Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 07, 1848, Image 1

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C A N.
1 IV I -."
new Series vol. i, no.
THE AMERICA! it published evert Snlnnliiy nt TWO
DOI.I.AH9 per annum In be paid hnli
nil ycnriv in mivnuee.
No moer diseontinuod until m arrenniirc. nre iwiid.
. Ali commmiicfltions or Idler on bniii'w relating to the
office, Co insure attention, must be roST PAUL
,y- - , to CMJBB. -
.Three copies to one aiklreRS, , eXiOll
Seven Da Dn in ml
Fit'teeii ' ' Do Do N no
1 Five dollars ui ailvanco will pay for three yenrV snbscrip
tion to the American.
One Square, of 1(1 linen, 3 times, ' pi no
livery subsequent insertion, tf.i
:One square, 3 month., 2.VI
Hi month, .'IT-i
due year, otto
.Business Cards of Five line., per nniiuni, 3 00
Merchant, and others, advertisiuir liy Iho
year, with the privilege of inscrtieg (lit-
ierent advertisement, weekly. 10 00
. OT lnrger Advertisements, a. per agreement.
a. B. IASSEP.,
Business s Mended lo in the Counties of Not
hmrterlsnd, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Refer tot
P. & A. PorocnT,
Low ail & BmRos,
Somrhs & 8nonoana, W'Aiui., McFablamip & Co.
Spintso, Goou & Co.,
Cheap New & Second hand Hook Siokk,
Ifarth West corner of fourth and Arch Strict
Law Book. Theological and Classical Books,
Scientific and Mathematical Boms.
Juvenile Books, in grwd vm-ichj. t
Hymn Books and Praypr Books, Bibles, all sizes
mid prires.
Blank Boots, Writing Paper, ami Stationary,
UVioha-tle and ttftail.
rOrn prirt-s nre much lower tlinn the tiK".rT.n price.,
r? I.iliinrit-s and .mall pnreels of h'ks ptirchttfeil.
lir lfcioks imported to order from ljoudoit.
PhiUulclpliiii, April 1,
nnd Oeoler. in Seed,
Constantly on hand a general assortment of
To which Ihey respeclf'illy invite the attention
ol the public.
All kinds of country produce taken in exchange
for Groceries or sold on Commission.
Philad. April 1, SI8
JV. IS Smith Sternal tlreit Kant title, duwn Hairs,
1 ESPELTFULLY informs his friends and
JLtaV "e pubic, that he constant
hand V large assortment of cln "li
i Tnarhe..
ns wil ow
and tiavel-
lintr li.skelc. and everv variety of
basket work
Cfmntry Merchants and others who with to
purchase such aitic es, good and cheap, would
do well to Mil on htm. as they are al manulac
lured by him inthc best manner.
... i'lii ade phia, June 3. 1S13. ly
7 ( An & SEiL. EXGK AVISO.
4fl Cltfimt t. 3 rf'mrt abort 2nd at , Philadelphia.
Watch papers. Lubels, Door plates. Seals and
Stamps (or Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance,
Ac dec Always on hand a general assortment
of Fine Fancy Ooods, Gold pens of every quality.
loB Collars in great variety. Engraven tools
and materials. ''..',
I Agency for the Manufacturer of Glaziers Da-
Orders per mail (post paid) will be punctually
attended to.
Philadelphia, April I. l48 y
; cou.wKY n i; i5C bi x ts
, ,,, . Cnu save from li to 8-1 per ut. ,
tv their OILCLOTHS direct
i from the Manufaeturers
tlave opened a Warehouse, No. 115 North Third
Street above Race, second door South of the ha-
where they will always keey on hand a complete
assoitment of Patent El.ixlie Ca-rlae Oil
Cliilh: 28, 30, 40, 48 and 5 inches wide. Fi
gured, Painted, and Plain, on the inside, on Mus
(in Drilling anC Linen. Table Oil Clalh of the
most desirable patterns, 30, 40, 40 and 34 inches
wide, floor Oil Clolh$, from 28 inches to SI
feet wide, well seasoned, and th newest style
of patterns, all of their own manufacture Trl,n
parent Window Shades, Caipets, te. All goods
' Pbila. May 27, 1848 3m
fa 'HE SUBSCRlBhR has been appointee, agent
I for the sale of CONRAD MEYER'S CELE
at this place. These Pianos have a plain, mas
iv and beautiful extenor ftniib, and, for depth
4)( tone, and elegance of woikmar.sbip, are not
surpassed by any in the United States.
The., instruments are hiuhl v anntoved of by
ha moat eminent Professors and Composers of
Music in this and other cities.
,,For qualities of tone, touch and keeping in
ion upon Concert pitch, they cannot be sue pas
ed by either American or European Pianos.
