Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 14, 1848, Image 2

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jt'tikt papers reoeived yerterdajr we
Some further interesting extracts of
reign affairs. ,.' . .
Lord George Hemic iieA bh Aft CM)
while riding h Ae ooWtry. fit of the
heart m & 4mfaediaft -cause 6f his wddeu
: tire ttiolera at Hamburg waa on the de
Paris, though tranquil,' in in an inflamma-
Ui state since the June InsurrecUon: It' vras
never in so excited a state, and those who
long cling to hope, in expectation of a better
' state of thing, look forward with doubt to
the next scene in the drama. The rwult of
the elections has bad a most depressing effect
on even the most angtiWN -
The nows ef a further armistice between
King Charles Albert and the Emperor of Aus-
. trio, for a period of six weeks, is confirmed ;
and further, that three governments of Eng
land, France, and Anstria, have agreed that
; that the city of Venice shall remain free and
unoccupied daring the term of an armistice.
i 12,000 have been subscribed to build Fa
ther Matthew a church.
The Thames now emits such an effluvium
that the atmosphere of the streets adjacent is
tftld to have become poisoned.
0se of the comets may now be seen in the
"morning very early, between Castor and Pol
lotl and Prodyon. Its last appearance was
in 1556.
Richard, Wottcn, the Oxford Banker, has
died, leaving a fortune of two and -a half
millions of dollars.
. Liszt, the pianiK is about to marry the
Princess Wittgenstein, a young widow with
an immense fortune.
. It is said that the British Vino of steamers
lor thts country, is shortly to have its station
"hanged from Liverpool to Holyhead. .
St. PcTERSBuno, Sept. 10, 1848.
We havo just had a little insurrection, and
even barricades. The followinff are the dc
tails : The cholera had diminished in inten
sity, but at the commencement of last week
it suddenly broke out anew, and the number
of neivr cases and deaths increased daily in
an alarming manner. As it was especially
among the inferior classes that the diseases
made victims, it became rumored that the
noble and the rich, in order to get" rid of the
poor, had engaged the physicians to pive
poisoned modicine to those attacked. This
rumor becoming generally credited, the in
ferior classes became so irritated that they
insulted physicians and all well dresses per
sons in the streets. On Wednesday last, as
semblages took place on tho Newa Prospect.
The police called out the armed force, and
the mob constrticlod throe barricades. At
the momemt the troops wero about to com
mence tho attack tho Emperor arrived on
horseback, accompanied by a single aid-decamp.
His Majesty ordered tho troops to re
tire a little, and alighted from his horse. lie
. . . . . ... .
a sign that he would harrangue Ilia insur
gents, on seeing the Czar, knelt down and
joined tho hands, as if about to pray.
'-The cholera, my children," said tho Em
peror, "is a chastisement which God inflicts
on men, and which must be submitted to
with resignation. All the rumors of poison
ing are falsehoods, invented by tho malevo
lent and enemies of tho people."
Two of tho insurgents commenced a reply
tho Emperor, but his Majesty interrupted
them,- and told the other insurgents to arrest
them. Tho Emperor then ordered tho troops
to wilMraw to their barracks, and he withdrew.-
The insurgents immediately arrested
their fww companions, and gave them up to
the police ; after which they demolished the
barricades and peacefully dispersed. Ami
so ended this rebellion, which has not left a
trace behind. .
Ill reply to a letter from Rev. Mr. Lloyd,
of Phelps, N. Y., the Hon. Cavo Johnson,
Postmaster General, returned tho following
answer, which we copy from the N. Y. Ob
server :
I should be gratified to see the transporta
tion of the mails, as well as every other spe
cies of labor rest on the Sabbath. But tho
Postmaster General is the agent of the public
It is his duty to make and carry out, as far
a. is his power, such mail arrangements as
tho wishes and interests of the public re
quire. Tho Department does not set on foot
of its own will any Sabbath mails, irrespec
tive of the demands and necessities of the
community ; and where it is obliged to re
quire such service in compliance with such
necessities and demands, it is done, so far as
my personal preferences are involved, with
a feeling of regret. This regret, however,
caauot be indulged in so far as to set aside
the known wishes and interests of the pub
lic Where the stated means of conveyance on
mail routes aie kept in operation upon the
fabbath, whether the mails 'be sent or not,
znuera4ieoveuiencp, and innch individual
loss and' i'njnry would inevitably result uuless
the mails be despatched by them. In such
cases it is unquestionably the duty of the
Department to forward the mails on Sunday,
When the proprietors are disposed to with
draw these means of conveyance on that
day, and there is no likelihood of others be
ing substituted, so as to give facilities to A
few to the disadvantage and injury of the ma
ny, 1' take pleasure in acceding to the arrange
ment so far as the mails are concerned, as
has lately been done upon the line of railroad
between-Albany and BufTulo, following the
example aer by the New York and Boston
and the Boston and 'Albany lines.
The means oommnnicatios are never with
drawn by the proprietors, but upon the best
evidence tliat the publie, or a large majority
of it, are willing to dispense with them. And
although my own feelings, under the influ
ence of the considerations alluded to in your
letter, are gratified by the suppression of the
Sabbath mails, my officio) action in sanction
ing i, is founded solely upon the conviction
that their withdrawal is in such oases -warranted
)y, the. general consent of the public.
TJvtre was a anew atunrv ea- the stoHhera
h?rs t-f Lake Ontario, on the Uth Ir-at ..;:
H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
E.'W. CARR, Evana Buildiiw, Third atreet, oppneite
Ike Fhiledelnhia Exchainre. rcaularlv uthnrized to teceive
advertiacmenta and aubecnplioiia for thia paper, and rarcipt
lor ine anme.
Democratic National Nomikatioms.
for president,
of Michigan.
of Kentucky.
- electors,
WILLIAM BIGMttt, of Clearfield.
DAVID D. WAGENER, of Northampton.
t lit. ftenncr, Philad. eo. 1
1 II. R. Kneaa, city
3 Inane 8hnnk, " "
4 A. L. Rumfort, " eo.
5 J. B. Yon, Moutg'ery
8 R. E. Wright, Lehigh "
7 W. W. Downing, Chester
8 H. Hnldemnn, Lnnc'ter "
o P. Kline. Berka "
13 J. C. King, Clinton eo.
14 J. Weidman, Lebanon "
15 K. J. ruber, York .
16 F. Smith, Franklin "
17 J. Creawall, Hunl'don '
18 C. A. Black, Ureene, '
1q O. W. Bowman, BedPd
50 J. R. Shannon, Beaver "
51 O. P. Hamilton, Allea'y
SS W.H. Davia, Crawf'd "
23 T. Ivea, Potter "
et J O. Campbell.
10 B. 8. Schoonoyer, Monroe
II w. Mwelland, Wyom'g
hi J. llreweter, Tioga
O" Relicious Notice. The Right
Rev. Bishop Potter, will hold divine ser
vice in St. Matthew's Church, Sunbury, on
Tuesday morning next at half-past ten o'
clock, and in Northumberland at half-past
2 o'clock, P. M.
0 We must again apologise to our readers
for the want of the usual amount of matter
in our paper this week. Tho election and
illness among our hands has been the cause.
The elections in this County havo resulted
in the election of the democratic nominees,
by majorities much reduced as compared
with the result in 1841. The majority for
Longstreth for Governor is 598. In 1844
Shunks majority was 886. Gen. Petriken's
majority for Congress is 453. In 1844 it was
700. E. Y. Blight's majority for Senator is
511. Geo. A. Frit-k's majority for Assembly
is 622. Mr. Covert is elected by a majority of
417. He was sustained at home, and will no
doubt make an excellent officer. Mr. Farns
worth was elected Prothonotary without op
position. His attention to his duties and his
obliging disposition, has made him many
friends. The office of Register & Recorder,
was severely contested between Mr. Pursel,
the regular candidate, and Mr. Irwin, volun
teer. Mr. Irwin is elected by a majority of
223. Mr. t'has. Weaver was elected by a
liamlhome majority over his whig opponent,
a very clever man, who was not idle during
W- Tlw, .lt.- -AS-. . "
for Coroner, and Mr. Caul the Auditor, were
elected without opposition.
The greatest struggle was probably for the
Senate, and haJ that portion of the demo
cratic party, in the upper end, who are al
ways finding fault with the democracy in this
quarter, been as true as their professions,
Mr. Blight's majority would have been not
less than one thousand more than enough to
elect him. This shameless defection by the
would-be Simon Pures of the party, will no
doubt meet with its proper reward.
We have the returns of all, but about
twelve small counties, in tho state. Esti
mating these counties by the vote of 1817,
Gov. Johnston is elected by u majority of
about 2,000 Wilmot's majority is 2D00 in
Bradford und Susquehanne.
In Philadelphia the whigs have gained a
Congressman in place of Brown. They
have alsogained eight members. The whigs
Mill probably have a majority on joint bal
lot. Chester Butler, is re-elected to Con
gress. Puintcr, (democrat,) for Canal Commif
sioiR-r, runs ahead of Longstreth, and may
be elected.
The result of the elections throughout
the State, will, no doubt, mortify as well
as surprise many. To us, we confess, the
result was not wholly unexpected, and
therelore not surprising. We have thought,
and we have said, foryears past, that the in.
evitable tendency of the policy pursued by
those in power, must necessarily bring a.
bout such a result. The people of Pennsyl
vania are emphatically an industrious and
working people, and it is therefore natural
to suppose that they would be jealous of
their rights in protecting that industry.
The sudden and shameless desertion of those
who professed to be governed by the prin.
ciplosofthe tariff of 1842, it now every
day made more and more apparent. This
together with the lrec soil principle, which
naturally finds a response in the breast of
every Pennsylvanian, and the bad policy,
of truckling to the political interests of the
South, are now made manifest.
E7 Potatoes, alter all, are of. excellent
quality, aud in defiance of speculators, (be
Springfield Gazette says that the rot has
hardly been preemptible in that region.
07" Michigan city ia without s publie
JET" John Van Buren is to commences
tour of Ohio on the 7th instant, by address
ing a Free Soil meeting at Cincinnati!. :
New Counterfeits. An individu
al was arrested in Northumberland on Fri
day, last, for passing counterfeit 9b notes on
the Bank ofPennTown.hip. He had passed
one at the Bank of Northumberland: and
in attempting to pass one on Mr. ' Wilson,
he sent it to the Bank, where the counter
feit wr detected, On his person t fS3 of
the tame kind was. found. lit Wjaslougud
jn jtil in this pjc.
Morris Longstreth
Wm. F. Johnston.
lit ,
i9i ri.
Northumberland '
Delaware ', ' '
Point : '-T-'
Upper Augusta
Lower Augusta
140 98
' 80 ' ' ; " 91 "
199 42
189 . . . . 138
155 '62 '
.77. 60
89 1 19
175 7
47 174
175 104
2144 ' 1546
Little Mahonoy
Upper Mahonoy
Lower Mahonoy
Israel Painter. A'er Middltswarth.
Sunbury 104 101
Northumberland 125 77
Milton 106 189
Turbut 87 73
Lewis 180 172
Delaware 167 110
Chilisquaque 139 09
Point 78 ,3" ;
Upper Augusta 43 93
Lower Augusta . 183 33
Shamokin 184 ' 129
Rush ( 157 - 50
Coal 71 40
Little Mahonoy 24 17
Upper Mahonoy 173 7
Lower Mahonoy 48 173
Jackson 169 103
Total, 2038 . 1484
Win. A. Petrikeu. Joteph Casey.
Sunbury 96 122
Northumberland 119 82
Milton 105 194
Turbut 86 67
Lewis 181 72
Delaware 165 150
Chilisquaque , 138 96
Point 88 89
Upper Augusta 46 9
Lower Augusta 194 42
Shamokiu 181 131
Rush " 156 46
Coal 47 73
Little Mahonoy ' 32 9
Upper Mahonoy 175 6
Lower Mahonoy 46 174
Jacksuii 168 .108
Total, 2018 1565
E. Y. Bright. R. .V. Frick.
Sunbury 158 58
Northumberland 13 77 .
Milton 95 207 '
Tuibut 67 83
bewia . 96 li6
oluwaro atr " suj
Chilisquaque 131 1U0
Point 80 .88
Upper Augusta 71 76
Lower Augusta 201 29
Shamokin Mi 123
Rush 158 47
Coal 107 19
Little Mahonoy 33 9
Upper Mahonoy 169 , 7
Lower Mahonoy 56 161
Jackson 185 92 ' '
Total, 2021 1510
Geo. A. FitcK. Joseph Sharplos.
Sunbury 100 103
Northumberland 133 CO
Milttm 114 180
Turbut 86 71
Lewis 171 72
Delaware 123 122
Chilisquaque 132 90
Point .. 84 83
Upper Augusta 44 93
Lower Augusta 192 34
Shamokin 190 111
Rush .145 62
Coal 79 28
Little Mahonoy 27 9
Upper Mahonoy 174 2
Lower Mahonoy 48 169
Jackson 172 , 100
Total, 2018 1396
James Covert. Samuel Savidce.
Sunbury 103 103
Northumberland 1 127 75
Milton 192 112
Turbut '98 59
Lewis 104 144
Delaware ' 175 146
Chilisquaque 145 91
Point '89 77
Upper Augusta 49 90
Lower Augusta 161 79
Shamokin 167 149
Rush 169 46
Coal . 68 57
Little Mahonoy , 81 . 17
Uppei Mahonoy 1 114 67
Lower Mahouoy . 51 . 167
Jackson 168 105
Total, 2001 ims
John Farnsworth, 1980 No opposition.
' John P.
Northumberland '
Point . -
Upper Augusts
Lower Augusts ,
Shamokin ( ,;
Coal '
Little Mahonoy , .
Upper Mahonoy
Lower Mahonoy .
Jackson r . . .,
70 :
22 .
, 87
66 ,
17 '.'
125 .
'Martin Irwin.
' ' 181
v "
' ...... 839 .
. .
' v, 44 ,.
68 .
, -.
...... . 60
; ..''". '
. ,, .'..'...69 ;.
Charles Weaver. KaUlfman.
Sunbury 129 78
Norihumberlaod 129 68
Milton , 107 163
Turbut .90 : . ' ' 42
Lewis . 175 ,v 38
Delaware r . 184 -. s'. 111.
Chilisquaqus) ' - 130 - 90
Point 78 - ' 84
Upper Augusts '"y 55 87
Lower August j .151 .78
Shimokiti 170 140
It xh 148 49
Coal 85 35
Little Mahonoy 28 18
Upper Ma hoi oy 162 . , 18
Lower Mahonoy 65 163
Jackson 169 98
Total, 2049 1359
Daniel P. Caul, 1446. No opposition.
Franklin A. Clark, 1541. No opposition.
. 5j H S
1892 2u00 588
5743 HJii - 280a
VJi'i 1453 100
2142 ildi 400
2989 3147 . 75
8IW4 40U0 4271
6251 462 250
SOUS 3235 450
2112 2247
903 631 191
3biJ4 2oo6
6550 6070 755
3370 1738 1100
2)155 30U2 81
1U3 966 200
2425 18U0 tua
885 688 160
874 554
1883 814
2401 3285 071
1466 20tf0 4UJ
128 101
22i6 3621 1300
3429 2804 437
3298 3901 750
2353 1418 1000
25 i 5 40S6 450
1448 2200 813
731 571
1260 1089 91
3950 2699 900
5943 10295 4300
1791 263 A 800
2811 2553 442
2629 2013 450
6596 4491 800
S8G9 2850 600
1306 414 1240
1519 1513 200
419 340
3870 2786 S83
2446 1547 698
2301 1730 860
131S2 13972 4700
621 135
554 240
3404 2571 750
2697 1802 130
2193 1169
1765 2788 1208
1377 966
3973 3872 150
1657 899
1149 899
4978 2672 2470
899 814 100
5071 4237 250
167535 161203 18,899 24,672
161203 18 HHP
A, lams
Ik s t'i-,
Lumber o,
L Union,
D.t upliin,
L: bauon,
Mini in,
Majorities. 6,332 5,773
The following are th members of Consress
elc'e I on Monday. Th report that Calhoun
Whi?, wus e'aetel in tht 2 I DUtrict, was
mistake of th teleeraph npera'rr.
1st Dist Thomas B. King, Whig, re-elec-tel.
2 I Dis. Welbirnj D-nv, no chanse.
3 I D''. A"nn F. Owen, Whir, no chans
4th Di.-it. Harrinoi, Dsm., no chauir..
5'h Dist.Thos. C. Hcketi, Dem,nbohan-re
6'h Dis. Howell Cobb, Dem., re-electe.-l.
7th Dis!. Alex. H. Stevens, Whig, re-elected.
8th Dist. Robert Toomba, Whig, relec
ted Thn popular vote shows a majority of about
1,500 for the Democrats.
The Clerk of the House of Representatives
publishes a long detailed statement of the ap
propriations made by Congress at its last ses
sion. Tbey sum up as follows:.
Fur the deficiencies in farmer appropriations
fur the year ending June
30, 1848, $15,115,666 88
For revolutionary snd other
pensions 453,536 31
Forthe support of the Milita
ry AcaJemy, 143,472 00
For the service of the Post
office Department, 4,451,700 00
For Fortifications, 583,600 09
For the support of the Indian
Department, " 901,134 68
For the support of Ihe Navy, 9,878,136 77
For the civil and diplomatic
expenses of the Govern
ment, 4,956,420 19
For the support of the Army, 10.612,416 28
For the erection of light hou
ses, &c, 184,600 00
Miscellaneous, 151.16105
847,431,844 19
Tub Cuolssa I Pssis. A correspondent
of the London News, writing from Paris,
Jt would appear as if the cholera, which
has been making surb ravages in thenoith of
Europe, has at length reached Paris. . Yester
Jay and to-day several cases have appeared,
which are said to have all the symptoms ol
Asiatio cholera, hut in a mild shape. A me
dical gentleman informs me that he has two
cases of what he calls cholera asphyxia, and
that in both eases the patients are likely to
' An Eloocbst Sating There is much
meaning in the fol'owing which we cut from
an exchange : ' No snow falls lighter that,
the snow of age; bat noae is heavier, for it
never melts " -' "
Lawhers om Kissiso.The Provideiiei
Journal of Monday contains report of th
trial of John D inahiie for an assault with at-
attempt to kiss one Mary Gorman, whom h
alleges is hi second cousin. The Journal
says that the evidence gave rise to some very
interesting questions of law, especially to
young men.
"The counsel for Mrs. Gorman did hot
contend that the usual proposal to kiss s lady
was an assault ; but the parties should before
preceding to extremities, ascertain beyond
any reasonable doubt that the lady would no'
be unaccommodating, and especially should
forbear from such attempts in the presence of
a third pirtv. All men, especially younsr
tim, wtitl.l be justifin I in usinz reasonable
lilisrence in ascertaining thn disposition of
th htdv under such circumstances, but he
must be careful not to prpss his suit after i'
became apparent that his fon Inpss was not
reciprocated. Cnrrey, counel for J. Dunahnr,
did not fully copcur with this view of the
law, bu contended that the transaction wa
all in cool nature, us far as John was con
cerned 'hat Mrs. Corman was his second
cousii, nnd there was no intention of com
mitting nn assault on his part.
The Court found John gui'M- nnd fined
him 1 and costs. The fart that Mrs. Gor
man was the second cousin of John was not
considered a sufficient justification for his
persisting in the prosciiion of his desire.
The court crnve no opinion as to what would
have been their decifinn if 'he parties had
been first cousirs, nr if the kiss had been
stolen before the lady had objected. With
out meaning to commit ourselves fully on so
important a question, we would intima'e the
opinion that mich a state of facts would be a
perfect justification."
Am immbssb bed or Gold. One hundred
miles in extent, has ben discovered in Cali
fortiin, on American Folk and Feather rivers
tubutariesof the Sacramento, near Monterey,
states that the col. I is tonivl in the sand?, in
Bruins resemblinir squirrel shot, flattened out.
Some rvnins weit'h an ounce each. It is cot
by washinsr out the sand in any vessc', from
a tea-saucer ton suarrring pan. A sinslo
person can gather an ounce or two a day,
and some a hundred dollars worth. Two
thousand whites nnd as many Indians are on
th- ground. All the American settlements
nre deserted, and farming nearly suspended.
Thn women only remain in the settlements.
Sailors an.l captains, deseit the ships to po to
the cold region, and laborers refuse ten dul
lars a day f,work on the farms.
Mr. Colton says:" One man, who resides
next d aor to m, nsthered five hundred dollars
worth in six days, He has one lump which
iveiuhs an nunee;; A trouirh such as ynn feed
pics in, will brinff in the cold reeion fifty dol
lars. Pnt a pipre of sheet iron, punched
with holes, on I', nnd it will brine a hundred.
Mr frimd J. R. pi I sixteen dollars fur a li'
tla brisk e, nnd his companion cave twenty
fnr n chamber pnt all wh " ' awM
Morn than twenty th insan I dollars worth
had been collected. Guv. Masm and his aid
hud ennp to the dis'rict which is five dars
journey from Monterey.
Tub Ptosis Rtprwes xd tub Foreign
News. The Directors or the Cuniird steamer
have eiven directions to the oTicers of those
vessels to prevent tho foreign news form be
ing expressed by piceons in advance of the
arrival of tho steamer.
The plan has been for two men to co on
board the steamers at Halifax, with a small
hand-case of types, and a box of pigeons.
Hnvinc selected the news, it has been set up
in 'heir s'ate.ronms and printed off on verv
thin pap"', in Ihe manner in which proof
are usually taken inn newspaper offire; iIipso
proofa were then attached to the picrons,
which were let loose from the window of the
tote room.
O i thi pwi!s of th last stPamer, the
Cambria, from Halifax, the suspicionsof Cap
tain Harrinori were confirmed by the disco
very of a b ix of pio is which wero brought
on board at Halifax, an I which were seizpd
on the refusal of th- person having th m in
chare to pay the price demanded for their
passage. .
Above all things avoid lawsuits; they
prey upon the mind, they impair the health,
aud they dissipate your property. La Brv
yen. Am Imvbvti tx for cuttin? stone is in opera
tion in Vew Haven, which dresses down
stone at the rate of a square foot in from one
to two minutes, and with two attendants on'y
a limited nmotm 1 of steam pawer, doing the
labor of more than a ht'lidied men. Th'rp
is sai l to be no mistake in the thing ; mid if
so, it promises to make stone supersede briclr
and revolutionize entirely our nioJes of build-ng-
Wholesale Poisoniwo. Nearly the entire
company of the Lowell City Guar Is were
poisoned by drinking coffee, night before last,
while at muster in Littlelown. 'The coffee
was made ia a vessel with a copper bottom,
and had stood in it for several hours, and Ihe
acid of the coffee, no doubt, attacked the
copper and poisoned the whole.
ThbMartlsmo Election. At the elec
ion iu Maryland on Wednesday last, in addi
tion Sheriffs snd Commissioners, seven of
the counties b id to ehoose Senators to the
State Legislature to serve for six years, to
supply vacancies occasioned by the expira
tion of Ihe term of the former incumbents.
The Senate last year consisted of thirteen
A' bigs snd eight Democrats; it now stands
fourteen Whigs and seven Democrats; s
Whig gain of one.
A Colisbo Lcuislatvsb. Rev Samuel
Ward, s colored manfc has been nominated
for the New York Assembly, by the colored
men of Cortland couuty.
ThcSailobJerom c The Mayor of Li ver-
pjul has received a eoramunicaiion from
Lord John Russell, informing him that her
Majesty has directed that the sum of X50
should be paii to Frederick Jerome from
ths Royal Bounty Fund, in consequenoe of
hia gallant eotuluet in saving the lives of so,
many of the passengers.
An Abed OrUUS. Brulmm, the enoe oe- I
lebrated singer, is still giving eonnerta in I
. . . .i ..t
fcnglana. w oen ne was in iniscouniry eigm
ir ten rears ago, his voice wss nearly gone,
how he manages at seventy-five yesr old to
sing at all, is a wonder.
, Extbaosdwast Spsss. Recently in fcng
land, on the Great Western Railroad, seventy
seven miles were passed over by an express
irain in seventy-eight minutes' twenty-nine
seconds, including stoppage of five minutes
hirty.tive seconds. Fillyihree miles of the
journey were performed in forty-nine minutes
.hirtoeu eecoudsv The speed in some eases
as kept up at seventy, seventy-seven miles
an hour. " This rate ol speed was attained, it
will be observed, on a broad gauge track sev
en feel wide, and with engines having driving
wheels eight feet in diameter. How long
will it be before Yankee ingenuity will rival
this extraordinary speed 1
A New York Firm sends Queen Victoria
some barrels of tine flour for her domestic
use. Hur subjects are more in waul of it
than shs. -
Virginia. The Winchester Virginian says
that numbers of emigrants are passing through
that place, on their way to Western and
Northwestern Virginia.
,n w it i i h it ,
On 7th ult., by tho R-.;v. R. A. Fisher, Mr.
Sulomok Kramer, to Miss Seresu G x,
both ot Puiiiis tp. Union county.
Uu the Wist ult., by the same, Dr. II. R.
Caslow, of Millersbuig, to Mit-a Llaresia
Carpenter, ol lialilax, Dauphin county.
On tho 23. h uit., by the same, Mr. John
Yeaoer, to Miss Eliza Ca.mi-bel, both of
Hush tp.
On the 5th inst., by the same, Mr. John
Reiser, to Miss Mary Marshall, both of
On the same day, by the game, Mr. Dan
iel Mart., to Sarah Shipe, both of Augusta.
In D;uivjllf, on I hi: 26 h ult., bv llie'Rcv.
P. B. Reese, Mr. Lewis J. Wilson, to Miss
Elizabeth Laycock, all of Danville.
In Danville, on the 26 h ult., by the Rev.
P. B. Roese, Mr. John Fiuck, of Muncy, to
Miss Doratha Gearhart, of Danville.
d i t: i),
In this place, on Wednesday last, Miss
LOUISA DALIUS, aged about lb years.
In Augusta township, on the 4th inst., Mr.
JACOB HOOVKR, aged 61 years
In Liberty tp., on the 25;h ult , Miss NAN
CY CUM MINGS, ug d 20 years.
In Bloomsburg, on the 22.1 ult., Capt. HEN
RY WKBB. former editor of the Bloomsburg
Democrat, aged 52 years nnd 2 months.
In Valley tp., on tho 19ih. ult., SARAH
GOLAHER, daughter of John M. and Rebec
ca Mans, ased 3 vears and 3 months.
In Danville, on 'tho 27th ult., MARY ELI
ZABETH, daughter of Wm. R and Sarah
MeMnhon, need nine monthsand twelve days.
In Perersbum. on the 26 h inst., WM.
SCOTT, son of Wm. G. and fv A. R. Kase,
nired one year live monthsand five days.
In Danville, on F'idav eveniuir, the 20th
nit., Mrs. ELIZABETH CIUPMAN, wife of
Charles Chapman, az-t 32 vears.
I,i D.mvillo. o.tih.. OUhnit., Mrs. CATHA-
Kl.N K II Kl K HUr h i.H. a?eit 71 wa-.n b
iiioulhs and 1 days.
mmm m mij I.V V! . hSU Sft U .v.U. .m.
Viirtertftl Wfekffi by Henry Matter
Vat.r. .... Idu
Hra, ... .AH
Ciiaa. .... 50
Oa-ra. - . . ' . :t0
Bottsr, 12)
Enaa, ... tl
Pnaa. - ... 5
FLttattn, ... . US
TtLiow, . . . 1(1
BmtawAi. 35
Kias, ... .8
Hai aian Fi4, . - In
llNian ArrLRa, - - . . -75
Do. I'kACHK. - .- ISO
III U 1 J.. .11 .11,1.
ICIovcn Tt.'neiKM's
Tilt II. ..ird nl Kclionl Uiricllnna will mail at
the I'nlilic ho no of ft In Lerrli. in SnurT'owi'
ii empl.iv II Teai'hsra Tor the -l-ti-r il Krhnna of
Htia-nnkin innh a, mi t. ii'.ljy lh 2Mih i.f il.ia
in ii h. a H n rix-k. A. M. Hoana r to II
Ko.rd il lie exnei'ti'd In (ie n l. r nci-a of their
to d and mural cliUMc e'.
Bv nf the B rJ.
Emai ul Zimmerman, I'r. at.
S J. I n. f, rl.
Minn.f.kiii. Oii iher. 8 1848.
Y Virine nf a muni llidtr uf Hal., intnil
nut iil'tlir CnU'l nt I'lin.innn Pr l il M r
ilninni -In tl r. i. tjr, i.i nir ilirretr i, evil van)
I .iVl.ra H M on M NIY, the 6 ..
ir ... i . .. i . i. . i . . . . .
in he h .' bah M .tihuiy ihi-f :lounng l,rn
I. il y i p. .), i.i win
.4 c I lulu I rat I or piece uf Luml.
nil le in Uis Au -u-t. Inwuahii, No'thunilM r.
'and r in. y. . nl l y ai.d ..I VV ni Kn d. I'a
.r O i-ul 'tl, J .1 1. V.v. r n land auivejed in
1 1 n.ino ol t'l:n'i. Ih Wal I-. ami kmmn h ine
I me .'f tae J n.laii Irai t. e. niaining 100 acrea.
n iu ii leaa. AI.Jti
A eti tinn other tract of Lam,
aituale in Ihe tnwnahiu and e mil t efnreaid. ad
jiniimi ihe 8u qnihaiuia river, the Manaion farm
id Tbi.maa taiaiil, dre'd. snd land ol John Wnl.
le.l.iii, s d knixan by lh- name nf the Dsrcb
tract, c nuii ilig 60 , Diore ol leaa.
I.. If .lie ramie ol I h.unaa ftianl, dre'd.
KhecilTa tn.-e, Kb. riff
.inliury. Ooi. 7. l"4. J
raorsuoa of naauaaev won.
Math Editi a. INiuo. pii. 40. Trira 81
, 8i,o3 Caelaa hU la Tkee MaUu I
Yean, at auiTariiaj, et pkyaical au4 aaantal aiwuiah to
munr an aiTeetioiwIe wife, aud pacuiuaiy diiiculuca lo lha
huaband, aaigat Save been apwad by s timely a. natation of
It ia intanded eaperialtr for tka married, oclh a oontanw
eb-aikl ba known to them particularly.
una; aoarrian, aa u uacmaaa uuo euyil
liaclnaaa iuipeuut aanau whiok
Truly, kunwledg ia powar. It ia acuJUt, Inpnineaa, afflu
The revalatinua e wtainad iu iu pane have proved a
Ueauaa; lo tk aiainda. aa the inaiuaenlJa ku. j
by lha autk r will aiteat.
Heia. alr. eeerv lemale lha wire. Ike n.alu ik.
either buhliu- UMo rooauhMl or lha new ia Hie dmlina of
on itiacovar the eauaaa, aymiit ana, and the ma amount
mneil'ea, and ut at ear tain irnde uf cura, in ' even ooub
plaiiU to which liar aea iaaulijori. .
.wm. ui w.w unure munuoaui u iniii.MM ..
Copies wUl ke seal wall Ire of peatmja Utka psr.
Over ton Ibouaaad e imca bay beeo aaut by mml wilkia
tkrae mi in ha, with nerfaet auety and certainly.
(hi Ihe raesi4 nf One D ir, the "Muitii Womaa'a
rriraia MerlicaJ C-imnanioiio will k m. .M..t.n wuum
Ii aj.y part nt Die United Hauea. Al huten neat he anal
paid (uoent tknae anotaiiiinii a reatittaee) aao ailaVainal
S' Mauriceaa, Um ItKM, New-York Ctty. rub-baf-nw
foa, ISd, N-w Y.k. - -
The "MeiialWaa.!. IMm. Uual " im
rtMIE T rs rs, atfs enniiily lo is
m. ; nnanra n ntfannavon nria ,Vintuti6d.
Ult will open ,m Tfcorsilav ths liih (irST
I84S. With anspls iiraviaran (or Ihr seeomiSr
dauon snd tnatractimi of ynuth tk mat ant
mai tn lh oftpsrimsn-f ofletrrrtinj pdraast M
lbs tort Atadsml.4 I i .
The Ctinrae Vill be tboroutli and eitsnriva!
mhractna. io sAlitioe i tf enmajus tne) Miftef '
Enhsh tiMie lha sneienl an l nKlern Ian.
ug(, oral ami in-ltumantal muAc and vartoas
ori'Sitisntnl b'snchrs
' rrlmtrv Dfiai1 mriit, (jtef quarter,) ' fl K0
C mm -n Enulirh, . j. ... 8 00
H sher E Btiah,'- ' 4 no
Ancient Li antr. ' 6 60
D awii.g and Paititing, (r ,) IH
Miu r, 10 00
t.Tturon, . 60
In rv. ry intince, tuition mul be paid nlf in
aiUanre ,
D 'SmI an.l lodging can M had in private larni .
Ursrr fl All 1'he eierti.-n ( eit. n-tr b.-an)iti(
honais it c.nili mplateil at the earliest laeiieatile
jwr'tnl. , . v
Ynuiif men dipnsril t aiii-e M'u'l'is .n.l l ard
t'e -elvea ran recur. ltt . Iina o i-half.
E.liir.iliiin in l a tiar al a d pitst ..n. ia th
el eial.i-il um in Una iee .r ae. Tie imi.d t'uiuiil
e ir.innl n .m i . lit,, . ii t. Imi' for il win
!if. hrav n .n. A -m.'liit i the
iii.ial ns.i,linM anil p'ne- iil on- l-ii Wi' ,e
Vant irt fh sp ri u .1 t. tricfln of ll.e iit la atiil
wnh thi. gr al oljt'rt n. ew n-e nisi.-. a h. w.
lectil In, fit'l w a i id -.I f ntf'irf .ii.. t .vm
R.-.THtt'4 4 HllVVM . M . Pi iiip I
Hr. M H. KKRVRR . hi
M UA ; CHEKVER Pn ri t I . f re.
in i Dp. m nt.
MnlJA'li R' E K rhEKVER
I h..ii' aif kn-in anil nppiei"it !
'V I ie u ih
tir, .a we I tnr t nr run . nt iun.A .'i, tl , .a
(mil nai nrimiH yii ilh j- f .i hciru laniiy ind
mrellfi ce.
he . fatinn of Dirkinnon Mem narv ia unria'.
I. il ih- I uililn f ia reined and nn an emi
nence a a wnli. lance i.f rier and
in. lain acein-rf of rnrani-ina beantv. Ths
health of the ciinimiinii i eitraonlinaiy and.
'I' i. . : l . . . . l i . . . . ....
i nr iiinn in kc"i nn nom oy i.anai and It nl
KmhiI, anil ia annum the moal enuitful rur .1 aei.le.
nm.U in ihn Union. Co nmunicallxM ai'drea.. lo
tin- MCrtarv i.f the Uiard will receivn aten i)n.
Wliuhsmt, Auguai 10, 1849 Hit 7
(Late ol the firm of A. O. Buglcy A Co.)
Mim ricri Kim ur (ioLti Pass, p(s huldkr
an Psctt..
o. 16 Maiden I.oue, cw-Torlt.
TMLTE.ihp fa' criher i.fT.i
'he imhltn icncrally.
' to the trade, and
nr ilifli-r.-nt atylea
of (i. dil p n-. wli'rh .ire w rrcnml it unm all i'n-
p rl c nna y f . ir uaxne, and ai.i I . lie anperini
in rv.-ry r.-airi I i mi nlhca mad.. II .ing in- .
-i a-" f rilitu a f I. mainifip'iirin v-if dr or.
niimd that ii.i pHn ah ill In- ileliere.l fi.iino'ir . a.
ialiiifhmpniiiii ia i fifct We al i k.iep
ron.ltintlv nn haml um iiier i (J.ild tVnrila nnd
I'ei i-i'a nil ' en, '.hu-h r ! enaMe.l tn ff-r .t
hr Inw.t al.a. All n d a.M raa.-d In the "u'i-etiln-ra.
oill hi-rare'ully ami p oni lly Httni la h
Ooi. 7.
M SMITH. No. tR M.,i.len Lana.N'.Y..
1K4 3 n
o 10 It C litMnnt Street,
A f?w doors above Third, Phiiuielphiaf
would inviie the Ind e t call an rx uiiine bi
iiiH,iiir -i ck nf Vlurli, 'lpiiels "Vc f
every yatiety, rpnrii'inf of Kirf Itua'in rijhle,
lluii-.iii'e B .J M inin, Niiih, ?r'..tin, 8.
If Camn Martin, Hione Marnau Eriniiie, Kuch,
l.ym Sic, 4c. Theac akin; U' l-n aelrcied
villi jr. hi c ue, nd ar- mmle hy ihe deal workmen
m Hie conntrt . I. .dte my ri-at ae-nred lint no
article w II t'e .iff. red formal., io thia e-l ihlia inn-nl
thai is i o- n-rlrcl in . iv ic--rl
A'o. 104. Chnnyut ttrert. be'wein
TitirtlanJ Fu'trth tlrrtli
. . I'hilu&lphia,
8 ' . 3d, 1948-m
To Stnbol Teachers.
OI'lt 'E I, 1 1 rcliv given II'mI the h..r.I nf
1 ' MrhiHil Dir. cm e ol Lower Angaria townhti
will mnl at tjie hou e .f Gnome Hour d, ..n St.
turilav ihe 28lii A .y . f Ocmher. al 10 uVlork. A.
M. for f et imi . .tiiri hii I . Ih. ii .n iff I'e ichern.
f.n Ihe m lie Ccho la f ejid ili-ln. i. 1'naiee
are r. quired to m)I I ilieir Teiclien for -i imina
linn, aicordii.f In ihe a nm d ..
JOHN N liEH. jr., P,c...i,.,.t.
WiTr Sec'iy. Ai.guna. Scot. 311, til48.
j. ANDREWS. Raurr to ins 8ira!
llc.lili t ihe Weak!1 A
HAl.M ia t' uwl l.r th
" vA yvh 'h.. Human Uuce iu Au-j-
- 3'. drcwa'
Thia iean entirely vegeta
ble compound, C"mp..ail nf
Tweniy-Firariiirereiii inere.
diriita, and ia an mtrrral and
Kxteriaal Keinedy for the va
ri ua i'la that huuun fit ah ia
heir to
avca Aa,
Couoln, Colrla, Paina, Ncrvma and Pick Headache,
Rlieiniiatiaui, I' ill", Hj'ninia, Spinal, Hummer
0. niilainia, Cholera luorbua. Toothache, Fupliona, Corna
Pilea, Froxra Parte, Uurna, rValda, Aeue in Ine Face aiai
Breaat, Paintera' C.lic, Bruiaea, "Id Kmsa, la of apne
tite, tianeral Debility, Aathoia, 4c. Put up In eHuea for
1, t nr 4 ahiUiiuja per bitile. Fur further panioatera aee
Painphleta tnhe had of every aanit gratia, enntainina a
briel hiatory of the or if la. diecwery and .xioa effecta of
Andrewa' Pain Killer, Certificate of Cnrea, diraetiona. Ae .
The triumphant auceeaa of Andrewa Pain Killer m re
moving the caurn tliat produce death, the untimely death
of nf our race, haj induced anme men of whan it
may be truly aaid, their villainoue oecupatiiaia manifeat
their villainy, to atleuiet hi put in circulatiaa apurkwa and
counterfeit articlea eailad "Pain Killer," uaiiur fietitioua
numea for the pretended autlvir, Torned eertifiiaiira, Ac
ane liave appeared, and othera no doubt wiil appear Let 1
all reinemlier that Andrewa Uenuiiie Paiu Killer kaa the '
written aienalura of 1. Andrewa on the bhel nf aack bottle
in black ink. D ai't aimply aak for Pain Killer, but aak for
Andrewa' Pain Killer, and have nn other
r ?JUJ'Z . A rent, NnrAumbertand f :
I, W, l-riln. ttunbury ; J.ihn H. Raaer, Miltoal :
Myyer, Bkmnalaiiw ; Wm. A. Mnrray Co, DaeviUa j
Davcnpnn Hmith, Plymouth ; Andrew Yoir, WiBiea.
barra ; Haya A MoCorraiek, McEwewnnBe t MauTle 4k
ChamlarrkiuMwiabuni Gaurg McAlpio, Jaraay 8hora
J. M. Judd. Williamapoct.
Oidara addreaaed tn I. Andrewa, inventor and only Pro. "
pr lehw at Itheee. Tompkina oauuty, N. Y. Will reoara
promttt attantinn.
8cpteuUw JO, 168.-ly
THE Subaeriber would reepectfully inform
bis frtenda sml th publie feiierslly, that ba
baa juat reeeived a large an I splendid assorlsssnt '
Very bM Kloren, ..
ronalelinf npwarda of 3A0, am' g wbirb ran h
fao d roflkiiif Slovea of diSV-renl a ge ana at
tenia. Parlor Slovea, Slnvea auilable for Offices,
Sbnps. itc- II lh. gloves will kesoMcbaan,
from iad upward. Like W Moa band, a lr
variety of Kinve pipe). Zne, Tia-wart, ttraaa- v.
ketlel of dirf-rent sss. ckc. ,
The snbarriber returns bis Ibanks far lha lib. -.
era eocoaisceeneat received. d ievile ih puk. i
: Dickinson
-e .
07'Old Iron, rasiiag, Carpw. . P,u,iw ,
Grata Uksa ia sxebaaga to. Wars. , t, ,. ,
- ' - ? tmtMOTE. '
Snfcftrw, fl. S,H.1 ewajH.B.