(From the Philar Ledger, Oct. 18. ARRIVAL PF THE STEAMSHIBIUTANr KTE!t tevira it.R mow kbHorrt msURRBCTlON W bAJ)E4?i 1 DEFEAT OF INSURGENTS IN SPAIN. ftlGHT Or CABRERA, MSTORBANCE AT COLOOXB.' - 1RELAit4&HETt' ;r S't'gAt Decline of Flour. New YoRk,dct. 17. fne steamship Britannia has arrived from Lhrarpooly.bringimnew sevoo -4a y later. Mt Attest rt lo tho SOUi ult.- . . i . . Ireland. r , S'o further disturber have taken place. ' r , ,... , frjcmA;. , . ,.;' t Louis Napoleon took , his seat in tho Na tional Assembly and made a speech, giving in his adhesion to tho Republic. Raspail has also been admitted" to his seat. .. Eight socialists wore arrested on the 27th, Charged with a cotiBpiracy against the life of Gen-. Cavaignac. , - The excitement in Paris in consequence bf (he elections, a cooling down, but the ut rnost precautions wore still being . taken by government! , Posts were every where doubled, and large : parties of troops were in garrison and contin ually kept. in barracks ready for service; it Is supposed, however, that tranquility will eontinue until the question of the election for President comes before the Assembly. A erisis will then diHucN The present intention of the government is to propose that the first President of the Republic shall be elected by the Assembly. Insurrection in baDen. .... ',."Tho Republicans, nnderStruve, have made successful outbreak in Baden, and have pro claimed a Gorman Republic. According to lhe Gazette Nationdle Suisse, Struve had re turned to the Grand Duchy to attend his trial for cei tain articles which he had published in bis paper, the Spccsatcur Allemand. lie was received by the people with enthusiasm, who accompanied hint to Lorrach and conducted him to the Hotel de Ville. There he harranged the people, who ar rested tile magistrates and the other employes of the Government, and imprisoned them. The tocsin sounded ; the whole of the neigh boring communes rose ; the refugees return ed to their homes ; the landstrura Was Called out ; the Republic proclaimed ; and the Re publican drrflyj divided Into three columns, was Marching upon Carlsruhe, having previ ously broken up the railway to prevent the Advance of the troops. When tha last ac counts left the Republicans were completely tnasters of Lorrach. tllE " NEW STATES." the following table will show the time when the "New States," or those not inclu ded in the " Old Thirteen," were admitted into the Union i 1 - Vermont waa originally a part of New Vork, and was admitted Into the Union June, I, 1791. v . - - ' Kentucky, formerly a part of Virginia, ad mitted into the Union June, 1702. : Tennessee, formed of Territory ceded to tho United States by the State of North Car olina, admitted into the Union June 1, 1706. " Ohio, formed out of part of the territory northwest of tho river Ohio, admitted into the Union November 26, 176. Louisiana, forraod out of part of the terri tory coded to the United States by France, received into tho Union April 8, 1812. ' Indiana, formed out of part of the North west Territory, ceded to the United States by Virginia, admiticJ into the Union December II, 1816. ; Mississippi, formed out of part ot iS? Xer- orv ceded to the United States by the State of South Carolina-admitted into the Union December 10, 1817. Illinois, formed out of part of the North western Territory, admitted into the Union December 8, 1818. Alabama, formed out of part of the terri tory ceded to the United States by South Carolina and Georgia, admitted into the Union December 15, 1818. Maine, formed out of a part of Massachu setts, admitted into tho Union March 15, 1823, ' " Missouri, formed out of a part of the terri tory ceded' by France by the treaty or April 30, 1783, admitted into the Union August 10, 1821 j after the adoption of the- noted com promise line excluding slavery from all terri tory north of 86 deg. 30 min., west of the Mississippi, saving State or territories al ready formed. Arkansas, formed of par4, of the same ler-" ritory, admitted June 15, 1828. , Michigan, formed of pait of the territory ceded to the United States by Virginia, ad mitted into the Union January 29th. 1837. , Florida, formed out of the territory ceded by Spain to the United States by treaty of February 2, 1818, admitted into the Union March 2, 1845. , . Texas, an independent republicj admitted into the United States by a joint resolution of Congress, approved March 28, 1845. Iowa, admitted into the Union December 26, 1846. .. Wiscousin, an act was passed March 3d, 1847, to admit this territory into the Union, upon the condition that