Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 30, 1848, Image 1

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new stehircs Vi)di,f fco.
TERM 6r -i'lllj 4.ltt.llV.
TKS AMERICAN li (rahllthed every Saturday at TWO
DOLLAitS par annum la b. pmid haliyeurlr in Ailvwire.
Ho paper diic -ntinued until all arrearage, are paid.
All e immnnieution. or letter, on rmine. rrhiliiig to the
.net, to ineare aiienuun, man b i-uoi i-aiis. . . v
, : v TO CLl'DH. -, ,
Three eopie te on .ddren, f500
Ser.a ., . Vo .... Da 1000
Fifteen Do Do ' 3000
I Five dollar, in advance will pay for three year'.mibKrip-
tioa to the Ameticn.
On Square of It line., 3 time., fi 00
Every .utx.qu.nt liiaartlon, 8-1
.On. Square, 3 month, 3 HI
Six ra aita., , . 37
Due year, 5U0
Juilne. Card, of Five line", per annum, J 00
Merchant, and olhere, advertiiiityth.
year, with th. privilege oi iiiieriicg clif-
fereut iiv.rticineut weekly. 10 00
Uf Larger Advertisement., a. per agreement.
' . ; SUirBVKT, PA. ,
RueineM a'troded in m ihf IJniintifm of Not
iburrlerland, Union. Lycoming and Columbia,
liefer lot
f0Jt A nnea,
KutNotti, Mc I Hin & V,Joou 4, Co.,
ChkaF NkW tc Skcond hand Book Stork.
Itnrtk Weel corner of t'tmrlh and Arch Streets
Law Book.. Theological am) Claical Book.,
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn Book. nd Prayer Book., Bible., H
find price.
K(an Booh, Writing Paper,andStationary,
U. ennrt Hrtalt.
IV Oe price, are much lower than the Moctil price..
VT I.ibiarie. and .mall parcel, of book, purchiued.
iy B' imrted to' order from London.
Philadelphia, April 1, IMP y
aad Dealer, la Seed.,
Con.t.ntly on hand a feneral a..ortinent of
To which lhey re.ieotlnlly invite the attention
nl the public.
All kind of country produce taken in exchange
for liroveriH or .old nn lTomini..ion.
I'hiU.I April 1 1-I8 "
A 15 tiiulh Siconil'l ' tlite. limua .
RKS K I rL'l l.Y iiilmiiik in fri.-nil. and
I tie pub n-, Ihui he militant y keep, on
hacii a lie a'iitmiit nl rtn ilri-n. wilow
t uaclii-., l.'liairk, CruJ e. niuik-t and tiave'.
luiK banki-lt. ami every varii-ly ol basket xvoik
Cmuiliv ietrhanU and nlher. who wikh
purrha.e turb attic e. tood and cheap,
do wpi. to ca'l on him. a. tliey are
tared by him in the be.t inanner.
I'hiladeiphia. June 3. 1818 ly
, CAItl & SEAL, KGlt.41'lU.
4 Chanultl. 5M abmtind l . PliilnJrlhia
Cacrarer ( Bl fc VISITINO rARDS,
XVtrh papera. Label, Door plat-. Seal and
tamp lor Odd Fellow. of Temprnce.
ate.. f.f.-AInyi on hand a general aortment
of Fine Fancy (iood. Gold pens of every quality
Dog Collar, in great variety. Engraver tool,
nd material. '..'!
" Ancy for the Manufacturer of Glajier Iia
ninnd.. i ! ' ,
Oirier per mail (po.t pid) will be punctually
p tended lo
..Philadelphia, April J, 1"48 y .
fnn .ore from 1 8J per Cent,
yir tcU..... Ib-ir OIL CLOTHS direct
13 U-na (he ManuUi'tureT JtCARVlCHAEL
ve .pened a Wacefco.. No 133 North Third
Street above lUce, .erond dour Siiulh of the L
(I Hulel.
Wr they will !' keey on baud a complete
...oitn.ent of Ple,t Ein.lir. C.rt.ogt t.l
Cl.lht W. 38. 40. 8nd 81 inrhe wide. .
uied Painted, and I'lain on the in.ide. on Mils
lin Diillin Lmen Table OH Chh of the
annat demable pattern, flfl, 40 4S nd 54 niche
wide '' r-'lor Oil VUiiht. trom 38 niche to '21
(ert wide, well eaoed. and the neweit style
uf patvrii. all of their o inanu acture Tram
parent Window Sbde. t'oipet, kc All ood
warranted. ,
I'hil. May 87, 1818 3m " ,. .
. , HKfcUrJSCRlBKK hateenapioiiitel agent
I for the .a'eut CONRAD MKVKR S ;KLK
at tbi piaco. The piano hav i pUtn, ma
aive and beautilul exterior nin.h. and, lor depth
ot tone, nd elegance of wnrkmar.hip, are not
aurpsMed by any to Ihe Cmta4 butei . ?
The inalrument are highly approved of by
the moil tnibeut Profenr mil omponer of
aWveic U tbi and other cttie
, 'Fdt iqt4i of tone, touch and keeping to
Hoae wpon Concert ). they ranuot be auipa
ed by oilbrr American or Euiopean Piano.
Sumco it to ey that Madame Cadellan. XV. V
ur.ii... Vieui Temna. and lii. .i.ler, the cele
brated Pianist, and many other of th mo.t die-
tinoui.hed pertoroier. o"
, ?.. r.rwtrm over all other.
They bav lo r.ceived the lir.t notice of the
i. ... ... r.hihitiona.aud th lat Silver Medal
hv tho Franklin In.titute in 1843. wa. awarded
T. them, which, with other premium, from the
m. wire., may b. aeen at th w.r.-room wo
:b'.';.. Medal wa. awarded t. C
Mew. by tbo Frahltlin In.titute. Oct 1845 for
r'b MI r"wr -WM;ta. rf th. Franklin In.ti
tut. Oct I84, th. fir.t premiumand medal wa
bafnr. on lb. (
tt impiovemen
Aoi'b- U-b'bi.i.n of lb- Franklin
inei?tuie7)i47, another Premium wa waro.l
VC Monri fV tbeWal rmm w lb. exhibiiio.
At Boeioo.a in; " """" --, ,J
veo me n'ener -
a Mever red
1 aUoa for tb beat square Piano n ib f gniomon
''T:.. Vi.rrili heioWat b-
Wa lowest Philadelphia price, if not omeining
1 Cer Pe,U! .,.P,eqe..ed .H
nobnAprr! , '
(From ih .btook Canaila) Gazntte j sireara ahe found herself in the clearing near
M- e v n I uL r0.DVU Moor-'amilL ,. Thence directing her step,
Miss Sarah Campbell, of Windsor, who towards home, she reached Mr. McDalc's,
ran ls-vt in Ihu MrAnrla ah iU I IlL -1 A el. i. . ' '
""'"V "Ul,,c u'uusi
ast, returned to her home on the 3lst, hav-
ing ueeu auseni xi aays. A Iriend in
Brompton has sent us a circumstantial ac
count of her wanderings, of t he efforts made
in her behalf, and her return home, from
which xve condense the following state,
ments :
It appears that on the 11th of August,
in company with two friends, she went
fishing on the North branch ot Windsor
brook : and that on attempting to return
she became separated from her companions,
who returned to her mother's, the widow
Campbell, expecting to find her at home.
Several of her neighbors searched for her
' I I Al .1 A f
during the ni?ht without success. The
search wascontinued dunngSunday, Mon
day and Tuesday, by some 50 or 60 indi
viduals, and although her tracks, and those
ot a dog Which accompanied her discover,
ed, no tidings of the girl xvere obtained.
A general sympathy for the afllicted wi
dow and her lost daughter was excited, and
notwithstanding the btisv season of the voar,
great numbers from Windsor and the neigh
boring townships of Brampton, Shipton,
Melbourne, Durham, Oxford, Sherbrooke.
Lennoxville, Stoke and Dudswell, turned
out with provisions and implements for
camping: in the woods, in search of the fe
male, which was kept up without intermis
sion for about 14 days, when it was gener
ally given up, under the impression that
she must have died, either from starvation
or the inclemency of the weather, it hav
ing rained almost incessantly for nearly a
week of the time.;- ; j -
On the 31st her brother returned home
from Massachusetts, and, with two or three
others, renewed the search, but returned
the second day, and found to their great joy
that the lost one had found her way home
the evening previous.
On hearing of her return, our correspon.
dent made a visit to widow, Campbell, to
hear from her daughter the story of her
wanderings. She was found, as might be
supposed, in a very weak and exhausted
condition, but quite rational, as it seems she
had been during the whole period of her
absence. From her story the following
particulars were gathered :
When first lost she went directly from
home down "Open Brooke," to a meadow,
a';out a mile distant from where she left her
companions, which she mistook for what is
i ailed th? "Ozias opening," a mile distant
in the opposite direction. On Saturday
morning, knowing that she was lost, and
and having heard that lost persons miht
be guided by the sun, she undertook to fol
low the sun during the day. In the morn
ing she directed her steps toward the East,
crossed the North branch, mistaking it for
"Open Brooke," and travelled, frequently
running, in a southeast direction, (her. way
home was due North) seven or eight miles,
till she came to the great hay-meadow, in
Windsor. There she spent the Sabbath night
and on Monday morning directed her course
to, and thence down, the South branch in
the great meadow,
After this, she appears to have spent her
lime, except while she, was searching food
for herself and dog, in walking and running
over the meadow, and up and down the
South branch in search of her home, occa
sionally wandering upon the highlands and
far down toward the jurtction of theiwo
main streams, never being more than seven
or eight miles from home.
For several days, by attempting to fol
low the sun, she travelled in a circle, find
ing herself at night near the place which
she left in the morning. Although she of
ten came across the tracks of large parties
of men and their recently erected camps,
and knew that multitudes of people . xvere
in search for her, she saw no living person
and heard no sound of trumpet, or other
noise, except the report of a gun as she lay
by a brook, early on Thursday morning, the
I sixth day of her being lost. Thinking the
gun to have been fired not more than a
half a mile distant,shesaid she "screamed &
ran" to the above place, whence she sup
posed the noise came, but lourul nothing.
harly in the dav, however, she came to the
camp where this gun was fired, but not un
til its occupants had left to renew their
search for her. ThU camp was about four
miles from the great meadow where she
pent the Sabbath previous, there she
found a fire, dried her clothes, and found a
pat ridge's gizzard, which she cocked and
ate, and then lay down and slept, remain-
in? about S4 hours. " r w j i
In her travels she came across several
other camps, some of which she visited se.
veral times, particularly one wnere sne
. . ... . i
found names cut upon trees, ana anoiner
in which was a piece of white paper. Ex
cept three or four nights spent in these
camps, she slept upon the ground, some
times making a bed of moss, and endeavor
ing to shelter herself from the drenching
rains with spruce boughs. For the first two
she suffered much from the cold, shivering
all night, and sleeping but little. The last
xveek she said she had got tougnened,"
and did not shiver. , Whan first lost she had
a large trout, which was the only food she
ate, except cnone-cnerries, me urn ween,
and a pari or this she gave to Der dog, wnicn
remained with her lor a week, day and
night. The cherries, which she ate greed
ily, swallowing the stones,' she found inju
red ner neaith, and tor the last two. weens
she lived upon cranberries, checkberriei and
wood sorrel. While the dog remained with
her she constantly shared her food vith
him. but said the was glad when he left
h ft as it was so much .trouble to find him,
food. -' : ' u , . i . . , '
On Thursday of last week ah followed
the South, towardt the junction -with the
North branch, where if appeared she had
been before, but could not ford th stream i
and in the afternoon, of Friday crossed the
North, t little above ita junction with th
the South branch, and following down the
to aoifueg, r
apouta mile from her mother's ntM.T o'clock
having walked five miles in two hours, and
probably ten miles during the day.. Here
she remained till the next day, when she
was carried home and received1 by her
friends almost as one raised from the dead.
Her feet and ankles were very much swol
len and lacerated, but, strange to say, her
calico gown was kept xvhole, with the ex
ception of two small rents. ;
Respecting her feelings during her fast
in the wilderness, says she xvas never frigh
tened, though sometimes when the sun dis
appeared she felt disheartened, expecting
to perish ; and when she found, by not di.
covering any new tracks, that the people
had given over searching for her, she was
greatly discouraged. .7 ...
On the morning of Friday she xvas strong,
ly inclined to give up, and lie down and
die, but the hope of seeing her mother stim
ulated her to make one eflbrt to reach home
which proved successful. When visited
she was suffering from fex-erish excitement
and general derangement ofthe system, and
greatly emaciated, with a feeble" voice, but
perfectly sane and collected.
It is somexvbat remarkable that a young
girl, (aged 17.) thinly clad, survived for 21
clays, exposed as she was to such severe
storms, with no food but wild berries. It
is also very strange that she was so frequent
ly on the tracks of those in search of her,
sleeping in their camps, and endeavoring to
follow their tracks home, yet did not hear
any of their numerous trumpets and xvas not
seen by any ofthe hundredsof persons xvho
xvere in search of her.
Mr. E I ward Fitzgerald Beale, who bus just
arrived from C'ulifornin, has furnished the
Washington Union with the following partic
ulars nbout the gold discoveries in that coun
try. Tho Union raya:'
His account of the extraordinary richness J
of the gold Mirfnce, und the exc itement it hns
produced among all classes ol" 'people, inhab
itants ef the country und of the towns, among
seamen and soldiers, are confirmed by let
ters from Commodore Jones and from Mr
Lurk in, the United Slates npval ogent at
Monterey, California. Mr. Beale states that
the whalers had suspended their operations
the captains permitting their seamen to go to
the gold region, upon condition that every
ounce of "old the seamen obtained slinnlil fon
given to the captain for 810, he making six
or seven dollars by the bargain. The towns
were being evacuated mechanic, &e. going
to the attractive spot. The two newspapers
had been suspended. It is fortunate that no
such El Dorndo is within striking distance of
our office although we hope that our wor.
thy partner will be amply compensated for
fi leaving lis alone in our glory" for the rich
El Dorado gold mines of Virginia.
We lay before our readers the last letter of
Mr. Larkin to the Secretary of tho Navy,
which he received from Mr. Beale, and for
which we are indebted to tho courtesy of the
U.S. Agekcy, ' ' ) '
1 Monterey, California, July I, 1848. J ....
Sir: Sinco my last letter to you, written
San Francisco, I havo visited the 'Placer'
or gold region oi lainorma, ana loumi u im
as it had been represented to me. My unti-
pations were fully realized. The part 1
isited was the south fork of the river Amer-
nn, which joins the Sacramento at Sutor'u
fort, or two miles from it. This river has its
norlh and south forkv, branching more than
wetitv miles from Fort Sutor. On theso two
foiks there are over 1.000 people digging and
ashing for gold. On B -ar creek und Ilulo
reek, branches of Feather river, mnny are
now beginning to work. It is supposed that
the banks and bottoms or all these small
streams contain vast quantities of gold, and
that tho valleys between them are rich wi h
the same metal. The people ore now work-
ng at many places : some are eighty inilen
from others. The place I visited was about
league in ' extent ; on this were about fifty
tenls: many have not even this covering.
At one tent, belonging lo eight single men, I
remained two or three days. These men
had two machines made in a day, from 80 to
100 feet, inch board, and very roughly put
ogether. Their form was something like a
hild's cradle, without the ends: at one end
there was a moveable sieve or rack lo wash
town the dirt, and shake off the stones.
Holes were made in the bottom of the ma
chine to catch the gold this wash stopped,
and this was scraped out hourly. . These two
machines gathered each day I was present
three fourths lo one pound' each being three
to four ounces of gold per man: These men
had worked one week wilh.tin pans; the last
week with the machine. I saw the result of
the first day's work of tio brothers, (Ameri
cans;) one had seven dollars, the other eighty
two; they worked on the same five yards ol
land r one, however; worked less than the
whole day. Their plan, like hundreds of
others, was first with 4 pick and shovel, clear
off two feet of the top earth, then pot in a till
pan or wooden bowl a shovel of dirt, go into
running water, v ;IK the, hand stir up the dirt
and heave Out the stones, until they have re
maiuing a spoonful of ' emery or black sand,
containing one lo five dollar. - This can he
done ouce or twice a day
Each day U causing some saving of , labor
by the improvement to the rough machiue
now in uie, .The day I left, some small com
panies of five to eight men had machines from
which they anticipate five' or six hundred
dollars a ,day. ' There certainly" must be at
work on the different Placers several hundred
Americans and ethers, who arej elMiunf one
Potnfgtfc nctos,
omico ol gold a d.iv I hiive.ilii.-t week eeeu
in Monterey a Califomian, who shows four
hundred dollars of gold from tho labor of one
week ; much of it was the u? of wheal,
myself weighed ono piece from his ba,', and
found the weight an even ounce. He, like
many others, only went up to the. gold re
gions to see the place, borrowed tool?, work
ed a few days, and came homo to show his
labor, and hike up brothers- and cousins and
provision'. "Flour nt the Placer" is scarce
at $16 per 'JOO pounds. At almost any price
it must continue, as people are forsaking
their fields. 1 do not think I nm exaggerat
ing in estimating the amonut of gold obtained
on tho rivers I have mentioned nt ten thou
sand dollars a day for tho last few days.
There Is every reason to believe the amount
will not this season (unless the washers are
driven from their work by sickness) bo any
less. In this case the addition of workmen'
now joining the first oius, and the emiu'ratits
from the Atlantic States we shall have in Oc
tober and D.-ceiTibpr, will soon swell th.-i
value of California gold that will be washed
out lo nn unheard-of value. Many who have
seen the "Placer' Ihink it will last thirty or
forty years. I should think it would afford
work two or three years to many thousands
of people, and may for very many years, ns 1
cannot calculate the extent of country having
gold. The working of quicksilver mines,
like every thing else, is stopped ; three-fourths
of the houses in the town of San Francisco
are shut up. Houses in Monterey ale being
closed this week ; the volunteer companies
of Sonoma nnd San Francisco have lost seve
ral men by desetion. Under the present ex
citement, u ship-of-war or any vessel lying at
anchor in San Francisco would lose many
men. In that town there is hardly a me
chanic remaining. I expect the same in
Monterey in two weeks. Doth newspapers
have stopped. All or nearly all tho hotels
are shut up. One of my clerks who received
$500 and, now receives in his siore near
New Halvetia (Sutor'sFori,)S100 per month ;
my others are fast closing their books to
leave me. In fact, I find myself, or shall
this mouth, without a clerk, carpenter, or
sprvan', nnd all my houses, formerly rented,
given up lo me. In two weeks Monterey
will bo nearly without inhabitants.
I nni. wi'h much respect,
Com. Thob. Ap C. Jones
We have seen rpecimone of tho California
gold. As far as we have seen, il does not
appear in largo lumps, such as wus found the
other day in a gold mine in Virginia, worth
1530. Indeed, the largest piece said to have
been found does not exceed an ounce. The
specimen we have seen is in minute pieeesi
verv much resembling Iho scales of a smal'
lish. '
, From the Weekly Union.
Since reading Mr. Wiley' speech we have
beeii fortunate enough to obtain a copy oi Col.
reemonfs "Geographical Memoir upon Up
per California, in illustration of the Map of
Oregon and California." Twenty thousand
of each have been ordered by the Senate to
be printed. It bespeaks the wonted industry
and sagacity of this enterprising man. It
comprises 67 pages, anil is only the auanf
coiin'fr of the larger work which is in his
contemplation. This memoir is itself very
interesting, and shows us the peculiarities)
beauties, and value of Upper California. The
maritimo porlion ofthe country is said to be
ven superior in soil and climate to those of
iho boasted Ilaly. We must content ourselves
wiih making a few extracts:
This Sierra is part of tho great mountain
range, which under different names and with
H'erent elevations, but with much uniformi
ty of direction and general proximity lo the
coast, extends from the peninsula of Califor
nia to Russian America, and without a gap in
the distance through which the water of the
Rocky mountains could reach the Pacific
ocean, except at the two places where the
Columbia tuid Frazer's rivet respectively find
their pussage. This great range is reuiarku-
ble for its length, Us proximity, and parallel
win to the aea coast, its great elevation, often
more lofty than the Rocky mountains, and its
many grand volcunio peaks, reaching high
into the region of perpetual snow. Rising
singly, like pyramids, from heavily timbered
plateaux, lo the height of fourteen and se
venteen ihouannd feet above the sea, these
snowy peaks constitute the characterizing
feature of the range, aim clisimguisn it Iroin
the Rocky mountains, and all others on our
prt of the continent,
That part of this rango winch traverses tne
Alta California, is called the Nevada, (snowy
mountain,) a name in Use f implying a great
elevation, as it is only applied, in Spanish
geography, to the mountains whose summits
penetrate to regions of perpetual snow, it is
a grand feature of California, and a domina-
ling one, and must be well understood belore
the structure of the country and the character
of lis different divisions can be comprehend-
ed.' It divides California into two parts, and
exercises a decided influence on the climate.
soil, and productions of each. Stretching a
long the coast, and at the general distance of
150 miles from it, this great mountain wall
receives the warm winds, charged with va?
nor, which sweeps across the pacific ocean,
precipitates their accumulated moisture iu
fertilizing rains and snowa upon its western
flank, and leaves cold ana dry winds to pass
on the east Hence the characteristic-differ
ence, of the two regions mildness, fertility,
and a superb vegetable kingdom on one tide:
comparative barrenness ' and. cold on the
sccencr and .fit arts,flr(tuUurr
i Th? two si. I s of the Sierra exh.bit two
distinct climates. The state of vegetation,
in connexion with somo thnrmometricat ob
servations made during the recent exploring
expedition to California, will establish and
illustrate this difference. , In the beginning
of December, 1845, wo crossed this Sierra,
at latitude 39 deg, 17 min. 12 see , at the
present usual emigrant pass, at the head of
the Salmon Troul river, 40 miles north of New
Helvetic, and made observations nt each base
and in the same latitude, to determine the
respective temperatures; tho two bases being
respectively, tho teerffj-n about 500, and the
eastern about 4,000 fuel above the level of
ihe sea; and the Pens 7,200 feet. The mean
results of the observations were, on the casfern
side, at sunrise, 9 deg; at noon, 4t deg; at
sunset 30 d-g.; th-! state of vegetation nnd
the appearance of the country being at the
same time (second week of December) that
of confirmed winter; the rivers frozen over,
snow on the ridges, annual plants' dead, grass
dry, and deciduous trees stripped of their fo
liage. At the tffsf'rn base, the mean tempe
rature during a corresponding week was, at
sunrise 29 deg., and nt sunset 02 deg.; the
state of th atmosphere and of vrgetiitiou that
of nd vancing spring; gruss fresh and green,
four to eight inches high ; . vernal plants in
bloom ; the air soft : and all the streams freo
from ice. Thus December, on one side of
the mountain, was winter; on tho other it
was spring.
Eastol" Ihe Sierra Nevada, and between it
and the Rocky mountains, is that anomalous
feature in onr continent, the Great Basis,
the existence of which was advanced as a
theory after ihe second expedition, and is
now established a a geographical fact. It
is a singular feature; a basin of some five hun
dred miles diameter every wav. between'
four and five thousand feet above the level
ofthe sen, shut in all around by mountains,
with ils own system of lakes and rivers, aud
having no connexion whatever with the sea.
Partly arid and sparsely inhabited, the gene
ral character ofthe Basin is that of a
desert, but with great exceptions, there being
many part of it very fit for a civilized peo
ple ; and of these parts tho- Mormons have
lately established themselves in one of the
largest and best. Mountain is the predomi
nating structure of tho interior of tho basin,
with plains betwopn tho mountains wooded
nnd watered, the plains arid and sterile. Tho
interior mountains conform to the law which
governs the course of the Rocky moutnins
and of tho Sierra Nevada, ranging nearly
north and south, and presents a very uniform
character of abruptness, rising suddenly from
a narrow base of ten to twenty miles, and at
taining an elevation of two to five thousand
foet above the level of tho country. They
are grassy and wooded, showing snow on
their summit peaks during the greater part
of the year, and affording small streams of
water from live to fifty feet wide, which lose
themselves, some in lakes, some in the dry
plains, and some in the belt of alluvial soil
at iho base; for these mountains have very
uniformly this belt of alluvion, the wash and
abrasion of their sides, rich in excellent grass,
fertile, nnd light nnd loose enough to absorb
small si reams. Between these mountains are
the arid plains which icceive and deserve the
name of desert. Such is the general struc
lure of the interior of the Great Basin, more
Asiatic than American in ils character, and
much resembling the elevated region between
the Caspian sea and northern Persia. The
rim of this basin is massive ranges of moun
tains, of which the Sierra Nevada on the west
and the Wae-satch and Timpanogos chains
on the east, are the most conspicuous. On
the north, il is separated from the waters of
the Columbia by a branch ofthe Rocky moun
tainous ranges, of which the existence has
been only recently determined. Snow a
bounds on them all ; on some, in their loftier
parts, tho whole year, with wood aid grass;
with copious streams of water, sometimes a
mounting to considerable rivers, flowing in
wards, and forming lakes or sinking in the
sands. Bells or benches of good alluvion are
usually found at their base.
(! 1 J
Here is a delicious little song, from an old
poet. Read it, girls, and act occordingiy.
Tia leap year, recollect! '
aoxo. .
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a flying;
And this same flower that smiles lo-day,
To morrow may be dying.
: The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,'
The higher he's a-getling,
The sooner will his race be run
And nearer he's to setting. - -
That age is best which is Ihe first, ' ' 1
When youth aud blood are warmer:
But being spent, Ihe worst ' '
Times will succeed the former.
Then be not coy, but use your time, .
! And while ye may, go marry; , ;
For having lost but onoe your prime,
You niny forever tarry. .
A Chest's Gbtitt. O'Connell. had.
obtained an acquittal foe one of his cli;-nti (
the fellow's Joy knew no bour,, -Och,
counsellor," said he, "I've wy nera t0
ahnur von m. irraiitiutii ! . . . . .. t
yog knocked down m own pfrb.v wld
maybe I would' o, brfo, m fMtion to th ret-
"T'ttkf Bra. is the Soirit of the Pre," aaid
Mrs: Blgelbw, u she han.ed a mug of eider
JWamis amusemritts, rr, '
. GRIttXTinE.
In the month of January, 1847, Judge
Lonoitrkth, the present Democratic candi
date for Governor, by invitation, delivered an
Address to the Jtjfcrsonvittt Agricultural As
sociation, of Montgomery . county. It was
published at the time, and elicited the highest
praise from all who had the pleasure of its
perusal. As the judge is himself a practical
Farmer, he is well versed in (lie subject of
which he treats, and his Address contains a
collection of the most valuable information
to the hardy tiller of tho soil.
The pleasant and desirable occupation of
ihe Farmer, is thus happily alluded to :
"Pre-eminently honorable, therefore, be
cause pre-eminently useful, is the life of the
honest Farmer; and if he ever should be
tempted to repine at his lot, and covet Iho
luxuries of city life, let him beware of the
Ihorn . that lies concrtalcd under the gaudy
extetidr' of fashion, md of the 'vices that
lurk in the precints und purlieus of our cities.
Of tho vicissitudes of mercantile affairs, I can
speak with the advantage of much personal
experience in earlier life ; and may safely
say of my own knowledge that of every ten
individuals, who devolo themselves to com
merce, tinder the credit system, not more
than one is eventually successful. Let him
remember on the other hand, that in the re
fined, but highly artificial state of society in
our cities, our most eminent citizens proposo
to themselves, as the appropriate reward for
editorial, legal and medical ability, arlistic
merit, and mercantilo success, an evening of
existence, devoted to lhs innocent, natural
aud pure enjoyment of life iu the country."
The following allusion to our GERMAN
farming population, will be read with interest
by that large class in this community :
"Il must be a source of high gratification to
Ihe German population of Pennsylvania that
in the career of experimental and scientific
agriculture, their father-land is in advance of
the other nations of the world. Ignorance
and egotism have too long withheld ' from
Germany tho homage due to the highest or
der of intellect ; and a persevering industry,
unnaralleled bv any other people ; and in ad
dressing an audience many of whom claim
that country for their Fatherland, it may be
pardonable to advert to her titles lo respect,
In agriculture: Liobeg, Timer aud Burger.
In poetry; Goethe, Schiller and Clopstnck.
In History and Antiquities: Niebuhr. Hoc
rcn. Hurler, and the brothers Sehlege,
and that model of travellers. Baron Humboldt
with a host of authors, who:! annual literary
labois equal those of Franco and England
combined, all vindicate her titles to the res
pect and gratitudo of mankind.
She also, from remote periods of antiquity,
by her conquests and emigration, scattered
far and wide the seeds of liberty, and it is
equally -to Germany, that Franks, Goths,
Lombards, and tho Saxons of England, owe
the spirit and substance of free institutions.
And though Germauy dwells nt present in
apparent apathy, yet we have reason to be
lieve that ihe intelligence of that land is si-
lently preparing for a bloodless revolution.
I The emigrants from no other country slide
with more alacrity and ease into their duties
as citizens of this republic. ''
In military exploits we need look no fur
ther for glory, than to the p.-ople, who iu a
remote age, extorted the praises of C'ttsar, as
they have iu our own times, those of Napo
leon. .
But it is as Farmers, that we desiro to
speak of the German population of Pennsyl
vania, and surely no man who has travelled
and observed, can doubt that in tho particu
lar line of farming which seems most conge
nial to their habits, viz: the ' production of
wheat, thev are surpassed by none. It may
be remarked that they follow this up by their
their skill as millers, aud persevering to the
end, we find them established in our towns
and cities, as bakers, lo tho exclusion of all
Among the many dispaiagiugstoriescurrent
with a class who measure all by their own
puny standard, xvas one some years ago,
which attributed to Pennsylvania a tendency
to Agratianism. An eminent jurist of a neigh
boring State, who yet survives to do honor to
his country, listened lo theso charges, and
at ' length decided to become personally
acquainted with a people from whom such
evils wore expected. I met him on his re
turn fioui a lour through one of the richest
agricultural districts of the State ; perfectly
relieved from his apprehensions nnd amused
at his own credulity. 'Sir,' said lie, 1 fear
no political danger from a population with
such wives and children; with, sucli barns,
houses, and lands, und w ith the hubitsof per
servering industry, peculiar to your German
population.1 " .'. 1
A Qi'Aasa Woman's Sermon -My dear
friends: There are three things that I very
much wonder at. The first is that children
should be so foolish as to throw up stones,
brickbats aud clubs into fruit trees, to knock
down fruit ; if they would only let it alone it
would fall itself- The seoond is, that men
should go 1 " om' ' .W(e ll0tnef ' if
they would only ie cue anottter alone they
. , - ilia tunlu.. ' 1
WOU10 Olv ittPHiBvin.j biiu mo iuiiu tt.uu
last , thing which t Wonder at, is that young
men should be so unwise as logo after young
women, for if they would' stay at home the
young women would come after ihem.
1 'mm m rmwm i W - T -V .
A DErreiTiON, Lorenzo Dow defined a
death-bed repentacce to be burning out the
. . .. m i
candle of Uti In tb asrvloe ot tne oevii, aim
Wowinf 1hi aoWr In the lerd'e feoe.
From the New York Atlas.
"Fortune favors the brave."
A military officer with whom we have
long been intimate, relates twoinciden'seon
necled with Croghan'a gallant defence of
Fort Stevenson ono which affords a strong
positive, the other a stronger negative proof, '
of the above quoted adage.
As the British and the Indian?, in their
previous military operations, had violated
their pledge and the usage of civilized war
fare, by wahtonly murdering their prisoners,
the number of Croghan's little band, (only 100
strong wilh a single 6 pounder, and surround
ed by about 600 British troops, and twice that
number of I idians,) had mutually agreed to '
stand their ground lo the last, and sell their
lives as dearly as possible. ,: ,
When all was ready the Britith Comman
der sent a messenger, under a flag of truce, '
to treat for the surrender of the Fort. Cro
ghan pointing to him as he approached, ex
claimed :
'It will not do to let them enter here and
sen our weakness, who will volunteer to meet -him
And it xvas pretty certain that whoever
should leave the Fort on such a mission would
be murdered by the dastard foe; there was a
brief pause when Ensign Shipp replied:
"I will upon one condition."
"What is it V asked the Captain.
"Pledge mo your word, as an officer and a
man of honor, that you will keep that gun
bearing directly upon me, and that you will
fire it off the moment you see me raise my
The pledge was given aud Shipp went
To all the arguments and persuasions of
the enemy, his unvarying reply was :
"1 am instructed to say that we defend the
Soon the Indians began to surround hitm '
One clutched his epaulette, another his sword.
Shipp, who was a man of Herculehrf frame,
released himself by -a powerful effort, and 1
turning to the envoy, cooly said :
"Sir, 1 have not put myself under the pro ''
lection of your flag of truce without knowing 1
your mode of warfare. You see that gun," ''
said he. pointing to their s'olita'ry six pounder
"it is well charged with grape, and I have
tho solemn pledge of my commander, that it '
shall be fired at me the instant I give him 1
the signal.-Thercfore. restrain these men and
respect the laws of war, or yen shall instant
ly accompany me to tho other world."
This w as enough. Shipp wapno' more mo '
lested, he returned to his comrades in safety,
fought out the desperate action that ensued,
aud obtained promotion for his bravery.
This counter instance referred to at the
head of our paragraph, was told as follows i
After the British and Indians had with- '
drawn, Croghan missed one man, (only one)
who had belonged to his little band, and all
e forts for his discovery, were for some time
unsuccessful. At length his remains were)
discovered in the garret of one of the block
houses where he hrul crept for safety,1" and
was cut in two by a ennnon ball.
All tin rest, considering their chances of
life not worth a thought, had only sought to
do their duty, and escaped alive, frdrff, per
haps the most desperate fight on record.' The
only man w ha was killed happened to be the
only man who proved himself a coward.
Fattenino Pigs oh Parsnips. A corres
pondent has written to inquire "whether we
know by our own experience the quality ol
the parsnip fur feeding and fattening pigs 1"
hi answer, we beg leave to state, that at our
faun at Catlauds Riugmer, we have been in
the habit of employing parsnips for that pur
pose for some time. Upon reference to our
books we find that on the 11th of October,
18-17, xve put up two shouts of eleven weeks
old, and fed them on skim milk and parsnips
for threo months, when they were killed,
weighing two hundred and thirty-one and
two hundred and thirty-eight pounds. They
wcro well fattened, firm in llesh, and the.
meat of excellent flavor. The quantity of
parsnips consumed by them was uine bushels
each (Sussex (Eng.) jryrsj.
Remarks We have often wondered that
no account is made of this valuable root. , All
the world is alive to tho value of the carrot ;
while this rich esculent is eutirely overlook
od. That the parsnip contains, more sac-'
charine matter than the carrot, or, even auy
of the beets, we are satistied. A very excel
lent witio is made of it, which we venture to
assert cannot be made from any other of tho
whole root crop. Its estimation as au ediblo
for the table also tells in its favor. And a
herd of hogs turned into a field containing
bogus, beets, carrots, and parsnip, would not
bo long in settling the question wldch they
liked best ; and as they cannot read the Ge-
nese Farmer, ancfaro hot lnflueiied oy any
of our blundering theories, and trust alone
to experience and that unerring guide that
nature has provided them in the place of rea
son, we are disposed to give them the creuii
of being very capable jodges very. -
riese Farmer.
."Fbemvhick JKaoME.' The Commou CoUn.
cil of the city of New York has voted to con-
fer tho freedom oi we vnj, " ,
upon Frederick Jerome, the heroic seaman,
through whoto instrumentality Humbert of
Uvea were saved from the burning Ooear
Monarch. Jerorno has made New Yot Wa
home for eight or niuA years, aud has in that
city a wife w-d children. It U a fact worthy
of remembrance, that thia Intrepid man
thu liv of about on hundred mdiviauais at
. . - . l l... lill.nv Plav" WIS
i ma uvno tn rv '- " jj tiM
1 strjiidtd
ri kJ