Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 14, 1848, Image 1
f '-utv. - !.. -H: -.. r- ..-..T" 7" , tr ZZZZZv lafc ,-, (J IP" '!. T; - - - - '' ! ' " " '. 0I. (JOMNER OF CENTKE ALLEY & MAPKET STREET. aataa, ax. s aaaaaaaaaol aaaa niMi NEW 8EU1KS VOL.: 1, NO. O-'i I'UitM-. OF I lib S.IIKKIt'A.'V. fIR AMRUIRAN la mihll.hol r ftilnnh. ! Til XtOLLAitS per annum In be paul hulf yearly in advance. No paper iliac ntinuMt until all arrennurm are mid. AH c jmmunicatinna or lertera on tnini ik'W. relating to tbe f- office, to insure aUcntion, mint be POST PAID. TO CLUBS. TTireo copies to one address, tVSOO Raven Be . l)o tUUU riueen , no uo aiioo rive aonare in advance will pay for three year'a subacrip. liim Li the American. ' One Square of 10 linea, 3 times, Kvery aabacquenl inaerUon, . Me Square, 3 months, Six months, 1 One yeor, Business Cards of Five linn, per annum, Merchanta and othcra, advertising- by the year, with the privilege ol'insertkg dif ferent airvertisemetita weekly. t7 Larger Advertiacruenta, aa per agreement. flOO 25 8.10 373 6UU SOU 1000 ' B. MASSE?, 'ATTORN R Y AT LAW, BUITBURV, PA. Business ani'iiileil til ill lie )iililltlH 01 N liun'l i rlnnJ, Unimi. Lvrominn ntl (Milumbit. . lttftr to i , , P. & A. ItuVIHMlT, I Lowkii & Uaiino!. HoMKhi Si WsunoHAan, , ;., ., KRISOLna, MCl AKHKII Oi Ull SpHi.e, 'Joou 6i Co., TUB CHEAP DOUR STORE. ;;: r A1TIELS & SMITH'S . Chkap New & Skcond hand Book Sions. iS'nrth 'la corner nf t'mtrlh and Arch Slreclt rMtwtetphia. Law Books. Theological nnrl Classical Books, . MEDICAL BOOKS, MOGRAPMCALSr HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL :OOKS. Scientific and Mathematical Po ks Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books ind Praypf Books, Bibles, all sizes alio prippi Blank Books, Writing Paper, and Stationary, II . ' e n' lltnli t lTt'n prices nre much l iwer than the pricea. I tr Ijiniarica nun anmii perceia m q : purcilHaen. I " H inks import to order from London. PhilaiMphia, April I, 1848 y PORTER & EWGLlSH," ' VnROCERS roMMTSSION" MERCHANTS . nwd Ieiipiaa in Seeda, y. 3 il-cf PHILADELPHIA 'wi.laiiily on hati'l a ii"in-ial ortnipnf nf tJRQCERIES, TEAS, WIXES, SEEDS, LlUUUl, &.C. To which Ihpy rtipt'tiilly mvile the attention nl thi- public. All kiiiil ofcomilry piodin-p iakpp. in exchange (in (Jioi frina or lolil on Cotntniaainn. I'hiliul April t. 1-48 BASKET TMANUFACTORl?, JVn. 15 Svutt Sienml ureit En-it tide, duwn ttwra, PHII.ADKLPIIA. HEX 11 Y COULTER, I'.SI E' TKUl.I.Y uiloima his fiiemlaand the pub ic, lual he conalantly liui pa on jiuiMi a larne aa.oittnent ot chi ilrciit vvilnw (.'ouchPi, Cluira, CraJ ea, market and 1 1 n vei ling baskett, and every variety of basket work manufactured. . Country Vlerchanta and othera who wiah to purchase such aiders, cood and cheap, would do wen to call on him. aa they are nl manufac tured by him inthe best manner. I'hi ade'phia.'June 3, 1848. 1y cTiRD aTseai. exgu vr IXG. WM G MASON. 46 Chrsnut it. 3 rfnort abnitiiidt , Philadelphia Kngravrr of BI SINESS It VISITINO CARDS, Watch napera. Labela. Door plalej. Seals and Flainps lr Odd Fellowa. of Temp-rance. Ac. fcc Always on hand a general assortment of Fine Fancy (Joods Gold pent of every quality Dug Coders irt great variety. Engraveia tools ml listeria Is. Aaency tor the Manufacliirer of GlaiiersUia- momla. . Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually attended to. , Philadelphia, April 1, t"48 y clo U THY ?1 1 i l C HiV. T Cun ve from 13 to 33 per Cent. BY purchasing their OIL CLOTHS direct from the Manulaclurers POTTER & CARWICHAEL Have opened a Warehouse, No. 113 North Third Street above Race, second door South of tbe Ea gle Hotel, 1 PHILADELPHIA, vhete they willalways keey on band acomplete xnittrienl of: Puleat E'antie CuTr.oge Clnth "28. 36. 40, 48 and 84 inrhee wide. Fi g il red, Painted, and Plain on tba inside, on Mus lin Drilling an Linen. Table Oil Cto'ht nf the most desirable patterns. 36, 40. 46 and 34 inches wide ytiioe O'l Cfoihl. from 28 inches to 'i feet wide. Well seasoned, and I be newest style of patterns, alj pf their o mi tnanu acture Trans parent Window Shades. Cat pets, etc All goods warranted. Pbi'.g,. May 87, 1848 3m arxRST phbmxxtm riANoroaiEs. fa HE SUBSCRIBER has beeN appoint" agent 1 for thosaloof CONRAD MEYER'S CELE BRATED PRE 1U ROSE WOOD PIANOS, at this nlaca.i These Pianos havo plain, mas live nd beautiful exterior finish, and. lor depth ol ton, and elegance of workmar.ship, ara not surpassed by any in the United State These instruments are buchly approved or by the most etnihent Professors and omposera ol Music i this and other citiea. ' ' . . Foe quahtiea of tone, touch and keeping in tone upon Concert pitch, tbey