Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 07, 1848, Image 4

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    ;i.j.jJ1.-I J
. tnotna adtextvae.
W heard the other day A story related by
la old tailor, Capt. Jacob which made
great impression upon us, and which we
with we could repeat with the unction and
nautical phraseology of the worthy narrator.
, It occurred during the late war. The cap.
tain, who waa a native of Plymouth, was run
ning on the coast in a schooner loaded with
flour. , He had neatly reached his destination,
When he was overhauled by the enemy's fri
gate, who ordered him peremptorily to heave
h Una aboard. There was no resisting the
command, for the schooner was without
arms, and the tender full of marines and sail
ors, armed to the teeth with pistols, muskets
and cutlasses. The captain had a light but fair
breeze aloft J his sails drew, and he was
driving near a reef, the entrance to which
he was perfectly familar with, and once in
side of which, he was sure of mnking port,
undisturbed by the tender.
In this view he ordered one of his men for
ward with a line, in a clear, stentorian voice,
perfectly audible on board the tender, sung
, "Heave your line aboard!" then added, in
a whisper, so as to be heard only by his men,
'Heave it short 1"
' The Yankee sailor caught the hiut, and
'hove" according to directions. The end of
the line fell splashinir in the water.
, High above the execrations of the English
officer commanding tbo tender, rose the roar
of the indignant Vankee skipper.
"Is that the way to heave a line, you lub
berly son of a land crab 1 Heave the line ship
shape, you lubber, or I'll cut your liver out.
Heave it short !"
Again the line fell short, and the English
officer and Yankee captain vied with each
Other in showering imprecations and invec
tives on the head of the blundering "lnml
lubber." Meanwhile the breeze was fresh
ening, and the schooner drawing nearer to
the reef.
Again and again the" order to heave was.
given, with the same undertone addition and
the same result.
The Englishman began to smell a rat, and
just as the Yankee skipper threw himself flat
on the deck, and made his men follow his ex
ample, the report of a dozen muskets was
heard, and a shower of bullets came whist
ling through the rigging.
"Let them tire and be darned I said the
Yankee, 'I'll show him a clean pair of heels."
And taking his tiller between his heels, ns
he lay upon the dock, he ran the schooner
eleverly inside of the reef.
They were soon out of gun shot from the
baffled tender. Up went the stars and stripes,
and with a hearty cheer from the mariners.
an old one-eyed sea-dog pulled exit the fife,
and gave them Yankee Doodle in strains as
Melodious as the triumphant notes of a pork
er that has escaped the butcher's knife
Captain Jacob saved his bacon and his flour
too.. Maine Democrat.
- M,.friiij in Ifie possession of J,
Payne Collier, of the time oj Janus i.j
If ever 1 marry, lie marry a maide :
To marry a widbwe I am sore afrayde:
for maydes they are simple, and never will
lutwidowos full oft, as they saie, know too
A maide is so swevte and so gentle of kinde,
That a maide is the wyfe f will choose to my
A widowe is froward, and never will yeeld ;
Or if such there be, you will meet them but
A maidw nere eomplaineth, do what so you
But what you meane well' a widowe takes ill:
A widowe wilt make you a druge and a slave,,
And cost nere so much, she will ever go brave.
A maide is so modest, she seemtheth a rose,
When it first beginneth the bud to unclose ;
flut a widowe-full blowen often deceives,
And tbo next wiude that bloweth shakes
downe all her leaves.
That widowes be lovelie, I never guinsaye,
But too well all their bewtio they know to
display ;
But a maide hath so great hidden bewty in
She can spare to-a widowe, yet never be pore.
Then, if I marry, giro me a fresh maide,
If to marry with anie I need be not afrayda;
But to marry with anie it asketh much care,
And some batchelora hold they are best as
they are.
The British army consists of 20 regiments
ef Cavalry, and 114" regiments of Infantry;
for which there are 9 Field Marshal, 66
Generals. 142' Lieutenant Generals, and 191
Major-Generals nearly three generals to a
The British navy consists of 660 armed ves
els of every description, for which there are
1S2 Admirals and Rear-Admirals, besides 5r
retired Admirals one Admiral to every three'
esse Is.-
Mackaekl. The waters of Capo Ann are
warming with No. tmackarel. On Tuesday
WitKih a circumference of six miles, there
were over six hundred vessels engaged in
Batching' this favorite fish. It is supposed,
aaya the Transcript,, that at least twelve thou
' sand barrels were taken, valued' at $100,O0Ct
We found, the following- epitaphs in a
church yard in Nottingham Square. We
were always found and we can't tell why
of 'loafing' in a church yard ;- and if the thing
, was mora dbne, what queer things might be
given to tho world :
JI?emJr ?'?'rther. by misfortun serownded
One dy'd of his wounds, and the tother was
ft bears the date of July , 1812. .
"Farewell, my friends allr
Sister and dear mother,
You have lost yoar sen,
Vn4 have got no other."'
. Spirit of tin Tinu$.
to Free Soil Pick Aie, published at tynn
aVwatUladdowa tha namaa of Van Boren
tJMW) and tun P .Uo names of Gerritt
Wn4 Charles C. Foote, as the Irw fret.
Scrofula or Kiin'- Kvil, Rltrnmntiwn, Obstinate Cutanaoua
A: 1.: I - II ...1 ULrf..kM
r.niniwnrr, I impici m rcnuini mi iw uiunn
Bilem Chronic S-ire Eyea, King Worm or Tetter,
Bmtd Head, Enlargement and Pain ofth
. Hemes mid joints, HtuWiorn fleers, Syphi.
litie Symptom, Sciatica or lumbago,
tlineaNcfl arising from an tnjudi
cious io of Meicury, Drop
sy, Exposure or Jmpru
deneo in life; also,
Chronic Consti
tutioiud Uis
In this medicine several innocent but very potent articles
of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming a compound
entirely different in its diameter and properties from any
other preparation, and uurivnllcd in its opration on the
system when laboring under dimmse. It should be in the
hands of every person, who, by business, or general course
of life, is predisposed to the very tniinv nilimeuts that ren
der life a curse, instead of a blessing, and so often result in
Sr. Drake's Pnnncen is recommended as a certain remedy,
ot one instance of its titi hire tins ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the disease and et the same time imports
vigor to the whole system. tcrofulous persons can never
pay too much attent ion to the state of their blood. Its pu
rification should be their first aim ; for perseverance will
accomplish a cure of eves iikbeditaht disease.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, White Swelling,
Krysipeias, !' leers, i-nncers, Kunniug sores. Kent ami
llilcs, Dr. Drake's Panacea ciuinot le too highly extolled;
it searches out the very root of the disease, and permanent.
No medicine perl wit s 1ms ever been discovered which
gives so niueli tone to the stomnelt and canses the secre
tion of a heiiUhy giistric juice to decompose the food as Dr.
jjraK.e s rnnncea
Dr. Drake's Pnnncea is used with llie crcntest success in
Rheunuilic Complaints, esjeciully such as chronic. It cures
by driving out nil impurities and foul humour which have
nccti mutated in the system, which are the cnuse of Kheu-
uuiiism, (tout, ami dwellings ot the joints, uther remedies
sometimes give temporary relief ; this entirely eradicates
the disease from the system, even when the limbs and bones
arc dreadfully swollen.
Consumption car br cured. Coughs, Catarrh, Bron
cliftiit, Spitting ot' BI-hwI, Aslhtna, Dillieultor profuse Ex
pectoration, Hectic Flush, Niiflit Sweats, Tain in the side
Alc. huvc been cured, ami can bu with as much certainty as
any other distxise. A spec i he 1ms long leen sought for, but
iu vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake's Punucea. It is
mild ami snte but certain und etlicatious iu its operation,
and cannot possibly injure the most delicate constitution.
We would earnestly recommend those olHieted to give it it
trial ond we believe they will in huve occusion to regret
it. The sy stem is cleansed and slrenirihenod, the ulcers on
the lungs are healed, ami the pntients'gradunlly tegam their
usuul health and strength. Keud the Jotiuwiug :
Pnn,4., Dee. Hth, 1847.
DKAn Sir : In reply to your question rc8ecting the use
of Dr. Drake's Panucen, I will suv, .lint although a neriwt
dislieliever iu tha existence ot a Panacea, or cure tor all
disease, however valuable it may lie iu certain conditions
of the system, still 1 have believed that a cure for Consump
tion would Lie discovered sooner or inter, and cuiicsity led
me to try yimr medicine iu two very inveterate cases.
They were pronounced by the attending physicians to be
pulmonary consumption, and nlmiiHotietl by them as in
curable. One of the persons had boeu under the treat
ment of several very able practitioner a for a number of
years, and they said she had "old fashioned Consumption
eombiite with Scrofula,11 ami tlutt she might linger for soma
time, but could not be permanently relieved. In both cases
the effect of the Panacea I ins been most gratifying. Only
four or five bottles were used by one of the persons before
she began to improve rapidly. The other took about ten.
I will only add that familiar as I am with consumption by
inheritance ami by extensive oltservution as a study, and
knowiiur also the injurious effects in nine cases out of ten
of tar, boneset, and other vegetable tonics, as well as of
iiuuiy in uim exncutunuuBniKiseuauve, i snouKl never nave
recommended the use of Drake's Panacea if had not becu
acnuninted with the ingredients. Suffice it to say tlmt these
art teuimiuieiiueu uy tu. m-t, ti.t. ., m u - rhy-i
ciruu, and in their present combimxl state, form prolsibly
...v n..v....v ,H.l IH1B CVIJ, I1UJUR.
ill aeconlnnee with a theory ot' Conaiimption
Franee a few years ago, by one of her imt e
uo Murmuvc nwi mia ever ik-cii made, i tie cure is
broached iu
eminent tavri.
tera ou uieilicine, and now established by fuels which ad
mit vi uu uiatiiuic.
Very Respectfully Yours. L. C. GUNN.
To use the lanTunire of another. "Dr. Tinilco'. Pal.fl.H, ...
always salutary in its effect never injurious. It in out as
Opiate it is n and Expectorant. It is not intended to lull
the invalid into a laUil security. It is a great rein I y a
grand healing andcuralivo coinVunil. the great ami only
remedy which medieul science and skill has vet produced
l-r me trcalinent ot this hitherto uueotnuered malady. And
no pi-rain alllicted with this druid dis'-nse, will be just to
himself and his iriunds, it he en (t.u-n to the
testing- its virtues. A amle Iwllle, in mutt mia, will pru.
duce m ravonthU) cliange iu tiie comlition uf uiy pHticiit,
IJiiliea if raile cnmnlezioii ami coiummplive lialiio, and
uc h u are dehiiiutcd liy those ulMtrurliniia which lenialra
io liable to, are reabirod liy tlie nao of a bottle or two, In
lilooni vizor. It it by lar the brat rniimlv ever diacoveretl
f.w weakly children, uid inch as liave bac'l humor, j beinr
plmannt, th-y take it. It immediately reatorca theanpetltct
ttrcngth and color. '
Nothiiw can be moro aurpriaiiiK tluin ita invigorating eT
fecta on tho lininan I'rume. Puraiuia, all weukneaa and laa
aitudc lielore Uikinir it, at once become roliuat and lull of
eneriry under Ita inlluenre. It iiiiuicdiale .ouuteract the
iicrvclraanesa of the female frame.
CAVTtO.V . He careful and ter Unit you (et the genu
ine Dr. DHAKK'a PiN.rii it Imi the aixnalure of Oko. K.
Htorr. on the wrapper nwl alao lite luiiue 'Da. liRAKK1!
PMli, l'llll.." blown in the gluia.
l'rcirl ouly by Hrouu. it Co. Urnggiata, No. !il North
Pulh St., l'hiludclphin.
Agfiit for Sunhiiry II. MASSKIt.
Hrddalsohy Wm.A.MukiaiA 'o , riiinville II Phae
tk, Milton; )luv McCor, .Northumberland : fc. P.Uiiis,
April 1, 164S ly
Seal and Letter-Copying Presses, Patent
Slate-Lined Refrigerator, Water Fil
ter, Patent Portable Water Clo-
i tent led for t
und Infirm.
76 South Third Street,
Maiiufui-tiire and kerpoourtunt
ly on baiHl. a large aaiurUiiriii of
the ahova articles, together with
their Piitenl Improved Snluniaiidtr
re tn eiaunnictetl aa to act at rest
all maimer of doubt aa to Iheii
being atricily fire-proof, and tliat
Wwy will rraial tlie fire ot' any
Ullklillir. Thn nutai.U mmm
theaa Safes are made of boiler iron, the inside ease of aip
etoue, and between Uie outer caae and inner caae ia a apuce
of aome three iuchea thick, ami ia tilled iu with indeatruc
tihle material, ao aa to make it ait iumoaaibility to burn any
(I the eon tenia iiiaida of thia Cheat. Tlieaa Sraipatoiie Su
luminulera wa are prepared and dfi challciure tho work! v
produce any article iu the sbupe of liouk Sufea tlut will
stand aa much heat, and we hold ouraelvea ready at all
tiuiea to have them fuirly tested by puluio bonfire. We
alao continue to manulnctiire a kirge and general assort
ment of our Premium Air-tight Fire Preof Safes uf which
there are over HOU now i UMJ) ami in every inatance they
huve given eutiie satinfuctiou to ilia purchuaers f which
we wiU refer the puulie to a few geiitleniea who have
ttiem III uae.
Haywood k Sny.ler. Pottsillei Joseph 0. Lawtoo
taviUe j Mr Ullam Carr, IJ..yM;sUwn, Pa.
N. 4 O. Taykir, itjg wirth 3d at.; A Wright k Nephew
Vui. st. wharl j Alexiuider Caror, Onveywmrr, corner of
Filbert aial 0lh st..; Jh M. Ford, M north 3d .t.j Myers
Bush, ao uorth 3dst. James M.Paul, 101 south J.thst.1
Dr. Dnvld Jayne, B south ad at.; Muthew T. Miller, 90
south 3d st. and we eould name some huudreils of others
U it were necessary. Now we invite the attention of the
iuWic. and particularly Uioae in want of Fire Proof Safe,
o call at our store before purchasing elsewhere, and vn
can satisfy them they will get a better and cheaper article
at our store titan at any other establishment in iha
We also manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at
at very low prices, cheaper thau they can be bought at any
Philadelphia, April , If4-ly
George J. Weaver,
Ao. 19 Wuler Street and Ao. I I AurA Wkarvet
A8 conttantly on hand, a general atsort
aoent ot (Jordege, Heine 1 wines, etc., viti
Rupee. Vishina Rocm White Ronea. Manil.
la Ropea, Tow Linaa for Canal Boats. Also, a
compute assortment, of Seine Twines, aVe. such as
Hemp 8bad and Herring Twine, Beat PaUnt OiU
net i wine, uoMot) Bhad and Herring Twine. Shoe
, AUo- Bed (Jords, Plough Uiwa,
rjajwrm, inemm, Lotloo and Vireao Carpet Chaina,
eke, all of which be wUI diapoea of on lottoutble
Philadelphia, Juaa 54, 1148. ly
EttnhHAtd 16 Mar by Or. KISKBLIN.
Ths olrtatt, turstl and beat hind to ear til forms
of seerft dissassPf dissiMi ei ins skin nd
solitary habits of youth, is
2V. W. earner of d and Union tie., between Sprue
mna fine, t tqnaret jrom IM Exchange,
YOUNG MEN I If yon vilua tour lif or Tour
health, tfmrmber, ths deity oft mnnth, nay,
ven t week, mty prove your ruin, both of body
nd mind. Henct let no ftlaa modraty Jeter yoo
from making your rtte known to on ho, from
education and reapeclabilily.cnn alone brfriend you.
U. . .: ir ' I-- t. vtNirffl TM'H
iiv wuo uiacva nimwil unuvr ir n.i.nuu.k
treatment, mty teliglooaly confide In hit honor tt
aentlemtn, and in vho bosom will D lorever
locked ths seerel of the nalirnt.
Too many think they will hoc the secret i tneir
own hetrtt, and cure lhemelvp, Alia! how of.
ten it thit fatal delueion, and how many a pro
miaing yonng man, who might have been tn ornt.
ment to tocicty, hit faded from the earth.
finding it inconvenient lo make personal tpplira
linn, can, by alating their caae explicitly, together
with all their ey mptoma, (per l tier, post-paid,) have
forwarded lo them cheat containing l)r. K'a me
dicines appropriated accordingly.
Ptckagee of Mrdtcinea forwarded to any part ol
the United Stale at a moment'a notice.
( Pot pain LiT-rana, addteared to Dr. Ki
Kliiti. Philadelphia, will be promptly attended 10
Oc. 30lli, 1847. ly
No 198 Cbesnut Street,
South East Corner of Eighth tt , Philadelphia.
PORTRAITS from the amallest breast ) In to
the largeet eixc, aingly or in group. The
Proprietor are warranted in eating, that their
work haa gained a reputation aeconu to none in
the world. Extracta from the Pre- t
Mfe-like in the expression, chastly correct
the shading. Ledger.
Tho tit bat arrived at great perfection, and
none understand it better than Mct'leet it Ger-
mon." 'Baltimore hit.
"Admirable I nothing can exceed their exquisite
delicacy." K S. Gazette.
Extract from the report of the Judges, at the la
fair of the Fr.inklin Institute. Daguerreotypes--
in this department there are some very excellent
specimens in tba exhibition, and the Jutlgea think
they see a progressive improvement in this branch
of the art. I hey hove not recommended an a
ward in f.ivor of tny of the compeiitmi. hut aie
ili-p. seil to rank t fint in order, the collection of
Mct'LEES & UBKMtlW, as containing the lar
gest number of tuprrior spteimens."
I hilhdelphhi, Feb 19, 1818. 6m
AN rxt.nsive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT
I.ERY, for tale by
Not. 32 arifi 3:1 ARCADE, and 8A North
THIRD Strett,
Ct'tnp Uing 5000 dozen Penknives, 8cis.,rs and
Also, a choice assoitmenl of Rodgtri & Sons
Wostenholm'e, Greaves', W. St 8. Butcher' and
Fenney a Cutlery.
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knivr.
Also, Guns, Piatola, an I Bowie Knives.
Ala.', The American Kaznr Strop, a eupenor
article, wortv the attention of Dealer
Ca. Dealer in Culleiy, will find the above
8tock worthy their attention, ai the Subrcriher'
chief boainea la imiornng and telling cutlny,
PhiLtdelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly.
Commission and Forwarding
No. 48 Commerce Strett Wharf. BALTIMORE.
win receive and sell all kinds of Country Pio
duce Flour, Grain, &c.
N. B. Particular attention given to the tale
of Lumber. And cash advance made on con
aignments, when required.
April l, 1848. 4m
John W. Friling,
RESPECTFULLY inform, bit friends and
customer, that ha bat iust received ami
opened a splendid assortment of GOODS, cotui
ting oi
Groceries, Hardware, Queenswure, 4t.
The public are invited to call nn,l nmln. c,-
Sunbury, May 8, 1818 tf
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddiness,
Rheumatism, Piles,
Dytpep ii, Scuivv,
Xmall Pox, Jaundice,
Pains in the Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising in ihe Throat,
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers of all kinds,
Female Complaint,
Measles, Salt Rheum,
Heart Burn. Worms,
('holers Morbus,
Coughs, Qniin-ey,
Whooping Gnugh,
Consumption. Ktu,
Liver Complaint,
Erisiptla, Deafness
Itching, of the Skin,
Cold, Omit, Grsvel,
Nervous Complaint',
raoM iMrnMiTiia ov Tea bloor, inn ot.
tTtucTioat is th oaoAxs or m
Eiperience hat proved that nearly every Dia
ease originates Irom Impurities of the Blood or de
rtngementt of ihe Digestive Orgtna and to secure
Health, we mutt remove those obstruction or re.
tlore Ihe Blood lo in ntlural Hate.
Tho aversion to taking medicine ia most iflV-
lually removed by Ulickjiib) a Visctablb Pi'b
oativs Pills, being completely enveloped with a
routing or pure while Sugar, (which It aa ditiov
from tha internal ingredient aa a rut ahell fioui
the kernel) abd hats so tasts or xcoirist,
But ara aa easily swallowed aa bite of candy
Moreover they neither natuente or gripe in Ihe
alighiest degree, butoneiata eouallv nn all the die.
essed parts of Ihe system, instend of confining
themselves to, artd rtrking any particular region.
Thut, if tl e Liver be affected, one ingirdient will
opt rate on thl particular organ, and, by cleansing
it of an Exceta of Bile rettore it lo its natur d
atate. Another will operate on Ihe B'ood, and
remove all in iu circulation: while
third will elfectu.lly expel whatever impurities
koi uiscnargeu into the alomac't. anil
nance iney stbibb at ths hoot or dissab. re.
move an impure Humors from tha k.ul. n
Ihe pores externally and internallv i. ..n.r.i. .n
fore gn and obi oiiout particles from lha chyle, so
Out the blood may be thorough'y pine thus seen
ring a f ee tnd healthy action In tha Heart. I.ungt
- .1 f I-,-. . i . . . . a
. i anu inereoy iney BRSTOBS HBtlTM S'
The entire tra'h of the above ran be ascertained
..... u. m ! bus i anu meir virtuea are
po"e enu certain In restoring Health, that
.... pruprwior oioti ntmseii to return' the monev
paid for them in all eatea where they do not give
whi asiiaiaciioa.
Bctall Price, 35 cti. per Box.
Priaeipsl office No. 68 Vesey at, N. Yoik
Sold by JOHN YOUNG, etunbur..
U. A. MeCAY, Nortbamborland.
(Tr Kemembsr Dr. O. V. nilrk.n.r (a th. u.
venior of ihe 8ugar Poated PHU, and that nothing
wa. vm bmiu or BDIH Kt InlloJtieed
ihemui June. IMS. Kturh.. .nnD
alwaya aak-for Clicktnec's gsm rid phi. ..j
lake no other, or they will be made the victims of
aireuu. avpt, 18th, 1MT. ly sow
OD LI 52f 'O' JJH SuT
IT haa power In eaoea all mtisii SORES.
CROrULOU8 homore, SKIN DI8EA8E8,
POISONOUS WOUNDS to discharge their pa
Irld matter, and then he ale them.
It la richly termed All-healing, for there la aeare
ly t disease, ex trnal or internal, that it will not
benefit. I have need It for the latt fourteen yeara
for all diteaeee of the cheat, eoneomption and liver,
Involving the utmost danger and rtwpotitihility.
and I declare before heaven arid man, that not in
one tingle cjM hat it failed to benefit when tha pa
tient was within tha reach of mottal mean.
I have had physician, learnrd in the profession.
I have had minister of the go. pel, judge of the
bench, aldermen, lawyer, gentlemen of the high
rat erudition, and multitude of the poor use it iu
every variety of wnv, and there has been but one
voire one Universal voice saying t "M'Allister,
our uintment ia uuimj."
In Scrofula, Old Sores, Rrvneitela. Taller Li
ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, 8ore Throat,
Bronchitis, Broken or Born Breast, Pile, all Chest
Diseases, such as Asthma. Oppression. Pain
Ats sore blps, Uhapped Hnuds, Tumors. Chit
nn's Lutanenua Eruptions, Nervous uineasee.
tnd of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
aa good.
8CAI.D HEAD We have cured cases that
actually defied every thing known, aa well aa the
ability of 16 or SO doctors. One man told us he
had tpenl (300 on his childien without any bene-
fit, when a few botes of Ointment rurid them,
BALDNESS tt will restore the httr sooner
han tny other thing.
HbAUAUHE 1 he ealve has cured peisons
of the headache of 13 year' standing, and who
had it regular every week, to that vomiting often
took place. Ilgargit, Ban Achs, and Anna in
ths FiCK, are cured by thia Ointment with like
RURNS. It ia one of the best thing in the
world for Burn. (Read the direction around ihe
KHEUM A TISM. It remove almost immedi
ately the inflnmation and swelling when Ihe piin
ceae. (Head the Directions around the Box.)
uui.u r be. I . uonsumpimn, l.iver Uom
plaint, Pain in the chest or side, falling off of th
brilr, one or the other always accompanies col
feet. (This Oinlmenl is the true It is
a sure sign of disease to have cold feet.
TETTER. There it nothing belter for lh
cure nf Tetter.
PILES. Thousand ate yearly cured by thi
HJKWSJ. Uccaaional use or Ihe Ointment i
always keep Co ns from growing. People neeil
never l e troubled with ihem it lliev will u-e i
Head the fallutoing Communiration,
Riceived fiom anoUI.refpec fdi.n l well know
citizen of Phradnlphu. and then judge for you
Philadelphia. 10 mo.. 13th, 1846.
To T. B. Peterson, Having been reque-tcil
In give my opinion on llie merits of M' A 1.1,18
TER'cl SALVE, I am willing to enumerate snn.c
of Ihe belli fits which I have ripetiencej in Ihe use
of tho trlicle.
In the spring nf 1815, I hml nn attack nf Ery
sipelas in my fcce which became very painful, and
extendi d into one i f my eye, I eii.g attended with
fevir, my distress was great and I heuaii to be fear
ful of I.. nil g my eve.
Although not much of a believer in what is
commonly call, d quark medicines. I .urrha-ed a
box ami made an Application to n.v face. To my
sut prise the p-iin soon ab.ite.l, and in a we. k' time
it was entirely cured, arid I firmly believe that il
wa the salve, under Providence that cmed me.
From that time to the pres. lit, I have ueed the
article a occasion required, and ii every cec wbe.e
I have Ured il, I have found a decided benefit
Atone lime, on going to b-.l at night, my throat
wss to tore that I swa lowed with difficulty, but
by an application uf the salve I was rolieved lefore
I have utod it in case of turns, bruisrt sprnins,
tnd firth cuts, all with the happier! effects, and
one case of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods,
has been dried up and cured by a few at'p'iciliont.
From my own eiperience, I would strongly re
comnjend it to all, as a cheap, convenient, family
I have become so partial lo il, that I expect lo
keep it cmi-tanily in tny family.
Though not ami itioua lo apt ear in print, yet I
cannot refuse In have thi commni.if aiion made
public if judged best to serve ihe e iuae of humani
ty. Respectfully thine,
. No. 26, Old York Kond.
CAUTION. No Oinlmenl will be genuine
unleas the names of James M'Ailig'.er, or
M'Allister & Co., are written wiih a pen nn eve
Sole proprietor of Ihe a'-ove medicine.
Aoikts : J. W. FRILING. Sunhurv.
- Northumberland.
Dr WM. M BIOKLEY. D.nvil e,
J. O. TROITSK. Sebnsgiove,
P C 8HKM.ER. Lrwishurg.
'M. F. NAGI.K. 'Milton.
JOHN KHAKFLEfS. Caltawifsa.
Feb. tOlh, IS4S. cowlv
I.E.N '8 VEOE-
cuie if
die. 1 his Medicine ia offered to the public under
tne at sura nee that there it tin article in en-leiie
hiving stronger claima lo their consideration. Be.
ing compounded by a tegular Graduate of J. fft-r
eon College, Philadilph a, and a practising physi
cian of twenty years' sinndir if in Philadelphia, his
long experience haa contlrmed him in the opinion
that a compound medicine waa lequiied lo prevent
and remrdy the debilitation pr duced by residing
in low, nna-malic climatts, and lo counter ict the
pro Iraling influencia of many nervoua disorder
with which the human family are afflicted.
DR. ALLEN ia a well known physicim, and
ha used the abeve medicine in his practice for 8
yeara with the most ai-lonishing effect, having tes
ted its quslilii s in above
No medicine ever teei ived more flattering re
commendation from phyricisna nf eminent
ing than hat been bestowed on Ibis,
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Profer.
tor tays : "It chiefly arise in pcraoni who lead
either a very ardentary or irregular life. Although
not regarded a a fatal disease i yet if negtecti d or
improperly treared, may bring on It-curable Me.
lancholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Veitigo, Palay
and Apoplexy. A gr. al aingularity attendant on
it is, that it may and often do. continue a great
length of time without any remiaeion of the tymp
torn. CAUSES. Grief and uneaine of mind, in
lenie study, profune evacuations, eices in veuery,
excessive ue of spirituous liquors, tea, tobacco, o
pium, and oibor narcoiict, immodersle repletion,
over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of Ihe
sjcreiion of the I do or g.s'ric juice, exposuie to
t uld and dump air, are the chief cause of this dia
SYMPTOMS. Lo of apielitf, nausea, aeari.
bum, acidity, and fust id eructations, gnawing of
(he stomach when empty, uneasiness in ihe thro it.
i.l in tha tide, coarseness, cbiilnisa, Lnguor,
osrness id spirits, pilpilaiiona, and dis uibcd
TABLE COMVOVND be never tailed in altor
ding immediate relief, tnd a ladical cuie for lhi
(& Thi Medicine can be had of II. B Ma-er,
Suni.uryi J. C. Msitin, I'ott ville, Medlar A
Uickel, Orwigaburg and of Druggista generally.
ALLEN dr. WARD, Pruprietora.
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847. cq ly
THX atibtcribcr 't prepared lo receive and se
coananadate S ftw transient or permanent
Buarderi, at ker retidenea in Sunbury. The lo
cation is in handsome and pleasant part of tha
town, commanding a fme view of the 8uqutbau
na, Northumberland and the aeenery adjacent.
To peraana from the city, who with lo tpend a
few months during the tnmmer teaton,- Sunbury
afford a delightful retreat.
a .. .' . , ANN O. MORRIS.
April , U4I. m " '
The following list thowt the eurrent veins of all
Vineylvania Bank N,tet. The most implicit re
iance may be placed noon it, aa It la every week
refully eomnared with and corrected from Bick-
nell't Reporter,
alnnki In Phlladelptoln.
sj.. v. Diae. t
. Pmian.
Bank of Noilh America . , par
Hank or the Northern Liberties . , par
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . , par
rarmerr and Mechanica Hank . . par
Kensington Bsnk . par
Phtlattelphia Hank . . t par
Schuylkill Bank . . . par
8nuthwark Bank , . par
Western Bank . ptr
Mechanics' Bank . par
MannrnctitrerB' Mechanic Bank par
flank of Penn Township . . par
Oirard Bank P'
Bank of Commerce, Isle Moyamensing par
Bank of Pennsvlvama . par
fount ry Bnnki
Bank of Cheater County
Bank of Delaware Comity
Bank nf Germanlown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Doylestnwn Bank
rJaslon Hank
Farmers' Bank of Bucks co Bri.tol
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par
Columbia Bank cV n ridge co.'Columhia
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancastci
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster
Lancaster Bank Lancaster
Fnrmera' Bank nf Reading Reading
Office of Dank of Penn'a. Httrrisburg'
Office do do Lancaster
Office do do Reading
Office do do Easton
do not
issue n.
Rank of the United flutes Philadelphia 17
Miners' Bank of Pollaville Pottaville par
Bank nf Iwistown Lewistnwn failed
Btnk nf Middlntnwn Middletown 1
Ctrliste Bank Carlisle 1
Exchange Bank Pittsburg I
Do do branch of Hnllidavshnrg 1
Harrishurg Bank Harrisburg I
Lebanon Bank Lebanon pnr
Merchants' &. Manuf. Bank Pitrsburg 1
Rank nf Pittsburg PiltaSuig 1
Weal Branch B ink Williamspnrt 1
Wyoming Bank Wilkeshorra l
Northampton Bank Allontnwn nn tale
Berk County Bnnk Reading fniled
Office of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg failed
Do do do Erie do
Do do do New Brighton do
Rank of Chambersburg Chamhershurg 1
BaNk of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
llnnk of Sti'iuehann.i t'o. Mnnlrose 2
Eric Bunk Erie 3
Farmers' tk Dtovera Bank Wsynesburg 2
Franklin Bank Washington 'IJ
lionesdale Bank Ilonesdalo lj
Moiiongihela Bank of It. Browns 'ille I
York Hank Yoik 1
iS. II. 1 he notea of those banks on which we
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) aro not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
Philadelphia Sav. Int.
I'liil.idelphia Loin Co.
Scloivlklll Sav. Ina.
KeiiMUElon Sav. In. A
Ponn Township Sav. Ins.
Manual Labor Bank (T. VV
rwnndrt Hank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bunk of Beaver
Bank of Swatara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bnnk
Fermera'df. Mecb'cs' Bank
F tinners' A, Mech'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumliermen's Bnnk
Northern Bank of Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge t'o.
Northumb'd Union Col. Ilk.
.North Western Bank of Pa.
Office of Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bunk
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
V estmnieleml Bank
Wilkesbarre Biidge Co.
I A N K S.
Philadelphia failed
do f.iiled
do failed
Dyott, prop.) failed
Tow and a
Bedford no tale
Beaver closed
Harrisburg closed
Wgihington failed
llellrfotite closed
Pittshutg no sale
Pittsburg - fniled
Fayette co. failed
Greeiinactle failed
Harmony no .ale
Huntingdon no saie
Lcwinlnwn no s ite
Warren failed
Dundnff no aile
New Hope closed
Milton no sale
Meadsille closed
Port t!arhon
Carlisle failed
Montrose closed
I'nionlown failed
Gn-eusliurg closet)
Wilkesbarre no tale
ffj" All notes purposing lo be on any i'unn-yl
vania Bank not given in the above lint, mny lie set
lowu as frauds.
xkw .ikhsi:y.
Bnnk of New Biunswick
Med ford
Perth Anilioy
Bclvidcie Bank
llurliuglon Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
?urini rs' Bunk .
Mount Holly
Ratlin rs' and Meehauics' Dk Kahwav
.'anv.ers' ond Mechanics' Ilk N. Biunswick failed
Fanners' and Merchant' Bk Mld.lletown l'l. 1
r ratikiin Haim o: ss. J. Jersey City
iioimken UK got tiiazing t'o Iloti..ken
lersey City Bunk Jersey City
Motl.anica' Patterson
Maiuifiiciuri ra' Bank Belleville
Mortis County Bank Morrmtown
Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold
Michaniea' Bank Newaik
Mechanic' and Manuf. Bit Trenton
Morn Canal and likg Co Jersey City
Pus-t Note
no sale
no tale
Newark Bkg St Ilia t?o Newark
New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamhortaville
N. J. Manuluc and likg Co Hobokcti
N J Proleclun 6c I.onil ard bk Jersey Cily
Orange Bank Orange
Peterson Bank Paleraon
Peoples Bank do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
Stale Bank Newark
State Bank Elitabethlown
Slate Bank Camden
State Bank of Morria Morristown
State Bank Trenton
Salom and Philad Manuf Co Salem
Sussex Bank Newton
Trenton Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Dover
Washington Banking Co. Hackennck
Bk of Wilrn &. Brandy wine Wilmington
Bank of Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do blanch Millord
Farmrra' Bk of Stale of Del Dover
Do branch Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do branch Newcastle
Union Bank Wilmington
fJJ" tauter O s
lour coonterleil or altered notea
nomin-iiioua. in cireulaiton.
of iha
various d-
Time und Ulstnuce Saved !
rpHE tubtenbert hiving leased Ihe Sunbury
X Ferry, beg-leave to inform Ihe public, Ibat
Ihey are prepared to convey Team, Pleasure
Carriage and Foot passenger acrota the river
with tafetx.and without deity. They have pro
vided themselves with new and rommodioue
erafta, which will always be attended with able
and careful hand.
Paiaona travelling to aod from and through
Sunbury to New Berlin, Lewiaburg, Harlleloo
and other placet, will find it greatly to their ad
vantage to croia at thit Ferry Instead of the
Bridget, aa Ihey would aave from two to four
mile in dittance. JOHN SPKECB.
Sunbary, April 1, 18iS
Xo. 40.
' . Soptb FounTtf Stiist, AsoviCbcstsvt.
Jan. S9tk, . .
LP C 7 C1 XQ w .
THIS Medicine It warranted, nn oath, not to
contain a partial, of Calomel. Cnrmoive 8uh-
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Oold, ot tny delete,
rout minerals.
The nrlfleJiol Upon which Ihlt Medicine act. U
bv assisting and harmonMng with nature t h
drivea out all foul acrimonious humors from the
blood and body, and bv aasimilaiing with and
strengthening the gaatrie juice nf the stomach, it diset'ion t In short there Is not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, lhal i
not ttrengthened by the PANACEA, and il skm
pnaeeeee the remarkable properly of removing
mercury from the lionet and Joint.
Scurvy, Scnrhu'ic Affections, Tumor. Scrofula or
King' Evi , White Swelling., Ery.ipels. Ulcers,
Cancera. Running Sores. Scabs and Biles, lime
and a determined perseverance in D . 8WEET
8ER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejection nf food, Nausea, Vomitings, Nervoutaf
I'rclinna, Billinua complaints, Hend ai-l e, Pa'eni ss,
or Female Irregularitiea, Dr. SWEETSEII'8 PA
NACEA will toon effect t cure ; but if ohstiqtle,
or attended with griping, flying paint, the dose
should be increased, end the cute will anon be ef
fected. Let not the patients frighten themselves
with the idea that they are too we..k to lake much
medicinet but beir in mind that thia mildly ope-a-titig
med cine put not weakness into the frame, hut
mort certainly drnwa weakm a out, leave trength
in it place, and by giving eompo'ed a'cep at nig' t,
and an appetite tn relish any fond, re-nnimacs the
whole frame wi h vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving the sig'it.
Scrofula Is aaid tn be heriditary, the infant re
ceiving from its parents the seeds of this diseat -,
which with il yeata, if neglected and
lint submitted lo frequent purine linn with Dr.
8WEETSER'8 PANACEA. Theglnnd are pla
ce.l in the corners nf Ihe body, and nut of Ihe way
of direct communication ; their real ue i a subject
on which much difference nf opinion prevails! it
suffices tia to know ih:it when in a stale,
they are cnpaMe nf being purified and rle.nsed by
a long cour-e of Dr. MWKETSEU'S PANA
CEA, which restores Ihem to sound and proper
anion. Scroful. us persons can never pav loo much
attention tn their blond, its purification should be
their first Iboughi, for aft. r a long cntir-c of perse
verance, ihey tll ever curt hereditary disease.
SWEI'TSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high
ly extolled ; it eeaiche out the very root of ihe
ilis.-nse. and ''V r- m vjng il from the Blood make
a cure ceitain and perm moot.
For diaciar of ihn Bladiler and Kidneys. Siric
ttirrs. Gravel. Slnne, Piles. Fistula. Uiinnru Ob.
strueliont and Extreme CoAtiveness Dr. SWEET
SF.Ii'S PA.NCEA a the best remedy ever tr el ;
it ren.nvea all ihoi-e acrimoi.ioua hurno s from ihe
llleo.l vibiih give rise to the above diseases, and
nv Keeping tno nionu in a pure condition, in-un
linpiir ties nf the Rhmtl, Mircnrial Taint, Weak
neat nf the Sp:ne Flout of Blood to Ihe Head Gid
d nrsi. Sieging and Buzzing No:se in Ihe Head
and Eon. wWEETSBR'S PANACEA will
give rert iin relief; in nil seveie and chronic caea,
the patient c innot be too often reminded lar
ger dnsrs and peisrrcrance will elWl i cure.
I i CA7fr and Ferers. B liout Frrers. AJfeclinns
of the Fitrs cud Ears, Spoiiey and Itlrtding
tinnis tinmen lit anil rerenl Coughs and "old;
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will be found
perfectly ure and certain in II" t'fl'e,ct-.
Thnre cnmp'ain'a are geneiallv attended wi h
the most fiitnl on.itpiencee, nr d :ic seld.nii or lie.
ver rii-ed by Ihe pies-M mode of tieiitmeni ; th-y
-uffering ihe moat excruciating pain and torture.
I he cause of these complain s are Ihn sjme as all
i-tbeis ihe dm-, ol the blood becotn. a encrusted on
ihe finest narrow passages, whence art-1 moibid
secM-tmns and i-loppaeraof n ine You will find
ihe moat powerful d un tic. of no une.aa Ihey only
increase the qu inlity nf urine and do not puiify
.nd strengthen th part-". By purifying the blood
with Dr. SWEETSUR'S PANACEA, oa re
move the c.iuee ,.f the iline iae, conacqtienry it enn
not exist any longer, after sufficient p i.-.ein. e
in ita use haa deprived the bl od and body of all
acrimoniou- bumott and iiicrustulion.
This is a erv prevnlent and Intel ditea-e i it re
subs u.n-lly from lonleeled cough', colds and bron-
chili, also from im:ooier I real men in many of er
a-rt, men measles, I. ver. ti n irnm iil n. and
.mall pox, and a h -l ol other l-adlv trea'ed dt.e-i.iK;
win re Ihe ratise. instead of having I oen thorough. y
removed from the and body, have only been
palliated or remove ! from one pot lo hre-ik out in
another, liy ilives'ing y uur I. ...lie ot all foul hu
mots, through the medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S
PAN ACEA. the cure is at once rendered certain
and permanent. 'R. collect, while there is acrim
ritnua Humors Hoitlng in Ihe circu anon, tt I. aa apt
lo seltbt on the long, a- any other part of the body j
this ia lite reason th it consumption it to prevalent.
Which you e. on the ex'eri r. come fiom and
have their amine in, the inleiior, and might just a
well have .ettled on your lungs, liver, or any othitr
pait; which we know they frequently do, and pto
duce mo-t violent inflammatory disorders. The
humor which occni-iona Ihrac tons ia of t highly
aciimoniona burning n iture. We know il from
Ihe pain it g'nea iu forming, and afterward its ra
pidly ulcerating and corroding the flesh and skin
of the pait where it brisk out. This shows the
necessity of frequently putifying the blood with Dr,
8VEBTSEK'S PANACEA, and keeping such
malignant humors in ful j. ction. Should you have
a bde or ulcer, be thankful that nature htt taken
trouble lo warn you of ihe danger your life and bo
dy ia in, for il ia a warning tl at the blood is foul.
Had this aime acrimony h-e'ed the lung in-tead
of Ihe surface of your body for Ha seat, consump
tion nf Ihe lung wou'd hav.i been lha'contequenca.
u. lay not li en, to purity and cleanse with Dr.
owci leer I an -ices.
Spinal affection., mlatgement of Ihe bones and
joints, white swelling, l ip joint complaint, rup
tutes, falling of the bowels .m l worn disease, will
find a apeedy ouie in Dr. SWEETsEK S PA
NACEA. Where Ihe disease haa been of long
standing, ihe lima required to make a cure will be
longer ; but the pa'ienl may rest awured lhal a
determined perseverance will effect it
Three disease proceed fiom the serioaity or
corrupt humor ol tn blood, having a-1 led Heelf on
the throat and lungs, snd .pisd them up, ao that
Ihey cannot draw siiff'u-icol air in for respiration.
ur. Bwt,r.iet,tt r ain At'K. will give imme.
dial, relief, and to make Ihe cur perfect and cer
tain, it ahoutd be continued tome lime alter, Iu
tree ll.e aytlein ol all had humors.
Find a aafe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SER'S PANACEA. It eitrea l.y aearehing every
blood vet-el tnd artery, tnd driving out all impu
mice and foul humor a accumulated tharoin mhit.
ia the caute uf rh' umatiam, gout and awelling of
.... jumia. 4 am oeieterou eneclt or calomel tnd
other mineral poisont, rctdily yield la it. sovereign
influence t indeed, when it valaable lirtinTsliaaSt k
eome fully known. Ihe us of all mineral poi.on will
be consigned to 'iha tomb of all ihe Capoten,' tnd
only be thought of aa t by-gone custom of the dec
ker ate. Dr. SweeWa Penac. i. .iu .
cure for, piles, eoetivetiesa, vertigo, hd
tche, pain ia Ins breast and Hv.r eomplaiot.
Fiver ia always sauted bv a diaoiderlv aaove-
wot of the blood, ttrugslins to fits tteclf of tome-
thing that ebcuiubert it ia fact, every kind of f.
ver ia aothuu taora ikaat a tliaaale betwaaai tha
blood sod sorrapt butiert, sad at soon at th csr-
runt humors are expel'ed, you have no more fitvel
When a patient with fever tohmile to be MetL c
have hi blood poisoned with mertarv'. it wmlent
his frame lo such a degree thst if ha anrvivet th
nrneat, H alw tjrs leave him subject In dittneernf
ehllli, when 9 timet out of 10 he retort to sand i . , , .... . 1
uiu. pwuiii, ot ionic mmuret; tni. is gntof Irort
ntu to worse, aa these vegetable ptllt, powders. Ac',
mrw. nmning not merrory tnd qomine in dlsgrjlsv.
which may for t time drive the draeaes to for Ml
...-V nn, ,0 rceplihVa, hat very een I
w, maa mu .gam with fearful violence To erne'
1 nt'' 'be rstist of the ditetse mnet ha r.
moved out of th. Mood and body, which e.n be ef.'
n ai pa u- J u,in Dr- VVEBT8ER'8 PA.
f. ,Jr.t"L Pnr:fim,-C,"ne. end .trengthen.
h contain nothing that eao pogMT inM .nJ J
uw I. alwaya a,nrt chHli.nd fever
In Ait. Cash or Pure, Dr. SWEETftPn'a
PANACEA will effect a very ,p,e,l, e,. t
moves from the blood, stomach and hnviets nil
those foul acrid burning humor, which are' th.
cause iii r nea anu iosiivenea', and hy strengthen
ing the digetve organs, Improve every part of Ihe
entire body.
Thea diseases are cau ed by the stomach tnd
bowels being choked up with viscid tlimy matter,
the air which enters thrm cannot e-cape until forced
by some contraction of the t omach to expel it
nr. .- . ..o rnu.o or pain. A lew dose of Dr
iiDuierotn rA.Ai;iSA Will
convince the
auliercr that relief it attained
Parent will find ihe PANACEA a vatuablo
medicine fin their children, keeping their bodies irt
t healihy condition, thereby t.sisting their g-owih;
children or grown peitont, tfter taking it, ire not
iiii-ie to ne attacKeu wun an epidemic aa before, it
it always leave the blood in a pure condition, and
the i ntire system in a ttrengthened elate it drive
nut a I kinds of weaknea from Ihe hotly and leaves
nil neai aj wunin.
Will find Dr. 8 WE TSER'S PANACEA .
cine purely ad ipted to their use. Most ladies du
ring the period of pregnency are afflicted with pile..
Dr. Sweetser't Panacea, by regulating the bowels
will entirely obviate this, and its purifying proper'
lies on the Mood and fluids, insures In Ihem heel
thy off-pring. No one who i a mother thnol.l he
without it, and thoss who are nursine will fi-.l it
of gient bemfit In the heahh of their infanta.
ft narrenne-s and all disease of Ihe womh it
is without s rival in the entire histmy and catalogue
of medicines ; by its extraordinary strengthening
.. n.,.u. -,-, aim sirengtnena the womh, a
weakness of which ia the caui-e of failure in b...
Under Ihi. he ol may bo claswd Palnliaii.m r
the Heart, T c Dolorp mi nr
Iitd ges ion.Toollnche, M elanchol. Hysteric, .n.i
in f .et, ev.-ry disct-e cniiai d by the tharp, hiling,
acrimonious htPnors irrilatlns- Ihe nv.. . ik.
nerves teceive the morbid impression from the i-to.
mach, or rather from the blood through Ihe agency
fine simnnrh and dige live organt. and ahh.m.h
other p irls of the I o ly are appireully the seat of
the disease, still n i caused by ihe morbid impret
ni hi conveyed from tl e blood by the nerves, to that
psnt. A f. w doses of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA will soon aasure the patient tha he haa
the cure in his possession.
1 1na is an inflannnHory di-mder, alw.y4.ienj.
ed with m r- or bss pain. It proceed from lha
foul, acrimonious humors lodged jn the blood tnd
fluids, settlit g r tl,e .m, ,,n, fcp c,u,in .
tremi. ) .in and f, vers j all nppb, aii, on ,he ,ur.
In. e are worse limn useless, -is ihey only lend In
throw t'.e di-en-e i some irth. r ptrl, and perhaps
cauae death. Bleeding is likewise improper. To
cuie tho ill-ease you mu I get rid of the enuf i on
ly manage to get ihe foul liurn -r. out of y iUr blood
and vou will hn well in a day. Dr. SWEET
SBR'8 PANACEA, a ih.wnugh purifier nf ths
bloo.1, will siatcli oui eveiy impurity in the more
remote p rts of ihe h.aly ami rxp. I it through the
medium of the l ooels. There ia not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or organ of the entire framework of
man, that Dr. Sweetser't Panacea doe not im
prove. T ,aku it wtl,.n you tr) we( o k
we 1 j and when sirk to become well.
p.ed ol a vegetable matter, or medical nerbt,
tnd wmraoied. ononh.aa contninir g not one par
ncKi nf mercuri..l, m'uiernl. or chi.nical substance.
a found lobe lerlectlv harmlet mo-t tender
nse or the ueake-t fram,., under anv t iee of hit
innii MilVe ing t t .e mo.t pi..,, nt ,d benign in i'l
oter li.i Hut wa. r.rr tr nd to llie wor d; and
it Ihe asm- linn. t,K mosi certain in searching nut
he root of any c onpla n, however deep, and of
ierf. rm ng a e r.
Price f I ,er b .ti!.., nr six boni s fr $5. rr
ale, wboloale and retail, at ihe corner of
CH ARLES u.d I'HATTStreels Baltimore. s
itu. m mi. ,y
ent-sH ! trb
Lr-tn abb m mx
are, tub wobbi or ths
nasTiiuraa has atttv Biocjr,
Tim ciipoh of coxaumrTiu hatii
iv it a sousnnr pkath.
RE YOU A MOTHER! Your darling child.
rn vour ulul ami earthly iov. is now nerhan.
confined lo her chamber by a dangerous cold hr
pale ebe. ks, her tVn shrunken fingers, tell the
hold di ease ha already gained upon her the
sound of her scpu'rhra' cough ieieet your ton I.
YOUNG MAN, when juai about tn enter life,
disease shed, t heart crushing blight over Ihe fair
prospects of the fiuii-e your hectic cough tnd fee
bio lin.h tell of your los tnd hope, but you need
not despair. There it a halm which will heal ihe
wound. d lungs, it j.
Mi. ATTREE, ihe wife of Win. H. Attre;
Esq. was given up by Dr. 8ewsll of Washington,
Dr. Roe and McClellan of Philtdilphit, Dr. Roe
and Dr. Molt of New York. Her friendt all'
thought the must die. She hid every appearance
of being in consumption, and waa ao pronounced
by her phyeiciaus-Sherman's Balsam wa given
nt i i i ui9ii urr,
Mr.. GARRABRANTZ, of Bull'a Fetry, waa
alao cured of consumption by thi Balsam when
til other remedies failed to give relief tha was re-'
jLTi ' f Dr- A- O. CMlle, Denti.t.'
8l Broadway, hatwitoetsed itseffocl in several
ci-- where no other medicine aflotded relief but
Ihe Balsam operated like a chain. Dr. O. also
iine.aed ita wimdeiful effect in curing Attbmi,4
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Blood, tlir-'
ming tt it may be, it effectually currd hy thit Btl-i
tam It heal Ihe ruptured or wounded blood'
veava. god makes tha lungs tound again
Rev. SEN It Y JONES, 108 Eighth avenue.';
waa cured of cough and catarrhal iff.etion ol 50
year, l anding. Tha Aral dose gave him more re-'
her than all the otbei medicine be bad ever taken
Dr. L. J. O.'ala, 19 De'ancy ttrcet, fave ft lo a
ai-ter-in-law who was laboring underconsumption,
and lo another sorvly sfflted with thi Asthma.'
In both rase, it effect were immediate, aoon re-
storii g ih. m to cnmfortshi health.
Mrs. LUCRETI A WELLS.. 85 Chti.tie ttieet,''
rutf. red from Asihtna 41 years. Sherman' BaU
earn relieved her al once, and she it comparatively '
well, being enabled lo tubdut every attack by '
limely una of thia medicine. Thia indeed ia) the '
great remedy for Cough. Cold. Spitting Blood,'
Liver Complaint, tnd all the all. ctiona of the
ihrnat, and even Asthma tnd Consumption.'
Price IS cent and f I per bottle.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm LorVnge, tnV
Poor Msn't Plsstee sold tt tbove. -
Dr. Shermtn't nflrice is at 108 Nissan et N. i'
Agent, JOHN YOUNG, Bunbory. . ,
M. A.ktVCAY, NerUuimbulaiKH'
September lllh. lMT. ly
ALL per on indebted to lbs uberiW, f
BOtt or book aerooi.t are barab Bottled to'
tall aud ttt lie the same without delay, (av order'
to ears coats. ' IRA T. CLEMENT"
Sunbury, April W, 114$ .