.--V-f - C j" . ') . ; i r, i SUN HUH V AMElllC AN AND SIIAMOKIN JOUHNAL. : oakfortvs .. ,vVO UNRIVALLED STYLE -OF HATS I 1 FOR GENTLEMEN. i yo. 104 CHESTNUT STREET. ... w ' PKteiltrM. :;' ( ' . ; , , , 1otWMlW rwrecirollj lii'tiU etta-nilon to hie eupeiv nyteoThaU for euiamit. 1648, which will he Toond 111 most rittjrt tpr b. fyre offered in ihe ' Vommonliy. lit peculiar forms tender. K th more 1 Hi IreM , H It onmbinee til lha eettentieU tif dure. " W17 kndneatnesa, requisite in that article of dress ""Jwhlltg hi Incraaetd f icilaiea In in manulaclarine erl h ill ihe modern imprnvrmente. enablee him " ' T11 Cutting ti Woiti In produce betti r Hi. CattnatVa Fscr Hta Car or thr ('1LsTrai Mona. Tbeaa goods hava been selected ' m th rtvI c .re, and will be round nrnal lxntifol " and ehi'e In Hinr iytas, . ,v"' Labi as' Ilimsa Hats n Caps or En-ring (t R tw Pattxhsjs. Greet care tins l"n bestow, ed in constructing three article, ihut they may A ' jeificll esuy and futm a graceful npp.r rice, j. , : ,.- CHARLES OAKFORD, J 04 Chestnut at. a lew doors at ove Tiitd ' Philadelphia. rje.rnter3fl. 1SI8 cb June 34, 18)8 ly ' In the Court of Common Pleas of Norlhum - btrland Couniy, Pennsylvania., UMLLlAM J.ORLbiNOI OH v.;.li. ,J llv .. . Ely, hi. Rex .n.l !.'" "" .In rant ot.Md l.ydia, Inhti Toot""'"- rI "V"' .ol IcVneeia J ill trtcU ' I'" ,'"c' "J'"', ' iviatr.i i.h ihe l.Tm". J"' M ". " ! ',irsuf I'h.w. MvbNrvdrM.i Rebecca Mi.mi .. Warxn J E n.h-'h h' "''. " "h1" Wrtid Elite 11 Widimn Hlr mot Aim tbifcttif., in fihi.f eul A"'i( Wiltn.il Hin. nml M.4..I hi- wifr. i" r'ghl o' 1 ''"" I ''' 1 "Umd and 4ne hwii.. U'-l ' :Sr h Ann Vljhu.y. Whi.b tnl It 1i-te. E i an rtii An, Hui-.n, Jstie i.d rah Ann. , iheiftf Wilouathv M hnrv, dw.'d ! ...f In hera.f ftaim M yl'U'V cM;--' Aoiiu I 9ih li40, :uirl grunt 11 Kule 11 ii -'irie lult're-teil. In ip et' hv fi"" ''v ot next T. nn ami are pi th verl pur..iiia at (hp 'ilu itmiorr fune ihr aanir, or hw caoiw why Ih lame a'innid not bi naUi. Kttnie nl tram 'he reoidi and ei-rtified 8ept t i 1818. . i J. P.RNM WORTH, Piolh'y. Notice la licr.''.i n to all peramia int re-tcil in the F r"g"lnij procrcilinga in ixrlilinn to U iear by Ihrfirat Monday nl 'November nett THO. A BILLING I O.N, Shr'lf. Shr'ir.ifiice, Sunbur, I ,( ,SBit. 23, 148. FEVKU AND ACJtJE!!! VyTHOROVOHLY ERADICATED. 1 BT ROWASD'8 TASIC IIXTfH! ! THAT.rMl National. d Jrlo..wl Wor 1 1 n( R-medy !l M EIGHTEEN t-'ARS-rTANDINO till tinappfhefh1 I wonder lu aurceta, ferfainiy.iav f ty, itilht etiK or BTca VUT III ;'."; ", '','" If yo woald earn the araanlra" (poimnt out) couM'rffila take net a battle from ny anr. tha laD'tcuWtrf by t 'written ilgalur'' of hi-original Inaenlorand proprietor, .Toe a R. RnWANb, en puper label, trotting tkt miiulh nntf ark. Tbia rerheity hat nefet beeh bolatftred bp by ralaenr!rierei Till pulfa, tut baa wdn Ilk way to the vonfldphre arid Univaal adoilion nf the in habilantaof FfeVita A Kb Adur DtnTaicT B V 1 7V GOOD WORKS jftD MftTS ILOtiE. tn which all theairenta, and every perittn who have used it, well teetii PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE .143 Arrh Ktraet Philadelphia AnariT for u bury Ira T. Clenr.ent, J. W. Friling, 11. M er and Go Brieht AatNTa for Northumberland Foraythe, Wit aon A Co, R M. MTay. Atigtitt 5, 1844 eovr A T. F. N I' R rp'i CiNVAs !-() some M'W "U I P! PL H Wi t,( K, r iirv'-y 'iriiiltiliOlll It.o I'l. ilp,l M .t.v.' ',' Af.-'i . If.e lll'-el l.hrMI (!"' llBHIIHi'l ! i.ff ''l - v -ill V n .H nt r.t" --,." r , 110 . V,. r. n.Tr..l. vti fpl.i an ic -.it r.iit ' mil- fr..n fi I (1 t J '2 5 (m vri'k, Kr fiinni . p ik un n,ti i- (. ip 1 : ' WM. V. t.KiliV. N . IiS ,ir.ti ; "OX I n.l i'hila I iid 1 .. ei.. 9. IHlH -r-fim. r1alo oTC atliat'liir' Honriio. BJOTK'E la l.e el.i i n.in-tr-i i havp dit'd. V L-t'Pn. !hat Ip'ti rt ! Hi ve be.'n f r m, d ! t iiii 1-r, t(-e .e'a'e "I IJ thar ne H -u' e I le o' fit tniM , .tpe'd. A"ve nain'e t-d tnerd pmat -r having idma lonilut he a m , am 11 qilrlnl tn rail 4m the an f.-firr !.! aetl- m m. JfiHN BOI'RNE. Au.i.'r. WgnVAiry. Aujual 26, I84H fit 240 AND 413 MARKET STREET, eHiitr.Ki.PHiA- THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF " -Gold and ilrer Walclics IN I'HII.ADF.DAHIA. '(old Levera, lull j- welbd, 18 ca.at ' e e $30 and nvrr Silver T.eve a, full jewrlled SIC and nvrr 4 I., pin. a . " $11 and over ' Qua t. ra, $ iu $! O-.l.l I'.m i'e I 5.1 Silv. r T-- Stionna, qu -I 10 coin. 4 fit) it 1.1 Pe a, ailvei hoiilr ami prnril I 01) U nil a vf 1I1 1, diil navnr m.nt .! all kind- f 'A'aicie. buttl ff..ld and ailvi-i ; iii h .lewel.y. ik On! 1 (Jiia ii o' the I 1 mm if cIhic, ami in 'ni t m y II inu in Hip atrh . nil Jv. lrv '! nt iiinoh Itaa p ice llian tan ba b unlit in ll.i ciip "r ,ela hrH. , j I'leaje a ve tbi advrina ment, and rail it ei ,h.r , LEWIS L UOMU. No 413 , M ABKE I arte, lee E venili i.or h U. ir .t , Jl'0 . LMD1Lri. tlH MAKKET at. fii-lan-r- liei..iv Kub .wiuili i.l-. .. , C" We hue (! J and Si'ver Li-raatiil . hea. -ei ihiin the above wr-cc a lib r..l ili--.-.unl m.i.lf ' ' i ihe ir.nte. fi'ji'ein er 23, IS4H-3m ""daguerreotype V POHTllAITS "kFa aup -lor qualm, h.nila mi. ly c I'nie.t. a. it '"f nm up in Iw-iu'iful M. r ii e . (Ja-e cmpi t. , ,i .mh, 1 l.N E Til ILL A R, at "PI EI.E KM C H E A )A.UBRUEAN tiALI.ERY N .. 8u 1.2 WAI. . U ' l ei l. h Inw Foiiilb, Phila.'elphii Al lit ire mail. at this e-labliabinei.t will ou Was " ixrm pauracT. '. i'hd .drlphia. Mp,t. 23. 1848 6m THE BE-VT ' . , ; In tbe World. NEW VOI.UM 3 Or THTJ SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. (4m THOMAS C GARRETt CO. 1 ' ' ' . import en a of , Pa ed and Btttermft Wa.e, CaHerk. and Fnne - Ooi-tla. and Mai uf.eiora of Jew elry and Pt vrr Ware. Itl Cnea. ul atreH, I'hila delphra: havreried bv late arriv . a la te and hend.rne t o, k of Englih and P.e. eh Wetehaa. and Marrile. I'.ireeiatn and.Faney CliH-ka. Plated Urna. Caatara Cke Haaketa, Huh an-l ChnrobrrOandleatirka Moop Ladlea, M.mmu a d Prki AIm oid avortment ' of Hit ' Waretcd Fin Cdil- r. - -" '-' I ' Their a'.-rk of JEWELRY le large and nftne mnt fa-h itilek h.l. nd iey are well mpplled . iih Milver S.mnne. Forka. Muie, N.pkin Rini-. Unite. Knivea dec , and wl hoi tn king any I) a p'av of piirea in ihe puMie prima, ihey -are pie narpd tnaelt aa ..w a Ibn.e Who do, mid invite pi tanna wiahint to purrhaee 10 rail.' Pliilad.,.hia. June itl. I4. 6-n Wardrobe of FuMhloiitUile CLOTHING. j. W. & Ei D. STOKES, t CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, A'o. 194 Market Stertf F-rt CtotVtitt kf..reAf -, . ' .'oro Sxtfi. " P1111.i1e1.rniA. Ht'RR the? ar ronatanilv niigid in g" tin tr11.11 Ih- b at Frenrh l.r ian u" 1 1 tin menran r nth r nthnig ru! anil nmde up In 'id nin.l a.ip. rmr and I'a.hionahl- aiy e t'eraoiia Mho lHV to a , wil find a urge and .