Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 26, 1848, Image 3

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By- Ma. CoorER, the new Attorney
General, hw appointed about fifty new de
puties in the different counties, and we pre
sume, the end is not yet. They, will have
a short, and we trust a merry reign.
U The new county of Sullivan, has
formed a ticket in Convention, and recom
mended Gen. Petriken of Lycoming for
. H7 Doos Dats. We are now in the
season known a the dog days, with cool
nights and a warm sun during the day.
This is the kind of weather to breed fevers,
agues, and other diseases incident to the
season. Persons should practice prudence
in their clothing and diet nnd avoid un
necessary exposure.
fioMe editor has wilfully perpetrated llin fol
lowing outrageous and abominable rhvuie:
"Hail beautioua maid of grace divine,
Why do yon wear a bnmp behind !"
To which a BusTi.E-ing maid makes the
following retort :
"Hill, dnudiea with your broad lull calls,
WT you war your hair like gouts !"
Til Irish Aoitatios asi tub United
pXAT. Tho following curious pjimsmph
uprieiM in the Freeman's Journal, an Irish
pnpe'published ill New York. We do not
thin) tho American people are pre pared to
ttinuiii the assertion of the editor.
'hen the news of an Irish army having
mt'tb'i British in a regular engagement, and
wslo not say gained a battle, but made good
aMreat without being dispersed when the
nS'S of an Irish army having sustained itself
iilhe field in any way for two weeks, shall
hye reached this country, the effect we an
tipate from it is such a tempest of feeling
f such bold and active measures of sympa
i'y, that our country itself will be driren into
mr with Grtat Britain. And much as war
s to be deprecated, we cannot find it in our
heart to say that we would regret it in such a
case, nor do we believe that the sentiment of
Christendom would not applaud the United
States, if on the first sound of a declaration
of independence by the Irish people, in any
! organized capacity, we were to recognize her
claims, and declare their quarrel our own."
Two cars nu-l hut a single t incite.
Hy nature' law to man liel-iii;.
The leasion she would teach in clear,
neprat tint hull' of what yo hear.
Tlm New York Tribune gives the follow
ing startling intelligence from Ireland, said to
lie derived from tho letter of a private corres
pondent. If true, it would be very impor
tant.) From the N. Y. Tribune.)
rinEAT :HTi:n of troops.
The lvilgllsh t.citcrnl, liu-dunnl'l, Killed.
mkujher and dillon wounded.
TiiK inoors ami pi:o pi.i: i ll vri:iiM.iN;.
Secret Correspundenco to the Tribiuie.
We havo the following from a coiifidi'titial
rorrespandeut in Dublin. . It is almost too fa
vorable to the people to bo believed, and yet
thi blind and inconsistent reports of the Brit
ish press seem to give plausibility to our cor
respondent's statements. The number of
It ritish troops said to be killed s"eins c.vag
rwted. Tlw letter was written in cyhet to evade
tho vigilauco of the Rriti.-h I'ost-otlice, which
would otherwise havo detained it, but we
make (he number six thousand. The writer
would not knowingly deceive the public. His
btother is a resident of this city. Without
further comment, we subjoin tlie letter:
IXbms, Aug. 3. ISIS.
No newspaper here dare tidl the truth con
rerning lh" liattle of Slievi'iiatrion, but from
all we can learn tlie people have had a gn :it
victory. (Jen. Mucduuald, the coninniuder of
the Rritish forces, is killed, and six thousand
triMips nre killed and wounded. The road for
three miles is covered with the dead.
Wo have also the inspiring iulolliirenco
that Kilkenny and Limerick have been taken
by the people. The people) of Dublin have
L'niie in thousands to assist in the country.-
Mr. John It. Dillon was wounded in bo'h
legs. Mr. Meagher was also wounded in
both arms. It in generally txpectal that Dtifc
lia will rise and attack the Jails on Sunday
night, (Aug. 6.)
All the people coming in on the Railroad
are cautioned and commanded not to tell the
Hew. When the cars arrive thousands of
the Dublin people are waiting for the intelli
gence. The police drive away those who
are seen asking questions.
Why all this care of the Government to
prevent tho spread of intelligence, unless it
be that something has happened which they
waut kept as a secret ! If they obtained a
victory, they would bs very opt to let its
Vnow it.
We are informed that the 3d Buffs (a re
giraent of Infantry) turntd out and fought
ttitk the ftople. The 31st Regiment, at Ath
lone, have also declared for the people, and
two regiments have been sent to disarm
The mountain of Slievenamon is almost in
accessible. There is but one approach to it.
It is said to be well supplied with provisions.
It was a glorious place for our noble Smith
O'Brien to select. It is said he ho eixly
thousand men around him, with a considera
ble supply of arms, ammunition and cannon.
In '98 the rebels could not bo taken from
Blieveuamon unlit they chose to oome Out
A lady who came to town yesterday and
who had passed the scene ot buttle,' said that
for three miles the stench arising1 from the
dead- men and hones was almost suffocating.
Wexford was quite peaceable till recently,
but the Government ui its rnadnes proclaim'
ed it, and now it is in arms to assist the cause
Now that w are fairly aud spiritedly at it,
are we not worthy of help 1 What aro you
doing for uat People of America, Ireland
stretches her hands to you for assistance.
Pricks is Caufoiiiha. Tlie Want of ma
chinery is a great drawback to msnufiictur
Ing in California.. Like 11 territories Inhabi
ted by the descendants of Spain,' very little
attention has been devoted to preparing their
rich products for home use, and, consequently,
all manufactured articles sell high. The best
hides sell in California for $1-60 each, which
are mannfactured Into boots in the United
States, and sold in the Pacific towns at from
6 to $18 per pair. They sell their tallow nt
8 cents per pound, and purchase it back,
mado into candles, at 75 cents per pound.
With abundance of timber on their own soil,
they pay S50 per thousand feet for the Ore
gon sawed material. In a country swarming
with cattle and pigs, they pay from $15 to
S18 per barrel for cured beef nnd pork, im
ported from the States. With a soil capable
of producing vegetables in abundance, they
have been forced to draw supplies from Ore
gon. They sell their wheat nt an average of
50 cents per bushel, and yet, because of the
scarcity of mills in the country, they have to
pay from $12 to 14 per barrel for Hour,
etas- kiv j j!iikUiR.iH)Ea2Kraijii. .vjrc-iraraasB
In Mahoning township, Columbia cimtv,
on Thursday morning, Aumist 17, DANIEL
M. YORKS, son of Samuel Yorks. sen., aged
26 years, 7 mouths and 17 days ' '
In Danville, on the 1 1th inst. CHARLOTTE
CARL, wife of Augustus Carl, aaed 38 years.
In Danville, on the 10th inst. Mrs. TAM El?
ALWARD, wife of Bcnj. IS. Alward aged 37
years and 7 months.
In Danville, Ansrnst 17th THEODORE
HOWARD, son of Dr. W. R. Gearhuit, aged
about 16 mouths.
In Milton, on Thursday morning lust, Mr.
GEORGESElTSLGER,Hged about C years.
At Muncv on Saturday last, Mr.
PATRICK CALL1HAN, aged about 60 years.
nu.r .nonic maiikkt.
Office of the HniTtviniis Airnicis, Aug 22.
GRAIN. The supply of Wliiitt is limited,
and prices are a trille better. Sales to-day
ol'goudto prime reds at 95a 103 ct. and of
ordinary to good at 85ii95 cts.
Com has fallen till a little. Sales of white
lo-dav at 48 a 49 cents, and of yellow at 56 a
57 els.
Onta are in demand at 30 a 33 cts. for new
WHISKEY The demand is very moder
ate, ami small Miles are making at 231 cts. for
hhds. and 24a24'4 cts. for bbls.
To the Electors at Northumberland Comity.
T the tolicitatimi of a number of my friends
I oiler myself as a Volunteer C. niliilute Inr
the ol'iue of
of Northumberland County should I lie elected
I pledge myself faithfully to perform llie duties
o' said office. SAMUF.L AVIDGK.
Augusta township, Auauvt 5, ISIS
Attorney at l;aw,
m:w urn i.i . pa.
INFORMS the citizens of Northumberland
county, that li will hereafter regularly at
tend tho courts of said county and will promptly
ttend to uny business entrusted to his earn. Hi
may be consulted at the Hotel of J'cter Lazarus
i'iHit.! i'oiii t.
Suiibuiy, July Stftli, ISIS
I'lj'iMablc I.ll'c Insurance, liimilly
mtcl Trust Company.
orrici::i wai.m t sthkht. i'Iiii.aiiI'.i.i'iua.
c a pit. i. '.im. riuKTEii rntpirrrAL.
UK r-miltany are now prepared to transact liusitic
iin .ii tin in .'t lilieral and uilnuitnecoiis ti-rins. Thev
aie auth.rr.-il hy their elmrler (sect. i) "to m ike ail inn)
every insliriiiiee appi-rltiiuiuir to lite rink of whatever kind
or in: nre. mvl t receive unit cxi-cule trust, make endow
inputs, iiiiiI to irniut nnil purchase annuities." The foui
luiuy sell anutiiiiiM nud endowments, and act an Trustees
for mill as :iud heirs.
Table of Premium required I'.ir the Assurance of' Pino for
the whole term of lai'e.
Arc. l'rein. Ape. Prem. A!C Preiu.
1(1 I 50 l 2 lb, 4(1 ' :l
17 I .vi :t tiir, 17 u hi
t I ah :ci 2 -jo 4-I n c,i
1,1 I .'hi ill 47 I.) :l 77
ii i mi n.". 9 ai .vi a t,i
j i i in as a to si t i i
'."i I Iki 7 J 17 !fi 4 'IS
S I ii,, :fc ii XI .'si 4 .'l
J I 17'.' 3.) 411 fll 4 71
.-. I ;tl 4(1 it 711 4 l
ll I K5 41 2 H .Ml A I 'J
!i) 1 t-u 4'J 4 pi ,'.7 S :ti
S- I (tl 4:1 3 (II flH 5 .".I
In" 41 I'l r, S7S
III 4IU 45 3'.: So BICI
Tin premium are lemi tlrni utty olher r'mi;niiiv. tmd llie
ltii'ie 1.11 ail ere.iu r tnlviuilvi,:e. TuliUn ii' l.iil:-yeurl
tui'l niuirifrlv pr.a.tuiiijt, litli " -rltl niU if prs.imiiii, ulturl
1 .:.. . i-
Irani, i 'iut tivt. tirvivirxliif
inpn mm fii'iiit-iiii'itit(: tux ,
li uii ft A'lie:i 'ii (i jr which tluMi; nre ht niV nlitn-tK) nrr
t I ' IhmI iit iipi'hcMii 'ii nt l lit? on ift. r hy K'Ht-r li the
A-i-nt, J. II. l'l'ltUV, Snnbiiry.
.V,'p. r r 1 ye:ir. V'tr7yt-arn. I'nrl.iiV
MO ) 1,:ii J"t
4ii i.-.'rt i.rti a.7
5ii i.mi '2a7
&U 3,ts y.y7. 0,tct
!xam I'lk A prrm ajstfl .HI ymini nvxt liirtfi day, ly
inning lite ('inp:tity ci'iiIh wnulil MH'itrc In It lit family
( r 1mm r t ifpliNt Hlioutil lut dtf in our year; or for i?ji.fl he se
eurus d llitin WHMM; ftr I'nr iHlil ainiuully finr i-veii ymr
hf HTiirrn tn them HHi!l li'ultl hr die in wtveii ycurs; m
I f 2f. 1U nil id ntumtilly during lite lie ivcurr lixMI t Im
iitiisI wliti Ii dies. 1 he msuriT wrunnjr inn own lxmi!f
! lh diift-renee in airi niut tH ttfeniiuin t'rmntli wcli.irrl
lv iAUvt oiticeM. Ktir the heirs would receive QMiW
vii'Mihi in? nie in (mi year.
Kornui ul'tin:ilH:itiin nnd nil itrirtietilarrt tnnv 1e li'id ut
t!i- tiiUra. i- W. ClsAliHOItN, IVmideiU.
II. O. Tuekrtts HcRreinry.
C'uNsn.TlNO Phtmcun l)r. J. B. Manser. Pnnbury,
J. U. I'vbuv, ttaiiliUrv, Agiit for NorlhuuilM-rlund enuii
Huntmry, July P, 1kI8
Ueorgc Itecd'M Eattalc,
W'WJ'II.I. he exposed to iuli'ic sale, on Krid iy
Vf lite 1 Alb i'ay ol Seplrmher nest, on the
premises, in Jacksun lownnhi Nonhninhril md
County, tuti following valualda real itite, viz:
A tract ofl.aml,
cnnlhining P2 acres, n less, siljiri.ii ( lands
..f Micl ael Feist, I'eli r Kielil and Jo'm Keil. r,
laU 1 lie estate nfliea. Hied, Ei., dee'd, Tba i n.
oroT. nn ni cnnsiat of two Log Hoi sea and s
good well at Ibe do ir, a swiss burn, and also, a
9iw Mill. Th'ru isalso on the uremires. good
orc'.iH'd containing difi'.-rent kind of fini'.
ALSO, at tlie tame lima and place. t aut of
of wno.lland t ljoming lands of S imm l Mal ii k.
F. Jo . See., con a ning seeniy-s i, o auJ
running onto Jacob's Mounlaio. Al.nnl ibirly
uciea i-f add land cm be cleared and cultivated.
and is well limbcicj with etcelleni pine, cbesnut
e.. 1 he terms snd comliti m will ha mi ekn iwn
on the .lay of.a!e by l'E TEU KEE1), Ei'r
Ja.ksju tuwa.-lnp, July 8, 1'ilS is
&3r re-f 53
Ipa.ea ami Viritannis Vre, Cutlery, snd
Fans Moods. and ,if Je.
",v nd.B,' Ware. US Chesnul street, Pbila
delphia; Usve rereiv.,1 1.. I.i. . i....
"," "K tngiuh snd Trench Watches,
and MarbU. P.weelui, nd p,nc, C.ks.
Klaled Urna. C.atore. Cake Haskels. High anJ
CharobcrCandlesiicks ou,i Ladles, 8,oona ..d
, j ' 0? M0''nt of Uiiiannia
War and Fine Cutlery.
Tbeir stock of JEWELRY is Urge snd of lha
nosl fa.hion.l.l kmil, and the ..II ..,n.,iii
itb 8,hoos. roiks, Muga, N.pkin Rings
Butler Knie. eYe., and wi hnut ro.king any stia.
play of piicr in Ibe public prints, thsr s e ura.
pared to sell ee low as ibosa who do, snd invite
pnraona wisning to purensae in call,, June 10, 1818. 6m '
i'l 'Wardrob of I'anlilotsuble -
' J. W..& E. D. STOKES,
No. HI Market Street. Ftrl Clothing tturt be
low Sixth,
, FBILADtLraiA. ...'I
117 HERE tbfy are constantly enyaged in get
ting np from the best French, Kngltsh snd
erican f oth. ctothing eat and mads up in the
most superior and fashionable sty a. 1 l'crsoai
who buy to sel', wil find a large and excellent
stork at the 'owes! city prices. C othing made
up to order, in a superior style at the shortest
N. B. Odd Fellows Rega'ia, a large assort
meat always on hand. Orders from Lodges and
indi vidua s promptly attended to on the most rea
sonahls terms.
Thilade phia, June 3. 1818 ly.
'"PYRANTS ns well as Monopolies, must fall,
L so must prices. That this is a fact can be
proved by railing at
No. 12 North 2d street, above Arch,
I,K Iin.4Y,
ll'lio'rtnte end Retail
The stork consists in part sf Gold and Silver
Levers ; I'Epines and (Juartier Watches ; Jewel
ry of the newest and most fashionable patterns.
" SILVElt SI'OGNi, ir.. Particular attention
paid to thes articles, the qually vfwhiih in
Kit. I. and workmnnvhip . The establish
ment of l.E HURAY has been well known FOH
FOVH'VY YEA US, in SECOND Street, and
has made a character whu h needs no pulling.
Silver TEASPOONS as to s SI. SO pr sett
can be mad- for less if wished
WATCH GLASSES Plain. 10 cts j Patent,
15; Lunette. 20 cts; other articles in propor
tion. Hi-mrwtivt you can buy here below any pub
lished list of prices in this City or New York.
Watch Repairing particularly attended to, and
warranted to give satisfaction
N B. Old Gold and Silver boucht for cash or
taken in rxcliange at (don't forget the No 72)
North S"Cotiil Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.
Sept. 8.3. 1817 ly c May 0, 1819
io. lOl, Chestnut SlrrH,
Itclwrrn Third nnd Fourth St.
fBlllE Advertiser lias constantly on hand and
X. inannlactnring. every tUscr iption ol 1 1 A I S
ami CAPS, of tht latest and most approted fash
ions. cousi5tinf of
In variety, alining which is lie arti
cle lor trini; and Sninntrr wear.
VII.II'AUY CHATEAUX CAPS to the Army and Navy in
sulations and lor superinity ol finish und mate
rial, have never been sm passed
Tilt: sr.M.VKR FAS1I10SS
For gentlemen. conistins of FineUoekey Moun
tain I!eaver ami Gossamer Hats, (very liahl,)
Panamas, Lee.hi.riu. Fine Coboutgs, ect., ect.
Also fine Straw. Draid. and Hair Cloth laps;
Ladies linin g H its nnil Cups of entirely new
styles, in fact the largest assortment ever before
offered I" the public ; being as low in pike as
any Establishment in the country
1U4, Ciimiul that, liewan
Third and Fourth ttrre!
June 31, ISIS 1 y
rocket ISooU aud Morocco Case
Has succeeded II P. SIS I V, at the Old Stum!
Oil CIIF.SNI'T Street, I biladelphia'
Pocket linoks. liuiikei' Cases and I'ortlolios of
every description, I'oil Mannare, Ivory Tublets
Card Cases, Dressing Cases. Seuar do , Writing
to , !ackgainmon Hoaids h Chessmen, Gold
Petri. Snydei's. Chapniau's and Sauuder'a Razor
stiops; Kenny's Tally lio (Uxors, Rodgeis's
Wade & liiitcher's JacKsnn, Chinese and Egyp
tain Ra?.ors, Pen Knives and Scissors, of every
description, Howie and Dirk Knives; also, a
large assnrlriieiit of Fancy Stationery, at the
lowest tales.