-, Suffice it to say that Madame Castellan, W. V
Wallace. Vieus Temps, and his sister, the cele
brated Pianist, and many others of the most dis
;inquisher performers, bsve given these instru
menu preference over all others.
They bav also received the first notice of the
three last. Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal
fcy the. rankliu Institute in 1843. was awarded
to them,' which, with other premiums from the
Same source, may be seen at the W are room No
: i4 .oniu rnuiia ai. ... '
I . lET Another Silver Medal was awarded to C
! -Meyet, by the Franklin Institute, Oct. 1913 for
i ftie best Pisno in the exhibition.
Again at the exhibition of the Franklin Insti-
i tni'e. Oft 1848. the first rremiumsnd medal was
- Awarded to 0. Meyer for his Pianos, although it
Karl kaen awarded at the exhibition of the year
: BeTore.on the ground tbat he had made still great-
' Ir improvements in bis fustruments within tbt
last 12 montbt.
AE'n t i
: the last exhibition of the Franklin
pstitote, 1847, another Premium was awarded
, ID y. rsyer, lor me oesi I ian m huivih.
i ; At their last exmoinon, cepi. ion,
ft, Meyer receded the first silver Medal and Di
' Iloma, for the east square Piano in the exhibition
for the Vest square Piano in the exhibition
i v ... t: :ii i I J .k- . Cut...
, . s uwmm riauoa will vw ewm at w .m-.i-v .
ief's Isweat Philadelphia prices, if not something
? Persons are requested to call and exsm-
roe ipv nwmesrives, at inv rv."w" 1
Sunbury, April , t48
3 iramflg ttospaprr-Dctoutojjioiaifcs; attt raturr, Wrama, jTrntgn itni. Domrstfc iuto;
"It is of no usp, Evalefn for heaven'
sakp don't stand hesitating any longer,
wnne i am waiting in tne cold, i he roatl
is blocked up with snow, and the horses
will not and cannot drn the carriage any
fatrhor. "And Thorne Tyrrel rather impii
tiently disengaged his little wife from the
buffalo robes in which she was wrapped,
and placing her upon tera firma, left her
standing upon a pile of snow drifts, where
like Noah's dove, she "found not a dry sjwt
for the sole of her foot."
They had halted before one of those rude
way houses so common in the northern for
ests of Pennsylvania. Upon the roof, and
above the eaves of the low wide piazza
running across its front, the snow was al
ready heaped in massess. and the unpainted
boards of its walls looked still blacker by
contrast. A door opening into an apart,
metit, half parlor, half bar-room, had been
thrown back, and the glare of a huge fire
that roared and crackled within, leapt out
into the dusky twilight. A group of men
in the rough attire of the forest blocked the
entrance, and there stood gazing at the
wearied travellers, now commentins in
suppressed tones upon the beauty of their
equipage, now reprimanding the snarling
hounds, that at every approach of the new-
iy arrived, bounded . lerociously forward.
Meantime themastrr of the carriage, moun
ted upon its steps, had with some difficulty
succeeded in arousing its remaining occu
pants. Three enormous dogs, bound together
by a leash, sleepily arose, and persuaded to
exchange their luxurious couch for the icv
bed beneath, slowly followed the servant to
whosi) care, they were entrusted. (Jims,
rifles, powder-horns and shot-bag?, ail lihi.
turn were next drawn forth until at last, ful
ly satisfied of the safety of his treasures,
their master turned his eyes upon the little
creature who stood shivering at his side.
Lifting her in his powerful arms, as if she
had bet-n an infant,- he bore her rapidly
through the storm into the apartment that
shall in courtesy be christened a pirlor, and
then, drawing toward the fire a sort of rude
lounging chair, placed her in it.
The hounds, freed from the lea,h. had
laid themselves upon the narrow strin of
carpet before the hearth, and Tynel, bend
ing down, talked to them in the quiet and
familiar tone with which one addresses a
rational kins. They were specimens of a
scarce and foreign breed, and the extreme
l .. .tm,. ,C Ikrt!. r,nti: nl... , -
the nobler classes of the brute creation, the
indisputable warrant of natnre's aristocracy
drew trom him many an admiring look,
manv an enthusiastic commendation, une
crossed his feet as daintily as a lady ; one,
stretched at full length, liis muzzle resting
upon the floor, beat his leathery tail from
side to side as ho continued to hear the
sound of his master's voice, while a third,
with a single paw delicately folded beneath
his chest, his head majestically raised, his
round eyes fixed upon the flames, seemed
watching the red column of sparks that at
every fresh blast of wind rushed up the roar
ing chimney.
A few minutes had scarcely elapsed since
the entrance of the travellers, when a sound
of voices in earnest conversation issued
from a side room, and Tyrrel was presently
summoned to take part in the debate. He
returned with an impatient tread and a
clouded brow. The host had declared his
inability to accomodate the whole party,
and at a farm house three miles distant, the
loss nnd servants were to find shelter for
he night. This Tyrrel hastily explained
o his wife, a3he drew on his furred gloves
and buttones his overcoat more closely a-
out him. Iiuther ierror was extreme.
"Ah ! for heaven's sake, Tyrrel ! don't,
don't leave mo alone with these half sa
vages! Let Johnston take care ot the togs
You can trust him this once. Don't go, I
entreat you."
"1 must," said her husband, resolutely.
"I would rather fast until morning, or sleep
by the wayside, than know that either Czar
or Juan were suffering; and the servants
are too tired to do their duty unless my
eye is upon them. "Don't, hva," brushing
her hand from hisarm with an tnperious
jresture. .
"Let me go with you, then," she persis
ted. ,I will walk through the storm rather
than stay here. I am quite ready ; 1 shall
not detain you a moment."
"Nonsense! Jolly! remain wnere you
are. lOU WOUItlCOme Wltn Hie, nuu mum
take the consequences."
. . ... -. I 1 . . .4
"Ah. Tvrre . 1 shall lose my senses :
springing after him, as he walked toward
Ihputinr. .
"What will you have 1" he said, turn
inv with a movement of angry impatience ;
"shall I leave yon one of the dogsl shall I
unbuckle Czar 1"
She hesitated, remembering, poor little
thing, in what agony she had passed the
day with her proposed protector at her
feet, afraid to move, lest she should provoke
ono of those lion-like growls, or even a
more palpable evidence of displeasure. Hut
when, as though to decide the questiou, he
stretched his enormous limbs, and yawned,
displaying in that expression of ennui com
mon to man and beast, a set ot teetn, snarp
and glittering ai a wolf", ahe drew back
and shook her head despairingly. . 1 yrrel
gazed upon her with undisguised con
That with my peculiar tastes I should
have married so arrant a coward!" he said,
accompanying the eiaculjlioa by a disdain
tui eievauon to tne shoulders. Again De
prepared 10 leave tne house, and this time
Era lacked sufficient courage la detain
him.' . Relenting in a measure, however.
he turned back, and flinging wide m door
opening iuto the parlor, pointed to sleep:
insr apartment within. Kneeling he tore
the hearth, a woman beyond all description.
forbidding in appearance, endeavored with i
ner breath to Ian the smouldering embers
into a blaze but in vain. If a disconso
late little flame sprang tip for a moment,
the wet wood only hissed and sputtered
more uncomfortably, and the wind that
roared without' swept down the chimnev,
whirling the dust and ashes into her eyes,
and all over the ding)-, uncarpeted floor.
A cross look bestowed upon the intruders
was the only acknowledgement of their
presence, and Eva, sick at heart, turned a
way. "You see," said her husband, ashe closed
the door, "that in a few minutes your own
apartment will be ready, and to that, if you
wish, you can at any" time retreat." A
hoarse call from without, a hasty wave of
the hand, and he was gone.
Resuming her sent in the 4ounginr chair.
she gazed with a mixture ofdis?ust and ter
ror around the room of which she now sole
occupant. Only a stool, a few rude benches
a table covered with half emptied rrlasses.
a dark framed, greenish mirror, and a dirty
rag carpet, constituted its furniture. Rut
the warm blaze upon the hearth before her
presented a more cheerlul object of contem
plation. Into the chimney's flaming ca
vern the great trunk of a maple had been
thrown, and already its burning heart glow
ed with the intensity of molten iron, while
bright tongues of flame licked up the san
that yet bubbled from its extremities, or ran
like serpents through the cinders and under
thecurling bark. Silently marvelling at
the infatuation which could induce the
most fastidious and luxurious of men to ex
change the elegancies of home for the fa
tigue of a solitary hunt, and the discomforts
of the country through which they had
passed, she sank back, and with her "cheek
resting ujion her hand, her small feet cros
sed upon the hearth, abandoned herself lo
the vague reverie that so often and 80 de
liriously follows unwonted fatigue of mind
or body.
At first her train of thought, if thought
it could be called, was rather cheerful than
otherwise : but as the storm without redou
bled in violence, nnd the flames roared up
the chimney yet louder, and with a fearful
hollow sound, her fancies gradually took a
more sombre hue, and a nervousexcitement
which she felt beyond control, banished
the languid calm that had so pleasantly
succeeded her terror. Wiih veiled eyes
and a throbbing heart, she reclined, indul
ging in that species of self torture in which
we all, porhajis, at times find an unaccoun
table fascination.
Like one who in darkness watches the
she lay, with terrible scenes, each fast, fol
lowing it3 predecessor, flitting beneath the
shadow of her closed lids. In imagination,
already she heard the approaching foot of
her murderer, his step ujion the threshold,
his wary tread over the uncarpeted floor,
his pause beside her, his very breath, as it
played among the light curls upon her tem
ples. With a faint shriek she started up;
for a latch was indeed raised, and a door
the outer door flung ojien. Ere she had
resumed her seat, two rough backwoodmen
noiscly entered the room. Placing a flask
and glasses upon the table, they seated
themselves beside it.
Her eye rested for a moment ujion two
ofthe most repulsive countenance that she
had ever beheld, and then was instantly
averted. A few minutes more and she be-
came conscious that their glances were
stealthily turned upon herself. Then the
loud voices were suddenly lowered and
thej' conversed only in whispers.
A thousand horrible suspicious flashed a
cross her nund. Strange that in a house
of this character no accommodations could
be provided for their servants or the trusty
hounds. To what den of murder had they
been taken? How difficult in these inter
minable forests for the strong arm of justice
to reach an offender how easy ofperform
once the most lawless deed. She glanced
at the travelling cases, the elegant dressing
boxes now piled in a corner of the jiailor,
and shuddered at the temptation their con
tents might present to the necessitous or
vicious. And all this time the younger ot
the two men sat gazed stealthily upon her
If she started when his heavy hand fell
upon the table, he glanced significantly at
his companion ; if she moved, ho leaned
forward and watched her with a hardy and
impertinent curiosty. Once or twice he
rose, and, on pretence of wishing to warm
himself at the hre, passed so near ner as to
brush her arm, and then, standing with his
back turned to the blaze, gazed at her with
a half suppressed smile playimj around his
Unable to disguise her agitation, sho has
tily arose and approaching a window took
up a volume that lay beside it. It was the
"Pirate's Own Book," and she opened at a
villanous wood cut, a distorted scene of
mnrder and violence, that caused her to
close the volume and precipitately turn a-
way. She retreated to her bed room, but
the" dismal gusts of smoke and wind that
puffed from the fire-place drove her tnence
in despair. A small, rudely sketched map
of the country through which they were
travelling caught her eye as she again cros-
aed the parkland to this she turned, hop-
her. Without dilhculty she iracea meir
k littlo towns thev had passed
.. . J , . . '. nrik..Aiin ra
nn ghD IHIlSBn U 1 UUruUII UI UIS lUiimi I
evidently that in which they were now
detained, a region commonly known as
"The Shadesot Deatn." A laini exciaiua-
tion escaped her. A very trifling circum-
stance will iuthce U certain. iuuiu.
overthrow composure, and sue returned w
her scat with Umr snatting ana tiuwss
. s i i C U.hsxI Kxsw noMortl.
Kl h 33? H then spe' ia'Tfow
k:. .zJLi Trioif whienered
convention" was wimed."
It was called the Shades of Death,"' then,
this wild region, with its eternal pine for
ests, its frowning, overhanging cras, its
paths of darkness and terror. Rut "little
had been wanting to fender her cbsperate,
and she Was now n ady to rush out into the
storm to follow her husband, no matter at
what peril, Turning to glance nt the clock
she raised her eyh glass, the Only nrticle of
value carried nboul her person, "and ns the
diamond initials wrought upon its golden
case glittered in the Maze, tho younger of
the men leaned eagerly forward, and in his
look she read a horrible confirmation of her
suspicious. Just then a Vehicle stopped
before the house, the hounds without re
commenced their 'yelping, a hasty step
sounded upon the piazza, nnd Tyrrel en
tered. When her senses again returned she found
herself upon a bed in the adjacent chamber
while her husband was bending over bath
ing hertemjdes. The gentletiss of his touch
the unwonted tenderness of his look & man
ner were inexpressibly soothing, nnd she
closed her eytv, willing to indulge for a
few moments longer in sensations so rare
and exquisite. But the remembrance of
the dangers surrounding them aroused her.
To spring to her feet, and, clinging to his
arm, tell the history of those hours of mi
sery she had passed during his absence,
was but the work of a few minutes. lie
only laughed nt her terrors. .
An absolute stranger to fear, this agony
was to him incomprehensible. At first he
endeavored to reason with her, to quiet her
excited nerves by his own resolute calm
ness, but finding this in vain, his p.ttienc.e
suddenly gave way, and he peremptorily
forbade all mention of the subject. Her
tears which now flowed in torrents, com.
pleted the overthrow of his good humor,
and turning away ho proceeded to inspect
the room in which they were destined to j
pass the night.
Near opjwsite doors, both, by the way,
unfurnished with locks, two couches hail
been prepared. Rut the furniture of each
although scrupulously clean, was of the
coarsest texture, and Tyrrel, delicate as the
most refined woman with regard to nil that
approached his person, surveyed them with
a disgust that knew no bounds. Notwith
standing her ngony Eva could scarcely re
jirepsa laugh ns she watched his elaborate
preparations lor the night. A napkin ta
ken from his dressing case was carefully
spread over the pillow, a kifiiilo robe sur
mounted by Ins furred cloak ami two or
more box coats covered the counterpane.
lXVw,.A',!..AJU' r!.y;Ail!ir ir"! .-.1-1,1 ,,,:iK
dressing gown and slippers, condescended
to throw his. elegant limbs uixin the rich
heap of sables and velvets, drojijiing almost
mmediately intothe very deepest ol health
ful slumbers.
Rut lor Eva, sleep was impossible. Sit-
tin-- rather than reclining upon the couch
nearest the door opening into the parlor,
she listened breath lessly to every move
ment of those without. Still together they
whispered, plotting, so said her busy fear.,
most horrible deeds of bloodshed and vio
lence. At intervals the murmuring sounds
would hush as though they, they, too, lis
tened, and most terrible was that silenee,
kniken onlv bv the soft breathing of the
sPf.p0r and the loud beating of her own
throbbin" heart.
Tw0 nn h.u, she (1 )hli),he rjlano-
. fmv . ,mlrl!linn,I wimlow ., ,.
that a faint light trembled in the east. It
must bo dawn, and her pulses bounded al the
thoupht. Rut no, Iho golden hands of her
watch rested ujkmi tho hour of twelve, nnd the
soft light' wns the glory of n rising moon.
And up rose the lady of tho night, parting
with her white hand tho drifting clouds.
Tho stars brightened, and the wind lied until
tho ruth of ils wings sounded only in the ins
tance Still morn audible those murmuring voices.
Now slm could distinguish words, utmost un
connected sciitonces. Presently a chair was
pushed back, nnd somo bno rose ; there was
a step towards tho door, and sho bounded
from tho couch, a smothered oath, the sound
of retreating footsteps, nnd again all was still.
The outer door wns now opened, and sho
heard several men enter, shaking tho snow
from their overcoats and heavy boots. Tliny
took seats by the fire and talked, sho could
hear them well, of tho coldness of the night)
tho clear Bky, and tho north wind that wns
jrifting the snow in heaps, across the rotul
gnj jjj 8;(ip ThPir m& tones, ton, gr.idu-
ally dropped into whispers, and she crouched
by tho door, listening eagerly, but in vain.
Half an hour passed, and with limbs cramp
ed by the uneasy posture from which sho
bad not dared to stir, shivering and giddy
with lack of rest, she crept back to tho
couch. A drowsiness which even her ler-
rors could not overcomej stole over her. Tho
sound of voices camo less and H as distinctly
to her ears, the 6tara lo which hei eyes were
raised, faded softly, and she slept but a reel-
egS) ueasy slumber.
ln 8jumi,erj she lay by the wayside, out by
that fl07en r(mJ jcy cold and half senseless,
. . f , ,
' .... . lo ,hak
most m ucr pw., . ' ,.
sleeps." That was no dream. '
I 0 ' . I r.. .,.. .ItA 1 1 lit HT1 ftl I
I OnrinSTIIIU l" r won . 1
anrt again those footsteps retreated, but loss
cautj0usly than before. There was time to
. , . h flew lo her husband's side anu
him violent,y cVake Tyrrel, for
GoJ,g wke wav8t' He opened his heavy
f unconBcious,y( opori her
- ' , , ,
I I1 CO ...
She stood wrapped in her white dressing
rown.' the moonbeams showering upon the
. I long ungsthered htr that had fallen ttpon he
acre ttte'ani the arts, aurtcultUrr;
litiililer.' Her stiTiimiiigeyes, her wringing
lunula, yes, yes, he understood it now, and a
ehangu pHed over Win featureti.
''Evn," he aid slowly, raising himself
uion hii elbow, "I do not know you to-night,
you have cerUiirtly lost your reason. Go lie
down, and disturb me no more ! I require rest
if you do not. Go !"
She could not speak. She gtized upon him
imploringly, hut that look of stern eommand
was more powerful than tho fear of death.
She stolo back to hdr couchj and again she
Er.e lung, what appeared' to be a dispute
among the whisperers, amused her attteiition
A rough voice said with nn oath, "Coma
iilong, or it will be morning before yon have
done talking." Then nil rose nnd moved
townrds tho door. It was ojienod very qui
etly, she diil not hear it. but a bar of red
light fell suddenly ni-ross the ceiling. Now
n foot crossed the threshold, a tall figure si
lently passed, another, another, another,
all w ith heads bent, nnd eyes fixed upon the
floor. She could not scream now, even to
save her husband. Her tongue was paralyz
ed nnd tin; great drops gathered in the palms
of her hnmls. nod upon her temples. To
wards Tyrrel's couch they approached. She
raised her head from the. pillow, and gazed
after them with distet.-tled ejes. They pass
ed him. The opposite door wns slowly open
ed. One by one they disappeared, nnd it
closed. With n loud laugh she fell back
senseless. The mystery was explained.
Thrir hnl-room could be entered only by pass
in: through her own.
C IlltlSi I IN WAIlKFAttE.
Soi.uiKn, go. but not to claim
Mouldering spoils of earth-born treasure.
Not to build a vniinting name,
Not to dwell in tents of jileasure.
Dream not that the way is smooth, '
Hope not that the thorns nre tofes;
Turn no wishful eye of youth
Where the sunny beam reposes;
Thou hast sterner work to do,
Hosts to cut thy passage through:
Close behind the gulfs are burning
Forward ! there is no returning.
Soldier, rest but not for thee
Spreads tho world her downy pillow ;
On the rock thv couch must, be
Thine must be a watchful sleep,
Wearier than another's walking ;
Such a charge 39 thou dost keep
It rook a no moment of forsaking.
Sleep, as on the battle-field,
Girded granpiug sword and shield :
Those thou canst not name nor number,
Steal upon thy broken slumber.
Soldier, rise the war is don ;
Lo! the hosts of hell are flying;
'Twas thy Lord the buttle won ;
Jesus vanquished them by dying.
Pass the stream before thee lies
All the conquered land of glory ;
Hark what songs of rapturo rise,
These proclaim tho victor's story.
Soldier, lay thy wesponsdown,
Quit the sword, oud takn tho crown ;
Tiiumph! nil thy foes nre banished,
Death is slain, nnd earth hns vanished.
Renovation or oi.n Apple-Thees. The
following information, received from a gard
ner who for many years largely supplied the
Loudon market with fruit, may probably be
new to many of our readers: It is generally
found that after an npple-tree has borne for a
certain number of yearsj it becomes compa
ratively unproductive. It has been usual in
such cases to remove tho old tree ami replace
it bv a younger one. This may be obviated
by reingr.ifting tho old tree; and according
to tho testimony of gardner above-mentioned
the older the stock, the better is the age, a-
morer several hundreds that his orchard con
tained, when tho wrilef Visited it, that had
undergone this process more than once. There
wero trees whose trunk were so hollow as in
some rents to be a little more than a shell,
which hud been subjected to this operation
the season before, nnd judging from tho vi
gorous appearance of the grafts, with perfect
1 . - - . .1 .a I
success. Tho plnfi ho adopted wn . ino 101
lowiita : The ends of the branches were
sawn or cut off where they wero auoui tno
size of a man's wrist, or rather less, and two
more scions inserted in each, according to
circumstances. By inw means, in ui iHiurao
of three years he obtained a largo full bear-
lug tree. uiiucuiiy m iu jiiu
tect the young grafts from damage in high
winds. This waiovercotne by ingrafting the
half of the treo at one time, and leaving the
other to form a shelter ; and completing' the
other half wheu the grafts wore sufficiently
grown to return tho bholter. It is scarcely
necessary to add. that this precaution did not
supersede tho usual appliances for giving the
acfons supporl, by means of poles attneneu to
tho branches. It may also be remarked, , tnat
the productive powers of the apple-trees) are
frequently Impaired by the want 01 suinoieru
attention In Catherine the fruit. 1 he great
est care should be observed in removing the
apple, that the bearing spear be not. broken
or injured thereby.
k little cirl, Miss Olive Miner,'
,tWt t i
years old, compositor in Th Lodi Democrat
office will set e,000 mV per flay, distribute
her own matter and keep her case in perfect
order. Miss Olive ha been at the business
about t months. Portia Gt- '
wmrtt," fcwuimnrtSF
iMPonrlsfYkoAi iiihUxD ;
Another Outbreak nnd Retrrut st the Police.
Breadstuff's Declining.
New Yohk, Sept. 29.
The steamship America arrived nt her berth
this afternoon nliout 5'clock. The following
is an nbstrael of the intelligence brought.
Ci.on.mki., Sejit. 13 Tho rebels have post
ed themselves in iihnost inaccessible posi
tions nt New tnn, near Curiick on the Suir
and Kilmnclhomns mountains. Doheny com
mands in Wateiford. The Government
troops yesterday captured nine scouts. Last
night there wns a general rising of tho peas
antry within about six miles of Curiick.
At 6 o'clock, a large body of the rebels
marched to attack the police station
Closmel, Sept. 14. The out honsesof the :
lrsonngo of the Protestant clergymen were j
burned last night. The 3d Huffs came into ;
Clonmcl to-day with twenty-eight of their j
. 1 - i .-r I f i 1
men unimcuiieu 101 suouiitig repeal.
At the insurgents' enmp, seven miles from
Clonmel, they roast bullocks nnd sheep on
iron gates and aro pressing every one to join
At Glenbower, about eight miles from
Clonmel, tho police wero preparing to seek
refuge in Carrick when the insurgents fired
upon llieiii. A fight ensued which lasted a
quarter of an hour. A number wero killed
on tho part of the assailants, but only two or
three were wounded on the part of the police.
The insurgents left their dead upon the lield. '
Tho police have lied from the out stations,
and to-night it is feared will reveal awful i
scenes. I
Callax, Sept. 13. The reports prevalent
ill Kilkenny nre thought to be much exager-
- - . 1
and on every oticunioii ilctoatcM tho nsur-
llm itisurireiits that assailed'
ilm rv.lieo Ht:ition. four or five wore the uiti-
..... . - , ,
form of tho 82 Club, ll is believed that some j
pieces of cannon have been cajdured by the
The Coik Examiner of the 13lh, publishes
he following:
Rumors reached Cork this morning in ref
erence to tho disturbances iu the county of
Waterford. Information wus received by the
Police authorities, this day, that the Police
barrack at Portia vv w ere attacked at an early
hour, by a body of armed peasantry. The
barrack was occupied by about ten police,
commanded by Constable O'Regan. After a
short struggle the assailants wero put to flight,
but not without serious loss on either side
two of the police having been shot, mut sev
eral of the assailants having been killed and
others seriously wounded. It is not kuowu
whether tho police where shot dead or only
rounded. We give the report ns it reached
us without being enabled lo add any conltr-
It is rumored this morning that the bridge
at Waterlord has been oiowu njioruiiKi.iw
destroyed yesterday. It is nlso rumored that
the bridge of Graiiy ferry, ulxiut a mile from
the city of Waterford and on the road to Car
rick, shared n similur fate.
1 - . i i .o
By the arrival of tho Uougliai coacn, iu n
o'clock, we have confuinatury intelligence
with respect to tho latter budge.
The troops stationed nt t.ouglial barracks
it-em .losnatched at early dawn this morning
to Cappoquin by a steamer on their route to
the localities said to be disturbed.
It may be mentioned in confirmnlion ol
this movement of troops towards Walerford,
that two detachments have received orders to
hold themselves in immediate readiness to
leave Cork as a garrison for boughall and
MiddlelOn, to replace tho troops sent on
They may have marched out of Cork before
,;- ' . . ..
The following snocinet account ha reached
us trom lYiiuenuy. me uuoiiis1"1"' '""
the surrounding district has been much mote
alarming than was anticipated. No doubt
now remains of the fact that a Considerable
insurgent force has assembled and shown a
spirit of the utmost determination. The main
body of the insurgents, said to be 4000 strong,
has encamped on Aheny lull, m tne ooumy
of t Tipperary, immediately adjoining tne
State quarries in tho county. 1 here can do
no doubt that their leaders have some mili
tary experience," and are being regularly dril
led' They are chiefly armed with pikes,
but many have riflesi
ltirhard O'Gorman, is laid to be the Chief
in command, and Doheney is also said to be
among them.- . . .
The Commissariat is regularly anpplied by
the neighboring farmer, who voluntarily send
cattle and other provisions.
Gen. Cavaignac, ft is saw, u so mucn
alarmed at the prospects ot Prince Limit Na.
mleoa beiDS elected Hi the Presidency) that
he fs determined to present decree for ille.
galizing the election cathe ground that Priaoe
Louis Ntipolconisa pretender, it is reported
that, in tho event of the Assembly excluding
Prince Lotus,' It h not Improbable tiiat Prince)
Pierre Napoleon, who is already a member of
the Assembly, will become a candidate for
the Presidency.
On the f 0th inst." nn officer, walking in the
garden attached to Gem Cttvaignac's resi
lience, was fired nt fromj ns it is supposed, A
house in tho Red do Babylon. Little doubt
exisla that he was tnken for Gen. Cavaignac.
Illustrating the good sctte of the Adage, "look
before yon leap.'? i
l fi:v years pgq a rich but eccentric old
nelor of this city," to the indignation of
all his door relations,, married ljis washer
woman. She w as rather good looking, but
could neither read nor wjite. They liven
together a year and a half, when he fell
sick and died, leaving her about a thousand
dollars. Six month rolled bj' and the wi
dow was still in black, when one" fine morn
ing the postman brought her a, letter, bear
ing the postmark of a to'''n In Virginia
Summoning a friend who could read, the
widow found Ihnt the -letter was from a
gentleman who spoke of having, when oa
a visit to the North, met and admired hen
previous to her late marriage." The writei;
then went on to ask a rejdj' to his letter, as
suring her ol his unbounded esteem and sin
cerity. The widow (although she knew,
the writer has mistaken his man, or his wo?
man) father) Was greatly tickled, and detew
mined, with the kind assistance of her friend
f , T ..... ano,ilor letter enmo
ftQm t0 Southerner, Who was overjoyed
at ,js Again the widow replied.
and now the love epistles came and went
i . ...l i r i . 1 e
almost as "iniCK anu last, as iignining irom
the summer cloud," until the widow found
herself on the eve of a second marriage!
without having once seen the "object of
her affect ions," who, nevertheless, had made,
himself known to her as ft -man of wealth
and. influencci The Wedding day Wasfixed
and the lover, accompanied by a friend
came on to claim his blushing bfide. Judge,
of his dismay, when he discovered that hq
had, to use a significant phrase, "woke up;
the wrong passenger." Here wasadilem
ma- After a brief interview, and without,
coming to an explanation, the gentleman.
ana nis uiena rcurcu to tneir noiei, wnere
ll1e wn'e matter as gone over
"Will you marry her?" inquired the
'r'ien'4 ' "
"Va'1 '' aAa J. "''"'" il
- "i iiitiui? am iii uitiiiiL'4 uiiu j. iuu
tt?o far noV td bick out."
. i Well, she's ratbpr o-ood looking"'
"And intelligent. IVrdcs 9 good let-
tef '
"Is tolerably coinloriatiie.
"About your age, too. ' t
"And would probably die ol a broken
heart il I were ti "
"Marry any body else." . , , .
"So 1 suppose I shall liaV to go on." ,
"Then you had better not make known
I your disappointment.". . . i k
J hey were married next nay, mm iwm
their departure, for Uie Southv where the
washerwoman was introduced into the first
society, but with what success we have ne
ver learned.' A true story, good reader,
Of course you will say this is an exception,
to th rule that "matches are made in Hea
ven." City Item!
Lib not, but let thy heart bo true to God;
Thy mouth to it, thy actions to them bolh j
Cowards tell lies, and those that fear the rod,
The, stormy working soul spits, lies in; froth..
Dare to be Truk. Nothing can neod a he.
A fault, which needs it most, grows twel
thereby. Oeo. Ikbtrt.
total royal expense for making sugar plums,
cakes and turls, independent of the cost of
materials,' is XI, 200 per annum. The "royal
babies must bo remarkably eweet-toothed-
"Milking tub Bcll." This is generally
considered to bo hopeless process, a synonym
in fact, tor labor in vain. But there is one.
Bull, Julin Bull, whj can bo milked without,
trouble, and to the great profit of all who lite
i to apply irremselves to his winl-stored udder
! 'Pi... i n.iit,.n iifftiinrilv brines out CU-,
i liu v uiiiiiui." -n v y. .'
rious evidence of the quantity this patient
animal produces of that cream ol tne ",
human kindness, which mantles in the pale.
of society- wo mean moneyand .o
ttays in which the nutritious product is die-.
tributed. There is hardly a country In Eu-
rope but furnishes its calves to sue in..gre
good-humored Bull. Tho J0
drain to the tune r( an annual f 10,005. . St.
Domingo uHerers, and Comiean emigrants
(Who tho deuco can they be 1) absorb theu
driblet of X4 100. The King of the Pelgrans
is "a regular suck" to the amount of we doo t
know how many hundreds or thousand fQf.
.-otiio., nvnonses. This item Bccoanni tor.
the extraordinary propensity to gadding f.bout,
which we have noticed in mis ..-.--,., .
ought to contest Iho title of
with Mr. Hudson. It turned out that John Bel
pay. hi. fare. : it "
logo further and fare worse, before we p.y
another farthing for his ad
boat ticket. . ' iC',
Besides, there i. the Ring
who come, in for a drop of comfort, ht the
shape of X4D0 for presents, this .year. Th-U
too bad! A ,ol" BuU haJ nl m,ray.
Euiopean pulls enough on himj they mtietgH
,o thelnterlor of Africa for fcl foecWa
bleed the poor ever-wrought old feHtj wMk,
finiiui Kak made its appeartncti on
" . 1 t
Vebanoai New IUmpshire" ,