-ire n' atni katlhe ot C'ty pneei t nthmg made .p tiiord-r, ma nunor iy e at the ahotteat no'iei. ' ' ... pf 11 O.I.I F':nw Rega ia. a arge aaoit- in-iil a 1 wave 01. hand Ordera Irom Lodges and liuliviiliia a pinmpt'y attended toon the moat re aonah e ternia I'hiladephia. June 3, 1818 It. FRHNCII ItBVOIaUTION. mnt fall. ItllE Publiahera ot the trientific .meri.an rHtneetfullv give notice that Ihe FOURTH liARLY VOLUME of their Jnurnal will be ijUim-iu-ed on Saturday Sept. '-'Sd. Tbia pub rjim diff-r entirely fiom lb' many ninji. ivl.auj papers which Hood Ihe country It la Vt;'kl.V Journal of Alt, cienreand tlorbanira .una lor ita ohjicl the advanteinent nf the ilKUFSI'Sol R HANIt'-. M N U P 1 CUES and INVENIORS. JTai h in.it.b r iiitister! with Ir.iiii live to i FN original l.N R A VINO , QF N. W ECHAFH'AL TN ','N "ICfcTSS nearly all of the b-t inventiona , l.n h ao patent d al Waahingi.in b'-nig illua atvd in til- SlMltln. Ante lean It a ao eon una V. k'y.Ln' of Ameriran Hal-nta t no ;e nl Ihi ptogreaao) I Meohamra and -ci rific Irnprnyetnenta ; piartiral directiona on e cunainirtinit .management and ua- ot all kiiela ti HINFRY. TOOL, fce. Eaaava Uhiii prhani.-a rherr.iatty and Aicbiteclure ; ar unta of Fnreiga invrntiona advice to Inven ra; Rail Ruad utei nre together w. lb a ve.t inunt nf other inlereting. valuable and ut fl tarnation The SCIENTIFIC A ' e'RI1 N the mnar popular journal of Ihe kind ever puh hed and nf more importance to Ihe intereal ot it'H NICS and INV'-NTR than anv eg they could pnaaib y obtain ! It ia printed th clear type on beautilu paper, and being a pted to binding the auha.-riber ia poeJ-d the end of the year, ol a large volume of OtIl HUKDKED AND SIXTEEN PAOTCti, Illuat ated with upwards ot Fir Uuodrtd Hrrbonical EngraTingi. AND AN INDEX TERMS : Two dollars year, in adva ce if deaired. one dollar in advauee. the remain- in fl months . TO CLU B : 5 copiea. S8 s eopies. $13. Those who wish to subscribe e ohlr to encloke' the amount' in a' letter, di- ted to - PXUNN &.CO. TuWisbara of tbe Scieatttic American . New York iLL tETTERS must be POST PAID. 'Al tTMR THIRD bound. $9 73. or in eh ets .r. r a.le. They ms be sent safely to hart of Ihe country Patents aecured and Pitawinea axeented at the cbeapea .. .1 ibe office of the CIENTIF1C A E AN.'" ' ! ' ppternaer '. I48 4t 2. ClUUt' WiT IIES &. JEWI I.Ri, T. & W L. AVARD, No. 106 CHEKNl'T Klreel, 1'liilndrlpliin, Opposite the Franklin House, M PORTER of Gold and Silver I alent Le ver Walchea nd Manulactnrers of Jewelry A cond aasortmeut a'wkvk on hand. Gold Pa ent Leve.a, 13 j-vVela S38 : Kilver do $18 to $20 ; Gold Lepmes 8 TO; ilveV do. SI2 to li5: til cks and Time Piece) Gold Pencils, $1 S-l. unwaids: Diamond Pointed Gold I'ena, S'..Vi!; Gold Rrareletaand Breast Pins, in gre t Variety; Ear Rings; Miniature t asea ; Gu.rd Chains, f 12 lo $J5 ; lated Tea fels. Caalors, ake Baskets. I.'andlestirks. Britannia Ware. Fine vo ry Handled I able u lery. and a general assort ment of Fancy G oda. AMtBTC el W BTT TTEW. FORK AND SPOON MANUFACTORY. J. & W L W ARD. No 1 0U CHE-NIT t.. I'hilailelpbia, opposite the Franklin lloiiae. Manufacturers of all kinds of Silver -pnnna Foiks. Tea 'eta. Ladles. Ac AH work made by lie is stamped with our name, and warranted lo be made ol purely inerican coin. Philadelphia. August 12. 18)80 mo I'nl'iit tir-1 iht SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. rpilF.iib hi- Si vo, wliiili is equally wi-ll nilniiteil IoW.xhI 1 -T C. !, Ima rit'L-iveit ailv er umUla at liic laiia ii the Anii ric ill hwlitut-, N'i-W York ; of llur Machnilira' ll.B'.l litte. 1) at. hi; -.1 tlw l-'ninklin l:wti:uio, l'liiliiilolj.ltia ; 1111J nl' tin.- Alti-lnuics' liuililule, V'iliiii i(rt hi. Uclawnrc. It is cji.itilc, if prinieily useil, nf d.'iiiK in .ru work, with !.. I'm.!, ilmn iinv 1 ither tl ve vet uTered t the uulilin : in winter it will warm Hie rarer t iiil-.li.-n, while in ajiunioi. Willi t'10 annum dreaa iittaclinl, it throws wt il l in rc lionl thun n eluire nl I u r I lac t ; und for luiliiu. brniUiur, ba kiiie. r rnai in. K nuinut be aurpnaaed by uny . ulicr tt n'.', iMwu Am, iw brick 'ven. UECOMMEN DATIOX3. CiikTiFiCATB or the JuDcsa of the MicuAXica' Insti tute, BoaTon. We, the auliseribera. Iwiu ch aen Jnrlea by the Muraa rliuaetta Cliaritalile .Mecliniuca' Aaaociuti.nl ill 11 hi. al at-area, funyicra, nuarea, Stc. w .tiki iuf-inn Ihe public, thai nUer teatine hH the otikimr stoves that weru put into the Pair fur exhibili m, and lettiuir each man niaiuiire hia own Live ii-ilh the aaine kind nf c ail. in order to naeertaia which w-nuld dn tha Kline work with the leuat fuel in the nne time, nail do it heat, we find Hint Pu-wurt'a Pntenl Bummer anil Wmter Air-'llglrl Cnokirajt tt n-e, ninunfurtur ed bv the rvltenleo. .if Truv. N. V- to be Hie bear, aa it took liiit ta miuntea tn noil two aallmia of water ami laike liisruit ui ihe.mne time, and broil beef eteak, and all d aie in the la-fct manner with aeven p-auala of coal, in thirl v minuu-a Irom tlir time the fire wis put into the atove. 'i'o which weawanle.1 Iheaili-etmcnal. JAMKf oni l.U, WALTER roHNKI.!,, THOMAS MOU1.TON, A. D. WKBIiKlt, and JAMKS PACK, Juucia. The aiibaprilara ri-apeelfnlly invite the attention of coun try dealera, to one of the largest and heat eeterlcd al-H-k of etovea, ever offered in this city, am nig which are the fnl lowing ! Bases. . Screen Cj lenders. Oven Stovei Washington Ail Tight Cooks. PR. TOWJISRM'S COXrOG CXTCACT OK '. o S. U !S A l A IU L LA . . 'pillr Extract fs pat ap la rroati bntttea. It Is six times X cheaper, pleaaanter, and warranter! super! ir td try sikl. Itcnrca diaoaaaa without vomiting, purging-, irk ncaa, Ot deWatating tin patient, and is particularly ailapted PALL AlfTJ BPRtNO MKDIClN. ' 1 The great baarUy sad super Writy of Uim BaraaiariUa over other remaHies is, whilat It sradioataa diaaaae, , it Invigiiratoa tha k-jdy. CeAMamuti.iaaarar..' .., . - .. ' i Cleanse aud rMreugthaa. . . Consumption can hi cored. . Broiwlutis, Couaumptlon, Uvsr C tnplemt, Colds, Cnsu, Cstarrh, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, B-iraoesa ia the Choal, Hectic Flush, Nial3weala,Au- . eult and Profuaa KxpecloraUua, , and Pain in the Side, . Ac;, Ice., -; ii -...' have and can be enroa". . Probably there nevsr was a ratnedr tliat baa beea So soc eenful in deaperate eaasa of eonsumptiiai aa this ; it clean ses and etraugihaua the syatatn, and appears to heal tha ul cers . the lungs, and pauenuj gradually rsgaia their aanal health and atrenath. CUKioL'S CASE OF CONSUMPTION. ' There ia aiarcely a ilay poaaes but there are a iinmher of caaes f cinaumption reiiorted aa cured by the nae of Dr. Townaeu's rJarsapaiilla. The following waa recently re ceived: . - . . " : : - . lir. Towmyxd Dear 8ir: For the last three years 1 have beou aillicied with geuerdl debility, and nervoua con Suuipli m of the laat atnge, auiTiJul lr.it expect to ever gniu my health at all. After going Ihr nurh a e nunc of mctlicmo under the care 'if k me iT llfl tn diatingniaked regular phyaiciana and members of the U u-d ol Health in New York and elsewhere, and spending the m at of my earnings in attempting to rcir iin my healih, ami after reading in B me piper f y ur t-..rviirilla I reeilvvd ti try II, After uing six b it lea 1 i' und it d na me grent g airf, and called t see y m at your iflice ; with your ml, ice 1 kept iai, and J i m .a: heirlily th ink you for your advice. 1 peraevere in Utkiu-r ttie Su.aaimriU t. and have keen aHe to attend to mv nijil lahiraf r the Imi'-ur innUis, audi hope by Ihe hleBsiiiga fit" o d nud y ur Siraajarilla t c nliiine my heahh. it helped mo beyjiidthe expeefatl iiu) f ; "It who knew my case. . Li,..i.i r Oratujis, lisacx ci. N. J., Aug. 8, IW7. Ptn e if New Jereev. Eh ;x oountv. as. Charles Qnim- kv hei.ie duly sw rn ace inline to law. on hia oath anilh. th it Ihs f ireg 'i.aar ststeinenl ia tme according to the heat of a Kit .Wledgaaiid belle!. CJ1AKL.W IUIMUl . pwirnaim auuecriueo lo veiore me ni iraiixe, me n Ajguet, 1847. CYRUS BALDWIN. .insiieeoi roe rence. 8P1TONO BLOOD. Read the f .11 iwiua. and anv that consumption is hi incu rable if you can: iiae YiirK, April sci, iir. Dr. Townsknd i I rerilr lielieve Hint vour Surannarilb Ivia jieeii the inefina. Uirouarh Providence, of savina mv lite I have f ir aevernl yoara hud a bud c-iuirh. It bectunc worse and virac. At laat 1 raiaed larare minutitica of ltli.jl, had iu:ht aweuta und was irre:itiv debilitated and reduced, and did ii t expect to live. 1 huve only uaed your Sura-uiairitla But a au rt time, and there ina a wundertul cliongo licrn wr mght in me. 1 am now able to walk all over the city 1 r iiae no bl id, and my c mcli Ima left uic. Yon cun well im iguie that 1 ain thankful t t theai- reanha. Your ohedi ent aervaiu. - W.il. KUSSKI.l,, 8.1 Catlmrine t. LOST I IKK 8PKKCH. The aniicxal certificate tells a aimnle aud truthful atorv f aiiiTcrina nud relief. There are Hi iimmla of similar cu- aea in thia city and Rro .klvn. and yet there are th inanuda f pareula let their chuilren uio for fc-ir of being humbiirrgeil ir u aivo a icw aiuiuugs. liro ikivn, pent, i.j, 117. Dr. TewxsKND: I take pleasure in atatiin. for the bene fit if th ae wh-mt it may concern, that uiy iluue;hter, two ycara and six 111 aitha -ill, waa utnicicd with general de bili y nu.l 1 ss .ft .ecch. i!ie wus uiven 110 us nasi jc- e very by our family physician : but r irtumlclv I wns ru- e iii.ueii iei uy it irieu i lo iry y ur rsirs-inriui,. rici .re haviiur useil niie bottle alw recovered lier f-jicct'li ami was euatilej 10 vrtli alone, to ihe usl iniahiucut - f tall who were ur4ii:iinted with the ci,'euins:ances. tilie is now ipli:ewi'l!, ; an l lu much lietter he-thli th-111 she hns been t -r ! months pas.. JOfT:i'I) TAYLOK, lii Vork St., Brooklyn. TWU t.lt.I.Lil(K. SAVI.IJ. Verv few f uuilies in. teed in f.tct ive liavc 11 t licnr.-l of Hie t lt.it lined Dr. T wnseniPs S.rsnnrilla in time, i si any chil.lren ;he past Summer, while til ae thai did 11. 1!, sickened aii.l itieil. The cercilicate we publish below is c aidutive eviilence f ia value, nud is inly an itlicr iuaiauco uf us aiviiig the lives of cliil.lrun : ur. 1 ow.-kiid tJe-ir Mr : 1 luid two children cured ny y ur 8 iratimrittn f the auinmcr complaiiU and dyacnt irv le V.ia nly 1.1 mouth old and ttu other 9 ynra. They were very much rcdilcwli ami wa exiiected they w.mld die ; tlicv wero aivcn mi bv tw 1 rca icctalile tihvaicinna. When the'd-ictor iuf nncd tia that we must l.ue'tlieiu, wercS'il- veii to try y air noranpariUa wo linn heard e inncn of, but had little conndencei there lieing s much otutl' odvertiaed Inal ia worthless : hilt we arc thankful that wo did, fur it undoubtedly anved the liven of b ith. 1 write this that oth ers may be induced lo use it. Y'ours. resiiecifnllv, it'll wn.w.Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Itrooklyn. Sept. 1.1. 1M7. Til l llf. I.AIMI.. CHEAT f EM ai.u itii:i)ii-ixr.. Db. Townssnd's rtAtisAt-AUiLLA is a a-iven-ign and epecdy cure for incipient c inauiiiption, aiul lor the general pr ietra ti n of tlte ayateni no matter whether the result of inhe. rent cause or ciiuaca, produced by irregularity, Uiucss tir uo riitenl. rroimnir cm i. tu e.npiiiiiit nun ita in i( irru.nx er ferta on ihe human fvitme. Pi-rsona all wcikncas anil kis bitnile, from tikint: it tit orire tice nne ritmst mid full of enetyv miller lfa mtl'.lenco. it imtui-Mliali'ly e illuteniets tl-e ni,rv.:l--s.ineaa of the fonialc frame, which i the grent cause hnrrciite-es. . . It will 11 l I expected of us. 111 cim' ' t s i d icate n na ture, to extiitiit ccrll tirr.it i-a ol curca ierl.inne., but we caul UHnitie the uliiictel Lltut hiluJreilr, of cases havu been ropor te.l 1 1 lis. . .. Da. TowxtExn? My wife being prit'.y uiarcrse:) by weikncas and aeuemi utii:ityi aim auni-ruur coiuum-tny by paia und with other dithruUies, mil-, hdviiar kniiwn cute wnere y air meiiiciiie tins luecieu Kieui vurea, unu nip hviriiiu: it ree wimended for aueh cn.M as I hove described. i nutauieil a b 'tile .4 your Kxirnrj of fVumrnrillu and f.a I iweil the direeii na y -u gave ir liV a aliort ucri-at it reirioved her c anplaiuta aful restored lior to health. Ueiug arelttut t r tee ucneitta ane rercivcn. lake pleasure ui thusackil itvletlging it, and rec iinmending it tn tne,r.ttJte. 1 Ol. V. MUUKL, Alliany, Aug. 17, '41. e " Oraud t Lydia ate. DYfM'EWIA. No luid or mcli ciiia has ever been diaroverH which so . . t . . , ncnriy r,einiiic hik kjj,. iic juim m puiivu n, uviriiHNiM.qt V tn-i Jlfnriri-f Street, between fifth K SlXtli, I 0a and atrenethrninir the 'iriruua of daceati m aa thia nrn- . I dyspepsia, however severe or chrome. The ! roprietors feel a reluctance in prnmui- 1 iinnk Department, Aiitinv, May to, into. migtii appear nee . e ... . - ' I ..r .-..1. 1 ... lirrui in iiihu.u. 1 its, wiijpiti itc, TVR 1NT5 aa well aa Vonono! I an must nricea. That this is a fact ran be proved hv railing at No. 72 North -?i tstreft. above Arr.h, PHIlATllTiPHIA, i.r, urn 4 y, FINE GOLD AND SII.VF.R WATCHES. LOWER TH AN EVER OFFERED. U'i.'.ranO ' iff M.lflf', The stock consists in pait ol Gold and Stiver Levers ; I'Epmea ami Qi.artier Wau hea ; J-wel rv of the' newest and ttio'l lalnonable patterns. " SILVICIt SPOOX tc Particular atleulion paid to these articles, ihe (juat tj nflvh h ,V I and workman-b'p '' The establish ment ol LE IIFRaY ha" been w II known FUU l-lilllllV YE Mi. in Mi OND Street, and has made a character which needs no Silver TEASPOONS as low as 84 50 p can be made I'm leas if wished WAT II GLASSES Plain 10 cts; 1.1; Lunette. SOcts; oiher tlrticles in ton. Rrmrmbn, ton can buy Here b-low any pub lished list of prices in this City 01 New York Watrh Repairing particularly attended to, and warranted to give satisfaction pj R Old (iold aim Silver bonaht for cah or taken 111 ex.-hnnge at (don't forget the No 72) NtlHb Sert.nd Stret-f above Arch. Philadelphia. Sept. 25. 1SI7 ly e May 0. 1818 piilting r s-tt Patent piopot- ( OXYGENATED ' ; v ( ! ' U2 a hes icsa m ; A BOVERtCIUN KEMtDY R ,i - V-''aDITSPaPSIAj : , . , puTiiisic: - J ; .,. 1, . i - AND -:- 1 " "' '-..- ' ... . asxrsRAL pxBTLrrr. .' GkoRGE B. GREEN, PoT.rKToRi . ' '. Win&tor, Fgrtitorif." " "J '' ! - IS a sovereign remedy for DYSPEPSIA, In many of eit forma, aueh as paia in Ihs Stomach, Heart born, taaMtaal Coativeneaa, Acid Blomaoh, Haadaehe, Loss of Appatile, Piles, Night Sweats, aud even CunsumpUoa IrDyapepUe PhtMStc.) aad Asthma; or Phthisic attended with derange ment ol Ihe Stomach (ar Dyapeptia Asthma,) Dinkull Brealbing, which often results from import 001 iligaation (ur Dvape4ic Sysratosa,) ia reliavad by theae Biltsrs. lu ahort, their uae has been proved in tho relief of aluioat all the Symptoms that proceed fnn a debilitated w atiaiie eondi. tiou of tha atomnch ( also in geueral itubllity arising iron; age or from tha effects f Fever, particularly Fever and Agoc. Females sull'criiig under any uterine derangcuient eiiaing Irom wcakaeaa, will finil the "Uktoekates Bit Teas" an excellent remedy, and nut surpassed by any medi cine la use. The history of this medicine Is peculiar. It has made hs way to publw favor aolely by the lores of its own intrinsic merits. No artificial means hare been used to give it no t riety and thrust it up .11 public auenln n. It has nover before even been advertised, but tuning first shown ita re piarkatila etgcniiy in the family nf flic proprietor, and by hi in aiicrwnius adiniiuatered to hia aBiictod Irlends and ac quaintances wilh a liko result, Us reputation gradually ex tcmled until it ia known in the most distant parte of the tui 11, aa a medicine of nnrivalled virtues in the cure of Dyspepsia in all iu different forma, and els for the cure of Asthma or Phthiaic. lu oulv herald and ita only eulogy lias been the atory of ita wofulcrful efficacy, aa told from ru mth to minilh or hy letter from frieial to friend. In eve ry instance where these Hitters huve beon used, and Ihe re sult tnatle known to, Ihe proprietor, they havo proved a re medy. ' i Numerous certificates, iitteeiine, Ih aiugot-tr efficacy of lie "Oxvoekatrd Bittkrs," are ia the leaneasipn of the nr oprietor ; many of them signal by pcraoiis olrcntly Widely tniwu 1" the piiIiKc. CF.O. B. OREEN', Pmptietor. WINDSOR, VI ., Oct. ivr X 1M.5. The following t.ertlficntes have recently been received 1 Wasiiixoto!!. D. C, Jrxa 10, IMO. Having inaile nae ol' ihe "Oxvgenoted Diitera" prepared bv Dr. Seo. B. Ureeu, pf WiniUnr., Vt. and from krenv leilge obtained of their efficacy in other cases, weclieerfnlly rec anmend them to the public, believing Hint they will fully amrtnin lb reeotililiendnti Mi ttC the Pronriet r. We hope that this valuable remedy may ba 1.1 geueraily dilTuard throughout the country tlutt it inuy be acciuWe to all the nmicieo 'criuouL Islaial J. T. MOKKIIKAD, 1'. S. Scintor and farnurly Govern. nr ill' Kenlilekv. ' L. II. ARNOLD, Mvuilier of Congress ami formerly Go vernor f K. I. WM. WOOnnitlDGE, l. S. iintaroiul lonneriy Go vernor ot' Michigan. M. L. JIAll'i'i.N'.DoJi g.itc in Congress Ii. an Wisconsin Territory. . . From Hon. II. D. Foster, Member of Congress from Pcitusvlt'aiiui.' Wasuisoton. D. C, Jin 10. 1P10. Dear Sir. I have been a ilvsncotic sulieri-r fir iibollt leu Ycara, mid have rca rt.il to Vsri ,ita niclicinea for relief without auccers, until I made uae of your "Oxygenated Itinera." 1 have used nh mt two b ittlcs, und liuil myself restored to ncrfuel health The fonns iu which the dis- caso sh iweil iteelf. iii my case, w. tc, (rrca: aci.liiy of the rt .tinch, I m ol uppctite, t-xtreuie U ttilieuce. severe consii inti in of Ihe bowels, nu.l violent Iniiutaeiie. I- ccling desi rous that a kniwleile of y uir vuluatile remeily may roach others similarly nttli -te.1. 1 take great pleasure in ree Til ing my tcstiin uy 11 ita curative power; mid w ntld sls rctn uk. that while on n visit nt h imc a short time since, 1 sd-ninistercd a part nf a h ltle to a numlicr of my atliiclcil frieinle, with great miacs. They are desiroua 'that you sh nld establish an uiteney ot I'iUabunr. or inlem them where the ine.licine can be oblained. With an earnest dc eiro fijr y mt irt-'speritv and happiness. I subscribe mvsclf, truly y air friend ' II. D. FOSTER. D wl. fif.o. B. liREKM.Wiisla ar, VI. S .Id Wh .Icaale and Retail by Green k Fletcher, No. SB S mth fixth Street, Pliiftulelphiii. Aacnt I t Hnnhnrv-'II. H. MASSIIR, Agents fir Milton MACKAY & I1AAG. April 1.1, 18IS-S. SAMLF.L niELPS, I .. , ,r Vc WII.1JAMI l'HAM, J L S-"' "' J AM KM F. Si.MMOXS, I.". S. Senator fnan R . Is! Uai Mt ..k.J I . . - ' , 1 Cr--'-.ait iawNe-J F.II. SMITH, rocket lloffk mid Morocco 'nst Mtmtiraclurcr, i.creeded B I. SI STY, at the Old Stand C11ESXUT Street. 1 hilailelphin I'octel Hunks. Bankers' Cuaea and everv description, I 01 1 Mannare, Ha sue mi ort lolios of Ivdrv Tablets f it- ii. ......... s.var no. wrinns do . Backtianiiiion Him ids k Chessmen, tlrtld I'ena. Snyder's. Cimpniati'e und Saunder's R.itnr . . 1.-. -ivilv hn Uzora: Urid-jeia's - - Wade & Butt-here Jack-on. Chinese And f.iivp tniu Racnra. I'en Kmvea nud S.-i.sora, ol every 1,..,. Howie and Dirk Knives; also, a 1....... ...n.in..ni ot Fancv Stationery, at lowest rales Jobbing 'inne with t.eatness and desnritch. ' i'biladelpiiia, June 21. l8lS-3in.. the KNOW ALL MEN THAT BENNET Sc CO. HAVE REMOVED fmin 192 Vaiket Street at then New Sp'emlid and Immense Estab lishment to be known ss the lower Hall Motliintr Uazanr. MIUGIITS Indian: Vcfco tu hie IMIIft. This aMdiclne hcnpotnded Oa general tifineieni. from Ike pure, uiatdulterated herbs of the Indian. Alibrmgh there rs many medicines taner4 by tht same aaine, avary c is aware tnStttlere las ery' great difference among these. Tboae of tBsea that are called "Indian," have etoleei ha name freata ua, who were the first to IntroeMee a prepa red Indiaa rrsidiciaa to Ute Arnaricaa kuHle. Of conns a sisuleritT of aaaaa aeee not create s stauhrity m tbe ciau aststathtraleirai.e a - . Wright's Indian Vegetable Puis are dlatbienisher) rc their per fact adaptation to tha ktiaaaa body In their oper ation, they do exactly What nature does, and nothing trwre. They bars a rocn-rota actior, npoa the Innge, akin, kid neys and bowels. IlerMKIheit rieenllar rxrenr rjrta-dtaeaaa. ny promoung perapiraiton, they break ap Colss Coeoae, RaancAtte CoatetAUiT, Paii ir rtn Bacx, caotrtrLa, CtTAttoos EaspTioHs, Pixrua, BtOTcmis, Paxsaxxi, AVRTStrELAS, 4S. The aetiun of Ike Pills De the kidneys is such as to reeks them a valuable Kthontriptie. Smmt, Oravil, and 11 Mali Complaitits, atising from obstructions at ccrtalo periods, are speedily removed by their nac. A free ExrccroRATtos: from Ihe Innga is excited by die Use of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, Ihns removing Pulmonary Complaints, such as Astitxa, BaoscBtTts, Sdafcxtss ARB TMnTsEM or the Bbsast, Coughs, Sore Throat, c. . , By their action on the Stomach and Bowxl. the PiHs cure DraPErsu, Lrvxa Complaimt, Paipitation or tu Heart, FtATttLRxer, CosTtvxxes,, Fevers of all kimle. Pleurisy, Headache, Giddiness, Dysentery, Piles, and all disorders of the Intestines. ' Taken ill small doses, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills tieeome Sn Alternative medicine, of great aoxrchiug ef ficacy, for the ure ofSdRrji of all kinds, Tettee, Titmors. jAtrXDirs, Lowkeas or Bpintrs, Neuraloia, Rash, pAraa IS! THE BO&E, C. These Pills also thoroughly break up iNrtxfZA, in Which eomplaint they are extremely valuable. Trt BiMove CoMTLArxTt, these Pills exercise a complete mastery. Hence Fever ad Aove is speedily cured by the use of them, In the Western anil S iiilhern Suttee, where this disease mostly prevails, these Pilla go like an Avalanche. While tliey are cheaper than the fever and ague remedies in general, Wright's Indian Vegetable pills have been pMnouncnl superior to all of them. Indeed, it would Bp pear that If there Ia one complaint over which these ritps have mure power tlian another, it la Fever asb Aoce. For destroying ond expelling Wonjii, 110 Vcrinifiige is superior to these Pills Although we hnve nol taken pains lu make this fact public, the merit of the medicine Ii self Ins acquired fir it an extensive reputation and sale for the re moval of Worms Administered to adults or children, the effect of the Pills is equally radical end decisive. All M ho suffer from Worms sb-mld by all means, use Wrighl'a lu dinn Vegetable Pilla. In fact, no one can g.) amiss hi the use of this medicine. They ore natural to the body na food is. A trial will convince the skeptical that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill, far from being a common "quack nostrum," nre decidedly the moal valuable medicine ever offered to the public. 15c ware oCSUTiir f'onlcd Oountcr IVIIa. Remember that thu origiim! and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pilli hove the wi itten aicnaiure of Wm. Wright 011 the ).ip label of each bo. .. - ro n Wi ls!l' Indian Vegetable iMlls. Henry Maeker, Munhu'v. E &. .1. KaulTinui, Atladsia township. Inhn H. Vine nt, Ctiilliii(iib. Esse dt Deigslresaei, Ely-lufrij. Sumicl Herb, Little Mahon.iy, William ITeppen. Jiirke .It. Irelirul aed liaynea, MrEwrnsvllie. William llein.n A Brother, 1ill..h. Fuieythr, Wilmn & Co., Noithumlterl unl Jellies li.eil, l'otlsjroVe. O. W. Senit. I.ihville. W. 04 R Fii' lv. Plhstnokiiitiieii. Hhodi:,A.F'r,iiw Snili'rtovti. . . Anios I. Lcia. II, I urtutievill.i Hi tinevil'e Ho!el.iie, lliipcr Maliotioy. J. hn tr. Keiin. i'o do. E. I. I'll c, V'i,tpniitiiivi. IVIio'cs.ile, -it tbe oiru'C in d general depot, 169 Rue si., I'hil.d, Iphia. July 8. 1S4S. ly -3r-sU oT'--K jd-irr . t Tilt ONLY RADICAL CI RE FOR I CONSUMPTION ! f , Scrofula ot King's Evil', Rkurnatiani. Obstinate Cntoue jua F.mptiona. Pimples or Pcatulea oa the face, Blotches, Riles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm at Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of tho B ws and Joints, Stubborn Ulcere, Syphi litic Symptoms, Sciatica or Lumbago, diseases arising from an injudi- cious use of Meicnry, Drop sy, Exposure or lmpru dchce in also, Chronic Conati- . -; - r lutiriinlDiA- . . ' , orders. ' . In this medicine several innocent but very potent articles of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming a compooud entirely .title rent in ita character and properties from ang other preparation, end uuriralled in ita operation on the system when laboring uinlci disease. It should be in Ihe hands of every perm, who, by bnaiiiese, or general conra life, is predisposed to the .very many ailimcuta that ren der life a curse instead of a Wcs'jlntr. ahd so oltcli result in death. FOR SCHOFfLA. : ' Sr. Drake's Panacea ia recommended as a certain remedy, ot one instance of its failure has ever occurred when free ly nsed! It tuies the disease and at the some time imparta vigor to the whrde svstcm. ScnHulous perna can never pay too much attention lo the stale of their Wood. Its pu rification should be their first aim 1 for perseverance will accomplish a cure of f.ves iiereditart disease. FOR KRVPnONtToF THE SKIN. Scurvy, Scorlaiilc Afleetlnna. Tuinnrs, While Swellingi Krsiieliis, Ulcers. Cancers, Running Sores. Scabs aisl lilies. Dr. Drake's Panacea cannot be too highly extolled ; il searches out the very root 01 the disease, and permanent INDIGESTION"oTl DYSPKlWA. ' " No medicine perhaps hae ever . le:e!l dlaoovered which givea a 1 much lone t-i the rtritniu-h arid caneea the aecre t i m ol a healihy gmiric juice tu Ucc.hiusijc the food aa Dr. Drake's Panacea UHI KMATISM. ' Dr. Drake's Punaccu is use.1 with the grmtcst aucctsS'in Rheiuiialic Coinplaints, esieci:illy such aschnmic. Itcures by driving out nil impurities and'foitl humours which hnve aeciuuulated in the system, which are the ciuiae of Rheu matism, (l int, and Swelliiura of the joints. Other reruadire aiiuetiiiica (lve temporary relief; litis, entirely eradicates the disease from tiie system, even when the luiius and bones arc drcneYully swollcu. CONSMPI'IO.V: ; ' CoNsiMt'TtoM tan Br crRKD Coi'giip,' Catarrh, Bron chilis, Spitting of HI l, Astlime, DltSciiltor profuse Ex pecl nation, Heelie flush, Night Sweats, Pain in the side ,Vc. have lN.-eii curcil, and can be with its much certainty aa any othcrdiscrise. A specific lias long hern sought for, but iu'vaiu tiufil the discovery of Dr. Dmke'a Panacea. It Is fnilil and safe but certain rind tMncutioiia iu ita operation, uiui ciuiii it pnuibly injure the most delicate constitution. We would earnestly recommend thoac ntliicte.1 to give it a trial aunt we believe iliry will not huve occasion to rvgrc,t it. The sv.lcin ia cleanse. I aial airniUhened. the Itlccra on Ihe hunts are healed, aisl the patients rrradiinlly irgain their usual health ami strength. Rend t)ic lollowiitg : TESTIMONY. PniLA., Dec. 14th, 1SI7. Drar Sir : lu reply to your question rcsiecting the nsa of Dr. Drake's lauacea, 1 will euv, tlutt although a perfect disbeliever ui the existence of a ('axacra, or cure lor all diseases; however valdebre it mav be ill certaitl cuiditiona a' the system, mil 1 have believed that a cure lot I phfuliip luai would be discovered abater or later, aial cuuoeity led me to try your medicine in two very inveterate cue. They we're pronounced by the attending pliyaieians to be, pci.monauy I'oNst'MPTi.iN, ami KlwuuKaied by them as in erff ini K. One 01 the iferrtoiia IliiI been under the treat ment uf several verv able pntclitioneia for a uunitier of years, and they anid site had "old fashioned Consumption e iiuliiuc wilh'Scrofula," and that she might linger l.nr a-aiu lime, buteiailil n-it l; pcnieimaitjrch !rHiifof-tive b.iVilea'vcrc used hy line m' the p-fs,is bcforti eatiuf what in any way usual Bombastic exaggeration ol some in , extreme heartburn; ami a 1., ..I- In, t u ill bee I. ave tn Quote tne lonov. 111a 1 nversi m to all kintla of fo h1. una fir weeks, (what I c mm enij I nave neen uniinte 10 reium out stuau puttion on my atomacb. 1 trieo the uauui remeui-a, nut mey nan .r no etiuoc in rcmovins; the c imninmi. 1 wns in. Vulcan Eurekas I.srgv Oven Albany Withe do do 'o do dn JNNv MITII k CO. D iXi I3T 3t 5 -S3 - 213, Market Street, Pit. (hu. Ci.s, Dta -Ttrra, ' sia is-'Vsaiaisa e c. Ac. AL8D ill M'dii'l"". M dirina Cheele. piurgieal a rt.4iil laal.un.ai.ts Chemical Ta ia, tVe, tr Orda a from M .etama -r Pbysietsea, by r or oioarwiM piorrtly aitnj,d lo. j. 9, Utl-'na do do do do do do h- Mt'Gregnr Mammoih r-iniuins I'nuk S ows ' N il 011,1 1 lir 1'iglit C ..lis, I'ai l.r Stoves 100 I.nu a A T'tjht railnrStovs 1 .10 Char a tt. 11 At' Tight do anil Lady Washington Air Tight pallor. Till Wa-hiiiniii Au-Tigbt . do 3H0 McGngur's Ihr- days Parlor Air Tight nal Stoves, burning three days wiibonl atleii- on. ...'. '' For sa'e wholesale and re'ail by Noilh llarri. son & Co. No 3!)ll Mark-1 street. Philadelphia. P i ladelphia. Juh 18th. I K IH Kqiillawie I Ife lniirnnrp, tiimiK) HUH irtl iieiF1"! OPFICE 74 WAI Nt'T STPEF.T, PJIli ADF.I.PIlIA. Capital -iMi,uisi. 1 hartkr i-EaeaTeAL. rllE C .niiAiiv are renv preiiatBO ls iraus-iet nnsiuea ilie m st liheral and advoiltnce us ternia. Tl.ev are auth wised by their charter (seel. 3) "t nvfce alt an I everv iusuraoee artperteiniaa to life ris's "f w'enerer kind .tr tiBlllM. HIM, I , rOCnVC BIHI r,l. ,,UB. ilwnw w.e, -ww- ..... mnA to arrant and nurchnse annuities." Tl'e Com- nanv aell annisrtiea and endowments, and act as Trustees f'ir minors and heira. Table of Premiuma required fisf the Aesurouco of 9100 for . tne wmae term 01 i,ue. ...... irnm nne nl our CUV rwiiets; ..n... ni ih ureateat ciriositiea I lint our City affords to the.tianu.-r. ta BENNETT & t'O' ,..i elothnii, store. No. 1S2 Market street, be I ween Fifth and r-imh. w bnji lias been styled 'Tower Hall." from the p-ruliar finish ol Ih r-.... Th- ho. LI 1... ia an immense one. con tainina seven raparu.us nmins all 01' which ...... 1...1 u ith euetv viirielv ill sea-on.i til gar .,r........l 111 the most 11 -1 l'.'1'l llld -r Slid Hiiiuntv. I he piupri.tors Like steal pi a-or in showing il.-ir liinl.tnig ainl cinii"ii' m ritixeus, paitiriitai ly s'rai'iceis sun ui " n..ng li.'tri th- ronnti v we know nl no more wnrthv "I s vip'l htladetph-a, May 27th, I IS 3 n. A Tlll'a" Dll.t-sS- "iVll ! ASHBY & ROCAP, Hal and t op T:.iiufiit,tiirtrM. Sufi j?n Carner ft 4' nud M.irke Slree', Bos ment rliirtt V H X T. A D B X. T H I A AVE r ne'nitv ' and a full and rn ' p'eie a...r m nt ..f H A IN. H l-4. ami UK' Ala en Ifl ea t ssonm rt nf m-n an ns l.eohnr.i. F.naiMa. a d I'.l n I a' Hits A'l of irh hv a s.tvi.i .- of 1 0'0 n r nl. v. ill he a ! wl i.le ale a d r.-.ait, l h e re b wea pi re- Conn IV deal.-r- w iuI d wrl' tn call, as by m m i r mi i lour en', we a'P. an .l ltS I ui ef l v.iy lots ra'efi June 11)'.. I84t ly but little daccd. ub iut two inontha ainee, to try y.Htr Extract of Har. aaHirill-i, and I must any with Irtile c mrtileiK'e ; tmtaiuir iisinf nciirlv tw ' batlea. I fialnl my uptietite restored and th-i heartliura entirely rem wed; oikI I would earnesrlv re e imineud the use of it to llioae wh i have been ufflieted as I have been. V mra. te., W. W. VAN 7.AXDT. Alent for SimlKiry JOHN W. FUIUNG ; Nor- rlinuilierl and. M.AUV A. McCAY ; Dauviilc, WM. A. Mflilt AY ft Co., AptiliM, ltMH. ly , , , I'nilsi., Iteasllntr, mid Iollaivllle Hail Itoad. . Ml t VI F.R A RR ANGE vl KNT t lllANGEot lliiiifs ' and two Trains Daily J each way. except Sundaye. On ami alter Monday, May 1st. 1818. two tians will run earb way, daily, between Phila and Poiisville MORNING LINE ACCOMMODATION Leaves Philadelphia at 74 A. M daily except Sundays. Passes Reading at 10 43 A SI. I.eaves Poilemle at 7J A. M daily ettept Sundays. Passes Readibf at U 10 A M. The above Line stops at all way stations on tbe road as formerly AF I'ERNOON LINE V ST TR UN. IPS I' received skr a Ci nice Age. 16 12' at ju 24 IM 9 J7 Prem. ISO I S3 I so (2 itu I aa t7 1 M f 166 14 Age. 31 if SI 34 SS M 87 30 48 41 4'4 t 44 44 Prem. o, IS gi g7 33 4U 147 1S4 3 71) am Jo? 1 Age. Prem. 336 3 4t 3M 377 34 4 1.1 4 3 4 SI 4 71 4l IS 633 864 I Tel 03 The premiunu'are leas than any other company, and Ilia ,u..iJ T.-j .Hrantneea. Tablea uf hall-yearly and qtaarurtv pramnmat, half erertil rates 1 pfemuim, short ',e... ... i.;. Ji .nA.vuiM.o siljt fi rm ' AiHilioati If which there are bhuik sheets') axe lo be ha apnlieati a al the 'alicri; or by teller to lbs Agent, J. ta. rvallii FieaWHtry.. , IlATsasoawtnialMoaasuiglaIJfs, 30 40 60 9 For 1 year. .ao Veo 8,46) ... F T years. l.lo IA4 ' For Ufa. 1,60 t.04 ,7 years ould aavuia Ihe C.snipaiiy an cents sroukl secure to aia lainuy fTLr. aim sliouUl ti. die in one year I or for oitgl-he eo. euroa lu Utera SiOUO : l' I3 annually f. seven ycara he secures 10 thein fHIOOO should be die lu seven, yours; 01 7 . ... ..a .,ii. a.,iiusi kia ka aecaraa AlUiO to ha uatd wheuaediea. The insurer aacurlng kit own h salts, by ihe digereuce in aa auaot rrfnuAius ersi by other .afi.iea. V eMg.X) list heirs would reave fjouuu abould he die in one rear. . ' . y of assiuaataua and ag parueulara mar ba had at TaaAsvRER FgAtseta w. Bawls- .SrL J. . Sa,bor, TH-Pm, krdsary, AgaX fog NcitAUkvaa tjrurf , rury 1, lfalsV- NEW AND CHEAP I al the time ol Haakv Mah- re sssoita.eiit ui DRY GOO Dm UrttttncM it ouors Pul'ilftf ami a hrr Aoe At. all ot hu b-will be sold al the lowest tirires. Sonbuty, June 3, 18)8 " JACOB KKCKj . 1VH0I.E6ALB AND RETAIL Wlii4i liiqvuuR o.:4l.' it, N 393 i.arArf Street ttehw P ghlh. Nor4 de I HtLAIl.LPUli. Keeps constantly on hand' all kind of uld Li' quoi, via 1 (superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin. te A Istl w bite biaudy Inr preset- ving W ild t berry and Blackberry biandy i niladrlphia, June 3, 18)8.J-ly S. J. MEGARGEE & CO IMPORTINO ANBCOMMUSlON MERCHANTS, And DtaLcrt in Paper, and Paper Manufactu- . . rcrr Matenalt. 1 . No. 33 Commerce si , PHILADELPHIA. KEEP constantly on head a .largo aiaort men I ol printing and other paper News paper in the country., ran be supplied at all timet, vriib paier of any sue and quality, a ibe lowest puree. - PbiUdelpbia. Juna 17th. 14I - Vh Train L-av -a Philadelphia at 2J P M daily except Sundays Leaves Plicdnixville 3 43 Pottsiowii. ' 4 13 R adinf Port Clinton Srh Haven, ' rrivea at oils- He, A 0(1 3.4.11 6 101 6 20 D'lWn Train. Leaves Pottiville at 3) P. M , daily except Sundays ' Leaves Scb Haven, 3 37 " Port Clinton. 3 00 " Reading:. 3 30 " I'oltstown, 1 4 30 " I bmoixville, 3 00 knives at Siste -. Road. 3.30 Tn preseutmi? the pu'.lic with a remedy for the treatment X nud cure nl p nvRn ano aoce ami oilier nm - ureases, no no iloiry is iii-cdis!. Vast iiunlbertt 111 the United Suites, who sudor fr.au these all'ectious ill their vuncl forms, are e .iniielieil to se.rk rclicl from mlior s nirccs ihiiu the iuiiue- diate nreaoriiSi 111a is' Ihe retrjlur iiltvalciau. It lice nnce theref ire au object uf huuianity, aa well as -if pulJic intw eat, to hrhie latfore them a remedy prcimrcd fiuiu inucli ex perience, and which nmy always tie rehcil 111111 as sit'k, EFPECrUAL, ASD H tRMLEts TO ttlY. TOXsTITC TIOS;. That s.ieh is tl.s true rliinirlor uf the INDIA CIIOLAGOflUB. Is amply attested by the universal success with which it boa been etimi,syei. . tv Kurort rtnrri a eomintinicatiiu of the ILai. Wn.. Li am Woonaaiucu, of Hie U. 14. Senate, late Governor uf Michurun. . , , . ' Ttrtaoit; Oct. 91, ItrtO. Tw-ron fHitLu Oan.mn. Dear Sir, I h-ive rend with much interest, your little traeatise upon the "eaus'K. Iresuniciii aial cure" 01' the febrile diseases which have a extensively prevailed in our e.vinirv diirinir the last few m inthe an intcresi itieretised n dou'l, bv iho fact thai 1 have individually Buffered a. much from them. Though I feel myself very ine uiiieteut to tdihre safely upon a subje-t a entirely proi'rssi aial, yet your the sry ei.'ei'i t ine well reaa ateil; and your c Htclti sions mil . riud 1 think withal, that your rauuulilvt ia calcu lated lo iuikIucc much pniclicul g xsl. SneakiiH- of the inclicine he auva : Il fully justified yonr Hfitterintf ejtoeebiti. ns. and ae a safe, convenient, and popu lar rciunlv, mv own uxpertenre, a 1 fur, ui.'.iiees me to be lieve ttint it will nrove u ureal iuldic benefit. 1 am nleaeed t le-'irn that vm have recently esttMislieil s-veral agencies f ita ihsp mill on III antn I reyrei inat. won a view is m re general disaemiuntioii of it, you duuilil have found it necessary to remove fr an y nil ptcAent residence utu aig ufi. With lltUCn reHlcei 1 mve ine 11 "li.'i 10 i-i m, Your iihliueil servant, WI! 1.1 AM WOODUUIDGF.. rV From D ai. Stkpiikn V. R. Tbuwubiu;e, of Michi gan Slate Bcrsile, In Ihe Agent nt Detroit. ItiRMiNntiAM. Oaxlakb On.. Dee. 13. Sir v-hi wish tne Li iitforiii v.ai wh.it I know ot' Dr. Osa ind'a India Choi m ifrue, or aiiti-biliais iitulicine. I do believe that if the virtue anil efficacy nf this medicine were gcueially kuuwu, the rvvui aku aucs would disnp;iear in Aliehiolll. I piiH'urcrl a bitlle In the spring nf 1H11, aisl have gtatd reason to believe that myself ami family escaped the aguo lnt M.B.M, im e.iuaeiiuiMie .M ita uso. Perlutna iu in suuuuer since, the settlement of Ihia fine peninsula, has the fever nud ague been so prevalent as tlie Inst I hnve see amneniled this meilicine III liuiueriHls ill- ataintea, aial when the disease luid become fixed aial tarried the skill uf physicians ; nud I huve never known it fail. I haa universally praluced the ill at happy effects, and I hot lieve It has never Iwen excenM by uuy medicine iu rer vtng die biu.Hia disenaea .a Ute cluiauo. Yours, reapeclfully, t STF.PHKN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Agent fm Sunbury II. II. MASSKR ; Northnmlierlaiat, WITHINGTOM ft Co.; Mihini, J. ti. RASKR; Beliaa- gpwe, MAY . kilAttsPi. Muy 0, lhl8 tf :(,fcr;:m - . ilie bt'jnm lo iniriive mpiiliy. 1 will only aim mat laminar u iiiliiril.iiirr nntl bv fxteiinive ki)wiiu al ) ihr itiiiirintiB ciTt-rt-" in nine cnie8 qlU Tim other tpk abo.it ten. I am with routuiaiptii.ti ly -hsi-rvrtti in os tinty( tyii in nine cnneB out vt leu in tnr, Irjiirwt; mul t!ifr vt ct-til'lo timir da AVW!. 'if ukuiv ol tin; ptllntHlK, mid1 vcV, I VVmld never liavo ric!iiiiMirtnlu1 thr iiko i( l)nil;li Punnrrn il" 1 luul ii'tl beH uMiirtintc(l with Hn inirn'iiicnli. H.irtice it to fciy tlutt tht mic icp MTHnciiJfjl hy our m t TiMlar nml acicutilic pliyvi ci r.n, mit in thcii pu sriit cimbtnt?l stale, irm pruUilily ih; IrtTdt iillctnuvf th-jl han ever tiren inrutr. The rcurc in aci'-mlancf wilh a tiicMry ot' C Niuiiiiiiiun brjclied iii VraiiP a tew yearn n-, hv cue of her i"it eminent wri-' tr uh m..icin, niiit u rn esurjlislifd by iactn which ftd , nut 4.H dispute. ery Uiiiif;rit'ully Ymirn, L. C. Cl'MX. G 0 L t. E G ! 1 O P HEA L T II 207 Main street, Bufftioy'KrY. PR. G.C. VALCJHaN IVpdrtblc Litliotilriptic Mixture. T.i;ft eHebfatt,d remeily ix constanlty iiicrmiging ih. iuruo by the many cilren it if nuking ALL OVER THE WORLD. It bus nmv bee nne the only iiKdicine for t'.idilly u, and is particulstrly recoDimrndfil i-'r fit) tii;eii of this c wtila hit iinttie Widely rclievwl, uo nuitter ol now lintz siunauig. rrminphict tor lentliiuiiY. nud all dirvetiavfa of thu urinary organ ', for tijesc distrcfaV iiifi ciitiMimiit h aauincin Minne ; no c ti.fr article can rruuve y ui ; nmi the cdrrt test i tied to willc 'iivince the m-m ike licut; co jtuitiplilct. J.iicj- jupauiiai, UiUitw tlineunct, t& bit & Awl. r. T-i Uic Ort.Tt West CHDecioliv. nml wherever thene eaia- jjlainU prcveiii llnt uitMicijic it iiler4d. , nodclcteridua c miiKiittul in n imrt iri' ttm tuixlurn. it eurc thtiiB dlteaaeii with certiiinlv mul reieiitir. tuid dje not Ictivc tiie eytteoi torpid- K'e Vumirhltet. PILES, JOSEFS, CASEY, ttoriirvat Mw HEW 1CBLIN, PA. INFORMS Ike ciliaena of Nortkuroberland I coui.lv. that ha will hereafter regularly at end the routi of as id rouuty and wil promptly Head to any business em rusted to big rara. He may be eooaulied at th Dotal of Pur LaM'M oaring coarr. Snainit, July Wth, II4 The alternrtnn tram will stop only at Ihe above named sin'irlns Passengers fnr other points ..Hist therefore lake tli ornutg t ine IVpot in V niladrlphia. -rniuer of It road and V ne Streets . No Pasa-ng'-ia ran enter tbeCara mil . provided v. i h Tickets NOI'I K Fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed to each paengef in th Se lines; and ettscngre.sre epre,ly piphibiled from taking nyihing-a higgaK but their wearinj apjierel h rh will t- at the, risk; or ill osr No neighf wil he taken bv these. lanes. .. .. . .. .1 : . By order of Board nf Yauage ,. i ; ; , 4. BRADfoaO. 3ertary- , Mnyo, 1848, tr ,,- .-j - '''''' Pictorial Edllloa ot d'iiiblfcTne'e) rreHt Witrai o ttoe UelarMiiallon 1 IF Iti't. Sli TKF.NTH CENTURY fN 4JER. ' ' MAN.V,. s)WHZIiRLAIO, fcV'. Will be oublitbgd onorabaail Ihe Isl of Aprrt. 1848. by JOS A SPEEL. No 08 Cherry at abo've. 4Mb. hiaanlrnritd 12 mil edit 100 of I be above named woik, .itb 18 eagravad illustrations ftaen ori. iinal designs;., vols 16 , bound to eitla cloth and library abarp 1 c. ' ' Tb"uublisher resspctfully cklll tha ttenlion of Ihe trade and Ihe public generally, to this work being the only illustrated edition putriisoea in tha Untied fetatearje Irusta that the beauty nf Ma rmbcltishrneatg. iheatroug aad substantial manner in which a is bound, in conjunct ion w the known popularity of the work itself, will be a stir rarornmenrlalion lo public lsor . JOS. A SPEEIs. M Cherry al above Din. J. A 8 haa also lately published. .a new and beautiful Edition of Sergeant Ball's Karea bbow, a auttable book for children, neatly don uo in tgira cloth. rbiladelyhii, April I, Uta- CHEAT NATIONAL M URK. A HUlory uf the Retaluttdn and liives of the Heroea uftha Ware! Independence. Ul CltARLES J.PETERSON. An eleeant volume irilk 18 fine Steel Plates, and nearhi 201) beautiful Wood tne,ravtngs. "This ia a s.ilendld bsik. A valuahle addition to the a ciuuiiluint of a most nuinfiit character, ia IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, . and a cure follows bv a lew .lavs use 01 thisarticle t a is i far before any other preparuii ai for this disease, .s; for any oilier disease, origiualuig Irian impure Uxnf cb pam- 1 phlct. Ut.ClLlH UP ItlbSlclfcill, weu back, weakness of the Kiduevs, Ac, or inAamma ' ti'Ht ta' suuio, is inuuetliately relttrved by a few ilaya uae 1: 1 tins medicine, aud a cure ia always a result of iu uae. Il : staoaa us A CERTAIN REMEDY, ., for suck coruulaiuUs aial alao lor dcnineeiiicitU of tbe fe male frame, I lUKEuu lakh ike's, Lf'Ktlu., ; raiiiful menatruationa. No article haa ever been ottered I exoepi thia which would touch this kind ol derungetuenta. It may be relied upon as a aura and etleciive remedy, and did wc feci nernhitutl to do no could give A THUCSAIN 1) ; AW ES, as nroof of eeree tn tliia distressiur class of c impiaiuts. tsce pnmililet. All hoik en down, debilitated eraistltutiiaia iruin tne eucci 01 mercury, win una tne bracing power 01 this article to act immediately, and tiie p -isouou mineral eradicated from tlw system. ERUPTlVK DISEASES will find the atti'iaUvcj)r:iJcrtics ot thu ertiele. PURIFY THE BLOOD. and drtvrfn iciS ditwuies l nn the ytriri. 8 rtamnJitct lot UbUiH my ut eilrce in all ciipciimh, which mo iiiuiu 01 an udveiriaiiieirt vWU ivJt cnuit ta he itnrtiiil hero. Agent give them uwuy ( taey e uU-ii.i W ii tortiflcalca of' ..th citarjdter, and a . .. 1 null) rtl? TT,fnW Ti ufi the hnt'iUKrc nf airu'licr, "lit. Trakc'i ratwctA in tilwiiy:' riliitiivv In it ctlK-trt iwvcr injuritum. Jt in ttt aa 4Jpi;u--it ip livrt and l-tpf' b-rat. It fc iii hiteiulrd u lu)l the iiivulut into n l.tlnl m cunt v. U in a crtal rrW-dv ( firami hi liiiii nud eurntive c Mnpnund, the grtft nd only I reiucity which nu-dieul itou'ive and akill ha yet p'f-diifd j tor the trcntint-nt ol thin hilhert'.i uuctHH)iiered uwtialy. Arfll j in ptrm afllictiul wilh thin drcid dipeaw, will be just Ul liuiiwti and hia I rtendu, it he p tl wn to the irrave without tenting ita virtues. A in;rle b ittlc, in ni ! cnr, will pit iluren ibvorable change iu Ihe condition of any poUeJit, I b iwuver lov.' TO TIIK LAbir.S. laOdieaof pale erHTinlcxi at and iiirptmitptive Tubitii, and u( li a ore dcbiliatrt-l ly tlione ol-Unctionr! wtiich iV-niait'ia ate liable to, are rest. irctl bv the iikc ol'n lttie or two, to uki in vior. Il i by tnr trie i4TTi?niifv ever diwrerrd lor weakly cliiltlrcn, und twich an iiave hud hntnora ; bcitiar flwraul, tliey tiike it. It nmnctUuU'ly rettcrc the appetite., it ren: th and c4or. INotlrinv