Jobbing done with i.eatness and despatch.
Philadelphia, June 31, IS 18 3m
LI at thi
RKMOVKD from 102 Market Stmt,
their Nw Snlentlitl and Immense Ktftb
lishmeiit lo W known as 1h
l ower II.iU C lolhlus Uuxaai
Yo. 1H2 Market Strut, between fifth ff sixth,
i UltAl)Kt.rm.
Th(! Proprietors feet a reluctance in promt. I
i . ' . ... , .
I aatinsT what in ii ii V unv rrttuhf nnmar lik'A thtt
t j ........ -ri
usual lliiiiibastic exoneration of soma in the
trade, but w ill beg lave to quote the following
notice from one ol our city pivrs;
'One of the greatest curiosities that our City
j affords to the stranger, is IIEXXE IT & CO's
i ii' eat clothiiii store. No. li Murket street, be.
j I .reen Killh and oi.vih, which has been styled
j 'Tuvcei Hall," fioin the peculiar finish of the
front. 1 lie buil. 1 1 si ae s an nmnensn one, con-
t.uniuS seven eap.icious rooms, all of which are
stocked with ev. ty variety ul seasonabla 'jar
ments, arranged in Ihe most perfect order and
regularity. The prnpriilors take great pleasure
in showing their lm i til and contents lo the
citizens, particu'aily strangeis, aud to those cu
tning fiom the counti y we know of no place
more worthy of a visit.
rtiiladelphia, May 37th, 1818 3m.
A Tnoi'SAiu Doll us Kv:n !
Hat and Cap fiLnnufacturi'rs,
Siiu'k F.usl Corner if th and Market Street,
nus ttienl tturt.
HAVE constaiitly on hand a full snd completo
essonni' nt of HATS, OA Pa, and I'Ull-i.
Ala i an decant assortment uf Oiein.' an I bnva'
Leghorn, Panama, ami n b af lists. All of
wt ich lv a saving of f I0U0 in rent, w ill he ..I.I,
nlioleisle S'.il r.-lai', at the vry biwesl price.
Ununtiy dealers w iul l d i well to call, as by e
o-.nomy an l low tent, we aecoillel la sell at
v.'.rv low rates.
June Itlih, 18H ty
"H VST received, it the store ol Hssav Ms.
9Sr sua, e choice assortment of DRY JOOL)S,
t-riteertei. l.'iuora, rutin leaf ana oilier half. Se.
an ot wiiirn win oe sold al tne lowest priees.
Suubuiy, June 3, 1818.
N 893 Market Street. Ueluw Eighth, Kurlh lida
I iiiLiin.Lrun
Keeps constantly on band all kind of old I.i
quor, viz : Superior old rye whiskey superior
brandy, Gin. he. Also white brandy forpreser
ving. Wild t 'berry and. lilsckberry btandy.
Philadelphia, June 3, 1848. ly
iMrouri.vo andiommimiux
And Dealers in Paper, aiid Paper Manufactu
rers' Materials.
No. 33 Commsres at., PHILADELPHIA
KEEP ceastantljr oti' hand large assort,
antot Brialinf and othar paper. - News
papais in lha sauntry, can bo suppiisd at all
timss, wtth papar of any aiza and quality, at
! ect. made
ww ivwvai pricss. i -
fhtladrlphia, Juaa 17tb, 148
THIS t'.strsct is put np In quart bnltles. It is six times
crimper, plmmnter, and warranlul sue-rior to any
ltd. It cures diseases without vianilinf, pnnrltiir, atek.
eess, or debilitating the patient, and is particularly aikiited
The graM Imnily and taperinrity a llns Airanpnrilla ovar
other reinnlies is, wlulst it emdiealeadisoase,
tl luvifriratea I lie body.
, , . t' niaumption cured,
rleann. and ltreiiylliil.
C'unsnniHliin run be eiirnl. ' '
Utuneliitis, Coniuim.(ion, Liver Ooinplnlnt, CiStls, I'olljrlis,
C'aurrh, Asilnna, Spitting is Hkvxl, tsjrenrjss in the
Chest, Hectic Flush, Night Hwwit. Dlfli-
. cult and Profuse Kxneatoration,
, and Pain in the Side,
Ac, Ac.,
have and can be cured.
Pnilmlily there never was a remedv that has been so sue.
ceiul'ul in iles rrite eases ntf pminini'iili'si as this it elenn
ses ami si n-iijn In ns the svsteui, mill apimirs to Ileal tlm nl
eers mi the Ioiir., and patients irnidiinlly 'Kaill their imui.1
lirsillti anil slreinjlli.
Thero is si-iireely a day passes luit lliera nre a niinilni . f
enses ofeoiifiiimplioii n-jinrierl as ciiriil hv the nsn ni' Lr.
'i'uwnsvii'a MnrKixtl illu. Tlic following was recently re
ceiveil : .
Ur. TmrsvD Dear fir! For tlic lust tlirea yenrs I
have been nlllii-ti-il with peie-nil d-titi!-, ami nervoiis enii
siiiiiition nf the lust Btiiire. nnd did not expert to ever iniin
my liejllh al all. After cinir through n eiiiirseot'tueflu-iiie
muter Ihe care of s une ut" the in nil distinynisbed regular
physii iniis nnil memlK-rs i f Ihe II mril of Ileal: Ii in Sew
Vurk mid fsewhere. nnrt spenititifr the most of my earnings
ill litleiniliiig In rinrtiin niv heellli, ami after reidinfr in
B une paper nf your S.imiuirillii I n s ilveil to try it. After
nsiug six iMttles I fouml it done me ffrcnt frsst, mid catted
lo see yon nt your ollice ,- with your ndvlec I kit on, and
do inort lie-irlily tliauk you lor yieir sdvii-e. 1 i-rsevere in
taking tlie Sunvipuriila. rind huve been utile to attend t-i my labors f ir the I;iki l,.nr m mtlis. and I hope by the
blessings of If-sl and vour rVirsnsiritla to continue my
heallh. It lu-lptl inc bevoiid the expectations of "II wtiii
knew my ease. CIIAKI.l- 1L'1.MUY
Oniime. F.bscx e. .N. Aiir. 9, l."47.
Hlaleof ev Jerw.y, l-sex eoiinly, ss. Olinrtcs tluiin-
liy leiiit duly sworn i nliuyr to liiw, on his odiIi sniih.
tlnl tin- l'ori-oii)r sl.iteineul iw true HeeonliiiK to lie- lii-st ui
lli.kinwleitiremiil belief. CIIAKLKS tJI'l.MHY.
Sworn nnil sulmriljeil lo before me at llnuipe, the2il
A.igust, IMi. f tirs UAI.IIWIN.
.Iiiliee of the I'eace.
' PPimXll III.OOI).
ttend the f -lluwiiig. mid any that oiif iniiption is in iucii
rul-le if you eani
New York, April il, 1HI7.
Dr. Tnwxsmn : t verily believe that ymr iirs:iiarilla
lius lieeii Ihe means. tlirollll Iroviileiiee, of mvili;l lu life
1 hove fir scvcrul years had n Uul eouitll. It lnvanie worse
and worse. Al last I raised Uirjte uiiantitiis of blind, luiil
njlltit sweats mid was greatly debilitated mill r-dlteil, mill
dill not expei't to live. I liave only uneil your Siirsaisirilb
but n s)i irt time, and there lias a ' woii'lefl'ut chnnife. Iw-n
ftr. iittrlit in me. I inn now able to walk nil over the eily.
I raise n i, and my c ii!h has h-fr me. Yon i-an well
iinsirine that I am thankful i t iliese resul's. our nlHih
enl servant. W'M. I! I PSKI.L. 6i C'atlciiflle st.
IXIST lll-'.lt SI'KKrlL
Tlie annexed cerlillcule tells a siniile unit truthful story
of stilferiiiit and relief. There are tli nnoiinls of similar en
ses in this city und llrmklyn. and vel there nre th ui.tiuds
of parents let Ih'-ir eliililren die for fear of iii iny liimilHMj.'iil
or to aave a few shiliinas.
" llro.lvn. Sept. 13, 1iI7.
Dr. Tmv.x.Esn: I take pli-arure in sl-iiiii, for the Is-ne-fit
of th we wlrnii it may eoneern, that my dauvtiter. two
yrin. utsl six m mllis oiil, was altlieti-d wiii (leie-ral dv
bilily nnd l issof s ic.eli. She was piv'en np ns past le
c ivery by our fainily physir-irm ; ,mi i.trtuiiati-lv 1 was re
c imiie-iidi-d liy a frii-ii.l'lo try y-mr SnrM-iiiirilla. lief.ire
having used one bollleshe rei-ii'i-rt-.l her hjm-i-.-Ii an l w:is
ennl'li-d lo wulk al ne. to Itie ast iiiisliment of nil who were
tieimaiiited with the eireains'ruie.-TS. She is noiv ipiire welt,
and in mii'-h le-t'er lii-illli iti-ni site bus li..-i-ii f r Im in mllis
pan;. JOSKi'll TAYI.OH. l- York s:., Ilrsiklyn.
rivu rnii.iiKK.N s. t;n.
Yt-rv few filiulies iictei-d in I'.e-t we Inn- n it litsir-1 of
one thai ur..-il )r. I iwiiH-'u-i's S iri iparili-i in li.ti-. 1 -l i
aiiv i-liii-lren Ihe past wtnte tti -s.- Ilnl ib.l n 't. and ili-d. Tlie rerWlieale we i.nli'isii ltl iw is ;
'iiellisive evittelii-i! ..f ifs iln onil in mill ait -tln-l iiiitlanea
I lis S'lvim; the lives of i-iiil'lreil : I
Dr. TmvxsKxn Dear Sir : I Ii nl iw'ii by I
ur S irsaparilla of I lie Plilieilt-r eiln-.l titil anil ilvsi-iilarv": I
lie -.lily t.i in niih old mt'l lh . otlu-r :lv.'iie. 'I'lu-v !
were very ni.!i-!i re taeeil. and we i-x-M'.-t.-il tU. v ivonl-t ti.-;
'V were u.i-,i i,j, 1M- w i n.s;M-e,-i!ile ph .in i:-. 'i.:ii
. d-s-lor informed lis llrit we ninet 1 -se t!e-m. we res l
I to trv v .ur Sarsiiiriil :i Wf h:i:t In Tin) rt imii-li ii. hut
Iki-I lit Ii- t-oi1i;l-ilff lli'Ti' IwiiiL'rti limrli afinl" ii Ivi-rl mtl
lli it in w irihl"?!: Iml we nre (hunkl'iil tli.i' v. ch.l. t. r il
imJnu),t,-.llv mvvtl Hit- i of Ii Ah. 1 writf Htin tlt;i! oth-
th nny he iiiiJiifct, in u.e ir. V-.turn. n-f-jrcHl'iiltv.
JOHN YiUa, Jr.
Mviili'-uvnum, ?troK1vn. S'pt. 1.". fi7.
Til Till-: 1.AIH1S.
Pn.TrKuVSMWAritiM. in - x ivt,T it.iiii I ly
rurr tr inrinifiit r-tnnuiiiptiiin, tuul fur tU f!iiT:i pr
li hi uf the mHtcm n lHiitirr wlit-ihrr lli n'nittt f ,pIi"-
n iH raiiHo or ruiiKw, prptlucwl by irrtutarily, or at-
.Nolliiii;; c;in 1f intre ftirprininir tlum iu U its irafiiij; f
rln on 1lit liuiiuiii frntiif. INtk-jiw till vt-ikin jn tnl Ui-
Hiimli', lYimi Inkinir it at onro Inn- nif r tmd full of
'iirrirv iiihIit i:n tuituctifi Il in! i..iiii,irii-u t
iirvi'ifMif,.j, uf tli ffiimlf imttir, wliirh in lln- yevM valine
Il will n il ! rxtwrtinl nf un, in riJ.n i-f (Irliratt iki
ture. In xliil'il rtTlilirtiUn if ruri prrfonnraJ. but run
inwiipi Ihe aril it -tc: I liumlredi! of kiac luve Urn r.-i.r-
tfi 1 1 IN.
lie. TtnvN.;i:n : My wife U'my gratl) ilintowil by
i'tkiu nnd (ii-m r;il iMiility, oik! aauJit-uim Ciiitinuallv by
iwi.i find wtili nlncf dUln'iiltn-M, nnd hiiviiijt kij 'Wii vw
win-re ymr uittliciiio hnn 'fftPt prcnl enrr.- ; nnd nln
bearing it recommended for wieli rn us I have dmrril,(
niiTaineii n inuie oi your xtmet ol rviriciKiriilii mid lol
tvn tin dires'li'fir r-tii iTiiv me. In a fliort iMTi-nl it
reuioviil Iter r m plaint mid rt-wtored her t he:tlilt. Hiii)r
nre iti'ul f- r the bemiita lie rteehrtft I iJiku plejimiri in
tlm ackii'iwte Iging it, ami rec iiiiiiiniliiiir it to tlir nnlilic.
AlUiny, Aug. 17, Ml- r r. Grand & J.wlia tn.
No fluid or mrdteiik, m rvi'r been diwMVerrd which mi
nearly resemble the R.-iatric juiee or mdiva in UifotnisOfin
inssi mm iiriipc(iiriiiiir( inr viKaiiaiiti i'K(nal' ll iin iriin irr
wimii n of S;iripnlUi. It positively curm every raiie nf
lyupcnHta, However wvere or cliroiur.
JtUHK IX'IalirilllCIll, Aiietnv, aMav I", IHIS.
Dr. Townnend Sir: I have been attticlel wvinil
ye:ir with dymwiwia in itfl worot fonu, iittndd vith nr
neroof ntoniarh, lomnf' apM-tite, eiimrie heurthnrii, nnd a
jrn;it nvrrni hi to nil kiiuU nf fivnl, and fw wtfkn, (what I
e mUl eat) I have1 lieen tnuible to retain I nit a niuill port it m
on tuv Mtiiuieli. I trit-d the umi:d rcincdiefi, Ixit IIh'V hud
but little or no elT.Tt in removing the c unpl'iiiit. 1 ww in
diued, lib nit lw mouth Binee, lo try your Kx tract of S,ir
Kiliiirilh. hik! I miiKt miy with little e uitidenee ; but after
iixiuir ncirlv lv i lHtlim, f imind mv aiiiMtne rtiitoreil and
tlm lie.irtlmrn entirely reinovetlt and I vvnld tnt ily n
e anmeiid the u of" it tf thoae whi have leti niliictff n 1
have lut-n. nnra. keM W. W. VAN 7A)T.
Aiienl lor Hunlrtirv JOHN W. KlilUVi: Nor
th in nltT hud, MAItY A. .MeCAV : Uaiiville, U'M. A.
April , ly
riiiisi., itn!ins. ioi:s me
liall ttoud.
11 A NCE of Hours, ami two '1'iains Daily
cuch way, except iimlays.
On and after MomlAy, May, 1st, ISIS, two
trains will run each way, daily, belwen I'hila
ami t'ottsvitie.
I.eavea Philarleliihia at 7 A. M daily excent
1'asses Readme at 10 4H A. M.
Leaves Potlsvill at 7J A. M. daily except
Sundays. 1'asses Readihf ut 1) 10 A M.
1 he ahova Line stops at all way stations on
the road as formerly.
I'ft Train
Dowt Train,
Leaves I'hiladelnhia at
Leaves Pottsville at 3
P. M , daily except
SJ P M .daily except
Leaves I'ha-nixville 3 13
" Poltstown, 4,1.1
Readini. SOU
Leaves Sch Haven, 2 D7
" Port Clinton, 3 00
" Reading, 3.10
' I'ottstown. 4 30
" I'henixville, 5 00
Vrrtves at State
" Port Crtntou, 8,45
" Sch. Haven, 6.101
Arrives at Tolls-
ville, 6 30
Road. 3,30
The afternoon train will stop only at I above
nsmed stations. Passengers for other points
mint therefore lake the .Vorniuf l.iim
Depot in Philadelphia, comer of llroail and
Vine Streets. No Passenivrs can entei Ihe Cars
unless provided with Tickets.
NOTICE. Filly pounds of baggage will be
allowed to each passenger in these tines; and
passengers ara expressly prohibited from taking
anything as baggage but their wearing apparel
which will be at the risk of its owner. No
freight will lie taken by these lines.
By order of Board of Managers
. . - S. BRADFORD, Secretary
Mny 6. ISIS. tf
INcforlnl r.11tlOii or 1' iiihiitc'g
great Work u tlie llolurmatlun
published nr. or about the 1st of April, 1818, hy
JOS. A. SPEEL, No 96 Cherry st. above 6th,
his splendid 12 mo edition of Ihe above named
work, with 18 engraved illustrations from ori
ginal designs; 4 vols in 9, bound ia extra cloth
snd library sbeep.
Tba publisher respectfully e!ls tbe attention
of tba trade and tba public generally, to this
work being Ihe only illustrated edition published
in lbs United States Ha trusts that the beauty
of its embellishments, the stroug and substantial
manner in which it is bound, in conjunction with
lha know pamilsrity of tba work itself, will bit
a aura Mcoapaaandaticai ta public fcvor.
JOS. A. SPEEL, 6 Cherry at. above 6th.
J. A. 8. has also lately published, a new and
beautiful Edition of Sergeant Bell's Rare Show,
suitskls book for children, neatly dona op ia
extra cloth.
Philadelphia, April I, 1818
LEJ Lt LSJ 1X1 633 9
D73FEFSLA., ','
(5EORGE B. GREEN, Protrtctor.
Windsor, Vermont. , ,
IS a Suverelin remedv for DYSPEPSIA, In many of nt
forma, sncli as pnin In the HUimueh, Hrartlairn, hnbltaal
JJostivenesa, Acid istontaeh, lleadaelip, Isissof Appetite,
Piles. Night Sweols, and even Cunsumption (Dyspeptic
riithisir.) and Aslluna, or Phthisic attended with derange.
ment of the pVanneh (nr Dvspeptio Astlima.) DllVnlt
Brcathirvr, which nflen results troin iinnerfert digeslinn (or
Dywptic Sysimar..) is relieved hjr these Hitters, la short,
their use hns lieeii provnl in the relief ut almost all the
aympl-tma llint pr eeed fnan a deliilifnled or atintic condi
lioii of the St.aiiaeh ars-., in ireneml d-lillity arisinf from
n(ie or from the ed'.t-is of fever, particularly f e-er and
A(ine. reunites snirerina under aliv uterine dcmngcineut
ansine from n-enkness, will hint tlie "IIxvukkatbd Hit
Taas" nn execllent rumeily, aial not surpassed hy any uaxli
vine in use.
The history nf this medicine is neciiliur. It litis made its
wnv to public fnvor solely by the force of its own intrinsic
merits. No arllfieinl menus bnve lieen nml to vivn it no
t iriety aisl thrust it n;sm imlilie attenli si. It Tina never
lielori! even lieen ndverliel, but linving first shown its re
limrkiible crtieney hi lite fondly nf llie proprietor, and by
him nflerniiiils lidminislereil to his nlHicteil friends and ac-iuiiiiLiiH-es
with a like nnult, iis reputnti 'ii (.mutually cs
tended until il is known in the most disluul puria lif the
J nion, as a medicine of virluesjn the cure of
l)ys-psia in nil its difl'rri nl forms, and ids i for tlie enre of
Asthma or Phthisic. In. n,u .rnd nnd its nnlv euliry
Ims ls-en the story of ils wonderful eil'e-acv, as told frolii
Health toninilli or by letter rr in 'ii, ,t 1 1 friend. In eve
ry instance where tlu-sc llilters hnve liei-n nsirl.nnd the re
med"m'IP k'"wn Pr"l,r','t "t hey Imve proved a re-
Niunenmaemificatea, attestinv the sineulnr effiracv of
the "(Ixvgksatkd Hittks.." nre in the possession of the
pr iprn ior i miiiiy ol them sinned hv pcrs-ius already widely
known t tin.- piililie. '
riT'.O. B. (inunx, proprietor.
WINDSOR, Vt IWilerS. lH.t.
The follow In-; t'ei ltfu ales hnve recently been
received I
W-iiimitox, P. C. .I-K 10, ll(l.
llavinp made use of the -lixyjjennifd llititTsM jireHireil
by Dr. Ii.. II. Oreeu, i.f Wiuiln r., Vt. nnd from know
l.-lfe of their elli'-iiey ill oilier cases. weeliiN'rlnlly
rec miiuend them t i tiiepuMie, iH-licviiiit that they wUl fully
sustain the r..imienil-iiioii of the Pr oprirt ir. We h ipe
ttiat this valuable remedy inav lie s- gem-rtdly didused
tliroilslHiut tlie c ilintrv Ill-it it iuay be iieeeinilile' to all the
TllV'lTO i r.H.Sea,Vf,.u,Ver.,t.
JA.MI K. SiM.MO.NH, I. H. f-iul T fnmt H. Mrind.
J. T. AlURKIir.AD. I S iiril T iiihI f .nii.rly (ifivcrn
or nf Kentnekr.
I. II. AilOl.), M.-iiilier of ronjirurn nnd f .rmrriy Cy
Vemr of H.I.
W.U. V(rt))imm(iT-:t IM.ftenat-rnnd formerly Clo
vern r ot' Mieliiir in. m
M. . MAItTiN, IMejri.f in Congrew fr in M'inrou-in
J'roin Hon. II. I). Ko-tkb. Memtwr nf f'.mpn'm froin
AVasiunVitox. I). C, Jr xK 111, IHin.
l:ir !ir. I have leeii n dyntepth nullerer f r nlmnt ten
yenrx, mid hnve res rtJ I vari-ii iitetlifMU'H f relief
without MiieeeKH, until iivnln nm ol" your OxvirenHed
Ilitt.TH.' I hnve n.tout tw la-Kllen, mid fiiitlinynelf
remote,! to perf.ft henlth. Th fornix in whirh the di
ptme I'll wed itni'lf, in my iviye, Wi't1. prettt ncidity of the
nl Hiiiieh, I -ft til uppetil' i xtreuie rl ttnleiiee, revere e -nnti-pjtli
n of the Imvi'ltf. mitl violent Iteud tehe. 1-Yeliujf deni
rinn thnt n kn wledirri nf y mr v.iln;ible rtiutity limy resell
oth.Ti Himihrly ntHirtl. "I t ie jfreM n'e:i:ir. in ree ird
iiti tiiy t est i ui nv 1 1 it eumtive power; nn I would olr tiiul while on it visit nt h me rh rl tiuie Minee, 1
n-'niMiitered a vir1 of n b itl" t u numlwr nf fiiy tilllioted
Irietriln. willi ix n-it fiieejw. Tiiey nre dfjtirons "tint vii
rh"ii!d f;l:dilifi)i tin .'(jfi-n-v nt PiitMlmrir, or uif rm lliem
where t!;t' ni-li iue e.ui 1m o''iimnl. Willi hi i'iriK-rt ile-
dife i" -r v-mk pr Hjterit,- nnd Inpinei!. I rulwribe invnelf.
duly y- nr fiind ' n. o. IMHTKU.
1) el. (iKti. II. (illr-KV.V.'ill lt" rT Vt.
S .M Wh din tnul It. r-iil liicrn A rh-tdnT, Nn.
CHS iith irh f:rir. Vhilnt!i-l-.!.i:t.
Aireitl f t Su:il.nrv II. H. M S.JI(.
A.-u'rior .Milton .MAi'KAV A: HA Ad.
April U,
In presenting tlie put. In- with ri-me.1-,- f ir Hie Iri-ilmeul
mi I enre u I'KVKII .H Aii r :u ,.h7i bii'i us ilii-iMscs.
li i ii.i.siy is iieeilcl. Vast uiiiiiliers in llie Toiled States,
who sillier fioin then.- air. eti-iim in th.-ir vaMed Inrins, arc
e inpi lti-d to w-i-k ri'lief from oilier uirees Hum tlie inune
di.ite prescript i -ns of the physieiun. It becomes
llier.-f -re mi obleet nf liiiin-uiiiy, ns welt ns of public inter
est. I.i tirinir liefore Iheni a reuiiHly prepared fiom mueti ex-IMirieni-c,
and which uny ulwa.s Is. relied up-xi as safk,
mich is th. true clsimeinr of the INDIA l lIOLAUDtil K,
is amply ntlested by tlie siuvtss with which it Itis
lici'ii empl.iyed.
1'f K.xtmet fomi a ciaiimmiii-ation of the II-mi. Wil
liam W.HIUBHIISJK, of the ti. 8. rVnute, lute Governor of
M ichi(im.
Dm-Toa I'iiaulks ts:oon.
Insir Sir, I Isive n.tid with mucli interest, y.air little
tracatisk iisai the "causes, treatment nisi cure' a" the
febrile diseases which have s. extensively prevailed in .air
country during tin last few' ui-aitlis nil interest irs-rens.!
llMloubt, by ihe foci lli.-it 1 have iislU'Llitilly sull'cred si
lullell from Iheui. Tll.siih I feel myself very iia Hilietaiit
to judtie safely llisin a siibjeet s . eii'lirclv professi. huiI. yet
your Iho.iry si-ems to me w.-ll rejs ineil, uud your conclu
sions lust, uihI 1 tlllilK Wlltril, tli;lt your imiiljitilet is cnlcll
bitiil to priNliu-e mucli pnielieid ).ssl.
Spcikinit of the medicine he says: It fully jusiifiedyoiir
flattering; expcclnli us, and us u sul'e, c.mvetlient, and vpu
bir rellli.-ity. mv own exierieiiec. s i far. iislliees me to lie
lieve llmt it Will irovc n aresl public beuetit. I am pte-Jisl
I I leiiiii thai you huve reeeuil ei4ablislied several naeiiciea
for its diswsiii-iti ih-Mivth I ri-irret liiut. with a view t- a
III ire gen.-ral dieseiniiialiou m il, y.iu should lniefouuil it
necessary to remove tPMii your present residence among ns.
Willi miieli rcsji4".-t I li:ive lie- )i..n h to be. sir,
Your iililiv'tit servant.
WIS, I.I AM WOl'llllltlDCK.
tV ' rrom lion. Stkciikn . H. .Miehi
rfaii Sl itt- Seiuite. t.i Itu- Ajr-'til nt Delroit.
HlKMlVOIHM. IIAII.AND fo.. pBC. 1, 1S.
Sir yon wih me .. iuforin you wtsit I kieiw of l)r.
tlsi: ssl's luilia rhoi k yne, .r luitl-liilious medieiiie. 1 d
Is li.-ve lint il" ttie voile- and e!l'u-M-y of tins iiii--hciue were
treniiifty kiHiwu, the vviKit axd Aiit'E would distipiiear in
I a Intite iii ihe spring of s, nn I liave ijood to lielieve Mint inys-tl' uud faiuily cicuh-i1 the aue
last season ill e autpieuce of its use.
Perhaps in no summer since the settlement of this fine
jH'iiiustila. 1st. the fever find auue been so prevalent as tlie
last. 1 hive rec uiin.-u.l..d Itos lui'dirine in nmis-rous in-sialic-.,
and when the dis-ase hud Imm-oiuc fixl and dallied
the skill of phvsiciairs; and I have nevir kienvn it fad. I
lins iiuiverMlly produced the in tst happy clliy-ls, and I bet
lieve it has never be-n x"eedt by liny Medicine ill reino
vililt the bilious diseases of the eti'illate.
Yours, niMa-lfullv.
As f.r Siinliurv II. II. MASSKK ; Nonhnmlierlaiid,
AVrrillMiTtl.M c l'o ; Mill ll, J. II. HASKll: Scliaa.
crove, MAY A Kl.tiSK.
-May II, IHl- ;r.
C, It K AT" NAT 1 1 IN A L Vvo Ilk!"
A llieilory uf the Itrrolulluii nnd l.tvf. of the
llrror of III War of Ilidrprutlnicp.
Ai elegant volume with 18 fine Steel Platc$,
ami nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engravings.
'TUi i a litnid Utok. A vnliillt? atkUitln tti the
ric l.iieruture a' Hir (SNuary. Vj are iikm'U mista
ken il' it d ra n- ttik rank wilb Ihe wurU H Irving uud
l'riwui." rrmtkr.inl ll.-mUI.
II turptuMirc hiijt vuuibir work yet i6VnM tu the AitiYi-
CJH puUic.1 .NiSil'al (imuHtf.
4lt niiiy Ihs priiiierly o-iwiU-rtd popul irietetl Militiiry
Hintry i-f thf Kevo.iiti 'ti, vxlreim-ly welt uiid jutlicutua
written." N. AmerUiaii.
The )rtiiriit wwk im tho RevitliUastn oih! itu Hernr, ia
Uieri-r, Uitli in extent and deviirn lo uny thui haa hereto.
I'tire c mif under mir nHiee." Iiitj.
A well omiuocted liirt.w-y kl Out eventful period. Isard
ger. Dvidliy Im t ftpiilnr lliatory taflhe war of tho
lif!V4ntiui mul it H.r.en, tluit htia yet beeu given to Ibe
rHimry." S.ittinliy Kvmina; lot.
A(iKIV WANTKU U C-xivaw i x Ibe uhtwo Hr
wmt W rk, in every t'otiiity aini Towu in thn t'mted
lUiton, to whom (he m t tilR-rul inilucemriua will kte tvjQer
etl. Price ihiIv
AdilreM (n.rt-puiil) Y. A I.K.WtY.
N.i. I5. tiIi HKHi.MJ Sf.
rhila.Mdiia, Mny ltK-Htn
ltriiBii,' Comb and Yariely
KoW Kurlh Thud, hthut Jitite St. und AVA
eotmer of Third and Market street,
puxz.Aosx.rHXA; ;
WHERE they offer for sale a general assort
ment of all kinds of Biuehes, Combs anil
varieties which they are determined lo Bell
Lower than Can b purchased e sewhere.
Country Merchants and others Purchasing Tn
tba above line wit. find it lo their advantage to
rait before purchasing elsewhere as the quality
and prices will be fully gusrsnte.d sgamst all
1'biladelphia, June 3, 19481
XT' "r-"ev4tSL.4.
Serofnln or Kind's Kvll, Rhenmatisin. Olistinnte Cutnncoiis
,.iii.,iuiiii, uiipies nr repiiues nil llie lace, Hlotelrcs,
Hiles, Chronic f ire f'.yes, IthiR Worm or Tetter,
Hcnld Head, V' nlarjrenient nnd Pnin of tlie
Jl'.lii-snuu joints. iftublKiru fleers. Ht-plil.
litie Symptoms. Sciatica or Lsimtfn
diseases nrifins from an iujudi-
ci-aisttseof Meienry, Dni
sy, Kxp.mre or I'lnprn
deis-a in life) els ,
t'tironie Cunsti
lutiotnl Lijs-
In tins medicine several iiuvweiit but very potent articles
ol the veiretnbte nru miited forming a c impound
entirety diirerent in its character and pmiicrties from any
other preparation, and imrivnlli-d in its operation on the
system when laboriiis: under disinse. It sln.uhl he in tho
himds ol everv crson, who, hy business, it general course
ol hie. is preilisp-iscd lo Ihe verv mnny aill incuts tluit ren-
iter life n curse,
mii vi n uieesmg, aiHl aooltell result ill
N'tt iiii iiiPttitici? nf Hh thittirc ha ever oocurrud when free.
ly iiwmI ! It rim the Hirvmw nnd nt thp tntne time impartn
vigr to tlm wlrilft ytrm. rVr n ul-juh mt nn cim nvr
l" i "p iiiupii Hiieillinn ut llm Btiitf! o their bkx-il. fu n
rififfi(i-n hanM bo their firt nim : fr iwrnrvurnncc will
nwnnpliMh a cure ul kvf.x IirbkuiTart diear.
Sf-nrvy, Se irlmiin AlT.-cti inn,t.. .i-iii.
KryHpt-hi llj-erp. rnnrnre, li.imui.- Sire. r?e:il niwi
Mil . Dr. Dnik. Pimueeii -:imr.t . t m highly rxt..le,l:
it nmn-hes ml tlm very r Mit m the dimmm, and tvriiuiiieut.
!NDIiaTl)Tii DVs4KlStA. '
Nnme linim (M-rliaj lm uver lie. u diwivDreil which
give iv inic h I ie M t!ie t nineh mi l camara the iucre.
tfm nf n liwihhy gartric jniee tidi-e mi;wm the V1 u- Ir
Drnke' Panacea
Dr. Prake1 Pnnnern I uxed with the grentet uere in
Hhftuiiiuie ('itiiiiiLiint, eMt:i:illyiichnehriitr. It curt
by driving nut oil iiiipurilic oud'f.nil hum mr which hnve
mi-turn ilu ted in tin; rtt;!H, which nre the ennac of Kheii
nuitim, li. tut. nud Swelling"!' the Otlc-r reined ir
a mietiiiie give ttMiijiimiry relief; thin iiilircly ennlieiitea
the dirieafe friiii t he y stein, evcii when Ihe limb und bone
arc dreadfully swollen.
l'oNi;MPTtnx can UK cfiiKD. CVMiph. Catitrrh, Hrtn
eliiti, Sjtiitiiig nf Hlnnl, Antlinm. Uitluult ur proftiNe Kx
prctomti m, llep'.ir Fliifh, Nitflit Sweiit, Pain in the aide
Jtc. Iiuve Imeit cured, nud run W with n much certuinty u
any other dieje. A pucilie hn !ng been night fr, twit
in vain until the dic very of J)r. l)mke'a Pnnarea. It ia
imll nnd mfe hut et:rt:iin and etlicnti nt in it ope-mik-u,
nnd ennn-'t v wiltly injure the intt ileliente ciiKtituti 'ti.
We would earni;tly ree.miiiinid th.e ufllitte! tt irive it n
trial uul we Ix-Iicve they will nol Imve oeciintt'ii to regret
it. 'J'he ayrttem in elfiui.icd and trciithetiefl, the ulcer uli
the hrncr nre healed, and tlie putiem gnuliuilly regain their
tirtiinl iical! h and ntrenuth. Hcnd the ftiLwiu'g :
Pl!il.A , Pee. 11th. tS,7.
Ikb Siu : In reply ft yunr (jti. -li rii n;eeting the uo
( Or. UnikeV Patinen. I will iv, thnt ultlniifgh a mrrfwl
diheliever in the e.titi-nce nf a Panacea, or'eure fir all
ilieiiKeM, hi. we vet valuable il in:v lie ill certain c -liditi.nia
nf the HVMem, utill 1 have believed thai u rare f-n C'Hummp
lit.n would bediitcn'cred muier or hitrr. nnd rtiiMniiy leil
ine t- try yt.ur iiKtlieuie in (w very inveterate chfc.
They were proii uuneil by tliu atleudiiig phyniemnn t- bo
Pt'I.MOXAUV COtSf Ml'TItiX. Ulld Hlviudtjiii'.l b IN
crnABLK. tne of the jrernoji h id been under tlie treat
ment of aevcnd very able prm liti meis for n tuiitibr of
year, and they Kiid hr " J I !":ttii'ii.ed ijoiimttiiptioii
e tiubine with Scri'itlu,M uud that U- luilit linger fr .ine
time, but c-'tild n t lie eniruttiitly relieved. In Uiihcne
tlieelfeet of the Pmueea hti ln'e'u inont gmtifiug. Only
four or five li 'tile were ucd by one of ibe iefwiif tiefnrc
lie begun to improve rapidly. The other tk ub ml ten.
I T11 only add 1h:il familiar n 1 am with c MieunipUou by
inhirritance uml by extensive o! nerval i tu na o ftudy, and
knowing nl tlie'iuiuriuu i iTt-ctit in nine cane out of ten
of bir, Uiuejtet, and other veiretnl!e I miea. a well a of
many ol the rxrHvtoraiitamtd rtetlativcu. I h nld never Imve
reiMiumeiKli d the iuc ol Drake PmiiHMn it' 1 had wt been
acquainted with the ingredient, fritfiee it to ariy that theae
nre lecoiu mended by our in mt p-imlar ami wcienlihr Jiypi.
ci:in, ami in their prtm ut combined tulet form uroUibly
the tuft nltenitive tlmt ha ever laeiti made. The cure ir
iu inx m hit tee with a theory of C iiuiuption brinrhr! in
Krnnee a few yir ug i, by t ti of her 11101 ejuineitt wii
teram mefliciiie, and it w crtablifht-d by iot't whitU ad
nut of ui ilinulu.
Very Heapeetfnlly Your, U. C. (H:NN.
To ue tin- hngunire of another. Drake' Pnitncca in
alwuy Kdutavy in iti eil"e-iK never injuri u. It i not ns
(kf.iate it if not uud Kxect-irant. It ia n t intended to lull
the invalid iut a fatal acurity. It i a gnit remedy
gnmd henhui nnd etirative c in;riUHl. the nod only
mimiy which iik-iikvii wienee ami km III naa yet protlllecil
f'tf the treat t iieu t nf thi hitherto uneitiiUered inalaily. Aim!
iv per in alllieled with thi drnnd dimniHe, will be junt t
liiiitAelt'iuid hi friend, if he go d wu to the grave without
tenting it virtue. A aimle bHtie. In nv at ease, will pn
duce a laviirablu ehajigoiu the condition ot any i tut lent,
boweviT l-iw.'
TO TIIK i.aiuks
I julie.-i 4 ttile e niilcii.a an I c HiMiuiptive liahit, and
wit h a nre dchiliaieii by Ihufe uliftriieiiiiiia which leuml'-a
aie haMe to, are retored bv the mm nf a Mile or two. lo
bloom vig r. It i by far the bent remedv ever diacovered
for we:ikly children, ami aueh n have hud huinorn ; being
pleaaant, they take it. It immediately restore thoappctite,
atreugih nnil c dor.
rSi'thiuit ran Ik- in re urnnni than it luvur mitini? ef-
feci on the human frame. Peraiu, all weakueaa amf laa
aitude beii re Inkiuu it, at once become rohual uud full ot'
energy under it intiueuee. It immediate counteract the
liervt'leeauena of the female frame .
CAl'TKIN. Re riirel'iit unit SIN" llmt von ei-l llie ?tiii..
ine Dr. Utiakk's Panacea it hns the sieimtiireol'liEO. K.
Sroaas on the wrapper and also the isiuie "Oil. Ukakr's
I'ANVCKA. rilll.." Ill 111 tlie cl-im.
1'reisireit only bv Sinn 11 1.1 Co.. Drllu-'isls. Xil.21 North.
PixlUft., l'hilailelpliin.
Airent forSunlsirr II. MSSKR.
Slid an. by Wm. A Mrmiu t".
S aU by Wm. A. Mritit kk A Co.. OauviUf II. iiakp
, Mitinn; Maiiv MVCuv, N'Uiliumli rbunl ; K. 4' l tm,
Aril I, Ittlfg ly
pinr.-i'iiooF poons i-ou iunks and sroitKa
Soul and Lettfr-Ciipviny; Presses, l'ntciit
litte-Lineit lletViyeratorii. Water Kil
lers, Patent I'orluble Water Clo
sets, iiitemli'tl lor tliu Sick
unl liilirm.
70 .'oiA Third Street,
opptwiTE Tin: pini.ADKi.niiA Kxnivxoi".
r:iiiir.i.-tiir.- aial keepctmstiut-
are a-i c.sistnieteil ns to set at rest
all manner -f d ail4 ss 1 1 ihea
li.iii; strielly lire-liroia', und tluit
they will resist tne fire of any
buil.liua. Tlie i.uuide cases of
these Safes are airale ol'Uiiler ir-ai. Die inside easeot' eKin
at.aie, aisl between tlie imler i-wm? his! inner ease is a epuce
la'sMiie three inches thick, and is filled in with illitestrne
little material, a-ias t- uinke it nil imp -esibility t Isirn any
ot' the ciaiteula iusale S' ttiis t'hest. These is sipst.aie Hn
laiuaiulera we are prepared and d eluiUeiige ttie Wiwld t'.
ir.sliiee any article in tbe slrlM ia' IksAk SJi'es that will
Btiiiul as much heatt and we h M oiirs.-lvea reiuly at all
tiiiK-a to laive them fnii'ly by piililie lvHilire. We
also ooiitiuue M inaiinliie'liire a hirge and eeuerul aseirt
ineut ot' mir Preiiiiutn Air-t'lit Kin- Prt.a' rl-it'sa n which
there are over HU0 now in use, and ill every instance lliey
laive siveu eiaiie autlsiaetion to the pun-lbtaera id' wbieh
we will refer the puMic tn a few gentlemen wha have
them in use.
HaywiKNl h Snyder. P.-tlsville; J.iecph O. liwtial
P.atsvillet Mi. WUiiani Tnir. U-ivlvston-n, la.
N. A . Taylor, l-jp a ith 3d .; A Wriyht A Nephew
Vine st. wliari'; Alexiui ler Caror. I" aiveyuue., urn.-r of
Filbert niul oth sis ; John M. I', W leM-lli :H st.; Mvers
Hush, l u .rlh 3.1 si. Jane-. M. foul, till s null 4th s.l
tr. David Juyne, 8 a siib tat st.i Miuhew T. Miller. i
emth tH St.; and we c-sdil name s una hundreds irt others
II it were ne-Mry; Now we invite the atleulhai nt the
public, and particularly those in want ol' r'ira I'r sl Sales,
to cull nt our store before piirelusinit .-ls.where? aisl w
raimtisl'v tl.em thev will get a lielter i.iul cheaper article
al our store than at any other cSialilisliineut in the . city.
We als uuuiiil'a. tiira the ordinary Fire I'r.sS Lna
al very low prices, chcaitcr than tbey can be MutUl al an)
other Wore in FhibulelpU...
Phibitelphia,' April 8, 13IS ly
Ao. 1U Water Street and A. 1 1 wth Wharee
, Philadelphia
WW A S eonsianlly on band, a gauartl eaanrl.
I men! of CorJage, Seiria Twines, ins., visi
Tat Kopee, fishini Hope, While Roiiea, M.iiil,
l Rnnaa. Tow I.ioes, for. Csaal.lioats. Abm.s
hcompleia ssaortoieiit of Seine T.wiiiea. ate, aitch a.
ilrr- .
ilvTrsiniei pS-"" "n isimi. a rarire ess inmeni oi
1 .1 UfaSa "N S i'Kl.Ji the nb ive lirlH-les, t igelberwitb
Kf'K'ill V"l their 1'iitinl lnipr.vnlSikuiland.T
l,reWtl t liiK-I'liltoPsAKrS, wbi.h
Hemp rsliail anu narmig i wine, ueai raieqi uui
Net Twine, Cotton PhaJ aiul Horitag 1'air.e, Shoe
Threads, dec. Ac Aleo, Red Cords, PliHigh Lines
Ushers, Trseee, Coftoo aauLUaaa) CarfHrt Cbanie.
die. all of whit'b ha will disposa of on rsMMori.tile
PbiUaalphia, Juoa- 84. Was. ly
1 wmanrs ''
Indian Vcetnble Pitta.
This meriieine Is enmponndnrt on (tetleret principle, front
the aim, anadnlterated herbs nf the Indian. Althoatfh
there are many medieiiie eallnl by the same name, ararf
one Is swart thai there ia a very greet difference smnnf
them. Those oflkem that are ad "Indian," hare stolen
the same fton as wha were the Iral an latrednee 4 prepa
red1 tndtaa medicine lo the Amerteaa poblie. Of soares
similarity of name does not create a atmilaritjr ia the char
arter of (he madidne.
Wright's Indian Veeeulse Pills are dlstingaishW to
tlieir perfect adaptatsin to the human h-aty ta their eaat
ation, they do exactly what nature does, and authing more.
They hare a rora-roLS acrtotr, npnn the rnnes, Uiiii. kid
neya and bmrda. Hence their peculiar power over disease,
Ity promoting perapimlion, they break aprdt-S Onvoas,
fliiBrMAtie roxFLAtiiT, Pirn in Tin Back, Caont,
ft TAMiors F.nt ptioxs, riMPLiu, IlLoTrnxs, FaacsLBS,
K.aTsirsi.As, c. '-
The actirm of lira Pills on the kidneys la each as to make
them a valuable lilhoulrlplie, Dtmrav, natviL. and Pa.
Male roMPI-AixTs, nrising fnim otsitrnctions at certaia
periods, are speedily remnvM liy their nse. .
A free EiriM TiiaATirta from the lungs is eieited by tbe
use nf Wri(lit's Irslkin Vegetable Pills, tnaa removing
Pnlimniary ruiiipbinls, sueh as Astiiha, Baonrn(TU,
Snamit.s and Tilir?ns iir rnfe BIi!ast, Coughs, Sore
Thrnot, tie.
By tlicir neii m on the NriiMtcit and Bowels, the Pills
enre DvssKrsiA, l,n SB Comi'Laist, P.LptTATion oe tmi
Hkaut, I'lati i.i-.ncy, t'usTiviMtsi, Fsvns of all kinOs,
Pleurisy, fteadriche, niiMinnw, Dysentery, Piles, and all
disorders of the intestines. - . .
Taken in small d es, Wrinlifs Indian Vegetable Pills
become an Altkrn ativs medicine, of great aearehiug ef
ficacy , for the cure of Soans of all kinds, TaTTKii, TrjMoas;
JAitsnrcK, Iitvsnssor SptniTs, Nifr-RAMiiA, IIasii, Pai
1.1 TIIK IklNKS, Ac. '. ' . 1 ' I
These Pills also tlioroii;hly break np Irflvexza, an
wliieh Cdinplaint they arc extremely valuable.
In Bn-iors Complaixts. these Pitts exercise a eamplet,'
mastery. Hence Fktfr ath Anrc is apeedily cured by the
use of tlicin, In tbe Western and 8 aithern States, wbers
this disease nv.slly prevails, tlu-sc PillR go like an Aalancha
Wliilethey are elu-npcr limn tlie fever and ague remedios
in peneml, Wright's Iniltnn Vegi-tublc Pills have been
pron nuiccd superior to all of tliein. Indeed, It wonld ap
icnr that if there ia one c-impluint over which these FiM
liave more power tlian annther, il Is Fxvpji and Aot-x.
For destroyinjr and exs-ltiug Wosjis, no Vmnifuge is
snpersir tn these Pills Attlmngh we have not taken paint to.
make this fact public, the merit uf the medieiiie hself haa
actiiired fir it an extensive reptilatiiai and sale for the re.,
ui'ivat of Worms Aduiiiustereil to adults or children, the
street of tlic Pills is penally radical and decisive. AH who
sinter from Worms rlionkl hy all means, uae Wright'a In;
dian Vi-geUiUle Pilti.,
In fact, no one can go amiss iu the uae of Ibis medicine.
They are natural to llie In sly as food is. A trial wil
C-Hivinee tlie skeptical that Wright's Indian Vegetable PiH,
far from being a common "qruiek nostrum," are decidedly
the must valuable medicine ever oiTered to the public.
Bewnre of Sugar Coated Counter
Reiiminber that the origins.! and only genuine Indian!
V.-ffetnl.le Pitts bare the wi itleft signatdfe of Wis. Wrig!,t
on ttie toplaliel of each box.
Wi Iffltr Intlian Vegetable IMIH.
Henry Musser. rtundti'v. - , , i ,.
B. & J. KaulTinnrij Augusta township,
lohn II. Vine nl, Chillisqusque.
Kaae & liersstrcrser. lyliu'g.
Simiiel lleih, Littlo Mation.iJ,
William Ueppi n. Jarlrs .n.
Irelinil and llaynes, McGm nille.
Willinni Heinrn & Urnthrr, Milton.
I'otvylhe, Wilson & (Jo;; .NoiltiulirlierKri'J'
Jamea li. eJ, Pnllsgroto.
G. W. Scntl. Hashviild.
W. A K i'. g. lv, Slinmokininii;
lihniles ck Tarrow. 8nyileratnwu.
Amos T. Deisell, Tuibulsville.
Kinnevilie Holshue, Ut.per Mshonny;' O. Krnn. do Jo.
E. I. I'll c, Wutsontown. i , ,;
Who'e-eitp, st the o!fice aril general ilepni, li9
Race st., HhiUlelphia. July 8, 1848. If
207 Main street, Buffalo, ft. Y.
Trgctablc Lithontrlptie Nixlorr.
rpillS celebrated remedy is constantly inereasltig its faial
X by the maiiy cures it ia making
Il lm now Ucojuk the out j htcdit'tiit lor itunily ut, tvud is
jdirliciititrly recommend" Inr
DRfireY i
all singes of this oinplaiut imtneiliately relief cd, no matter
of bow I lie staisling. S.-e riiainublet for testithonr. -
aist all discuses of the urinary orxniis ; for these distress
uiu c auplainu it stamls al ; nn other article can reheva
j y-Mi ; aiul llie cures teslifml b willconvinee the aswt rkep-lii-al
; s- e isiiimhlet. I.iver V pbnni, liillious diseases.
FEVER AUVk. . - ,
To the I i rent West especially; add ivm-fever these suit
plaints prevail this medicine is olU-red.
' tii-H-ien-'Hi c muottiul i m xirt l this intxtura, tt
i fiiri" tlirne tliuRf trith cerUiinty and crkrity,' and Ate
! nut Umvc tin. rytctn t'rpnl. ti-t Vamj.:r:t .
li tiiuj'I:iiut ui m Ft puiuiul c.uinictrr, in
and a cure loll ws by a few days use of thisaniele; h ia
far before uny other pr. ianiti .a lor this disease, or for euy
other disease origuiuting from impure hi md. Mee mm
phlet. ' , , .....j
DE151LITV OF TirFvSYSTEViy . , .
Mai buck, ueukui'M vf the Kuliu vi, Ac., inrUniiiVi-li-Hi
t Kiniu, lat i tin i rrtl lately relieved by a few tlavc M of'
tliix mt'tliciiie, and curu id alvuyt a result ul' iu ua. It
ttamls ut
A CERTAIN. REMEDY, . . . - .
f t su.-h eo:ii;bints, and alw for derangeniunts of the fe
male fmtire. .j ..
ptiiiilul iiifiMtriuili inH. S arUvW hai ever breu 4tVrii
exci'lH tin tt liicli woukl Uhix-U Uiu kuid ol' ikfrtiikcrnietitit.:
It iaiy lie riflitit iiui an a sur uud 4-tlrx-iive rvuuxly, ail
ilul we le.-l jHTUiitlitl 1 1 U i a c ukl piv '
an ihiMtal irt' cur iii thia diatreaaiiir cama uf rnm4aniU.
ft imuiuliW. AIU-rtkeii Unwn, ilclulibitcd oauMiiiuioua '
I'mu lln? riWt of inerniry, will find llir Itrwiu pnwer m
tliif iiriiclt tti art imuusliulely, aud Uw ti'iau4 mineral
eratlii-ulnl innu tli eivulom.
will find tlie allfiulivr umtiertiratil' this article.
ami rlriiea mtch diatuaae frum tlie ajraitetn. IVe pRpI.U?i
I". f twtiiuaiy im vuria in all diaimara, wliieh tbe uuiite t
an ail vert laeuieia will u-t pen mi Mi be uniuiit bees.
f i vt iliem auny ; limy emitaiu SU Hre of tvrt:n aiet of
iiL'h clianuter, and a utr inger '
iM'tbe virtues te a medicine, never appeared.- U u nue of
the ieeuliar I'.situres .a' tin ariute' trat It m-ver tails tut
buiiciit in any cuso, and u ISaie and .sets are It It to htuu
uisai Wt the cwacauvd ami Kiaurniavutra!:'
.. i i
is on iut
nisi keep taking the iHcheiiie as saig a
...Hu.d 'llie nr-Hirietor wiaild
against a number ul' articles which ouuie out aialer the
l. ul .a' I
as cures li Dro'y, firav.-l, e. Tssiy are good for a-
llnnir, aud oiaieoe(eT M aaiH il-- liuvearV ,- 't
TiM-ir ui'tttire inner tbiug)rt u'enrinff ara-fc dwat-ina' il
tin artM-ie bwld'ajse it. A partictrlBf atuly of tba paiar
ttik t ia vaknbrntly a bcit-d. , '
Aueiita uui I till wir i av-11 tbe nriicfe are
gratuii-iuslv. Pia ap in 8U oa- bottk- at S; ia o. do U
11 e. b lla- lurger koldiag or. no tan two ana.1 isa
ties. Is.ik out and get impmsl Kvery hottte baa
"VHiitiku's Vegeuilile (.itiiontrtptie Miitur.'j" biowa aaoa .
the glrisa. Ibe written siriiature ol' ' tl. C. Veiighe" on the
diri-i-li.ais, and "li. V. Vaughn, Murlaas,' stamped oa Ihe
cork. None other are eeuuine. Prepared bv Dr. O. C,
Vaughn, and add at the Prnerpuf Albce. all? Main atreet,
Biulal.i. al wls'lrsale and malt. Noaueutaai givaalntes.
tare aulesa pnat paid orders Aisn regularly eonaUiWedl
AgeuiaexeeuU-d; poet paid icttera,'i vertai ranaanniaa
lion, solicit mg aih ice. poenialy attended lo sraua.
Urhoes devoted esclusively to the asle ef una artists '.
lt N'aMaa st. New ViwkMly; Spi Kseea at. Meaa, Maao.;:
awl by the prowl H Druggisu thnaighout the I' ailed eWra
aad Canuiki, as AgmU. .
I Jet nf Ageuta.-fonrs tf eo.. Wholesale Agral PhiMel.
phia J. W. Piling, ewauary lm Gaeehart; tahussieaa '
C. A. Wyelh. l.ewilHUg H L BVater. Uiaoa-4)ara
A MeOonidek, MeEweneviaa Misa McCoy, Nortaseadasr
aaul. ,