Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 09, 1848, Image 1

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    NEW S EH IKS VOI- I,' NO. 9
THF. AMERICAN is pnMuheu1 every Sotunlny at TWO
DOLI.AHS per annum to be puid luill yenrly '" onvuucc.
No paper disCHitinucd imlil all arrcnrnirca ore ifr.
AH communications or letters on business relating to the
office, to inture attention, muit be roST PAID.
Three cipics to one address, 85 00
Hevcn Io 1 . WOO
Kifleen I I StiOU
Five dollars in advance will pay for three year's lubscrip
lion to the American.
Due Square of 16 linn. 3 times,
liverv suliecquein. insertion,
One Square, 3 months,
Hix mouths,
One year,
Business Cards of Five lines, per nnmim,
. Merchants and others, advertising by the
year, with the privilege of inscrticg dif
ferent advertisements weekly.
if Larger Advertisements, as per agreement.
Himiuess eitciided to in the bounties of Nor
(l.uirl rrlaml, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Refer tot
P. &. A. BoTOl'DT, "
l.nwr it UsBRO. I
Somkms Hboiiosass, yl'Mlatl.
Ritsold. Mct'imisn & Co
Sesnmo, 'Joou & Co.,
L'HKitr Nsw & Skcond hanii Hook Sinus,
h'orlh Weit corner rf fourth and Anh Street t
Law Book. Theological anil Classical Books,
Scientific and Mathematical Bo us.
Juvenile Books, in greni cartel y.
Hymn Hooks and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes
and prices
litanlc Bools, Writing Poper,and Stationary,
hol t anil Ritoll,
On prices are mnch lower than the nmrun prices.
rf I.ibiarlcs ami smnll parcels of book purchased.
I P" H-ks imported to order from liOiulon.
Thiludelphia, April 1, IMS y
and lleolers in Seeds,
f'oiiflnnily on hand a gnpial assortment of
To which they respectfully invite th attention
ol the public.
AH kinds of country piodure taken in exchange
for G'loceriei or sold on Commission.
Philad April 1, 1X18
in IS Smith Scennd tttttt v Me, dutvn tl'i-n,
RESPECTFULLY informs his fii. t.dsand
, tlie pub ic.i tiat he constantiy kenps on
ImiiU a large assortment of chi diens wil ow
I'oaches, Chairs, Crad es. maiket and tiavd.
ling basketi, and every variety ol basket woik
Count i y Merchants and ntheis who wish to
purchase such aitic'es. good and cheap, would
Ho well to call on him, as they are al. manufac
tured by him inthe best manner.
Philadelphia, June 3, ISI8. ly
ctitD .v seal. i:.uaviv;.
4S Chemmt . 3 rf.iort nlinrc "ind t . Pliiliidilphin.
r.uruxn mt BI SINESS . VIKITINO C.R1)S.
Wairh panels. Labels, Door pistes. Seals and
Stamps for Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance.
ttc , tc. Always on hand general assortment
of Fine Fancy Goods, Gold pens of every quality
Dog Collars in great variety. Engravers tools
nd materials.
Agency for the Manufacturer of Glazie rs Dia
monds. Orders per mail (post paid) will be unctually
attended to
Philadelphia, April 1 , 148 y
CO II . T It Y .11 F. ICC II A T
Clin save from IS to U3 per Cent.
BY purchasing their OILCLOTlfS direct
liom the Manufacturers
Have opened a Warehouse, No. 135 North Third I
Street abova Race, second door Soutu of the Ea- j
gle Hotel,
here they will always keey on hand a complete
o-koiinrent of Patent Ehmlie Carnage "
C.,(.t 88.38. 40, 48 and SI inches wide. Fi
gured, Painted, and. t'ljin on the inside, on Mm
lin Drilling and Linen. 1 utile Oil Cluth at the
most desirable patterns. 3, 40. 46 and 34 inches
wide. Floor Oil Cloihi, from 28 inches lo '21
feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style
of patterns, all of their o.n inanu'aclure Trans
parent Window Shades, Cui pets, &c. All goods
Pbila. May 27, 1 848 3m
fHE SUBSCRIBER has been appointee. Igent
1 for tha sale of CONRAD MEYKR'8 CELE
at this place. These Pianos have a plain, mas
live and beautiful exterior finish, and, lor depth
ol lone, and elegance of workmar.ship, ai not
Hi r passed by any in the United States
These instruments are highly approved of by
the most eminent Professors and -Composers of
Music in this and other cities.
For qualities of tone, touch and keeping iii
tone upoo Concert pitch, they cannot ba aucpas
led by either American or Etuopean Pianos.
, Suffice it to (st thai Madame 'Js'telUn, W. V
Wallace. Vieus temps, and nil sister, the cele
brated Pianist, and many others el lha most dit
linquished performers. bve given these mslru
tnentt preference over ell others
They have also r ceivest Ihe first notice of the
three last Eibibitions. and Ibe last silver Medal
iiy the Ffinkli (iwO'-ute in 1843, waa awarded
t then, which, with Other premiums from the
eaane source, may tie teen at Ibe Ware-room No.
S3 south Fourth at. '
- ayAnolher Silver Medal waa awarded to C
Meyer, by the Frahktln Institute, Oct 1845 for
the best Piano in Ibe exhibition.
Again at the eghibition of Ihe Franklin lusti
tute. Oct. 1846 Ihe first nremiumand medal was
awarded ta 4!. Meyer for hit Piaiioe although it
had been awarded at tha eihibilion of Ihe year
before, on tha ground that he bad medeatiU great
er improvements in his Instruments within ibe
Mtt 13 menrhs. ' . ..
Again at Ihe lew eshibilion e-f the Franklin
Institute, 184T, another Premium wavnwarded
, lo C. Meyer, for the belt Pian in the exhibition
'-- At Boston, it their last exhibition, bepl. 1817.
- C, Meyer received the (list silver Medal and Di
' flwrtf. for, the beet square Piano in the exhibition
These Piapos will be sold al the rr.enufsctu
r'ef'stoareej Philadelphia prices, if not something
lwr, Persons ere requested lo call and exam
ine for themselves, (hi residence ef the subscriber'-
8'inbirry, April 8, 1118
- K I
- 1.
From a Translation ly Mr. Thomas, vf Centr
al St. Hilarys recent work, entitled "Facts
Illustrating the Public and Private
Life of Napoleon."
At Sr. Ilolcna, whin the wvatlicr wasj
javorahie, Napoleon always rode out cither
in his carriage or on horseback ; but as soon
as he had become familiar with the confi
ned space allotted to him there, he often
preferred exploring the secluded roads. Af
ter having finished his daily laskol dicta
lion, ((or one of his favorite occupations
was the dictation of his memoirs) and spent
hours in rradinp-, he dressed about three
o'clock and went out, accompanied by Gen
eral Nertrand, Monsieur Las Cases, or Gen
eral Gourmand.
His rides were all directed to the neicrh.
borin?; village, which he took much plea
sure in exploring:, and where he found
himself free from observation. Though the
roads were in some places almost impassa
ble, his taste for exploring seemed to in
crease rather than dininish even the plea
sures of ransrinc: this valley was to him a
a species of liberty. The only thing to
which he had an unconquerable aversion,
was meeting the English sentinels, who
were constantly stationed to watch him. Jn
one of these rides he found a sequestered
spot in the valley, which afterwards he
came to him a daily retreat for meditation.
One day he discovered a neat cottage a
mongst therocks of the valley, and entered
,the garden attached to it, which was radiant
with flowers and geraniums, which the
young girl wa3 watering. This young girl
was a brunette, and as fresh as the flowers ;
had large blue eyes of a most pleasant ex
pression, and Napoleon, always an admirer
ol the sex, was much struck with her beati-
"Pray, what is your name ?" he inquired.
"Henrietta," she replied. 1
"Your surname, I mean,"
"Von seem very fond of flowers."
"Thev are all mv fortune, sir."
"How is that ?"
'Every day I take my geraniums to the
town, where I obtain a fow sous for my
"And your father and" mother, what do
they do ?"
"A las, I have neither," replied the young
girl with much emotion.
"No parent .'"
"Not one; I am quite a stranger in this
Island. Three years ago, my father, an
an English soldier, and my mother leit for
'London with me for the Indies; hut alas1
my father died on Hk1 voyaje, and wh'-n
the vessel reached this Island, my pjor mo
ther was so ill that she could not proceed
further, and we wore left here.
"She was ill for a long time, and having
no resources left for our support, I was advi
sed to sell flowers. A gentleman in the town
who made enquiries as to our prospects took
pity on us, and gave us this cottage, where
my mother's health improved, and where
she lived nearly two years during which
time we were supported by the sale of flow
ers. A!ut a year ago my mother had are
lapse, and obtained a release from all her
earthly sufferings. On her death bed, she
recommended me to trust in Providence,
and I feel a pleasure in obeving her last
The young gill having thus spoken, burst
into tears. During this short recital, Napo
leon was very much affected, and when she
burst into tears, he subbed loudly. At length
; he said. "Poor child ! what sin could you
I have committed that vou should have been
! exiled here so miserably? Like me she'
, '., .' .
llils , no COiintry, 110 family she has no
mother, and I I have no child !
After pronouncing these words, the Em
peror again sobbed audibly,, and his tears
flowed freely. Yes this great man, whom
the loss of the most brilliant throne in the
world affected not, who was calm amidst
desolation'itself, wept at the recital of this j alarming accounts of the health of the Em
poor girl ! j peror.
After a few moments he resumed his At the commencement of May, 1S21,
customary firmness, and said to her. "I wh"ii the sun shone more brightly than u
wish to take home with tne a souvenir of j sua', Henrietta was informed that the Em
my visit to your cottage. Gather some of peror was much better and that his reason
your best flowers and make me a grand had returned.
bouquet." She arrived at Longwood, but, alas! the
Henrietta quicklvmade his bouquet; and reality was the reverse of her hopes. She
when Vmilenn onvp hpr ilirn Inuit .lnr fnr i found every one there tn consternation.
it, cried with astonishment. Ah! p,,'
Dim ! sir, why did you not come sooner ?1
.Mv Poor mother would not then have i
died !"
"Well, well, my child, these are very
good sentiments. I will come and see you
Then blushing and regarding Ihe five
pieces of gold Henrietta replied. "But,
sir, I can never give you flowers enough
for all this monov."
.11 i i . 1 1. ..x,. .,,.l i
,Do not let that , ouble jbu a sw ered
Napoleon s.mhng. "I will come an 1 fetch
Ho then left her. When he regained
his companions he informed them of his
discovery. Napoleon seemed quite happy
in having one as unfortunate as hiinsell to
console; and on the sjiot, the young Hen
rietta augmeuted the special nomenclature
nf Longwood. Ha called her "the nymph
of St. Helena," for amongst his friends, Na
poleon habitually baptized all that surroun
ded him by a familiar cognomen. Thus
the part on the Island which he most fre
quented he called the "Valley of Silence."
Mr. Balcomb, with whom he Stayed on his
first arrival at St. Helena, was "Amphitry.
on." His cousin, the Major, who was n
bout six feet high, was called the "Giant,"
Sir George CocVbum' was designated as
"Mr. Admiral," when the Emperor was
pleased but when he had causa for com
plaint, his only title was lht Shark.' .
some nays alter xnts visit to me cottage,
Napoleon saii, when dressing, thai he would
M-.;mRM A H Eft
w.oiitft 'fifes,
return ,ms P'-'pi', 'd perform his pro
mise. He found the young girl at home -she
had learned since his last visit the name
of her benefactor ; and much moved, not
so much by his past grandeur as by his re
cent calamities, entreated Him to accept the
hospitality of her humble cottage. She then
brought him fis and water from the spring
of the valley.
"Sire," she said to Napoleon, "I have
waited al home for you since you were last
here ; and have, conscqtientlj', not been a
ble to procure wine for you, as your boun
ty win now enable me to do."
"And if you had," said the Emperor, "I
would have scolded you well. When I
come to see you, I wih nothihg better
then water, which is excellent. On this
condition I will revisit you. Alter all, I
am but an old soldier, as your poor father
was and tlie soldier wh) is r.ot satisfied
with figs and" water, is no soldier at all."
From this day Napoleon did not Visit the
valley without callingat the cottage of Hen
rietta. On these occasions she presented
him with a magnificent bonnet, especially
prepared for him, and after a friendly chat
with her he would continue his ride, fami
liarly discoursing with those who accompa
nied him, on thegreat anil excellent qualities
which this j'oimg English girl possessed.
Tn the following year Napoleon began to
sutler from the aitarksof the malady which
alt' -rwards psaved falal to him. Henrietta
not receding the visits of her benefactor,
went to enquire a!t r his health ; and after
having led the custoirary bocjutt with one
of his attendants, returned home very dis
consolate. One fine day shortly afterwards
as she was fitting in her garden, she heard
the sound of an approaching carri ige ; and
running quickly to the gate found herself
in the presence of Napoleon. As soon as
she beheld him, her face assumed an ex
pression of great sadness.
"Vou find me much changed, do you not
my child .'' said he in a faint voice.
"l'es, sire, I do, indeed : but I hope that
you will soon be restored to health."
"1 much doubt it," he said, shrugging
his shoulder.! with an air of incredulity.
"Nevertheless, I much wished to pay you
a visit to-day. to see you and your flowers
again." " -
lie then slowly descended from his carri
age, and leaning upon the arm of Herlrand,
reached the cottage. When he was seated
he observed :
"(Jive me a cup of water from the spring
my dear Henrietta, that will, parhaps, cool
the fever which consumes me here," (lay
ing his hand on his side.)
Tha young girl hastened to fetch some.
When Nanoleon had taken of it, his
till then contracted, became
I serene.
"Thanks! thanks! my dear child," said
he, "this water has eased my sufferings a
little. If 1 bail taken it sooner, peilu'ps!
V added he,
raising his'eves to heaven; "but now it is'
too late."
"Ah !" replied Henrietta, affecting a gai
ety of manner, "I am so happy that this
water does you good! I will bring you
some every day, it will, perhaps, cure you."
'No my dear child, it will ho useless
now all is over. I fear that this will be
the last visit I shall make here. There is
a s"ttled grief here, which is consuming
me, (the Emperor touched his side,) and,
I as I may never see you again, I wish to
! leave vou a souveiiir of me What shall I
give you!" '
At these words the young girl could con
tain herself no longer, but bursting into
heart felUears, fell at the feet of the Empe
ror, crying
"Your blessing, sire."
Napoleon arose and blessed her, with be
coming gravity : f r he always had respect
for the creed of others.
From that day Henrietta did not fail to
viit Longwood regularly. She carried
water from the spring and her customary
briquet but always returned home disconso
late ; for each day she teceivetl the most
This fearing that he was dying, and
wishing to see him once again, she desired
to be admitted to Ins presence
She was
told that he was too ill, and that it was im
possible. Her supplications were at first
in vain ; but at lenirth her tears and entrea
ties prevailed, and she was admitted to his
It was at the moment Napoleon was sur
rounded by his faithful frjends, and lying
on his death-bed, had requested them to
place tne oust oi ins son oeiore nun. ii.-
to p whom w
nlace the bust of his son before him- lie
loved so well. His arms then contracted
with convulsions, his eyes 'ueame fixed,
while he gasped "France!
- My son!" Then
all ua silent, ftapo'leon had ceased to
At thi'so wor,'ig the flowers which the
young girl he-ct brought dropped from her
trembling iand ; she fell on her knees by
the bed side; then making au effort, ene
seized and tried to press the hand of Napole
on to her lips but immediately her'headfell
back, her mouth was discolored, her. eys
fixed, ond she suiiltfon the floor, buried in
that sleep which knows no waking. Henri
etta was dead !" . " .'
'.'."" '. -T-. '- I l' ,. . '. '
FatsEavES. It is.suid lhat to set newly
inado preserves fnr several days open iu the
sun, is one of the best methods of making
them keep through the summer unter
1 menird. It is worth trying
eV-..w yw ; :
They sin who uay this earlh
Is one wide of crinvo and wo ;
This world, which owes to God it birth,
At times is dark IClan makes it vo;
But yet the sunshine on it rests ;
On happy homes and truthlul breasts.
God made tlm world, but made not sin,
Nor rony we nek why sin e'er came
To till its green retreats with din ;
Enoiieh to know that tleaih nnd sh;,m
Are with nabut the world hnth yet
flriyht jewels in its forehead set!
A ble;;s.l thit'g lb. golden sail,
That kises morning's dews away ;
A bb'ss'd thin"? iheso dews, lhat run
O'er leaf nnd bud, at close of day.
To give ihem bloom and bid them b?
Fair gems in Nature's treasury !
A blessed thiujr thy bird that basks
In bowers, wiiliMiiiK to heaven that soar;
A blessed thing the sea, that asks.
And has obedience, 'mid the roar
Of tempests, from the tidet'ul moon,
NjxI lo tlu; suii,-GoJ:is .btightest boon!
A blessed thing tha mountain steep,
Nor less the green wood o'er it spread;
A blesw.'d thins; tlie river deep,
By fresh mysterious -sources fed;
And blessed lliiiins the liuli!. tlie nil-.
The life-breath nioviim every where!
A blessed thiny the meanest flower
That sends forth bloss.Jius for the bee ;
And i h! of all that decks the bower,
The field, the forest or the lea,
Most lovclv in its tender bliss
The Lilly of Urn Valley is L
There like a virgin sweet and pure,
A'id iray, Int fnr her humble prid",
That fain would every charm immure,
Vel cannot till her sweetness hide
Thi! Lilly of the Valley reals
Where wood -birdj build their mosay nests.
The emerald hiith no deeper green
Than glistens on its beauteous h-nves;
No whiter snow is ever seen
Than that which in its bloom weaves;
Nor breathe the spicy gams of
A sweeter frairranoe on the wi:.d !
I l.ive it well! I love it aye,
T:i I now I love it more and more :
It biiiitts image of day
Whoso sh.niow. iliiting memory o'er,
Shall i:i the future smile, till all
Around mi! s.'uiiiii i'estivel!
One cold morning, last February, the
snow lying some ten inches deep on the
trround, circle of half frozen town's peo
ple had girdled the fire in M.'s bar room.
They had put in requisition every news
paper in the room, and as the number was
considerable and each was anxious to get
as near as possible to the source of comfort
the closely-wedged circle of chair-backs
formed a sort of cordon sanitaire, since,
without someone should move, ail ingress
to the fire would be cut ofl, as though it
were under quarantine. And the semi-circular
row of legs and feet turning inwards
towards the hearth, looked like the spokes
of an enormous wagon-wheelv Even the
landlord was excluded, and with his hands
in his pockets, Mr. M. was industriously
promenading his bar room, endeavoring to
look as good-natured and as comfortable as
circumstances would permit.
In this slate of things, Dr. Z. of our town
entered, rubbing his hands, and pronounced
energetically several monosyllabic words
iu connection with some quite original ob
s rvationson Ihe state ol the weather. But
in vain did he, with blue nose and be
s -ei hing look, walk round the semi-circle
of kind-hearted ncighbois to get access to
the fire ; not a? a soul moved.
"By the laws it's cold !" at length ex
claimed the doctor, by way of drawing at- I
tent ion to his forlorn condition. j
"Hey ? cold did yon sa'?" answered or,e
carelessly; "yes, I should think likely it is
out in the street ;" and he c.ooly grve his
chair a hitch, in the unsuccessful effort to
get it a half inch nearer the fire.
Now Dr. It., one of the best
hearted men in tbv World, is exceedingly
irritable; and v.hi'.e as fond of a joke as
Cuiran was, is 'Anown as a perfect dare,
devil, cairjl'd Bf anything. After a mo-,
ntent's waiting he left the room muttering
something expressive of his private opinion
as tf0 ilu- state of civilisation in that town.
Crossing the street to a store, ho put neat
ly up a bundle some four inches by two, in
size, in one corner of which he put about
a spoonful of "Dupont's Best."
Re-entcrtmr tha bar-room, he tipped tne
landlord a sly wink, and then, by a . person
al appeal, prevailed upon the. most gocd
natured man of the group to move his chair
momentarily, so aft to admit witnm me
circle ; a movement which the rest repro
ved instantly by looking flaggersana icicles
at the good natured man. , , - .. i
Doctor Z however, quietly turned ins
bjk to the fire, pulling his coat-tails aside,
American fashion, whistling Yankee Doo
dle. . , ... ...',...' -
At length tome one chnced to remark
"Must be a good . morning for rabbit
hunting.'. : ,,-,-.!
"Yes," said the Doctor, catching eagerly
at the very hint he had been; waiting for,
"yes, I should thinkso. I'm going myself,
directly. Just bougt a pound or two of first
rate ixiwder over tha way here. .Finest
article, .l'v? seen in town."
Stfnttt mt the arts, Stjrfeulturr,
D AY, S 15 lT E MB KH O, 1 8 4 S .
And coolly taking out the package, he
took off al corner, as if a random and pour
ing upon his hand about n spoonful of the
apparent, contents, threw it upon the fire.
The explosion elevated some dozen of
the circle (who had not noticed what he
was doing), two or three inches from their
chairs, and loud remonstrances followed a
gainst the repetition of chemical experi
ments of that sort ; while the landlord, who
had got his cue remarked :
"By George ! you'd had better blow a
man's house up haden't you ?"
"If you say much, I will,"' rejoined 7..
in great apparent heat.
"I'd just as soon pitch the whole two
pounds into the fire as not."
"I'd like to see you," replied M., confi
dently. "1)6 you dan- me to do it 7" shouted Z.
"Yes, I di," doggedly answered the land
lord. No sooner said than done. With a mut
tering remark about "taking a dare from
any man," Z. dashed the bundle among the
blazing brands and sprang towards the door,
followed by the landlord.
Heavens and earth what a scattering!
No one stopped to shove back his chair
every thing turned a complete somerset :
and feathering themselvesupas soon as they
CJlitd disentangle arms and legs from the
confused mass, everybody shot for the doorsn
and windows without stopping and looking
behind lum.
One man whoso pluck had been tried on
ordinary occasions, vanished through the
back door, jumped a five foot fence without
breaking his trot, and was lastvieen streak
ing it down a back street, yelling murder
at Ihe top of his voice,and once in a while
looking up backward, to dodge the falling
Another long-legged individual, who is
burit up like a pair of tongs, trade but three
strides across a sixty foot street, and headed
up a lane, leaning forward at an angle of
forty-five degrees, putting down his spars
like the buckets of a steamboat wheel with
his coat streaming behind him like the
tail of a comet.
One courageous citizen, perceiving both
door and windows hopelessly' wedged,
scrambled behind a door and commenced
praying most devoutly ; but eing rather
more familiar with any other sort of com
position than the Lord's Pray, he was heard
vociferating' in tones of the most energetic
".Now I lay ine down to s'eeft tec."
To this day, if you talk of rabbit hunting
lo any of those concerned, he will take off
his coat in two minutes.
Palpitation or the Heart Tea,Coffec
and Tobacco. Professor W. Parker, ofN.
Y. College of Physicians niulSurs;eons, at a
recent clinical lecture, examined a man who
was troubled wilh palpitation of tho heart.
The report slates that no physical signs of
organic disease of the beaut could be detec
ted ; and henoo we may conclude, says Prof.
C. "with much certainty, that all the cardiac
disturbance is purely functional, depending
on derangement of the digestive organs and
this organ depending on ihe free use of tobac
co, tea and coffee, and confinement within
doojs." What then are sho indications of
treatment ? Shall we give physio iu such a
case ? Will physic cure bad habits? Not a
bit of ii. Let the patient simply throw away
his tobacco, bis tea and his coffee ; adopt a
plain, wholesome diet, and take regular exer
cise in the open airand he will soon be well;
in a word, remove the cause of derangement
and the effects will cease.
Shoeing Hoksks. At a meeting of the
Royal Agricultural Society of England, soi',o
time since, Professor Jewell remarked, that
he had found old horses shod with a lay&r of
leather forming an artificial sol'j between tho
shoe ond the hoof, recover rom llio severe
affections causing inju-.y tu the hoof; such,
for instance, as cou'.'raotions, briltleuess, sand
cracks, or even -jiseuse of the foot itself, as
thrushes, career, corns, kv., and perfectly
ret-am ii-s original elasticity and firmness.
Tho ir ode in question has been practiced by
Pr'jf. P.owell for tho Inst thirty year.
Jb. .
New Usk or the Tomato. Tho Cheraw
Gazette states lhat in addition to the advan
tages of tho tomato for table use, the vino is
of great valua for food for cattle, especially
for cows. It is suid that a cow fed oii toma
to vines will give more milk and yield butter
Of a finer flavor, and il greater abundance,
nam any other long feed ever tiied. It is
thought, "too, that nioro .ed food for Cattle,
and at less expense, can be raibed on a given
quantity of ground planted iu tomatoes than
from any other vegetable known in the South
ern country. Fanners, look out for this in
the coming season.
.Ax, Acrou&t or the Senate asu the
Heads or the StsiATE. Tho editor of the
Cincinnati Commercial Advertiser visited the
Senate Chamber oil the 6th, and made ihe
fciluwiug : Number of Semdors gray headed
12; with bald heaTU, 15; reading newspa
pers, (at a time,) 17 ; who spoke on the bill(
iu ull, 20 ; who scratched their heuds when
they roso to'snk, 10 ; who wore gold spec
tuclcs, 17; who wore silver spectacles, J
who had on bUck, coats,' 39; who wore calico
or figured light vests, 6 ; who wore white
neckerchiefs, 12; wilh curly hair, 8; of light
oomplexiou, 30; are corpulent, (including
Lewis,) 6 ; paying attention at a time, gener
ally 12: who chewed tobacco, 20; with'hair
rougM back, 23.
feNs mafle out of bones are iiow in use in
sow! aell at lha rate of fiftV fur 83
--e - M
cents They aro pronounced to be as ri
i bio as tho qiiill, and far inoro durable.
mmis, Amusements, c.
Persons who put up keg-butter for their
own use. or for a distant market, usuully salt
their butter very high. This high sailing
necessarily detracts from it quality, injuries
its ready sale, and reduces its price. If we
can modify this excess nf salt, by using more
palatable substances, of equal efficacy as
preservatives, it will be an improvement.
Chemists tell us that siigar is one of these
substances; and experience, gives us the
same information. Who is not fa miliar with
"sugar-cured hams?" If pork can be cured
with sugar, why may not butter be so pre
served also 1 is a common sense inquiry.
Experience has shown that it may. Dr.
.tames Anderson, the celebrated Agriculturist,
whoso trentiso "On tho Management of the
Dairy particularly with respect to the making
nndcurinc of Butter." is still our highest and
best authority on the subject found from some
years trial of it, that the following named
composition the properties nf which we be
lieve were discovered by his amiable lady
was far preferable to salt nlone, as it not only
preserves the butter more efl'cctiinlly from all
taint of rancidity, but make it also. look bet
ter and taste sweeter, richer, and marrowy
than portions of the same butter cured w ith
common sail :
ComwifionTakp. of sugar, one part ; ef j the means nf fashionable dissipation attrac
nitre one part ; nnd of tlie best Spanish great j ted many, but a week at Saratoga will prove
salt (or rock salt) two parts. Beat the whol , tho absence of liiesc menus. To ihe majori
into flub powder, mix . them well together, j ty the day pnsM awny in the laziest of all
and put them by for ue. The Doctor con- ' employments. For an hour or two in the
tinues: j morning, conversation i lively, but it crows
"Of this composition one ounce should be ; dull toward noon, and dinner is invariably a
put to every sixteen ounces of butter; mix
this salt thoroughly with ihe butter as sjci
as it has been freed from milk, and put it,
without loss of time, down into the vessel
prepared to receive it pressing it so close as
to leave no air holes, or any kind of cavities
within it. Smooth the surface, and if you
expect that it will be above a day or two be- i
fore you can add no more, cover it up close
with a piece of clean linen, and above lhat a
piece of wetted parchment, or, for want of i and unsociable cotillion i:i tho corner, per
thut, fine linen dipped in melted butter, that ; haps two or three in other parts c'f lee roem.
is exactly fitted lo the edges of the vessel all j in three evenintrs on! of tour, form the chief
round, so as to exclude tlm air if posfibl; j item o!'(so-calIcd)amuseuietit An .'nimense
without the assistance of any watoty brinej amount of talking in a brill:?.titiy lighted find
when more butter is to be added, those cov- I hot room, is tho'cmploynicnt of a largo ma
erings are to be taken off. and the butter ap- j jority. An occasioned concert or bull is fol
pliod close obont the former, pressing it down lowed by a week of protestations on liu- part
and smoothing it as before, and so on till the
vessel be full. When it is quile full, let Ihe
two covers ba spread over it with the great
est care, and let a little melted butter be
poured all round tho edges, so as to fill up
every cranny, nnd effectually exclude the
air. A little sail may be men streweu over
tho whole, and tho cover be fnmly fixed
down to remain clo?e she! till it ba opened
for use. If all this be carefully done; the but
ter may be kept perfectly sound in this cli
mate for many years. How many years I
cannot tell ; but I have Seen it two years old,
ami in every respect as sweet and sound
as when it was only a month old. ,
"It deserves to be remarked, that butter
cured in this manner doos not taste well till
it has stood at least a fortnight after salted ',
but after that period is elapsed, it nuts vifi, a
rich, marrowy taste that no o'lier 'outter ever
acquires ; and it tastes so little of salt, that a ,
person who has been accustomed to ent but
ter cured with coiv.iuon salt only, voifM not
imagine it had. go; tmo fourth part of the salt
that would, oe necessary to preserve it."
It w to he hoped some of our farmers, oa
readie.g tho above will follow its commenda-.
lions. Tho composition mentioned is, wo;
have understood, much used in Goshen, 0- f of tho sagacity sometimes exhibited by sheep
range county, New Yoik, a place famous for 1 thus epeak of one he owned a few. years
ils superb butter. Great caie should be taken j since.. "I have known him, when my cattlu
lo get the pureft salt aud sugar. That known hae broken into my neighbors field to diiyu
through tho country as tho "ground alum" is them nil out, and stand by the gr.'p iu tho
the best salt. The sugar should be of the ' fence and keep them all out. He wou'.l
purest white either the loaf or "fallen loaf."' j leave the sh'eep aud feed wilh tho cattle in
Those excellent butter makers in tho Glades the summer. He was a peacemaker for ho
of tho Alleghenies would do well to" make j would no! allow any righli:i among the cat
somo experiments for themselves iu this mut- J tie. Ho mastered a 1 my cattle, ami if my
Ve women have four seasons, liko a yr,
Our spring is our lightsome girlish day s,
When the heart laughs within us foi sheer i
Ere yet we know what love is, or the ill
Of being loved by those whom we love not
Summer is when we love and aro beloved.
And seems short, fioni i's very Splendor
seems, ,
To pass tho quickest ; with ftowejt
it dies. ' 1 .
Autumn, when some ycunffer tilings with
tiny hands
And rosy cheeks, and glossy teudfilled locks,
Go wantoning about us day a night. .
And winter is when thoso we love have per-
i. ie , . .
For tho heart ices then. -And the next pnn.
Is in another world .test us
Vot;THr7iTBTT)TTKi.-e the
charges specified iu the ii.djitmiit against
. . . .a.-itlns liar i '
the Felon newspaper, i B """
on of John Mitchell, 10 years of age.
" How Mat fond mothers and frugal house
wives keep Iheir pretty duiTghterJ and thoir
preserves for some extra occasion or person
till ihey both turn sour.
To.LKV1?'11 Peve , separate ,, myself
from any man upon a difference of an opin
ion , or be angry with his judgement for not
agreeing with me in thai from which, per.
haps, In a few' days, I should dissent myself
Sir T. Brown
A correspondent of the New York Journal
of Commerce, Writing from this watering
place, says : , . '
I think that I never saw Saratoga so full,
nnd yet so little of beauty or intelligence in
the faces I meet. I remarked the same last
year, but it is worse now. Can it bo that
the Inlellitrent (and consequently beautiful)
part of the community are deserting Sarato
ga? It looks like it much.
It is somewhat difficult to imagine what
attraction the crowds who frequent our wa
tering places, find in inch resorts. I have
the charity to suppose that a few who pre
are sent by their' medirul advisers for the
benefit they may derive from the" waters;
but nine-tenths of the visiters haVo sought a
tnshionable plnco ofainitsement
Tho nnitntrt nlmnf ki m t rrs m ohnnf tl-iis
jn v " J ' (
j iidin;r, and there i not a solitary walk which
, L,i-n i.-,jiii ,.u isuii wnii a uunureu ui iiu-
boken and elsewhere. The village itself is
very hot in summer, dusty in dry weather,
and muddy in wet, and scarcely a cool breeze
ever blows over it. Indeed the crowds pass
a larae portion of time iu complaining of the
weather, the street, the hotels, &cM but call
it ail enjoyment. It might Tse Supposed that
stupid affair. Iu place '.-.( the lively exchange
of wit and anecdote, of merriment and jovial
ty, expected, you see five' hundred men. wo
men and children, devourhiff iu silence what
j eatables thev can lay hands on, and leaving
the tables the instant the fruit and mits are
finished. Some addition to the day's plea-
vne is expected in the Evening. But what
the fashionable world findi to do inthe even-
jng, I confess myself unable to guess A s'iff
of tho many, that they never saw a dnlb r
time, a more vnlgar set or a duller conceit.
The chief amusement of all is to talk ovt-i
the miseries of Saratoga.
The character of the visiters is best detec
ted in the Spring, or at the breakfast table.
Vou will thero no'ice th ? v.tsl distinction be
tween the pretender and tho t,Tie gentleman
or lady. Servants are admirable bunds at
detecting it. A lady invariably speaks to a
servant as kindly as to a friend, The distine-.
tion is well kept up afterwards in the draw
ing room. Here, even as a earlv as ten o;-
.j-, or eveil t breakfast, vou may see
;,.wf.lrv finchi,,,, on. arm or head dresses.
ave noticed this n characteristic
;i ,.,-. hotels this year. I never saw . so
mHCK dressing in tho morning, and I know
j bt.,ur evidence of lack of time, tasta aud
' refinement. ' ';.!
There is too much loud lalkicg too. in the
parlors, and a vast nmount of an attempt at
being conspicuous, which is always unplea
sant. More or less of ibis is to be nqticed.
every year but it strikes me that it has iii
crcasi d this venr.
A ag.uiois Snttr A fanne.r.. speaking
I neiubors came cime to tny oarn, iw wuuiu
drive them home. My small , boys would
sometimes gut on. Ips.Vack to ride, when ho
: would connive always to rub lh;'m off run-
; tiiug close to S post of the shed, ibe fence or
a corner of tho barn. .Ho was not to bepush-
1 ed, or crowded, or insulted, in any way, and
' though a friend nf peace, I- have known him
to fight many a duel.'
- iovk.
! Love is the odspiing ff a giMtle niind,. .
' Pare in ils motive .iu.Ha ul t.'ons kind ;
j Ut nature irusiiug, uifjuwuun wtinn,
; lfblooms m suusuiue-, yciaunm-s me worm.
t.lai;teuiraued ou .man's living soul,
' t, jlves earth awhile, its buds uufold,
j It beauties glow its odors 11 the air, - '
j light, dispelling anxious care, .
pMt when lrauport,ed to its celestial home,
, J . .
Tho strain is sweetly echoed, tiod is love.'
Prcmiso August or the first of Septem
ber is a favorable a time tor pruning as theto
is in the whole year; and forcuttingotf Ir.rge
branches, which is sometimes necessary, it is
a better, timu than any other season, for tho
wood where the. limb is cut ciT, will remain
sound.; But when limb.s aro cut the latter
part of whiter, or In'eorly .summer, tha "wood
being .full cf aap, it efien turns black and
speetiily decays.
' jjABLT opr. At Vieuna.a gentlcHiun nged
86, without legs, a married lo a lady srjnl
70, without nuns. . i