the people adopt the constitution pawed December 16, 1846. The Constitution was rejected j" But the people having subsequently agreed upon a con atitution, the i State was admitted into the Union by act of Congress of 29th of May) 1848. Territories. Nebraska; bill reported to fix boundaries January 7, 1845, but no ac tion on the subject. s ,. ... , 6 Oregon; bill to' bolb Territorial Go vernment passed House of Representatives January 15, 1847 no final action ou the sub ject in the Senate during that session, when in M4bHl passoif both houses of Congress, nd waa approved by tile Presideufon the 15th Agust, establishing a Territorial Govern ment v , v ......... , -'MuMsoha ) bill io establish Territorial Government passed the House February 17, MV",refrred to Judiciary Committee in Senate, but no furthefMjjot on the subject. W. a. Com.. ' ,. ---' TEE AIOSICAH. 1 SUNBURY. . i J t( .--- SATURDAY) OCTOBER 81. lt4lr. II. B. MA9SER, Editer awi Praarleter, - n r. it . i.nnni r..,w miliums, . iium.hc. the Philadelphia F.xchange, is reaularly anthnrixa Third meet, oppoette i.. -.u.iiA - ndvertiaomente and aubecriptiona fur thia paper, and receipt fur the tame. IIKC. i.rcaui.uy nui inn idu if inoi.a VSHOCRATIC. NATIONAL nOMIHATlOlKS. " FOIl PRESIDENT, ' V GEN. LEWIS CASS, of Michigan'. " FOR VICE-PRESlDEfIT, '" 1 ' 6BH,Wm. O. BTJTL8B) of Kentucky. .. r : t . . T ; ". ELECTORS ' SCNATOB1AU r. WltUAki BIOLER, Clearftekl. DAVIt) D. WAOENER, of Northamptoa. ( . RGPRCSENTATIVC. . ' 1 H h. Benner, Philad. en. J t. R. Knena, " city Isaac Shnnk, " , ." A. L. Rumfort, " co. 8 J. S. Yiist, MmitgVrjr R. T.. Wright, Lehigh " 7 W. V. TJownitiK, Chcstw S H. Hnkleman. Lanc'ter " a P. Kline. Berks " 13 S C. KinK, Clinton CO. 14 3. Weldman, Lebanon " IS R.J. Fisher. York 16 F. Smith, Franklin " 17 J. Creswell, Hunt'd " 18 C. A. Black, Greene, " lp O. W. B iwman, BcdPd ?(i J. R. Shannon, Beaver " 6t O. P. Hnmilton, AlWtr'y 88 W.H. Davis, Crawf'd " 93 T. Ives, Potter lit 1. Q. Carhpbell. 10 H. 9. Schoonover, Monro 11 w. BVcetland, wyom'f " 13 J. Brefester, Tioga " (C7 An active boy about 14 or lb years old, would be taken as an apprentice, at this office . fXy Correction. The majority for Longitreth, in footing up our returns last week, was erroneously set down at 598 in stead of 578i J. Pi Pursel's vote in Sunbury is 90 instead of 70i (E7 The Whigs will have a majority of 9 on joint-ballot in our next legislature; The House stands Whigs 50; Democrats 50( The Senate, Whigs 21 ; Democrats 12. 7 Governor's Election. -According to the last returns, we make Johnston's ma jority 25. " The Ledger makes it 200; the Harrisburg Union 7. Painter's majority is about 2,000; Longstreth's loss in his own couSty deieats him.- fy Hon JaSes Cooper, at present the Attorney General of Penna. will, in all probability be elected'asthe next U. S. Sen ator, to succeed Gen C amefon, whose term expires on the 4th of March next. Mr. Cooper is a man of line abilities) and withal a perfect gentleman. He has many friends of both parties, who would be proud to see him elevated to this distinguished sit uation. CC7 HtiAvY MAiORiTiES.--Wilmot ma jority for Congress in his district, is 3400. The attempt of the Government Organ, at Washington, to crush him, has most sig nally tailed. . C. W. Pitman the Whig candidate for Congress in thcSchuylkill district, has about 2900. The usual Whig majority of the district was about 500. E7" Y. Bright our Democratic candi date for the Senate, tan ahead of the whole Democratic ticket in Dauphin county. In this county, except in the disaffected dis tricts of the Forks, he ran much ahead of the party vote. The Democratic majority for Governor in the Forks is only 167 Jd Mr. Bright received even this majority, reduced iIT .il was bargain and sale, his majority in this col'y would have been 879, enough to have elccteu J?imi M Ff tck'a majority in Dauphin county is onJ 862, which is 1 IS less than the vote of Gov. Johnston. THE CAl SE. Almost every paper we open, we find some cause assigned for the defeat of the democratic party. . And strange as it may appear, almost every other cause is given, but the right one. The true cause, gentle men, is the Tariff question, and he must be blind indeed, who cannot see it. ; EF The whig majority in Union coun. ty for Governor, is 1201. Canal Commis sioner 1361. Congress 1333 The Whig rlaajority for Casey, in the district is 223. Gen. Petriken's vote falls below the Go vernor's, in Lycoming, 164 and ill this county 125. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT-OFFICIAL. The following is the vote for Congress in the 13th district: , , Counties. Petrikin, D. Caeey, W, Clinton, 985 798 Lycoming, 2465 " ' 1881 Northumberland, 2018 1565 Sullivan, - 356 170 Union, 1594 2927 Total, ; 7118 7341 O V.' B. Palmer's Businbss Almanac. This is the title of a small volume, got up by Mr. V. B. Palmer of Philadelphia. It is a valuable little work, in which Mr. Palmer has exhibited a good deal judgment, tact and industry Price 12 cents. OHIO ELECTION. ' . r i ; ; Cincinnati, Oct. nr , The Legislature is doubtful, A Whig it elected from Clinton county ; but it is dis puted on the ground that he, held the office of Sheriff when elected. The clerk has signed the certificates of 5 Democrts from Hamilton county, and refusing 2 Whigs from City districts, giving the Democrats 5 mem bers from Hrmilton county, and 1 from Clin ton wupty. The Demecrats have a majority of 3 in the (louse, and claim Representatives from Sciota arid Lawrence counties. The Governor's election is stilT doubtful ' ' SUNBURY AMUltlC AN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. . GOVERNOR JOHNSTOW. Pennsylvania for the next three years will be under the nil of & whig Adminis tration, .Whether for goird or Tor evil, time wiB determine. This u ih first tim the wmja hlve'electect a Governor In this itate, for the last thirty yean, if we except, the interregnum under the administration of ttU uer, who was 'elected by a division in the democratic, party, ivGoyernor Johnston is, however, very different from Gov. Ritner. He is a man of supcriorahilitiM and will, no doubt,be the Governor himself. He is per sonally very popular-, khd 'deservejlyT to, amongst all who bu'Wirrr. It is but fair to give him a trial before we : condemn. Having long been a democrat, he may still be swayed by the principles he professed in his earlier years. Among these, we are glad to find in hini, an able advocate for the protection of America industryv ' WOODEN LEGS v NATtRAL ONES. The two' candidates for Register & Rei corded, in Schuylkill county had each lost a leg. ; Mr. Kaercher, the whig candidate was elected. The only successful candidate in this county, not ou the democratic tic ket, was Martin Irwin, for Register & Re corder. Martin, who was a volunteer can didate, is also minus of one leg-. A few weeks previous to the election, he informed us that he was about having an extra joint put in his wooden leg, to enable him to go over the course more rapidly t " That extra, we presume, did the business; HO t FOR SALT RIVER. t ' Tickets are being prepared in this place, for those who intend to take passage for the head of Salt River this season. The "Capting'; say's, every attention will be paid to the cdmfort of passengers. To en sure perfect safety t several Whig pilots have been engaged, whose long experience and perfect acquaintance with the stream, renders the trip perfectly safe and compa ratively, pleasant. The country, of late years, has been greatly improved by Whig cultivation and emigration; The soil and every thing seems very prolific. The consequence is, the domocracy of this State has "suffered some," by inundation from the swollen stream. The following is the form of the tickets for passengers.' PER BOAT PENNSYLVANIA. : roa : v. :' SALT ItiYER. Let the bearer Mr. ; passage to the head oftht rivet. - have a free Bill Joiinsinc. rc?- The new Counterfeit. We stated last week, that an iudividual was arrested at Northumberland, for passing counterfeit Five dollar notes on the Bank of Penn Township. It appears that they are afloat in other places. Bicknell't Reporter de scribes them thus : "New counterfeit 5s on the Bank of Penn Tovviibbip have made their appearance in this and other cities. They are so wefT executed that brokers and banks have received them without suspicion. Letter C, payable to J. Rush, and variously dated in 1846. They can eusily bo detected by observing that on the riht end of the genuine bills the words 1 Five Dolluru-5-Five Dollaro, are inserted in tw o lines the letters of one commencing at the bottom of the note and running upwards, and tho othgr at the top, and running down wards. In tho counterfeit they both com mence at the upper part of tho bill and run dowuwards.' " MAIL ROBBERY The St. Albans Messenger gives the follow- accout of a mail ' robbery between that town au.?Troj New York. Several mou. ilicei Mr- s- Darrow, Esq., a merchant of this tovC"; having occasion to send seven hundred dollars 2 he Farmer's Banki Troy, N. V., to meet a note so':" due, deposited that amount of Bank bills."1 the . Post Oiftue in this village, directed to Troy, N. V, . . The money not teaching its destination, and b protest of the note following as a mat ter of course, the conclusion was inevitable that tha package had been abstracted from the mail. . Notice of the robbery was for warded to the Department in Washington, and a Government agent promptly came to ferret out tho anair. This gentleman, J. Hul brook, Esq., reputed to be a man of rare tuct and elutiwdue in affairs of the kind, and one who had more than a dozen years of ex perience betides, had been actively engaged for several weeks pat probing this mysterious afl'atr to the bottom. Every Postmaster be tween St. Albans and Troy had been exam ined, and without any prospect of muting the mUiaing money. But strange to say, Monday's mail brought a package directed " St, AlUina'! .on the wrapper, and within the envelope "M, Dtr row, Merchant, Si. Albans, Vt." The address was printed with a pen, in a very odd, but legible style ; but there was no post mark to ideutify the poet-otfice from which it was sent. But what was more to tho purpose, it contained bank bills, very duTeront in tho;r deuomiualioua from thuse in the parcel un wanted by Mr. Darrow, but to theuM amount of the lose. I London. According to the Rev. Mr. Bel lows, the sale of the publio parks of London would probably pay off the national debt. "The first and last characteristic of Loudon," he writes, "the peculiarity wbirh thrusts itaeli upon you every moment, is its slice 1' ' To say that is thirty mile round, of that oh may ride seven or eight miles across the town without getting out of uninterrupted rowsol houses; to say that 1 ten times as large as New York, and has a hundred streets half a long and' as well- bnilt as Broadway;' to wy that it inoludes parks In which the whole city of Boston, or all New York below Bleeckei street, might be enclosed, may help one to form i notion f tu rMsii'Uii Aiimat rNNYI.VANIA ELECTION. 1844. 1848. 1 ! 1899 6748 1988 ' 8t42 2989 874 : 6251 3568 9112 Adama ; Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedrold Berks, ir Bucks, Bradford. Butler, 8600 . 628 2692 " 877 8083 , 1458 ' 2792 3147 v 4000 ; 4862 , 3235 2247 ' 581 2636 6070 1738 ; 8062 .' , 966 1860 , ' 688 '' .554 '.. 614 3285 2090 101 3621 2804 3901 1418 4086 2200 , 571 1089 2699 10295 : 2636 2553 2013 4491 2850 414 1518 340 2786 1547 1730 13972 135 240 2561 2571 1802 1169 2788 966 3872 899 899 2672 814 4237 . 89 e 126 4204 161 605 79 868 Blair, Carbon, . 905 Crawford, 3334. Chester, 0580 Columbia, 8370 Cumber'dj 31SS Cambria, ; . 1123 Centre-, 3425 Clinton,'- 8851 Clearfield , ' 874 ". Clarion, . . 1383 Dauphin, S401 Delaware, . i486 Elk, . 128 Erie, , - ' 2226 Fayette, 3429 Franklin, 8298 Greene, 2353 Hunting'n, . 2575 Indiana, , . . 1448 Jefferson, ' 731 Juniati, 1280 Luzerne, 3960 Lancaster, 5943 Lebanon, 1791 Lehigh, 2811 Lycoming, 2629 Montg'ry, 5596 Mercer, . 2869 Monroe, 1806 Mifflin, 1519 Mc&oan, 419 North'ton, 3870 North'd, 2446 Perry, 2321 Phil. c'y& co. 13482 Pike, 524 Potter, 554 Somerset, 1035 Schuylkill, 3404 Sullivan, Susquehanna, 2697 Tioga, 2193 Union, 1765 Venanjro, 1377 Washington, 3973 Wayne, 1657 Warren, 1149 Westmorel'd, 4978 Wyoming, 899 York, ' 6071 228 281 , 1177 80 265 904 196 481 983 ; 755 980 475 1413 770 4.8 803 147 514 1071 255 98 818 4213. 837 463 448 573 1344 148 150 825 578 725 486 34 536 4961 1652 725 178 819 858 544 617 200 2099 168 183 1201 87 167535 161203 161203 24,360 24,367 24,360 Majorities. 6,332 CONGRESSMEN ELECTED. The following is. a lit of the Congresmen elected on Tuesday, as far as heard from t lt District, Lewis Lvin, Native, W. 2d l( Joseph R Chandler, W. 3d ' Henry D. Moore, W.t gain. 4th " 5th " John freedley. IF, 6th " Thomas Ross, D. 7th Jfwe C. Dickey, W. 8th " Thadeud Stevens, W, 9th William Strong, D. 10:h " M. M. Dimmick, D. 11th ' " Chester Butler, W. 12th " David Wilmot, F. S. D. 13th " Joseph Casey, IF. 14th " C. W. Pitman, IF. I5th " Henry Nes, IF. 16th u J. McLaiiahan, D. gi.. 17th " Samuel Gilvir., W. 18th " Andrew J. Ogle, W, 19th Job Mann, D. 20th " Robert R Reed, IF. 21st ' . Moses Hampton, IF. 22d John W. Howe, IF. 23d " James Campbell, IF. gam, 24th " A, Gilaiore, D. gain, Certificate given to Robbins, his seat will be contested. but SENATORS ELECTED. 1st DistnV: W. A. Crabbe, D. 3d 4th. 7th 14th Peiel' B- Savery, W H. Joues Smoke, IF. ( J. Konigmacher, W, Daniel Stiue, Ir, R. M. Frick, IF. " J. J. Cunningham, Wi Doubtful, George V. Lawrence. W. Doubtful. u .i 15th 21st 23d 28ih The Senate will stand 21 Whigs to 12 De- : i roocrats. UOLSC OF UtPHtSKMAlIVES. We have returns fur members of the Le gislature from the following counties t ' i .-. Dem: Whig. 1. 4 Adams,' Allegheny,' Armstrong, . I Berks, ' ' 1 Beaver,' ' Bucks, Bedford,' ; Blair, Butler, ' Bradford, ' 1 Cambria, ' Carbon and Lehigh,' '' Chester,'" Centre anrf ClearAeld) ; . i Cumberland, i Columbia, '' -Crawford, ' 1 I Clarion, Jefferson and Venango,' Clinton, Lyoomingaiid Potter, Oauphin,'. - . i. i. Delaware, ''' --i i.. ! .:. Elk, Watrerrahd'M'Kean Urie, - " Fayette, ; Franklin.' ' ' Greeue,' ? ;i' ' Huntingdon;1 f ' .' - Juniata aad Union, 3 t t t I i . .:: , 1 ' 'f ' r iil't i .ft. Whigs. fit Lebanon. Lancaster, Lucerne, V Monroe and Northampton, j Mercer,,,',',. Mifflin, . Montgomery, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia City, Philadelphia County, Pike ana Wayne" ;'' Schuylkill, Somerset,; j 4 ; Y t : ' Susquehanna and Wyoming, Tioga,"'" "'"-"- ' ' Westmoreland, ' ' ' ' Washington, York, . - 3 i 8 Iff ) 1 ' ' 2 1 8 1 , 3 50 60 An Excitino Scene. In New York on Monday afternoon, the busy thoroughfare of the Bowery, near Chatham Square, was made the scene of a most exciting personal encoun ter between two of our citizens, the Globe says, one of whom, as we learn, is an ex-Al derman, and in which the latter came off second best. A gentleman casually met Miss at the oorner of Fourth street and the Bowery, audaj being an acquaintance iu the family, he, after a little chat, concluded to accompany her down town. An omnibus was accordingly called, and the twain entered. They pro ceeded aS far as Hester street, when Miss , wishing to do some shopping, requested the string pulled, and the gentleman handed her out, volunteering to be her escort. They had proceeded but a few steps, however, be. fore they were met by the brother of Miss , ' he being the ex-official alluded to above. The brother immediately took charge of the young lady and placing her in a milliner's store, which was near by, he commenced a course of severe invective towards the indi vidual who had thus faracted as the compan ion of -his sister. Tha cause we could ndt exactly learn, but are informed that the gen tleman assaulted bore the attack With much good nature, until words being exhausted, he was Struck twice In succession by the enraged brother, when concluding, we suppose, that forbearance had progressed to its ultimatum, he returned the compliment with interest ; and, in the melee, the ex-Alderman was so severely handled, that deserting his sister he took to his heels, and made himself re markably scarce. Singular Disappearance Another Girl Lost. The Sherbrooke Gazette relates that a girl about 17 years of age has recently dis appeared in the township of Bradford in a singular way. It seems that on Saturday, tho 16th of September last, this young wo man, calling herself Eliza, or Eliza Ann Gray, came to the house of Mr. Oliver Friz zle, in Bradford, and remained until tbe next Wednesday morning, when she disappeared, having loft her spare clothing and bonnet in the house. The singular manner and sudden ness of her leaving, induced trntie search and inquiry, and on Thursday week last, the ninth day of her absence, the clothing which she had worn was found .a short . distance from the house, iu a southernly direction near the road. Every article of her apparel ap peared to be there; with tho exception of shoes and stockings; and it was reported on the same day, that some boy's clothing, snf ticient for her covering, was missed by the family where she had been staying. The girl stated that she had been living at Dal tou, and lastly at Columbus, K. Ii. She men tioned havii.g friends in some of tho adjoin- nig township, the s ol good stature, ai: stout for her ai'', with dark hiiir and com plexion ; seemed intelligent, hi'al'.hy and ac tive. Foa Orioos. Judge Bryant, lately ap pointed to the Supreme Court of Oregon, ex peots to leave for his destination about the 10th of November. He will embark at New York or Norfolk for Chagres. Forty miles of the New York and Erie Rail-road, south and east of Dunkirk, are graded and ready for the superstucluro. On the twelve miles formely laid and completed, the iron has been taken up, as well as tbe timber sills, and are housed for preservation. . A recent Prussian paper announces llmt "in Codeniok, a lady's maid shot heiself, yesterday, from diappoiuted love." A sub sequent number of the paper had the follow ing curious correction : " The notice of a sui cide is to be corrected, so far as to say that 1 the eveut took place, not in Copenick, Vj'at in Potsdam J that it was not a la.'.y maid, but a page ; not of disappointed love, but on ac" count of debt; and also that the party did not shoot, but hung himself." We regret to announce the death of the beloved wife of Hon. James Wilson, member of Congress from New Hampshire. She died on the Sth inst.. at her residence in Keene. She was endeared to all who knew her. Mr. Doyle, who waa engaged in the late Slave' Stampede aear Lexington, Ky., has been tried for the offence, convicted, and sen tenced t( twenty years servitude in the Peni tentiary the Irappists ot Mount Melteray , are ending out a deputation to establish a branch of their order at. Kingston, Upper fcaada, O" A Gentleman from Califernis says that that he spent $5,000 in seeking for gold and could) find any. in ..!.)'! Melteray UT" A number of young and enterprising merchants or this city, are about to establish themselves In California. ' " '; "D The number of Baker in Paris, is 04, who are divided into four classes' ac cording to the amount of business. .The first claj consist of sbeh, at We upwards of (our sack qf flour a day, and the fourth such as bake laaa than Ma ' , ' " " i"-:t-i'.i-i lomit r;.,,: VlU ).,Tun CatAjJl Jifs,cUAiiT, wbodo business with Germany, pre irnpoVting their goods al-' Dem. An Elephant ik a Baker's Shop. Last week as Mr. Hylton't' menagerie was enter ing Rhayadjor, Waleaj tha elephant was' re galed at a baker's. He carefully surveyed" the premises, and about two' o'clock he next morning, broke out of his tempoty lodainur. and forced a way into the baker's shop, ami in less than no time put out of sight fourteen quartern loaves. .He then demolished the bottles eontalnirti the sweetmeats; and, but for the timely appearance of the keeper, it is not known what pranks this huge beast would have committed befbre dayligftt. -"Eng, fmprr. Northrup, thc Murderer. Amos Nor thrup, found guilty last week, at White Plains, of the murder bf Miss ; Gdodnatr, was sen tenced on Friday, by Judge McCoun, to be nanpert on the 1st of December. In answer to the usual question before sentence, he pro tested that he had been wrongfully convicted but he said he had "a debt to pay" and was quite willing to pay it. The only favor he asked was that hisexecution might be speedy four days would suit him well and four hours better. uZr A. Fad Somebody says ' blessed are they who do not advertise, for they shall rarely be troubled with customers." ICr End of an Elopement.- The body bf Hacou, the master of the St. Luke work-house England, who eloped wtth the wife of the school-master of the institution, and perished on board the Ocean Monarch, has been found but that of the woman nas not. rO" Ugly Affair. At Louisville, Ky., on the 9th inst., Robert EwiTig shot Wm. H. Kelly through the jaw, cutting the tongue en tirely in two, about two inches from ihe ex tremity. He cannot survive, it is supposed- ,n A K H I K It , In Shamokin, on the 10th inst., by John Hoff. Esq., Solomon Cherry to Miss Mary Reed all of Shamokin: ' PHITjAiiBXiIHIA MARKET. Tuesday. Oct 17. I8J8 ' Wheat Red is worth 110 a 111 cents; white is held at 116 a 118c. Rye Pennsylvania is worth 60 a 70c. Corn Sales of Penna. yellow at 67c ; white 64c. Oats We have not hoard of a sale for two days. WnisKEr Sales in hhdsat 24c. bbls. 25c. PRICE (JUItllENT. Corrtc.teri weekly by Henry Master Whkt. ... (io Urt, ... fig Ciirn, . . . &( Oats. . . :() UoTTtn, . . -. . . 12 J lno. M Poan. 5 Flsialiitii, ... . 25 Tallow, . . . to Bkkswax, 25 t'LAX, ... X Uveal 1. 1. Flai, In Ohuii ArrLxa, . 7' Do. I'r.Actixa', - lAn Assignees' OllCR V l.t. pt-rxm.a havnti rlniiiia nuilnal f hp firm of r IVi g'er. Hand ti ('nniunv. of Sl'ain.ilui. iwi'rhi. N'"limihr.n.l oMlnlv, nit rrqur-ip-' in i r-HCiii ihrm, iroirly auil'Piilir .1 d, to it -nli eriluM, nh tiavp len niini Inl a'CHPfi- of ih mi 'fiun, fr nr'Hi m'ln ; mill all iii.!Mei If mil fir.n, am loqim 1 In mako p.ymiMit lo n vnnhoiH .lelavj WII.MM FAf'EI.Y, ItRt.'UE.N KAfiBI.Y Aijn.e of II us er, H in- A C Wf -ill al i-it.1 ,i oi nffi.vt in 8ii' tmrv, on M.mi. hv ll,,. Silth i.f Or uli-r, fur ilic .in,m i i, me-in mii prom !. dmv IiiVi' w t irn. i,t In in k'. 8(1; limy, OVi.ih. r ISIS : ven l encmrra YANTi'I). t! K li.i..rj ill .'-'ct ....! V ! i!l ti-.. if M:.' IV!. 1, t-n, fH -f r'i I L..r-',. iiS,,irA., 'o triilnt II Tai tim lor itii ( r il 5'li.ai' i.f Sliamf lm m vii-lra. mi 'T'tir.lav Itif Sili ut H,i; hi nli. 111 up M'lt A.M. Siihik m .i ii,. n.nr.l b rxpi.i'il ti. uiv r. I. r-i r.a uf iliir 150 nl mil Ii?- in i rh .lac c. . B or,lr .if tha B inl. Einanu! Znfiiitrcnian. Pri st. B Jiil.ii. Urn. Mimnokiii, (lit. .tier, . 1818.- SIIEXlirr SALX3. B Y Virnieuf a ceil.iui Oulir uf s,i i , i.ul ol Hit' l.ninf nl Imiii.iiiiiii C flu il N..r. iiiiiiiIm-iI Hii c. UlitJ, Iii m ili-PC't:, .. I ..l...UO. W ........ . ill ' (Ulli N iVKMBtK. A I). 184-.. , . ,'' 1,1 " " v ' LI- U . V tt.m Ail. .1 .. t iii ihe h. ii. .mil uf 8iiiil'UI nr l'uri II II1.V l..d prop-.!;, U. , , V "- '"S A ctTlj;, fract or piece of Laud, ..lr in Jiier Au.u-i. l..wii.lii,, Nonliunilnr. ' .id rlmny. hi.uiird !) lai.U ,. Win. K il, Te i.r Onnrf. J.ilm U.lvrn, n l,,A ui,.., .( i.. V lh. I ii, ...... . .1. itn' nnmoif Khu n th Walda. ami kn.iun liy tl nme til an Junlaii Irmi. riiniainiug 100 nciea, inuia oi . AL-Ot f! eerlain nlhrr true) nf Land ailiitlr iritii lowimhin ami r iuii ? afur iiil. .l j iilimg kr Su.uiieliui.ua iiver tin- Manaiun f. rm o'' 'I'linua H am. d. r'd, ai d 'anil vl Jutiii W u. eitdi., ,i 1 kn i'vu hy ih nanui i.f Ihe Unli irai'i, e rilni'Hig ou etr, muri' u' !. I... tin eaiiilt ol I'huiiiaa (Jiuui, Jtc'd. THdViAS A. BILl.INUTflN. 8brift"' OflW, i Sh. tiff Suiitiol. Del. 7 14. J - ....... ' f '' - . THE , I SHABBIED WOXrJANM ..t . , Pfiy-ATE MEDICAL COMPANION. :, I BY DR. A. M. MAUJUCEAU, 1 ' '' n . ' . oaos or Dtaataai nr wosua." ''S'Xtrl GUlllJII. . IrlHkv Jty. HoO. frill, ; V- lyis aald la Three Month. 1 Ye of ' auttyriiig, of phyatcal and mental ancuiah In Itaabjd, mifhl have bceu apamd by f umgl- puaiwaaioMJ lli iuienM aapacuOly f u,, m . ,h X o ikCii nart cutariv aa aoalctn. aacreta which " aaowltuga a powar. It a. hatha, hanpi K- . 1 I .oui ,aau- m ravetatioua emuuruvl ia iu bum i.-. Uei to th-Hiaanda, aa laa iMittnaraUo kfa.r. Vecetvod by a aula willaiuat. . t t iT. ' ,vw' iia-na wue.ui. mother the ne tajtburWiug umo woaaudaul or the on. ia tha deeauaqf vera win ew aeail aaail Im af 0tMa(a U Uf fW.' ac ten thou niKl eopiaa have baea aaia U and tikh St auailia.'wkk aeri ii the retail, of Uua lerfeet otnitv ani aeraiuiir. . i D Uar, tha Married Woman 'a rau raeuK-aJ avaartoi aha Vmutt tunc ai i.-, , Lhiiaa euoiaimna; a ramiitaiice) ar auiuw nun) excaot ttna i awal ee oual and addruaetl A. M Maatieaau. bna ltMl. Mm. York Cliv. MS UuartjMS., New Vork. r ha "MariW Womau'a Private Medical Canieaaioa'i la a buukaaliara ra Uauaraat Iha Uauad iaucaj , ; j.f 'una a, Urlt Jfiickiiiaon Meminarf , wzx.x.iAmsFOKt', pa; THE Trni-iscs' urn this now dodnlioly to an nnOnrs the nrcshitation fifth" institution. . I. i.i - u i . . a J . l r u . . i ii. win oymn on inuranaj ins iain oi orpwra" lr IsM, wtthsfeprs larnviainn for Ih aoconmo italinn s)nil Inairiirtinii T V.iuih birth mifi trr fa male in iha dnnriinen(i of learning pursasd In 'ho heal Actite.nl. . Tha eituras will ba thorough snd IlBBTVeT" rmbriKitnt. In .l.liiion lo ih cinmun and hit-Kef Enahsh tuilfea tha an'cJnipt an I ntimleTn' Wn' ug, IM-al anil intliumcntal inoiic and Vs'rio'if, uriianmntid msnrhra ... .- . .. ... TDfl lON AXDOTHEK EXPEXfE3. Primary D'par menl, (iti ttjUiifier,) $1 6f C. rnimiR Kiislidli, - OlT .,Huh E inh;.' f 'AV,.l V;,W Ancienl Lai ft!Vgrt. 0 g0' i. Drawing and Painting, f.lr) w-aj 5 Muar, t . , . , , r r eoo' Lecture, ',..... , SO Iiiaviry inalance, taitiori rnual be paid faalf io' aiUance. Bnanl and lodging can tie had, in, private (iml l.ea ii f I AO,' The ereciimi 1 iifeiitn-i hoarding' hnuara is c.inlrmilaiej at tha earlioat ,iracticabla riol. , 1 ' , 1 V ,.' Young man dirpnaed In unite in tluSa am! bnara lh 1 relvea can reiloce thn expanse O it-half. Eilucntion ih lis highrat a. id punam aenae, ia ifi'e' eherivhril jiin in ihia rnie.irie. The mind aliould 1 e ir.intd hoi lor thia life only, but for Ha who a life fur heavi-n aa nell aa'eanh, Arcoidinglv tha moat aaaiiluous ami prayerlul atteniion will La ird to the apirtiunl inteieata of tha" pupila, and . with lhi gr. at ol'jnci in view ihe iruaura have aa letted the following hoard nf instruction, lo wil ' Re. THOMAS BOWMAN, A. M.( Piincipal Kit. B H. HEEVER A. M. - Mra. SUSAN C CJKEEVER, Prii.cldal of Fa-mat- Deparlniint. Min CA I'll ARINE E. CKEEVER. ail whom are known and appreeialrd by tha pub. lie, neweil for their cminrnl qualifihationa to .ima pan maliuciiona to youth aafor their urbanity and cxcellfice. ., The locttirm of Uickinaon Seminary ia unrival led, llio iMiil'iling ia Velired and tUamla on an emi nence tedirimnndli.g a wide range uf rier ami mom lain ac'enrry of emrancing beauty. Tha healtH lirih'e ciiminuniiy i- rxtrannlinaiy good.' Tii'e town ia auco hle bulb by Canal and .Kail Itoad, and is among IV moai'i eaunlul rurnl ai-l le. 1111 iila in ihi' Union. Co. nmuiiicriti. 111 aidliea. lo' ihe Bi'CnUry i.f ilia hoard will re.eie dtienion. KnBEltT PLEMIf3 fecietary WlLtlAvaruHT, Auguai ID, IMS U, t 7. GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & PENCILS. G. & E. XWcTsiVlITH, ' (Late l Hie firm of A. G. Buglcy ft Co.) ' MAxcFicrtaKHs ur (ioni Pi.ia, I'kj Hni.ni.ita inn Pancita, ' Xo. 1G Slaldcn L.aue, ew-York, E. ihn Sul -arrihera (T. r to the irmle. nmt he imhlic eeiirially. .-nr ililfen-nl atyle nf 4 r. ild P. n. which are w irrrnud aa ulml all 110 p. rfi etiona liy fur nance, and aiao to lie auperint in evi rv rcaivci I i miv ntheia mad. H iving in. -r a-c,i f k iijli' a fir nianuficiunog . wr-.r daisr. mil id that no pen ah. ill ho delivered fromnnr re tiihihnirm nn'ra- it is -eif. ct ' We alao kirp ronsiaiitlv on liauJ our auperior Gold I'mcila. and I fi.ii'a a ih I en, w hu h we arr cnahlfil 10 Her ol the lowi .t lali'a. All n d. t aililirMl to the uli .ciitiem, will bi' carefully and piuiii ily nltruded ' lo. O & E M SMITH, No. 16 Maiden LanaN.Y. Oct. 7, 1848. 3m FURS. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHAItLES OAKFORD, Furrier. ? Xo. tO I, Clieatiiut Strc(, A feio doors aliove Third, Philadrlphia, would invite the lad.ru ti call hii, I ti .tuine u..(.iiir -t tk of Muir, Doaa, Tiiirta Vc . f ; evrry Vaii, ty, rntixia iri( nt II ch ltuiii rt.ihliv HuiHui'a B.y M nun, Nmw iy Miiiin, ,Mnl Sj. ; iii.- Binm Manin, Miuiie Alunin. Kriiiinr, Pnch, 1 l.yiil it &p. 'I'hear km hev,. lurn teficieil ll gr hi c.i e, lid ar.- ill .de by ihe heat worameii ' 'il tio'Coiiiiti . I.'diei m y r.al aaKiirrdth.it no utt.rle w II i.e If rrd for rial,, in ihia eniublialimrut ' fiat ia I ut ,i'ilt-ci in vriy ie4rit CH tlil.ES O Kr"MIU)," ' ' tie. 1U4, Chesnul irert.' Itetwem Vnnd and Fourth $ne f'lolud. Iphia R , letnl ei 3D, !84S-6m iot ice: To Sihoal Teachers. V O ! It V. u i.r ieliy Kivrii 'iat llit I. iunl i f ' f vh ii. I !:r. ( Ii. b id l.nwrr Ainnta lii'n.hiji .1! nifi ! ;hv Inui-e f (frnrue I "unr J, on fc, . in,- iln- 2S? J j , (Ifoiirr, .,t m nVtock. A. VI. Lo h.: n,ni.i 11011 Hint a, Iw tt,.n of I'r ,ihn. t.ii 11, . piihlir rho la if a.tnl di.lriri, T tia.fa 0111 rr-ijiiinil 10 ele I their 't'v ittSrira tr .imiv- nun, aiciitilii.tj to Kv), ih ai.iftr tf if. Jt )M N N HF.lt. y., trt,tHttt4 V'trin Sea, ca fer'iy. lnL.tr AugiAia, rTi'pf. 3h(. tt'.?, ' ' S iAlJ - f.,d It tha iit'ic nil man drewsi ; Jfl A. , PAIN K I I, LE n. , Thia in an rntirrry rrta- ' Mr n nip- uikI, e mp auW 01" J wnity.ritadillrronl Uigro. dicnia, uutl ia an uiujmal and J-.ilrrnal Kcrurdy mr the va ri.nia ilia Uail hunaia Itcaa ia ueir to . v - . . , IW u, . , , ' '' Owsha, Colda, Paint, Nerviwa and 811 Headache 1 Rhcuiuatiaui, Cuia, bpntina, Spinal AAeeuons, Sana' Cmuplaiiila, Chulero Morl.un. Tootliache, Eruulkmi, Calna ' Pilea, Fmn Puna, liur., Etcakla, Actio iu the Facmaarf Breaal, Puinlera' C iliic. Hriiiaea. old Kirea. , lite, Ueneral J)hility, Aathnu, Ac. Put up io airtUrTui l.a.Tiahulua pMhiUle. For hwb'!cZi. l'ainphletatolia had of every aaaut KnlJTfZ2 bnei ruatonroi the ociain. diaaovary awl NW OmaS Audrawa- !., Killer, Ce.llficateairfCaref 30' LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD; ' Ttia triurniihanl aucccaa of Andrews Pain Killer ia re. may be truly ikl tTl S m"r ai.- -:.i. ' ' " IjamtllMiSJ ISmJlllrH their villainy, to ntem LUiHial UCOaiatUUallal anaanir 2rul"l", t'P"1' nT liumra t, ir Ik. ,.,....l4 " . V' "5 "ciBWIia .in muer," uallir ... havi .;vr rfc"-' 2!Tf llreuiemher that Aiiriu.. n...,.; u..;. S ?It mitri. aiauature of I. Andrewa on the taM lLHnUiI . libiek ink. . Don't .imply for Z kS- rL,t',? .nrirewa' pain Killer, aud kava no other ' Myyrr, Bloomrimra ; Vm. A. Mnrrav 7 IV Davenaiiri A Hiniih n...L . i""' .V ? r tv, :,z:r,i j ,v w, Order, addraaaed tu 1. Andrm.. .i.. Brr'inber 30, IMa.-1v , " ' ' ' -r., y i I 300 PKRSONSr vTAVrED ! !!l,' ''"HE Sb..rirW ouJrl',reVetfalIy taiorm' 1 kia frtrrnl,. ahd lia Plic generally, that aa baa jmt received a Urfe nJ splendid a.iotlnjenC ' I Ins , , i i , . , ', i ., , , , eonaUiinr apwarda of 300, ameng whirh tan lja lotiod Cooking btova. ,f different (iM sad eaU law Pnarbv bloras. Stoves sniubte for Oflice.. Shopa, ate- All tbeaa Slevas will baaaldctvaaa, from 3 and apwardaLikawisa aa hand, a (arga " !'!' ?f.!0' P'P. Z'ec, T-wua. BrtA keiuli of diff.rent sua, Ac . , Tbe sabecribar raturaa hi. k..k. tJ. tk. 1:1? aral acouiagman racrivad, aJ iaritas tha -- '"ill?; T".1 h" "rM variatf ef Staaa ht , CTJOId I roa. Caalin r.r,n. b.m...a Qraia takta is sclwaa for War.;- -v 1 ' " ' " m v. . B, JETTELMOTEIl, '' . " ''-ftaiiLHif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers