Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 09, 1848, Image 3

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Latest JVcws.
.The Steamship Washington, arnved at
New York on lha 6th inst. The potatoe rot
is making sad havoc in many parts of Ireland.
Whole fields are literally blackened over,
with decayed vines.
There was a small rise in grain, and if the
weather should continue unfavorable, there
will be a further advance in price.
In France some further plots have been
developed. Led rue Rollin and others havu
been charged in being concerned, in the in
surrections of June lasf.
Irish Letters. Within the last three or
four weeks, says the New York Herald, ma
ny instances have been shown us whore let
ters from the interior of Ireland, directed for
persons in this city, have been opened, and
in some oases extracts clipped, as if scissors,
from them. These referred to coming from
Ireland, are to the humble classesof the Irish
servants and laborers, who are at a loss to
account for the procedure.
Hon. Horace: Mann, of Mass., lins written
n letter declining to take sides for either
candidate for President. He also slates that
he will not be n candidate for re-election.
Just Like Them. The "women are tee
totally opposed to slavery, yet they are con
tinually making slaves of the men.
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 18-18
Whkat Prime whito SI 18 a 1 20;
good red is worth SI 12 a SI 15; ordinary
new $1 06 a $1 10. "
Rye Penna. is worth about 70 a 71c per
Corn Sales of yellow Southern and Penna.
at C5c a 66c, weight.
Oats Are selling at 30c. 33c. for Southern
35c. for Penn.
Wuiskev Sales in Ibis ut 24e, in hhd
gJJ.'. I- in. iimiii i. m
1'ItK'l'i. CIMIHENT.
directed week!) hy Henry Manner
Wh.t. ' 1 1 '
Hit, , -16
Von. 6i(
Oath. . I3
Hutteb, - J2J
Hun, -8
I'ii an. - &
FLSI'tttll, ... . IJ5
Ttr.r.nw, " 10
I1ikkw, 55
Ft., . - 8
Htm Fist. . 10
I'hihi Arrtn. 75
Do. I'KAcdm, - 15(1
BY DR. A. M. MAL'RirEAt',
Sixth Kdiii m. l"ino. pp. a'lfl. Pri"e ?t
Copies (old In Three Months !
Ynti of autr.'rmfr, nf physical ant mc-ntnl anguish to
many oh nlTectiniinie wife, nnd pecuniary cliificiilii'rs to the
Imsbuii'l, might have been spared by a timely possession ol
his work.
It is iiiti'n-led rn.nrijlly f T the nnrri.-il. ortli ciiitinn
plminfc nnrriag. a it riisci is.-s iuifr -it.-uit scrreis which
sh mid he known to them particularly.
Trtily, knowledge in pownr. It ii hcuMi, lnppiiK-M, afflu
enre. The revelnli.iiw ent-jined in its pugca have priveda
lilenKinR to th 'inlands, nt the iitnumerubJe trt crs received
bv the nuth r Will altvst.
Here, n!s , every t'sniuh: the wii'e, die m Ulier, the one
either budding into womnnho-id or the one lit Hie diiilinc of
yean in whom uaiure contemplate an impir:a:it ehtiti-e
crin discover the causes, sympt ms, and the nvst ellieient
remedies, and nvtat eertuiii in sin oi cure, in every com
plaint to which tier sea in subject.
Coptea will be sent nmil free of postage lathe pur
chuaer. Over ten thousand c ipies hare been sent by mail within
three months, with pertect safety and certainty.
On the receipt of One D 'liar, the "Married Woman's
Private Medical Companion" will be sent (maimed fiier)
t nnv pftrt ot' the United States. All letters must be post
paid (except th'tsc containing a remittance) and addressed
t'r. A.M Manriieau, B-x New-York City. Pub
lic inn Office, ISn. I.ilierty-at., New York.
The "Mariicd Woman's Private Me.lical Companion" is
eil-.l hy ho ks.die'a throughout the United States.
June 3, 1(4H.
IXale of Catharine Iloiiriio, ttrc'il.
"jMOTICE i hereby civpn. that letti-rs rd il
il niinlra i u have hevn grsnUMl In fv aiiliseit.
! r, on I'm state of C tharine Uotir. I tetfJu
loir-, iW'il. AH je nsiti''e Inl losa i! e.iat . ..r
Ik inlrms igaiimt 'he pmr, ie ti qnrstril to
ca I o fie i t! r 'wr ft i I-m n.
Sm.hury, August SS IMS fit -
To the Elector! af Narthomberland County.
AT the solicitation of a number of tny friends
I offer myself as Volunteer C. ndidate for
the office of '
of Northumberland County Should I he elected.
I pledge myself laithfully to perform the duties
o aaid office MAMl'F.L AVID(iK.
Augusta township. August fl, 18 IS
( tirvtp w.t 11 es & jcwixni.
No. 106 CIIEitNLT Street, Philadelphia,
Opposite the Franklin llj.ise,
IMPORTERS of Gold and Silver Patent I.e.
ver Watches, rnd Manufacturers of Jewelry
A noot! assortment always on hand. Gold Pa
tent Ce.vei, 13 jewels $38 : Kilver do $18 lo
$20; GoW Lepines. $30; r-ilver do. (IS to 13:
CI -vita r. l ime Pieces, Gold Pencils, $125.
iiiwai(i Diamond Pointed Gold Pens, $1.6(1!;
Gold Kraeelelcand Breast Pins, in era t variety;
Ear Rna ; Muiiature Cases; Guard Chains,
12 to tii; lated 'I'ea e-ets. Castors, 1 ake
(Baaketa. Candlesticks. Britannia Ware. Fine vn
ry Handled 't able ( uilery, and 1 general assort
ment of Fancy G -ods.
ifllHrE.'ltltJ -f SILVER.
J. & W h WARD. No. 10K OHENU St .
Philadelphia, .opposite Ihe Franklin House,
Manufacturers i( all kiuOa of Silver Spoons.
Fork, Tea wets. 3L!le. 4e All woik made
ty us i (tamped wth.our -name, and warranted
lo be made of purely American -cats).
Philadelphia, August 18. .18484 mo.
rPH AT kvreat Kationl,iOld Faorie.anafiie--I
me ttmedy!!1 f E1-CHTF.KK Y"AR6'
TAKPJKC-sllauiafprache4 in onder
lu aucceM.erlauity, and aaf -y, in tb cutyr
fXJ" If you would etapt rintral
ua)owaejfokla 4k guX m bottle tv-wn (lit V '
4ha ia a gxuiriltd by ' ri'fMS tignafure
of lha arig'uul AJiviitorad 4rpfit , Jon a R
Kowatui, on a pupa label, erouing th muulh
,Ufi tnrU. . . . . - 1
Thiendy has nee teen ial4w4 p by
UU nd deeei ful puifs. but lai won Ma way to
the tanbime and univt-'til ado lion of lb ia.
habitant pf Fv ko Asi a DiSTawrs B V IT8
which H theatfeela, a,d every fattan vha have
Uted it, tr-eM leatiSy.
143 Arch Street Philadelphia.
Acuta for 8uobury fra T. Cler.aat, J. W.
Frilinc. H. Msser and Gea Bright.
icisti for Koilkumber land po'vth. Wil.
s.n iCn . R M. M'ClV
jj'Ut t, IBI't-eo v
' SALE. -
IN pnrsusnre of an nriler of the Otphans' '.' I
of NnriKuml-etlatii) count, will be t 'M a put
lir ermine ot outcry, on MontUf the d Hay e.f
October. A D. 184-t. On Ida premises l win
4 Certain Tract of Iand
Situated in Vnt Aoenste lotsliahlp, In saiil
r-tiniy. adHninR linja of Pl.lHp Hilf, P.ler
O'ar.ioif BenJ min Kattermart and other-. Von
ta'niff about One Hundre.a Acrct morn nr.
Whi reon ate erected ,n Hon e and Lot B.irn
Aa Trrei aUo. in eice'lenl Orchard, and a
oon.l Opting of W a'er on lli al Ov premiaea.
t.ata Ihe ct.ile of Iaae Vaitaick'e rter'il. Sale I
conin ence at 11 t''clo lt, A. M. f -aid dtit wlien
(he I tin of .!' will be msile kiion by
JOHN H t;t;HAW OUT, A.lm'r.
By ntder of lha Court.
Au uit 8fl, 1H43-U
inittn my hi .
INFORMS the citizen, of Northumberland
county, that he will hereafter regularly at
tend the courts of laid county and wil promptly
.tfend to any busineia entrusted to hia rare. He
may be consulted it the Hotel of Peter Lazarus
iiiinnu I'onrt.
Sutibtny, July 59th, 1818
3 "CP S m Q? 8 3
1nt-nt Air-Tight
fpilE almve Stove, which ia equally well adapted to Wood
J. or C- al, has received silver medals at the luirn of the
American Institute, New York : of the Mechanics' Insti
m a .a .
tute, IJostoil ; of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia ; and
of the Mechanics' Institute, Wilmington, Delaware.
It is cutablc, if propcrlv used, of d ing in rc wotk, with
less fuel; than any other tt ve yet offered t.i tho public : in
winter it will warm the largest kitchen, while in summer,
with the summer dress attached, it throws out no mire
heat than a chare -al furnace; and forh iling, broiling, ba
king, or roasting, it cannot be surpassed by any other tU'jve,
open fire, or brick oven.
UkUUjH At li.A DA TlUi S.
CctiTirtcATE or tukJi-poes or tub Msch imcs' Insti
tute, Hoston.
We. the subscriber, beiiur ch aen Judges by tho Mama-
chusetts Chalit'iblc Mechanics' Ass eiall II ill l) tl, on
stoves, furmces, ranges, 4c. w uld inf rm-the pnhlic, that
after testing oil the cooking stoves that were put into the
Fair for exhibition, and lulling each mnn manage his own
stove with the same kind of c. ml, in order t i ascertain
whi'.th would dt the same work with the least fuel' in the
nme time, and k it best, we find that Stewart's Patent
Summer and Winter Air-Tight Cooking Si ive. muuRfactur
cd bv the pntentce.of Troy, . Y., to be the best, as It t vk
but i:j minutes to boil two gallons of water nnd bake biscuit
in the a-ime time, and broil beef steak, and all d tie in the
best manner with seven pounds of enal, in thirty minutes
from the time the fire was put into the stove. To which
wc awarded the silver medal.
JAMES PAGE, .lutH-.Ks.
The subscribers respectfully invito the attention of coiin-
trv dealers, to one of the largest and best selected slock "f
st 'wee, ever offered in this city, among which are the fol
lowing :
Screen Cylpr.ders.
Oven Stoves
Wa-hington Air Tight Cooks,
Vulcan (In do
F.nrekas do do
l.rgi Oven do do
Albany do do
Willis do do
McCJregnr Mammoth do
I'retniiims Cook S over
National Air-Tight Cooks.
I'ai tor Stoves.
I00 I.niiia Air Ttebt Parlor Stoves.
ISO Char es the 1st At'-Tight do
SOU Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor.
130 WWiineton Air-Tteht do
.100 McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tiuht
Coal Stoves, burning three days without atlen-
ioii -
For ea!e wholesale and retail by North, llarri-
son & Co. No 3li0 Mark-t street, Philadelphia.
I'll ludclphiu. July ISlti, 1S18
I'.qiillaUle I-llc liiNiiraiiro, Annuity
uikI Trusl ('iitipaiiv.
Capital Si'iO.O'S). C'iiahteu Peiipetcal
'IIIE C mpany ore now prepared ti transact bunines
I nn'nthem st liberal nnfl ndvontnire ats terms. Thev
areouth rized by their charter (sect. :t) "to make all nnd
every mguranr-e apoertninnig V lite ris(s oi w'liaiever Kinl
or nature, anrl t rt;eeive and execute trusts, make endow
meats, and t grant nnd purchase annuities." The Com
pany sell 9unuities und eiidowmenta, and act as Trustees
for min ts and heirs.
Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of g 100" for
the whole term of Life.
Age. Prem. Age. Prcm. Age. Prem,
1(1 1 50 3t 'J Co 4(1 3 :
17 1 Kl 34 S 15 47 31(1
18 1 60 Xt S 40 43 3 U4
If, Ifp . 34 4 47 ' 49 3 77
4J 1 B0 33 4 33 50 3 o4
41 1 8:1 36 4 40 51 4 13
44 1 6i 37 2 47 54 4 34
43 1 Ofl W 4 54 53 4 51
41 1 74 9ii H) 54 4 71
2 1 76 40 4 70 65 4 ol
46 185 41 4 81 M 8 14
27 1 Sf 44 3 at! 67 S 33
4-4 1 o4 43 3 01 - .';8 S 54
So 1 98 44 3 14 5g 5 7f
30 S 04 45 3 43 00 6 03
The premiums are less than any other cmpaity, and Ihe
poliuiea all' rd greater advantages. Tublea of lujr-ycarly
nnd quarterly preniiuuis, hulf credit rates ot' preniSu, short
terms, joint lives, surviv rshins and endowments: also.
fnii of Applicati n (f ir which there are fuaiik sheets') are
to he lutd mi applicati n at the otfice, or by letter to the
Agent, J. 11. PLHUV, Suubury.
Rates roa ikjukino ?HH) 011 a single Life.
I go. For 1 year. For 7 years.
I 40 81 al
! 30 00 1,30
40 1.4o 1,61
I 60 1,66 4,0T
i So 3,8 3.97
For Life.
Kxamflc A pers-m nged 30 years next birth day, by
payinir the Company 09 ceuia would secure to his family
or heirs ftliH) should he die in one year; or f"r Sn.ort he se
cures t' them siMOnO; or for 013 annually for seven years
he secures to them SltiOO sh-mld he die in seven years; or
f r 4t,10 paid annually during life he secures alOOO to he
paid wh-11 he dies. The insurer securing his own bonus,
hy the diderence in am mnt of preniiuuis fran Ih-tse clmrped
hv other oirices. l'or stg,50 the heirs would receive 9500U
sh-niUI he die in one year.
r'ornu of applicatiou and nil luirtieulars mav ba had ut
the onice. J. vv. CLAOHOKN, President.
TKEisuaea Vatxcis W. Rtwu.
II. G. Tuckeit, Secretary.
Consi-ltino PiiYttcuK tr. J. B. Masser, Sanburv.
J. H. Pukdt, Sunliury, Agent for Northumberland uoun
Bunuury, July B, iBts
4aeorge IteetVN I'.Male,
TILL be eiposed to pub ic sale, on Ptid -y
the Iftth -ay 01 S"pt' miter nest, on ih
oreniuia in .lacks n towrthip Nnrihiimliril ml
Counly, the lolhiw:r;g valuable rial istite, viz:
A tract or Land,
containing 83 acres, ni ne , r less, ai!.iii ii g lands
t Micl acl Frist, Peter Kiehl and Jo n Ke. Irr,
Ule the estaie ol Geo, lit cd, E-q.. dee'd. The i n.
prnv. m n a r.n.siat tf two Log Ho se and a
I -xi I well at the do r, a swiss h .rn, and ilao, a
Siw Mill. Th ia i a'so on ihe riremitis. a good
iL'li i-d containing diR'eronl kii'd "f Irui'.
ALSO at the .a ne lime and place, a t'sct of
of a ljoiiiint lands. of S.muil Mai irk.
r . Jo ii. dec, cou a mug aventy-ai, a.'-es, auJ
running onln Jarob'a Mountain. About ihirtv
actfs faiid land cm l' cleared and cultivate.!,
and is well limhtiiad with eicellenl pn, cbeanut
Ac. The terms and coiulili 01a will he ma 'tin wn
on tie .l.y of a! by PETE It HEED, Ei'r
Jackson town-hip, July B. te
E2 9
1 red and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, and
Fane. Goods, and Manufacturer of Jew.
elr and Ktl.ei Ware, 122 Chcanui street, Phda
deljdwa; have received by late arrivals a latge and
handsiviBie a'o. k of English and rrench W.lchea,
and MarMe, P.ueelam and Fancy Clocks.
PlateiHTrna. Castora Cke Uasketa. High and
Lhamb-rtnudleaiicki Soup Ladle. t,kooa and
F"k. Ala a aaaortment ol Uii aunia
Ware a''d Fina Cull- r.
Thrir stock of JEWELRY ia large aud of lha
mnei fi-h'onal.le km. I. and rhey are well supplied
ilh btlver 8Mvona. Forks. Muga, Napkin Kint".
Butter Kmeee. ite ., and t bnui m ,king soy dis
p'ay of pticea io (lie puldie printa, they are pie
narad In avll as low as iho.e who do, and Invite
pei sons wishing to purchaaa to csli.
Pl. ls l.tphU, J.ine I", H4 - n '
Wardrobe of Frtxhlotsulile
. J. W. & E. D. STOKES,
So. 194 Market Street. Firtt Clothing tturt be
low Sixth, . ' '
C?HERE they are constantly engaged in get
ting tip from the best French, tng is h and
mertran r oih. c'othing cut and mailt up in the
most superior and fa-hioaable sly e. t'ertons
who buy to sel , wil Hnd a large and esrcilent
stock it the 'owest city prices. C bthini made
up to order, in I superior style at the shortest
notice. '
N B Odd Fellows Rea'ia, I large assort
ment always on hand Orders from Lodge! and
individim 1 promptly attended to on the most rea
sonable termi. -
Philade phil, June 3, 1848 lr.
TYRANTS is well as Monnpoliei, must fall,
0 must prices That this is a fact can be
proved by calling it
No. 72 North 2d street, above Arch,
l! V)oMe nnd Ketail,
The stock consists in part of Gold and Silver
Levers ; I'Epines and Quart ier Watchel ; Jewel
ry of Ihe newest and most fashionable patterns.
' SILVER Sl'OGNi. c Particular attention
paid to these article, he quul tv ofwhuhia
No. 1 and workmunh'p ''7u. The establish
ment of LE Hl'R A Y has been well known FOfl
t'OVKTY SECOND Street, and
has maife a character which needs no puffing
SiWer TEASPOONS as low as $4,80 per sett
can be made fur less if wished
WATCH GLASSES Plain. 10 cts ; Patent,
IS; Lunette. 80 cts; olber articles in propor
tion. Hi-mtmbrr, you can titiy here below any pub
lished list of prices in lliis City or New York
Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and
warranted In give satisfaction
N 11 Old Gold and Silver bought for rah or
tak. n tn exchange at (don't forget the No TI)
North Second Street, above Arch. Philadelphia.
S-pt. U3. 1817 ly c May G, 1813
Xo. 104, 4 Iirslnut Street,
Between Third and Fourth Sts.
riHE Advertiser has constantly on hand and
J. manulacturing. every description ol HA I S
and CAPS, of the latest and most approved fash
ions, consisting of
In variety, among which is new arti
cle for Svfhiu und Summer wear.
ect, made according to Ihe Army am: avy re.
filiations and lor anperioity ol finish and mate
rial, have never been surpassed
For gentlemen, consisting of Finelloekay Moun
tain Beaver ami Gossamer Hats, (very light.)
Panamas, Leghorns. Fine Coboutgs, ect., ect.
Also fine Straw. Braid, and Hair Cloth 'aps;
Ladies Ruling Hats and Caps of entirely new
styles, in fact the largest assortment ever before
otTeed t.-the public ; being as low in price as
any Establishment in the country
Nu. 104, Cliinnut strerl. Iie'wem
T-iirdand Fourth strret
JuneQI, ISIS y
i 11. sMrnYr
rociict II00U iintl ?!iirti(fii 4' rii(e
J I as succeeded li IV SlSCY, at th? Oid Stand
,- 1 r t A CliKSXUT Street, I h.ladelphu
Pockit Books. Hankers' Cases and nrtloliosof
every description, I'oit Muimare, Ivory Tablets
Card Cases, Dressing Cases. Segar do . Wriltnj
do , Backgarninou Boaid' ex Chessmen, (iohl
Pens, Snyder's. Chapman's und Saunter's K.izor
strops; Kenny's Tally ho Razors, Rudgers'i
Wade & butcher's Jackson, Chinese and Egyp
tain Razors, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every
description, Bowie and Dirk Knives; also, a
large assortment of Fancy Stationery, al the
lowest rates.
Jobbing done with neatness and despatch.
Philadelphia, June 24, IStS 3m
n.WE REMOVED from 102 Market Street,
at their New Splendid and Immense Estab
lishment to be known as the
l ower Hall I'luthlii; Ilazaar,
Xo. 183 Market Street, between fifth If sixth,
The Proprietors feel a reluctance in promul
gating what in any way might appear like the
usual Bombastic exaggeration of some in ihe
trade, but will beg leave to quote the following
notice from one ot our city papers;
'One ol the greatest curiosities that our City
afford, to Ihe Strang r. is BENNETT & CO"
gteat flushing store, No. 182 Market street, be
tweeri Filth ttn-l sllh, whsTh has been styled
' Tower Hall." from Ihe peculiar finish of the
front. The building ta an immense one, coo
taming seven capacious rooms, all or" which are
slocked with every variety ol scat-unable gar
ments, arranged in the most perfect order and
regularity. The proprit tors take great pleasure
in showing their building and contents to the
citizens, particuUi ly strangers, and to those co
ming from the counti y we know of no p'ace
more worthy of a visit.
Philadelphia, May 27th, IS 13 3m.
A THoraasio Domus H.vto t
lint and rap .Tlaimlact m-ri-K,
SiulU East Corner if 44 jinit M.trbet Street,
Hut merit elitrij.
HAVE c ns'ant y on land n full and complete
as-ormi nt of H ATS, CPS, and KL'K-i
.Ms an eb caiit assorim nl of men-.' an I boys'
Leghorn, Panama, ami IMoi-haf lists All of
w ich bv aslvin. of $101)0 in r nt, will be a .1.1,
whole-ale a d rctai1, al ihe v. r b.west price-).
Couii'iy dealers wool ' d well lb cull, as by e
conoti.yarf l low lent, we ate eti ilde I to sell at
very low ratea.
June IO1I1, 1848 ty
JHST rereived, al the itore ol Huner Mil.
ssi. a choice sssorlment of DRV GOODS,
lirtitericn Liounrt. I'ulmttnf anil nlhtr L..U
kaall of w hich will be sold at the lowest prieei.
bunuury, June 3, IBJS.
wivkaxu Liqt'on OKii.tin.
A'o S93 Market Street, Betmu Eighth, Nurth tide
Keeps constantly on hand all kind of old Li
quor, vit : Superior old rye whiskeys-superior
Brandy, Gin, 4c Alto white brandy for preser
ving. Wild Cherry and Blackberry brandy.
Philadelphia, June 3, 18-18. ly . . '
And Dtaltrt i Paper, and Pafcr Mawfactu-
rerr juaienait.
No. 39 Commerce it.. PHILADELPHIA."
KEEP eoaataally-ott hand targe eseorf-
m a& "i-m ui printing ana omer paper Mews
paperi in tha country, can ba auppiiod at ail
tiroes, wil b paper of lay eise and quality, at
tha lowest prices. , l'
riiitdlrhii, T'tae IfTri. ,f-
THIS EstrSot ia put np In quart bottles. It ia aiil times
ebaaper, ploaaantor, and warranto! superior to aav
s ad. it cares diseases without vomitinf, porging, sicx
a ess, or debilitating th paliciit. and is particularly aAapled
Tlie great beauty and superiority of thin Sarsaparilla over
, other tamtdiaa ia, -whilst it eradicates disease,
tt invigorates the bxly. :
, . Consumptl n cured.
1 .Cleanse and Suengthen.'"
- Oonsamatim can ba cured.
Bronchitis, Consumption, l.iver C ini'laint, CoW, Coiiglia,
Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, 9 trenese in the
Cheal, Hectic Frosh, Night Swaata, DinV - .
cult and Profuse Expectoration,
and Pain in the Side,
- "4e., o., .
have and can be tared
Probably there nevor was a remedy that has beca so suc
cessful in desperate eases of consumption as this ; it clean
ses and strengthens the system, ami appears to heal the ul
cers on the luns, and patients gradnalry regain their usual
health and strength.
There is searcoly a djv passes but there are a number of
cases if consumption reported aa oured bv the use of Dr.
Townaen'a SaraaputiUa. The following 'was recently o
ceived: Dr. TowiND Dear Sir: For the last three years I
have beon arllictod with general debility," and nervous on
sumption of the last stage, and did not expect to ever gain
my health at all. After g-iinff through a course of mgiticine
under the care of arnie or the m 1st distinauislieU fegnlnr
phyeiciana and members of the lJ.rd of Health in New
York and elsewhere, and apomlitie; tho nnat of my earniiurs
111 attempting to retrain my health, and afte roadiug 111
a one paper of your Saneipnrilla 1 resilved to trv it. After
using six bittlcs 1 found it done me great good", and called
to see you at your office ; with your advice I kept on, end
do most heartily thank you for your advice. 1 persevere in
taking the Saraiparilla,"an:l have been able to attend to my
usual labors fir the last four months, audi hope bv the
blcssiinpi of O af and your Sarsaporilla to continue my
health. It helped me beyond the expectathms if all who
knew my case. CHARLIE QL'IMBY
Orange, Essex co. N. J., Aug. 9, 1347.
State of New Jersey, Essex county, ss Charles Quim
by being duly swum according to law, ou his oath aaith,
tint the f'.reg 'iiig statement is true according to the ben ot'
biskn iwledgaanil belief. CHARLES QU1MBY.
Sworn and subscribed to before me at Orange, the 2d
Aagust, 1M7. C'YRI.'S nAlliWlN.
Justice of the Peace.
spirn.o blood.
Read the following, and say that consumption is in incu
rable if yju can 1
New York, April '!, 1SI7.
Dr. Towssexd : 1 verily believe tliat yur Siranporilla
lias been the means, through Providence, ..f saving my life
1 several years had a bad c nigh. It became worse
nnd worse. Al last I raised largo quantities .if bln.d, had
night sweats and was greatly debilitated and reduced, and
did 11. t expect to live. 1 have only used y air ttirsniairnln
but a ah. rt litnc, and there li-.s a woaJeriitl change been
wr jW'Shl in me. I am inw al.'e to Wtlk all over the oity.
I raise 11 , bloat, and my c utgh has left ma. S'u can well
inucina that 1 am thaiikf-il f .r th.-se rean';s. Your obedi
cm aervnut. VM. ii t !SKLL. 0-j Catiiarlnc St.
LfiST 11 Kit SITl'CII.
The annexed certificate tella a simple ami story
of siifl'.-riug nnd relief. There me .it similar ca
ses in this city and Bro 'klyn. and vet there nra th 'Usaiuls
.1' parents let their children' die fir fear of h..'iii;)mnibume.
or t j auve a few ahiUmes.
Broiktyn, Sept. t.t, 117.
Dr. Tow.vesd : I Hike pleasure in staling, for the bene,
fit nf th -so whom it may c-ineern, that iny dailcht':;, two
vturs and six months old, was aiflieted wiih general de
bility and loss of speech. She was given up as past je-c-iverybvour
family physician j but f-irtunatelv I was re
c immendcd by a friend to try your Sarsapari'lla. licfre
having used one bottle she reeovcretl her spceeh and was
enabled to walk alone, to the oat-aiisiunetil of ail wtu were
actiiiaintcd with the circunuiLaiiccs. s-ae is now qui'.e well,
ana in much better hcilth than she lias been f r lb tnomhs
pas:. JOSKPII TAYLOH. 138 York s!., Brx.klyn.
TWO fJHIl.UhtN savi:d.
Yen.- few fnmilius indeed in fact we have 11 t heard of
one that used Dr. T .wnsend's Snrsaparilla in time. Iwt
any children the pa.t Sjinnier while tlnse that did 11 )t,
sickened auJ died. The c-ercifical ft we pobliah beliw is
oilHusive evidence ..f i s value, and is. inly an jtticr iuatailce
of its saving the lives of children :
Dr. Towxsend Hear Sir ! 1 h id livo children cured i f
your Strsatariila i-f tlie situuncr caiiolainl uod dvsi.-ntary':
tie v.iis 1 -nly IS inou:li old and tlu oiln r 3 ve-irs. Teev
were very much red ice.1, an -1 we :;ec:ej t'.i.-v w.mlJ die ;
they w.?rc t'iven up by tw) respec-.nMe physicians. When
the doctor informed lis that we mint I-hc them, werestl
ved to try y air Saraapuriiia wa had iicar.l sj much of, but
h-id little cjiafidence, ihere being s.i mu-h stutf udvervised
that is worthless; hut we are thankful that wc did, for it
undoubtedly saved the lives of bjlh. I write this thut oih
ersaiuy be induced to use it. Your?, respei-tlullv.
Mvrtle-aveuue, Brooklyn, Sept. 1.1, 1S47.
Dtt.TowNsKNo's SarsaP-vrilla is a s ivo.'c.ijiiniU itpectly
core for incipient c aisumption, and for the general prostra
tion of the system no matter whether-tlie result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, Linens or ac
cident. Nothing can he m re tirprisinr thffits Invig-. ratio- ef
fccis on the litimau fianio. I'ersons all weaknt-Fs and Us
situJe, from tnkine. it at once bee one r i!ui-; ond lull of
cnciiry iiud-ir i;s ial!'ietir-e. It;- e..a:i'era;.: th-;
oervei-'st-ic-s -f lh f.-inle fram, ivlii-j!; it tl c grc.t c.i-.uo
It wi!l 11 ii b-i ex-.-e--eJ , as, i;; e-;- f :: , ::ie:ite a r.a-
ture, 10 ol enr.-s pi.rf ..r.o.-1, b.u v-.; can
nns-.-re the mllicted tiiat hundreds . f cnaia have been remir-
leo l cs.
Towxtuxn : Mr w-fo etx:'.v distressed
weaVnesa and general debility, nnd auUVrbtg e-aitiuiialiv by
pei 1 and wi!h .lher diitienltiii. and h-ivin known cases
wli-re y ur medieina has cHVeted great cures: end s!s 1
hearing it rec anmended for such cases us ! have des.-rib.-d,
I or,;.oned a b -tile of your llxlraet of Sus;ipariila and fol
I oved Ihe directions you gave me. In a short period it
removed her c implaiuts and restored her to henlih. Being
preatiu! f r the ben.-fus she receive 1. 1 take pleasure in
thus acknowledging it, and reejnimending it 10 the public.
M. 1. M(")HE,
Albany, Aug. 17. Mt or. Grand & Lydia ats.
No fluid or medieina has ever bi-cn discovered which so
nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decinposinf,'
food and strengthening the organs of digestion es this pre
paration of Saranpurillu. It positively curua every aisu of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
nan IJ.-tinrtineiit, Allnnv, Mar 10, 1P15.
Dr. Townsend ."Sir : I have been atthcted for severul
yteira with dyspepsia in its worst f-Tnt, attended with a ur
ness of sf oinac-h. I ss of appetite, extreme heartburn, and n
great versi in to all kinds nf foid, and f ir weeks, (what 1
e -uld cat) 1 have been unable to retain but a small portion
on mv stomach. I tried the usual remedies, but they had
but li r t la or 110 effect in removing the complaint. 1 was in-dii'-e-1,
about two months since, to trv your l-;x:raet of Sar
vipnrilla, and I must iy with little' e uifidence ; but alter
lisinir nearly tw btlles, 1 found my uppetile rcalon-d ant)
tha hi-artlui'ril entirely reunved ; and I w-ml i earnraelv re.
commend the use of it to those who have lieen afflicted' as I
have been. Yours. 4c, W. VAN ZWDT.
Aeent for S.mburv JOHN W. VUIM.N".: Nor.
thumherland, MARY A. McCAY ; Dunvil.-, WAT. A.
Ml It H A Y CO.,
Apr, IBIS. ly
rtilla., Itesitllii, and lot(vlUts
ttall i:o;ul.
SfJ.MM I'. II A R 11 A NU K t KN T
HANGK of Hours, and two Trains Dailv
J each way, except Sundays.
On and after M'W.tay. May lt. two
trams will run each way, daily, between I'hila
and Porrsville v
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily except
Passes Reading at 10 43 A M
Leaves Ppttsville at 7 A. M. daily except
Sut'tlays. Passes R-adihg at 0 10 A M.
The ubove Line stops ut all way stations 011
theroad as formerly
I'll Train. I Joitto Train.
L-av- s Philadelphia al Leaves Pottsville at 2 k
SJ P M .daily except! P. M , daily except
Sundays I Sundays
Leave. Phranixville 3 4SiLeaveSch Haven, 2 37
3 Oil
" Purl Clinton. 3 no
" lieailin', 3 .1')
" Pottstovin. 4 ,'ff)
" l lireiiis ville, 3 00
rrives at Slate
Road. 3.30
" Kearlinii.
" Port Clin'on,
" Si'h. Haven
i rives at i olli-
6 10
a 2n
The afletnoon train
ill stnpnnly at the ab, IV
named stations Passengers for other points
must therefore take the v orning l ine
Depot in Philadelphia, corner of HroaH and
Vine Streets No Passengers can enter the Cais
unless -provided with Tickets.
NOTI' F.. Fifty pounds of baggage will be
allowed to rich passenger in th'-ee lines 1 and
passengers are expressly prohibited from taking
anything la baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at the risk of its owner. Xo
freight will be taken by these lines.
By order of Board of Managers
.. S. BRADFORD, Secretary
Mny 6 18-lS. tf .
Plrfoi'lal i:llllen or 1' An ll; lie's)
greut Work on lliu llclui'isiulluit
published or. or about the 1st of April, ISIS, hy
JOS. A SPEEL. No 8d Cherry at above 0ih,
his splendid I'Jmg edition of tha above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori.
ginal designs; 4 vols in 9, bound ia extra cloth
and library sheep
The publisher respectfully rails tha attenVrjn
of I he trade and tha public generally, to this
work being Ihe only illustrated edition published
ia Ihe Dotted Stetes--He trusts that the beauty
nf its embellishments, the strong. and substantial
manner ia which it is bound, in conjunction wiih
the know jtnnularify f lb work itself, will be
a sure ef einmenrlei ion lo pwblie ft "or v
JOS A tPEF.L.10 Chrnyat above 6th
J. A 8 has also lately published, a aew and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rarta Show.
suitable book for children, neatly don up in
extra cloth.
Fhiladelrhta, Arnl I, 111
GEORGE B. GREEN, Proprietor.
Windsor, Vermont. -
p, 1 $ a sovereign remedy tot DYSPEPSIA, In marry of en
X fonns, such as ,ain in the olomach, Heartburn, hubituai
Coativeness, Acid ftiimach, Hesslache, ljss of. Appetite,
Piles, Night Sweats, an' even C'tnsumpiion fDyspoptio
Phthisic.) and Asthma, or Phthisic attended with derange
ment of the Sfcrniach (or Dyspeptic Asthma,) Difficult
Breathing, which often results fr :o imperfcel digestion (or
Dyseplie SySuiceo,) is rojieved hy tVcre Bitters. In short,
their use has been proved in the relief of almost ell the
symptoms that proceed frmn a debilitated or atonic condi
tion of the Stomach ; alt-o in general debility orising from
age or from the effects of Fever, particularly Fever and
Ague. Females satlcting under any uterine derangement
arising from weakness, will find the "Oxyoixatbh Uit
ieus" an excellent remedy, and isX surpassed by any mcJI
cine in use.
The history of this medicine is peculiar. It has made its
way to public favor ajleiy by the force of its own intrinsic
moiits. - artificial means have been used to give it 110
t .riety and thrust it upon public attnnti-.n. It 1ms never
before even been advertised, but having first shown its re
timrkable citicacy if the family of the proprietor, and by
him aftervvaids administered to his alHtcted friends and ac
quaintances with a like result, its reputaii m gradually ex
tended until it is known in the m. distant parte of the
I'luon, aa a medicine of nnriralled virtues in Ihe cure of
Dyspepsia in all its different forms, and also for tlie cure of
Asthma or Phthisic. Its onlv herold and its only onlogv
has been the siory of its wonderful efficacv, as told from
mouth to mottlh or by letter from friend to friend. In eve
ry instance where thcxe Uuturs have been used, and the re
mcd"""1' knuwn 19 ProPr'ct'"', they ve proved a re-
Numerous certificates, attesting the singular efficacy of
the "Oxvgi.nated Bitikbs," are in the possession ot the
proprietor i many of them signed by poisons already widely
known to the public. ' '
,- GEO. B. GREEN', Proprietor.
V INDSOR, VI., Od her :i, liis. v
Tki f .illo Uij Cei lificutes have recr utly been
received t
YVasiiinoton, D. C, Jtine 10, 184(1.
Having made use of the "(Jxveenatcd Hitters" prepared
by Dr. Goo. U. Green, of Windsor , Vt. and from know
ledge obtained of their e.f.ciiey in other cane, wuchcartully
rec anmend them 1 1 the nnUlie. believing that they will fully
sustain the roe .mnienJati ;n of the pr .prier ir. We h pe
that this valuable reuiedv maybe si generally diffused
throughont tlie country that it may be accessible to all the
SAMUEL rnr-i-ps, . ,
W11.1.I AM I I'll M. i V- :t from ""
JaMVS F. 9'MMONrt. 1'. ft. Serrtt fr uti II. fstsnd.
J. 1'. MOIlLHEAl), j. S. Senator and f rmarly Govern
or ol Kentiicky
I.. 11. ARNOLD, Memoir .-r Congress airl formerlv Chi
vcrc. rof U.I.
W.M. WOf iDBRWGr., ' f. Hcnat'.r ami f mneriy Go
vern r of Mi 'i.uaa.
M. h. M Alt Ti N, I) :l -j it-j in Ciipfcs i fi ..;,i Wiac-msin
fr m Hon. II. D. 1'osihb, Member 01" C -njress from
Wasiii.Vi.tos. D. C. Jose 10, 1956.
Dear Sir, I have been a dyspeptic snfl- rcr 1 .r about ten
years, und have resi;te.ltt various niedi.'ine for relief
without success, until I made use of your "tlxvgoti'ited
HitUrs." 1 have useil aVmt tw 1 bottles, and fni luiysclf
restored to perfect health. The forms in whi th the dis
eare itnelf. in my ci-e, were, great. uciJlty of the
st Hiiach, I -ss of apptt:t' extreme tlatulcnee, severe' censti
pati n 1' the btwe.s. an t violent he-ulucae. Feeling desi
rous that a knowledge of your valuable reme-ly may roach
t'tiiers similarly atliicted. 'I la'ce great pleasure in record
ing tnv letim -ny t it curative power; 01 ij would alsi
retnnik. that while' on a visit nt home a short time since, I
adiiiituif crcd a part of a bottle to a number of my afflicled, wi!h great suci-hs. They are desirous that you
sh "iifl establish nu ogency at Pittsbun, or inform them
where the can be obtained. WiLh sn earnest de
sire for your prosperity an l happiness, I anbaeribe mvself,
truly your friend II. D. FOSTER.
Docl Geo. H. GurrN.Winda r, Vt.
Stld AVholtie'te and It. -tail hv Green 4: Fletcher, No.
ofiS'llth Sixth Street, Phil i.!:fhta.
As', nt f Sanhur- II. K M ASSilR.
Acr-ii-s for Mill 111 MAt 'KAY A 1IAAC.
April 15, le!S
Iii prosMlinc '.r.:.f Willi n rc?n-:l' f-r ttir lewliTit-iit
und curt'nf Ki vrn Attn Arh an) o?a-f t-.'.i -nn Ui'bohc.
uq fl;ol.'jy : ii-'iKlt;... ul iKH)ilrim in the tfnileu Kat':.
who sti.k-r ir .ni those B0Vcli'.a in thuir varied forma, are
c mii'tiieJ l-t e.;k relief fr. m othor s siiws than the iniino
diate j'rc:rij)ti t.s ol thu r-ular (hysiciaiv It tattomcft
thcrcf re on ..t.'-.-t o! liumujuiy, us well as i public iuiur
est, to bring bonne them a rrinedy prupnnvl ft tin inncii cx
perieiti;', uud which in :iy a!va a be rflifd upm aa kvk,
sui h it tin: true fhurnt.ier of the INDIA t:iKLAOOrl E,
is amply united l.y t!m uni uraal hitti3 with which it Iiili
betn mp,oyts1.
fy Kxlr'uct frtim n c.rtnmn:iicriti n of ihe Hon. Wu.
Ham Wd.iui.k:ui;k, nf the L. S. Senate, btc UtiVertitT t.f
Detroit, Oct. SI, 1S10.
Doctor Charles Ohoood,
lit-ar Sir, -I have riul with muf'b interest, vur litilff
tkaeati urnn the 'cnnt-i, treatment unci rnfe" ot lha
fcbrilt! tlisoaMf wlnc)i hav exttnsively provuilt'd in cur
country dunnr the hit l:w m n:hs an' int-'n td inTiFe.
nt d;'iit't, by ilie ftci tint 1 Irive indiviflunilv sunVred
murh fr in them. !'!...;. til 1 i-el mypgif very inc tnpetiiit
b judir? safely ujvju a t a.i euitrely pruf'Ki n tl, vrt
V'-ur Ihe .ry it!oim t - mt well rnts ine'l, and y uir c im:!u
vm jiit, aiul 1 think wiih iK Unit your pamphlet is ealc u
lii'til b pr Mluff nmh pneiifal $ k1.
Sperikmp of the niftlicin- hi? sayn It fully jutuified your
tlaittTitiK exiKt'tatl nu, on1 rg a bhIV. mnvfiii-.-nt, and p'jpu
I ir rtim.tly, mv mvn .rxperienco, fat, induces me to be
lieve that it will pr vc a prcat public hnxlit. 1 am pleased
t Inirn lint yu h.ivc recenily esuhiishetl svorul iiinu-ies
for i:diij ition ili 'U:h 1 reftet thai, viih a view w a
m re ei.rru( dihn, niiti;in'-in of it, y u huul have tounJ it
tiCT'-peKiry t'i remove frm your pre5:nt residence am nig ua.
With much rcupeei I ha c thf li ni r to be, sir,
"Mir oblijftnl aV-rvant,
ry Frnni H 'ii. STrPiiKN V. H. Taowi;Hinr.t.. ui Miflii-
i gun tUUe rAnwte. t the Aponl nt Prtrmt.
IflHUlNQlUM. t-AeVLAKD :., UC. VJ- IK I.
Sir V'1". wibli me to inf nu yHi what i kiu-w of )r.
O.pnl Indiri th l Mjcne, rr anU-bili-iim nKiticinc. I d
Ik-Iiuvb that if th virtiirt mid eiikii- of tlii nifdirinc Were
ff'-nerIiy known, the fKVKit and Aall wouUi disappear in
1 prorurial a b 'ttle in t!ie Fprinr of rA, nn.1 have g nxl
re'ifni 1 1 belifve tint nty wlf nnd family cy:i;jed the ague
bst season in u.use'jueiuae of ua use.
I'erh'ips in u suiiiuier sluec the setttemmit of this fine
peuinut:t, his the iVvt tuii Ji'.nii 1-nmi si prevalent as the
lust. 1 hiv rt -m niVi th's medicine in nuuiernis iu-staiii'-'S,
and wl;in lha dirfl had heroine lixed and batflftl
the skill of physicians; aitd 1 h ive nevr known it full. I
hng nuiversitily pr .:d.u;ed th' in 't h ippy effe 'is, and I bet
lieve it hrn nuver liirn exfeHI by any medicine iu remo
ving the bill us diseases of the climate.
Your, reHtuvli' illv.
Ar-ntf-i n:iS:irv If. H. M ASKfl ; North imherUuiJ,
AVlTlllNGTO.Sf Cn ; Milt m, J. li. RASL'li; Soliaa.
giove, MAY A kLcilSii.
May li, IMS u".
A Hi "lory ut lilP Uevluliou uud I.iTr of th
llrru? of tlie Mar of Indrprudruce.
An elegant cOlumc with IS "fine SirclJ3la!cx
and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings.
"Tint it a njeudid Iviok. A riilu-b! additi- n ta lite
Hist tic Literature ni'uur cuntrv. VVu are luuch iitifttn
km ii'ii n t take rnitk wiib tho worVy ni Jrvinj itiul
rrt-wtMi.1' t'n;nKi.rd Heralri.
Jt Kiit piisBca uuy kjttuiUr wnk yet oA'cred to the Ameri
can public." eu.' Oazene.
"It nwy tw properly e-nMered ft popularUcd Military
Hillary ;f the Kevoluti n, tiircniciy well and judiciou
wri,c.." N. AiucficiaU.
The prftwiit work on the Revolution and id Heroes, is
super. r, both in extent and design U tny thst has hereto
t'Lrecme under our notice." Inq.
A well txumocied Histof y of thut sveutful periodsLed
gcr. 'Decidodiy the hen popular History ofths war of the
Revluti 'u sud its Hir t, that Jias yet been given to the
country." Saturday Evniina Post.
IF AGL'iS WANTED c-mivsm for the sbove c!e
fruut Work, in every County mud Tuwn iu the L'nitnd
mtatea, to wluin the most liberal iuduuemenu will be oflcr
ed. Price only VJ.
Addretu (pott-pukl) WJ A. I.KaRY.
No. 158 N .nh SKfOND St.
Philadelphia, My 20, 18l8-3rn
THE CHEAP, Comb and Variety
No 91 North Thirtt. hrh,w Rat SI. and tith
E.tsl Conner if Third ond Market ttrtd, . ..
WHERE they ofier lor sa general assort
nient of all kinds of Bruabes, Combs anil
varieties whirb thejr are detetnitned 16 sell
Lower tbsn ean be purchased sewbere. .
Country Mereharrts snd others farebasinn in
tbe above tine evil fiml it to Ihslr arlvanlage to
rail before purchasing e'sewhere as fba quality
and prices will be fuKy (uarsntct ajjainst a I
compeMion. ; '
I'aiM.'rllia, rtne S, llil ly
ms?4 2
Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism. Olatfnat" f.'utiineon"
Eruptions, Pimplca or Pestules Oil the face, Blotche,
Hiles, Chronic S're Eyes, Ring Vorm or Titter,
Scald Head. Enlargement and Pein of the
Hones B113 i oints, Stublwm Ulcers, SvpM
litic Symptoms, Sciatica or. I.nmbngo,
diseases from on injudi
cious uao of Metcury, Drop
ay, Exposure or Irnprtt
deuce in life) ejao,
Chronic Consti
tiui inal Dis
orders. Ill this medicine severs, innocent but verv tlotelit nrticies
Of the vegetable kingdr.m are united, forming a compomid
entirely different in its characler end propem'r from any
other preparation, and unrivalled in its operati. n on the
system when laboring under disease. It sle.uld b in the
hands of every pers-m, wh 1, by business, or pcueml course
of lire, is prciiisp sed to the verv manv nillments that ten
der life a curse, uistcad of a blessing, aiid so 01'lc.i rctailt 111
FOR sciiorn.A.
nr. Drake's Panacea is recommended as a certain remedy.
. ( ne instance or its failure hss ever occurred when free
ly used ! It cures the disease and at the same time impaits
vigor to the whole system. S:r .ful. 11s pers am can never
psy to-) much attention to the state of their blo-id. Its pu
riGcntion should bo their first aim ; for perseverance will
accomplish a cure of even ufxsditaxt disease.
Scurvy, Sc rbutie AfTcctinS, Tum:rs, V!iite Swellini',
Lrysipclas, Ll-tors, Cancers. Rnnniog S.n- Scabs and
lilies, Dr. Drake's Kaiuc..-n cann.-t be tjo highly extolled ;
n searches out tho very rogt ur tho d:seaie, and pe.-muuem.
!VO tnelieiue porhaos has ever T .h-i. ,!ise ,rl tet.ld,
fI'?.rVl!n."'?!!vt.Utri" ;mi,.n!l R;1 ' OJU5-" ,I" ""'' '
11 ai .a a tn:a. thy gas.ric juice ti dc- ni- ae tl-e t'o d as TV i
Drnkc's Pan?cca " I
Dr. Brii-i's p.umca is usi-d with tha greatea in
Rheumatic C mipiain'.S; Ci:-tcia".vai;cliosclir nic. It cart-i
by driving mu a I itnpuriiict and f .ul ha-iunrs whi-ih have '
an-ittnubierl in the s stern, which are the ecuse sf Rheu- !
nuitism, C .ut.!i-Uai.'.ftlic.':,ir.-.a. Oilier reme:ies I
s imatimcs give teinirary relief i Jin? emirelv eradicstijs I
the dcaw ir om the system, even when the limbs audbcnc-i !
...u.uuuy.wuueu. :
CoxscMrnnx ran cured. 0-1:3!.., Catanh, Prrn-
chilis. S-.iitiMtr .if HI uut A-oiim 1 n . l.-
Kct ;rati.u, lfectic I'liilh, Night's.viaiis, Pain in the stie
.Vc havo beuncurod, and can be with as much ceaaiutv as
any other diseasa. A specific has I-nig been s ugh! ft r,'t-Jt
ut vain until tho discovery of Dr. Dniku's Panacea. It is
.....m u.m u.o iu.u ill lis operation,
ond ciiin .1 possibly injure the most delicate c uititutt- n.
We would earnestly rce mmend th sc efliietcd 13 rive it a
trial and we believe they will not have cccasi ;n to n-gr-t j
it. Tho system is cleansed and strengthened, the nic.-rs . ii
the lungs ore healed, nd the patier.'ti gradual;) ice-am tlu-ir I
usual hcQllh and strength. Rwd tU li-Uiwiu :
VuihA , P.-e. li.K 1317.
Pear Sir In reply tn jvnr i;uctu:-r rwic-iiug the u;e
cl )r. -Drake's f'anncca, I will w, Umt although a nericrt
disbeliever in the exut-moo oi a a:.acka, or cure lor all
diiews, lu.wevp. valuable it m w be in c-jrtain e iulili.n.s
ot the system, still i hive boltsvcd that a cure ku C )usiimp
ticn wouUl be disc 'Verod sot.'iicr or btf.r, und cuuwaity led
me to try y-jur me-Jicine in f,v vry inveterate cases.
They were pronounced by the alteiidi. phv' ma t be
Pt'LMONAhv consumption, and aba-jJ-meU bv them as in
cvbabt.k. One of ihe persuafl kid been unor Xr.a treat
ment of m-veral v-rv able praiti una foi a number of
years, and they naid she hod "-Ji fuahi ned Consumntion
c .mbmc wiih Scr Jiula," nn.l that kJ.u mirTht linger for a me
nme, oui coum n i ne pernunrn;;y rea.vea. in ty.'tlicas.'S i
the e:Fii rf the Panacea ha been m st graiininir. Only
("VT or live bottles were used hy one of tKc perssns KM'ori !
wiu uiijHii iu:pruu rapigiy. i :n omer l.olt ob lit ten.
I will nly add that as I am wi.h eonsumpli ai I v
inheritance and by extensive ob:rva;i n as a studv, and
knowing uls the injurious cfl'eeis in nine cases out of ten
' Pviiiv ft the ovritV-fiiri'ifiiiinH sflit ( I ti m,VI ),
rec m m ended the use of Pmk"'a f'anaccn if J had int been I
! acmiaitited with hr insrfdicn?'. S-ifii -e t 1 1 s iv tlr-it tl;ere t
r.w nim ti led by our m..i?l r- rn'. ir J a:-:-:,')Sf.v r !i-i-
ri in, und in tiieir present coirjT..,c;l !t:itc, l"rn j r-'bal;y
the bt-st al:erativ tlmt has ever t '?.n mr.e. Tlir cure it
in ncirdinifo u'ith q O.e-iry ol'('.,;1v:r,:i,,iin broached a few yeirs a, by one of hr riiopt eminent wn 1
tjrs uiediciii, miJirV(-'.i:ii!i.i;!int bv lu.U which ad- :
mil of no dilute. ;
Very RccctaiUy Wvm, L- C. GL'XN.
To ii -e U. h:pxacc "f nito:hT, (-)r. Dniric'tj Panacea in
always snitf ary in its ofi'wt nevrr inimi us. It is n t a? '
Opiate it is not and Kxpectorant. It is not intended to hill '
liie itivuli l into a fatal Riruriiy. U is a great remedy a !
trran.1 he iUnn and rurative C'liipmmd, the jrait and unlv j
remedy which mclicul wen-'e and skill h:is vet j rHlueid
for the treatmeist of Ihic hiihert uiuMnmircd nmlady. Al I
u prrm atltifi'Hl wah tliu ilread dieaMi, will bo just to i
hims. f nnd his friend, il he u . d -wn i t ihe grave with ut '
leMinjr its virtues, a ninyle b tl!e. in m si cafes, will r
duet? a fiiv."rnl'le change in tho condition of nnv patient,
h nvover 1jw.'' I
to Tin: i..pirs j
Ijiiiit-x of i,lc c iii.l,:ii -n an l nnsu -npiivr- h.-itiita. nn 1
sut li a arc dul-llluU-d by Ih ubslnieti in which Icliinl'-s
nm iiudic li, art- rest or1 liy tlic unc ol a b i!e ur tw i. to .
lil.mnivii.or I) i. hv r,.p ill.. llu..i .....,.ul., li- i 1
tor weakly children, ami s;mh as hntn buil hnm-irs ; beinu
lilMiamii, limy take it. It iiuuiedialnly iMt. ret tlicui.peiite,
sir.M.ptli nnd color.
Nolhiny ran be more aiirpriainp than its invur irating ei'-
fiiMa mi ihe Imman rraiua. l'ers. ms. all weiiknrss and uis.
simile briore tnkiiia it, at unco hrcenm r bns and mil 01'
erwrery uiid.-r its inrlueii.'. Il iinmi-diule cjuiitcracls the
lierveli-ssiioiia of the femule fninio.
. rAI TlON.-Ho cnreiul aint mi that y-m get Ihe -reim-
inn l)r l)n..i. p. i... .1... .:.;,..." ..
liie ur. urask's I'AMrev-it li:is Ihe s.riMturc n liEo. I
Stobiis on the wrapper ani also Ihe lunic "Ilk. 1kaki:'s
Pansce, l'uu.." l.lowu in thejtlisa.
Prepared oirl) bv SroaKs Cj.. Drugi'ists, No.tfl North
Sixth St., Philadelphia.
Airent Punbitrv H. M SSKR.
iidalB.i by Wi. A. Muhihi A Co .Piiiiville ll.Smnr
K, Mill. in; Mauk McCoy, .NorUminlivrlHiidi K. P.
April 1, t;'l?!y
FIRE AND Tlllt:r. PROOF I'lll'STS,
mu-rnool dooiis for UAMtri and stoki-:;
Seal nnd Leltt'r-Cojjyitijt I'r.'i-', Patent
fc-latB-Linod Kefiifialois, Wattrr Fil
ter, Patent Portable WaU-r Clo
sets, intondi'd lor thu Sifk
nnd Inlinn.
70 Swtfh Thirl Street,
niTosiTU the rinLAbr.i.i'iiiA i:xciiancu
Muuiuiurc mid Wuep inniit utt
will rtk.aL tut) liiij Mi anv
:-ar:-rf Ituil-iinii. T.!J "iilsidc Vbi i 1
llienc iiicn are mude (if t iltr ir ui, the i:M'le casct-f s mf
t"iii?. sii brtwfeti the outer v.i: :ir.d mnfr (? is s BMte
ul tiMf three inches tliiik. mui U ti licit in with itiu.;'ut
tuii nuiti-riul. s i us to ui ltc it an run ii'tluv t-i Ihjtu auv
(it the coiiti'iiia iu..dt: 1. 1 thi. Cllt-t. Thes-j S iipni .ne Sa-
lainstiilcia wo nra prrp-'irfd anl it . rl:.-t!ciie the w-Tll to
produce any article in ibo ajurio ul" BojIc Sues thut w i.i
suiiid su iiuko haul, and a h Mi imrsutrrs rtaly at a.!
tiniest.! have them I'ujrly tested by uhlie bnrire. V
alanc-ntinue to nianuh.ct.ire a tore: and ecneral ass-n-
nient of our Premium Air-tigU Fire PreM Sale, cl which
Uierc are over now ui um, aiul in every itmuncfl thev
have piven entiie autisiuctnu l the urchaau-rsot wnuh
wo will refer the nubho U a few e.mtlemun whi have
them in u.
Huywkid & Pnviler. PvHtavillet Joseph 0. Lawtou
P-msville ; Mr. Wul.sra Carr, Doyletiowu, Pa.
N. A- O. Tavlir, I2g north 3.1 at ; A Wright k Nephew
Vine st. wharf; Alexander Caror, Conveyancer, corner "
Filhert and gih su.: John M. Ford, 'JZ nirlh 3d st i Mvera
Bush, 20 U Tth ad James M. Paul, 101 s u:h tib si.;
Dr. David Jayne, 8 soa.U M St.; Maihew T. Mia'er. K
eiuth Hd at.; and we eould name sne hundreda of othcra
tl it were necessary. N.w we uivika the attention ot" the
publii and particularly th-iee in want of Fire Prxi 8al'r,
to anil at our store before fjttrehatinf elsewhere, and wo
eaii ntisi'y them they will eet a benerand cheaper article
at our store than at anv other establishment in th. city.
We also manufacture tha ordinary Fire Proof Chests, at
at very lw pries, cheaper Uian tiiey ein be beughi at any
other store in Philadelphia.
riiilaoeh.ihia, April I. late-ty
i.i i ' ' s- SS"
Cieorge J. WtihVer. ,
Ao. Ill Water Streti a-d Noi II Nu-th Whantx
WW A eonetenily on hini. a general aani-
I neot of Oitae, Seine Tvinee, die., it
lar M Kopee, rishlng Ropaa. While Rupee, Manil
la Ropes, 'Pose I'inee for. Uenal Boats. Also, s
complete aaaortment nf Brine Twmee, aVe. surb as
Hemp 81. ad and Herrtng Twine, Baal Patent 4s(ll
Net Twine. Cotton Shad ant) Heerioa 1'wiee, Hkoe
Three.le. ekr. eVo. Also, Beal Corile, Plough Linear,
H altera. Traces, Cotton end Linen Carpet Ohains,
Ac. all of which ke will dispee of oh rntsoaable
rW'sJ!pM. J.neJV, ..--ly
a "
fi mtr1') ,h-u"i-1,;'' vitt'ir with i A THUL'SAN I) N AM KS,
t'J lii?f ''. "r -"n, '",''?," l" "j "!!v.rIl eal:.u,:.ii.l.-r . , ,,r ,.,-,,. 1;, .ii-trw.-iiu ..-, ol' c -nij.Unt.
5r fli'SE iffE rI,m!,,mVr"f d ,iht 11 IV" thisnniok-Oaol mmmliatnlv, iin-1 tlic p U-uk mineral
Indian Vt'tvclalilc VilU, .
Thie rneditlne is cotnpoundal on general principle,
the pnre,' anadulteratcd betle of the Indian. Although
there are many mcdiciue cled by the same nsu, ererj
one ia aware that there is a very great difference among
them. Thoea-erf theni that are called "Indian," have stolen
the name from oa, who wort tha Srrt to introduce prepa
red Indian medicine to tire American pu'.Jii-. Of Cvjrse a
similarity of name d jes not create 1 tiimiaiity tu the char
acter of the medicine, .
Wright'l Indian Vegetable Tills are (Lsiiffuished Lt
their perfect adaptation W the hulnaa b si)" In thou vyj.
stlon, they do exactly what nature docs, aw) il.thing more.
They have a or-roLO actio, upon the lungs, skin, kid
neys and bowels. Hence their peculiar power over disease.
By promoting perspiration, they break op Coins Cototn ,
riHaejiATir CoMPLAijcT, Pair jsi nir. Dace, CrontA,
CctastoM tet-rrmsa, Pixrirs. Hloiciu;s, Fxkcelm,
Ektsijelas, ae. '
The action ol' the Pills on the kidnevs la sod. . 1,. ,n.t-.
I thtm a valuable lithontriaiic. 1 r.oesv, Caavax, and:F-
j f.r.t CoMMArtTs, atislng from olructio,,, ,t ccrtaiu
I peri are speedily removed hy their use.
j AfreeExrECToJtATtoxfromthelungslsexeltcdby the'
use of Wright's Indian Vegetal-la Pills,, Uius removing
Pulnnmrj- C--mpb hiss, ru.-h as Asthmi, Btioxcnit ts,
j Soreness Axn Ti.;mxi:. s or the Br.rtAsT, Coughs, Sore
jtnronr, c.
By.thcir acti out the Prir-.cit and tlowrM, the Pills
cure PvsrErsiA, Li ei Coxi-LAtr, PALr;tAT:ox or thk, FHT1I.ENC7, ronTtvEvrst, Fevehs of el kinds,
Pleurisy, Headache. Oidd;ties, Djsentcry, Piles, srfl all
disorders of tho intestines.
Tiken in t;nall tl .cs, Vriah:' Indian Vegetable Pills
become an ALTrHT-.Ttvn medicine, of ttreit reari-hiug ef
ficacy, for the cure 01 Port's of nil kinds, Tetter, Trvoits,
jAtMDKE. LoWNEor.riniT,Ni'8i;.otA, RAn, Pais.
tN the Botes, Ac. . ,
Tlieso Piils also tharwghly hrcals up Intlvt:;!, in
which complaint Ihcy arc extremely valuable.
Ia,t.:ot; Co'irtAtvr. tht sy Pills exercise a complete
master)-. Hence Fevei axd Ar.CE is speedily cured b? the
use t.f them, In the Western and S uihern Suites, whord
this disease mostly prcvtiiis. tlu sc Pills go like on Avalanche
While they are cheaper than the fever b:kI arue rcmediui
in gonerril, Wrighfa Indian Vegetable Piiis hove beer!
pr nunccd superior to all of them. Indeed, it would ap.
pear that if there is t ne complaint over which these Tills
have ni re power than an ither, it is Fkvsr and Ague.
For doitroying and ex.-cllinx VoltM?, no Vermifuge is
" 'i-1 t;'c Pi:i Vlth ,u;h wc have riot taken pains to
nrikthis fact public, the merit of the medicine itself has
; acquired f t it en cx-e.:sive reputation and sale for the rn-
J m -val of OBM3 Ad.niaistered to adulls or children, the
. effect of the PioS is equally radical and decisive. All who
JuiTcr from Worst shciilj bv all means, use Wright's Ii,-
d;i-, Veee-si-t. 7ir-.
V . . ...
in l-1-!! n one cii o a;mc 111 L.n uw of ilos medicine,
1'hey ar? natural to t!-.s b.dv as fo.dis. A trial will
cnvitice the skeptic:
that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
I lar i"01 L-cing
c;mmc:i '-; nostrum," nro decidedly
the mfst valuable ir.j.'.ioino eve: cTcrcd to Ihe public.
I Ii.'V4'a'C Of Stlg .tr Coated ('Otllltei'-
t- Jt
I stu.i.
P.ctiienbcr tint the criginfcl and only genuine Indian
Veeable Pil'a hove the w
eE-au 1 1 " c l "
' rn toptaoel ol each Vt
tten signature of Wm. Wright
W riff h IN latUan V?jrcltillc iMII.i.
Hi'iiry Miiss-r. ;iribinv.
V. v'i I. Kiuli'.ii.ii, Aiun.'ti tr.';i.
lo'.ui H. Vine i.t, t'niili j.i.ij ie.
IC A lli-IU-Irrsf Ktv-1 11 ;!.
Sumiirl Hi-ili,'.li' Mai. ni ),
William U''pi n. J.irk o.
In l.n.l .it ,1 lisyr-.. M , I'. a-, n ; itl .
'ii'i.'rii l?i'iitiri cV Itroijio-, Mill. n.
T. iyihe. U'iSon C.., Nniliniirit-nrUii I
-l.ifil- U. r.l, Pot'r T'..r...
(S. V:S.mI'. R.r.h.ii'o.
W. ok K F'. i Iv. mmit - n,
Hi.oi'ri fc t-'ii'T.. i l,-rsi..iu.
Ml T. U. 5 1'. 'I'i.l'-:i:si lllil
ili utirvilie Hii!hur, l.'j er M.i'. i -v.
I. tin O. .U.
K. I. I'i-1", l -in . n.
V --it (.. ,tf . i iht iiri!.-e c i. er-t roi, I r. e
li li .- ,. ! !.ii..:. I I-.3. ,t S, !.-!!). I v
207 Main street, Euyuio, X. Y.
Vigrtiible Lilhontrijtic Jlixtnrc
rpiIIS (iili-brae.1 rf-nii-ily is cii!--tr;;'Jy in-;rcaiin; its lame
J. by Ihe nuiiy cures it'is m:iWii:g
i 11 " l tc mr ""'i' "'ilicina for fauiiiy u, laid ia
! J--Ml"i'' rtr-jiiimerslnl f r
DKt 'PiY:
: nil stices . f this c- m'-lui'ii iir.uii'tliMte'y relieve.l, iu nwlter
oi'hw l-'ih,' aiauliir. S.-c pii'minhlei fir uitno n
I ...i ..n n. ..... .-.. . .- . .v.
K conipl.iinu it slm.,1 al- nc ; li'i oilier artii-k- enu relisve
J ?,;." '. th" " tertificUt.. wrUe uivin.r Ore most ,k,p.
I t""i I"1'1! Ih,t- l.iver 0 miiihilnr. Hllllius U.euce
w.-e imiiii lilt-t. I.ii-i-r l' .nii-.lHfnr. hilli ous Uiseuce,
I tl. hK it AG l b.
To the Gr.?ut Wct c.-n.-cinLy. nnd wlicrcvcr these ci.ia
' piai.i'.s pri vull llii. iiiolii lni- ii'i'll.Te.l.
i in l-:teii -us l- nij nuiil l li port i-l' litis lilixMm, It
j cures ihu-u ilisiMsr-s u ith i-.-riuiiiK- niul n-k-rit), an-1 docs
1 int kaiv Hi..- s.ii.-m t .r;n.l. !- Viiin- hict.
' a c.-niiil.-iiti! ui' a :n st piiuuH rii-uael: r, is ' '
mil a erne l'..II -w- I.; a tin J.iys in nt' lliia iirtielo : it is
, far hl'''fe ""' Ui-r .n-p:irji n i or tins ili.-eaiw, t furauy
oib'.r uriiua:iiig ir in imoiiro 1.1 khI. kc jxiii;-
xve.-iU luck, vouknt:t .(" ilu-, Ac , . r mr!am;iw
tt n jiV;i,iie, u iiuntetint.;!y, rd hy a lew days us f
tiii-s tiic.-.ieim-, will a emu is uiw.iys u rtail ul Us aw. It
' StUlilH : ,4
f t Ci'uilui. :. iiiid u'iM fi u'-ritii'.'iijs-ats of tl.t f.'
j parni m'".i:riiat. it. A unit k h;is ever lieen -tRre.l
, Lv -'pt this wl. ich would tmt li t!ti4 kind i ri r.mptineiiU.
ii in in: i.-ii. it wn u n Mi.U IUM Ull'X'.lVC raincii'. una
t Wt'.l hU'i the aliaiiir trnrff(n- nf thin nrrtcfe.
j PLKH'Y THE lil.UOD.'.
aiuiiiir.rn ..- ni.ui-s ir-.m tri- snfitiii.- rie rair!tfi
i lor iesn'in.4iv .-I r-iirt-. in u:i eiKi-iis-s. wliirli tha itmita of
j ua uov:tiui:i.;cut iu u- -i.iutm uj lui rvHiml livra. Agents
j ci-e them iiway ; th.iy c m nn W neu ccrl:lica;ca ui
liIi cn-iajt.-r, i.ivl n wr..nt-. r .
(rftke ,,,., .,- mcji m.Vcr appeared. Itiaonanf
,h p9UJJlir , thi. arnae that it .new faila t
e ( K b ,e muM.l(1 ue lell t Uuill
I u ijiej and lineerine invalid '
t . lit'jpl. 0
I ' 1 Vx 14 f
1 and kei-p teiinf the niedicn-.e as long as there is an t.a-
rtovBMi.1. The nMrrictor would
aeniMi a number ot' articles which coma out 'under tha
I aid of ': - '
as cures fir Dropsy, Gravel, ic. : Titty arc food for ua.
ihusj, aid to gull the unwary ;
Their invent irs never th 'ught nf curinf; auch diseases till
th: article hid dnae it. A particular study ut the' pm-phlL-t
is earnestly a licileii. ... i.
Aecnta and all" win sell the article are
prutuii Tut un in 30 or. bottles, al g'' ; IS ox d-i al.
SI ea:h the larger b.-ldine; 6 OS. more shah twi smell fc
tie.. L"vvk out and Eft inip-jsed upm. Bvery hule a
"Vaiiihu'a Vegciahle Ijthimriptic Mieture?' blown epon'
Ihe e.Kra, the written signature ol ' O C. Vaiujhu'' fa the
directions, and "G. C. Vaughn, ButTal atamped on the
crk. None other are seuulue Prepared hy Vt- a. C.
Vaughn, and sld at the .Principal Othce. WI Mai -eVr,,
Bnftalo, at whoaeak and retail. Wo ettasiUon jiverr to bt
tersunleaa a st pud .rs Cum rauarly ounautated
Agenie eacepted; not paid Idlers, rr verba onssoiunie-t-lious
o;iviiif eJ ice, (ipiaruiy eiaad su freiie.
Offics devoied exi -lualrtly I the sie. o, this article .
139 Nassau st. New Y.irteiiyi 5 sea sS Balem, Mass.;
and by the principal Drujgiat throughout lha United utce
and Canada, as Agents, . . -
List nf Agents Stone tvt.. Vh 'teas Is Aft Pttiladel.
phia J W, r rilia, uary-Jsaaa GeshsjJ.eWiaswroea
C A. Wyeth, Uwiabure R. I 6hssifr, M1 Heyea
4 MuCuruuua. McCweaaviOa Niea XeOasr, Nsnsssaisir.
ten'' " i
AprUl,W-y ' ' -1
. . : f j ; ... '