cannot b sucpas ted by aither American or Euiopean P'"; , Sulfic ft to say that Madame Caatellan. W. V Wallacf. Vietjs Temps, and bil aiiter. Iha c'" bratin .Piaaiat. and many olhera ol iba moat dia tinqmsbwd a-rfwsnera. befe ren these instiu ments pr.ferenc over l otbera r Tbey have also r reived lb fiiat notice or tbe three la.l Exhihiliona. and tbe last Silver Medal by tbe Fianklin Institute in 1843. was awaiderl to them, wbicb, wHh other premiums Irom the lam source, may w.MMat tba Wara room No 63 south Fourth aV '4 ' " ; arTAaoiher Slw M"'1"' ",wl Meyer, by 'iheFrahklm lii.mule, Oct 1813 lur the hol Pinna in lb rhibitioi ' ' . atlh.eahib liononlM- Fianklia Jnali )ut. Oct 1846 lb firal premium "' mUI awarded ta II. Mever for his Pianos although it had been awarded at (h hibtiou of yeai before, on the ground that be had made still great r imiu-evemenla in bit Instruments wilhm lh paaM9 montba, - v- i Again at the last rxhirrltiott of 1h Franklin Institnte, 1147, another Premium was awarded JaC. Meyer, for Ihebett Piaao in the eghibilion . At bealan, at their last eihibilion. Sept. 1817 p. Meyer received the dial ailr Medal and I'i for tbe beat square Piana in lb aghibitlon . Tbe Piano still a sold at lb rr.annfsrtu tr slaatesA ptiiladelphia prices, if not something Ym' 1 Pmaaa ar requested ta calln4 am taa for tbala, art tba ridae of the sub SLrP 1 ?i 1 H MA8SIR. QO. GEMS OF PO.SEY. . , AUTUMN. I am Autumn, and I come With a song of Harvest home; Rich and splendid ia my ntate, Many plnasurcs on me wait. Come, my little child, and soe What the Autumn brings to thee; Wheat your daily bread to make, Indian corn for Johnny cake, Buckwheat for your nicest dish, Rice and barley when you wish; Willi every wholesome vegetable For your Fall W.uter table. I am Autumn, and 1 come Wilh the pear and with the plum . Peaches for your choicest treat, Giapes'ir, clusters, ripe and sweet Apples, russ'Jt, red and white, : For many a merry winter night. 1 am Autumn, and I bring Grateful breezes on my wing; I nhake the brown nuts from the tree; The wood, the orchard, und the Held, All to me their riches yield. I send the ships to other climes, For lemons, oranges and limes; I bring the rich Weal Indian pine, Th' produce of the Spui sh vine ; Raisins, almonds, figs, I bring Dales, pomegranates every thing. From far Sumatra's fragrant shore, 1 waftdeliciou apices o'er Nulrnfgs, cinnamon and mace, Cassia, cloves and ginger-ruce ; Cnffee I bring from Ari'by, And, from thu farther Indies, tea. I am Allium, and my bowers Are planti-d round i h gorgeo'ts drivers D hlias of th'' ris-h ".t de, Atnarauih w, h i's troTJ-'it eye, Coxt'ombs with their cri.nsoii fall", Chrvsanlh -iims and ma ignlds. 1 am Autumn, and my crown Is made of lei.ves, red, vi llow, b:ovn. Purple, crimson, russet, green, And every varied hue between: Nought in splendor can compare Wi'.h the irarments that I wear. I am Autumn, and I bring Pleasant days for visiting ; Atints and coeaiim corar to SHPr Time flies on wilh mirth and glee. Every voice unites to praise ; The cheerful, bright October days. MODERN SOCIETY. "But what else, but automata, has society made ol women in general conventional, ism their law, and their conscience only a trembliiifr apprehension of the 'que dira-l- OnP" ClIARM3 AND CoUXTERCIIARMS. We give an extract from a series of ad mirable articles now being published in the "Southern Literary Gazette" under the general title of "The Listener, not by Ca roline Fry." The sketch whose name and motto heads our article, is one of the most truthful of these keen communications upon men and manners, and is directed more par ticularly at the vapid and o1ten mischiev ous conversation. during fashionable morn ing calls. Space will not permit our trans ferring more than the conclusion to our columns. The situations of the speakers is thus explained. A lady just returned from a round of visits, describes to her mother the different prrsons she has met, evidently sick of the heart Iessnes8 of conventional po liteness. While we acknowledge the stric tures of the daughter upon modern fashion able sricteiy, we commend the mother's wiser second thoughts toailtnose wno nave influence for good or ill, in the circle im mediately around them. "Woman's influ ence," of which to much is daily said, may thus be appropriately and beautifully exer ted. Eds. Neal. "At Mrs. Austen's, I was received by that lady and her father, who happened to be present, with great empressement : par ticular enquiries were made about the well doings of my child and husband. Now it's my private opinion that neither the la dy nor the gentleman care two strawsabout any of us in fact, would not scruple to in jure Charlie could they thereby pain any thing for their own advantage. Mr. Aus ten has always seemed to be a great friend of Charlie's, and 1 presume is as much his friend as he is anyone's who cannot ad vance his interest in any way. Uut lie is an ambition man, and therefore selfish, Ido not know a living being who is gwayed by ambition, but is intensely selfish, and friends are soon sacrificed to his predominating passion.- That person Is sure of sorrow who is marked out for either the love or friendship of such an one; bis friendship is betrayed, and his love outraged by the sacrifices selfish ambition requiret of them. 1 say all this simply to account for Mrs. Austin' character. She ia wrapped up in hiT h'iSaid'i glory, and as neither I nor Chirlie cai contribute to it, we are useless on her list. The family used to be very cordial but not bein?a'le to make as much out of ui at they hop-d to, th-ir cordiality has waned considerably, How I honor aur.h slnceritv as their.! I discern the hoi. lowness of their every word arji deed Moreover, 1 despise mvself, that with my eyes open, I should become infected with their insincerity, for I sail many thinis I hardly felt. Yet I believe I still love Mrs. Auste'n, and when under the immediate in of her winning manner, and her o-lnrious eves. I tnr. sincere in wishin our intercouraa could be- u of old, when I trus ted u well aa loved. ' ' - called on our friend Mra. Carrol. She is ehrittfin ymtn I linceielj believe; .SUNBUItY, NOKTHUMBIiltUVND COUNTV. PA., SATUftDAY; UCTOREU u7Y an J hat a mind vastly superior to most of her sex, which rare gift has been well cul tivated. On some subjects I love to hear her converse, but to-day the vein she s truck was an unfortunate one. She spoke harah I v of the faults of some who think her their true friend, and contemptuously of others ri , . j Know ineiauus ana weaknesses sne des canted on are foreign to her nati re, but she has so little charity, she speaks so cool ly anq discriminatingly that she frightens me, and 1 am made fully aware that she will not spare me when I am away. So I left her exceedingly amazed, in snite of the irienanness wnicn sue considers it herdutv f it.. , .' to show to all who call On her. . In pretty Mrs. Henderson's parlor, there was an affectation of exquisitiveness in eve ry arrangement which told mnch for its mistress. As usual she commenced on lite rary topics, because she knew I cared for nothing else.' I wish you could have her say with her hands clasped, and her ej'es turned up 'Oh ! I should die if it were not for poetry and music. My soul only breathes in their atmosphere !' Now, you know she has neither taste nor science in her execution upon the piano, and sinojs or rather squalls, till her reallv excellent voice is horrible, while her whole stock of consists in 'that book Full of musk, gem?, and rosss, and called Lilla Rjokli,' and a small copy of d.iinty L. E. L At Mrs. Loriivr's thv PhiIal.-Iohi.a-' red young ladies were full of tin ir afleclatiivis. ana expressions ot disgust for the vulgarity and breaches of etiquette they were obli 'e'd to put up with in the provincial circles to which they Were now confined. iMrs. Lincoln had the usual airs of dicta torial authority and patronage which dis tinguish an acknowledged belle. But for n. r arls, her intolerable vanity and her ego tism, she would really he quite a clever woman, but now she is spoiled by the ex. eessive admiration she received. lean hardly blame her, the ordeal must be trv- ng. 1 have said little of the attemntsat criti cal lit- rary conversation, or the hints and ntiemlots, incorri'He gossips could not strain ; or the lack of delicacv which characterized some of the remark's and d tails I was forced, to listen to. Thin?s I would blush to name to myself and in dark ness, were onenlv alluded to and words fell unlii-sita'.inrny-Avni. n a p. r-.uiru-cr woman should not recognise in her vocabulary. . How, I ask you, mother, am I to love such people, respect themand believe their profession ? (.an assomtinz with them be of service to tne or aid me in becominj; th sincere and meek Christian, the devoted wife, and judicious mother, theaccomp'ih ed scholar, the 'perfect woman?' Do you blame me that I complain ot the enforced conventionalities which require such asso ciation?" ' "What I a;d of you, Ellen, is that you will not condemn so indiscriminately. It is true that none of the straits you have mentioned are desirable in a companion, but can you see nothing but their faults in these people? Might not one who had just listened to your description of them, say that Mrs. Eaton was very conceited, or proud, or opinionated, or uncharitable ? 1 know, my child, you would only speak as you have, before those in whom you have confidence, but the consequence of indul ging such feelings once, is, that they readi ly rise a second time till they come togive tone to their character. This is doubtless the secret of Mrs. Carrol's characteristic harshness with her clear, discriminating eye she saw the iaults of all who approach ed her, and the consciousness of her own superiority to them was agreeable, so the impulse was not checked as it should have been, and thus she has lost the charm of forbearance and charity which would en sure to her love, as well as the respect she commands. Let her case be a warning to you Ellen, and remember however impor tant intellectual cultivation may be unaffec ted and single minded goodness is first to be sought, and if our natures are not richly gifted with this divine endowment, we are to model ourselves with truth and earnest ness to the example of him who scorned not to associate with publicans and sinners, so that he might benefit and bless them. In Mrs. Charlton an J Mrs. Hall, you see developed the blessing of a well regulated mind and the evils of an ill regulated one. I think the ladies equally amiable, but Mrs. Hall lacks energy and sytsem, and exempli fies the folly of a simply fashionable edu cation. Some of the faults you condemn, are faults of the heart as much as of the head. All these ladies may be amiable ; some of them possess fine domestic qualities olheisnnly need 'd proper training to be. coirte all you aspire to be.. Do not then indie others. Ellen, but if their faults present themselves, be wirned and teach only by unostentations example .I.- L!.l ...l;l ...-.. iiie turner principles wtiicti actuate jrwi. , Truly there are, as you say, few in this ( world who live according to the dictates of their better natures, or their Bibles. Young girls are trained and taught to live lor admiration and display, rather than love and usefulness. Wives cannot unlearn this teaching and -still seek the gay party, or the round or morning visits lor amusement and happiness. Mothers attend to the physical nurture of their children and their minds are left to the teacher, who is too often negrlinrent in the discharge of her duties, while hearts are forgotten by all, and can we Wonder that such children become only second editions of the careless, frivolous, injudious parent t . It is necessary that some intercourse should be preserved among all persons con. stitutin? society, Mijht not these morn, ing visits be made, as they are at Mrs. Charlton's tiroes" of improvement!'. Have not vou, Ellen, the power to give a new direction; it least for time, to the light and superficial fancies of Mrs. Henderson; Cju.'d you not tell tthe Miss Lorimrs of'tho excellencies of thoso whose awkwardness so snock thctrij and of your own respect for th ir go jd hearts, even though they have never been at Philadelphia, and acquired the graces nature failed to bestow upon them? Turn awav from gossip, and show juu win not listen to inuendoes. Speak ever truthfully, lovingly, and sensiblyj and at the end of six months, trill me if 3'our warm and sympathising heart still finds no response. You my daughter have only too truly described modern society, but have I not shown you a remedy for its evils." A MAN OVER NIAGARA FALLS A TIIRIL. LINO StENE. The BufFulo Advertiser, of Monday, gives the following thrilling sketch of a scene at Niagara Falls:. : . Neither fieiion nor fact furnishes nil inci dent of more thrilliiu in'.eresf than one which occurred Inst evening at thn Falls, mid is de tailed below by our corro-rondeiit. There is something- terribly appalling, almost sublime, in the struggles for life of a strong, sslf-pos- sessed mutij when drawn intothe torrent that wi!U tha speed of a race horse, sweeps him onward to - certain des!.ruc:i e. A moment scarcely elapses between entire safety and a m-st fearful death, yet in that moment what i wealth of life may be compressed. How like liiilitnins must flash -through the mind nil the pleasant recollections ordiiMlinod, the firm res-itves of vigorons i win hood, the hepes orth future, the endearments of homo ntid I'ri 'ii Is, repentance for past errors, and pray- ers for forgiveness iji that dread presence to which he is so awfully summoned ! .Niacaba Falls, Oct. 2d, 1848. About sundown last evening a man was carried over "th Falls. , Who he was is not known. From his management of the sail boat in which he came down the river, 1 think he was not well acquainted with the current or the rapids.' His dress and appear- unce indicated respectability, and after he L'o! into tbo in pids his self possession was most extraordinary. His boat was a very goa l one decked over in the bow, and I sh"iu!d thi k would carry three or four tons. Fiom wh'.t I learn of a sail boat having been s -eii bt'luw Black R icl:, coming dowr, I think j' is Ctjih .there or. J3aHala-:-Nd o:h,'c thanji . p i.s'iii iiniif'ii'..ii ruid with th-. current above lb - r.ipi-ls would ventures') near them. 1 was on th ' h-'itd iif Goat J-Oand wh-n I fi-s! discovered the bjat -ilieii near half a mile lieluu- 'h-' foot of VavvTs.'iiod and near-': Iv t io mil.- ab:iv.'-tli'Tn!'.: Tlietn seewd'' 'o b ' tun in ihelnnf. was lifeetej towards h A v sho e the win I blowing from from this nlur, and still ihn sail tvns Bland- inir. B-nna well acquainted with th i river, I regarded ire position nl' lho ' boat as extra ordinary and hazardous, and watched it with i itense anxiety. Soon 1 discovered the mo tion of an our, and from the changing direc tion of the boat, concluded it had but one. Whilu constantly uppo cliing rearer and nearer the rapids, I could discover it was g lining the American shore, and by the time it ha I got near ilia first fall in the rapids, a bout h.ilfa mile uboveGoat Island; it wasdi: redly above the Island. There it was turn ed upllia river, and for some time the wind kept it nearly stationary . The only hope seemed to be to come directly to Goat Island, and whether I should run half a mile to give alarm, or remain to assist, in the event of the boat attempting to mako the Island, was a question of painful doubt. But soon the boat was again turned towards the American sdiore Then it was certain it must go down the A nierican rapid s. I ran for the bridge saw and informed a gentleman and lady justleav-' ing the Island, but they seemed tinable to re ply or move. I rallied a man at the toll gate' we ran to the main bridg in time to see the boat just before it had got to the first large full in the rapids. Tnen I saw but one man ha standing at the stern with hisoar, chang ing tha course of the boat down the current and as it plunged over, he sat down. I was astonished to see ihe boat rise with the mast and sail standing, and tbe man, a gain erect, directing the boat tpwards shore. As he came to the next and to each succeed ing full he sat down, and then would rise and apply his oar in the intermediate current. Still there was hope that he would coirie near enough to the pier to jump, but in a mo ment it was gone. Another, that he might jump upon the rock near, bridge, but tha cur rent dashed him from it under the bridge, breaking the mast. ' Again he arose on the opposite side, Taking his oar and pointing hi boat towards the main shore, he cried, 'bud I better jump from the boat?" ' Wa could not answer, for either seemed certain destruction'. " Within a few rods of the Fllsi ths boat struck a rock turned over and lod ged. - (la appeared to erawl from under It, and swam wilh ihe oar in his hand till he went over the precipice. ' ' ' . Without ihe power to render any assistance for half an hour watching a strong man sirucjling with every nerve for life, yet doomed with almost the certainty of destiny to an immediate and awful death, still hoping with every effort for his deliverance caused an intensity of excitement I pray God never a;raiii to experience. I write to:i hurriedly for publication, but 1 have stated all we have seen or know res pecting the man or boat, and from which I hope yon will be able to glean so much for publication as will lead to the discovery of the men. : . ,- , .-. ' : The potato prop of MassachuseUa is ft large yield, and entirely free from the rot. v ; ,, sis. ( TALLEVIIAM) AND ARNOLD. . There was a day when Talleyrand arriv. nn in IT.,.-.. t,. r t - ... ..u.,i , hul loot lrom rans. n was in the darkest hour of the French Revolu tion. Pursued by the bloodhounds of the ueign ot i error, stripped of every wreck v. jJiuperiy or power, Talleyrand secured I passage to America in n nhin nhnnl tn anil He was going a beggar and a wanderer to a strange land, td eatil liis bread bt daily la bor., ; ,: J "Is there an American staying at your uuuse r- ne asuea tne landlord dl the hotel "I am bound to cross the water, and would like a letter to some person of influence in me :mcw worm.'' ihe landlord hesitated a moment then replied : ' . "There is a gentleman up stairs, either from America or Britain, hut whether an American or Englishman, I cannot tell." lie pointed the wav, and Talleyrand- who in his life was JJishop, Prince, anr! I'ritne Minister ascended the stairs. A mi serablo supplicant, he stood before the strati ger's door, knocked and entered. In the fiir comer of a dimly lighted room sat a gentleman of some fifty years, his arms folded, and his head bowed on .his breast. From a window directly opposite, a flood