TO .THE' ELECTORS OF NORTH UM BER. .i ..'LAND COUNTY.' ! .-.'.' PKLLOW CITIZENS Encouraged byrmv ay of tnjr friend throughout out county, I offr rnylf to your consideration a t candidate otfleo of-: !i '' - 'J-'" REGISTER' AND RECORDER, and ClerK of tlie Orphans' Court, . I lb next general Election. Should my fellow citixen tavor with majority of their votes, I (bould ipart nn exertion to filfill tbe . dtitie of uid office with fidelity and to the alitisfsction ofll. . ,.. MARTIN IRWIN. - . Senbory, Beptemlar S, 184S. ,) . 1 . VOLUNtEEU CANDIDATE." T ' the Elector al fcerthamfeerland taunt,. AT the solicitation of numher of my frienHe , offer myself a Volunteer Candidate for the office of - 1 SHERXFF of Northumberland County Should I be elected. I pledge myeelf faithfully to p-rform the dutiei or.idomce. SAMUEL "AVIDGE. Augusta township, August 9, 1818 TO THEELECTOR- OFNORTHU M BE It ( .. , ,. MND COUNTY : AT the solicitation of t number of my friends. I pffe myself a candidate lor COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election, Mid promise if elected, to discharge the duties nl said office ith fidelity EM 4NT7.BI. KAUFM AN. Lower AuittiK'a l. eVt. (6 I84H. Te the Voters of Korthunikerlnnd County. I7EM.OW CI I1ZKNS Hvig Seen .nomir. aged by a larc nuorhor -if fiien.ln. the eub-rrl. Iter ia induced In offer himeelf as a c ndidaie at ih' approaching nlnnim! for the office of It EG I ST RR & RECORDER AND Clrrkofllie Orphans' Court.' If he should It deemed wrhy of ihv effic , and Ie fav.ue.l u it h a majority i f vnips, no ilTm wil ljpred to p-rf rm the duties thereof with fi leli ly. rtil ns he trust, to the iiiteical and ge..eral a Vf action of ih- penile. Wespecfully your fellow eil;7.en. JOHN II. BROWN. ; ' Mi'lnn, 8-p 9. 1848. EURS RICH FANCY FURS FOR LADIES' WEAR. CHARLES OAKFORD, ! Furrier. Xo. Illl. triirnltiiif Strrol, A f no doors alxrve Third, Philadelphia, would invie din Inil t roll -n rx .iiii'.H kts snpc inr t rk if Mull't, It as "I" ii Is Ac i f every vniiitv. cnn-Umg of H ch I4u--m S M v lluiiom 'a It y M . 'V At ntiri, M,. Ii Si.. Mr Bii"ii Maiiin, ftiMie Man n Fix i l.ynx &i. &c The-e sa,in liv h. en .ol.cled e id' Rr. :. r rp, n l nr ' in h!p Ih thn la' rrktnen in t1 c c.Hinlr-. I, die in y rrsi . a ured ih.t no ait cle w II : e II' r.'il f ir i 1 1 lna e inbhs iinei.t li st is i ol pi rlicl in very iei'i-t. CH VlII.ES OA K FORD, fi'a. 1(M, CImhiiI strerl. brlw.m Third and Fourth strtrtt I'lulud-lphla R. t teniher 3(1, 1818 6m fVotice To School Teachers. -OTK ' OTK'E in I rrehv piven that llic h.'iir'l i f I l)ir, nil's nf lrwer Aucula tnwnshii will mei-t ot the hnu e .f n-nrge I 'our d. m Si lurdav the 28th d iy ifOi;ioher. ai 10 n'uluek. A. M. fr ihp o illli i nii i mid erlertinn nf 'I'dchere. fii the pill lie !:ho lsiif eiil ili-lrirl. T i li are rxjuired to eclort their TuicheM fir rt i ni n linn, Bicurding to Uw, the a une d iv. JOHN xNVDEIl, jr., President. Wi.Tm t' 'ec'ry. T.omer Aii,uu, S.' t. 3lt, 1S1S. DKiTHTO rAS. the Weak!! A. BALM in t'omu. t'.tr the Wtutlrt Iluiuuii liuvo in An tire u s PAIN KILL I' H 'I'liiktUntj entirely vrgpU hle C'iiip 'Uiiil, v 'nip'tscd ol' Twruty-rivodifitTciit inprc rttenta. imd im mi intcnul ond Kxlrni'il Kcntciiy I'tir ilif vo ri ms ill I but liutimn flcnii itt heir tJ Fir '''. r.Mi..1.. rlilM. Puina. Xurvilli anil Sirk llrndfid. Rli. iimaii'iii. fill", Piniiin, Ppinid Aflrcliona, fiimmcr (Toiunliiiitta, iTlrilcra Mnrbiia, T.HiOiaelio, Krii)liuna, Corns i'ili, Pr .cn l'arls, Ilurna, Scalds, Anui- ill llie Face mid Breast, raailiTS' C llic, Jlruiaei.nKl p re, u Bi-ie-lite. General Dehililv, AKtluna. Ac. I'm up in billies lor I, ii or 4 shillinfrs per b 'tile. Ki lurllicr particulars see l'liiiiiihlels tube hait of every spent gratis, r ntalnins a I'Tiel liistorv of tlie origin, discovery and goods ell'ects ol" AudrcnV Pain Killer, Certificates of Cures, ilirecl ions. kc. LOOK OUT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant mlcecas of Amln ivs Vnin Ki'.lcr in re moving the c'iiia:s llnit pnaluce dculli. ttie untimely death ol niilliiais nf our race, liaa iiKlucctl aome men of w hem it may be truly said, their villHin ins m-cii4Uioiis nmnil'est their villainy, t-i altempt to put in circulation sjiuri'iiis and v. mulenfil erlieles called "Pain Killer." iiettiu ficliti u liinnra I r ll.a preteiuleo ailtli ir, lonren ceruiieaiea, c;c, S hoc Invc a;i;'i.urw!, and others iv doubt will upa.ur. A-t nil remember llint Andrews neimine Pain Ki'.icr lias tbe wrifli l, signature 'a 1. Annrt-wa on mc iiin-'i 01 eacn u nue in t in- ink. 1) n'l simply ask f r l'aiu Killer, but ask lor Andrew' lViiu Killer, and have in ether. . tMt liv M. A. MeCay, pTote Agent, NrllilinilierUinrl J .1. W, Krlling, Sanla rv; John H. Itiiaar, Milton: J .Im R. Myyer. hl vmi'lmrg ; Win. A. .Murray ,V C , Danville ; Jlaveiijj vi S.nilli. Plvm'ulh; Andrew A'nlir, Wilkes Inrre ; llavs ft MeOnrriiick, Mr-F.wenn'ille : pV-lwlile At Chaintierlaiii, lwisliurg ; Goorge McAlpin, Jersey bliorej J. M. Ju M, Williiunaroit. OiHeis addressed to 1. Andrews, inventor and oiity Fri prleior at llheca Tompkins county, N. Y. Will receive r an, t aitu-iii ai. S :,-.uV'r M, K43. ly ri'F.E!FXRZ2!. IOO I'KRSONS WANTKl) ! ! ! FffHR Sti)rribpr ' wouM rpipot ftil.y inform U IllB (Fit- tula and the public geueiatly, that h- has iuat received a Urge an I splendid assortment - ! r ol tbe . . Very bet Stoves. ' cont'iting upward of 300. a mo g which ca be fou d Cooking Stove of different suea and pat tern. Parlor Stove. Stove uitable for Office Shop. &c All these Stove will heoldchea ... 1 from $3 and opward. Likew eon hand, a large variety of Stove Pipe, Zinc, 'Tin-ware, Uras- ' kettela of different anea. Ac. - ' The nbscriber return hi thnk for th lib- eral encouiagemeot received, and invites the pub lic lo mil end hi present variety of Stove &c I dvOld Iron. Casting. Copper, Pewter and r Grain taken in eichange for Ware. , , B. ZE ' TELMOYER. il .it Tinamitb. : Siinbtiry. Sepf 23, 1819 3m ' ' K7-J10ST EXTR.ORnn.RY WORHJO ' 1 THE " ' MABWIBTJ WOKAW1 TRIVATJ5 MEDICAL COMPANION. !, ,.,;, , .BY PB,.A,M.MAUR1CEAU, , . , ,' raosassoa car oisBAsa of woA!. ' ' ' CS,O01 T Caiiles sold In Three Months! Yas of suffering, of physical Bud mental anguiah to i !Ti!, ,ffrkma"e wile; and pecuniary dufieullles to the JtThi'tended especiulb f the married, orlh w eontem- :Hyrs!.wr ewe. . .... j i 1,. liave or oved a by the auih r witUltest. . on. JSZWi -3 w.3 .a-eSa-Mi tle- dacliof Jeanedies, ! most ceiUuu ni Je pf cure, In every com nland to which her sex is subject. Owlll be ee- m. free .1 pesUg. U the ,ur. Over tea thou.ul conies U.v. been ilfcin Pu1n'e:nromp.n.onw.U oM by aooksellsrs tiouit Ike tiuusl buta. June 3, IMi - OAKFORD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. CHARLES OAKFOttn, t7 1 No. 104 CHESTNUT STREET, Fhilathlphia. . .... Would resictfully lnita atienlion to hie suerlor tjleof hats fur aoiumn. I818, which will he fiiund the miwt pei feel eter b. f.ire oITi fed U the 'miiiaiity lie peculiar forms render it the more r sir till s it combines sll the essentia', nf dure, hilt'y andnetne, requisite In that atlirle of drea hilts his increasad f icihtlea in itt m mufaciurin Ih all ihe modira impr..Vemrnt. rnsblt-a him I'm Ctisei tmb WotiLi to pr. dues bcttr H-t. ...... , , Cmtoati'! Fict HiTS nb Caps or th I.stksI WOrla. Thee noilt have Wen se!ei-t d w th grent c re, and will he round tnnel lienutiful ml chise In their lib. 1 . ' . , .. Lamik' Itititne Hats Aim Caps or Etii It I'stTkair. . Ureal cure h a '-e nh.slow. ed in coiistnn tu.g these, ariic'en ih.t I hey may fl' eif. ctly ety and form a grscrfnl ppe r nee. CHARLES 0AKFORD, 104 Chestnut St. a lew d.mra nl oe Ti lid. rhilsdelnhia. temher30, 1818 ch June 2 1, 1818 ly In the Court of Common Than of Northum berland County, Pennsylvania. U 1 1,1,1 M J. t.ItKENOI OH vsHophnJillv. Nancy Ely, fha. lx n l.ydn hi wire in rain of said l.ydia, John Tnonipin, i n cu nr f R.-lTCrB J dly I'rc'd.t Rel'ecci l.e Dun. ail. i. in U latrn iih iho l I nnei d f M iry R x.dec'.l eir of I'hii. Mayb'iry dec.M, t Reliece i .M ivini rv. Wanen and E t b ill hie win-, in rihi nf .aiil Elza et'i; Wi ham Ha'rimi and i n hiiwif.. in MKhnf eaitl Ami I Will nm Harria ,ml Sts.s hi hi- wife, in r glil o' ail riuaan Juhn Until and J me ln wife, in iijl t f said .tniie anil Ii Ann M.'VliU'y. W'hi.h siid It Ii. cm. E ! si'vlii. A"", Hua.n, '.lano m d K rah Ami, " heir, i f Wi InupMiy M jlmn, ilec'd i who was . e i f h. e re .f I'm ma M ) luiy d c'd ; Antu I !) ii 148, t.'mitt g'lint a Rule an all larnea inlire ie-'t til Bp hy tV li'' dy of nun I T, mi ami arc. pt ihe a ver ,1 piiriii'a at v ilu ition or r-fuao he same, or almi cause wl.y h ' i a ne a'niu'd nut be told. Eirc d from he rrciiids and eerlifiad Sept 1st I818. J. F VRVSWOUTH, pMth'y. otire lahpre.iv mv.n in all persons inti reeled in the f reiiimn pr.iceriling In pjriitnin lo up .ear b tin fl at Monday of November neit I HO. A IJII.I.INt! rON.Shr'ir, SIll'lT. ffii-r. Miiiilinr. I Kl I. S3, lHS. AM) 413 B2ARI2ET STREET, pim.,niPH. a. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF aohl and Miivvr Watches IN PIIILADUDAI1IA. (uild l.rver, lull jrwelh d, 18 caial Cuae f 30 and over Silver Leva a, full jewelled Hfl and nvrr l,riinrs ' $11 and over Q ia t. rn, $ S in $Ht O dd I', mi's. I t ilv. r Tea 8join. 'qu I iocn;n, 4 fit) (I Id I'e a, silver ho'drr an I pencil, I (10 Wiih a epli i did nsKiritin nt nf all kind "f Walcl e, hut'i gold and silver ; Ri. fi .ieweliy. iVe. ti.d i ("hfi n nl the la"! men'if .cluiee, and m t.n t I vriy II inc in lie W atch i ml Jewelry line at much Ire p icca llian can ha b irglit in l!.i city or clil llrr:'. Please a. ve thindveitis merit, and ca!l aj ei ther LEWIS L DOM (.'. No 413 MARKET arte, ;ileve E.enili. nnr.1i . dr. or it -JACO 1 I. ADOMl'. 2 Hi MAKEETsi. fir-I amrc lielow Eih', south side. j- We he Wold and Silver Lev. rsaiill dies per ill. in the hbove pr te. a libi ful iii.c-.unt nu.Ie lo ihe irado. . c-'epu nil'ef S3, I S18 Gin . .-. . . U A G UERKEOTy P E '. '-PORTRAITS- ' ' OFasnp'iior qualnv huiidnmely coloie.l, and inn up In he.u iful M' r iic ('sirs, cunrd le. f.iroiiMiNEDitl.l.AU, In "IMKI.EIJ'Sf.'riKAr l)AUUERKE.Nii.LLERY.N.,8ti I ? WAI. N U T Ji yrt. Inl.iw Fouith, I'hdadelpht i. AH l'ii tnre inailn at thi e ta'jltuliineiit will he War. IIAXTKII PkUPICT. ' ' PliilaiUlpliia. Sept. S3. 1848 Cm THE BEST In the Uorld. NEV7 VOLUXaa OPTHtl SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. T UE Publishers ol the Scientific Ann-ru-an respectliillv give mil ice that the FOURTH I YEARLY VOLUME of their Journal will be) commenced on bstmday, Sept. S2d. 'I Ins pub. j Inal inn diners entirely -Tp, tI npiwrs w hich from tbe many uiima. papers which Homt tne country ii is a weeKly Journal ot Air, .-cience ami iecnauics I having tor its nlij.ct the advancement nf Ihe i IN I'KRFSTS of uH IIANIC4. MANUF I UKES ar.d INVKNIORS. i-'ach nun.ber is : illustrated with trnm live to I'KN original tN GRAVING" OF Nc.W VECHAKICAL IN , V I N I IONS. nearly all of Hits best inventions i which are patented at Washington hen illua , trated in th Scientific American. It a o con. i tjina a Weekly List of American Patents no i tices ol this progress ol a I Mechainca and -ci-I ei, t ilic Imprnvcmeiiis ; practical direction on : the cnni-iruction rnariatteiiieiit and use ot ail kinds ! ofMACIHNFRY. TOOL, &c. Es.a upon J Mechanics CheiT.i'iy Olid A rchilec! ore ; ac count of Foreign Inventions advice to loven- . tors : IU Road Inlellig lice toaether with a Vast amount nf other interetinif. valuable am.' us--fnl ;t . . ' . -i i.ii.eTieio i,n nni.M inlormation Th ' SCIENTIFIC A 11 1 Rlt'-AN is the most popular journal of the kind ever pub lihed. and nfmore iinporianeM tn the interest of M Kt'II NICS and INVENTORS than tiny thing Ihey could poasib y obtain ! It is punted with clear t) pe on beaiililu paper, and being a tlapt-d tn binding, th subscriber is possessed, at the end ol the year, ot a large volume nf FOUR HUNDHED AND SIXTEEN PAGEK, Jllust.'Bled with upwards nl , Five IlaiKlrrd Mttbuiitfal Fngravings. ' AND AN INDEX THRMS: Two dollars a year, in adva ce. or it desired, one dollar in advanee, the remain der in 6 months TO CLU BS : -S copies, 58; ten copies. $13. Those who wish to sulncrilie have only to enc'oss the amount in a letter, di recleJ lo IvlUNN &.CO. . Publisher ol the Scientific American New York. ALL LETTERS must be POST PAID. VOLUME THIRD bound, 2 73, or in arl ets, $2 are for ate. iney may oe loin niri; any part of Ihe country Patent ernred and rtt,t iheofllctof tbe feiClENTITlC AviE- Hr-ptember 9. LINN, SMITH & CO. ,77,HOLE3ALE ' 213J Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. iui g sciTtmcixts: ... Pait. Oil. OfcAaa, Df a-ISrurra,' Vabsishis A c. tVc. ALSO - Patent Mcdirinaa, Med.cme Cheeta, Surgical gd (M at. trical InaUumenta, CbtmlcalTe-Hj, Ve, 1 (j-y-O der from Metcbenle c Physioisns, by latter o oiherwiee ptonsjulf iiemled o. j " tfi.i, lvs:-in' ' 1 ' SUNBUK Y AMERICAN AND . SUAMOKIN JOUKNAL.r , -i J. ' ' ' j.-rrrx-rvf-- JUi. -t rrixt-i -rrrrm-rt trr-t-ti FEVER AND AGUE!!! HyTHOnoUQULY ERADICATED r& - BY ROWHSU'S TOSIC MIXTt'RE '.,! , ! THT L'reat National, Old Favorite. and Ktei wi Remedy!! ! "of EIGHTEEN YEARS' STANDINGslill hnapprosflied In tie woniler fill success, certainty, and saf ty, in the ctiiR or wfiRTCttM) rjosif t.Xtfit 1 I Y -' ' K7" It you would rtcnpe Ihe arsenica'. ('" rxi) counterfeits take not a bottle from anil nr. I ha is n ! gui&ittd by I e 'witleti tignnturc''' of the orif inal inventor and proprietor. Joan R. Row akd, on a paper lulft, trotting the mmlh unit tnrk. r : " r This remedy has never been bolstered up by false and decel fill puffs, but baa won its way to the confidence and universal admtion of the in habitants of Favaa a an Anna Pistict B Y ITS GOOD WORKS. 1ND PRVITS ALONE, to which all theairents, and every person who have used it, Well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE 143 Arch ftreet Philadelphia. AnFKT. for bury Ira T. Clement, J. W. Frilmc. H. M ser and Geo Bright. Anr.vis for Northumberland Forsythe, Wil son A Co , R VJ. M'Cay. ' Auuit S, 1848 eow . AC B NTS ' UW "SLV. rJ M3L' JBul J3LD rf CXNVAS- FOR WMIE NEW AND I POI'UIi R WilKK, in nery J'UNI'Y tironglioui Ihe United Utitrs. To Agents, the most hi rst enrriingemenl is nff.'red with a in II ra I al of f 25t.i $H'0 A rh .i ce is fT rej, whereliy an aiji-nt ran n.ake $10 to f !5 pei nk, Fur fuilher p.ulicul'a adibeas (itp d.i) W1. A. l.EARY, N.i. ISA North HBI'ONI) elirett, Phils Irlphi., Met. 9. IN4H.-fim. i:t kc or C'atliai luc Uourno, rtcc'rt. W O I'H'E ia l.erel-y ci-en. that leitert nf ad IN) n inlr; i n have heen granted I" tT'- nulxcii. I. r. en t1 i siaie nf O tlmrine ll.ur. e 1 te of Su' l.iiri , ,'ec'il. AN p ' e ns in lo'li d to si d e!at". or havirm . 1 1 ms asain-l ihe e-ime, are rrqnested to call on Hie su serii'i r fr ei'hmnt. J !IN POI'ltNE, Adm'r, Sunl.iiry, August 2fl, 1848 fit CEH'il WiTCIIEH &. JEWELRY. J.kW. L. WARD, No. 100 CllliSMT Street, l'hiludelpliin. Opposite the Franklin, n MPORTKR" of Hold and Silver Patent Le ver WblrtTs. ml M.iniilactiirera of Jewelry amid soitmeiit always on hand. Gold Pa 'ent Leve a. 13 j-weli t38:Mlverdo 18to (Jold I.epines. S IO; Mlver do. SI2 to IS: CI rka nn.i l ime Piece , Gold Pencils, $135. upwaids; Diainniid Pointed Gold Pens, Sl.00!; Cold Riacelets ,ind Breast Pins, in ere t variety; tfur Rmi! ; Miniature ases ; Gu .rd Chains. 512 to $23 t 1 lated 'Tea Sets. Castors, I ake liui-kets. Candlesticks. BrilBiinia Ware. Fine vo ry Handled Table ' u lery. and a general assort ment of Fancy ( oils. AMEPIOAM SHVEH. FORK AM) SPOON MANUFACTORY. S.K W L WARD, No. 10U CHEr-NUI' M.. Thilailelphia, opposite the Franklin House, Manufacturers ot all kinds of Silver t"'poons, Forks, Tea "ets. Ladies, Ac All work made hy us is slatnp-d with our name, and warranted to he iii.v le of purely American coin. Philadelphia. August 12. 18180 mo. jZ3 '-!? lTi H2. 'KJ? 3 -:-33 E-aifKt Air-Tisht I SLT.MM i:R ' AN D WINTER COOKING ! ..' - 'STOVES. nbfvi' ?rrivil. vl:wli ik njiiallv well wlnr-tcd toVvid ! X or I P rtei,,i w.oi r nn--!:ilat IriL-lairs of the ; A.n.-i ieau lliRlii'Uc, New York ; ol' llie Mechanics' iiisw I tule. 11 alon; el tiiu f 'riiiikliil lnyli:ulr, l'liiladelpliiil und !nl" tlie Meeliiiiiiea' Ini-tiliile, Wiliniitgt at. i-H-luware. I . It is eligible, il' properly uaed. ol d 'inz in ae jvork. with I less iiiel, tlitni iin etlicr lt .ve -l i in-red to ihe putilic i in winler it will w.inu tiie Imiri-i kih lien, while in summer. Willi tbe mlniniiT drei"!. altuelieii, it llirowsont no tie ire be-ft ii-ui a eliarc ail lurnaee: aoil for baling, broilitar, ta- .Liir. t ri fir-;, i r rianung, u cnnnoi oc buipeafij ny uiiyniicrm ive, or ui'.ck . vii. ItEl'O.M.MKMJATlONS. . Cl.Ull.'ICAIi: OK TUK .t L'UG Kfi nl TIIE MkCHAMC' l.NSTI- rrTi;. liosioN. Wc, llic nil-wriberi. bcin' cb s--n Judges hy Ihe Maiina cIiusphs Chnllt lble .Merbaiiics' Ass icbtl al ill H.tll, on siovcs, I'nrnacL-s, ranges. Ate. w aild iiinirin the public, that ui'ler lefling nil tlie e kiiur rt ivck that were put into the Fair for cxhibiti -n. and Idling caeli iiwin manure his own srove with thn snilie kind of e inl. in order to aw-ertain U'llieb tA'oiilil do t4ie same work with the least fuel in tbe same time, und do it lies!, we find that Stewart's Patent S.umner and Winter Air-Tij:ht CiokitiflSt ive. mmmiiictur ed bv the patentee, of Troy, N. V., In be Ihe best, as il bok but I3 ininnlea lo bail tw ' gallons of walur and bake biscuit in the triuic lime, nud broil beef steak, and all d ate in the beil nmimi-r wilh Heven iounds of call, in thirty minutes from the time llic fire was put into the stovo. To which we nwnulcd tbe tilver tiledul. 3 M KS (iOUI.l), WALTER CORNELL, THOMAS MOUI.TOX, A. 1). WEBBLR, and JAMKS PAGK, Jciuci. Tbo sutau-ribcrs respeci fully invite tbe attention of enm try deak-is, to "lie ol tbe largest and best selected eti'K'k of loves, ever otlereal in this cily, am ug which are tli fi4 liwing: liases. Screen Cy lender. Oven Stoves Washington A'u Tight Conks. V ulcan , Kmekas Lsigv Oven An do do l'0 do do do do do Albany (In Willis do .McGregor Mammoth Premiums Cook S ovea. Natiiuml i r - 'I i a h t Conka, I'ai lor Slovei. I no Louis Aiil'itht Pallor Stoves. ISO ( hares Ihe 1st Ai .'Tight do 2UII Lady V.isbingtiin. Air-Tight Parlor. I1D Washington Air-Tiaht do -1H0 McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight Coal Stoves, burning three day without atten tion. For sa'e wholesale and retail by North. Harri son Si Co. No 3!W Market street. Philadelphia. Pii ladelphia, July 18ih, 1818 and '-Trust fompaity. OTFICE 74 VALNtTT PiMUXT, PHILAPKU'HIA. Capital 8i.'o,(on. tHTKit Pkhixtval. ff'HB C 'mjiiv ore n w iirei-arnd M Ironwirt Ihimiii I up -ii tliif in nt litien-l und ndviuitKtrr nit turtiw. Thpy re anth rted iy their plmrtcr (nect. :i) "lo m ike all nml every iiwurouce npiMTtoinins t lile riiki wlmtevrr kind or nature, ant! t receive uit l execute truntu, inuke etirlow meiitt, hi id 1 1 trntnt ami ('iirctiaae annuitiea." Th Com. puny iieU uutoiiie Hiid end;tineiiU, awl cl aa Truittxa 1' r miti rt and hir. T-il-le of Preniiunm ietitired for the Anunuioe of 8100 for tUe vh ile term of Life. Age. I Prem. 830 3 to 3'J 3 77 3o4 4 13 4 3-2 4 51 4 71 4ol tu s33 SM 6 7H 6 011 Tlis prenduins srs less than any other einipnny, and the polli'lea an iro greaier auvanuiges. lataea ui uau-ycwi, and quarterly premium, hall erolit rates of preinuiiu, short terms, piiot Uvea, survivorships and endowrm-uis; als-i, lUril. I'I ApIM.l WI t Wlllli .II1SIV IQ UWIM .w bi be had mi aimlicHti 'ii tit ilia omce, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. n IIUI, bunburv. Rate! his in.csisu f 100 ori a single Life. Age. Prem. I Age. Prem. 10 ISO 31 V U9 17 1 6J 3-2 2 la lij 1 M a.'l l i0 1 Co ai a tt 1 mi , as a aa Jl 1 fi t M i 4(1 J2 t 63 37 li 47 23 30 S5t 21 1 7J 3a 63 a no 4u au M Ik.) 41 gHI !7 1 tfl t i pi &i tut 111 3111 Ju 1 yri 44 8 Id LSI 4(l 43 S'fl For Life, 1.60 8.04 t.70 a.4 e,uu F-XAktPLK A pcrsm aged 30 year next birth day, by paying the CoinUiny 99 cents would secure to lus liuaily or heirs t lis) shon kt he die in ra year ; or fi 0.9O ke se cures to them tHOUOi or for 4-13 annually tu savtut ysara he Kourvs t) llwui l(mo sluaild be die iu seven years; as r... en in naid nniim.llv riiiruur lile he Mcures.AluUU to 1m paid when he dm. The insurer securing his own biaius, T the ditference in amount of premium, from IBum eluirged by .(her cgTV-es, .- For ta,0 tbe heirs would receive SHOO al'ioiild tic Hi in one year. ' - FuriTis of aoBlioBtioB and all parlteufcr may' ha had at the SkcL i - - J- W. i'LACMORN, President. Tbbasibeb FiASCIS W. Hawli. , H. O. Tuckeit, SeereUry. ' Coxsuvtinb PiivsicuIr. I B. Mseser, Buiibury ' J. II. Poapv, auibiiry, Agunl far Northumbwleiid eun trtSunbuty, July i, IMt- ' '- ' . Age.- I Fur 1 year. Fur T years, jb 81 al 30 og i,r 40 l.'Jo l.' ' 60 , Lett t.03 60 U,48 , 9,g7 , THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. - iMPORTEns or. . PS'rd ami Britannia Ware,, Cuilerv ) Tanat Ooeda. aod Manuf wlorera of Jew elry and Btlvet Warn, IS ClM Snut street. Phila delphia; have received hy lariat arrival" a la-go and hsndaoitie t rtrk nf Englih and Freioh Walrlit-s. and Msrl.K. I'orrniain and Fancy Cl''ck. ,i. i , Plale.1 Urns CSators. Cake Uaakela, H gh and Chanibi -tUsndlasj-iL-ks 8ouu Ladles, sVonu a d Fork. Alee t go.rd assortment of Uil aiiuia Ware and Fine Cuil r. . ,; . Thpiratock nf JEWELRY ie large an J of ihe most fa-hionalde kind, and they tr well supplied . Ith 8ilver 8none. Forks. Moee, Napktn Ring', Butter Knives. cVo , and wl hnut rh iking any die p'ay nf pi Ices ih the puldie prima, ibey are pre narad In sell as low a llio-e who dn, and Invite rnianns wishing to purchase loctll. .i , Philadelphia, June 10, IH48 -6m . , -. Wardrobe of aVuNtilouaule , CLOTHING. . J. W. & E. D. STOKES, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, A'o. 194 Market Street. Firnt Clothing ttortbe Into Sixth, . . Pnit.Anat.rni. '.!'' HERE they are constantly engaged In get . ting up Iroin the beet French, Eng'ish and "merican t oth. c nthing cut and made up in the most superior and fashionable sty e. t'ersons who buy to sel , wil find a large and exce lent stock at the 'oweat city pricea. C olhing macie up to order, in a anperior atyle at the shortest notice. fj R Odd Fellow Rega'ia, a large assoit ment always on hand. Orders from Lodges and individn promptly attended to on the most rea sonable terms. PhiUde phta, June 3, 1818 ly. FRENCH REVOLUTION. TYRANTS as well Monopolies, must fall. I so mint prices. That thi ia a fact can be proved by calling at No.' 72 North 2d street, ' nlmve Arch, FHILASTJLFHIA, laE III IS 4 Y, FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. LOWER TH AN EVER OFFERED, Whotcitalr mid Retail, The tock consists in pait of Gold and Silver Levers ; CKpine and Quarlier Watche ; Jewel ry of the newest and most fashionable patterns. ' SILVER SPOONS. Particular attention paid to these articles, uequal1v ufwh'ihm Nn.l and workmanship '''. The establish ment'of LE HI'RAY has been well known FOII FOVRTY YEARS, in SECOND Street, and ha made character which needs no putting. Silver TEASPOONS as low as Si. 50 per ett can b mad- for less if wished WATI'H GLASSES Plain. 10 cts ; Patent. IS; Lunette. 20 cts; other articles in propoi tion. Rniiemher, you can buy hre below any pub lished list of price in this City or New York Watrh Repairing particularly attended to, and warranted to give satisfaction N B. Old Gold anri Silver bought for cash or taken in exchange at (don't forg-t the No 72) North Second Street, above Arch, Philadelphia. Sept. 25. 1817 ly c. May 0. 1818 jHieTMim rocket Moolt and Morocco fuse Maniifaclnrer, ...... r-rcni. .1.- ni.l St... w' b siieeeedec. 11 r. Sl?l l. m in--."-. .-.,,,. 5IA THFSMIT Street. I hilaneipnia Poelr.t Rooks. Rankers' Cases and l orltolios ol everv description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tablets rar,l' rno. Dressinir Cases. Sesar do, Writing do., linckgammon Roaids & Chessmen, Gold Pent, Snyder's. Chapman' and Sunn ier' Razor Srrnnsr Feiinv' Tally ho Ra7.ors, Rodgers' U'nde fc Rntcher's Jackson. Chinese and Egyp tain Razors. Pen Knives and Scissors, of every description, Bowie and Kirk Knives; also, large assortment of Fancy Stationery, al I lowest rates. Jobbing done with r.eatness and despatch. Philadelphia, June 2(; 1848 3m K?iOW ALL MEN T 1 1 AT SENNET 6c CO. HAVE REMOVED from 102 Market Street. Bt their New Splendid and Immense Estab lishment to be known as the lower Hall Clotlilng kT.iv.aar, iVo. 182 Market Street, between fifth sixth, i HILADELl'HI . The Proprietor feel a reluctance in promul gating what in any way might appear like the usual Bombastic exaggeration of ome in ihe trade, but will beg leave to quote the following notice from one ol our city papers; One of the greateat curiosities that our City affords to thetrnger, is BENNETT & CO olhin. store. No. 182 Market Mreet, be tween Filth and Kiglh. which ha been styled Tower Hall," from the peculiar finish of the front. The building i an immense one, con taining seven capacious room, all of which are stocked with every variety ol aeasonahlu gar ments, arranged in Ihe most perfect order and rev u larilv. Th nronrittori like arettl pleainre their buildinar and contents to the eitizens. narticulailv strangers, and to those co ming from Ihe countiy we know of no place more worthy of a visit. I hiladelph:a, May 27th, 1818 3m. A Tuni'SAtiD Situi) sti: ! Asiisi? x, nocAP, ISat and 'aj Maimraclurers Sou'h Eait Curner if ilh and Murfrtl Street, Bos ment ilary PHILADBLPniA. FTAVK c instant T n t'and a full and complete L A asor m iit of II ATS, C . PS, and fUlH AN en el-cant Fsonm lit of nirw' anlbovs' Lechoro. Pimams, ami P..I n l- af Hala. AH of w' ich bv a savins of f IflllU in Mil, "ill be add, sle nl rriai1, at the v. ry Inwes' price. Cimn iv dealers woul I d i well to rail, as by e ciunvt'V an I low icrfi. we aieeitildel lo sell at vi-iv hiiv rati s . June lOib. 184H ly , NEW" A NI) CH E A V GTSr 3J CTJ9 139 ?Ea? TS CST received, at the atore of Hasan Mak 4jP ski. a choice asiortment of DUY GOODS, Oruteries L'quort. falmunj and u'her hut Ac. II of w hich will be sold at tbe lowest price, Sunbury, June 3, 181$. J AC OB T KEC2 WltOLESALB AMD RETAIL wir im Liqcoii ii:4iv:u, Ao 593 Market Street. Behno F'ghth, Nurth tide. I'lllLAUtLPUl A. Keep constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, vn : Superior old rye whiskey superior Brandy, Gin, he. Also white biaudy for preser ving. Wild t berry and lilackberry btandy. Philadelphia, June 3, 16t8. ly S.J..MEGAKGEE&CO. IMPOBTINH ASlU'OM.MISailOJJ , JilEKCHANTS, , And Dealers tit Paper, and Paper Manufactu. rtrs1 Materials. No. 32 Commerce t., PHILADELPHIA. EEP conttgntly on hnd larg asort gfc ment of printing anil other paper. New naner in th country. cn b uppiid at al lime, with paper of any ti'z and quality, t tbe lowest price. Pbiladelphia, June I7lh, 1948 T033EFE CA321T; Attorney at Isnw, tVE-ur FR I IV. PA. TNV6RMS tbe . piUxen. f NoMbumberUnd a- county, that he will nereauer reguiariy at tend the court of laid rounly and wil. promptly attend to any business entrusted to bit rare, H may be consulted t th Hotjl of rter iUiatu darioy eoiiit. r, , , Sunbuiy, July 29th, 1818 . DR. TOWNSOU'S lOHl'tOD EXTRACT OF & A tt S A P A H 1 Ii L A". 1 'Pill; F.lmt Is put up in tuart bottle. "It I slk limes L cliKapcr, nlcnranler. and tvarranted sunerli to any Warranted snperft'it to any ld. It entail diSeaseS without votnltirtff. DunrilK. nmiitiiig- ptirptnf, hick id is IwrliciiUirly adapted iv, pr oaniuiauiig lbs patient, Tie pri-it heffnty nd anperirity of tbia HarmiMrilla over wt. reuiniiptjj whilst it cradle 4 il iuvig-jrntoa the body. . CoiMuinotiitn rurtii. tl A vwinpiirjn can u cared. , ilrmmliitia. Coiiaumptitm, Liver C implaint, Cdkh, CcArHi, Catarrji, Ainhniasrittingof Hlc, Sorfmww In tha Cheat, II or tic Flnab, Night SwcaU, Dim- , vim anu in ii una rsXpefinration, and Pain in the Bida, '' " 1 '.''' . ' Ac, Ac., i . , hare and can be enrfd Probably there never wai a remedv that hat IVmi is s-ia. emafnl in deapetate ensea of connimptinn it thia ( rt eeai ea ant) atraiiffthoiia the vvatem, and nppeara to heal the mi. eera on the luiura, and patient gradnaily regain their uaual neaitn am afrengin. CURIOV0 CAW OF CONSUMPTIOIV. ' r There ia acnrcely a day pnaaes but there arc a mi ruber of laea of eaiiBiimotioti reoortcd aa cured by the uae of Dr. Townaeu'a Saranpntilla. The following wai recently re ceiver: Dr. 'rnWHaiD-Dear Bin For the last three Years I have beoii aftlicted with general debility, and nervous eon iiinnlinii of the IhiI atiige, and did not expect to ever gain mv hen Ith at all. After going thruigh a comae of medicine niHler the care of me of llie m it distinsiitabed regular hyaiciana and membcra nf Ihe 11 ara ot tiralth in lcw fork and dsewhare. bimI aoeiHluia the m Bt of inv earniuirs In atleinptiikg to regniu my henlih, and after reading in a mie mper of your SjraaririUa 1 rea lvcd to try it. After using six bottles 1 found it dime me great g-Mxi. and called to see vou at vnnr nfliin t with vimr ait vice 1 keut on and do most henrtily thank you for your advice. I persevere in tutting mc TOmj par nil, nnn nave ncen noie i' nuenu v my nsiml labors f-r the tiat four nifnlha. and! hope by the blcwnngsof Owl and yur Saranpariila to cnithmo my hailth. It helped ma beyond the cxpuc'utt im of all who knew my case. CUAIU.hS QL'IMBY grange, Kwph M( pj. jt xg. , 1P47. State of New Jeracv. Ismpt rntinlv -.r'tinrtoii Ouim. hy hf ing duly sworn accnrtliiig to hw, on hi onth a.-iilh, thit the f rcr ing stntrmont ia'true nconling to the 1jt of hikiiwl('drfeaiidlHi.)f. . CUAIlI.Kr QtlMBY, hW'irrtond SJlortbt)d to befjic me nt' llranae. thefid A.igust, 1W7. , CVKi: BALDWIN. ' ' ' Justice oi the Peace. SPITTING BLOOD, rtcfl.l tho ftOowing, and toy thul oonsainritioii is in inwi. ruble if you can : -CW IT tlTIt, April It47. Dr. Towxskkd: 1 verilv bdicvo Unit vHir SirauHrilla has been the menu thr Migli Prvidr:iiee, of saving my lite I have t r aevend yi'ors had n lunl cfMijrh. It Iwramc w rw; and warae. At l ist-1 raiscil larirc qnantUics of bloxl, had utfrlit swo;tlrtHiul wttRurcnilv dubiliUited and reduced, end dul u l expect tt live, i lim e only iiflnl your S.irmjnrillii but o Kfi trt tuiir, n.i-l there his a Wtmderiul chnntre been vr )imht in me. 1 am nw aUe to wnlk all over the city. I miBL' in bin nl, and my c nurd baa left me. You can well imagine that I itm tliiinkftil t ir thefe rcnulta. Your obedi- iil Ktrvmit. m. nj7vKi . i. oi i;aiiiitnne Bt. Lost iijoii kpklcil The imm-xed renificatc tcils n simple oint truthful stnry of suir.rina: niul rHicf. Thrreurt Ih iiinundfi of similur ra ses in this Virv und Hro 'klvn, and vet there are lhus;infls f parents let thejr ehil.lrcu die for fear of boUicliuuibutrKed or to aiva a few shillings. wrofciyn, reii. 1117. Dr. Towxsbnd: I tnke ulcasure in Ktuiiiiir. for the bvne- fil of th'urt whom it miy o. nicer n, tlmt my ilutnflitcr, two years on 1 six irimths old. nltiirtru; wilh g'-ncntl nc bilitv nml hiss of s:ecfh. S!ie was triven im as past je- e iv'erv bv our family phrnirian; but fortun.auly 1 was rc- e nimeiiAieo iy n trit?u l to try your JrKlaii!tl. m-i re hiivinit upeil one bottle she rcovcrerl h-rr ri-'-."h and wis eivibh'.'l to wil'" nlone, to the ut mishment of all win wire nctitiainted with (he rireuin.-ilniircs. hiie isiiow quite well, bimI in niu::h 1hMit h'ilih itrwi Kite linn htvn f ir 11 in mhs puir,. JOSEril TAYI.orj. 14-1 York nt., Br toklvii. two (iiiiamr: a i:d. Yer few f;iini)is tij'lci il in tan we Invn u t liird of one lint uscil Ur. '1' iwnat'iHi's Sa rn-.iuirilhi i'i tiinc. I 'Ht rny chilihcn llie pasM Sihmuic. while tlmt did not, sickfiHvi nml dittl. Thf: rt.rciticnte we publiwli Iw-lnw is c tneltisivt; evidence i f its vula'. mid is onlv mi 'tiior instance of it n tviur tlie lives 01" children : Dr. TowsnD Doer Hir : 1 hml two children rnriid by your SirnipjiriilJi ( the atr-uncr ron.y!.uiit end ilvncnt-iry ; lie v.'aa only li muithold nud t ho other .1 yearn. They were very morn rednwl. und wc exnectwl Ihey- wtiukl the ; Ihey were given tip by tw rjpeetxille )thyaieiuna. When the'dewtor inf irnnal us that we most l.ise them, we rcivtl vrtl U try y nr Hirnnmrillu we hud heard ao mticli of, but had littlr v lcnce, there liein? si much sMitl s lvertifid thai is w nhlcHM: hut we nre ilmnkfitl limt wo did, fur it imilonbiedSv f ivrd 'he lives ol'.b.'th. I wriie this that oth ers mjv In: inducvd lo uae ii, Yonrn, re"eeTt'tillv, JOil.V WILSON, Jr. Mvrtle venue. Bro.klvn. Pepf. irt jk(7. TO Tltr 1-AIU1 S. CiUEA'l' FKMALK AIKD1CINK. Dr. Towmkxd'h SAa-tAF.MtiLLA. in u sovereign niid speedy cure for Ineiitb-ut cuisn. option, nud ftr the gouerul prosf ra ti u if the system no tattler whether the lemilt of inhe rent cause or cuutva, jTouucud by irregularity, ilincttsor ac cident. Nothing can he m re s-.irjrifmir than its iitvig rating cf fwts on llie human frame. Pen, mis all weakness and Las aititde, from taktup it at ouec lK-.: me roburt and lull of roergv under its intiuence. Il imniedintcly ouateracta the iien eiensnena tf the female frame, which is the grout cuuae barrennewi. It will not 1k expect ed nf ns, m eases of no delicate a na ture, to exhibit e-rtifi(MtcR of fiiret penrm'jd. I1.1t we cun amure the a:Hictei that hundreds of caaa have beeu rejww ted t iic. Da. Towneni : My wife lveiff greatly disiresFed bv weakucfia and general dehililv, and sutler inr euiilinnnlly by liai.i and wiih iher (imcuiueM, nna iiaving ku jwii euseH where y -ur rrierltt-ine huts effected grtt care; mid hIai heariiif? it ree'immided for mieri caaes as 1 have described, 1 ofj'oinetl a U'ttle of your Kit rant of Sarsapru;! l r:i1 fol lowed the dircr i 1. y 'U g ive me. In n ab-irt ptjri'id il rein-wt d her cjni;il iiuls ond restored her t 1 hcid'ii. 'Being (ireatlul f r tne lnoeius she rueeived, I tnko pleasure in I It an arknowre.ii:i(t it. nnrl r mmenuing it t tne puonc. M. I. .ilOUIil'., Albany, Aug. 17. ML c r. GruU St Ljdia sui. No tlui.1 'r mediclira has evr been disw-vered wliidi at nearly resembles the trust ric .uice or saliva in doctMnteOtuiig fo nl and slrenijlheuinii the organs of digytiou us this pr parati 'nof Sarsapurill;i. It p-mitively curea every rise if dyspepiia, however severe or ehmnie. u.tiiK jJcpHnnieni, Aiiiany, .nay iu, ii.t. Dr. Ttiwiiseiidir : 1 have beeu alhicloil for several years with dyspeiisia iu its worn! form. aOcmled with a nir- nesaot slomch, I sn nt appetite, extreme ncJirtnurn, ana u great nverai n to all kinds of ft d, tutd f weeks, (what L c mid ent) 1 have be 11 1 unable to rctnin but a small portion 011 mv stomach. I tried (be usual remetliea, but lliey had but little or no effect in fcanviag the c mpl:tint. I utis in ducel, an nit two mouths since, to try your Kxtroci of ISiir- arirmrilln, and 1 must aaywitnmiia connnence ; out oiler iminc lu-irly tw bMtlcsl found my appetite rejiinied and tha lie-irtbuVn entirety remwial; and I would earnest lv re e uniurii'l the use of it to thosu wh have bon olRteirtt as 1 have been. Ytuira, Ac, V. W. VAN. -ANDT. Acent for PnnUiry JOTIX W. r Jti LINt ' ; Nor- thumlierlond, MAilY A. McCAY J Danville, WM. A. MIRItAY ft Co., Apiitaa, i4s iy Vtli. Ilr(!lj!r, and lot(s Ule Kail itund. SUM IF.rt AHUANGRtlKNT fiHAN(E of Hours and two Train Daily J each way, except Sundays. On and liter .Monday. .May 1st. 1818. two trains will run each way, daily, between Ch i la and Pottsville MORXIXQ LINK ACCOMMODATION' Leaves Philadelphia at 7j A. M daily except Sundays. Passes Heading ot 10 4.1 A. M. Leave Pottsville at 1 A. M. daily except Sin, lays Passes Il-adihg at U 10 A Al. ' The above Line stops at all way station on Ihe rnsd ss formerly. AF I'KRXOON LIXI'.-F ' ST TR LV. Ci Train. I Dawn Train. Leave Philadelpiila atI.eaves Pottsville at SJ . 24 P M .daily except I P- M . daily except biimUvs Sunday Leave. Phurnixville 3 4-j, Leaves Sen Haven, S 37 " Pottstown, -l.l.i " Reading. ft (HI " Port Clinton, .1.4'. Port Clinton, 3 00 " Heading. 3.10 " Pottstow n, 4 30 " Pha-nixville, S 00 Vrrives at Slate Road, ' 5,30 " Scb. Haven. 8.10 Arrivea at I'ott- vtlle. 8 20 The afternoon train will Mononly t Ihe above named itationa. Passenger for other poiut must therefore take the orning I. inn Depot in Philadelphia, corner ot broad and ine Streets No Passengers can enter tbe Car unless provided wilb Ticket. NOTL K- Piliy poiiniis 01 basgage will be allowed lo each passenger in these line; and raissengert are expressly prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel which will ba at the risk or Hi owner. ISo freight will be taken by these line. By order of Board nf Managers S. BRADFORD, Secretary .Mny C, 1848. tf Pictorial' K1IKI011 of d'Aubltne'a great Work ou llie Kelormullon OF THE SIXTF.F.NTH CENTURY IN GER MANY. bWlTZERLAND. &t! -Will be published or. or about the 1st of April. .1818, by JOS. A fePEEL. No 08 Cbeiry t. bov 6th. hi splendid liuiu edition of the above named work, .with 18 engraved iiiiisiratinn irom ori ginal desigus; 4 Vol in 3, bound in extra clotb and library heep. , , . ,. . , , , . Tba publisher repectruliy r!i tne attention of tbe trade anJ th public generaljy, to this work being the only illustrated edition published in th United State He trust that the beauty of rt embellishment, tbe itrong and substantial manner in which it is bound, ia. conjunction wilb the known popularity of tbe work itself, wilt be sure recommends' ion (p public for. y 1 . JOS. A SPEKL. 96 Cherrv it bov Bib. J, A. 8 baleo lJsly published, a. new anil beautiful Edition ef Sergeant Be.) I'e Rarest Show, a auitabla book for children, neatly don up in egtrg cloth.. , . .. .. , :,.i!'.! .', April X. I- .':.. k OXYGENATED LD 2 X CQ) Z3ZL GS3 q A BOVBRKlliN AERH-PY FOR nannsic. AND OCrfEEAL DEBILITY. '' GEORGE B. GREEN, Piioprietor; Windsor, Vermont. It asoverelrh remedy for DYSPEPSIA, tn many of sit forms, such aa pain in the Stomach, Heartburn, habitual Costiveness, Acid Stomach, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Files, Night Sweets, and even Consumption (Byspapttc Phthisic.) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with deTsiige ineilt of thepVomarh (or Dyspeptic Asthma.) Difficult Breathing, which often resulu inan Imperfect digestun (or Dyspeptic Hyspnriia, is relieved by theae Bitters. In short, their use has been proved in the relM" of almost nil tho symptoms thst proceed from a debilitated or atonic condi tion of the Stomach ; also In general debility arising from age or frora tea effect, of .Feves, particularly Fever and Ague. Fsmalos angering under any uterine derangement arising from weakness, will find tbe "Oxygkkatkd Bit tkbs an Cicellont rcincdy, and out surpusSed by any medi cine in use. The history of this medicine Is peculiar, tt has made Its way to public rfcvor solely by the force of Its own intrinsic merits. No artificial means have been used to give it no toriety and thrust It Upon public atteuli ai. It has never belore even beep, advertised, but hnVing first shown ils re rnarknble efficacy In tlie family of the pmprietor, and by mm afterwaida administered to his afllieted friends aiat ac quaiuianee, with a like result, its reputation gradually ex tended until it is known in the most distant parts of tbe Lulni, as a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cure of Dyspepaia in nil its dilrVrent f irms and nlso for the cure of Asthirm or l'hihisie. Im only herald and its onlv eulogv hasbeentha atory of its wiaidertnl efTie,ev, as told from mouth to month or by letter from friend to 'friend. In eve ry instance where these Hitlers have beeli nsed, and Ihe re suit made known to the proprietir, they have proved a re- Numer.aisceriiBcaies. sticking the singular efficacy of the"Oxvc.B!TKn Hit-tub.." are i the riissesmnn of tha nr .prieior, many or mem signeii By persons already widely or.o. it. onr.i'.v Pf.,rirf., WINPSOll, Vt., October 3. IvtS. The fullowtng t'ertificntes have recently been received t Washinotok. D. ('.. JrNB 111, let. Having made use of tbo "Mxygenaled Hitters" prepared liyDr. Oci, B. lirecn, r-f Windsi-r., VI. and from know ledge obtained of their em"ncy iu other cases, we cheerfully ree ininieud them to the public, believing I bat they will fully sustain tbo rec tininendation ia llic Proprietor. We hope that ibis valuable remedv mav h si generally dintiied throughout tii country that it may be acccnulile to oil the alflicied. WII.IJAM Vpiiam' I I'-rt.SeniilJr from Vermont. JAMI'.S F. SIMMON'S, I'. S. Senator from R. Island. J. T. MURhHKAl), I . S. ScimUir and f imurly Ihjvern or of Kentucky. L. II. ARNOLD, Member .if Cnngrusa and formerly Go vernor of II. I. WM. Wi if IDHRIDUK, U. S. Senator and fjrnieriy Go vernor of Michigan. M. L. MAU't'lN, Delegate in Cjngreaa fum Wisconsin Territory. From II in. II. D. Fo.teh, Member of Congress from Penii'vtvsiiin. Washinutos. 1). C . Jus 10, 1818. Dcsr Sir. 1 have been a dynpcptic sinTerer fir shout ten yenrs, and tiave resorted to various medicines for relief' without succesp, until I made use of v our ''Oxvirenaled Bitters." I have used alxint two b iltl'ef, and filid nivself reKlored to perier-t heulth. The f irms in which te dis eaue showeil itieif. In my ense, were, great acidity of the st mutch, low nf appetite j extreme flutittenee, severe consti pulion of the bowels, nud violent headache. Feeling desi rona that n knowledge of your valuable remedv innv reach others similarly alHietefl. 'I take cn-at pleasure in record ing my tetim aiy 1 1 its curative enver ; mid would els i remark, that while on a vivit nt home a short time since. I 1 administered a part nf a bottle to n numlicr of my alllicte l ' fricii'ls. with great puccm. They are dci-irous tlmt you should rstaliHb an agency at Pit'niiurr. or inform tliein where the medieme can be obtained. Wir'i an earnest d sire for vonr pnjwirity and li.ippiues.ii. ! e'lhsenlw nivsel; trulv vour friend II. D. FOS'l'tilt. Iioet. (igo. B. tjBrrs.Wimls r. Vt S ild Whoes.ilc nfid Retail bv fiiecn i l'le'clier, el SO South Sixth Sirect. Philnd-'bvliia. Agent for Smi'airv H. It. M SSLR. Awnls for .Milton MACh.W & li t 0. April 15, 11 In prfneuMtisT trie fiiWic "M a re:nMv f -r the tmtment uiui curt ( Fevkr A7to Agi'E hihI -ffiicr bili"iis diseases. no ofyjlopy is uel'd. Vut n timbers in I lie I rittwl Jftcs. who auiier fruin tLeseanVefions in llieir varied forms, are c imjiet'.fd to s;'ek relief fr nn otlie." s .irces than tiie imine-di-ite jtrcscri.ri -ns nf t'ne rcruur 'liynicisn. It beynirs thercf ire a:i (tijieH ot" humanity, ai w.j.M rn f pulilic inter ent, t hrir. A ire them a renicuy rrjvirfd fium much ex perietve. nl which uisy alw.y.s l relieil uprm urn savb, BITSril. L. AND IlARMI.H? TIT lONTtTCT!OX. Thl aiichis tl.atrun-tnn.-ter of the IS'HI a CH(iIA(UKil"K, j is amply ntttiitd by tin univcnul success with which It has Lx"ri einru VrK V,jitfs fr-mi a mmTnuTiciti-,n rf the linn. Wit,-. mam WooutuiDCK. of the U. H. Scuule, Ule Gi.vernor vt M icaigan. Detroit, Oct. 21, ItUO DotTOIl CfUVLEH OsflOOO, Uetir Sir, I b:ue read with much interest, ymir litt!o TiiAK.TinR upon the ''ci'.ises, treatment unit cure" of Ilia fehrile (iistmncs which hnve s cxteijstwly prevtiiied in our country duriur the l ist few in mths nn inUTent jncreawd n il'Ui'ht, by tlie fii'at that 1 hnve indivitlually rnffered s much ff.un ihem. Though 1 feel myself very' incompetent to judjre sifely upon a subject entirely professional, yet your the ry seems to me well reaaHieo, and your conclu sions just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet it calcu lated tt -produce much prnciicul irotl. S)e:ikm of the medicine he suys : ll fully justified your fliitleriiuT expectations, aud qs a safe, eonvenieiit, ond popu. tir remtty, my own experience, s i f:r, inducts me to be lieve that it will pr ve a great punlic benefit. I am pleased 1 1 lenrn ihnt you have recently established several attencies f ir in liispsiiiou thouph 1 regret thst, with a view t a in Te general dittHeminatiou of it, you should have found it iiecepsaTy to remove frin vnr presmt residence amoujf us. With much respect 1 have the h Mi r tt le. sir, Your ohiifred serant, 0 WI! i..KW WOOpBUIOGK. From Hon. FTe?r!t V. R. Tbowbuipoe. of Michi gan State Sciutte, to the Aut at Dctrnit. IIirmik jham. Oaklano Co., Dee. 13, IH41. Sir you wish ine to infirm you whnt 1 kinw in Dr. Opij-vtd's Italia CholnK Tllet i T niiti-Lilioiiei medicine. 1 do believe thtit it the virtue aud cfTi'acy ' this inndieine wera freneiitlly known, the vtvvkvU and auck would disappear iu M irhiiran. 1 pi.tcu.rod a bottle in tlie sprint; of l-U, aiul hftve c mm! reiittou t ) believe tliat myself aiui fannly eanaped liie ague lust, teas )H iu c mfcequeiiee of ua urc, Perli'ips in n summer since vt!tement of this fine peniiisnla. his tha fever n;t l usee been w prevalent as the I huve ree lUi'ueiided this rne-iiciiie m iiuin-Tfns in stniifes, and wiieii the di.MS" l:.i:l !cine fix-'d and twilled the skili of phyiici'iu; and 1 hnve never known il md. I has univerwttltv prthicwl the iu st happy ertct, end I hot lieve it h:i never bnen exceeds! by itnj mwiiciiic in retntV ving th bilioim n'ait-a oi ihe citttwie. Yours, resueclfullv, STIirilF.N V. R. TBOWimiDCK. A"vnt f 'i Ptmburj -H. B. MS3KR i N'orlbuinU'rlnud. WITIIINHTOM To Milton, J. H. KASKU, Sclias grovc, MAY & KIjOSK. .May C( IMS tf G UE ATNATi OXA IVOlO;." A History ol the nevaliitlen ud Lives ol the Heroes of Ihe Wnr el Independence. BY CHARLES J. PETERSON: An elegant volume vith 18 fine Steel Plates, and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings. "This is b splendid book. A vulunhle addition to tho Histoiic l.i'.erutnre of our country. Wc are much niii'ta ken if it d iea not take rank with tlie works of Irving ami I'n-scott." Frnnkford Hcrekl. It surpasses any similar work yet odered to the Ameri. can public." Neul's Haretie 'It muv be properly considered a p.ipularised Mitiiary History of the Bevolutiisii extremely well ar.d judicious wr.ilten." S. American. 'The present work im the Recoluti m aiat its Heroes, is superior, both in extent and design to any thai has heicio. lore come under our notice." luy. A well connected History of thst eventful period Led- '''beci.leiliy the best ppi-nler History of the war of ihe ftevolurt ai and ils lieriej, thi.l hns yet been given to the oountry." Saturday Kvvning Post. I jf AGHN'PS W ANTl'.n to convass fiar the above elo. cant Wisk, ui every Conuiy n-iil Tiivvn in the United Stales, to whom the luast liberal inducement, v. Ut be oder. I'lIILAUKLFlllA Pliiladel.ihia, May SO, llS 3in THE CHEAP .. ISriiek. Coiiil and Variety STOHE. BOCKIUS AND BROTHER, 1 '. - BRLSH MA!C1?ACTMIER, AND DEALERS IX COMBS & VARIETIES Ufa W North Third. W d W"' EjI eonner of Third and Market ttreet, PHILADELPHIA. , . WHERE tbey olfer (or t general assort ment of H kinds of Btusbc. Comb nd varieties wbich tbey iu determined to tell Lo wet then can be pur'ebated sew here. j Country Merchtnta and other Purchasing in the abov line wil find it to their adVantag to call before purchasing 'ewherf ta the quality and price will ba fully guaranteed t again! ! competition. ' . i! ii . Philadelphia, 'una 3, 1848 ly -: J'l t-li t Iww - v. STTir 'An rrlamc' h " 'isTrv" '-'J3, i ".sr." ' fpr v-JriiiSM piBiiil Indian Vegetable rillff ? This medicine is eomreWuded pn gcjiaral principle, from tbe pure, unadulterated herlsi Of the ladisn. AlthongTI thers are meny mediehiea celled ty the same tuim (resy one ia awrrre that Uitre ia very great sineis-ac atwisej them. , Those of them that are called "Indian," have Holes) the name from us, who were the first to introduce ( prepa red Indian medicine the American putJic. !f tyiurke eimilarity of name dm net creel similarity ui Ike ckais acter of the medicine. . , . , ,. , t, : '.yrigbt'e Indian Vegotahle Pills are distiiianiished tor their perfect adaptation to the Irumsn body la thair npr. ation,.lbey do exactly whal nature does, and nothing asene They have a voi's-pold Acripir, npon the lunge akin, kid-na-s and bowels. Hence thejr peculiar power over disease. By promoting perspiration, they break npCotns t)oows, RHBVtfA'Tie CoMrUAIBT, Pt! tit TH SaCB, Cimtl, CvTAaaov Lkvptmr, Pimplb, Blotckbs, Faacaua, Ebtsipeiis, e. ..... . , . . The action .of th Pills on the kidneys Is such as U make lhera a valnahle lithontriptic. Daorsv, BBAritt., arid Pli Haik Complaists, miaing from olsUuetkan at ctrtafsi periods, are speodUy removed by their us. ,....,,-, .i A free ExrgcToaATtps from Ihe lungs is excited by tlie use nf Wright' Indiah VegMnhle Pi Us, tha removing Pulm mary Comiilaints, Such as Asttoia, BmoscttiTrs, SontNUi ami I'lanT.tBs or tub Bbbast, Coughs, Sore, Throat, 4c. , , By their action on the Sfois.icit and Bowels, th Pills cure DrspgrsiA, I.rvie Cogrum, Palpitatiws or sr IIeabt, FLATTTLavrrr, CosTD'rjipa., Fgvxas of all kind, Pleurisy, Headache, Giddiness, Dysentery, Piles, and ail disorders of the intestines. Taken in small discs, Wrieiif Indisn Vegetable Pill become an Altcbxativb medicine, nf groat Baarchhig aV ficacy, for the cure oI Sobe. of ull kinds, Tbttkb, TuMOks, Jacndi.-e, lflWKJso Spirits, NgtaALaiA, Rash, Paiss is rut Done,, Ac. " ' These PilU also thoroughly break tip iNrLtnmzA, Ih which complaint they nre extremely valuable. , u In Dilious Complawj, these Pills exercise a complete mastery. Hence FgvTiB ajib Aora is speedily cured by Hi, use of them, In the Western arid Swthern States, where ibis disease mostly prevails, tiSese Pills go like Su A vakuicbe. While they are cheaper than tlie fever and ague remedies in general, Wright's Imlinn Vegetable rills have been pr -niuncwl superior to all of them. Indeed, it would p. pear that if there is one complaint over which these Pill have m rc power than another, it ia Fkvui Aim Aorjc. , r For destroying and exjwlling Wobms, no Vermifuge is superior to these Pilis Although we have not taken pains tu make this fact public, the merit of tha medicine itself lots acquired for it an extensive reputation and sale for the re moval of Wobms Administered to adults or children, tlie effect of the Pills is equally radical and decisive. All who suffer from Worms should by alt means, use Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills. In fact, no one can go amiss in the use of this medicine. They are natural to the body as food is. A trial will convince the that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills lar from being a e-.immon "quack nostrum," are decidedly t'.ie m t valuable medicine ever ofTcred to the public. He ware or Sugar Coaled Count er- i ims. , I P.emcinl er thnt tha original and only genuine Indian vMnl,u l;n. w-.. ih .... in... .;-.... w . . . . f . . " ' " ton i , . tjc ; Wright's tnacxti Vegetable 1111. H-nry Mssser. r-'unhury. E t J. KaufTm in. Auffnsta township. John II. Vine nl, Chillisqtiaque. Kase & Hergstresser, Elyliurg, Samuel Herb, Little Mahon.iv, Vj!!iani Deppi n. Jackson. Ireland and ilnynsn, McEaitiillc. . William Itrimri rfe Uintbpr, Milton. ; I'ouyihe, Wilson & Co., Noiihumherlnnl Jam-a H' e,l, Pollsrovc. ' O. W. Mrott. idishviiln, W. & It Fi gi ly, S!i itiinkintuwn, -flltuOes sir. I rjw. Siiydjrs'.imn. . . Amos 'I'. I'eisi ll, Tuibiitsyilic . Ile nm vil'o llnlshue, Upper Mnhonoy, .1. hn ti. I.i'ini. do do. - D. I, I'll er, Wat.nii1owii. . . V',u eile. at the offl.e art) jrenrral d.-Aiot, .1 OS' Duo H Philadelphia. July 8, IS43. ly Ti:STKR.X SEW YOU It COLLEGE OF ' II.E ALT If, 207 Main direct, Buffalo, N.'f.' L PH. G.C. VAUGHN'S;' " Vfgelulile Lithonlriptic Mixture. ' rpillS celebrated remedy is constantly increasing .ts fame X by the inauv cures ii 'is miking ALL OVER THE WORLD. . . . . It hns inw bee nne the only medicine fur family usa, and ia parlic uhirly recuuuuended f r - . . 1 . DROPSY: all stages of this complaint immediately relieved, no matter m bow long standing. Bee l'hainphiet fur testiuiouy. . . GRAVEL, and all diseases of the urinsry orpins; for these distress ing coiiipl nuts it staiids al me ; no, other article can reliava you , aud the oures teetilled to wille mviiiee the mtt Aep Ucal: Met uaiupiUct. Liver Coinpiaitit. Biliiuus Uiaaasas, FEVER & AGUE. To Uit) Great West especially, ami wherever lb ess aow- Lluims prevail this medicine is uucred. , NO MINERAL AGENT, rt" deleteri )us eompound ia a part of tins mixture, it carfc the: ediseast-a with certainly aud eelurity, and does uut leuvt the svsujm wrptd. tec iainuUet. . , PILES, a oimplnhit nf a most piinful chnTiieter, is . ' .' Immediately relieved, td a cure f Al v by a few diys una of this article; it is Ur belore any other preparutitm lor this diseaae, or fur any I o'her diNenbe urigiutatuig ujui impure bl xxl. Hee pum- j1'""' DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, - weilt lck, wcakoen of the Kidne s, Vc., or iiiAamrrur : ti u t-auic, id rniuiccuitely relieved by a lew uaa nae ; tlttff mi:diciue, ond a cure is aiwuv a result of its use. It UUJAsS us A CERTAIN REMEDY., . f r such compluiiits. aud also f jx deraiiLmcnla of the fe lutile frume. t IiC.tEGULATIITIES, SUPPRESSIONS, , painiul menstrual ions. Nj orticle has ever tei offered j except tnu wlti h would tuiicii this Kind of deranceuieiii. , It i::iy be relied tiKiii as a sure a:id tytcciive rMnedr, and Idid we feel permitted t id tt c uild five A THOUSAND NAMES . ' :. : fz pr rtf of cures in tius ilir-uesfii)i? rlas-i of e implajnts. 14 tMintirU AM, rint'tt HMiiiitnH vitMiitiitita fr iui the wlect of mercury,. will find the bracing power of tliji nrticle to act Itnmediti.dy, and the p-hsoikmu niintraJ fadicaitud from ihepyntem, ERl'PTlVE DI?EASt:S will find tho alVintiv pnperties of this article. I'L'iUFY THE BLOOD. and driven such diseases from the synleru. Pes psmohlet for testiramy ol cures in all diseases, which ihe Inntsef an advertisement will not permit t be iinihol lieru. Agenls eive them away ; they c .nuiill M pgts irf ccruUcalesul liich cairavter,'and a sir. rifw ARKAr Or" PROOF - , - ot' lbs viruics of a medicine, never appeared. It is on nf the peculiar -femures of this article iliat it never fails to ucl.eiil iu any nur, mid il bais and muarle are kft to bnUd u oa let the eiuacialcd and lineriiiir U.vaiid HOPE ON i ; and keep taking the mcdiciuc as long as there is aa im- orovciuent. 'l lie tir. tirietor woukl (uoicimut. tAl)TjON THE jinc . . aiiust a uainher ol articlsa uluth coin our Budur the "SARSAPAP.ILLAS, SYRLTS, &C. ' aa cures lor Dropsy, (iravsl, -Ac; Tuey axe good fur ao tltiiul', and CHicorled t cull the nuwarv : TOUCH THEM NOT Their invent rs never Ihoaght ul curing such till, tins srticle had done it. A particular stialy ol the paui phlat is earnestly aihoited. ' . .. .. AgeuW sikI all who sell the article are ' . ' (iLAD TO CIRCULATE ; sratuitiiklv. Put up la 30 oe. botle, at W ! t oa. do at l each tiie lar-ror bole eat Idjiuaj 6 ex. mar, Uisn two small la rt iinimsed bik'ii. F.very txittki has Ilea. l.-rk cut bud ol ininoped bp' 'Vaughn a Veiretahai LliuoiHripUr Mixture," blown ursai ,1.. -1. a L - f.;.i f V.,l.o on Um Y VICfll Mjr-.k j .W'.'iH '.j'jLH RYWa1 the cluaa, the written signature of (. C. Vanglot" on die ilireotiiBB", aud "-O. C Vaughn. BurTalJ,,, etaniped on IM ck.. JSvce other era aeiuuue Preparwl by iff. o. C. Vaiurhh, and ld at the Priisniul DnVe. ' Mn streol, . HuliuUN at wholoMtle and retail. No attention glva kel IwauiJaaa post uaut orders from rscutai csiiUitl Agents excepid : post mid letters, or ve.tbsi eMrjiiiun ti.Hi. soliciiing aitvice, pnanpUy aistaated togrtia. Othees .levoled exclusively to toe of liue (rtiel I3J uwu sc. New- York t y t fl6 ! tjalem, t"m i anJ by Ihe priisjifkl IJsi.fgisa-Juoogaoatlb Lulled rJuiea and (ana.ia, as Ap-ci.u. , .l'J Wu.. j .- List iu Aaeius.-torrs co.. W holesale AgeK Pluksdtd-, nli.a j. W. Frtlieg, raiebury Isaao tiosrkarl ihrwove. -C A Wvslh. Lewistairg 11 I.Sbealer, Milt' llayea, M.Cjrmiea, McKwauuUle Miaa McCoy, Northnsaeeri auwl. - yrd l.iw-y ... A ., r1 -p JtitmCESr, BLANKS t. ; , fOE SALE Alf THIS 9f fVfc&t