Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 02, 1848, Image 3

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t; - ' HAIllllSBCRO.
After organizing, the Convention met at 2
o'clock on Wednesday the 30th ult. The
Convention then proceeded to ballot for Go
Balloting, st 2d 3d 4lh
Longstreth. 48 52 60 63
Bigler, 28 29 27 2!
Black, 28 25 25 30
Eldred, 9 7
Charnptieys, 6 6
Fleming, 1
Bank, 2
The Convention then adjourned.
Thursday, Aug. 311, 1848.
... The Convention met at half-pant 8 o'clock.
The name of Judge Eldred, was withdrawn.
The fifth ballot was then taken and resulted
as follows:
Morris Longstreth, 83
James S. Black, 25
William Bigler, 23
Morris longstreth, having received a ma-
jority of all the votes cast, was declured duly
C7The Whig Convention, on the same
day, nominated Win. F. Johnston for Gover
nor, without opposition.
fCT- We understand that Gen. Wm. A. Pe
trikrn hns been nominated for Congress, by
Ihe Conferees of this distiict.
Correspondence of the Public Ledger.
Thlauja la Mew York.
TiiL-asDAr, 4 P. M.
it is not, I believe, geuerally known that
the widow and daughter of the lute M. La
fitte, the great French Banker and at one time
Minister of Finance, arrived in this city last
week as stcertge passengers in the ship Splen
did, Captain Crawford, itrom Havre. So it is,
however. A turn ef the fortune's wheel cast
them from the anions ef S'aris into the hold of
an emigrant ship, and left them without even
funds to pay the small uiu required for filth
and foul air in a rfiip's Peerage, with three
or four hundred peoplef a grade that a few
years ago they would have termed canaille
for their companions. The revolution of 1830
nearly ruined Lafitte.; the four days of June
rendered his family -pauper. The widow
and daughter, who are said to le most exem
plary, as well as highly accomplished ladies
are now in Boston -seeking engagements as
governcssess or school teachers. They have
-met with kind friends, I uuderstuuil.
The Perry County (Miss.) JVnrritlc.
Many months hiive.elnpsediiioe -we o,av
our readers a detailed account of .a -trci-wly
which occurroil iin 'fl mwsippi, in which
Washington ami 'Jtmes Bilboos were kUled.
A named Brown, and his soii-iii-lnw
Wages, were concerned in it. We nend tint
recall the paTlicuhirs, but Wages form iliiuc
disappeared. Afaw moitfUs'bat&''agi to
: appeared in the county, end, -with a. man
named McG rath, got into -a tiiHiuillY with
young Harvey, ujxnixtlhoiu Wawipneteiidtxl
to li;ivi some Claim. Harvey sliot (hem liolh
as L-. 'been reported in the Mobile papers,
op;ied 'by us. Since then the itragedy has
.deepened iin tlroe'ity, -und 'five irucre lives
ifiivve ibeei. -taken.
It appeals that the father and mother of the
'Vugfiii iit toy Harvey lived in Alabama,
lOoso to k Jiiw of Perry county, Miss.,
whre tfcey harbored the gang of outlaws
with vv&om their sou and McGrutSi wre iis
soctuted. They swore vengeance uioii Har
Vey, and hired a man named Lee, to kill him,
giving him a thousand dollars for the job.
Leu took with him party of three or four,
and proceeded to searh his money.
' Vonnir Harvev had been cautioned not to
o - .r
xpose himself, and he h;0 removed from
the house or cabin upon his farm to his fa
ther's but was in the habit of visiting his
faun once or twice daily, to look after it. This
Lee and his party found out by prowling in
th vicinity, and took advantage of Harvey's
absence to enter his cabin. They secured
themselves therein, cut loop-holes from which
to watch his coming, and, armed with guns,
they patiently awaited his arrival.
Harvey discovered the preparations made
for his reception and murder. Joined by a
younger brother, he raised a party of eight
or ten men, and all proceeded to his cabin.
'The miscreants inside were taken by surprise
Ibut secured the entrance to the cabin. Har
vey very recklessly led to attack them. He
.rushed upon the door and burst it in, but they
vrereiprapared, and Lee shot him directly
through the shoulder and breast, killing him.
His younger .brother immediately shot Lee
down, and as the party inside rushed out to
escape, he took a flying shot at them, and
killed another man, named Geo. Jourdan.
' yppn receiving news of his son's death,
old Harvey determined upon exterminating
the nucleus of the gang old Wages and his
wife. A party volunteered to follow him,
who proceeded straightway across the line
into Alabama, to the residence of Wages.
They found the old folks at home, and seized
them at , once, and with ropes taken with
them for the purpose, hnngthem bv the nerL-
to the rafters of the houae. Waiting an hour
or to, till their victims were dead, thev then
lf. I . ... 1 LI ' J
ion emu rtuurneu to aiuuuiuu.
It ib due to the Harvey family to say that
thev have Ions been know u as honest, re,
" snectable rjeonle. Thev were Deaceabla vn
to a fault, until roused by the attack upon one
oi meir number, and his subsequent murder
it is estimated that twelve or fifteen lives
have now been taken in the . tragedies in
which the Wages family has been mixed up,
ajreoiiy or inaireeuy ana our informant
urea us that we must not expect that the
lives of the old folks will go unavenged.
lu 1 J- 'J a-
Br tho Rev, R. A. Fisher, on tke t4th ult..
Mr. Jacob C Cam, of Danville, to 1w Buto
xox, oi oasnuutia-
dii: d,
In this plaoe on Thursday last, Mus AME
L1A PETER Y, aged about S3 yrs.
Toisoar, Ao. 90. 1848.
Wheat Primo white SI 10 a 1 12
prime Southern red is worth 1 09 ordina
ry new Si a SI 05.
Ryb Penna. is worth about 70 a 71o per
Conn Sales of yellow Southern and Penna.
at 56o a 28c, weight.
Oats Are selling at 30c. for Southern 33c.
for'Penn. i .
Whisk ir Sales in bbla at 25c, in Iilul
Te lbs Electors ef Nerthameerlajia Ceunt),
AT the solicitation of a number of my friends
I offer myself ss a Volunteer Candidate for
tba office or
of Northumberland County Should t bs elected,
I pledge myself faithfully to perform the duties
ol ssid office. SAMUEL WAVIDGE.
Augusta townihip, AuitiM 9, 1618
Attorney nt Law,
INFORMS the citiiens of Northumberland
county, tbafba will hereafter regularly at
tend the courts of said county and wil. promptly
nttend to any businrtt entrntted to hii rare. H
may be romulted at the Hotel of Peter Laiirut
daring court.
Sunbuiy, July 29th, 1818
Patent A ir-Tigltt
THE above Stuv, which is equally well winkled toWitod
ttr Coal, hait received silver medals at the fairs of the
American Institute, New York; of the Mechanic,1 Insti
ttitOj B stnn ; of the Franklin limtitute, Philmlelphia j and
of llie Mechnnien' Institute, Wilmington, Dcluware.
It is capnble, if proper I v used, of (Hint; nirc work, with
less fueU than any other St ve yet ottered to the public : in
winter it will warm the largest kitchen, while in mi miner,
with the summer drew attached, it throws unt tvt more
hent than a chare ! furnace; and for hMliiis brnilitifr, bn
kinfr, or rooM-iif, it cannot be mirpasned by any other St ivc,
open fire, or brick oven.
Cehtificats or tiikJudoe or the MkchaniiV Insti
tlte, Boston.
We, the subscribers, Irciiur ch sen Judpcs by the Massa
chusctts Charitable Mcchnnics' AM-x-inti 'ii in II st in, on
sI'Wcs, furnaces, rniifres, Ac. wukl inform the public, that
after hint in nil the cook ing stoves that were put into the
Fair for exhibition, and letting each man nvmnge bis own
stove with the same kind of e el, in order to ascertain
which would do the same work with the Icnst fuH in the
same time, and do it best, we find thnt Htcwurt'a Iatent
Snt inner aivl Winter Air-Tipht Coukiini Stiu-c,mimntrtctur-ed
Ipv Ihe patentee, of Troy, N. Y., to bcthelH ut, ns it lotk
Iwt 13 minutes to boil two'jrnlluns of water and hake biscuit
in the same time, and broil beef steak, and all d me in the
liest manner with seven pounds of cnal, in thirty minutes
from the time the fire wns put into the stove. To which
we awarded the silver medal.
jam ks goi;m), walti:r cornf.i.i
The snliscrilrers resneetfully invite the attention of emn
try dealers, to one of the brpest and best selrtetl stock of
st'wes, ever oil'errtl in this city, among which are the loU
low 1 lift t
Scrern CylrrJeri.
Ovpn Stovei.
Washington Air-Tight Cooki.
Lirn j Oven
McGregor Mammoth
I'reiniums Cook S ovea.
National Air-light Conkt.
I'ailor Stovei.
100 Louit Air-Tight Parlor Stovei.
:,0 Char es the lit Ai-Tight do
20(1 I.nJy Wohington, Air-Tight Pallor.
130 Washinstnn Air-Tight do
3110 MrGregnr'i three dayt Parlor Air-Tiitht
Coal Stoves, burning three Jays without atten
tion. For n!i wholesale and retail by North, liar ri
son & Cn. No ,1!P0 Morkit street, Philadelphia.
Ph-ladelphin. Jul) ISth, ISIS
Kqultable Life Insm tiiicp, A until ty
ntil Trust Company.
Capital 8-JilUKiO. Chabteh 1'ehcrti ai..
riHK Cuuixiity nre uuw pn-puroJ In Imusuct bucines
1 iiMii Lilt: ni'iKl litieral and ailvniiuttfpous ti-nns. Tliey
are nutV'hzed l.y tlit-ir phnrler (eert. :t) "t ui'ikp nil niul
er.-ry liwuniiirc apprluiiiinK to lllu rtftK ol u-lialevur Kinil ,
or Ikitiire, and t receive and rxecillu truiils, Hvikr ruinv-
ineiitK, anil In firuul unit purftinm Olllluiliell.', 'I'lii- Ohii- (
iniiy w-ll ?inriitiia mid endowments, and act as Tnirtcts i
lur mill rs and heirs. '
TaW fl Prcinimns rcriiired l"'r the AiwuruM'c ul' 100 fur
tlic whole term of Life.
Age. I'rcin I Ago. I'rem. Age. I'riiu.
10 l so 31 ii Ik, in ' :i :w
17 1 A.1 :W 15 47 a 4(1
la iag at iv.ii 44 3U'.'
In 1 5$ 31 37 I 3 77
iSI 1 bll :i a .13 M a (v4
ill 1 ii: :m i to .11 4 1.1
ti I 60 37 8 47 fH 4 :
lei lug :h t ft) 4 ai
lit 1 74 Un 3 03 M 4 71
J 1 76 4U II 7U M 4 fll
1M 41 a SI M 3 u
J7 I 89 4a 9 6-J 7 S 33
H I rt 43 3 Ul 6H 5 M
L'g li II 3ia .'n A7n
M 2 01 4.3 3il l)J 0C3
Hie iiremiiuns lire less thiin uuy oilier e-an)siny. and the
niilicies uiTird preutcr nrUnntuiren. Tudli-s I' -yearly
and quunerly preiliiunis, hulf ereilit rates if preliiiiiui, short
terms, joint lives, survivorships ami endowments; als
form ol Application (lor which there ure hlank sliircts-) are
to lie hud on upplicnti -n nt the otfice, or by letter to Ihe
An-nt, J. II. l'l UUV, fuiiliury.
Uatcs ron iNstaiNO 91UUou a single Lite.
For l.ii'e.
I'.xamcle A person aged 3U years next birth day. bv
ptiying tlMi Cotnuiiiy fHJ cents would secure to his luinily
or heirs &IUO slioukl be die in one year ; or for eV.aU he se
rures to Ihem (HUlOi or I'orSIS annually for seven years
he secures to them &1U00 sliiaiUt lie die in seven years; 01
lor tail.4U paid annually duriua lite he secures felhtHI to be
Iuld when be dies. The insurer aecuruut his own Dmuts,
y the diAerence in amount of nremimna from tie we charged
by other oificcs. For My.'jO the heirs would receive 8.1OUU
siewld lie die in one year.
Forma ol application und all particulars mav lie hud at
the office. J. W. CLAIillOKN, President.
II. O. Tuckett. Becretory.
(Jonscltiko Physician Dr. J. B. Mumwr, Sunbury.
J. II. Pt'BDY, ttuilbury, Agent for Norlhuiulierland'eouii
Buiiuury, juiy e, ioii
CScorge Ilced'u Estate,
VV7ILL be expose! In pub ie sale, on f rid .y
W Ihe ISih i'sy ol Septeinlier nei, on t Is. -
iireimai'S. in Jackson lownenip noruiuiuoeii nu
the following valuable leal letite, vis;
A tract of Laud,
eoutkiuing 62 seres, more n lea, acljoii 11 s Isiu'a
f Michael Feikl. IVler Kiehl and Jo'm Keelt r.
late Ihe estate ol Geo. Red, Esq.. dee'd. The i-n-prnvrmenis
consist of two Log Hoi se and a
od well at the do ir, s awiaa Hmn, and also, a
Saw Milt. Th-re is also on the preinires a g H)il
orchaul ennlaiiiiug diB'erenl kinds of (tui1. the eaiue tune and ulaca, a tract nl
of woodland aitjoining lands of rj imuel Malhk.
r. Jo. us, ate, ta t mug seseniy-en, a.- es, anJ
rubolng onto Jacobs Mountain. AImhI iDiri)
aciea . f sid land eta l cleared and cultivated.
and ia well limbered with escellenl pue, chetniil
&e. The terma and conditi na will lie ma 'e ko own
on Ihe day of sa'e by PETE It REEU, Ex'r
Jsekaoo luwn.hip, July H, IH48 Is
Pa'ad and Britannia Ware, Cutlery, and
Pants fjooda. and Manufacturers of Jear.
airy and 8ilei Ware, Ut Cheenul street, Phila
delphia; ha ireeived by lata arrivals a large and
handsome aa.k ef English and French Welches,
and Mar hi.. P.weel,,,, tnJ r4nci Cluekt.
Plaled Urns, Oaalara Ck II. .1... Ui.k ..J
ChamheiCandleeiiek. BeAip Ladle. 8,1000s sod
f " a - "'' of Uiiisnoia
Wars and Pina Cutlery.
Their stock of JEWELRY is larga and ofihs
mnel fa.hioJiebla kind, and ihey are wall supplied
aaaga, napkin Kings,
ButUr Knives. sVc , and wi haoi aj4kin any dis
play of pi tea in Ihe public or haie, they ere pre
pared 10 sell as low as that who do, and ismi
persona wishing la purchase to call.
Philadelphia, June 10, lit!. am
Ace. Fi I year. Fi 7 years.
30 fil l
:sj w l,:i
40 1. a i,6i
so l.sii a,n"
SB 3,4S 3,u7
Wardrobe of Fantilonnblo
J. W. & E. D. STOKES,
No. 1M Market Street. Firtt Clothing ttvrebe
Into Sixth,
VVHERE they are constantly enetrrd in if-t-vv
ting up from the beat French, Ki's'iili
American t nth. c'othini cut and made up in Ihe
moil superior Ind fanhioaable aty e l'ersons
who buy to ael', wil find larn and excellent
stork at the 'owest city prices. C othing made
tip to order, In superior atyls at the shortest
N. B Odd Fellows Rega'la. lante asinrt
ment always on hand Orders from Lodges and
individna a promptly attended toon Ihe most rea
sonah'r terms.
I'hilade'phia, June 3, 1818 ly
TYRANTS at well as Monopolies, mint fall,
o must priret. That this it a fact can be
proved by calling at
No. 72 North 2d street, above Arch,
IIVifftYja end Retail
The stock cnntitti in part of Gold and Sileer
Levert ; I'Kpines and Quartier Watchet j Jewel
rv of the newest and moit fashionable patternt.
SILVER SPOON, Vff Particular attention
paid to thi'te articles, thequaltv ufwhhhi
No 1 and workmnhip ili to. The ettahlih
ment of LE HDRAYhai been well known FOH
hat mmle s rharnrter which needs no pulHng.
Silver TEASPOONS at low at S4,.')0 per sett
can be made fin Ini if wiahed
WATt'll GLASSES Plain. 10 ctt j Patent,
13 i Lunette. SOrtt; other articles in propor
tion. HrmemUt, ynii can buy here b-lnw any pub
linhed list of prirea in thit tJityor New Yoik.
Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and
warranted to give aiitinfartton
N I) Old Uold ami Silver bouiht fur catb or
taken in ear hanae at (ilon't forget the No 72)
North Second Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
S-pt. 2-1, 1817 ly c May 8. 1818
Xo. 10 It C hestnut Slroct,
Between Third and Fourth Sts.
riMIE AHvertier hat continuity on hand and
A manufacturing!, every description ol HATS
ami CAPS, ol'the latest and mott approved lash
inns, consisting of
ti ". In variety, amnn which is new arti
cle for Sjirina and Summer wear.
eel. made aecnnlina to the Army am. Navy ie.
Kiilatmns anil lur' auperioity ot finish and mate
rial, have never been surpassed
! For gentlemen, consisting of FineRoekey 1oun
i tain I'.eaver and Gossamer Hats, (very liuht.)
i Panamut, LeKliomt. Fine CobnoiKS, ect.. ect
! Also fine Siraw. Ilraid. and Hair Cloth 'aps;
Ladies Riilini; 1 1 .it is and ("apt of entirely new
styles, in fact the laigest assortment ever,befnre
otlWed ti. Ihe iiuhhc i being at low in piice ai
I any Establishment in the country
1 Remember HARLE3 OAKFORD.
No. 104. Citmml ilreit. beiwvn
i Third and Fourth tlrrett
t'h t.ul.IpU a
! .liineai, 1818 ly
R ir. SMITH,
! Poc ket Hook and Morocco C ast;
; MauiiiactHi'rr,
I I as succeeded It l. MSTY, at the Old Stand
51 J CHESNUT Street, I hiladelphia
I lYcket Honks, l!..nkfr-.' Ciset and I'nrltolms of
rverv description, I'oit Manmire, Ivory Tablets
Card Cases, )n siihk Cases. Seuar do , Writing
luiekgaminnii hiiaids & Cliessiiien, l.okl
Pens, Snyiler's. Chapnmu's and Saundrr's R.izor
Stinns; I'.l.nv's Tally ho Raxois, Rnders's
Wade & liotrliei'i Jackson. Chinese and Egyp
tain R,izois, Pen Knives and ScisAort, of every
description, Howie ami 1'irk Knives; also
large assortment of Fancy Stationery, at the
lowest rali't.
Jobbing done with i.entness and despatch.
Philadelphia, June'.4, 1819 3m
It AVE REMOVED from 19i Market Street
--- nt their New Splendid and Immense Estab
lishment to be known at the
Tower Hall C'lotlitng It-.izanr.
-Vo. ISi Muriel Sired, Itctween fifth If $itth
ltlLADl.l.l lil V
The rroprietora feel a reluctance in promul
aatiiie what in any way might appear like the
usual Buinbastic exagiteration of aome in the
liade, bul will beg leave 19 quote the following
notice Irom one nl our city pipers;
'One of Ihe greatest curiosities that our City
srTorda to the atianger, ia BENNETT it CO'
I eieat clothing atore. No. l$i Market Mreet, be
IMeeu ruin ami fimn, wnicn nas Deen aiyieu
Tuner Hall," from Ihe peculiar finish of Ihe
front. I he building ia an immense one, con
famine seven capacious rooms, all 01 whii'b are
storked with every variety ol seasonable, gar
merits, arranged in the most perfect order and
regularity. The roprit tors take great pleasure
hi showing their building and content! to th
citizens, particiilai ly atrangera, and to those co
ming fmm the coiintiy we know of 110 place
more worthy of a visit. a
Philadelphia, .May 27th, 1818 3m.
A Tum-sAMii Dilutes tStvrn !
Hat iiiid Cnp .11 ami fact iircrs
Siiu'h Edit Corner tif 44 and Muriel Street
liafmenl trorif
HAVE c.t na'ant'y on I and a full and rcnpteie
aiorimnit of HATS, U.p!i. and FUlll-
Also an elegant assorun nt of njerw' an I bo
Leghorn, Punams, sod P-l n l. af Hats. AH
wi ich by a saving of $11)00 in rmt, will lie s-dil
w hole ale Sod n-iai', at the v. ry lowcai prices.
Cnunuy dealer woul I d i well lo rail, aa by e
ronnoiy aii'l low leni, we areeuldel to sell
very low ra'es
June lO.h, 1818 ly
V I'ST received, st the atore ol Hinsv Mas
9jf lis, a choice iisnrtment of DRV GOODS,
liraeenet. L'qunr: I'limUiif and other hutt. tie,
all ol wtiico win lie solil st Ibe loweat pricet.
Sunbuiy, June 3, 1848.
No t93 Market Street. Below Eighth, North tide
Keeps eonstsntly on hand all kind of old Li'
quor, vis : Superior old rye whiskey superior
Brsiidy, (iin, ttc. Alto white brandy far preser
ving. Wild (berryand blackberry brandy.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1846. ly
And Dedtrt in Paper, and Paper Manufactu
rer' AMI fr tor 1.
No. 33 Cossmeree St., PHILADELPHIA.
'WI' EEP conetsotly en hand a larga assort
1 nseot a priatisg and ether paper. News.
pspars in the country, can ha supplied at all
tinea, with paper of any sis anil ejaslity, at
iae rawest prices. .
Pbiladclphis. Jasa Ivth, lit!
fpHIS Extract Is put op tn quart bottle. It k flit tiinfn
Xclrmpar, pimmuiter, ami nrn.mni mipen.r in any
11IJ. It curen diwiiami viilonl vumitiiuTs Dumiuir. mck-
nttm or dcbililating tho ptiUcnt. ami ia particularly uilnijtud
tti rmi bmuty ami aitiH-riority if thia Hrinriali ivcr
vuwr riiiueii layt'liiwt It eranicaiLcaiuacat,
It invia;3rata the body.
CiMimhtinn cured.
Ckrmn and Birargihw.
CjiUHtuitiiion emu iw curml.
Uniehiti, Coiieniinptiun, Liver C inplnini . O IK .' jnlrt,
caiarrn, AKiriiiia. nniiiuif 01 biojO) rvvrnnftMR m uto -Cheat,
Hectic Pluah, Niaht Sweats, Ditfi
cult bik! Prjfuae Kxprctoratipii,
ajHl Pain In the Side,
Ice.. Ac,
hae and can tie ruml.
PriAbIv there never wai a remedv tltat tait wn an mo
oeurfttl in draperate caara of eonauinpti'tn as thia ; it rtean
ara and eUrcnilima the pyu'wn, an1 aMoarn t heal the ul
cers in the lungn, and pn'tiema gradually regain tlieir umial
nmiiu aim mreiiKin.
Tlir:f is ararrdv a day iafterf Lut tlicre arc a number of
nata ot' cot inn t notion retxiriiMl aa vmai by thn um uf Dr.
Tuwnsei.'a Saraapaiilla. The foUowuig was recently re
ceived :
Dr. Tow! Drnr fMrt For the tnrt thre) reara I
ive !eii Mfflictcd with a-eurmil dbilitv. and nTVoua cxhi-
sumption vf the ktrt ataire. and did ik expect to ever ffain
my health it all. After going thrmgh a cm rue of medicine
under the enro of a-nne of the m wt dirt ii wit i,ird renlar
myiHcinns ana mtimicni oi me nfaru oi iinann in acw
otk ami elf c where, anil spend i up the m jst of my earnings
1 attemntins- to retrain ntv henllh. ami alter rradinir in
nne iiaper of vour Iiritnimrilla I res tived to try it. After
UMtng six bottles I f-Hind it d ne me (rreot g and callnl
to see von at vour offint : with vnur askW I Vnl on. ami
do most hcnrlfly tlmnk you lur your ndvlcc. I nrrnovcre in
hi King inc ronupMTin, nnu nave oeen ante 10 aiicnu in tny
umml tabnra f the but finir months, and I hope hr the
bleasinganf 0.l and vour Hirmpnrilla to c.mtiuue my
health. It helped me beyond tho exnectati'ms of nil who
lew my cniw. CHARLES QUI.MBY
1 prang, Ksaex eo. a. j., Aug. a, 1H47.
State of New Jersey, Knsftx county, ss Charles Qiiim
'Ijeinir duly sw-rn 'nccnnling to lw. on his tadh aaith.
it the foregoing stntemrnl Is true put mlintr to the bent of
.Knowledge and belli! . CHARLKS CLLMHV.
Sworn and subsrribed to lief.jrc me at Orange, the 2d
Juatice of the I'eace.
Bend the f !l whir. end iwv that coiisiunnlinit is in incu
rable if you enn :
lcw York, AWll Jit,
Dr. Townkknd i I vcrilv Itelieve thnt vour Siniirilla
hns been the means, through Proviilent-e; of saving my life
I havaf tr scvernl yenrs had a bad rwgh. It btvftine wore
awl worse. At lost I raisrd large qnnntitics of hltnd. ha l
nig'it sweats and was grcntly d:hilitntcd onl rMhiiHl, and
did n t expert to li-e. I hare only used your Sjrn;rfirilb
Ult a sh irt time, nud there hns a wondcrinl chmiire teen
wr ught in tn. 1 am nnv able t wilk nil over the citv
raise no W--J, nntl mv c nioh hns left me. You ean well
imigint thnt 1 am thankful f r thes resul'a. Your obe-.U-ent
servant. WM. RIJSSKLL. Oi Cuthnrinc st.
The nnnoxod cert i licit e tells a inml niul tmttiful ntnrv
of sutTfring and relief. There arc th jumivla of similar rn
ss in this city and Brooklyn, and vet there are thusmdit
of parents let their ehil iren die f jr fear of hcinghuuibuggrd
or lo save a few shillings.
iiru kiyn, opr. i.i, ifi7.
Dr. ToV.xkD: I take oleamire in siiiiiiiD. for ii Iwnn-
Gt of thsc whom it way concern, tliut my daughter, two
cn nun six mitriis ou. was nltlirten wuii goncrul nc
lility and I tss nf stcecli. She wm given up ns past je-
uy our lanuiy wivrticiaii ; iku i inunaiciy i whs rc
iniueiidr bv a l'nend to trv vour SirmoariHn. ltii'ir
having used one bottle she ree-jvero'l her speech find ws
ennblcd to walk alone, tn the ast mishmcnt o nil vvlio were
icq ua i n ted with the circumstance. She is mm- unit ivt?IL
ami in much letter heilih ilimi she hns heon for li in nit lis
pas.. JOSKPH TAYLOR. 12 York St.. Br loklyn.
two hiilihu;. SAVKD.
Very few families iii-Jetl in furl we h-ve n 4 heard f
one that used Dr. T twuscuil's Stimisirilkt in time. 1 st
any children the part Summer, while th thnt did u t,
si.rki'iirtl Htiti diet I. The cercificate we publish bel iw is
ncliiHive evidence of iin viilup. oml la m- an inmuiirc
of its saving the lives of children :
llr. loWNsRvn Dcnrnir; 1 had two children rnretl by
jiir Sirsuxirillu of the sumiutT compl lint nikt d m nt'trv ;
ne was nnlv l. in-mlh old and m oilier 3 veirs. Thcv
werc very much rcdiHfd, nud we e.pift,il t1n-v wmld die ;
they were given up by tw rcs'iectnblc physicians. When informal lis Hint we must I sc thcin. we rs 4-
eil to trv vtur Sjrsaoarilla we had hoard si mti.'h oi'. but
had little confidence, there Itciuirsi much s:mV odi ttnisctl
that is worthless: but we arc thankful tliat we did. for it
undoubtedly snved the lives of Ulh. J write this dial oth
ers imy lie induced to use it. Your. re;eviftillv,
jtut YllSO.N, Jr.
Myrtlc-nvenuc, Brooklyn. Sept. 1. IH7.
Dpt. Towxsknd's S.i b.vP vRilla is a s nrreinii tin A snimlv t
cure f'tr incipient c insiuuption, atnl for the grnerul prostra
tion of the system no matter whether ihe result of inhe
rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illiictss or -cident.
Nothing cau be in ire surprisinff than its iuvhrornlinr t
'eels on Ihe human frame, persons all wenkneps ami 1ns-
tude, troin tnking it at once bec iue r bu.t and lull, ol'
euertrv uii'lcr its inibieiicc It imnuilintelv c mntonicirt the
iiervrlcsKiiOtU ft the icuule fnune, which is the gicil cau
barren nrse.
It will n il In: cruci IvnI of us, in cxs.s of w-i dii-lieale n in-
tnre. to exhibit ct.'riiiieati s ol cures performed, but wt trni
nss'ire the atflicle 1 UiPt hundreds H cas.- luivc been rector-
II I ll'i.
Dr. Towxscmi: Mv wife bcinir arnallv tlis'n-sd lv
wcikncK and genernl debility, and nullering c Mitinnully by
pni.i und with other dilliculiies, and having kn jwii case's
where your uieilicine hns eiVeeierl greut cures; nnd nls
hciriitg it ree.mi mended inr such ease ns I hove described.
wxi the dirertins y u ctive me. In a short oeriod it
rem vcd her comnlaiuts and restored her to hc-iilh. Ilciuir
greitml f r the lieuefits shu rcci'ivctl. I t:tke ptetn-urc in
tha a'.'kunvledging it. and rccoiumending it to the nublic.
Albanv, Aug. 17. Ml. r r. Cmmd k Lvdia sis.
No Hit id or medicine has ever been divovcr! which so
nearly resembles Hie gnstt ie juice or saliva in dcconiyiiing
food nnd strengthening (he organs of digestion ns this pre
paruti u of KirsaiKijillii. It positively cures every caw of
dyspepsia, however severe or chronic.
wants Ucrnrtinent, Allsuiv, JVlay 10, IHt.i.
Dr. Towusend Sir: I have been ulflictcA)' for aev-eral
years with dys;ieMiia iu its wwst form, attended with s mr
nesa of st wii'ich, I is of ntttite. extreme heartburn, aisl a
great avernvui to all kinds of foxt, nisi ih weeks, (whnt 1
c Hikl cat) I have been unable to retain hot a small port Mm
on my stomach. I tried the usual remedies. Ult they Iwd
mit little or no efleet in rcmoviuy the coniuhmt. I w-ts in
duced. abHit two mouths since, to try your l-'.xtruet of S:ir-
sauilla, ami l must aiy with little continence, j Uit alter
using nearly tw b rttles, I found my nppeliie rentovett nnd
tha henrtbiirn entirely removed; audi wmld cnruesllv re
C Hiimeud the use of it to those who have Imcu nihieteif ns 1
hivebeeu. Your, Ac., W. W. VAX ZAXDT.
Agent for ftunltury JOHX W. FRIUXO : Xor-
thiiinherlanr, MARY A. McCAY ; Danville, WM. A.
Ml" It RAY ft Co..
April 22, WIS. ly
Phlla., tlcndlitfr, and 1'oltnvllle
Itall Koud.
CHANGE of Hours, ami two Trains Daily
each way, except Sumlays.
On and after Monday, May 1st. 1SI8. two
trains will run each way, daily, between Phils
nil I'otliville.
Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M daily except
Passes Readme st 10 45 A. M.
Leaves Putttville at 7) A. M. daily egcetit
Siiiulayi. Pa. et R-ailil.g at 0 10 A iM.
I he above Line stops at all way station! on
the road ss formerly.
Un Train. I Diiwi Train.
Leaves Philailetpliia at Leaves Potuville at 33
9 V M .daily except I P. M , daily except
Sundays I Sundays.
Leaves Phsnixville 3 43, Leaves Si h Haven, 1 37
Pottstown, 4.I.")
Port Clinton, 3 00
" Reading. ft 0(1
" Reaiiii, 3 30
" Port Clni'oii, S,4.'i
" Sih. Haven, 0 10
" Potlstown. 4 3r1
" I hrinixville, 3 00
rrivet si Stale
Arrives st lotts-
ville, 0 30
Road. 3.50
The aftemoon train will ttopnnly st tbe above
named stations. Passengers fiat other iwiutt
mutt therefore take the -Vorning Line
llenot in Philadelphia, comer of Broad and
Vine Streeta. No Pattengeii can enter the Cart
unless provided with Tickets.
NOTIi'F.. Fifty pounds of baggage will be
allowed to etrb pattenger in these lines; snd
naiseiiKert are expressly prohibited from takiim
anylhinj st baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at the risk of itt owner. No
freight will be taken by these linet. -By
order of Board of Managers
S. BRADFORD, Seeretary
Mny 6 1818. tf
Pictorial Ml I Ion or tl'AuhlKtie'g
great Work ou tbe Keibriiiatlou
piibliihel or. nr about the 1st of Apiil, 1818, by
JOS. A SPEEL, No GO Cherry tt. above 6th,
his splendid 13mo edition of tha above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in 3, bound in estra cloth
and library shtep.
Tha publisher retpectfully rails the attention
of tba trade and tba public generally, to this
work being tba only illuatrsted edition published
ia tba United States Ha trusts thst lbs beauty
ef its embellishments, tke strong and tubatantial
msanar in which it is bound, in conjunction with
Ihe known popalsrity of tke work itself, will be
sura recommendation to publie faor.
JOS. A- SPEEL. Cherry st. above 6th.
J. A. 8 bee also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Raree Show,
a suitable book tor children, neatly deaa up ia
extra clotk. .
rbiladelpkis, Arul I, 1S4I-
CKORGE B. GREEN, Proprietoh.
Windsor, Vermont.,,
1 1" a soverelen mmdi for DYSl'KMl A, ( rm,j ot ml
f. inrms, such n r-iu In Uia atvnach, Hcurtbarn, habitual
n'S.'S"'?: o",d Slm"",h. HM'tacho, 1.omoi Appetite,
riles, Nialit Sweeta, end Consumption (Dyspeptic
Phlhisic,) and Asthma, or Fhthraie attenlra with fTraie
rnent ol the Hlwuach (nr UyapeUc Asthma.) Ptllicull
Ilrcatliing, which oltcn results I'rum imperfiMt ilixratioa (or
Dyspeptic Hyapmea.) is Klirved t,y (hew- Bittern. In short,
their use lias been proved in the relief of almost all the
symptoms that proceed from a ueUlitoteJ or at.aiic comli
llon of the Stomach ; aluo in genernl debility arisine from
ae or from the Hlec! m" Fever, pirtirulurly Fnv and
Aifiie. Peiualea surleiiiif nialrr any uterine derangement
ermiiia Irom weaWneiw, will And the "Oxtoknatid Hit.
Tnn.'' un excellent rouicdy. nnd not surpaiwcil by any medl.
cine in use.
The history of this medicine is neralinr. It has made its
uy to public favor s Joly by the hare of its own intriinic
'tnerits. No artificial means have been used to give it no
t irieiy and tlimst it np n iiublic attenti n. It Tins never
before even been advertised, but having firsi shonit its re
markable eiTicacy in Die family of the proprietor, and bjr
him aftcrwanl ruluiiuisUTed to his atllictcl friends and ru
qiininianerii with a like result, its reputHli m grmtnally ex.
tended until it is kn iwn in Ihe must ilMnnt arls of the
t'nioti, as a medicine of unrivalled virtues in the cure of
Dysiepsia in all iis dilTcrent forum, oihI als for the cure ol"
Asthma or Phlhisic. Its only herald and its only eulogy
hns been the story of its wonderful olTienev, ns told from
mouth to month or by letter from Iricisl to friend. In eve
ry instance where these Itinera have been used, nisi the re.
suit made known to Ihe proprietor, they have proved a re
medy. Numerous rertificntes, attesting the siiigulur efficacy of
Hie "Oxvoknatkd ItiTTEKA," are iii Ihe posncsAion ol Ihe
tiroprlet ir ; tianiy of them signeil by per un alrnndy widely
mown t the public.
l.lXt. B. (IHUKN, Proprietor.
WINDStm. VI., Oct .Kr :i, ISI.'i. .
1'lie following Ceriificates have recently been
received l
, Wamiiotox. D. C, .Il-.k 10, IMS.
Havinc; maile us; of the '-Oxygenated Hitters'' pre,ared
b-llr. (ie. II. ttreen, !' Winilnr., Vt. and from kniw
ledge oliuiiiiil of their efiic icy in etlier eases, wechecrfully
rec..uimend them t Ihcpuhlic. believing Unit they willfully
snstntii the re iniiiir.nriii n of the Propriet'T. We h pe.
that this vntilal.le renieily mav be si g.'tiernlly diflused
throughout the country tliat it iriny be accessible to all Iho
WI& I U. 8. Se,nbW from Vermont.
JAMES K. SIMMONS. I. S. Seimt .r from n. iKlnnd.
J. T. MORKUEAD, I". S. Senator ainl fjriiurly Govern
or of Ki ntuckv.
I. II. AR.VOlaD, Meir.licr ol Cuiiprcw mv f jrmerly 0i
vcrii-'r "I U.I.
WM. WOODHRIDOi:, I. rt. cVnat:tr a.v-t f mneriy Go
vem of MicMttiin.
M. 1.. MARTiX, Dfleg-ite in unii WiHCjunin
Vt m II n. II. D. I'fHTKit. Mcinlicr id' turcM fmm
Wamiixoton. I). C. Jt vk 10. 19t6.
Dear Sir. 1 have- been n Uyneptie mtO'ertr l" r nlHit ten
ycurei. tui'l hfive rctiutinlt vori hk ineilifiiic i'or relief
without ticeeni. until I mule uc of your 'Oxvjrenatcfl
Hitter." I have lined ah-tut two b-rttlc. nml fnrinvwll"
I restored to peneei nciiih. The titrma m wlneM the ui
case Wi iwcd itKcli. in iny Ciiftc, ver. ureal nci hty of the
t-Mfi:tch, 1 ttf appetite extn-sie rhhtlenve, iverc'eonti
(Kill mi ot' the bnvelfl. ntid violent he ubche. Keeling deai
ron n knjwlelc oi' y ur vahuibte rcineily tiny rench
others iiuil..rly ulflittcfl. t;iVc grcit ptairt' in rceord
ing my 1eiti'ri ''iiv t it curative ptwer; uu I would al
reinnic. thnt while on a vmit nt home a xhort lime inee, I
a'hiiiui.Ucretl a part of a h ttle a numlter of mv ntfiicteil
ftiumlfi, with groat uec. Titey are dcairuiie thitt you
h uid et:dilih nn agency nt Pittxliurir. or inform them
where the inidi(-ine i-m be oliciinl. With an curuct de
Hire for irmperit) an.l happineHH. 1 nbvrilte mvclf,
truly y iir friend . i. I'uSTKR.
)'et. Ieo. M. (.nrRx.Wintl r, Vt.
S ld Wh mV-iI and RiHnil bv Green & Fl'-tcher. No.
'jOSmlh Sixth Street, Fhiliitlrljiliw.
Agent f T SMtilmrv II. H. MASSER.
Amenta for Mill'ii M At'K A V A IlA Vtl.
April 15, lSlb
Tn prcnluii the puMic with o remedv f .r the tnrntment
X and cure nl Kkvkk axu Am t audiahcr hili u ditacn.
nonpiligy is uee.led. Vast uitiuljers in the I'nitcd States,
who suiter from t!icc aff.-etioitK in their varied forms, uru
c imjiL-llett lo i.-ek relief from olher s inn-en thnu the inline,
ilmte iremripti n.i of the regular physii-inn. It liec-itnes
llieref -re an obj.-cl of hiuntuiity, us well as of public inter
est, to briua lief ire them a reuuily prepared fi.-m iiiuch ex-v.-rienci
and which um always Is- relie.1 iiioii ns,
such is the true ch-inn-lcr ol" the INDIA t'llOI.Aimot 'K,
is limply attested by the universiil sneci-ss wilh which it ims
been einpl tyeil.
7 l.Mruct from n eouiniiuiiciiti u f the II. ,u. Wil
liam WooimniiHii:, of tlie I . S. Senate, Inte Uovcrnor of
Ui-.tiioit, Oct. Ml, lull).
DocTon t'ltARi.iw 0.iiitn,
Dear Sir, 1 linve nsid willi uuu-li interest, your litile
thaevtikc uuon llie i-eaoeCH. ti-rattii.-iil ami cure' ol' the
lebrile di'H.-ases which hive s eletisivcly prevailed ill our
e.inutry (luriiic tlieluil lew ui iillis sn luteri.-st uu-reasej
t, , ,l.wtlil Iw lh. r.nllhat I Ii.i,-a l.i'livi.liinin- unlorA.! a
much from them. Th ii:h I I.-...I mvself very iue -mpeteut
to judire iru'ely uuoo a snbiejt k en'lireiy pnaVasi ml. vet
vnur the r Kevin l in uvll rtrt mm), nnd vmr e mic1u
i-n iust. and I think wiih.-d, that y nir p:iinphlet in eaieu
lutiH) In pruiluee iimeh praeiieul irTfil.
flcf(kiiin ti the tuedieiin he ray :-e-lt fully jitHtifiat vnur
nattering t:xeetali-an4, inw) u a al. enuvcnient, anil pipn
Inr rrniwty, my own exiwrifiice. i fir, induce me Ui be
lieve thai il will prtve o grevt public benefit. I mil pkned
I i Ictirn !tal yHi have reimitty extnbliMhed nevenil mreiK'if
f if i:a iiv iiini thcntt;h I rifret that, with a vier t a
ni -re gt'nfnd di-iniiinfiun uf it, y-"u Fhtmlil linve fmid it
ueenuctr to remove from y-Hir pnnrtil rt-idenee ninony u.
With uiueli reiM't I linve the h to be, ir,
ixir ohliired servant,
WI! MAM WOODimijir.K.
C iT From II n. STHniH V. II. THowrniixiK, uf .Miclii
Rau yuitt- Scimti-'. to (lie Ay flit ut Dt-trnit.
HlHMIN'rll AM, (UktANP '., Pee. 1 1H1.
Sir y-u wih me to iui rui you what I know of Dr.
tf mkI'a IndiH rhol tfr fnitf, or Hiiti-hilioiis inn Urine. I d
Iwlif ve tluit if the virtue awl tilifaer of thi motHfine were
evnia!ly kH 'Wii, the kkvek A.u.kuii would dnpear iu
I prritmt n Ixittle in tin prin? of 11 1, nud hiiver)oi1
retfiii 1 1 Iwliuvt? tluit iuycli' nud family eiteujted ihe ague
lux! tnsiiiu in e nisutuae'of its ue.
rerhap in n 'iiniiui'r ninee the ttlrui'nt of thirf fine
Wfiiiiitulii, h:m the i' vr nnd uyue ueu jirevulriit 11 llie
Ltst. I linve reT imiii'nlnl ihi iitttlieiiu in imnienmii in
tmiff. und wht-n Ihe diJff h id U-usMiu- lixixl und lutlled
tin Hkill ttf phvici -nn: and I Irtve m'vrr kit wu it fail. I
hfl univerwilly prtNlunil ihi'in wt happy etfeetH. nml I brt
lieve tl lm inn er Item t-.rHNl'l by uuy uuxl trine in ret;ii
viug the biliNie diavuw ti" 1m clintHte.
Your, rt-HpeHrnllv.
- A'j.-iii far tnntturv H. B M ASSl'.H : Northnmlierluud.
WrrillNOTtiM A t' . i Mill ui, J. II. KASK1I; tt. liM.
if rove, .MAV & KLOSK.
Mny 0, lHlStf.
(ill KAT XA'riOXAlMOUk-
A HUtory of the ttevoliiltuii nud I.lvr ot the
Heroes nf llie Wur ( ludepeudeiit-.
An elegant volume wilh IB fine Strel Platen,
and nearli) 21)0 beautiful Wood Engraving.
'Tliis is a spU'iulid hsik. A vulimMr uil.lili 'il lo the
Hist I,ili.r:ittirr ol' our ciiinlry. W'c arw unk-ll luita
keu if it ft t-s n a toko runk with llu vorka is Iniug aisl
Pri-s.-.m." 1'rjnkforil llurukl.
It surisisM-s any siuulur work yt-t 0Wih1 to llie AiiK-ii-con
iiuliiii-." Null's tiuxi-lti.
"It uiuy bi. properly c luihlml a nomturiM. Miliiury
History of llu-Iti voto'iion, cmrciiKly will ami juilicioiia
wriltiu." . AuH'rii-aii.
"'I'hc pri'st-ut v-rk on llu Rr-voltiiiou unit ils Hi-rocs, is
supt-ri ir, bolli in r&tmlt ami dtistrfii lo any thul has hr-rt-Ui.
fore c una luiui-r mir li' ita-ii." In .
A well c-uhmtuiI History of llut erruiful ix-riml. IhiI-gi-r.
"UiciliiUy llie best popular History nf lite war nfthe
llfv.iliiii ai aial its llfrs-s. Iliui lias yH Ix-t-n iii-u to lue
cotiiitrv." S:itunl;iy Kvr-niiis; Tosl.
tty'AGKVlU WAN'l'KU I roiivass Hit- above rlc
irmt W'.irk, iu pvry I'ihuut and Towu tn tiw, I'nitrd
Ssfitos, to whom llie iiuwl lilK-ml iiiiluvt-utruts will ttecsler.
eP Price oulv VI.
Adiln-s. (wt.iiiil) WM A.I.KAKV.
.u. uie .onn i.i'.i iiu rr.
I'liilmh-lphia, Muy tSl, l"M Oul
llriiHli, Comb and Variety
No 98 North Third. brtn Rati St. and Nirth
East eonntr of Third and Market itretl,
WHERE they offer for sale a general snort
ment of all kinds of Brushes, Combs ana
varieties which they ara determined
Lower then rsn be purehsted a sawhero,.
Country Merchant! and others Purcbating in
tbe above line will find it i (heir advantsga to
rati before purchasing e'iawbere aa tba quality
and prices wiU b ful'y guarantacd against all
cacnpetition. -' "
rbiladelpbia, June 3, lH-ly
"ir tt .m ia i i
. , ,, r . THE ONLV DADtCAL Cl'KE FOU . i
Scrofula or Kinfr'f Evil, Ilheumntium, OUtinote rutnieoiv
..ttiptHMaa, rimpiinor i pifiuir on me l are, flHMCnef,
lhlf. Chronic Sore Eye, Ring Wonu or Tetter,
Scnhl Head, Enlnrpement md rain of the
Bwn ai. ioiiitn.Siiblvmi I'lecr, fvphi
Utie 5ymitoirai, Sciatica or Inmbiro,
Uieara arising fnqn an injitdi
cimin uite of Mcjcury. DroH
y, Expomre or linpni
deuce In lite ; nlit
, n Chronic Contli
lull -nil Din. ' ,
i . order.
in tui medine acveral mnorent Uit verv potent artichw
..V..sClil?nl,,c V'f11 " "Hiteil, funning a compomifl
entirely different in II r-hnmrter and pmpertic from any
other proMration, and unrii-allctl in It operation on the
ayatern when laborinft under 1irna. h.ild be In the
lunda of everv peraoii, who, by buineaa, or general courae
of h e. a priiioed to the very immv ailiincut that ren
c er life a curse, uutend of a blowing, und i oi ten reult in
ron ftci.OFvrA.
rir. Dmke Pnnnecn i rneomniendcil a a certain renin) r.
Not one iituicof it fnilnrc ha ever occurred when free!
ly ued ! It cure the iliaonitc and at theame timt iuitart
vtgur to the whole ytem. Scriful nt itemm can never
pay t much attention to the atate of their hlood. It pu
nficntiou ahuld be their firnt aim ; fr p-rerorancc will
accomplish a cure of rsw hfjieditmit liwac.
fVurvy, Scorl'Utic AllW-ti"n,, While Swcllinc;.
Ervfiteln. I'lccra. Caneeri. Ilnnninir S re. Scnb niul
Rile. Dr. Drake' Tanftccn cann t In t ju highly ext"lled ;
il searches out the very r xrt 01 the disease, and pcrinaiient.
lntiirsTKi: nit nvmipnui .
No meiliein,. oerliSDS has ever ln-cii ilisc-i-er-d which
gives so nntch tone lo the Rtmiach au t causes thesecre.
tion ol'a hr-olthy gastric juice to dec .nii ye the i'o.l a llr.
llinkc'a Panacea
Dr. Prilo-' pjuocea is ua,hI with Ihe success iu
Hhcmnalic Complaints. csieciallysiiclihsclir'jiiic. It cures
by driving out all impurities nnd Youl huin.mrs whicli have
nccutnitbied iu the system, which are ilie couite ol' Rheu
matism, U.'iii. and Swelling-! the j,.iii.. dther remedies
s.meliiiies give leinunrurv relief: tliis entirely era licutes
the di-'eu.'V irom Ihe systein, even ivheu the limbs and bulics
are dn-uihully swollen.
roxsuMt-rioN can be criir.0. rough., Cutarrh, Bron- i
vhiti.1, Spiuiiig of lil ka1, Asthma, Diiiicult or prolime Mx
peci .rutun, rtroiic l'iush, Nitthl Sw eats, Pniu in the side
ic. have beencured, niul can bo with as much eerlainty as
nnv other ilimifu,. A Kiuieilti. Ii-,m I lv,i &itfli, i.irliiit
in-niii until the discovery ol' Dr. Drake's Panacea, it is I
mild and rale but certain mid rilu nlious in iu upcmliou, i
and cann tt pvit'ly mime the inont Ui lit-ale c iiAlituti -it.
e w nnn eununiiy tn- nuiru'iiu th"e ulnicted to Rive it n
trial and we believe they will not Inve oowtiioii t regret
it. The nystrin i ck'auf'l and Ktrvnthened, the nice in un
the lung are healed, and the palit-iit ijnHlu:illy i.'ain tti.'ir
usual healih and strength. Read the iollowtti :
I'lllLA., Dec. Ulh, IM17.
! Di:ak Sir : In reply l vour questi n rinectiiitr the nne
ul Dr. Unikt Paimrcu, 1 will any. although a perfect
disbeliever iu the exitcncc of a IViVarKA, tr cure tiw all
dilute, however valnat.lo it utiy lur in certain e uditi 41
01 the yitcni. till 1 have bclieveil iliat a cure i'jt C iiftunia
tion would In. disc ivored 'rucr or Liter, and cun inly hi
me tJ try vir medicine in tw vrv invefrate c.vp.
They were pronounced by the ntteiHliutr phviriuni t' Im;
pclmonary consumption, ond uluud'Hicd bV them uh in-
rruArt.r. One 01 th per!. h id been muter the treat-
ment of several very able prtn liii -ni-is i'or n nniiiber nl'
yenrs, and they said she luul 'Vld insln met t'oinnmipliou
e 'tnbine with tcrolula," oud Unit ihc rTii!it linger for s line
lime, but could n t Ik.- jM-riiuin'-iilly rt'li.;il. In bMhcases
the eilt-et (.1 the Paiinecn hns been 111 .t rmt ilyiufr. Only
lonr or live b-itilcs tvero used by one of the tersrus t
she beiin to improve rnnitlly. The olh.f lnk ub 'lit ten. .
I will only add tlmt I'niutliar nA I tun wilh coiisuniptiju by
inheritance oml by exteufive eliKeriiil. n ns n stmly, utnl
kn-iwing aliri the injurious elfix-tN in nine cases out of leu
of tar, bom-set, und other vi-getnltle l.uics. us wisll as of
iniiny 01 the cxncrtoruntstusl iliitivt-s. I .h lild never linve
rec muiieisled llie use of Urnke 1'iinticea if I had not licrii
iieijuamteil with llie ingredients. tuirH!c it to nay tliat Ihesc
are recommenced by our lu-iM p iplllnr and m-ii-iitilie phrsi
ciuis, ami in llieii-present combined i-iate, form probably
llie best nllerative that lias ever Itei-ti uiide. The cure in
iu aic.viUuce Willi a theory of Ciisuinptinn Imsiebed in
l-'raucc a few years ago, by one of her m vt eminent wri
ters 011 medicine, nnu ii iv enttbli-tli-d bv fjcu which xul
mit of no dinpiit'.-.
Very i'.cupccll'ully Yours, I.. C. '
To iir ibe luietciee of nnotbvr. "In. Drake. Piuiaeji iu
ulways s:iliitary iu ils ctfect never iiiiuri ns. It is n t us
0iiute it in tMt mid l-'.XK-cl.imiir. It l u il inteuileil l-i hut -the
invulld iut i ti falill security. Il i h jrr--ul remedy u
graiul healiiu. und curative c m;v und. file creal and only
rein.-dy which medical si-ience and kill 1ms yt-t pr'XliKvil ;
for the treatment ,a this hltheit lue'- u(llereit umhtdy. And
no pers ,ii nlllii'teil wilh this dreul dineiiKC. will lie just to 1
himself and his friends, if he po it wu to Ihe grave wilh mt I
testing its virtues. A sinpte b title, in ni"st enses, will pr".
duce u favoruble t-hnnge in the c-in-litiou ol any fialiciit.
h wever 1 rtv' .
lb'ti i
Hide c miiiI(-&i4i und t Nimiuiutiw habit
uch hk ure dfhiluiti'd by lh mc tstMliU' tivnx which fcuialc
! ,mbl to, are restored bv Ihe uu of a Untie or Iwo,
W'Xau nt"r. II is by Inr the b.-t ren,ely ever disc n e
I I'.lf WjlLlt- l-llllllrt-l. M.ul ttb-l. IhII H iMit l.tlnMm . Iu.1....
.lciiaanl , lh. y l:ikr it. Il iiuiiu.-iliati-ly r.-'t iru thsai'ipclilr,
strciif!ti and color.
NolhuiK ran be inorn surprising llian its inviu iroliiic ef.
I'iMits on lUii Iimiuui fralia. IVrH 'iis, all weakness and las.
simile liel'ore taking, it, at oiu-e beguile rolmst am full of
encrpy uisli-r ils inrluener. It iiiiiuetluile CHlnleraeta the
nerveleiuuiess ol the fi-umlc frame.
CAt TIOX. Bo lari llll an.l sr Hint nut the penil.
ine llr. UiiakVs Pan.ici: it hasihr sif;iiiiliiref (eo. I-'.
Stohsn on the wrapper iwl his i Ihe uuuie "l)i. Dbakc's
Tanacka, I'lllLA." blown ill Ihe (tl'iss-
Prrpnrerl onlvhv Htobba i Co., lr.iev'ifls, N'o.'il North.
Sixth W , Hliiliulelphia.
Arcnt for Runliury II. M ASrtKlt.
(ijld ulso bi Wi. A. MrHi l'.. Danville II.HntKr
KB, Milton; Mahv Mrf ov, onlimiii-rLi,Hl ; l;. I',
April I, lets ly
FIRK AMU Tllli:r PltODK I lltTS,
Seal nnd Lutter-Cojivinir l'lvri', 1'hIhiiI
Slute-LiiieJ Rt'fiieriiton. WattT Fil
ters, Patent Purlalili; Water t'lu
nets, iuteiul.'il tor llie Iiek
niul 1 1 r I i i ) i .
78 South Third Street,
Miitlul'u.'tiiri' unit kerpeoiiKlunt-
mmamm i- .mi la-tml n I tr.r.. t,i .rfnitHtl of
.''j 'i the ull-e arlieles, I leettier Willi
j jv-VL ini-ir i iiii-ui luiiinji eo r-.uiiiaiiui-r
-fr rillll.l'IMlllI' K H I'S. v..o..h
! H jE are s j rowtni.-t-il ns lo set ut n-s.1
all liiuiiiu-r 4 it uU as to theii
.-;vl!1 bt-iiu itri.-IK- tirt-or 101'. unit thut
tht- will r. i-isl llie lire of uuy
iHiii-tiiiir. Tin- ollliile eusii ol
these, tafi-s ara uiailc of boih-r idai, the iiohh- cusotu' bi
stoue, mill bi-lweeii Ihe ouler i-'im uii.l iuiler is a ipiire
of mn- three iurhra tliiek, aiul is tilled in with iiulrntriu--lilib-
uiuleriiil. so as I i umke il mi iiuov-iiliilily to burn any
iH' Ihe ronteiils inside of this I'ln-sl. 'Its-s.- S sipstnie f.i
aiinuiulers we are prepared au.t d eluillt-ntfe th.' wal.1 I
protliue uuy oiIu Ih in llu- ali-ipe ol lu.ik Sil'ea tkit will
suindas iiiiiili h.-ul, ami we lilt iwselt-ea r.:ly nl nil
time, to hHelhem fairly tert.-.l tie pilMie Inutile. We
also continue to liiaiiulseliire a kirn.- iin.1 een.-ml usa rl
uieut of our Premium Air-tij'.l I'm- Pre tf Riles whi.-li
there lire over KSI now iu use, and in evt-r iiifluiu-e ih.-i
liuve iriven entiiw atllisl'aeli'ill I I Ihe plir-li:iHi-rs of which.
we wilt refer Uio puUie I n few ajuitiomeii who li'iva
them iu use.
Ilnywsal It fnvder. PH'si iHe : O. Ijiwihi
P.etsville; Ml. William l'rr, l .vleslowil, Pu.
N. A li. Tartar, IJ,, n alii M si.; A Wriiiht Nephew
Vine si. wliurf j Alvxmider furor. tl.siveyaia-r, eori r ol
Fillierl aial nth sts.; John M. K.n1. -H uorih 3d st.; Myers
Bush, l north 3l st.; J unes M. Pnul. till s allh tlh st.;
Dr. David Juyne, U mth l at.; Maihew T. MiSer. '
a null :id el.; and we reiki naiue a aua hiuatmls iM others
II it were necessary. Now we iuvile Ihe atleiilloil ol Ihe
publie, and iiarlieiilarly those in wruil Pire Pnsa (jnies,
lo call at iair atore be lore por.-lwnn)i elsewhere, and
ran sntlal'v Ihem Ihey will evt a taller awl eheaiier arllele
at our tluui al any .alier esniNisliinert i iha ttty.
We akvi uuiiulw-lure the ordinary Fire rnem, at
al very Kw price.. eheriier than they run be U-ughl al soy
other store Iu Phihal. I,u,iu.
Philuilelihia, April S, K.-aly
George J. Weaver,
No. Ill Water Street and No. 1 1 North Wharvei
WAS eonstsntly on hand, a goiieral sssort-
I meut of Cordsga, Seine Twines, eV., vist
la" Ropsa, Pishing Ropee, White Kopsa, Maui!
Ie Ropes, Tow Lioee fur Canal Unata. Alau, t
complete aaaoitment of Heina Twinss, eke, such a.
Hemp Bhasl sad Herring Twine, Ileal Patent (Jill
Nat Twine, Cation Shad and Herring Twine, Shoe
Thread, etc cave. Also, Bad Cords, PUnigh Unea
Halters, Traces, Cottoa and Linen Carpet Cham
&.C. all of wbkk be will diapuae uf os, ixaeoaahle
"hil.dalpis, JunsSt, Its. ty
Indian. Vegetable Pills.
This medicine ia euttiponnrltd o feftttel principle, front
the pure, unadulterated- herb of the '.Indian, Allhrmgh
there are many medicines the.aums name, every
one ia aware that there ia at Vet? jjreat itiferenee amnrn
them. Those of them tliat are stoned "lnrfin," hare stolen
the name from as, who were the first o-hodnf a prepa'
red Indian medicine to the American puknet Of eeerae a
similarity of name doea not create a similarity in the char
acter of the medicine. -
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pitis are HHrtlnguishod for
tlieir perfect adaptation lo the human body In Iheil oper.
ation, they do exactly what aatars does, ami nothing snore'.
They have a roca-roLS actio) apon the Idngi, shin, hid
noj s and bowels. Hence Uicir peculiar power over dteaies
fly promoting persjilratL-n, they break Op bom Cetsas(
niiae.MATir CoxrLAist, Pais in tue Bunt, taoetiL
I'l-iAMors Kat moMi, riatn.Es, BurrcnH, Farcstas,
l'.avAi7ra.AA. 4e. ' , ' -
The efc'.ion of tha Tills on the kidneys is such aa to mike
them a valuable liilmutriptle. Daorsr,' GaiviL, and Pa
Mali Coiiiplaints, suisins; ' from obatnwtioiia at certaia
periods, are speedil) renved by their use. ; ; J"
A free EartcfoRAii-s fn.m the lungs ia excited be the
use of Wright's Indian TgeiaMa Ptllaj -thaw MotIihi
I'ulinoiinry Owrpkiiiit, . sech s Axhha Baeerrtb;
OnENXH AND Tl'llltNfclA OF IHC BSEA.T, CoCgbr, SorS
Throal, Ac. ''' '
Ily their action on the FJtohuchI and Rowels, the Pike
cure Dv.rErsiA. I.lvl:a roarktuiir rLriTtoK at Tea
Heart, I-'lati lxxcv, Costivek, Kariat' of all kinds,
Pleurisy, Headache, Giddine!, Dysedldry, Piles, aial all
disorders of the intestinre. '
Tnken iu small doses, Wright's Indian TegeteMk Pills
become an Alternative medicine, of great eaarcliHig' etJ
ficacy, for the cure of onn of all kinds, Tetter, Tumors,
Jacndick,Ixiwnes4 0F Spirita, Neiralcia, Rash, Paiks
IN THE llONXA, 4c.
These Pills also thoroughly break lip IrrrLtrisxa, in
which complaint they are extremely valuable.
In Bilioi-a CouFLAtNT. these Pills exercise a eomplet,
imstery. Hence Fxver and Antra ia speedily cured by the
use of thein, In the Western and Smthern States, where
this itiscaso mostly pre-ail. th.Ke Pills go like an Avalanche.
Whilethey are cheaper tlmn Hie fever and agile remedial
in general, Wright's ludinn Vegetable Pilla have been
pmiunecd superior to all of thcin. Indeed, it would an
pear that if there is one complaint over which these Pill.
-v- r ih ajc au.
For destroying and ex;clliug Worms, no Vennifng e Is
snperlor to these Pills Althougli we have not taken pains to
make Ibis fact public, the merit of the medicine itself baa
acquired for it an citiwivc reputation and aale for the re
moval of Worms AdiuiniKtcrcd to adults or children, tba
eil'cct of Ihe Pills is equally radical and decisive. All who
sniTer from Worms slioukl by all means, use Wright's In.
dian Vegetable PilK
In fuel, no one can go amiss in the use of thia medicine.
They are n-ituml to the body ns food ia. A trial wjlj
c mvincc Die skeptical thnt Wright's Indian VegetnUe Pille
fur from being a common "qnark nostrum," are decidedly
the most valuable medicine ever offered to the public.. i
Beware of Sugar Coated Counter
fell .
Remamber tluit the original and only genuine Italian
Vegetable Pills have Ihe wi itlen silnalure of Win. Wril,t
n the t'lptalwl f each box.
! Wright': Indian Vegetable IMIIa.
I Henry Mssaer. Sunhury.
ilv ic J. KsalTinin, Auensta tmvnbini
I oti 11 H. Vine nt, Cliillisiu iquii.
Kase & Brrg!ie.-ser. Ety-bu-g.
Biinuel rlrrh, l.ittle Alahnn ijr,
William l.iepH-n. Jsrkaon. . . .,
Iieluid siol II lynej, McBvnniIle.
Willi un Hoiin 11 & Brother, Milton,. ,, -
Foii-yihe, W'itaon & Co., NuithurtberllnJ
Jiimea R. J. Polliiirmve.
0. W. Scflit, Ku.-hstile, 1 1, .. :
W. Si It, F, a -lvSli.irjioiiinlosvn.
Ithoilcr ic Pjiro.v Snj JcratowD.
Amoa T. Bei I!, Turhu'srille.'e Holshur, Upper Mahnnoy.
J, hit Or. Rcnn. do d.i.
K.I. I'i f, Walsniituwn.
Wbn'e'-rle, "I the iilTice atnl general depot, 109
Rare tt.. PbtUdtl liia. July 8, 1848 ly
C O L I. EG C O F HE ALT it ,
207 Main street, Buffalo, Ar. Y.
?rgrtab!e Lilhoiitriptie Mixture.' .
' rpms eelebraled remedy is eonstuiilly iucreoi'nt; ita nuce
r the itauiy curca it is making
-1 r
II h i ii w Lee .inelhe tuily iiK.lwino for family use, and al
, purtieuiurt) rcciHiimeutted for
i . . DROPSV: -;
i all t:ige.i of this implnliit iiiiiiiedintcly relievedVno matter
I ui' bow fan standing. See Ph.unphlot for testimony. -i
GRAVEL, ; . .
; amt an diseasi's ol'the urinarv organs; for tliese dikraie'
i ins e aii(iliiiiiis il surah, .-done do other article can relieve
i yon ; and ihe cures tesiifiedto will eouviiF-e ihe ruuat akeo
liral ; see iuu,k.-l. Jrer Onniitainr. Billions diaeaeaa.
FEVER &AGLE. ... .:
i To the Ureal West esieeiully, and wherever tlieae-euui-
iktiut prevail this medicine i na'ereil. ' -
j no il..,:erious e mipooiul Is a part of this mixture, a
cures tlnw diarases with ccrUiiuly and eeterily, and doea
not lc-ie ihe Hvsteiii Uvoid. rVe Paiunhlel. ... .
a e iiiiiit of a most puiuful clairaeterf ia j
mi I a cure i .11 iws by a few days use of ihisartiele j il is
far before any olher propamiioulor tliia disease, or for any
; other ilimisu onk-iunliug Ir an impure Mood Sea pan
i hlel. - . , .
weak burfc, weakuem t the Kidim'st Jte., nr InfUmuna
I li u t'l kiltie, i liniiietlialely relieved by few da- um ui
' lltu iiu-tlieiite, uud tt eurv u nlunys reilt ul' its' uat. It
Kiaiiittt :i
; lor Ma b eoiupkiiuts, end also for deraiujenieula of the Ie.
i iiial- Ir.iuie,
I jw ml ul iiieuKl rtiati in. Nouriirle Ims evor len otfrns!
; a t tliin wliirli would ton- li this kind ol' dernnmmi
; li iittiv-Im rrlKti U'tuii an Miru aid edociive rtNitctlr, uid
iin) t iVrl iMriniiiiil i tl cm 14 Rive
! as pr u of cures iu this distrasaiue clan of coninls'iola
S.-e kiiup)il-t. All la-oken down, detiilitntod rsaunuiutuaul
i tin- ili-cl of luerrurr, will Sml she bmeiinr power of'
, Ihia jrtu-le loiut imiiieiluitely, uutl Ike puiauuoii, uunenkl
, er.idii-Htial fr-Kii Hie avslrin. "
I will liiul ihe iillemiive propenieaia' this article, .
I and driven such diseam-a from the ayaleni. See pamililet
! ..l 1,'sliniouy U eures ill all dlaenses, winch the Uluils ut
! uu ailvceliseuieiU will istf pemnl to las inineal b-ni. Agents
live theiu away ; the cuitaui M pngee 'tf ccrunealcs ot'
hiirh Wianu-ter,'nu.l a Mr n(ter
..1' lie- viriut-s ot' a iiiediciur, never appcan-d. II is one of
ihe peculiar lentures of this urtiela tliut it never faila ti
boii.-lil'iii mo iw, und if rrnie and muscle are lell ki UiiM
no ii ii'l Ihe euiaelattal mid llutreriiui invalid
und k.-ep ttikiniT Ihe medicine aa aa there is au im
iroveuieiil. The nr sineior wmld r
air.iiial a uuniber ol artiek-a whieh come out nmk lh,
""'"'sAliSAPARILLAS, SYRVVS,' ttC.) " .
as eunai li Ilrupey, Omvol, Ate..j tlmf are good far a-
ihinff, and caaxH-ltal u eull the unwary; .
Their iin enlors never tkoutibt uf cariiaj audi dieeaaee lis
this arilelo bod due it. A particular etudy ol tbe pam-plik't.-ia
earnestly e'!icitt.
Agents aial all wbo aell the article are
tjraiuil'HwIy. pM in 30 oa. hot Iks, M ; It os. do el
M i' h Oie targer koklmg S oa. ware than two auall Is,
lb s. lmk out and g4 iutiaieed upon. Kvery buttle bee
'-Vaughn's VeKcuehle I Jtlatrtnitfle Mixture," hkwa upon
Ihe ekLis, the written suruatufe if . V. Vaaska' oa
direotious, and "O. C. Vaughn, BurT.ilo," iuiied oa Ibe
eirk. None olher are rnsHihsaral w w. e. i,
Vaiurhn, and aild at be PrtseaiaU Otbe",' aJ Male street,
Butt do, at wholesale ,! retail. No aaentwt,
tera uideaa post puut omVis frnw nsruku- y sunatuatad excepid , r P tetter or varteoaaniea.
li.aia esuitliuj ad to, pn-saiitly ""2" "JrT"" .. .
Oihe. dev.tfe.1 eaehuuvely lo lb asla of UataiMrks-.
IJ Nassau st. New Vort Hly i uJ h-" -.fcbUaa
and by ib nriuoiisil Uruisllbifboiitllie UattedButea
" ulao7ti"iaAiSra lo.. Vh AmmA PrutaeM.
bMu-Tw. Priliu. fbiabory laaec (leafharT. rbnsroe
E?A Wra. Urvislasre-4I. I.BIieaser, Miauav-llayea
fc MeOmiuok, McliweiuivHIe Mist McCoy, Nonbaaabas-
AprU I, iw y
justices blanks: