Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 21, 1848, Image 3

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"'ltd .tt V (!..T.ltlaMltO. 's t -i !tv 0 .o' ..
Wtm iceiwfuHylrivit ejjeminft In kh ewsrio
tokMkur V. .i...k, I ikiDH Li.-l i.j t-
l " - ' ' . munnir loin) wnira 'Win "e
j!okmi lknM p fieri rr bitote) offered trf th
.joiBirremity. In peculiar; .rms tehilet. H thettinrr
Jrrahl .-:. it Malilna .11 .rf
.niliiV nilnlnea. reamaite In ihi .ritole nt ;tfc
, Jiiilt hi tswr' f.eflitrm in in m MuKrelnniK
'rt.nVrti Imp rmnt. rrmtileii fjm
,,l C)sti t VVnat to pr. duce oetlr
r -Cul;tf(iF'cV IfYr Vd CaW tie
.l'tnil, Wo.-The g'.m.' hVe hren tt rf. l
with frrvNi r. Mill foi.tnl in HI Heitnilot
M4.ctv tvfrr Imm.-"" ' ; !
t liV HiVfrie rl.T "sn Cr V' EaVit
itwtiniit'.tfrimt rareh" ' e n h.stn?.
rd invtiiMil'-tA-i trrse an:!, "th I thv rhnj fl.
1 t rthry es y aii.f f rr trace'riil nppr r w '
' 1 04) CI eMiiU et! a! tew il..ur. eboe I'; litl
n " - . ,t rnos.ieipnm. ,
BeitemlW 3fl,' lo'48 ch JutWftl. i64S iy
lin'tke Coiirt 'of pomnm.'jPlm lf SdrtMiem-
Herland County, Pennsylvania. , ,,
, I. RftENorOH ekBrtphtb Jolly,
; V Vrtej'TJly,' Ohm. Re and l.ydu hie wife
in KthlV,d Lydia, John Thompson, ex.uxir
f RMieociT dly necV.t Rebnrei J'f DMe. ed mln
istttftrix erlih inJ will nne.d of Mry decM
,.e)nofTb.. !".ybnrv rlecM, 1 KehrcM Mavho
rr. Wer.en Jotics eiKl'EHxib.-ili hti wife, In riahl
of raid Ehta'HiX Wi lmrrti H'n''..nil Ann
hlewif? in right of Wid Ann; VVilhnm Ha-r'
and Snn hi wife, in tight 01 Hoaii t John
llnyd and Jaiie h- wi(fritnictit,.'f rtM Jhit'mt !
8fh Ann M.yhury. ' V. fii h mid R Ell-
s1lb.:AiV . lnnt Ann' r
heirnof WiMouthhy Mjhiity', dre'd! who waa
un itf'br hatra 4 Vhnmu M ;! c'J '
Auiu I 9ih IS48, Ciiotl gmiAa f.ula on ill
Iru inlere-leil,.-fV api Cli h IK" firm, day of
nail Trtw aod acerpt tha -eraJ fatyp.tfa a( lb
ilOHi(iior rifaaa iha aama, or, ibow cauta why
lh im ilioiild not bo cold. i i h '
Eitfaa cd fruin iha record and certified Sept lt
1848.,; , . .... :
J.FRySWOIlTH, Proth'y .
!Solira U hrre'.iy irn la all peraona inli relcd
n Ilia Ttt'rit pnioeedinfi lit pnrlilion lo 0
aar b th fi' VbnHy nf November nett ' -
.- THOi 'A.' BIILIN0T0N, Shr'ir.
Ihr'ffoWee. Wonbur 7 " ' " 1 ' "
46 .' -"-''-A,;i-'."-''-,:-"-'413
, ii A .M ' HHirLriA.. -'
'' ' " f A860RTMBKT8 Of. ,
Gold atui ilrer Watches
IN VIII lADED ATI! A.' :.' ' ' '
Id l.cver, full jfwelhd, 18 caiat
ilver Leva a. full ii
1 1 -
"'Ii. Vlh"
Qh i 'r-i.A ' ' V
Id i.n.-i:." '' ' ' 1 ' "
lv. r T: 8Ki'n, i qil I in coin.
Id I'e a. ailvar ho'.lrr Hn.l ix-ncil
. f 30 and over
$16 tnd iiver
f (1 iiv. r
fil,t $10
I 5.1
4 SO
I on
Wuh fiili'i.diil nanr ment of ll kind f
'aiei a. Iwth g ld and adver; Ri. h leweliy.&
, (Sid i Cham V tha he-l men'if ciute', unil in
rt vvri ihinv in tlir Watch i n.l Jewrlry line
mnch Ira p tee iban ran ba b ii(jht in tlii
ly r e)ehere. t
Pleaaaaiva ihln adveili' mrint, unci mil at ei
, fn'i. ift r ,EWIS l,UOMU. 1
Nrr 413 MARKET a ree ,' alv E . emh.
inh ide, or ' J '0 t I. 1)1 M U.
3IH MAKKETd, t1r-ti..ri belnw Eih ,"uih
(jj"W-h'' O.'ldand Silver Levi rnKtift rhea
r ihun the uliuve r cer u lib. rt di.-c.iunt inaOe
Iih IrHile. " " ' ; 1 ' '
tntrmim tS, 1 948 6m ' :
D-ClIERREOTl'l'E . .
Tj f up .lor quali'y, I. nJ .ln ly!. ami
' ini up in he-.u iful M toi tJm-a finiil
'..nultNB 0 iU.AR, at J.I'IBUlttS CUE I'
VliCERKEiN UAULERV. N-,8n 1-2 rt Ai..
4 ' St. . t, h I -w Kiiniih, l'h.U :lln Mi
i iie mtil at lliio.llniliiii.!..t will vVa-
vtkii pri.i:r,, ... .
I'tnUMp'.'a. l'tv 83. I84S 6iit
,.,;,;.,:. .the mt ,
THAT Jteaat?0nal,'Olif Tvr.rffe'.anrl Wer.
Un tfnedy t !1 of EIGHTEEN YRaRS-MTAtrtINQ-tlTI
o'nappniaihed in it Wondnf.
fnt turcett, errlainty, 'a'.il aaf ty, Iri fhe'cuV o
wURTOHaneniamiaTf?! 1 ' " '. "
i . Z3T If ynnironlrl r-nrwi tha tetiral (pn'nti.
nu) trjmitrrrr tatta not b bottlr;rir Rny nfie.
tha ia 4tWerf by t' e " orHlen i'griafUtf"
bf thvOrnrNiat invfiirnd proririeinr, Jonn R'.
Row to, i"f label, trusting Me motiA
r-nW '" i ,! ' ;..'.'' j' ,';"'V.:'
TSiVmedy tihv.'tlin VoWeVefl uphy
ralae-anddecel fnl fmlTa. but ha w-ofl it wa Tit
the enuridcnr and unival dn' tinrt nfthr tit
hiibUt ri F'v'; ivq Anna rVjTaVw HY fT
whiih all the nl. and eery pe'r'oon whrfliive
ued it, 4ef (rtif.'. ' ' 1
; , .! . ..-. 'PRdpRfETOR'8 OFF ICE '
i. 443 Ar'rhftreet Philadelphia "
AoaiTfnr Kit bnry-J-Ira T Clen-.ent,J W.
Frilmc, H. M e and iei Brifht ' "
. Aobntb for NorlhirmbrrlamlJ-Foraj'the, Will
ton A Co , R M. M'Cay, -i .
AufOit 5,1848 tow i III;' !
. - -aIi e n t s v. ;;
1 POPWiVR WDKK, in every tMUNTY
ihrnuRhnut iha Uniled 8lnte. To AcmiU, ihi
mot lihrral enoimanrmenl ia wilh
untMll raidialof $25t.i flitfl ' A eh ii.ce i ..ffred.
wherelry an ftent can tnAka from f 10 lo $2S pe
weik, For (uilhu. pirlic'ulHi adilievii (p.Mp ii,i)
' " - 1 " . ' W. A. l.E HV,
No. 166 Nonb E('ONU Street. ,
Philadelphia, pVtt. 9, 1848.-6m. ,, , ,
ltaleorCatliarlne Uornrhe, dcc'd.
JvOTICE i heiehy aiven. that leiilera of ad
ii mint-tra i i have heon granted in tlx- nulnr.1.
bi-r, oh the ealale of 0 .tharina Boiin. I te ofu'
biirv, dec'd. AH f t i:a in.le' ti d toemd mini' . or
bavng il i me isainal the aumf, are requested to
call on the euiacri'ier fin tenlrm n',' ,:
V , ;.V -. J'H '.BOI7RNE. Adm'r,
Runhury, Aujuat 36., 1848 r.t . , ,
ttlF.AP WlTt U FA Si. JEWELB1.
j, & W. L. WARD,
'' ra. 108 CI1ESM.T Street, t'lilla.lcliihia, , ,
'Opposite the Franklin House, . ..
MPORTBRf of Gold and Silver I'atent Le
ver Wal'chet,. i nd Manufacturers of Jewelry
V rrood aseoriment alwaya on hand. Gold Pd
ent Leve.a. 13 V'w't $38 : Silver o'i 18to
J0; Gold Lepinea $M ; .Silver do. SI3 o 15:
CI ok and l ime Piece, Gold Pencil. 51 25,
upwai'ds; Diamond Pointed Gold Pen, $i.3b;
Gold Braceliits and Bre&at Pins, in ire t variei'y;
Ear R'ni'a ; Miniature I aset ; (iu .rri Chains.
SI2 to I lated lea Prlt, Cator, I ake
Baket. tlhnu.'ettick. Briianma Ware, rine ivo
ry Handled lab.'a u.lery, and a general auort
m.;nl of Fancy G iOila-
J.ttVi L WARD .No. 10H lIHK-KU'.f . .M..
i-hila.lelpliia. opposite the Franklin' Hflnae.
Manufacturer of all kit'H of 8ilver Spoons.
Fork, Tea -et Ladle. Ac All work made
by u i timnd with our nai""1'. ""'I warranted
to ba made nt purely Mnerican to'n.
Philadelphia. Auguat 12. 1818 B mo.
LAS C. RMtV&ISJ . lT"tk.'?(fwfsffi iWtmlll EtTftACt OP '.Mp r toGNiffE
.iwroiUEiui,oF M ; li,V 1 A II I I.I.Ai. 1 123 imo 3 JlH
yjscrr?r,iiijii irjiiiian nnrtumimmrjvf im 'ia aymc1 vmn
Pred rfrid Brr1rmi'TnrT; anir
PMnevr OmJa. and MatiafWB'et aifjp"
elry and Hilvet Ware, Chanl alrart. Phib
delphia4 haw rew ivwd by lale arfW4 !' nd
hamUome t'otk of Enrtlinh and Treneh Wahjlia
and Matl'le. Poroelain and Fancy Clorka.o - H
; Platod Urn. 4tora )nke Haaketa, Huh ami
nhamb tlJamtleail kt Soup l.adlea, H, n a -il
F..rk-..' A'aa. a Bo hI aasnrtmant 'of Uri iiw
Ware and FitiO 4!nil- .' '. i ' I . '"-'
' Thviremek uf .IQ WLRY ia l.rg'a .and ofihe
moai filiiaMek rid, wid ilwv era well Mllei
! iih Silver Mu. Npkm Ring-,
nuttei Kilivea tie , ad wi lloui m 'kin; . 1
piv of piire'inihe, public ptm, 'ihey ' ""
i.ared to aell a low ttie-e) who, do', una invile
p. raniui wiehiiij M purrhane trkll.' ' I !"'4
. PhiLult l.hia, Jmifc 10. IMWem v-:
' WHrdrobe l Fatlilottlle ., ,.
i j. w. & k. d. Stokes,
N. 164 Market Street, ffnt Clothing ttartbe
..i uk .! v- 'imtKxtk, 1-
i . PHii.aoai.rHiA. - i , I ' ,
"HPRE they are coniantly engaged in get-
ing tip from the bat French. Englnh and
vmertcan c oth. f othing cut and mail up in the
moat anperior and fashionable ty e.', t'erion
who buy to el . wil find a large end er.ce lent
tock at the wet city prwe. C othing ma(!e
up to order, in a superior tyle at the ahortet
notice. . . ' .
N B Odd Fi-I'ow Rega'ia. a larta aort
ment alwaya on hnd Order from Lolile and
imlivhlua promptly attended to on the mot rea
onh'e term. r
lhilade phta, June 3, 1848. ly. ,- ; -
TYRANTS a well as Monopolie. mn full,
so mutt price. That thi I a fact can be
proved by calling at ' '
No'. 72' North 2tl street, nhovo Arch;
' tha tale imd IMattt ' .
The lock consist in part ofGolil and Silver
Lever j I'Epinea and Qliarlier Watche ; Jewel
ry of tb newest and trio! fashionable patterns.
SILVER SPOGN $t. Particular att'-ntion
paid to thee article, theotWy ufwhnkm
No-1 and workmannhip '. The establish,
menl or LE HCRAY ba been wi ll knnwli. I OH
t'OVRl'X' YEARS, in SE OND Street, and
baa made a character which . heed, no l!iffing
Silver TEASPOONS a low as 61.50 per sell--can
be made for lea if wished
WATl'H GLASSES Plain. 10 cti Patent.
15: Lunette. SOcU; olher articlea in propor-
Krmember, you can buy here below any pub
lished list of price, in thi City or New ork.
Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and
warraii'ed lo give satisfaction
N 1 Old Gold and Silver hnuahl for cash or
taken in exchange at (don't forget the No Tl)
North Seer,.'.. Street above Arch Philadelphia.
Sept. 25. 1S47 ly May 6, 1818
a. IE Publisher ol thi rWin.fie in-rien
Msivecirullv iirve iiotu-e thai the FOrJIU'tl
x HI V, Vill.TItlK of their-' Journal will ba
nul.-ueed on Saturday. Sept. S-2d , Thia pub-
diff-r entirely Irom the many iri.isa-
.f Ho,YifVr which dooj the country It is j
Weekly fnarnal f Art. Seieoceaud rtecbaaic
i'litfir it objtc 'he advantemeiit of the j
T'lRFSTS f "t MAfttU". Ki.Abf
hfts andJNVENTOB. iich tiumber is
AJ.ate.! with froirt live W '"KN oriainal EN
l.AV(r,' dF Ni'.W. IECIUFM)AL IS-
Vl3$4. nearly H of Iha bet inventions
.ill are patented at Washington bring tllua
.'l fh tb- Airiericai). (t a so con
,,Vi Weekly Li' Of American Pateiila; no-
ol this prograss bl I M-cbanire end fl
ific" Improvement,; practical dlrevlion on
construction management and use ol'all kinda
m'.HINERY, TOOL". &c, Ea.ay upon
rWeiistlV and Arcnueciurti ;
- Invrutio.? "
Patent A ir-Tisht
THE nb tvc St n-e, which i equally well ndnpted to W wid '
nr C wL bns reOriv cd silvw meditte ftt the luim of the !
Ainericm liiBtitiitc, New Y nk; at tlie Mi-cIiiihcb' litmi- ;
tutrs, B Btttu. f the Pninklin Institute. Pliiladelohtai: mud I
of the Muchnnlt-ti1 Jnfttitute WiluiiiiirttJik Delnwure.
U is cduidle if Dmrwrir usixk of d hi m ire work, with
leM fuel, limn any other ve yet "flered ft the puUiut in
wiilter it wurm the turg? kitrhen, while in uiimicr,
wun trie uinmer aress atiacneu, it throws (Hit n in re
ltrnt iJuiik a rltaM-ffri tiirnaane : unil iiir h it tin hrMlint. Itn
king, nr rotixiuiir, It cuiniut be uirpuuei) by aajrtftlter i-t-a-v, t
linen urc. ur urtcn '.ivrii. . , ,j
l twiMMrv n 1 'Pt AVQ
ituwv.u.iL..i a-'a a aw. a i
CuRTtPtcjiTE or TtisJuMim 0? THX MYCUAiaCl' 1.NST1- i
tutk. Boston. .
. V the eahwribcrB. Injing ih sen Judcfs by the Mama
chuJwiui Chnriuble MttchnmcB' AsaciHti n In B t ti, on'
Bt '-, tnrnurcn, rinses, iVo. w ukl iiiUirin tlte ptihlic that
afrc-r tt ithiff n!t the co kti)ff Bt'V t hut were put into the
Fair fir rxhihUi m, una letting each man lu tiiTijxc hm own
st-ive with the a.iroe kind of c in order t ew-ertain
which wnild d i the lame work wilh the tenst fuel in the
tvinie time, and d it In-itf. we find that iflcwart'i rutent
yu niner mid Winter Air- nph CKikinaSt ve, miiuuiiirtur
ci by the patentee, of Tr w, N. Y., t be t!ie lient, n it tMk
but 1 iniimte to boil tw kUImi tW water nndbuke hi urn it
In the mine time, mid br 'il beef uteak, and ail d ue in the
Item iiiinnr wt'h it;veii pmndsof c wt, in thirty minutea
frmn the rime the fire wn pot into the at ve. 'to which
we iiw-tr-'e I the silver uiedul.
JA.MES lAGK, JuiwEe.
The unlwriherii reP.20tfully invite the attrnrimi of e-mn
trv (teller, t "lie "f the lirtrrat and lest seletMed attiek f
ntbves, ever offered in thia city, era jig which are tbe fol
Ijwing: - i - -.-"
SiTr-t-n Cy ler.nVrs.
Ov StOVff. 1
Washington Ait Tight Cooki.
I.nrev Oven
A tbany . a .
(aPanlx A(f aakalklx SM nd Morocco Case
U V,S.. mr." '
' n...iit:iclurcr,
. ' ' '. i o i. c.TV. at the Old Stand
II f.s aocceeiiei. o . . . . ... i jt ik;.
1 ,.i rurjvOT H.'reet. I hllaflelphle
i. .'i,...i.. n..i,..i'r...i end I'ortfolinsof
everv dir.plion, I oil Mannare. IT.b'en
Card Caseo, brea.i,,,, Se,.kr do . U ntin.
O... .-a. M I Ho v Ml' "U
1711 1 X "
J.. rioK If affirMlIla-llV
-n. 8iiyd-r't. Chapman's and SuiiiilT K-ior
,"ipa; F.-nny.Tliy ho Raxirt. K"''
w le & Butcher's Jackson, Chinese and 1 i?P
i.. L ...v n,l Kn.or. of ev.vy
nd Dirk Knives; also.
Fenev SlatioRerv; t tbe
- - j '
la... l t"
descripi 'on, Bow ie
luge a...rt.'ie of
Philadelpli-a. Ju'ioai, 18l8-3m
nt o( ori
to Tnven.
WBt-f tkr i,tratinc. valuable u''"1
S?mat io. , Tb. SCIKNTIFIC AMI-.BItN
k most papular journal of the kind ever puu
bed. ...d if more to lb intereat ol
SOU'NICS .ad INVi NTUR- than anv
n they ou!4 J oo'-i" '
tCear tyoe en begutifu' papar. and being
-led to kiadiag. tbe aebseciber is pos.ea.ed.
the end of ha year, el a larga volume or
Illuatrated; witb upward o 1
Five nnndred Mernmteil Fngnvinn. '.
v ' -akd'Aninpex
if dered ope dollar in nlvan'e. the remain
nihi TQCLUB: 5 copie. $8
"m7V!'..r,,;r h. .mount in . tnttet, di
we .giMjj "
L' Li u -.oflbe ScientiM American..
, Pubhabet; 01 ,D' , -, Nw York. .
, . 1 . i il ' "' l' p08T pAU.
ALL LETTER" mu,t t
VOLDMKrHlRO bound. 69 . ' M ,
, i foV ilev.. lbermay
'. "u.j.-.' Patent secure..
McGregor Mammolb
I'reittiumsCook S ove. ,
National ir-Tight Cook.
Pal lor S'ove.
IflO Louik Air-Tisht Parlor Stove.
I50 Char e the lat Ai"Tight '0
2011 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor. .
130 Washington Air-Tight . do
-ino McGregor' three day Parlor Air-Tight
Cnul Stoves, burning three day without atten-
in. '
For sa'e wholesale and retail by North. Harri-
so?i & Co. No 300 Mark.t atroet, Philadelphia.
Pb.Udelphia. July 18th, 1818 '
-t-1 - . t 1 1 ry-r-f-.-i ) . i-r-.-tr-r-r
j pWt of th country
KqtlltablC I.ire Innui ance, Anuulty
ana rrum uontpnny, . .
I PIIE C TOiiamy ar now preparon io iranmci pusiim
I npm the m.l tflwral aait advuidaareoaa li rma. They
era auth ixed by tiwu charior (acet. a) "lo uv.Wa all and
overv iinuranre apnertainiiist Ui life riaa of wlmiovcr kii)d
or nature, and t receive and execute trusts, milie ihtw.
menta, and to grant and purchase annuities." ftie Com.
pnuy aell aruuuwea aim c..",v.,.-,
pa minora anu ., , .. .. , ,.. v
TUe of Preraiuma required for the Assurance uf 8100 for
4 oo
3 0
8 77
4 13
4 !N
4 SI
6 61
5 7H
ttvf rfmovei) '""" 192 Vark't
ln-hiii.-nl to be known a the
lutvri' IIan:i.rtlstis,.T H;,f 'Jar'
No. 18 J Market Street, between su,1
The , toprietors leel a reluclance in in,,''"n1ln
gating What in ai)V way roiabl appear , S(,
i.Miiil Bombastic exasperation nl some in "
Hade, but will net I ave to quote the lullowii'g
notice lrnili Ode nl our civ pap-rs;
One l the greaiett ciinusilse our City
afford lo the Strang -r. is BENSE I'T fc 1'O'a
gieat clothnuf aiore. No. 182 Market "treet, be
tween Filth an t "ixih, winch has been at y led
l ower Hall." from Hie )uUar finish ol the
fiont The bit. Id n I an immense one, con
taming seven capacious rooms, an oi wnn o e
storked with every variety ot seonabl gar
ments, arranged in the most perfect prder and
regularity. The propro tors take greal pleasure
in thnwing their building and contents to the
cilikens. parliculaily alrai.geis. and lo those co
miiig Irom the coiiiilty we know of no place
more worthy of a visit.
i hilutlelp'h'a,. May 27th, 161b 3m. . ,
A Tii'nira.o lioitsa TK !
BBat ami rap T2ainilhcluror,
u i EVI Corner 44 and Market Street,
Bin men! 'tort
AVE cna'autv ..i,).oud a Full ' co np'em
m ..tof H ATS. (JP-i. and
lU . .n el. aai.t i.aaorlm' nl' , an I bovs
Leghorn, Panama, a al P .l u I. af Hal.. AH of
w ich bv a savin of $1000 in r ni. will be sold,
whole ale a d retail, at iba v ry l..wea prices.
l:..,.,..t dealers woiil I d well to rail, a by e
cnuoo.yaaj t low ien', we a eiiil.l.l lo el .at
THIS Extract la put up In qnart hollies. II i six times
obeaper, plaiaanfeL', arat rtvarranteit to any
Id. It cures discuses without' VjinitiiHj., piiming, sick
noss, ac dabitilaiuif Mm patient, and Bl awtkuairljr adaiitk-d
j ' fALL ANO SPRlNd MKDl'lXE. ' '
The (jterit beanty and tuperi.irlty of this Sarssparlll hvar
ouear renassraa as, vrnnst u raowaattiasaiiiii
it invigorates the b'x'y. , ,. ,, ,;!.,
, tousuinuti. ajfured. . . ...
.' Casmse mnl Hmcif. ' '
ijej-ft Cotnnuniititm cmn im riirnd
Uronchuii CiWimiiPplioii. LiVet Crniplnint, CekN. Cdsiirhj,
wasssais iiotuiiu., viivtui n iinjuti, rt.r'nit1 ihimc
C'hem Hwtir Flunh, iNipht Sweats, Dun-
cult and PnWnne KxrrjraUow, ' V ; '
nd rain in t lie Bide,. , .. t, v f;
. . oVe.Jtc., ... -have
and dm be euml. ' ' v
Pfobnblv there never a remMtv that nai Iteeri an atm.
rewfid hi df8MTnt rases o conmimpti m a thia i it cieaik
aoB uml atrenirtheiia the avmnn, and apjera tu henj the ul
ccram the Iniiff, nd patienta gradnnlly f"gaW: their osnnl
iiuwetii aariu fi i tuiuiii. , j('T
i l i i n r'Asai.'. riu fnvairunT flV
There ia at-areclv' a dnv narwta Imt thrri nr a uiiidW n
tisuvoi cisiiainnpiinn ruportm of unrift .hy tha an ur
iiwnivn a oaraajiaiitiu. i he Mllirwnw waa recatitrr Ira
caived : . .. .
Dr. TowwsRNiv-. Dear Air Pnr th CdkI (hn vMn I
have been attlicted wilh frcticral debilitt, and nervnirB tVafr
tmnptinn of (he Lust atagc, end did if t expect to fyYef frain
my health at all. After conn through a couise of medicine
uiirter the care of ame of the mtst diBtiiiffuiMfaed rwulur
inymviunn btwi metiuera ot the Hfmrn 01 tttuHfi m iiew
York and ehtewhor. tmi amMiHiMtr thaaira Mt hf mv faiirninsra
tn attempting to irwuia my ftutUb, aad after rendnia; J41
mie paper of your Snrauiwrilla I rtaolvcd to try it. Aflnr
uftinfr six bottlfs4 frntiid it done hie tfrcrrt and caifrtj
to aee von aL vour othr 1 vi iih vnr wtvfa I kettl en. and
do tTi'ieU heartily thank yu foayuJjr advice. I peraevere in
taking the ftirfiaparilJn, and have been able Ui attend to my
upnai louonit'ir the tout lour months. Bird 1 htine ny tnc
bleaaingaof (i d and virur Kiraapurilla to tfouiimin niy
health. It helped mo beyond the cxprcinttins of all who
knew my crwe. CHAULKB UL'liMliY
irnnve; Kajf co. n. J., Ang. , 1647.
htnfeot NewJeraev. Ksex conntv. aA-Charlra Ouim-
hy betntr duly wn,n uecierrltng to luw, on lu onth bjiiUi,
tint the f'ireg liiijr atntemcnt is tnr aecnnluiK Ui the bt 01
hlkii wle4t!TeandbHt-f. CHAKLKf IJl'IMBY.
MA'trnnnd mtuaunbed tu bet no mc at Untnm. trrasu
Aagust, m7. ... ... , CYUU ilAUAYLN.
J unite ot the 1 Yice.
Rend the fotlowiiur. and anv that oonsiiinntum it in tittm-
rable if ymi can ;
INcw York, April l.fir
Dr. ToWMiMDi I Mrilv beliece that v uf R irnnnariHs
bus Ivflen the mcaiat, tbnnigh Provi'knct, of naviinr my tile
1 have f. r sevcnil veurt hud a bud oun!i. It bfxuui worae
and worse. At lust I rained Inrge quantitiua of IiUkk), had
ritcH sweats and was greatly debilitated and rediteed, ntwl
did nt expect to live, I have only used ymir rVirmjjahilu
out a aii rt tnne, and tiiere has a wuitfcnm change bemi
wr aight in me. 1 ant now able to walk all ovrr the city.
1 ruitve no blood, and mv e mph has Ictt nie. Yon can well
ia:ui;ine that 1 am thankful t r Hmae roHHa; 'otir obedi- j
eat servant. , WM. RUlSrjr;i.L, 05 CaHicriue at. j
The annexed eertlnnare tells n simule and trvtiiful ator '
of suffering and rttliel'. Thereare th -iiMinia of umilar cu
ius in this city and firovklyit, ftitd yet tbiworc th lumuds
of parents let their children die fJf fear jf being humbugged
or to suva a few ahillinga.
BroKUyil, Pcpt. 13. V7.
Dr. Tawn.tkmd : I take pleasure in stating, tor tiia bene
fit of th.ise whom it imiv concern, that mv ilatiffhter, two
years and six maiths old, wis at flic ted with general de
bility and loss of antiech. She wit given up ns ptiet je
covery by imr ftuiuly jihystcidn; but loiimuiidy 1 wua ra
e nnmeuded hy a fnuld'to try your RtrnpurUln. lief rc
ha vi tip used one txittle "lie rccovwen Iter f-wti nun wns
eualittf 1 to walk Blotto, to the iwt Miishmunt A tl vh were
acquuintetl with the cirrutnstnucea. tjlie isow quite wcll
amijii much letter hdTh than slip h:tS 1-wn for lb insulin
pisi. JOHKIMl TAYLOR, i- York t.f Brooklyn.
cry few fnmiltes indeed in faet we tnvenjt hoard ot'
onetlut usM Dr. T twiiF'-u.l's tirf"inrilla. in tiim 1 si
anv children the part ftutmnar;' while th ae that did not.
sickened and died. Tha (-i:rv.tnrarc wo riubiuh below it
conclusive evidence t ita value, uud ia only unutlicr iii&Uuica
of fta Mivimr the lixea of children ;
Dr. TownrsKVD DeurSir: 1 hrtd titM children mrrd by
your Hirwimril!n of the summer cinnptnint and d)"sntary ;
one vns only 13 month old unllho other 3 years. ; They
were very murb reduce!, mid we expcried (hey would die j
they were given np hy tw rennet a Me phyeieUns. AYlien
tite doctor iuformd as Hint we mast lomtheni, we rea U
ved to try y ur S ns.inriliu we hnd heard so mueb of, but
had little ctinfidene, there temg a inu?li stuff advertised
that is worthleaa: but we are thankful that wc did, for it
undoubtedly tit ved .the lives of both. I write this that Oth
ers may be induced to use It. Yonrs. reepeel fully,
. JOHX WiUSoS. Jr.
