Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 16, 1848, Image 4

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T I10WX.
Vtn f Ltyt myself dow in my V-"
t?nd dri.tfort.IteD' bel d7
tt tretmt, oh, how '
com, ondber de ground t.
Till IjVen t eats von pipupver, t tretmi
gamine chotomak ih fih fall ethonet,
And out in nine thlttjY 1 lf Hfsl, I
" echremee "'
' Und kick off dt pad clothea and kroent!
Den, dere, ash t lays rait de-pad-clothet all
v off,
J kitt myself all over froie:
In do morning I vaket rnit the hat ache and
- Und I'm tick from mine het to mint toet.
Oh vat thai pe tun for a poor man like me
Vat for do I leaf euch a life
Some thayi dare't a core for di drouble for
me; .
Dinkt I'll dhry it and kit me a vit I
Important Chahbf.hhih k Cure roa
CAHcia. The Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Observer
says: We have seen it stated more than once
that the common cranberry was efficacious
in the cure of cancer, but have never until
vory recently been an eye witness to the fact
Mr. Middleton Belk, residing within four or
five miles of this city, who was afflicted with
a cancer on the nose for the last eight yoare,
was induced to try cranberries, tpplied at a
poultice, and to his great joy and satisfaction
1 has experienced a perfect and radical cure."
'Doe Faces," The New York Atlas says,
the term "doughface" should be written "doe
face," because John Randolph, who first ut
tered the stigma, meant to stigmatize a class
of politicians who are like the doe, or female
dear, which it frightened by teeing its own
face reflected in a streamlet. So "old Roan
oke" himself said, when appealed to after
ward. waAT' rota hams:
Mr. D-, an adorer of strict polhatte,
A Criehton in grace, a D'Ortay in dress,
And to firm and adherent of Chesterfield's
That ha valued the manners far more than
the man,
One night at an inn, sitting much at his ease
As much aa with form easy comfort agrees
Beheld at the fire, a atranger display
Hit back coat upturn'd you know just the
He ey'd him, would speak, but how hit on
the plan !
Long pond'ring, at length he thus calmly be
gan: "Will you favor mo pray, with your naino,
air," said he ;
"Jly name!" said the other ! "why, what's
that to thee 1"
"Not much I confess, but I gladly would
Well! Thompson's my name, since you will
tiavn it on PI
"I thank you," said D , "that is all I do
sire !
"The tail of your tool, Mr. Thompson, j on.
We have heard says the New Orleans Del
ta, a good deal of talk during the last few
days about a chicken with a human faco, at
the house of Madame Martin, in Code street
near St. Philip. We paid no attention to the
droll stories which we have heard, but at
length we were so pressed,' that we deter
mined to see for ourselves. At the place
mentioned we taw a chicken, having instetd
of a beak, a nose and mouth exactly conform
ed to those of human face : the nostrils, tho
separating cartilege, the lips, tongue, chin
are all there. It was indeed a most singular
lusus nature.
Liberal Often 1 will save you t thou
sand pounds,' says an Irishman to an old gen
tleman, if you don't stand in your own light.'
'Yon have a daughter, and you intend to
give hor ten thousand aa a marriage portion V
I do.'
'Sir, I will take her with nine thousand.'
How Pat iid it. "Pat," said the captain
of a ship to an Irishman, who was a passen
ger on board, and who used sometimes to
sleep twenty-four hours in succession, "how
do yon contrive to sleep so long?'
'How,' cried Pat, "why, I pay particular
ottintion to i(."
A Jesuit Convent is about to be founded
at Green Bay, and another at Mineral Point.
Death by the Bite or a Tarantula.
Joshua Dillingham, of Batenville, Arkansas,
was bitten whilst tsleep by a poisonous spi
der, which entered the crevices of his log
cabin. Hit body immediately began to swell
and he died on the second day.
The Olive Branch says that the following
was found by one of in subscribers written
on tho back of a bank-note
Bank-notes, it it said, once gold guinea de
fied, .
To swim in tho torrent of trade's twelling
But ore they arrived at tbe opposite brink,
TOsVa y 'k CaM "
That paper should sink, and that guineas
should twim,
May appear to tome folks a ridiculout whim;
But era they condemn, let them hear this
;. suggestion
Jo yuo-jhaking, gravity's out of the question.
r .
Missouri CoMraoatisE. 'Jeff, wot do do
Boeepsper makers mean when day talk bout
Mjatoory eompermist V
fCfbj, lake, dat was sorter mar ridge cub-
oarnant twist Hataa Che wist and Mist Sue
;. .JUal .
' 'Ah 1 Dat 'eounu for il.
'la tsat TnB TUHS the okt cow died! of 1"
sated aa Irishman, nettled at the industry
win waica a aew EngWler whittled Yan
to Doodle. "No, Beof," replied Jonathan
vt art ma tune oW BuU died of."
John Yf, Friling,
Tf ESFECTFULLY iaforms kit Monde and
JtlleMtoame, (t ka hat jast received tnd
ptaed I splendid tstorttMBt tf GOODS, teetlo-
GroctrUt, Ikrdwart, Qmeruwart, eVe.
Tat nubile tre invittd to tall aadesamiee far
Suaetry, May 0, IMS 4f
AN t tlensrve Stock of Pocket tad Ttble CUT
LERY, fct tale kv
No. It and S ARCADE, ewaT Aorta
THIRD mrtt.
Coma iiina 0000 detail Penknives, eWssure tnd
Alts, t eeolee tesortmsnt ef Rodgers dt Rons,
Wnetenhotm'. Greaves'. W. dt 8. Botcher's tnd
Plenty's Cutlery. .-.",,
Also, Rpaniah. Di'k and Homing Knives.
Aim, Owls, Ps) "to, se t Bowie
Al't Til Amerxenn Ratnr Strop, - s superioi
article, wort Iba attention of Dealers
Cab Ostlers in Cutleiy, will find the toots
Stork worth, their ttteniinn, si lb Subscriber
chief huoineoe Is Importing snd selling cutlery,
Philadelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly.
Commission ond Forwarding
No. 48 Comment Street Wharf BALTIMORE.
Will receive and sell all kinds of Country Pro
tiie..FlAur. firain. Ate.
N. R Particular attention liven to lbs ssle
of Lumber. And ea.h advances msds on con
signment., wben required.
April 1, 1848. 4m
Ettabluhed 16 veers are. by Dr. KtNKELIN.
las oltt, sureet anil lcst hand to cure all foim.
of seen I dieeases, disease of the skin snd
solitary habila of youth, ta
iV. W. enrntr of id and Vninn ., between Spruce
emd Pine, I) squares from the Exchange.
YOUNG MEN ! if you velue your lite or yoer
health, remember, the delay of a month, nay,
e.n a week, aisy prove your rain, both of bod.
snd mind. Hence let no miss modesty deter you
from making your esse known to one who, from
duration and teepeetebilily.e.n s'one befriend von.
Re who places himself under IV KINKELIN'S
treatment, may religiously confide in his honor ss
s gentleman, and ia who- bosom will be
locked ths secret of the patient.
Too many think they will beg ths secret to their
own hssrts, and cere themselves, Alas! bow of
ten )e this s fatal deluaion, and how many a pro
mising young man, who might hae been an orna
ment to society, hsa faded from the esrtb.
finding it inconvenient to tnaka personal applies
ti"n, can, by stating their cam explicitly, together
with sll their symptoms, (per li tter, post-paid.) have
forwarded to them s cheat containing Dr. K's me
dicine, appropriated accordingly.
Parkages of MVdidnss forwarded to say part M
ths United States si s moment's notice.
(ry Pot rare itrrxas, add'Csssd to Dr. Kis
asua. Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oct. 30th, I84T. ly
No 198 Ctaeanat Street,
South Bait Corner ef Eighth tt , Philadelphia.
PORTRAITS Irom the tmstlest brcssl-in to
ths Isrgest eise, singly or in groups. Ths
Proprietors are warranted in etytnt. that their
work ha. gainrd a reputation second to none in
the world. Eztrscts from the Pro. :
Life-liks in lbs eiprsaaion, chaatly corrsct in
tbe .hading. Ledger.
'The sit has arrived st gtsit perfection, and
none understand it better then McOkae ck Ger
man."Baltimort trie.
Admirable! notin can eicesd their ciquiaife
daliraey.H V. S Casette.
Esttsct from the report of the Jedtes, st ths laat
fair of the Franklin Institute "Daguerreotypea
in thia department there are some very eteellent
specimen, in the sxhibiiion, snd the Judges think
they see s progieesivs improvement in this branrb
of ths art They have not r commai iled sn s
ward in favor of any ef ths rnmpstitois. I'Ot sie
li-p-ee4l to lank s. firU in order, the collection of
McCLEE8 dt GEKMON, as containing tbe tar
get! number of itiperiar epeeimene."
I hiludelphia, Feb 19. 1848 6m
THE children hrgau to cry for Sherman'. Lo
arnge.. The neiee wss not sj loud el tbst
lime, but it hsa kept ever ince. and now
hss U corns so great that the month, of the little
ones rsn acarce lis stopped. Dr. Sherman svmpa
Ihiiw. with the little auiT'ter., snd wry much re
srs s that any of them ahould be disappointed.
Knowing the vaet benefit which haa been confer
red upon the community by the introduction of
hta infallihls
he has entered into srrangenienta for enlarging hi.
Manufactory, ly mosns of which I s think bs will
he able to eupi'ly the ilrm"d. And lb earns pains
snd cars will bs tsken, that thse e lebralad Lo.
aenges be msds ss they hnte slways beeo, in or
dsr tbst thoKS who depend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hope. He knew when b
commenced ths m.nufaeturs of the Worm Loaen
gee, that thry would supererde ths uss nf every
.other vermifuge, aa ths Loirngs is eery pleatnnt
10 in. wr,tptcay in iu enecis. aa wall aa certain,
snd the quantity isquired to effect perfect cure,
is vary amall. Thsss prprtiea in conoegioo with
ths f t that they are cold fur tS cents per hog. the.
placing them in ths reach of the poorest man in
" naa no. oniy rsueed tbsm to take ths
place of every ether vsrmihjae ava. arTaraJ. k,i .1
aa rendered them popular to ths community.
Or. Sataraawa
continue to cure Ooughs, 0.4ds, ()nneampt:on.
nwuwa, wnwiHwi suu auuruiiy ai itreauiiBg, snd
other iliseass of ths Lungs, with the same facility
Ibsy did on their first introduction, snd the ptepb
have now become psrsusded by actaaleipetiancs,
tbst on the sccss.ioa of e .light cold, they ban
only to step te either the Dr's. office, or one of the
A gen i a, ens obtata a bos or bis Cnogb lowsnges,
which sre very eouvrnient lo earrv ia lha nnekat.
tad te tske e lew through the day. By pursuing
mis couraa s cure is onea enscted ia 4 bours, snd
tbe psdent shoot his basin- ss. 8 great is the a
lebrity of the Leeengea, that thoosand. of prtscma
who hsvs used them, end beooaie aceaaiated with
their effecu, will oarer be without thaaa.
has euied mors eases of Rheamalism. Psli in tka
Uses.. Bide and Unset. i.emla aad Wtakosss,
than any application leal baa svey keen made. Aa
the eeleurhy of the Plaster baa increased, kandreds
of enpianetpwal raseals bass attempted lo euonter-
ri a. end pales a eeT apa the eommaoHy ta the
geouiaa. jcT Bewsre ef Drerption. J) R.aea
ber tbst lbs Iras aad genuine Plaster ia sptasd op.
eat reajiaa peper tsaas sipreiiiy lor lae poipoaa.
aad m tverv ease tbe nianatura of Dr. ohetsaaa i
plot d epaa the hack re the Plaster, aad the whole
eeme sy Qep. RajbU None others ere ewtHnae.
wra ytm want t real gseal Whirmaa s
MsVt Ptastar, eaN at the eeVa, IM Massta
ea wiAl oat be ewapeeiatsd.
, lOd No
Hit Agaai.
street. Brooklyn I
II ana UaAlinai Mw. ilm
JOHN YOUNO. sTtaaharv.
. , , ; f Nnamb.rhad.
September I lib, 1847. ly.
at reel
u k . &u . aasabsf
"71 111 a ana I aaang.a areeeU.
era asra. Haya, lag pafcua
T hss power to eaess til tiTtaeat BORES.
OISONOUB WOUNDS to discbarge their pa
rid sasttsra, sad taea heals them.
It la rlsfclv lartatd AR-bealint, for there is sesre
ly t disease, st'smel or internal, thai h will aot
hsnstL I bsve aeed It far the last fcarteen yetra
for aH dines rs ef rbe ebest, eoneamption and Iver,
Invelviaff me atrnost danger and reepohatmnty,
aad I destere ketiwe heaven snd man. tbst awl ia
one single esee bet H railed to benefit when the pa-
treat we. wl'hla lha reach of arartal meaas.
I bsve had ohveteians. learard In the profession.
I have had mlnielera nf tbt gospel, Judgee of the
bsnea, aMerawm, lawytrs, gentlemea or ine aigsj
vet erudition, snd multitudes ef the poor aee H in
every variety ef way, snd there hss been but one
1 1 : 1 . -U'i lit.,
otre one ajoiavreei vane niin " s,...
van. ninlment la nnilD.19
In ttrrofnla. Old Bores. Erveenetas. Tetter Li-
vr ComDlaint. Sore Eves. Quinsy, Sors Throat,
Bronchi., Broki a or Sere Breast, Piles, sll Chset
Disrssrs, each a A.'bma. Oppreeaions, rem
Al. Hm I.ina. Chamatd Hamle. Tomorr. Chit
drrn's tJutsneous Eruptions. Nervous Diaeseee,
and of the Spine, there te no assdicine now known
a. eoid.
8UALD HEAD We have cured eaees that
srin.llv drtlrd every thing known, ss well ss fhs
aliilitv of 16 or SO doctors. One mn told ua he
had apenl $ 300 en hi ch ldiso without any bene
fit, whan s fine hoses nf Ointment ran d tbem. .
BALDNESS It will restore the hsir sooner
then sny other thing.
HEAUAUnIS Tne aslvs hss corcil prisons
of the headache of IS jeers' standing, and who
bad it regular every week, so tbst vomiting often
took place. Dxarnras.Eaa Acs, sod Aura in
vns Fata, ara cured by this Ointment with liks
RURNH. It i nne nf tbe best thing in the
world for Burns, (Read the directions around the
RHEUMATISM It remove almost immdi
stely ths inflamstton and swrllint when the piin
eea-ea. ( hVail the Direction, .round the Bos.)
COLO FEET. Consumption, Liver Com
I'lainl, Pain in the chest or aide, tailing off nf the
batr, one or the other alwaye areomianiee rol
fret. (Thie Ointment ia the true rrmeily.) It ia
a ura ign of disease In have cold fret.
TETI'EH. I bsre is nothing better for the
cure of Tetter.
PILES. Thousand, sis yearly cured by ibis
CORNS. Occasional nee of ths Ointment will
alwaye keep Co ne from growing. People need
nevtr I troubled with ihem it they will uss r.
Read the following Communication.
R.eeived finm an old. respee ed and well known
ettigen of Philadelphia, and than judge for your
self: Philadelphia, 10 m 1 3th, I848.
To T. B. Peterson, Having been rqne-led
to ti'e mv opinion on ths merit, of M'ALLI8
TER'H SALVE, I am willing to enumerate sons
of ths hrnefits which I have experienced in the use
of the article.
In the epring of 1845, I had an atlark nf Ery
eipelae Hi my face which hrrame very painful, and
rilendrd into one of my eye., helng attended with
fever, my dialresa wae great and I began to be frar
ful of liwii'g my eye.
Although not much of s believer in what is
commonly ealhd quack medicine. I porrhaaed a
boa and made sn apjiliration to my fare. To my
ourprise the ennn abitnl, and in a week', time
it was rnt rely cured, and I firmly believe that il
waa ih .elfe, under Providence that cured me.
From that lime to the present. I hsve used the
article ss occasion required, snd in every ease where
I have ueil it, I have found a ilecided benefit.
At one time, on going to bed at night, my throat
ws so sore 'bat I .wallowed with difficulty, but
by an application of the reive I was relieved lefore
I have usod it in rase nf lurns, hrolare sprain.,
snd flrah cute, all with lbs happie eflecte, sod
na case of imisoniog by a wild vine in ths woods,
has teen dried up and cured by a frw ai-plxttiuns.
From my own eiperiener, I would strongly rr-
romnend it to all, aa a cheap, convenient, family
I have become an partial In it, that I expect lo
keep II enntanity In my family.
Though not emldliooa lo appear in print, yrl I
cannot rfu-e to bars this cummnnica'ion made
puldie if juilged best to serve the e,u-e of humsni-
y. Keepseifully thine,
No. J8. Old York Road.
CAUTION. No Ointment will be gonnine
unlt-ss thsnsmisof Jsmea M'Alliater, or J.smea
M Alhater cV Co., ere written with a pen on eve
nle proprietor nf the a'e medicine.
Asists i J. W. FRIMNO. Hunlmry.
Dr WM. M BICKI.EY, Danville.
J. . CROUSE. Melmsgrove.
P. C. SHKLI.ER. Lewiahorg,
M. F.NAGI.E. Milton.
JOHN 8HAKPLEHS, Cattawiaaa.
Feb. 19th. 1848. eowlv
W TB1.E COMPOUND, for the eu of
eke. This Medicine ia offered lo the public under
the aseursnro ihat there is no article in existence
having stronger claims to thsir ennaideiaiion. Br
ing eomimunded by s tegular Graduate of J, Her
eon College, PhilaiMph'a, and s practising physi
cian nf twenty year' atandii't; in Philadelphia, his
long experience hsa confirmed him in the opinion
lhat a compound medicine was required to prevent
and remedy the debilitation pr ducrd by residing
in low, miesmalie climates, snd lo counter ret the
pro Ualing influence of many nervous disordere
with which lha human family sre afflicted.
un.ALL.KN is e well known physician, and
ba. uesd the ahav medicine in bis practice for 8
yeara with the most astonishing effect, having tee.
ivu ii. quaimea in anove
No medicine ever larrived nore fiatiarina r
eommand.ii 4i. from phyricians nf aminrnl atand
tng loan bas bran bestowed oo thia.
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Profte.
or a.y.: h chiefly arises in isons who lead
either s very srdsntsry or irregular life. A 'though
not regarded aa fatal disease yet if neglecl'il or
improperly I res red, may bring on incurable Me.
Ism holy, Jaundice, Madiieea, or Vertigo, Palsy
snd Apoplexy. A gr at aingulsrity attendsnt on
H is, thai it may and often doe continue s grsst
length of time without any rsmiion of the eyrnp
toots. CAUSE-. Grief snd uneaainess ofavnd, in
tenss Mudy, profuse evacuations, eiee.- ia venery,
eseeaaiv uaa of epirituoas liquors, !-, lobarco, a
pium, end other narcotics, invumlrrele i.plMioo,
ever distsniioo of ths sUaaace, s deeateney of the
areretiori of the lila or gerie juice, ex pnauts lo
old and damp air, ere the chief cauess of IM. die
eaee. SYMPTOMS. Iiaa of appetite, nause , ssari.
bom, aci.lity, and tmtid etueuiions, gnswmg of
lbs stomaea when emMy, aoeasinees ia 'b ihraal
psi i la lha eide, eostivaaea. chillneas, .ogoot.
lownaes if spirite, pilpiteiions, aad die orbed
TABLE COMPOUND hsa neve, failed ia alt.
ding immediate relist, snd e isdieal erne for this
O- This Medlrlne can he had of H. B Msa-er.
Buaharyi J. C. Mania, Pott villa, Medier it
cam, urwtgeowg j aad ef Oiuggists generally.
oa-uu vLi,EW WABD wrvietore.
PhihvWIpbie, Nov, 7, 1847. ce, ly .
TH1 eakecriber ie arrpared te receive aad ac
evawaaete a few Iraaaieat or neraaaaeal
or Mm....)
, at her rssieeoc ia aaakar. Tbe I.. I
i. i i . i . - r
siw.m. aaa piesisei part er tbs
r.' "T"""'! ane view er the Busqoebsa-
oa, Nortaamaerlaad tad tbt teeaery sdia.rnt
J Persons from tbe city, wae wish te speed a
few anoetas during toe sum mar ttasaa, Buebery
ekBaresdJa. .aWlaawtaaeWI auS-a
vatearsawws t vamjaaeaaasaag 0vr
a i. .... . ANNO.MOItRIt
April 1, 1848 m
The Metering net shows the earrent valae ef sll
atmeylvsnla Beak Netsa. The moot ImpHeM re
ianMawy ba pteaedapsti It. tt k tester
refally eoenparsd with tna eotraaiad from nka-
I llvfnJlWtwWe
Omtts la riillailpklA.
Na. ,"'-' tav
Bank ef North Aaverlea
Bank of the Northern Liberties) , ,
Oommeefiel Bank of Penn'a. .
Farmers' tnd Mechanic Bank . .
Kensington Bank
Philsdetphis Bank .
Sehnvlkill Bsnk . . .
Southartrh Bank ,
Western Bank .
Meeheniee' Dsnk
Manu'artorera dt Mechanic' Bank
rtank of Penn Townehip , .
fliraril Bank . . .
Rank nf Commerce, late Moyanwneing
Bsnk of Psnnevtvsnls - ' , .
Conntrr lianka.
Bank of '"heater Cnuntya Weatcheater
Bsnk nf Delaware County' Cheater
Bank of Germantown
Bank of Montgomery Co.
Dnyleetown Bank
Beaton Bank
Farmers' Bsnk of Bucks eo Bristol
Bank nf Northumberland Northomherlsnd psr
Columbia Bank k nriilgro.'t;niUmhte par
Farmer. Bank of l.ancaatet Lanevstei
Lanraater County Bank
Lancsster Bsnk
Farmer.' Bank of Resiling
Office nf Bank of Peiin'e.
OtTice do do
Office do do
Office do do
tank of the United Stale.
Miner.' Bank of Pottsvilk
Bank of lwiatown
Bsnk of Middlotown , v
Carlisle Bank
Eiuhange Rank
Do do branch of
Harrishurg Bank
Lelwnon Bank
Merchants' dt Manuf. Bank
Bank nf Pittsburg
West Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
Lancaater par
Lanraater par
Reading par
Harriirhorg't These
Lancaeter I offices
Reading f do not
Eseton Jtsauen.
Philadelphia 17
Pottsvilla par
laiwiatown ' failed
Middletown I
Cerliele 1
PitUhurg t
Hnllidavahurg I
Harrishurg I
Lebanon par
Piitahurg 1
Pittabutg 1
Wiltiamspnn 1
Wilkesharrs H
Allentown no sale
Reading fsile I
Pittshurg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chamberabarg 1
tirttyaburg I
Monlross 24;
Eris 3
Waynesburg UJ
Waahington I,
Honeadala I J
Brons rHIt I
York 1
Northampton Bank
Berks County Bsnk
Office of Bsnk of U. 8.
Do do do
Do do do
lank of Chemhershorg
Uaek of Gettysburg
Bsnk of Suaquehsnna Co.
Erie Bank
Farmer"' dc Drovers' Bank
Franklin Bank
Horiredate Bnk
Vlonongahel Bank of B.
York llank
N. B. 1 he note of ihoe hank on which wa
mil quotations, and auhatitiite a daali ( ) are nnl
IHirchaaed by the Philadelphia hrokrra, with the
exception nf those which have a leiter of ri ference.
Philadelphia 8v. Ins. PhiUd-l,.his tailed
Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed
(tchuWktll 8av. In.. do failed
Kensington Hav. In. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ins. do
Manual Latmr Bant ( T. W- Dyoti, prop.) failed
Pvwanda Bank
Alleghany Bank nf Pa.
Bank of Beever
Bank of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bank
Farmer.' dt Merh'ce' Bank
Farmers' cfc Moch'cs' Bank
Farmers' dt Msch'cs' llank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bsnk
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank nf Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridgs Co.
Northumh'd Union Col. Ilk.
North Western Beiik of Pa.
Office nf Schuylkill Bank
Pa. Agr. cV Manuf. Bank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Penn'a.
W eatmoieland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
no sale
Fayelta co.
Circe nc.aj.tlt)
no sale
uo sale
Huntingilo no sale
lwislowo no aale
New Hope
Port Carbon
no sale
no sale
Wilkeaharre no aale
(TT All note, purporting to he on any Pennsvl
vsnia Bank not given in the shove list, may he act
lowo a tr.uos.
Dank of New Biunawick
Uelvidete Benk
Burlington Co. Bank
Commercial Bank
3uml?rland Bank
farmers Bank
Perth Amlmy
Mount Holly
("armi-re and Mechanics' Bk Rahwav
farmers' snd Mechanics' Uk N. Biunawick
r armers' and Mere h.nis' Bk Middletown Pt. 1
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jer-ry Cily failed
noixiaen usgaa uiaxing vo Hoboken
no sale
no aale
lereey City Bank Jera-v Cilv
Mechanics' Bank Patiura.ui
Manufacturers' Bank llellevilla
Morrie County Bank Morriatown
Muomoutb Bk of N. J. Freehold
Mechanics' Bsnk Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
Post Notes
Nvwsrk Ukg dt Ina Co Newark
New Hop Del Bridee Co Lamheru.itl.
N. J. Msnufsc snd Bkg Co Hoboken
N J I'roleclon & Lomlaird 14 Jersey Cily
Orange Bank Orsngs
Paterson Bank Psiersuo
Peoples' Usnk do
Princeton Bank Princeton
Salem Banking Co Salem
State Bauk Newark
State Bank Elixabeihlown
State Bank Camden
Slats Bank of Morris Morriatown
otats Bauk Trenton
Salem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem
Sueeei Bank Newtoo
Treniun Hanking Co Trsntno
Union Usnk Dover
WsahutgUm Banking Co. Harkeueack
Bk of Wllm k Bmndywine Wilmington
Bank ef Delaware Wilmington
Bank of Smyrna Smyrna
Do hianch Millord
Fsrmrrs' Bk of Slsts of Del Dovat
Do brsnrb Wilmington
Do branch Georgetown
Do . branch Nsweastla
I'niea Benk ' Wilmington
ff Under t's
OT On sll hanks markrd thus f ) there are ek
i her roontsrfsil or altered notes of tbe varioua da
.nminaainiie. m eirenlaiinn.
TIM unit IMatsatftce Saves t
sunburv runnir.
THE subscribers hsving leased tbe Sudbury
Ferry, bg leave to inform ths public, thst
they are prepared to convey Trams, Pleasurs
Carriages and Foot passengers serosa the river
with safety and without deity. They hsvs pro
vided tbeaiselve with aew end men modioli,
crafts, which will always be etteaded with able
and careful kanda.
Persons travelling to tnd frost tnd through
SunburyteNe Berlie, Lewisborg, Harileioa
end ether pieces, will find it greatly te their ad
aetage to cress tt this Ferry instead of tbs
Bridget, at they would eave from two te four
aailet ia dietaoee. JOHN SPEECE.
aWatary, April 1. 184a
No. 40. . '
Botrra Pocarn Bresa-r, AaorgCaatTarr.,,?7af!,tt"nA- -
The Grand P urgative
ron rum ovaa or
Hesdaehe, Oiddiaaat,
Measles, Salt Rheum,
Heart Born. Worms,
Cholera Morbus, -Onoghs,
Whooping Cough, ,
Consumption. Fita,
Liver Complaint,
Erieipelea, Daafoeas,
Itching, of the Skin,
Colds, Gooi, Gravel,
Nervous Complsinta,
Rheumstiem. Pllea,
Dyapep la, Beeiw,
"mall ret, iaondlot,
Psirts in ths B.ek,
Inward Weakness,
Palpllaiien of the Heart,
Rising In tbs Throat,
Dropsy, Aethma,
Fevers ef all kinds,
Frmels Complaints,
taest iMvearTisi e vaa aioon, ab ot.
stsoctioss ia vaa obsars ot at.
Experience ha proved thst nearly every Die
esse nriginste fiom Impurities nf ths Blood or ds
rsngamente of the Dlgeetlve Organ. snd lo eeeore
Hsalih. ws must remove thoss obstruction or re-
atore the Blood to lie natural state. .
The aversion to lading meJicme is moat effV-
tually removed by CucKaeVs Vsor.TAata Pun
atviva Pitt, btmr enmpletefy envebtped with i
roattnr of sure white Sugar, (which Is ss distinct
from the internsl Ingredient ss a nut shell from
he kerneO ana save eo tastb or axratciaa
But ara a easily swsllowed ss bits tr candy.
Moreover they neither nauunte or gripe in the
slightest degree, but operete eotislly an all ths dis
eased pert of the .v. 'em, In.tead nf confining
themselves to, srd racking any psnkulsr region.
Thus, if tl e Liver he affected, one ingiedirnt will
operate on th l particular organ, and, by cleansing
il nf an Excess of Bile restore It to it natoril
late. Another will operate nn tbe B'ood. snd
remove sll lmruttie- in Its eircul ition .while s
third will effectually expel whatever impurities
may have been discharged into ths stomach, and
bancs they rraiat av Tea most or nt'Kt-a, re
move all Impure Humors from ths body t op- n
the pores extern. Hy snd Internally J sep irate all
fore gn and nhi oxioue particle from the rhylr, so
that the blond may be thoroughly pnre thus .ecu
ring fee snd healthy action to the Heart Lunga
and Livet; and thereby 'hey assToaa hsalth a-
via wsjta AitOTara an.illiri vaiixa.
The entire tru'h of the above can be asreitatned
by the trial nf a single box and their vir'uee srs
so positive snd certain in rea'or'ng Health, that
the prnpnetor binds btmacir to return the money
rink for them in all case where they do not gie
universal eat ia action.
Retail Price, 25 eta. per Box.
Piincipd office No. 68 Verey at., N. Yo k.
Sold by JOHN Yl'UNG, Hnnbury,
M. A. McCAY. Northumbs'lsnd.
' OT Rrmemlier Dr. C. V. Clirkener ie the in
fn'or nfthe Sugar Coaled Pi Is, and that noih ng
of the a ri was ever heard of umil he iiilrodiiprd
them in June, 184.1, Putchsera rhou'd. lh rrfor.
always ask for Clirkener. Hugar Coale-I Pills, and
take no others, or they will be mate the victim of
s fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847. ly eow
coron ! vna
tcirns r ia raw-
ota, Tea won or thi
naaTRorta nta tatv ntnu,
Vhb encea or cossuirTtov math
la IT A sncain nr prim,
A RE YOU A MOTHER I Your dsrlint child.
your iilul and earthly jov, is now erhai
confine,! to her chamber by a dangrroua cold h
pale rherks, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the
hold di ease baa already gainrd upon her the
sound of her sepulchral cough tiieicra your soul,
YOUNG MAN, when just eh-ut In enter life.
disease aheda a heart rru-h'ng Might over the Tatr
prospects of the future your hectic rough and f e
his limbs tell of yottr loss and hope, but yon nerd
not deinsir. There i a halm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it ia
8 II ER 51 A N'S
M.s. ATTREE. the wifr of Wm. II. Attree,
Esq. was given up by Dr. Scwatl of Wa-hinaion
U s. Kna and VtrClllan nf Philad-lohia, Dr. Roe
and Dr Mott nf New York Her frii
thought she must die. She had everv epiiearinre
of being in ronsumpnnn, and waa so pinnnunre
hy her phvsi' Uns Sherman's BalMm ws given
ami it rureil her.
Mr. GARRABRANTZ, of Roll's Frirv. wa
also euied of consumption by tins B i'sam when
all oiher remedies faded to give relief s'te waa r
duced to a akelet-n. Dr. A. ('. Cis'le, D-ntisl
tilt Broadway, haa witnessed its effects in srvera
ca-ea where no other m,d'cine alTor.led re'ief hut
the Balaam operated like a cbatm. Dr. C. lo
iinesaed Pa wouderful iff. cu in coring i.ibma
which it never fails nf doing. Spitting Itloo I,
ming as ii mnv be, iaerferluallv cured by ihia Pal
earn. It heals ihs ruptured or wounded Iduod
vita. Is. and makes the tongs ..mnd again.
nev, nr,.nt ju.AKti, inn rjighih avenue,
waa cured of rough snd catarrh! atT'Clion. t SO
years a ending. The firni dose gave him m re re
lief than all the nthet medicine he had ever taken.
Dr. L. J. 3 sis, 10 De'anry, gave it m
i-ter in-laof who waa laboring under con-umpt inn,
and to another sorely arn cb d with the A-thma
In both ras a its rffi cis were immedia a, soon re
storing lhm to romf mah'e health.
Mr.. LUCRE I I WEMA. 83 Chri-lle sneet.
-uflend fiom Aaihma 43 V-ars. 8heim n's Hal.
earn relieved her at once, and ehe is comprl vi !y
well, neing rimtiied to subilue every attack hy i
timely osa nf this medicine. This indei'd ie th.
great resnrdy for C ug' .. Mollis, Spitting UIo.mI,
Liver Cnmplain'e, snd sll I1 e sll rtmna nf lite
thmat, and even A'tbma und Cnn.ump ion.
Price S5 rente and 1 1 er Imii,.,
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Loxenges, snd
Poor Man a Plaster sold .is above
Dr. Sherman's frW l at ing Nassau st N. Y
Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Hunhurv.
M A.M CY, Northumberland
September llih, 1847. I y
Teseluble Uiilversnl Pills,
The ony knnwn MeiVciue ihat at the some 'ic
purgee purjice and ttrengthen the tyttm.
Lo.vdom. July 7, 1X46,
R I.E ROY'S Pill, ara a new mrdicin-
whirh ha met appeared, and ia f.t ok ine
the plaeea nf all oihera of ihe sao e class. These
pills are composed of msny ingredient', hot Ihe
two princinsl one are Ssraapanll and Wild Cher,
ry. so united thai Ihey act together; Ihe on.,
through i'a admixture with other ub-tir.s, pu
rifying and purging, while thr oiher is s'renelhe i
ing lha system. Thus those pills are st the ssm
time tonic and opening j a desideratum long and
eagerly sought f.r by me.lical men, but nsver be
fore discovered. Iu Iher words they do the work
of two medicines, snd do ii much better than sny
two we know of; for they remove nothing fr m
the sysism but the impurities ; so that while tbey
purge they strengthen; tnd hence they cauae no
debilitation, and srs followed by no re-.cti .n. Dr.
Le Roy'g pill, have a wonderful influence on ihs
blood i they not only purift without weakening it,
out they remove all ti parlielrs from the rbyle
hernia it la converted into flo d. and thua make im
pure blood an niter tmpoe ibiliiy. As there ia no
dehititeUoo, o tltrto ia no nausea or sickiarss at
tending Ihe npaiaiiotia of thte aaael excellent of me
dicine., which eer .train. ir tortures ths diges
tive (unctions, but e.u-sa thsss lo wrk in e per
fectly naiaral manner tnd hence peiann taking
them do not become pale end emaciated, but the
contrary ; for white it ia the properly of the Sarae
pardla, united te il is wiih other ingredient., to
remove til ihat ia foreign and impure, ii is equally
the properly of the Wild Cherry to retain sll thai
is aslursJ and sound; u4 hones s robust of
health is the rerism result of their united opera
liooa fry Price la oenu par BOX. ,
. Ageau for Ls Roy's Pdks,
J. VV.rRHIrVa.J-.
M. A. MeCAY, NorthumberlU
Aegost tlst, 184T. ly .
ALL peroatt indebted to the subscriber, by
eote er book tccouat, art hereby aetitad to
tall tad tettle the etaae withoet d.lsy. In order
toaaveceata. IRA T. CLEMENT,
lunbury, April 13, lttt-
DXl. OX7ZH3T8En8
3-P d-aa ST aaSlv CQ 1X3
THIS Mr-dielnt W warranted, on aatb. nm to
enwtala t particle ef Calomel, Onrroaiva Sob
limate, Areeaie, Chlorids of Ootd, or sny delete
rows miner. la -
The principle upon which this Mrdieioe act, la
asalatina? and harmonising with nature i b
drives out all fool acrimonious humors from the
Mood end body, and by osslmireting with snd
strengthening lbs gastric Iniee of the stomach, tl
assists diees-ioa m short there is not a vein arm-
ry, moade or nerve In the human hasty, inal is
nnl etrengthened by the PANACEA, end it ekv
possesses me mnsrkshie property or removing
mercury from the bones end Joints,
steorvy. Scorbutic A flections, Tnmors. Scrofula or
Kings' Evi , White Swelling's Eryaipelia. Ulcers.
Cancers. Running Sore. Scsb snd Bits limn
and s delemdned psresversnce in D . SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure.
Rejection nf food. N.usea, Vnmilinga, Nervous af
lections. Rillioo romplaints. Head art e. Paten, ss,
or Female Irregular Hie.. Dr. SWEETSEH'S PA.
NACEA will anon effect s rure ; but if ohslinsle,
or attrndsd with griping, flying pain., the dose
should he increased, and the cure will eoon be ef
feeted. I-ei not ths pa'iente frighten themselves
with the h)ehat they are too we.k to laks much
medi.'ine; hut bear in mind that thl. mi'dly 0e-a-ting
med me put not weaknea into the frame, bul
mort certainly drawa weakn a out. leaves atrength
in It. plare, sni oy giving compo-eel .teep st nig I.
and an appetite to rrlish any food, re-.nima'es Ihe
whole frame wi h vigoroii, ac'ion. clearing the
mind anu improving ine eight.
8rrofu1a is said to be heridilary. the infmt re
ceiving from ita parents the seeds nf ibis diseas
hich mcreaa.-e with it yean. If neglected snd
lint tnemifrti o rrequent purine lion with Dr,
SWEET8F.R'S PANACEA. The aland are pi..
red in the corner of the body, and out of Ihe way
of direct communication ; their real ue i a subject
on which nioch differ'nee of opinion prevails ; it
suffices oe to know thit when in a disenand state,
they are capable nf being pur fied and rle nseil hy
long cour-a nf Ur.oWKEISER'D PANA
CEA, which ree'orra Ihem to sound and plop, r
action. Scroful us person, ran never par tie, murh
attention In their blood, its pur, fir. lion shou'd l
their first though', for afd r a long noure of pere-
versnce, ihey will ever cure heredit .ry disease.
SWEKTSER'S PANACEA cannot be too high
ly extolled ; it sea'chee nut the very root of Ihe
dis 'ise, and y r m ing it from the Blood makea
a cure eritain snd nrrm nenl.
For diseases nf ihe Bladder and Kidney. Stric
ture. Gravel Stone. Pile. Fietula. Uiinarit Ob
ttnictirmi and Extreme Cmtiveneu Dr. 8 W EET
8EIC8 PAM'EA is tbe heat remedy ever lre.1;
il removes all (hove ecrimnuioue homo a from Ihe
Blood which give riae lo the above disessea, and
by keeping the blood in s pure condition, insures
Impur ef the Blond, Mercurial Taint Weak
nee of the Spine Flow nf Bnod to the Head Gid-
d ne. Sieging and Buzzing No:te in the Head
and Earl. lit. iWEETSEK S PANACEA will
give certain relief; in all ervere and ehron'C rases,
tbe iia'ienta cannot he too often reminded that lar
ger donet and perseverance .ill effeel a cure.
1 1 Vhille ana revere Uilioue r ncert. Ajreelmnt
nf the t'yct and Eart. Spongy and Blred,ng
Game Bmnchitii and recent Caught and Cold,
Dr. 8WEE TSER'rl PANACEA will b.
eifictly sure and certain in il" rflects.
Tlioe enrrp'sin'. are geneiall) al'endeil i h
Ihe most fiital nnaqtiei.cea, and are or ne.
ver rU-eil by the p.e i t m hI of l ealinein lli y
UMl ly urcomi any the potent t - the grave, uftcr
-uffering the most excruciating pain and inriure.
The cause nf h' se coniplairi a arn the same ua a I
llirra the iU ! th,. IiI.hhI I eooin rnerua'dl on
ihe fin. at narrow papsag. a. whence art morbid
e.'irt on slid ti.ppag. a of u-ine Y. u will fin.l
ihe m 'st p werful d ur. tie- nf no ue, a' tl ev oolv
increase ihe qu inliiy of urine ml do nnl pu ifv
nd -trenmli. n th part- Bv purifying Ihe 1.1. n il
with Dr. SWEETSER 8 PAN ACRA. ou re
move ihe c iUi-e , I iliedisaise,roii.queiit'y it can
not exist anv longer, af'ir sufficient p. ie,einn -i
in il. use has deprived the hl'od and bul) of all
.rrininiou-i humors ami incrustation.
Thi is s erv prevalent and Intel di-ea-e ; it re
sub no.tly fmm neletiej cough', cold, and bron.
chills, also from jro;noprr liraiinem in ininy ul rr, such e measles, fevers ii'tiamin in ns and
mall pox, and a h l of i thir l-eilly trca'cd diseirrs;
where the cause, instead of having l-n thorough
ie.nove.1 from the blood and l nly, have only been
palliated or removed fmm one p irt to hrek out in
anolhrr. By dive.iing your hollies nf .11 fool hu
mors, through lha medium of Dr. SWEETsER 8
PANACEA, the eure i. at once rendered certain
and permanent. R. collect, while there ie arrim
nious humora floating in ihe riieu's'ion, it i- as ait
lo settle on the lung an any of er part of II. e body ;
thia ie the reason thai consumption is so prevalen'.
Wbit'h you ne. o i the ex rii r. come from and
have their Sonne in, the ii.le.ior, and might just a'
well have cied on your lungs, liver, or auy othe.
pait; which we know they frequently !, and pro
luce nviKt violent inflaniinamiy dorder. The
humor which occawons these .un a is of s higtilv
scrimoni -n burning mtu s We know it from
Ihe pain it gie- iu for i ing, and fl. r il ra
pidly ulcerating snd eoir-dmg the flesh end kii
of ihs pst where it bnsks out This shows the
necre.ity nf frequently puiifyiog the blood With Di.
SWEETCEIt'S PANACRA. end keeping auch
malignant humora in su j clinn. Should yon have
a hde or ulcer, he ib oikfal thit natU'S haatak-n
irouM. In warn you of the danger your life and bo
dy i. in, for it is s wsming t' st tho blood is foul.
Had this aame acrimony s I'Ced he lungs in tead
vf ths snrfacs nf your body for us seat, consump
tion of the lung, wou d hsv been Ihe'coiisequem e.
D. lay not then, lo purify and cleanee with Dr
Swcettrf's Panacea.
Spio.l aflVciions ,nlargement of ths end
joints, while awellinas. hip joint complaint, rup
uire, falln g nf the bowels ..n.l anm disea.a, will
find a spredy nuie in Dr. SfVEETER S PA
NACEA. Where the disease l a, been of I .ng
-landing, the time required lo make a cure will ho
longer; hut the paneo! may rest assured that a
determined perseverance will effect it,
These disease, proceed fiom lbs seriosity or
corrupt humors of ihe blood, havings t'lsd iuslf on
ihs sud lungs, end slpied them up, so thai
Ihey eennol draw .uffiuienl air ia for respiration.
Dr. 8WEET8ER'ri PANACEA will giv. imm.
di.te relief, and to make the cure perfect end car
lain, it should bs continue,! some lima after, to
free the system of sll bad humors.
Find a aafe snd speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SE R'S PA NA CBA. It eiire by aearehing every
blood see-el and artery, and driving out all impu
rities and Caul humors accumulated therein, which
a the cause of rh aaaiisat, g.mi and awat lings or
ths joints. , The doteterous efle. ts of ealiunel and
iher aueeral poisons, readily yield to ita sovereiga
infiaeaea ; inde.d, when its vslasbte pnsasrttes ha
eosae fully kaewa. the aee of all seiner I puieoa wiU
be oanaiffaed to ihs tomb of all the CspnUi,' and
naly be thought of as t by -goae caoaa ..f ;ha dar
ker tgee. Dr. Swrwtsar's Panacea U aleo a sere
euro far dysprpaie. pi tea, enwiveuee., vertiga, bead
ache, pain la the breast and liver eotaplsiot. .
Fever U elaays aause I t a disorderly move- j
awat of lha blood, struggling afseiisesf ef sanae- I
sbtng thai ewcastbtre st ; ia fact, every kiad af sa
ver te nothing sauce taea t atroggle hetwoea the
blood snd f orrapt kaaera, wiJ ss aooa ts tbt e it-
mnt bamnrs are rfpefled, yoa kavt no mors fever
When a patient with fever submits to be hied, er
have his Wood poisoned with avrieory, H Weaker!
hi frame te sarh a decree thai If be eorvivo. the
ornoaa, rt alw ay leave bim subject to dMrssstng
rhills, when I inwee ran nf It be resnrte ta ae
pills powders, or ton it orltt treat this it going from
bed lo worse, ss these regal able pills, powders, Jta,
are nothing hat faerrury end quinine In disguise,
which msy for a time drive the diseasal sn far Int.
,h as n.s. to ba pereentible, but very enen ia
wilt break eat again with fearful viedenee Te care
eiue snd ten, tho ran of ihe dWetsj moat be ra
moved not of ih Wood ami body, which eon he of-
..0r,7.T1,t, ,," Df- SWEBT8ER8 PA
NACEA, which parlfle,eleanssa and Mrengthen..
It eonta ns nothing that can pssriUy injure, and It e
use is elweys a eafefaard nmet tbiHtand levers.
In Alt Casss er Pitaa. Dr, SWECTSER'S
rAlvAtyfiA WIH enem o very spsotly oans, hro-
moves rrom ins atisMi, stnmscn ane bowsla, all
thnee foul acrid burning humor, which srs it,.
cause of Piles snd Uoslivoncgs, tnd by strengthen.
ing ths dtgsstivt orgtne, improves every port of the
entire oody.
These dieeaees are CsU'sd by the stomach aad
bowel being choked up with viscid ebmy matter,
the air which enters them cannot tespa nntil forced
by Sf me contraction of the Siomeeh to expel it j
hence the esose of pain. A few doses nf Dr.
SWEBTSER'S PANACEA will convince the
suffeier Ihat ichrf It tUsined
Parent will find the PANACEA a valuable
medicine fir their children, keeping their bodies in
a heabhy c ndi'i m. thereby assisting their g owib;
children or grown persons, after taking it. are net
lial'le to be sitsckeil with an 0idemic ss before, as
il slways leavre ihe blood in t pure tnaditioa, and
he i mire sy-iem in a strengthened Mate; it drives
out s i kind, of weakness from Ihs body snd leave.
II heal hy within.
W,ll find Dr. 8 WE TVER'S PANACEA a modi
c ne purely ad ipted to their use. M-st ladie. du
r ng the peri J of pregnancy srs afflicted with pile.
Dr. Sweener's Psnscea, by regulatin lha bowel.
ill entirely obvia-e thia. and ita punfying nroner.
lie. nn 'he blond and fluids, insures lo Ihem beet.
thy off pring. No one who is a mother ahould be
without it, snd tho.- who are nursing will find il
of b. to the health of their infanta.
r-r liarrenne-s and all diarasea nf the womb, it
without e rival in the entire histnty and eatalnena
of medicines; hy its exlrsordinary strengthening
snrauiaie. snu airengtnens me womh. a
weakness of which is the csu-e of failure to have
Under thi. he .d mav he ctaesrd Palpitation nf
the Heart, 'IV Dolnre.ux or Fan-ache. Neuralgia.
Indige ion,T,iothache, Melanchol,Hvaierics.and
in fact, every diaes-e esos.d by the aharp, biting,
acriinnnioue humor irritating Ihe nerve; the
nerves receive the morbid impression from the .to
mach, or rather front the blond through Ihs agency
nf tbe stomach and dige live organe, and although
nther parte or the body are apparently the seat nf
he disease, atill it is caused by the morbid impres
sion conveyed from the blood by the nerves, to that
part, A lew dnessof Dr. SWEETctGK'S PA
NACEA will oo assure the patient th.t be hsa
ihe cure in hi. poseeraion. .
This ia an inflammatory di-o.der, alw ya al'siul
rd with more or Irs. ;iaiii. It proceed, from the
foul, nrriinoniotie humora lodged in the blond ami
flu d. .ettlb g . ri the Im's and face, causing ex
treme p lin and fevers ; all appli. atinn. nn ihe .or
fa. e are worse than useless, ts they only rnd to
throw the disea-e in some other part, and
ratter ileilh. Bli-eilinx'ie likewise im ror. To
eoie the dtesse you mu I gel rid ..f the cause; n
ly manage I get ihe foul hum r. out of y ,ur bl.wl.
and voo will he well in a day. Dr. nWEET
ME U'S PANACEA, a thorough purirVr of tho, will a-arch nut eveiy impurity in Ihe mora
remote p rts of ihe b.ajy ami ep-l it through lha
m. diinn of Ihe ho els. There is not a vein, vrte.
ry. mi.scle or organ of ihe entire framewmk nf
man, that Dr. Hwe-tser'a Panacea iloe not im
prove. To take it w!v n you ate well is to keep
we I ; Mid when sick to I" com. well,
posed nnl) nl a vi g. isHe matter or me 'icai nerhs,
and wairamed. mi oidi. as cnntainj. g n nnr par.
UcU ..f mercurii.l, taineral. nr ehimical suhstanc.s,
a found lo be perteellv harmless 1 1 the inn-l lender
sqe. or ihe srnts-1 frame, under anv lge of hu
man sufTa ing ; I' ' mo-l plea, nt and benign in ita
n, er tio . II, t "as e er off nil I., the w.wd ; and
at the aame liai. the mn.i rrrisin in se.r. hing mil
he toot nf sy c nipla n-, however deep, and f
perf, rm nr a e r.
Piiceel ler h-.tiU, or six bopPs f $5, For
a.le, srhol.saie and retail, at ihe corner of
CHARLES .id PRVITKireet. Raliimnre, an I
' GEORGE BltlfiHT.
' 7 Sunbury
its wolikpiaTiTsiriiTr
Durne, SealJe, and all kinds nf Inflamed
Snrr.e Cared.
I the mo.teomp'eie Bum Antidoteever known.
Il b st.ntly. (an I a if by Magic) .top. pain. rfhe
mo desieiate Burn, and Bcald'. For old,
Biu'ees, Cut., Sprain., on men or i.
ihe lat application that can he made. Thou .Dd
have tried and thousands prose il. i j. th. ni.ut
ptlfiel master of pain ever diseorer.,1. All whw
ue nnmmend it Every family should be provr.
del with it. None rn 'ell how aoon some of tbe
f .roily msy need il.
Cy O errve awh box of ihs genuii Oiotaaent
ha. ih. name ol 8. Tecaax wriltr n on the outside
laliel. To imitate this ia forgery.
Bo. linen, Liver. Men. F-niie s, and all who use
Horse-, will find thi. O ntmenl ihe very heal thing
t'uy eo ue fur C.dla. G .11. Scratches; Kicks, dec
Ac, 'on ill. ir ennnita. Surely every merciful msn
would ke-p ii animate as free fiom pain aa posi
We- Tousey's Universal i lintmcut is til iht t to
quired. Try it.
Ul I'ES OF 1.NSECT8. For the .ting or bite
of poixm us Inserta. Tousry'a Oiolo'snl is unri
va e.l Hundreila hiv tried il an I found il good.
PILES CURED I For ths Piles, Touaey's U
nivaiaal Oin menl ie one if the heal Remedial ihat
eau be applied. All who bar tried it fot lha Piles
recommend il.
OLD SORES CURED. For old otwtinato
Sons, there ia nothing rqotl to Touaey's Oint
ment A person in Mamioe had, for a number af
years, a aore teg that Iwule l the ehill e tbe deeters,
T oueey'a Ointm-nt waa recommended by no of
. lie bating physician, (who knew its rsi vaswys.)
and two boxes produced mors beq.ee1 lsa tho ge
lienl had received from any sod all previous reme
diee, tail all try it.
of cases nf Boneand Scalds, in ell aorta of ma
country. bae been cur.d by Tewsey'a Uruveraa!'
t'inimeai. Ccrtifinte easogh could be had to fill'
Iks hob of this shi .
Is , a tsstimooiele, in fsvnr of Toossy's Omlment
for curing Biuise. have been offered tbe props w
bws. Hundreils ia Syraras will rectify to iu great
menta reli ving Ih vain of the most severs Bruise
All person, ahould try it.
Scald Head have bson cerod by Tou-ej'e eViol
menl. Try il It srblom fail.
ALT RHEUM CURED. Of ai the r.
ever discovered tv ibis asot disagreeahls complaint.
Tonaey'i Cn versal Ointment i. th. owl e.Mtuleie.'
Il ne. er was ka .wa t rail.
Touwy's Univeraal On tmenl w.H twy. ears the
wotm rases of Ch.j ped Haudi, Scoiea of persons,
will state this.
SORB LIPS CURED- For Ike eave of Sere
Lips. I Sera waa never anything suede equal Ht.Ti.u
esy 's OwiHwenL ll ia sure awr. ibesa. Try H.
It ts e scKMiine smopound, warranted not to con
tain sny preparation f Mercury, qy Fiiee 88
seals per bos. Pug furlhes parwulara eaeruig:
thi really vsluabte (Nntmmit, the ptjblie S'S sefer."
red lo Pamphlet, to be bad gratia, of rfapeaiabi
D uggajla and Monhsate thraughout the United'
atalsa. . .
Fn pared )., ELLIOT A TOU8Ef, Dnitaism.'
Syracus. For aale by
iOHN YOUNO, etaaWy; '
Se,Hi. hh, I8IT. lyeew