of light poured over his forehead. His eyes looking from beneath the down, cast brows gazed on Talleyrand's face witn a p-'cii!iar and search expression. His face was striking in its outline; the moulh and chin indicative of an iron will. His form, vigorous, even wilh the shows of fifty win ters was clad in a dark,- but rich - find dis tinguished costume. Talleyrand advanced stated that he was a fugitive and under the impression that the gentleman before him was an American he poured forth his history in eloquent French and broken English "I am a wanderer an exile. I am for ced to fly to the New World, without a friend or home. You" aire an American ! Give me then, I beseech you a letter of yours, so that I may Le able to earn" my bread. Iam willing to toil in any manner the scenes of Paris have filled me with such horror, that a life of labor would be paradise to a career of luxury in France. You will give me a letter to one of yonr friends. A gentleman like you have doubt less many friends." " The strange gentleman rose. With a treated1 "towards4 fne'tloor' of the next cham ber, his head still downcast, his eyes looking Still from beneath his darkened brow. He sptke a he retreated backward ; his voice was full of meaning. , "I am the only man born in the New World who can raise his hand to God and say I have not a friend not one in all America!" Talleyrand never forgot the overwhelm ing sadness of that look which accompanied these' words. i I . . . : "Who are you!" he.cried as the Btrauge man retreated towards tne next room. "Your name ?" "My name" wilh a smile that had more of mockery than joy in its convulsive ex pression "my name is Benedict Arnold." He was gone, Talleyrand sank in a chair gasping the words "Arndld; the traitor:" Thus you see he wandered over the earth another Cain, with a wanderer's mark upon his brow. Even in that secluded room at that Inn Of Havre, his crimes found him out and forced him to tell his name that name the synonyme of infamy. The last twenty years ot his lue are co vered with a cloud, from whose darkness but a few gleams of light flash out upon the page of history. ( I he manner ot his death is not exactly known. But we cannot dqubt that he died utterly friendless that his cold brow was not moistened by one farewell teat that remorse pursued him to the grave, whis pering John Andre ! in his cars, and that the memory of his course of glory gnawed like a canker at his heart, murmuring tor ever. - ' - ' '"' "True to your country, what might you not have been. O A mold the Traitor!" THE SEASON. , BV THOMAS HOOD. Summer's gone and over! Fogs are falling down .' And wilh the russet tinges, Autumn's doing brown. Houghs are daily rifled ' By the busy thieve, And the Book of Nature Getteth short of leaves. Round a tops of houses, Swallows as they flit, Give, like yearly tenants, -; Notices to quit. r 1 , t Skies pf fickle temper,' 'iS , i: ' : Weep by -turns and laugh--; Night and day together, . , , "j Taking half-and-half., . , . . ; So September endelh -j r ... i. ' Cold and most per"8" : But the months that follow, .. ; i , Sure will pinch us worse ! Count for Coal Burning Chimneys.- In the chimneys of houses where anthracite or bituminous coal burutj there is a rapid destruction- of the cement or mortar, especi ally at the tops of the chimneys. Tha ele ment of destruction is eulphurous acid, gene rated by the combustion of the sulphur con. tained ui the eoal. The mortar ia a hydrate of lime, "which, by chemically combining with the sulphurous acid 1 'rendered soluble and adhesive. Now Plaster of Paris is i" phate of lime, and is not attached by the cid consequently, we have it id cement uii bl for eonatruotiag that part of the chimney which is raqioved from ta. nre. VALUE OF THE POTATO. Prof. C. U. SHtFAftD, in his address before the agricultural societies of Hampden and Hamsliire counties, Mass., made the follow ing excellent remarks in regard to the potato : "The potato is a vegetable which the rich man knows not how to forego; and one which places the poor man above want. With a shelter from the weather, and one or two acres of ground to plant with this tuber, man may subsist at almost any distance from the miller, the baker, the butcher, and 1 may almost add, the doctor. It suits all tastes, flourishes in nearly all climates, and is emi nently nutritious and healthful. Its cultiva tion demands but little labor, and when the earth has ripened the tuber, they are har vested without trouble, and cooked without expense. A few faggots in summer will boil them, and in winter the necessary heat is supplied without expense. There is no waste of time in the process of milling, sifting, kneading) baking, seasoning, jointing or carv ing. - There is nothing deficient or aiipcrflu- ous in a well boiled potato. As soon as the potato is cooked, it opens by chinks, lets fall its thin pallida upon Ilia platter, and with a little salt, butter, or milk, is ready for the unfastidious appetito of the hungry man. Start not back with surprise at the idea of subsisting upon the potato alone, ye who think it necessary to load your tablos with all the dainty viands of the market, with fish flesh and fowl, seasoned with oils and spices, and eaten perhaps, with wine, stai. not back 1 say, with feigned disgust, until yon are able to display in'' your own pampered persons, a finer muscle, a more beau ideal outline, and a healthier red than the potato fed peasantry of Ireland and Scotland once showed you, as you passed their cabin doors! No ; the chemical physiologist will tell you, that the well ripened potato when properly conked, contains every element that man re quires for nutrition ; and in the best propor- ions in which they are found in any plant whatever. There is the abounding supply of starch for enabling him to maintain the pro cess of breathing and for generating the necessary wa:-m;h of, tluieis th ) nitro gen for contributing to the growth and renno- vation of organs; the lime end tha puopho- us for the bones ; and all the salts which. a potato may well bo called the universal plant ; and the disease under which it now labars, is a universal calamity. If any agri cultural institution should ever bo so fortuuate as to make us acquainted with tha means of controlling it, its name would quickly rank by the side of tho proudest universities, and f the gieat discovery should proceed from a single individual, his name would live when those of tbe greatest generals and conquerors have become as uncouth and strange to hu man utterance as their deeds were uufriendly and opposed to human happiness." A MODEL FARM. About 12 miles from Philadelphia, on the road leading to Be lilt-hem, Kaslou, Allen. town, &c.,lhe eye of the traveller never fails to be delighted with a truly magnificent farmj lying on both sides of the turnpike, the bunti ngs all on the West side, which is the very embodiment of order and neatness. Here the fences are always in the finest condition- barns always groaning under the weight of provender and here uie seenobout 100 head of the finest Devonshire milch-cows that are collected on any One farm in the Common wealth. That furm, reader, is owned and cultivated by Morois LoscsTRttH, the Dem ocratic candidate for Governor. The man who in the management of his own affairs gives such striking evidences of system, order,' and economy; may be safely trusted with the management of public aftairs; combining as he does, with these good quali ties, the necessary qualifications and experi ence. Private industry and integrity, united to general intelligence and correct views of public policy, are tho qualifications most to be desired in a public officer In our opin ion, no better man could have baon sslocted to gll the Gpvemor's chair than Mouais Long stretii, the Quaker Farmer - of Montgomery. Woil Samuel Lawrence, a very large dealer In wool, says that within 25 years we shall produce a greater quantity that any other nation in the world, and says further that there ia not now euougu annually raised in this country, by IUO',000,000 lbs., to meet the demand of the manufacturers. Potatoes. It is now very' generally con ceded, we believe, that the crop of late pota toes in this State, is almost entirely free from rot and will give a large yield. The early pota toes', on the contrary, were more or le lain, led. The same may be said of Connecticut, in reference to the wiuter potate'es. BosWn Traveller. tOn the contrary, the early planted potatoes have done very well ia Coneoticul, while the later olanted are inferior, bom in quality "u quantity, in consequence of drought- At least such is the fact iu the 5outueru iu . State. U the Northern there tiwr nm and the result may have been dillerent.j Jour, of Commerce. ' ;M: Cocoauif baa arranged satisfactorily the b)in Of tha loan which he went to London for., A letter in tha Journal of Com-ir-erco says; "Tbe house that have taken so large a poriioa of this U. S. i have done no fof investment principally." "( la Croup, tnoet beneficial effect never fell to follow tb giving a ubleavpoooful of lamp Oil. . i-i 1VO. THE FIVE PEACHES. - A Peasant returning from the city brought home with him five peaches, the most beau, tiful ones which he could find. It was the first time that hia children hail ever seen this fruit. Therefore they " admired them and were delighted with their red cheeks and delicate down. The father then divided them among his four children, reserving one for their mother. ' t At evening, before the children Went into their sleeping room, tbeir father asked them. ''Well, how have tha peaches tasted ?" "Deliriously, dear father," said the eldest "They are fine fruit, so juicy and sweet. I have carefully kept the stone, and 1 will plant it and rear a tree." "Good," replied tho father; "that is acting prudently, and caring for the future as be comes a farmer " . "I ate mine up at once, and threw away tha stoiie,".said the youngest, "and mother gave me half of hers." . , . "Well," said tha fjth-r, "you have not ac ted very wis"ly, but still natural and like a child. . Wis.lom will come by-and-by." The second son then said "1 picked up the stone which little brother threw away and crocked il. There was a kernel in it just like a nut. But I sold my peach, and receiv ed for it money enough to buy twelve when I go to the city." Tho fathei shook his head, and said :'It was wisely done, indeed, but it was not na tural nor child-like. I think you are. destined to b3 a inerchai t." "And you, Edmund ?" asked .the father. Edmund answered frankly and caielessly "I carried my p -ach to our neighbor's son, the sick George, who is ill of fever. He re fused to take it. Then I laid it upon his bed, and carne home." "Well," said tha father, "and who has made the best use of his peach ?" Then nil thrco ciied cut "Brother Ed mund !" . But E.lmund was silent and li s mother embraced him with tears in her ever,'- A FioitT with Revolvers. On Tuesday last, tho following incident occurred in Louis ville, Ky. : 'Yesterday evening, . whilst the public r by a great number of the boardors, a""young approaching Mr. E. P. King, merchant, at the corner of ilcin and Siicoiid streets, who was seated at the back of tho room, presen ted a revolver close to his (King's) head, and discharged three balls. Mr. King, throwing up his hand at the instant, saved his head but lost two of his fingers. Wagner retrea ted precipitately to the street, followed by King, who, in turn, drew a revolver, and madd two or three ineffectual Bhots at Wag ner. Wagner pursued his way up Main to Second street, and when opposite th9 Gate House, turned upon his pursuer, and here several shots were fired by each, without ta king effect on either side. Wagner finally sought the protection aiForded him by the open door of Mr. Kessler, and as he passed in Mr. King fired the ball passing within a few inches of Mr. Kessler, who was attrac ted to his door by the report of fire-arms in tha street. It is truly surprising how so many shots could have teen exchanged without ef fect." Formation of Hail. Professor Stevelley,' at a meeting of the British Association, read a paper on meteorological phenomena, in which he attempted to account for the firma tion of hail, by supposing thai It must be formed whan after tha fall of some rain, a sudden and extensive vacuum being caused, the quantity of caloric abstracted was so large as to cause the ret of the drops to freeze into ice balls as they formed. This princi ple, he said, had been strangely overlooked although, since the days of Sir John Leslie, every person was familiar with experiments on a small scale illustrative of it. He also said that the interesting mine of Chemnitz, Hugary, afforded an experimental exhibition of the formation of hail on a magnificent scale !n that mine the drainage of water is raised by on engine, in which common air is vio lently eoniprer-sed in a large cast iron vessel. While the air is in a state of high com pres. siont a workman desires a visiter to hold hi hat before a cock which ho turns J the com pressed air, ns it rushes out over the surface of the water within, bring out somo with it, which is fro;:en into ice bolts by the cold "eiientted by the airas it expands J and these shoot through the hat to the no small annoy ance of one parly, but to the infinito amuse-niL-nt of the other. ' ' .. Hocas of Labor. As decided upon by tho French National Assembly on the 8th ult., a day's labor ia limited to 12 hours in the man. ufaotories. A former law, for 10 hours, gave general diesutia-factior, wiU- won rejected by 616 to 67. Four workmen 'took part in the debate. .; .' 7 '' '. N. P. Willis is writing campaign songs in favor of Taylor and Fillmore . . ' , ; .' ) FaibiiTrcL A little boy, named King, re cently fell down a precipice, a distanne of sixty-five feet, near the railroad station in Roxbury,' and 'felt pretty comfortable the next rooming." , , 6ttax. "What is the meaning of Syntax mother V inquired a little girl. 'It is a tax on sin, and this Is th onK thing put is -tot hued in Fenusylvan," the reply," !' :; ; - v OLD SERIES VOL: 9,