a -ri:'' , t-V'" -4 . SUNBURY 'AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOUNBAL. FlOHt IITWHI) A 00 AMU A Wf.-A desperate encounter took place between a frog and a rat, at a brook near the slaughter house of Mr. Uriah Wiggin, in ihia town, a few days ago. It appear that a rat came down to the brook to drink, and discovering a tog, with force and arms" made an attack upon him, by making a firm grasp with his teeth ; no sooner di4 the rat make his hold than the frog plunged into the water, drag ging his antagonist with him, whore ho re mained until the rat was compelled to let go, and made for dry land, closely pursued by the frog. As soon as the frog appeared abo?e water he was again attacked by the rat, and a second time the latter became the subject for cold water bathing. This feat was several times performed, until the rat, from exhaustion and drowing, fell a prey to his antagonist. After the frog became fully assured that his antagonist was dead, he seated himself upon his dead carcass, with It the complaisance imaginable, where he remained for nearly half an hour, exulting, as it were, over his hard won victory. Several persons were present and saw the fifht. Dover (A. .) uazeue. r.n ma Friend We were travelling thro' Canada, says a cotemporary, in the winter cf 1838. and after a long day s rule, stopped .i the f.ion Inn : and the content of stage, numbering about nine persons, soou gathered around the cheerful fire. Among the occn- nants of the room, we observed an ill-looking cur, who had shuwn his wit by taking up his rtnti in mn comfortable nil apartment. Af ter a few minutes, the landlord entered, and observing the specimen of the canine Kpocios remarked : "Fine dog, that ! Is he yours, Mr ! ap- pealing to onc'of the p:iicngeis. "No, sir." "Beautiful dog! Yours, sir'' addressing himself to a second. , "No."' was the blunt reply. "Come here, pup'."' He is yours, sir V "No," was the reply. "Very sagacious animal '. belongs to yon, t suppose, 6ir1" "No, ho dosen'l" was the reply. . "Then he is yours, and you have a trea sure," (throwing the animal a cracker.) "Nothing of the kind." "Oh! (with a smilo,) he belongs to you as a matter of course !" addressing himself to the last passenger. 'Wouldn't own him as a gift." "Then you infernal, dirty, mean, contemp tible whelp, get out !" and with that, the host gave the poor dog such a kick, as sent the animal yelling into the street, amid the roars of the company. Lcckt Escape. A Dutchman was relating his marvollous escape from drowning, w hen thirteen of his companions were lost by the upsetting of a boat, and he alone was saved. "And how did you escape their fate 1" asked one of his hearers. "I tid not go in te poat," was the Dutch man's placid answer. A FRAGMENT. Amid the crowd there walked a youth. Whose heart seemed charged with wo ; His eyes were bent upon the deck, Hit step was sad and slow ; It was not urequitted love, . Nor disappointment's fruits, That marked with care the cheek of youth couldn't find his boots '. There are few points which seem less gene rally understood, or more clearly proved, than the fact that exposure to the sun, w ith out exercise sufficient to create free perspire, tion, will produce illness ; and that the same exposuie to 'the sun, with sufficient exercise, will not produce illness. Let any man sleep in tho sun, he will wake perspiring and very ill ; perhaps ho will die. Let the same ir.un dig in the sun for the same length of timo) and he perspire ten times as much, and be quite well. The fact is, that not only the direct rays of the sun, but the heat of the at mosphere, produce abundance of bile, and . powerful exercise, alone, will carry otf that bile. A Noble Act Handsomely Acxfowitrc.. CD The City Councils of New York have voted the freedom of the city and a gold box, with suitable inscriptions, to Frederick Je rome, the gallant sailor who saved so many passengers of the Ocean Monarch, at the evi dent peril of his own lifo. Jerome belongs to the port of New York, where his wile and family reside. He had, on a previous occa sion, saved a number of lives, and when the catastrophe happened to the Ocean Monarch, he swam to the wreck and with his own hands lowered some fifteen or twenty help less females into the boat. Ho was rewarded by a presont of 50 from the Prince do Join, villa and due d'Aumale ; the Queen of Eng land also presented him with another jC50( and the Humane Society of Liverpool with a gold metal. This intrepid sailor is expected to reach New York in a day or two in tho ship New World, where his heroism and hu manity havo been so handsomely acknowl edged. . A Singular y4Te The Buffalo Examiner noticing the death of Commodore Makenzie, who commanded tho Somers at tho timo the horrible execution took place oil board of her, says "the brig on board of which the atro city was perpetrated, has gone to the bottom of the ocean. The surgeon who supported Makenzie in the outrage, perished by his own hand. Another of his abettors was drowned in the Gulf, now the principal actor ia striken down in the prime of life, without premonition. Wealth or the Candidates. The New ' Tork Day Book gives an estimate of the states possessed by the several candidatea for President and Vice President. It is as . follows : Taylor, 860,000 or $80,000 ; Cass, 1,000,000 j Van Buren, $200,000; Fillmore, 15,000 Butler 20,000j and C. F. Adams, .'. tSOO,000; beside a fortune of not less than " 1,500,000, of which his wife will in the or. Unary eoars of nature soon eorae in posses "" ion. Mr, Adams .inherited all or nearly all ' f Property, and Mr.. Cass acquired his Ws in Ilia service of th government. 1TE7JT CHEAP GOODS. John W. Friling, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and easterners, that he has jolt received and opened a splendid etsortment of GOODS, consis- ling of DRY UUOUS, Groetriu, Hardware, Queenrwart, ire The public ars invited to call and essmin for themselves. Sunbury, May 0, 1848 tf CUTLERY. AN exlensivs Slock of Pocket snd Table CUT LERY, for esle by JOHN. 2. COLEMAIT, Not. 33 and 33 ARCADE, ana 6 North THIRD Strtil, Cotnp Uing 2000 doien Penknives, Scissors ami uizors. Alto, s choice sseortment of Rodgere A Rons, Wostenholm'r, Gmio'i, W. St S. Bulcliei'ssni) Fenney'e Cutlery. Alio, Hpanish, Dirk anil Huntini Knivre. Also, Guns, Pistols, sn I Bowie Knives. Alf , Tie American llazar Strop, s supcrini article, worty Ihestifnlion of Dealers Cian Dealers in Cullciy, will fiml the above Stock worthy their attention, aa the Subscriber's chief business la importing and selling cutlery, Ptiilidt lj-hta, June 10th. 1918 ly. GIESE ft, SON. Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, .Y. 4t Commerce Street Ifhm-f BALTIMORE. Will receive and tell all kini!t of Country Pro duce Flour, Grain, he. N. B. Particular attention given to the sle of Lumber. And cash advance made on con signments, when required. April 1, IS 18. 4m V II I L A D E L l II I A MEDICAL HOTJSE. IUIoblUhed 15 yean ago. by Dr. KINKELIN. The niilesl, surest and l est timid to cure nil forms of accrt t diseases, disenre of the skin and solitary haliiis of youth, is I) II . K I N K E LIN, .V. W. earner of 3 J and Union s.v., between Spruce and fine, I j nqimrci from the Exchange. "TOUNO MEN ! if you value, your life or your Jj health, remember, the delay of a mnnlh. nay, even a week, may prnvo ynnr ruin, both of body snd mind. Hence let no false modesty Jeter you from making your case known to one who, from education snd respectability, e.n s'one befriend vnu. He who places himself under l)r KINKELLVS treatment, may religiously confide, in his honor a a gentleman, and in who-e bosom will be forever Incited the aecret of the patient. Too many think they will bug the secret to their own hearts, and cure themselves, Alas! how of. ten is this a fatul delusion, and how many a pro mising young man, who might have been an orna ment to society, has faded from the earth. COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding it inconvenient to make personal applica tion, can, by station their esse eiplicitly, together with all their symptoms, (per b tier, post-paid.) have forwarded to them a chest containing Dr. K's me dicines appropriated accordingly. Packages of Medicines forwarded to any part ol the United States at a moment's notice. (Cj" I'ost saiii ir.TTr.in, ndrbeated to Dr. Kis Kiuff, Philadelphia, will bo promptly attended 10 Oct. 30th, 1847. ly M'CLEES & GERMON'S DAGUERREOTYPE ROOMS. Xo 109 Chcmiut Street, South Eatt Corner of Eighth it , Philadelphia. PORTRAITS from the smallest breast-1 in to the largeet fixe, singly or in groups. The Proprietors are warranted in si) in?, that their work has gained a reputation second to none in the world. Exttscte fr.iin lha Pretei Life-like in the expreaaion, chatlly correct in the ahading. LerTfr. "The art has arriveJ at giett perfection, and none understand it better than Mcflees cV Oer mon." 'Baltimore Irit. Admirable! nothing em exceed their exquisite delicacy." U. S Gazette. Enract from the report of the Judsea, at the last fair of the Kraiiklin Institute Daguerreotypes in this department there are some very cicellenl specimens in the exhibition, snd the Judges think they see s pmcresaive improvement in this branch of the art They hnve not r commended an a wsrd in fivor of any of the competitors, t ut aie ili-p Mil in rank a Jint in order, the collection of McUI.EF.S & GKKMON, a containing lb" lar. t;rt number of toperior ptvmtiit." I hiUdelphiu, Feb 19. 1818. 6m SIX YE.1IIS AGO THE children begun to cry for Slierman'e Ln sense. The nnite wis not so loud si that time, taut il has kept increa-ing ever inre. and now baa Income an great thai the mouths of the little ones ran tcaree be stopped. Dr. SI.eimnn sympa thises with tlm little aiilf rers, and vtry much re are a that any of tin in ahnuM he disappointed Knowing the aat henelil which baa been confer red upon the community by the introduction ot his infallible WORM 1.0CZIX70B8, he has entered into arrui oemen's for en'argina lib Maiinficlory.by means of which I e lhink he v. ill be able to eupfly the deni"d. And the-ame I'sins and care will lie taken, that lhe.-e e lebrated Ln. tengea be made aa Ihey hve alwaya been, in or. der that tho- who depend upon them, mav not be duappoinuil in tlieir hopes. He knew when h' commenced the manufacture of the Worm Ltizen get, that th'-y would supersede ihe use of evert .other veiinifoiie, as the Lnienge is very pleaiant io mr i.o, mpcuiy in lis euecie. sa wen an certain, snd Ihe qusutilv required to effect perfect cure. isinv mini, s urse iir.iiKiuea In connexion avuli Ihe f cl that they ate sold for lift c. nts per box. ibu pucing ineiu in me reacn or ine pooret man II the land, baa not only caused them to ULu the place or every other vermifuge ever offered, but al so rendered them popular to Ihe community. Dr, ahernmn'a OODOB LOZENGES' continue lo cure (Jouglis, Ci Ms, ('niisumpllon, istnma, anorineaa and uilticutly ol Ureatlnns. sn. other disra-es of the Lungs, with the same fxeiiiiv Ibey (Hit on their first introduction, and Ihe moid have now become persuaded by actual eipeiienee. tr.at on ma aceesnon or a light cold, they bav only to step lo either the Dr's. office, or one uf the Agents, snd obtain a box of his Cough L-isengea. wnicn sre very convenient lo carry io the pocket snd lo take a few through the d .y. By pursuins this comae a cure ia olien effected in 24 bouis, and Ihe palienl about bis btiain sa. 8o great ia the ce lebrity of the Lnseogee, thai thousands of p, ran bo have uaeu mem, anil become acquainted will iheir effect, will never he without them. SHERMAN'S OOK KAII'1 VZiAtTJ3 has euied more eaeee of Kheumslism, , i,, the Dack, Side snd Cheat, Lumbsgo and Wiaknes. than any application that has ever been made. As the celebrity of the Plaster has incieased, hundreds or unpiincipled ratcals have attempted In counter fail il, snd palm it off upon the eomsaunitv s thi genuiue. tO Bewaie of Deeeolion. JTi Remrm ber that the true snd genuine Plaster is spread up on rraiiisQ paper made eipres.ly Tor the purpose and In evetv case Ihe aianalura nf Dr. Pihuiman I. piinl.d upon the lack of the Piaster, snd lbs whole ereuied by Copy Right. None others sre genuine. 1 heiefors when you want s real good Sherman's """" '" can at tns otrice, IDS Asasau street, and you will not be disappointed. K.?n?nnb" ,h? ?mb'. 10 Na aau at., whee sll Dr. Khermao'e Lounges ere sold. Hie Agents are Mrs. Haye, 139 Fulton eueei, Brooklyn t Hineson, Wiilissieburt ssd Redding ek Co Boston, snd JOHN YOUNG, Sunbury. M. A McCAr.Narlhassbeslsad. September I lib, U47. Ij. . CE U 3C2T "CP JCCt QB 3C2T 5EP IT has power is eaoss all sxrsssst SOKEb SCROFULOUS humors, SKIN DlSEAfEi POISONOUS WOUNDS lo disehatss ihsil to trld matters, snd then heats them. It ie richly termed All hralinf , for there Is scare ty s diaeees. external er internal, that il will no benefit. I have need It hit the hst fourteen y' ar for all diseases nf ihe ehesl, consumption snd Her. ineolving the utmost danger and espoi,sibilli snd t declare before heaven and man. that not in one single ease has il failed io benefit when the pa tient wii within the reach nf mortal mean. " I have had physicians, learn- d in the profession. I have had ministers of the gnsiel, judges of tbt bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high est erudition, end multitudes of the poor use it In every variety of way, snd there haa been but one voire one unisersal voice aaying I 'M'Alliater, your Ointment is GOOD." In Wcrofula, Old Sores, Erysepelss. Teller Li' ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Uroki n or Sore Breast, Piles, all Chest Diseases, such as As'hms, Oppressions, Pain- Also, Hore l.ips Chapped Hamts, rumors, Lhil dnn's Cuianeoua Eruptions, Nervous Di-rases, and of ihe Spine, there ia no medicins now known as go d. oCAI.D HED We have cured esses thai actually defied every thing known, sa well as Ihe ability of IS or SO doctors. One man lold us he bad spent (300 on his rh Idien without any bene fit, when s few boxes nf Ointment rur.d them. UALDNESS It will teslore the hair aooner than any other thing. HEADACHE The eolve haa cured peisons of the headache of 12 year-' standing, and who had it regulur every week, so that vomiting often took place. Dsarsxss.Eta Acne snd Anus is the Fscx, are cured hy this Ointment with like Sucre, s. RURNS. It is one nf Ihe best things in the world for Burns. (Read the directions around the box) RHEUMATISM It removes almost immedi. stely the inffimatinn anil swebint when the piin ce i-es. (Ileid the Directions around the Box.) ("OLD KEEP. Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the chest or side, falling off nf ihe hi.ir, one or the oiher alwaya accompanies eol.l feel. (This Ointment is the true remedy.) Il is a sure sign of disease to have eold fee'. TETTER. There ia nothing better for the cure nf Tetter. PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by this Ointment. CORNS. Occasional use of the Ointment will alwsys keep Co us from growing. People need never be troubled with them il they v.W u-e i , Head the foll-iwing Communication. R' ceived from an o'd. respee id in.l well known citizen of Phi'adalphta. and then judge for your Belt': Philadelphia. 10 m.. Ulh, 1846. To T. B. Peterson, Having been r'qm-led to cive my opinion on the meiils uf M'ALI.IS TER'H SALVE, I am willing to ennmerute son e of the 1 m fits which I have i xpeiienced in Ihe use of ihe article. In ti e apring of 184R, I had an stisrk of Ery sipelas in my fice which became very painful, and ei lendi d into one i f my eyes, being attended with fevr, my diatrese was great and I began to he fear ful of loaii g my eye. Although not much of a believer in what ia roinmonly clhd quack medicines. I purchased box and made an application to my face. To my sui prise the pnin soon ab-ted, and in a week's time it waa ent rely cured, and I firmly believe that il si ihe suite, under Providence that cuied me. From thai time lo the present. I have used the article aa occasion required, snd in every csse'wheie I have U-ed it, I have found a decided benefit Al one time, on going lo bd at night, my thrnal was ao sore that I swallowed with difficulty, but by an application of the sa've I waa relieved lefore morning. I hive usod il In cate of hnrps, bruises spr.iins, and flesh cms, a'l with the Imppie-t effects, and one case of poisoning by a wild vine in the woods, h is In en dried op and cured by a few application. From my own experience, I would snoncly re. rninn.eiid it to all, as a cheap, convenient, family irtedii ine I hive become an partial to it, lint I expect lo keep il con-tanily in my familr. I hough not ami itioua lo appear in print, yet I cannot nluse to have this eommnnira ion made put 'lie if judged best to serve ihe c u.e of humani ty. Reajiectfully hine. VM ADM3, No. S6. Old York Ito.d. CAUTION. No Ointment will be eenuine unleaa Ihe nam. a of James M'Alliater, or Jxmea M AHistrr a. Co., sre wriiien with a pen on eve ry labe1. JAMEft M'ALLIMTER. ewle proprietor l Ihe s'ove meilieine. PRICE. 2(1 CENTS PER BOX0 Aotais : J. W. FRILINO. Sunbuiy. F0H8VTH, WII.80N cV Co. Norlhnmhertand. Dr WM.M BICKLEY. Dsnvil'e, S. O. CROIISE. Webn-srove. P O. SHU.l ER. LewW.urg. U M. F.NAI.K. Milton. JOHN SHAIU'LEfS. Catlswi.su. Feb. 10th, 1E4S. eowlv "WTENI. VI V TXIJLI IDI, VICI Dr. ALLEN'S VEOE. E COMPOI'.M) f.r He cue .1 DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. NEII VOl.8 DEBILITY. BILIOUH AFFECTIONS, &c. This Medicine i- offered lo iho public under the assurance thai there ia no article in exisleme having stroneer claims to Ibeir eon-uleiation. lie. ing compounded by a regular Graduate of J, fl'er son College, Phi ln.lt Iph a, and a practising phya e'un of tufuiy years' eisndii ij in Phil idelphis. his tons etpi rienre ha- cnnrlrmed him in the opinion Ih it a compound medicine wa required In preenl and remedy the debilitation pr dnced by residing in lo-v, miasmntic cttmstee, and lo counter irt Ihe pro trating influence of insny nervous disorders with which ihe human fiinily are afflicted. DR. ALLEN is s well known phi sieim, and has used the above medicine in his practice foi 8 yeara wi'h the most a.tnniahing effect, having tea. ted its quabib-a in shove FIVE THOUSAND CASES. No medicine ever ie.