Myrtle-avenue, Bmoklm, Hept. 15, t7-
FK.MAI.B MDD1C1N.B, ... ,
Dr.ToWksexd's ?ARArABiLLA m a S'lvcreigu mid speedy
cur for incipient eonsninptiiat, und for the geuernl prom ra
ti ju of the svstem uo inntter whether tha result 01' inhe-
reut cause or consija, produced by insularity, illnesa or ao-
Nothing ennhamtre surprising th.m its hwfg'iratW ef.
fei:la n the huiitau fnune. Per. 11s all wenknena and Ua
situde, fmm titkiug it at once lne una r uust and lull of
enertrv under its intliienee. Il initn-31i;itely c uiiiumetn the
mirveleshittawurf tho female frame, whh-h w tbe grrti catise
X will not lie rxiefM-torJ of us, in cases of so delicate a ua
tnrc, to exhibit rrriifiratcs of cures pvrtnrnied, but we can
aasnrathe uiflictod that hui:drKlsof cases have been repor
ted tlllS. ........ !. ,
Da. Towsiknp : My wife behur Rrealiv distreavul by
weikiies and general df-hility, ajul Ma.f'Tini; e M:tiuuaity by
nalti and wh oil dliTieultien, ami liavtng kit wil easea
v b era your m3 lie in ls t-ffericd great eurrjt; and nksi
nenrtng it ret? immendeJ for such cuses us i have dracribed,
I ohtatijied a b Mle of y ur Kxlrart of S.irsaptrillu and fol
I wt-d tho ttireeti na yugrtve ine. In a shirt period it
rein'tved her c ittnilaiuta and resrirl her t tV-tlth, Heing
gieattul f r the tVuefits aha received, 1 takn nlensure in
Liiusacku itvletlcing it. and rec minendlmr it tn the public,
. M. P. MOORE,
Albany, Aug. 17, Mc jrGniud t l-ydta sta.
No fluid or medif ''i h ever been dise wcrf d wbK h att
nearly reBembles the g.-ne juice or saliva in dec mrxfiur
,,j .ur-..rti...i..m i.'ie oriRttis t diff' Sti nl ns this iire-
paKiti n f SirsuiwriUa. It positively cures every cuae of
dyaiepsia, however severe 01 c.wwc.
31 H n.if n..rtmeit. Albany, Mw 10, IMS,
Dr. Townsen l Hir t I have bew atHicietl for tv-vend
years wi'h dvnatain in its w trst f -rt. attended with ur
ness of st m-ieh, I s of aiietite, extrt.-e hesinhurn. and a
,a,i ,a , n kin 1. i- f . ,i nn t f r weekii. (wh rt I
'uld ent) 1 have been amble th retain Kat a siimiII ptmi n
A.. mv st iinirh. I tried the usual reinehV. iiwy i;ul'ttienrincnifi in remnviiia "'e coiiiprii.
Jr 1 alvmt two motitha since, to try your ExJraat of inr-
1 fllKI luitaw aa a nil nine t n..i. ..
ir, v iw n uiiea.
LLiaW UU tatt S3 8
av aniEHEioi KEJIEDY tvli ..
1 . c .
! r
. :i: V:VrVWilW..Vj . :'..4
" ' ttiMintAi. jbaaixttr. -u
I -. GEORGE B. Gr"eeN, PumnTOKs" '
. 0 -Wind Vermont; " ': '
1 aWewd'aVl teineiljr Tir ttmaA', 'In 'ntaiiy'of Mji
1onn4, saoli a poia In the Ht.MiwIi, Heartburn, habitual
C.wU.enrsia, Asid rtuauucri, Hea.l.iclii!, btnsui Apiuie,
Piles. Nighl Swenis, aud vcu l.iiouipiwn (DyKiwiHic,
Phthisic,) and Aslhina, or Phthisic nttcwlwl with drrtiiiire
niernV Ol i the lf.irewli (or Dyspeptic Asthma.) Diri.Tilt
Hrentliing, which ullen results ir.Hn iinpcricet digestioii (
Dvsjicptic. SysiMima is relieved by Hil-sc Bitisrs. In slmrt,
their use has bean in the relief of almost nil the
ayarpt.m that pnsved (ran a dchilitatce or atiniie eondl
tion of the 9tjniuch j atsa ia generat di't.llity arisiag from
air. or fr.iiu Ilia cifcrts .if Fuvcr, purlicularly Fnvur mid
Aui T(iihIps sulluring under niiy uterine dcrnnr.enipnt
arhif O'an wnknesB, wil find the "Uxvotsraraii Bit.
Txa''.an exnellcirt remedy, and not surausedtiy any uieui
Ciiie in use. m - . ' .,
The history of this medicine la peciiliur. It has made Its
way to pnlilis favor solely by the force of Its own intrinsic
merits. No artificial means have been used to aiva it iis
t.a-icty and thrust it upon public attcnti in. It hus never
bet'.ire even lieen Bflveriiseil, but luiving first shown its rc
natrkntile elBiwy ia the raniily of tlie pr.iprlehir, aial by
him arttrwaids adminiswrod to his atoieied and an
tiuitiiitnncua wilh a like rusitli, its reiiututiou gnuluallY ex
tmilod until it is ku .wh in the m.iet distnnt pjTts tiie
l:nion. aa a nie.llcnie of unrivalled viriues re' the tare 4
D-spcpsia in all its dilP rent lurms, and also for the eureka
Asthma or l'lidiisic. Its iily hernld and its only eal gy
has been the story of Its w aulen'iil c(nrac),'as told fr .in
moHth4o month or hy lettpt t m friend to friend, lit eve
ry iaManct where these Bitters have beau nscd, and the re
sult made known tu the uropriutor, shcy have proved a re
medy. ' .
Ninnenms certificates,- attesting Mm slntrnlar ellienCV oT
the "Uxtoskatbd Bi.itus," are ia tiie posn-sseai ia1 Iho
Eroprietur j uianyof litem signed by pcratais already widiJy
nowu to the public. , . .
' ' ' BF.r. B AHKEN. TTimrietof.'
WINDSOR, Vt, Oct'jlM. ItslS. . '
. . The i.illjvia.iert:h.-utes buvc recently been t
received t
, ,t ..1. 1 "vVaanlwrms),. O r Jam 10, 14.
IlRVing tna.a cse of the "Oxygenated Uilkx'1 prepured
by i)r. (ieo. H. r.reeii, f Win-lKT., VI. und from ku -w-li'itpe
Mblnined t.f their crhVnry in - thcr cuses. we cheerfully
ree .rtimeiid them t-Lnepni'liL.. beiievtiitrthstttiey will luiiy
siwuiiii Ui roc.animsHluti -a the Pr..prielir. We h"pe
th it this vulitiible miMly limy be s i geueralty diirused
throiighoul Die c-itii'.lry tiint it uuy be accesaiUc to all the
Seinlor from Vermont,
'imtor from R. Isliuid.
J. T. Air)RKHHAl. U. t. Henator and f.n.rly Govern
or of Ksrntuckv . -:.r.-.. n
L. II. AKNOLD, Membot of Congruss and formerly Go
vernor of H 1
WM. WOf IDHR1DOK; V. S. Senator arid formerly On.
Vetu-ir of Mieltiipin. ' -. i .-i . ; '
M. U M All'I'iN, Defcguta la, Cougreas from Wisconsin
Territory. ...
I ; . i ' 1 i
Fnnn II id. II. i). Foti . Mtriiber ' Congress from
l'eiiimvlvuiua.';to.n, D. C , Jcxr. 10, 1P10. .
Dear Sir, I have been a dyspeptic audi-rer for ubout ten
yeura, nod iiave reis.rted to vuriims tneiliciites for wlief
vitlt'iut succee, until 1 uii.'le iiko of your "Oxyp-ivited
Bitters." I Ikivc ll::e.l ab .lit two IslttU'S, uod fiiul lliysrlt'
restored to perfect health The forms in which thu dis
ease stt.weil itrclf, in my rase, were, frreat acidity ol'lie
st iu.-it:h, I s ..I up;titc. cvtr.Miic lLittileiu-ersevcrL cousti
puli si ol' the fviwelM,- hi'mliielie. Kee!in(t desi
rous irat a ktinwl.'.life nl" ynur vnlunt.le remedy uwy reach
ethers s:nii!:irty uiilieOsl '.-'1 lake great pleaMtre in rec.rd
ing my t..ftiiu uv i. its uirwic 'power; and wooi.l Ki
tenvnk, tloit while on rt nt h'nteli r.lioit time since, 1
C'lriiirtistcred a istrt of a h-.ttle tu a ininiber of mv iifllioted
friends, wilh grusl suecas. Thry are desir.ats thnt you
sh'int'l estabhili an agency at Piitsuurir. or lu.'orin iriem
where the ine Heine r.:ni be ohtniiietl. With nu ejirncst de
sire for pi' s'crity uu.l Imppinesi, I snlavfibe mvself,
truly y-ttr frioud II. I). FUSTKK.
P'lCt. tKO. U. UBERS.Wiut. r, Vt.
Pild WiioleMkt "ml Retail hy Oicen & Fletcher, No.
86 evalth Sixth Street. Ploli,de.,,is.
.Aenitf rSonllry-H. H. MAS-ShlH. "
Ajrenis for Milton MACKAY UAAG. .
April 15, WIS
hAMUF.I, PHE1.P3,- -,r a
JAli:s F. SIMMON, V. 8. S
.1... , nl,. rru entirely rem nmd i audi wndd eariu
- ??rrh "n of It to ihore wh ha hci, sfflie
ZrZt,k. Y. 'ura. to.. . 'I W: W. VAN Z
....:,f ifii-ira w
. Aient for ?'":'r MenivV
tluniineriand, MA1" '
A.IUJ, l!H8. IT
(Hit niter
found my appetite resti.'red ami
ano I w.auu eHriics,
,-i1 as I
FIlll.IM!: Nor
McCAY; DauviUe, W.M. A
Indian Veeiable lJ11a.
This raadieine ia somp.sin'kl eo nirel pel aeig. irom
the pt,-unaddrtenrterl herlai of th1-!tidts. TlKMiiigh
Ihera era raany ntatlicmua etlM by th saoie naiae, every
one ia aware that there la very great difference among
them. Those of Umri Uiat era eallad "Indian," hay etolea
tbe nam from us, who wer tha grst ta Introduce a press,
red Indian raadieine to the America pulaie. ,Of,,urs a
similarity of name YrSe. hot era re a strhilarlty In ths char
korsrof th medleiiio ,- n,', . '.: "c-rt ''f.
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are aistinrdshad .for
their per fed adaptation tolhe hnmaa.liudy,. le aherr opats
at ion, they do txaclly what nauire dosi, and nothing mot.
They have a rova-roi.s action, upou the lunar skip, kid
neys and bowels. -Hence their .peculiar power over disease.
! By promoting perspiration, they break Up Colds Coeaaa,
RnsuMxTic CoxPLAinT, Pjiui in - ma Bacx, Caer bla, ,
Cvtakkovs EaortioKSf rinn.Es, Blotches, i'acexj.t)
EarsiriLAS, ato, , i . ... ..
: The action et tha Fillj on tlie kidneys, i such a to rank J
there a valuable lithontripue. Daorst;, bSAViL, aial Fx-
aiALa CoMrtAiMT, atisiug from obstructions at certstu
periods, are speedily removed by their us., , ,s , ,
A fro, ExrxcToBATtoa from tlie limps ia excited bj the
use ot Wright' Indian Vegetable Fills, thus removing .
Pulmonary Complaints, , such aa Asioma, .Hsosciiiti,
Throat, 40. ' " . -
By their action on tint KrOMsnt and Brvt4, the Fill,
pure DrsesrsiA, Ltvaa Cosin.At?ir, PatviTAtioa of r
nT, FLTrLjcT, CosTrrEjr., Farm of all tinds,
Pleurie, headacl,, Giddlneaii, Dysentery, Piles, and aH
disorder of the Intestine: . ; ... . -i :
Taken in sm-iU d.wea. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
becntnc sn AunrssTn a medinine, of erest aaarehhtg f
ficacy, fof the cure nffV of sll Wnds, Tinea, TtiMoSs,
JitrNOim, Low?iiui et BstaiTs, Nxcxaloia, Rasit, Faiits
I THE BOillSj'Ae. . ' 1 '' .' 1
. Theas Pilla aliau ttioroughly bronk up iN.LiniruA, in
which cmupliiint rltey are extremely rateable,- r - -'if
: In rttuov. Covplaikts. liesa Pills exercises eorr4er
hiastcry.; Ilenc Fkvsi ak Aocb is epeedily cured by the
use or them, In the Western and Southern Slates, where
this disenseTri'th''prnvnils. these Pilh go like an Avnbinche.
lulothey are cheaper than th fever and gne remedies
in' general, Wriglu' Indian VcgeUhlo Pills' have bea-proa-fyiccd
superior to all of them. Intloed, U wouid ;r
pear that if there ia complaint over which those Pill,
have more power than anolher, it is Fevkb axd Aove.
For destroying and expcUing Wotxs. no Vermifuge ia
superior .toAJiesu l'U Allliot.jli we liavo not token paiuato
make this fart public, the merit of the mcdicina itself has
acquired fur it an extensive fspeiaii.m andasle for . Iht fe-
rooval of Wobjis Adininiatcrest to adultsor ohiViren.-tbe
efTect of the Pills is eriunlly radical and deeisira. . All who
anfTer from Woatts slioutd by all moms, use Wright's In
dian Vegetable Pills. . . ' ' .,.
In fact, no one can go aimsa in tits as of Una merticioo.
They are natural to tlie boily aa food is, A trial .wil(
convince the skeptical Unit Wright's Indian Vegetable Pilla
fur from being a common "quack nostrum," are decidedly
the mostatunhte medicine ever offarad to the public. -
Iteviare ofSug;tr 1'ontcA Counter
foil. .
Remember fliai tha original nd only genuuta Indian
Vegetnblc Till have tha wiitt-tn sigruitaro of S'm. Wright
on the top label uf each box. .
run , , i
WrifthtN I tHlInn TrgetalIe iMUs.
Henrv Masscr. Hunhdry.
R Sc .1. KiurTin in, Aua'iBtn townah'rp. ' '
loh.. H Vine nt. hl.liaqilaqtlB. ': "." ' "
Kne & neialte"sei, KW-l'Uig. ' ' ' " '
S-onnel H. tl., Litlle Msimu.iy, ' t.
V ilitain Uepp. n. Jacks- n. -.
Irelm.l ai d Uaypps, Mcljivi nsvi!!c,
Willinn Ileiin h & Broihcr, Milton. '
I'oisythe, U'ilsun St. o. Nnitliutnberla.iijl , .
lames R.eJ. l'otlsgrove."
G. W. Scott, R.ishvillo. ' .' . '
W. &, ',.
tlhodes & Karrow .'S T. Ueia. ll, Turliulsville.
Hi nneville HoUbue, Upper Ma'ionoy.
! bn O. llrnn. do Jo.
E. I. I'u er, Wulnntoivn.
tVliole...le, l the olFue anil general ilepot, 1 69
Rue st., Plii'.slclphia. . July 8, 1848. ly,
:--." - "V .4T
IMilla., Kendli.'tr, "
Hall lot
CHANGE of Hour, and two T ra.u uauy
each way, except Sunday.
On anil after Mon.lay, .May 1st. 184 ,
train will run each way, dully, between i'h.'la
mo Pnttsville. ........
Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily rxcept
Sunday. ; . .'. '
Passe Iteainpg at iu 4.1 a. oi. :
I.eave Pollsnlla at 7 A. M. daily except
Sunday.. Passe, Readihg at 10 A Afl. .,
Tbe above Line stops at all way nation ou
the road a formerly. .. , ' ..-
In preseiltnie the public with a remedy for the trcrilnfent
ami rues of Ph.mi ,kd ai- .m .MleW IMH leeeneee.
tu. unSwv Is neeiled. V iiuuilmrs in Iho t mted :ales,
who l'riin these siTeclhaia ui tbeir varied forms, are
c ui;clleit lo seek rciief t'r m other a .urces than Hie luimc
riiule prescript i ua f the reffuhr physician. It bee imes
UR'ftU .re au .sie-cl m lumtiimy, as wen urn i puuui:
est, to brinp bei .re tlu-lll a reined)' prejaircd lioin much ax
ierienee, mi'l which miiy alwaya be relieil up iu as s.akk,
.e.-ecri.Ai.. asn to ' mt costitctio. That
.... h true h iracxer . the INDIA CiltJLAIillUI'IJ,
is nmply alU'sied b die uuivcrs-U sdeccsswitU vv.hi.h il hits
lu-e.t e.nnl 'red.
I'jr l;xt. in from a cont"iiniiciUi "n of the II m. Wn
Lti.a WuouBKiioit, uf llie V. S. CSciuue, lale Qovernor f
. .. .' Detoit, Oct. 'Jl, lt?10.
Docrca ruAKI K tlSUOOU, i
Dens Sir. 1 have with much Interest, your Intle
trjiktik upon the I'eiusi-s, treiitnlut and cure" of Iha
febrile diseases which have h i rxlensii'lTy nrevnileil in our
country during tlte IvA lew m .ntlav-n uitereat incr.tiseil
i . doubt, b the. f.iet thai 1 have iislividonlly auliurwl a i
much fr .pi 'tluMu. Tli-ntuli I fuel myself very i.e. .miietuut
to jii.lire sit'iJy npon a subject .Mdirely professi 'iwl, y.4
y.air- the y aueius t- me well reuB.11111. aud y uf c mclii
aioiis just, and I think thai yuur petnpld A is calcu
lated to rSioditee inueh practical g ssi. ...
SHriklltg ol Die medu im- l. says : It fully justified your
fl ittering axpacuti 'ns, end us a ante, nairenient, ami pipu
bir, my own expericucew a i far, induces me to Iw
live ttuit'il will u urcqt oublie bem-lit. I am pleased
to lenrn put vu have rceenlly estnhlislieit several aveijeies'
for ita disposition th u.:h 1 rirret Uast, wiih a view la a
mire general disseiuiiniiou of i(, yu should liave found il
v-eesnry to remove ironi your prceeul rcfiidence auljpg u.
Wilh umeh respect I have the h a w lo Iw, sir,
r'sir on.!.'..! s.Tvnni,
very low i ie i i
June 10. 1", IS49 ly.;,
f7 Train
Leaves Philadelphia at
2j P M , "Oily except
Ihnvi Train,
Leaves Pnttsville at 2J
P., M., , daily except
A'ge. trrerll.
li 1
Age. I Prem. 1 ' Age.
I57" Slit ' 48
38 S 14 1 47
38 9 311 44
I M II 27 4
IS 'ill so
Tfcl 1 40 51
- 37 4T ' 89
i, : S4 - ' M
. 3o W , , , M
40 8 70 ' 5S
41 9 el '
49 ot ' 67
43 3 01 Ss)
44 3 18 , 5a
i 43 t 9 93 j
17ST received, at Iha store ol HENT Ma-
I ke, a choice assortment if DRY GOODS,
unicerica Lfuur fulmleu ana o'ntr nm me,
all of which will bf aoUl al the lowest price. ,
gunbury, June 3, J8I8. . ., t r .. .')'
Leaves Phrcnixville 3 4.1Leavejiih Haven, 2 37
" Fort I Union, u tin
Reading. 3.50
"' i'ottstown. , 4 30
" I hrpnixville, 5 00
rrive al Slate
1 Road. ' ' . 5.30
Pnittiown, ' 4.1-1
Reading S 00
Port Clinton, 8.4.1
K Sib Haven. 6. 10
i.M at I'ntte-
ville. -6 90
. I .
Th nremiams are less than any other rfMnperry, and the
polieiea afford greater advantage. Table v( half-yearly
aud qnurwtly preimuun, half ctpUl fate of . pMnsuim, short
ran oi - '.-5' '' eheanesl , 'rms io irt uvea, aurvtv wsniiai aial enoowuiews au,.,
ha' traf ftrew.ngf f" JL1,,!"? Efj t V A tf ' ,he" re blank Aeetrf) ere
. ...kikBhat the t-ClElSTlflC AyiET-. lorm Al'i , .n;,,i - ui offiee, or by leller to th
' " . . V . I u M. HUV.
; jacob kticx, ;
.Vo 293 i.arAief Street ., Btina F.pith, Kurlh tide
. PHii.Aiii,Luia, ,
; Keeps rpnslanlly nn hand all kind of old Li
quor, vie : Superiof1 old, rye wht4key superior
Brandy,' Gin. hi ' Alio white bisndy for preser
ving vi no berryanu rjiacKDerry. oraouy. (
i I hiladelphia, June 3, 1818. Ij , ' , ,.
' . .;ah
rteptemher , ibid i
-:' 7730L3S3LE . i -
2i3 Mabket Steet J.'.u
' ; ' riniLADELtHlA .... .r".a
.v.'t.i VAtI"g '. "I .1
ram Weu.HnW. liteil.rii. Craiir.'Hnrgi.'sl ta
"fical InrtrMOieot., Ch....n MM
Ja aisUJUi ii io.
1 T-VT--
. k.M .ui annlir
..i u t'l.'HUY. Suiil'ury. .
. If.
Kate roa igsuaiaii liwu t
. i Age. ' FoT 1 year,
tu bt
'40 . ,55 .
6f ' " 1,W 1 '
tg .1 I c. IMe " '
rTyeara. 1 rCr1-1-,,
i ,1 l,u "
. lp ) . .(. 9,IH .
' ,9t ' M ,0 ''
The aftfrnoon triin will topnnly art the above
..d i at ions Passengers for other points
n.n.i iherefnra take the orning l ine
Depot in Philadelphia, corner ol uroao anu
Vine Streets No Peniere can enter ttievar
unles pinvirlei! wi'b Ticket' '' '..
NOT! E. r III poiiun or nagcage win oe
allowed to eeeh fasenger ia lhae line ; und
paesengere are eirly prohibited trom taxing
anything a bsgage but their wearing apparel
which .will D al ine ui .
freieht will be lake by lbe line. :
By order of Board nr Venafere . .y
8. BRADFORD, Seeretary
Mnya'l8l6.-lf-l'u .kii O'.n t
. -fii MERCHANTS. -M I. IVS I!
And Dealers w Paper', mul'Papi'r iitanufaclu- j )
a a VVM. ;rr.l.AJ(ieruH. 'f I Jj,U or.
j Net. 39 Commerre FHILADtLFHl A 1 A gpEEiJ
aa v s-c-Q ..Mntai4ilif 'nhr ruinil a : larea assort. I k.;. .nlAndid 18rr
lla -Jl of printing anrl other iianer' ' New: y ,jb t8 , ng,.vd illu.iratioii. from ori
F.XAitrLx A persist aged SO years next ' birth day, try
iii the Cianpaay s eansj W.iW aetata to-aia fhrala
rtuiii. Ihm Cannaav ua
ut heirs )IW should he die ,S on year L ot fur fkQ ae
cures so Lhem viiaai ; or i-a- and aiiuuauy acvnu ;wi.
he secures te lease 1l)0 ak aild ke die lu seven 1 years ; e
... uni an uud auauaHv 4lariaa life ho aai uwmu to be
paid when Wiliea. Tlisiiisuses sowimg Ins own b sius.
i.u ih. ahmmhs in amount .a nro.niu.iw i. w ,n w nw.w
by other omcea. F. MgWlke aetrewoal receive tWOial
aknuld he die in one year. . . . .. .
t ! TaEAseaaa-ygAMia w. eawu,
, 1I..G. Idea, aejeeeiary. '
Ceissjri.Ti) FaraJer4'. i, 9
i j. a. IT"", 6upwry.
bad at
any (ue liud quality, ' I nd library sheep"
slaaa-lt- K.AIIInlt of rt' tllllBTUC'S
: great noi K oil ine iiriormuuon j
.or about the 1st of Aptii. I19. y
EEL'. No 03 Ct'erry. st .above 6tb
Initio edition' of tbe above naioei
' y pro, a TJ t).' fTKrttKS V . It . 'iiiou buikcx, ol" iMldli.
ean Slate So.ste. t" Die Afent at Dear 'it.
ga"S"ate , hu h..viuam,Oau.aK. f.; Dec 13,111.
Sir yon wish .ve !' iul'.rm you wlaitl Jtoow nt Dr.
rt i,i,.i rh.,1 . ue. Or nnti-bilions ld
believe that if the virtov egleaey of this me-lielne were
eenetnlly known, the vvv.'M aB Aeuu would disappear ui
'.'iCpPieij're.l a Ikii'iis in ll.e s'pi ii.y f J. end have g-val
reitsoiuto lielieve llmt riiysHf and Nmily escaped tlie ague
Peili m in no su uiruu s'wa tlw aettlemeut of this fin
nenina ii i, has lira fever au I iiiuo been urevalent aa Iho
. IV ....... .m, I metiei,,e ' I, UUtneronS i II
.-IHii'es, and tvhen the disease hod fixed ail battled
he still of pl.yr.iei.insi ind 1 Ime uever kooHi; u
J.- ivers..llv tin- ni 1 lumnv crtecls, and I
lievs' it I11' never Iren eece.d by nuy medicine in rcina
viiar the 'alious diseases ia' tlie climate. '
Youi's. nsHMadfullir. .
.,, f ,r Bini'airv II. Ik. el ir-r.n i .-vr.n-iinueriauiu,.
wmnVOTO-M i elisor!. J. Il.RAWBi bclla-gr-we.MAV
kW'SI''.' .. ...
MayS, 148 tf ''
A History el the IteoliU
' lleree ol the W ar el Iedependensiei '
Aiieteguot volume ieith 18 i' Steel Plates,
and nearly 1500 beautiful Wood Engravings.
"TWs is a sptendi.l n- A valuable at'di'ton to the
Hist jrie UiobUurpof our cjuntty. V its n.'. nustu
kni ii it d wjs n .1 take rank, with the work ol'ig, ua'' FrniiVl'ord Ilerold. ' . J
. It aurpiaaea any aiiuiar wirk yet oflartat to the Anicti-
ml .....v lu. r,ro,.. rlv considered a nonul insed Mdiuu?
History lifilicR ovoluli n, extremely weU aia judicious
written.- .n. Aniencan . . . - -
preul wort on the iieviuutionauu
suoen u, b-.tli in extent una uesiirn io any i. i"
lore c ano under our ntsieu." -icq.
A well cauieeusl Uist.ry ol taut evenuui poriuu.-iw
'u'nJ.U.'ih he'kt nnailur' Hist tv of the war of the
Rev .lnti m ami its Her , iHnl Iwa yet been given to the
onuutry." tul.irdy tivcjuug Foet i'i ' " ; "
, I tf- AlilvN ItS V A- 1 I.IJ 1 1 CUIVBaa lor iiic aiyivv w-
jnia W .rk, in every ( unity nud Town ill the Laitwl
Slalee, to whom fie in at Itbarul bidoceiiienu wui ue oner.
J..PrleeomyW..:oa.. -.- t .'.'.' ' . ' ' '
' 3-- ' '' ' PHILADELPHIA
rhlludulia, Kay .80, 1M6 iho, . ; '
C () L L -H G n O F H E A L.T II ,
,, , S07 Jilam street, Buffalo, A. Y.
VrgiluMe Lithoutriilie mixture. "
rpms eol. biiiltJ ruuedy is oiiauuliy iucroaakiif il lame
JL by the luuny curt it U- making ... . 1
It his a uv bite mic the only medicin for futnily use, aud is
uailirulaily rceoiutueuded iot 1 S
alt stages of this ooiplaiut imniediutrly reiieved, no mat;f
ot how long siunaing. r-ee ruaiuruuci iot icsinnony.
GRAVEL, ... ''.' :
ruul all diseases of Die urinary orsnu'si for these di(trrs-
lug couipliuuls it slHiuts.asme ; no otucr arucie can rcnave
you t and ihe cares testified will canvinee Hie ske(
itcul : sue pouipniui- "iiiuer uouiiu.uit, u.iholu.
FkTV'ER &. AGUE. -i .
To Ihe Oreat AVest cspccin'lj', ft wherever the.s eoqi
pluinls pruvuil this medicine Is ..fttrcd.-.
nn deJcteri 'U c impound-is a part of Ihia mixture, it
cuNlii1sediMiises with scrtsiwy and celerity, and does
not leave the svsiein torpid. fce.Pamhitt.
PILli!, ;x ".I 'i
a compluint of a mt painful c'lier, ia
and a cure f .Uows by a lew days use of thrsarticl ; tt is
far before any other prepuruti u tor tliia diaeasu, or tor any
other disease oiigiuulii from impure Uood. 4se pmu
weakhuek, weakness ot tha Ki.hi. ys, fce, ..r- hillamina
tl m of si)iuc, ia iuuneitulely ruiovad by a few data aa
this uicdiciue, and a cure is always , roaull t its usu. It
tunil. n.
for nch complaints, and also fur durangeincnts of the f
nialctrauie, . . .A-o
IfUifcULLAKlIlr'.f, L fflir.n).
TlfB 0)iETHAl)lCLM3Vr1B tOjA ,
Soroftila or If iag'sKvll, Rbiwiniitina. (JlMinV's Ctneone
Eruliosj Pntille er J'eeut on the- face, JJI.arliaa,
Biles. XThromc Sort Fyes, Ring Worm or 'Tetter.
tjeakl Heed, Bnairgemerit and 1 Pain of Ji,, i' m
" Bonnaand )lirts, Wnbbom litceH, Svphi- 1 .'
, ' Utic Kvmptonisl fcillna Ipl.u, l-tt
diseases arisine fnmt an inJ'Hi. ' -e
cuaia use of Mcit-ury, Drore- -t
. sy, F.xneurc or iVnpru
- dance in Hfe; also,
"', Svhrotiie Constl- ' o.
. -e teti.mslDi. '.'
' 1 1 ' il.-rs. '.
In this medicin evetsl Inn oeent ent very potent articlea
of the vetrelc.l.le kinidom ere nnfred, fonntUK a ctanpoamt
entirely dilf'ereiit in i's ehuieeief end prorH-rtics from any
othcr anirnirricalled In-Irs itf.erMl.Hi on fh
system wlwn aib'iug nnrter disease. It shnkt be'ln th'"
bniis of every pers 'ii. who, hy busfness. or general eourse-
oT lite. Is predisreised to tbe ve'ry mnitv eillmeuts that rVni
der lii's a curse, instead of bles'liirg, ahd suoilcn result la
death. '. "'-'
r ..... . . , ,in iv
' i. . ron fH'ROFVLA. ' - ' -1 V
rrr. Drake's Panacea is recoir:neudcd ns a certafn" remedy.
S t one lus:oitfcof iuhulure iws cvdr occurred when freo
ly used It curii the iliniaif-e and ut 'the same time imparts
vigor to tlie wh 'le system. Scrofulous pere-ms can neve.,
pay too nmeh s't-nt'l-Ti to the state of their M.kk1. Its pu ,
lifi'cirtion sh'-nld be their first aim j for perscyerouc will.
.unwili. , .LIF. fli' I.V.I 1M,.T I ll .li.imu.. '
" ......yaea.srsy.w. a V , e
ft-iirvy, Hcnbutic ATt.Tti inB, Tuinnrs, AVhits Swelling.
Kr'jip('-iR.(, leers, Cniteera, K uniting S Scabs ana
Uilcs, Dr. Drnke's Puimceu cmiu.'t be t -o litjrHly axt'dled
it searches out Oie very root of the disease, arid permanent.
tDIC.r:PT10"oR DY?PE!f fAt ' "
No fie!icine perhaps has wt been diw wered WTtidt1
(rives so inneji t mu t j the s( 'Hutch and causes the secre
tion of k heultby rptic juice to dcconijKJaa thu ftx4 as Dr.
Drakes laatacea
Dr. Drake's Panacci is used with tins greatest m'.cceas in
Rhumoiic ConipUintaj esijeiMilystich chronic. It curt
by ilriviiin nut alt impurttif-sot: fo'.l- niiinor.ra which hava
accmnulnted t't tbe sj-fit.-m, whi h are. tlie cmiw dT Rheu-.,-rnri.jtnt,
Gout, and wellitigsof the iniuts. Oilier mraedica
imetinies trive tein..irnrv relicr: tliin rtitirilv 'eriidicattja '
the diKeiif-c trotn the system, even wbeu tbe toils aud bun
are dreadfully swollen.
' ' : " " " - 'C0NL AiPTlO.Vr , . , ' , ' I
Consumption cax r cviuiD-C'Mtohs. Catarrh, fifon
ehitirt, S(i'tlimr ABllimu, UwUeuit 4jr pToluse Ex-pCft-traiKiu,
licciit: Flush, Nit-Jit SweaU, Pain in the aide
ice. have b'ren cured, and e:ui be with, u much certainty aa ,
any other diwso, A spcuGc has liu bucit tvmgut f'iT, but .
in vain until tlio ditc ivery of Dr. Drake's Piuiacea. It ia '
iiutd aud stife but certain and clTtcaliuus hi iLs opurtniiiu
and cunit t posit.y injure tiie moft dcltcntu onuilitution, (
We W'uld t:rtnieft: ivcjiiiuuiid th.ise atHittod to give it a .
trial and wc believe they will iiiX have ijcuuviitn to regret.,
it. The aysten. is clemmed, and ftrciujthencd. the ulcers on
the luiifri are healed, end the patients grnduuily leaiu tbair j
usual health aud strength. Read iho f-jUowiiig i. , ,-
- TESTIMONY. ' ' ,
' - PniLA., Dec. Mtti, ml.' "
DSAtl Pia In reply t yt-ur qutstifii rertiiecting tha uta
of Dr. Drake' I'tuiacen, I will snv, tiiat atihuuh a perfect
difllvelie.ver iu the exist'jice ol a Panacea, oi cura tor au.
iIUwiecp, however vduuble it ndy Iw iu ccrtdn coitditioiiav
of the system, still I huvu believed iliat a cura Cm Couauiun-
ti, n woultl be ditsCrVered sooner ur Liter, and cutifaiiy tori
me to try y ur iiiedicine in two very iuveteiiUe- cast.
'I'hf.y were pr(nounce4 hy the uitending phvidi-ians to ua.i
ruLiNAKt co.Nst'MViiuN, and idKuiiloiitrd by them ns in -,
ci KAbtK. One of the persons liud Uui undtr the treat:
mcnt of several very ub'e piacliti inaxs lor a muuber of
vears, and ihcv Viiid she liud uuM iiiahi med motion
combtns with tcrnfuLa," and that she might liiurer iVh- s:ana i .
1 ime, but could o t he pcraiuueully relieved. 1 u both cases
tne eneci ui me i-uiuiceft lias bceuniost tfvatll) nig. - Only-
l4?.r or five bt tTeA were tised by otte of the pvitioiis facfurt :
fhe bcpn to .tnptovc n'otdly. Tuo oihtnr u-k abmtK-M.
I will aily add Uuit fuiuiU-ix us I tun with cunuuirtiou ay " -inheritance
and by extensive obetervatlm ua tilv, ana
kanving tils;) the iivuriu3 ejl-xt in ume casc out of ten:
ot tur, botieset, and' other veutabltj umics, as well as u(
many of Die expect jrantsniKlijaiUitivea, Ish-msl aevr Itavet
TtM;.imniei:d d tic use of Diukt's Pa.mccu if 1 hud not been
acquainted with tbo iugr&lienU. Siuin: it to tuy tlsil thatsa :
oxu leconunuuded by our in st popular aiidacietiUliopbyaH--cuuui
und in their present c -untuned tttatv iotta pjt.Uibiy
the bt-atJtilWvec . iitajic. .'Iijusftiw i-U
frrauce a few vtauTB tr , by one of her must eiuitfint wri-O
lefa on mefUeinc, and uow iaUbliIied by tucH wbichad-i
nut of au dispute. -Very
Respectfully Youra, L. C. GUN"N. v
' " .. , . . u jtN
T4 use tbe biifune of another, "Dr. Drake's Panacea :n
aliT snfutury in its ed'etw-ucver iuiurious. It is u H as
0i Uiw-it m n. t and txpeeti'niut. it t not utteiKltid tn luli
the invalid int i a fatJil itocuritv. 11 iaa aront remcdv-
graud betdin and curative &uuHind, tha feat and wlf '
remedy wbieh luedit-ul srienoa and skill fans yet produced ;
li r the ticnlinent of thrs.Uiihefto uuounquered malady. Ami
no peraai aillioted with tin sdrtjad disease, will be just tan
hinielf and hi frieu Is, ii'he go d w,u to tlte rrnve without .
ttting its virtues. A siiifrlc bHlle, in inrst cjiscs, will pro :
du7a a favorable iiiuiga iu tha couditiou uf any paiisnt
however low." ,
i Ijt.l'es of rvale comnlexi ii aud eonsnmptire aaSita, and
such as ara dehiltatcd by those trbatructbns which femalea
aia lialia to, ara reMttfel bv tha use of a bottka or two, io
i.Lm'lu visor. It is bvfnr tha uesi remedy aver tiiainrers4
j ( tt wcikly chi'nireiu aud such as hnve bad huavtn ; iMsinaf
pleasant, tiwy utK it. u uiuaouuueiy eTcMonw uwipptaii, .
alrengih and ci4r. . . ' -
Nothing oait be itm-ie aurprisiug than ita iiivigiratina" af ;
feels on the iiuuuiu tiuins. Pert-'iis. all wenkneas and
situde nttua takm it. at once beftma robust and full Of
eocir' under iu iniliu.nce. Jt iuiuiediata couiiterafcta iha
ncivi ltafciit;; ol the I'tuuaie ttuiue. ' '
CAtT10NT Be cnreful aud se tluu yna the ganawr
Ine Dr. Dkukk's pANcflA it iws the signnture of Geo. F.
P u.utA ti wnttioiwaad aia the tuune Da. DaAxe'a
J'Ah.ViCjcA. Paii.A.',-U'Wii in tWaWss. - J'
.Pii'l'itred thtirv- bv ProHs ii Ctu, Druggiata, No. Ml NortM
SlxlU St., Piiiiadclphiiav 'J
Aent'tr Sn'nlH.vIf. MAPPER. ' v ' 4" "7
'kM ali bv Wm. A. MrnRAXsV Co .DanT.rV II .l!'?
: m, Milton j Mart McCcTNonlianibilaiidi B:Y.V9V$h
td 1, lair-Jif - . :-.;:;.v. t ; - :
"t3 AL ASIANDER, '.-r-
" FIR -Af THIT-F PHplir fJIJSSX. .
fire-proof ponita f.qr baXics aju stores
vSeuI anJ Lettor-fpyiiu? Treistraf Patent ;c
'' ' Slatu-Linfd Cefrijr'fralorrsViilrrFil
' U;r.s, ralciit Portable Water C)p v
gots,. iiil:iulu4 for tbe Sick
'" antl Inlutu;'.
-r p'rl Strteti ;
oabiful mellSlrritna. Ko article h i ever been offered , oi'rfSITf TUC PHILADELPHIA "EXCHANGE. '
exeepi tk wh would touch U.ia YZlT"nlle ' , ,M.u'.uiHure.ndkeerreoiaer1
Il may I I'phcil upon ua u sure aial-esteuve rwiy, uud , .fietevieVIl' fv' on hand, huge aitmenlof
didwefeclpcr.n;tl.jlt.d,. j;f I -,.Vh' the art.clcs, turether with
A i 1IULSA. IJ TNAiMr.a, , i inTi-'i i ts'r.i their Patent Improved tialauiewW
aerimofof cares hi thw disireaaing class M wjmplanrts. ; jjiiS i . i FlltK-PKOOF SAFES, wkiok
P naiuiail.. All broken down, deinliuiied e-aistilutkaia i -itrwt, r -n i X are e. eonstructed a e set at rest
froiu'iJieede.-t.H uier.ury, i ivlll find the la.KU piwer ol r 8'4,t,eitlrjl' ell.ia.narr of d.U es o lh
.i... ...ii. .. n. hemeiliatelr. oral the pol-.oes nuneraj Lj l-j, Sf. .!.. s iwireratrintlv Ere.pnxrf. sad thsa
!..-. I ..... .hM,.AInni.
will find Ihe slteinttvo nropertie...! li.'t article.
v inc. iiiiwy.
i.r('.l, Vo.-; tliev will resist the bra of any
ri-'iji!w- iKikllne. The rut tame eeees (
Knfes are msdeof boiler ir.w. theroside uiaeof suap.
! etone, ami between the outer case i.nd Inner rase is a since
n -" - ii.. of raia three inches thick, aim is t.Uetl lu win irwesimc
fnd driven icb disease, tw?-. l" . kmaten 22? mnk. 4t an taprexatalr.. te bur. .
i. ..y ... .... .... ... . i,f iliecontrtds tusi.te m mismesi. rrwssi r.i-.
sn answANSuiuiu wm urn iivsiui, v. w ...-j -- l,..,,.
. t.. :.a.J II"! . i j UA. ;.. n km tmf in extra ClolD
. -i... -omiirvr cn b awiMiiivn i uinai QHaiKiis, ua im a- - -
iwntra iu in" v. ....ii.. I - - Ju.--' ' ' .
' ' . . Ii--"' '- llT k I lanfinn
.j,. .owe., pV,ce,. -;h ; :;, ;;,; V? . bT.
Ph,laHelph.; Jua. l7h,t. X&$xo,nt
f.. A A etVT" " n th. Coiled SlalrrM "u' ,h!fh!: WW,
,;, J0SiySa vCAe3 feJ tkg .troiig W .ub.Ut,.l
1 . . . rMy at lw,' ' JUngrV i W-rOTV win b.
I N F0RV8' tbe ' girigetn1 'of
mo I a urr recornrg
at IT JOS. A ?
ind Ihe couri. if saiilrouniy and wll promotW 1 J. A.hJ
Itrnrl toMny buslnrs. entntetra ijni,. ne
county, Ihebe will B'rreitf r rrf-.-aiiy
d Ihe courts of eaWVourrty enfl wll prom
t H si.4 sn.kW si.Mln..akntrn.ted t0H cere,
Xi t kXn -.y U Un irfb". rW.I of Ptl.f .uitabU book for rt.Wr.,
TT , .... 1 T lly.l.ty SSSt: nV b ,. kvai' K1 -aeV,l .4 . nel
. l.iJa tf err Bell'e Rai Bhoei
"table book for liUr., ly P
JPEJ-.l, tiff -
ate F'tl r
i i.l t
Brub, Cvml , AtnI ,1 aritty
; ... RTOIUS. w
;: Ijockius.aojhotheh,.
Vo 88 Sorth, Wr4.teiur MM A eusaf' .iVtt
- 1U4 uf lA"i Mw-
I ff.iaaffratAfl
AirU5l.l'ibeyfltr lot e a amerei Msertj
.neiii ,r ,ailikiadof SiOibeg. lessnbe. nj
vafiMieg wrusbi they, r,l.lia'.Pi. 4t
Lawnc thu MS kat BUiehaMil eeviaf r.. o.,
i CounUu M.rcbaiua ea4 othei ftxeheaieg in
lbs abov iige wil o&iid H ilo tbeir, avlvanteg ta
re." iselure pah1'1 eesivbr.a h. ejeeutjr
tndHfUMg vial,a iiilij' fuaraeiMii , egwsasa .
Campet'tioei . ..ia-il'i l.-o ij.l-'k. a !'
. riikid.lgbsa 'riaTsT f IT" f
ailn-aUMUUUIlt Will m.t lNttJUIl
Eivetiii ui ukviiy j they c outuin st pags. 01 caiuiwiui ui
iih clwacter, and a str '-njcr ... . .. ,
tlw vtrttw of lae.heine. nevnr eroU. It la en of
the peculiar iVuuircAot this aruele luat uoeimia te
k,.. lil in anv cuae. and il b me and muscle are Ictt to builj
ui let the ediaauteil end linrerln invalid '
1 o . a ... I ItOPK UN ' "
..ik.tnkinolhemedieiiwa.ii as isau ira
eruvesuull. '1'',e Pr"P1'' lvi1,','. ;
CAL 1 H'M J. ilJbi JIPUL. , ,
Wi.iut a'putnber of article v.!uc4 oouie out under tb
ta eurea for Dropsy, Omvol, &e.: Taey are good for ao.
nTucu fiiii ifor; I- :?
Their invent rs never in ugu o " ';-:.' "
this article ha.1 a iie n . ,i .ui ,. "7 T..7.,
ihlet is euriiesuy bcuou. .
Agent eiategeyb. the artJekj are . ...
. , ... XiLAD TO LUlCLLATk. ...:
rusiiteuarv. Put au in 3d oa. uniie., n v. i ' V
...tail. .Ml, Mita Br. .... i' .
kC.MWi vesvrarae i,unoi
Imnaoder wa are prepared end do ermllemre the SWIIM
pestnee env arilo iu tae sleirie of Ho. Sore, the wdlt'
stsaidaa imtch heat, aial we bail ourselves ready at all'
time, to have them lhirly tested 1-7 yeJblie t .afire. W.l
aim exntiniin to inanufnetnre a large and eeneeel easj.
ntrnt ol our Premium Air-tirlit Fin. Pre-f ttaiee of w-tdeli
there are over aO now in use, and in every iitatanre they.
. i..... ,iii. -i..ii.ela to tha narclssaera a whieH '
! we wi refer the public to a few gentlemen who- havv
l.ith.ntri,Aie Mixlure." Wowo
diraotioM, abd l-tf- 9:...,.irediTvn5r. O. C.
i llaewrasl lm-der. Potlm-ill! Jcaaspai O.'tUwteef
i I'oltsville; 111. William Carr. Doylesp.vyn, Pa, - ' f
j N b. Tuvlor, 1., north Srfst. I A Wrurkt TfepheW
Vine sL.wliarf! Ateximler ' anir, unuvcyniiorr, rcmor eri
Filbert and n'h : ''n r""i, myer,
IteX . n1li alat-i Jamee M. Pl, VH vath4tb?Tr'
IVr lim al Javne, .atll l st.i Mullw T. MieT,9
. Hirh Ad et.t and we caikl name exile nooereo. otriw
l n werehecesanrr. e.w w. hitii. n.wroi.i iie
nahlie, nnd partieularr. those In want of F ire- Proof nafea,s
t eail nt our tre KetOre purehasl.rir etaewheea, and we'
can pitisfy there trier win eat a twUor and ehenert4rl
our store than Bf any otner eanuenmeiis m in. ei. r. - -.
. xv he mnmnlaenire tbe e.sdi.w. Fire Pmnf rbeete, M'
t varv k.w pnc. ehenper Haw they ean be bought at ejy
other store in Philadelphia. ' - .' ;
. . . i. . .. -.DAVID F.VATkH, --"
PhMclphl, Arnll S, lclf-ly
None otner are ,
V.,Thn. aial s 4d al Ihe PrifeU -"-
e 'rk.
u.a..k. unlmaaimimiii. """""T ". .T7....a 1
- - ' . . .v. irniaur SOUHUU.CU
1 1 1 1 fc.l iM.ui. on-a- ' " , .- .. .
i ...ii r. or vernal c.umumuB'
tees v
Maesausj. New Yoorcuj '
.1 ..J. naJ UajMiassuvi,--
$uf "prg, a.' v-holeosle Agent Philedel.
khlilj VVPnlirPl" 0rha. BelWrov.
7lV.'ornuekTkwe -Jl".1 f
""ilpn) I, ltiA-f - -1 :.e 'i-iosl I'. !. .
... ftTA SAttAT.THIB OFFICX. ot .
G4MrK .IrWeitveis,.
rope MAxaa & sBmeareVsrsLriB. JWoUrXtrtefMid JV 1 1 AWa ' TOtwaje
evt.i-N I VvcV. lliiitolilpkim.vt 4 t, j h .?V
ffWAH ronsianllyoo UaivJ,' geoersl aaeort
H B enbrtt ef Uoidairai (sain 'IV'eae, Aesbt
rVd Kofee, fielainf Uor,VVb''te Rofu M4.
la .ihsaew, 'ew l.irvrs ler Canal Boat. A!t,
rasvpiel) aaartsn;cl r.1 frlo IVrineaj, Ve,'tart '
Hensaiotiaa ami Hi trtng Twine, Bess) tNiuaAt 4je)r
Nai a-MO,Jtoo bJ antl Men ing Twin. SMa
IHteeesie. sau-. M-
Also, Best IJod,frictlUt
Traera, Cotton and Lineii Oarj BbiAT
of -exbLrh at wiH ihetwaa of ftrfmhls
AasJt of -VtiUrh
le.e.rai iia lo b iha 4 JJit )v uijA
I'h.'.ada'fIg, Tunvtt 'It ttwlf .mis.
' v A I -J eWV . Aq'.eJv'