j CAVAIONACi . .And shall the bloody wavo again, , Dissevering freedom' bravest men, , Dash all ashore 1 and civic fight Demolish wrong, establish rightt . Alas! it must be ! Well foa France, Awakening from her frantid trance, he finds at last a virtuous man To regulate her rushing van. Never wilt thou, aage Cavaignae 1 Pursue Ambition's toituous track. The shade of Glory seems to tend That way, but melts before its end. What name more glorious than was his Whoso life midway went all amiss t . He well surveyed the battle field, But ill what that soaked soil should yield Losing the train that limped behind, He lost all energy of mind ; Like smitten viper, now aloof To bite, now crushed by hnel or hoof. Mindful of Washington, who hurled Back from the new the worn-out world. Remember, First of Alci! ! that thou To thine own heart hast mado the vow That France henceforward shall be free, Henceforward is her trust in thee. fi'alttr Savage iMtulor. A Dinner in 1661. ' I dined with Sir W. Batten, with. many friends more, it being his wedding-day, and among other froliquos, it being their third year, they had threat pyes, whereof the middlemost was mado of an ovall form in an orall hole within tho other two, which miiclo much mirth. We had great striving to steal a spoonful out of it ; and I remember Mrs. Mills, the minister's . wife, did steal one for me, and did give it me j and. to end all, Mrs. Shipman did fill the pie full of white wine (il holding at least a pint and a half) and did drink it TjfT for a health to Sir William and my lady it being the greatest draught that ever 1 did see a wo man drink in my lifo " -Pebis Diari, TiieQi-eex or England has doctors enough in all conscience : two physicians in ordina ry, five physicians extraordinary, two ditto accoucheurs, one ditto to the household, two sergennt surgeons, one ditto accoucher, one ditto to the household, two ditto extraordina ry, two apothecaries to the person, three dit to to the household, two ditto 'extraordinary,' two surgeon dentists, one ditto to tho house hold, one an iit, one dentist, one surgeon chirepodist, besides two apothecaries to her majesty in tho Isle of Wight ! Twenty-throe doctors in all, inclusive of tooth doctors, ear doctors, eye doctor, and foot doctor. Among them all, however, they only get 2,700 in salaries. MILD WORDS. 'Be kind to each other ! The night' coming on, When friends and when brother Perchance may be gone !" On! be kind to each other! For little ye know, How soon ye may weep The ead tears cri wo For a brother, or sister, or friend ioved and dear, Reposing in slillnes?, on death's sable bier. Bu kind to eacli other! For little yo know, How soon ye may weep Ere in sorrow you roam Through the tenantless rooms Of a desolate home. Or yearn for tho forms that have passed away To dwell in the light of a happier day. Bo kind to each other! And strive day by day, To render some kindness To soften life's way; And remember that friends the last ones should bo To point out- the fuults in each other they see. Be kind'to each other ! For short is life's span, We compass All tho good acts we can, Each hour should recall as it passe ss away, Some being made glad by Love's kindly sway. Just like 'Em. Godey gives, in his lady's Newspaper, the following Cape May inci dont : ''The society is so mixed that I don't think I shall stay," This was the observation of a woman at Cape JUay this season. We re member well (buying tape and pins at her mother's in Second Street. How ridiculous ! Another instance presented itself, of a lady who was too concicntious to subscribe to hops but always came in time, with a lot of chil dren, for the refreshments. DcvohSHiae Bitter. Scald your cream in a zinc pan over a charcoal fire; but do not let it boil. When the cream is cold, say the next morning, take it off with the hand. Put the cream info a wide wooden bowl ; stir it with the hand for ten or fifteen minutes ; and the butter will be the same nsout of achurn, and to be dealt with the same. A cow that will make ono pound of butter per day, that -is seven pounds a week, if the cream is scald ed, it will make nine pounds in the seven days. Great care must be taken not to' let any dust rest upon the cream. Gardener' CAronide.J . Pip Whitby A gentleman who recently paid a visit to General Taylor says. "The old white war horse was enjoying a feast of cjover on the lawn near the house. The General says he was offered a thousand dol lars for him a few days since, and though tho money would be very acceptable, he ne ver can bring his mind to part with so true a friend. ; fjuiMc, writing to tho Pope, who in a IfWate letter to him reproached him with atjsayssseat in Lent, replied, "I have a Catho JwasaiVfcot ray staqsach is altogether Luthe- o.mcby or Dv. DauNcoM.C.rcuro. - tM have Uty transpired, by which the parties who robWi Or Darlington, President -f tha Chester County Bank, wilt be brought OTr-GHBAP GOODS. JohnW. Friling, RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and eustomrri, that lis his just received and 6petied splendid assortment f GOODS, consis ting; of DRT GOODS, Oroctrit, Hardware, Quttniuxtrt, Sec, The public ara invited to call ond examin for themselves. Bunhury, Msjr 8, 184ft tf ' CUTLERY. AN extenalva Stock of rocket end Table CUT LERY, for ssle bv JOH1T 2. COL21&A1T, Vol. 33 and S3 ARCADE, and 8) North THIRD Strtet, Cnmp leing 5000 doxen Penknives, Scissors and Razor. Also. S choice sssnrlment of Rodger A Rons, Wostenholm'e, Greaves'. W. A 8. Butcher's and Fenney's Cutlery. Also, Spanish, Dirk end Hunting Knivrs. Alio, Gun, Pistols, an I Bowie Knives. Als'-, Tht Ameritnn Raznr Strop, s superior article, worty the attention of Dealers. Card Dealers in Cutleiy, will find the shove Stork worthy their ittentinn, as the SubicrihrTs chief business Is Importing snd selling cutlery, Philadelphia, June 10th, 1848 ly. GIESE ft. SON. Commission ond Forwarding MERCHANTS, V. 48 Commerce Street IVhaif BALTIMORE. Will receive and sell all kinds of Country Pro duce Flour.Grain, Ac. N. B. Particular attention given to the sale of Lumber. And cash advances made on con signments, when required. April 1, 1818. 4m PHILADELPHIA MEEICAL HOUSE, F.i.tr.hluhtd IS years agt. by Dr. K INK E LIN. The oldest, surest and best hand tn cure nil forms of seen t diseases, diseases of the skin snd solitary habits of youth, la D II . KINK E LIN, .V. 11. earner of 3d and Union tin., between Spruce and. Pine, 1 square! from tht Excltangc. YOUNG MEN! if you value your life or your health, remember, the delay of month, nay, ev.'n a week, may prove your ruin, both of hndv and mind. Hence let no fslae modesty deter you from making your case known to one ho. Iron education and respectability, em a'one h- friend von. He who places himself under Dr KINKELI.V3 treatment, may religiously confidii in his honor as a een'leman, and in who bosom will be forever locked the secret of the patient. Too many think they will hug the secret to their own hearts, and cure thcm-elvi a, Alas I how of ten i. this a fatal delosicn, and how many pro mising young man, w ho might have been an orna ment to aocirty, haa faded from the earth. COUNTRY INVALIDS, finding it inconvenient to make perannal applica tion, ran, by statin? their cue explicitly, tngeihi r with all their symptoms, (per l tier post-paid.) have forwarded to them a chest containing Dr. K's me dicine appropriated accordingly. Packages of Mcdtcinea forwarded to any pari ol the United State at a moment's notice. s (Xj Post ram tXTTtas, addressed to D'. Kir iiuj. Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to Oct. 30th. 1817. ly M'CLEES &GERMON'S D AC UER H E0TYF2 ROOMS. lVo 199 Ciieannt Street, South East Corner of Eighth tt , Philadelphia. PORTRAITS Irom the smnlle.t breast ) in to the largest size, singly or in groups. The Proprietors are warranted in siting, that their work haa guin d a reputation second to none in the world. Extract from Ihe Pre t "Lifc-lik in the expression, chastly correct in the shading.-Ledger. 'The ait has arriveJ at g'eat perfection, and none understand it better than McClees it tier man." Baltimore hit. Admirable! nottiint can exceed their exquisite delicacy." (7. &' Gazette. Extract from the report of the Judges, at the last fair of the Fr inklin Institute "Daguerreotype- in this department there are soma very excellent specimens in the exhibition, and the Judges think they see s progressive improvement in this branch of the art. They have not r commended ana ward in favor of any of the competitors, but are ili-pneed to rank aa Jirtt in order, the collection of McCLEES & GEUMON, aa containing too tar. gett number of ihptrior tpteiment." -I hib.delphiH, Feb 19, 1818. 6m" SIX YE IKS AGO flME children began to cry for Sherman's Lo- JL zengea. The noise wss not a.i loud at that time, hut it haa kept increasing ever riure. and n. w baa become so great that the moutha of the little ones can scarce be stopped. Dr. Sherman evmpa thises with the little suffi rera, and vary much re ar s that any of them ahould l disappointed Knowing the vast benefit which- has been confer red upon the community by the introduction of hie infallible WOHSZ I.OZEITOE8, he hss entered into srrungemen's for en'srging1 hi Manufactory, liy means of which I think he will he able to supply the (lemai d. And the name pain and care will lie taken, that theae celebrated Lo zengea be made aa they hive always been, in or der that those who depend upon them, may mil he disappointej in their hopes. He knew when h commenced the manufacture of the Worm Loten- get, that th'y would supersede iha use of ever- other vermifuRe, as Hie Lozenge is very plrasanl to the isste, tpeedy in its effects, as well a. certain. and the quantity tequired lo effect a perfect cure, is vert small. These prnnertie in connexion will. 4h f -et thai they are snl f.ir 28 cents per box. thu pi icing inem in in reach or the poore-t man ii the land, haa not only caused them lo taU the place of every other vermifuge ever offered, but al so rendered them popular to the community. Or. Sherman1 ' OODOH LOZENGES' continue to car Cough, G. Ms, CmaumpOon, Astbmn, shortnesaand difficulty of Breathina, an other disra-e of Ihe Lungs, with th m Uciiin they did on their first introduction, and th piopl h.ita now become persuaded by actual eip-iience. that on the accearion of tllght cold, they hav only lo step to either th Dr's. offir, or one of the Agents, snd obtain s box of his Cough L-ixenges winch are very convenient to carry in Ihe pocket and to take s few through lh day. By pursuing this course a cur is ofien effected in 24 hours, and lb patient about hi busin- ss. 8o great is ihe ce lebrity of tha l.nzi nges, that thoussnds of pi-rsin who hsve used them, snd become acquainted witt. their effects, will never be without them. SHEmiAVS , TQOn. SrZJaSf'l PLAITflB haa euied mure ease of Rheumatism, Pi i in ihi Back, Side and Cheat, Xuml-go and Wiakne. than sny application that bas ever bean made. As the celebrity of the PlaaUr hss inrieaaed, hundreds of unpiincipled raseala have attempted In counter feit it, and palm it off upon th eotnmunilv a lh genuine. " Bewar of Deception. .0 Rrmem ber Ihst the. true snd genuine flaaler is spread up on reddish paper made eipres.ly for th purpose and In every ease th aignalur uf Dr. ethwmao i print, d upon tha lek of th Planer, and lb whol. secured by Copy Right. None others sr genuine. Thif..r wtn you want a real good fUtermsn's Poor Msn's Plaatw.eall at lb olHc. 104 Nau StfMt, acd you will not b disapinted. i , : Ksrrwmuer hs number, 106 Ns-saa M. where all Dr. Hbeimsn' Losengs are sold. Hi Agenu re Mia. Has, 188 Pultun aireat, ttruoklvol Histeoon, Witliiburg . and Redding St CeY ulu, , sua JOrtiN VuoNvi, uDbary, - . M. A McUA Vi Nwtbumberlsnd, ncpuiubcr lltli, IStT. ly. , : SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N l'ilLLISTEK'S CE Lt S2T "O1 SX1 CB 5 SOP !T he power to can all ttTHiii SORES. I Hf,ROFULOU8 humors, 8KIN DISEASES OISONOUS WOUNDS lo discharge their pu Irid matters, and then heal them. It Is richly termed All-healing, for there ia aca re ly s diaeaae. ex emal or internal, that it will noi benefit. I have used It for the last fourteen year for ll diresaes of ihe chest, consumption end Her, Involving the utmost danger snd responsibility snd I declare before heaven si d man, lhat not in one aingle case has it failed tn benefit when th pa tient was wiibin the reach of mortal means. I have had physicians, learnrd In the profession. 1 have had ministere uf the gopel, judges of the bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of th high est erudition, and multitude of th poor ass it in every variety of way, and there has been but one volcS on universal voice faying t M'Allistsr, jour Ointment la GOOD." In Scrota!, Old Sores, Erysepebis, Tetter Li ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, tjuiny, 8or Throat, Broneliitia, Broken or 8or Breast. Tile, all Chsl Disease, auch Sa Aa hms. Oppressions, Psin Also, Sore l,ip, Chspixd Han.la, Tumors, Chil dan's Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diresses, and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known s go. d. KCAI.D HEAD Wa have cured cases that actually defied every thing known, as well as the ability of 15 or 20 doctor. One man told u he had apent (300 on his children without any bene fit, when a few boxee of Ointment cur. d them. BALDNESS It will restore the bsir sooner than any nther thing. HEADACHE The salve hss cured person of the headache of 12 jear' standing, and who had it regular every week, ao that vomiting often took place. Hrnrfitsa, Eaa Am, and Anna in TMt Kate, are cured by this Ointment with like eucref. RUHNS. It is one of the beat thing in the world for Uurns. (Read the directions around ihe box.) RHEUM ATISM It remnvee almoat Immedi ately the inflnmaiion and swelling when the piin cea-ea. (Kent the Direction around Ihe Box.) ( OLD FEE T. Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Pain in the cheat or ride, falling off of the hair, one or the other always sccnmpsnles col. I feet. (This Ointment is the tiu.- renie.ly.) It is a sure rign of disease lo have cold fee. TETTER. There is nothing belter for. the cure i f Tetter. PILES. Thousand its yearly cured by this Ointment. CORNS. Occasional uae of the Ointment will always keep Co ns from growing. People need never le troubled with them it they will uae i'. Wear the fnW.wing Communication, R.ceivi-il Irom an o'd. repee ed and well known cilizi n of Phi:aJalphi. and then judge for your self i rhi!adclplris. 10 inn.. 13th, 1848. To T. B. Peleraon, Having been requested to cie mv opinion on ihe merits of M'ALLIS T Eli'S SALVE, I am willing to enumerate son e of the btnefiis which 1 have experienced in the use of the article. In tl e apring of 184S, I had an attack of Ery sipelas in my face which became very painful, ami extended into one i f my ryea, heii.g attended wiiln fivr, my distress was great and I began to be fear ful of l.ifh g my eye.- Although noi much of s belieer" in what is cninmonly call-d qusck medicines.! purchased box ami made an application to my fare. Tn my surprise the piin soon ab teil, and in a week's time it was ent rely cured, and I firmly believe that it waa the salte, uniler Providence that cu ed me. From thai .time to the present, I have used the article as occssion required, and in every case wheie I have U-Cil it, I have found decided benefit. At one time, on going tn hd at night, my throsl wss so sore that I swsilowed with difficulty, hut by an application of the slv I waa relieved before mornii g. I have usod it in case of burns, bruises sprains, snd fl.kh cuts, all with the happier effects, and one caae of poisoning by a wild vine in the wand, h.i hi en dried up and cured by a fi w aisplir ttion. Tcvij) r.y own experience, I would stronciy re rniiin.end it to all, as a cheap, convenient, farni'y nedii-ine. I h ie become so partial to it, that I expect to keep it con-tan ily in my family. 'I hough not aml itioua to appear in print, yel I cannot r. fine lo have this commnt .ira'ion made puMic if judged heat to aerve the c .u of humani ty. Respectfully thine, WM ADAMS, No. 26, Old York Road. CAUTION. No Ointment will be genuine unices the name of James M'Allialer, or. James M'AIHster & Co., are written with a pen on eve. ry label. JAMES M'ALLISTER. Sole proprietor of lb '.oe medicine. VJPRICE. 25 CENTS PER BOXjH AaisTS : J. W. FRILING, Sunbury. FOKSi-TH. WILSON & Co , Northumberland. Dr WM. M BICKLEY. Danvil'e. J. O. CROITHE. Sebnagrov. m . P. C. SHKLI ER.Lewiaburg, WM. F.N AGLE. Milton. JOHN BHAIiPLESS, Cattawi.sa. Feb. 19tb, 1648. eowlv VENf, VIDI, VIOL Dr. ALLEN'S VEGE. TABLE COM POUND, f.r tte cure of DYSPEPSIA. LIVER COMPLAINT. NER VOUS DEBILITY. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. Ac. This Medicine ia offered lo the public under the anurai.ee ihat there i no article in axiatenre having stronger claim lo their eonideiati..n. Be ing compounded by regular Graduate of J Her eon College, Philftelph a, and practising phyar. cian of twenty years' atandii g in Phibidelphia. his long experience haa confirmed him in the opinion lb it s compound medicine waa required In prevent ami remedy I lie debilitation pr duced by residing in low, miamaiie climntea, snd to counter ict the pro tr.iting influence of ninny nervous disorders with which Ihe human fsmily are sfHicte I. DR. ALLEN is a well known phisicim, and baa uaed the ahdse medicine in hia practice fur 8 yeara wilh H e most otonishing effect, having tes ted its qualiib s in above FIVE THOUSAND CASES, No medicine ever teei ived more fl mering re conimeiidnii. ns from phyrician of eminent land ing th in has bin bestowed on this. DYSPEPSIA OR-INDIGESTION AND ITS CO.N8EtjUE.NCE8. An eminent Pr. f... sor a.ya: "i chiefly arises in person wbn lead either very sedentary or irregular life. A Ithnuuh not regarded as a fit.il diae.se; y,t if negleclid or impropeilv Iresred, msv bring on ii cur .hie M' Ian. holy, Jaundice. Madness, or Veitlgo, Pais) and Apoplexy. A gr at (ingularity ail"iiJant m, il ia, lhat il may ai d often do. a c.ntir.u greai length of time without any remission uf the symp toms. CAUSE'. Grief snd unea-ines of nrt'nd, in tense tudy, pr, tue evacua'iona, esces- in veriery, exce-sive use of piriluou liquors, !-, tobacco, o pium. and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, ver distention of the atoraach, s deficiency of th secretion of ihe I da or g.s'ric juice, eipnsui lo i old and d rin sir. sr tha chief causes of lis dis ease. SYMPTOMS. Li of appetite, nus,aeart hum, aci.liiy, and foetid eructations, gnswmg of the ioniach whim empty, uosasimx in iha throil, pai l in th !, cotivenaa, cbillness, Imguor, lowness i.f spirits, pdpilatnina, and dis.urlied leep." TREATMENT. DE. ALLES'S VEGE TABLE COMPOVKD bss nr.. r faded in affor dmg immediate lelief, and ladical cuia for this illS.aae. (ry Thia Medicine can be had of H. B Mas-er, 8iint ury J. C. Maitin, Pmt ville , Medlar &. Uickel, Orwigsburg nU of Druggists genenlly. ALLEN St WARD, Proprietors. Philadelphia, No. 97. 1847. rq ly BOARDING. elvHE subscriber ia prepared lo receive snd e 1. commodat a few transient or permanent BuqnUrt, at ker ridnc ia Sunbury. Th lu cation i in a fcandaom and pleasant part of lb town, commending a fin view of the Susquehan na, Northumberland snd lb scenery adjacent Te persons from the city,-who wish to spend a few month during th summar saaaan, bun bury atliM da a dcligjitfiil retreat. ' . , ' ANN C. MORRIS. April 8, 1818 in r . -, . . DANE KOTG L1IT. PEltSSTIaTAlVIA.' . The following ItVsst show the current value af all ennsylvania Rank N.rte. Tha most Implicit re liance may h placed upon It, a It Is every week arefully compared with snd corrected from Blek nail' Reporter. . Rnnka In Philadelphia). Na.a. Lncaxtaa. NOTES AT PAR. Sank of North A merles , , Bank of th Northern Liberties . , Cominerrisl Bsnk of Penn'. , . Farmer' and Mechanics' Rank , Kensington Bank . . . Philadelphia Bank . . I Schuylkill Bank . . . . floutbwark' Bank . Weatem Bank Mcclisnice' Oank ... Manufacture' cV Mechanics' Bank '(tank of Penn Townahip , Girard Bank . Bank nf Corbmerce, late Moyamrnsing Bank of Pennsvlvania . . Country Ilanka. Rank of Cheetev tJonnly Westchester Bnk of Delaware Oonnty Chester Bank of Germantown Germantown Rank nf Montgomery Co. Nnrriatown Doylestown Bank Dnylestown Easton Bank ' Eaatnn Farmers' Rank of Bucks ro. Bristol par par par pal par par par par par par par par par par par par Bank nf Northumberland Northumberland par I'olumliia Bank Ar. Tlridge en.'Columbta par rarmers Unnk ol Lancaster l.anctatet par Lancaster County Bunk Lancaster Bank Farmers' Bank nf Reading Office nf Bank of Penn'a. Office do do Office do do Office do do liancaster par Lancaster pit Reading par Harriahurg" Theae Linc.nster ! offices Reading fdo not Easton Jl NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Rank of tha United Stales Philade Iphi 17 par failed Winers Hank of I'oltsville Pottsville Rank of Lewiatown Bank of Middlntnwn Carliale Bank Exchange Rank Do dn branch of Harrishurg Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' St Manuf. Bank Bank of Pittsburg Weat Branch B mk Wyoming Bank Northampton Bank Berk County Rank .Office of Bank of U. 8. Do do do Do do do Rnnk of Chambersburg Br,k of Gettysburg Bank of Susquehanna Co. Erie Bank Farmera' ft Drovera' Bank Franklin Bank Hnnesdale Bnk Monongahela Bank of B. York Dank Lewiatown Middletown . Carlisle Pittsburg Hnllidavsbnrg Harrialiurg 1 1 I I I l.ehanon Pi'tshurg Pittahmg Williameporl Wilkeaharr par I I 1 It Allentown no aale Reading fade I Pittsburg failed Erie . do New Brighton do Chamherahurg I Gettyaburg I Montros 2 Erie 3i Waynesburg tj Waahington l Honesdule I Browns rille I York 1 N. I). 1 he notes of those banks on which we .imit quotations, and aulaititute s danh () are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the exception of those which lis. BROKEN 1 Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuvlkill Sav.Ina. Kensington'Sav. Ina. A Rnn Township Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Rank (T. W Towauda Itnnk Alleghany Bank nf Pa. Bunk of Beaver Bank of Swatara Dank of Waahington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' oi Mech'ca' Bank Farmera' A'. Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' cV MechY' Bank Hatinony Inaiittit, Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bsnk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norlhtimli'd Union Col. Uk, North Western Bank of Pa. Office nf Schuylkill Bunk I'a. Acr-dc Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Pepn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. I A N K S. Philadelphia failed do failed do failed do do Dyott. prop.) failed Towanda Bedford no aale Denver closed Harrishurg closed Waahington failed Rellcfiinte closed Pittsburg no r-ale Pittsburg failed Feyette co. failed Greoncast'j failed Harmony no atite llunliligduii no aale Lewb-lown no sale Warten failed Dundnff no sale New Hop closed Milton no sale Meadville closed Port Carbon Carlisle failed Montrose closed Uniuntown failed Greensburg closed Wilkesbarre nossle dj- All notes pursuing lo be on sny Pennsyl snis Bank not given in the above liat, may be sot lown as frauds. SEW JERSEY. Bank of New Brunswick Brunawirk fsilcj i par par par Uelvideie Bsnk Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Jumbrrland Bank Belvidere Medford Perth Amboy Bridzelon ?armers' Bank Mount Holly ? aruiers' and Mechanics' Bk Rahwuv i farmers' and Mechanics' Uk N. Riunswick tailed rarmers snd MerclmiiK Bk Middletown Pt. r ranktin l)anx o: iV. J. Jermy City failed failed fuilcd failed failed failed i par no sale 110 sale nntioKen usgor. iiiazing i-o tloh.iken lersey City Bank Jersey Cilv Mechanics' Bonk Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris County Bank Morristowa Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freet, ld Mechaiiica' Bank Newark Mnchanica' and Manuf. Bk TrentorT Morris Canal and Ukg Co Jersey City Po-t Nona Newark Bkg St Ins Co Newark i .New Hope Del Bridge Co Lambertsville . J. Munufac and Bkg i'o Hoboken N J I'roti-cton ex Lomliard lk Jeraey City Orange Bank Orange , I'aierMin Bank Paterson People' Bank do, Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Balem State Bank Newark State Bank ' Kliialwiluown State Bank Camden State Bank of Morris Morriatown Slat Bank Trenton "ialem and Pbilad Manuf Co Salem Sussex Batik Newton Trenton Banking Co Trenton Union Bank Dover failed (ade.1 i failnl i par i par i failed failed i par i failed par pai par par par par par par par Washington Banking Co. Harkenaack DELAWARE. Ilk of Wilra it Brandywiiic Wilmington Bank of Delaware Wilmington Hunk, of Smyrna Smyrna Do hiaiieb Millord Farmera' Bk of Stale of Del Dovei Do branch Wilmingtou Do branch Georgetown ' Do branch Newcujil ' Union Bsnk Wilmington (TT Under 6s i liy On all banka maiked thua () ther sr ei, rtler counterfeit or altered note of th variou ds lominatinn. in cirriilalinn. Time and Distance Saved I SUNBURY FERH.Y. FlHE iiibsenber hiving leased tbe Sunbury M. Ferry, beg leave to inform the public, that they sr prepared lo convey Teams, Plesaurs Carriage and Fool passengers serosa the river with safety and without delay. They have pro videri themaelve with new and commodious crafts, which will alway b attended with abl and careful hands. . ,. Persons travelling to snd from and through Sunbury lo New Berlin. Lswisburg, Hartleton snd other places, will find it greatly te their ad vantage te cross al Ibis Ferry instead f lbs Bridge. they would sv from two lo foui miles iridistaac. '. v JOHN 8PKF.CE- LEWIS LENHART. Bunhsry, April I. 184a 1 i. - - a nnrxennT. ; BOOT MAKER, : .'NM6.-';i . South Povsth STr, Aava Cnaaif Nirs ' Jsa. I8T4. M , : j OURNAL. The , Grand Purgative roH tbb ovnn or neadache, Giddinnae, Messles. 811 Rheum, nneumaiHon, File, Dyspep la, Seuivv, . fmall Pox, Jaundice, Pains In lbs Bark. Lfearl Burn. Worms, Cholera Morbus, Cough, Qoinoey, Whooping Gough, Inward Weakness, Consumption, Fits, Pslpllallon of tha Heart, Mer Complaint. Kwlng In the Throat, Eriaiprlas, Deafnsss, Dropsy. Asthma, Itching of the Skin, rever of sll kinds. . Cold. Oom. Gr.,l. Female Complaint, Nervous Complaints. B a Taaistr o othm ntsassts aaisttra aosi tstroaiTits or ma atoon, Ann o. STaccTioas ia trs oaossa or di SSTIOW. Rxperlenre ha prnvtd that nearlv everv DIs ease originates from Impurities of th Blond or de rangements of th Digestive Organa ( and to secure Health, we must remove those ohi-tructions or re store th Blood to Its natural state. The aversion to taking medicine la most effe. - tually removed by Cuckvs' Vsoitsbls Pea etTtva Pitta, being tnmptetely enveloped with a coating nf pure white Sugar, (which ia as ilnlioct from the internal ingredients as nut shell fiom the kernel) aan aavx an tarrx or stsnicina, But are a easily swallowed as bite of candy. Moreover they neither nautente. or gripe in the eligh'est degree, hul operste equally on all 'he dis eased part of Ihe syetem, instead of confining rhmelves In, and rseking sny prticul.ir region. Thus, if tl e Liver be affected, one ingredient will operate on th ! particular organ, and, by cleansing it nf an Excess nf Bile restore il toilsnaturd state. Another will operate on the B ond, and remove all Impuiitiea in Its circulition; while n third will effectually expel whatever impurities may have been discharged into the stomach, and hence they are mi t thi root or aiaxt-i, re move sll Impure Humor from the body : op n the pores externally and internally J srpirat- all forc gn and obi oiious particles from the chyle, so that the blood may be thoroughly pure thus secu ring a fee and healthy action to the Heart Lungs and Livet and thereby ihey nxsTont rslth it vi wnxn itt OTnsa shuns aavx rit.r.n. The entire tru'h of the ibove ran he aaceitained by the trial of a aingle box ;-and their virtues ere an po'itive and certain in res' or ng Health, that the proprietor hint1 himself In return the money paid for them in all cases where they do not gi' universsl satis action. Retail Price, 2ft rfa. per Rox. . Princip.l office No. Bfl Ve.ey St., N. o. Koldhy JOHN Y'tUNG. etimhury, M. A. McCAY. Nnrthumbe.lsnd. $y nememlier Dr. O. V Cliekener ia the in ventor of the Sugar Coated Piils. anil that nnth pg of the aort wss ever beard of until he introduced them in June, 184-1. Purchasers should, th. reform, always ask for Cliekener' Sugar Coated Pills, and take no others, or they will be ma 'e the victims of a fraud. Sept. 18th, 1847. 1 eow SILENCE naxanrrt eoroH I Tax irxa ass im mi or., thi work or thi tux cuiiee or coTrstiMrTins hath- IV IT 1 SOOSMI or D41H. A RE YOU A MOTHER 1 Your darling child. xJ your idol and earthly jov, is now perhaps confined In her chamber by a dangerous cold In r pale rheeks, her tSIn shrunken tingera, tell ihe hold .di eaae haa already gained upttn he' the sound of her sepulchral cough pietcea your sou'. YOUNG MAN. when juat about In enter life, disease shed heart cru-hing blight over the for prospects of the future your hectic cough and fee hie limbs tell of your loa and hope, but you need not deapair. There ia a balm which will heal th; wounded lungs, it is SHERMAN'S AMs-II EALING IJAI.SAM. M s. ATTREE. the wife of Wm. II Aitree. Enq. waa given up by Dr. Sew:, II of Wa-bin ;ti n, D a. Roe and McClellan of I'hilad-li hia, Dr. Rue nd Dr. Mott of New York Her friend nil thought she must die. She hud everv nppearii ce of being in couu nipt ion, and waa ao pronounced by her physiii ins Sherman Balsam was given and it cured her. ;vir. UA kiia tnc A. I ni unit s reirv, was als.i cured of consnmp'ion by this B ilsam when all other remedies fa-led to give relief she was re duced 10 skelet in. Dr. A. C. Casile, D. ntiat. 2rtt Broadwsy, has wilnemed itseffi-cts in several ea-ca where no other medicine afToided relief but the Balaam operated like a charm. Dr. CT also witnesaej its wonderful effects in curing 4thtn. which it never fails of doing. Spitting llluo I, alar ming aa il inav be, ia effect ually cured by thia Pal. sam. It heata th ruptured or wounded blood veasels. and makes the lungs sound again. Rev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eighth avenue. w,ia cured of cough and catarrhal nfficlione I Sll year anding. "The Brat doae gave him m re re lief than all Ihe other medicine he had ever taken Dr. L. J. S-ala, 19 De'aticy strict, gave it to a st-l.-r-in-law who was laboring under con-umpi ion. nil to another sorrlv smct-d with the A-thma. In both casta its rffects were immedia e, soon re toring th- m to eomf .rrah'e health. Mrs. LUt llE I I WELLS. 93 Cliri.lie slieet. -utT. rul from Asthma 42 yvara.- Sherm n'e Hal. sam relievml her at once, and she is eompnral v.-ly will, being embled lo subdue every at i ark ty iimely use nf thia medicine. Thia indeed is the great remidv f-r t7"Ug' s. Colds, Spitting Wood, Liver Complaint, and sll t-e all rtmna nf the thmal, and even A-fi'i a and t'nnump ion. Price 28 cents and t per botil-, Dr Sherman' I -ough and Worm Lozenges, and Poor Man's Plaster sold as shove Dr. Sherman's ffir i- at tng Nasssu st N. Y Agents, JOHN YOUNG. Himhurv. M A.M CAY, Norlbumbeiland September 1 till. 1847. ly Vcselablc I'lilverwal lill, TAc only known Medicine that at tht some time purge purifia and tlrengthent the tyltia. Loxno.v. July 7, ltfi. DR LE ROY'rt Pills are a new medirine whiih hss just appeared, and ia fist taking he placea nf all other nf the snn e class. Thene pills are composed of many ingr-dient. but the two principal onea are Sarespanll and Wild Cher ry, so united that Ihey act together; the on--, through its admixture with other .uh-taweis. pu rifying and purging, while the other is irenlhe .. ing th system. Thus those pdla are al the sam lime tonic end opening; a ded-rliun long and eagerly aought for by medical men, hul never be fore discovered. In ether word' ihev do tbe Work of two medicii.es. and do it much better thin any two wo know ofj for thev remove nothing fr m ihesysiem but th impurities; so that while they purge Ihey trenglheni nd henc Ihev cause no debilitation, nd sre followed by no re-acii n. Dr. Le Roy's pill have a wonderful influence on the Mood ; Ihey not only purifv without weakening il, but they remove all ij"ii..us psrticles from the chyle beibie it is convened into flu d. and thua maka im pur blood an utter impos-ibiliiy, Aa there ia no (lehiliiation, o Uiei i no nausea or sicklies st tending tbe operation of Ihi most sicelb nt of me. dieinea, which never -train or torture the dig-e tiv funrtiona, but caa-e them iq wrk in per feclly natural manner; snd henc peraon taking thin do noi becom pale and emaciated, hut Ihe contrary ; for while it is the properly of ih eiaraa pardls, united ' il is wilh other Ingredients, remove sll lbt i foreign and impure, il is equally iha prounv of the Wild Cherry to raisin all thai i natural and sound and hence" robust stsi uf heal i h w th certain rssuh of their unitaa opar. tions. (ry Price gS cenU p BQX. f Agenu lot L Roy' Pills, John . younuJ8""'. . . ' M. A, McCAY, Nerthumberl'd. Aogusl lt, 1847. ly , . LL person indsbted la Ik subscriber, by k sol or book account, ar hereby notified to tall and settl lb sanaj without dslav. in order to sav cost. IRA T- CLEMENT. Buabnry, April 1818- ' ' - DR. SWEETSER'S IP (23 ZSB X a THIS Medicln Is warranted, nn oath, hot to contain s particle of Calomel, Curoaive Sub limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or sny delete- rone minerals. The principle upon which this Medicine lets, la bv ssaisling snd harmonising with natural ii drive out sll foul scrimnniou humor from the blood and body, and by assimilating with and strengthening the gastric juice nf the stomach, il assists diges'ion i In short there is not vein arte ry, muscle or nerve in .h human body, that is noi strengthened by th PANACEA, and il also possesses the remarkable property of removing mercury from the hone and joint. . FOR ERUPTION8 OF THE SKIN, Scurvy, fctcothii'ie Affections, Tumors, Hirofuls or Kings' Evi , White Swellinga, Ery.ipel. Ulcer. Cancers. Running Mores, Scabs and Bile, lime ami a determined perseverance in D . SWEET SER'S PANACEA, will effect a cure. FOR INDIGESTION. Reii-etinn nf food, Nu vs. Vomitings, Nervous af t'l'Cliivn. Billion complaint, Head ad e, Pa'en- ss. or Female Ir-egularHies. Dr. BWEETREII'S PA NACEA will soon effect eur : but if obstinate. or attended with griping, living pains, the dose should be increased, and thp cure will soon be ef fected. Lei not the patients frg'itcn ihemai Ivea wiih the idea that they are too we..k to lake much medicine; but bear in mind ibat thia mi'illy oim-s-ling med cine put not w. akne-s into the frame, hut mutt certainly drawa weakn- a- nut, le ives srrengih in its place, and by giving composed s'eep at nig t. and an apietiretn relish anv food, re-animaies the whole frame wi h vigorous nc'ion, clearing the mind and improving the sight. SCROFULA AND GLANDULAR AFFEC TIONS. , Scrofula is :iid to be heridit.iry. ih" tnfint re ceiving from in parents ihe seeds nf this diaeas . which ii ereaa.s with its veins, if neulecied and not snhmit'ed lo frequent pnrifie lion with Dr, 8WF.E TSF.R'S PANACEA. The glands are pin eed in the corners of the body, ard nut of the way of direct communication j their real u-e i- a -iilijeci on which much differ i ce of opinion previils; ii snffi.-es us to kmw th.it when in a d'ai nard rale, ihey are cipa'.le of being i-nr-fied and rle -naed by long cnur-e of Dr. is WEE TiSER'S PANA CEA, which rearore thi m to sound and pr..p. r action, ticroful ua persons ran nevei pm too much attention io their blood, its pnr fi. nii.m shmi d be their firo thought, for afii r a loru course -f per-e-veranre, they will ever curt bereditiry dtaeae. In cases of JALSniCE ASTHMA. LIVER COMPHINTS. 7 in DOl.OKEVX RHEU MATISM OR RHEUMATIC GOVT, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be inn high ly extolled -, it reaiches out the vi-y root nf the disi-xae, snd 'y r moving it from the Blood makes cure eeitain nd penninem. F"r diae-isi-a of the Badflrr and K'tliietn Stric ture. Gravel Stone. Pi leu. Fistula. Uiinaru Oh iiruclinnt and Extreme Cmtivenesi Dr. S VV E ET. SEII'S I'ANCEA is the best reimdy ever trel; it removes sll tho-e scrimnniou humo s from the Blood which give rise lo the above il.cen.-e. and by keeping the blood in a pure conjilion, innurts health. For DROPSY, FXLLING cr-riir. IIOWELS Impur lien nf the JAW. Mercurial Tuint Wnilt netiofthc Spine Fluwof Htimllotlic Heml G'd d ue, Sisi'ig and Buzzing iVo in ihe Held nnd Emu. Dr. rWEETSER'8 PANACEA will give cert iiti relief; in all seve e ai d chroti c cane. the pstienla cannot be loo oft- n reminder! Ill il jr- jfer dimet .mil pti entrance will iff-cl a cu e. . I . Chillnand Fever, Ii limit -Vrei-a. Affect nn " the F.yet ond Earl. Spongy and Hired. mr Gu nit Brnnch-titanilrcce.nl Caught and C'.rv, Dr SWEEISEK'S PANACEA will be f und perfectly sure and cert.iiu in it elicit. OR VEL AND URINARY COMPLAIN I s. Tho-e enmp'ain's are genemllv utiemleil wi h the most fital i ntim quel. cea. a"d ire, eldom or ne. vei i u nl by the pica i.t r.i ul. of t: e.it.i i ni ; i'i y ii-iiil y ncrninpsny Ihe piiient t the ur ivc, 1 1 -r nlVeriiig the mnft rxcrui iating pain and tonure. The canai- nf r hi complain a Bre the a.ime a a l I Ihers ihe dio.-s id the blood t e. inn s rii. rui'i'.l on j the finrsl nirrnw passages, wlici.ee ar s - niorhid oriet onsni,il -toppai;. s ol ii'ine. .u will nnd the in 'St p werful d un tie of no ue. a Ihev oidv acrimoniou humors and incruatatinn. DISEASES or tsk LUNGS-CONSUMPTION Thi ia a very prevalent ami latal di-ea-e ; il re sul'a iiio-tly fr. m neglected rough, culda and br-m-chili., alao from imoinper treatineni in mn.y it er ca-es, such us measles, fevers ii-flvmin ni ns nnd nisi pox. snd a hn-l of ether I adly treated dtaeirea; where the cauw, instead of hsvmg been thorough, y removed from the blood snd h.iily, have 01.lv Uen pslliateil or removed from one put to breik nut in another. By divesting y uur boi'iea ol all foul hu mors, through the meilium nf Dr. et VV'EETsER S PAN ACEA. the Cure is al once rendered c. rlain and permanent. R collect, while there is ncrim uinus humors floating in the ri cu aiinn, it 1- a apt to enleon the lung a sny of er part oft! e body ibis ia the reason th it consumption is so prevalen'. BILES, SORES AND ULCER. 1111-11 v-'U etn- on hip ri eri ir. conie noni anil hsve Iheir sour,, in. the i.ile.i..,. and might j..- a well have letibil on vmii lungs. Iter, or any othe pail, wbtch we know, hey fr ;,y .I, p,n uce rn.i-t violent ilifl.iiiimal,,rv d onder. Th i'i.:il. .1... , humor which o. ciloi.s theae sores Is uf a hig'ily icrimoni .n burning mlipe We knnv it from the pain il gie in tor ing, and aft, r var.ls iia ra. ptilly u cera'ing and corr. d.ng ihe (l-h and ki'. of ihe pa t wheie it hnaka out Th a ehowa the reeea-ity of fiequentlv pm ifviug ire l.l.iod w in )i. SWEETSEIt'S PANACEA, and keeping such J msltgnnnt humors in su .j. c.ion Should vu h.v. s lido or ulcer, be ihu.kfai th it ni'U has Ink. 11 'rouble lo warn you of the danger, youi life and bo ly is in, fir it 1 a warning t' at H e blood i foul. Hud 1 ho- s.me acrimony a-t-ced ihe lung in t.id ,-f the surface of ynui body for us sea, consump tion of ihe lungs wou d hav lieen ibe'cniisequeii. e. D lay tint tl en, in purity and cleanse with Dr Sweitrrr'a Panacea. SI'INE DISEASE Spiiul affeciiona, . nlarg- ineul of the 1m es and joints, white swellings, hip joint complaint, iup uie, falln g of the bowels mid worn - disei-e. will fin I a siieedy nure in Dr. Sll'EETEK'S PA NACEA. Wheie the disease l a-been of I ng i.indiiig, the lime required lo make a rure will I e longer ; I ut the patient may rest assured that a de:ermiued perseverance will effect it, BRONCHITIS. ASTHM. in DISEASE OF THE WINBPIPK. These ili,-eei proceed from tbe serioaity or corrupt hunuirs of ihe blood, having s t ied iuelf nn he throat and lungs, snd i-lo..ed them up, ao that ihev cannot draw auffiVicni air in for rrspiratuv Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will give ;.,,! ii.uid rri.t-,. iiu 11. man i.ir ruir periQc Hm .r ism, 11 snoiiki n ronnnuen soil It,,,, (Mil, to tree tti syitem ul sll bid Lucira, RHEUMATISM. RlKIJTIt GOUT AND MEKCVR'Al. DISEASES Find safe nnd aprody eur in Dr. SWEET SER'S PANACEA. U eures l.y searching every Id, nn! vfs and artery, end driving out l inipu 'lie '.nd toul humor acrumulated therein, which a I'.i reus nf rh umlis, g -ut and swelling nl ih Joints, The de'eterous enVls of calomel and rher mineral poiaena, nadily y Id lo its .nvereigu influence 1 indeed, whan il v.l ialds properties be come fully known, th us of all Doner I p .ion will he enneigned lo ih lomb of all tha Capnleis,' anil only b Iheughl of ss a by-gon eu-Mn, ..f (he dar ker agM. Dr. Hweetser' Panacea i also a surr cur for dyspepala, pile, ontiviirs, yrtigo, bsd ach. palu in Ih brsart and liter oomplitnl. SSB FEVER AND AGUE. " Fever I always caused bv a disorderly move- mnt of th bbxtd. tiruggHoe lofiee itself bf siw- thing thai encumbers ii ; In fad, vry kiud of fe ver i nothing mor than a struggle between tbe bloud and corrupt humors, and aa soon ss the e n- im-r. aae the quantity nf urine and do not pu tfv . i , " ' , 0,"",.",,. " ""l nnf T" nd sivensttv th ,.art. Bv punfving the I I... ,. '1,2 "1 V ""'"i"' wilh Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, vnu re I " I ?, 1' T . f ''umiesa I 1 the 111.1t lend, r move the caue ,, iha.li..- ncq..r, can ! ,, le , " "' h"' . 1 r o- 1 mnn suite-lug ; t- e mo- plea nl nnd benivn m ia not exiat anv longer, afti r snficu-nt p-nai-enn e I ,, . , 1 'VnM ... -. tl. .1... .....1 .t... ., ..... ... .... .r ,. "." "', ' 'b t e er ..If r. .1 tn th.- word: an I 1. UR unp una uriiiivi;.. 11111 ni.'uu null until Ol all ' rnrt humors are expelled, you hav no more fever When patient wilh fever submits lo be bled, or hsve his blond poisoned with mercury, il wesken his frame tn such a degree that if he survives the prnre, it alw ays leaves him subject ti distressing c'iKIs, when 9 limes nut of 10 he resort lo ague pills powders, oi tonic mixtures; thi 1 going from bad to worse, a theae vegetable pills, powders, Ac, sr n.'tning but mercury anil qtimtne in disguise, which may for lime drive Ihe disease so fsr into ihe body aa n n io be perceptible, but very oon i will break nut again wilh fearful violence To cure due and fever, ihe cause nf the disease must be re moved nut nf the blood and bodv. which can be of. w Af.ry. u hT Dr- WEE TSER'8 PA NAl.LA. which purine., Clesne snd strengthens. It co..t..ma nothing that can pna.ihl injur, and it use is alwaya safeguard against chills and fever. pmTes. In stt Casi nr Puns, Dr. (SWEETSER'S PANACEA will eff.ct a verypre,y cm " ,'t moves from the blood, stomach and bnwala rR those foul acrid burning humors, which ar' ih. cauan nf Tib and Costivene, and by strengthen ing Ihe digestive organs, improves every part nf the nttre bodv. FL.TULENOY AND WIND. Thee diseases ae cau ed by the -lomach and bowels being choked up with vicld shiny mailer, be air hi- h enter lb m c innnt Cipe unil fnrcej hy some cnntrai tiiin of the a omnch to expel ii hei ee 'he cause of piin. A few doses ,f Dr SWEETSER'S PANACEA will convince the siiffeier that rel-ef is at lined CUE VP MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Parenta will fi d ihe PAN ACE a v.ln'h'o nv'.'i.iiie fit tbe-r child. en, keep-ng their bndieain a hi nl hy c tuti'i .n, thereby s-aisting their g o v h children or g-own peisons. after taking it, arc nut I a' le io be attacked with an epidemic a before aa it alwavs leav-s the blood in a pure Condition, and be niire sy-tem in a Mreugthened atate; jt drives ut a 1 Mode of we.kuras from Ihe body and leaves .11 heal hy wit'. in, M VRUIED LADIES v usiiiin nr. nnt,i?t,na ACE A a nie.li. c ne purely ad ipted to their use. Most ladies do: r ng the peri d gf pregnancy are affiictcd with pi1,-.. Dr. SCweetser's Panacea, by regulming ihe bowel -ill entirely ohvia'e lhi. and its purifying pmpr-r' tie i n ihe Mood and fluids, in-ures to them heal thy off pring. No one who i a mother shoul I Im without it, and thos- who ore nursing will find it of g rut Inn. fit to the health of their infanta. F.'i burrenne-s mid all iliaeae nf wmiih. it is with. '1)1 a rival in (he entire hintiuy and t-.iiMlouuf of medicines; by it extraordinary strsnglhenina power, it aliiuiilati'i and sir. I'gthens tiw irnmli, u weakness ..f which is the cnii-e ol failure lo have offspring. NEKVOU8 DISEASES. Under thia he d mav be cla;ed Palpitation of the Heart, TV Dolors mix or Faei ache. Neuralgia. Iml.ges i.in.Toiilhache, M'e'anchnlt , Hvstkrics.aiul in Inct, ev. rv d aea-n c.iu-n J hy ihe ah irp, l.jting. acrimonious liu nora irritstmtt Ihe nerve j H,n nerves receive the morbid nnf teS-ioii from the to. inach, or rather lr-m tin- blood through the aaein-v -fire t iich and dige tiv.- organa, nnd Hlth uaii nt'ier pirn ol' the holy afe app renily th -p.,t of he di-. aap, alii1 ii U cniMed hy the m -ri.td iinpa--i .n conveyed from I e blood bv 'he nerve tn that pa t. I. w ,l..sns nl Dr. SU EE I'sRii'S NAt'EA il aoou nsure the pdtieut th. t he l.ai ill., cure iihii po-s.vs'o", ERYslPEL ", nn ST, ANTHONY'S FIRE. 'Thi ia an infl.mtrtHiorv ili-o dcr, nlw yaat end d with m r- or bss pain It procinla' from iho 'til. iicrimniooiis humors lodged in ihe blond nn I flu d-. eillj. g . n ihe I in s nnd face, eanait, PI. Heme pun and levers; all appli. arinns on the -nr- ! f,, e w"'" Unn '"i". tbey only I nd t,. throw I eilisea-eri .nine nl her nart. nnd K,.. iai.8-- de th. Bleeding .a likewise ini n-. r. me the ill ea.' ou .1 u I gi 1 m ..f ihe cua,-; ,,n- ly oi in iie t . gel th.-f.nil hum t 0.11 ..f v nrld I. and von will he we. I in a day. Dr. sVKE'C ME l'8 PANCE. a ihirou:h nunfl r of lh j hi. 10', will s B'ch 1 111 iveiy impnriiv in ihe mn'o remote p ria i. ihe h.alv and exp I it throngti the m d u.n nf-thc l o cU. Tlieic i. r.ot a vein, ui,. jrv. innseV -r ..rem , f ih- entir." framen-.i' k of man, lhat Dr. S, tser's Pa-iace, doe no' im prove. 1 .1 nke it wh 11 vnu re well is to keep we I ; Mid when sick to le dime well. Pit SWEETSEl S M.Y.1C.,.heinicnrn. posed i.i.ly ill a v, geialde. mailer or medical nerba. al th- ram lime the mos- 1 en, I m in me., I,i j heiootofai y c rnp'a 11 . however d.ep. and nf j perf.-rm ni a c r -. I . Puce f I ier I.- Ill,-, or six bol l f..r f.y f, I -ale, who1 -ale nnd r.-rail. ai he rnrn-i ..f t:tl.Rl.KS u d I'Kt ri' Sinpi. lUhimor-. ml ..lo l.y GEORGE BlillWIT. lVov. 6 1S47. .y Sunbury its ii .s 1p k a 1 if vti liutnt. Scalds, and all kinds nf Inflamed Snrrs (Utrcd. ! ravjOnMEY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, ia j 1. the mo-tcomp'ee Bum Amid. iteever known. stan ly, (and as if by Magic) stops pains of the iii.im neeraie mini- nn l Pc dil--. f or old S ir-'s, U.11 se. Cut, Sprains, Ac., on man or banal, it ia' 'he bear .l callftn thai ran be made. Th-uainds have ir.ed and Iho lan.J pr ie it Ii ia the in tl pi if. CI master ..f pain ver dmcoiered. All who ,1 - "r r.vrrv lain. iv an-.ui.l .he i.rmi. I 1 1 aj , , ,- . I fZui neeil it " '" 'me f the ! n . 1 1. . ., j h.,,0 l.VZl ' . . . -.. ... - ini uir guiint lail-'l. I o imiNtp Una la l.tri?irw I Bo tmen. Liv. rv Men. Firrne s. and all whou.c I Horse-, will find this O ntm.'Ml ih,- v.-ry t-c-t ih.nt j I'i. v tin u-e fin Colla O Ha. S. rati lie," Kicks. .Vc. 1 Ar.. on th ir animals. Surely everv merciful man I oukl ke.-p hi - in im.ila aa frre fioin pain ss posai j bte- Touey'. Universal I iiiliniit i. all Ihii is re 1 nniril t'ru if - I , rEs a, rN-8E,.m F, ha , fc I 1 . ,- , . . H . t 1 ,m linn I va le I Hundred h .ve tried it an I found it g.voj. 1 n.r.n i.i. iir.iJ ! r or me riles, I nusey U niveisal Om meut is one nf ihe best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it fot the Piles recommend ir. OLD SORES CURED. For old nbaiinata Sons, ihe e is noihiug equil to Tousey'a Oint ment. A per.iui in Man. ink had, for s number of veara.a soie leg thai 1-athVI the skill of the doctors. Tnuaey ' Ointm- nt w .a rec -mim-nded hy one of he vi-umg phyaicta.'S, (who knew 't-g'est virtue,) and mo lanes pr -duced m ne benefit thin the p, item had received from any drj nil pieVpiua ica). dies. Lei all try it. Ui:if. 1 AND KC. LD,i CURED. Tboiis.a.1. or c .si'ai.f Burn, a-ld Scalja. in all pans of Ihe coun ry.hive le' tUnd by Tottsey's l'ni..ral Mnimein. r,iflcM enough could b had to fill the w',.. ( (hia ,1,,,, VP'rUENT BRUISES CURED. Tei rooni Is . n lu.ninoiiial-. in lavnr ef Tousey's O.ntraent ror eunnj Ibui-e. hn la-n elf red lbs prortiie I os. Ilunbe ls in Syracu-e w ll reiliry tails gres,t meiii n rei sin i- pain ) lfcu most vem4JruU All per. ms should try it. KOALO HEAD CURED. 8 re of ,.- of eVlj M, bay.- Iivn cured by Tou sj ' Oint meut. Trv il .11 . I ivo fit's, 8A'T RHKIIM CURED. Of s i th remedies vr iliNCnyerrd f. r ih'-a mol dlnsreea' le coniplaint, T"Use ' I'n ver-hl (linlinent is the mom omp)ie, Ii ner wa. kn wn t fail. OHAPPI- D HANDS CAN BE CURED. TouM-y' Universal Oinlmenl will a'wavs cure the iwi caw of Chpp-d Hand, Scores of urrsons will s ii this , SOUK LIPS CURED For Ihs eursf of Sere L"p Ihrre waa 11. ver auvihing made Squal-o Tou sey's Oiulmenl. U i aura lo euro Ihem. Try it. It i seien' trie eomponnd. warranted noi In con tain any p.en, ration of Mennrv. rrt- Piic IS cent per box. ' Fur further particulars eu reriiini ihi raly valg.LI Ointment, th puhlie e i.fei red lo Pamphlets, to he h,J t,t,i nf n-gpec'sliU D uggisl and Vart hsnta lhraill.hll.ll iK, ItllltMii Slate. Prepared by ELLIOT A. TOl?SEV. n,.'.. Syracuse. For sals hy . JOHN YOUNO, Sunbury, M. A. McCAY, Northuuibsilsnd; i. lih. I8I7- ty ow V j-,. -ti