-i ised more iUurring re eominei'daii ns from phy.icians of eminent slid ing th in has 6. en bestowed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR INDKiESTION AND ITS C0.NSEQUEM:ES. An eminent Pr.f.,. sor s ys: "Il chiefly aiises in (wisnna who le d either a very aedeniary or irregular life. A'thonch not regardid as a fut.il dlse.se; yel if neitrct.il or improjieily treared, may bring on lieurible M-, laneholy, Jaundice, Madnees, or Veiligo, Palsv and Apoplexy. A gr el singularity att nilani o it is, ihat it may and ofiendo. a roniinus a ,ei length of time without any remission ol iho s nip. tome. CAUbE1. Grief and unea-inest nf nj i d, in tense study, profuse evacuations, encee- in venery, excessive uae nf spirbuou- liquors, t a, tobacco, o pium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, over distention of the stomach, a deficiency of the secretion of thr bile or g sirie jmee. exposuie in old and damp air. sis ths chief causes of I '.is die ease. SYMPTOMS. Loss of apatite, naus ,, ,,,,(. bum, scidiiy, and fart id erucuiions, guawing uf ihe eiomach when empty, uneas sa in ihe lliro.l pain in lbs side, coslivem a, chillm , I nguor, lowneaa ) spirits, pdpiimiona, and die urlied sleep." TREATMENT. DJt. ALLEN'S VEGE TABLE COMPOUND hss never failed in sir., ding immediate relief, and s radical cuie for ibis discsea. " ty This Medicins can be bad of H. B Mss-er Sunliuryi J. C. MaiUu. PoU i, Medlar 4 Bickel, Orwlgsburg snd of Druggists gener illy. ALLEN 4 WARD. Proprietors. Philadelphia, Nov. 87, li7. cq ly mup DOAIIDING. F1HE subscriber is prepared te receive and sc JL commodate a few transient or permanent Bwderi, at her residence ia Susbury. The lo cstion is ia a haodsoms and pleasant pert of lbs town, commanding s fins view of the Suequehau na, Northumberland snd lbs sceaery sHjacent Te persons from lbs city, who wish to spend a few months during ths summer season, Sunbury aaVds delightful retreat. . .. ANN C. MOf.RU. April , l.n ' , . . , r . BANK ROTE HIT. PEMpVSTLVAoVIA. The fnllowinc list shows the current value of all 'enmvtvania Rank N.stes. The me Implicit re liance msy be placed opnn It s It i every srefnlly enmpsred with ai d Corrected f'om Riek eirs Reytoriev. nnnks In Phllmletpfila. , Pise is Naa. Ieanos. P(1,tM, NOTES ATTAR. , tank of North America . , par Hank of the Northern Liberties , par Commercisl Bank of Penn a. . . par 'aripere' snd Mechsnica Hnk" . , par Kensinolnn Bank . par Philadelphia Bank . , . par chuvlkill Bank , . . par loiilhwsrh Hank , par Western Bank . psr Weelienlrs Hank . pat Manufacturers' eV Mechanics' B.ink par rtanfc of Penn Township . . par rti'anl Bank . , pa Hank of Commerce, Isle Moyamensing par Bank nf J'ennvlvania . , par Country tlankit. Bank nf Chester County1 Westchester psr Hank of Delaware County Chester par tank of f termautown Uermanlown par Bank of Mnnteomery Co. Noiriatown psr Dnylestown Bank Doyleatown par Easinn Bank Eaalnn par Farmers' Bank of Burks eo. Bristol par Bank of Northumberland Northumberland par Columbia Bank eV Undue eo.'t'olumbia par Farmer' Bank of Lsocastei Lancvstet par Lancaster County Hank Lancaster Bank Farmera' Bank of Reading OlTiee nf Bank of Peim'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do l,ancaeter psr Laudator pn Reading par Harrisburg" These Lancaster I offices Reading f do not Eaalnn I issue n. NOTES AT DIHOOIINT. tank of ihe United Slides Miners' Bank of Pollsville Bank of Lewisiown Bank of Middlotown Carlisle Bank Exchange Bank Do do branch of Harrisburg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' cV Manuf Bank1 Bunk of Pittsburg Weal Branch B mk Wyoming Dunk Northampton Bsnk lierks County llnuk Philadelphia 17 par failetl psr I 14 Pntisville leewistown Middlet own Carliare Pittsburg Hollidavahurg Hsrrishurg ltiannn Pittsburg Pittabuig Williamspnri Wilkesharre Allenlown rteading Pitishurg no sile failed fsibd do Office of Bank nf U. S Do do do Do do do Dunk of (hamlieraburg Hunk ol flellyshurg llnnk of Su-quebanna Co. Erie Bul k Farmer-' flc Drovers' Bunk Fiankliii Bank Honesdale U.nk Mni-ongahela Bunk of B. Vork Hank Erie IN'eiv Urijhton Chsmliersliwrg fteltyshurg Montrose Erie Wayneshurg Waahinston Honesd.de. Itro-vna rille York do I 1 2r i U H I I N. B. 1 he nolea nf those hanks on which we mil quotations, and substitute a dn-h ( ) sre not purchased hy the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception nf those which bare a letter nf re ference, BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. lira. Philadelphls Loan Co, "chuvlkill 8av. Ine. Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sv. Ins. Manual Labor Bank ( I'. W I'owanda Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Hank of Swatnra Bank nl Washington Centre Bank City Bnnk Farmer-' At Mech'cs' Hank Farmers' & Mech'cs Bank F annera' dr. Mech'cs' Bunk H simony Institute H iintingdnr. Bank Juniata Bank t.iunliermen's Bunk Northern Bank nf I'a. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Nnrthnml.'d Union Col. Bk. North Wcelern Bank nf Pa. Office of Schnylkill Bank I'a. Acr- dr Msnuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank (ilium Bank of I'emi'a. M estnioieland Bank Wilkesharre Bridge Co. Philadelphia failed do failed do failed do do Dyotl, prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no sale Beaver closed Harrisburg closed Washington failed Belli finite closed Pittshuig no sale Pitishurg failed ' Fayette co. failed (ireeneaalie failetl Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sate Lewisiown no sale Warren failed DundsfT no a ile New Hope closed Milton no alr Meailville closed Purl t !arbon Carlisle failed Monlr,e closed Uniontowu failed Oreensburg closed Wilkeabarre no sale fXj All notes purporting to he on any I'snnsyl vania Bank not given in Ihe above list, may be set town ss irauua. NEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed telvideie Bunk tturlington Co. Bsnk Jnminercial Bank JuniU rl.iiid Bank 'aimers' Bunk .'ariiier' and Mechanic' Bk .'armrrx' and MechauiiV Bk Kartners' ami Men bants' Bk Kraiiklin Bank of N.J. Belvidere Medford Penh Amlwiy Bridgeion Mount Holly Ushwsy N. lliunswick par i par par 4 Ciiled Midilletown Pt. 1 Jersey t;tty failed Hiit nki'it BkgcV liiaiing t'o lloh .ken failed failed failed tailed lorm-y City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patn-raou Vlaiiufai'luri rs' Bunk Belleville VI orris County Bank Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freeh dd Mirhauu-e' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Ukg Co Jersey City Post Nolea Newark Ukg & Ins Co Newark 4 failed i par no eale no sale .Sew Hope Del Bridge Co Larnberlsville N. J, Manufiic. and Ukg Co Hohoken N J Proiecton 4 Lombard bk Jersey City failed failetl i f.ilo.1 i ai I Iranie Bank Orange t'aierwin Bank Peoplea' Bank I'riuceinn Bunk Salem Banking Co Slate Bviik siate Bank -Hate Bink tate Batik nf Moms liate Bank "alem and Philad Manuf Co Susaex Hank Trenton Basking Cu Union Honk Wiiiiigtnn Banking Co. Patersnn do Princeton Salem .Newark Eliiabe htowq 0 ,idc'ii .vforristourQ Trenion Salem New Ion Truiilon Dover l'.r i i par I faile.1 failed pur t fade, I Harkeneuck UEsa.iWARE. Ilk nf Wilm eV Brand) wine Witniingtun Hank nf Delaware' Wilmington tlank of Smyrna Smyrna Do branch Milbud "'annera' Bk nf Stale of Del Dover pai par pai pai pai uii pur I sit par 4 Do brunch Do bianch Do iraru'b I'uion Bunk ff Under 6's Wilmington lieorgetiiuiii Newcaails Wilmington (lj tn all luniks mark,il thus () there ere eh her rounls'leii altered nolea nf ihe venous da .,fiiiiiaiioa. in eireiilaibw,. Time und Distance Saved I SUNBURY FERRY. FI1HE subscribers having leased the Buubury X Ferry, b-g leave lo inform ths public, that they era prepared to convey Teams. Pleasure Carriages snd Foot pasaengera across the river with safely snd without delay. They have pro vided themselves WHS new and commodious crafts, which will slwsys ha attended with able and rsreful bendg. Persons travelling te snd from and through Sunbury to New Berlin. Lewieburg. Harllelen snd other plsees. will and it greatly lo Iheir ad vantage to cross st ibis Ferry instead of lb Bridges, ss Ibey would ssve from las te four miles in distance. JOHN 8PLF.CE. LEWIS LENHAKT. Sunbury, April I, S4b C. BENIXERT, BOOT jMAKliu, No, 40, Soctsi FoosTat BraaaT. Aanva CaaeTRtrr, The Grand Purgative . t POH TH" cvnm or Headache, Obblinei, Meaate Bell Rheum. ' Rheomailsm. Piles, Dvpep Reuivv, Heail Born. Worms, Cholera Morbna, Ooiuhe, Qnln-ey, Whooping Oanvh, Conanmpiion. Fits, Liver Complaint, Erieipilas. Dssf. e, I'cliinga of ihe Skin. Colds, Omit, Gravel. Nervous Comp1sintf "m ill Poi. Jaundice, Pains in Ihe Back,-. Inward W knese, . ''slpiUtion of the Heart, Rising in Ihe Thrnsi, Dropsy, Asthma, Fevers of ll kinds. Female Coinplainta, ass a vssiavr o otsss niasiets aaistse mon istroaiTtss es ths stoon, na. STSDCTiess is vns oaeass ee si. . r . SKSTIe. . ... I .... . ... Experieneo hss proved that nearly every Dis ease originates fiom Impurities of the Blood or de rangements of the Digestive Organs and lo serum Health, we must remove those oh-tructions or re store the Blood to its natural state. The aversion to I1 ing medicine is most cfTe Inally removed by Clicicsf.s s YrSiTssts Pom oitive Puts, being cmpletitu enveloped with roatme of purr, while Sugar, (who h ia ae ili-tioei from the internal ingreilients aa aim shell from he kernel) tin atvs m tssts or Mrniriax But are a essdv swallowed as hits of candy Moreover Ihev neither nnunt.itc or trine to the slightest degree, hul operate equally on all the die- eaaed parte of Ihe svs'em. Instead nf confining themselves lo, and ra.-king any par'icut o- region Thus, if tl e Liver lie itfferled. one intirdient ill nperale on Ih ! parl-cular nrgsn, and, by cleansing tl nf an Eicesa of Bile restore it to its namr s'ale. Another will operate on Ihe II ood. ami remove all Imnu.iiie- in lis circul .linn i whit third will effectually eil whatever impurities m iV have he.-n discharsed into the s'omici. am1 hence ihev stnics t tiis snnT of nt-r. -., re move all Impure Humors from Ihe body op n the pores egiernsby and in'ernully eepirat- all fore go and obi oxioua pS' tides fro n the chyle, so Ih ,t the hlo.nl miV be thorough y pore tho- seen. rng a f ee and hesllhv action ! the Heart Lungs anil Liver; anil thereby 'hey ars-rnaa hkslth vss wnts Alt OTNia srsssis Hsvx tsitcn. The entire iru h of the aliove can he aeeit einei by the trial of a single box-; and their virues are a pn-itive ami rerinn in rea or ng llealih, thai the proprietor biiuls himself lo return the money paid for them in all cases where ihey do not g universal sit is action. Retail Price, 2,1 Is. per Itox. Princip.l nffice No fi Ve-i y st., N Yo k Sold by JOHN YOUNO. Snnhury. M. A. McCAY. Notthumie-lan fTj" Rememiwr Dr. (!. V Cliekener is the in venmr nf ihe Sugar Coated I'i Is. and iht noih ng f Ihe a ri wis ever hemd . f umil he inifodne. d idem in June, IR1.1, Pinch sets shou'd, tin r fnrv. slways ask for Cliekenei'e Sugar Coated Pills, and ke no others, or they will he ma te Ihe victims of t fraud. Sept. I8'.h, IH47. ly eow SILXSNC THT nninrit COPKM ! THS irsjaa tea is inv ar, ths wiiii or Tea nssTMoti ass iini aiei-v, tss cm-oa or coisi Mrniii hstr l ie a imwn ? tons. ARF yo REYOITA MOTHER! Your darlineehil.l. vour idol and earthly lov, is now perhaps confined In her rhamter bv a dsmerous cold h. r pale choke, her thin shrunk- n fingers, tell the hold ali ease haa already gained upon he the sound of her sepuhhra' cough pieiees y.mr soul, YOUNG MAN', when just ah ul to enter life, disease shed- a bean eiu h'ng I liuht nver the f,n prospects nf thefutu e ymi' l ectic cooati and f. e hie limbs tell nf vonr los- snd h 'ie, ' ill y il need not de-pair Trier" is a balm which will hra1 the wnuiidi d lungs, ii ia t II K It !I X s ALIs II HAUNT. II A 1. SAM. Mrs. ATTIJEE. the wife of Win. II Aure., Esq. waa given up bv lr. K, w ,11 of Wa-lniiut 'ii. I) s. Iloe ai d MeCI. Hall of I'hilad -I hiu. Dr. IW and Dr Mott nf New York Her friends all bought she must die. &U had ever upiwar o e, nf being in rnii-nimntion, sn I w is so proiinn. ce.l by her phv si. i ins-Sherman's Balsam wks given and il cured her, M r-. G A K It A B n . N'TZ, "f Hull's Feiry. was u'si emed nf coiisnmp'l .n bv this Balsam when all oiher remedies f,ied to give rehef--stie wav r, duced to a skelet n. Dr. A. O. Cis'le. 1). Iitist. SMI Broadway, has witnessed ilsefferia in several ea-ea where no other rmdicine affonled relief but Ihe Balsam operated bke a cbaim. Dr. G. also witnessed its wonderful efficts ill curing l.thmi, which it nevei fails of doing. 9pitieiig Bl.m I, alar ming aa ii mav be, ie effectually cured hy this Bal aam. It heals the ruptured or wounded blood vessels, and makes the lungs sound again. Key. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avrnn-, waa cmed nf cnugh and catarrhal aff. ciiona . I 5(1 yeara a ending. The first dose gave him m 'i re lief than all ihe nibei medicine he had ever iiik n. Dr. L. J. D als, 19 De aney strut, gave it m a si-l- r in-law who was lab -ring under con-umpi ion, and to another sorely aft! ct d wiih tho A-ll'ina. In boih cases its eft. els were immedia e, soon re. storing Ih m to. enmf r'ab'e hrahh. Mrs. LUI'KE Ii WELLS. 95 Ch.i-lie sued. ufT. r.d f.nm Asthma fi ysar Khetm n'a 11 si. aain lelieveal her si once, and she is comparal v ly wl, taring eiih'ed to subdue every attack by a imely use of this medicine. Thi- indeed ih ureal rum d for C ug1 s. Colds, Spitlip Uhml Liver Complainis, and sll l e ail ,-tMina nf li e throat, and even AtV a sml !, Price 25 cents and $1 per 1,1 ump i. n. Dr. HhermauM lough sJ W,,,,,, L 'lcnges, and Poor Mao's Piaster s,,, h,,y Dr. Sherman's ff.. . at IllR Naaaau st N. Y Ageois. JOHN YOU.no. Sunhur.. M .M 0Y. Northumberland Septeesr llih. IMT ly Veelable liulve vnl I'i I In, TAe anlu know MetVcint that at the tnmc time purget purges and ttrcngthtn the syUm. " Loano. July 7, l46 DR I.E ROY'r Pills ae a new o.licin whbh hss josl apiu-ared, ami ia f.et isking the larea . f all oiher- of ihe uu a claga. . These pills are eonipos.,1 of many ingrrdi-nl-. bui the Iw.i priiiciiuil ona are MarsaarIU and Wi'd Che,, ry. so united thai Ihey act together; ihe on.-, Uir -ugh Its adm'giure wiih other -uh t-'.e.e, pn. rifying ai d po'ging while Ih- other ia snenjllie . ing ihe system. Thus those pdl. aie al the sum itins tonic and ..pi ning ; a ,! sub-ramm long ami eagerly sought f.r by medical men, hut never be fore discny, red In ther word- ibey do the work i or two meiitrinee. and do il much heller th in any two we know of; for Ihey reronv- nothing fr .in Ihe ays-em but the mporiiiea; an tint while they urge ihey strengthen; and hence Ihev caus.- no dehibutinn.and are follow. d hy no r-ari n. Dr. I-e R ,y'a pills have a wonderful influence on the blood; Ihey not only purify without weakening il, hui ihey lemove all u ii..us particles from the ehy'e beAne it Is eonvened imo flu d and ibaa snake im. purs bl.l sn uttsr impoa ibiliiy. As ibere ia no dehiiiiati.-o. .o theia ia no nauaes or sickness at tending lha epe.ati.Muj f Ibis moat eiceU. nl of me. dt-ines, which n.er -traine . r lonures the dig., live functions, hul caa-es them to wik in a pei fe.lly nulural manner and hence person, taking them de mH liee.mve pale end em ciaie.1, hut Hi. . onlrary j fur while it is the pmpeny of ihe Mars,, panllu, aniie-i as ii ia wiih other ingredienia. I , remove all thai ss rWei(n aiaj impure, il i equally ihe pro,.ariy isT the Wild Cherry so retain all ih.i s natural and sound; and benee a r .hu-t slu e of heelta k the certain result of iheir united oiurr.. nous (ry Pries tA eenle r BOX. Agsuu fur Le Roy's P lkj. J. W. FHM IN'O, . John youu. I ur'' . - .- M. A. McCAY. Northumherl'eV August tlr, l1?.-ly . LL persoes indebted le the subscriber, by sore er book account, are hereby notified ia call es4 settle the asms wrtheot detey. inerder ie savs costs. IRA T. CLEMENT. dxi. swebtseh's z& &x za j m THH M dicine fa wrr.ntd, on mlh n .t t contain s panicle f Cal met. C..ir ie "ot. mate. Arsenic. Chloride i.i i"tu, or any ,iei. ie- ns minerals The principle npnn wh'ch this M-dicine sets. I ' sesieiins - ml h rmnni-liif w-ih nsinrej i rives onl a'l foul acrimonious humors fr. m be blond snd 1dv. " d by ssslmiletine with and strengthening Ihe (setrirV juice nf ihs stomach, It assists diges Ion t In at on triers is not a vein arte- mnscle or nerve In the human body, lhal is not strengthened by the PANACEA, and II else posaessea Ine remarkable properly of removing mercury from the hones and Joints. , .... FOR ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. fcurvv. Scnrho'it A rTeclions. Tumors, Herofula or Kings' Evl , While Dwellings, Ery-iid,, Ulcers Cancers, Dunning Hnres. 8eah4 and Bi'eu time and a ih-teimlmd irseveranee In D SWEET 8ER-8 PANACEA, will rffect s surs. -j FOB l DinEfTlON. Bejeciion nf foml, Naii-eu, Vcmitinga. Nervous al rllona. lollinn enti'n'ainl-. He,.l a-' e. Pa en Ss or Fmae Ir egulariiies. 8WEETRF,I."S PA m.Myr.A wi'i soon elr.ci a enr-: bin if nlotieete, or stten.le.l with tr pine, flvint pains, the d"se srioulil le Ii g'ea-eil, an.l the euie will sn..n be ef fected. I.si not Ihe na- enn tr g' ten ih-ms Ives with the idea thai th'y are too e k lo take much medi -ine but hear in mind that tbta mi illy rn.s ling med cine put not w- akne-s Into ilo- frame, bill in.l c rtainty draws wealm s- out, leivee s'r. ng'h in its d ce, and by giving comai,d steep a' nig t. and in ainietiteto relish anv food, re-ani'iiaea the whnle frum" wi h vigorous action, clearing ihe mind and imprnvtng li e sighi. SCROFULA AND (i'.ANDUI.AR AFFEC TltiNS. Scrofula is said lo he heriditary th" inf.nt r. eeiviug fri m its paMits he s-eds of ill s diseaa . whirli i' creas s wit'i ila eos. M iievleeied anil i.ni eeboi't el to freqii'-nl punfi.. lion m ilb D'. 8WFETHKR'! PANACEA. Tie glands a-e p. eed in the con er- of f e body, a il mn ol Ihe way of direct con, mil i iot on I Ih, ir real u e i- a subject on hich i- neh lit IT- r ce of ,,ini,in ,rev,ila; n suffi -es ns In knw ih t when in a d .-bsiI -ae ihey are Capa'-le of being .nr fied and ele naed hy a long cnur-e nf Dr. S WrtE I MEH'S I'A.N A CEA. which res nns llnm In sound and pi.-p r ai-nou. Scroful us peraon-can ievei pav to , much aiteni'on in their bloml. its pur fi. ution sle uld I Iheir firi Ihnugh', for afii r a b.nu C'Ur-e . f perse verance, ihey will eiotun In ii ilit ,ry diaeane. In ee. of JMNDICE ASTHMA LIVER COMPHIT.S. 7 IC DOI.OREVX RHEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC GOUT, Dr. NWEKTSER'S PANACEA e ot be too high ly extollrsl ; it seairhes out the very root nf the dis 'i'se, and ''V r m "ing it from the Blond makes a cure eritain and la rm nent. F r diseae nf the Bladiler and Kidneif Stric ture. Gravel .Vnne. P7e. Filtila. Uiinnru Ob flruclinnt and Extreme Cmlivcntu Dr.SWEET. SEII'S I'AM'EA is the heal rern-dy ever Irel; it removes all iho-e acrimonious humo a from the 111. Mid which give r-se lo ihe alx.vc ibseasea. and bv keeping ihe blood in a pare condition, irisun e health. For DROPSY, FM.LIN'rj or ths BOWELS Imp'ir lien if the Blond, Mercurial Taint HVnJt nest of the Sp ne Fh"af Blm4 Inlhc Heml Gid d urn. Si ging aorl Buzzing No ne in iht He.nl and Ear,. D . WEE TSKK'S I N CEA .i gie ert -in rrl ef; in all si e e ai d rlin r esses. Ibe I'v ienis can- nl he inooft. n r'm nded thai lar ger dote pcererance ill , IT-ei ru e. I Ch II anil Fevf B limit Errert Affert-nn nf the. Eiiet i-ud Ear Spn-igy and B'C'l.ng Gum Br-meh I nml rerun! Cuogh ! Corl; D. SWEEinFII'i PiNM E w ll b f umt pe'fi ctlv sure and cerl .t in il- iffeet-. CHWri. A Nil UlflNARY COM' LAIN Tho.e eon p am s a-.- gem -..It .it en.'e.l the in.. a' I. lal nil- ipi.-. ces ;,. d i e -,-l. . ei . u e,l i.y lb . . i m ..I ol i e l i" ii : Hi ii-ii l y iceooii anv tnc p ii,-, i I the crave. ,!' nr,.riiit! tl'C rno-t exeru' iating pa'ti uu I ir.ure. Th. rsus i.f h sr c im-laui s are the v rue as a l Ih. is he ,1 n .'I I'i. bt...d t-eenin s en.-ru red on the? tin -el n irrow pasag. s. w'tei.re uri morbid se let ni a mid -r-ppag s o1' il ine. Y-u il f.1(. the in st p w rful d ur.iie- nf im use, a- lle ,n,U iiicn a-e the qu mtiiy f urine and d- iiol pn ify ml strength, ii th pari- Bv purifying ihe I lo. , with Di. MWKETeBH'8 PAN CE.A. ou re move Ihe cause ,-l thedise i!a',rons.'qiieuiy il ran not i-xi-t any longer, afiir euffieienl poise. name in ita use has deprived the hl"od and body of all acrimomou- humors and im rusiaiijn. DLHEAbESorTssLUNtiS-CONSUMPTION This iaa er prevalent and laialdiaea-e il re auba inn-ily frm iiegleetrd Coughs, eolda and bron chitis, alao from imoinper treatoiein in many ot er CJi-ea, such as measles, f, vers b flsinioaii ns and mali pox and a ho-l ot lher badly Irea'ed disc, sea; where the reuse, inst-ad nf having lasen thorough' , removed from the hlo.aj and b ly, have onl- ti'rn palliated or run .ve t from one piM io l-rear (Mlt jn another. By .lives ing yntir tiodie-- ol ',1 f",n (,. in.Ma. ihrnogh the medium .if Dr. ', WEET'ER'S PANACEA, .he rur ia al n t,ir j ',.,;, and , ermamnl II c..llect whil, . ,r(i(n , .nous hiimois fl .in-, ,.. ri ru i,,, i( , B 9fA to settle o:, the ',,. Hny ,. (, (f , . 'bis Hi- lOLoi, ih it consumption ia so prevalent 1IILRS. SORCtt AND CLtlER-S. Whi'-h y-.u se - o.. the ex eri -t tome Com and have their sour, e in, Ihe inln i..r. and inighl j'isi as well have .,ie.l nn win lungs. lie',oi ui.y ,.ihe. pail; whiih e know they frriiii-nily d ,, ,i., .'lice ino-t tiiilent nil imiiuioi .lis.,i.le.rs. The humor whicli oi'c isions these song is ot a h'gblv rrimoin 'ii- burning n itue We knour it fr..ni llie pain il gi-es in lor ing, ami ifi, r arde iiu ra pidly u rrra iiig and coir d ng ihe flesh and ski uf Ihe pa'l wheie It br ak- nut Th's shows ihe neeea-tly of f eipjei.lU pmifyiog the blood w th )r, SWEE'OEIi'S PANACr.A. end keeping such iiialignaiil Im nn ra in ru j ciiou Ntniuld vouh .ve a h e or ulcer, bit ih-i-kfqi Ih ,1 i a u e has tak n rouble lo warn you f the danger tool life and lui ty is in, for ii is a warning I al " e I'Ui.mI i- foul Had ihi- aim acm,,,imy a I r nl belongs in t-a-l of the surface f y.ui Ikuly for ie u-a-, eonsuoip. lion of ih' lungs wn d bav been iheV u ataju- u r D lay mil lien. In UiHv and rleanse with D Stti-, lu r's Panacea. S' INE DISEASE Hpiml sfTecuiii-, nlaig' mem l the h.v ei an joints, while swellinga. I ip j.ni.1 romplaint, iup uies, laln g of ihe boweU -n I worn diaea-e. will fin I aaia-e.lv -uie in Dr. SfVEETEM S PA NACEA. Where the disease I a. bee , nf dug tamlinn, the time required to make a curs will be longer ( but Ihe pvienl may r, at assured lhal a determined perseverance wdl efleel it. IIUONCIU I'IS. ASTHMA sun DISEASE OF THE WINUPIi'E. These disease, proceed from Ihs serioeily or crrupt liuuna-s of the blood, having s l ied iueif ou ihe throat and lungs, and el-.pu-d them up, an lhat hey rai.noi draw aufficu in air in for respiration. Dr. SWEEI'SE Rs PANACEA will gi.eimme. bate relief, and In make Ihe cure perfect anal car lam. it sh'inU he eoninul sums lime alter, lo tree lbs system uf all bud humors. RHEUMATI8M. RHKUM ATIO GOUT AND MERCUBIAL DISE4SES Find s safe anl speedy cure in Dr. SWTBET SEH'S PANACEA.. Il cures I.y aearehing every bl.uuj see si and an, ry, and driving nut all impu rities and lout hiimiuecriimu'eied therein, which s ihe eauee f rh untatis, g aji ami swellings ol the joints. The de eteroua effe. t of calomel aiel other niHieral poisens, e.s lily yield te its .overran influence indeed, wrim iu val iable properliee Iw OHnefullv known, ihe w rall min-r I p 4on wnl I eo signed lo 'ihe inmti ,M all Ihe Cep ile.g,' s ..i nlv be II oaigbl f aa s by-g ow eu-t in ..f the der hec ages Dr. lweH-ee'u Panvrea is .Ian a sui. eure U- .lysu iu,,a. )4 eu. cw ieen- s. vert.gsi, head arhe. .ain M Ibe hi east aiu) livef enendeiat. ' FEVER AND Afil'E. Fever i ei ate eauee I -y a dieo'eWly metr i anetil of ihe U-uvt, sseaaasine lof ee a-ir of so-vm-. Ibbtg thai uMsgararu it t fas t, every kind us fa- la notkusa m.-ee tasa a Mnwats aaMwaea iaa rn-1 humors ae egriel e.1. von have no more levee When s natient bh fevt subrnila lit b hi.! as have bi. blood l-oisoned with enerenra. il sseakena his rame to swi h - dear ik ir th , "'"'' Sva I, avea him anh'm.1 1 . ,li.i..M.. ii ' ' ,n "mM '"' ' ,n B- V t a tiis pills tsnwders. m t..nc mlvtflr. fr th I going from ad io worse, aa these vegetable ,.,tlg. p.,w,l-r. Ae, n ,nmg mi merrurv end qtunbie in digulae, h ch may fnf a Urns .tflva ihs di. - r u.. ,h'.??yyJ " N rKntibls, but very soon Is will break nut again wiih fearful vo'enrS To cure sine ami lever, me cause of the disease must be re . moved nut of ihs blond and hod,, which ran be f. -felnally done hy os'ng Dr. "WEETSER'H PA. NAt.LA, which pannes.cb-ansss and atrMiha,x It contains nothing that can poasikly Injurs, and its ' use is alerays s safeguard against chills and fevers. ' PILES. lo tr. f'sais n Pitrs, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will elT-el s verf speedy care. It re moves f'crm the blond, stomach ami bowels, als those foul serid burning humors, which are the einse f Ml, a snd Cosiiveness, snd by strengthen ina Ihe dig. s ive nrgsns, improves every part of the n'ne IhkU. FLATULENCY AND WIND. The-e diseases a -a cm ed by ihe stomach and' bowels lu-ing rhnked np wiih viacl.l at my matter. he air whb h enter- ih.m c mnote epe until forced' by some cni.tr tion f the e omach In expel ii t he, ee 'he eau-e f piin. A few doses ,.f 1), rWEEI SEK'- PNA EA will convinre the' suffe er lhal ie , f is att uned CHEAT MEDICINE FOR CWLDRE.Y Parents will fi d ihe P.AN.ACEVa m-diiine f n ihe r child en. keep ng iheir KviKesim a h-al bye ndi I ai, ihsrehy a-aiaiing Ihefe gr a-vH children or g own tu-tsons. after taking i. M sml' l a' le o be a l .eked with -n epidemaras K tur, il alwuts leav s Ihe blo al in a pO'e cndilion. and hemtir- sy-iem in a strengthened slate; it drives in a I ki ds nf we knees frnin Ihe b.aU and leasee II heal hy wit in, M RltlED LADIES W II fi ,.l II, H WE r-BR' PAN CE A . medi. c n purely ad -ied I' mr ua-.. M ..t r ng !' peri .1 of i renaucy arearTbebal with ni'r. Dr. rWenuVu Pa. .ecu. hy regol.ting ihe lu.nl. ill ei li .lv ..bvia e this, and ila iunri( .r,MM.r ie. ,-n he M.aal Hal fluid-, .ii-nres io them h- aU thy ntr ining. !o one who i- a mother ahonl l ha wiltii.nl il. and Ih.w w:.o arer.ars-i g will find it of g eul b n fit I., ihe beatih of their infants. F I bsriem e-s and all dia.-asrs nf ihe womh. il is without a rival in the entire histnty and catalogue uf m. . brines; by its evlrsordinary strengthening power, it atimulates and strengthens Ihe womb, a weakness nf which is the cau-e u( failure to have offspring. NERVOUS DISEA8ES. Under this head may be classed Palpitation nf 'he Heart. T-r Doloreaux or Fac-ache. Neuralgia, lud ges i. in, Toothache, Melnnchnlj , Hvateiirs.and n fact, every ibseae cnns.,1 by the eharp, biting, acrimonious humors irritating Ihe nerves; the nerves leceive the morbid imptession from the -lo-maeh, or rather fr,.m the bloml through Ihe agency i f the siomarh and ilige live nrgana, and although nther parls of Ihe ho ly are app.rei.lly the seat of -he disease, alii! it is caused hy the morbid imp-re--i m conveyed from the Mood by .he nerve- to lhat pu t A l.w doses of Dr. 8 WEET-Eli'8 PA. NACEA will anon assure ihe patient Ih-l he has ihe cure in his possese'on, r.RY!IPELAs,..a 8f. ANTHONY'S FIRE, This is an inflammatory di-o-der, aw ysafend- d with m rs r k-s j, pf,-,.ee.la'from ihe nl. arrimiiinniis humors lo.lgv.1 in ihe Moml and flu d-. setili g . ii the I m s and face, causing ex. Heme p . in and l.vers; all apph atinna nn ihe sur f . e sre w r-e than n-el. -s, ih,v n!y I nd to lUrow t e dtsea-e in -,me oiher part, and perhin- ana--de-Ill. Bh-e.tjng .s likewise improper. T U'e Ihe di esse on n u I g. t r, f .because; nn Iv in msi'S I g.-i ih.- foul hum r-out ..f y ,,,r l,', ...l ion w.ll i.,. we 1 in a div. Dr. WEET E -'.-J "NfE. a .h.-on.h p.,fi,, f ,), hi i a a-eh ,.i , ve,y impurity in the m-ie remoi. p in f d,e I. alv and em I it tSmilgi, h0 m ibii o of ibe to els. There i, not a vein, arte ry. til' se'e i.r ."can of the entire framewo.k of man, thai Dr. Sssts-t'i Paoaeej Joe, nm im l.iove. r . ink- it wh-n M.u -re well Is lo keep we I ; gut vhen tick 1 1 b'coenr well. DR. SWEETSER sl'ANACEA, heir,com-po-ed i , ol a v g. tuble mailer or ma Ileal nerbs, and vairaiiird. "ii o nh as eoiiiainj. g not no pan t ele f mercurial, mineral. r ehimicil suhslanees. s found I., be e.le. tl, harmiesa I-. ths mo t tender age. or the eake-i f.aine, under anv si.geof hu man sufie ing ; l'.r mo.l l lea- nl and hemcn in i'a o eraiion in.. I was e er nlr red I.i ihe world : and ui ine same iinie the mor he loot of any c mpla n', however deep, and ef a?rf. rm ng a c re. , I Price per bottle ..I. -i,i. s.i. . i .... " " rer r. nr aiv i.ai.i. a a. a . . - SMISH. u . . L. - CHARLES ,nd f' ...... vuiucr sn 8i reels Bahimore. an I also by GEORGE UUIOHT, No;. 6 I ML . Sunbury. ITS lVOKKM PIC IT! Owns, Sculds, and all kinds of inflamed Snrcs Cured. ritOU8EY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, ie I. the must cmp'a a Burn Atuidoieever known. Il i. elan ly. (,nl as if by Magi,-) stops.Mjjns nf the mo-l desH,..te Bur.,, and Sc.dd-. For ol.l 8 ,, B a ecu. Cm-, Wpruins, &c. on man or lwaat.il ia' 'he .ee appl ration Ihui can he made. Thoue.mls have tro d and Ihousnnda pr ie it II ia lha most if'Cl mauler ..f pain ever discovered. All who in- r.eoniine. d . Every family should be provj. del with tt. N-.ie can tell ho-v soon some ..f the family may need it. fj" O rve e n h hot of the genuii e Oimment ha- ihe i.a.ne ol . T. ., wrjtt, , ,h, ouid)l lahfl. I n imitate ill's is forgery. Bo toien. Livrv Men. F-rine s. and all who use Horse , will fid this (Vnlmcnt the very best thing Hi. v cut u-e for Colls. C .Ms. Scratches,' Kicks. Ac dec. on Ih- ir animals. Hurely every merciful 'mart w.suld keai. hi animals as free fiom pain as kmmk hie- Toaju-y's Uuiveruel 1 1111111)0111 is sll lhat is re. qii'nd Trv il. Ill PES OF I V8ECT8. Fo. ihs sling or bit if M -on ua lil-e a. foil 'e Oinl Mil ia v , I Huo Ir. da h ve lr e.1 it an I f .un.l il grvf PII.F.8 CURED ! F..r I". i',i T...,'. n' nive sal O.m met.l is euie ,( the hca Rem Hum thai ou.. ! am be.1 All who hvf tried t foi ths Pilss c m'.-einl it OI.U SORES CURED. For nil gj-glnal. s i " no hina; .qud to Touaey'. Dim- neiit A persuu in Man ins hml. for a numlasr ef ..rs. a o.e leg thai l-afflel the ekill f the doctors I ouaey , Omim. m waa r.-c-mmende.! by one of be vi.img physicians, (who knew ita rest virtues,) and Iwn botes produced more henefli than the pa 'leni hud reretved from sny and sll pisvious rems diea. 11 all try it BURN! AND FiCALD CURED. Tboeaends nf eases of Bur. a and Hcalda. in all pens ef Ihe eouti'ry, have lenCUr.d by Touuey'a Universe tiuimeni, Ceriiftcats, enough could be had srflli' the whole of this sh. VIOLENI' BRUISES CURED. TeatimeMi-' -la "O testimonial-, in favor f Toueey's Ointment for curing Biuises. bae been ofPred ibe propria-' I "S. Hundresle in rlyraeu-e will certify le lie great -.write n rell ving the uiiii of the masteevere Bruise All persons should try ii. HCALD HEAD CURED. 8Hea ef caeee ef rVaWJ Heed have been cured hy Tetisey'e Oiat menl. 1'rv it it arblom fails. SALT RHEUM CURED. Of a'l me remedies -ver dweoyeml f r thru okM aliaagreeabht com plain I, I' -use) 'a I In eeraal Ointmerii is the most eumnasls. Ii iM.er was kn uae laiL CHAPPr D H ANDS CAN BE :URED. Tousey's Universal Oimment wdl alwava curaiha eror-l ru-ee of Chapfe d Hands Scores of persons wdl st .le thie SORB LIPS CURED For Ihs euro of ... L'pa Ibere was never any thing mails eooal m Tau. eey'e Oinlmeiit, Il is sura to euie Ibem. Try it l l scmui'iAc emnjiound. warranted a a eon a anv pep.raiiim of Mercury. (TT Prise ct ry-eie per bog. F. further perorulu's soi eavnlng bis re .Ut rate M ll.atutent the MMIe e-a iet.. r at lo Pempbleta, ia be kt gralie. as reepecieble o'S.s a OH MenasnU Ibreaigwuel the Vetted I .is . . .... . . . I futred by ELLIOT TOU8EY. Drunks. fly recuse, Foreaksky JOHN TOUNO, Meabary. M. A. MoOAY, WsnSsaassisalC sft I lib, JgT.ly esw . . sabery, April It, IMg k4eod and eerrepl besjers, snd ss soea se Ibe see-
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