en 11 he itfrre aitrphfinff than ita bivie!ratintr ef iWtKtHi (he hitman tnime. era.tia, all weoJtiieiM and laa- . mtude Irci-tre tttkiiui it. at once bemie robnat and full of mercy under In intlucmf. It immediate eiMiiUenicU tho -Ucrve IcwneM 1' the tcurile fiuiiK'. CAl'TUVX. Be earet'ul nml aee tlmt yon pet the jrenu ine Dr. IDkaki:' I'ahacka it hna the if nut ore itl Geo. F. troiiHH on the wr.Ml,!" an 11 1 ,he iuuhi L DaAfcB't IVvMiCRA, l'litm." bl wn in the jrbiM. IVt-pcirwintilv bv Sroaiu & Co., Liruggiata, No. 1(1 North feiMii St., rhiaadeihiK - A pent ftr Hunleitrv tt. M ABSEfl. '- , ' - ' 8 ld alao bv ,Wn1. A 'Mt b ntx W., TMrrtiUe, II. Piusr ra, Miluiui Majv .M'ov, ortbim.lrluiit1; E. P.L.vts, April I, lWK!y . A . . SALAiriANDEIt,, KlRE AND TftlCr PROOF CHESTf. ' 1 inK Piioop Dooita for banki and. storks Seal ttml Iaetter-CopyiiifV Pre'iSes, Pntont Slnie-LiiiBd Iteffigerbton, Water Fil torts Paten! Portable Watt r t'lo oetA, iiilcnili'd for the Sick mid Infirm. .''' ' , EVATSiS & WATSON, 76 South Third Strati, OITOSITli TUB PHILADELPHIA EXCIIANOK i , PM Manufacture and keep csaistant-. 'W! Ti",'' 'V ",e.,n"ve articles, togeiher wilh jl.sweas a " .J t wicir I uiem iiiuuvvcu .-sim.Me.nsG., :LE..aJl a.j, viui. Duiu.eini.ui ...k...k Hist ic t.iierjturc ofour C iniilrv. We are much mista- ktsi il It d es n it take rank with the works .if Irving and PrcauiaVwlr ruiikiord Heraiu. It siiriiusscs auy aimiutr wark yet offered to the Anicri ... ..M,e 1. Veil's lMlLe. 'll may he property eusKirrcQ pupmuueeu miuuiry I ot IDS Virtues ot ntcs.icinc, .icv.-t arpssti ru. .i i. iuiv History ..I Ihe Kv duli n, sxtraiuery well add Judicious the peouliur leuiurea m' this article lii.it it never fails to written." . . iucticaui. i neneut in any w ww .mmw w e lite Dreeent work .hi tne rtevoiution aun na names, ia anon lot tne cnuciaicu sin. uiiEvruif uivauu incri'r, 1 h m exteul and design to any Ibat haa harelo. . HOPE ON and keep taking las medicine as long as ware issn ira tne suncri i'.,rM iui. iimlar isir n.itlea fun A well eoiuiectea ituumy w wet eveuuui pesni. iw S . ,'.. - I..- vi;.v nfti,' ,ir.r nflli "inraiswir w. .-m. . - - - i -- Rev 4nli at and iu Ucnea. laat has yst beau gived tu Ihe oouiury."' PVilura iT P.viin roei. , , , . , V AGENTS WANTED li cnuvaas fur the above etc caul Work, in every County Ipa Hales, lo wl'ari tha oiaet liberal uu ad. Price only S3. . Adilrcta (poat-paid) pn.veaar.nl. e nrorwrtctof wotfu CAUTION THE PUBLIC Town in Ute l uiuaj vruiljcofler- WM. A. LEAHY.' sJn. tea Ninnh HF.COND St. i PHILADELPHIA plulaenluk. May ao, lb4S-3m . TSS CHEAP Ilruabe STORE. BOCKIU3 AND BROTtLEK, . BIWH MA4lVACTUREtl,- AND UE.ALBlfS IN COMB VARIRTIES No 9 AWA TTii'if. betno Rat ft sviil North Eft eon r uf Tkrrd and Market tlrttt, HZljOSX.rHIaie;i WTHERf thev offer lor aa e a cenera' assort I meat of al amda ol Biuabes Combs and against a number of. arUesaa vrolcb ednte out under the head of . ...V . SAK5AFARILLA5, BYKU'I. kC, as cures for Dropsy Gravel. Ac. : They are good for p liitaui. ana autteuewn so (run we ii.iw.it i TOUCH THEM NOT Their iaveaktra neear khougial of crlug each diseases till . , ' i ... 1 . . . . uiu J ik. unL. una arucie tetu vs'it huh m p."j I nhlct is earnestly s iboilcd. rAgsstiaatat eg vpkosseg the SrUde arc . a.1 , . GLAD TO CIRCULATE . araUlanaalw assrudraSOes. bottles, at 83 ; Uoa.doat sTSaamh ailklf ValtV il eaob tie larger holding oa. avs than two eni.Il bot f.OniD slIIU r,c,y ilea. Look out aud gat inuxassd atsaj. t.vory kratia has 'Vaogha's vegetable Luhonlnptic Mixture,'.' blow a npua the glass, the written sisianora of '-O t. Vaughn" oq the direouons,aad t'O. C. Vaughn, tuaalo, stamped on the eurk. Nbna other are genuine Prepared hy Dr. 0- C. Vaughn, SfVt raid at the Principal omoe, gnr nam street, Bufulo, at wbolcaal and retail. No ausntiou given ta leu tare unless post pud ordera from regularly constituted ta"rt It -rt'.'SlE ere a i cotisiructcd aa to set at rest Si"jtK4rC'Ti'' :-lt all iHaiijier of d.nbt aa to their AAglrl iLJ '-JiSjt eciilg sirirtly Src-pnsa, aud Usat ii-f ." ' Taaa - ttiej- will resial the lira uf any the- will rcsus the hra ul any bui.diha. The (uilside eaaea ut three Sales are made of boil" iron, the inauie cuaeoj anups st-uic, und lietwrm the outer eoae end bias ce si apaca ot aiaiic three Iftchcs thick, and la hlletl in with iraitsattwc,. tiMe material, so as to nvikc il an inipoMbmiy to burn any, nf the eontenU iiiaid lh C heal. Thoae boapatotw bu-. liinuiiHlcra we are nrirmied and do .chsueure the work) Is; iir.aiecaaiiTartirft in the shape ot Book Sales that wt stand aa much heat, and we bos) ourselves ready al s.l liitiea to have them fuirly . lasted by puMio koulira. .We alao ooutiuue to roonui'aelurt: a large aud general assort ment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Pnuf bales ul wkick there are over H00 now in uae, ana te every, utatuuee ihey. hav given entiie aati.faclKHi to tha parsliaaera f which We will refer the publia V a .few gcifihsinau win kava, them iu uae. - . . Haywood ft Pnyrtcr. rottsvUla; Joatpli . Xawton. p.nisiolle ; Mr. William Curr, DoyUMMfiwn, la. N. h 0. Ta4or, 1 uortb 3d et.;A Wiigbl A NeaW Vina at. wharf i Alexander Caror, Conveyancer, soriMt of. Killwrt are! nth sts.; John 1. fotd, Oguorih 3d sl.l Myera, Bush, OH uorth SdstJ James M.Paul, till enuik 4lh at.; . Dr. David Jayne, 0 aoalh 3d at.; Matlww T. Miller, at), south 3d at.; and we could uarrie aomc handreda of other II it wore neeeaaarv.. Now-we invite Die attention of tuts public, and psrucularly those in want of Fire ProtU Malaa, to rail at our store before purchasing aawwkora, and wo '1 can aauafy Uiein they wiUaet a better and chcapet sat lcia. at our atnre rhafl at any ouTcr caaatbiiahrncnt ia the city. wa also nwnuiaeiara tea cUintwy rire prors caeats, at at .very low prices, cateoper Utaa ibey eaa be, brnifbl at any 'J other sura la raistrptua. . v, ,. . . DAVID Fsr Arqet . V " . - . JOHANNES WATSON. PLisnklptiis, AprU , 184-Iy Agents axoepksd : poet paid setters, or verbal eommuuioa tions a siciting advioa, pnanpUy aiuadad lo gratia. onteca aevoten axeiuaivaty so tea aaia os isaa anicta .. ue Vusi at. Nate York ciiv : tni Esacx st. EuJera. Mssa.: aad by the sucipal Drurgtau Uuoaahout ihs UwUdSUus aaa tnaaa, aa stgssiw. . uwra. .- r XASi ot axniai.-"Vi s't St. w., ownitw s ss. . niw variettea which they era deteirtv.neq to ielt nnia-J w . rnung, :'??W ' i. 1 MoCotix, lewyAWUle-vMies McCoy, Lower tbaa ran be nurthased . Country Meicbants and oilier lorckasiatj in the above nne wil (ud it to their advantage to ra'i before putrhasing e sewhere aa tha quality and pneaa win b lul'y (uaraoUvd gainst I competition Philadelphia -.- oCotuua. istoE autu. April 1, 1M y , Noruunibaw JUSTICES' BLANKS is: George J, Weaver, r. t BOPS MAXES fc fBXP.CHANSMB. s A'o, 19 VVafrisee4avie Aiu, I AorfA Wkarvet Philudtlpkim. . ' . .,u A3 rnnaiantly ou .'a - -agfn i ment or l.oidasf rjMiaeTirasa, aVtv, Vis (. Itopee, Fialiing Roves. Whlla Basis. Mo.il. la Ropee, Tow I juee Inr ' Canal eaVttk . Alao, ciiuplaia aaaortmei, of Seioa Twiiiaa. eVc, attch Ml Hemp 6uad and ydnf TwiM, ht I'baavt UUt--Vet I'wiue, Cotton fched and Herring Twice, 8w , Tlireads, Ac aVe. Also, Bed Cort!(, Plnrigll Mnas, II altera, Treeea. Cotton and Lilian Carpal Chaiiigal ate, all ef which ha will diaiaaM o( ot) reaorwbls