" rt. V,. , i t i i ' if- r'i'5 i i -. " 9' U A ( .1 .J W.I mil. 1. J re m ; . i 1 Ii ,.. l-f.:l,'i!'.i.f t t . ' ii-i. L. (t'M v,i T c llv.-qll,)!:;,::i..) Utl'Hio .-.'la 'ilt; ' I ;;. !; ft r 'i , "ii V f:rt ! d llll. ti lj.t'i) ,i'.r?i "; ; ii ; r. " ' .tiW l...r .. r.;i. ' : MI. B. MASSER; EDITOR AND PROPRIETORi OFFICE,: CORNKR OF CENTRE A tttiY & MARKET STREET. jramflg iirtogpapcr-actotrt to Holftfcs, HfKtaturr, --TOiwifttf, JTotttitti ttnttUoinbtfc rtD;scmc atttt the 'arts,' aortcutturfi larkets,r amttsrments, ?c. NEW 8E11IKS VOL. 1, tiU. SiO. SUN BURY, NORTIIUMBfe:'RLAN tt' 1'OUNJ Y,.pi., SATURDAY, .OCTOBER 1, 184$. OLD SERIES-VOL. 0, NO. 4': - . . tie- Civ 11 ' j ' i 11 .. . , - . r ', , THE AMERICAN it publllhed evrr Saturday it TWO DOLiUAiit pt wmum to b fmld h.Uf ynrlr in iidvinre. N." Miwt (liae utinucd until all nrreiiriign m paid. , AU t nninunioatinnt at Mian im hmliK-M relatiiif to lh( ofltct, la iiuara attenti m, mult ba POST PAID. ',' , TO CLUBS. . Threa eoplai to on atMren, '' '(300 'Sevan lht 1 100U 'Firiaart ' 1 Du IJ WUU , Five eWlara in ailvauca Will pay fjt threa year's aubacrip tion W the American. baa Samara of 1 line, timee, . . f 1 00 .Pvery aubaaqoenl iniertijn, U MIC sjunre. luuiuu.. . llia.)iha, 1 37 - . i Mill Buaineta Canto of Fiv Unea, per annnn,. SOU Merrhanta aiid othera, aitvertiainc by the fear, with the privilege !' inaertiefdif feraiil advartiaenteiHa weekly. 1000 tW larger Advemaeineiaa, per agreement. H. E. IvIASSEPa, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 6UWBUB.Y, PA. : Buaiima vitriidwi t m m tiiiuntKia ol Nn tiuirlrrland, Uniini. Lrtmint and t inlumbia,. i-'-r ' Ralar ta i P. St A HnviilMlT. I.OWKM & B4RRIIR, ' (omkii A riaunaaaia, .Mlait. RaiKOLKt, McCAmnnH & Co rtKimo,Moon & Co., TRB CHEAP BOOK STORE. : DA1TIEL3 &. SMITE'S CMaI Nkw k Skcond baud Boos Sio. tfurtk Wert cornrr nf fourth and Arch Slrteli i - PkilaHtlpMn. Liw Book a. Th"olnfifal and Claaainl Booki, MBDIOAL BOOKS, lilOGKAPHlCAl.it HISTORICAL BOOKS, - SCHOOL OOKS. SciRSTiric and Matbkmaticai. Po tl :. . Jtivtnih Books, in artai variety. Ilymti Rnok and Prayet Booka, Biblfi, all iz! j ainl firiri Blank Books, Writing Paper, andStationary, it' ' fa-" H'1-V. tV Or price" are mnch l iwer than tbe Ein. pricei. I if I.ihinriea nnd a mll paiwla nf h va purchaaed. B"" impirted to orrier fr va Lond m. Philadelphia, April I, 1848 y "POTLT3T ENGLISH, ; GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dralrra In Reed. ', .V. 3. Aeh St PHILADELPHIA ConMantlv mi hand gpiifral awortinent nf GROCERIES, TEAS, WINES, SEES, LIQUORS, &c. To which Ibey tnprrUnWy invite tbe attention ot th public. All kind of country produce taken in exi-hange for Oroceriei or auld nn romtniaaion. Philad April 1. i-48 BASKET MANUFACTORY, Ai. 16 &vuih Seamrittrft Eaut n'fe. down $ia!rt. PHILAUELPHIA. HENRY COULTER, RF.SPE' TKtJIXY inloima hi frienda and (ha pub ic. ttiat he coiialant y keepa on hatiU Urge aoitment nf chi drena wilow I oachea, Chairs, I'rad e. matket and Have. liiH banken. and every variety of banket work manufactured. Country Werchanta and othera who wiah to purchase inch uticea. good and cheap, would do wei local on him. they are al manulac tured by him inthe beat manner. IMii ade phia. June 3. 1848. ly ' WM O MASON. tt Chenxil t. S O 't nftor 5rf t . Philml'lnhm Engraver al Bl'SINESS Ic VISITING CAROS, Watch panera I.ahel Poor plate. Sal. ami flainpi iorTjilrt Kellnwa S.ma of T" " fcP fcf " AlwlV on hand a -neral aoriinnl ol Fin Fi'cy J'da jttu'd p-n of every quality Don Collar, in tt.-i iieiy. F.nsravera touN and rr.ater ala . A'ii'cy (affile If wwUf""" t'Ui'-r l" " o'.'ii M per mail (piw fin) ' " P1""-'""" atlelided to . i Pb.fad. Ibi. Apnl 1- 1"4B y Toirvr Y n r: t: 11 . T Cva aave Iraiu IS la er Cent. 1V jp. crha.ioe their OILCLOTHS direct fcuta Ihe Manuiaeliiiera ' PO C rF.R k CARVICH F.L Have ryiniied a Warehmi". No MS North Third Street il.e Race, erond door Souih of Ibe Ea flailolnl, VHILAPFXPHIX v1te Vhy -ialviay keey on hand a complete ...n.trj,...l T P' tenl ' C.rr age :l.U US -3. 40- 48 and 34 incnea wine, r i fttrad.lPamt-'t, and lain on th inaide. on '.lua. im DrillM m: L'nen Table Oil ChKhr, ( ,nF annat jeauable patterna. 30, 40 4nurt. 1(.h, areile f,tnor O'l f foA. from 28 incr4ea lo 81 Jeet wiu. welt aeaaoued. and newe.t atyle of pat)tia, all of their o o ir.anu acture Trana ren'trWtndow Sbadaa.Ciptt;, kt All gooda iwki.tanwd. ' !f ..... ' ,Vhil- MT 91 i88 im ittBMT T'd.nMlVVZ PlaVIfO rOHlBS. ri HE HUBSC'IUBKR haabeen appointee, event ! for the aaUof CONRAD MEYER'S CF.LE BRATEO PRE IU ROSE WOOD PIANOS, m.ra Theaa Pianoa have plain. ma- aiva and beautiful eitenor finiah. and, lor depth a4 ton, and elegance of workmaff.bip. ar not anrpaaaed by any in the Dnilad bUlea - -I k... .n.iri.ineniiare hmhlv approved of by "ibe meet eminent Prnfeaaort and ompo.era of 'Mum ia bia and other ritiea. fof qualitiea pf ton, touch and keeping u ion upon Cor,cer.V pitch, they cannot be aucpaa i J k inuiria or F.uloneall Pianoa. Jh4ce,l to aay that Madam Caatellan. W V Wallace. Vleui '"l hit aiater, lh eel. bfled pimi, apo many omera oi me mn u.. Xinquiahed performer b... given Ibeae inaliu . ru.uM nver all otheri They have al.o r eeived Ihe iat notice ofh 4k.. l..i F.hihmoiia and the laat Silver Melal by lb Fianaem nartn in 184J. wa awarded la them, which, 'with mhc prmiam from th earn war. b ! toasn Na a aouih Fourth it. , rrnr Another .lvr Mdal w.i ' C Meyer, by 1b Frahklin 1tilit, Ocl I84S foi !b, bl Pno M row Mhibitioa. . , .t it., exhibition of lh Franklin Inat) tut O. I lS4jMb 4r- premium and medal w-aa awarded ti i f. Mever for hi. Pianoa although H bad hen warded ar th eiMbnion nf h year ,k. m.d Itraf he had mad at HI great t impfvmnU In bii Inatrtrwenli within lb st 1? niontha." " ' '. ' , ' . '" ' ' H .. .k. r..t .vhihltton of th Franklin nil.' another Premium was awardd 11 n a..r for th beat Piano in lb hibitin V. i i i.' J ,L A. t mWwmr Medal and - w0f ye ceive - V V . 7 , 7. . . - ' 4 L.., annar PiailOill lh lhlltB 4b e- - he-aod at lb rr.tnnflu- Tbt Piano T'.. . t. Knot anmMhing ... i . fM.Udlnbia Ptii u -j GEMS OF POESY. THE AIROIIA BOREALIS -.-;' i. ' Fitful meteoia! Wondn-ua creature ' Of the (rreat creative power I " Glancing hiiher, Flitting hither, Phantoms of the midnight hour! Whejnce your coming 1 Whither roaming'! What your misMon, prithee, tell 1 Vour history Is mystery, Dark the region where you dwell. i Vain our dreams are ' What those gleams are, Whence or w herefore, none can say; Vainly science Bidf defiance, Your myst'ries are hid for aye. II. Do the Peris From their eyeries Far away near Heaven's gate 'Mid lightning blunt Wing their descent Earthward messenger of Fate Or, gleaming far ' 'Yond farthest star, Light'st the fair assembling throng For festival In Heaven's hall, Angelic dance, and seraphtc song! Or from the Pyre Of Hi-aven's ire down Shoots thou in wrathful vengeance 'Gainst fated head Of the misled Of mortals old in error grown t III. "Vain gnessps all," A mystic pall Hangs e'er the hist'ry of your race Forbidding man Your ways to scan, Or going to and fro to trace. Imaginings No nearer brinsrs Nor science wi'h her argus-eyne Thy depths defy Philosophy, We know no more than what is seen A glorious light Adorning Niht, Phantom spirits of tho sky, Wandrring ever, Resting never In their pathways far on hiiih! dry Item. From Sharpe's London Magazine. ! ECO ELECTIONS OP THE LIFE OP GEN. Slli F;II- K Cli I well remember the first scenes of my existence, at thp least those when my young observation bepan to look around. I have some indistinct remembrance of a long staircase, and a small room with a sloping roo, a window, a leaden jrutter in tvorA, some old flower-p rfs, and my sister be-dtinr me for ptillin? the hatves; my mother scolding her, with the harsh oice of my father above all ; and although these are by s;one sensations,! verily believe, could I find out the miserable garret, should know it again. My nes and more perfect impressions are of 'i nvat room, with curtains at the wic,rfov;,nd a street in front, thronced VMi people , my father dressed better than us npisrnnors, mm my i""" far different attire than I had ben accus tomed to see them. I, too, was well and and warmlv clad ; had cakes, and oranges, and meat all I could desire. , 1 . : I47.nr thochanee came about l neter Knew, but I do remember hearin? that iy father had been lucky,and some ot nisacniamian ces (and he had nauzhty il'.beha ed men . i i f ..I .. L- ik.i always backwaros ana iorw.iu,, jw he was a clever lucky fellow. r My ideas then were tnai men aui oovs 2ht to swear, lor my fa'.her seldobspoke 0113 without swearing; but tn ine .omr, should not, for my mother never did and it always seemed td vex ner. oii tr mildest, soltest-mannerea creams rrr knew.and if Ithen had a redeemingliiality in my character, it was iove i..., tation (sometimes) of my mother's mnner. My father was a lyrani in m none of ui dared to say anything whta he was at home; my mother always trebled when he came in. I remember once i, the atreet savins something to one of my Jay fellowsiu which I mentioned that ty-as aita if U'39 11 IP. for I heard my fathergay M ; at that moment I received a blow otlhe head, which leliea w then I was lifted up by my clothes, hd carried home. I never shall lorgeime rry with, wk'.rh mv father (tor it was ne vo struck me,) too' Ovef me 4,n(' ' he used even of killing me, rvrr peated any . sayipgs of his, never again as long as he Itved. " " KnmetimM ou had IllenlT. I piuri. fared acantilv : and I have seeir my rat take the very lurniturt of the room, al for tome days, nay wee, n mo back. . I afterwards round ouv n mwned. . .. ' This bor must so to 00001," md ml father, out day, oi- he will ne,vrr be 6 fdl n thine?. I have made a good thinajd tkat nlrl houM lately, so aeud him ;w nd 4 school I wnt. I learned to read and write " F said he to me one day, 44 you must .do something for me to-night; be ready when I call you, and say nothing;' 1 did not like the tone of his voice; nor had I any, fancy for what 1 was to do, al though entirely ignorant of its nature; Lut with me to hear was to obey. ; I had been asleep some hours, when I was aroused by being shakt n, and my father stood over me. He bade me dress myself, I did so; and we went down stairs together. I observed he waited till the watchman had passed, and the sound of " Twelve o'clock" struck on my ear. We walked many streets, and at length came to a garden wall, under the shade of which stood two mem friends of amy father. One said, "Have you brought the boy." . . . Yes," said my father ; " is the. cart ready." , He was answered in the affirmative, and we proceded a f w steps ; at last one of the men took a rope out of his pocket, and tied it around my waist ; thpy instructed ine how untie it,when I should be in the gar den on the other side, and go to the garden door and undo the bolts ; it I could not, I was to come back, and tie myself up again and he drawn back, If J was found, I was to say I had got over the wall, and not being able to gpt. bud., Lad hidden myself till night, hoping to get out then. I was very much frightenrc? ; but the fear of my father was above all ; so thpy lifted me on to the top of the wall, and lot me down on the other side. They gave me two or three tiisrs to remind me to untie the rope, which T I ' i I ... ' . . iL . 11 T 1 tun, ana Raw u run up nver ine wan. x ieu inciinen to sit oown to cry : 1 coma not have been more than nine years old ; however the fear of my father was para mount, so I set off on my walk. I had to cross the garden, pass round the glass-house as they described it to me, get into another garden, and then go under the gardener's window, where I was to bp sure and make no nnise. You may be certain I was like n cat aler cream. At last I found out tbe door, and contrived to undo it; at the other side I found my father and the other two men with the horse and cart. They left meat the doir, soon returning with an im mense quantity of grapes, so as to load the cart, in which one of them drove off, the othpr with my father shutting the door rery gently. We walked home gently ; it was half past three as we came to our street. Again we waited till the watchman had passed, and I was soon in bed. It wasa great time before I could rro to slpep ; when I did, I dreamt that a srrea douheld me by the leg, and I awoke crying out. The next morning at breakfast the other two men came in ; they laughed heartily at old George the gardener, who they said was half mad ; told me I was the finest lit tle fellow in England, gave me a few half pence, and congratulated my father on having so clever a son. .It is not my intention to detail all my adventures; howl was dropped into cellars by day, and at night oppned the doors fof those abroad : or how I was at last so ac customed to this sort of life, and so success ful, that I could st?vnti behind a door with out quaking whl'e the master of the house or a servanj Raised up to bed. One thing I must r.ierition : to steal was no part of my bu-iinrss; to open the doors and make the oeii of my wav home, was all I had to i'.o. I remember belnc concealed in a room belonging to a jeweller in the neighbor hood, and opening the window at midnight as directed, (a matter of constant occur rence ;) and that after I had been home and asleep, I heard a bustle in my father's room, and that my mother got up, and my father groaned very mnch ; but I fell asleep again, and should have forgotten it all in the morn ing, had not my father kept his bed, and looked very ill asl passed through his room. However, he said nothing to me, and I walked out alter breakfast as usual ; T soon met a boy, a son of one my father's friends, who, like me, was often employed in these matters. He made a sign to me to follow him, and we walked together into the fields. We sat down under a hedge, and he asked me if I had heard the news! I said, "No what newel" " Why," said he, "old mi ser Golding, the silversmith, is murdered." I had lost all qualms of conscience as to robbery, for although I knew it was wrong, still the frequency or the event, my never having been found out, and my fears of my father, which I always concluded would be my excuse, had deadened my feelings. But, murler ! it struck me as if I had been shot 1 had, however, presence of mind not to commit myself, and only answered by in quiring the particulars. Robert, my corrw panion, was very anxious to find out if I had been there. The old man had been found murdered, in a pool of blood, upon the threshold of his own counting-house the very room the window of which I had opened to admit my father. I : however, denied it to my companion, and we returned together. The bill-stickerswere at work 2001. rewardl My heart was sick when I went home, I was told to sav mv father had gone to M ' for a fortnight, a journey he often took on pretence of business; for, be was what tney can a weaver i agent, aim uig something In that way. After dinner I again ventured out, and strolled into the crowd at the silversmith's door. : Th first words I heard were, " Mur. der will out!" " Them as had ny hand in this is sure to b hanged !" &c. he. t pas sed on ma cold sweat, and tat me down on the tow wall of the , ehiiron-yard. j 1 looked un at the sun-aiai ana rea tnese worrk. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and the people that forget God" This wm the tlrst moment 01 my me mm 1 ten any ymptomiof religion. " I had neverbe for bioui-ht ot Pod but e nwne to swebjr by. AIT day it haunted me., , Tn Mv laibjleaUowt and hett ere' mt tormentors; The poor old man." murdered. I could hot doubt, by. my father? .thad been in the1 same room Vilh him only the night before: . i . i i . . i concealed under ohest of drawers, I saw him lock his boxes, take flff his shoes, put on his slippers, kneel down and say his prayers, and heard him go into the next room and get into bed. Now he M-ai dead, only since yesterday! Might not I die tool Nay, I must die some time or other; and again the words Murder will out ." rang in my ear. 1 could not go home ; I could not stand still. I did not know where to turn; however, I must got home, "or my father would beat rrwf. My father! a mur der 1 1 I, determined he : should be my father no longer ; but, how to avoid it 1 And then my mother, my dear mother! And so home I wenh . . . , . At the door I met Robert; he was watch ing for me, and appeared very inquisitive to know "where I had been? why' I did not come home sooner?" f could hardly shake him off; but mv mother called me. and I was breaking away from his hold wnen 1 teit a heavy hand on my shoulder" and looking up saw .the face of the chief, constable of the town : a face I knew, well. I tottered and fell.. What next took place I knew not. No questions were asked me. A posse of .constables entered the house; my mother shrieked; all was confusion. They went tip-stairs, and, in about half-an hour, I saw my father brought down stairs upon his bed, and carried out. He looked ghastly pale, but said nothing. When he was gone I own I felt relieved, fof I feared, and never could love him j all my love Was for my mother, and when they made me walk" away with them I cried bitterly for her. I "as locked up by myself in the jail. I slept little that night; my misery was ex cessive. My food tvas good ; 1 saw no one but the keeper, and fee was very kind. I determined, however, fro.'n that moment, never to be concerned in robht ry again, not even for my father believe f hated him then. 1 At last I was taken before the magistrarns. I had been too well tutored to disclose any ihinjr, indeod I had bepn in my bed by half past twelve, nnd not even my mother knew I had been out, no qpe ever came into my bed-room, and I had crept into the old man's house after dark, whilst he was t supper. I was. however, remanded. In tht? afternoon of that day the chaplain of the jail came to me. He wasa mild, kind, pleasant, but grave mnn; he said nothing to me of ihe late mur der, butjalked to me of God and hi all-see-njr eye, left me a Bible, and marked down certain places for me to read. In the solitude of that cell I did read 5 every word seemed to enter my soul. The promises of God lo the good vexe 1 anil alarmed me, for I was not good. Yet I would re;i l them again and again ; and when t found tho promise that, "If the wicked man would turn away from his wick, ednes, he could save his soul alive," I snemed as if I could not take my eye off the lssajre : It was a treasure to me. I never hull forget my emotion as I read the 130th Psalm. Could I be included in this! I de termined to ask iho chaplain, and in tho mean ime, hoy ns was, I kneeled down and asked God. How long 1 know not ; but 1 was sob- bine as if mv heart would break, when I felt soft hand touch me. I looked up; the wner of the Bible stood over me ; his eye were rilled wilh tears. I turned and clasped his knees, and asked him if God would ever pardon me; h gently disengaged me, nnd sat down upon the side of my bed. We had much talk together, but he never alluded to the eaae of my being there. He spoke of a Redeempr of Jeans Christ, and then said.' " I found you praying; let me pray with you, and he knelt down. So did I ; and he prayed so mi'lly, so earnestly, so heavenly, every word went to my heart. ! I was culmed. The effect wns like magic; I no lonjrer feared the sallows so much the anger of God. WheU ho went away I eoul.l have worshipped him. Bad thoiishts, however, returned as. my ex citement pased away I would 'not betray t I, indeed, confess! No: I would ibe a man ; and ihen I fell asleep. ' i. I . Is it to be wondered thai in me state ot my feelincrs I sbauld have , dreamed ? . I did I ream, and the impression of it s ti 1 remains vividly upon my mind ; every thought is now clear before me I thought that my fa;her and myself had been hanged ; lhat we were dead and hiy in' the churchyard. :iCold, very cold, it was ; and 1 thoucht that my father turned and tried to take hold of me, but he could not ; sometimes, indeed, his fingers al most reached me, and 1 shuddered oh, it was if a serpent touched me ! On the other side was my good clergyman, and he too put out his hand towards me ; und I longed as much for his touch as I abhorred that of my father. Presently there came a dreadful fi gure, and shook its hand at the chaplain, and told my father to seize me t 1 can never de scribe what that figure was like ; it haunted me for years : 1 see it now, but no effort I could ever make was sufficient to describe it. As it spoke, my father again reached out bis hand I I felt he must get hold of me,, and by a violent effort rolled towards; the other side. Tbe voice of the clergyman said, ,;lf you come to roe you roust come wholly, en. lirely, will youl" I looked at the figure, I felt the cold icy fingers of any lather tney began to touch and creep up my aide lo (rasp meV and I cried oqt, "Yes, yes; whqlly: and entirely ; 1 will, I will, indeed !" and. I woke. : 'f : '' My hair was on end ; a cold sweat rajs down my face and limbs ; for many minutes I could still but fancy f was dead, atid that 1 felt those colli fingers touch my side J pay, even now I have a feeliiu? of the aensat. U was, however, ilayiigni : frmop i wai. backwards and forward, leruhed and a- : -AoiilHtha lh6uBhiof beinV a man! of not ptaeking, cam across me: but, child as 1 . . was, 1 could understand the moral ot my dream ; I even then thought I must go whol ly to God, or that figure would have me. The idea was tdo deadful for hesitation J I discard ed all thoughts but one my resolutidrt ' was made. - From that moment I believe I may date that derision of character which ha so materially conducud to my success in life. My resolution, 1 said, was made; "yes; wholly, wholly, 1 am resolved." I believe few, conversions from, the ways of iniquity, acting upon a mind as yet not fully imbued with tho knowledge of a Saviour, were ever so1 speedy and so fixed as mine 1 waited with impatience nntil my friend the chaplain osme asain, siid ihen, asking him to shut the door, told him all, confessed my whole course of life, nnd my determination to be hanged at once ; and turning to my dear 130th Psalm asked him if God would ever forgive me. His explanation of the Scripture, of the mer cy to be found in Jesus, and the reason why he became a man, entered my heart like a two-edged sword ( I absolutely devoured his words ; I era veil more and more; so much so that more than once the good mnn stopped and stared at me as if he thought I was act ing a part anil deceiving him. "And what use km I to make of your con fession?" he said. ' "Any use you please," said I ; and he left me. In his next visit he repeated the same ques: tion ; t at once returnad the same answer. "Do yon know your evidence will hang your father?" . . "Oh yes, and myself too." "No, no, my boy," he said, "not you ;" nnd he explained to me that the law would deul very differently with mP. I nkod his advice; he mi id, that unless it were necessary, ho thought I ought not to sv 3ny ming; om inni ine crime was wj Jreartfi.il, the offender must be punished, "Did 1 fctfow any thing of how the eld man was killed?'? 'I ' . : - I assured him, no; I w in bed, and did not hear of it till morning. I did not even see my father go to the house, only I was told to get in and leave the window nndnnp, which I did. " "But if I am asked again," I s id, "I must tell the truth." "I will endeavor," Said hp, "lo spare you thati" and he kept his word. My evidence wns not called for; the goo.ls wore found upon an accomplice, who turned king's evi dence ; it was Robert's father. I pass over the honor of hearing my father condemned, and the little joy I felt at my own release. .Turned out of the gaol, 1 walk ed straight home; I haled the noise of the streets; every one, I thought, stared at and hunted me. I longed to return to that quiet cell whre I had learned nnd felt so much- it appeared a blessed place. I hated liberty) I feared the faces of my acquaintances; Dut 1 longed to see my mother and sister : I opened the door and walked in. Alas! what a scene awaited me ! 1 shut the door hastily as one afraid ; as if the very Btdlies of the street would rise up against me. I went up at once to my mother's bedroom, for I could see nobody below. The sound of my foot steps brought my sister to the landing ; she held tip her finger as a sign of silence, and beckoned me towards her. When I came up, we fell into each other's arms, and I be lieve that silent embrace did mru to endear us to each other than ' a" the years of our childhood.. Alaa! we were alone In the world ! Poor Clara had no thought of reli gion ; my impressions were young, and al though fixed, yet not strong. She took my hand and led my into me mother's room never shall I forget the feeling. I had been prepared to find her unhappy, ill, in tears; bull had expecteJ tokiss her, to comfort herf to tell hei my feelings, and to hear her ap plaud my new resolutions. ' My hopes of fu ture happiness all rested upon her. I had formed a thousand plans of working for her, nnd teaching her all that I felt. She was so mild and placid, I was sure she would listen to mei and w" should do so many thingsto gether. And then I loved her so intensely, it was her kind voice which stood between me and my father's anger; I had seen her take even Mows for me. When, therefore, I entered her room, it was in the hope and with the purpose of laying the whole burden of my soul before her. Coneftufcd veti. THE Ol TWITTED HI SB AND. " A few months since, a fun-loving friend ie- lated to us, says a New York paper, the fol lowing amusing story, which we have never seen in print. Last spring two steam-boat agents, in Buffalo, occupied a double bouse, and their families were on very intimate terms. ' One morning when they were all to." gelher, their wive ask d them for a little spending money,' which they proyomngiy, yet good naturedly, wiitihelil J ne women resolved ta accomplish iheir object, and; threat ened, id the event of a continued refusal, to ell pnper. nyjs, and ,tbu buy what.they de. airad.' The husband's sneered, and told them to do ao ir they dared. Soon after the men want not tpaHeruf lo husioes. and 'he women warn loft to mature tbeit plans Mr. GVl bad Hlmoat . .foremen.,, the, .mwrning's threat, when while oating , n dinner, , he . was retnin ded. of it by .overhearing' , his wife dircoiinaa sofvaal. to wait untjl he gentle men returned to their offices, and then go to closet in oertajii room, get the bags be WinttB'Wr5.: W.,'fna arVy tfcWn aspri. vately as possible to Hay wood's store, sell the ateljrl All this amused Mr. O. exceedingly. He managed to gain the ear of his crony W., and informing him of what he naa neara' 1 suggested the propriety of appropriating the rags, and drinking their wives' healths from the avails of the plunder. The latter appro ved the plan; and they instantly entered upon its accomplishment. . Stealthly approaching the important closet, each of the gents seixed a bag, and slipping quickly out of the back door, by dodging around out-houses and skulking along fances, they succeeded in reaching the store unperceived.. They then repaired to the Jber Store, where they dis posed of their contents, ohe receiving fifty six and tho other sixty-nine cents. In fine glee; at the success of tKeir undertaking, the hopeful husbands then resoried to the Man sion Mouse, and proceeded to spend the avails of the rags for sundry " creature comforts." All Went on merrily, nnd the fund was almost exhausted, when, as they were leaning back in their chairs, sipping each a glass of good wine indulging in jokes and refreshments at the expense of their wives an acquaintance came in, and addressing the clerk, said ' Sam, have you heard what a fine haul Hay wood made this afternoon ?" " No," repied the clerk, "what was it?" "Why," said the former speaker, " he bought two bags of paper rags, and paid about ten shillings for them, and when he opened them what do you suppose he found ? Two new diess coatsi worth forty dollars apiece, four good satin vests, and half a dozen pair of broad-cloth pants, and lots of other first rate clothing, wnith at least one hundred and fifty dollars. His boy don't remember of whom he bought them. Pretty good afternoon's trade, isn't it?" And off he went. In the meantime Ihe husbands had been far from inattoefrive listeners. Dropping his glass, and starting to his feet, one of them exclaimed lo his equally agitated accomplice " By Hevens! the wo men have made us sell our best clolhes ! D-m it, what a pretty fix we are in." How the clothes were returned, we know not, but we have heard that the husband's expressed a lively anxiety that the affair might be for gotten, and the wives soon after appeared in new bonnets and shawls, and have never since asked in vain for spending money. THE POST BOVS SONG. The night is dark and the way is long And the clouds are flying fast, The night wind sings a dreary song, And the trees creak in the blast : Tho moon is down in the tossing sea And the stars shed not a ray, The lightning flashes frightfully, But I must on my way. Full many a hundred time have I Gone o'er in the dark, Till my faithful steeds can well descry Each long familiar mark ; Withal should peril come to-night God have us in his care ! For without help and without light, The beldest well beware. Like a shuttle thrown by the hand of fate, Forwark and back I go, Bearing a thread Iie desolate To darken their'web of woe And a brighter thread the glad of heart, And a mingld one to all, But the dark and tho light 1 cannot part Nor alter their hues at all. On, on my steeds f the lightning's flash An instant gilds onr way. But steady ! by that fearful crash The heavens seemed rent away. Soho! now comes the blast anew, And a pelting flood of rain ;' Steady J a sea seems bursting through. A rift in some upper main. 'Tisa terrible night a dreary hour. Yet who will remember to pray, That the care of the storm controlling power May be over the Post-boy's way ? The wayward wanderer from his home, The sailor upon the sen, Have prayers to bless thorn : whore they , roam, ... Who thinketh to pray for me ? But the storm abates uprides the moon Like a ship upon the sea ; Now on my steeds! this glorious' moon Of a night so dark shall be A scene for us. Toss high your heads,' And cheerily speed away,' . We shall startle sleepers in their beds Before the dawn of day. Like a shuttle thrown by the hand of fate Forward nnd back I r, Bearing a thread to the desolate To darken their web of woe ; And brighter thread to the glad of heart And a mingled one for all ; . But the dark and the light I cannot part . Nor alter their hues at all. .. 7 In some Parish Chnrche it is the cus tom to separate the men irom tne w4tnon A clergyman, being interrupted by loua im ing, slopped short w hen a woman, eager for the honor of her aex, arose and aaid, " Your reverence, tbe noise Is not among u." " eo much the belter," answered the priest, " it will be the sooner over." ExFOBTATtoM or English Felons to this Coott. -According to tho London Time,, an association in England, of which Lord Ashley is the President,, are busily aj work weeding English society of the thieves, felons, pickpockets and reprobates of alt de scriptroris,'and sendtrtgl therh' 6ut to this coon. try, . The Time denounces this expedient a an "intolerable injury cnjuatifiably Inflicted FARMtR .! AND MaVMt ION KB.' '' Widower Smith't sragon stopped one morn ing before Widow 5f0' doer( and he gave the usual country signal that he wanted to see somebody in tbe KoUsoj by dropping the reins and setting double, with bit elbows on his knees. Out tripped the widow, merry as i cricket, with a tremendous black ribbon bit her snow white cap. ' Good morning was spo ken on both sides, and the Vidow Waited for what further was to.be said. " Well, Ma'am Jones, perhaps you ddn'tj want to sell ohe of your cows, no howj nor no thing any wnyj do ybuf" ' : .. "Well, there, Mr.Smith, yba couldn't hav spoken my mind belter. A poor lone woman like me dosen't know what to do with so' many creatures, and 1 should be glad to trade if we can fix it ?'' '. So they adjourned to1 the Meadow. Far mer Smith looked at Roan then at the) widow ; at ftrindle then at the widow ; at the DciWning cow then at tbe widow again and through the whole foity. The same call was mado every day for a week; but Farmer Smith could not decide which cow he wanted- At length bu Saturday, when Widow Jones was in a hurry to get through with her baking for Sunday, and had " ever so much" to do in the house, asall farmers wives and widowrs have on Saturday, she was a little impatient Farmer Smith was as irresolute as ever. " That 'ere Downing cow is a pretty fair crcatur" but he stopped to glance at tho widow's face, and the walked around her not the widow but tho cow. "That 'ere short horn Durham is not a bad looking beast, but I don't know" another look at the widow. "The Downing cow I knew before the late Mr. Jones bought her." Here ha sighed at allusion to the late Mr. Jones; she sighed, and both looked at each other.' It was a highly interesting moment. "Old Roan is an old milch, and so is Briu- die but I had known belter." ' A long stare followed this speech, and the pause was get ting awkward, and at last Mrs. Jones broke out " Lord, Mr. Smith, if I'm tho one you want do say so." The intention Of Widower Smith and tho Widow Jones were duly published the next day, as is the law and customs in Massachu setts ; and as they were " out published they were marrited." U. Hasting Weld. , THE DEAD-LETTUR OFaMCat. The story of Allele Barron, published in a' recent number ot tne Annktrmxnr, whicn turns upon some missing letter), has brought to mind an incident related by frank Gran ger as having' occurred when hs wm at the) head of the post-office department. A letter was one day recieved from the poatmaator of a town in New Jersey, enclosirur letter very old and dingy, and covered with fly pocs in every part, except where a tap) bad passed over it, indicating that it had been for m long time placed in tbe paper or card-rac oleoma bar-room or shop. The superscription, if there had been any, had entirely faded awey. The postmaster wrota that be had found it in his letter-box, and had tried in vain lo discover who had deposited it there, iu vrder that it might receive a propor direction, aa it appa rently contained money. As it bad not been advertised, it was not, in strictness, dead- letter ; but he sent it to tbe department in order that they might dispose of it. Tho Postmasler-Geueral took the responsibility of opening it and found that it was dated at Phi ladelphia in the year 1821, (twenty .years be fore) and enclosed a twenty-dollar bill of the United States Bank. It was addressed by a man to his wife, at a village not far from the' post-office where the letter was found inform ing her that ho (the writer) should start for come in two or three days; but that, as his brother was about to leave for home, he took advantage of tbe opportunity to scud her by him the enclosed sum of money where witn to make preparationafor an approaching wed ding . . ... ... The Postmaster-General caused a letter to be written to the address of the writer, in forming him of the circumstances. ( In the course of a week, i reply was received from a female, who stated that the writer of the lettet was her father, and the she to frhom it w as addressed, was her mother, both of whom were dead that, twenty years before, on tho eve of her own wedding, she remembered that her fathei and uncle had quarrelled, the former having been led, from suspicious cir cumstances, to discredit the latter assertion lhat he had lost a letter containing money en-, trusted to his care, and to insinuate that h had appropriated the amount to bis own use The consequence was, that all intercourse be tween the families had from that time been suspended, and that she should immediately write to her uncle and cousins, who were stilj living at a distance, to beg that the inter-s course and friendship to long interrupted might be resumed :' the) discovery of this letter having satisfied her of what she bad long suspected, that her father was wrong, and lieved , her mind from a weight of painful anxiety." '.'.''.'" 'i Whether any faith r clua to thv manner in which the letter had arrived at the offios) at so late a period was aver ascertained, is' not known ; the probability is, that tba tettaf had been picked up at or near soma country tavern on te road, and was placed, with1 (hex variety of business cards and miscellaneous papers which usually fijl th a tapes' otst the' rnantel-piede of such a place, and' tber ii. had remained from year to year, perhaps (ion, oealsd from ootic by other papers and Jet- tare, pntil, on ft change oi iandiordi, vn improvement of the nouae ibo lan aiora mot disposed of it by depositing, it in tho najlr!f tawfnf IMa.iv, e 9 MABE H-lwey, Af.il t( f . I ..t4 tf-i Ik.n , mT mw tluauahta. oonWaata, and Msf ftMk it immj imaMtu and then was taken away wanted od tbaUw tod " . eiM. im a) iiwin we ai w "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers