Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 26, 1848, Image 4

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    From the American Farmer. 1
, , , ; . WORK FOR AUGUST. . r- v
TIMOTHY. Grounds intended to be net
in Timothy meadows ihould be forthwith
Jdotighed being first heavily manured. He
ho intends setting a timothy meadow should
Moolleot, thai H is to remain in grass for ma
Hjr yettrsr-Andj ns the custom' iiS--Lui ought
not to be, to take all out of the soil, without
returning anything to it, it is indispensably
necessary that it be highly fertilized in the
beginning, and that, if it be not, short crops
of grassland an early running out of the mead
ow, will be the inevitable consequences, tn
ploughing, care must be taken to turn over
th furrows flat, so as to completely bury
grass, weeds, and the seeds of both, while
the furrow should be of sufficient depth to
place such nuisances in a condition to pre
vent their re-growth or germination.
.. Potatoes. If you have not done so already,
give your late potatoes their last working.
Stubble-fields and Pastures. Give to
these a dressing of plaster, say, one bushel to
each acre.
" Bushes, Briars, Sprouts and Weeds.
These should be all cut up during this month,
it being the best time to effectually destroy
them. When cut up they should be put in
piles, dried and burnt.
Shcrp. In the pasture or sheep-walk, in
which these may be kept, there should be
provided, under cover, a trough, which should
be, twice a week, provided with tar or salt
the tar to be first spread on the bottom of the
trough and the salt sprinkled over the top of
FALLowing roa Fall Crops. It is full
time that this work was begun when
done, it should be well done. The ploughing
should be done as deeply as a strong team
can force the plough ; when the soil is stifl,
after being broken up it should be rolled
crosswise and thoroughly harrowed, ns too
fine a tilth cannot well bo given to it. We
believe that land which is put in such tilth,
. will yield one-third more than lands of equal
quality thntjnay be indifferently ploughed
and pulverized.
Orchards. Examine your orchards for
cankered or decayed limbs, cut all such off
down into the sound wood, smooth off the
surface of the wound, and apply to it a plas
ter made of 1 part tar and 3 parts plaster
or one made of equal parts of beeswax, tal
low and turpentine.
If there be any of your trees on which the
bark is rough and scabby, have such bark
scraped off and paint the trunk with a mix
ture comprised in the proportion of 1 gallon of
toft toap, 1 Ih. flour sulphur, and 1 pint of
salt. By these processes you will ensure new
and healthful bark to your trees, destroy the
eggs of many destructive insects, and greatly
improve the appeal ance as well as the bear
ing capacity of your orchards, provided you
occasionally manure it.
The Doc Days. It is said the "dog days
are upon us an announment which many,
whose sufferings are already intolerable,
would fain wish to disbelieve ourselves a
mong them. It mnst have been on such a
day that Southcy in deep desperation wrote
"O, spare me, spare me. Pho-bus! if indeed
Thou hast not let another Phston
Drive earthward thy fierce steeds and fiery
Mercy ! ,1 melt 1 No tree, no bush,
No sheltor, not a breath of stirring air,
East, West, or North, or South ! Dear god of
day, .
Put on thy nightcap ; crop thy locks of light,
And be in the fashion turn thy back upon
us. . v ' '
And let they beams flow upwards ; make it
night ' ,
Instead of noon ; one little miracle,
In pity, gentle Phobus! What a joy,
Oh what a joy to be a seal or flounder
On an ice island ! or to have a den
With the white bear caverned in polar snow !"
Curiositv Satisfied. Lady Jekyll asked
William Whiston, of eccentric memory, one
day at her husband's table, to resolve a diffi
culty which occurred to her in the Mosaic ac
count of the creation. "Since it pleases God
sir," said she, "to create the woman out of
the man, why did he form her out of the rib
rather than any other part t" Whiston
scratched his head and answered, "Indeed(
madam, I do not know, unless it be that the
rib is the most crooked part of the body !"
'There.'" said her husband, "you have it;
now 1 hope you are satisfied." Southey's
Am Irishman lost a child in Ireland, and
afterwards emigrated to this country, where
lie lost another. Wishing to obtain a grave
stone that should tell the whole story, he had
these lines engraven upon it
' Here lies two children dear,
- One in old Ireland t'other here.''
The Fair Sex. Barret, in his 'Woman, a
t'oem,' pays the loiiowmg compliment, aa
beautiful as it ia true, to the enchanters of
our pleasures, the solace rs of our cares, in
whose arms our first hours are nursed, and
on whose bosoms we generally breathe our
"Aak the gray pilgrim, by the surges cart
Ou hostile shores, and numbed beneatli the hlust ;
Ask who relieved him, who Uw heurth began
To kindle who wilh spilling goblet ran
Oh I he will dart one siark of youthful flame,
And ehup his wither'd hands, aod wo ma name."
Mr. Curran cross-examined a tailor. "Upon
your outh, sir, where did this conversation
happen !" "Iii the back parlor of my shop
my culting-room." "And what were you
then about Yourself!'' Wn1kinrr nhnnt
"Aye, just taking a stroll in your cabbage-gar
A large glass of water, sipped ten drops at
a time in perfect silence, till the whole be
taken, is said to be a convenient cur for i
person in a passion. This is the last applica
lion of th "water-cure."
Lord Hardwicke's bailiff having been or
deMd by Lad Hardwicke to procure a sow
f tha breed and aiu she particularly describ
ed to him, came one one day lulo the dining
room, when fuU of great company', proclaim
ing, with a burst of joy he could not nip.
press, ! have been at Royston fair ray lady,
and got a sow exactly of your ladyship's
breed and sue."
. i it . i 4 . ,
John W. Friling,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
customer!, that he has lost received and
opened a splendid assortment or UUUDS, eonin
linger .
Groceries, Hardware, Queenswart, &-c.
Tht public ire invited to call and examine for
themselves. ,
Suntxiry, My 8, 1848 tf '
Aft extern! Stock of Pocket snd Table CUT
LERY for by !
A'os. 31 and 83 ARCADE, and 8j North
THIRD Strett,
Cmp king 8000 doxen Penknives, 8ciori snd
Also, rholce sssorlment of Rodgrtrs & Sons,
Wostenholm's, Oreavcs'e, W. & S. Butcher sand
Fenney's Cullory.
Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives.
Alio, Oone, Pislnls, sn I Bowie Knives.
Alse, Tht Ammcan Razor Strop, a superior
article, woily Iheatlrntion of Dealers.
Card Dealers in Cutleiy, will find the above
8lork worthy their attention, n the 8ubscrilet's
chief business is importing snd selling cutlery.
rhil idctj.hia, June 10th. 1848 ly.
Commission and Forwarding
No 48 Comment Street IVhaef. BALTIMORE.
Will receive and tell all kinds of Country Pro
duceFlour, Grain, he.
N. B. Particular attention given to the eale
of Lumber. And cash advances made on con
eignmentt, when required.
April 1, 1818. 4m
Ettohlhhed 15 .years asp, by Dr. KINKELIN.
The oldest, surest and I est hand tn cure all forms
of scent disrate, dispute of the akin and
solitary habits of youth, is
A'. IV. corner of 3J and Union sis., belteeen Spruce
and Pine, 1 squares from the Exchange.
TOUNG MEN ! if vou value vour life or your
JL health, romrmlxr, the didny of a month, nay,
even a week, may prove yniir ruin, bolh of body
and mind. Hence let no false modesty Jeter you
from making your rase known to one who, from
education and respectability, cm nlnne befriend vou.
He who places himself under Itr KINKKl.I.N S
treatment, may leligtously confide in his honor as
a gentleman, and in whoe bosom will be forever
locked the secret of the patient.
Too many think they will hug thesrrret t.
own hearts, and cure themselves, Alaa! how of
ten is this a fatal ilelusir.n, nnd how ninny a pro
mising young man, ho might have been an orna
ment to society, has faded from the earth.
finding it inconvenient to mnke personal applica
tion, can, by stating their case explicitly, together
with all their symptoms, (per b t'er. post-paid.) have
forwarded to them a rhest containing Dr. H e me
dicines appropriated accordingly.
Packages of Medicines forwarded to any part ol
tbe United slates at a moment a nonce.
(f Post run Larries, addressed to Dr. Km
klik, Philadelphia, will be promptly attended to
Oc. 30ih. 1847. ly
Al I I l l S AT 1 r I If M I 1 S
iAuuumiuuiiiu iiwiiio,
JtO 19S Cliesnut Street.
South Eatt Corner of Eighth it , Philadelphia.
TTJORTRAITS from the smallest breast-) in to
B the largest size, singly or In groups. 1 he
Proprietors are warranted in suing, that their
work has gained s reputation second to none in
the world. Extracts from the Pres :
'Life-like in Ihe expression, chastly correct in
the shading. leaser.
'The ait has arrtveJ at great perfection, and
none understand it lietter Iban Met. Ices Ac tier-
mon." Baltimore Irit.
"Admirable ! nothing cm exceed their exquisite
delicacy, U. S. Uazeltc.
Extract from Ihe report of the Judgea, at Ihe last
fair of the Franklin Institute Daguerreotypes
in this department there are some very excellent
specimens in the exhibition, and the Judges think
they see a progressive improvement in Ibis branch
of the art. Tbey have not r-commended an a-
ward in favor of any of the competitors, but are
disposed to rank as fir,t in order, ihe collection of
McCI.EES & CJKKMON. aa containing the lar
gest number of mperior tpteiment."
Philadelphia, Feb 19, 1818. 6m
FfHE children began to cry for Sherman's Lo
M. xenges. Tbe noise waa not so loud at that
lime, hut it has kept increasing ever since, and now
bas become so great that the Tnoutha of ths little
ones can scarce lie stopped. Dr, Sherman aymin
thiaea with Ihe little sutl rera, and very much re-
ere s that any of them should be disappointed.
Knowing the vast benefit which has been confer
red upon the community by the introduction of
bia infallible
he has entered into arrangements for enlarging his
Manufactory, by means of which bethinks be will
be able lo supply the demar d. A nd Ihe same pains
and care will rc tuken, ihat thee ei lebrated Lo.
senges be maJe aa they h"ve always been, in or
der that those who depend upon them, may not be
disappointed in their hopes. Ho knew when he
commenced the manuluciure ol the Worm Luzen
eet, that they would auperarde the usa of every
other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very pleasant
0 tne taate, siecdy in Its etlecta. as well sa certain,
and the quantity required to effect a perfect cure.
very smsii. i ueee properties, lo connexion wun
the lhat they are sold for 2A cents per box, thus
placing them in the reach of the poorest man in
the land, has not only caused them to take the
place of every other vermifuge ever offered, but al
an renuerea mem popular to tbe community.
Dr. sherrai.n'a '
continue lo cure Coughs, (Jds, Consumption.
A - I . I. i 1 1 : n- r ii ... ' !, Biiuimc-sB mu uiiiK uiiy ui oreaioins. and
other diaeaee of the Lungs, wilh the same facility
.1 .1:., .1.-1- . : ; ...
lucv uiu on uieir nrsi iniriHiucuiin, ana me ntonlc
have now become persuaded hy actual expeiience,
that on tbe accession of a slight cold, tbey hav
only to step to either the Dr'a. office, or one of the
Agents, and obtain a box of hie Cough Loxengca,
which are very couvenirnt to carry in the pocket,
and lo lake a few through ihe day. By purauing
Ihia course a cure ia otien eltccted in 24 hours, snd
ihe patient about bia busin' as. So great is the co-
lebrity of the Lozenges, that thoueanda of persons
wnonaveuaeu mem, anu l ecome acquainted Wllb
tbeir ctircis, win never lie without ibsiu.
has cured more eases of Rheumatiam, Paii in the
Uack, Side and Cheat, Lumbago and Wtakness,
than any application that ha ever been made. As
the celebrity of the Plastei has increased, hundreds
of unprincipled rascals have attempted lo counter
fell it, snd palm II oil upon Ihe community as the
genuine. (JJ" Beware of Deception. S Kemem
ber that the true and genuine Plaster ia spread up
on reddieb paper mad expressly lor tbe purpose.
and in every esse the signature of Pr. Sherman ia
piint.d upon the back of tbe fluster, and tba whole
Kcvrw oy ionv KiiDt. none otneraare senuine.
1'k...r... k . . .- ,
Poor Man's Plaster, call al tba office. 106 Nassaa
blTA. - T "J,P.,oU,d .
... "umber. 106 Nassaa si., wbar.
all lr. Hbermao s Lozenges are sold. Hut Agents
. , ... . -
' Fultosj atreal, Brooklyn
Hinesoo, Willian.burg ; .ad Redding k Ca
Uoaton. ' and JOHit vniiNn ..k
.,,,,; M UM j .
M. A. McCA Y. Northumbauland
ovpwnuocr 1 1 in, 1 ear. ly.
CE II S2T "CP S3C QB 5 "0
T has power to cause all Ttit. SORES,
OISONOU8 WOUNDS to discharge their pu
trld matters, and then heals them.
It is richly termed Alt-heating, for there Is sen re
ly disease, eiiernal or internal, that it will not
benefit. ' 1 have used It for the last fourteen yrara
for all diseases ef tht chest, consumption and liver,
involving the utmost danger snd responsibility,
and I declare before heaven and man, that not in
one single tm has it failed to benefit when the pa
tient was within the reach of mortal means. '
I have had physicians, learned in the profession.
I have had ministers of the gospel, judges of the
bench, aldermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the high
est erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it in
verv variety of way. and there has been but one
voire one universal voice anting t "M'Allister,
your Ointment is GOOD.
In Scrofula. Old 8ores. Ervscnelas. Teller Li
ver Complaint, Sore Eyes, Quinsy, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Urokrn or Sore Urenst, Tiles, all Chest
Diseases, such as Asthma. Oppressions, Pain-
Also. Sore Lin. Charmed Hands, Tumors. Chil
drcn's Oulsneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases,
and of the Spine, there is no medicine now known
SCALD HEAD. we nave curru esses tnni
actually defied every thing known, aa wrll aa the
.liilitv of IS or 30 doctors. One man told us he
had spent :tuuon nte rn.iuten wnnnui any ui-no
fit. when a few boxea of Ointment rund them.
BALDINESS It will restore the hair sooner
than any other Ihisg.
HEADAUHB I he salve has curcil peison
of the headache of 12 years' standing, and who
had it regular every week, so that vomiting often
look p'nee. DsirsKas, Eta Actia. and Axes in
the Pack, are cured by ihia Ointment with like
RUKNS. It is one of the best thine, in the
world for Burns. (Read the directions smund the
HHr.llM A TISM. It removes almost
atcly the inflimaiinn and swelling when the piin
ce:ise. ( Head the Directions around the Box.)
COLD KEET. Consumption, Liver Com
I'laint, Pain in. the chest ot side, falling off nf ihe, one or the other alwaya tccomiianiea rol l
feel. (Thta Ointment is the true remedy.) It is
a r-uto t-ign of disease to have cold feei.
TET TEH. There ia nothing belter for Ih
cure of I elter.
PILES. Thousands are yearly cured by this
CORNS. Occasional use ef the Oinlmrnt will
Iwivs keep Co'i.s from growing. People, nessl
never be troubled wilh ihcm it thev will ue i
Itcail the Ml'iwine Communication,
R'Ceived fiom an old. respected an J well known
ciiin'n of I'hredalphta. and tLen judge for ynui
self: Philadelphia. 10 mo., 13th, IRIfi.
To T. B. Peterson, Having been requested
to civo my 0ininn on Ihe merits of M ALMS
I ER 8 SALVE, I am willing to enumerate some
of the In in fits which I huve mpciionccd in the use
nf the article.
In Ihe soring of 1S4B, I had on nltnek nf Erv
sipelas in my f. ce which became very painful, and
extended into one nf my eyes, heing attended with
ffvir, mv d'stress was great and I becau to be f ar
ful of l.ii g my eye.
Alinougli mil much ol a believer in uliat is
eoinniouly calb'd quack medicines, I purcbaed a
box and made an application to my tare. I o my
surprise the pain sunn aluled, nnd in a woek's time
it was ent.rely cured, and I firmly believe that it
was ihe salve, under Providence lhat cured me.
From that time to the present, I have used the
article as occasion required, snd in every esse where
I have Used It, I have round a decided benefit
At one time, on going to b-d at night, my ihroat
was sn sore 'hnl I swallowed wilh difficulty, but
by an spplication of the calve I was relieved I efoie
I have usod it in case nf burns, bruisrs. spniins.
and flesh cuts, all with the hauDiot effects, and
nn casejf poisoning by a wild vine in the woods,
'"' r-"- ? P'."""-
rrom mv own experience. 1 would strnnulv re-
eomn-nd it to all, as a cheap, eonveuiet.t, family
meilii ine
1 hive become so partial tn it, that I exix-ci to
keep it constantly in my family.
I bough not ambitious to appear in print, yet I
cannot refuse lo have Ihia commniiira'inn made
public if judged best to aerve ihe c Uce nf humani
ty. Keapecirully Ihine,
No. 26, Old York Bond.
jni 1 lir.v. Ivrt ointment will lie genuine
unless the nam 's of James M'Allister, or James
M Allister 6l Co., are written wilh a pen nn eve
Note proprietor of the anve medicine.
AesNTa : J. W. FKILINf!, Sunbury,
Dr WM. M UICKLEY, Danville.
J. I. CKOUSi;. Kflmsgrove,
P. C. rlHF.LI.EK. Lewisburg.
WM. F. NAOI.E. Milion,
JOHN. 811 AlilM. ESS, Caltawissa.
Feb. lUlh, IS4S. cowlv
E COMPOUND. fr tbe cine of
A c. This Medicine H oll'. ri d lo ihe public umler
Ihe aauran'e thai thore is nn article in existence
having rtronger claims lo their conideiation. lie-
mg compounded by s regular Graduate ol J Her
son College, Philadilph'a, and a practising physi
cian of twenty years' standit in Philadolphia. bis
long exp'rience has confirmed htm in Ihe opinion
lhat a compound medicine was required lo prevent
snd remedy the debilitation pr duced by residing
in low, miatmnlic climates, and to counter tcl the
pro trifling influences of many nervous disorders
with which Ihe human family are snlicted.
DR. ALLLN is a well known phi sin hi, and
has used the aheve medicine in his practice for 8
yeara with the moat astonishing clleri, having tes
ted ita qualiliea in shove
rivis j ihjusanu i;asbs.
No medicine ever received more Haltering re
eommendatione from phyticiana nf eminrnt taiid.
ing than has ben bestowed on this,
ITS CONSEQUENCES. An eminent Prof.
aor sys: "It chiefly ariaea in persons who lead
either a very sedenlsry or irregular life. Although
not regarded aa a fatal disease ; yet if neglect) d or
improperly Ireared, may bring on incurable Me.
lanrholy, Jaundice, Madness, or Vcitigo, relay
and Apoplexy. A great singularity attendant on
it is, lhat it may arid often dors continue s great
length of lime without any remission of Ihe symp-
lAUPL," Line! ami uneasiness ol m'lnl, m
tense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery
excessive use of spirituous tiuuors, b , tobacco, o
plum, nnd nttior narcotics, immoderate repletion
over distention of Ihe stomach, a deficiency of Ihe
secretion of thr bile or c.sirie iuice. exrosuie lo
oiu anu uamp air, aie tbe chief causes of ! dia
i in u.viB. i.oss ol appetite, nause 1, .leart.
bum, sci. Iny, snd futiid eructations, eiiawiinr
ihe sioniach when empty, uneasiness in ihe thro it
pain in the ante, coativeness, cbtllinss, I .nuiior
lowneaa ul spirits, p ilpitaltoiis, and d.s'urbed
TABLE COMPOUND haa never failed in allor
ding immediate relief, and a radical cuie for thia
03 J bis Medicine can be bad nf II. B Mas-er,
Sunburyt J. C. Martin, Fott-ville, Medlar .
Bickel, Orwtgaburg ; and of Druggists generally
ALLEN fc WARD, Proprietors.
Philadelphia, Nov. 37, 1847 cq ly
t smur ...i :i : j . ,
1 ' I u.t,iwr is prEpaiau iv receive ana BC-
A eommodat. . few transient or perm.nent
I .. k. -.a i. 0...1. ' ,
I -1 ww, , mucuv, in DUUUUIT, ins IU.
' haodsom. and pleasaot pan of the
toWn. coiamandiog a fine view of lb Susqueban-
na. Northumberland and tba seanerv adiuent
, To persons from tba etty. wbo wish to spend a
- few months durina- Ihe au.nm.. K,.'ni...,.
" . ::..::r
1 snuius a uciigQiiui rrirsai.
April I, 1818 60)
The following IM shows the current value or all
Vnnnlri nla Bank Notes. The most Implicit re
liance msy be placed upon it, as it Is every week
sarehilly compared wun arm corrected tram dic
nell'e Reporter.
nanus in rniiaacipnia.
Disc. 1ST
Na. Locatioit. pm1Mt
Bsnk of North America . , par
Bank of the Northern Liberties . . par
Commercial Bank of Penn's, . . par
Farmers snd Mechanira Bank , par
Kensington Bank par
Philadelphia nallk . . par
Schuylkill Bnnk ... par
Southwark Bank par
Weatern Hank . par
Mechanics' Bank . p'
Mann.fnctnrers' Ac Mechanics' Bank par
Bank of Pcnn Township . . par
Rirard Bank . Pr
Bank of Commerce, late Moyamensing par
Bank of Pennsylvania . par
Country flank.
Bank of Chester County Westchester
tlsnk of Delaware County Chester
Bank of Oermantown Oermantown
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norrietown
Doylestown Bank1 Doyleatowo
Easton Dank Eastnn
Farmers Bank of Bucks co. Bristol
Bnnk of Nnrthumlterland Northumberland par
L'olumbia Bank St n ridge co.'tloliimbia par
Farmers' Bnnk of Lancaster I.aneistel psr
Lancaster County Bank
Lancaster Bank
Farmers' Bank of Reading
Office of Bank of Tenn's.
Office do do
Office do do
Office do do
tlsnk oftho Uniled Slates
Miners' Bank of Pottsville
Bsnk of Lewistown
Bsnk nf Middletown
Carlisle Bank
Exchange Bank
Do dn brsnch of
Harrisburg Bank
Lebanon Hank
MercfPrTnts' & Mnnuf. Bank
Batik of Pittsburg
W est Branch Bank
Wyoming Bank
I.ancaater par
Lancaster pu
Reading par
Harrisliurg"! These
Lancaster I offices
Reading j do not
Easton J issue n.
Philadelphia 17
Pottsville par
lwistown failed
Middletown 1
Carlisle 1
Pittsburg 1
llnllidsysburg 1
Harrisburg 1
liSbsnon par
Pittsburg 1
Pittsbuig 1
VVillinmsporl 1
Wilknsbarre 14
Allonlown no sale
Reading failed
Pittsburg failed
Erie do
New Brighton do
Chamhcreburg 1
Gettysburg I
Montrose 2
Erio 3"
Weynesburg 2.J
Washinuton IJ
llonesil.ilo I j ;ile I
York 1
Northampton Bank
llerks I'KUiity Uank
Office of Bnnk of U. 8.
Dn do do
Do dn do
Hank of Chnmhersburg
Hank of Oeltvshurg
Rnnk of Susquehanna Co.
Erie Hunk
Fninters' & Drovers' Bank
Finnklin Bank
Hoitesdale II ink
Monorigalteh Bank of U.
York lliink
N. I). 'I he notes of those bunks on which we
unit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased y the Philadelphia brokers wilh tho
xceplion nl those which have a letter of reference.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed
'hilaib'lphla Loan Co. do failed
SchuUkill Say. Ins. dn failed
Kensington Sav. Ina. A do
Penn Township Sav. Ina. do
Manual Labor Ban's (T. W; Dyntt, prop.) failed
fowanda Hank
Alleghany Bank nf Pa.
no sale
Bank of Heaver
Belli fonts
Dank of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City Bnnk
Farmers' &. Meeb'es' Bank
Farmers' Si Moch'cs' Bsnk
Farmers' Si Mcch'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Fayette co.
no sale
110 sale
Huntingdon Bank
Huntingdon no aale
Juniata Bank
Lervistown no aale
Lumbermen's Bank
Northern Bank nf Pa.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Norlhuinb'd Union Col. Ilk.
North Western Bank of Pa.
New Hope
M illon
Port Carbon
no sale
no sale
Iffice of Sehnylkill Hnuk
'a. Agr. Sl Manuf. Hank
Silver Lake Bank
Union Bank of Pvnn'a.
Westmorland Bank
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Wilkesbarre no aale
(TT All notes puriwiting In be on any Pennsyl
vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set
town as irauus.
Hank of New Brunswick Brunswick
Uelvideie Bank Hc.lvidere
Burlington Co. Bank Medford
Commercial Bank Perth Amhny
'Jumlierland Bank Bridyeton
Farmers' Bi.nk Mount Holly
f arinera' and Mechanics' Bk Kahway
Purmcrs' and Mechanics' Bk N. Iliunswick
Karmera' and Merehanu Bk Middletown
I. i
no sale
no sale
Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City
tlohnkcn Ukgox (nazing bo Hohiken
lersey City Bank Jersey (Jity
Mechanics' Bank Patterson
Manufacturers' Hank Belleville
Morns Cuunly Bank Morrittown
Monmouth Bk of N. J. . Freehold
Mechanice' Bank Newark
Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co Jersey City
rust JNoles
Newsrk Bkg A Ins Cu
New Hoi Del llridge Co
N. J. ManufaC snd Bkg Co
1 i
N J I roteclon A
Orange Bank
Lombard bk Jersey City
Peterson Bank
Peoples' Bnnk
Piineeton Bunk
Salem Banking Cu
Stale Bank
State Bank
State Bank
Slate Bank of Morris
State Bank
Salem snd Philsd Msnuf Co
Sussex Bank
Trenton Banking Co
Union Bank
Washington Banking Co.
Ilk of Wilm & Brandy wins Wilmington
Bank of Delaware
Dank of Smyrna
Do ' tiiancb
Farmers' Bk of State of Del
Do branch
Do branch
Do branch
Union Bank
trT Under 6's
fJ" On sll hanks marked thus (") there are ei
ther counterfeit or altered nnles of Ihe various da
nominations, in circulation.
Time nut IMstaiu-e Saved t
FI1HE subscribers having leased the Suubury
X Ferry, b'-g leave to inform the public, that
they are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasure
Carriages and Foot passengers across the river
with aafety and without delay, Tbey have pro
vided themselves with new and commodious
crafts, which will alwsys be attended witb able
and careful bands.
Persons travelling to aod from and through
SunburytoNew Berlin, Lewisburg, Harlletoo
and other places, will And it greatly Is Ibeir ad
vantage to cross at this Ferry instead of tba
Bridges, as they would save from two to four
miles ia distance. JOHN SPEECE.
Sunbury, April 1, 1848
- ' No. 40,
Soirrir Foubth Stbest, Above Cuctmvt.
. Jaa. tth, ltitr
The Grand Purgative
Headache, Giddiness,
Measles, Sslt Rheum,
Hesrl Burn. Worms,
Cholera Morbus,
Coughs, Quinsey,
'Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits,
Liver Complaint,
Erlsipelas, Desmeas,
Itchings of ihe Skin,
Colds, Oout, Orsvet,
Nervous Complaints,
Khenmatiam, .'ilea,
Dyspep la, Scuivy,
Small Pox, Jaundice,
Pains in the Back,
Inward Weakness,
Palpitation of the Heart,
Rising In the Throat, '
Dropsy, Asthma,
Fevers of all kinds,
Female Complaints,
- vbom istruaiTtts or tss atoon, Ann oa.
Experience) has proved Ihst nearly every Din
esse rigtnstes from Impurities of the Blood or de.
rsngements of the Digestive Orgsns and to secure
Heslth, we must remove those obstructions or re
store the Blood to its natural state.
The aversion to lading medicine ia mosl rfle,-
luallv removed bv CtlcRjrss'a Vkoktabls Pus-
sativs Pitts, beine enmplelitu enrctopttf wilh
coating nfpurt white Sugar, (which ia as distinct
from the internal ingredients ss s nut shell fiom
Ihe kernell isn va ao tastz or MrmciHS,
But are as easily swsllowed ss hits of candy.
Moreover they neither nautente or gripe in the
alishtest desree. bul operate equally on all Ihe dia
eased parts of Ihe system, instesd of confining
themselves lo. snd rseking any particular region
Thus, if ll e Liver be affected, one ingredient will
operate on Ihil particular organ, and, by cleansing
it of an Excess of Bile restore it toitsnaturd
stste. Another will operate on the Blond, and
remove sll Imputities in its circulation; while s
third will effectually expel whatever impurities
may have been discharged into the stomach, snd
hence they sraiaz at rns boot or ntsxtss, re
move all Impure Humors from the body t op n
the pores externally and internally sepirnb- all
fore gn and ohr oxroas particles from the chyle, so
that the blood may be thoroughly pure thus secu
ring s fee snd healthy action to the Heart, Lungs
snd Liver ! and thereby ihey bkstobx hkiith r-
The entire truth of the shove csn he ssceilained
by Ihe trial of a single box t snd their vinues sre
so positive snd certain in rrs'nring Health, that
the proprietor hinds himself lo return Ihe money
paid for Ihem in all cases where they do not gie
universal silis action. Price, a." cU. per Hox.
Princip il office No. fifl Vesey st., N. Yo k.
Bold by JOHN YOUNff, Sunbury.
M. A. McCAY, Northumbeilnnd.
Gj- Bememlicr Dr. C. V. Clickener is Ihe in
ventor of ihe Sugar Coated Piils, and that noth ng
of the sort was ever heard of until he inlrndueed
them in June, 1843. Putchnsers should, therefora,
slways ask for Clii kener's Sugar Coated Pills, and
lake 110 others, or they will he made the victims of
a fraud. Sept. lflth, 1817. ly cow
cornn ! thk
trsns iitt iv tiA
nrs, ths worta of ths
KKSTiioTsn 11 a a nt.r.y stntis,
ths cnt'oH or roMni'MPTiox hath
BE YOU A MOTHER1 Your darling child.
our idol and earthly joy, is now perhaps
confined to her chamber by a dangerous cold In r
pale cheeka, her thin shrunken fingers, tell the
hold di-esse hss slready gained upon her the
sound of her sepulchrsl cough pieices your soul.
YOUNG MAN, when just shout to enter life,
disesse shots s hesrl rru-hing I light over Ihe fair
prospects of the future your hectic cough nnd fee
Ide limbs tell of your loss snd hope, but you need
not despair. There is a balm which will heal the
wounded lungs, it is
8 II e n M 1 X s
ALL 1 1 C Al .1 X ( . HA l.SAM.
Mrs. ATTREE. the wife of Win. II. Allree,
Esq. wss given up by Dr. Sewall of Wahingt
Die. Roe and McClellan nf Pliilad-li.hia, Dr. Rue
and Dr. Mott of New York. Her friends all
thought ahe must die. She had every nppcarancc
of being in consumption, and was so pronounced
hy her physicians Shermsri's Balssm was given
snd it cured her.
Mrs. GAHRABHANTZ, of Bull's Feiry, was
also cured of consumption hy this Balsam when
all other remedies failed to give relief she was re
duced in a skeleton. Dr. A. C. Cistle, Dentist.
SHI Broadway, hss witnessed its effects in seversl
cs-es where no other medicine slbmled relief hut
the Balsam operated like a charm. Dr, C. also
witnessed its wonderful cflVcte in curing Asthma,
which it never fails of doing. Spitting Illon I, alar
ming ss it may be, iselfecluslly cured by this Hal.
sum. It heala the ruptured or wounded blood
vessels, and makes the lungs sound sgain.
Kev. HENRY JONES, 108 Eiehth avenue,
was cured nf cough snd catarrhal nflvc.tions I 5(1
years S'snding. The first dose gave htm in im re
lief then all the olbet medicine he had ever laken
Dr. L. J. Deals, 19 De'anry strict, gave it 10 a
aister-in-law who was laboring under conumpi ion,
and to another sorely afflicted with thit At!ima.
In both casis its edi cts were immedia'e, soon re
storing thi m to enmfortnh'e hralth.
Mrs. LUCKUTI A El. I.e.. 05 Christie street,
rulferrd from Asthma ii ysars. Shsim.n's Hal-
sam relieved her st once, and she is cornparat v.-ty
wr II, being enabled to subdue every altaek by a
timely use nf this medicine. This indeed ia the
real remedy for C7ougs. Colds, Spilling Blood,
Liver Complaints, and ell le sll i lions of the
throat, and even Asthma and Cnnsump ion.
Price 35 cents and ft per bottl-.
Dr. Sherman's Cough and Worm Lozenges, and
Poor Man's Piaster sold ss shove.
Dr. Sherman's office j. at 1110 Nassau at. N. Y.
Agents, JOHN YOUNG, Suuburv.
M A. M. C A Y, Northumberland
September llih. 1847. ly
Vegetable IH I verbal Tills
The only hninvn Medicine that at the same time
purges purifies and tlrenglhcns the synloat
Losiioa, July 7, 1H1B.
DR. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine
which has lust appeared, and is fist taking
the placea of all others of the same class. These
pills are composed of msny ingredients, hut ths
two principal ones sre Ssrssparilla and Wild Cher
ry, so united that they act together j ihe on',
through ita admixture with other snh-Uicis, pu
rifying and purging, while Ihe other ia atren-the i.
ing ths system. Thus those pills are at Ihe sain -lime
tonic and opening; a desiderstum long snd
eagerly sought for by medical men, bul never be
fore discovered. In other words they do the work
of two medicines, and do ii muih beiier than any
two wo know of; for they remove noihing fr on
Ihe system hut Ihe impurities ; so lhat while ihey
purge Ihey strengthen; and hence they cause no
debilitation, and are followed by no re-acti.m. Dr.
I.e Roy's pilla have a wonderful influence on the
blood; tliey not only purify without weakening il,
hul they lemove all li 'xi.ois parliclea from the chyle
hefme it ia convened into fluid, and thus make im
pute blood sn utter impns-ibiliiy. As there is nn
debilitation, so tbeie is no nausea or sickness st
tending Ihe ope'stions of this moat excellent of inc.
dii ines, which never slrsins or tortures the dig. s.
live functions, hut cau-ea them lo work in a rer.
feclly natural manner ; and hence persons taking
lhain do not become pale and emaciated, but Ihe
conlrsry ; for white il is the properly of ihe Sarsa
panlla, united as il ia wilh other ingredients. In
remove sll thai is foreign snd impure, it is equally
Ihe property of Ibe Wild Cherry lo 'Jtain all that
is natural and sound; snd hence s robust ali of
heslth is Ihe certain result of their united operations-
(jej- Price 3A cents per BOX.
A genu fur Le Roy's Fills,
J. W. FRILINO.5-, . lr.
JOHN YOUNU.J8unbtt'y
M. A. McCAY, Norlhumberl'd.
August 1st, 1847. ly
A LL persona indebted to Ike subscriber, by
note or book account, are hereby notified to
call aud settle lbs sauie without delsy, in order
te save costs. IBA T. CLEMENT.
. Sunbury, April 83, 1848
THIS Medicine is wsrrsnted, on oath, not to
contain a particle nf Calomel, Corrosive Sub
limate, Arsenic, Chloride of Gold, or any delete
tons minerals.
The principle upon which this Medicine acts, H
hy assisting snd harmonising wilh natural It
drives out sll foul scrimonious humors from Ihe
blood and body, and hy sssimilsting with snd
strengthening lbs gastric juica or me stomscn, it
assists digesitoni in short there la not a vein, arte
ry, muscle or nerve in the human body, thai is
not strengthened hy Ihe PANACEA, snd il also
possesses Ihe remarkable properly or removing
mercury from the bones and joints.
Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, Srrnfula or
Kings' Evi , White Swellings, Erysipelas, Ulcers.
Cancers. Running Sores. Scabs end Biles, lime
snd s determined perseverance in D . SWEET
SER'S PANACEA, will effect s cure.
Rejection nf food, Nauses. Vomitings, Nervous af
fections. Billion, complaints, Head set s, Pa'eni ss,
or Female Irregularities. Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA will soon elTect s cure ; hut if obstinate,
or attended wilh griping, flying pains, the dose
should lie increased, nnd the corn will soon he ef
feeted. Let not the patients frighten themselves
wilh the idea that they are too wek tn lake much
medii-ine; but benr in mind that thia mi'dly opera
ting med cine put not wrnkne-s into ihe frame, but
moM certainly drnwa wenkme. out, leaves strength
in its place, end by giving composed sleep sl nigt.t.
nndsn appetite lo relish any food, re-animates the
whole frame wi h vigorous action, clearing the
mind and improving the sight.
TIONS. Scrofula is said tn he heriditary, ihe re
ceiving from its psrents Ihe seeds nf ibis diseas ',
which increases with its vents, if neglccleit snd
not submitted lo Irequent purihc -tion with. Dr.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA. The glands sre pin-
red in the corners of Ihe body, snd out of the way
of direct communication ; their real use i a subject
on which much difference of opinion prevails; il
sufli.-es as tn know that when in s diseased stste,
thev sre capable of being purified and cleansed hy
s long cour-e of Dr. SWEETSER'S PANA
CEA, which restores Ihem to sound and piop. r
anion. Scrofuh us persons can never pay Ion much
ttentinn In their blood, its punfii ntion shou'd lie
their first thought, for sfti r s lona course of perse
verance, they will ever cure hrrcditiry disease.
SWEETSER'S PANACEA cannot be ton high
ly extolled ; it rear dies out Ihe very root of the
disease, nndi'iy removing it from the Blood mnkrs
a core eeitain nnd permanent.
For diseases of ihe lilndtter anil Kidnrus, Stric
tures, (irnvel. .Sniie, PiUn. Fittula, Utinaru Oh-
slructinnn rmrl Extreme Ctistirr.nws Dr. SWEET-
SER'S PANCEA is Ihe best remedy ever tr e I ;
it removes ull those acrimonious humo a from the
Blond wliiih give riso lo the above diseases, nnd
by keeping the blood in a pure condition, iiiMin s
health. .
Impnriliex of the Hliiorf, Mircuriul Tainl, Weak
nesi of the Spine Flow of lilnnri lathe llertil fiid
dinr. Singing and Hnzzina Nn'ae in Ihe Head
and Ears, Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will
give certain relief; in all sevce nnd chron'c rases.
the patients cannot ho oo often reminded lltnt fir
Btr done and perterrrance will i fleet a cure.
1 1 Chills and FereM. Bilious Frvcr. A ffections
nf the F.tjes and Eur, Spongy and lll-tding
Gums Bnnch'tis and recent Coughs and Colds,
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA will In found
perfectly suro and certain in it' effect,
Tho.e rnmp'nin's are geneiallv at'eniled wi ll
the most fatal t nni quences, nnd me sel loin or lie.
ver cured by the piesi-nl m-ab' of lieatmen ; lh-y'y nccnmi-nny the pitient t the crave, after
sullering the mnst excrueiating pain nnd torture.
The cause of these complain s are the same as all
others, the dross nl the blood been or s encrus'ed on
Ihe finrst narrow psssages, whence nr s ' morbid
secretions snd stoppages of n ine. You will find
the most p iwerful diuretics nf nn use, as they only
increase the quantity nf urine and do not puiify
ml strengthen th" part'. Bv purifying the blood
wilh Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA, nu re
move the cause id the disease, consequent'y it can
not exist any longer, sfirr sufficient p.'ise.eiame
in its use has deprived the blood ami body of all
acrimonious humors snd incrustation.
This is s ery prev .lent and fatal disease ; it re
sults mostly from negleeied coughs, colds and bron
chitis, also from impmpcr treatment in many ot er
cases, such ns measles, fevers, tnfl immtti n and
small pox, and a ho-l of other badly treated diseises;
where therause, instead of having been thoroughly
removed from the blood and b.idy, have only been
palliated nr removed from one pirt lo break 011I in
another. By divesting ynur boilies of all foul hu
mors, through ihe medium of Dr. SWEETSER'S
PANACEA, the rnro is at once rendered certain
slid permanent. R collect, while there ia acriui
nioua hurr.ora 11 latiug in the ci'cu'aiion, it i- as apt
In set lie on the longs a- sny nlSer part nf the body ;
this is the reason til it consumption is so prevalent.
Which you see on the exferi.r, come fiom nnd
have their anuree in, the iuteiior, and niiulil just as
well have letiled on yotn lungs, liver, or any olhe
patt; whleh we know lhy frequently iL, and pin
iluco inii-t violent inflammatory disorders. The
humor which oecasioua these sores is of s highly
acrimoui.ins burning nature We know il from
the pain it gies in funning, and afti ita ra
pidly ulcerating and corroding the flesh and skin
of the part where it breaks out. This shows the
necessity of fieqtientlv puiifytng the blood with Dr.
SWEETEK'S PANACEA, and keeping such
malignant humors in suljictiun. Should you have
a bile or ulcer, be th inkful that nature haa taken
trouble to warn you of the danger your life and bo
dy ia in, for il is a warning t at the blood is foul.
Had this a ime acrimony a.bc'ed ihe lungs in tead
of Ihe aurfnee i f your body for ils seat, consump
tion of the lungs wou'd hav been ihoVonarqurnee.
D lay not then, lo purify and cleanse wilh Dr,
Swcttsrr's Panacea.
Spin.d affections, mlargemenl nf Ihe bot es and
joints, while awellinga, hip joint complaint, rup
lutes, falling of the bowels and wom'i disease, will
find a speedy oure in Dr. SH'EETsEK'S PA
NACEA. Where the disesse fa, been of I mg
.landing, the time required to make a cure will l a
longer ; bul the patient may n st assured thai a
determined perseverance will ell'ecl il.
'I'hrsJ disease, proceed from the seriosity or
crrupt humors nf the blood, having s I led itself oil
ibe Ibroii and lungs, and stopped thetn up, so that
lliev cannot draw suffii'ieul air in ful respiration.
Dr. SWEETSER'S PANACEA w.ll give immu
ibale re Inf. and to make Ihe cure peifect and cur
lain, it should be continued soma lime alb r, to
tree the system of i.ll b id huts ire.
Find a safe and speedy cure in Dr. SWEET
SEIi'S PANACEA. It cures by searching every
blood ves-el and artery, end driving out all impu
rities and foul humors accumu'atrd therein, which
ia the cause of rh' Umatisai, gout and swellings of
the joints. The deleteroua effects of calomel end
other mineral poisons, readily yield lo its sovereign
influence ; indeed, when iu valuable properties tie
come fully known. Ihe uae of all mineral p.iin mi
be consigned lo 'tbe tomb of all the Oapulets and
only be thought of as a by-goae cu.toni of the dar
ker ages. Dr. Bwcetser's Panseee ia also a aur.
cure for dyspepsia, piles, eostiveueas, vertigo, head
ache, paiu in Ibe breast and liver complaint.
Fever is always caused by e disorderly move
ment of ihe blood, struggling lo fiee itself of some
thing that eueuulers il ; in fact, every kind of ts.
ver ia nothing more thsu struggle belweea tbe
blood and coiiupt humors, and as suon as tht cor
rupt humors sre expelled, you heve nn more fever
w nen a patient wun lever submits lo be bled, or
hsve his blood poisoned with mercury, it wssh.n.
his frsme to such a degree that if he survives Ihe
process, n siw ays leaves him subject tn distressing
ciiioa, wue w times out 01 iu ne resorts te ague
pills powders, or tonic mixtures; this is going from
bad to worse, ss these vegetable pilla, powdera, AVe,'
are nothing but mercury and quinine in disguise,
which msy for a lime drive the disesse so fsr into
the hotly ss nm lo be perceptible, but very soon Is
will bresk out sgain with fearful violence. To car
egue snd fever, the cause of the disesse must be re-'
moved out of Ihe blood and body, whleh can t ef
fectually done by using Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA, which purifies, cleanses snd strengthens.
It contains noihing Ihsl csn possiWIy injure, and its
use is alwsys a safegusrd against chills and fevers.
In Att Casis or Piles, Dr. 8WEETSER'S
PANACEA will effect a very speedy cure. It ,a.
moves from the blood, stomach and bowels, all
those foal acrid burning humors, which are the
cause of Piles and Coativeness and hy strengthen
ing tne digestive organs, Improves every part of the
entire body.
Thee diseases sie cau-ed hy the stomach snd
bowels being choked up with viscid slimy matter.
me air wnten enters inim cannot until forced
hy some contraction of the stomach to expel it t
hence ihe cause of pain. A few doses of Dr.
8WEETSER'S PANACEA will convince the
sufferer that relief is attained
Parents will find the PANACEA a v.ln.Mil
medicine fit their children, keeping their bodies in
s heabhy condition, thereby assisting their fowth'
rhildren nr grown persons, after taking il, ire nof
list le tn be attacked with n epidemic aa bebre,
it always leaves ihe blood in a pure conditio), and
the ntire system in s strengthened state ; itdrives
nut a 1 kinds nf weakness from the body andeavea
all heal by within.
Will find Dr. 8 WE TsER'S PANACEA s ,lj.
cine purely sd tpted to their use. Most Isdieidu
ring the period of pregnancy are afflicted witb ps.
Dr. Sweetser'a Panacen, by regulating the howls,
will entirely obviate this, and ils purifying pro,I
ties on the blood and fluids, Insures lo them hit.
thy off prtng. No one who is a mother sbonM ,
without it, and Ihosi who sre nursing will find;
of gieat benefit In the health of their infants.
F"t barrenness and sll disesses nf Ihe womb,
is without a rival in the entire histoty and catalngi
of medicines by its extraordinary rtrengthenin
power, it Mi ululates and strengthens the womb,
weakness of which is the cause of failure lo hav,
Under this heul may he clashed Palpitation of
ihe Heiiit, Tic Dolore iux or Fsreache, Neuralgia,
Ind'igesti. in, Toothache, Metnnchnl) , Hysterics, and
in fuel, ev.-ry disease caused hy the sharp, biting.
actnnoninus humors irritating tho nerves ; the
nerves receive the moihid impiessinn from Ihe sto
mach, or rnther from the blood through Ihe agency
of the stomnch nnd d'me-tivi organs, and although
other parts of Ihe body are sppirenlly tho seat of
the disease, still it is caused bv ihe m irbid impres
si in conveyed from t'.e blood bv the nerves, to lhat
pail. A. f. w doses of Dr. SWEETSER'S PA
NACEA will soon nssure tho patient that he bas
the cure in liU possession.
This is nn inflammatory dt-oider, alw ys attend
ed with m ire or less pain. It proceeds from iha
foul, acrimonious humors lodged in ihe blood r.
fluids, settlii g .11 the I m' s snd face, causing ex
treme p.iinand fevers; all appln ntinns on Ihe sur
face are worse than useless, as they only . nd In
throw the disea e ii some other part, and perhaps
raus- doth. Blee 'iiiE is likewise imi.roier. T
euie the di-ease you nm t get rid of the cause; on
ly minnuc 1 1 gel the foul hum irs out of y nr Mood,
and von will be we!l in a day. Dr. NWEET
SKIi'S P.NACH. s Ihornu -h , ,.f lb.
bloo-l, ill Sisieh out 1 very impurity in the more
remote p ns ol the body and exp I it through the
m ilium of tbe bo r!s. I here not a vein, arte
ry, tnt'sete. or organ of ihe entire frainewmk of
man, ihnt Dr. Swe-leer's Panarei .loea noi im
prove. To take it win 11 you aie well Is to keep
we I ; and when sick t i 1" come well,
posed only ol a vegetable matter, or medical nerbs,
snd warranted, on onh, as rnntainii g not one par
ticht of men mi .1, mineral, or rhiinical snlwtanrvs,
is found to he 1 erf.'etlv harmless to the no- tender
sge, nr ihe tveakot fume, under nnv -tignnf hu
man sufe 'mu : t e 111.1-1 pVa- ni nd beuinn in it
l er-.ti.i.i Hi. 1 was e er oil' n d lo ihe wor d; ami
al the earn" lime ihe mnsi eeriaiii in sear, hing mil
the toot of any c unpla m, however deep, and nf
perf..rtn:ng a c re.
Price f I per b llle, nr six bofl a f..r fH. For
sale, wholesale and retail, at ihe corner of
CH ARLES and PRAT I' Streets Baltimore. ..
Nov. G
1R47. .y Sunbury
Hums, Scalds, and alt Kinds of inflamed
vires y.nrea.
Ihe most com o'e e Bum Aniidoieevnr l..nn
It instantly, (and as if by Magic stops nains nf the
most ilesperate Burn, and Scalds. For old Sores,
Dm km, Cnt, Sprains, &c. on man or is
the best application that can lie made. Thoua.inds
have tried snd thousands pnise iu II is the most
pufict master i.f pain ever discovered. All who
use recommend it. Every family should be provi
ded with it. None can tell how soon some of the
fimily may need il.
00". 'serve each box of ihe genuine Ointment
ha. ihe name ol S. TousKf written on the outside
label. To imitate this is forgery.
Bo itinen, Livery Men, Farmers, snd sll who use
Horse., will find this Ointment the very liesl thine
tin y cm use for Collar Galls. Scratches, Kicks, Ac.
Ac. on thi ir aunn .Is. Surely every merciful man
would keep hi animals ss free fiom pain aa poasi
ble- Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is re
quired. Try it,
III PES OF INSECTS. For the sting or bite,
of poisonous Insects, Tousey's Ointieent is itnri
vs'le I. Hundreds h ive tried it an I found it food)
PILES CURED ! For the Piles, Tousey VU
nivcsal Oin'ment ia one of the heal Remedies thai
csn le applied. All who have tried it fai ibe PL's
rec.xiimend it.
Son s, there is nothing equal lo Tousey's Oint
ment. A person in Msniius had, for a Bomber of
years, s sore leg that baffled the skill of tbe doctors.
Tousry'a Ointment was recommended by one uf
ihe visiting physicians, (who knew ils great virtues,)
snd two boxes produced more benefit than ihe pa
iiem had received from any sud all aievious reme
dies. I all try iu
of cases nf Bun.a and Scalda, in all parts of Ihe
country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal
Ointment. Certificates enough could be bad lo fill
the hole of this shiei,
ls . 11 If siimonisla, iu favor of Tousey's Ointment
for curing Bruises, have lawn off red tbe prnptic
tore. Hundreds in Syraru will certify lo ils great
meii-s 111 re!i. ving the pain of tht muai severe Bruise
All ier.ona should try it.
SCALD HEAD CURED. S.resof crses of
Sca'd Head havu been cured by Tou-ej 'a Oiul
ment. Try it it seldom fails.
SALT KHEUM CURED. Of al the remedies
ever discovered for ihia niot dismreea! le complaint,
l'ous. )'s L'n Ointment is the miiat cnipt4
Il neer was ku .wo 1 1 fail.
TouM-y'e Universal Ointment will always cure tbe
worst cases of Chapped Hands, Scores of persons
will stats i'nis.
SORB LIPS CURED. Tor Ihe cure of Sore
Lips, there wss never anything roads equal to Tou,
Bey's Ointment. Il is sure to cure Ibem. Try tf. '
It is a sownurJe compound, warranted sol (aeoe)
tain any preparation of Mercury. T Ptioe 88 ,
eenta per box. For further particulars, eoncfroiqg ,
this really valuable Ointment, Ibe public ere ftm. '
red lo Pamphlets, lo be had gratis, ef reessxltUe
Diuggtsis sud Merchant throughout the Unites
Pr. pa.od by ELLIOT & T0U8E V, Pruilfla,
Syracuse, For sale by
. JOHN YOUNQ, eJunbury, '
M.A. McCAY, NoUtMitbeiU4.
fcepl. I Ilk. Ul7.-ly sow