriiliy of BrVglhlng. nd 1 iher mi e nf I lie Lung, w.lh th same facility thev did on thir first introduction, and the pi opts 1 h .ve now heroine twrsua.led hv ctaalVip lietrce,' tl.ai 011 Ihe rre.i..n nf a 'l-ghi mid, thev have . n'y to iep to eiiher the DiV ffi.-x. or one of the' Aj.n's, and nhta'ti a hog id hi Cough L get. gee, wh eh ar very convenient In carry in It pocket., and to lake few through th d .y. By pursuing thia course a cure is ofu n eflectml in 84 hour, and die pan. nl about hia basin . 80 great is the ee . Ii hnty nf the Loc ngr, thai thousands of prrnon ; h ho have uaed them, and I rcome rqU.iimd wilb heir i fii cte, wilt never he without ihem. , MIERMAN'S !""i" POOTA ZS AXf S PLA1T3.B: ' has cu.ed more eases of Rheninatism, Pai t In th' ' Bark, 8ule and Chest, Loml-ign and Wiakneas, ' hnn an apphca'lon that has ever bee : made. Aa the celebrity of ihe riaater hta InctoaseJ, hundreds nf imp inr i pled ra-cala have attempted In ruimter. f. ii it and palm it nlf upon ihe eommumt a- the, genuine. ii"T Bewaie of Diceplion. Zm-Remem- tier lhat the true ami genuine Pltwter is spread Ui n red 'isb iper made, eipree.lv for the puip.., ml in eveiy ca-e the signature nf Dr. Hhcioian is 11 i'.t d uiH.n th.-1 ck of the Pl. ei, and the whole eru ed In Copy Right. None other re g. nuinr, 1'ie.ef-re w'en you want a real good Sherman' Poor M.m's Piaster, call al Ih . ffi.-e, 106 Nassau ai.e-i aR.I vnu wt I not la diapiMiriteil. . - Iteineoiiier th,- inimUr 108 Na aaa) m.'t whe ih II .she.mao' Lotenge areenld. Hi Agenn are Mia Haya. 199 Fnltoe atreet, Brs.klvn; I m a in, Wiliiain-hitr.i j and Redding ft Co , Button. and JOHN YOCNG, Sunbury. M A MrCAY. Ntirthuiubeiland. Septemh r I th, 1847. ly. , LDIjUw OuI3j OiClD2r33 Vpffetnble Tiilvrrsal Tills, TAe onlfi known Mnllcine that ot the tnme time purgrt pur fiet and ttrenglhent Ihe tyttm. Loanov. July 7, 146. Dn LB ROY'S Pill, are a new medicine whhh ha jnl epi.ied, and ia f.et taking ihe ! larea . f all other- ,.f the sno e claa The pill are compos-d of Tny ingredienK. hut the two princi"l onea are Srsapnrlla and Wild Cher, rv, so uniiril that they act together s the one, U r 'tigh in adm-iture with other .uh ..-.e.a. pu. ifvii.g i.d pU'ging while the inbi r is strnnulben. ing the syaiem. Thin ih.aje p ll are al the earn im tonic and opening ; a th sidoraiuin long ami eagerly aoiiiht f..r hy me.liral men, hut never he fore disc 'v. r,.l In . ther word ihev do Hie work of two medicine, and do ii mmh heier than any iwo we know of; for they remove nothing fr irrt the ays em hut the niporitiea : tn that while they purge ihey aireuglhen; and hence they cue no dehilitaiion. and are fmlow. d hy no re-acti. n. Dy. Le R..y' pills have a wonderful influence oj the blood: Ihey not only purifv without wesicnlng ir, hui they temove all n 'xi..us particles from the ehyl hefine it is e uivened into (ft if. ami ihu make im. pure blood an utter fmp.. ihili.y. At there ia no di-htliiati .n, -o theie imimram or sickness at tendi. g the ope,a'io.,of this moal eirelh-nt of me. di ine-, which tn-ter -train or tnnurr the dige. nve tnm lions, bin cau e Ihem lo wmk in a per fei llv ii;.iuril manner ; and hence peiann taking ineiu do 1101 heroine p-de ai .1 . m cinled. hut the miliary ; for while it i the pn.peny of ihe Hjrsa par lit, uifte.l a ii is with nth.-r ingredient, to remote alnh .t a foreign ar d impure, it ia equally Ihe proper y of Hie Wil l tTh. rry to retain all that nuu-al nd -001. d; and be- re a r .hn-t ft 1 a of idlh 1 the .-.ria.n irsnll of ilteir united opera in.,a (ry Prfre t.t cent, per BOH. Agent f..i Le U..v' S'-Pa. J. w prfrf Tn;-i, , JOHN YOUM.:fs"n,H"y- M. VtcCAY. frnrihuinlirrl'd ingO'l r., u7.), IT WOItlk PJ.AfMi ! Burn. Srnldt, und ull trait' nf fifameit Snrrt fTr-ee,f e'iT.sRV'S l'NVKR-M. nlVlMBtP. la I the mu le. rupee Hum Auiidoteever known. 'I 1 alan Iv. (ml ifby M igf.-etopa pains nf th -irm-t desair' Bur,,. n t 8r dil . For ol.. S .r, H11 se-. Cut-', Sprains, ftc. on m.o or l eitl.il ia h l-e' appl ration thai ran he 1. ade. Th. 01 , nils 'isve iri. d and thnnsat.d- pr de it. Ii is the m alt pitf.et mssiiT i f pain eer ihsrorrel. All who na.- ncommrtiid it Everv Taoi fv ah 11I.I h provj. d- .lwiihii. None run lell Kov o.in aom of th f .inily may need" if. tjy O'ajrrve e.. h liog of the genoi. e Ointment ha- ihe name nl 8. Tnpsey wnil n on the utid iaM. Toimir-felhtei f.trgery. , Bo tnien. Liter Mm. Frnir', and all whnui ll.irae., will find tbi Omtment the very heat thing th. y ein u-e for Collar (5.11s. Srrairbe,' Kick, ftc. See., on their animal. Surely ever merciful man would keep hi- animal. fre fiom pain a poai hi- Tousey'. Universal Ointment it all lhat is re quired Tr it. BITES OF I 8ECT8. F01 th .ting or b la of po.xxioiit Inaec., Touaey'g Oinl ient is unri va Ie I Hundreds hve lrie.1 il an t fooml it good. PILES CURED I For th Pile Touy'. U nive.ssl Oiu ment Is one nf the best Remedies that can he applied. All who have tried it foi lb Pi:t rec. 'mo-end it. - ' . 1 ;t .t, OLD SORES CURED. For old ehatinau Son, ibf i nothing aqod to Towsey's Oiat- ment. A peraon in Man iu had, for a number of ... in., leg t,ai baffle I the (kill or lbdeclor, I'nuaey'e Ointmrnt w.s reeommendad JT eo r he M.m, phyricla.. fwbo knew it. , ,irt0v W-Juced more heej, A ,h J BURNS AVD f-CALDs CURED. 1Vnue,.u .iHin ry. have btwo ,.. a . aj.. '. "r m .re.... cen,fie;:: '-rp. the .hole of .hi rd,;. "UW 10 1"cu.ie. n'---TTL 'XT?" - . " m.h u--- . 1 ii- r,)piie . Hun.lre.1 laHyraVtt-e wU rertifk ioiisre.i nrii aieli vinl.iaiio.iflbe mstevrBruie ill peiM.na houdtrf ir' SCALII HEAt CI'RED. - S re af xtr f ! Srald Head ba hewn eurwl hy Totiry' Oint, n m -ni. Tr t it VeCom fiit. SAM' RHKUM fKHUED-: .bftyi flrgiii.ii ; . ver discovered t r Iho taoq dnagaaal.' aawplaial fouwiy' I'n .rsJIOtoiMM rhakarM kbmpl!.' 1 t rt-r was kn wa t . fwrf, 1 -f 1 -, -1 .-, StfRB LIPSVCRID. T-T&'tltomTaSir Lip. Iher wm never anything rjttld etgrial a Tou. ry t OirrtfOent. U ia sum cue ibem.' Tiy it. Ii 1 acwuiifte eomiioand. wattaoied kau 1.. u,a .0y ari.r.rrpf attur. r PuW If. erat per bog Fug f,(nW Mniculsr. aomawniag i? UhlmtvL th puMKt .. ,ef. . ed lo Pamphlets, lo ba bada-iil ,-i.l. ? D ggtBd MarckaaiU thiauaaaWa ib. 11. oW Pe)-raJ bvELLlO ftTOITftRw n 1 Syraca. Ppr-lah, " ' "T? ' JOHN TOUNO.Saakar., W A Xa-raaar i . .' ' . a' -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers