Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 02, 1848, Image 1

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.. tllK AMERICAN it published every Satnrday at TWO
IK)LLAR8 per annum to lie paid half yearly in advance.
No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.
All commanicatinns or letters on buinrw relating to the
omce, to insure siiaititii, niu.i ne rirci i-aili.
Three copies to one address, 85 00
Seven Do IV) luou
Fifteen Do ' Do so 00
Five dollars in advance will pay for three year's subscrip
tion to tne American.
One Square of 18 lines, 3 times,
Kvery subsequent insertion,
( me Square, 3 months,
Six months,
One year,
ttunlnrn Cards of Five lines, per annum,
Merchants and others, advertiaina by the
year, with the privilege of insertieg dif
ferent advertisements weekly.
IV Larger Advertisements, as per ngreeiuenl.
- BiishiPs stieiulej to in the Counties of Nor
jliuml I'Haoil, Union, Lvr-ormng- and Columbia.
Refer ol
P. tc A. RoyornT,
li(ivi & Bakrov,
Komkh if. FtRoneriASS, Philal.
Ritxolps, McFahlihii &. Vo.
SeEaiso, Ooon &, Co.,
Chkap Nsw & Second hand BookSiouk,
AnrlJi West corner nf fourth and Arch fircett
Law Books, Theological and Classical Cooks,
Scientific and Mathematical Bo ks.
Juvenile Books, in great variety.
Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sizes
and prices.
Blank Boohs, Writing Paper, and Stationary,
X'ho1inle and Rrtait,
ff Om prices are ameh lower than the .r.ri. Ml prices.
XlT l.ibinri.-s ami small parcels nf Ikx4s rHircimsod.
-tr- Ilooktt imported to order from ljondn.
Jliiladi-li.hia, April I, 1?IS y
4;itoci:ns -dm nssio n merchants
and Dcnlrrs In Seed,
.Yo 3. Arch at PHILADELPHIA.
t'oiiMantly on hand a general assortment nf
To which they respectfully invite the attention
of the public.
AH kinds of country produce taken in exchange
Tor Groceries or sold on Commission.
I'hilad. April 1, 148
Jiii. 15 South Srctwd strtrt I'iii-I fide, duicn i.'r'r.t,
RKSPF.I 'TI UI.LY infoi rr.s bis fri.-nds ami
the pub ic, that he rniistant'y keeps on
iidiid a large assortment of thi ilrens nil ow
Vat'Jns, Chairs, Crad es, market and iiavu'
linf Uskett. riil every variety of basket work
. Country Merchants and others who with to
purchase met) artu-'es. good and cheap, would
lo eli 10 call u 1iim, as Ihey are si rjidnulac
t n red by him inthe best manner.
I'hi'ade'phia, June 3, 1848. ly
46 Chriit it. 4tm almrfindft , Philadffphia.
Watcb papers. Labels, Daar plates. Sal and
ytarnp it OH Fellawa, ont of Temperance,
&e . tc. AIya4M stand a general assort ment
ol Fine Fancy iooila, Gold peritof every quality.
Dot Collars in great variety. Engraver touls
and materials.
- icy for the Warwfacturer of Glaziers Dia
monds. Orders per mail (pest paid; will W jmnctually
attended to.
PbiUdelfhia, April 1, IMS y
Can save from li lott per Cent.
BV purchasing their OILCLOTHS direct
from the Manufacturer.
Have opened a Warehouse, No. 133 North Third
Street above Race, second door South of tba Ea
gle lintel,
here tbry will always keey on hand a complete
asoiirr.ent of Put tut Iiliutic Carriage ill
i lUlt 28,30, 40, 48 and 54 incbei wide. Fi
gured, Painted, and. Plain, on the inside, on Mus
lin Drilling anc Linen. Tulle Uit C tut lit of the
most desirable patterns, 36, 40, 40 and S4 turtles
wide, t'tuor Uit Cloths, from 28 inches to 'i
feet wide, well seasoned, and the newest style
of patterns, all of their own inanu'acture. Trans
parent Window Shades, Cat peti, &c. All goods
Phila. May 87, 1849 3m
HE SUBSCRIBER has been appointee, agent
1 ,for the sale of CONRAD MEVER'S CELE
at this place. These Pianos hava a plain, mas
aive and beautiful exterior finish, and, for deplb
.ol ton, and .elegance of workmanship, are not
auspaased by any in the United Slates.
These instruments ar highly approved of by
the moat mhWt Professor and Composer of
Music M tbia and other citte.
For quahtie of tone, touch and keeping in
ton upon concert pitch, they cannot be sucpas
ad by either America or Eurqpean Piano.
Sutfcc it to ay that Madame Castetlan, W. V
Wallace. Vieui Tempa, and his sister, the cele
ibrattd Pianist, and many other of th most dis
tinquished performers, have given these insiiu
jnents preference er H oTher.
Tbey bsv also rreeived the first notice of the
bre last Exhibitions, and the last Silver Medal
y tba Fiankhu Institute in 1843, waa awarded
to them, which, with other premium from the
earn source, may be seen at the Ware-room No.
S3 south Fourth at.
fr?-A not her Silver Medal was awarded to C
Meyer, by the Franklin Institute, Oct. 1843 for
Iba best Piano in the exhibition.
: , A fain at the exhibition of the Franklin Insti
tute, Oct. 1840, the first premium and medal wss
awarded to V, Meyer for bi Pianos, although it
bad been awarded at tba exhibition of the year
before, an the ground that b bad made ttill great
er improvement in bis Instrument within tb
at 12 mouths.
Again at tb latt exhibition of the Franklin
Institute, 1847, another Premium waa awarded
to C. Meyer, for tba best Piaoo in tba exhibition.
At Boat oo, it their last exhibition. Sept. 1847,
C. Meyer received the first tilver Medal and Di
ploma, for lb belt square Piano ia tha exhibition
Tbeae Piano wilt be told at th n.anulsclu
ter'aleweet Philadelphia prices, if not something
lower. Personi are requested to call and exam
ine for themsvlv, at the residence of th sub
. scriber H B- MASSER-
Sunbury, April 8, 1818.
JTatnHg aitoppftart.itrt to aom.t HfuraUite, jgawifig, jrorrttn W gwmitte ilctos.
From the Ladies' National Magazine of Scmptembcr J
Kate Darlington was a belle and u beau
ty ; and had, as might be supposed, not a
few admirers. Some were attracted bv her
l ui mime vy tier winning manners, and
noia iew oy tne wealth ol her lamily. But
though sweet Kate was both a belle and a
beauty, she was a shrewd, clear seeing girt.
ana naa tar more penetration into charac
ter than belles and beauties are o-enerallv
thought to possess. For the whole tribe of
American dandies, with their li.sfi;rurin;T
moustaches ana imperials, she had a most
Hearty contempt. Hair never made up,
with her, for the lack of brains.
But, as she was an heiress in expectancy
and moved in the most fashionable society,
and was, with all, a gay and sprightly girl,
Kale, as a natural consequence, drew a
round her the gilded moths of society, not
a few of whom got their wings scorched,
on approaching too near.
Many aspired to be lovers, and some
more ardent than the rest, boldly pressed
forward and claimed her hand. But Kate
did not believe in the doctrine that love
begets love in all cases. Were this so, it
was clear that she would have to love half
a dozen, for at least that number came
kneeling to her with their hearts in their
Mr. Darlington was a merchant. Amonrr
his clerks was the son of an old friend, who
n dying some yearn before, had earnestly
elicited him to have some care over the
lad, who, at his death, would become friend-
ess. In accordance with this last request.
Mr. Darlington took the bov into his coun-
tins room ; and, in order that ha niiirht.
with more fidelity, redeem his promise to
the dying; father, also received him info
his ftniiiy.
Edwin Lee proved himself not ungrate
ful for the kindness. In a few years he
became one of Mr. Darlington's most active
trust worthy and intelligent clerks : while
his kind, modest, gentlemanly deportment
at home, won the favor and confidence of
all the family. With Edwin, Kate grew
up as with a brother. Their intercourse
was of the most frank and confiding charac
ter. But there came, at last, a change, Kate,
from a graceful sweet-tempered, titled ion
ate gill, stepped forth almost in a day, it
seemed to Edwin, a full grown, lovely wo
man, into whose eyes lie could not look as
steadily as before, and on whose beautiful
face he could no loncrer gaze with the
calnmess of feeling he had until now en
iorawhne, Edwin could not understand
the reason of this change. Kate wai the
same to him ;viiul yet not the same. There
was no distance no reserve on her p.irt ;
and yet, when he came into her presence,
he felt his heart beat more quickly, anil
when she looked him steadily in the face,
his eyes would droop, involuntarily, be
neath her gaze.
Suddenly, Edwin awoke toa full realiza
tion of the fact that Kate was to him more
than a gentle friend or a sweet sistu From
that moment, he became reserved in his in
tercourse with her; and, after a short time,
firmly made up his mind that it was his du
ty to retire from the family of his benefac
tor. The thoutrht nf endeavoring to win the
heart of the beautiful girl, whom he had al
ways loved as a sister, and now almost
worshipped, was not for a moment enter
tained. To him there would have been so
much of ingratitude in this, and so much
involved a base violation of Mr. Darling
ton's confidence, that he would have sufli-r-ed
anything rather than be guilty of such
an act.
But, he could not leave th :homi! where
he had been kindly regarded f.,r years,
without offering some reavin tha! would
be satisfactory. The true reason, he could
not, of course, give. After looking at the
s'dijfct in various light, and debating it lor
a long time, Edwin could see no way in
in which he could withdraw from the fami
ly of Mr. Darlington, without betraying
his secret, unless he were to leave the city
at the same time. He, therefore, sought
and obtained the situation of supercargo in
a vessel loading for Valparaiso.
When Edwin announced this fact to
Mr. Darlington, the merchant was greatly
surprised, and appeared hurt that the young
man should take such a step without a word
of consultation with him. EM win tried
to explain ; but, as he had to conceal the
real truth, his explanation rather tenaeu to
make things appear worse than better.
Kate heard the announcement with no
less surprise than her father. The thing
was so sudden, so unlocked or, and, more
over, so uncalled for, that she could not un
derstand it. In order to take away any
pecuniary reason for the step he was about
to take, Mr. Darlington, after holdiug a
long conversation with Edwin, made him
pliers far more advantageous than his pro
posed expedition could be to him, viewed
in any light. But he made them in vain.
Edwin acknowledged the kindness, in the
wannest terms, but remained firm in his
purpose to nail with the vessel.
"Why will you 20 away and leave us
Edwin !" said Kate, one evening when
they happened to be alone, about two weeks
before his expected departure. 'I do think
it very strange !"
Edwin hud avoid, as much as possi
ble, being alone with Kate, a fact which
the observant maiden had not failed to no
tice. Their being alone now was from ac.
cident rather than design on hi part. ;
I think it right for roe to go, Kite," the
young man replied, a calmly aj it was
possible for him to ipeak underthe circum
stances. "And when I think it right to
do a thing, I never hestitate or look back "
"You have a reason for going, of course.
Why then not tell it frankly ? Are we
not all your friends1"
junvinwaa siien , and his tyes rested
n 1 . a . a.
upon me uoor, wnne a deeper tiush than
him fixedly. Suddenly a new thought struck
her mind and the color on her own cheeks
grew warmer. Her voice from that mo
ment was lower and more tender ; and her
i.uuua v 10 tiinu ma JsdlC lUUKl'll III
eyes, as she conversed with the young man
were never a moment from the face. 'As
for him, his embarrassment in her presence
was never more complete, and he betrayed
the secret that was in his heart even while
he felt the most earnest to conceal it. Con
scious of this, he excused himself and re
tired as sood as it was possible to do so.
Kale sat thoughtful for some time after
. ... - . .
he had left. Then rising up she went
With a firm step to her father's mom.
"I have found out," she said, sneakiiiff
with great s df composure, "the reason why
Edwin persists in eoini? awav."
"Ah! What is the reason Kate? I
would give much to know."
"lie is in love," replied Kate promptly.
"In love ! How do you know that?"
"I made the discovery to-night."
"Love should keep him at home, not
drive him away," said Mr. Darlington.
"But he loves hopelessly." returned the
maiden. "He is poor, and the obiect of
his regard belongs to a wealthy family.
"And her friends will have nothing- to
do with him."
"I am not so sure of that. But he form
ed an acquaintance with the young lady
under circumstances that would make it
mean, in his eves, to urze any claims noon
her regard."
"Then honor as well as love takes him
"Honor in fact ; not love. Love would
make him stay," replied the maiden with
a sparklms eye. and someUnm? of lirond
levation in ihe tones of her voice.
A faint suspicion of the truth now came
fealing on the mind of Mr. Darlimrton.
"Does the lady know of his preference
r her ."' he asked.
".Not through any word or act of his. de
signed to communicate a knowledge ol the
act," replied Kate, her eyes fallinz under
the earnest look bent upon her bv Mr.
Ibis he made you bis confidante !"
Xn, sir. I doubt if the secret has ever
parsed his lips." Kate's face was begin
ning to crimson, but she drove back the tel'-
ile blood wilh a strong effort of the will.
"Then how came you possessed of it ?"
lnuired the father.
The blood came lack to her face
with a rush, and she bent her head so that
her dark glosiv curls fell over ami partly
concealed it. In a moment or two she had
regained her self-possc&ion, and looking
up, she answered.
"Secrets like this do not always need
oral or written language to make them
known. Enough, father, that I have dis
covered the fact that his heart is deeply
imbued with a passion lor one who knows
well his virtues his pure, true heart his
manly sense of honor; with a passion for
one who has looked upon him till now as a
brother, but who henceforth must regard
him with a diflerent and higher feeling."
Kate's voice trembled. As she uttered
the last few words, she lost control of her
self, and bent forward and hid her face upon
her father's arm.
Mr. Darlington, as might well be sup
posed, was taken altogether by surprise at
so unexpected an announcement. The lan
guage used by his daughter needed no in
terpretation. She was the maiden beloved
by his clerk.
"Kate," said he, after a moment or two
of hurried reflection, "this is a very serious
matter. Edwin is only a poor clerk, and
you "
"Audi" said Kate, rising up, and ta
king the words from her father "and I am
the daughter of a man who can appreciate
what is excellent in even those who are
humblest in the eyes of the world. Father,
is not Edwie far superiot to the artificial
men who flutter around every young lady
who now makes her appearance in the cir
cle where we move? Knowing him as you
do I am sure you will say yes."
"But, Kate "
"Father, don't let us argue this point. Do
you want Edwin to go away?" And the
young girl laid her hand upon her parent,
and looked him in the face with unresisting
"No, dear; I certainly don't wish liim
to go."
"iSordo I," returned the maiden, as she
leaned forward again, and laid her face
upon his arm. In a little while she arose,
and, with her countenance turned partly
away, said
"tell him not to go, Father "
And with these words she retired from
the room.
On the next evening as Edwin was sit
ting alone in one af the drawing-rooms
thinking on the long night of absence that
awaited him, Mr. Darlington came in, ac.
companied by Kate. They seated them,
selves near the young man, who showed
some sense of embarrassment. There was
no suspense, however, for Mr. Darlington
"Edwin, wo none of us wish you to go
away. Vou know that I have urged, every
consideration in my power, and now I have
consented to unite with Kate in renewing
a request for you to remain. Up to this
time, you have declined giving a satisfac
tory reason for your sudden resolution to
leave ; but a reason is due to us to me in
particular and I now most earnestly con.
jure you to give it."
The young man at tins oecame greatly
agitated, but did not venture to make a re
"You are still silent on the subject," said
Mr. Darlington. .
"He will not go father," said Kate, in a
tender, appealing; voice. . "I know he will
not go. We cannot let him go. Kinder
friends he will not find anywhere than he
has here. And we shall miss him from our
home circle. There will be a vacant place
us, wui sjuui u
flT rilir Iin'lT-.l
Will vou be- happier awav.
luiwin i"
The last sentence was utterd in a tone ol
sisterly affection.
T. 1 . ...
"Happier ?" exclaimed the young man,
uiruwu on nisgunra "Happier: 1 snail ue
wretched while away.',
Then why go?" returned Kate, tenderly.
At this stage of affairs, Mr. Darlington
got up and retired, and we think we hud
as well retire with the reader.
The good ship "Leonard" sailed in alxmt
ten days. She had supercargo on board :
but his name was not Edwin Lee.
Fashionable people were greatly surpri
sed when the beautiful Kate Darlington
married her father's clerk : and moustaeh
ed dandies curled their lip, but it mattered
not to Kate. She had married a man in
whose worth aIeclion. and manliness of
character, she could repose a rational con
fidence. If not a fashionable, she was a
happy wife.
1 cairt make up my mind, mamma,
In such unseemly haste ;
Nor pick from nil my dying swains
A husband to my taste.
There's gay Sir Charles, a clmrminir man.
Most affable and kind,
Who loves me so devoutly, but
I can't mnko up my mind.
And, next, there's frank Sir Harry West,
So fond, so true, so clever,
Who, thoujjli 1 scold him ull the day,
Adores me more than ever.
.There's Roger Snipe, llie pink of beaux,
Or else your daughters blind,
And yet when Sn'pe rrovvi serious, I
I caif t make up my mind.
There's lawyer Keen, and poet Good,
Examplers of their sort !
Still, still, 1 can't make up my mind
There's no accounting fort !'
"Yes, yes, there is,'' stern Truth replied ;
"Your vanity imparls
Thai falsi) delight in flattering tongues,
Whieli forfeit, loving liearls.''
On puiiKV-;) to make tip her r.iiiat,
Sj long this fair one tarried,
Her lovers, loath to hang themselves,
Soiiuht other niuiils and married !
'And, though mamma is growing old,
Her daughter looks much older,
E'er since her eoqtietrv :.nd piide
lu tie; Old-Mai. U; Corps eurnli'd her.
Yee.Ts .V-tPftidf.
Indian Law And Jcstice. A murder was
committed by an Indian named Jan. Ponteha
tia Lea, upon another Indian of the tribe. A
son of the murdered man immediately gave
information lo two of t ho tribe, and they took
tho offender into custody. A Court, compo
sed of ten Indians, wns formed to hear Ihe
case mid pass sentence. Tho proofs were
conclusive, and the prisoner was at once con
demned lo death. Whereupon he was mea
sured, his grave marked out, and he himself
set lo work digging it.
When tho grave waa finished a title was
placed in tho hands of the murdered Indian's
son for the purpose of doing the execution.
Al the first shot,denlh was not produced ; tho
second shot also took etf'ect, but did not kill,
and the sloieal violator of innocent lifo fell
into his grave, and was there finally killed,
and covered wilh earth as he lav. The Court
that had condemned him, took their own in
strument of justice into custody, and started
off for the purpose of delivering liim to the
civil authorities of Covington, to obtain his
final discharge as an innocent man.
To Preserve Pkaciiks. Clean your Pea
ches, by pouring hot water upon lliem, ami
afterwards wiping them with a coarse clulh ;
put them into glassor earihen jars, cork them
up and fasten the corks with aire or strong
tw ine; then place the jars in a kettle of hot
water until tho atmospheric uir is expelled
from the jais ; after which seal thorn up tight
with wax. Peaches prepared in this way re
tain their original flavor, and are equally as do"
lie ions, when cooked in the ordinary maimer,
six months or a year after being put up, as it'
just taken from tho trees.
"Patrick," said a Yankee to an Irishman
as they passed a tree near Harlem with a
rope hanging from one of its branches ;
"where do you suppose you would bo now
if that tope had its deserts "Faith, and
I'd be walking here all alone to New York !"
Thc a aw Wmsty Cub e. An Australian
journal says, ',hat an Irishman succeeded in
curing his wife, whose leg had been bitten
by a venomous serpent, through the applica
tion of a whiskey-bottle, mouth downward,
to Ihe wound. Tha whiskey gradually bo
came darker, and the discoloration round
the bite diminished, until at last the whole
of the poison appeared to luivebaen absorbed
by the spirit.
Count ds NtuiLtv visited Twiukerham a
few days since, and as soon as it was noised
abroad that be waa (here, a crowd soon be
gan to gather, amongst which a prisoner of
Ihe ex-king whom be reeogniaed, and asked
what he waa doing. On being told that he
kept the Crown, at Twickenham, and got on
pretty well, Louie Philippe told him he had
tried to keep the crown at Paris, himself, but
had failed most miserably.
Sffmcc an thr flrtt, saflr(cultrrt
It was in 1834 or '6,1 think, that the
following incident occurred, and I cah
vouch for its truth, being personally ac
quainted with both the characters.
One "S. B. T." was then in Brooklyn,
where several ofher young oflicers of the
navy were living at the time, the most of
them to study for the examinuiivn which
was lo occur inthe spring.
T., whose tongue, like hid ears, is ex
ceedingly long, made some remarks at a
party one evening, derogatory to the char
acter of another officer, a middy from the
Palmetto State.
The southerner heard of it, and knowing
both from report and actual experience
that a (gW could not be coaxed out of the
other whom we will call "So:. B.," he
determined to cow-hide him. Therefore,
on the morning after he heard of the re
marks of "Stout 15." he repaired at a very
early hour to the room of the latter, He
found him in bed, enjoying a morning cup
of coffee, qualhfied with a little "Otard."
"I've come here to flog you, sir ?" said
he, on entering the room.
"Stout B.," who is something of an exqui
site turned slightly pale on hearing this,
but raised himself to his elbow, and asked
in a lazy, drawling tone :
"What faw, my dear fellow how have
I been so dem'd unfortunate as to incur
your displeasyaw i"
"IV hy, you told Miss Kate V. that I got
drunk the other night, and licked a watch
man ; and that I was often in the habit of
doing such thing!"
"Yes why aw yes, I believe I did
say something like that to the dem'd ange
lic creachaw: but, my dear fellow, one
must talk about something, and I had ex
hausted all my awdiriary topics!"
"That's no reuson wliy you should take
me for a butt. Prepare "yourself for a d d
good flogging !"
"Well, if I must, I must!" replied "Stout
B.," eycin,! ruefully the cowhide which the
other brandished. "You'll let me get rea
dy ; won't strike me in bed, will you?"
"No get up and defend yourself, if
you want to," said the other wolfishly.
"Now, give me your word of honor, that
that you won't strike me till I get up!"
said "Stout B.," earnestly.
"Certainly I give you my honor.
Now stir yourself, I'm tired of waiting !"
replied the southerner.
"Then let me beg of you to sit down,
my dear fellow," said "Stout B.," "make
yourself.perfectly easy. There's brandy in
the cupboard there, cigars also very fine
ones. Ring my bell, and Tom, my valet,
will bring you up some water."
"Stout" now sunk complacently back
upon his downy pillow, arranged the bed
clothes a little more neatly, and seemed to
feel very comfortable.
Palmetto looked at him for one moment.
"Are vou not going to get up?" he
"1 think not to-day, my dear fellow,"
was the reply. "Perhaps not for a week
or so. Certainly not while you carry that
dem'd disagreeable-looking twistified speci
men ol the outer covering of a horned
beast of the feminine gender in your hand !"
" 1 ou'd better get up, I'm bound to lick
you before I leave the room!" shouted
"You are bound by your word of honor
not to touch me in bed," said "Stout,"
pleasantly, "and I can't think of rising un
der such striking and pecoolyaw circum
stances! Now, do sit down and make your
self perfectly comfortable. My liquor,
cigars, anything I have here, is perfectly
at your service: and if you want to study,
there is that deinuitien musty 'Bowditch'
over there on my centre-table, alongside of
'Legendre' and other disagreeable volumes,
published especially to sink the romance of
a nautical life !"
Palmetto looked at "Stout" a moment in
anger, then a gradual smile came over his
ruddy face.
"Weathered, by thunder !" he exclaim
ed. Then flinging the cowhide under the
bed, he cried
"(ret up, 'horse,' and fotci out your
brandy. I'll take a drink, and make it ud
with you!"
"A dem'd sensible conclusion, my dear
fellow! I honaw vour discrimination and
good judgment. You wouldn't have got
any credit for flogging tne, you know!"
I hat's true, old boy ; turn out and get
out the grog!"
"Stout B." did this speedily, and over
its "spell potential" Palmetto soon forgot
his anger; and in a couple of hours after
ward went back to his own room swear
ing that "Stout B. T."Was one of the best
fellows in the service, and that ifhewasa
coward, it was not his fault, but his parents;
and if any body had any thing to say a
gainst the said "Stont B." he, the son of the
Palmetto State, would at any, and all times
take especial pleasure in fighting for. and
in the place of the said "Stout B." whom
he declared to be "constitutionally, and
therefore, not blameably, aheery." Aei
near Ro'.herham, on tho estate of Earl Fitz
willium, an extnntive bed of coal beneath the
village is on fire, and has boon in that condi
tion, burning with greater or lo intensity,
for at least twenty years.
A Tir.iiT Nip -Among other newspaper
items of rather suspicious charaoter, we find
a story of "lightning freak, where an apple
tree in Heldcrberg was struck and split from
lop to bottom. A man named Smith was
leaning against the tree al the time, and slid
into the cavity when the tree closed, and
held him fast. ' Axes and crowbar weie re
sorted to before the young man could be ex.
tricated." We beg leave to doobt this till
we see the very crowbar that pulled Mr,
Smith out of the tree. PMar. Ledger.
eSmustmettts, tc.
Mr. Van Buren has written a letter three
columns long, accepting the nomination for
the Presidency, tendered him by the Buffalo
Convention. It is vigorously written, and sets
forth tolerably clearly the views he now en
tertains, especially respecting slavery. He
says that the movement in the north on the
subject of slavery evidently springs from a
desire to uphold and enforce the policy in re
gard to it established by the founders of tho
republic, of which these are the leading
1st. Adequate, efficient and certain securi.
ty against the extension of slavery into terri
tories whr.-c it did not practically exist.
2d. That in Ihe language of your own con
densed an excellent resolution, "Slavery in
the several States of this Union which recog
nize its existence, should depend upon the
State law s, which cannot be repealed or mod
ified by the Federal Government ;" and--
3d. A spirit of considerate, forbearance to
ward Ihe institution, in localities where it
was placed under Ihe control of Congress.
The prctentsions of tho Southern States,
Slates, he says, are in conflict with this,
which he proceeds to show. Ho cites the
fact that Mr. Pelk has just signed the bill ex
cluding slavery from Oregon, as conclusive
proof of the constitutionality of tho measure,
and reviews at length the various pleas set up
by the Southern States. In regard to the abo
lition of slavery in the District of Columbia,
he says his declaration that his views on that
point remained unchanged, in his Utica letter
was hastily made. He would not interpose
a veto, if President, to the passage of a bill
abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia.
His own language is as follows:
I must not, however, be understood, either
by what I now say or by what wns said in
my letter to the New York Delegation at Uti
ca, as repeating the declaration that I would,
if elected, withhold, my approval from a bill
for the abolition of slavery in the District. I
could not now give any such assurai.-ce, for
the reason, that the circumstances by which
the question is now surrounded, are widely
and materially different from what they
were when the declaration was made; and
because, upon n question of expediency, cir
cumstances must control. At that time, the
apprehension was honestly entertained, that
there was danger of a servile war, in conse
quence of the extent to which tho agitation
of this question had been pressed.
Participating in this apprehension and be
lieving that such n declaration, in advance of
any action of Congress upon the subject,
would have a salutary influence in alluying
excitement, and warding ofTthe danger which
menaced the peace of the slaveholding States
I did nut hesitate to make it. Whilst, on tho
one hand, all grounds for this apprehension
have passed away, we are, on the other,
threatened with a subversion of the spirit and
character of our government, through the
successful encroachments of Ihe slave power.
If, under such circumstances, two branches
of the national legislature sh'iuld decide that
a due regard for the public interest requires
the passage of such a law, I should not if
President, think it within the line of my du
ty to arrest its passage by the exercise of
the veto power.
He further declares himself in favor of a
just system of internal improvements, though
how far ho would go Into that matter he does
not say.
In regard to the public lands, these are his
First. That Congress ought to act upon llm ,
principlu that tho United States have u grea- j
tcr interest in the early settlement and sub'
stantiautial improvement of the public lands
than in the amount of revenue w hieli may
be derived from Ihem.
Secondly. That the accumulation of large
tracts in few hands nhould bo discountenan
ced, and
Thirdly. That liberal facilities ought lo
be afforded for the acquisition of small por
tions, by such of our citizens, herever re-
9iding, as are in good faith, desirous of pos- ilency in a few instances only to rosy-cheeks,
sessisiug them as homes for themselves and , They were found in a lot in Ipswich, belong
their families. j ing lo Capt. Michael Lord, quietly fraterni-
Hn also prefers a system of direct taxation zing w ith the blacks, but without any symp
to the present oue of collecting duties by ii it loins of amalgamation.
posts on goods imported, but for tho present
supports a tariff for revenue.
I envy not the mighty king
Upon the splendid throne
Nor crave his glittering diadem,
Nor wish his power mine own :
For though his wealth and power be
And round him thousands bow
In reverence in my low estate
More solid peace I know.
I envy not the miser he
May tell his treasure o'er,
May heap on heaps around him see,
And toil and sigh for more;
I'd acorn hia narrow sordid soul,
. Rapacious and unjual ;
.1 Nor bow beneath the base control
, Of empty gilded dual.,
' . ' Let irarriora mount fame's giddy height,
, - - Gain glory's gallant mead . ..
Pa calm, collected in the fight, ,
Where thousands round him bleed ;
1 envy not their vjelor wreath, ','
Their courage nor their fame; ;
Their lanrela are a fleeting breath, . ' (
. Their glory but a name.. t .
It is said there) are 88,000 Scandinavian
in Illinois and Wisconsin
One appeal to God above,
Supplicating for his love, ,
Daily offer. Peace of mind
Makes thee happy, good and kind;
Daily sing one cheerful song,
From ihe bosom's fiery throng J
Daily do one r.oble deed,
Daily sow one blessing's seed:
Daily make oue foe thy friend, ,
Daily from thy surplus spend ;
Daily, when ihe gift is thing,
Write one verso in strains divine.
Daily seek kind nature's face; . ,
Daily seek for some new grace; ,
Daily dry one sufferer's tear,
Daily one grieved brother cheer.
Daily drink from spaikling eye
Sweeter nature ; soar on high !
Then thy life will know no night
And thy death be robed in light.
Peach Trees Mr. Hoffiies, a distinguish
ed horticulturist of this county, wns informed
during a recent visit to Lexington, Kentucky,
by some of the horticulturists of that city,
that they had found on effectual preventive
of the peach worm. It consists of the simple
application of horse stablo manure, in pro
gress of decomposition, to the roots of the tree)
in the spring and all seasons--the earth to bo
dug away to tho depth of about three inches,
and the manure to be about six inches above
the surface. This has been tested by J. O.
Harrison, M. E. Johnson, Esqs., and others,
sufficiently to remove all doubts of its effica
cy, Cm. Times.
Unfortunate. By tho premature dis
charge of a cannon, in honor of the returned
volunteers of Pontiac, Michigan, Luther Jones
and Horace Budinglon were killed, and Peter
Burke wounded Burke was one of the re
turned volunteers.
Tomato Ketchup. The following, from
long "experience, wo know to be the best re
cipe extant for making tomato ketchup
Take oue bushel of tomatoes and boil them
until they are soft squeeze them through a
fine wire sieve, and add
Half a gallon of vinegar,
Three half pints of Kilt,
Two ounces of cloves,
Quarter of potind of allspice,"
Three ounccs of cayene pepper,
Three tablespoonsful of black pepper and
Five heads of garlic, skinned and nepera.
ted. Mix together and boil about three hour
or until reduced to about one-half ; then bot
tle without straining. Lady's Hook.
To Extract Lamp-Oil. fbom a Dress. If
lamp oil is spilled on a dress that will not be
injured by wetting, lay it immediately in It
tub of cold water. A portion of Ihe oil will
be seen to rise to the surface ; then pour off
the water, replace it with fresh, and still
more oil will be seen floating on the surface
Again pour off the water, and fill the tub a
new, repeating the process unlil 110 more oil
can be discovered on the surface. Then take
out the dress, wring it well, and dry on an
iron. No washing is necessary. If lamp oil
tar, or any other grease is spilled on I white
dress, it can'be eradicated by washing and!
boiling in the usual manner.
The Albany Fire. The Argus now seta
down Ihe entire loss at about one million of
dollars, of which some $600,000 or $700,000
are insured, and will be promptly paid. Ad-
vantage will be taken, it ia said, of irapro'
ving the city by enlarging and Btraightening
the streets in the burned district, and espe
cially by constructing a spacious and conve
nient steamboat pier, with proper appliance.
White Huckleberries. A friend, says
the Boston Traveller, has brought us a bush
of w hite huckleberries, to mutch the white
blackberries of w hich we gave an account
from the Portsmouth Journal, on Saturday.
The berries are ripe, but while, with a leii-
A Riot in Albanv. It is not enough that
Albany should be visited with a fire watch
has consumed one eighth of the city, but
some of its citizens havo added to its other
uffiietions that of a riot. An alaim of fire
brought, out the coirrpanies" on Saturday night.
Two companies came in collision. Five or
six pistol shots were fired and slung shots
were used", and' paving atones and brick were
showered in storms by the aeyeral comfcat
ants. Several persons were injured. A per
son by the name of J. Hauley waa shot in the
groin, and was taken off Ihe ground.
- .... . . ii -T J .
Kindness to Domestics. A lady will nev
er apeak harshly to her servant ehe will not
even "hint a fault" in the presence of oota
pany.; Any person can fall into a rage, and
say rude, disagreeable things, than which" at
such a lime, nothing i so utterly contempti
ble. To reprove calmly and judiciously, that
is, at proper times, and an proper oecaaiona,
k the mark of refinement. When one) aeeaa
lady so far forget herself as to be angry wilh
her servants before her guests, one is apt to'
wonder if ahe really boxes their ear when
no one is present.
, Young Hopeful's mother having' crammed
him with tart, aaked him if hecjoukf cut any
more.. ' Why y-a-, mamma," was the draw.'
ling reply, "I think 1 could, if J $tond up."